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能不能用,keep sb reminding的语法

不能。应该是 keep sb reminded (of sth) .如果一定是 keep sb reminding的话,就应该是 keep sb reminding himself / others (of sth)-----因为remind是及物动词,后面必须要有宾语himself / others 。没有宾语的话,就必须是keep sb reminded 。这就是英语。

we put up a board reminding people to pretect the

Put up doing sth

This silk scarf will __ me __China. A.remind; of B.remember; to C.reminding; of D.remembering ; to

A. remind me of







"What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind." 这句话什么意思?




(这是个机器人玩具的名称)lego mindstorms nxt这三个单词分别是什么意思?

lego 乐高公司 MIND STORMS 头脑风暴 NXT蓝牙机器人

willing mind 啥意思。


exercise is healthy for the mind and the body同义句转换

Exercise is the healthy body and spirit


FreeMind是一款支持导出PDF文件的思维导图软件,下面简单介绍如何使用FreeMind将思维导图导出为PDF文件:打开你想要导出的思维导图,单击“File”菜单,选择“Export”。在弹出的对话框中,选择“PDF”格式,并设置保存路径和文件名。点击“Export”按钮即可开始导出PDF文件。在导出过程中,你还可以设置页面大小、缩放比例、页边距等选项。导出完成后,你可以用任何支持PDF格式的软件来打开查看导出的PDF文件。通过以上步骤,就可以轻松地将FreeMind思维导图转换为PDF格式的文档了。值得注意的是,如果你的思维导图比较大,PDF文件大小可能会很大,需要耐心等待导出过程。推荐一款简单、高效、易用的全平台思维导图工具:MindNow思维导图下载入口:免费下载MindNow思维导图MindNow思维导图是一款 简捷 、高效、易用的全平台思维导图管理工具,提供丰富的布局、样式、主题、风格和模板等功能,助您专注于创意与灵感迸发,开拓思维性思考。功能特色:(1)多种脑图结构涵盖思维导图、向下分类图、树状图、组织架构图、鱼骨图等主流布局,满足多种使用场景(2)高颜值主题样式提供26种高颜值主题风格和背景,支持一键预览和美化脑图,帮您更好的将逻辑思维可视化(3)快捷键高效作图针对主题、画布、编辑和插入操作模块,提供40+种快捷键,简单方便又高效,提升创作效率(4)海量模板知识库覆盖读书笔记、职场技能、考研考证等20+细分领域,满足企业及个人知识库的多方位需求(5)简洁易用 快速上手提供简约模式和经典模式风格,兼容思维导图主流操作和功能,键控灵活,小白都能轻松上手(6)云端存储 随时分享一端创作多端实时同步,支持一键分享,可加密和设置分享权限,保护数据安全,满足多场景需求(7)多格式 导入导出支持Xmind、MindNow、Freemind等文件导入,可导出为高清图片、PDF、大纲等多种格式(8)大纲笔记 条理清晰  思维导图可一键转换大纲笔记,将思路化繁为简,轻松记录想法和创意,结构化呈现条理更清晰  操作步骤:  1.打开MindNow思维导图网站。  2.点击首页的“在线创作”,选择合适的思维导图画布;  3.编辑思维导图内容  (1)添加同级主题:选中主题进行添加,即可添加同级主题;选中中心主题后点击工具栏的“主题”按钮,为添加二级主题  (2)添加子主题:选中主题后点击工具栏的“子主题”按钮,即可添加子主题。  (3)编辑文本:双击主题后可对内容进行修改。  4.完善内容和切换风格  完善思维导图内容,及切换背景风格,MindNow思维导图提供在线实时保存功能,无需担心未保存导致数据丢失的情况。  5.导出与分享  可将制作好的作品进行导出或者分享给他人。点击右上角按钮即可进行操作。





xmind文件用什么打开 知乎


In my mind - milky的歌词 - -

纯手工翻译:《趁着夜色离开地球》呵呵,首发,意译 v1.00 If you were alien 如果你是外星人an extraterrestrial torn in two missing home 迷失了回家的路I would leave my world 我会离开我的世界board your silver rocket ship 乘上你的飞船blast off to the stars 飞向你的星球just we two 就我们两个便已足够If you were alien 如果你是外星人an intergalactic girl missing your friends way up there 找不到朋友的银河系女孩As I hold your hand 让我牵起你的手we"ll zip past the planets and pass the milky way 我们将会飞度行星穿越银河ork ‘n" alf"s malmack 听不懂的话语电波I"ll be with you 我会在你身边yes just we two 对就我们两个便已足够And steer clear of the ones ruled by apes 驶离这个灵长类生物操纵的星球Sha la la la la la la la la sha la la la la la laIf you were alien 如果你是外星人I"d call you my martian man 让我叫你火星人Bake banana cake as you drive us through the doom 穿越死亡边界的时候来烤个香蕉蛋糕Of scary asteroids that could smash us all apart 不去管那将撞碎我们的小行星When autopilot"s on we nap an hour or two 让它自动驾驶好了,我们来一两个小时的小憩But what if the world went pop? 你:爆炸了怎么办呢?…I"ll be with you 我:我会在你身边的Still do you really think that"d be enough?你: 这样就行了?…yes just we two 我:恩,就我们两个便已足够…we"ll start anew 让我们开始吧And steer clear of the ones ruled by apesSha la la la la la la la lasha la la la la la laSay goodbye to all night t.v. 向电视的晚间节目再见I guess I"ll miss my ma and pa 我想我会想念爸爸妈妈But as long as you are near me 但是只要你在我身边The distance won"t hurt as much 距离之痛不会伤我太深的If you were an alien girlI"d kiss your alien lipsAnd if you want to vacate this planet 如果你决心永远离开地球I don"t mind a one-way ticket 我不在乎永远不回来If you were an alien girl I"d call you my martian manIf you were an alien girlI"d call you my martian man

