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mean to do,mean doing 和 be meant to 的区别

mean to do,mean doing 和 be meant to 的区别有如下这些:mean to do是“打算,意图,企图”的意思;2.Mean doing是表示“意味着”的意思; meant to do是,应做,照道理,照规矩应该做。双语例句:I had meant to leave on Sunday.我本打算周日走。2.I mean to stay here for a long time.我打算在这儿呆很久。3.Missing the train means waiting for another hour.赶不上火车预示着要再等一个小时。4.Revolution means liberating the productive forces.革命意味着解放生产力。5.I was meant to be working on Sunday, but I just fooled around all day.星期日我本应工作的,但却闲 混了一整天。

mean to do 和mean doing的区别

1、mean to do sth.“打算干…事”,如: I meant to give you this book today, but I forgot. 我本来打算今天给你这本书的,可是我忘了。 2、mean doing sth.“意味着…”,如: Missing this train means waiting for another hour. 错过这辆火车意味着你得再等一小时。

meantodo和doing的区别 meantodo和doing怎么区分

1、意思不同:mean to do的意思是“打算或企图做某事”,主语通常表示人。be meant to do是照规矩应该做。mean doing的意思是意味着。 2、用法不同:be meant to do是照规矩应该做。mean to do主语通常表示人,mean doing,其主语通常是指事物的词,主语一般为一个句子,一个事件。

mean to do和doing的例句

mean to do和doing的例句如下:I mean to buy a vacuum next month.下个月我打算买一台真空吸尘器。Pushing or pulling does not necessarily mean doing work.推或拉未必意味着作功。含义不同:(1)mean to do sth.意为:打算做某事。例如:I am mean to go the supermarket.(我打算去超市。)(2)mean doing sth.意为:意味着…… 例如: There are many clouds in the sky that mean raining.(天空中乌云密布,意味着要下雨了。)用法不同:mean to do 后接动词不定式,表示打算做某事;mean doing 后接动词ing形式,表示意味着……主语不同:mean to do sth. 使用时主语通常是表示人的名词或代词。mean doing sth. 使用时主语通常是指事物的sth。

mean to do和mean doing的区别

mean to do和mean doing的区别 mean to do和mean doing的区别如下: 一.means doing mean当做意思意味讲时,是及物动词,refusingto have anything to do with something or somebody这个动名词短语做mean的宾语. 二.mean to do一般理解为打算做某事 联合抵制这个词的意思是拒绝用某物来对付一些事或者一些人~ mean to do和mean doing的具体意思如下: ⑴mean to do 英 [mi:n tu: du:] 美 [min tu du] 词典意思为: 打算做;有意做 网路意思为: 打算; 打算做某事; 打算/想做某事 用法例句: 1.I didn"t mean to do you any harm. 我并不想会害了你。 forum.eyankit. 2.You are not mean to do that. 你不该做那个。 ⑵mean doing 网路 意味着; 意味着做; 意思是,意味着; 意味着做某事; 意味着干某事 用法例句: 1.Pushing or pulling, however, does not necessarily mean doing work. 然而,推或拉未必意味著作功。 blog.163. 2.This might mean doing some required reading or pleting a few *** aller steps ina project. 这可以是做一些必要的阅读或完成专案中的几个比较小的步骤。

mean to do /mean doing /meant to do /meant doing

mean to do是打算做什么,而mean doing是意味着做什么

mean to do sth.和mean doing sth.的区别是什么?


mean to do sth/ mean doing sth 什么意思?

she didn"t mean to break it: INTEND,

mean to do sth 的中文意思?

这裏是汉字吧,非汉译吧罢了,由我港民来解释吧……mean to do sth 打算做某事

be mean to是什么意思 英语高手给我有关mean 的短语(如"mean to do") 谢谢!!

Sam : If you are too nice to her, then she won"t like you either.Robert : But I like her. How can I be mean to her?Sam: 如果你对她太好的话, 她也不会喜欢你的Robert: 但是我喜欢她,我怎么能够刻薄地对她呢?mean 这里是苛刻的 卑鄙的 刻薄的 意思

mean to do......


mean doing sth与mean to do sth的区别

mean to do sth.的意思是“打算或企图做某事”,其主语通常是表示人的名词或代词,其过去完成式表示“本来打算做某事”.例如:What do you mean to do with it?你打算把它怎样处理? mean doing sth的意思是“意味着干某事”.

关于mean的短语及用法 mean to do mean doing 的区别

mean to do sth:故意做某事,打算做某事mean doing sth 意味着做某事。 mean做打算的时候,是to do sth,相当于intend to do mean作为意思,意味的动词时。要用mean sth或mean doing sth

mean to do sth 的意思?


用mean to do 还是doing


mean doing和mean to do的区别

mean doing sth. 意思是“意味着做某事”,mean to do sth. 意思是“意欲或意思是要做某事”。

mean to do故意做某事的意思吗

mean to do打算做什么事,mean to 是不定式的省略开式,通常用在回答中,避免重复,省略不定式符号to 后的主要动词.但to 不能省,这是语法规定,就像汉语中,问,“你吃饭了吗?我吃了,”可以把饭省了.



