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貌似是可以交易10克为1手的黄金 查看原帖>>希望采纳


1、AHU (Air Handle Unit) 组合式空调箱:主要是抽取室内空气(return air) 和部份新风以控制出风温度和风量来并维持室内温度。2、PAU(Pre-Cooling Air Handling Unit)预冷空调箱: 对室外新风进行 预处理,在送至风机盘管(FCU)。3、MAU(Make-up Air Unit)全新风机组:是提供新鲜空气的一种空气调节设备。功能上按使用环境的要求可以达到恒温恒湿或者单纯提供新鲜空气。


mAu(T+D)是合约代码。为了更好地服务小微企业,给中小投资者提供更多的黄金投资机会,交易所将于2014年1月2日挂牌Mini黄金延期交收合约,合约代码为mAu(T+D)。 2014年1月2日交易日起,个人客户可通过网上银行或高级交易端开展Mini黄金延期交收合约交易(以下简称“mAu(T+D)合约”);对公客户可通过柜面或高级交易端开展mAu(T+D)合约交易。扩展资料:mAu(T+D)合约相关情况如下:1、合约代码mAu(T+D)2、合约报价mAu(T+D)合约的交易单位为100克/手,最小单笔报价量为1手,最大单笔报价量为2000手。mAu(T+D)合约挂盘首日的基准价为Au(T+D)合约前一交易日的结算价。3、保证金比例mAu(T+D)交易保证金比例为14%,强平保证金比例为10%。我行可根据《上海黄金交易所风险控制管理办法》和我行相关规定,适时调整交易保证金比例和强平保证金比例。参考资料来源:百度百科-mAu(T+D)




Agilent HPLC系统中以A乘1000作为信号单位,因此称为mAu, 毫吸光度单位的意思(Au=Absorbance unit). 注意也就是仪器这样表达的,并不是什么规范的标准单位。发表论文时如果编辑审查严格,是不允许用mAu的。可以重新除于1000,改为A,就行了












空调系统中,AHU和MAU区别:1、MAU是英文Make-up Air Unit的缩写,意思是全新风机组。全新风机组是一种有效的空气净化设备,能够使室内空气产生循环,一方面把室内污浊的空气排出室外,另一方面把室外新鲜的空气经过杀菌,消毒、过滤等措施后,再输入到室内,让房间里每时每刻都是新鲜干净的空气。2、AHU是英文Air Handle Unit的缩写,意思是空调箱。主要是抽取室内空气(return air)和部份新风以控制出风温度和风量来并维持室内温度。拓展资料:空调系统空调系统是用人为的方法处理室内空气的温度、湿度、洁净度和气流速度的系统。可使某些场所获得具有一定温度、湿度和空气质量的空气,以满足使用者及生产过程的要求和改善劳动卫生和室内气候条件。用人为的方法处理室内空气的温度、湿度、洁净度和气流速度的系统。可使某些场所获得具有一定温度、湿度和空气质量的空气,以满足使用者及生产过程的要求和改善劳动卫生和室内气候条件。折叠集中空调所有空气处理设备(风机、过滤器、加热器、冷却器、加湿器、减湿器和制冷机组等)都集中在空调机房内,空气处理后,由风管送到各空调房里。这种空调系统热源和冷源也是集中的。它处理空气量大,运行可靠,便于管理和维修,但机房占地面积大。折叠半集中空调集中在空调机房的空气处理设备,仅处理一部分空气,另外在分散的各空调房间内还有空气处理设备。它们或对室内空气进行就地处理,或对来自集中处理设备的空气进行补充再处理。诱导系统、风机盘管 新风系统就是这种半集中式空调系统的典型例子 。折叠局部式空调此系统是将空气处理设备全部分散在空调房间内,因此局部式空调系统又称为分散式空调系统。通常使用的各种空调器就属于此类。空调器将室内空气处理设备、室内风机等与冷热源与制冷剂输出系统分别集中在一个箱体内。 分散式空调只向室内输送冷热载体,而风在房间内的风机盘管内进行处理。


