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former和previous officer和official

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 这两族词语的区别 解析: former:of an earlier time previous:happening or existing at an earlier time officer:a person in a position of mand in the armed forcesofficial:a person who holds a position of responsibility

我下载 麦典摄像头驱动文件显示 3-USB2.0 PC Camera(0051.2010.0812.3023)[后缀名改成.exe] 怎么改啊 谢谢

第一步:打开我的电脑-工具-文件夹选项-查看-把在隐藏已知文件类型扩展名前面的的勾勾去掉,点确定第二步,打开你要改名的那个文件所在的文件夹,右击文件名,选“重命名”, 把后缀名改为“。exe”

安装摄像头时候出现.pc camera 此设备的配置不正确.(代码1.)


在电脑中有黄色 感叹号! USB 2.0 pc camera 是什么意思?


谁知道PC Camera是啥意思?谢谢!

电脑 摄像头

宏基笔记本e1-571g摄像头黑屏 摄像头设备显示spca2082 pc camera 驱动怎么弄 求大神指教




我刚买的摄像头,上面写着PC CAMERA USB2.0 5.0MEGA PIXEL,不知该怎么装,谁给提供一款适合的驱动?



When the father of the teenager Sam Witwicky gives an old Camaro to him, he has a chance to give a ride to his schoolmate Mikaela Banes and participate of an ancient war of robots on planet Earth. His car is actually the Autobot Bumblebee, leaded by Optimus Prime, and they are in war against the evil Deceptions, leaded by Megatron. Both races are seeking the cube Allspark with opposite intentions: the Autobots intend to protect the human beings, while the Deceptions want to destroy them.另一个版本:When teenager Sam Witwicky buys his first car, what he doesn"t know, is that it"s actually an alien robot. This isn"t the only alien to arrive on Earth. Optimus Prime and a fellow group of transforming robots have arrived in search of the AllSpark. But, Optimus Prime and his Autobots aren"t the only aliens to appear. Megatron and the Decepticons are also searching for the AllSpark, and it would do anything to get it, even if it means destroying the city.第三个版本:A long time ago, far away on the planet of Cybertron, a war was being waged between the noble Autobots (led by the wise Optimus Prime) and the devious Decepticons (commanded by the dreaded Megatron) for control over the Allspark, a mystical talisman that would grant unlimited power to whoever possessed it. The Autobots managed to smuggle the Allspark off the planet, but Megatron blasted off in search of it. He eventually tracked it to the planet of Earth (circa 1850), but his reckless desire for power sent him right into the Arctic Ocean, and the sheer cold forced him into a paralyzed state. His body was later found by Captain Archibald Witwicky, and before going into a comatose state Megatron used the last of his energy to engrave a map, showing the location of the Allspark, into the Captain"s glasses, and send a transmission to Cybertron. He is then carted away by the Captain"s ship. A century later, Sam Witwicky, nicknamed Spike by his friends, buys his first car. To his shock, he discovers it to be Bumblebee, an Autobot in disguise who is to protect Spike, as he bears the Captain"s glasses and the map carved on them. But Bumblebee is not the only Transformer to have arrived on Earth - in the desert of Qatar, the Decepticons Blackout and Scorponok attack a U.S. military base, causing the Pentagon to send their special Sector Seven agents to capture all "specimens of this alien race," and Spike and his girlfriend Mikaela find themselves in the middle of a grand battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons, stretching from Hoover Dam all the way to Los Angeles. Meanwhile, within the depths of Hoover Dam, the cryogenically stored form of Megatron awakens更多请看这里:

我的电脑装上pc camera usb188的摄像头驱动,但是,打开摄像头运行一会就出现了蓝屏死机的现象


电脑视频插上后,显示的是Win2 USB2.0 PC Camera ,视频无法用,安装驱动也不行。求高手解答。

如果知道摄像头品牌型号的话 可通过型号来查找对于市面比较少见的摄像头驱动,如果实在找不到型号 ,可以使用下面方法在任务管理器--图像处理设备中通过摄像头的硬件ID来查找。以硬件id为关键字搜索即可找到对应的芯片厂商,然后搜索采用相同芯片方案的驱动下载就行了。只要芯片相同不管哪个牌子的都可通用 下面图中就是中星微301芯片的 找到驱动后 安装前 先卸载掉以前装过的驱动 设备管理器 摄像头设备上 右键 卸载 双击Setup.exe安装程序 进行安装 如果没有Setup.exe安装程序 则在设备管理器中 右键 更新驱动 手动安装 搜索中包含 浏览定位到驱动所在文件夹即可

装了usb pc camera,但摄像头还是不能用,不知如何驱动它。

装个超级兔子~~有驱动还原的功能~~~我前几天也是你这个问题 用这方法解决了 希望能帮到你~~



怎样把笔记本电脑的pc camera 改为 easy camera?


联想电脑PC Camera


手机连接电脑后,出现PC Camera项,点击启动没有反应。请高手回答怎样应用?

你是要把 手机 当电脑摄像头用吗? 应该有两选项的,另一个是 传输文件吧,要是传东西就点另一个选项。至于pc camera 没反应可能是哪坏了

手机pc camera


为什么摄像头老是出现控制器没有足够的带宽供 usb pc camera (zs0211)使用 ??

