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NUMERIC数据类型是一种精确数字数据类型,其精度在算术运算后保留到最小有效位,numeric是标准sql的数据类型,格式是numeric(m,n)。numeric(a,b)函数有两个参数,前面一个为总的位数,后面一个参数是小数点后的位数,例如numeric(5,2)是总位数为5,小数点后为2位的数,也就是说这个字段的整数位最大是3位。NUMERIC的注意事项:如果创建NUMERIC数据类型的列或变量,而且其精度或小数位数超过为数据库设置的精度和小数位数,则会按照数据库设置截断这些值。因此,如果发现在定义为NUMERIC的列或变量中的值被截断,需检查精度和小数位数使其不超过数据库选项设置。numeric 和 decimal 数据类型的默认最大精度值是38,在 Transact-SQL 中,numeric 与 decimal 数据类型在功能上等效。当数据值一定要按照指定精确存储时,可以用带有小数的 decimal 数据类型来存储数字。以上内容参考:百度百科-NUMERIC


NUMERIC数据类型是一种精确数字数据类型,其精度在算术运算后保留到最小有效位,numeric是标准sql的数据类型,格式是numeric(m,n)。numeric(a,b)函数有两个参数,前面一个为总的位数,后面一个参数是小数点后的位数,例如numeric(5,2)是总位数为5,小数点后为2位的数,也就是说这个字段的整数位最大是3位。NUMERIC的注意事项:如果创建NUMERIC数据类型的列或变量,而且其精度或小数位数超过为数据库设置的精度和小数位数,则会按照数据库设置截断这些值。因此,如果发现在定义为NUMERIC的列或变量中的值被截断,需检查精度和小数位数使其不超过数据库选项设置。numeric 和 decimal 数据类型的默认最大精度值是38,在 Transact-SQL 中,numeric 与 decimal 数据类型在功能上等效。当数据值一定要按照指定精确存储时,可以用带有小数的 decimal 数据类型来存储数字。以上内容参考:百度百科-NUMERIC




linux 系统报错numeric argument required,是什么原因

Shell 函数返回值只能是整形数值,一般是用来表示函数执行成功与否的,0表示成功,其他值表示失败。因而用函数返回值来返回函数执行结果是不合适的。如果要硬生生地return某个计算结果,比如一个字符串,往往会得到错误提示:“numeric argument required”。如果一定要让函数返回一个或多个值,可以定义全局变量,函数将计算结果赋给全局变量,然后脚本中其他地方通过访问全局变量,就可以获得那个函数“返回”的一个或多个执行结果了。





oracle的numeric 和number 数据类型有什么区别





Numberic 数据类型用来存储负的和正的整数、分数和浮点型数据,范围在-1*10-103 和9.999…99*10125之间,有38位的精确度。标识一个数据超出这个范围时就会出错。 Number( p,s) Number数据类型存储一个有p位精确度的s位等级的数据。


应该指的就是num lk键,就是开关小键盘的键,右边数字7上面的键


Numeric是一个小数,比如Numeric(10,2) 长度为10 小数为两位.对应Java的话,float和double


你看错了吧,NUMERIC是固定精度和小数位数。 使用最大精度时,有效值的范围为 - 10^38 +1 到 10^38 - 1。是10的38次方,所以取值范围比MONEY大很多,所以储存更大的金额要用NUMERIC

numeric 数据类型


关于numeric类型 谢谢!~

decimal 表示128 位数据类型DECIMAL 数据类型是精确数值数据类型,其精度在算术运算后保留到最小有效位。

联想拯救者 numeric2怎么按

联想电脑上并没有numeric键,有numlock键。在键盘的右上角看到有“Num”就是了,如果用的是Win7系统的话,要打开小键盘需要按住FN的同时再按下Num来是想关闭和打开。NumLock 键,名称:小键盘锁定键。

numeric 在Java中怎么定义,是什么类型的呢? float?还是double?还是long呢?


从数据类型 varchar 转换为 numeric 时出错

一个小建议,转换前用ISNUMERIC()函数试一下,就可以保证不出错了,CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(123) = 1 THEN CAST(.. AS INT) ELSE NULL END


NUMERIC 数据类型NUMERIC 数据类型用于存储总位数为 precision 且小数点后位数为 scale 的小数。语法 NUMERIC [ (precision [ , scale ] ) ]参数 precision 一个在 1 到 127 范围内(含 1 和 127)的整数表达式,指定表达式中的位数。缺省设置为 30。scale 一个在 0 到 127 范围内(含 1 和 127)的整数表达式,指定小数点后的位数。小数位数值应始终小于或等于精度值。缺省设置为 6。

数据库中 变量numeric(4,1) 表示什么意思

decimal 数据类型最多可存储 38 个数字,所有数字都能够放到小数点的右边。decimal 数据类型存储了一个准确(精确)的数字表达法;不存储值的近似值。 定义decimal 的列、变量和参数的两种特性如下: p 小数点左边和右边数字之和,不包括小数点。如 123.45,则 p=5,s=2。 指定精度或对象能够控制的数字个数。s指定可放到小数点右边的小数位数或数字个数。 p和 s 必须遵守以下规则:0 <= s <= p <= 38。 numeric 和 decimal 数据类型的默认最大精度值是 38。在 Transact-SQL 中,numeric 与 decimal 数据类型在功能上等效。 当数据值一定要按照指定精确存储时,可以用带有小数的 decimal 数据类型来存储数字。 转换decimal 和 numeric 数据 对于decimal 和 numeric 数据类型,Microsoft03 SQL Server64 将精度和小数位数的每个特定组合看作是不同的数据类型。例如,decimal(5,5) 和 decimal(5,0) 被当作不同的数据类型。 在Transact-SQL 语句中,带有小数点的常量自动转换为 numeric 数据值,且必然使用最小的精度和小数位数。例如,常量 12.345 被转换为 numeric 值,其精度为 5,小数位为 3。 从decimal 或 numeric 向 float 或 real 转换会导致精度损失。从 int、smallint、tinyint、float、real、money 或 smallmoney 向 decimal 或 numeric 转换会导致溢出。 默认情况下,在将数字转换为较低精度和小数位数的 decimal 或 numeric 值时,SQL Server 使用舍入法。然而,如果 SET ARITHABORT 选项为 ON,当发生溢出时,SQL Server 会出现错误。若仅损失精度和小数位数,则不会产生错误。