您好,我想请您给我传一下用spss软件做k-means cluster聚类分析的相关资料,邮箱号是



程序需要一个数据文件格式如下:5 2 32 3 4 5 10 12 5 1 12 10其中,5表示数据的数量,2表示数据的维度,3表示聚类的数量。后面每两个实数对应一个数据点。不过这个程序始数据维数固定为2,后来想改成4以下的任意维度,但没有改完,所以其实只能为2维。我已经对程序做了注释。#include < stdio.h>#include < stdlib.h>#include < string.h>#include < conio.h>#include < math.h>#define SUCCESS 1#define FAILURE 0#define TRUE 1#define FALSE 0#define MAXVECTDIM 4 // 数据最大维数 (看来这个程序写了一半,维数实际上只能为2)#define MAXPATTERN 1588 // 数据数量最大值#define MAXCLUSTER 10 // 聚类最大值// 聚类结构struct aCluster { double Center[MAXVECTDIM]; // 中心/引力数据对象 int Member[MAXPATTERN]; // 该聚类中数据在Pattern中的索引 int NumMembers; // 数据的数量};struct aVector { double Center[MAXVECTDIM]; int Size;};static double Pattern[MAXPATTERN][MAXVECTDIM + 1]; // 所有数据存放在这个数组中// 所以的东西都搁System类里面了class System {private : aCluster Cluster[MAXCLUSTER]; // 聚类数组 int NumPatterns; // 输入数据的数量 int SizeVector; // 数据的维数 int NumClusters; // 数据的聚类数 void DistributeSamples(); // 根据中心聚类,重新分配数据到不同的聚类 int CalcNewClustCenters(); // 重新计算新的聚类中心 double EucNorm(int, int); // 误差准则 int FindClosestCluster(int); // 查找最接近的聚类public : System() {}; int LoadPatterns(char * fname); // 从文件中读取数据 void InitClusters(); // 初始化聚类 void RunKMeans(); // 执行K-Means算法 void ShowClusters(); // 显示聚类 void SaveClusters(char * fname); // 保存聚类到文件中 void ShowCenters(); // 显示聚类中心数据 };void System::ShowCenters() { int i; printf("Cluster centers: "); for (i = 0; i < NumClusters; i++) { Cluster[i].Member[0] = i; printf("ClusterCenter[%d]=(%f,%f) ", i, Cluster[i].Center[0],Cluster[i].Center[1]); int b=0; } printf(" ");}int System::LoadPatterns(char * fname) { FILE * InFilePtr; int i, j; double x; if ( (InFilePtr = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) return FAILURE; // 读入数据的数量,维度和聚类数的数量 fscanf(InFilePtr, "%d", & NumPatterns); fscanf(InFilePtr, "%d", & SizeVector); fscanf(InFilePtr, "%d", & NumClusters); // 读入数据 for (i = 0; i < NumPatterns; i++) { for (j = 0; j < SizeVector; j++) { fscanf(InFilePtr, "%lg", & x); Pattern[i][j] = x; } } // 打印读入的数据 printf("Input patterns: "); for (i = 0; i < NumPatterns; i++) { printf("Pattern[%d]=(%2.3f,%2.3f,%d,%d) ", i, Pattern[i][0], Pattern[i][1],Pattern[i][2], Pattern[i][3]); } printf(" -------------------- "); return SUCCESS;}void System::InitClusters() { int i, j; SizeVector=2; // 看来开始数据维数固定为2,后来想改成4以下的任意维度,但没有改完 printf("Initial cluster centers: "); // 把前NumClusters个数据作为NumClusters个聚类的数据中心 for (i = 0; i < NumClusters; i++) { Cluster[i].Member[0] = i; // 记录这个数据的索引到第i个聚类中 for (j = 0; j < SizeVector; j++) { Cluster[i].Center[j] = Pattern[i][j]; // 把这个数据作为数据中心 } } // 打印聚类的数据中心 for (i = 0; i < NumClusters; i++) { printf("ClusterCenter[%d]=(%f,%f) ", i, Cluster[i].Center[0], Cluster[i].Center[1]); } printf(" ");}void System::RunKMeans() { int converged; // 是否收敛 int pass; // 计算的趟数 pass = 1; // 第一趟 converged = FALSE; // 没有收敛 while (converged == FALSE) { // 没有收敛的情况下反复跑 printf("PASS=%d ", pass++); // 打印趟数 DistributeSamples(); // 重新分配数据 converged = CalcNewClustCenters(); // 计算新的聚类中心,如果计算结果和上次相同,认为已经收敛 ShowCenters(); // 显示聚类中心 }}// 第p个数据到第c个聚类中心的误差准则(距离的平方)double System::EucNorm(int p, int c) { double dist, x; // x可能是调试用,没有实际作用 int i; dist = 0; // 将每个维度的差的平方相加,得到距离的平方 for (i = 0; i < SizeVector; i++) { x = (Cluster[c].Center[i] - Pattern[p][i]) * (Cluster[c].Center[i] - Pattern[p][i]); dist += (Cluster[c].Center[i] - Pattern[p][i]) * (Cluster[c].Center[i] - Pattern[p][i]); } return dist;}// 查找第pat个数据的最近聚类int System ::FindClosestCluster(int pat) { int i, ClustID/*最近聚类的ID*/; double MinDist/*最小误差*/, d; MinDist = 9.9e+99; // 初始为一个极大的值 ClustID = -1; // 依次计算3个聚类到第pat个数据的误差,找出最小值 for (i = 0; i < NumClusters; i++) { d = EucNorm(pat, i); printf("Distance from pattern %d to cluster %d is %f ", pat, i, sqrt(d)); if (d < MinDist) { // 如果小于前最小值,将改值作为当前最小值 MinDist = d; ClustID = i; } } if (ClustID < 0) { // 没有找到??! —— 这个应该不可能发生,如果出现表示出现了不可思议的错误 printf("Aaargh"); exit(0); } return ClustID;}void System ::DistributeSamples() { int i, pat, Clustid, MemberIndex; // 将上次的记录的该聚类中的数据数量清0,重新开始分配数据 for (i = 0; i < NumClusters; i++) { Cluster[i].NumMembers = 0; } // 找出每个数据的最近聚类数据中心,并将该数据分配到该聚类 for (pat = 0; pat < NumPatterns; pat++) { Clustid = FindClosestCluster(pat); printf("patern %d assigned to cluster %d ", pat, Clustid); MemberIndex = Cluster[Clustid].NumMembers; // MemberIndex是当前记录的数据数量,也是新加入数据在数组中的位置 Cluster[Clustid].Member[MemberIndex] = pat; // 将数据索引加入Member数组 Cluster[Clustid].NumMembers++; // 聚类中的数据数量加1 }}int System::CalcNewClustCenters() { int ConvFlag, VectID, i, j, k; double tmp[MAXVECTDIM]; // 临时记录新的聚类中心,因为需要比较,不能直接记录 char xs[255]; char szBuf[255]; ConvFlag = TRUE; printf("The new cluster centers are now calculated as: "); // 逐个计算NumClusters个聚类 for (i = 0; i < NumClusters; i++) { strcpy(xs,""); printf("Cluster Center %d (1/%d): ",i,Cluster[i].NumMembers); // tmp所有维度数值清0 for (j = 0; j < SizeVector; j++) { tmp[j] = 0.0; } // 计算聚类中所有数据的所有维度数值的和,为下一步计算均值做准备 for (j = 0; j < Cluster[i].NumMembers; j++) { VectID = Cluster[i].Member[j]; for (k = 0; k < SizeVector; k++) { tmp[k] += Pattern[VectID][k]; sprintf(szBuf,"%d ",Pattern[VectID][k]); strcat(xs,szBuf); } printf("%s ",xs); // 输出刚才计算的数据 strcpy(xs,""); } // 求出均值,并判断是否和上次相同 for (k = 0; k < SizeVector; k++) { if(Cluster[i].NumMembers!=0) tmp[k] = tmp[k] / Cluster[i].NumMembers; if (tmp[k] != Cluster[i].Center[k]) // 如果不同,则认为没有收敛 ConvFlag = FALSE; Cluster[i].Center[k] = tmp[k]; // 用新值代替旧值 } printf("%s, ", xs); } return ConvFlag; // 返回收敛情况}// 显示聚类中心数据void System::ShowClusters() { int cl; for (cl = 0; cl < NumClusters; cl++) { printf(" CLUSTER %d ==>[%f,%f] ", cl, Cluster[cl].Center[0], Cluster[cl].Center[1]); }}// 没有实现的函数void System::SaveClusters(char * fname) {}#include <windows.h>void main(int argc, char * argv[]) { System kmeans; // 如果没有提供参数,显示用法 if (argc < 2) { printf("USAGE: KMEANS PATTERN_FILE "); exit(0); } // 参数1 为数据文件名,从中读入数据 if (kmeans.LoadPatterns(argv[1]) == FAILURE) { printf("UNABLE TO READ PATTERN_FILE:%s ", argv[1]); exit(0); } kmeans.InitClusters(); kmeans.RunKMeans(); kmeans.ShowClusters(); kmeans.ShowCenters(); return ;}