would you mind 回答能用OK吗

如果表示不介意的话应该用否定,入of course not./surely not等

would you mind后加主格吗?

主格?应该是宾格吧有这样的结构would you mind me doing=would you mind my doing sth

Would you mind....?(有没有这种说法呢?) Do you mind.......?(这个肯定对)要是有would you mi...

可以这么说,would u mind,比do u mind 委婉一些,没有错的。

怎么回答would you mind if....

肯定回答:Yes, I do mind.是的,我很介意。 肯定回答:No, not at all. 不介意。 例句: Did she mind not getting the job? 她没得到这份工作是不是很介意? The body and the mind interrelate. 身体与思想互相关联。 扩展资料   I don"t mind what we play, really.   我不介意咱们玩什么,真的。   Mind if I bum a cigarette?   讨根烟抽,不介意吧?   She had a brilliant mind.   她有极聪明的头脑。

Would you mind 后边 为什么 要+ my 啊


would you mind怎么回答? 如果是介意的话,应该用yes还是no 那不介意呢?

不用yes would you mind..这样请求的语气,不能用那么yes这么强烈的语气 如果介意,就是说 I"m afraid that...Oh,sorry ... 如果不介意,就说 Of course not Not at all

四。用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. Would you mind ____________ (gi

四。用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Would you mind ______give______ (give) me another one?2. Would you please _____not to speak_______ (not speak) so loudly?3. It"s ___really_______ (real) too bad.4. She shouldn"t_____speak____ to me like that.5. I want ____to play_______ ( play) baseball.6. I"m sure I will do _____better______(good) next time.7. When did you start ______skating____ (skate)?8. They"re sure ____to win______ (win ) tomorrow.9. Don"t eat too much before ___running______ (run).10. Would you mind ____not to open_________ (not open) the windows

表示委婉请求的句子Would you mind-----?怎样回答。

如果你介意你可以说 I do mind. 如果你不介意你可以用Of course not.

Would you mind my smoking here 为什么mind后面用my


would you mind后面为什么接动词的ing

很简单,这是固定用法。would you mind + 动词ing 如果你非要问个所以然来,很简单,英语和汉语一样,动词作谓语,动词后一定有一个作用体——名次代词等。动词的ing形式相等于一个名词。

would you mind和Do you mind的答语有哪些

not at All

would you mind doing......用什么回答


Would you mind.....?有这种说法吗?要是有的话,和Do you mind.....有什么区别


would you mind 和could you please的区别


请教whould you mind 后加to do 还是doing

是would you mind ,would 打错了!应该是doing

would you mind…………的回答(肯定和否定)

Would you mind opening the window? 肯定回答,表示可以的:No, please(不介意,请开吧). 否定回答,表示不可以的:Sorry,. (对不起,意思就是不可以开)

哪位可以帮助我Would you mind 用法?十分着急万分感谢!

would you mind doing sth

Would you mind.....?

当你同意这样做的时候可以用No,not at all 或 OK/that"s all right当你不同意这样做时用I wont"t do it

你介意我做某事吗?是Would you mind me doing sth 还是would uou

Would you mind帮你总结一下:1、Would you mind 后面一般加动词的进行式,即Would you mind + doing.例:Would you mind looking after my baby while I"m away? 我不在的时候,你介意不介意照看一下我的小孩?2、Would you mind + 名词宾格/形容词性物主代词 + doing.例:Would you mind me/my smoking here? 你介意我在这里抽烟吗? Would you mind me/my opening the window? 你介意我开窗户吗?3、Would you mind + if 从句。例:Would you mind if I smoke? 你介意我抽烟吗?Would you mind 句型一般用在面对陌生人时或者非常正式的场合,用来表达委婉、客气的意愿。

英语中,用“would you mind……”提问

如果不同意,表示介意时,常用“Sorry/I‘m sorry.”(对不起)及陈述某种理由来表示拒绝或反对.如: —Would you mind going to the movies this evening? 今晚去看电影好吗? —I‘m sorry. But I haven"t finished my homework yet. 对不起,我的作业还没有完成. 2) 如果不同意或不赞成某人做某事,就不要说“Yes,I mind”,应说“Sorry/I"m sorry”或“I wish you wouldn"t”,然后再陈述拒绝或反对的理由. 3 ) 如果表示介意uff64不同意或不赞成某人做某事,回答时一般不要说“Yes, I mind”,这种回答很不客气,不符合英美人的表达习惯uff61通常用“Sorry, but I do.”或“Sorry./I"m sorry./I wish you wouldn"t.”,然后最好再陈述某种表示拒绝或反对的理由uff61例如: —Do you mind if I *** oke here? 我在这里吸烟可以吗? —Sorry, but I do. 对不起,你不能uff61

