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equipment意思是:设备。英 [ɪ"kwɪpmənt]     美 [ɪ"kwɪpmənt]    n. 设备;装备;器材。The government has an interest in importing scientific equipment.政府对引进科学设备非常感兴趣。We should make a better use of the existing equipment.我们应该更好地利用现有设备。语法:equipment的意思是“设备,装备”,指的是用于某种特殊〔专门〕用途或特殊目的(研究、工作、战争等)所需要的全套设备,如装备、器械、仪表等,尤用来指实用或技术性的装备、设备。equipment是不可数名词,不能说equipments或an equipment,“一件设备”应说a piece of equipment。equipment用于比喻是“知识,才能”的意思,其后面可接动词不定式,不接介词和 v -ing。

equipment 不可数名词,为什么还有复数形式equipments?



electrical appliance 和 electrical equipment都可以


Equipment 是不可数名词,表示个体时,要用名词或者量词来表数量概念,应该是否 a piece of equipment








  equipment通常用作名词,有设备;装备;器材的意思。那么你知道equipment是否可数名词吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    equipment词语用法:   equipment是不可数名词,不能说equipments或an equipment,“一件设备”应说a piece of equipment。   equipment的意思是“设备,装备”,指的是用于某种特殊〔专门〕用途或特殊目的(研究、工作、战争等)所需要的全套设备,如装备、器械、仪表等,尤用来指实用或技术性的装备、设备。   equipment用于比喻是“知识,才能”的意思,其后面可接动词不定式,不接介词和 v -ing。    equipment英语例句:   1. I get very nervous because I"m using a lot of expensive equipment.   因为正在使用很多昂贵的设备,所以我非常紧张。   2. Customs officials have made a series of contradictory statements about theequipment.   海关官员们对这种设备作出了一系列互相矛盾的陈述。   3. Having the right equipment at hand will be enormously helpful.   手头上有合适的设备将会帮上大忙。   4. Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic surveillance equipment.   警方利用电子监视设备跟踪绑架者。   5. As the equipment was unpacked, I led Lee around the overgrown garden.   取出设备后,我带着李在花草蔓生的花园里转了一圈。   6. Equipment must be supervised if children are in the house.   如果孩子们在屋里,必须有人监管设备。   7. Within five hours, the equipment will be humming away again.   用不了5小时,设备就又能嗡嗡地运转了。   8. He was found by a police helicopter using thermal imaging equipment.   一架警用直升机借助热成像设备找到了他。   9. Their health-care system suffers from queues, shortages and ropeyequipment.   他们的医疗体系有很多不足:要排队等候,资源短缺,设备陈旧。   10. Suppliers add computer consumables, office equipment and furniture to their product range.   供货商在其产品范围中增加了计算机耗材、办公设备和家具。   11. They emphasised that their equipment was for peaceful and not military purposes.   他们强调他们的设备用于和平而非战争目的。   12. Better driv-ing equipment will improve track adhesion in slippery conditions.   较好的驾驶设备能够提升在湿滑路面上的抓地力。   13. This led Zagreb"s twin town, Mainz, to donate £70,000-worth of high-qualityequipment.   这使得萨格勒布的友好城市美因茨捐赠了价值7万英镑的高品质装备。   14. The equipment was taken down the shaft in pieces.   该设备被拆卸成几部分送下了井。   15. Every second her equipment was off line cost the company money.   她的设备每停产一秒钟,公司都要损失钱。


n.设备,装备; 器材,配件; (工作必需的)知识,素养;equipment是不可数名词,作“装备”,“设备”解.不能说equipments或an equipment例如:The building is supplied with modern office equipment.这幢楼配备了现代化的办公设备.You will be satisfied with the kitchen equipment here.你一定会对这里的厨卫设备感到满意.I need three pieces of equipment.我需要三件设备.We have lots of factories with modern equipment.我们拥有许多设备现代化的工厂.Radar equipment helps us a lot in our daily life.雷达装置在日常生活中颇有用处.下列名词常用作不可数名词:accommodation,advice,baggage,behavior,bread,cash,cloth,clothing,coal,equipment,fun,furniture,grass,harm,information,ink,knowledge,labour,laughter,leisure,luck,lightning,living,luggage,machinery,meat,money,news,paper,permission,popularity,progress,rice,scenery,soap,sugar,tea,traffic,travel,trouble,thunder,weather,work等.

labor statement是什么意思

labor statement人工报表labor statement人工报表


Rafael Nadal held off Roger Federer in another momentum-swinging five-set final to win the Australian Open on Sunday,这句话的意思是他们势均力敌。momentum-swinging 字面上是风一样的移动, 形容快速的,这里根据上下文作者想说的是他们旗鼓相当。five-set, 五盘,那场比赛是打了五盘才分出胜负。在乒乓球,排球,网球等比赛中,一盘就是a set.


