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fridge compartment和freezer compartment的区别?

fridge compartment是指像冰箱冷藏部分一样的冷藏车间freezer compartment是指像冰箱冷冻部分一样的冷冻车间

Capital Investment是资本投资的意思吗?

是资金总额或者是资本投资的意思 。Capital 是资本之意而Investment 有投资之意

capex commitment 是不是股东注资?


petroleum exploration and development是sci么

petroleum exploration and development是sci源刊

Candence中在生成网表时,提示出错Cannot modify element是什么意思?



comment modify意见修改双语对照例句:1.Modify or delete the comment in your code. 修改或删除代码中的注释。希望得到你的采纳如果你认可我的回答,请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助,谢谢。


refreshmentn. 点心;起提神作用的东西;精力恢复复数:refreshments短语Intra Refreshment 帧内更新 ; 帧内刷新refreshment station 备有小吃的车站 ; 饮料站refreshment bar 小食部infants refreshment 疾病恢复data refreshment 数据刷新refreshment steward 饮料服务员picture refreshment 画面刷新refreshment ĥ 茶点 ; 恢复liquid refreshment 饮料扩展资料:同根词词根: refreshadj.refreshing 提神的;使清爽的;使人重新振作的refresher 专业性复习进修的adv.refreshingly 清爽地;有精神地n.refresher 可提神的人或物;补习课程;清凉饮料;增加报酬v.refreshing 使清新;恢复精神(refresh的ing形式)vi.refresh 恢复精神;喝饮料,吃点心;补充给养vt.refresh 更新;使……恢复;使……清新;消除……的疲劳refreshen 使精神振作;使精力恢复例句:There is a refreshment kitchenette and barbecue. 有一个小的点心厨房和烧烤设备。


Fragment是到Android3.0+ 以后,Android新增了Fragments,在没有 Fragment 之前,一个屏幕只能放一个 Activity。这是一个起源时间大家要知道是什么时候开始引入的。.Activity 代表了一个屏幕的主体,而Fragment可以作为Activity的一个组成元素。一个Activity可以有若干个(0或n)Fragment构成。你可以把Fragment想象成Activity中的一个控件,只不过相对于一般控件,Fragment与Activity联系更为紧密,随着Activity的生命周期变化,Fragment也随之相应不同的生命周期函数。Fragment 从功能上讲相当于一个子活动(Activity),它可以让多个活动放到同一个屏幕上,也就是对用户界面和功能的重用,因为对于大屏设备来说,纯粹的 Activity 有些力不从心。Fragment 像是一个子活动,但是 Fragment 不是 Activity 的扩展,因为 Fragment 扩展自 中的 Object,而 Activity 是 Context 的子类。Fragment 有自己的视图层级结构,有自己的活动周期,还可以像活动一样响应后退按钮,Fragment 还有一个用作其初始化参数的包(Bundle),类似 Activity,Fragment 也可由系统自动保存并在以后还原。当系统还原 Fragment 时,它调用默认的构造函数(没有参数),然后将此Bundle还原到新创建的 Fragment 中,所以无论新建还是还原 Fragment,都要经过两个步骤:(1)调用默认构造函数(2)传入新的或者保存起来的Bundle。一个Activity可以运行多个 Fragment,Fragment 切换时,由 FragmentTransaction 执行,切换时,上一个 Fragment 可以保存在后退栈中(Back Stack),这里的后退栈由 FragmentManager 来管理,注意 Fragment 和 Activity 的后退栈是有区别的:Activity 的后退栈由系统管理,而 Fragment 的后退栈由所在的Activity 管理。Fragment不能脱离Activity而存在,只有Activity才能作为接收intent的载体。其实两者基本上是载体和组成元素的关系。

improvements activities是什么意思

improvements activities是改进活动

management experts是什么意思

management experts管理专家例句筛选1.Over the past few months, we"ve interviewed managementexperts from across Asia.过去几个月来,我们采访了亚洲各地的管理专家。2.Interview of World Famous Management Experts世界著名管理大师访谈

lamentable 和sorrowful哪个比较接近mournful

lamentable["læməntəbl, lə"men-] adj. bad; unfortunate (可悲的;伤心的;令人惋惜的;不幸的;[罕用语]表示悲痛的;哀伤的)sorrowful["sɔrəufuəl, "sɔ:-] adj. experiencing or marked by or expressing sorrow especially that associated with irreparable loss(悲伤的,伤心的)mournful["mɔ:nful, "məun-] adj.1. expressing sorrow2. filled with or evoking sadness(悲哀的;令人惋惜的)可见,sorrowful更接近mournful的含义。

remove document是什么意思

清除文件夹纸 就是打印机卡纸了

environmental activists是什么意思


element与basics 的区别

应该是basic而不是basics吧? element与basic的区别 element和basic 都含有基础的意思,但:element 更强调“要素,成分”表示基础时强调“(学科的)基础”,有局限性。basic所包含的范围比较广泛!


basics是基础。elements形容学术类的 (化学)元素

basically fundamentally有什么区别?