指定文件名问题描述:一堆二维数据,用kmeans算法对其进行聚类,下面例子以分k=3为例。原数据:1.5,3.12.2,2.93,42,115,2543,1332,420,08,912,59,1211,822,3324,25实现代码:[python] view plain copy#coding:utf-8 from numpy import * import string import math def loadDataSet(filename): dataMat = [] fr = open(filename) for line in fr.readlines(): element = line.strip(" ").split(",") number = [] for i in range(len(element)): number.append(string.atof(element[i])) dataMat.append(number) return dataMat def distEclud(vecA, vecB): count = len(vecA) s = 0.0 for i in range(0, count): s = s + power(vecA[i]-vecB[i], 2) return sqrt(s) def clusterOfElement(means, element): min_dist = distEclud(means[0], element) lable = 0 for index in range(1, len(means)): dist = distEclud(means[index], element) if(dist < min_dist): min_dist = dist lable = index return lable def getMean(cluster): #cluster=[[[1,2],[1,2],[1,2]....],[[2,1],[2,1],[2,1],[2,1]...]] num = len(cluster) #1个簇的num,如上为3个 res = [] temp = 0 dim = len(cluster[0]) for i in range(0, dim): for j in range(0, num): temp = temp + cluster[j][i] temp = temp / num res.append(temp) return res def kMeans(): k = 3 data = loadDataSet("data.txt") print "data is ", data inite_mean = [[1.1, 1], [1, 1],[1,2]] count = 0 while(count < 1000): count = count + 1 clusters = [] means = [] for i in range(k): clusters.append([]) means.append([]) for index in range(len(data)): lable = clusterOfElement(inite_mean, data[index]) clusters[lable].append(data[index]) for cluster_index in range(k): mea = getMean(clusters[cluster_index]) for mean_dim in range(len(mea)): means[cluster_index].append(mea[mean_dim]) for mm in range(len(means)): for mmm in range(len(means[mm])): inite_mean[mm][mmm] = means[mm][mmm] print "result cluster is ", clusters print "result means is ", inite_mean kMeans()


和你遇到了同样的问题,在GOOGLE上搜到的答案。初始中心的文件,第一个变量就应该是cluster_,值为1-k(k就是类别数)。我按这个做了,就OK啦!问:I ran the SPSS Quick Cluster procedure for K Means clusteranalysis, specifying an SPSS file with the initial clustercenters. I received error message # 14024 which states:"The file referenced in the FILE subcommand does not havethe proper format for QUICK CLUSTER initial cluster centers."My cluster center file includes all the variables that areused in the Quick Cluster command and there is one case foreach of the centers. Am I missing something?答:The first variable in your cluster center file must benamed cluster_ . The values for cluster_ in the K rows willbe 1, 2, ... K, where K is the number of clusters. The absenceof cluster_ will trigger the improper format error message.Other essential properties of the centers file include:1. You must have at least as many cases in the center fileas the number of clusters specified in the QUICK CLUSTER command.If there are K cases in the centers file and J (J< K) clustersspecified in the QUICK CLUSTER command, only the first J casesfrom the centers file will be used.2. All the variables that are included in the QUICK CLUSTERcommand must be included in the centers file. Variable orderneed not be identical in the QUICK CLUSTER command and thecenters file (provided cluster_ comes first in the centers file).Variables in the centers file that are not in the QUICK CLUSTERvariable list will be ignored in the analysis.

大二泛读the meaning of politics的翻译

★meaning of politics 是个短语,不是一句话。它的意思是【政治的含义……】,要构成一句话,后面应该加上系动词+表语,或谓语+宾语例如:the meaning of politics is .......(接表语或表语从句) the meaning of politics made us .....(政治的含义把我们.....(弄糊涂了等等)。或接其他谓宾内容)



You Mean All the World to Me有谁懂得这首歌的歌词?



Clustering Algorithms分类1. Partitioning approach:建立数据的不同分割,然后用相同标准评价聚类结果。(比如最小化平方误差和)典型算法:K-Means, K-Medoids2. Model-based:对于每个类假定一个分布模型,试图找到每个类最好的模型典型算法:GMM(混合高斯) 3. Dimensionality Reduction Approach:先降维,再聚类典型算法:Spectral clustering,Ncut


Clustering Algorithms分类1. Partitioning approach: 建立数据的不同分割,然后用相同标准评价聚类结果。(比如最小化平方误差和) 典型算法:K-Means, K-Medoids2. Model-based: 对于每个类假定一个分布模型,试图找到每个类最好的模型 典型算法:GMM(混合高斯) 3. Dimensionality Reduction Approach: 先降维,再聚类 典型算法:Spectral clustering,Ncut

区别means, way, method, approach这四个单词词义,及其用法,谢啦~

means way method 都是名词 有方式,方法的意义it is a means/ way /method to reach your goal 。这是你到达目标的一种方法approach作动词或名词皆可 作名词表示方式 作动词表示沿着。。。如there is only a approach to solve the problem 。只有一种方法能解决那个问题he approaches the street to look for his cat。他沿着街道找他的猫

means method approach way有什么区别

你好 这种问题简直是乱出题 全凭语感! 我感觉是A 不知道理由 全名感觉

approach means method way的区别

manner, method, way, mode, fashion, means, approach 这些名词均含“方法、方式”之意。 manner〓多指行动的特殊方式或独特的方法。 method〓指有系统、


way:普通用语,与in搭配。用于处理任何事物的方法 in the way method:合乎逻辑、科学系统的方法,与with搭配 with methodapproach:常与to搭配 approach to means:单复数同形,与by搭配,表示为达到某种目的而采取的方法 by means ofAt the meeting they discussed three___to the study of mathmatics. A. approaches B.means. C.methods D.ways选A题中的B.means C.methods D.ways 方法 后面都是与of连用。其中way 后面可加to do/of doing

i was mean to you for no reason啥意思?


