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it means prefect语法点对吗?

修改一下就可以了——It means being prefect.

英语翻译:Ex-fty means all the cost or charges ……

前fty手段在堆栈或充电招致的所有费用,运输公司甚而本文费用由我们不会是负责任的,并且所有费用将由客户付,并且我们的责任是交付好到我需要航运收据的拷贝为了做发货票的运输业者,但是Kiki。 请与运输业者谈话保证我们可以在物品的离开以后有此。

sm? what that mean?

hit you ,and make you feel happy

Prana was a beautiful dog, whose name means "breath of life".文段翻译

普拉那是一个漂亮的狗,名字的意思是“生命的呼吸”。虽然它死了几年,但我还记得我们一起度过的日子,它教会了我很多关于爱的道理。我有两棵苹果树在花园里。它爱苹果。当它走到外面,它会抓住一个苹果,把它进带进屋里晚些再吃。苹果一直放在地上,常常很脏,所以我并不总是高兴它带苹果进了屋子。那是一天美国的秋日,但很冷。在那天下了大雪之前我们没有做任何的准备。在那个特殊的日子,普拉那到外面去,我看着它从窗户进来。我注意到他疯狂挖洞,使苹果到地面之上,所以他们可以看到雪。我不知道它为什么会这样做,它似乎想做一件特别的事。当我叫他回来,他通常一个苹果塞进嘴里。大约五分钟后,我向窗外望去。那花园完全被雪覆盖了。普拉那挖出了那些苹果让他的鸟朋友吃。他知道鸟朋友在即将来临的冬天没有储存足够的食物! (by the way, it"s really a good dog! ) Hope to help you!

inthe means of travel

C.witnessed witness 目睹 原句意为:二十世纪下半叶目睹了人类旅行方式的稳步进步. 这里witness用作主动也是中英文差异之一,需熟记.类似的有see.witness在此表示见证,可以用物做主语.一般不用被动语态.本句单纯叙述一个过去的事实,所以不选A.

The last half of the nineteenth century—— the steady improvement in the means of travel。

has witnessed 题意是已经目睹了交通方式平稳的发展

citespace聚类没有modularity和mean silhouette


interpersonal meaning是什么意思

interpersonal meaning:人际意义

What is the meaning of suspect?

suspect: [ s05s"pekt ] n. 嫌疑犯 a. 令人怀疑的,不可信的 v. 怀疑,猜想 [ 过去式suspected 过去分词suspected 现在分词suspecting 第三人称单数suspects ] 例句与用法1. She has more intelligence than we suspected her to possess. 她的智慧比我们猜想的要高。 2. Are political suspects kept under police observation in your country? 你们国家的政治嫌疑犯受警察监视吗? 3. His statements are suspect. 他的陈述可疑。 4. They suspected an ambush. 他们怀疑有埋伏。 5. He"s a prime suspect in the murder case. 他是这次谋杀案的主要怀疑对象

专八英语改错:We use language primarily as a means of communication with

means 是方式,手段的意思,单复数同形。

英语翻译:We use language primarily as a means of communication with

as (to the way)这么看就明白了

skill, means, technique

mechanics 机械学、力学 一般指学科; technique 技术, 技巧 一般指科技方面的; skill 技能,技巧 一般是针对人物的技能。

The signs on the wall__uff08meanuff09“No eating or


高等数学微积分求解,有关uniqueness theorem和mean value theorem

假定存在f(b)和g(b)不想等,则考虑函数h(x)=f(x)-g(x), h(a)=0, h(b) =f(b)-g(b)不等于0,h(b)=h=f(b)-g(b)根据拉格朗日中值定理,存在点a<y<b使得h"(y) = [h(b)-h(a)] /(b-a) 不等于0所以f"(y) -g"(y) = h"(y) 不等于0,所以f"(y) =g"(y)不成立,和题设矛盾

荧光显微镜是比较intensity sum还是intensity mean

答1. in peak-to-peak at a frequency to be determined1振荡总振幅频率待定结构peak-to-peak[英]["pi:kt"?p"i:k][美]["pi:kt"?p"i:k]振荡总振幅负峰间信号总振幅; 振荡总振幅; 峰峰; 峰间值;

“root mean square均方根”是什么意思?