MAU,即为Month Active User,指的是在一个月中至少玩过一次该游戏的独立用户数量,所以不是某个数的加总,而是某些数的去重后的数量。月活跃没有统一标准,都是自定义的。一般来说就是日活跃去重。 有的访问网站就算活跃,有的登录了才算,有的存在UGC才算。总的来说就是用的数去重后来的数得到即可计算。扩展资料月活跃用户的实义:活跃用户用于衡量网站的运营现状,而流失用户则用于分析网站是否存在被淘汰的风险,以及网站是否有能力留住新用户。我们经常看到一些数据分析报告说,zd XXX网站的注册用户数已经超过了几百万,其实这些数据并没有太大的意义,因为它可能是数百万非常专业的用户不再登录到网站(用户流失)。实际登录或最近采取行动的用户(活动用户)的数量为数万。所以对于一个网站来说,重要的是活跃用户的数量,而不是总用户的数量,因为只有这些人才能为网站创造价值。事实上,许多公司对活跃用户有不同的定义标准。为了吸引关注和服务于自己的运营计划,他们经常故意延长统计周期。一般来说,它应以15天和30天的损耗率为基础。



mau是什么意思 什么是mau

1、MAU全称monthly active users,指的是月活跃用户人数。MAU是一个用户数量统计名词,指网站、app等月活跃用户数量(去除重复用户数)。数量的大小反应用户的活跃度,但是无法反应用户的粘性。 2、MAU更像战略层面的表征,DAU更像战术层面的表征。通过这些宏观和细微的趋势变化,可以对营销及推广提供一些数据支持或者帮助。 3、活跃用户是衡量应用用户规模的指标,通常一个产品是否成功,如果只看一个指标,那么这个指标一定是活跃用户数。很多互联网企业对产品负责人的KPI考核指标都以活跃用户数作为考核指标。活跃用户数根据不同统计周期可以分为日活跃数(DAU)、周活跃数(WAU)、月活跃数(MAU)。


MAU新风机组(外气空调箱)Make-up Air Unit RCU循环空调箱Recycled airhandling unit AHU组合式空调箱Air Handler Units


MBA是工商管理硕士(Masterof Business Administration)的英文缩写。MBA学位是一种注重复合型、综合型人才培养的学位,是重视能力培养重于知识传授的学位。它要求其毕业生有应变能力、预测能力、综合能力、组织能力,并能在风云变幻的世界市场和国际化竞争中不断发展,不断取胜。其课程内容涉及管理学、经济学类、金融、财务、法律等等,能力训练不光讲究组织、领导才能,也涉及以口才为依托的沟通能力,把握全局、进行敏锐思考、判断和处理问题的能力等等。公共管理硕士(Master of Public Administration,缩写为MPA)。又译公共行政硕士,是为适应社会公共管理现代化、科学化和专业化的要求而设立的,其培养目标是为政府部门及公共机构培养德才兼备、适应社会主义现代化建设需要的高层次、应用型、复合型的管理人才。要求毕业生成为掌握先进分析方法及技术,熟悉具体公共管理或政策领域的领导者,管理者以及其他公共服务人才。公共管理学是一门运用管理学、政治学、经济学等多学科理论与方法,专门研究公共组织尤其是政府组织的管理活动及其规律的学科体系。


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中文:劳雷尔航海(毛里求斯)有限公司毛里求斯当地的船公司主要做东非航线该公司宣布连接印度、巴基斯坦、阿联酋和非洲的航线将由其与新加坡的太平洋船务有限公司和毛里求斯的Laurel Navigation Ltd.共同经营,每家公司将投入三艘运力。其中,印度/巴基斯坦/阿联酋-东非-南非航线(MRX)将不再挂靠南非的港口,而转向服务于东非市场,主要原因是为了避开南非港口的拥堵。该航线调整后为每12天一个航次,依次挂靠港口为卡拉奇、孟买、迪拜的杰贝阿里、蒙巴撒、达累斯萨拉姆和卡拉奇,共配备4艘1200TEU运力。同时MOL还将开辟印度/阿联酋-南非-西非的航线,新航线将提供直接连接印度/阿联酋和西非的快航服务,回程挂靠开普敦将使得MOL在回程冷箱货运输方面具有一定的优势。该航线依次挂靠港口为:迪拜的杰贝阿里、孟买、德班、拉各斯、科托努、特马、开普敦、德班和杰贝阿里,每12天一个航次,共投入5艘1200TEU运力。