numeric对应C# 的decimal类型。


电脑上并没有numeric键,有numlock键。在键盘的右上角看到有“Num”就是了,如果用的是Win7系统的话,要打开小键盘需要按住FN的同时再按下Num来是想关闭和打开。NumLock 键,名称:小键盘锁定键。功能:开关小数字键盘功能.对应的有NumLock指示灯.(亮为小键盘可用,灭为小键盘不可输入数字,但在按的时候可以输入数字下面的字母的对应按键.)有时用大键盘的数字按键不是很方便,所以可以用小键盘来输入.


尽管有很多类型的R对象,经常使用的就只有:矢量、列表、矩阵、数组、因子、数据帧,这些对象中最简单的是向量对象,并且这些原子向量有六种数据类型,也称为六类向量。 其他R对象建立在原子向量之上。 以下直接说遇到的问题: 在做数据帧的列添加直接用的cbind(): 之后再继续进行回归分析,结果出现一下问题:之后经过检查是因为数据类型不对:应该和原来数据保持数据类型相同才可以,我的解决方法是,先添加的列进行创建一个单独的数据帧data.frame(),将数据类型转换成和原来数据帧相同的数据类型numeric > add<-data.frame(addc=c("1","5","6","8","7","9","6","8","0","2","5","1","8","9","10","5","6","10","15","4","0","5","8","3","5","7","9","12","3","8","5","0")) > add<-as.numeric(add$addc) > str(add)> input<-mtcars[] > print(input) >str(input)> > add_new<-cbind(input,add) > str(add_new)再进行回归分析就不会出现以上问题了问题解决! 另外补充将file中的数据转换成numeric:



numeric是什么东西 c语言



  numeric[ (p[ ,s] )]  固定精度和小数位数.使用最大精度时,有效值的范围为 - 10^38 +1 到 10^38 - 1.decimal 的 ISO 同义词为 dec 和 dec(p、s).numeric 在功能上等价于 decimal.  p(精度)  最多可以存储的十进制数字的总位数,包括小数点左边和右边的位数.该精度必须是从 1 到最大精度 38 之间的值.默认精度为 18.  s (小数位数)  小数点右边可以存储的十进制数字的最大位数.小数位数必须是从 0 到 p 之间的值.仅在指定精度后才可以指定小数位数.默认的小数位数为 0;因此,0




NUMERIC数据类型是一种精确数字数据类型,其精度在算术运算后保留到最小有效位,numeric是标准sql的数据类型,格式是numeric(m,n)。numeric(a,b)函数有两个参数,前面一个为总的位数,后面一个参数是小数点后的位数,例如numeric(5,2)是总位数为5,小数点后为2位的数,也就是说这个字段的整数位最大是3位。NUMERIC的注意事项:如果创建NUMERIC数据类型的列或变量,而且其精度或小数位数超过为数据库设置的精度和小数位数,则会按照数据库设置截断这些值。因此,如果发现在定义为NUMERIC的列或变量中的值被截断,需检查精度和小数位数使其不超过数据库选项设置。numeric 和 decimal 数据类型的默认最大精度值是38,在 Transact-SQL 中,numeric 与 decimal 数据类型在功能上等效。当数据值一定要按照指定精确存储时,可以用带有小数的 decimal 数据类型来存储数字。以上内容参考:百度百科-NUMERIC


我家的那个淋浴房的压克力底盘,不知咋的有些污渍,但洗也洗不干净的。于是就到了LEROY- MERLIN买了一支清洁剂了,喷头的。店员介绍,这种产品可以用于墙壁缝隙、压克力底盘、衣服、陶瓷盆,等等,好象是全能的,哈哈哈。所以我就买了回家试试看。LEROY- MERLIN的卖场很大的,除了一般的家居用品、清洁用品,还有傢俬等等卖。





请教asus-merlin固件中修改VLAN和端口配置,实现4K IPTV数据传输

如果是网线入户,设置参考: 将机顶盒连接到IPTV接口(默认是LAN2),如果当地需要针对IPTV设置VLAN Tag,则在WEB管理页面——IPTV设置,勾选设置VLAN Tag(Tag值请咨询IPTV服务商),如果运营商没说tag值就不要勾选设置Tag。之后您只需在IPTV机顶盒上设置正确的连接类型如PPPOE、动态IP等,连接成功后,便可以观看IPTV节目。

何塞. 路易斯. 梅林(Jose Luis Merlin)