“root mean square均方根”就是均方根误差。均方根误差亦称标准误差,其定义为 ,i=1,2,3,…n。在有限测量次数中,均方根误差常用下式表示:√[∑di^2/n]=Re,式中:n为测量次数;di为一组测量值与真值的偏差。它是观测值与真值偏差的平方与观测次数n比值的平方根,在实际测量中,观测次数n总是有限的,真值只能用最可信赖(最佳)值来代替.标准误差 对一组测量中的特大或特小误差反映非常敏感,所以,标准误差能够很好地反映出测量的精密度。这正是标准误差在工程测量中广泛被采用的原因。因此,标准差是用来衡量一组数自身的离散程度,而均方根误差是用来衡量观测值同真值之间的偏差,它们的研究对象和研究目的不同,但是计算过程类似。


优缺点如下:1、优点k-平均算法是解决聚类问题的一种经典算法,算法简单、快速。对处理大数据集,该算法是相对可伸缩的和高效率的,因为它的复杂度大约是O(nkt) O(nkt)O(nkt),其中n是所有对象的数目,k是簇的数目,t是迭代的次数。通常k<<n。这个算法经常以局部最优结束。算法尝试找出使平方误差函数值最小的k个划分。当簇是密集的、球状或团状的,而簇与簇之间区别明显时,它的聚类效果很好。2、缺点对K值敏感。也就是说,K的选择会较大程度上影响分类效果。在聚类之前,我们需要预先设定K的大小,但是我们很难确定分成几类是最佳的,比如上面的数据集中,显然分为2类,即K = 2最好,但是当数据量很大时,我们预先无法判断。对离群点和噪声点敏感。如果在上述数据集中添加一个噪音点,这个噪音点独立成一个类。很显然,如果K=2,其余点是一类,噪音点自成一类,原本可以区分出来的点被噪音点影响,成为了一类了。如果K=3,噪音点也是自成一类,剩下的数据分成两类。这说明噪音点会极大的影响其他点的分类。聚类分析特点聚类分析的实质:是建立一种分类方法,它能够将一批样本数据按照他们在性质上的亲密程度在没有先验知识的情况下自动进行分类。这里所说的类就是一个具有相似性的个体的集合,不同类之间具有明显的区别。层次聚类分析是根据观察值或变量之间的亲疏程度,将最相似的对象结合在 一起,以逐次聚合的方式(Agglomerative Clustering),它将观察值分类,直到最后所有样本都聚成一类。层次聚类分析有两种形式,一种是对样本(个案)进行分类,称为Q型聚类;另一种是对研究对象的观察变量进行分类,称为R型聚类。

儿童英语童谣:团圆的意义 The Meaning of Reunion

Before the New Year, people will have a big dinner, it is called reunion dinner. People pay special attention to it, they would drop down everything and come back to home for it. The dinner is not just for eating the delicious food, the most important thing is that all the family members get together. People are busy for their work, they don"t have much time to visit their parents, the reunion dinner provides people the chance to talk to their relatives and promotes their multi-understanding. This moment is very precious, so no matter what people do, they will go home on that day without hesitation. The meaning of reunion will be last forever and people should remember it all the time. 在新年来临之际,人们会吃一顿丰富的晚餐,那就是团圆饭。人们很注重这顿饭,他们会放下手中的一切事情,回到家中吃饭。晚餐不仅仅是为了吃美味的食物,最重要的是家中所有的成员聚集在一起。人们忙于他们的工作,没有太多的时间来看望父母,团圆饭给人们提供了一个机会,和亲人聊聊天,促进彼此之间的了解。这样的时刻是很珍贵的,因此无论人们在你做什么,他们都会在那天毫不犹豫地回到家里。团圆饭的意义将会一直延续下去,人们应该一直记着。

means of livelihood是什么意思

基本翻译[经] 生活资料网络释义means of livelihood: 生活资料necessary means of livelihood: 必要生活资料Right Means of Livelihood: 正确的谋生手段

Never Meant To Be 中文歌词


i mean what is wechat id中文怎么说








upper 95% mean什么意思

是否能够多引人上下文 可能断句了 Mean和下文有关系?

