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前言:本文为XMind乐哥在“互联网出海交流”群分享后整理所得,为了更方便阅读,有所删减和排序。 非常感谢 日事清凯哥的邀请。第一次分享,准备不足,权当抛砖引玉,下图为本次分享大纲: 一、自我介绍 我是XMind 产品经理,同时负责国际网站维护、优化方面的工作,除此之外产品增长方面也是我负责。本次分享的内容也是对我所负责工作内容的总结。 我们公司创建于2006年,在互联网行业“历史”也算“悠久”。XMind 作为我们团队代表作品也有十二年之久。现在很多同行认为 XMind 是国外团队作品,这其实和我们分发策略有关:更倾向于做国外。我们的重心一直都是海外版本,通常先做英文版本、进行海外市场分发,所以大家会认为XMind是国外产品。这无意中为我们带来一种认知优势:大家会觉得 XMind 更高端或者说更愿意接受国外的产品,也会对 XMind 产品质量有更加积极地评价,在长时间内一直保持这样的竞争优势。同时我们去海外面谈用户时,他们知道XMind是中国产品时也非常惊讶。 二、产品为王 XMind 运营了十二年,但十二年来除了相当短的时间内在 Google 投放过搜索广告()SEM)外,几乎没有任何广告投放,也没有试过买流量换用户的方式。总结下来,之所以能在海外获得不错的成绩,主要原因是:无论研发还是市场宣传开始便针对国外市场。另外我们进入国外市场的时机正确,当时国外市场思维导图领域只有MindManager,大家使用中会出现各种问题,只能选择 XMind。我自己给这种模式起了个名字叫「非流量驱动型增长」,其实简单说来就是「产品为王」。 「产品为王」可以简化理解为“我们非常重视产品体验”,当然完美永无止境,大家在使用过程中可能还会发现很多细节上值得优化的点。但我采访过很多用户(用户调研):他们会安装数款甚至数十款思维导图软件最后还是选择了XMind。这在一定程度上证明:不管是自然流量还是付费流量,无论是保持用户的续费率或者保持用户的转化率、活跃度方面,最重要的还是产品本身。 三、主流渠道 除去产品体验外,宣发渠道同样重要,如大纲所示,XMind 主流渠道有 google、apple、媒体关系。 1、Google Google 渠道的推广方式是搜索引擎优化,也就是seo,我们在google的seo上有非常丰富的经验,XMind 国际站PR值曾到7。对seo有所了解的人应该知道意味着什么:这么高的PR值一般是媒体网站,比如纽约时报等才能获得的成绩。之所以权重较高,主要原因是我们很早就采取了“鼓励分享”、“UGC”的运营方式——鼓励用户将他们做的思维导图分享到我们网站,同时提供渲染引擎方便个人博主在自己的博客展示。 在此过程中,PR值高的博主分享利用XMind分享思维导图作品时,“分享行为”相当于优质博客网站为我们网站投票让XMind国际站获得了更多google的信任。当然现在 google 在弱化 PR 值概念,算法的不断调整导致我们现在无法保持7的高度。 现在“UGC”、“鼓励用户分享”等思想非常流行,我们开始的时间其实早于很多同行也取得了很大的竞争优势。中国互联网在此方面有点不好的是:大家不希望自己的网站为对方传递信任,很多都加了 nofollow 机制,国外的用户并不是这样。 2、媒体关系 与中国现状不同的是:国外有非常强大的独立博客文化,包括软件评测、产品推荐等等。有位至今还在写博客的苹果bloger能邀请苹果副总裁作为嘉宾分享苹果动态,可以从侧面反映博客在国外具备多么强大的影响力。所以我们在宣发过程中非常重视这些至今具备强大流量、影响力的博客,会非常频繁、真诚的和 bloger 进行邮件沟通。同时在运营国外的媒体关系时,发现和国内略有不同:国内的 KOl 都是明码标价,但国外的媒体人(优质KOL)并不一定。 另外新兴的社交网络平台如 Facebook、推特和中国并无不同,国内有社交营销的知名代表杜蕾斯,国外的色情网站在 Facebook 上运营的也非常成功。 还有一些新兴的内容分享平台情况和国内不同,其中代表是 Product Hunt。Product Hunt 不是随便注册账号就能发布信息的,需要经营账号达到一定权限后才可以发布自己的产品,门槛相比国内较高。国外的一些新兴的推荐平台会需要你去「经营」,而不仅仅是花钱办事。 3、Apple Apple 是我们非常擅长、重要的渠道,XMind 的系列产品都曾经获得过 App Store 各个位置的推荐,比如 Today、榜单、效率分类等等。当然我这里所说的推荐并不仅仅是中国,事实上我们获得过全球几十个国家/地区的 App Store 推荐。在 App Store 推荐方面,我们能够维持不错的频率获得推荐,也总结了一些心得帮助大家获得更高的曝光度。 首要因素是「产品体验」,分为两方面:一是产品是否有创新点,是否有值得向苹果自荐的地方;二是非常重视苹果人机交互指南,紧跟 WWDC 大会上苹果最新动态保持产品层面跟进。 