labor augmenting劳动扩张型祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~




英文:labor-augmenting 中文:增加劳动 很高兴为您解答 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,

labor-augmenting technical change是什么意思

  labor-augmenting technical change:劳力增加型技术变革  technical change:技术变革;技术变动;技术变化;技术进步  例句:  1.We suspect that this change, a technical improvement, was also made foreconomic reasons.  我们猜测,这一改变一或者说是一种技术革新-也是出于节约的缘故。  2.But this technical change, which proceeds like a tsunami, has nothing to dowith globalisation.  但这场如同海啸一样推进的技术变革与全球化无关。  3.The second chapter discusses the relationship between the technical changeand the employment in detail.  第二章,详细讨论技术变化与就业的关系。  4.Balance Model of Outsourcing based on Technical Change  基于技术变革的外包均衡模型

英译汉cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations

一个喧闹的商业环境同样会让高级经理对于让一份不明确的声明玷污他们的名誉发表很是谨慎。应该是这样的了....提供下单词的意思好了.. turbulent ["tə:bjulənt]基本翻译adj. 骚乱的,混乱的;狂暴的;吵闹的网络释义turbulent:吵闹的 | 不稳定气流 | 紊聊vague [veiɡ]基本翻译adj. 模糊的;含糊的;不明确的;暧昧的网络释义vague:模糊不清的 | 含糊的 | 模糊的cautious ["kɔ:ʃəs]基本翻译adj. 谨慎的;十分小心的网络释义cautious:谨慎的 | 小心谨慎的 | 小心的

it rose out of the basket and began to follow the movements of the pipe 这句话中的rose,follow


基金里investment manager和investment advisor的区别

investment advisor 通常是 investment manager 和客户之间的沟通桥梁。 实际盯盘和做决策的人都是investment manager,然后advisor会把结论或建议转交给客户,从而帮助客户选择基金。抽象点说,investment manager 就是在前线冲锋陷阵的,而advisor就是联络员。希望我的答案可以帮到你。

Investment Advisor 是什么意思啊?

investment advisor英[inˈvestmənt ædˈvaɪzə]美[ɪnˈvɛstmənt ædˈvaɪzɚ][释义] 投资顾问;

研究生导师是mentor, tutor, advisor, supervisor? 这些词汇的区别是什么?

研究生导师一般是supervisor,含有监督者的意思。 advisor也可以指导师,还可以指一般意义上的咨询意见提供者。 人生的导师一般是mentor,偏重精神上的指导。 具体课程的指导可以成为tutor,家教也是这个单词。