英文作文《what winning means》

Directions:Some people say winning means being rich, some people say winning means being powerful, and other people say winning means being happy. Please write a paragraph of about 120 words about YOUR understanding of winning. Sample 1Some people say that winning means being rich, some say winning means being powerful, and others think winning means being happy. I think winning means doing what you should do and being good at it. Most of us can only live in this world for no more than 70 or 80 years. We shouldn"t think too much about what we can get from this world. Instead, we should think about what we can leave in this world. The one who can make more contributions to the world is a real winner. For example, cleaning the street is a humble job in many people"s eyes, but in my opinion, street cleaners can also be great winners. They make our city more beautiful. They give us a better environment and consequently a better life. On the contrary, some people make money at the cost of the environment. Some are even worse: They cheat or kill others in order to gain power or earn money. Winners or losers? It"s time to give it a second thought.The quadrennial choice for president is the only time all Americans vote on the same question. At the same time we do that, we also elect one-third of the Senators and the entire House of Representatives, but in smaller geographic units.It used to be that, if the winning side in an election did not have enough of a majority to pass its legislation, it knew it needed to compromise with the losing side. And the losers knew that they could influence the legislative outcome because the winners needed their votes. But, having lost the election, they tended to accept the fact that the winners got to set the agenda and the framework for the legislative solutions to problems and that their own role was to tweak - sometimes in important ways - the legislation.Now that the 2012 election is behind us, the first big question is whether or not the Republicans, having lost the White House and the Senate, will follow that tradition. Even more, it is whether John Boehner, as Speaker of the House can keep the members on his rightward fringe in check and be able both to craft compromises with the Democrats and to deliver enough votes that, when added to those of House Democrats, legislation can pass that moves the country forward on the many problems we face. If he cannot, How will the President respond? And what will he be able to do on his own, without legislation, to address those vexing problems.On one such issue, Barack Obama made it clear during the campaign that to get our fiscal house in order would require increased revenue as well as cuts in spending. More specifically, he argued that the megarich should pay more in taxes, the rest of us were already paying enough, and what money we had was needed to enable us to buy things and, thus, support demand that could, in turn, fuel the economic recovery. Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate, made a case for a different approach. The president won. And Mr. Romney and the Republicans, not able to persuade the voters of their position, lost. Yet, today, even though Republicans lost a number of winnable Senate seats and have a smaller caucus than in the last Congress, Mitch McConnell, their leader in the Senate, said he would not permit taxes to be raised on anyone. Will the president call his bluff and let all the Bush tax cuts expire - including those on the 99 percent - and then make the case to the country that Republicans insisted that taxes go up for everyone in order to keep the richest one percent from having to pay a higher share?On Medicare, both candidates proposed cutting spending - they even agreed on the amount. But the president, wanting to preserve the program"s value for seniors and others who depend on Medicare, proposed doing it without reducing benefits. Instead, he would save millions by ending the windfall that private insurers earn from the Medicare Advantage program and by reducing payments to some providers. He would also use Medicare policy to stimulate providers of services to find ways to improve the quality of care and keep down the costs. Republicans defined the Medicare problem more simply. They just want to limit federal spending, which they would do by capping it at a fixed amount and distributing those funds to Medicare beneficiaries in the form of vouchers. Then, the beneficiaries would apply the vouchers toward the purchase of coverage in the private health insurance marketplace. The main problem, of course, is that Republicans cannot guarantee that the voucher would cover all the services people need or that it would keep up with the rising cost of insurance. Inevitably, beneficiaries would wind up with less coverage than they have now.It is fair to say that, to the extent that voters focused on policy issues like these, the majority voted for the president"s proposals and rejected those of Governor Romney and his fellow Republicans. So, why doesn"t the election result entitle the president to act on these matters as he said he would? And, to the extent that the Congress must act (e.g., on tax and spending legislation), why doesn"t it leave members of the House and Senate to make adjustments around the edges? Isn"t that what winning means?这是大学作文

what does winning mean to you

For me. winning mean a new beginning,


Don"t talk in class.Listen carefully.We must obey the rules.The earth circles the sun.The thing surprised me.It means you must stop.The book costs $20.Can you post the letter for me?I wish you good luck.You can mail him on the Internet.It doesn"t matter.The meeting ended at 9p.m.You must check your answers carefully.

用MATLAB 实现k-means算法数据 data随机产生100个数。 分成两类,即k=2.代码

%随机获取100个点X =[randn(100,2)+ones(100,2);randn(100,2)+[ones(100,1),-ones(100,1)]];opts =statset("Display","final");%调用Kmeans函数%X N*P的数据矩阵%Idx N*1的向量,存储的是每个点的聚类标号%Ctrs K*P的矩阵,存储的是K个聚类质心位置%SumD 1*K的和向量,存储的是类间所有点与该类质心点距离之和%D N*K的矩阵,存储的是每个点与所有质心的距离;[Idx,Ctrs,SumD,D] =kmeans(X,2,"Replicates",2,"Options",opts);%画出聚类为1的点。X(Idx==1,1),为第一类的样本的第一个坐标;X(Idx==1,2)为第二类的样本的第二个坐标plot(X(Idx==1,1),X(Idx==1,2),"r.","MarkerSize",14)hold onplot(X(Idx==2,1),X(Idx==2,2),"b.","MarkerSize",14)%绘出聚类中心点,kx表示是圆形plot(Ctrs(:,1),Ctrs(:,2),"kx","MarkerSize",14,"LineWidth",4)plot(Ctrs(:,1),Ctrs(:,2),"kx","MarkerSize",14,"LineWidth",4)plot(Ctrs(:,1),Ctrs(:,2),"kx","MarkerSize",14,"LineWidth",4)legend("Cluster 1","Cluster2","Center 1","Center 2","Location","NW")CtrsSumD

meaning of loneliness 歌词

It"s tough, but I can"t

What does it mean to chinese in the 21st century?

about chinese的发展,其他国家现在对chinese的看法~~~chinese在别人眼里的第一感觉等等的

meanwhile和at the same time 可以像when 一样放在句中使用吗?