如何用英文「确认、厘清」对方意思?Confirming Someone’s Meaning

如何用英文「确认、厘清」对方意思? Let me make sure I have it right. u2028让我确认一下我的理解是正确的 。这句话常使用在讨论、会议等情境中,可用来向对方确认自己所理解的是否正确。make sure 指「确定,确保」,have/get it right 则是「理解正确」的意思。 确认、厘清英文例句与说法 用英文向对方厘清跟确认,你还可以这样说: Let me see if I understand you correctly. u2028让我看看我是否正确理解你的意思。 Let me get this straight. You want me to e in on Saturday? u2028让我弄清楚。你要我星期六来是吗?? I"m not sure I understand what you mean. u2028我不确定我听懂你的意思。 Could you clarify what you mean by that? u2028可以请你说清楚你那样说的意思吗? I"m not sure I get your meaning. u2028我不确定我懂你的意思。 Would you mind explaining what you mean? u2028你介意解释一下你是什么意思吗? I"m not clear on a couple of things. u2028有几件事我不太清楚 。 要表达对某事物不太了解时,可使用 I"m not clear on sth. 的句型。clear 指「明白的,确定的」,若要表示「清楚表达己见」,则可说 make oneself clear。 你还可以这样说: I"m a little confused about a few points. u2028有几点我有一些搞不懂。 Some of these items just don"t add up for me. u2028这几项我不懂。 There"s something that needs clari cation. 有些部分必须厘清。 Maybe you can clear something up for me. u2028也许你可以帮我厘清一些事情。 Could we go over a few of these items? u2028我们能看一下这些项目吗? Could you explain something to me? u2028你可以帮我解释一些事情吗? 文章摘自:u2028进击的职场英语会话:面试x会议x商务 必备实用756句 (本文获EZTALK授权转载) photo credit: unsplash 理解 英文, 确保 英文, 确定 英文, 确认 英文, 职场英文, 厘清 英文

do you know ____ it means. A what B how C whee D when 选几,为什么

你好!正确答案为:A宾主从句中, 少了宾语,所以只能用whatwhat it means 是 what does it mean的陈述句语序翻译为;你知道它意味着什么吗?*******************************************^___^祝你学习进步! 如有疑问,请追问!如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!*******************************************

英语we were meant to be怎么翻译?

we were meant to be的中文意思是:我们注定在一起

though by no means








By no means is it ture that all English people

上面是对的!that all English peopl know their own language well.是一个主语从句。从句要用陈述语序。know本身的确是一个及物动词。do只在构成疑问句时才用到。

It is believed that by no means should we give up.对不对


by no means / in no case / at no time / in no way 这一类词的倒装是完全倒装还是部分倒装?


.By no means true that all English people know their own language well. that B.that is


It is by no means clear _______ the president can do to end the strike.

首先翻译, 是说 一点也不明确 总统要"做什么"可以结束这场罢工, 有do 做,要加 “什么” ,

I am certain by no means ________ his word since he has promised an amount of money to the poor...

B B 句意:我确信既然他答应捐一笔钱给穷人,他绝不会食言的。by no means(绝不)为表示否定意义的介词短语,置于句首时,其后面的主谓语要倒装,根据句意可知设空处需用一般将来时,故答案为B项。

but by no means all如何翻译

Departing from our practice in previous editions of this book,we have made publicly available solutions to some,but by no means all, of the problems and exercises.从我们在这本书的以前的版本中,我们已经公开可用的解决方案,一些,但不是所有的问题和练习。

by no means / in no case / at no time / in no way 这一类词的倒装是完全倒装还是部分倒装?


this is _____the first time you have been late. a.under no circumstances no means选哪个?

