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"Mastermind" 的中文翻译是“主谋”或“策划者”等意思,并不是代表任何牌子或品牌。然而,"Mastermind" 也是日本的一个知名时尚品牌,品牌标志为白骨头,主要经营高级定制服饰、鞋履、眼镜、箱包等配件,属于奢侈品牌之一。可以说,"Mastermind" 除了一般的翻译外,在时尚圈也代表了日本奢侈品牌之一的含义。


马斯特慢的 姐喷 传说中的mmj 已经停产了

Jay-Z的Empire state of my mind 为什么不让碧昂丝唱?

正因为Beyonce是Jay-Z的老婆。所以这首歌就是Jay-Z唱给心中最爱的她的。这歌名就叫我脑海中的帝国嘛!貌似Empire state 好像是纽约州的意思

Empire State Of Mind (Part 2) Broken Down 歌词

歌曲名:Empire State Of Mind (Part 2) Broken Down歌手:Ewelina Kordy专辑:The Voice Of Poland Vol. 1Empire State Of MindAlicia KeysOooh oooh, New York Oooh oooh, New YorkGrew up in a town,That is famous as a place of movie scenesNoise is always loudThere are sirenes all aroundAnd the streets are meanIf I could make it hereI could make it anywhereThat"s what they saySeeing my face in lightsOr my name in marquees found down BroadwayEven if it ain"t all it seemsI got a pocketful of dreamsBaby, I"m fromNew York, concrete jungle where dreams are made ofThere"s nothing you can"t doNow you"re in New YorkThese streets will make you feel brand newBig lights will inspire youHear it for New York, New York, New YorkOn the avenue, there ain"t never a curfewLadies work so hardSuch a melting pot on the corner selling rockPreachers pray to GodHail a gypsy cabTakes me down from Harlem to the Brooklyn BridgeSomeone sleeps tonight with a hungerFor more than from an empty fridgeI"m going to make it by any meansI got a pocketful of dreamsBaby, I"m fromNew York, concrete jungle where dreams are made ofThere"s nothing you can"t doNow you"re in New YorkThese streets will make you feel brand newBig lights will inspire youHear it for New York, New York, New YorkOne hand in the air for the big cityStreet lights, big dreams, all looking prettyNo place in the world that can comparedPut your lighters in the airEverybody say yeah, yeah yeahNew York, concrete jungle where dreams are made ofThere"s nothing you can"t doNow you"re in New YorkThese streets will make you feel brand newBig lights will inspire youHear it for New Yorkhttp://music.baidu.com/song/20229929

Empire State Of Mind (Part Ii) Broken Down 歌词

歌曲名:Empire State Of Mind (Part Ii) Broken Down歌手:Alicia Keys专辑:The Element Of FreedomEmpire State Of MindAlicia KeysOooh oooh, New York Oooh oooh, New YorkGrew up in a town,That is famous as a place of movie scenesNoise is always loudThere are sirenes all aroundAnd the streets are meanIf I could make it hereI could make it anywhereThat"s what they saySeeing my face in lightsOr my name in marquees found down BroadwayEven if it ain"t all it seemsI got a pocketful of dreamsBaby, I"m fromNew York, concrete jungle where dreams are made ofThere"s nothing you can"t doNow you"re in New YorkThese streets will make you feel brand newBig lights will inspire youHear it for New York, New York, New YorkOn the avenue, there ain"t never a curfewLadies work so hardSuch a melting pot on the corner selling rockPreachers pray to GodHail a gypsy cabTakes me down from Harlem to the Brooklyn BridgeSomeone sleeps tonight with a hungerFor more than from an empty fridgeI"m going to make it by any meansI got a pocketful of dreamsBaby, I"m fromNew York, concrete jungle where dreams are made ofThere"s nothing you can"t doNow you"re in New YorkThese streets will make you feel brand newBig lights will inspire youHear it for New York, New York, New YorkOne hand in the air for the big cityStreet lights, big dreams, all looking prettyNo place in the world that can comparedPut your lighters in the airEverybody say yeah, yeah yeahNew York, concrete jungle where dreams are made ofThere"s nothing you can"t doNow you"re in New YorkThese streets will make you feel brand newBig lights will inspire youHear it for New Yorkhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9147680

《Empire State of Mind》这首歌好在哪里

  这首Empire State of Mind是由美国Rap界大佬Jay Z负责说唱、R&B歌手Alicia Keys负责副歌的一首合唱歌曲。这首歌收录在Jay Z 2009年发行的录音室专辑《The Blueprint 3》中,并作为专辑的第三支打榜单曲由Jay Z自己的厂牌Roc Nation于2009年十月发行。这首歌对于两位纽约土生土长的艺人来说都是充满对故乡热爱情绪的颂歌,这首歌采样自1970年The Moments创作的"Love on a Two-Way Street",。这首歌最初原曲由布鲁克林当地人Angela Hunte和 Jane"t "Jnay" Sewell-Ulepic于2009年2月写出,出于对家乡的思念之情而创作。他们把创作的歌曲寄给了Roc Nation公司,希望他们能考虑这首歌。但这首歌却获得了消极的评价。在浇了冷水后,经EMI唱片公司的一名合伙人建议,这首二重奏被送到了Jay Z手中,而之前的事件被人们描述为是一个不祥的预兆。  在听了这首歌之后,Jay Z立即进行了录制。但改变了所有的歌词,保持了副歌部分。Hunte本可以参加这首歌的副歌部分录制,但他觉得Alicia Keys更适合参与这首歌。Mary J. Blige(玛丽布莱姬)也曾被考虑参与这首歌录制,但考虑到Alicia Keys出色的钢琴演绎,最终选择了Alicia Keys参与这首歌参加这首歌录制。这首歌被认为是一首管弦乐说唱歌曲并具有流行嘻哈的音乐形式。歌词包含了对毒品,纽约当地著名地点和居民及城市的本质的阐述。

Empire State of Mind (Part II) Broken Down 歌词

歌曲名:Empire State of Mind (Part II) Broken Down歌手:Alicia Keys专辑:Empire State of Mind, Pt. 2 (Broken Down)Empire State Of MindAlicia KeysOooh oooh, New York Oooh oooh, New YorkGrew up in a town,That is famous as a place of movie scenesNoise is always loudThere are sirenes all aroundAnd the streets are meanIf I could make it hereI could make it anywhereThat"s what they saySeeing my face in lightsOr my name in marquees found down BroadwayEven if it ain"t all it seemsI got a pocketful of dreamsBaby, I"m fromNew York, concrete jungle where dreams are made ofThere"s nothing you can"t doNow you"re in New YorkThese streets will make you feel brand newBig lights will inspire youHear it for New York, New York, New YorkOn the avenue, there ain"t never a curfewLadies work so hardSuch a melting pot on the corner selling rockPreachers pray to GodHail a gypsy cabTakes me down from Harlem to the Brooklyn BridgeSomeone sleeps tonight with a hungerFor more than from an empty fridgeI"m going to make it by any meansI got a pocketful of dreamsBaby, I"m fromNew York, concrete jungle where dreams are made ofThere"s nothing you can"t doNow you"re in New YorkThese streets will make you feel brand newBig lights will inspire youHear it for New York, New York, New YorkOne hand in the air for the big cityStreet lights, big dreams, all looking prettyNo place in the world that can comparedPut your lighters in the airEverybody say yeah, yeah yeahNew York, concrete jungle where dreams are made ofThere"s nothing you can"t doNow you"re in New YorkThese streets will make you feel brand newBig lights will inspire youHear it for New Yorkhttp://music.baidu.com/song/51780444

找首夜店的英文曲!最近很流行。女生唱的音很浑厚;有点像唱empire state of mind的女音!

如果我没理解错误的话 这明显是rolling in the deep 你回去好好听听 这个可真是难为死我了 我琢磨半天 总算知道答案呢

歌曲《Empire State Of Mind》有一个版本是一个女歌手独唱的,求这首歌的百度网盘资源。(不是尚雯婕!)