at the same time 前后是并列的,meanwhile是然而的意思,表示对比x0dx0ameanwhile如果后面加动词用什么形式是要看具体的句子的.ing,do动词都对.x0dx0ameanwhile用法x0dx0ameanwhile(=meantime) n.其间, 其时x0dx0aadv.其间x0dx0ax0dx0ameanwhilex0dx0amean.whilex0dx0a(名词)x0dx0aThe intervening time.x0dx0a间隔时间x0dx0aadv.(副词)x0dx0aDuring or in the intervening time:x0dx0a在间隔时间内:x0dx0aMeanwhile, life goes on.x0dx0a在此期间,生命不息x0dx0aAt the same time:x0dx0a同时:x0dx0aThe court is deliberating; meanwhile, we must be patient.See Usage Note at meantime x0dx0a法庭正在审议;这段时间内,我们必须要小心参见 meantimex0dx0ax0dx0a在时间状语,句首,句中,句末都可以x0dx0aYou have to push and twist at the same time.x0dx0a你必须要同时向下按而且转一下。x0dx0aAt the same time, inequality has become worse.x0dx0a同时不平等现象变得更严重了。x0dx0aNow, many aim to release films at the same time around the world.x0dx0a现在,很多瞄准发表的电影同时在全世界发表。x0dx0a when 既可用作副词,又可用作连词,也可用作代词。不管 when 属于什么词类,它一般都可以用来表示时间概念。由于 when 的用法是考试考查的热点之一,所以有必要对其用法作一简析: x0dx0ax0dx0a 一 . when 用作副词。 x0dx0ax0dx0a 1. 用作疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句。例如: x0dx0ax0dx0a When will you come to see me? 你什么时候要来看我? x0dx0ax0dx0a When are they going to visit the Great Wall? 他们打算什么时候去游览长城? x0dx0ax0dx0a 2. 用作连接副词,通常用来引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、宾语从句及起名词作用的“ when +动词不定式”结构。例如: x0dx0ax0dx0a When he comes is not known. 他何时来还不知道。 x0dx0ax0dx0a The morning is when I am busiest. 早上是我最忙的时候。 x0dx0ax0dx0a I have no idea when the game will begin. 我不知道比赛何时开始。 x0dx0ax0dx0a I don"t know when the plane takes off. 我不知道飞机何时起飞。 x0dx0ax0dx0a I don"t know when to leave for London. 我不知道该在何时动身去伦敦。 x0dx0ax0dx0a 3. 用作关系副词,引导限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句。例如: x0dx0ax0dx0a Do you still remember the days when we stayed in America? 你还记得我们呆在美国的那些日子吗? x0dx0ax0dx0a The day will come soon when the Chinese astronauts will go to the moon. 中国宇航员登上月球的那一天很快就要到来了。 x0dx0ax0dx0a It happened ten years ago, when I was a child. 事情发生在十年前,当时我还是个小孩子。 x0dx0ax0dx0a We will go to the countryside at the beginning of June, when the summer harvest will start. 我们将在六月初下乡,那时夏收就要开始了。 x0dx0ax0dx0a 二 . when 用作连词。 x0dx0ax0dx0a 1. 用作从属连词,意为“当??的时候”,引导时间状语从句。例如: x0dx0ax0dx0a They learned a lot from the peasants when they stayed in the village. x0dx0ax0dx0a 他们住在那个村子时,从农民那里学到了许多东西。 x0dx0ax0dx0a It was snowing when he arrived at the station. 他到达车站时,天正下着雪。 x0dx0ax0dx0a 注意:如果 when 引导的从句中的主语和主句中的主语一致,且从句中的谓语动词是“ be +分词”或从句主语是 it ,则 be 动词及其主语常可省略。例如: x0dx0ax0dx0a When ( he was ) asked why he was late, he made no answer. 当被问到他为什么迟到时,他避而不答。 x0dx0ax0dx0a I"ll tell him about it when ( it is ) possible. 在可能的时候,我会把那件事告诉他的。 x0dx0ax0dx0a 2. 用作从属连词,意为“一??就??”,引导时间状语从句。例如: x0dx0ax0dx0a We will stand up when the teacher comes into the classroom. 老师一进教室我们就起立。 x0dx0ax0dx0a Fire the rockets when I give the signal. 我一发信号,你就点燃火箭。 x0dx0ax0dx0a 3. 用作从属连词,意为“还没 / 刚刚??就”,引导时间状语从句。例如: x0dx0ax0dx0a I had hardly opened the door when he came in. 我刚一开门,他就进来了。 x0dx0ax0dx0a I had not been reading for half an hour when I heard someone call my name. 我刚刚看了半个小时的书,就听到有人叫我的名字。 x0dx0ax0dx0a 4. 用作从属连词,意为“倘若,如果”,表示条件。例如: x0dx0ax0dx0a He will be likely to recover when he is operated on. 如果动手术,他有可能康复。 x0dx0ax0dx0a Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine. 如果机器发生故障,就把电源关上。 x0dx0ax0dx0a 5. 用作从属连词,意为“既然,尽管”,表示让步。例如: x0dx0ax0dx0a Why use metal when you can use plastic? 既然能用塑料,为什么用金属呢? x0dx0ax0dx0a They kept trying when they knew it was hopeless. 尽管他们知道那件事没有希望,可是他们还在不断地努力。 x0dx0ax0dx0a 6. 用作并列连词,意为“在那时,届时”,表示时间。这时主句中可以用过去进行时,过去完成时或“ was/were about to do sth. ”结构。例如: x0dx0ax0dx0a Last night I was about to go to bed when the phone rang. 昨天晚上我正要上床睡觉时,电话铃响了。 x0dx0ax0dx0a I was cooking in the kitchen when someone knocked at the door. 我正在厨房做饭,这时有人敲门。 x0dx0ax0dx0a He had just finished the book when supper was served. 我刚刚读完这本书,这时晚饭就端上来了。 x0dx0ax0dx0a 7. 用作并列连词,意为“虽然、然而、可是”,表示转折。例如: x0dx0ax0dx0a He usually walks to work when he might take a bus. 虽然他可以坐公共汽车上班,但他却常常步行上班。 x0dx0ax0dx0a I had only twenty dollars when I needed thirty to buy the dictionary. x0dx0ax0dx0a 我需要 30 美元买那本字典,可是我只有 20 美元。 x0dx0ax0dx0a 8. 用作并列连词,意为“而、却”,表示对比。例如: x0dx0ax0dx0a How can he say that everything is fine when it"s obvious that it is not? 他怎能说一切都好呢?情况显然不是那样。 x0dx0ax0dx0a 三 . when 用作代词。 x0dx0ax0dx0a when 作为代词常常位于介词之后,意为“那时,什么时候”。例如: x0dx0ax0dx0a We came back on Tuesday, since when we have been working in the repair shop. 我们星期二回来,从那时起就一直在修配车间工作。 x0dx0ax0dx0a Since when have you been studying Japanese? 你是从何时起一直学习日语的? x0dx0ax0dx0a 另外, when 还可用作名词,前面常常用定冠词 the 。 the when 表示事件发生的时间,常常与 the where, the how 并列使用。例如: x0dx0ax0dx0a He told the police the when and the how of the accident. 他告诉警察事故发生的时间及发生的原委。