Suite del recuerdo(Jose luis MERIN) ▲回想曲(Evocacion) ▲散巴(Zamba) ▲恰卡雷拉(Chacarera) ▲节日—回想—霍洛波(Carnavalito-Evocacion-Joropo) 何塞. 路易斯. 梅林是阿根廷享有盛誉的吉他演奏家和作曲家.他的作品包括 很多吉他独奏曲, 为妻子Debirah Lewin所做的长笛曲, 还有一些非常棒的歌 曲等。这首《回忆组曲》是献给他家乡的一套六乐章的颂歌。第一乐章回想曲 Evocacion是可以演唱的一种歌曲作为主题, 类似南美大草原风格的音乐,在 组曲中的第五乐章再现了第一主题,非常不同寻常但很有特点, 是最受人喜爱 的部分。散巴Zamba是阿根廷西北部山区的一种舞曲,它源于智利圭卡和秘鲁 马利内拉,这种舞曲分别由一名男女舞蹈演员演绎, 会边跳边说。而恰卡雷拉 Chacarera, 则源于圣地亚哥.得.埃斯特拉省的流行舞蹈el gato,这种舞蹈在 阿根廷的其他许多地区也能看到。 Carnavalito流行于西北地区, 从名字就能 看出它源于前拉丁的一种节日舞曲carneval.。 霍洛波Joropo起源于委内瑞拉, 有点类似marinera, 是一种非常特别的舞蹈, 开始就以一种非常哀伤的安第斯 木长笛开始, 完全有别于上面介绍的几首,而是另外一种充满生气的舞蹈。 在《吉他考级》那本书上有 ,大庆出版的!您可以去买一本!


国际一线品牌路由有华硕 美国网件 美国思科 各有千秋,个人喜欢华硕比较稳定,这三款除了更新官方固件,你可以理解为系统,还可以刷第三方固件,第三方固件相比较官方固件,稳定性有的差一些,但是会有更多功能,也能够更好的挖掘出硬件的性能,除了智能手机外,路由器和无线接入点无疑是最常被破解和修改的消费级设备。一方面破解这些设备较为简单,另一方面破解、修改设备参数后能带来一系列好处,比如拥有更多的特性,改善路由功能,加强安全性,而且破解后还能配置原厂固件通常不允许修改的参数(例如天线输出功率)。第三方固件有好几家,其中比较受欢迎的固件就推荐梅林固件,例如梅林固件就有官方固件没有的离线下载和游戏模式,在游戏模式中,ss全称是ShadowSocks帐号 - PGfast网络加速器号代理服务,路由器多点同时登录限制:1个支持电脑手机平板加速PS4、XBOX ONE等游戏联机/下载所有服务器可用+额外专属服务器优化PS4联机和下载日本/香港/新加坡/台湾/韩国/美国等数十条线路

人气歌谣merryround-i know歌词

歌曲名:Merry Go Round歌手:Royce Da 5"9"专辑:Success Is CertainRoyce Da 5"9" - Merry Go Round终极R - 听不完的新鲜音乐!I have tried in vein.Never had success!So it seems my life is nothing - but a mess.I have lost my only friends.Now it seems I have to staaart agaaiin.Merry go "ROUND!My life"s been-goin"-around an" round since "95.Went from goin" somewhere to-"bout-to-die!Went from callin" my chick a chicken;Cause she look like she got poultry around her thighs,To callin" your piece a chickenCause she got no teeth - and she got crow feet - around her eyes!How hard are y"all? - I got a heart of size of Arkansas;Count to five. - These birds gon" hit THE GROUND and they ain"t from out the sky!Went from havin" an outta-this-world-flow, to-doin"-the-pity-or-doin"-the coon danceTo-watchin"-my-good-friend-EMINEM-winnin"-a "moonman".I remember cause I-was-in-New York with all-of-my-boys-to-start-shitLettin" "em stay with me, long story short, they-tore-my-corporate-apartment!Went from bein" a kid addicted to basketballTo bein" an ig-no-rent nigga addicted-to-alcohol!"Round and "round WE GO IS, how this movie would end? I self-proclaimed.King of my city? Not really, just truely-the-King-of-losin"-a-friend.Who woulda thought this-goof-in-the-park-who"s-true-to-his-ark would lose!Or win just by givin" his thoughts and views!I have tried in vein.Never had success!So it seems my life is nothing - but a mess.I have lost my only friends.Now it seems I have to staaart agaaiin.Merry go "ROUND!You will hear that Ryan"s skilled might even hear Ryan kills!You will never hear Ryan Stiles, here to put the "I" in I"ll!My mind is still - like a merry-go-round spillLike leavin" only guns to my kids when I"m killed, I-got-an-iron-will!Intellect as I-On; I went from high on pillsTo triumph, to hidin" from bills to buyin buildin"s!Then I went from writin"-for-Dre-to-wonderin"-if-my-head-was-on straight on the sidelines;Feelin" I forgot about - listenin" to "Forgot About Dre"! ("Forgot About Dre"!)From there I went-to-about a bottle a dayTellin" WHO WE KNOW! - Get outta my face? Okay! - I know what Kino said about Dre.I look at Kino to this day like that was a stupid mistake;But if it wasn"t for EM doin" THAT! - What would I be doin" today?If it wasn"t for Ca$his sayin" that he gon" beat my ass, then meAnd EM pro"ly wouldn"t-even-laughin" about us gettin" past it!If it wasn"t for me bein" outcastedI woulda never been on the underground rappin" with(Crooked I: SLAUGHTERHOOOOUUUUSE!)I have tried in vein.Never had success!So it seems my life is nothing - but a mess.I have lost my only friends.Now it seems I have to staaart agaaiin.Merry go "ROUND!