求empire state of mind alicia keys版 的中英对照的歌词


《Empire State of Mind》这首歌好在哪里

Empire State of Mind的创作人是Angela Hunte和Sewell-Ulepic ,Angela Hunte是地道的布鲁克林人,家住纽约560 State Street上,刚好他住的那栋楼Jay-Z以前也住过,这首歌是他们去伦敦旅游的时候写的,主要表达的中心思想是,宁可做扭腰的一条狗,不当轮蹲的一个人,体现了扭腰人民的文化优越性。最开始这首歌寄给Roc Nation厂牌之后被退回来了,被说不咋地永远不会录这首歌,但后来EMI的音乐发行人Jon Platt,也就是Big Jon听到之后觉得这首歌会大红,就给了Jay-Z,Jay-Z拿到后把最后一小段改了一下,把副歌部分给了Alicia Keys,其实九座割奶美获得者Mary J. Blige女士最开始也在考虑范围之内【割奶美是批发的么,但Jay-Z认为枪姐的钢琴才能能给这首歌增光添彩,才定下了枪姐。这首歌曲风是Rap Pop,但带有电子流行和管弦乐的元素,整首歌编曲从头到尾循环了70年代R&B歌曲Love on a Two-Way Street其中一小段的钢琴版,The Times评价这首歌是"orchestral rap ballad"。从歌词上看,这首歌可谓是纽约城一首忠诚的赞歌,歌词提及纽约不少地标,大多数是黑人和少数民族聚集地,布鲁克林,翠贝卡,DeNiro以及哈莱姆,也提到很多音乐人,Jay-Z也说自己是新一代的流行教父Sinatra,其他就不赘述了,可以去查查看歌词翻译。这首歌获得了世界范围内的商业成功,挤掉了Owl City之后连续五周排在2B榜首位,也是Jay-Z出道14年作为歌曲主唱收获的第一个首位,之后在2B榜年榜排名62,同时也是冠单里唯一一首提及纽约的歌。这首歌好就好在接纽约的地气,Jay-Z流畅的说唱以及枪姐抓耳的副歌和钢琴,歌词触及纽约的方方面面,好的地方和不好的地方都有提到,标志性地标,音乐人,体育运动,民族融合,文化多样,但交通拥挤,城市治安混乱,灯红酒绿很容易让人迷失在其中,其实最大的价值还是商业价值,到2012年已经买了5,000,000首了。

empire state of mind哪部剧

empire state of mind是电影:黑衣人3。黑衣人3片尾女声插曲叫;Empire State of Mind。《黑衣人3》是哥伦比亚影片公司出品的《黑衣人》系列科幻电影的第三部,由巴里·索南菲尔德执导,威尔·史密斯、汤米·李·琼斯、乔什·布洛林主演。影片于2012年5月25日北美上映。电影主要讲述为了拯救搭档K的性命以及危在旦夕的地球,J探员不得不穿越时空,回到1969年与年轻的K合作,而在此过程中,他还发现了K从未告诉过他的惊天秘密。影片评价通过反其道而行之,《黑衣人3》回避了在视觉冲击上与当下盛行的超级英雄片的直接对比。另一方面,《黑衣人3》还保留了自己一个非常独特的观影体验。那就是“鼓点式节奏”。该系列的剧情推进方式,总保持着一种鼓点般的节奏感。说话像说唱,消灭敌人往往也仅用“一击”即可搞掂。影片故事穿越到上世纪60年代,有着浓浓的复古风,比如,1969年美国登月行动、美国传奇棒球队从1962年创立成绩都垫底,但1969年大都会队以黑马之姿一举夺得总冠军,两大社会事件都被巧妙穿插其中当做连接过去与未来的背景。

empire state 0f mind的中文歌词意思


Empire State Of Mind 是什么意思

Empire state of mind中文是 帝国心境









一首女生唱的英文歌,很温柔,慢歌,歌词里好像有什么bling bling your in my mind. 好像有bling 还是b...

不会是Emilla 的Big big world吧

if you work ranks first in your mind怎样翻译

if you work ranks first in your mind如果你工作在你的头脑中居第一位

what is the outside world in your mind ?


请翻译But in order to prove my orle in your mind .


It must be kept in mind that there is no secret of success but hard work.这句话中的that是什么成分?


求英文作文 what is beauty in your mind?

what is beauty in your mind I think the real beauty is goodness. A person,a beautiful,rich,no conscience,no good,then he would not have a beautiful heart. A person,she has a beautiful appearance,a lot of wealth,and fascinating figure,but she has not a good heart,not the United States have; a person does not look beautiful,a lot of wealth,and fascinating figure However,he helpful,as would be the favorite to win a lot of people. Therefore,the real United States,has a good heart!,5,求英文作文 what is beauty in your mind 不要范文 要思路就够了

it is all in your mind是什么意思


One way to erase your shyness in your mind is to


There is little doubt in your mind that he is innocent, ________/ A.is he B.isnit there C.

C 试题分析:考查反意问句:主从句的反意问句,反问时,应和主句的主语保持一致。这句话和There is little doubt一致,little“几乎没有”是否定词,遵循前否后肯的原则,反意问句用is there?,你几乎不怀疑他是无辜的,是吗?选C。点评:主从句的反意问句,反问时,应和主句的主语保持一致。但当主句是I think,I suppose,I believe,I imagine等时,反意问句是和从句决定。如果是否定前移,反意问句是肯定。

do you have a person deep in your mind这句话有错吗


谁有all in your mind的歌词?

2011年谁有all in your mind的歌词?Come closerYou seem so far awayThere"s something I know you need to sayI feel your emotionsWhen I look in your eyesYour silenceWhispering misunderstandingsThere"s so much you need to realizeYou"ll feel my emotionsIf you look in my eyes(chorus:)Hey darlin"I know you think my love is slipping awayBut baby it"s all in your mindDon"t worryHold on tight and hear me when I sayBaby it"s all in your mindBelieve meI believe in youThere"s nothing this feeling couldn"t doMove closer my darlingFeel the love in my eyes(chorus)

翻译:i believe in you , i believe in your mind


I am not in your mind


to keep an important fact in your mind是哪个单词的英文释义?

to keep an important fact in your mind,记住一个重要的事实。memorize,vt. 记住,背熟;记忆。

开头是Lose In Your Mind然后I wanna Know。。。是哪首歌的歌词

Alan walker-alone

求加快版In Your Mind,要歌曲地址




In Your Mind Eddy Wata


This__in your mind can make your body feel bad.A.problem.Btrouble.Cworry.D.matter.选哪个为什么

答案C解释:1)This worry in your mind can make your body feel bad. make your body feel bad意为“使你感到身体不适”。表示“使”或“让”时make可以接不带to的动词不定式作其宾语补足语。例如: ◆ Who made you do the work? 是谁让你干这活的? ◆ David made her feel loved. 大卫使她感到被爱。 2)in one"s mind是在脑海中,在意识里,在某人心中3)problem指实质性问题,不能和in one"s mind连用trouble指实际烦恼,也不能和in one"s mind连用。matter指事实,事情,也不能和in one"s mind连用。worry指心里担心的,心里焦虑的,所以是唯一和in one"s mind可以连用的单词。

I believe in you, I believe in your mind是哪首歌里的?

<已经一年多> Brown Eyes 1th Brown Eyes

whats in your mind 还是用on ,哪个表示你在想什么,不同的字典,这两个都对呢?


哪位大歌知道in you mind 的歌词

Répétitions..] : Oh wou oh oh ou oh Oh wou oh woohh Mr Selecta You get high .. .. [Refrain] : What"s you give in mind Is it love I have find Next my feeling really gets high In your mind is it love I have find Next you really, raising my life I can give you my mind, Is it love I have find Next my feeling really gets high In your mind is it love I have find Next you really, raising my life Ohh mama milla One ! two ! three ! Give an .. [Répétitions..] [Rap] : .. [Refrain] [Répétitions..] [Rap] [Refrain] [Répétitions..] [Rap] [Refrain]

In Your Mind-Eddy Wata的歌词

Répétitions..] :Oh wou oh oh ou ohOh wou oh woohhMr Selecta You get high....[Refrain] :What"s you give in mindIs it love I have findNext my feeling really gets highIn your mind is it love I have findNext you really, raising my lifeI can give you my mind, Is it love I have findNext my feeling really gets highIn your mind is it love I have findNext you really, raising my lifeOhh mama millaOne ! two ! three ! Give an ..[Répétitions..][Rap] :..[Refrain][Répétitions..][Rap][Refrain][Répétitions..][Rap][Refrain][Répétitions..]

in your mind 舞曲大帝国 这首歌的歌词、最好再带上中文翻译、

这是一首2004年的曲子,作家:Eddy Wata原歌词Refrain:Oh wou oh oh ou ohOh wou oh woohhMr SelectaYou get highRefrain2:What"s you give in mindIs it love I have findNext my feeling really gets highIn your mind is it love I have findNext you really, raising my lifeI can give you my mindIs it love I have findNext my feeling really gets highIn your mind is it love I have findNext you really, raising my lifeOhh mama millaOne! two! three! Give an..翻译大意:副歌: 哦,无极哦,哦,哦OU 哦,无极哦woohh Selecta先生 您得到高 副歌2: 什么是你给记 难道爱我找 接下来我感觉真正得到高 在你的心中是不是爱我找 接下来你真的,提高了我的生活 我可以给你我的心 难道爱我找 接下来我感觉真正得到高 在你的心中是不是爱我找 接下来你真的,提高了我的生活 噢妈妈米拉 一!二!三!举个..

歌曲In your Mind的歌词是什么?


in your mind是什么意思?在你的头脑里?在你的大脑里?在你的脑袋里?