sas lemean中slice是什么意思

楼主写错单词了吧,“lemean”,应该是lsmeans吧? lsmeans命令用来生成最小二乘法下的固定效应. slice后面接固定效应变量,正如其英文含义“薄片,片段”,在lsmeans里面,slice对变量进行分片. 例如lsmeans A*B / slice=B;这句话的意思就是对B变量进行分层,求B每一层下面的A*B变量间交互效应.

be meant to do的意思及用法

意图做,打算做=mean to do mean doing 是意味着…… 例如:mean no harm本无坏意 另外的词组: by all means Without fail; certainly. 当然;当然可以 by any means In any way possible; in any case: 用尽各种可能的办法;无论如何: not by any means an easy opponent. 无论如何也不是一个容易的对手 by means of With the use of; owing to: 使用;由于: They succeeded by means of patience and sacrifice. 他们靠耐心和牺牲而取得了成功 by no means In no sense; certainly not: 并没有;绝不: This remark by no means should be taken lightly. 这次讲话绝不能等闲视之

be meant to do的意思及用法


"Curious George doll " what does it mean?


What does culture mean to U?What does diversity mean to U?

更新1: Please tell me in English. Culture (文化) Culture is the mon way or patterns in which people of the same nationality people of the same living place or people of the same workplace do or handle things usually with regard to their beliefs tastes living styles and eating habits. The uniqueness of all these ects is generally formed by the far-reaching influence from history traditions and customs. ___________________________________________ Diversity (多样化) To me “Diversity” denotes harmony and prosperity. It is a positive term expressing that you have different varieties of something you are talking about. That me a lot of choices are available for us to choose from. Let"s take Hong Kong as an example. Though very *** all in size Hong Kong is a prosperous metropolitan city which creates a harmonious environment for cultural diversity (中国香港是一个文化共融的社会). People of different nationalities can live here in a patible way and there is no such a problem of racial discrimination as in some foreign countries.

i mean no offense

口语用法,美式口语里边有很多不合语法的地方,比如no more nothing



moreover meanwhile区别


moreover meanwhile区别

meanwhile 是指时间上同一时候moreover 不是同时的意思,而是besides, in addition的意思。没有涉及到时间上的同时性

What do you live for ?what the mean of your life


Induction means ___a general conclusion from special facts.

C,理由是mean后只能加不定式或ing,而mean to 意味着企图做某事,而ing表示sth,所以C。

“Danger ”__uff08meanuff09it is __uff08dangeruff09


形容猫的英语单词(坏的方面) 例如:noisy/stubborn/lazy/mean/ugly


This Means War! (This Means War Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:This Means War! (This Means War Album Version)歌手:Petra专辑:The Ultimate Collection"This Means War (Iron Man)""OZZY Osbourne & Busta Rhymes"THIS MEANS WAR!!I work hard to take care ofevery one of my niggazFeel the love and appreciationfrom all of my niggazWhen I think meditate andcontemplate for my soulWatch the truth manifestonce the story unfoldDisloyal motherfuckers I"ma Banishyou all and celebrate all in yourabsence once I get rid of y"allSometimes I can"t describe the wickedshit I feel in my heartBreak my silence and sporadically tear you apartStrike with a serious vengeance and before you diePut you through the worst andmake you take a look in my eye!So you could witness the extremedamage caused by betrayalMake you sorry for the factthat you attempted and failed!Make you eternally suffer,you was one of my mensTurn your back on me,and I"ma make sure you get it back times tenStay TRUE, now that"s the one thing I religiously pledgeIf you ain"t with meI"ma throw you way over the edge, (THIS MEANS WAR!!)Take a look insideYou can run and you can hideIf you cross my pathI"ll make sure you feel my wrathGive and you receiveCherish every breath you breatheScriptures on the wallThose who betray all must fallAs I cherish every blessingand I great you with hugsYou my peoples when I see youI embrace you with loveYeah I be the one to come andget you out of the holeYeah you be the one to run andleave me out in the coldSo amazing how many timesyou plot and you schemeBut what you don"t realize,you"ll never conquer my dreamThough devilish karma can"tpenetrate the steel in my armorTime passed, my oppressiongot you living with drama!Paranoid of my retaliation, living in fearDisloyalty will have me killmy brother, sheddin a tearSuch a shame how you couldeasily get trapped in a zoneAnd have to go to war withFAKE niggaz standin aloneUntil I get with all myloyal niggaz goin the lengthDon"t matter how hard you tryyou never weaken my strength!Now I"m with all of my loyal niggaz,breakin the breadAnd if you diss the code of honor wetakin your head, (THIS MEANS WAR!!)Take a look insideYou can run and you can hideIf you cross my pathI"ll make sure you feel my wrathGive and you receiveCherish every breath you breatheScriptures on the wallThose who betray all must fallWAR!!Nobody helps themHa ha ha!Now he has his revengeWhatchu gon" do? Whatchu gonna do?Where you think you can run, or you can hide? (x4)Where you think you can run, or you can hide? (x4)Where you think you can run, or you can hide? (x4)Where you think you can run, or you can hide? (x4)I"ma BE the best to show love let"s cooperateDisloyalty is somethin that we won"t tolerateDeal with these niggaz let"sput them where they properly goOn the Island far away ina place where NOBODY knowSo long fightin the bullshit for so many yearsWatchin the danger and niggazdouble crossin they peersYes I always fight for what isright and put my foot downDisrespect my love,I"ma be LAYIN YOU DOWN, (THIS MEANS WAR!!)Take a look insideYou can run and you can hideIf you cross my pathI"ll make sure you feel my wrathGive and you receiveCherish every breath you breatheScriptures on the wallThose who betray all must fallEnding..