我们在招聘过程中也经常和应聘人员聊原生的交互指南,在产品设计、研发过程中不是考虑功能点的堆砌,而是从苹果宣传的角度理解,它希望推崇什么。包括一些苹果新支持的硬件功能、软件层面的更新,都会出现在人机交互指南,比如近期推出的安全区、设定等等。 完成产品层面后,我们可以尝试其他方法增加被苹果编辑们推荐的概率,经验总结如下: 另外 App Store 的审核、推荐的编辑并不是同一批人,而且具备明显的时间周期,每周日团队开会讨论、周五更新。每个编辑都会有自己的推荐项目,甚至需要自己去准备 Keynote,需要在推荐会上演讲、竞标。我们曾接到过苹果编辑打来电话、发邮件请求我们准备产品简介视频、Keynote,ta 说要在编辑会上推荐我们,期望获得更多产品亮点以为我们争取更多曝光机会。 四、文化差异 “尊重文化差异”在出海过程中是非常重要的点,各地区不同的文化背景都会导致产品运营、宣传策略的不同。我把 XMind 所涉及的主流国家分为:欧洲、美洲、东南亚、中国大陆。各国之间的互联网化程度有很大差距,在出海之前一定要评估产品适合什么互联网发展阶段,也要评估目标地区的互联网发展程度是否匹配。比如类XMind 的效率工具,在低互联网化地区其实是没有市场的,所以东南亚国家我们一直没有做好。 我有位朋友在做游戏宣发,在为一款游戏拍摄素材时将“白人排在黑人后面”,提交 App Store 后一直被拒,理由非常模糊——违反政治不正确。我们在讨论过程中聊“是否有不尊重黑人/白人”、“种族歧视”等方面内容,改过后就通过了。所以在欧美国家有非常多“政治正确”方面的潜规则,它们的互联网水平已经跨过了互联网早起,条款、规则极其健全,政治、文化也得加入考虑范畴。 关于文化潜规则方面可以先拿欧洲举例,我们发现一件非常有意思的事:XMind最初只提供英文官网,然后德国人、法国人会反应希望我们提供德文、法文官网,即使他们看得懂英文也如此要求。德国人和法国人不希望也不喜欢别人拿英文放到自己面前,特别是法语国家(小常识:你在英语中加入法语词汇会很高级,但在法语地区用英文可能会被打~ )。所以我们在欧洲各地区都提供本地化产品,如果为了节省成本在德语、法语地区提交英文版本会引起反感以及对产品的负面评价。 另外他们非常在意隐私,但因为 XMind 是小团队,这对我们而言非常棘手。在中国流行的策略是“先野蛮生长,而后规范化”,但在欧美不同,我们必须从最开始就尊重隐私、文化、法律。 美国和加拿大也是我们主要市场,正如我上面所说:他们都处于互联网发展中后期阶段,首先客户群非常好,有非常良好的软件基础和付费率,其次获客、活跃率并没有早起阶段高,把中国火的产品拿出去可能并不会产生多大效应,思维导图在这些国家的搜索量也非常少(需求已被满足没有新流量)。 五、市场不同 前段时间我们在美国举办了一场分享会,在官网发布后收到千人报名。调研过程中我们发现非常有意思的点:他们不希望是大型座谈会,期望规模在十人以下,不仅仅是单纯坐在下面听而是可以表达、参与。 东南亚部分其实经济相比欧美有很大差距,XMind 重点做韩国和日本,在这两个国家都有代理商。我们会针对韩国和日本市场调整研发和宣发,也会支持当地语言版本。日本和韩国等东南亚国家是中国互联网出海非常好的跳板,文化背景相似、互联网发展程度也非常接近。 中国市场我们是后来者,相信各位都比我更有经验。 六、企业方面 如果你想做欧美市场,企业必须极其重视诚信。中国同行都是先起量,占据市场后再规范化,但在欧美市场这种方式很难行得通,也就是后期洗白很难奏效,不会因为你现在变成大公司后就会获得宽容。我们在一开始就应该非常注重企业诚信,包括我们对用户的承诺、免费功能和付费功能的差异、使用时长/使用周期、运营策略/规则等都应该非常注意。比如我使用腾讯网盘积累了很多文件,承诺多少空间免费使用,后期直接宣布这些空间取消、需要付费等等,这在国外就是非常严重的失信行为。 其次国外有非常完善的软件认证体系,也非常有公信力。如果你的产品获得相应认证可以提升传播、转化效果,我们在进入市场前可以提前准备。 补充: 1、Apple 联系方式 @Apple DevProframs@apple.com //开发者联系 AppReview@apple.com //App 审核相关 iTunesConnect@apple.com //iTC 相关 2、Apple 推广(自荐) Sign in with your Apple ID //App Store 推广咨询 自荐提前6~8周,9月份新的发布会开完后会是个很大的爆发期。 3、联系苹果自荐的时候需要的信息 4、Mac App Store 软件类产品如果条件允许的话十分推荐上 Mac App Store。像 Trello 那样套个壳都行。我们 XMind: ZEN 的 Mac 版本比例远高于 Mac 占 pc 市场 5% 的比例。在 Mac App Store 版本的装机量低于官网版本的情况下,Mac App Store 的活跃度甚至净活跃绝对值都高于其他版本。所以海外市场对 Mac App Store 的投入是值得的。