-- It’s a bit cold. Would you mind my ________ all the windows?--- Do as you like ,please. A..


would you mind doing sth ?都有什么肯定和否定的回答



肯定回答:即不介意对方做某事时,常用not at all,certainly not,of course not等等。否定回答:即介意对方做某事时,常用I am sorry but...,I am afraid you can"t....等等。1.若表示“不介意”或“同意”时,常用否定形式,如: ①No,of course not. ②No,certainly not. ③No,not at all. ④No,go ahead. ⑤No,do as you like. ⑥No,indeed. ⑦No,please. ⑧No,I don"t mind. ⑨No,do it please. ⑩Not in the least. 2.若表示“介意”或“不同意”时,则常用较委婉的方式加以拒绝,如: ①I"m sorry but I do. ②Sorry,you"d better not. ③I"m afraid you can"t. ④I wish you wouldn"t…. ⑤I"m sorry,but it"s not allowed…. ⑥Yes,I do mind.

Would you mind my opening the windows?为什么这里用的是my?


would you mind me 和would you mind my 有什么区别?是否所有的人称在mind后面都可以用代词?

would you mind me 意思是你介意我……吗?用me 是因为mind是动词,动词后要跟人称代词宾格。would you mind my 后面要跟名词或动名词,因为my 是形容词性的物主代词。比如说:would you mind my playing the piano?我弹钢琴你介意吗?

would you mind ……句型的答语有哪些,请归纳一下,谢谢了

would you mind my/me doing sth? e.g. Would you mind my/me smoking here?回答不介意:Of course not. / No, not at all. / No, go ahead./That"s all right./ That"s OK.回答说介意:Yes, I do mind./Sorry, I"m afraid not./ Sorry, please don"t./ Better not, please./ I"d rather you didn"t.

would you please...和would you mind doing 的区别

注意用法搭配和使用语境的区别: Would you please【 do 】sth.请你做某事好吗? =Please do sth,will you? 正常情况下,主要用于口语和非正式文体,用来很客气的请求别人帮助.一般所求之事比较容易. 例如: Would you please give me a hand with the box? Would you mind 【doing】 sth?.你介意吗? =Could I trouble you to do sth 经常用于比较正式的场合、语气非常客气、委婉,或者提醒警告等.所涉及之事难度比较大或会给对方带来不便,或让对方不乐意.当用于表达让对方不乐意之事时,语气很重. 例如: Would you mind opening the door?It"s a little hot in the room. Would you mind stop smoking in the office? 不过,这两个很多情况下也可以互换,意思、功能基本一致. 祝你开心如意!

do you mind和would you mind的区别


would you mind和would you mind not的区别

两者的意思不同,前者是主观的表示爱好,后者是表示不喜欢或者不讨厌,当然两者的回答也不相同。would you like是表示你想要些什么吗?是主观上的,而且直接跟动词原形肯定回答:Yes, I"d like to.否定回答:No,thanks.would you mind是表示你不介意什么吗,是客观上的,加动词ing形式(现在分词)1. 若表示“不介意”或“同意”时,常用否定形式。如:① No, of course not. ② No, certainly not. ③ No, not at all.④ No, go ahead. ⑤ No, do as you like. ⑥ No, indeed.⑦ No, please.________⑧ No, I don"t mind. ⑨ No, do it please.⑩ Not in the least. 等。2. 若表示“介意”或“不同意”时,则常用较委婉的方式加以拒绝。如:① I"m sorry but I do. ② Sorry, you"d better not.③ I"m afraid you can"t. ④ I wish you wouldn"t ...⑤ I"m sorry, but it"s not allowed ... ⑥ Yes, I do mind. 等。其中,很少用Yes, I do mind来回答,因这种答语显得较生硬。

怎样回答would you mind 的句型

一般说来,同意用Yes, 不同意用No,这是许多同学牢记的一条重要规律。但是,对Do [Would] you mind... 来说,情况则完全相反。因为对Do [Would] you mind... 的回答,从本质上说是对 mind 的回答,也就是说,若同意对方的请求,应用 not mind(不介意),若不同意对方的请求,则用mind(介意)。通常的回答方式有(from www.yywords.com ): 1. 表示同意(即不介意)的答语: No, that"s all right. 不介意,没关系。 No, go ahead, please. 不介意,请……吧。 Certainly not. 当然不介意。 Of course not. 当然不介意。 No, not at all. 一点也不介意。 No, I don"t mind at all. 一点也不介意。 2. 表示不同意(即介意)的答语: Yes, I do mind. 是的,我介意。 Please don"t. 请别…… Better not, please. 请最好不要…… I"d rather you didn"t. 我宁愿你不要…… 请体会以下对话中的答语: A: Do you mind shutting the door? 请你关上门好吗? B: Certainly not. 好的(from www.yywords.com )。 A: Would you mind taking part? 请你参加你介意吗? B: No, I"d love to. 不介意,我很愿意参加。 A: Would you mind if I smoked [my smoking]? 我抽烟你介意吗? B: Oh, please don"t. 噢,请不要抽。

would you mind后面加的词

您好,would you mind 后面通常加 “人称代词”+ 动词的ing形式,表示一种征求、询问的意思。例如:would you mind me opening the window? 你是否介意我打开窗户? would you mind him smoking here? 你是否介意他在这里吸烟? 如果对您有所帮助,望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

would you mind的回答有几种

可以的回答: ok. sure, no problem. 不可以的回答: Sorry, I can"t. My hands are full. 2. Would you mind me sitting here? 不介意的回答: Not at all. No, I don"t. Of course not. I don"t mind. 介意的回答: sorry, this seat is taken.