This has reached the required results.基本上是从根本上

proposed appointment是什么意思,用中文怎么翻译比较准确



这个要看具体语境但是proposed = 提议出的,议案上的 implementation = 成就; 贯彻加在一起,是“提议贯彻方案” 或者“建议措施” 等意思如果还有问题可以找我!答案来自于英语牛人团。

Proposed Development Approach是什么意思

Proposed Development Approach提出的开发方法双语对照例句:1.Chapter 3 analyzed the applicapabilities of the proposed normalizedcharacteristics and its concise representation approach in the followingaspects: development of part library, product identification, characteristicsdata dictionary, and product configuration. 第三章论述了规范化特性及特性简约表达方法在零部件库开发、产品规格标识、特性数据字典、产品配置中应用的方法及其可行性。2.The focus is on developing an integrated approach to analysis of climatechange processes, and assessment of proposed policy measures, drawingon research and model development within the mit joint program on thescience and policy of global change. 课程重点是利用麻省理工学院的「全球变化的科学及政策」联合计划的研究和开发模型,发展一套综合的方法来分析气候变化过程,并评估建议的政策措施。

Proposed payment plan是什么意思

Proposed payment plan的中文翻译Proposed payment plan 提出的付款计划

proposed arrangement是什么意思

proposed arrangement拟议安排双语例句1The concurrence of the Security Council on the proposed arrangement will be sought.还将寻求安全理事会同意拟议安排。2Ethiopia therefore welcomed the proposed arrangement that would streamline cooperation between the United Nations and AU in peacekeeping matters.因此,埃塞俄比亚欢迎拟议的对联合国和非盟在维持和平事务上的合作进行简化的安排。



which statement about bacteria is true什么意思中文

不是不是 bases 是 碱的意思啦~ 你可以说Bases can neutralize acids. 这里acids指的是酸~ 意思就是 酸碱中和~ 这是,哪国的初中化学?话说我在学12年级的化学~有不懂可以问我哦~

Which statement about bases is true? 初中化学。

base 碱。

acting appointment是什么意思

acting appointment署任;最短的合资格署任期;署任阶段例句1.This field displays the employee"s effective date of the acting appointment.此字段显示雇员的署任的生效日期。2.The appointment of any member may be terminated by mutual agreement of bi Parties, but not by the Employer or the Contractor acting alone.任何成员的委任只有在合同双方同意的情况下才能终止,雇主或承包商各自的行动将不能终止此类委任。3.Reporter: I have a friend to be in Shanghai, can you make him acting will I sign make an appointment with?记者:我有朋友在上海,能不能让他代我来签约呢?

basel agreement是什么意思

basel agreement巴塞尔协议双语对照词典结果:Basel Agreement[财]巴塞尔协议; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.One reasonably safe bet is that a new basel agreement, howeveronerous, will provide the basis for a level playing field on capital andliquidity. 一个相当保险的押注是,新巴塞尔协议(不管多么繁重),将会为两者在资本与流动性上的公平竞争提供基础。

vbs创建快捷方式时的argument是什么意思?就是“oShellLink.Arguments = " -fullscreen"”是啥意思?


页面在chrome 浏览器下document.fullscreenEnabled 返回undefined

做全屏必须使用兼容代码,chrome的内核和其他游览器的内核是不一样的,不要单纯的使用一个document.fullscreenEnabled,而是要兼容性处理。给你参考如下的全屏显示代码,顺便送上退出全屏显示的。//进入全屏if (document.exitFullscreen) {document.exitFullscreen();} else if (document.mozExitFullScreen) {document.mozExitFullScreen();} else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {document.webkitExitFullscreen();} //退出全屏if (playVideo[0].requestFullscreen) {playVideo[0].requestFullscreen();} else if (playVideo[0].mozRequestFullScreen) {playVideo[0].mozRequestFullScreen();} else if (playVideo[0].webkitRequestFullscreen) {playVideo[0].webkitRequestFullscreen();} else if (playVideo[0].msRequestFullscreen) {playVideo[0].msRequestFullscreen();}