this merry-go-round song完整中文歌词

转自贴吧 作者:魇魔J【This Merry-Go-Round Song - 末光笃 】词:末光笃 曲:末光笃 文字(中日罗)/翻译:二鬼覚(おぼ)えているかな oboeteirukana一番(いちばん)悲(かな)しい时(とき)ichibankanashitoki余计(よけい)な言叶(ことば)を yokeinakotobawoみんな舍(す)ててくれた minnasutetekureta空(から)っぽの腕(うで)に karapponoudeniそっと潜(もぐ)り込(こ)んで sottomogurikonde冷(さ)めた情热 (じょうねつ)sametajounetsu温(あたた)めながら atatamenagara大切(たいせつ)なものが taisetsunamonogaここにひとつだけ kokonihitotsudakeThis あり触(ふ)れた日々(ひび)にThis arifuretahibini静(しず)かに流(なが)れるメロディーshizukaninagarerumerodei一绪(いっしょ)に歌(うた)わなくてもいいから isshoniutawanakutemoiikaraこのままテンポに任(まか)せて欲(ほ)しい konomamadenponimakasetehoshii忘(わす)れてしまうような wasureteshimauyounaささやかな爱(あい)が sasayakanaaiga仆(ぼく)たちの世界(せかい)辉(かがや)かせる bakutachinosekaikagayakaseru大切(たいせつ)なものは taisetsunamonohaここにいつまでも kokoniitsumademoThis 懐(なつ)かしい日々(ひび)にThis natsukashiihibini聴(き)き覚(おぼ)えのあるメロディーkikioboenoarumerodei大(おお)きな声(こえ)じゃなくてもいいから ookinakoejanakutemoiikara小(ちい)さなハミングを感(かん)じていたい chiisanahaminguwokanziteitai回(まわ)る 回(まわ)ってmawarumawatte 淋(さび)しい夜(よる)に sabishiiyoruni回(まわ)る 回(まわ)って mawarumawatte 眩(まぶ)しい朝(あさ)に mabushiiasaniまっさらな明日(あした)に massaranaashitani途切(とぎ)れないメロディー togirenaimerodeiずっと繋(つな)げていこうzuttotsunageteikouThis ありふれた日々(ひび)に This arifuretahibini静(しず)かに流(なが)れるメロディー shizukaninagarerumerodei一绪(いっしょ)に歌(うた)わなくてもいいから isshoniutawanakutemoiikaraこのままテンポに任(まか)せて欲(ほ)しい konomamadenponimakasetehoshii回(まわ)る 回(まわ)って mawarumawatte ありふれた日々(ひび)arifuretahibi回(まわ)る 回(まわ)ってmawarumawatte 懐(なつ)かしい日々(ひび)natsukashiihibi回(まわ)る 回(まわ)って mawarumawatte光(ひかり)の中(なか)で hikarinonakade回(まわ)る 回(まわ)って mawarumawatte缲(く)り返(かえ)して kurikaeshite【This Merry-Go-Round Song - 末光笃 】词:末光笃 曲:末光笃 文字(中日罗)/翻译:二鬼仍旧记得啊在最悲伤的时候把没用的话语全部舍弃空荡荡的臂弯里你轻轻地钻了进来冷却的热情因你而变暖最重要的宝物这里就只有一个This 在那些常见的日子里静静流淌的旋律不需要随着旋律和唱只需要这样随心所欲的随着节拍挥舞不要忘记这小小的爱我们的世界都变得耀眼了最重要的宝物这里始终如一This 在这让人怀念的日子里听着熟悉的旋律不需要大声的唱只要小声哼唱去感受它回旋旋转在寂静的夜里回旋旋转在耀眼的晨光里在明天崭新的一天里循环播放着的旋律一直延续不停This 在那些常见的日子里静静流淌的旋律不需要随着旋律和唱只需要这样随心所欲的随着节拍挥舞回旋旋转在那些常见的日子里回旋旋转令人怀念的岁月回旋旋转华灯溢彩



求高达UC第三话Merry Go Round中文歌词

あの日 触れた 那一日触到了キミの瞳に崩れ落ちた 从你的眼中崩落的闭ざされた时の流れ 停止流动的时间きっと 仆の声は 一定是如此吧 我的声音谁にも届かないよ 无法传给任何人叫び続けている 但我还是想不断地呼喊键をかけた 远い memories 被牢牢上锁的遥远记忆廻る过去と 走り出した 带着原地打转的过去奔跑而出悲しみのこの地球(ほし)に 在这颗悲伤的星球上映るよ everlasting love 映照出永恒的爱瓦砾の涡 零れ落ちた 废墟的漩涡之中 零落的泪水涙 未来 照らし出すよ 照出了未来どこまでもつづく merry go round 好似无论如何都不会停止的 旋转木马闇に 浮かぶ 从黑暗中浮现的光 描かれた prologue 那份光亮 描绘成的序言目まぐるしく动き出す 此刻纷繁缭乱地始动こんな 仆を 君は 必要としてくれた 方才察觉 我竟是如此的需要你初めてのぬくもり 需要我们初次相遇时的温暖遥か时を こえて try again 一次次尝试着 穿过遥远的时间眠る心 火を灯した 用曾沉睡着的心 重新点燃灯火悲しみに包まれた出会いよ everlasting love 要让被悲伤包裹的相逢 映出永恒的爱叹きの涡 零れ落ちた 叹息的漩涡之中 零落的泪水涙 愿い 握りしめて 握紧了愿望羽ばたく未来へ merry go round 好似向未来展翅高飞的 旋转木马何のため 谁のため 是为了什么呢 又是为了谁呢孤独と向き合うの? 我才要面对这份孤独?出会いや 别れを 相逢也好 离别也好几千も缲り返し 都几千几万次地不断反复明日へと つないでる 与明日紧紧相连的背中の羽 隠さないで 你背上的双翼 请不要将它隐藏刻まれた运命(さだめ)信じて 请相信被铭刻的 你我的宿命键をかけた 远い memories 被牢牢上锁的遥远记忆廻る过去と 走り出した 带着原地打转的过去奔跑而出悲しみのこの地球(ほし)に 在这颗悲伤的星球上映るよ everlasting love 映照出永恒的爱望むものは ひとつだけ 我所渴望之物 一直只有那一个もしも仆が 消え去っても 那么即使我会灰飞烟灭変わらぬ思いを… 这份念想也不会改变you stay I go 愿以此身换得你的安宁