答案:b 意为“决不,并没有”。句子的意思是:这决不是你第一次迟到了。a.under no circustances也有“无论如何不,决不”的意思,但一般在句中作独立短语或后面接从句





by no means to our

答案A 表示否定意义的介词短语在句中作状语置于句首时,句子的主谓部分倒装.这样的介词短语有:by no means,at no time,in no way,not in the least等.

by no means annoyed是什么意思

by no means annoyed决不烦恼annoyed 英[u0259u02c8nu0254u026ad] 美[u0259u02c8nu0254u026ad] adj. 恼怒的,气恼的; v. 使烦恼,使恼怒,干扰,打扰(annoy的过去式和过去分词); [例句]She tapped her forehead and looked annoyed with herself.她拍打着脑门,看上去在生自己的气。[其他] 形近词: annoyer

I by no means的用法是??在后面加TO DO 吗??


by no means is this the first

By no means 绝不 否定的副词短语,位于句首时,句子要用倒装结构. 句义: 这绝不是她第一次向父母撒谎. means of some means or other no means 各个意思,及他们的造句。

1.bymeansof: 借着...方法(或手段)Hesolvedtheproblembymeansofsimpleequations.他利用简单的方程式解决了这问题.2.bysomemeansorother: 用某种方法 Bysomemeansorother,Johnhastofinishhisprojectnextweek.不管用甚么方法,约翰必须于下周前完成项目.3.bynomeans: 绝不,一点也不Heisbynomeansanhonestman.他绝不是个诚实的人.Sheisbynomeanspoor,infact,she"squiterich.她绝对不穷,其实她很阔.

高一英语选择15By no means_____all Japanese people known their own? it true that 不光是no ,not ,not ...until,not only...but also.等以no和not 开头的句子要用部分倒装,其它所有表示否定的短语放在句首也都要使用部分倒装结构.比如by no means,on no account ,at no time等等. 1 On no account should we follow blindly. 我们决不应当盲从. 2 On no account can you touch the switch. 你们绝对不要碰这个开关 3 At no time shall we give up our hopes.,1,NO MEANS否定词后用倒装 将助动词前移 为is it 排除ac do为强调。do all known,2,b,1,By no means整个词组是绝不的意思 带否定含义句子后面要倒装 把is 提前 选D,0,高一英语选择15 By no means_____all Japanese people known their own culture well. is true that it true that do is true that do it true that 虽说No开头后面的句子要倒装,可是这是By开头,虽然后面也有no,怎么处理呢?

词义辨析By means no this all means means of 译为“用,依靠,靠什么样的方法” 例: We shall solve this problem by means of law and education. 我们用法律和教育这两个手段来解决这个问题。 no means 译为“绝不,一点也不,根本不” 例: Believe me, this is by no means pleasant scene. 相信我,这绝不是令人愉快的场面。 this means 译为“用这种方法;通过这种方式” 例: Only by this means can you solve the problem. 只有通过这种手段你才能解决这个问题。 all means 译为“一定,务必;尽一切办法” 例: You must contact him by all means . 你必须想尽一切办法跟他联系上 四个短语根据语境就可以区别开 明白吗?不懂再问也OK

by no means造句

by no means 决不He will by no means give up his love.他决不会放弃他的爱.By no means can the dream come true.这个梦想决不会成真.谢谢采纳

by no means 造句?

by no means 决不 He will by no means give up his love. 他决不会放弃他的爱. By no means can the dream come true. 这个梦想决不会成真.

by no means为什么mean要加s by no way的way就不用加s?

by no means加s其实是一个固定的用法,怎么说呢,就像咱中国很多地方都默认是冬至吃饺子或者有些地方是吃汤圆一样的道理。 就是之前讲英文的国家的老祖宗已经沿用了这个用法了,所以传下来就是这样的了。by no means:英 [bau026a nu0259u028a miu02d0nz] 美 [bau026a nou028a miu02d0nz] 从字面上看,这个词组的意思是“没有任何手段或方式(可以)”,其引申义为在任何情况下“决不;丝毫不;一点儿也不;”的意思。例句:1、I am by no means an unsociable person.我绝对不是一个不合群的人。2、His view is by no means without foundation.他这种看法绝不是凭空产生的。相关短语:1、by all means ad. 当然可以;一定,务必2、by any means 无论如何,以任何手段扩展资料means相关的辨析:manner、method、way、mode、fashion、means、approach这些名词均含“方法、方式”之意。 1、manner多指行动的特殊方式或独特的方法。 2、method指有系统、有条理地办事或解决问题的方法。 3、way普通用词,可指一般的方法,有时也指个人的方法或方式,也可指特殊的方式或方法。 4、mode书面用词,常指因个人爱好或传统习俗等因素而遵循的方法。 5、fashion着重独特的程序或方式,尤指个人的偏爱或习惯。 6、means指为达到某种目的或目标而采用的方法、手段或途径。 7、approach指从事某事的特别方法、途径。

“by no means” 和“in no means” 有什么区别?