通常来说,硬件自带的驱动比其它来源的驱动要好一些,适用一些,因为它是根据硬件自身量身自做的,但在现实操作中,也不一定完全是这样。 出现超出了 usb 控制器带宽的现象,一般来说是因为驱动程序是没有经过数字签名的,也就是说。该驱动没有通过Microsoft 的windows硬件质量实验室(WHQL)测试。没有在外包装上和设备自身上显示“为 Microsoft Windows XP 设计”徽标的硬件产品。这样的产品无法保证与 Microsoft Windows 操作系统兼容。 安装没有 Microsoft 数字签名的设备驱动程序可能会使系统无法使用,容许病毒进入计算机,或者立即或一段时间后损害计算机的正确操作。 控制器没有足够的带宽供摄像头使用,经查证它要求有12%的总线带宽。而它默认使用的带宽为10%,所以应该停用一个USB设备才能保证摄像头的使用。 那么怎么解决这个问题呢?其实很简单,就是找一个其它的摄像头的驱动,最好是经过微软验证签字了的,安装上去后,摄像头就有可能正常使用了。 这是因为,原先自带的虽然是自身量做的,但制作的生产厂家由于制作软件技术不过关,不能正确生产与之配套的驱动,所以,有时其它生产厂家的驱动有时还会更适应些。 按我的经验选用不是硬件自带的驱动要注意如下几点: 1, 安装驱动时,要选择可靠点的。一是经杀毒软件杀毒没有病毒的,二是要尽量选择的驱动比原先的高档的同类产品的,最好是经过微软验证签字了的。三是驱动文件没有损坏的,如光盘有划痕,驱动软件刻录不好等。 2, 安装驱动时,要按添加硬件的步骤来,如:在我的电脑上单击右键-属性-硬件-添加硬件向导-下一步-是硬件已连接好-下一步-点选所要安装驱动的硬件。。。。。。让电脑自动搜寻硬件的驱动,如搜寻不到,则不能自己从光盘中点选安装。否则,硬件与驱动不兼容,不能达到理想的效果,甚至不能使用。 3, 安装其它硬件所带的驱动,不一定一张就能成功的,所以要有多张可供选择的硬件驱动,以保证它的成功。 4, 安装可以使用后,要注意少用最好是不用超级兔子之类的工具软件,进行清理注册表,删除硬盘里的垃圾文件,这样易造成文件损坏。使之失去最佳的使用效果。 建议这位朋友可以小心拆开摄像头,看一下主控制芯片是什么型号的,再上网查找合适的驱动。

pc camera 是干什么用的?


什么是pc camera?

pc是电脑 camera 是摄像头



usb2.0 pc camera 是什么意思呀!

USB2.0 PC Camera应该分开来理解,USB2.0 是传输协议,PC Camera是指电脑摄像头,合起来就是支持USB2.0协议的电脑摄像头!!!

Pc camera 是什么意思?

电脑网络视频功能 电脑摄像头功能:电脑网络视频功能(PC-CAMERA)、视频会议(此功能可选)。 供应数码摄像头...供应数码摄像头PC-CAMERA...供应数码摄像头PC-CAMERA[详细参数]

pc camera是什么意思啊










with the summer vacation approaching中approaching与summer vacation 是什

这是with构成的后面非谓语动词的伴随结构,非谓语与主语the summer vacation是主动关系,所以用-ing形式。随着暑假临近。

Belle Ile En Mer Marie Galante 歌词的中文翻译~!!!

[反覆]美丽海上岛 (在法国本土西海岸 外海)玛莉嘉隆 (在法属西印度群岛)圣文森 (加勒比海的岛国)遥远的新加坡 (在南太平洋)西摩岛 (太平洋以东 厄瓜多属地) 和 锡蓝 (昔日的斯里兰卡)你们是 因为 海的缘故与世界其他地方分开过著与世隔离的生活...我某些儿时的记忆停滞在法国那冷暴的缺乏宽恕容忍的经历分化著我咖啡, 淡咖啡色搅溶于奶的淡咖啡过著跟其他法国白人不一样的童年恰如你们 我熟悉这种孤单且 与世隔绝的感伤[反覆]就像孤海中被遗忘的海盗 独居荒岛那麼些微微的孤独冷寂爱 就在我眼前逝去爱 就在我眼前逝去远远地疏离着孩子恰如你们,孤寂的岛屿,隔距遥望无法触及我熟悉这种感伤孤独和隔绝[反覆]卡鲁迪亚 (在加勒比海)喀里多尼亚 (法国在大西洋西南部的一个海外属地)乌诶颂 (法国本土西北的小岛)海上所有无人的荒岛兀自孤存每时每刻,一直,永永远远怨水怨水令你们隐忍分离在水一方噢噢

Intel Core2 Duo(Merom) T5870(2.0GHz)玩网络游戏可以么比如热血江湖


core TM和core(penryn),meron的区别与联系

总的来说,Merom是65nm工艺的晶体管,而Penryn用的是45nm工艺,和Montevina(就是最新的迅驰II代),另外Penryn和Montevina一样,都加入了对SSE4.1指令集的支持,并且全线是800MHz的前端总线,而Merom核心有很多是667MHz甚至533MHz的前端总线. 从命名来说,Merom核心的处理器被市场命名为迅驰4 (Santa Rosa平台), Penryn核心的处理器被市场命名为迅驰4.5 (Santa Rosa Refresh平台), 而Montevina核心的处理器被命名为迅驰二代. Penryn 和Merom是CPU的处理方式。这两个同为第四代迅驰双核移动平台处理技术。 而Penryn沿用了Merom的core微架构,与上一代Merom核心处理器最大的区别在于,英特尔Penryn处理器采用了领先的45nm制程工艺,引入了High-K金属栅级技术简单说,Merom是Intel在处理器65nm产品的代号;而Penryn则是45nm的代号笔记本CPU得核心代号。Merom核心的一般叫做 酷睿2。另一个叫做 博锐对于INTEL处理器来说,T的意思是一般版处理器,P是低功耗版处理器。T的功耗为35W,P的功耗为25W