Merry Go Round 歌词

歌曲名:Merry Go Round歌手:久石让专辑:Freedom Piano Stories 4MERRY Go RoUND feat.TAGG THE SICKNESS, pukkeyMr.Low-D作词:Mr.Low-D, U-PAC, pukkey作曲:Mr.JACKEvery one 巻き込んでゆく回り回る In my lifeEvery one 连れてくよ変わらなく廻り廻る In my worldCHECK BOYZ ya CHECK GIRLZ俺达ならまず Up in da CLUB缲り返す事に意味がある暮らしLet""s repeat it merry go roundlook my eyes look my eyes俺の目はまだ死んじゃいねえWELCOME!! 新大陆 新ジャンル LRrepresent B级 JUNK!!!ハタから见てりゃあ ただのアホ?ただ乗ってるこっちは Feel so good騒ぐ事なら任せなKing&Queenってな俺らのID梦の随 ケツを振らせりゃMake mo Money 打ち出の小槌深夜営业Onlyの游园地Tequila Shotで 火ぃ飞ぶEngineEvery one 巻き込んでゆく回り回る In my lifeEvery one 连れてくよ変わらなく廻り廻る In my world回る Merry Merry-Go-Roundぐるぐる廻り続けるだけのそんじょそこらのMerry-Go-Roundと一绪にすんなよ こちとらどいつもこいつも巻き込み Roll up当たり前 So crazy いっぺん知ったこの味轴があるから Merry Merryここらに居るから Boogie-Woogie BounceBBB Don""t stop PARTYあっという间に空けるシャンパングルグル廻る毎周CLUBでフラフラになるまでかっ 喰らうCROSS ROAD、LAID BACK、滨CALIここでは心を裸にHOOD SOUND、POWER SOURCE、GP、GoD VoICE 廻り続けるMERRY Go RoUNDEvery one 巻き込んでゆく回り回る In my lifeEvery one 连れてくよ変わらなく廻り廻る In my world回る Merry Merry-Go-RoundEvery one 巻き込んでゆく回り回る In my lifeEvery one 连れてくよ変わらなく廻り廻る In my world回る Merry Merry-Go-Round回る Merry Merry-Go-Round


Marry go round life歌曲意义是麻烦总围绕着生活,是一种对于人生的释然,也是对人生努力奋斗的积极价值取向

Merry Go Round 歌词

歌曲名:Merry Go Round歌手:Twins专辑:Singing In The Twins Wonderland Vol.3Merry Go Round永远爱着荷荷的Sn.The Merry-Go-Round goes round and roundThe children laughed and laughed and laughedSo many were going round and roundThat the Merry-Go-Round collapsed

Merry-Go-Round 歌词

歌曲名:Merry-Go-Round歌手:3rd Window专辑:Looking Out My WindowMerry-go-round作词:岩田アッチュ作曲:中土智博编曲:中土智博歌:麻生夏子Shake Shake!! 终わらない Ready go world(shake shake shake shake shaking shake!)Dan-Dan!! 梦近づいていくそうスタートね!Round Round!! 止まらない merry-go-round(round round round round round go round!)回り出す景色は今日も キレイ过ぎてもぅ目がまわっちゃうキラキラ阳射しがカーテンから零れたらほらほら小鸟が话しかけてきたよ Hello!本当はちょっぴり眠たいけれど1,2,3 势いつけベットから出るわ忘れずに镜の前で Smile今始まるこの1日元気出していこうよShake Shake!! 终わらない Ready go world(shake shake shake shake shaking shake!)Dan-Dan!! 梦近づいていく早いスピードでRound Round!! 止まらない merry-go-round(round round round round round go round!)回り出す景色は今日も キレイ过ぎてもぅ目がまわっちゃうフワフワの犬が 街路树を歩いているアツアツの红茶饮みながらブレイクするショッピングもしたいし勉强もしたいわまだまだやりたい事いっぱいあるのよ明日にはまた新しい世界跳び来んでいく待ってよね今夜眠れないかもJump Jump!!跳ね上がる ready go night(jump jump jump jump jumping jump!)Dan-Dan 溢れ出すあの未来のイマジネーション烂々眠れないメリーゴーランド(烂 々 烂 々 ランラララン!)明日の今顷はどこの国で眠るの?楽しみだなこのまま回り続けたらいつか贵方に会えるかな...?会いたい!Shake Shake!! 终わらない Ready go world(shake shake shake shake shaking shake!)Dan-Dan!! 梦近づいていくそうスタートね!Round Round!! 止まらない merry-go-round(round round round round round go round!)カラフルに光る未来を手に掴むまで顽张るんです!~END~