Education is the liberation of the mind

“教育是什么,如何做”,这是我自从加入我现在的公司,一直想的事情。幸运的是,我发现了克里希那穆提的一本书名叫《教育就是解放心灵》,无独有偶,我在TED演讲,听了一个讲解教育制度的教师,很受启发。摘记并写此篇,以此献给每一位教育工作者。 I have spent my entire life either at the schoolhouse,on the way to the schoolhouse ,or talking about what happens in the schoolhouse. Both my parents were educators,my maternal grandparents were educators,and for the past 40 years, I have done the same thing.And so,needless to say,over those years I have had a chance to look at education reform for a lot of perspectives.Some of those reforms have been good ,Some of them have been not so good. It iseither poverty,low attendance,negative peer influces. But one of the things that we never discuss or we rarly dicuss is the value and impotance of human connection ,Relationships. James Corner says that no significants learning can occur without a significant relationship.George Washington Carver says all learning is understanding relationships. Everyone in this room has been affected by a teacher or an adult. For years ,I have watched people teach.I have looked at the best and I have looked at some of the worst.A colleague said to me one time ,"They dont pay me to like the kids,They pay me to teach a lesson.The kids should learn it. I should teach it,they should learn it, Case closed ."Well ,I said to her ," You know,kids dont learn from people they dont like " She siad,"Thats just a bunch of hooney." "Well, your year is going to be long and arduous ,dear." Needless to say, it was. Some people think that you can either have it in you to build a relationship ,or you dont.I think Stephen Covey had the right idea. He said you ought to just throw in a few simple things,like seeking first to understand ,as opposed to being understood. Simple things,like apologizing. You ever thought about that? Tell a kid you are sorry,they are in shock. I taught a lesson once on ratios. I am not good at with math ,but I was working on it .I had taught the whole lesson wrong .So I came back to class the next day and I said,"Look ,guys ,I need to apologize .I taugut the whole lesson wrong .I am so sorry."They said ,"thats okay,Ms Pierson.You were so excited, we just let you go."I have had classes that were so low, so academically deficient, that I cried.I wondered," how am l going to take this group in nine months, from where they are to where they need to be?And it was diffcult,it was awfully hard . How do I raise the self-esteen of a child and his academic achievement at the same time?One year I came up with a bright idea.I told all my students,"you were chosen to be in my class because I am the best teacher and you are the best students,they put us all together. so we could show everybody else how to do it."One of the students said ,"Really?" I said "Really, We have to show the other classes how to do it,so when we walk down the hall,people will notice us,so you cant make noise. And I gave them a saying to say "I was somebody when I came,I am powerfull ,and I am strong.I deserve the edcation that I get here.I have things to do,people to impress. "And they said"Yeah!"It starts to be a part of you. I gave a quiz,20 questions,A student missed 18.I put "+2"on his paper and a big smiley face.He said"Ms Pierson ,is this an F?" "Yes",I said. He said"Then why did you put a smiley face?"I said"Because you are on a roll.you got two right.You didnt miss them all." I said "And when we review this,wont you do better?"He said "yes,I can do better." You see,"-18"sucks all the life out of you."+2"said,“I amnot all bad.” For years ,I watched my mother take the time at recess to review,go on home visits in the afternoon, buy combs and brushes and peanut butter and crackers to put in her desk drawer for kids that needed to eat,and a washcloth and some soap for the kids who didnt smell so good. See,its hard to teach kids who stink.And kid can be cruel.And so she kept those thing in her desk,and years later,after she retired.I watched some of those same kids come through and say to her " You know ,you made a difference in my life.You made it work for me.you made me feel like I was somebody,when I knew,at the bottom ,I wasnt.when I want you to just see what Ive become." And when my mama died two years ago at92,there were so many former students an her funernal.It brought tears eyes,not because she was gone,but because she left a legacy of relationships that could never disappear. Can we stand to have more relationships? Yes.Will you like your children ?of course not. And you know your toughest kids are never absent,You wont like them all.and the tough ones show up for a reason. Its the connection.Its the relationships .So teachers become great actors and actressse,and we coome to wrok when we dont feel like it ,and were listening to policy that doesnot make sence,and we teach anywany. We teach anywany because thats what we do. Teaching and lerning should bring joy.How powerful would our world be,if we had kids who were not afraid to take risks,who were not afraid to think ,and who had to a champion ? Every child deserves a champion,an adult who will never give up on them,who understands the power of connections, and insists that become the best that they can possibly be. Is the job tough?You betcha.But it is not impossible.We can do this,we are educators,We are born to make a difference. No significant learning can occur without a significant relationship.A rousing call to educators to believe in their students and actually connect with them on a real, human, personal level. we are educators.we are born to make a difference.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind—财富工具箱详解