处理器:Intel Core2 Duo(Merom) T5800(2.0GHz) 核心架构:Mer


Intel Core2 Duo(Merom) T6570(1.8G)与Intel Core2 Duo(Penryn) T6570(2.1G)那个好一些



Intel酷睿2系列移动双核CPU 规格表 型号 核心 双核 工艺 主频 L2 FSB Core 2 Duo U7500 Merom 双核 65nm 1.06 GHz 2MB 533MHz Core 2 Duo U7600 Merom 双核 65nm 1.20GHz 2MB 533MHz Core 2 Duo U7700 Merom 双核 65nm 1.33GHz 2MB 533MHz Core 2 Duo T5200 Merom 双核 65nm 1.60GHz 2MB 533MHz Core 2 Duo T5300 Merom 双核 65nm 1.73GHz 2MB 533MHz 533MHz前端总线的酷睿2只有T5200、T5300和U系列,T5200和T5300定位为入门级市场,基本上只有入门级笔记本电脑会搭配这两款CPU。Intel酷睿2系列移动双核CPU 规格表 型号 核心 双核 工艺 主频 L2 FSB Core 2 Duo L7200 Merom 双核 65nm 1.33GHz 4MB 667MHz Core 2 Duo L7400 Merom 双核 65nm 1.50GHz 4MB 667MHz Core 2 Duo T5250 Merom 双核 65nm 1.50GHz 2MB 667MHz Core 2 Duo T5450 Merom 双核 65nm 1.66GHz 2MB 667MHz Core 2 Duo T5500 Merom 双核 65nm 1.66GHz 2MB 667MHz Core 2 Duo T5550 Merom 双核 65nm 1.83GHz 2MB 667MHz Core 2 Duo T5600 Merom 双核 65nm 1.83GHz 2MB 667MHz Core 2 Duo T5750 Merom 双核 65nm 2.00GHz 2MB 667MHz Core 2 Duo T7200 Merom 双核 65nm 2.00GHz 4MB 667MHz Core 2 Duo T7400 Merom 双核 65nm 2.16GHz 4MB 667MHz Core 2 Duo T7600 Merom 双核 65nm 2.33GHz 4MB 667MHz 667MHz前端总线的酷睿2有L7000系列、T5000系列和T7000系列,其中667MHz前端总线的L7000系列和T7000系列都有4MB的二级缓存,而667MHz前端总线的T5000系列只有2MB二级缓存。由于L系列属于低电压版,基本上都是搭配在小型笔记本电脑上,联想就推出了一批采用L系列的小型笔记本电脑,屏幕尺寸都在12英寸以下。Intel酷睿2系列移动双核CPU 规格表 型号 核心 双核 工艺 主频 L2 FSB Core 2 Duo L7300 Merom 双核 65nm 1.40GHz 4MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo L7500 Merom 双核 65nm 1.60GHz 4MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo L7700 Merom 双核 65nm 1.80GHz 4MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo T5270 Merom 双核 65nm 1.40GHz 2MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo T5470 Merom 双核 65nm 1.60GHz 2MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo T7100 Merom 双核 65nm 1.80GHz 2MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo T7250 Merom 双核 65nm 2.00GHz 4MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo T7300 Merom 双核 65nm 2.00GHz 4MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo T7500 Merom 双核 65nm 2.20GHz 4MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo T7700 Merom 双核 65nm 2.40GHz 4MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo T7800 Merom 双核 65nm 2.60GHz 4MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo X7800 Merom 双核 65nm 2.60GHz 4MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo X7900 Merom 双核 65nm 2.80GHz 4MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo T8100 Penryn 双核 45nm 2.10GHz 3MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo T8300 Penryn 双核 45nm 2.40GHz 3MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo T9300 Penryn 双核 45nm 2.50GHz 6MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo T9500 Penryn 双核 45nm 2.60GHz 6MB 800MHz Core 2 Duo X9000 Penryn 双核 45nm 2.80GHz 6MB 800MHz 800MHz前端总线的酷睿2产品线是最混乱的,其中不仅有Merom核心的酷睿2,还有Penryn核心的酷睿2,有L7000系列、T5000系列、T7000系列、T8000系列、T9000系列和X系列,属于更新换代的交汇点。 首先,800MHz前端总线的酷睿2全部都是符合第四代Centrino(迅驰)标准Santa Rosa的CPU,而采用Penryn核心的T8000、T9000系列还属于第四代升级版Santa Rosa Refresh标准。Merom核心的酷睿2工艺是65nm,Penryn核心的酷睿2工艺是45nm。 800MHz前端总线的L7000系列酷睿2有三款,目前在中国市场上采用800MHz前端总线、L7000系列低电压版CPU的笔记本电脑好像只有联想推出过。差不多是和品牌挂钩的一个系列。 800MHz前端总线的T5000系列只有两款T5270和T7470,这两款CPU是Intel为了向下延伸Santa Rosa产品线而推出的产品,定位于中低端市场,频率较低,而且只有2MB二级缓存,是Santa Rosa系列CPU中规格最低的。 800MHz前端总线的T7000系列属于Santa Rosa的主流系列,除了T7100以外都有着4MB的二级缓存。属于最完整的Santa Rosa标准CPU。 T8000系列和T9000系列全部都是采用的Penryn核心,全部都是45nm工艺、双核心,都属于Santa Rosa Refresh标准CPU。它们的差别在于T8000系列有3MB二级缓存,T9000系列配有高达6MB的二级缓存。T8000系列属于中端市场产品,T9000系列属于高端市场产品。X系列属于顶级系列,搭配X系列酷睿2移动CPU的笔记本电脑绝对都是天价。

CPU核心 penryn与merom有什么不同?哪种性能较好?

penryn 这个好,是45NM的,而merom 是65nm的,相对来说第一个功耗低,性能也得到提升,具体的太多不好讲,可参考百度百科:

CPU核心Merom和 Penryn 哪个好些?



Penryn 和Merom是CPU的处理方式。这两个同为第四代迅驰双核移动平台处理技术。 而Penryn沿用了Merom的core微架构,与上一代Merom核心处理器最大的区别在于,英特尔Penryn处理器采用了领先的45nm制程工艺,引入了High-K金属栅级技术简单说,Merom是Intel在处理器65nm产品的代号;而Penryn则是45nm的代号笔记本CPU得核心代号。Merom核心的一般叫做 酷睿2。另一个叫做 博锐对于INTEL处理器来说,T的意思是一般版处理器,P是低功耗版处理器。T的功耗为35W,P的功耗为25W


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 硬件 解析: Merom是core 2 duo的移动处理器 也就是用在笔记本上的型号 用在台式机上的就是扣肉

Of necessity, colonial America was a projection of Europe.怎么翻译?