Would you mind 的用法和句型.例句加翻译

would you mind 你介意…吗短语 Then Would You Mind那你能否Would you mind?你们不介意吧Would you mind doing你介意做某事吗Would you mind less noise能不能小Would you mind doing sth你介意…吗No. Would you mind不Would you mind cleaningyour room?作否定回答No. Would you mind?不例句Would you mind giving her a message?你介不介意给她带个口信?Would you mind if I sit out this dance?这支舞曲我不想跳了,你介意吗?Would you mind filling in the registration form?请您填一下住宿登记表好吗?Would you mind if I turn off the radio?要是关掉收音机你介意吗?。Would you mind giving me a lift to school?你介意我搭您的车到学校吗?Would you mind pressing the shutter for me?你介意替我按下快门吗?Would you mind cleaning the windshield, too?能把我的挡风玻璃擦一下吗?Would you mind my keeping it for another week?能让我再借一个星期吗?Would you mind telling me? And then I tell her.能告诉我吗?然后我转告她。Would you mind filling in the registration form?请您填一下住宿登记表好吗?Would you mind if I turn down the TV set a little?如果我把电视声音调低一点,你介意吗Would you mind telling me what Mr. Morton is like?你能告诉墨顿先生是怎样的一个人吗?Would you mind if I smoked in the office next door?如果我在隔壁办公室吸烟,你介意吗?Well, yes. Would you mind buying some fruit for me?如果你不介意的话,替我买些水果好吗?Would you mind giving (taking) him a message for me?请你替我带个口信给他好吗?。Would you mind repeating that? I didn"t quite latch on.这句话请你再说一遍好吗?我没完全听懂。Oh, she is eating now. Would you mind calling back later?噢,她正在吃饭。您能过会儿再打吗?Would you mind opening all of the suitcases, please, Sir?先生,请您打开所有的行李箱好吗?Would you mind telling me something about Valentine"s Day?你给我讲讲情人节可以吗?Would you mind saying that again, I didn"t quite latch on .请你再说一遍,我没有完全听懂。Would you mind giving me a glass of water and some aspirin?劳驾给我一杯水和一点阿司匹林好吗?Would you mind telling me how to use the automatic teller machine?您介意告诉我怎么使用自动柜员机吗?Sir, would you mind ha v in ga se at in thew a ating room for a moment?先生,请问您介意在休息室等一会儿吗?Would you mind picking up my schoolwork and bringing it over to my house?你愿意帮我到学校拿作业,然后带到我家来吗?Would you mind satisfying my curiosity on a point which has bothered me for some time?有个问题我百思不得其解,你愿意满足我的好奇心吗?I"m afraid all the private rooms are reserved. Would you mind a table in the main restaurant?恐怕所有的个别餐室都被订光了,您不介意在主厅用餐吧?I want you to download this file from the Internet. Would you mind if I use your computer this evening?我想请你帮我把这个文件从因特网上下载下来。你介意我今天晚上用一下你的电脑吗?I"m sorry. My Graber is delayed due to traffic. But Mr. Grabber called just now and said he would be back soon. Would you mind waiting?莫:很抱歉,格雷勃先生因交通阻塞未及时赶回,不过格雷勃先生打电话回来说他很快就到。请您稍等,好吗?



如何使用“Would you mind

Would (Do) you mind ...是一个非常重要的交际用语,用来表示委婉的请求,或用来表示希望得到对方的许可.运用好该句型,应注意以下四点:一、Would (Do) you mind后接doing sth.时,表示希望对方做某事.其中would 比 do语气更委婉,熟人之间说话时,可用do代替would.如:Would / Do you mind showing me the way to the airport?请你告诉我去机场的路好吗?二、Would (Do) you mind 后接one"s doing sth.时,用来请求允许或询问对方是否介意自己或别人做某事.其中形容词性物主代词one"s在口语中可用代词宾格担当动名词的逻辑主语.如:Would you mind my / me asking you a few questions?我请教你几个问题好吗?三、Would (Do) you mind 后接if从句时,也是用来表示请求对方是否介意某人做某事.其中在“Would you mind if 从句”句型中,从句谓语常用一般过去时,而“Do you mind if从句”句型中,从句谓语常用一般现在时.如:1.Do you mind if he attends the meeting?他参加会议好吗?(= Do you mind his attending the meeting?) 2.Would you mind if I took his place?我代替他好吗?(=Would you mind my taking his place?)四、关于如何回答该句型的问题.1.若表示“不介意”或“同意”时,常用否定形式.如:① No,of course not.② No,certainly not.③ No,not at all.④ No,go ahead.⑤ No,do as you like.⑥ No,indeed.⑦ No,please.________ ⑧ No,I don"t mind.⑨ No,do it please.⑩ Not in the least.等.2.若表示“介意”或“不同意”时,则常用较委婉的方式加以拒绝.如:① I"m sorry but I do.② Sorry,you"d better not.③ I"m afraid you can"t.④ I wish you wouldn"t ...⑤ I"m sorry,but it"s not allowed ...⑥ Yes,I do mind.等.其中,很少用Yes,I do mind来回答,因这种答语显得较生硬.

