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for all practical purposes 什么意思

for all practical purposes实际上,事实上; 双语例句During and after the war, it housed not only Japanese detainees, who were for all practical purposes prisoners, but also many Germans and a few Italians.二战期间和战后,这里不仅关押着日裔政治犯他们实际上被当作囚犯对待还关押着很多德裔和几个意大利裔人。You don "t say which state you live in, but I" m betting it isn "t California, where requiring a new hire to sign a non-compete is, for all practical purposes, illegal.你并未提到自己住在哪个州,不过我敢打赌一定不是加利福尼亚州,因为在加州,要求新员工签署竞业禁止协议实际上是不合法的

she has been stripped practically naked by the man 有语法错误吗?如何准确翻译


look at the price of the kike.It is practically the same as__of a new motorcycle


practical work是什么意思


this part is to test your ability to do practical


practical sense是什么意思

practical sense 实践感 为人踏实有责任心短语practical common sense 实际常识From Practical Sense 从现实意义来看Warm and practical sense 温暖踏实有安全感双语例句 原声例句 权威例句1.And I came to understand that my (put plainly, astonishing) degree meant nothing at all in a practical sense. 跟读我一步步地认识到,我那(实事求是地说,惊人的)学位在一切实际的意义中意味着零。为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

这里的where practical 怎么翻译。请翻译整句。

where practical可翻译为“其实际操作”参照施工标准

practical solution是什么意思

practical solution 实用解决方案

to practical

to practical= 老实些,现实点to be practical = 脚踏实地

practical account 的意思是什么?


practical knowledge是什么意思

专业知识双语对照词典结果:professional knowledge[英][pru0259u02c8feu0283u0259nu0259l u02c8nu0254lidu0292][美][pru0259u02c8fu025bu0283u0259nu0259l u02c8nɑlu026adu0292]专业知识,专门知识; 以上结果来自金山词霸网络释义1. 专业知识,专门知识2. 业务知识收起例句:1.Professional knowledge is of vital importance, however, good communicationability the prerequisite for others to find out your ability. 专业知识固然重要,但良好的沟通能力是让别人发现你能力的前提。2.The persons with professional knowledge may interrogate the authenticators. 具有专门知识的人员可以对鉴定人进行询问。

求英语作文一篇“Practical Courses”,英语专四要求。

Should Universities Give Priority to Practical Courses for Students?  Because of the demands in the job market, students with "hot" degrees such as computer science or finance are more likely to get a job than students with a "cold" degree like geography. Some people say that universities should give priority to practical courses for students. But I think that traditional courses are equally important and universities should not give priority to practical courses.  First, both practical and traditional courses are needed in our country. Students who do well in different courses can help to develop different aspects of our country after their graduation. For example, our society needs not only people who can help to develop economy and technology, but also people who can contribute themselves to literature and education. Second, if universities give priority to practical courses, more students will choose those "hot" degrees. When these students graduate, they will have to fight harder for a job because there will be too many applicants with the same degrees. This will in turn cause an imbalance of supply and demand in the job market.  In one word, both practical courses and traditional courses are important, and universities should not give priority to either side.

Practical ability是什么意思


请问 practical relevance是什么意思

practical relevance实际相关性

practical cooperation是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  practical cooperation,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:务实合作。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

会翻译的帮我这段英语翻译成汉语:Practical, convenient, comfortable?

Practical, convenient, comfortable, safe, hygienic and beautiful are good feng shui. To measure by these standards is both practical and easy to master. Consistent with the above point of view, Fengshui positive interpretation; contrary to the above point of view, Fengshui negative interpretation. The complete set of houses in modern residential quarters are designed and built according to this concept, and can only be evaluated according to this concept. What is the best Feng Shui? ——The best geomantic omen is the balance of mind. No greed, no desire, no extravagance, no unexpected desire is good geomantic omen. Fengshui is the right choice of living terrain. My conclusion in hundreds of sites is that most of them have the characteristics of Fengshui Liqi and compass, which should obviously have a certain compass cultural meaning, but they are basically rejected by one vote, which is due to the limitation of terrain, leaving no continuous population. The example I found in reality is that the terrain is illegal, Fengshui Liqi, compass use is like a joke, meaningless. So I have: practical, convenient, comfortable, safe, hygienic, beautiful is good feng shui, "what is Feng Shui? It is more beneficial to think from a scientific point of view. In the past, houses could not be built in many areas, but now there are steel, cement, glass, tap water, electricity and gas, which can be built and built. High quality building materials have overcome the limitations of poor terrain. Tap water, water, water, grass, pine, fire, steel, cement, glass wall, tap water, electricity and gas are two kinds of geomancy. They also represent the progress of the times and the unprecedented hitherto unknown science. In the era of wood, earth, paper windows, water lifting, thatch and pine trees, we can only choose low-lying areas with the wind and the sun. Houses can not be high, they can only be short.实用、方便、舒适、安全、卫生、美观是好风水。用这些标准来衡量既实用又容易掌握。与以上观点一致,对风水的积极诠释;与上述观点相反,风水的否定解释。现代住宅区的整套住宅都是按照这一理念设计和建造的,也只能按照这一理念进行评价。最好的风水是什么?——最好的风水是心态的平衡。不贪,不欲,不奢,不欲,是好风水。风水是居住地形的正确选择。数以百计的网站我的结论是,他们中的大多数风水里奇和指南针的特点,显然这应该有一定的罗盘文化意义,但他们基本上都是一票否决,这是由于地形的限制,没有留下suanmianzhun.com连续的人口。我在现实中发现的例子是,地形违法,风水理气,指南针的使用就像一个笑话,毫无意义。所以我有:实用、方便、舒适、安全、卫生、美观是好风水,“什么是风水?”用科学的观点来思考更有益。在过去,房屋不能在许多地区建造,但现在有钢铁,水泥,玻璃,自来水,电力和天然气,可以建造和建造。高质量的建筑材料克服了恶劣地形的限制。自来水、水、水、草、松、火、钢、水泥、玻璃墙、自来水、电、气是两种风水。他们也代表了时代的进步和前所未有的迄今未知的科学。在木、土、纸窗、提水、茅草、松树的时代,我们只能选择有风有太阳的低洼地区。房子不能高,只能矮。