Mauritius英 [məˈrɪʃəs] 美 [mɔˈrɪtiəs] n.毛里求斯(1.印度洋中一岛;2.国家名,于1968年独立,首都 Port Louis)




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Agilent HPLC系统中以A乘1000作为信号单位,因此称为mAu, 毫吸光度单位的意思(Au=Absorbance unit). 注意也就是仪器这样表达的,并不是什么规范的标准单位




MAU,即为Month Active User,指的是在一个月中至少玩过一次该游戏的独立用户数量,所以不是某个数的加总,而是某些数的去重后的数量。

dau dnu dou mau 以及各种u,各是什么指标


Tango: Maureen 歌词

歌曲名:Tango: Maureen歌手:Original Broadway Cast "Rent"专辑:The Best Of RentThe samples won"t delay, but the cable-There"s another waySay something - anythingTest - one, two, three-Anything but thatThis is weirdIt"s weirdVery weirdFuckin" weirdI"m so mad that I don"t know what to doFighting with microphonesFreezing down to my bonesAnd to top it all off I"m with youFeel like going insane?Got a fire in your brain?And you"re thinking of drinking gasoline?As a matter of fact-Honey, I know this actIt"s called the "Tango Maureen"The Tango MaureenIt"s a dark, dizzy merry-go-roundAs she keeps you danglingYou"re wrongYou"re heart she is manglingIt"s different with meAnd you toss and you turn"Cause her cold eyes can burnYet you yearn and you churn and reboundI think I know what you meanThe Tango Maureen!Has she ever pouted her lipsAnd called you "Pookie"?NeverHave you ever doubted a kiss or two?This is spookyDid you swoon when She walked through the door?Every time - so be cautiousDid she moon over other boys - ?More than moonI"m getting nauseousWhere"d you learn to tango?With the French Ambassador"s daughter in her dorm room at Miss Porter"s. And you?With Nanetter HimmelfarbThe Rabbi"s daughter at the Scarsdale Jewish Community CenterIt"s hard to do this backwardsYou should try it in heels!She cheatedShe cheatedMaureen cheatedFuckin" cheatedI"m defeated, I should give up right nowGotta look on the bright sideWith all of your mightI"d fall for her still anyhowWhen you"re dancing her danceYou don"t stand a chanceHer grip of romance makes you fallSo you think, might as a tango to hell"At least I"ll have tangoed at all"The Tango MaureenGotta dance "til your diva is throughYou pretend to believe her "cause in the end - you can"t leave herBut the end it will comeStill you have to play dumb"Til you"re glum and you bumAnd turn blueWhy do we love when she"s mean?And she can be obsceneMy MaureenThe Tango Maureen!



Tango: Maureen 歌词

歌曲名:Tango: Maureen歌手:Original Broadway Cast "Rent"专辑:RentThe samples won"t delay, but the cable-There"s another waySay something - anythingTest - one, two, three-Anything but thatThis is weirdIt"s weirdVery weirdFuckin" weirdI"m so mad that I don"t know what to doFighting with microphonesFreezing down to my bonesAnd to top it all off I"m with youFeel like going insane?Got a fire in your brain?And you"re thinking of drinking gasoline?As a matter of fact-Honey, I know this actIt"s called the "Tango Maureen"The Tango MaureenIt"s a dark, dizzy merry-go-roundAs she keeps you danglingYou"re wrongYou"re heart she is manglingIt"s different with meAnd you toss and you turn"Cause her cold eyes can burnYet you yearn and you churn and reboundI think I know what you meanThe Tango Maureen!Has she ever pouted her lipsAnd called you "Pookie"?NeverHave you ever doubted a kiss or two?This is spookyDid you swoon when She walked through the door?Every time - so be cautiousDid she moon over other boys - ?More than moonI"m getting nauseousWhere"d you learn to tango?With the French Ambassador"s daughter in her dorm room at Miss Porter"s. And you?With Nanetter HimmelfarbThe Rabbi"s daughter at the Scarsdale Jewish Community CenterIt"s hard to do this backwardsYou should try it in heels!She cheatedShe cheatedMaureen cheatedFuckin" cheatedI"m defeated, I should give up right nowGotta look on the bright sideWith all of your mightI"d fall for her still anyhowWhen you"re dancing her danceYou don"t stand a chanceHer grip of romance makes you fallSo you think, might as a tango to hell"At least I"ll have tangoed at all"The Tango MaureenGotta dance "til your diva is throughYou pretend to believe her "cause in the end - you can"t leave herBut the end it will comeStill you have to play dumb"Til you"re glum and you bumAnd turn blueWhy do we love when she"s mean?And she can be obsceneMy MaureenThe Tango Maureen!