美国殖民地是欧洲的一个投影。projection 投影


首先,Unity中不存在2D和3D工程的区别。为什么这么说呢?在Unity中,2D和3D只是一种视角上的转换,所有的物体都是有3D坐标信息的,在Vector3转为Vector2,并且视图方式由透视变为正交的时候,Z轴信息就没有意义了,也就从3D变为了2D。新建时的2D和3D选项,只是Unity提供的两种类型的默认场景,只要你愿意,可以随时随地自由切换!2D模式:层级视图中只有一个正交摄像机(Projection选择的是Orthographic)。场景视图选择的是2D模式。Window-;Lighting-;Scene中的Skybox是none。AmbientSource是灰色。下面的GI选项没有选中。3D模式:层级视图中有一个透视摄像机(Projection选择的是Perspective),并且还有一个线性光源模拟太阳光。场景视图中没有选择2D模式。Window-;Lighting-;Scene中的Skybox是Default。AmbientSource是Skybox。下面的GI选项都是选中的。上面的区别可能不是太完全,不过只要你对这些参数进行一下修改,你就大概能知道Unity中2D模式和3D模式的区别了。在真正做项目时,2D和3D并不是工程的类型,只是场景的显示方式而已。如果要详细去了解Unity中的3D和2D,可以多了解一下 天空盒,正交摄像机、透视摄像机 以及 Unity中的光源类型。

Freddie Mercury是同性恋吗

“同性恋歌手皇后乐队主唱Freddie Mercury经典名曲Bohemian Rhapsody ”由此可以看出答案是的

Donna Summer的《Last Dance》 歌词

歌曲名:Last Dance歌手:Donna Summer专辑:The Donna Summer AnthologyDo we know more than we knew thenOr do we know less and we just pretendShould I ignore my heart and walk awayYour eyes tell me more than words will ever sayShould we take a chance and dance the last danceShould we spend the night one more timeCaught up in this romanceOr maybe wait and seeLet it be, the way that it will beShould we take a chance and dance the last danceHow can I be wrong when I feel the way I feelHow can I deny emotion that"s so realIn the middle of the night I call out your nameDo I ever cross you mind do, do you feel the sameLike we should take a chance and dance the last danceShould we spend the night one more timeCaught up in this romanceOr maybe wait and seeLet it be, the way that it will beShould we take a chance and dance the last danceLet me goCome to meWhich way is the way that it should beThis is so bitter sweetThere"s no that way we will ever know for sureUnless we take a chance and dance the last danceWe should spend the night one more timeCaught up in this romanceOr maybe wait and seeLet it be, the way that it will beShould we take a chance and dance the last dance

laura mercier 眼部遮瑕膏好不好用啊


用ncbi 的 primer 设计引物 怎样才能把我要的这段序列全部扩出来


如何用Python构造hash表解决DNA k-mer问题

思路:1、首先采用命A=0,C=1,G=2,T=3. 就相当于4进制数字,然后采用karp-Rabin算法转换成唯一十进制数字。由于用此算法的哈希函数为:hash(value)=value*(4^(k-q-1));value是该字符对应的值,k是kmer长度,q是此字符在字符串的位置范围在[0-(q-1)]。然后把一个kmer里面所有字符的hash值求和就行了。2、那么很容易看出来,对于连续的下害常愤端莅得缝全俯户一个Kmer,就有推理公式了 hashNew=addValue+(hashOld-deleteValue*(4^(k-1)))*4; hashNew就是往右平移一个字符的kmer hash值,hashOld就是平移之前的值,addValue就是平移后右边多的一个字符,deleteValue就是平移后左边少的一个字符。这样整个hash表建立的时间复杂度约为O(m+k),m是整个文本长度。3、由于kmer长度如果过长,其hash值过大,会造成内存不够溢出的现象,所以kmer内部定死为10 。那么问题就来了,如何应对不同的kmer值。分三种情况。第一种:q>10 这种可以将kmer以10为单位,将hash表中对应值取出,然后对结果进行分析,这边分析方法为建立两个数组一个二维数组unionName储存位置关系,一个一维数组unionScore,计数用。 思路就是首先第一轮初始化unionName[Name][Pos]全部赋值Pos 并初始化unionScore,然后再第二轮匹配如果unionName[Name][Pos-cycle]=Pos-1则将其赋值为当前Pos,cycle为当前循环次数。并将当前循环数存入unionScore[NAME]中。最后当unionScore[NAME]值也就是循环数为k-1,即我们需要的交集了。第二种:q=10直接求出hash值,取出相应的值即可。第三种:q<10可以用前缀种子+后缀种子交集产生。前缀种子:在字符串后面补字符直到长度等于K,这个很容易看出来 最小是全补A,最大是全补T,然后将最小值到最大值之间的hash值即为所求。后缀种子:后缀种子和前缀种子不同就是在字符串左边补齐字符。所以此时需要进行变换。只要对前置种子产生的值变化下就行了。(preValue-minValue)*(4^(K-q))+hash(p) 。其中preValue就是对应的前置种子的hash值,minValue就是前置种子中最小值也就是全补A的情况,hash(p)就是字符串长度为p时候的hash值。 交集就是先求后缀种子所有的值,再加上 前缀种子中起始位置在[0-(k-1)]中的值。

Customer DHL account number是什么意思

客户DHL帐户号码双语对照例句:1.Has your life been reduced to an account number? 你的生活是否已经变成了一串串的数字?