would you mind和would you mind not的区别

一个是问 “你介意XX吗”,另一个是“你介意不XX吗”1.Would you mind passing me the salt?2.Would you mind not making noises while I am talking?Would you mind 是客气的问别人介不介意做什么事情,一般是请人帮忙的意思.Would you mind not 是别人能不能不要做什么事情,一般是在指出别人在做一件不太合适的事情.

问句Would you mind 的答语有哪些

1.若表示“不介意”或“同意”时,常用否定形式.如:① No,of course not.② No,certainly not.③ No,not at all.④ No,go ahead.⑤ No,do as you like.⑥ No,indeed.⑦ No,please.________⑧ No,I don"t mind.⑨ No,do it please.⑩ Not in the least.等.2.若表示“介意”或“不同意”时,则常用较委婉的方式加以拒绝.如:① I"m sorry but I do.② Sorry,you"d better not.③ I"m afraid you can"t.④ I wish you wou

would you mind后面加什么

would you mind后面接动词-ing形式。would you mind意思是“你介意…吗;你介不介意”。Do (Would) you mind if句型用来表示请求对方的许可,即询问对方是否介意说话人做某事。用Do开头时表示说话人比较直率;用Would开头时则表示说话人语气较为委婉。 will与would用法完全归纳 1、表示意愿 will和would均可表示意愿,will用于指现在的意愿,would用于指过去的意愿。如: I"ll do anything that I can. 我愿做我能够做的任何事。 He will do anything except cook. 他什么都愿做,就是不愿做饭。 He asked if I would show him the way. 他问我是愿意可以给他带路。 按英语语法习惯,在条件状语从句中不能直接使用将来时态,而应用一般现在时表示将来意义,但表示“意愿”的will和would有时可用于条件句中。如: If you will wait a moment, I"ll fetch the money. 如果你能等一下,我就取钱去。 If he would try harder, I"m sure he"ll do well. 只要他能再努力一些,我相信他会做好的。 条件状语从句will的意思不是“将要”,而是“愿意”。注意,有时翻译可能会比较灵活,尤其是当用于if you will…这类结构时。如: If you will [would] follow me, I"ll show you the way. 请跟我来,我给你指路。 If you will [would] wait a moment I"ll see if Mr Jones is free. 请您稍候片刻,我看看琼斯先生是否有空。 2、表示拒绝 愿意做某事的反面是什么?就是拒绝。所以情态动词will和would的否定式won"t和wouldn"t可以用来表示拒绝——won"t用于现在或将来,wouldn"t用于过去。如: If he won"t listen to me, I can"t help him. 如果他不肯听我的话,我就不能帮他的忙。 He said that he wouldn"t lend me a penny. 他说过他一便士都不愿借给我。

Would you mind 的用法和句型.例句加翻译

Would you mind 后面一般加动词的进行式,即Would you mind + doing.例:Would you mind looking after my baby while I"m away? 我不在的时候,你介意不介意照看一下我的小孩?常用用法还有:1. Would you mind + 名词宾格/形容词性物主代词 + doing.例:Would you mind me/my smoking here? 你介意我在这里抽烟吗? Would you mind me/my opening the window? 你介意我开窗户吗?2.Would you mind + if 从句。例:Would you mind if I smoke? 你介意我抽烟吗? Would you mind if I were to say... 我这样说的话,你介意吗?Would you mind 句型一般用在面对陌生人时或者非常正式的场合,用来表达委婉、客气的意愿,不用在朋友之间,或者普通、随便的场合。注意:Would you mind 后面不能加不定式,即to do

would you mind的回答是什么?

1、肯定回答:即不介意对方做某事时,常用not at all,certainly not,of course not等等。例如:would you mind opening the window?你介意打开窗户吗?of course not.当然不介意了。2、否定回答:即介意对方做某事时,常用I am sorry but,I am afraid you can"t,yes, you"d better not。例如:would you mind my smoking here?你介意我在这儿吸烟吗?I am afraid you can"t.恐怕你不恩能够在这儿吸烟。词语用法would可用作助动词will的过去式,主要用于第二、第三人称,有时也用于第一人称(详见will)。用于陈述语气时可构成过去将来式、过去将来完成式、过去将来进行式。用于虚拟语气时,在“would+动词不定式的一般式〔完成式〕”结构中与should用法相同(详见should,但would主要用于第二、第三人称)。

为什么would you mind 后接my不接me

加me也可以.如:Would you mind my/me smoking here?你介意我在这儿抽烟吗?my/me smoking在语法上被称为动名词的复合结构,即在动名词前面加上

would you mind什么意思

would you mind翻译:你介意吗比如:Would you mind looking after my dog when I"m out?我外出的时候,你是否介意帮我照看一下我的狗?