repair mind fix的区别

◎ repair是一般用词,凡是损坏、损伤、故障,尤其是收音机、手表、汽车、炉子等这类的机械装置需要“修理”“维修”时用repair。例如:We have repaired the motor.我们已经修好了电动机。◎ mend多指修补磨损、穿破、撕毁的简单日常用品,也可用于比喻,指改进行为、修改法律、治愈感情创伤等。例如:Let me mend the socks for you.让我来给你补袜子。◎ fix是口语用词。

it can’t only open our minds

可以肯定地说,你的句子是错句.正确的是: Books can not only open our minds to the outside world,but THEY can also increase our konwledge. books是复数形式,所以后面的it必须由they来取代,--------这样,就前后一致了.

open up your mind to chinese world

open up your mind to chinese world打开你的心,中国的世界

New York State Of Mind的歌词及翻译,要完整。非常谢谢!!~

New York State Of MindSome floks like to get away 有些人喜欢远走他乡Take a holiday from the neighborhood远离街坊邻居 去渡个假Hop a flight to Miami Beach搭个飞机 飞到迈阿密海滩Or to Hollyeood 或是到好莱坞But I"m talking a Greyhound但我更喜欢坐在Greyhound巴士上On the Hudson River Line浏览哈德逊河的河岸风光I"m in a New York state of mind纽约心情占据了我的心I"ve seen all the movie stars电影明星我见多了In their fancy cars and their limousines他们开着炫酷跑车 豪华轿车Been high in the Rockies under the evergreens我曾经攻顶登上绿树茂密的洛基山脉But I know what I"m needin"我知道我需要什么And I don"t want to waste more time我不想虚度光阴I"m in a New York state of mind纽约心情占据了我的心It was so easy living day by day一天又一天,过着惬意的生活Out of touch with the rhythm and blues人生的节奏都乱了But now need a little give and take我需要一点点转换的空间The New York Times,the Daily News纽约心情占据了我的心It comes down to really 落到穷困潦倒的地步And It"s fine with me "cause I"ve let it slide我的心仍坦然,因为我自甘堕落I don"t care if it"s Chinatown or Riverside我不在乎 我是流浪到中国城 或是RiversideI don"t have any reasons我不想找理由开脱I"ve left them all behind 我早就豁出去了I"m in a new York state of Mind纽约心情占据了我的心 求采纳!!!