我们必须相信是我们自己创造了财富,创造了生活,而不是听命于生活,被生活所控制。痴迷于买彩票的人总是寄希望于自己被命运之神选中,然后一夜暴富,而那些富有的人却一直通过各种方式努力去获取财富。 在生活中,穷人大都扮演着“受害者”的角色,他们总是在想“我怎么这么倒霉”,“为什么不是我”,“我真可怜”……基于意愿法则,他们的生活真的就变成抱怨的那样了。为了避免自己成为这类人,我们需要去分析这些“受害者”的特征。 那么这些“受害者”有什么特征呢? 复盘,反思自己并记录 责备 受害者责备政府,责备经济,责备市场,责备老板,责备另一半,责备合伙人,责备父母……总有一些事情在等待着他们去责备,被责备的对象可以是任何人任何事,除了他们自己。 可以按下面步骤对自己做个责备程度的检查,看看在没有检查自己的情况下,能够指责多少人多少事。 辩解 尽可能多的列出自己曾经辩解、合理化过的情况 如果受害者没有在责备,他们很可能在辩解,让他们的境遇合理化,比如说出“金钱并不重要”,“我才不想要那个东西呢”,“不稀罕,谁愿意争取谁争取”……当你认为某件事或物对你不重要时,它们一般就真得理你很远了,比如金钱。 任何说金钱不重要的人都不可能富有,他们总是用毫不相关的比较来证明他们在财务上的无能,生活中的其他方面也遵循这条法则。 不要拿金钱和爱情来比较,金钱在它起作用的场合里极其重要,在它不起作用的场合里又极其不重要。 抱怨 抱怨是所有选择中最坏的一项。 你的关注点是不断扩张的(What you focus on expands),当你抱怨时,你显然在关注什么是错误的,你的关注在扩张,所以你会保持更多的错误。当你开始抱怨,你实际是在吸引“糟糕”进入你的生活。 负面情绪是会传染的,远离抱怨者,能有多远就多远。为什么那么多人这么喜欢伸着脖子听别人抱怨?原因很简单,他们在等待自己的抱怨时间,等对方抱怨完了,他们的抱怨秀就开始了。别人的抱怨会打开自己抱怨的闸门,所以,不论你是否能控制住自己,请远离抱怨者。 除了远离抱怨者,我们更应该确保自己不抱怨。我们可以通过作者的“七天不抱怨”挑战来改变自己。在这七天里,不只是口头上不抱怨,在我们的大脑中也不能抱怨,做满七天。 接受这项改变自己的七天零抱怨的挑战,进行记录,并分享自己的心得体会 百万富翁思维行动: 1、每次自己在责备、辩解或抱怨时,狠狠地抨击自己,坚决杜绝这种想法。 2、做听取汇报。每天结束时,写下一件进展顺利和一件不顺利的事情,然后问自己,“我是如果制造出这些情况的”?如果有别人参与,问一下自己在这其中扮演的角色。 单就金钱这方面来说,大多数人的目标是赚到足够支付生活开支、各项贷款、孩子教育等费用,然后还有点结余的舒适区,这对他们就足够了,而没有想再去赚足够多的钱,单单那个数字就足够吓到他们。 当你处于舒适的水平,消费时你会经常关注价格,看看价钱是否超出自己的承受范围,一些价格高昂但是对自己来说吸引力很大的东西就无福享受了。 百万富翁思维行动: 1、写下你的两个证明你意愿的财务目标——创造财富而不是平庸或者贫穷。 a.年收入 b.净值 2、去一家上等的餐厅,点餐,不要问价格。 当问到是否想富有的问题,绝大多数人很肯定地回答“当然想了”,但他们也只是想想罢了,否则这个世界上就是富人多,穷人少了。在他们的财富工具箱中,他们考虑的是,要想有钱,我得像狗一样的工作,周末还要加班,还要到处出差,那样的生活太没有情调了,舒舒服服赚点钱,然后腾出时间享受生活多好……当我们开始这样想的时候,我们不可能变成有钱人。 多数人得不到他们想要的东西,首要原因是他们不知道自己想要什么。他们的潜意识和思维是混乱的,所以他们向这个世界传达的信息也是混乱的。如果你没有得到财富,一是潜意识中你并不是真的向往财富,而是你不愿意去做创造财富的事情。 想要富有有三个层次:a.我想成为富人;b.我选择成为富人;c.我致力于成为富人。 问一下你自己,你是否敢于承诺“十年内我必将富有”,绝大多数人面对这个问题的答案是“绝不可能”。 问问自己 富人全身心致力于富有所需要的一切事情,当你真的致力于其中时,全世界都会支持你。 百万富翁思维行动: 写一段话来阐述创造财富为什么对你如此重要,要具体。 收入法则:你的收入将与你输送到市场的价值成正相关。 决定你市场价值的四个因素:供、需、质量、数量。其中,数量是最大的挑战,你实际服务或影响多少人?比如教课,有些人就喜欢教十几个人,而有的人喜欢同时教上百人甚至上千人。现在网络直播课程一下子面对的就是上万的学员,数量翻了十几倍,当然,收入也翻了十几倍。在比如,同样是开店,有的人就愿意死守着一家店,而有的人却开成了连锁。 同样做一件事,为什么有人就喜欢选择小的呢?一是因为怕失败,小规模更保险;而是觉得自己能力小,做不大。 选择小目标的人想的一般只有自己,而我们的生活不仅仅关乎我们自己,还关乎我们对别人的贡献。研究表明,最快乐的人是把自己的天赋发挥到极致的人,我们生命的一部分任务就是,必须与尽可能多的人分享自己的天赋和价值,这就意味着我们需要定大目标。 百万富翁思维行动: 1、写下你所具有的“天赋”,同时写下在生活和工作中如何运用他们。 2、思考你怎样在工作或生意中为10倍于你现在所影响的人解决问题,提出方案。思考“杠杆作用”。 穷人基于恐惧而选择,他们的主导思维是那东西万一不起作用怎么办?富人冒经过他们分析的风险,他们提前做了很多准备。 富人专注于他们想要的,而穷人总是关注他们不想要的。当遇到一件事情时,穷人总是首先想到这件事情对自己不利的地方而不是这件事有利的一面。你关注的领域决定了你在生活中的发展,关注机会,就可以在生活中发现机会,关注阻碍,就会在生活中发现阻碍。你所关注的,总会扩展。 富人采用“预备,开火,瞄准”的原则,在尽可能短的时间内准备好,采取行动,然后沿路修正,即“先开枪再瞄准”。利用你手上现有的资源,迅速进入你想进入的领域,不要等资金、技术到位成熟之后才进入。 富人看到一个机会,扑过去,变得更富;穷人呢?他们仍然在准备的路上。 百万富翁思维行动: 1、进入其中,考虑一个你想开始的生意或者是项目,不论你在等什么,忘了它们。不论你出于什么阶段,手里有什么,现在就开始。可以的话,先为别人工作或者是和别人一起做,学习经验,不要再找借口,努力去做。 2、关注你有的而不是你没有的。列出生活中10项你为之高兴的事情,并大声读出来。接下来一个月每天早晨都读一遍。 穷人总是羡慕嫉妒富人,甚至是仇富。我们必须认识到,如果我们总是这么嫉妒和仇富,那么我们永远不可能变得富有,我们怎么可能成为我们讨厌的那种人呢? 当我们的大脑被嫉妒和仇富的想法占据时,我们应该利用元认知能力,将这些不好的想法迅速消灭,不要让它们持续扩散。我们时时刻刻被习惯控制着,为了克服那些不好的习惯,我们需要去刻意训练。想要致富,我们不需要多么完美,但是我们要有足够的能力去控制和调整自己的想法,而不是被情绪所左右。 同时,我们应该学会赞美。尤其要祝福和赞美那些你想要的。别人买了新房子,赞美他和他的房子;别人晋升了,由衷地赞美…… 赞美这个技能真的要好好用 如果你仅仅是嫉妒别人所拥有的,那么你不可能获得那些, 百万富翁思维行动: 练习实践“祝福和赞美那些你想要的”法则。 富人用其他成功的人来激励自己并向他们学习。模仿是学习的主要途径之一。而面对那些成功的人,穷人在嫉妒的同时,会拿各种站不住脚的理论去议论批判富人,找各种理由来安慰自己受伤的心。 反思自己是不是也经常这样 百万富翁思维行动: 1、去读一个极其富有和成功的人的传记,用他们来激励自我,学习他们成功的策略,最重要的是,模仿他们的思维方式。 2、参加一些高端的论坛或者是活动,去观察周围的人,让自己慢慢地适应这种氛围,意识到他们和你并非不同,你也可以做到。 3、远离生活中负能量的人和事。 4、不要再看肥皂剧八卦新闻,保持专注。 深刻反思 听到推销这两个字,我们内心大多是排斥的,更不要说勇于去推销自己了。 人们讨厌推销有四个主要原因: 存在即合理,推销是价值传递下去的方式,不要因为各种不愉快的经历而拒绝推销。推销是千万工作中的一种,不要看轻,甚至看不起向你推销的人,即使不需要他们的推销,但要尊重他们,这也是对自己的要求。不要急于拒绝对方,不要急于挂断对方电话,真不需要,礼貌回拒。之前经常有人上门推销信用卡,自己不需要,对他们态度很不好,像赶瘟疫一样打发他们走。可是当我有一天突然需要信用卡的时候,突然发现自己连对方递上的名片都没留,悔不当初。 《穷爸爸富爸爸》的作者曾说自己是一位畅销书作家,擅长推销自己和自己的书,但是并不是最擅长写文字。如果我们想要成功,那么我们必须擅于推销和激励别人买自己的账。 那些厌恶推销的人往往不相信自己及自己的产品,这样的人也很难想象别人对自己及自己产品会如此信任,会如此不遗余力去推销。就好比心中缺爱的人,怎么也难以想象和信任别人的幸福。 百万富翁思维行动: 1、评估你现在提供的产品或服务,从1到10列出你认为的它们的价值,同时进行复盘,该修正的修正,该舍弃的舍弃。 2、通过各种途径学习市场营销的知识,成为你那个领域的专家。 成为有钱人从来不是一件容易的事情,我们需要处理应对各种问题才能实现财务自由,但穷人却总是尽可能地去避免这些问题。我们应该做的是勇敢面对,使自己成长到足以处理问题。 我们的收入只能增长到我们所希望的程度,我们应该通过处理和解决问题不断成长,扩大自己所能掌控的金钱的额度,这个世界最讨厌的就是空白,当我们掌控金钱的能力越大,那么越多的金钱就会流向我们这儿。 百万富翁思维行动: 1、每当遇到一个你感觉难以解决的“大”问题,就暗示自己,自己一定可以解决,相信自己。 2、写下你生活中的一个问题,然后列出10个具体行动,来解决问题或改善现状。这将把你从问题导向转移到解决问题上。 我们总是在提倡要善于赞美,给予和鼓励他人,但是我们似乎忽视了一点,有给予就有接受,否则就必定有一方出了问题。面对别人的赞美,我们总是礼貌性地拒绝,大多数时候,给出赞美的人也已经习惯了如此。 我们之所以如此不擅长接受,一是因为我们大多觉得自己不够好,配不上这份称赞。我们大多是在惩罚的环境中成长起来的,一旦做错事,我们就会被惩罚,所以我们总是处在负激励的氛围中。 一件事是否有意义,都是我们赋予的,否则它就没有任何意义。同样的,我们有没有价值就是在编造一个“故事”,我们认定自己有价值那我们就是有价值的,然后我们就顺着这条路走下去。我们将生活在我们所“编造”的故事中。 另一个原因是,我们从小就被教育并且信奉“给予比接受要好得多”,我们也一直被教育着去给予去奉献。当我们一次次拒绝掉这个宇宙和他人给予我们的善意时,久而久之,被我们拒绝掉的东西就不会再倾向我们。 富人之所以努力工作和付出,是因为他们坚信,自己的付出一定能得到回报。而穷人却始终对此持怀疑的态度,因此不肯付出全部的力气,也就得不到满意的回报。 那么如何成为一个出色的接收者呢? a. 刻意培养自己去接受,运用自己的元认知能力;b. 当获得金钱时,表达出极度兴奋和感激之情。 