Alexi Murdoch的《Blue Mind》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Mind歌手:Alexi Murdoch专辑:Time Without ConsequenceAlexi MurdochBlue Mindby Q3ACN|aZheGot no timeGot no mindFor the lineIn my lifeNo time to thinkTime for sleep nowTime to sink way into the blue, dearGot no timeGot no mindFor the lineIn this lifeNo time to thinkTime for sleep nowTime to sink way into the blue, dearSo watch your timeTime descendsLet it spill quietlyFrom your handsOh, and the time is at handWhen all things under the skyGo free of timeTime is passing you byGot no timeAnd I am driftingYes, I am driftingRemember when you were only a childRemember when you were only a childRemember when you were only a childStart to see with your blue mindStart to see with your blue mindDon"t be afraid of what you findNo, don"t be afraid of what you findCause I am driftingYes, I am driftingSlowly, slowly I am driftingSlowly, slowly I am driftingYes, slowly, slowly I am driftinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/20456439

xmind 激活不激活有区别吗

不知道你用的是那个版本的XMind,试用期过了吗?一半试用期都有30天的,还有就是有免费的,但是功能貌似不够强大的,你可以去看下xmind的激活状态了,xmindchina.net/xinshou/xmind-chakan-jihuo.html 然后在考虑其他的。

求这篇阅读完整的:working with a stressed mind is like swinmming with a jacket.....

Stress Relievers at WorkIn these times of economic slump, stress at work is inevitable. However, you can get over it. Stress busters at work are like breaths of fresh air, which energize you to get back to work, with renewed energy. In this article, you will find some activity ideas, that may help you beat the blues.The quality of work we do, depends on our state of mind. A buoyant and enthusiastic mood does wonders for your work. A stressed and tired mind, on the other hand, stagnates your work flow and deteriorates its quality. Working with a stressed mind is like swimming with a metal jacket on. On the other hand, an enthusiastic mind, free from job stress, is light like the wind, and can easily accomplish daily tasks. To relieve stress and lighten the mind, one must first understand its nature and the reasons why it builds up. Then one can easily work on ways to beat it. Stress has a lot of sources and it emanates from problems at workplace, to problems at home. It builds up from the mind"s incessant worrying habit about unfinished things, commitments, and lack of relaxation or rest. The antidote to it is fun, laughter, and relaxation. Here, I present some ideas that will surely give you relief from it, at work. Best Stress RelieversStress starts building up, when we start taking life too seriously. All you need is a sprinkling of laughter and adequate relaxation to beat it. One thing that can help you get some relief, is the fact that no matter how many commitments, responsibilities, and unfinished jobs you may have, you can only do one thing at a time. The way to get many things done is, to focus on one at a time and relax for a while, before you start the next one. Here are some of the best workplace stress busters. Talk it OutTalking to somebody and especially a close confidante, helps you relax. Especially, if you both are in the same boat and are under the same levels of stress at work. Your worries get divided by two. Having company helps. Being alone, all the time, freaks you out, which heightens stress levels. Talk and laugh about your predicament and chill out with your buddy. If you are an entrepreneur and your own boss, you need some good advisers around you, who know things and make sense. If there are none such at the workplace, let there be someone at home, who is a friend, philosopher, and guide you can talk to.Hit the GymWorking out is a great way of relaxing. If your workplace has a gym, take a break from work and work out for a short while, in the gym. Bench the stress with some bench press. If you do not have a gym around, just go to the terrace, get some fresh air and do some push ups or sit ups. Punch the air around you and let it all out. Trust me, it helps. Especially, if your work is of sedentary nature, working out is the best way of beating stress.MeditateNo matter how much chaos reigns around you, there is a tranquility zone, which you can enter any time you want. It is within you and it can be reached through meditation. Take a break and find a place at work or outside, where you will not be disturbed. You can even do this right there in your cubicle. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let go of all thoughts and if you must have any, think about the best things in your life. Think about your loved ones or any imagery that puts you naturally in a tranquil state of mind. Ten minutes spent in such a state will energize and relax you at the same time.Let Music Calm your NervesTaking a break and listening to some of your favorite music is also a great stress buster. Music has the power to take you into a whole new world, away from your daily worries. It is a great way of chilling out.Take A WalkStepping out of your workplace and taking a quiet walk, also helps. If there is a park around, go in there. Have some snacks sitting on a park bench. Move around, look at the world around you and forget your worries for a while. Let your legs get some exercise and mind some relief. A walk works for me, as it also clears my thoughts about things. You could listen to music while you are at it. Try it out. Sleep SoundlyIf you have had a sound sleep (at least 8 hours), you automatically reduce the stress that builds up from a tired and sleep-deprived brain. No matter what happens, get your eight hours of sleep. You will be fresh as a daisy when you wake up and ready to take on work and pretty much anything life throws at you. Having adequate sleep will surely help.Let there Be LaughterWhere there is laughter, there is no stress. That is a very simple rule. Do not take life too seriously. Smile and be merry, that you are alive. Crack some jokes around in the workplace, once in a while. Smile, when you see people around. It spreads positive energy. Life is too short, enjoy it while you can. Have a Life Beyond the WorkplaceOne of the prime reasons of stress at work is making work, your life. If you are going to think about nothing other than work all the time, there is bound to be stress. If you do not get a life beyond work, in which you can chill out, you will face a burnout problem, some years down the line. So, switch off thoughts about work after you leave office and get a life beyond it. Work hard, but party hard at times too. Have a social life and a work life, and keep them apart.The key to achieving stress relief is finding balance in life and shutting out the chaos around you, through the "One thing at a Time" philosophy.