Joyful moment什么意思


nervous equipment是什么意思

nervous equipment紧张的设备

many resolutions have to do with self improvement

答案:have to do with. 通过中英文句子的比对,可知英文句子中缺少"与…有关"的表达.句子叙述一件事实,所以使用一般现在时,主语是复数resolutions,后面动词用原形,短语"与…有关"的英文表达是have to do with,故答案为:have to do with.


agen. 年龄;时代;老年;年龄段;vt.& vi. 使显老;(使)长大;使苍老;使变老;vi. (吸毒者随年龄增长而主动)戒毒,戒除毒品;陈化,熟化;[化学]老化;vt. [化学]使老化;使陈化;使熟化;估计,推测(马的年龄);cyCyprus 塞浦路斯mentabbr. mention 提到;mentioned 提及的;mentalis 精神的;mental 精神的;al[医]〔后缀〕用于化合物名之后,示有醛基-CHO存在,如chloral(氯醛,三氯乙醛)fulabbr. full 全部,完全,正式的;lyabbr. Libya 利比亚;亲~你问的单词好奇怪~有的不是单词吧~

they lift barriers to finacial investment什么意思?

They lift barriers to finacial investment他们解除了投资壁垒

impediment obstacle,barrier,obstruction,bar,hindrance辨析,加例句,

这组词的共同意思是“阻挡”.其区别是: 1.block指有效地堵住了所有通道,使人、物等无法通过; bar指堵住出入口; dam指挡住涌流物,如眼泪等; obstruct和impede都指在路上设障碍以使运动的物体或事物速度放慢或阻挡其前进,impede比obstruct语气更强些,指困难非常大; hinder则强调阻碍和干扰的有害或令人讨厌.例如: Heavy traffic blocked the road.拥挤的车辆阻塞了道路. She barred him out of her room.她把他关在她的房间外面. She barred up her tears.她抑制住了自己的眼泪. Tall trees obstructed his moving.大树阻挡了他的前进. The development of the project was seriously impeded by a reduction in funds.由于基金削减,工程进度严重受阻. 2.bar有时没有阻碍的含义,只指“禁止”.例如: My father barred smoking at the dinner-table.我父亲禁止在餐桌上用餐时吸烟.

在企业中,什么是strategy development啊?


有关acquisitions(购置) 和 divestments(撤销投资)在现金流量表会计问题


gene fragment acquisition是什么



这里面buy和其它几个词的区别最大。buy只是购买的意思,就是简单的付钱取货。这个词只能用在非正式场合。其它三个词所代表的意思,美国人也常常搞混。它们的区别在于每个词所代表的过程。Purchase所代表的意义最窄,就是和采购本身相关的活动。而Acquisition所代表的意义最广,按美国国防部的定义,包含了设计、开发、生产、装备及维护等等过程。Procurement则介于两者之间。Purchase 采购过程,包括申请、批准、填写采购单、订货、及收货。Procurement 包括市场调查、厂家调查、合同谈判、及采购过程。Acquisition 包括所有Purchase和Procurement的过程,再加上从概念到产品开发到维护及服务的一系列活动。

acquisition and payment 什么意思


statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals是什么意思

statement of acquisition of beneficial...的中文翻译statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals个人利益所有制的获取


这里面buy和其它几个词的区别最大。buy只是购买的意思,就是简单的付钱取货。这个词只能用在非正式场合。其它三个词所代表的意思,美国人也常常搞混。它们的区别在于每个词所代表的过程。Purchase所代表的意义最窄,就是和采购本身相关的活动。而Acquisition所代表的意义最广,按美国国防部的定义,包含了设计、开发、生产、装备及维护等等过程。Procurement则介于两者之间。Purchase 采购过程,包括申请、批准、填写采购单、订货、及收货。Procurement 包括市场调查、厂家调查、合同谈判、及采购过程。Acquisition 包括所有Purchase和Procurement的过程,再加上从概念到产品开发到维护及服务的一系列活动。

big tender requirement deal什么意思

big tender requirement deal 全部释义和例句>>招标要求requirement 英[rɪˈkwaɪəmənt] 美[rɪˈkwaɪərmənt] n. 要求; 必要条件; 必需品,需要量; 资格; [例句]Its products met all legal requirements.它的产品符合所有的法律要求。[其他] 复数:requirements 形近词: acquirement


  requirement英 [rɪˈkwaɪəmənt] 美 [rɪˈkwaɪərmənt]  n.要求; 必要条件; 必需品,需要量; 资格;  [网络]任职资格; 需求; 必修课;  [例句]Its products met all legal requirements.  它的产品符合所有的法律要求。  [其他]复数:requirements 形近词: acquirement