区别在于by no means是正确的,是固定搭配,而in no means是错误的,是错误搭配。by no means的意思为决不;并不;绝不,一点也不。no means为绝不的意思,固定搭配为by no means。双语例句:1、His six-year transition programme has by no means been a complete failure.他的六年转型计划绝没有彻底失败。2、The results are by no means poor.成绩不算太差。3、It is by no means accidental.事出有因。4、The Mafia is by no means ignored by Italian television.意大利电视台绝对不会放过对黑手党的关注。5、This scene is by no means easy to shoot.这个镜头可不容易摄。6、Discipline problems are by no means restricted to children in families dependent on benefits.绝不只是依靠救济金生活的家庭的孩子才有纪律问题。7、It is by no means cheap.并不便宜。



I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means _____ with my progress. A.the te.

D 试题分析:句意:我已经非常的努力来提高我的英语成绩了。但是我的老师对我的进步并不满意。by no means绝不,并不,否定词组置于句首时句子要部分倒装,含有助动词be的,将Be动词提前,相当于全部倒装,故选D点评:英语中倒装分为部分倒装和完全倒装,当否定副词置于句首时,句子要部分倒装。部分倒装即只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,或把句子的强调成分提前。在部分倒装句中,只有助动词、情态动词或连系动词to be可以置于主语之前,其它部分都要置于主语之后。

词义辨析By means no this all means

bymeansof是用。。方法,依靠的意思。如:Hewonthefirstprizebymeansofcpersistence.他是靠坚赢得第一名。bynomeans是绝不的意思Tolistencarefullyintheclassisbynomeansenough.只在课堂上认真听课是绝不够的。bythismeans是用这种方法的意思,等于bythisway.如:Bythismeansheshowsushisproductsaregood. 通过这种方法他向我们展示他的产品很好。byallmeans是当然可以一定,无论如何的意思。如:Youmustinvitehimbyallmeans. 你无论如何都要邀请它。

by no means和by all means的意思


这句话写的对吗 by no means 一般放在那?

这句话写的没问题。by no means表示绝不,在谓语前修饰谓语动词做状语,如果放在句首用倒装句,也可放句中,在本句中不影响。Celebrities are by no means supposed to be pursued by teenagers and youngsters。名人绝不是青少年追求的对象。重点词汇解释:1、by no means绝不2、supposevt. 假设;认为;让(虚拟语气);推想vi. 猜想;料想3、pursuevt. 继续;从事;追赶;纠缠vi. 追赶;继续进行扩展资料:mean的用法:1、作名词mean用作名词时的意思是中间,中庸,指某事处于中间状态。也可表示平均数,平均值,指将两个或两个以上不同的数字相加,然后用相加后的总和再除以相加的数字的个数所得到的数。mean指本意是,原意为,指某一件事物最初的意思,这个意思与其现在所表示的意思可能不同。mean还可指有某种重要性。2、作动词mean多用作及物动词,其后可接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,有时还可接双宾语。mean也可接由动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。mean偶尔也可用作不及物动词。mean常用于过去完成时或一般过去时表示希望,预料,打算未能完成或未能实现。用于过去完成时时,多半搭用动词不定式的一般时态。用于一般过去时则可搭用动词不定式的完成时,也可搭用一般时。

by no means 倒装例句

by no means决不,一点也不;主要用来表示否定(语气较强),意为:当然不行;绝不是.如 —Can I go out like this?我可以这样出去吗?— By no means.绝不可以. —You haven"t lost heart,then?那么你还没有灰心?— By no means.绝对没有. —Can I go out like this?我可以这样出去吗?— By no means.绝不可以. —You haven"t lost heart,then?那么你还没有灰心?— By no means.绝对没有. By no means can you smoke here.(注意到装用法) His judgment in this matter was by no means在这件事上他的判完全不正确. It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone.要满足每一个人绝非易事 By no means was he able to handle it.这件事他绝对没办法处理. It"s by no means certain.完全不能肯定. I"ll forgive you this time,but you shall by no means make the mistake again.我这次就原谅你,你可不许再犯错误.