What’s the symbolic meaning of mirror in The Phantom of the Opera


deviation from the mean是什么意思

均值偏差;偏离均值deviation n. 背离,偏离;离经叛道的行为;[航]偏航;[数]绝对偏差 名词复数:deviations [例句]We take any deviation from these rules very seriously.我们对执行这些规则中的任何偏差都非常重视。

请教使用SPSS软件算 Mean /Std. Deviation/Std. Error Mean/Significance


regression to the mean是什么意思



Comeandgoinahurry,意思是: 来去匆匆。匆匆忙忙来, 匆匆忙忙去。开心快乐每一天!

what dose Macro mean?

简体: 宏繁体: 巨集



what do you mean翻译成中文发音。谢谢。

what do you mean翻译成中文发音。谢谢。 do you 连在一起读要发生音变,所以可以谐音为 “无奥特/丢又/民”。 What do you do翻译成中文。 相当于问你做啥工作的 what do you do?翻译成中文 what do you do? 你在干什么 卫兰唱的情人翻译成中文发音 盼望累木有为我又债度按中淌泪 我八想留得 累的桑哄灰 盼望累别债为我有背负太深得坠 我得桑如水 累八必次坠 哦 累可资 谁甘桑归会 累与我资甘有谁 是缘是情是童真 外是意挨 有泪有罪有付出 外有忍挨 是因是墙是寒冬 藏在俺内 有一有夜有永珍 木法等待 盼望我别会后会共累在远方相最 每呀天望海 每呀天相对 盼望累很以木有让我别会的空灰 我急思里嗨 累的天哄里 哦 累可知 谁干桑归会 累与我资甘有谁 是缘是情是童真 外是意挨 有泪有罪有付出 外有忍挨 是因是墙是寒冬 藏在俺内 有一有夜有永珍 木法等待 多搜春秋风雨改 多少气亏八变挨 多少黑灰的累在银海 是缘是情是童真 外是意挨 有泪有罪有付出 外有忍挨 是因是墙是寒冬 藏在俺内 有一有夜有永珍 木法等待 尽我所能了 what do you do everyday?翻译成中文 what do you do everyday?你每天干嘛? what would you like to do at the weekend?你周末喜欢做什么? ringht here waiting 谁能帮我把发音翻译成中文发音 第一个词应该打错了,是right 那么这个词先发汉语"外"的音在发的时候把舌头卷起来,就是发r的音 here就发黑儿吧 waiting 就发“危听”“听”要清读 What do you want to be?翻译成中文 你想成为什么 what do you want to be翻译成中文 what do you want to be 你想成为什么样的人 What do you want,Ann?翻译成中文 安妮,你想要什么? 神起魔法城堡歌翻译成中文发音 首先是中文歌词~~~~ [XIAH]可以相信吗?在我的梦里你是中了魔法的公主 [MAX]无论任何时候向着你的行动只不过很多的困难 [U-KNOW]但是不管任何时候都是我的决心一定要再次将你解救 [HERO]两手合十为你祈祷 请赐给我无边的力量与智慧 [MICKY]经过魔法之城 通过森林 在黑暗的洞穴看见了你 [U-KNOW]现在试着抓我的手 [HERO]感到我们身体里回升的东西 [XIAH]自由的在那片天空里飞翔也不要惊慌 [MAX]在我们面前展开的世界非常珍贵如果我们在一起的话 [U-KNOW]经过魔法之城 经过丛林 [XIAH]在黑暗的洞穴看见了你 [MICKY]现在试着抓我的手 [MAX]感到我们身体里回升的东西 [MICKY]自由的在那片天空里飞翔也不要惊慌 [HERO]在我们面前展开的世界非常珍贵如果我们在一起的话 然后是罗马音~~ ◆◇魔法之城 ◇◆ 罗马拼音 [Xiah] Mi deul soo in na yo na ye kkoom so ge so no neun ma buh be ppa jin gong joo ran gol [Max] On je na no reul hyang han mom ji sen soo man heun o ryu hoom ppoon ee ji man [U Know] Geu ro na on je na goo deun da jim ppoo nee jyo da shi no reul goo ha go mal go ra go [Hero] Doo so neul moa gi do hae jjyo kkeu tob neun yon ggi wa ji hyel dal la go [Micky] Ma bo be son geul jee na neu peul go nno o do me dong gool sok mol lee geu dae ga bo yo [U Know] Ee je na ye so neul ja ba bo a yo [Hero] U ri ye mo mee ddo o reu neun go seul neu ggi jyo *[Xiah] Ja yoo rob ge jo ha neu reul na ra ga do nol la ji ma ra yo [Max] U ri a pe pyul chyo jil se sang ee no moo na so joong hae ham gge ra myon [U Know] Ma bo be son geul jee na neu peul go nno [Xiah] O do me dong gool sok mol lee geu dae ga bo yo [Micky] Ee je na ye so neul ja ba bo a yo [Max] U ri ye mo mee ddo o reu neun go seul neu ggee jyo *[Micky] Ja yoo rob ge jo ha neu reul na ra ga do nol la ji ma ra yo [Hero] U ri a pe pyul chyo jil se sang ee nomoo na so joong hae ham gge i dda myon 以前有人回答过~~

shades of meaning.是什么意思

你好!shades of meaning深浅的意思

matlab中kmeans算法程序如下 我要做图像分类 主程序改怎么写那?知道的写下 谢谢了

x = [1,6,9,13,2,8,7,4,11,5,3,10,12];numGroups = 4; % 组的数目xMax = max(x);xMin = min(x);boundries = xMin + (0:numGroups) * (xMax - xMin) / (numGroups - 1); % 组的边界xGroup = zeros(size(x)); % 初始化for group = 1:numGroups loc = (x >= boundries(group)) & (x <= boundries(group + 1)); %在这个组的书的坐标 xGroup(loc) = group;end结果存在xGroup里 补充:如果要按照你的那样输出,可以改成这样:x = [1,6,9,13,2,8,7,4,11,5,3,10,12];GroupName = ["A","B","C","D"];numGroups = length(GroupName); % 组的数目xMax = max(x);xMin = min(x);boundries = xMin + (0:numGroups) * (xMax - xMin) / (numGroups - 1); % 组的边界xGroup = zeros(size(x)); % 初始化for group = 1:numGroups loc = (x >= boundries(group)) & (x <= boundries(group + 1)); %在这个组的书的坐标 xGroup(loc) = group;endxGroupName = GroupName(xGroup);for ii = 1:length(x) fprintf("%d : %s ", x(ii), xGroupName(ii));end

it wasnt meant to be taken literally 求解!