Mindy Smith的《Love Lost》 歌词

歌曲名:Love Lost歌手:Mindy Smith专辑:The Essential Mindy SmithMindy Smith - Love LostIt"s been a long hot summer,And I"m still trying to leave you alone.But it"s just getting hotter the more I try to let you go.I don"t wanna feel this blue.I wanna be over you.I don"t wanna feel this blue.But I do.It"s been a hard year this fall,And I still don"t know where you"re running from.And the sky keeps on spinning.The stars are running and hidin" from the sun.But love lost if the heart needs a reason to cry forIf the heart needs a reason to lie for lie for, to lie forThere"s no better reason but love lost.Love lost if the heart needs a reason to try forIf the heart needs a reason to die for, to die forThere"s no better reason than love lost.It"s been a while since I"ve saw youI still don"t know what you"re running forGuess you were looking around for something betterOr something moreDon"t wanna feel this blue.I wanna be over you.I don"t wanna feel this blue.The love lost if the heart needs a reason to cry forIf the heart needs a reason to lie for, to lie forThere"s no better reason than love lostLove lost if the heart needs a reason to try forIf the heart needs a reason to die for, to die forThere"s no better reason than love lostLove lost if the heart needs a reason to cry forIf the heart needs a reason to lie for, to lie forThere"s no better reason than love lostOh love lost if the heart needs a reason to try forIf the heart needs a reason to die for, to die forThere"s no better reason than love lostIt"s been a long hot summerAnd I"m still trying to leave you alone.But it"s just getting hotter the more I try to let you go.http://music.baidu.com/song/31854392

" i.m about to lose my mind"这是一首歌的开头,但是歌名是?

《i need a doctor》i"m about to lose my mind我就快要发疯了you"ve been gone for so long你走了那么久i"m running out of time我快等不下去了i need a doctor我需要个医生call me a doctor帮我找个医生i need a doctor, doctor我需要个医生to bring me back to life把我带回正常生活i told the world one day i would pay it back我曾对整个世界说我要把我遭受的一切还给它say it on tape, and lay it, record it我要对着录音带说把话录下来so that one day i could play it back这样将来我就可以重播它but i don"t even know if i would leave it when i"m saying that当我这么说的时候我却不知道我是否会去这样做ya"ll start to creep in, everyday its so grey and black自从他们进入了我的生活日子是如此灰暗hope i just need a ray of that我希望能人生能有一丝曙光cause no one see"s my vision when i play it for em因为他们没人能了解我歌中的内涵they just say its wack他们只说这歌好差劲(wack 差劲烂的意思)thye don"t know what dope is他们根本不懂欣赏(dope 酷好的意思)and i don"t know if i was awake or asleep我不清楚我到底是醒是睡when i wrote this,当我写着歌all i know is you came to me when i was at my lowest脑中只想到在我人生最低谷时你来到了我身边you picked me up, breeding life in me你把我拉出低谷让我焕发了新生i owe my life to you我今生今世都将报答你before the life of me, i dont see why you dont see like i do在你到来之前我不知道为什么他们不能明白我的看法but it just dawned on me you lost a son我知道你失去了你的儿子see this light in you, it"s dark. let me turn on the lights and brighten me and lighten you你被黑暗笼罩着让我打开光芒重新点亮我俩i dont think you realise what you mean to me我觉得你不了解你对我有多重要not the slightest clue一点也不cause me and you were like a crew因为我俩就像是伙伴i was like your sidekick我就是你的兄弟you gon either wanna fight me when i get off this f-cking mic如果我放弃唱歌你一定会冲动地想打我or you gon hug me或是由衷地拥抱我but i"m not an option, theres nothing else i can do cause…可我没别的选择我只会干这个因为i"m about to lose my mind我就快要发疯了you"ve been gone for so long你走了那么久i"m running out of time我快等不下去了i need a doctor我需要个医生call me a doctor帮我找个医生i need a doctor, doctor我需要个医生to bring me back to life把我带回正常生活it hurts when i see you struggle看见你受煎熬我很难过you come to me with ideas你找我谈了一些事情you say there pieces so i"m puzzled你说(there pieces不知道什么意思)我迷惑了cause the shit i hear is crazy我不敢相信这些话是从你口中说出but your either getting lazy or you don"t believe in you no more你变得无所事事不再相信自己seems like your own opinions, not one you can form似乎你已经无法形成自己的观点cant make a decision keep qu