by no means 怎么用


by no means 怎么用


by no means的用法

by no means 决不,并没有 例句: She is by no means poor:in fact,she"s quite rich. 她可不穷,其实她很阔. This is by no means a good way to solve the problem. 这决非解决问题的好办法. I"ll by no means be a professor. 我肯定不会成为一名教授的.







by no means look down upon the poor

答案选【B】 【By no means】是【决不】的意思.含有否定成分 否定开头句子要进行倒装 因此答案选【B】 翻译:【我们绝不应该看不起穷人.】 祝学业进步!

什么意思though by no means capital

Though Verrazano is by no means considered to be a great explorer 尽管韦拉扎诺(意大利航海家)绝对称不上是一个伟大的探险家... by no means 绝不 在句中作状语 However,these notations were by no means a standard. 然而,这些记号并不意味着一个标准. by no means 用于句首时,主谓部分倒装 By no means will this method produce satisfactory results. 这种方法决不会产生令人满意的结果. But by no means was it the only profile picture I used. 但它绝不是我用的唯一的个人资料图片.

By no means ( ) their own language well .

A。BY NO MEANS,绝不,否定后使用陈述语序

By no means______to her parents.

by no means决不, 一点也不;主要用来表示否定(语气较强),意为:当然不行;绝不是。如—Can I go out like this?我可以这样出去吗?— By no means.绝不可以。—You haven"t lost heart, then?那么你还没有灰心?— By no means.绝对没有。—Can I go out like this?我可以这样出去吗?— By no means.绝不可以。—You haven"t lost heart, then?那么你还没有灰心?— By no means.绝对没有。By no means can you smoke here.(注意到装用法)His judgment in this matter was by no means在这件事上他的判完全不正确。It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone. 要满足每一个人绝非易事By no means was he able to handle it. 这件事他绝对没办法处理。It"s by no means certain. 完全不能肯定。I"ll forgive you this time, but you shall by no means make the mistake again. 我这次就原谅你,你可不许再犯错误。复制过来的e

39. By no means ( ) look down upon the poor.


像at ease ;by no means这种词当什么词性用...是形容词么 位置一般放哪


像at ease ;by no means这种词当什么词性用...是形容词么 位置一般放哪

at ease有不拘束,安心(地),自在(地),也可以作形容词,做形容词就放在be动词之后。by no means可以作为形容词,也是放在be 动词之后。eg:She is by no means an ordinary girlDo you feel at ease in this seat?这里的at ease在实义动词之后做形容词

by no means 倒装例句

您好,例句如下:By no means can he work out the question.他是决对做不出来这道题。

by no means 是不是不能放在句末?那它的具体用法,句中位置点播一下!!!

by no means,意思是,绝不比如:I"m by no means angry with you. 我一点儿都不生你的气We are by no means finished yet. 我们根本没完成。

By no means ___to your parents. this the first time you are lying B.this is the first .


by no means 造句?

by no means 决不 He will by no means give up his love. 他决不会放弃他的爱. By no means can the dream come true. 这个梦想决不会成真.