the APEC Leaders" Economic Vision Statement 是什么意思

the APEC Leaders" Economic Vision Statement 是什么意思APEC(亚太经济合作组织)领袖对经济展望声明(HRD WG) BMN APEC企业管理网路(人力资源工作小组) APEC Business Card APEC商务卡 APEC Business Volunteer Program APEC商务自愿计画 APEC Center for Entrepreneurship Development APEC企业家发展中心 APEC Communication and Database System ACDS APEC通讯与资料库系统 APEC Council of Academies Of Applied Sciences and Engineering APEC-CASE APEC应用科学与工程学术委员会 Customs Industry Symposium APEC关务工业研讨会 APEC Economic Leaders Meeting AELM APEC经济领袖会议 APEC Economic Leaders Vision Statement APEC领袖对经济展望声明 APEC Education Hub APEC教育中心 APEC Education Network EduNet APEC教育网路 APEC Educational Foundation APEC EF APEC教育基金 APEC Guidebook on Investment Regimes APEC投资制度指南 APEC Investment Guidebook APEC投资指南 APEC Leader"s Education Initiative ALEI APEC领袖教育倡议 APEC Non-Binding Investment Principles APEC NBIP APEC不具约束力投资原则 APEC Pacific Business Forum APBF APEC太平洋企业论坛 APEC Science and Technology Parks Network APEC科学园区网路 APEC Study Center ASC APEC研究中心 APEC Virtual Center for Environmental Technology Exchange APEC环境计术交换虚拟中心 APEC Voluntary Investment Projects APEC VIP / AVIP APEC自愿性投资方案 Asia Pacific Information Industry Technology Center APIITC 亚太资讯产业技术中心 Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa BADEA 非洲经济发展阿拉伯银行 Arbitration Act 1987 1987年仲裁法 Arbitration Agreement 仲裁协定 ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality ACCSQ 东南亚国协标准及品质谘询委员会 ASEAN Free Trade Area AFTA 东协自由贸易区 ASEAN Regional Forum ARF 东协区域论坛 ASEAN-EC Energy Management Training and Research Center AEEMTRC 东南亚国协-欧洲共同体能源管理训练与研究中心 Asia Coordinating Meetings of Codex 亚洲代码统合会议 Asia Monetary Fund AMF 亚洲货币基金 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation APEC 亚太经济合作会议 Asia Pacific Investment Institute APII 亚太投资机构 Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation APLAC 亚太实验室认证合作 Asia Pacific Metrology Forum APMP 亚太度量衡论坛 Asia Pacific Telecommunity APT 亚太电信社区 Asia/Pacific Annual International Seminar on Copyright and Neighboring Rights 亚太年度版权与邻接权国际研讨会 Asian Development Bank ADB 亚洲开发银行 Asian- Pacific Business Network APBNet / APB-NET 亚太企业网路 Asian Single Tariff Policy ASTP 亚洲单一税则政策 Asia-Pacific Advanced Network APAN 亚太高等网路 Asia-Pacific Copyright Systems Enhancement APCSE 亚太版权制度之加强 Asia-Pacific Energy Research Center APERC 亚太能源研究中心 Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Conference Mutual Recognition Arrangement 亚太实验室认证会议相互承认协定 Asset-Backed Securities 资产担保证券 Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship AOTS 海外技术奖学金协会 Association of Pacific Rim Universities APRU 环太平洋大学协会 Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN 东南亚国家协会(东协) Asynchronous Transmission Mode Communication Network 异步传输模式通讯网路 ATC (Uruguay Round Agreement on Textiles and Clothing) 乌拉圭回合纺织品与成衣协定 Australia Center for International Commercial Arbitration ACICA 澳洲国际商业仲裁中心 Australia Commercial Disputes Center ACDC 澳洲商业争议中心 Australia/New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement ANZCERTA 澳纽紧密经济关系贸易协定 Australian Civil Offsets Agreement ACOA 澳洲国民补偿协定 Australian Competition and Consumer Commission ACCC 澳洲竞争暨消费者委员会 Australian Quarantine Inspection Service AQIS 澳洲检疫措施 Automated Commercial Environment ACE 自动化商业环境 Automated Commercial System ACS 自动化商业系统 Automated Entry Processing System AEPS 自动化输入处理系统 Automated Export System AES 自动化出口系统 Automatic Import Licensing 自动进口许可 Automatic Teller Machines ATMs 自动柜员机 Balance of Payments Manual BPM 收支平衡手册 Bank of International Settlement BIS 国际清算银行 Basel Convention BC 巴赛尔公约 Benchmarking and Diagnostic Tools 检测标准和诊断工具 Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works 文学与艺术作品保护伯恩公约 Best Practices Guidelines for IAPs 个别行动计画最佳推动措施指导纲领 Bilateral Investment Treaties BITs 双边投资协定 Bill of Lading B/L 提单 BIPM (International Bureau of Weights and Measures) 国际度量衡局 BMN (APEC Business Management Network) (HRD MG) APEC企业管理网路(人力资源工作小组) Board of Film Censors BFC 影片检查局 Bogor Declaration BD 茂物宣言 Bonded Warehouse 保税仓库 Bonded Zones 保税特区 Brunei Oil and Gas Authority BOGA 汶莱石油与天然气管理局 Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sdn Bhd BSP 汶莱蚬壳石油公司 Brussels Definition of Value BDV 布鲁塞尔核价定义 Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure 微生物有机体保存专利程序之国际认可布达佩斯协定 Build, Operate, Transfer BOT 建造-营运-移转 Build, Own, Operate BOO 建造-拥有-营运 Bureau of Customs BOC 关政司 Bureau of Immigration BOI / BI 移民局 Bureau of Immigration and Deportation BID 入出境管理局 Bureau of Product Standards BPS 商品标准局 Business Facilitation Process 商业便捷流程 Business Facilitation Steering Group BFSG 商务便捷化推动小组 Business Homepage 商业首页 Business Management Network BMN 企业管理网路 Business Practices Act BPA 商业实施法 Business Travel Handbook BTH 商务旅行手册 Business Volunteers Program BVP 企业义工计画 Canada-Australia Trade Agreement CANATA 加澳贸易协定 Caribbean Basin Initiative CBI 加勒比海盆地倡议 Caribbean Community and Common Market CARICOM 加勒比海共同体与共同市场 Caribbean Development Bank CDB 加勒比海开发银行 Cellular