在这里,我们应该记住的是,接受别人的赞美和祝福,不要拒绝,也不要“谦虚”说“哪里哪里”,大胆地说出“谢谢”。 百万富翁思维行动: 1、锻炼成为一名出色的接受者。坦然接受对方的赞美,不要接着客气地再接着赞美对方作为回礼,完全拥有并彻底享受每一次赞美。 这一点之前真的没有做过,总是礼貌性地拒绝,要改正了 2、为自己获得的每一笔钱而喝彩。 3、定期放纵一下。一个月至少做一次“破费”的事情,做一次按摩,去吃一顿豪华晚餐……定期做令自己感到富有和自豪的事情。(这种享受和那种肆意挥霍完全是两码事) 拿出10%的资金去做这件事情 我们从小就被教育“上学,取得好成绩,找个好工作,得到一份稳定的薪水,准时上班,努力工作……然后你就会过上幸福的生活”。获得一份薪水稳定的工作没什么问题,但是如果这份薪水远远低于你实际能够创造的财富,那就需要我们做出改变了。 穷人更倾向于获得稳定的薪水或者是时薪,他们需要安全感,需要知道固定的薪水在每个月固定的时间准时到来,但他们不知道,这种安全感是有代价的——财富。基于安全感的生活实际就是基于恐惧担忧的生活。 富人倾向根据他们取得的业绩来获取相应的报酬,他们相信自己的价值以及他们实现价值的能力。而穷人对此存在担忧,所以他们选择风险相对小的稳定薪资的工作。 穷人用他们的时间来交换金钱,而这个策略的问题是,你的时间是有限的。这样你就给自己的收入设定了限制。 多数人对“按结果得到报酬”有恐惧感,这打破了他们旧有的思维模式,固定的薪资拿的越久,他们对自己的能力越怀疑,他们显然不敢在市场上测试自己的“真实”价值。 你敢不敢 “你什么时候才能得到一份真正的工作?”估计这是很多父母经常对孩子说的话,父母大都相对保守,我们没必要责备父母,但不要全然听命于父母。 如果选择工作,那么最好选择一份可以和公司的主要业绩挂钩的岗位,比如销售。要么就是为自己工作,杠杆你自己。 百万富翁思维行动: 1、如果你目前获得是固定的时薪或月薪,向公司老板提出一份报酬计划,看看是否可以根据个人表现来给予报酬(这个很难),另一条路就是重新选择一份可以根据个人产出结果给予薪酬的工作;如果你拥有自己的公司,那么建立一个报酬计划,让员工和供应商根据自己的业绩来获取相应的报酬。 2、如果你目前的工作不是根据业绩给定薪资的,那么立即开始自己的生意,可以从兼职开始。 富人生活在一个丰盛的世界里,而穷人生活在一个充满限制的世界里。 你想要成功的职业还是与家人亲密的关系? 你想要赚大钱还是做自己喜欢的工作? 我们总是将事情对立起来,似乎它们的矛盾是不可调和的。然而富人却在“以热爱的事业赚钱”,这完全不矛盾。而很多的上班族却整天做着不喜欢的工作,心里想的却是高额稳定的报酬。许多人以为金钱和快乐是相互排斥的,他们总以为赚钱是件很辛苦的事情,很多人也堂而皇之地拿着“我要快乐”的理由来为自己赚不到足够的钱找借口。“二选一”的思维永远会让我们把其中一项看成不重要的,如果面对大多数的“二选一”,你始终选择的不是富有,那么富有就会远离你。 百万富翁思维行动: 1、去实践。思考和创造“两者都要”的方式。当自己面对“二选一”的选择时,记得问自己“我怎样才能两者都得到”? 2、谨记,金钱是流通的,流通起来才有价值,它为这条链条上的所有人创造着价值。 3、把自己看成一个榜样,让别人看到善良、慷慨和有爱心的人是富有的。 当谈到金钱时,我们最常被问到的问题是“你月薪多少”,而不是“你的资产净值是多少”。 衡量财富的真实标准是资产净值,而不是工作收入。资产净值是你所拥有的所有东西的财务价值。资产净值作为衡量标准的原因是,如果有必要的话,最终可以转变成现金。工作收入是重要的,但它只能作为资产净值的四个元素之一。 资产净值的四个元素: 收入包括“工作收入”和“被动收入”。工作收入就是工作或者是自己做生意办企业赚来的钱,它需要你投入自己的时间和劳动去赚得。工作收入是其他元素的基础。被动收入是不需要花费时间和精力的自动收入,实际上,在获得“被动收入”之前,往往需要经过长时间的劳动和积累。 那些退休的的销售员,不用主动出去跑,坐在家里就可以接到很多订单 多数人的财务蓝图都停留在开销上,他们选择即刻满足而不是长期平衡。通过存款有了一定的资金之后,就可以进到下一步,让你的钱通过投资来增长。 简化即创造一种生活方式,减少生活中不必要的开资,以此来增加存款,进而可进行更多的投资。 制作资产净值表 ,跟踪自己的资产净值:建立一个简单的表格,从零开始,标出你今天的净值,然后每过30天,填入你当前的资产净值。 制作自己的资产净值表 记住,你关注什么,它就会扩展,注意力去向哪里,能量就流向哪里,结果就会显现出来。 百万富翁思维行动: 1、关注资产净值的四个元素:增加你的收入,存款,投资,简化你的生活。 2、建立一份“资产净值”报表,把你拥有的资产的现金价值加起来,减去你负债的现金价值,时刻跟踪和记录。 3、向一名优秀的财务策划人进行咨询。 很多人不喜欢管理他们的金钱,一是他们认为那样限制了他们的自由,二是他们总是认为自己没有足够的钱来进行管理。事实上,管理金钱会加速我们实现财务自由。对于第二个借口,并不是说当我们开始有钱时才进行管理,而是说当我们开始管理时,我们才能开始有钱。 只有我们开始正确地控制手里的钱,然后,我们才能有更多的钱去控制。管理金钱的习惯比我们拥有金钱的习惯更为重要。当我们向这个世界证明了我们能够很好地控制金钱之后,我们才能得到更多。想想那些中了巨额彩票而后挥霍无度,最终又穷困潦倒的人,就能看出控制金钱的作用了。 管理金钱最大的秘诀之一就是平衡。我们不能一个劲地省钱而不花钱。区别于肆意挥霍地花钱,我们应该合理地花钱玩乐, 建立一个“玩乐账户”来培养自己,去做正常情况下不会去做的事情,比如去一家高档餐厅吃饭。“玩乐账户”的规则是每个月必花,每个月都以一种让自己感到富有的 方式花掉这笔钱。这是对我们管理金钱的回报,可以加强我们接受的能力。 * 百万富翁思维行动: 1、开设你的“财务自由账户”。把你所有收入(税后)的10%存到这个账户里。这笔钱永远不要花,只能是为你退休后产生被动收入的投资。 2、在家里创建一个财务自由的罐子,每天存入一点钱。几块钱或者是你容易丢失的零钱。这样做是为了引起我们对财务自由的关注。 3、开一个玩乐账户,存入收入的10%。同时开设另外四个账户: 努力工作很重要,但仅凭努力工作很难实现财务自由。我们确实需要为金钱努力工作,然而对于富人来说,这只是暂时的情况,对于穷人来说却是永久的。富人明白,我们努力工作,直到金钱足够到为我们工作。 金钱游戏的目标是永远不用再工作……除非你选择去工作。就是说,如果你去工作,你是基于选择,而不是必须。 作者对财务自由的定义:在你向往的方式中生活,不必为了金钱而工作,或依赖其他任何人。(参考:李笑来对个人财富自甶的定义:某个人再也不用为了满足生活必需而出售自己的时间。)不用工作就能获得的收入称为被动收入,当被动收入大于支出时,就实现了财务自由。 遗憾的是,几乎我们大多数人的金钱蓝图都预先设定只是去挣工作收入,而不是去挣被动收入。那我们应如何选择工作呢?我们应该选择即刻或最终鞥能产生被动收入的工作及生意机会,获取现在的工作收入和以后的被动收入。 我们应培养长期思维,在今天的享乐花销与明天的自由投资之间做出平衡。穷人选择现在,富人选择平衡。穷人为了今天的生活而工作挣钱,富人为了投资而工作挣钱。富人购买未来可能增值的资产,穷人购买注定要贬值的物品。 有一些人赚了点小钱就开始花大钱买豪车开 百万富翁思维行动: 1、接受培训。参加研讨会,每月至少对一本关于投资的书。不是非要听取他们的财务忠告,而是熟悉现有的财务选择。 2、把注意力从“主动收入”转向“被动收入”。列出至少三个具体的,你可以不亲自工作就能创造收入的策略。研究,并采取行动。 3、别等着买房产,买下房地产然后等着。 我们之前提到过,思想→感觉→行为 = 结果。 思想和感觉是内在的,结果是外在的,那么行动就是连接内在与外在的桥梁。行动如此重要,但是我们却常常被恐惧、怀疑还有担忧所阻挠。 多数人的最大错误是在他们采取行动之前,等待恐惧的减退或消失。这些人通常要永远等下去。 自己在和重要的陌生人打电话之前心中总是充满恐惧,然后总是再等恐惧消失再拨通电话,但事实上,恐惧并没有消失,反而会增加。 恐惧并不是你的专属,所有人都会恐惧担忧,你并不孤独。认识到这一点很重要。我们不应让恐惧阻止我们。 有时,我们会因为很小的一些事就放弃一些对自己有用的事情。比如,晚上有一个讲座,自己很早就想去参加了,但是一想到下了班还要坐一个小时的公交过去就头大,然后找个借口就说服自己不去了。如果这么小的事情都能阻止你,那还有什么不能阻止你的呢?任何事都可以成为你的借口,这不是因为困难的大小,而是因为你的大小。 重点反思自己,自己有很多类似的糟糕经历 致富本就不是一件简单的事情,如果你是上面那种遇到一点阻碍就放弃的人,那么你永远不可能富有。舒适是大多数人的选择,是穷人生活中的最大优先。如果我们想变得富有,就必须习惯不舒适,有意识地进入不舒适区。舒适区=财富区,你舒适区的范围与你财富区的范围是相当的。 有句话叫做“自己被自己吓到”,是的,面对一些事情,我们总是先把自己给吓到了,而真正被逼着做完才发现,事情并没有自己想的那么复杂那么难。这其实是我们的思维出了问题,我们应该去训练和管理它。那么如何去训练和管理思维呢?观察我们的想法,找出那些消极的思想,然后用工具箱中积极的思维去替换。其实这是一个充分发挥元认知能力的过程。 百万富翁思维行动: 1、列出三项关于金钱和财富,你最担忧最关注或最害怕的事情,挑战它们。写下你害怕的情况发生了你会怎么做。 2、走出舒适区。刻意训练,做出不舒适的决定。 反思自己遇到的不舒适区 3、训练和管理自己的思维。 这个世界上最危险的几个字是“我早就知道”。 穷人时刻在证明自己是正确的。这里的“正确”是自以为正确,是你一贯的旧有的思维方式和行为。可正是这些“正确”的行为带来了当前的结果。 面对一些事情,比如付费学习知识,我们总是说“我没钱”,“我没时间”……那你何时会有这份钱和这份时间?今年,明年或者后年?答案很简单:你永远不会有!那时你还会说出同样的话。 我们需要通过不断学习实现不断成长,而愚蠢的是,大多数的人一遍一遍做着同样的事,却期待着不同的结果。没人生来就是财务天才,每个人都是在学习实践中慢慢掌握的。致富和保持富有的最快的方法就是致力于开发你自己。你的外部世界仅仅是你内心世界的一个映像。 富人理解成功的顺序是:成为—做—拥有(如果我成为一个成功者,我将能去做我想做的,拥有我想要的)。 穷人和中产阶级顺序是:拥有—做—成为(如果我拥有很多钱,我就能做我想做的事,我就会成为一个成功者)。 创造财富的目标不是拥有很多钱,而是帮助你成为你可能成为的最出色的自己。 富人与穷人和中产阶级之间存在一个重要区别:富人是他们领域的专家,中产阶级在他们领域里很平庸,而穷人在他们领域里很差劲。为了得到最好的收入,你必须成为最好的。 百万富翁思维行动: 致力于自己的成长。阅读,参加课程……