“mean”是“arithmetical mean”(数学平均数),亦即我们日常非学术用时一般人理解的“平均数”。而其他两个“mode”和“mean”,都是可以用来“大概”指示出“大概平均数”的方法,是位置平均数。所以,在统计学的范畴内,“mean”仅指算术平均数,而“average”还包括中位数(Median)和众数(Mode)


形容词 a. 1.吝啬的,小气的[(+about/over/with)] v.意思是,打算,导致,意味 v.What does this word mean? v. v.意思是 v.What does this word mean? v. v.I mean that"s his own decision to resign or not. v.我的意思是说辞不辞职是他自己的决定. v.打算 v.I mean to call on you tomorrow. v.我打算明天看望你. v.His father meant him to be an engineer. v.他父亲打算让他当工程师. v.导致 v.Spending too much now will mean a shortage of cash next year. v.现在花钱过头,来年就要缺钱. v.意味 v.Becoming a millionaire didn"t mean an end to his money worries. v.成为百万富翁并不意味着他不再被钱困扰. v.She emphasized that their plan would mean sacrifices and hard work. v.她强调说他们的计划意味着牺牲和辛勤工作. adj.低劣的,刻薄的,卑鄙的,出色的,吝啬的,平均的,中等的 adj.低劣的 adj.刻薄的 adj.Don"t be so mean to your little brother! adj.别对你弟弟那麽刻薄! adj.卑鄙的 adj.That was a mean trick! adj.那是一个卑劣的诡计! adj.出色的 adj.He played a mean game of chess yesterday. adj.昨天他下了一盘十分出色的棋. adj.吝啬的 adj.Her husband is very mean about money. adj.她的丈夫在金钱上很吝啬. adj.平均的 adj.What is the mean temperature in that locality? adj.那个地方的平均气温是多少? adj.中等的 n.平均值,平均数,中间,中庸 n.平均值 n.It is an estimate of the mean of the population. n.这是对人口平均数的一个估计. n.平均数 n.It is an estimate of the mean of the population. n.这是对人口平均数的一个估计. n.中间 n.中庸 n.We would actually encounter a mean between these extremes. n.我们实际上遇到介乎此两个极端的中间物.

Mean 是啥意思嘛?

mean 英[mi:n] 美[min] v. 意思是; 表示…的意思; 打算; 产生…结果; adj. 吝啬的; 刻薄的; 破旧的; 残忍的; n. 平均数; 中间; 几何平均; 等比中数; 全部释义>>[例句]So what"s all that mean?那么这一切意味着什么?





mean怎么读 mean如何读

1、mean英[miu02d0n]美[miu02d0n]。 2、v.表示…的意思; 意思是; 本意是; 打算; 意欲; 有…的目的; 3、adj.吝啬的; 小气的; 不善良; 刻薄; 要发怒的; 要发狂的; 4、n.中间; 中庸; 折中; 平均数; 平均值; 算术中项; 5、[例句]I mean to say, you should have known how he would react!我的意思是说,你本应料到他会作何反应! 6、[其他]比较级:meaner 最高级:meanest 第三人称单数:means 复数:means 现在分词:meaning 过去式:meant 过去分词:meant。




v.是...的含义,意味着,有时也会翻译成打算,如短语mean to do


  mean的释义如下:   做动词:指示、表示、意味、意欲、打算、引起、造成。做形容词:吝啬的、小气的、刻薄的、恶意的、有偏见的、低劣的、破旧的。做名词:平均数、平均值、平均、中庸、折中。做形容词:平均的、中间的、中等的、居中的、中庸的。


1、mean英[mi?n]美[mi?n]。2、v.表示…的意思; 意思是; 本意是; 打算; 意欲; 有…的目的;3、adj.吝啬的; 小气的; 不善良; 刻薄; 要发怒的; 要发狂的;4、n.中间; 中庸; 折中; 平均数; 平均值; 算术中项;5、[例句]I mean to say, you should have known how he would react!我的意思是说,你本应料到他会作何反应!6、[其他]比较级:meaner 最高级:meanest 第三人称单数:means 复数:means 现在分词:meaning 过去式:meant 过去分词:meant。


v. 意思是, 打算, 导致, 意味v. What does this word mean? v. 这个单词是什么意思? v. 意思是v. What does this word mean? v. 这个单词是什么意思? v. I mean that"s his own decision to resign or not. v. 我的意思是说辞不辞职是他自己的决定。 v. 打算v. I mean to call on you tomorrow. v. 我打算明天看望你。 v. His father meant him to be an engineer. v. 他父亲打算让他当工程师。 v. 导致v. Spending too much now will mean a shortage of cash next year. v. 现在花钱过头,来年就要缺钱。 v. 意味v. Becoming a millionaire didn"t mean an end to his money worries. v. 成为百万富翁并不意味着他不再被钱困扰。 v. She emphasized that their plan would mean sacrifices and hard work. v. 她强调说他们的计划意味着牺牲和辛勤工作。 adj. 低劣的, 刻薄的, 卑鄙的, 出色的, 吝啬的, 平均的, 中等的adj. 低劣的adj. 刻薄的adj. Don"t be so mean to your little brother! adj. 别对你弟弟那麽刻薄! adj. 卑鄙的adj. That was a mean trick! adj. 那是一个卑劣的诡计! adj. 出色的adj. He played a mean game of chess yesterday. adj. 昨天他下了一盘十分出色的棋。 adj. 吝啬的adj. Her husband is very mean about money. adj. 她的丈夫在金钱上很吝啬。 adj. 平均的adj. What is the mean temperature in that locality? adj. 那个地方的平均气温是多少? adj. 中等的n. 平均值, 平均数, 中间, 中庸n. 平均值n. It is an estimate of the mean of the population. n. 这是对人口平均数的一个估计。 n. 平均数n. It is an estimate of the mean of the population. n. 这是对人口平均数的一个估计。 n. 中间n. 中庸n. We would actually encounter a mean between these extremes. n. 我们实际上遇到介乎此两个极端的中间物。



be mean with和be mean about的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 mean with:卑鄙地对待 mean about:刻薄二、用法不同 mean with:mean用作形容词时的意思是“吝啬的,自私的”,指对属于自己的东西格外的小气,不想让别人得到,或做事情只想到自己,而不替他人着想。mean也可指做事情采取不正当的或有损他人利益的手段,即“卑鄙的,不善良的”,也可指心地不善良,即“刻毒的,邪恶的”。 mean about:mean还可指某人或某事处于不高不低(或不长不短)的水平,即“中间的,平均的”。mean引申可指“难看的,劣质的,简陋的”“低劣的,平庸的”“出身微贱的,社会地位低下的”等。三、侧重点不同 mean with:侧重于指对象是人。 mean about:侧重于指对象是一件事。


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