Mobile Telephone Services CMTS 数据式行动电话服务 Centers for Arbitration 仲裁中心 Central African Customs and Economic Union UDEAC 中部非洲关税及经济联盟 Central African States Development Bank BDEAC 中非洲国家开发银行 Central American Bank for Economic Integration BCIF 中美洲经济整合银行 Central American Common Market CACM 中美洲共同市场 Central Bank of the Philippines BSP 菲律宾中央银行 Central Pharmaceutical Affairs Council CPAC 中央药品管理委员会 Centre for Strategic and International Studies CSIS 战略与国际研究中心 Certificate of Conformance 符合证明 Certificate of Origin CO, C/O 原产地证明 Certificates of Quota Eligibility CQE 配额合格证书 Certification / Registration Bodies 证明/登记团体 Chartered Association of Certified Accounts CACA 合格会计师协会 Chlorofluorocarbons CFCs 氟氯碳化物 Clean Report of Findings CRF 无瑕疵检验报告 Cleaner Production Strategy 清洁生产策略 Codex Alimentarius Commission CAC 食品标准委员会 Collective Action Plan CAP 共同行动计画 Commission on Sustainable Development 永续发展委员会 Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements CITA 纺织品协定执行委员会 Committee of the Whole COW 全体委员会 Committee on Customs Valuation CCV 海关估价委员会 Committee on Import and Export COIE 进出口委员会 Committee on Information, Computer and Communications Policy ICCP 资讯、电脑、通信政策委员会 Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures SCM 补贴与平衡措施委员会 Committee on Trade and Investment CTI 贸易暨投资委员会 Committee on Weights and Measures CWM 度量衡委员会 Common Effective Preferential Tariff Scheme CEPT 共同有效优惠关税计画 Commonwealth Act CA 国协法案 Commonwealth Arbitration Assistance Service CAAS 国协仲裁服务处 Communication Authority of Thailand CAT 泰国电信局 Community of Asia Pacific Economies 亚太经济社区 Competition Liberalization 竞争性自由化 Competition Policy CP 竞争政策 Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act CDAPC 预防与管制药物滥用法案 Computer Reservation systems CRS 电脑储存系统 Concentration on Mass Media Ownership 传播媒体所有权集中 Conference on Labor Issues in Foreign-Affiliated Companies CLIFC 外商公司劳工问题会议 Conformance Certificates on Laboratory Accreditation 实验室认证的符合性证明书 Congestion Points 拥塞点 Construction Standards Law CSL 营建标准法 Consumer Protection Act CPA 消费者保护法 Controlled Substances Import and Export Act CSIEA 管制药品进出口法 Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms 音乐制作人反作品被盗录保护公约 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CITES 濒临绝种野生动植物国际贸易公约(华盛顿公约) Convention on Psychotropic Substances CPS 精神性药品公约 Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards 外国仲裁判断之承认与执行公约 Convention Treaty of the Metre;La Convention Du Metre 度量衡公约 Core Competence 核心竞争力 Cost, Insurance and Freight Value C.I.F. Value / CIF 到岸价格∕起岸价格 Council for Mutual Economic Assistance CMEA 经济互助委员会 Council for Security Cooperation in Asia Pacific CSCAP 亚太安全合作理事会 Council of Arab Economic Unity CAEU 阿拉伯经济团结会议 Council of the Automated Customs Clearance System for Sea Cargo 海运货物自动化通关系统委员会 Cross- Border Flow Committee 跨境流通委员会 Cross Cultural Technology CCT 跨文化科技 Cross-cutting Issues 跨领域议题 Customer Service Standard CSS 顾客服务准则 Customs Bulletin CB 关务公告 Customs Control Information System CCIS 关税控制资讯系统 Customs Cooperation Council CCC 关税合作理事会 Customs Cooperation Fund CCF 关税合作基金 Customs Duties 关税 Customs Procedures 关务程序 Customs Tariff Law CTL 海关税则法 Customs Tariff Schedules of Japan 日本海关关税总表 Customs Valuation Agreement CVA 关税估价协定 Data Stream Technology DST 资料流动科技 Declaration for Strengthening Framework for Economic Cooperation and Development DSFECD 加强经济合作发展架构宣言 Declaration on Standards and Conformance Framework 标准与符合性架构宣言 Department of Energy DOE 能源部 Department of Labor and Employment DOLE 劳工暨就业部 Department of Tourism DOT 观光部 Deregulation 解除管制 Deregulation Action Program DAP 解除管制行动计划 Designated Inward Investors 法定对内投资人 Developed Countries 已开发国家 Developing Countries 未开发国家 Development & Cooperation Steering Group DCSG 开发合作推动小组 Different Customs DC 差别关税 Direct Trader Input DTI 贸易商直接输入 Director-General of Customs 海关总局长∕海关总税务司 Discretionary Import Licensing 无条件进口许可 Dispute Mediation 争端调解 Distance Learning Project DLP 远距离学习方案 Distributed Entry Processing System DEPS 分配入关程序系统 Double Tax Deduction 双重课税减免 Double Taxation Agreement DTA 双重课税协定 Down Payment 头期款 Drug Administration Division 药物管理课 Drug Enforcement Administration DEA 药物执行管理局 Duties and Taxes Automated Computation DTAC 自动化电脑课税 Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization EVSL 部门提前自由化 East African Development bank EADB 东非开发银行 East Asian Economic Caucus EAEC 东亚经济圈 East Asian Economic Group EAEG 东亚经济集团 Economic & Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Cooperation ESCAP 亚太合作经济与社会委员会 Economic and Technology Cooperation ECOTECH 经济与技术合作 Economic Committee EC 经济委员会 Economic Development Zone EDZ 经济开发区 Economic Infrastructure 经济基础建设 Economy /Economies 经济体 Education Forum EDFOR 教育论坛 EduNet (APEC Education Network) APEC教育网路 Electronic Authentication 共同电子辨识 Electronic Commerce 电子商务 Electronic Data Interchange EDI 电子资料交换 Electronic Database Bulletin Website EDB Website 电子资料库布告栏网址 Electronic Document Handling 电子文件处理