remind 和turn into的区别

turn into .变为remind 提醒

英文歌词有my mind say no but my body,my body say yes求歌名

应该是R.kelly的Bump "N" Grind原句应该是My mind is telling me no,But my body,My body"s telling me yeah yes

Do you mind______here? AIsmoke Bme smoking Cmy smonke DI smoking 这题应该选什么 为什么呢?

B mind + 宾语+doing

on my mind和in my mind意思有什么区别

on my mind 是 使人担心, 惦念 牵挂的意思 in my mind 是 在我心里 在我的想法里 在我看来的意思

the shock of losing my purse____me of all my former absent-mindedness.


Keep your eyes, ears and mind wide open.


let it go,forget it never mind let it be啥意思


一首英文歌,高潮部分为when you laughing me with the other ,i am like to reach your mind

好像不是这句吧歌名叫做【when you told me you loved me】歌手是Jessica simpson

求一首英语歌,女的唱的,高潮好像是 open your eyes,some dong mind,.


四级真题作文a great hero in my mind

Colonel Yang Liwei who is an astronaut, member of the Astronaut Team of the People"s Liberation Army. He was born in June 21,1965. He had a happy childhood as the son of two teachers. He used to be a good student and won many maths competition prizes. He studied at the No 8 Aviation College of the Air Force of the People"s Liberation Army. What is the gratest is that he was one of the three astronauts who was chosen for China"a first manned space flight. And he became China"s first astronaut on October 15, 2003."When I boraded the Shen-zhou 5 Spacecraft for the first time. I couldnot help feeling excited. I decided that I must fly it" said Yang Liwei.He is one of the people who I admired. Because I like science and I love to explored the space later on when I am grow up. That is one of my dream. I got his poster in my room. Whenever I saw it, that will help me to make a decision to study harder. He is my hero, my teachr, my good example. 2. Li lianjie,better known by his stage name Jet Li,is my favorite film star.He is one of the most popular film stars in China and also in the world. He is famous for Chinese Kung fu and considered the king of it.The first famous movie played by him as the chief actor is Shaolin Temple,and his most successful Hollywood film is The Fobidden Kingdom i think.Although he is not as handsome as other film stars,he wins everyone"s appreciation by his powerful skills of combining films with Chinese Kung fu as his own style.he shows us the spirit of Chinese Kung fu which holds fantastic energy and then spreads it abroad. He attracts me for another reason that he has a strong sence of social responsibility.He devotes himself into chairy,setting up a fund named"One foundation",which aims to transform regular small individual donations into a much greater fund to help people who are suffering.As far as i konw,the foundation has helped more than one million people from all sorts of disasters such as earthquake,flood and snow disasters. Jet Li sets up a good example for other popular stars. He is a hero in my mind as what he acted in films.And,i know that in his mind there are more people who are sharing the unique earth and the blue sky.