requirementn. 要求;必要条件;必需品



acquisition和 acquirement的区别

acquisition n.获得 * acquire get gain obtain 获得技能,信息勇气acquire confidence /courage/knowledge/skillsacquisition : the act of acquiringeg. He devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledgedevote one"s time to既包括精神上的也包括物质上的the acquisition of sth. (通常形式)Acquiring confidence is essential.The acquisition of confidence is essential.The acquisition of skills is necessary in the modern society.acquirement 仅指精神上的获得acquisition可以指泛泛的概念the acquisition/acquirement of knowledge知识的获得the acquisition of money 金钱的获得The acquisition of money is what a large number of people run after.the ~ of sth.


acquirement可以用单数的, 比如在"English Synonyms Explained"这本书里作者举例:To learn a language is an acquirement; to gain a class or a degree, an acquisition.这个词出现于17世纪,但20世纪开始已经很少有人用了,近乎废语。在各大辞典里(牛津、剑桥、朗文)已经找不到这个词的注解了。但在Collins和韦伯辞典里还有它的影子,不过注释也是非常粗略的。

acquisition和 acquirement的区别


People all believe that the new economic policy will have a profound _____ on the environment

Ahave an effect on sth.对什么有影响


cquisition n.获得 * acquire get gain obtain 获得技能,信息勇气 acquire confidence /courage/knowledge/skills acquisition :the act of acquiring eg.He devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledge devote one"s time to 既包括精神上的也包括物质上的 the acquisition of sth.(通常形式) Acquiring confidence is essential. The acquisition of confidence is essential. The acquisition of skills is necessary in the modern society. acquirement 仅指精神上的获得 acquisition可以指泛泛的概念 the acquisition/acquirement of knowledge知识的获得 the acquisition of money 金钱的获得 The acquisition of money is what a large number of people run after. the of sth.


apartment主要指一套公寓的房间,而house的基本含义是住宅,指用来供人居住的建筑物,强调的是整体建筑。1.apartment的意思是“一套房间”,主要指一套公寓的房间,通常设有家具供出租,尤指为度假用的; 引申还可指“厅堂,殿堂”,作此解时,常用于复数形式。 2.apartment是指单元房,就是一栋楼的里面有一套一套的单元房,一套单元房就叫一个apartment. 可见,如果我们住在小区里的多层楼,就可以回答I live in an apartment. There"s a nine story apartment building next to the bank. 银行旁边有一座九层高的宿舍大楼。 Many city dwellers live in apartment buildings. 许多城市居民住在公共住宅楼里。 You can visit the whole palace except for the private apartments. 整个宫殿都可以参观,只有内殿不开放。 3.house是独立住宅,它可以指一个平房,也可以指一座别墅,往往带有院子,有的还有花园或游泳池。 4.house的基本意思是“住宅,房子”,指用来供人居住的建筑物,强调的是整体建筑,里面可以有人,也可以没人。house有时还可以表示某些具有特殊用途的建筑物,如“运输大楼”“经纪行”等。 I must find some place where I can house my books. 我得找个地方收藏我的书。 The library houses thousands of volumes. 这个图书馆藏书数万卷。 Many married couples are waiting to be housed. 许多结了婚的夫妇在等待提供房子。

英文里面 house 和 apartment 的区别是什么?


sat语法题: acquaintances of alexei have commented that he is at once annoying because of his

1)这个就是SAT语法考试和高考语法考试不同的地方了.恰如SAT语法中我们要避免beinghaving等说法一样,我们要追求句式的清晰明了、整齐一致.如果按照楼主的意思,选了A的话,这个句子毫无整齐可言;但是如果是E的话,就会有一个“平行”的结构出现,即annoying——delightfubecause of his——because of hisimagination——unpredictability这就是为什么E比A要好得多.2)因为这是一个事实,表示他现在的状态,他就是一个那样的人3)alexei的熟人评论他的不可预测性是恼人的同时他的想象力又是令人喜爱的

汉译英 英译汉 1 Do the rewards of teaching outweigh the trying moments?

1.教学所得的回报胜过在那过程中所付出的努力吗(难熬的时刻)?2..当物资没有发生变化的情况下,我做了改变,更重要的是,我的学生也做出了改变。3.他们坚持写日记4不知5her conclusion is based on the actual situation carried on the earnest analysis foundation.6我有能力,促使,球迷的火花,建议书,指出一条路径7Temporary he had to accept a promotion to a single company law of life.