big tymers的《Back Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Back Up歌手:big tymers专辑:Big Money Heavy WeightsPitbull - Back Up{Hip Hop My life...}WooYeah,PitbullDb,Big starOh, ohHaters in the club (back up)Gold diggers (back up)Broke niggas (back up)I suggest, I suggest that you (back up)I"m in the club and I cut into the sceneCouple of pair fray fool smocking the greenShe"s got her hand on my nuts what does that mean?Pointed at her friends and she said there tag teamNow who said dreams don"t come trueIt"s like I"m dreaming when I come throughI always find something to run throughSpeak into the mic mami mic check one two (ha, ha, ha)Drunk in the club off the chainBut who gives a Fuck that"s why I cameSo pour it up and get downYou have no choice but to listen to pit nowPut your ass in reverse baby (back up)It don"t involve money then (back up)Doggy for me and (back up)Every time I fall I get right (back up)Haters in the club (back up)Gold diggers (back up)Broke niggas (back up)I suggest, I suggest that you (back up)Everybody knows Pits got tight rapsWhen I"m in the club DJ"s bring it backWhen those questions asked but the number one question is (does he got cash?)Lil Jon"s at the bar while me and the eastside boys smoke outRoll another one no doubtGet a couple hoes roll outBeef you don"t want non to go downDum de, de dum dum that"s my styleThe city in from is coming with better rilesThat ol make your crew run, run, your crew run, runIt"s nice to cum huhPut your ass in reverse baby (back up)It don"t involve money then (back up)Doggy for me and (back up)Every time I fall I get right (back up)Haters in the club (back up)Gold diggers (back up)Broke niggas (back up)I suggest, I suggest that you (back up)I convinced mami to creep in the dlEven though my head is spinning like some Sprewell"sSkip the detailsIt"s the bottom line that"s testing my patience I got thisI"m not impressed by the cool shitAll those jeans all that ice all them cars all that"s bullshitIf that"s what you"re looking for keep looking hoeCuz you got the wrong one bitch ill let ya knowMami"s like damn that groupie shout outBitch I came to the club to wild outIf you came to act upThen you came to get from me bitch and um back upPut your ass in reverse baby (back up)It don"t involve money then (back up)Doggy for me and (back up)Every time I fall I get right (back up)Put your ass in reverse baby (back up)It don"t involve money then (back up)Doggy for me and (back up)Every time I fall I get right (back up)Haters in the club (back up)Gold diggers (back up)Broke niggas (back up)I suggest, I suggest that you (back up)Haters in the club (back up)Gold diggers (back up)Broke niggas (back up)I suggest, I suggest that you (back up)Woo haPitbullDbSome one dog in telling ya manThey can"t deny us dogToo strong of a movementThree oh fiveGet readyThe revolutionAaoohh!!

But now American and British English may be growing closer together. One 42 is the large amount``

42 应该选 C.

英语:到底是middle America还是central America对?

就是习惯吧,都是用的central America。middle 用于middle age ;the middle of ……等

web Digital Camera User Manual是什么意思???


meredith brooks唱的bitch的歌词

Meredith Brooks - BitchI hate the world todayYou"re so good to me, I knowBut I can changeTried to tell youBut you look at me like maybe I"m an angel underneathIn a sentence sweetYesterday I criedMost have been to see the softer sideI can understand how you"d bee so confusedI don"t envie youI"m a little bit of everythingAll roled into oneI"m a bitch I"m a loverI"m a child I"m a motherI"m a sinner I"m a santI do not feel ashamedI"m your hell I"m your dreamI"m nothin" in betweenYou know, you wouldn"t want it any other waySo take me as I amThis may meen, you"ll have to be a stronger manJused to shooter, when I start to make you nervousAnd I"m going to extreem"sTomorrow I will change and today won"t meen a thingI"m a bitch I"m a loverI"m a child I"m a motherI"m a sinner I"m a santI do not feel ashamedI"m your hell I"m your dreamI"m nothin" in betweenYou know, you wouldn"t want it any other wayJust when you thinkYou got meFigger out the seasons all ready changin"I think it"s cool, you do what you doAnd don"t try to sing thisI"m a bitch I"m a loverI"m a child I"m a motherI"m a sinner I"m a santI do not feel ashamedI"m your hell I"m your dreamI"m nothin" in betweenYou know, you wouldn"t want it any other wayI"m a bitch, I"m teaseI"m a goddess on my kneesWhen you"re hurtWhen you sufferI"m your angel undercoverI"ve been numbI"m revivedCan"t say I"m not aliveYou know I wouldn"t want it ANY other way

Make It In America歌曲翻译

那困难时期将改变主意并且使您想要跑,但您想要它,并且您需要它喜欢您需要呼吸空气,如果他们怀疑您相信它是到的足够您那儿(合唱)您在行动不必须害怕投入您的梦想您去退色您将是主要吸引力(Ooo whoa)不是幻想记住我,当它结果(结果)时‘您知道的cuz,如果您活在您的想像力明天您将是大家的迷恋(Oooh)在我的胜利(Oooh)请记住我,当我做它亮光时!

英语watch American TV series怎么翻译?


american renaissance名词解释

american renaissance 美国文艺复兴时 间 1830年代到南北战争结束的时期 代表作品 《红字》、《白鲸》美国文艺复兴(American Renaissance)又称新英格兰文艺复兴(New England Renaissance)。指1830年代左右到南北战争结束的一段时期,这一时期美国文学日趋成熟,成为一种反映民族精神的文学。这时美国文坛由一批新英格兰作家所主宰,其中著名的有朗费罗、霍姆斯(O. W. Holmes)以及洛威尔(J. R. Lowell)。这一时期最有影响力的是超验主义作家,包括爱默生、梭罗(H. D. Thoreau)。此外,还出现了一些伟大的富有想象力的作家,如霍桑、梅尔维尔(H. Melville)、惠特曼和坡。主要作品是霍桑的《红字》(The scarlet Letter)(1850),麦尔维尔的《白鲸》(Moby-Dick)(1851),和惠特曼的《草叶集》(Leaves of Grass)(1855)。 美国文艺复兴被认为是浪漫主义的继续,尤其在爱默生的超验主义(Transcendentalism)哲学中得到展现。

对于Joyce Kilmer的诗歌Trees的提问

《咏树》是乔伊斯.基尔默 (1886-1918) 的最著名诗歌。基尔默既是诗人,又是新闻记者兼文学评论家,第一次世界大战中在法国的玛恩河大战中降亡。基尔默出生于新泽西州新不伦类克,毕业于拉特格斯大学和哥伦比亚大学,1911年出版了第一本诗集 《爱之夏》。《咏树》于1913年先发表于《诗刊》,后作为基尔默诗集《咏树及其它诗篇》 (1914)的题名诗。其它著作有《马戏团及其它杂文》,《大街及其它诗篇》,《创作中的文学》,以及现代天主教诗歌集《梦想和幻