求化学超男子(CHEMISTRY) - Merry-go-round中文歌词

歌曲:merry-go-round作词:堂珍嘉邦/川畑要/作曲/编曲:UTA歌手:CHEMISTRYあの日 触れた キミの瞳に崩れ落ちた 闭ざされた时の流れ 那一天,我所接触到的,你的眼眸失去光彩的瞬间, 于是我的时间便停止了流动 きっと 仆の声は 谁にも届かないよ 叫び続けている 即使我的音声传达不能传达给任何人了,我也依然在不停地呐喊 键をかけた 远い memories 廻る过去と 走り出した 仅有的最后的希望,仰赖那遥远的记忆。我回到过去... 悲しみのこの地球(ほし)に 映るよ everlasting love 于是这永恒的爱~ 映照在这颗悲伤的星球上 瓦砾の涡 零れ落ちた 涙 未来 照らし出すよ 在瓦砾的漩涡中飘然落下,悲伤的眼泪映照出未来 どこまでもつづく merry go round 无论多少次我都将轮回 暗に 浮かぶ 光 描かれた prologue 目まぐるしく动き出す 由黑暗中浮现的光所描绘的序章,纷繁缭乱的在眼前掠过 こんな 仆を 君は 必要としてくれた 初めてのぬくもり 即使是对这样的我来说,你也是不可或缺的。那最初的温存 遥か时を こえて try again 眠る心 火を灯した 穿过遥远的时空,再一次,用困乏的心,点起了希望的火焰 悲しみに包まれた出会いよ everlasting love 这被悲伤所包裹着的邂逅 ,永恒的爱 叹きの涡 零れ落ちた 涙 愿い 握りしめて 陷入了悲伤的漩涡之中,眼泪 将愿望紧握 羽ばたく未来へ merry go round 振动翅膀飞向未来~ 何のため 谁のため 孤独と向き合うの? 到底是为了什么,为了谁而与孤独相伴 出会いや 别れを 几千も缲り返し 这邂逅与离别,来回循环了上千次 明日へと つないでる 背中の羽 隠さないで 那连接明天的背后的翅膀 请不要将它掩藏 刻まれた运命(さだめ)信じて 相信镌刻于内在的宿命 键をかけた 远い memories 廻る过去と 走り出した 以此为关键,仰赖那遥远的记忆,轮回于过去 悲しみのこの地球(ほし)に 映るよ everlasting love 于是这永恒的爱~ 映照在这颗悲伤的星球上望むものは ひとつだけ もしも仆が消え去っても 我的唯一愿望,即使我消失了 変わらぬ思いを… you stay I go 我的心意也不会改变.... you stay I go

Merry-Go-Round 歌词

歌曲名:Merry-Go-Round歌手:Moya Brennan专辑:Heart StringsThe Vines - Merry Go RoundOn a merrygoroundRunnin" in to all the people you wannaAnd what it"s all aboutWasn"t anythin that you thought or knew...nothin"Here we go round the merrygoroundHere we go round the merrygoroundOn a merrygoroundRunnin" into people that you don"t wannaAnd the place that ya foundWasn"t anywhere that you thoughtOr you knew nowhereHere we go round the merrygoroundHere we go round the merrygoroundI don"t know what is upI don"t wanna knowHere we go round the merrygoroundHere we go round the merrygoroundHere we go round the merrygoroundHere we go round the merrygoround


不会的 木马不会跳给你看的 不影响 重启还有的话 在检查一下问题吧

Merry Go Round 歌词

歌曲名:Merry Go Round歌手:Yeti专辑:The Legend Of Yeti GonzalesYeti - Merry Go RoundAlbum: Yume!鹰飞雁武 编辑I will tell Mike RiversOut into the sunThat I"m not going homeI"ve been away too longI find sometimesThe road just blows my mindIt"s up to you, child, youOn a middle of a merry go roundSee the world spinning "roundBut you"re not on boardThe merry go roundMe I"m just a strangerDon"t even know my nameHere to see mad manIn a shining cageI find sometimesThe road just blows my mindIt"s up to you, child, youIn a middle of a merry go roundSee the world spinning "roundBut you"re not on boardThe merry go roundLift me up don"t let me downSee the circus leaving townBut you"re not on boardThe merry go roundI ride the merry go roundAnd it takes me so high, yeah yeahI ride the merry go roundDon"t you spin too fast and come crashing downLift me up don"t let me downSee the world spinning "roundBut you"re not on boardThe merry go roundI ride the merry go roundAnd it takes me so high, yeah yeahI ride the merry go roundDon"t you spin too fast and come crashing down


Merry-go-round 你在何处与谁相笑你在彼处思绪何物?向你说了再会 挥了手就算心知肚明 没有什么再会向你说了再会 挥了手带着淡淡的 笑容NO it dont matter now(no!)It dont matter now!就算再次相见也全会变成过往并不是要对什么人絮絮而谈Feelings now「这样就好」ah「这样就好」ah当说出这句话的时候失魂落魄 ah说出口很简单,只是要说的话很简单当现实逼迫而来的瞬间开始渐渐沉沦结果是无法忘怀的我们两所乘坐的Merry Go Around 被你所吸引是在如此短暂的瞬间就像被施了魔法「请告诉我无法解开的咒语」Shared by Ayubar


已经演完了,网上能搜到的。结局啊和我预想的不一样,没有什么ggreat ALBINONa建立,A死了。merlin 活到了现代。

Merry Go Round 歌词

歌曲名:Merry Go Round歌手:Terri Clark专辑:The Long Way Home-BareTrack/CapitolTerri Clark - Merry Go RoundI"ve been dreamin" & drivin" so fast for so longFallin" & climbin", fallin" & carryin" onHell bent on stayin" one step aheadSo caught up in the game,I can"t catch my breathLivin" too bright to soak up the sunMissin" the miles for the races I"ve runBut I"m slowly slowin" me downKnowin" this world will go roundIt"ll keep goin" round even when I stop spinnin"I"m figurin" out it ain"t all about winnin"You ride like the wind Smile like a childLand with both feet on the groundThe trick is to knowwhen to let go of the merry go roundWhen the ride leaves you dizzy and life"s such a blurThere"s no difference betweenwhere you are & where you wereIt"s movin" too fast, and God knows it willSometimes you need some time sittin" stillAnd I"m slowly slowin" me downKnowin" this world will go roundIt"ll keep goin" round even when I stop spinnin"I"m figurin" out it ain"t all about winnin"You ride like the wind Smile like a childLand with both feet on the groundThe trick is to knowwhen to let go of the merry go roundYou ride like the wind Smile like a childLand with both feet on the groundThe trick is to know when to let goThe trick is to knowwhen to let go of the merry go roundOh this merry go round

merry go round是什么意思


Merry Go Round 歌词

歌曲名:Merry Go Round歌手:Twins专辑:Singing In The Twins Wonderland Vol.3Merry Go Round永远爱着荷荷的Sn.The Merry-Go-Round goes round and roundThe children laughed and laughed and laughedSo many were going round and roundThat the Merry-Go-Round collapsed


英文:Merlin Ambrosius,凯尔特文:Myrddin Emrys



merry-go - round 什么意思?可数吗?能用不定冠词吗?复数s加在哪里?