Developing problem 和 Development problem 有什么区别?

开发中的问题 & 发展问题



development developing developed develop

development 名词 发展developing 形容词 发展中的Developed 形容词 发达的develop 动词 发展答案选C 翻译:美国是世界上最发达的国家之一。

用develop,developing ,developed ,development造句

we should try our best to develop our own culture.我们应该努力发展文化China is a developing country.中国是一个发展中国家The company developed rapidly under his administration. 在他的管理下,公司发展得很快。 This is an important stage in our country"s development. 这是我国发展的重要阶段。

想问一下developing tend和development tend的区别?

developing是形容词/动名词,Development是名词。developing做形容词:It"s a developing country.作动名词:The country is developing.development:The fast dev...

developmental, developing, developed 三者的区别于用法

developmental是 发展的;启发的"的意思,是形容词。developing一般是指正在进行的某种状态,如China is a developing country。中国是发展中国家。 developed是指已经完成的某种状态。如:HE has developed a incredible ability.他养成了一种神奇的能力。



peer assessment是什么意思

peer assessment 同伴评价;同侪评量同伴评价同伴评价(Peer assessment)指学习者在与同伴互动的过程中,以互助合作与知识共享的理念为引导,通过观察,模仿,评判同伴的作品例句筛选1.Blom Diana Peer assessment of tertiary group music-making: vocationaltraining?高等教育团体音乐创作的同等评估:职业培训?2.In process-oriented English writing teaching, peer-assessment is thought to bean indispensable section.在过程写作教学法里面,同学互评是必不可少的一个环节。

紧急求助!!高难度商务英语(wks before shipment) 是什么意思啊!大侠

So I don"t no.

EnglishPod31:Canceling an Appointment

A: Hello, Samantha speaking. B: Hi Samantha. This is Angela calling. A: Oh, hi Angela, what"s up? B: I"m just calling about our meeting today. I wonder, is it possible to reschedule our appointment in the afternoon? I have a bit of an emergency that I need to take care of. A: Let me see, it shouldn"t be too much of a problem... B: I"m really sorry, I hope it doesn"t inconvenience you too much, it"s just this thing came up, and ... A: Angela, you know what, I can"t make it to our meeting, either. Why don"t we postpone it to tomorrow afternoon at the same time? B: Sounds great. See you tomorrow. C: Angela..Angela, look up! See that lady over there who is trying on a red leather jacket? Isn"t that Samantha? B: What? No wonder she told me she couldn"t make it to the meeting, oh, no, I think she saw me... 单词: what"s up postphone 推迟 leather jacket 皮夹克 scheduling conflict make it double-book:two or more appointments scheduled at the same time push back : move a meeting or appointment to a later time rain check : a promise or offer to do something in the future that is not possible to do now 拓展:


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成长之 Emotional Detachment

昨天听一位职场成功女性分享了她的成长体会,她提到一条她的闺蜜给她的最有帮助的建议:be emotionally detached from your work。就这一句,一听到我就觉得醍醐灌顶,困扰我多年的症结被它不偏不倚击中要害。原来,从小长辈倒给我的她们在工作环境里攒下的苦水、步入职场后自己心里经历的一次次暴风骤雨,其实都只是被我们不明智地反刍、沉溺、放大了,而对待它们最健康最负责的态度则是:尽快把自己从波动的情感中抽离。这个智慧的选择,不仅是对自己身心的呵护,而且也是对手中的工作、身边同伴的负责任的照顾。它会帮助我们有效地防止情绪上的内耗,保持对大方向的专注。 顿悟的那一刻,除了感谢台上的讲述者,我也感叹生命奇妙,同样的话估计我也没少听过,但为什么是在那样的场合那个时间点,它一瞬间就解除了我长久以来的情绪魔咒?所谓“非岁月不可”,诚然。我也终于踏实地相信,我在越来越从容坚定地做好自己的主人——成长,在每一次情绪的取舍和聚焦前,清晰可见。 顺手搜了以下这篇方法 文章 ,贴在这里,需要的时候当作自救的行动清单。 另外,我还读到了一项 2014年的心理研究 ,研究结果有点出乎意料。大意是,虽然带着积极情绪进入工作的人会比带着负面情绪工作的人表现得稍好,但是,不带情绪的人在工作上的表现竟远远地高过前两者。所以咯,要想在工作上精进,学会在必要的时候将感情抽离的重要性不言而喻。 Three Methods: Coping with Feelings Focusing on Yourself Using Techniques to Detach Community Q&A 三种方法:应对感觉、关注自身、使用情绪抽离的技巧 Sometimes it is healthy to detach from emotional pain if it is too intense or overwhelming in that moment, if it could be dangerous (could lead to harming yourself, or using a dangerous drug), if the timing is not right (if you are at work or school or in an unsafe place), or if you do not feel comfortable expressing emotion in your current situation (i.e. if you are around certain individuals that you do not trust to share your feelings with). In order to healthily detach from strong emotions, you may benefit from learning to cope with difficult emotions, paying attention to yourself and your own needs, and practicing techniques for successful emotional detachment.  有时,如果你觉得情绪会对你自己造成身体上的伤害,或者时间地点不适合应对,那么把自己从情绪中抽离出来是一个健康的办法。下面就有几种能帮助你健康地抽离的方法:1.学习和有挑战的情绪共处,2.关注你自身以及3,练习情绪抽离的技巧。 Method1   Coping with Feelings  方法1   应对你的感觉 1  Explore the reasons for your strong emotional reactions.  In order to better detach yourself, you should be aware of the reason for your strong reaction. Three reasons why you may be feeling emotional are: you are being highly sensitive the situation is triggering a painful past event you are feeling a loss of control over the situation, which can provoke a lot of anger and frustration. 1. 寻找引起你强烈情绪反应的原因。 为了让你自己抽离,你应该对引起你强烈情绪反应的原因有所察觉。以下是三种可能的原因: 你高度敏感 / 事件触发了痛苦的记忆 / 你觉得对形势失去了控制,而这会引发很大的愤怒和不满 2  Know the difference between healthy and unhealthy detachment.    知道健康和不健康的(情绪)抽离的区别。 It is natural and normal to want to emotionally detach sometimes, especially if the emotion is too painful or overwhelming to fully deal with at the current time. However, extreme emotional detachment from others is associated with psychopathy, where individuals commit crimes against others without remorse. [1]  Extreme emotional disassociation can also be the result of experiencing trauma. If you want to detach sometimes due to intense emotions, that is perfectly healthy. We may not always be in the place to cope with strong emotions. However, if you find yourself isolating from others constantly or being emotionally numb (not feeling emotions), you could suffer from a larger psychological concern. Some signs you may need therapy or treatment include: social isolation, avoidance of social activities, intense fear of rejection, recurrent depressed or anxious mood, difficulty completing work (school or occupational duties), and frequent social conflict or physical fights with others. 注意:如果你发现自己有如下的表现,那可能就需要去寻求专业治疗:与世隔离、逃避社交、强烈地害怕被拒绝、反复的抑郁或焦虑情绪、完成工作困难、经常性的社交冲突或者与他人的身体冲突。 3  Accept your emotional state.   接受你的情绪现状 Paradoxically, if we accept our emotions as valid and normal, we can be better at detaching from them when we need a break. [2] [3] Oftentimes, we may want to push our emotions away because they do not feel good. However, these emotions give us valuable information about our situation and our perceptions. [4]  Similar to physical pain, negative feelings (fear, anger, sadness, anxiety, stress) are like your brains way of alerting you that there is a problem. 看似自相矛盾但又确实不虚的是,当我们把我们的情绪看作情有可原的正常状况,我们反倒能在需要透口气的时候更容易地从情绪中抽离。经常,我们可能想要避开感觉不好的情绪。然而,这些情绪为我们提供了审视我们所在的境况和看待事情的角度的有价值的信息。类似于身体疼痛,负面感觉(害怕、愤怒、悲伤、焦虑、压力)也是你的大脑再给你拉警报,提醒你有问题出现了。 The next time you have a painful emotion such as anger, think to yourself, “I am angry because _____. This anger gives me good information about how I am reacting to this situation and will help me decide how I should deal with it. It is okay to feel angry.” The anger itself is not the issue, it is what you do with the anger you feel. You can choose to ignore it and stuff it down, but this could end up making it come back even more powerful the next time. 下次,如果你有了痛苦的情绪,比如:愤怒,暗自想想:“我在生气,因为_____。这股愤怒让我看清了我是如何应对这个情况的,它也会帮我决定应该如何处理它。生气就生气吧。”愤怒本身不是重点,重点在于你怎么回应你感觉到的愤怒。