It is desirable that the automation equipment_running as much of the time as possible.

表示建议、命令、要求等这一类的动词后面从句中,或者相应的主语从句,要用虚拟语气。desire that sb (should) do sth. or It"s desirable that sb (should)do sth.




连词成句trying,moment,really,nothing,stop,is,until,over,the,you解答如下:(1)以上是又 nothing....until , 和the moment 这两个连词组成的一个句子Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying句子结构分析如下句子主语:Nothing (没有什么)系动词:is (是)表语:really over (真的是结束了/完了)引导时间状语从句连词the moment (引导时间状语从句,一......就)从句主语:you (你)从句谓语:stop (停止)从句宾语:trying (尝试)句子意思:直到你停止进行尝试时候,一切才真的结束了



late shipment是什么意思

late shipment英 [leit ˈʃipmənt] 美 [let ˈʃɪpmənt]前批装船货物前批装船货物;迟交;货物迟交;第一批货双语例句1. I"m terribly worried about late shipment.x09我非常担心货物迟交.2. When can you effect shipment? I"m terribly worried about late shipment.x09你们什么时候能交货? 我非常担心货物迟交.3. I"m terribly sorry about late shipment.x09我非常抱歉货物迟交了.4. We would like to make a statement that we won"t be responsible for late shipment.x09我们想强调一点,我们对迟交货物没有责任.5. Shipment by the middle of October will be too late for us.x09十月中旬交货,那太晚了


advertising 做广告 advertisement 广告


advertising是进行式, 所以不可能可数. adverisement就可以, 因为是名词

advertising advertisment commercial 都做名词时的区别?要口语化一些的正规解释。

advertising是广告业,登广告的意思。不可数。还是形容词性。I think we must reduce our prices, or spend more money on advertising.我想我们必须降低价格,或者是在广告上花更多的钱。这里的意思是登广告,做广告advertisment指单个的具体的广告,可数I wish to insert an advertisement in your newspaper.我希望在你们的报纸上登一则广告。commercial是商业的意思 Commercial Company 商业公司;贸易公司A commercial is an advertisement that is broadcast on television or radio. 上面那句是解释commercial 与advertisement 的不同,它特指 电视或电台广告,也是可数名词,可与advertisement互换,而advertisement范围广,比如街边贴的小广告也可以用它

advertising 与advertisement 有何区别?

advertising 是现在进行时,而且是动词,说明你现在在做广告。advertisement 是名词,表示一个广告。对补充:advertising 不可以成为名词,哪儿的问题?advertising肯定是动词!

同义词替换 advertisment和advertising的同义词有什么?

advertising advertisment commercial 都做名词时的区别?要口语化一些的正规解释。

第一个,做广告,是动词的ing形式,相当于名词,有动词的特征。I don"t like advertising.I don"t like advertisementsI like commercials.第二个,名词广告第三个,商业广告很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!望采纳,多谢你的问题!^_^


名词是advtisement,可以泛指广告(不可数),也可以特指某一个广告(可数)advertising 是行为就像sleeping 和 sleep(名词)


附录5 Lesson nine 结合以下阅读材料,通过小组讨论和老师讲解相结合的形式,让学生全面了解"Advertisement"的本质和功能,以及其所带来的便利与麻烦,为下节课的辩论做好准备. Advertisement is good for our life Advertisements appear everywhere in the modern society. Newspapers and billboards carry advertisements. Some products are announced on TV and radio. Advertisements bring us a lot of conveniences. They can tell us what things are available and where to buy them, which can save us a lot of time. They also provide many kinds of the same product, which can save us money. A wide range of institutions receive financial support through advertisements. Without the support, we would have to pay much more for newspapers and sport games. Nowadays, advertisements have become part of culture. Perfect ads are entertainment for us, and also provide us with some lately information. Can you find out some such example in the ads 19However, ads are not welcome sometimes. A most irrigative thing is to watch ads before and during an interesting film or TV program. There are so many of them that they make you forget what you are waiting for. The ironical thing is that advertisement of one type of thing are often shown one after another, so that you may feel confused to which one should you choose, such as the ads for so many shampoos. Advertisement is not always reliable. What you see on TV, what you hear over the radio and what you read in the newspapers are not necessary the same as the product itself. Many advertisers exaggerate their products to attract the consumers" attention and buy their products. Generally speaking, ads have become one of the most authoritative voices speaking to us today. Let"s make our life easier to choose proper ads, and be the master of them instead of their slaves. At the end of the class, assign the five teams for different roles (正方组,反方组,正方评委组,反方评委组和主持组), ask them to well prepare for the next class"s debate. Lesson ten