see anybody could good to you your mind your mind是哪首英文歌的歌词

Bang Bang演唱:Jessie JShe got a body like an hourglass,but I can give it to you all the timeShe got a booty like a Cadillac,but I can send you into overdrive (oh)(Stop and wait, wait for that, stop,hold up, swing your bat)See anybody could be bad to you,you need a good girl to blow your mind,yeahBang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)She might"ve let you hold her hand in school,but I"mma show you how to graduateNo, I don"t need to hear you talk the talk,just come and show mewhat your momma gave(Oooh yeah)(Your love gotta be baby,love but don"t say a thing)See anybody could be good to you,you need a bad girl to blow your mindBang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)It"s Myx MoscatoIt"s frizz in a bottleIt"s Nicki full throttleIt"s oh, ohSwimming in the grottoWe winning in the lottoWe dipping in the pot of blue foamKitten so goodIt"s dripping on woodGet a ride in the engine that couldGo, Batman robbin" itBang, bang, cockin" itQueen Nicki dominant, prominentIt"s me, Jessie, and AriIf they test me they sorryRide us up like a HarleyThen pull off in this FerrariIf he hanging we bangingPhone ranging, he slangingIt ain"t karaoke night but get the miccause he singingB to the A to the N to the G to the uhB to the A to the N to the G to the heySee anybody could be good to you,you need a bad girl to blow your mind(your mind)Bang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Bang, bang, bang, bang,bang, bang,Bang, bang, bang, bang,bang, bang, bangBang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)



一首英文歌歌词有So can you system blow your mind tonight

楼上在乱说吧 incomplete-agata

求Dua Lipa的Blow Your Mind(Mwah)要mp3格式的 高品音质 2分58秒版本


blow my mind怎么翻译?


gonna blow your mind是什么意思

gonna blow your mind让你大吃一惊;让你大感意外例句1.Wait till you hear this. It"ll blow your mind.等着听听这个吧。它会让你大感意外的。2.His new book on the best selling list may blow your mind.他的新书列入畅销排行榜也许使你吃惊。

blowyour mind是什么意思

blow your mind心醉神迷Baby let me blow your mind tonight 今夜我就让你大开眼界

Blow Your Mind 歌词

歌曲名:Blow Your Mind歌手:Jesse Mccartney专辑:Right Where You Want MeI"ve been watching youYea baby just what I"m seeingYou"ve been watching meYeah baby better believe itIf you wanna danceHere"s your chance to make a rideIf you want romanceBaby I"ll take you home tonight(oh oh oh oh)I know exactly what you want to hear(oh oh oh oh)I"m gonna give it to you(woo) ~~ Baby girl its on tonight(woo) ~~ I"m(a) ~~ gonna keep you by my side(woo) ~~ Hold you close and do you rightTurn of all the lights and lay back while I blow your mind(woo) ~~ I can"t stop living this life(woo) ~~ Let"s do it you and I(woo) ~~ Cause baby I"m(a) ~~ make you mineGonna have to take a deep breath when I blow your mindShe left me on the floorKept me on my knees she"s begging for a little moreRoom was hot, the fire burningCan"t believe the girlShow you how to keep it goingI"m(a) rock your worldBaby the temperature is growing(oh oh oh oh)She leaned over and whispered in my ear...(oh oh oh oh)Gonna give it to you(woo) Baby girl its on tonight(woo) I"m(a) gonna keep you by my side(woo) Hold you close and do you rightTurn of all the lights and lay back while I blow your mind(woo) I can"t stop living this life(woo) Let"s do it you and I(woo) Cause baby I"m(a) make you mineGonna have to take a deep breath when I blow your mindCome on let and let it rideI feel it in your eyesSo tell me anything you wanna me cause there"s nothing that I wouldn"t do(Yeah yeah) Baby girl its on tonightAnd I"m(a) gonna keep you by my sideHold you close and do you rightTurn of all the lights and lay back while I blow your mind(woo) Baby girl its on tonight(woo) I"m(a) gonna keep you by my side(woo) Hold you close and do you rightTurn of all the lights and lay back while I blow your mind(woo) I can"t stop living this life(woo) Let"s do it you and I(woo) Cause baby I"m(a) make you mineGonna have to take a deep breath when I blow your mindCan"t stop living this lifeLet"s do it you and ICause baby im gonna make you mine gonna have to take a deep breath when I blow your mindTurn of all the lights and lay back while I blow your mindhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2178636



Blow Your Mind翻译

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