英文阅读欣赏:Trees by Joyce Kilmer

以下是 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《英文阅读欣赏:Trees by Joyce Kilmer》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。 Trees   I think that I shall never see   A poem lovely as a tree;   A tree whose hungry mouth is prest   Against the earth"s sweet flowing breast;   A tree that looks at God all day,   And lifts her leafy arms to pray;   A tree that may in Summer wear   A nest of robins in her hair;   Upon whose bosom snow has lain,   Who intimately lives with rain.   Poems are made by fools like me,   But only God can make a tree.  [参考译文]   树 --乔埃斯·基尔默   我想我永远也不会看到   象一棵树那样优美的诗篇,   树那饥渴的嘴唇紧紧贴住   大地乳汁甘美的胸脯,   它整天仰望着上帝,   举起枝叶繁茂的手臂祈祷,   它那茂密如发的枝叶里   夏天会筑起知更鸟的安乐窝,   雪花飘落在它怀里,   它同雨水亲密无间。   诗歌出自我等愚人之手,   而树却是造化的天工。

阅读理解When i was growing up in America,答案

41. Why was the author"s mother poorly served? A. She was unable to speak good English. B. She was often misunderstood. C. She was not clearly heard. D. She was not very polite. 答案:A 试题分析:由文中Because of her English, she was often treated unfairly. 可知 高考考点::考查事实细节 易错提醒:易错选B 42. From Paragorph 2, we know that the author was . A. good a pretending B. rude to the stockbroker C. ready to help her mother D. unwilling to phone for her mother 答案:D 试题分析:由文中 ‘I was forced to ask for information or even to yell at people who had been rude to her”可知 高考考点::考查故事细节 易错提醒:易错A 43. After the author made the phone call, . A. they forgave the stockbroker B. they failed to get the check C. they went to New York immediately D. they spoke to their boss at once 答案:B 试题分析:由文中 “I said in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing” 及 “If I don"t receive the check immediately , I am going to have to speak to your manager when I am in New York next week. ”和 “The next week we ended up in New York. ” 可推断出答案 高考考点::考查文章分析推测能力 易错提醒:易错选C 44. What does the author think of her mother"s English now? A. It confuses her. B. It embarrasses her. C. It helps her understand the world. D. It helps her tolerate rude people. 答案:C 试题分析:由文中最后一段But now, I see it differently. To me, --------and made sense of the world. 高考考点::考查分析推测能力 45. We can inter from the passage that ChineseEnglish . A. is clear and natural to non-native speakers B. is vivid and direct to non-native speakers C. has a verv bad reputation in America D. may bring inconvenience in America 45. 答案:D 试题分析:由文中作者母亲的经历可以推测出 高考考点::考查文章分析推断能力

Miss America 歌词

歌曲:Miss America 歌手:James Blunt语言:英语所属专辑:Bonfire Heart - EP发行时间:2013-10-04歌词:Miss America (Acoustic Version from Angel Studios) - James BluntDid someone give you something to help you ease the painLike the liquor in the bottle we watched you slip awayAnd I feel like if I know you through the buzz of a songAlways surrounded but aloneBut no goodbyes you"ll always be Miss AmericaWe watched you fly but nothing"s free, Miss AmericaAnd as you fall apart we just call it oddWas it so hard to breatheWas that picture in the paper not the face you recognizeDid the make-up never make up for the pain behind your eyesAnd I feel as if I know you when you"re on my silver screenBut I don"t know the dark places that you"ve beenBut no goodbyes you"ll always be Miss AmericaWe watched you fly but nothing"s free, Miss AmericaAnd as you fall apart we just call it oddWas it so hard to breatheDoes another voice sing in heaven"s choir tonightTo fill the silence left behindAnd I don"t know what goes on in your mindI"m sure it"s enough to make me crySomeday we"ll find you"ll live foreverNo goodbyes you"ll always be Miss AmericaWe watched you fly but nothing"s free, Miss AmericaAnd as you fall apart we just call it oddWas it so hard to breathe