What do you think of advertisement

No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are nolonger free to choose the things we want, for advertising exerts a subtleinfluence on us. In their efforts to persuade us to buy this or that product, advertisershave made a close study of human nature and have classified all our littleweaknesses.Advertisers discovered years ago that allof us love to get something for nothing. An advertisement which begins with themagic word FREE can rarely go wrong. These days, advertisers not only offerfree samples, but free cars, free houses, and free trips round the world aswell. They devise hundreds of competitions which will enable us to win hugesums of money. Radio and television have made it possible for advertisers tocapture the attention of millions of people in this way. During a radio programme, a company ofbiscuit manufacturers once asked listeners to bake biscuits and send them totheir factory. They offered to pay $10 a pound for the biggest biscuit baked bya listener. The response to this competition was tremendous. Before long,biscuits of all shapes and sizes began arriving at the factory. One ladybrought in a biscuit on a wheelbarrow. It weighed nearly 500 pounds. A littlelater, a man came along with a biscuit which occupied the whole boot of hiscar. All the biscuits that were sent were carefully weighed. The largest was713 pounds. It seemed certain that this would win the prize. But just beforethe competition closed, a lorry arrived at the factory with a truly colossalbiscuit which weighed 2,400 pounds. It had been baked by a college student whohad used over 1,000 pounds of flour, 800 pounds of sugar, 200 pounds of fat,and 400 pounds of various other ingredients. It was so heavy that a crane hadto be used to remove it from the lorry. The manufacturers had to pay more moneythan they had anticipated, for they bought the biscuit from the student for$24,000.希望对你有帮助

英语翻译Every day, it is easy to see advertisements in English all around us. Look at your own bags




you favourite advertisement作文

Every day,it is easy to see advertisements all around us.Look around.How many different advertisements can you see?Often products show the name of the company that made them.This is a popular form of adver-rising.The special picture or symbol,i.e.logo,appears on many different products.When you see a logo,it is hard to forget that product or company.Many people buy a product because it is made by a certain company.In fact,some people only buy a product of a famous company.They think it proves that they are fashionable and have good taste.It is common to find advertisements on TV or radio.Most advertisements are very short for people to remember.Nike,for example,has a simple slogan used all around the world:"Just do it".Advertisements often use funny situations as well.It is easy to remember an entertaining ad.All advertisements are designed to make people buy a product.An advertisement for a soft drink,for example,might show a group of trendy young people who are having fun.The young people are all drinking the soft drink.Adverrisers are saying to you,"Why don"t you buy it and be like these people?You can be young,modern and trendy,too."You might think that advertisements do not affect you,but the next time you buy a soft drink,ask yourself:Why am I buying this particular product?

1.the effects of advertisements 英语作文 不用太多 一百多字吧 词语适中难度就行

Nowaday ,advertisements is becoming increasingly commen in our daliy life.we can see advertisemrnts almost everwhere. Why does such circumstance occur in our socirty? Three reasons can contribute to this phnonmennon. fist and foremost,with the developement of the techonology and culture it can improve the position of the brand .Besides ,from the advertisement we can know a lot things about what happening in our life . In this aspect ,it effect every"s mind . Last bu not least,it provide an army of jobs in the society. Because the advertisements provided people with a large number of jobs. With reference to my viewpoint ,I think the advertisements benefit a lot to ourself .So we should take use of it"s advantages abandon the diadvantages.

Institutional advertisements 是什么意思


英语作文:How to avoid being misled by advertisements?(急啊。。。。)

Advertisements fill in every gap in our life in nowadays. On television screens, newspapers, on the street even on the back of the toilet door you are staring at with frustration caused by something else. With this none-stop visual invasion happening around us, how can we keep our eyes straight and mind clear?The real purpose of ads is obvious, they want you to remember what they are trying to sell you, they want you to believe how worthit to exchange they products with your money, they want you to be happy for getting something you"ll never need.So how can we avoid being fooled by those ads? Simple. You only need to ask one question: How do I know?"This carpet spray smells extraordinary...." How do I know? "Our newest product brings up hope for ......" How do I know?"This is the last 5 pieces that you can find in anywhere...." How do I know?Ask the question, why on earth do I have to believe what you tell me on the ads with huge letters and bright flashing colours? I make decisions on what I"m getting and what I"m not. Don"t you ever try to stick your hand in my pocket just with showing some fancy pictures and moving lies. 本人高中生,算是高中水平了吧~~

no advertisements是什么意思

no advertisements没有广告例句:1.Another curiosity also struck him: in the capital of pyongyang, there were noadvertisements or billboards, and there was no traffic. 还有一个现象也令他震惊:在首都平壤,街上居然没有广告牌,也没什么车。

翻译What are the various places where we see advertisements?


急急急!求一篇关于Advertisement的大学英语作文,150字左右 广告作用 广告形式多样 广告夸张性


advertisements directed 什么意思



可以用,但是你用 an, 那就要去掉s即 an advertisement.例:I want to make an advertisment of our school.

英语翻译 急急Advertisements are everywhere! They are on the r_____1______ and TV, In newspapers an


英语辩论Advertisements are helpful in mass consumption.我是正方,演讲最后要有一个一分半的总结陈词


求英语作文:Advertisements in Our Life

Welive in a world of advertisements. We see and hear them everywhere.No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. Radio,televisionand computers have made it possible for advertisements to attract theattention of millions of people. Therefore,it has become an importantpart of our daily life.Onone hand,advertising greatly promotes sales;on the other hand,intheir efforts to tell people about products and events,advertisementsprovide us with a large amount of the latest information.Meanwhile,to make an advertisement,a lot of people will have to worktogether. So with the development of advertising a lot of jobs arebeing created.In aword advertising is an important business.


advertisements:名词,意识是“广告、宣传” advertising:动词,意思是“打广告,进行宣传活动” ads 是 advertisements 的缩写

用英语说说对广告的理解 What do you understand about advertisements?