Shall we......中文Would you mind doing sth. 中文

我们可以……? 你/你们介意做一些事吗?

The soft handwriting reflected a thoughtful soul insightful mind.这句话是什么意思?


nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it 什么意思

nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it只要你动脑去做,没有什么事是不可能的

Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.是什么意思

Nothing is impossible to a willing mind只要愿意没有什么是不可能双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 世上无难事只怕有心人例句:1.Attainable: I am a firm believer that nothing is impossible to a willingheart. 可实现的:我坚信有决心没什么是不可能的。

英语谚语:Nothing is impossible to willing mind (or heart) 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Nothing is impossible to willing mind (or heart) 中文意思: 有志者事竟成。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The best horse needs breaking and the aptest child needs teaching 玉不琢不成器。 The best is oftentimes the enemy of the good 要求过高反难成功。 The best is yet to be 好戏在后头。 The best man stumbles 智者千虑,必有一失。 The best mirror is an old friend 老朋友是最好的镜子。 The best of all governments is that which teaches us to govern ourselves 最好的 *** 是教导我们管理自己。 The best of friends must part 莫逆至交,终有一别。 The best remedy against an ill man is much ground between 敬而远之。 The best *** ell is bread the best savour salt the best love that of children 面包的气味最香,食盐的滋味最鲜,儿童的情爱最纯。 The best teacher one can have is necessity 我们能得到的最好教师是“需要”。 英语谚语: Nothing is impossible to willing mind (or heart) 中文意思: 有志者事竟成。


大学是人生的关键阶段。这是因为,进入大学是你终于放下高考的重担,第一次开始追逐自己的理想、兴趣。这是你离开家庭生活,第一次独立参与团体和社会生活。这是你不再单纯地学习或背诵书本上的理论知识,第一次有机会在学习理论的同时亲身实践。这是你第一次不再由父母安排生活和学习中的一切,而是有足够的自由处置生活和学习中遇到的各类问题,支配所有属于自己的时间。 大学是人生的关键阶段。这是因为,这是你一生中最后一次有机会系统性地接受教育。这是你最后一次能够全心建立你的知识基础。这可能是你最后一次可以将大段时间用于学习的人生阶段,也可能是最后一次可以拥有较高的可塑性、集中精力充实自我的成长历程。这也许是你最后一次能在相对宽容的,可以置身其中学习为人处世之道的理想环境。 大学是人生的关键阶段。在这个阶段里,所有大学生都应当认真把握每一个“第一次”,让它们成为未来人生道路的基石;在这个阶段里,所有大学生也要珍惜每一个“最后一次”,不要让自己在不远的将来追悔莫及。在大学四年里,大家应该努力为自己编织生活梦想,明确奋斗方向,奠定事业基础。


med that more than one had beencompromised

游泳比赛起跳前预备的口令是Take your mind?

Take your mark?

求一首英文歌,听不太清楚,只听见again again again again ,还有pain in my mind 什么you always 什么的

jewel 的 again and again jewel<again and again>英文歌词Listen dear I need you to hear I Cannot disappear I"ve tried again and again and again I know we said That we"d give up You said we"d had enough Again and again and again But you You"re always on my mind It"s like this all the time Say it"s "cause your mine All mine And if you will, I will Try to let it go And if you try, I"ll try Try to let it show us the way "Cause love is here to stay Just look me in the eye This is do or die And I will stay in love "Till you say enough There is no giving in There is no giving up in love Walk down the street Stare a lots of things The fast and steady streams Again and again and again Do what I should Try to stay busy Your face is all I see Again and again and again But you You"re always on my mind It"s like this all the time Say it"s "cause your mine All mine And if you will, I will Try to let it go And if you try, I"ll try Try to let it show us the way "Cause love is here to stay Just look me in the eye This is do or die And I will stay in love "Till you say enough There is no giving in There is no giving up in love Like a movie I once saw In the darkness I recall Feeling the beauty and the pain And when you call my name Say you feel the same Cause" if you will, I will Try to let it go And if you try, I"ll try Try to let it show And if you will, I will Try to let it go And if you try, I"ll try Try to let it show us the way "Cause love is here to stay Just look me in the eye This is do or die And I will stay in love "Til you say enough There is no giving in There is no giving up in love In love, in love We"re in love I cannot disappear... I"ve tried again and again and again...

New york state of mind 翻译

以往见过高人翻译,但是几乎忘光了...这是记忆加自己的一点,"信达雅"谈不上...--------------New York State Of MindSome floks like to get away 有些人喜欢远走他乡Take a holiday from the neighborhood远离街坊邻居 去渡个假Hop a flight to Miami Beach搭个飞机 飞到迈阿密海滩Or to Hollyeood 或是到好莱坞But I"m talking a Greyhound但我更喜欢坐在Greyhound巴士上On the Hudson River Line浏览哈德逊河的河岸风光I"m in a New York state of mind纽约心情占据了我的心I"ve seen all the movie stars电影明星我见多了In their fancy cars and their limousines他们开着炫酷跑车 豪华轿车Been high in the Rockies under the evergreens我曾经攻顶登上绿树茂密的洛基山脉But I know what I"m needin"我知道我需要什么And I don"t want to waste more time我不想虚度光阴I"m in a New York state of mind纽约心情占据了我的心It was so easy living day by day 一天又一天,过着惬意的生活Out of touch with the rhythm and blues人生的节奏都乱了But now need a little give and take我需要一点点转换的空间The New York Times,the Daily News纽约心情占据了我的心It comes down to really 落到穷困潦倒的地步And It"s fine with me "cause I"ve let it slide我的心仍坦然,因为我自甘堕落I don"t care if it"s Chinatown or Riverside我不在乎 我是流浪到中国城 或是RiversideI don"t have any reasons我不想找理由开脱I"ve left them all behind 我早就豁出去了I"m in a new York state of Mind纽约心情占据了我的心