American Beauty

What is an American?何为美国人

What Is an American ?1by Michel-Guillaume de CrevecoeurMichel-Guillaume de Crevecoeur (1735-1813) was born in France and came to the American colonies as a military in the French army.2 He became a naturalized American and settled down to farming.3Between 1765 and 1780 he wrote on American life.4 He returned to France in 1780, came back to America in 1783, and became French consul in New York. In 1790 he went back to France where he lived the rest of his life.5I wish I could be acquainted with the feelings and thought which must agitate the heart and present themselves to the mind of an enlightened Englishman, when he first lands on this continent.6 He must greatly rejoice, that he lived at a time to see this fair country discovered and settled;7 he must necessarily feel a share of national pride, when he views the chain of settlements which embellishes these extended shore.8 When he says to himself, this is the work of my countrymen who, when convulsed by factions, afflicted by a variety of miseries and wants, restless and impatient, took refuge here.9 They brought along with them their national genius, to which they principally owe what liberty they enjoy, and what substance they possess. Here he sees the industry of his native country, displayed in a new manner, and traces in their works the embryos of all the arts, sciences, and ingenuity which flourish in Europe.10 Here he beholds fair cities, substantial villages, extensive fields, an immense country filled with decent houses, good roads, orchards, meadows, and bridges, where a hundred years ago all was wild, woody, and uncultivated 11 . . . .After a foreigner from any part of Europe is arrived, and become a citizen;12 let him devoutly listen to the voice of our great parent, which says to him, “Welcome to my shores, distressed European;13 bless the hour in which thou didst see my verdant fields, my fair navigable rivers, and my green mountains!14 - If thou wilt work, I have bread for thee; if thou wilt be honest, sober and industrious, I have greater rewards to confer on thee - ease and independence.15 I will give thee fields to feed and clothe thee; a comfortable fire-side to sit by, and tell thy children by what means thou hast prospered; and a decent bed to repose on.16 I shall endow thee, beside, with the immunities of a freeman.17 If thou wilt carefully educate thy children, teach them gratitude to God, and reverence to that government, that philanthropic government, which has collected here so many men and made them happy,18 I will also provide for thy progeny: and to every good man this ought to be the most holy, the most powerful, the most earnest wish he can possibly form, as well as the most consolatory prospect when he dies.19Go thou, and work and till; thou shalt prosper, provided thou be just, grateful and industrious.” 20译文何为美国人?1米·居·奎维古尔米·居奎维古尔(1734-1831)生于法国,随法军进入北美殖民地,2取得美国国籍后定居务农。31765-1780年间执笔评论美国人的生活。41780年回法国,1783年又到美国,并成为法国驻纽约领事。1790年回法国渡过晚年。5……但愿我曾经体验过那样一种情感与思绪,那种必定让初次登上北美大陆的英国开明人士心潮澎湃、浮想联翩的情感与思绪。6他一定欣喜若狂,庆幸自己有生之年能亲眼看到人们发现这块美丽的国土并在此定居下来。7当他看到连绵不断的人群来到这里,用一座座居所使这漫长的海岸线锦上添花的时候,他怎能不享有一份民族骄傲感呢!8他自然会想到,这些杰作都出自我的同胞之手,他们为教派迫害而震惊,受尽了苦难和贫穷,是在焦躁不安的情况下来这里避难的。9他们带来了民族天赋,所以才会享受现在的自由,才会拥有现在的财产。在这里,可以看到故国的勤劳展现出了新的姿态,在其杰作中可以找到那些盛行于欧洲的所有的艺术、科学和创造的萌芽。10在这里,他看到了美丽的城镇,富饶的村庄,广阔的田野,看到了一片汗漫无边的国土,其间有典雅的建筑,通达的道路,有果园,草地,桥梁;而这里在100年前还是一片荒蛮,草木丛生,不见农田!11……一个人无论来自欧洲何处,当他到达这里并成为公民以后,12就让他虔诚地聆听我们伟大祖国的声音吧。13这声音说,“欢迎你登上我的海岸,不幸的欧洲人。铭记这一神圣的时刻吧!此刻,你看到了我碧绿的田野,美丽的河道和苍翠的群山!14如果你愿意劳动,我为你准备了面包;如果你正直、朴实、勤劳,我要给你更大的报偿——安逸与自主。15我将给你土地供你丰衣足食;给你舒适的壁炉供你取暖,让你在炉火边告诉你的后代你如何得以成功;16我还要给你体面堂皇的床铺供你栖身;还要赐给你一个自由人的特权。17如果你愿精心教育子女,教他们感激上帝、尊重政府,尊重这个使如此之多的人聚集在这里并得到幸福的慈善的政府,18我也将为你的后代提供衣食。这对任何善良的人来说都应该是他所能怀有的最神圣、最强烈、最殷切的希望,也是人弥留之际最大的慰藉。19去吧,去劳动,去耕耘,只要你公正守法、知恩图报、勤奋努力,你必将兴旺、富强。

Voice of America加不加the


Heavy Merge的《Photograph》 歌词

歌曲名:Photograph歌手:Heavy Merge专辑:Heavy MergePhotographnickelbackLook at this photographEvery time I do it makes me laughHow did our eyes get so redAnd what the hell is on Joey"s head?This is where I grew upI think the present owner fixed it upI never knew we ever went withoutThe second floor is hard for sneakin" outAnd this is where I went to schoolMost of the time had better things to doCriminal record says I broke in twiceI must"ve done it half a dozen timesI wonder if it"s too lateShould I go back and try to graduate?Life"s better now than it was back thenIf I was them I wouldn"t let me inOh, oh, oh...Oh, God I...Every memory of lookin" out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walkin" out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was lookin" forIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeRemember the old arcade?Blew every dollar that we ever madeThe cops hated us hangin" outThey said somebody went and burned it downWe used to listen to the radioAnd sing along with every song we knowWe said someday we"d find out how it feelsTo sing to more than just the steering wheelKim"s the first girl I kissedI was so nervous that I nearly missedShe"s had a couple of kids since thenI haven"t seen her since God knows whenOh, oh, oh...Oh, God I...Every memory of lookin" out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walkin" out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was lookin" forIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeI miss that town, I miss the facesYou can"t erase, you can"t replace itI miss it now, I can"t believe itSo hard to stay, too hard to leave itIf I could relive those daysI know the one thing that would never changeEvery memory of lookin" out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walkin" out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was lookin" forIt"s hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeLook at this photographEvery time I do it makes me laughEvery time I do it makes me...



In The Summertime 歌词

歌曲名:In The Summertime歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Shot Of LoveIn The SummertimeMungo Jerrylyric by grandiarenIn the summertime when the weather is highYou can stretch right up and touch the skyWhen the weather′s fineYou got women, you got women on your mindHave a drink, have a draftGo out and see what you can findIf her daddy′s rich take her out for a mealIf her daddy′s poor just do what you feelSpeed along the laneDo a ton or a ton an"twenty-fiveWhen the sun goes downYou can make it, make it good in a lay-byMusic......We′re no threatpeople, We′re not dirty, we′re not meanWe love everybody but we do as we pleaseWhen the weather′s fineWe go fishin′ or go swimmin′in the seaWe′re always happyLife′s for livin′ yeah, that′s our philosophySing along with us, de de de-de-deeDa da da-da-da, yeah we′re hap-happyDa da da-da-da-da-da da da-da daDa da da-da-da-da-da da da-da daMusic......When the winter′s here, yeah it′s party timeBring your bottle, wear your bright clothesIt"ll soon be summertime And we′ll sing againWe′ll go drivin′or maybe we′ll settle downIf she′s rich, if she′s niceBring your friends and we′ll all go into townMusic......In the summertime when the weather is highYou can stretch right up and touch the skyWhen the weather′s fineYou got women, you got women on your mindHave a drink, have a draftGo out and see what you can findIf her daddy′s rich take her out for a mealIf her daddy′s poor just do what you feelSpeed along the laneDo a ton or a ton an"twenty-fiveWhen the sun goes downYou can make it, make it good in a lay-byMusic......We′re no threat, people We′re not dirty, we′re not meanWe love everybody but we do as we pleaseWhen the weather′s fineWe go fishin′ or go swimmin′in the seaWe′re always happyLife′s for livin′ yeah, that′s our philosophySing along with us, de de de-de-deeDa da da-da-da, yeah we′re hap-happyDa da da-da-da-da-da da da-da daDa da da-da-da-da-da da da-da da---End---