A few months ago the very first person approached me wanting to advertise a certain affiliate program on my blog.I didn"t realize it at the time,but the program in question would go on to become probably the most advertised program I have ever seen in the make money online niche,the banners for it are EVERYWHERE. I"m not going to mention the specific program in this post,but as I write this there are at least three advertisers promoting the program on my blog so you should be able to figure out it.I personally have not investigated the program so I"m hardly in a position to offer an informed opinion about it,but that"s not the topic of this article anyway. In the past two months I"ve had at least 20 people contact me to promote this particular program on my two blogs and I"ve turned most of them back.I"ve had to refund at least $1500 because many people sent me money without realizing there are already several people already promoting the program on my blogs.It"s come to the point now where I"ve had to put a notice on my advertise page explaining I will no longer take on any advertisements for this program. I"m not looking to judge the quality of the program,but I do want to point out the psychology that it is creating.Like many affiliate programs,this system is multi-tiered and I expect the pyramid like growth you can experience if you get out there and recruit as fast as you can is one of the biggest selling points.It"s worked so well,people are throwing money at promoting it without understanding anything about online advertising. Promote Fast or You May Miss Out! Many of the people who sent me money to buy a text link,followed up with a query that goes “so what do I do next” or sent through long lines of capitalized letters screaming “GET RICH QUICK SCHEME”.I"m all for people experimenting with different advertisements to see how things work,but when you don"t know what a text link is,there are hundreds of other people promoting the same program and you are advertising how to make “thousands weekly” when you don"t make that money yourself or the only way to generate revenue is to sell more people into the same program,then something is wrong. Programs like this appeal to the newbie Internet marketer and it"s almost like a right of passage to go through an experience like this so you can learn how foolish it is to expect to make money promoting programs about how to make money when you don"t make any money yourself.It"s like MLM in the offline business world - so many people try it,learn that is just doesn"t work for them,then move forward with a new found sense of maturity and a more realistic approach to business (well,hopefully anyway!). My advice to anyone considering promoting a program online - and that"s any affiliate opportunity - learn how to effectively market online before spending money. If you can"t answer these questions before you spend money on a promotion,don"t do it - Do you understand how the advertisement works?Is it pay per click or pay per impression or pay per month? Are you focusing on the best methods for the type of product you are promoting? How about the target audience - are you sure it"s the right market for what you offer? How is the traffic acquired? Can you and are you tracking your results? What is your break even point for acquiring a new lead (this tells you how much you can spend on traffic)? How about conversion rates? Given a type of media (text,banners,audio,video) do you know how to construct an ad that sells? Have you researched anything or are you just throwing money at something hoping it will work? There"s a big difference between conducting careful controlled market research to see what advertising works versus blindly spending money as fast as you can because you are feeling the rush of greed.If anything doesn"t feel right or you can"t put all the pieces together in your head to understand how the big picture works,then chances are you won"t make any money. Know what you are doing before you spend money and if you don"t know,spend money or time or both finding out.That"s a much smarter investment in the long term. Yaro Starak Patient Marketer


AdvertisementsNowadays, more and more advertisements appear on newspapers, broadcasts,magazines as well as streets. People have different views on advertisements.Some people think advertisements can help people to have a wide choice of goods and they help consumers know the goods and businessmen better. The consumers can gain not only knowledge of goods but also artistic enjoyment.Contrary to those people, many others think advertisements are very unpleasant.Consumers are often cheated by the false advertisement on which consumers always waste a great deal of time. What is more, consumers fell annoyed to be interrupted when they are watching TV plays. So advertisements should be limited.But whether you like it or not, advertisements have become a part of our life.Advertisements can be seen everywhere in modern society. They appear on the TV screen. They occupy a conspicuous place in newspapers and magazines. They are displayed or painted on walls and even on buses. Indeed, it is difficult nowadays to find a public place without advertisements. It is true that in economic activities advertisements play an important role. They tell people about new products and help promote sales. Unfortunately some of the advertisements are not true. They cheat consumers one way or another. So, admitting that advertisements can help us, we should also beware of them from time to time.


advertisement英 [ d v :t sm nt] 美 [ dv ta zm nt, d v t s-, -t z-] n. 广告,宣传;公告;出公告,做广告 告白; 出公告,做广告; 广告中; 广告,公告,登广告 复数:advertisements 名词 n.1.出公告, 做广告 If you want to sell your old sofa, why not put an advertisement in the local newspaper?如果你想卖掉旧沙发, 何不在本地报纸上登个广告呢?2.广告 He glanced his eyes down the classified advertisements.他浏览分类广告栏。1. A.D. is the abbreviation for "advertisement". A.D.是advertisement的缩写。 2. Put an advertisement in the local paper to sell your car. 在当地报纸登一则广告来出售你的汽车。 3. This advertisement is calculated to attract the attention of housewives. 这个广告旨在吸引家庭主妇们的注意力。 4. I learnt of the position through a newspaper advertisement. 我是从报纸广告上得悉有此职位的。 5. TV viewers have been writing in to complain of the false advertisement. 电视观众不断来信抱怨虚假广告。

What advertisements do you see


Advertisements invade our daily lives. 是主谓宾结构吗

是主谓宾结结构。翻译: 广告侵犯了我们的日常生活。主语: advertisements ,广告;谓语: invade ,侵犯;宾语: our daily lives ,我们的日常生活。

Every day, it is easy to see advertisements in English all around us. Look at your own bags and...