you must mind what your teacher say .请问这是复合句对吗?say 需要变成says 吗?谢谢




麦浚龙着用mastermind japan的鞋

masterming japan一般的东西都是上万的.~这双应该都要一万+..高仿的话.内行人的话就知道高仿.普通人应该看不出.不过高仿的料子应该不会好到哪里去.(我买过高仿的东西,质量不好)Juno最喜欢mastermind japan的.所以买的应该是限量版的.应该没得卖.





mastermind japan属于奢侈品的类别么 例如LV之类的

低调的奢侈mastermind japan!我认为MMJ可以算作奢侈品,因为它的价格不是普通人能承受的。它甚至可以称为潮人的终极品牌!它就是MMJ!!!!

澳门的MASTERMIND JAPAN在哪里?里面的东西贵吗?通常价位在多少?

mastermind JAPAN介绍

在未正式创立mastermind JAPAN之前,设计师本间正章(Masaaki HOMMA)就于YOHJI YAMAMOTO担任了八年售货员。本间正章明白到一个品牌的成功是需要顾客接受,肯买肯穿才算是真正的成功。   当在1997年,当本间正章离开了YOHJI YAMAMOTO后,就成立有限公司“mastermind JAPAN CO.,Ltd.”,并创立品牌mastermind JAPAN。    在品牌开始的初期,mastermind JAPAN的销售成绩一直未如理想,但本间正章并没有因而放弃,反而更努力钻研用料、手工、设计各方面的制作过程,务求提高mastermind JAPAN的商品质数,将最好的时装供给顾客。度过了数个事业失意的年头,mastermind JAPAN就转战欧洲,并于2001年踏入时装之都巴黎。   虽然mastermind JAPAN首个展示会成功招揽到不少欧洲及海外买手的注目,但可惜接受预订的顶单也是廖廖可数。直至翌年,当本间正章荣获时装大赏“NEO-COLOR GRAND PRIX WINNER”以后,mastermind JAPAN于国内及海外人气急升,再加上有名的STYLIST、时尚名人名所推崇,还有夹杂着骷髅的盛世热潮底下,mastermind JAPAN随即晋升为日本HI-END品牌前列位置。   现在的mastermind JAPAN已是日本国内远至海外的知名品牌,过去曾合作的单位更是数不胜收,名单包括藤原浩的FRAGMENT、中村世纪的VISVIM、滨中三郎的roar、时尚杂志《SENSE》、巴黎贵族包包品牌GOYARD、梦幻乐园迪士尼、电单车公司REDBRO等等,是一个多元化着重质数高贵时尚的超人气品牌。 ——Mastermind Japan X Converse All StarMastermind Japan X Converse 100周年限量纪念款 少有的浮夸CRYSTAL TEE,白色的棉质质地Mastermind Japan X Converse All Star只在日本的Bobos Shop限量发行Mastermind Japan X Converse 图案短袖TEE:NUMBER(N)INE Mastermind Japan X Converse 100周年限量纪念款 N(N)经典款式TEE,面料舒适,上身效果极佳。 白色麋鹿印花TEE:NUMBER(N)INE Mastermind Japan X Converse 100周年限量纪念款 拉链摇滚TEE:DSQUARED2 Mastermind Japan X Converse 100周年限量纪念款 新颖的拉链设计,效果极为抢眼。侧面摇滚的插图,充满了野性的气息土星印花T恤:Vivienne Westwood Mastermind Japan X Converse 100周年限量纪念款 土星喷绘的图案,在夏季搭配牛仔裤特别的亮眼。 图案短袖TEE:NUMBER(N)INE Mastermind Japan X Converse 100周年限量纪念款 N(N)经典款式TEE,面料舒适,上身效果极佳。

mastermind和mastermind JAPAN 有什么不一样


mastermind world为什么那么便宜


mastermind和mastermind japan的区别?是一个牌子吗?还是说一个牌子的两个系列


我有个C++ 的问题急求!!!! 我在用c++编mastermind



1,roen这个牌子和mmj没什么大关系 只不过 有的方面比较相似 例如 roen跟mastermind japan 的logo都是骷髅 也同属黑暗的潮流牌子 类似的还有双抢roar 等等 roen的价格来说要比mastermind japan便宜不少 但roen的品质绝不差 这是真的 2,我个人觉得mastermind japan 更牛逼 玩潮牌的人都知道 mmj是潮流牌子里 最贵的一家 hi潮牌 像bape , cdg的play ,stussy 等等知名潮牌在价位上跟他差悬了 举个例子 牛仔裤 mmj的水洗要十三万多 bape的话只要三万左右(好多都是两万7,8千 还有4万多的) 不到mmj零头 mmj主要是限量 品质好(据说相当牛的用料 我没穿过这牌子 不感多说话 但是在专门店看过 的确不一样 贵的要死 奢侈品的价位 ) 走高端路线 还有名人穿等等 3,我觉得穿roen的确不错了 品质很棒 今天出去逛街还看到一家店铺有roen的东西呢 我看了看质量 相当不错了 不过只是t恤和内裤 也很低调的 看上去非常有档次 我想送你男朋友 他一定会喜欢的 自己女朋友送的 一定的 哈哈 希望我的回答够能帮助你 若是还有不明白的 希望你继续提出 我会尽力帮助你解答的