Merlin(梅林)用英语读是 是男生名还是女生名



您好!merlin 的音标为["m0809l01n],谐音为:么额领乐意为您解答!


Merlin,全名为moesin-ezrin-radixin–like protein,又称为Schwannomin,是NF2基因的编码蛋白,由595个氨基酸组成,其结构与细胞骨架联系蛋白ezrin-radixin-moesin(ERM家族)相似,有些文献将merlin列入ERM家族,称其为最后被发现的ERM的成员之一。

Merry-Go-Round 歌词

歌曲名:Merry-Go-Round歌手:Motley Crue专辑:Too Fast For LoveThe Vines - Merry Go RoundOn a merrygoroundRunnin" in to all the people you wannaAnd what it"s all aboutWasn"t anythin that you thought or knew...nothin"Here we go round the merrygoroundHere we go round the merrygoroundOn a merrygoroundRunnin" into people that you don"t wannaAnd the place that ya foundWasn"t anywhere that you thoughtOr you knew nowhereHere we go round the merrygoroundHere we go round the merrygoroundI don"t know what is upI don"t wanna knowHere we go round the merrygoroundHere we go round the merrygoroundHere we go round the merrygoroundHere we go round the merrygoround

merry-go-round 化学超男子 中文音译

歌曲:merry-go-round作词:堂珍嘉邦/川畑要/作曲/编曲:UTA歌手:CHEMISTRYあの日 触れた キミの瞳に崩れ落ちた 闭ざされた时の流れ 那一天,我所接触到的,你的眼眸失去光彩的瞬间, 于是我的时间便停止了流动 きっと 仆の声は 谁にも届かないよ 叫び続けている 即使我的音声传达不能传达给任何人了,我也依然在不停地呐喊 键をかけた 远い memories 廻る过去と 走り出した 仅有的最后的希望,仰赖那遥远的记忆。我回到过去... 悲しみのこの地球(ほし)に 映るよ everlasting love 于是这永恒的爱~ 映照在这颗悲伤的星球上 瓦砾の涡 零れ落ちた 涙 未来 照らし出すよ 在瓦砾的漩涡中飘然落下,悲伤的眼泪映照出未来 どこまでもつづく merry go round 无论多少次我都将轮回 暗に 浮かぶ 光 描かれた prologue 目まぐるしく动き出す 由黑暗中浮现的光所描绘的序章,纷繁缭乱的在眼前掠过 こんな 仆を 君は 必要としてくれた 初めてのぬくもり 即使是对这样的我来说,你也是不可或缺的。那最初的温存 遥か时を こえて try again 眠る心 火を灯した 穿过遥远的时空,再一次,用困乏的心,点起了希望的火焰 悲しみに包まれた出会いよ everlasting love 这被悲伤所包裹着的邂逅 ,永恒的爱 叹きの涡 零れ落ちた 涙 愿い 握りしめて 陷入了悲伤的漩涡之中,眼泪 将愿望紧握 羽ばたく未来へ merry go round 振动翅膀飞向未来~ 何のため 谁のため 孤独と向き合うの? 到底是为了什么,为了谁而与孤独相伴 出会いや 别れを 几千も缲り返し 这邂逅与离别,来回循环了上千次 明日へと つないでる 背中の羽 隠さないで 那连接明天的背后的翅膀 请不要将它掩藏 刻まれた运命(さだめ)信じて 相信镌刻于内在的宿命 键をかけた 远い memories 廻る过去と 走り出した 以此为关键,仰赖那遥远的记忆,轮回于过去 悲しみのこの地球(ほし)に 映るよ everlasting love 于是这永恒的爱~ 映照在这颗悲伤的星球上望むものは ひとつだけ もしも仆が消え去っても 我的唯一愿望,即使我消失了 変わらぬ思いを… you stay I go 我的心意也不会改变.... you stay I go





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《American Outlaw》(James, Jesse)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: vmb1书名:American Outlaw作者:James, Jesse出版年份:2011-10页数:368内容简介:The New York Times bestselling self-portrait of a flawed but determined everyman: rebel, outlaw, gearhead, artist, entrepreneur, lost son, and fiercely committed father Jesse James is everything you imagined him to be— and more than you ever expected. He has led a violent life. He"s survived lower depths, faced harder times, and beaten down more private demons than most—and lived to tell his story with honesty, introspection, and humility. He"s tough as nails and riding hard through life, with plenty of wisdom to share about taking a hit and coming back up. In American Outlaw, Jesse reveals all: from his volatile upbringing and troubled relationship with his father to his wild days of car thieving and juvenile detention; from knocking heads as a rock "n" roll bodyguard to his destructive drinking and barroom brawling; from building an empire from the ground up to marriages marked with both happiness and gut-wrenching pain; from living inside the hottest level of paparazzi hell to rehab and making peace with his past.

一首英文歌里面有by a in the sun by the sun foreigner more sumer这些单词是一个男的唱的声音很轻快

难道是seasons in the sun?

可唔可以肯亲自帮我check grammer??