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:A 试题解析:这篇文章讲述的是我们每天随处可见英语广告,所有的广告设计都是为的是让人们去卖产品,都是为了让人们记住该产品。小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Often bags and clothes show the name of the company that made them.”理解可知答案应是B。小题2:.细节理解题,根据文中语句“All advertisements are designed to make people buy a product.”理解可知答案应为C。小题3:标题理解归纳题,根据全文提供的信息可知此题答案应该是A。

advertisements are everywhere!They"re on the road and TV,in the newspapers and magazines,on buses a

广告无处不在!无论在马路上还是电视上,报刊杂志里,还是巴士上 填哪里?

英语作文: 以广告(Advertisements)为题目

Nowadays television and theadvertising displayed in it is a part of everyday life in most households. Whatmany people do not know is that television in many ways is bad. Numerousarticles have been written on this. Many surveys and books have been written onthis subject as well. The ads in television are what are especially bad. Some televisionads are misleading. At any given time a person canturn on their television and find a commercial of some sort. Their main purposeis for them to throw information about their product to anyone who will listen.It is also common for this form of advertisement to be promoting an alcoholicbeverage.Needless to say, alcohol companies have mastered the art of grabbingthe attention of their audience by imbedding their images and words throughcommercial advertising. Although clever, these advertisements can be misleadingtheir viewers to think that drinking brings unattainable excitement andpleasure rather than the serious consequences that frequently arise.

advertising /advertisement 有什么区别

打广告 Ving形式.广告 名词.



advertisement 和 message 是什么意思?

1广告 2信息,消息

advertisement 这个单词起源于哪个国家

advertisement 语源:中世纪后期英语,源自古法语 advertissement,动词 advertir 。


Hello,can I help you?advertisement[Ed5vE:tismEnt]n.广告, 做广告

commercial advertisement可以用复数形式吗




用advertisement造句,就是要advertisement,不要其他比如说:make an advertisement不要这样的词组


写英语短文,题目“Advertisement on TV”


advertisement 是由哪几个词素构成的?

advert (词根) + ise(动词词缀)+ment(名词词缀)-ise用作动词词缀的例子:modernise, industrialise 等等。-ment 用作名词词缀的例子:experiment, judgement 等等


这两个词本身就是不同的,advertisement就是广告的意思,commercial是一个形容词,商业的,贸易的意思。所以互联网广告用internet advertisements

请问 advertising 和 advertisement 做名词的区别

advertising 指,广告的总称,广告业,如:The magazine contains a great deal of advertising. 这本杂志里有大量广告。 advertisement 指一则的广告




1、advertising 是不可数名词,advertisement 是可数名词。2、advertising有三个意思:指整个广告业;指广告活动;指所有广告的总称。而advertisement有两个意思:一则广告,某一个具体的广告;做一则广告或某一个具体广告的动作3、advertising着重指广告行业,advertisement指发布出来的广告。4、advertising 是动词的现在进行时,advertisement 是名词,表示一个广告。扩展资料例句advertisement1、Advertisement helps to sell goods .广告有助于推销货物。2、I wish I could buy all the beautiful things I see in advertisement .我希望能买到广告上看见的所有美丽的东西。advertising1、The store attracted many customers by advertising .这家商店通过广告吸引了众多顾客。2、Milward Agency is equipped to handle any advertising job .美尔瓦广告代理处有能力处理任何广告工作。

求advertisement广告 的具体用法

advertising 是动词的现在进行时,说明你现在在做广告.也可以作形容词表示“广告业的”. advertisement 是名词,表示一个广告. 补充: advertising 着重指广告行业,advertisement指发布出来的广告.




advertisement[英]ədˈvɜ:tɪsmənt[美]ˌædvərˈtaɪzməntn. 广告,宣传;公告;出公告,做广告[例句]Greece is an advertisement for the first two changes.希腊的困境为前两个变化做了广告。

advertisement的英式发音是 [ˌædvərˈtaɪzmənt]吗?





advertisement [英]ədˈvɜ:tɪsmənt [美]ˌædvərˈtaɪzmənt


advertisement是可数名词advertisement[英][ədˈvɜ:tɪsmənt][美][ˌædvərˈtaɪzmənt]n.广告,宣传; 公告; 出公告,做广告; 复数:advertisements例句:1.It"s a great advertisement for jesus christ. 这是一个为耶稣基督作的大广告。2.The senate also passed a republican measure condemning moveon"s advertisement. 参议院还通过了一项谴责moveon广告的共和党措施。
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