mastermind JAPAN 上海专卖店:南京西路225号



mastermind和mastermind japan有什么区别?

MASTERMIND是香港的,..,,,,, MASTERMIND JAPAN 是世界著名的潮牌..日本牌子. 万元级的 但还是一个品牌只是他们的地区位置不同所以后面的加的有JAPAN的字样用于区别日版和港版的....日版的是时尚奢侈品牌...而港版的却是一般的牌子,大众价格...

Nas的《Mastermind》 歌词

歌曲名:Mastermind歌手:Nas专辑:God"S SonArtist: NasAlbum: God"s SonSong: MastermindUh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh...A Mastermind - Sees it coming before it comesA Mastermind - Before he go to war he counts his oneA Mastermind - Everything planned out perfect, in case y"all niggaz got to get murderedA Mastermind - Sleeps at night, real easyA Mastermind - Cause everything he does is by the bookA Mastermind - Never do a thing irrational, lives forever, these tales are classicalVelvet bowties, bulletproofs in the tux, when I roll byIn car similar to a suanas, in my diamondsAnd my principal is to study dramaLook what happened in ManhattanA couple of years ago when guns started clappin"Two of my dogs fell, two of my niggaz ranThey was amatures in beef with a grown manIt taught me the lessons of how the strong standAnd how the weak, end up in a coffinPlay it cool, that"s the old school rule, manKeep your ears to the street, y"all never lose manMake your enemies believe there"s love thereCause in war, belief is all fairRock them to sleep, shots in your jeepAnd you ain"t never know the plot was from meIt"s from my MastermindsA Mastermind - Sees it coming before it comesA Mastermind - Before he go to war he counts his oneA Mastermind - Everything planned out perfect, in case y"all niggaz got to get murderedA Mastermind - Sleeps at night, real easyA Mastermind - Cause everything he does is by the bookA Mastermind - Never do a thing irrational, lives forever, these tales are classicalIt ain"t a game it"s the lifeThink it"s a game, you layinAnd I"m nice on that black stone merloToast to my hero Nat TurnerWhether below zero, gave the keys to KelisWhispered in her earlobe, drive onCause she the wife and they the freaksThe underneath my girl caliberThey smiled at her and said "Goodbye"With niggaz who thug or die, they wild as usMy bodyguards are my Denali trucksKnownin" that I"m surrounded by OG"s that I don"t really get down withThey got a seperate table for their freaks bought them drinksSo we could talk man-to-man so real niggaz could linkI knew, they kill hos too like Rae CarruthThey used to spray troops, now they managing groupsThe main nigga sunny had big money since "82Had two of my dogs whacked, nothing I could doThat was back when I had no crew, I switch thatNow I"m strong with niggaz who felt Sonny was wrongMy money"s long his money is weak, he"s losing sleepTrying to feel me out, to see what it"s gonna beBut I"m a MastermindA Mastermind - Sees it coming before it comesA Mastermind - Before he go to war he counts his oneA Mastermind - Everything planned out perfect, in case y"all niggaz got to get murderedA Mastermind - Sleeps at night, real easyA Mastermind - Cause everything he does is by the bookA Mastermind - Never do a thing irrational, lives forever, these tales are classicalI live a clean life, I don"t even steal cableI speak for myslef, my niggaz will slay youLucky us, this rap done worked out fineFEDs, check me out, it"s no dirt y"all findThis King Of New York shit only last 15 minutesEvery nigga get burned, but it"s what you did with itNiggas who brillant, came in and killed itMade millions ever three months, new juryI"m low, smoking blueberry, with a hoWho know a few scary individuals eerie as she gets into itSquares they into voodooShe says a Hail Mary and she says she knew whoWould come and try to kill you tooA Mastermind - Sees it coming before it comesA Mastermind - Before he go to war he counts his oneA Mastermind - Everything planned out perfect, in case y"all niggaz got to get murderedA Mastermind - Sleeps at night, real easyA Mastermind - Cause everything he does is by the bookA Mastermind - Never do a thing irrational, lives forever, these tales are classicalhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9681614



mastermind world是什么档次

Mastermind World是一个在2017年成立的品牌,简称MMW,主要针对海外市场,设计延续了Mastermind Japan经典的“暗黑风”和“骷髅”元素。Mastermind Japan全称mastermind JAPAN,成立于1997年,2013年停产,在2017年初以Mastermind World的身份复出。MMW属于中高端档次,价格在200-2000元不等。
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