Mindy Gledhill Hourglass的歌词及中文翻译。

Little boy, when you speakI can"t help but kiss your cheeksI love the way you grab my handsAnd tell me all about your plansRocket high, comets flyYou and I could take a rideAnd fly away to NeverlandAnd give our best to Peter PanWhen you reach for the starsDon"t forget who you areAnd please don"t turn around and grow up way too fastSee the sand in my graspFrom the first to the lastEvery grain becomes a memory of the pastOh, life"s an hourglassLife"s an hourglassStory"s read, prayer is saidClose your eyes sleepyheadWhile angels linger in your dreamsAnd hold you in their feathered wingsJust like you, I was smallNot that long ago at allI wish you all the happinessThat God gives freely if you askWhen you reach for the starsDon"t forget who you areAnd please don"t turn around and grow up way too fastSee the sand in my graspFrom the first to the lastEvery grain becomes a memory of the pastOh, life"s an hourglassLife"s an hourglass小男孩,当你说话的时候我情不自禁地吻你的脸颊我爱的方式你抓住我的手并告诉我关于你的计划火箭飞高,彗星你可以和我去兜风飞到梦幻岛给我们最好的彼得潘当你到达的星星别忘了你是谁请不要转身长大的太快了在我掌握看到沙子从第一到最后每一粒成为过去的记忆哦,生命的沙漏生命的沙漏故事的阅读,祷告说闭上你的眼睛,小懒虫虽然天使萦绕在你的梦想把你自己的羽毛的翅膀就像你一样,我是小的不,在很久以前我祝你所有的幸福是神的恩赐,如果你问当你到达的星星别忘了你是谁请不要转身长大的太快了在我掌握看到沙子从第一到最后每一粒成为过去的记忆哦,生命的沙漏生命的沙漏

ease your mind这里的mind是什么意思


想问个词"touch my heart"和"touch my mind"


in my heart和in my mind


on my mind和in my mind 有什么区别 和in my heart和on my heart 呢

on my mind 思考;挂在心上Grandpa, you know you are on my mind. You know it.爷爷,你知道我心里一直都惦记你。你知道的。in my mind 在我脑海中的意念;在我的心中;在我精神世界里;对于我In my mind that a sun - Roosevelt!我心中的那一轮太阳——罗斯福!in my heart 在我心中;我的心I can see you in my heart.我都可以在我的心底看到你。on my heart 压在我的心头。The trouble lies on my heart .这麻烦事压在我的心头。

in my heart和in my mind

in my heart和in my mind的意思是不同的in my heart是在我的心中,in my mind是在我的头脑里

don’t mind i’m just kidding with you

1.I"m just kidding.是口语中的常用表达,意思为“我只是开玩笑而已” 2.选A.整句意思为“我们的北京校园之旅需要帮助”,for 这里表示“对象或目的”.

in my heart和in my mind是你们选的话 你们会选哪个 哪个比较好 大家写出来啊

in my heart 在我心中 in my mind 在我的心目中 如果要选的话,选择 in my heart 举两个例子吧 You are the most important people in my heart. In my mind ,you are a good man.

questioning mind 什么意思

questioning mind [词典] 好问精神; [例句]In my opinion, his most significant heritage was rationalism, free will, using "science and questioning mind" as a guiding light in every step of our lives.依我看来,他最重大的遗产是理性主义、自由意志、利用“科学和质疑思维”作为我们生活中每一步的指向明灯。



请问emotion mood mind feeling之间有什么区别吗?

emotion 是自己的感情. mood 通常这么用:i"m not in mood/i"m in mood.是我心情很糟/我心情很好的意思. mind 内心的想法,大脑中思考的. feeling 常常指对某种事物的感觉.it"s my feeling.

they spent one year abroad simply(broad) their mind括号里单词的正确形式


Jan reminded me how important it is as a parent to remember our priorities.语法分析U0001f64f

Jan remind me ... 是主句,后面是how 引导的宾语从句it is important to remember our priorities 在宾语从句中 it 作为形式主语,to remember our priorities才是宾从的真正主语 as a parent 是介词短语,作为补语,起补充说明的作用。简使我回想起: 记住我们的优先权,作为一个父亲或母亲,是多么重要。

Please remind me ____ he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off. A.where B.when.

B 试题分析:考查宾语从句:when引导宾语从句,在从句中作时间状语,意为“当……的时候”。根据所提供的情景“I may be in time to see him off.”可判断出说话人请求对方提醒的是走的时间。在这个句子中,he said可看作插入语,remind me when he was going表示“提醒我他什么时候走”。?答案:B点评:宾语从句的考查主要的考查陈述语序和连接词的词义辨析。疑问句做宾语从句的语序往往要变成陈述句语序,但如果疑问词就是主语,就不需要变化语序了。连接词的选用主要是从句子的成分分析,还有从句意判断。

求usher的u remind me的中文翻译


How kind of you to remind me 这句的语法结构是什么


Usher的《U Remind Me》歌词翻译,急需!!!

"U Remind Me" 你使我想起Yo, I ain"t seeing you in a minute, but I got something to tell ya, listen.哟,我不会马上见你,不过我有些事要告诉你See the thing about you that caught my eye看见和你有关的事都会让我目不转睛Is the same thing that makes me change my mind是同一件事让我改变想法的吗?Kinda hard to explain, but girl, I"ll try,这有点难以解释,不过女孩,我会尝试一下You need to sit down this may take a while你要坐下来,这会用上一段时间See this girl, she sorta looks just like you看这个女孩,她看起来有几分像你呢She even smiles just the way you do甚至微笑都和你差不多So innocent she seemed but I was fooled她看上去如此的纯洁,但我被愚弄了I"m reminded when I look at you.当我看着你的时候,我就想起(那段往事)了You remind me of a girl, that I once knew.你使我想起一个我曾经认识的女孩See her face whenever I, I look at you.我无论何时看着你都像看着她的脸You won"t believe all of the things she put me through.你不会相信她让我遇到的所有事(她对我所做的事)This is why I just can"t get with you.这就是为什么我就是没法理解你(和你在一起)Thought that she was the one for me,曾以为她是我的唯一,Til I found out she was on her creep,知道我发现她令人作呕的行为Oh, she was sexing everyone, but me.噢,除了我她和所有人做爱This is why we could never be.这就是我永远做不到(爱你)的原因You remind me of a girl, that I once knew.你让我想起一个我曾经认识的女孩See her face whenever I, I look at you.我无论何时看着你都像看着她的脸You won"t believe all of the things she put me through.你不会相信她让我遇到的所有事(她对我所做的事)This is why I just can"t get with you.这就是为什么我就是没法理解你I know it"s so unfair to you,我知道这对你是如此的不公平That I relate her ignorance to you.我把她的无知和你联系在一起Wish I knew, wish I knew how to separate the two但愿我知道,但愿我知道我如何区分你们两个You remind me, whoa...你使我想起,哇噢噢...You remind me of a girl, that I once knew.你使我想起一个我曾经认识的女孩See her face whenever I, I look at you.我无论何时看着你都像看着她的脸You won"t believe all of the things she put me through.你不会相信她让我遇到的所有事(她对我所做的事)This is why I just can"t get with you.这就是为什么我就是没法理解你(和你在一起)You remind me of a girl, that I once knew.你使我想起一个我曾经认识的女孩See her face whenever I, I look at you.我无论何时看着你都像看着她的脸You won"t believe all of the things she put me through.你不会相信她让我遇到的所有事(她对我所做的事)This is why I just can"t get with you.这就是为什么我就是没法理解你(和你在一起)

U Remind Me 歌词

歌曲名:U Remind Me歌手:Matt Cab专辑:FlashbackMatt Cab - U Remind MeSee the thing about you that caught my eyeIs the same thing that makes me change my mindKinda hard to explain, but girl, I"ll try,You need to sit down this may take a whileSee this girl, she sorta looks just like youShe even smiles just the way you doSo innocent she seemed but I was fooledI"m reminded when I look at you.You remind me of a girl, that I once knew.See her face whenever I, I look at you.You won"t believe all of the things she put me through.This is why I just can"t get with you.Thought that she was the one for me,Til I found out she was on her creep,Oh, she was sexing everyone, but me.This is why we could never be.You remind me of a girl, that I once knew.See her face whenever I, I look at you.You won"t believe all of the things she put me through.This is why I just can"t get with you.I know it"s so unfair to you,That I relate her ignorance to you.Wish I knew, wish I knew how to separate the twoYou remind me, whoa...You remind me of a girl, that I once knew.See her face whenever I, I look at you.You won"t believe all of the things she put me through.This is why I just can"t get with you.You remind me of a girl, that I once knew.See her face whenever I, I look at you.You won"t believe all of the things she put me through.This is why I just can"t get with you.You remind me of a girl, that I once knew.See her face whenever I, I look at you.You won"t believe all of the things she put me through.This is why I just can"t get with you.You remind me of a girl, that I once knew.See her face whenever I, I look at you.You won"t believe all of the things she put me through.This is why I just can"t get with you.http://music.baidu.com/song/5554832