Jessica Mauboy的《Burn》 歌词

歌曲名:Burn歌手:Jessica Mauboy专辑:Been WaitingJessica Mauboy - BurnDid my make-up and my hair the way you like (like) you like (you like)Still you seem to find something bout" me that isn"t right (right) right (right)You called me sexy then we burst again,I"m sorry this is the way I am,I"m crazy just for giving you a chance (chance)This will never happen again,Look what you did to me,Give me some remedy,I need a doctor cause this is starting to burn,Try to fix it now; the grit is to the ground,This love is over so baby just let it burn (burn)When we"re at the club gonna shake it the way that turns you on (on)(You couldn"t take your eyes off me)You know that I"m hotBut you wanna make me feel like I did something wrong,(You try to bring me down, but this is not what I mean)You"re twisted, if you think that you could control me,Your actions are about to leave you sad and lonely,You"re crazy, so let me put this to an end (end)Don"t ever want to see you again,Look what you did to me,Give me some remedy,I need a doctor cause this is starting to burn,Try to fix it now; the grit is to the ground,This love is over so baby just let it burn,I"m on fire, I"m on fire,No way to cool me down, boy you"re burning me up,I"m on fire, I"m on fire,No way to cool me down, boy you"re burning me up, ohh ohh ohh ohhLook what you did to me,Give me some remedy,I need a doctor cause this is starting to burn,Try to fix it now; the grit is to the ground,This love is over so baby just let it burn,Look what you did to me,Give me some remedy,I need a doctor cause this is starting to burn,Try to fix it now; the grit is to the ground,This love is over so baby just let it burn,uhhh uhh burn burnuhhh uhh burn burn



Sade的《Maureen》 歌词

歌曲名:Maureen歌手:Sade专辑:PromiseWords: AduMusic: Adu, Hale, DenmanMaureenit"s hard to explainI"m never gonna see you againAnd you"ll never meet my new friendsMaureen, I miss youI just can"t explainI"m never gonna see you againI wish you could meet my new friendsWalking along the subway listening toLoving you is easy acapellaYou were a souped-up car in that rent-a-go-cart townAnd I miss you MaureenWe"re as thick as thievesMaureen, Maureenremember when my mother said to meSade don"t you come home too lateTill you"re back I stay awakeAnd Maureenwith the boys you could tell at a glanceYou"d say he looks goodlet"s hope he can danceWicky wacky party to the...Where are we going tonightand what will you be wearingShone like a souped-up car in that rent-a-go-cart townAnd I miss you Maureen, I miss you girlYou were my best friendNever gonna see you again, MaureenAnd you"ll never meet my new friendsYou really were a pearl in my world, MaureenMaureenit"s hard to explainYou"ll never call "round to see me againYou"ll never meet my new friendsNever meet my new friendsNever meet my new friendsNever meet my new friends


Random Album Title (2008)For Lack of a Better Name (2009)4x4=12 (2010)>album title goes here< (Album Title Goes Here) (2012)while(1<2) (2014) Get Scrap ed (2006)Vexillology (2006)Project 56 (2008) Everything Is Complicated (2007)Full Circle (2007)EP (2007)The VeldtEP(2012) It Sounds Like (2009)(精选集)At Play (2008)At Play vol. 2 (2009)At Play vol. 3 (2010)At Play vol. 4 (2012)Live @ Earl"s Court (2011)Meowingtons Hax 2k11 Toronto (2012) Meowingtons Hax Tour Trax (2011)mau5hax - miami (2012) (非个人专辑,为deadmau5个人厂牌mau5trap艺人合作完成的专辑)