更新1: even though some people do not apparently behave raci *** against other race they might have a subconscious mind that people with different skin colour from theirs is inferior. people who do not turn to be racist because they are much mature and tolarent than those racist. 更新2: even though most cases of raci *** in the world are against blacks because their geic country ----Africa is fall behind in turn of economy and as well as civilization and suffer from poverty every race will have bias toward other race at some level. 更新3: for instance some hong kong people will have raci *** against caucasian that called them [ghost man] regardless of their strength economic background. the consequences of raci *** can be very serious in terms of race war. Also it will interrupt the international interchange of culture. 更新4: So raci *** causes loss to human. To end raci *** the society should promote equal opportuities and the ernment should strengthen the law of equlity. 更新5: Youngsters should be taught more about civil education. the ernment should also introduce youngsters to more foreign arts and culture to improve relations with foreign countries. 更新6: More cultural exchanges beeen youngsters from world could help them to learn about the culture of other countries. the ernment should also help to improve the social status of foreign residents in their own countries. Sure 图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/1 我尽量会唔改用字 只改 grammatical mistakes and usage 因为太长唔可能每个更改都解释 唔明的话可告u4723我 Raci *** can be found anywhere around the world no matter in developed or developing countries. Raci *** is so mon that it could even be found in hong kong many (or some?) people discrimate against immigrants 移民 from other Asian countries for instance immigrants from India. Regardless the edcational level of the racist it is nature for human/people to isolate those who are considered as dissimilar since they dress differently and they also have different colors of skin and facial features. Even though some people do not show raci *** against other races on the surface they still have subconscious mind that people with different skin colour is inferior. The reason for those who do not join the racist is because they are have a more mature mind and have higher tolarence than those who are racist. Most cases of raci *** in the world are against the black race because their geic country - Africa falls behind from other countries in terms of economy as well as civilization and they suffer from poverty and hunger. In face every races have a certain level of bias towards other races. For instance some Hong Kong people discriminate against the white race by giving them unpolite nicknames regardless of their strong economic background. Consequences from raci *** can be very serious in terms of racial wars it also interrupts the exchange of cultures on a international scale. So you can see how raci *** causes losses to human. To put an end in raci *** our society should educates its citizens about equal opportuities and the ernment should also establishes and strengthenes laws on equlity. More civil education should be provided for youngsters. By participating in more cultural exchanges programmes youngsters can learn more about the culture of other countries. The ernment can help by introducing youngsters to more foreign cultures and arts and to improve the relationships with foreign countries on the other hand the ernment should help improving the social status of immigrants. 参考: MYSELF (raci *** Raci *** ) happens everywhere in world (no matter--) in developed (orand) developing countries (+alike). (raci *** It) is so mon that (+ ) even in (hong kongHong Kong) many people (will--) discrimate against residents who came from other (asiaAsian) countries for instance (indiaIndia). (XXX I don&#39;t understand why you need to single out India as an example here. The story that follows does not mention anything about Indi.) (regardless of the fact thatWhether) those racist are well-edcated or not (XXX This sentence does not seem to fit in as it does not have any correlation to the next sentence) it is (the--) human nature (+of ourselves) (XXX You need a subject here -- human nature is a concept and cannot take on an action verb like isolate) to isolate people who (are considered &quot;werid&quot; since they--) dress differently (from us--) (andor) have different skin colour and (+facial) features. (XXX If you believe that it is human nature to isolate people who dress differently then there would be no racists. Your argument is very weak here.) (evenEven) though some people do not apparently (behavepractise) raci *** against (other racepeople of a different race) they (XXX Does the they refer to some people or other people?) might (have a subconscious mindsubconsciously think) that people with (+a) different skin colour (from theirs--) (isare) inferior. (peoplePeople) who do not turn to be (racist/racists) (because they--) are much mature and (tolarenttolerant) than (those racistracists). (XXX This argument is also very weak.) (evenEven) though most cases of raci *** in the world are against (blacksthe Blacks) (XXX Using this world alone can make you a racist... be careful) because (+of) their (geic countryancestry) ----Africa (is fallfalls) behind (XXX the western countries?) in (turnterms) of economy and as well as civilization (XXX this is another racist statement... be careful) and suffer from poverty (XXX this is another generalization) every race will have bias (towardagainst) (XXX bias towards = to be in favour of!) (otheranother) race at some level. (forFor) instance some (hong kongHong Kong) people will have raci *** against (caucasianCaucasi) (that calledby calling) them [ghost man] regardless of their strength economic background (XXX Are you suggesting that raci *** is always against the poor? We&#39;re talking about raci *** which is purely based on race right?). (theThe) consequences of raci *** can be very serious in terms of race war (XXX What is a race war?). Also it will interrupt the international interchange of culture. (XXX Unless everyone practise raci *** I don&#39;t see how raci *** can have an interruption. And what do you mean by interchange of culture?) So raci *** causes loss to human. (XXX ?) To end raci *** (the societysocieties) should promote equal opportuities and the ernment should strengthen the law of (equlityequality). (XXX How would promoting equal opportunities end raci *** ?) Youngsters should be taught more about civil education. (the ernmentGovernments) (XXX Since you are not talking about a specific ernment you should use a plural noun to express generality.) should also introduce youngsters to more foreign arts and culture to improve relations with foreign countries. (XXX How can a ernment unilaterally improve relations with foreign countries?) More cultural exchanges (beeenamong) youngsters (from world--) could help them (to--) learn about (the culturecultures) of other countries. (the ernmentGovernments) should also help to improve the social status of foreign residents in their own countries. (XXX Huh?) Remember that there is no E in grammar! there are some mistakes in the correction given to you by the other responder for example unpolite is not a word the correct form should be impolite if you&#39;re interested a good tool for improving writing (in general) is writeright.wetpaint

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