U Remind Me 歌词

歌曲名:U Remind Me歌手:Usher专辑:8701U Remind MeYo, I ain"t seeing you in a minutebut I got something to tell ya, listen.See the thing about you, that caught my eye,Is the same thing that makes me change, my mind.Kinda hard to explain, but girl, I"ll try.You need to sit down, this may take a while.You see, she sorta looks, just like you.She even smiles, just the way you do.So innocent, she seemed, but I was schooledI"m reminded when I look at you, but,You remind of a girl, that I once knew.See her face whenever I, I look at you.You won"t believe all of the things that she put me through.This is why I just can"t get with you.Thought that she was the one for me,Til I found out she was on her dream,Oh, she was sexing everyone, but me.This is why we could never be.You remind of a girl, that I once knew.See her face whenever I, I look at you.You won"t believe all of the things that she put me through.This is why I just can"t get with you.I know it"s so unfair to you,But I"d be lingering the rest to you,Wish I knew, wish I knew how to separate the twoYou remind me, whoa...You remind of a girl, that I once knew.See her face whenever I, I look at you.You won"t believe all of the things that she put me through.This is why I just can"t get with you.You remind of a girl, that I once knew.See her face whenever I, I look at you.You won"t believe all of the things that she put me through.This is why I just can"t get with you.by Rickyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1165255

You Remind Me 歌词

歌曲名:You Remind Me歌手:Sheriff专辑:SheriffMandy Moore - You Remind MeWhen I first saw you I couldn"t believeThe way you smiled took the breath out of meAnd maybe I"m seeing thingsBut if it"s true don"t wake me up from this dreamYou remind meOf a love I knewFeels so real it must be deja vuYou remind meBut I ain"t got a clueBoy I"m so glad i found youI never thought I could love againThen you came and changed something within (I"m so confused)I"m so confused "case you"re not the sameBut there"s something special that reminds meIt"s the way you walk andthe way you talk andYou really got styleIt"s the way you move andThe way you groove andi love your smile (I love your smile)You remind meOf a love I knewFeels so real it must be deja vuYou remind meBut I ain"t got a clueBoy I"m so glad I found youI, I cannot figure outI ain"t got a clueI"m so confused about how i feelCause I"m really feelin" youIt"s the way you walk andthe way you talk andYou really got styleIt"s the way you move andThe way you groove andi love your smile (I love your smile)You remind meOf a love I knewFeels so real it must be deja vuYou remind meBut I ain"t got a clueBoy I"m so glad I found youwoo.....You remind me (You remind me)Of a love I knew (You remind me)Feels so real it must be deja vu (You remind me)You remind me (You remind me)But I ain"t got a clue (You remind me)Boy I"m so glad I found you (You remind me)You remind meOf a love I knewFeels so real it must be deja vuYou remind meBut I ain"t got a clueBoy I"m so glad I found youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2907205

艾薇儿how you remind me中文歌词

Never made it as a wise man处理这样的事从来都不够明智I couldn"t cut it as a poor man stealing我就像一个可悲至极的人无法自拔Tired of living like a blind man对盲目的生活已感到厌倦I"m sick of sight without a sense of feeling我受够了无节操地看着一切的发生This is how you remind me这些事让我醒悟了This is how you remind me是这些事让我想起来Of what I really am我对你来说是什么It"s not like you to say sorry你并不是真心的抱歉I was waiting on a different story我正在等待一个新的故事This time I"m mistaken这次是我活该For handing you a heart worth breaking为你我付出全心全意却换来整个支离破碎And I"ve been wrong, I"ve been down我曾错过,曾绝望过Been to the bottom of every bottle也曾坠入深渊谷底These five words in my head现在脑中萦绕着一个尖锐的声音在吼叫Scream, "Are we having fun yet?"我们高兴了吗?Are we having fun yet?我们玩够了吗?It"s not like you didn"t know that你不要装作毫不知情I said I love you and I swear I still do我说过我爱你并且发誓至今仍是如此And it must have been so bad这感觉一定很糟糕"Cause living with me must have damn near killed you因为一直和我待在一起一定让你感到生不如死this is how you remind me这些事让我醒悟了this is how you remind me是这些事让我想起来Of what I really am原来我对你来说什么也不是It"s not like you to say sorry你并不是真心的抱歉I was waiting on a different story我正在等待一个新的故事This time I"m mistaken这次是我活该For handing you a heart worth breaking为你我付出全心全意却换来整个支离破碎And I"ve been wrong, I"ve been down我曾错过,曾绝望过Been to the bottom of every bottle也曾坠入深渊谷底These five words in my head现在脑中萦绕着一个尖锐的声音在吼叫Scream, "Are we having fun yet?"我们玩够了吗?This is how you remind me这些事让我醒悟了This is how you remind me是这些事让我想起来Of what I really am原来我对你来说什么都不是It"s not like you to say sorry你并不是真心的抱歉I was waiting on a different story我正在等待一个新的故事This time I"m mistaken这次是我活该For handing you a heart worth breaking为你我付出全心全意却换来整个支离破碎And I"ve been wrong, I"ve been down我曾错过,曾绝望过Been to the bottom of every bottle也曾坠入深渊谷底These five words in my head现在脑中萦绕着一个尖锐的声音在吼叫Scream, "Are we having fun yet?"我们高兴了吗?Are we having fun yet?我们玩够了吗?

《how you remind me》的中文翻译

Never made it as a wise man处理这样的事从来都不够明智I couldn"t cut it as a poor man stealing我就像一个可悲至极的人无法自拔Tired of living like a blind man对盲目的生活已感到厌倦I"m sick of sight without a sense of feeling我受够了无节操地看着一切的发生This is how you remind me这些事让我醒悟了This is how you remind me是这些事让我想起来Of what I really am我对你来说是什么It"s not like you to say sorry你并不是真心的抱歉I was waiting on a different story我正在等待一个新的故事This time I"m mistaken这次是我活该For handing you a heart worth breaking为你我付出全心全意却换来整个支离破碎And I"ve been wrong, I"ve been down我曾错过,曾绝望过Been to the bottom of every bottle也曾坠入深渊谷底These five words in my head现在脑中萦绕着一个尖锐的声音在吼叫Scream, "Are we having fun yet?"我们高兴了吗?Are we having fun yet?我们玩够了吗?It"s not like you didn"t know that你不要装作毫不知情I said I love you and I swear I still do我说过我爱你并且发誓至今仍是如此And it must have been so bad这感觉一定很糟糕"Cause living with me must have damn near killed you因为一直和我待在一起一定让你感到生不如死this is how you remind me这些事让我醒悟了this is how you remind me是这些事让我想起来Of what I really am原来我对你来说什么也不是It"s not like you to say sorry你并不是真心的抱歉I was waiting on a different story我正在等待一个新的故事This time I"m mistaken这次是我活该For handing you a heart worth breaking为你我付出全心全意却换来整个支离破碎And I"ve been wrong, I"ve been down我曾错过,曾绝望过Been to the bottom of every bottle也曾坠入深渊谷底These five words in my head现在脑中萦绕着一个尖锐的声音在吼叫Scream, "Are we having fun yet?"我们玩够了吗?This is how you remind me这些事让我醒悟了This is how you remind me是这些事让我想起来Of what I really am原来我对你来说什么都不是It"s not like you to say sorry你并不是真心的抱歉I was waiting on a different story我正在等待一个新的故事This time I"m mistaken这次是我活该For handing you a heart worth breaking为你我付出全心全意却换来整个支离破碎And I"ve been wrong, I"ve been down我曾错过,曾绝望过Been to the bottom of every bottle也曾坠入深渊谷底These five words in my head现在脑中萦绕着一个尖锐的声音在吼叫Scream, "Are we having fun yet?"我们高兴了吗?Are we having fun yet?我们玩够了吗?

How You Remind Me 歌词

歌曲名:How You Remind Me歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:ONE PIECE FILM Z (Original Soundtrack)How You Remind MeAvril Lavigne★Your lovin" ROCK -珂珂sheery lyrics-Never made it as a wise manI couldn"t cut it as a poor man stealingTired of living like a blind manI"m sick of sight without a sense of feelingThis is how you remind meThis is how you remind meOf what I really amIt"s not like you to say sorryI was waiting on a different storyThis time I"m mistakenFor handing you a heart worth breakingAnd I"ve been wrong, I"ve been downBeen to the bottom of every bottleThese five words in my headScream, "Are we having fun yet?""Are we having fun yet?"It"s not like you didn"t know thatI said I love you and I swear I still doAnd it must have been so bad"Cause living with me must have damn near killed youAnd this is how you remind meThis is how you remind meOf what I really amIt"s not like you to say sorryI was waiting on a different storyThis time I"m mistakenFor handing you a heart worth breakingAnd I"ve been wrong, I"ve been downBeen to the bottom of every bottleThese five words in my headScream, "Are we having fun yet?"This is how you remind meThis is how you remind meOf what I really amIt"s not like you to say sorryI was waiting on a different storyThis time I"m mistakenFor handing you a heart worth breakingAnd I"ve been wrong, I"ve been downBeen to the bottom of every bottleThese five words in my headScream, "Are we having fun yet?"Are we having fun yet?http://music.baidu.com/song/58935003
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