Maurice Jarre的《Molly》 歌词

歌曲名:Molly歌手:Maurice Jarre专辑:GhostMolly Ban主唱 Alison Krausscome all ye young fellasthat handle a gunbeware of night ramblingby the setting of the sunand beware of an accidentthat happened of lateto young molly banand sad was her fateshe was going to her uncleswhen a shower came onshe went under a green bushthe shower to shunher white apron wrapped around herhe took her for a swanbut a hush and sighwas his own molly banhe quickly ran to herand found she was deadand there on her bosomwhere he soaked, tears he shedhe ran home to his fatherwith his gun in his handsaying "father dear fatheri have shot molly ban"her white apron wrapped around herhe took her for a swanbut a hush and a sigh"twas his own molly banhe roamed near the placewhere his true love was slainhe wept bitter tearsbut his cries were in vainas he look on the lakea swan glided byand the sun slowly sankin the gray up sky

求Jessica Mauboy的Never be the Same中文歌词

Let me tell you about a girl that I used to be,告诉你,我一贯以来就是这样的女孩子Same name same face but a different me,一样的名字一样的脸,不一样的我自己She didn"t know what she was thinking,她根本不知道她在想什么Didn"t know her world was sinking,也不知道自己的世界正在沦陷Had her dreams written on a paper in her hand,她有她的梦想,她把它写在纸上,拿在手里Held on tight but she didn"t understand,她牢牢抓住它,但却并不理解The love and hurt that she"s replacing,爱和伤痛都已被她放回原处All the past that she"s erasing,她擦去了一切过去的记忆We all get lost sometimes and we forget who we are and we forget who we are有些时候我们都会失去些什么,或者忘了我们是谁,忘了我们是谁(Chorus)(合唱)Somewhere along the way, we"re all running in the crazy race,随着时间的推移,我们就像是在某个地方进行着一场疯狂的赛跑Never thinking about the hearts we break,从未忆及那些被我们伤害到的心灵And as our hope starts fading away things are never gonna be the same,当希望渐渐消失,任何东西都会变得不同Cause when you"re standing there all alone,因为当你独自站在那里Losing everything you"ve ever known,丢失掉那些你甚至尚未知道的东西You"re staring at a different face things are never gonna be the same,如果你看向一个不同的方面,一切都会变得不同(Verse 2)(第2节)I wish that I could share a different point of view,我希望我能够展示不同观点But the words coming out wouldn"t speak the truth,但却满口假话You wouldn"t know what I was really thinking,你无法知道我到底在想什么And I"d return to the girl, who"s sinking,我也变成了那个一直在堕落的女孩Sinking down to the world that waits below,在一个世界里不断下沉,等待风把我托起And I don"t want to be there anymore,我再也不想呆在那里Don"t wanna be there anymore,再也不要了We all get lost sometimes and we forget who we are and we forget who we are(Chorus)Somewhere along the way, we"re all running in the crazy race,Never thinking about the hearts we break,And as our hope starts fading away things are never gonna be the same,Cause when you"re standing there all alone,Losing everything you"ve ever known,You"re staring at a different face things are never gonna be the same,(Verse 3)The more you win, the more you want,欲望永无休止It never ends, it never stops,从不消停Oh it"s never enough,还不满足么Oh, the more you win, the more you want,It never ends, it never stops,Oh it"s never enough,(Chorus)We"re all running in the crazy race,Never thinking about the hearts we break,And as our hope starts fading away things are never gonna be the same,Cause when you"re standing there all alone,Losing everything you"ve ever known,You"re staring at a different face things are never gonna be the same,Things are never gonna be the same,Things are never gonna be the same,When you"re standing there all alone,Losing everything you"ve ever known,You"re staring at a different face things are never gonna be the same,Things are never gonna be the same,Things are never gonna be the same,Never gonna be the same.





mauna loa巧克力200克在美国多少美元一盒?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊


冒乌纳罗亚火山(Mauna Loa)和奇劳威亚火山(Kilauea)都是在夏威夷吗?