Aqualung的《Glimmer》 歌词

歌曲名:Glimmer歌手:Aqualung专辑:Live From Itunes FestivalJJ72 - GlimmerUnder dappled moons and under teary skiesThis canopy is life and the stars are her eyesShe"s angered at my fall and it"s winter when she criesSpringtime reappears, wipe these tears from her eyesAnd it wouldn"t be wrongTo sing this songTo the ones you loveI guess I love youAnd it wouldn"t be wrongTo sing this songTo the ones you loveI guess I love youAt least I hope I doVanity of day gives birth to a veilThis veil is remorse, it"s the air I exhaleOh raging on and on goes to a mansion in the skyOh raging on and on is this tear in your eyeAnd it wouldn"t be wrongTo sing this songTo the ones I loveI guess I love youAnd it wouldn"t be wrongTo sing this songTo the ones you loveI guess I love youAt least I hope I doAnd it wouldn"t be wrongTo sing this songTo the ones you loveI guess I love youAnd it wouldn"t be wrongTo sing this songTo the ones you loveI guess I love youAt least I hope I doAnd it wouldn"t be wrongTo sing this songTo the ones you loveI guess I love youI guess I love youAt least I hope I doAt least I hope I do

European and American techology Kidney Need


Last month I went to a long ___(travel/trip) to America. 选什么?

long trip=travellong travel=? 貌似没有,直接用travel就可以了啊!long 个人觉得,这里只是个时间上的“长”,而非距离上的“长” 如:a long (time) trip



我找一首英文歌,只记得两句歌词 summer night ,side by side

dying for you-Otto Knows

韩剧《诱惑》主题曲《one summer night》 下载 要mp3格式的 就是赵权和Fei唱的


完型填空第一句是one summer night,on my way hom我也要找这篇文章的,复制不下来,字数太多了。

谁能帮我找到这个开头的完形填空和答案!One summer Night,on My way home from work Idecided to see a m

One Summer Night - 把这个歌帮忙翻译一下


one summer night中文版 歌词

one summer night一次夏日美梦,由奇特的幻想引起 那个夏日的晚上,我的整个世界都颠倒了 如果不是为了你我也许已经死了 每晚我请求你,我的心也许会为了你哭泣 每次我想你,我的心都会找你 你是我的那个人 让我自由就象燕子飞上树 给我个信号这样我能放松我的心情 就说一句话我就会释怀了

传闻中的七公主插曲one summer night 的歌词中文意思是什么


《one summer night》这首歌的中文歌词翻译?


one summer night歌词


求《one summer night》歌词

One Summer Night演唱:钟镇涛、陈秋霞One summer night the stars were shining brightOne summer dream made with fancy whimsThat summer night my whole world tumbled downI could have died if not for youEach night I pray for youmy heart would cry for youThe sun don"t shine again since you have goneEach time I think of youmy heart would beat for youYou are the one for meSet me free like the sparrows up the treeGive a sign so I would ease my mindJust say a word and I"ll come running wildGive me a chance to live again.Each night I pray for youmy heart would beat for youThe sun don"t shine again since you have goneEach time I think of youmy heart would beat for youYou are the one for meOne summer night the stars were shining brightOne summer dream made with fancy whimsThat summer night my whole world tumbled downI could have died if not for youEach night I pray for youmy heart would cry for youThe sun don"t shine again since you have goneEach time I think of youmy heart would beat for youYou are the one for me中文翻译:一次夏日美梦,由奇特的幻想引起 那个夏日的晚上,我的整个世界都颠倒了 如果不是为了你我也许已经死了 每晚我请求你,我的心也许会为了你哭泣 每次我想你,我的心都会找你 你是我的那个人 让我自由就象燕子飞上树 给我个信号这样我能放松我的心情 就说一句话我就会释怀了

《one summer night》这首歌的中文歌词翻译?

《one summer night》这首歌的英文歌词及中文翻译:One summer night, we fell in love一个夏夜,我们相爱了one summer night, I held you tight一个夏日的夜晚,我紧紧地抱着你you and I, under the moon of love, moon of love你和我,在爱的月亮下,爱的月亮One summer night, I kissed your lips一个夏日的夜晚,我吻了你的嘴唇one summer night, I held you close一个夏日的夜晚,我紧紧地抱着你you and I, under the moon of love你和我,在爱的月光下You kissed me oh, so tenderly你吻了我哦,太温柔了and I knew this was love我知道这是爱and I as held you, oh so close我紧紧地抱着你I knew no one could ever take your place, ohhhh我知道没人能取代你One summer night, we fell in love一个夏夜,我们相爱了one summer night, I held you tight一个夏日的夜晚,我紧紧地抱着你you and I, under the moon of love, moon of love.你和我,在爱的月亮下,爱的月亮。扩展资料:ONE SUMMER NIGHT 来自于陈秋霞的专辑:《放飞梦想(台湾版)》。陈秋霞简介:陈秋霞(Chelsia Chan),1957年11月12日出生于香港,香港音乐创作人,歌影双栖艺人。1975年凭借自己作曲兼主唱的英文歌《Dark Side of Your Mind》获得流行歌曲钢琴组和作曲组的双料冠军,进军乐坛成为歌星兼作曲人。1976年出演同名电影《秋霞》获得金马奖影后;1980年出演《一个女工的故事》获得巴拿马电影节最佳女主角。1976年到1980年间接连在银幕上演出了10多部戏。1982获得第二届香港电影金像奖的最佳电影歌曲;2007年更获得TVB8金曲榜颁奖典礼最佳唱作歌手奖银奖。参考资料来源:百度百科-陈秋霞
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