你可以选择无视它,把它填压住,但这有可能会让它最终反弹得更厉害。 If you accept your emotion, and find a healthy way of coping with it, then it loses its power over you and you can healthily detach from it when you need to. 如果你接受你的情绪,找到一种健康的方式去处理它,那它对你的影响就减弱了,在你需要的时候,就可以安全地从中抽离。 In the moment, try shifting focus [5] , as well as deep breathing to activate the body"s calming response. The first is a cognitive process associated with decreased anxiety, and the second is a physical action one can take to initiate the body"s calming response. 在情绪上来的时刻,试着转移注意力,同时深呼吸来激活身体的镇静反应。前者是一个伴随着焦虑减弱的认知过程,后者是一个能让人平静下来的身体动作。 You can also cope by taking a nap, doing an art project, taking a walk, getting a massage, hanging out with a pet, drinking tea, listening to music, and even kissing your significant other [6] . 你也可以小睡一下、做一些与艺术相关的事情、散散步、按个摩、溜下宠物、喝杯茶、听听音乐甚至亲亲你的伴侣。 4  Express your feelings in a safe place.   在安全的环境中表达你的情绪感觉 Giving yourself the space to feel your emotions in a safe way is integral to being able to detach when you need to. Set a time each day to feel your feelings. Practice crying alone. Crying in front of the one who is harassing you will only provoke them to taunt you more or continue with their harassment. Breathing deeply and thinking of something other than the situation may prevent you from fully processing the situation and ultimately prevent you from crying. However, it is not healthy to keep that sadness in. Try your best to wait until the situation has ended and for the antagonist to leave the room before you begin to cry.  在人前,尤其是在欺负你的人和相关场合下,深呼吸、转移注意力,尽量忍住别哭。但是找到安全的环境,独自一人的时候要哭出来,别憋坏了。 5  Write down your feelings and thoughts [7] .   写下你的感觉和想法 Just as it is unhealthy to keep from crying, it is also unhealthy to keep anger, confusion, and other negative emotions inside. Putting those feelings and thoughts on paper or on the computer can help you process and deal with difficult emotions so that you can detach when you feel the need. 和哭的作用类似,把感受和想法写在纸上或电脑里会帮你慢慢 Write down how you feel in a secret journal or diary. 把你的真实感受写进秘密日记。 To avoid ruminating on your negative thoughts, try identifying alternative ways of thinking about or looking at the situation. For example, if your negative thought is, "This person is such a jerk!" Perhaps you can also write down, "However, this individual may have had a difficult life and is being this way to cope with anger or sadness." A little empathy can go a long way in helping you cope with difficult people and situations.  为了避免自己沉溺在消极想法里,试试转换一些角度和方法来看事情,比如,骂完一个人后,转念一想,这个人可能他自己也过得不好。一点点的同情心可能会在与难搞的人和事打交道的时候帮上大忙。 6  Distract yourself.   转移注意力 Think about or do something else [8] . Do not simply ignore the feeling or situation. If you try to stop thinking about something, you may just end up thinking about it more. This is called the white-bear phenomenon, where subjects in a research study were told not to think about a white bear; and of course that is all they could think about. [9]  Instead of focusing on avoiding thinking about what is making you upset, try to think about something else instead. 有个白熊理论说的是,你越是让人不想某个东西某件事,他就越是想得多。所以与其不断告诉自己别想这事儿了,还不如直接换件事情想。 Try distraction activities like: gardening, playing a game, watching a movie, reading a magazine, playing an instrument, painting, drawing, cooking, or talking to a friend. [10]  具体的,比如:园艺啊,玩个游戏啊,看个电影啊,读本杂志啊,玩玩乐器啊,涂涂画画啊,下个厨房啊,或者跟朋友聊聊。 7  Take action physically.   让身体动起来 Go for a walk, a bike ride or any other cardiovascular activity. Aerobic activity is proven to boost endorphins and will help you be in a better position to monitor and change your reactions to emotional predators. [11]  Exercise can also be a great distracting or grounding technique. Consider the following physical activities: hiking, rowing, kayaking, gardening, cleaning, jumping rope, dancing, kickboxing, yoga, Pilates, Zumba, push-ups, sit-ups, sports, running, and walking. 考虑做下这些活动:远足、划船、皮划艇、园艺、打扫卫生、跳绳、跳舞、拳击、瑜伽、普拉提、尊巴舞、俯卧撑、仰卧起坐、运动、跑步和散步。 Method2   Focusing on Yourself    方法2  聚焦在你自己身上 1  Self-reflect.   反观自己 One way to healthfully detach is to focus on observing yourself like an outsider, from an objective stance. [12]  This is sometimes called the “third eye,” where you have an additional vision of yourself from the outside. When you are alone, simply observe how you are feeling and thinking. Ask yourself, “How am I doing today? What am I thinking about?” 独自一人时,观察自己的感觉和想法就够了。问问自己:“我今天感觉怎么样啊?我现在在想什么?”(很有效的问题,一定要强调当下的感觉是怎样的,不是昨天,不是懊恼的事情发生时候的情感记忆,就仅仅是提问的这一刻。) You can also work on observing yourself in social situations. Pay attention to what you say, do, how you act, and what emotions you express. 