这个是从网上找到的关于Mauna Loa的原文资料。可不可以帮我把这篇文章用自己的语言,不过意思一

manuna loa, 是个地球上最大的火山,没有之一。火山顶大约17千米高, 由于海平面常年被火山的重量挤压降低了8千米, 火山水下的山腰比海平面还要低5千米。这座巨大的火山占了好哇伊岛的一半。 它的大小是85%所有好哇伊岛的总和。此火山是地球上最爆发的火山。 从1843到如今已喷发了33次 。 最近一次是1984年。



maudsly 音标


Maurice Jarre的《Main Title》 歌词

歌曲名:Main Title歌手:Maurice Jarre专辑:Doctor ZhivagoMain Title Voice: Freddie Highmore《August Rush》Sometimes the worldtries to knock it out of youBut I believe in musicthe way that some peoplebelieve in fairy tales.I like to imagine that what I hearcame from my mother and father.Maybe the notes I hear...are the same ones they heardthe night they met.Maybe that"s how they found each other.Maybe that"s how they"ll find me.I believe that, once upon a timelong agothey heard the music and followed it.

Maus 和 Ratte 有什么区别?





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呃...这位童鞋....汝确定有这个词麽?还是偶的水平太低了...是mature吧?如果是..一般就这样咯1. 成熟的, 成年人的2. 深思的; 慎重的3. (儿童或年轻人)明白事理的;像成人似的4. (人树木、鸟或动物)成熟的;发育完全的要再不是....那偶就没辙了..



Jessica Mauboy的《Burn》歌词的中文翻译(翻译软件勿扰

[00:06.08]Did my make up and my hair我弄的新发型如何[00:08.04]the way you like (like) you like (like)是否是你喜欢的类型[00:13.52]still you seem to find somethin" "bout me你似乎仍然探究着关于我的事情[00:16.11]that isn"t right ( right)这是不对的[00:19.11]right (right)还是对的[00:21.07]you called me sexy when we first began当我们第一次时,你说我很性感[00:24.77]I"m sorry this is the way I end请原谅我以我的方式结束[00:28.69]I"m crazy just for givin" you a chance, chance我疯狂的想再给你一次机会[00:33.26]this will never happen again"但那是绝不会再发生的[00:36.36][00:36.87]Look what you did to me cut me so very deep看看你对我做了什么,伤害我那么深[00:40.23]I need a doctor cause this is startin" to burn我都需要一名医生来让这一切烧掉[00:44.49]Don"t try to fix it now the bridge is to the ground别试图去挽回,现在事已至此[00:47.72]This love is over so baby just let it burn这爱结束了宝贝,让他燃烧殆尽吧[00:52.46][00:55.54]When we"re at the club gonna I shake it the way当我们在舞会上时,我随意的摇摆身体[00:58.25]that turns you on (on)使你心动[01:01.30](you couldn"t take your eyes off of me)你不能把视线从我身上拿走[01:03.74]You know that I"m hot你知道我很火辣[01:03.55]but you wanna make me feel like I did somethin"但是你想要让我感觉我好像做错了什么[01:06.10]wrong (you try to put me down)你试图征服我[01:08.74](but this is not what I need)但这不是我想要的[01:10.51]You"re twisted if you think that you can control me如果你认为你能控制我那你就太傻了[01:13.96]Your actions are about to leave you sad and lonely你的行为将留给你更多寂寞与悲伤[01:17.76]You"re crazy so let me put this to an end (end)你是那么的疯狂,所以让我来结束这一切[01:22.43]Don"t ever wanna see you again我甚至都懒得再见你一次[01:26.64]Look what you did to me cut me so very deep看看你对我做了什么,伤害我那么深[01:30.24]I need a doctor cause this is startin" to burn我都需要一名医生来让这一切烧掉[01:34.62]Don"t try to fix it now别试图去挽回[01:35.93]the bridge is to the ground现在事已至此[01:37.42]This love is over so baby just let it burn[01:41.98]这爱结束了宝贝,让他燃烧殆尽吧[01:44.19]I"m on fire, I"m on fire,我在燃烧,我在燃烧[01:48.14]no way to cool me down, boy you"re burnin" me up没有办法使我冷却下来,宝贝你使我烧了起来[01:51.77]I"m on fire, I"m on fire,[01:55.57]no way to cool me down, boy you"re burnin" me up[01:59.49]wu ~~~[02:20.40][02:04.46]Look what you did to me cut me so very deep[02:23.44][02:07.65]I need a doctor cause this is startin" to burn[02:27.86][02:12.25]Don"t try to fix it now[02:29.39][02:14.16]the bridge is to the ground[02:31.03][02:15.84]This love is over so baby just let it burn