by far, by no means 是什么意思

by far KK: [ ] DJ: [ ()] 1. (修饰比较级、最高级,强调数量、程度等)...得多;最...;显然 This book is by far the best. 这本书显然是最好的。 by far adv.到目前为止 例句: It is quicker by far to go by train. 乘火车要快得多. I"ve seen some slow workers in my time but this lot are the slowest by far. 我以前倒也见过一些笨工人,但是这群人可算是最笨的了。 She is the best by far/She is by far the best. 她显然是最好的. ============================================by no means ph. 1. 决不 by no means 决不,并没有 例句: She is by no means poor: in fact, she"s quite rich. 她可不穷, 其实她很阔. This is by no means a good way to solve the problem. 这决非解决问题的好办法。 I"ll by no means be a professor. 我肯定不会成为一名教授的。============================================all the moreph.1. 更;愈all the more adv. 更加(愈加)例句:She is all the more beautiful for her shabby clothing (=because her clothing is shabby).即使她衣衫褴褛,却显得更美丽了。I respect him all the more because he has faults.因为他有缺点,我反而更尊敬他。The girl is all the more beautiful in her wedding gown.那个女孩穿着婚纱格外美丽动人。===========================================so much the better a. 更好 1. "So much the better. His name?"“那更好。姓什么?”2. If he will help us, so much the better.如果他愿意帮助我们,那就更好了。3. If you have two single rooms, so much the better.如果你们有两个单人房,那就更好了。4. If you like singing, music and sport, so much the better.如果你喜欢唱歌、音乐与运动,那将会更好。5. The company will be one schock manager short. So much the better.这家公司少了一个草包经理,岂不更好。6. Well, so much the better if you stay. All the treasure"ll be mine!哈,你能坚持住就好。所有的宝藏是我的了! 7. "So much the better," said the Spartans; "we shall fight in the shade."「愈多愈好,」斯巴达人说道:「我们将在黑影之下和他们作战。」8. If newcomers to this fine hobby find encouragement here, then so much the better!如果这方面的新手由此被拉下水,那就太好了!9. The result is not very important to us, but if we do win, (then) so much the better.输赢对我们并不十分重要,但假如我们真赢了,(那)就更好了.10. Well, if they can be easy with an estate that is not lawfully their own, so much the better.倘若叫我来接受这笔法庭硬派给他的财产,我才会害臊呢。”11. Jeanne is delighted to come to our party;if she insists on bringing a cake,so much the better.珍妮很高兴来参加我们的聚会,要是她坚持要带蛋糕,那也好。12. Eg. Jeanne is delighted to come to our party. If she insists on bringing a cake, so much the better.珍妮高兴得来参加我们的聚会。如果她能带盒蛋糕,就更好了。13. If these human inputs arc assisted by special quality-control instruments machines, and scientific sampling procedures so much the better.如果人类的投入有特殊的质量控制机器和科学取样程序来帮助的话就更好了。14. If these human inputs are assisted by special quality-control instruments machines, and scientific sampling procedures so much the better.如果这些人为因素有特殊的质量控制机和科学取样的程序帮助就更好了。15. “So much the better. I hope they will not meet at all. But does not Jane correspond with the sister? She will not be able to help calling?“那就更好。我希望他们俩再也不要见面。可是吉英不过还在跟他妹妹通信吗?彬格莱小姐也许难免要来拜望呢。”16. The point of learning is to improve an individual"s chances of surviving and reproducing: if the experience and opinions of others can be harnessed to that end, so much the better.研究的重点是提高个人的生存和繁殖机会:如果可以利用他人的经验和意见达到这一目的,那就更好了。17. If political Islam can blunt American triumphalism, then so much the better—even from the viewpoint of those who would never dream of donning a headscarf or upsetting a sexual minority.如果政治伊斯兰⑷可以给耀武扬威的美国浇上一盆冷水,那再好不过了——这样的想法甚至来自那些非伊斯兰信徒,他们从未披长袍戴面纱,也不曾骚扰性少数⑸者。18. IMO, we were the better team, we bossed the midfield, didn"t allow players like Pirlo/Seedorf to do much, and Mascherano marked Kaka so well!整体上来说,我觉得我们应该更乐观一些,我们又一次杀进了决赛,而且没有让米兰发挥的很好,这应该是一场势均力敌的比赛,那个糟糕的进球改变了场上的均势。

by no means和by all means的意思

by no means 绝不要by all means一定要

it is by no means clear what the president can do to end the strike. 怎样翻译,为什么用what?

总统能做些什么来结束这次罢工。这道题正解是 what . 句中it 是形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的句子 the president ( 主语) can do ( 谓语) to end the strike (动词不定式短语作 目的状语), 根据以上分析 很显然句子谓语can do 后少宾语, 故主语从句连接代词用 what
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