你也可以练习在社交场景中观察自己。留意你的言谈举止以及其背后你要表达的情绪。 2  Validate yourself.   看见并允许自己的感觉 Self-validation is an important component of learning how to distance yourself emotionally. Validation means confirming that how you are thinking or feeling is reasonable. 告诉自己,你的所思所觉都是情有可原的。 You can use positive self-talk. Say to yourself, “It is okay and natural to feel how I am feeling. Even if I don"t want to show it, I am allowed to feel this way.” 比如,跟自己说:“我有现在的情绪很自然,没什么大不了。即使我不打算发泄出来,我也允许自己在心里这样想想。” 3  Set emotional boundaries.   (对外界)设立情绪边界 Setting emotional boundaries is about putting your needs first by setting limits on what you will tolerate from others. If you can, disengage from individuals who irritate or upset you, such as particular coworkers or neighbors.Try setting boundaries by telling individuals directly how you feel, and what you would like them to do. For example, if your brother teases you, you could say, “I feel angry when you tease me like that. I would appreciate it if you stop.” It may also be helpful to identify the consequences of breaking this boundary such as, “If you don"t stop, I might not want to continue to be around you.” Here, you calmly discuss your anger without blowing up. Method3   Using Techniques to Detach 方法3  运用情绪抽离的技巧 1  Use your wise mind.   利用你的“智慧脑”(情绪和理智的最佳平衡部分) According to Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), a prominent therapy modality that helps teach individuals distress tolerance, we have an emotional mind and a rational mind. Our wise mind is a mix of both emotions and rational thought. The key to detaching or distancing yourself from emotional pain for a period of time is to use your wise mind – the perfect balance between the logical part and emotional part of your brain. Instead of only reacting emotionally, attempt to think rationally about the situation. [13] Acknowledge your feelings by saying, "Emotions are natural. Even strong emotions pass. I can work out why I had such a strong reaction after I get myself calm." Ask yourself, "Is this going to matter in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years? How much does this actually affect my life?" 问问你自己:“1年、5年或10年后,这件事还重要吗?它会在多大程度上影响我的生活?” Ask yourself if your thought is fact or fiction. What is the bigger picture? [14] 自问你的想法是事实还是杜撰。往大处看是怎样的情形? 2  Maintain emotional distance through   mindfulness .  通过练习“正念”保持情绪上的距离 Creating emotional distance is useful if you need to be empathic toward someone, but do not want to be overwhelmed or overly affected by the person"s emotions. [15]  Mindfulness can be a useful technique in achieving a level of empathy that includes a level of distance that reduces the possibility of being flooded by the other person"s emotions. Try eating a piece of food mindfully (raisin, candy, apple, etc). [16]  First focus on what it looks like, its color and shape. Then notice how it feels in your hands, its texture and temperature. Finally, eat a small piece of the food slowly and notice how it tastes, and feels when you are eating it. Pay close attention to this experience. Go on a mindfulness walk. Try walking for 20 minutes or so. Simply focus on your walking, and what is going on around you. How does the air feel? Is it hot, cold, windy, calm? What sounds do you hear? Are there birds chirping, people talking, or car alarms going off? How does it feel to move your body? What do you see? Are there trees swaying in the wind, or animals moving about? [17] Bring your focus back to the present moment instead of being caught up in your thoughts and feelings or other personal reactions. Mindfulness requires concentration on the present moment, awareness of your own reactions, acceptance and letting go of painful thoughts and emotions, and thinking of thoughts as ideas instead of truths. [18] 3  Take deep breaths [19] .   深呼吸 If you are stressed out, your body naturally tenses and sends your thoughts racing. Breathe deep and slow to avoid a lack of oxygen that can add to the problem.

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在XCode选择RunRun -> Performance -> ToolLeaks,再选择table view中的几行。也可以上下滚动table view,从table view顶端到底部。基于前面的经验,你就应该开始看出一些蓝色的标签出现在泄漏的内存上。  点击停止按钮,然后去工具栏中点击“Leaked Blocks”让他变成“Call Tree”。在面板左下角,点击“Invert Call Tree”、“Hide System Libraries”。你将会看到这个工具发现两个不同的函数存在内存泄漏

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你好。test facilities and instruments翻译成中文是:检测设备和仪器。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。
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