Jessica Mauboy的《Maze》 歌词

歌曲名:Maze歌手:Jessica Mauboy专辑:Get "Em GirlsJessica Mauboy - MazeYou are soHard to readLike a foreign novelI don"t knowIf I"ll ever figure you outSo manyPieces of youLike a jigsaw puzzleMy head is spinning aroundYeah, causeOne minute you want my touchNext minute you don"t want noneHonestly, don"t know which way to goThis love is out of controlOhh ohhhShould I stay or should I go?I don"t know causeSometimes you treat me so specialSometimes you don"tSometimes you give me your bestSometimes you"re coldYour heart is like a mazeYour heart is like a mazeYour heart is like a mazeEveryday I keep losing my wayYou make me insecureLike I"m going crazyBut it can"t be my faultCause I"m trying hardIt"s you, who won"t commitEverything is maybeLeaving me out in the darkYeah, causeOne minute you want my touchNext minute you don"t want noneHonestly, I don"t know which way to goThis love is out of controlOhh ohhhShould I stay or should I go?I don"t know causeSometimes you treat me so specialSometimes you don"tSometimes you give me your bestSometimes you"re coldYour heart is like a mazeYour heart is like a mazeYour heart is like a mazeEveryday I keep losing my waySo confused, I"m so lostEverywhere I turnSeems to be wrongI need you"re helpLet me knowGive me a signOr let me knowThat there"s hopeCause ohh ohhhShould I stay or should I go?I don"t know causeSometimes you treat me so specialSometimes you don"tSometimes you give me your bestSometimes you treat me so coldOhh ohhhShould I stay or should I go?(Should I stay or should I go?)I don"t know causeSometimes you treat me so specialSometimes you don"tSometimes you give me your bestSometimes you"re coldYour heart is like a maze(Just like a maze)Your heart is like a maze(I can"t find my way)Your heart is like a mazeEveryday I keep losing my wayOhh ohhhShould I stay or should I go?I don"t know causeSometimes you treat me so specialSometimes you don"tSometimes you give me your bestSometimes you"re coldYour heart is like a maze(Just like a maze)Your heart is like a maze(Your heart is just like a maze)Your heart is like a mazeEveryday I keep losing my way

《Lucy Maud Montgomery 1905to1906》txt下载在线阅读,求百度云资源

《Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories》(Lucy Maud Montgomery)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: fw19书名:Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery出版社:Dodo Press出版年份:2008-3-28页数:260内容简介:Lucy Maud Montgomery, (always called "Maud" by family and friends) and publicly known as L. M. Montgomery, (1874-1942) was a Canadian author, best known for a series of novels beginning with Anne of Green Gables (1908). In 1893, following the completion of her grade school education in Cavendish, she attended Prince of Wales College in Charlottetown. Completing a two year program in one year, she obtained her teaching certificate. In 1895 and 1896 she studied literature at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. After working as a teacher in various island schools, in 1898 Montgomery moved back to Cavendish. For a short time in 1901 and 1902 she worked in Halifax for the newspapers Chronicle and Echo. She returned to live with and care for her grandmother in 1902. Montgomery was inspired to write her first books during this time on Prince Edward Island. Her works include: The Story Girl (1911), Chronicles of Avonlea (1912), The Golden Road (1913), Anne of the Island (1915), Anne"s House of Dreams (1917), Rainbow Valley (1919), Further Chronicles of Avonlea (1920) and Rilla of Ingleside (1921).
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