these proposals practical 这个句子对吗




practical experience是什么意思


practical english是什么意思

短语Practical Daily English 日常英语练习Practical Business English Translation 实用商务英语翻译Practical spoken English skills 实用英语口语技能

practical experience是什么意思


practical english是什么意思


practical skills是什么意思



给你点解释和例句吧~应该能分辨了~practical a.实际的,实用的例句:Your invention is not practical.你的发明不实用.She is very practical.她很现实.He has a practical partner who organizes everything for him....

practical名词 副词

名词:practice 副词:practically



practical 英语单词怎么背


practical skills是什么意思

practical skills实用技术,实用技巧

[ A] practical[ B ] practicing[ C ] practice[ D ] practiced


practicable;practically;practical 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法...



不实际的 impracticalpractical 的否定前缀是 im

practical 单词词性变换


practical名词 副词





  这个词的词根是 practice(实践),后面加了表示“与…有关的/具有…特性的”形容词后缀–ic。以不发音的字母 e 结尾的词加后缀的规则是先去掉字母 e 再加这个后缀。因此practice 先去掉 e 变成 practic- 然后加后缀 –ic 成为 practical,表示“具有实践特征的”或 “与实践有关的,即“实际的/实践的/实用的”。

real 和 practical的区别

real 形容词,真的,真实的practical 形容词,实际的,实用的例如This is a real diamond neckless.这是个真实的钻石项链。This plan is practical.该计划很实用。




给你点解释和例句吧~应该能分辨了~practical a. 实际的,实用的例句:Your invention is not practical.你的发明不实用。She is very practical.她很现实。He has a practical partner who organizes everything for him.他有个很能干的伙伴,替他把一切弄得井井有条。practicable a. 可实行的,可做的,可用的例句:That suggestion sounds practicable.那条建议听起来可行。The mountain route is practicable only in summer.只有在夏季那条山路才可以通行。His plan seemed to be too difficult, but before long it proved to be practicable.他的计划看起来太困难,但是没多久就被证明很实用。

practical exerience是什么意思





It"s not practical to move to moon 搬去月球不大实际



practical skills是什么意思



practical是形容词practice是名词practicaladj.实践的,实际的; 可实现的,实用的; 注重实际的; 可用的;[例句]You were always so practical, Maria玛丽亚,你以前一向很注重实效。practicen.实践; 练习; 惯例; (医生或律师的)业务;vi.练习; 实习; 实行; 惯常地进行;[例句]She was taking all three of her daughters to basketball practice every day她每天都带3个女儿进行篮球训练。

pragmatic 、practical,practic这几个词什么区别?

pragmatic: 强调“务实的”,多用于描述国事政策等practical: 强调“实际的、实用的”,某个人“务实的”,或者某方法“可行的”没有practic这个词








实际的 务实的



His project is concerned with appying the technology to practical business problems这里为啥用applyi



  这两个词的区别在于:practical可用于人或物,而practicable一般只用于物,不用于人。例如:Before the era of electronics, television did not seem practicable; today it is but one of the practical applications of the science.电子时代以前,电视似乎是不普及的; 今天,电视只不过是科学的实际运用之一。




practical的名词是practice。practice作名词时意思为实践、练习、惯例。(1)practice的名词搭配teaching practice 教学实习、试教;social practice 社会实践;good practice 良好的做法;management practice 管理实务;common practice 惯例、习惯作法;medical practice 医疗实践;best practice 最佳实务、最佳实践、最佳做法、最优方法、典范做法;design practice 设计原则;educational practice 教育实习、教改实践。(2)practice例句After two years of practice, she started to realize that she had much to learn.通过两年的实践,她开始认识到她还有许多东西要学。And after practice, one of this assistance couches came up to me and he said: " yes, couch Graham rode you pretty hard" .训练结束后,一位助理教练走过来对我说:“是啊,格拉海姆教练把你训练的挺狠的。”


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: What you have given us is not ________ 1. adequate 2. required 3. practical 4. certain 答案是那个为什么?谢谢 解析: 应该选1,选4是错误的。搞清楚这几个词的意思,然后根据逻辑判断。 adequate: 足够的, required: 要求的, practical: 实际的, certain:确定的。 既然是“你已经给我们(you have given us)”的东西,就不可能是不“实际的”、不“确定的”,一般也不应该是“不要求的”,而应该是不“足够的”。adequate的英文解释是:Sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need(足够满足要求或达到需求的)。

virtually actually practically区别

actually 实际上,(在口语中用于强调事实)的确,真实的,事实上 They`re not married,actually. 他们实际上没有结婚. practically 实际上,几乎,差不多,很接近 practically empty 几乎空了


practically adv.几乎,差不多;实际上virtually adv.几乎;实际上;虚拟的在表达几乎;实际上时,二者是可以相互替换的,只不过practically偏向于口语化,virtually更加正式化。

求英语高手解答:practical implication 中文解释


at the sales conference , the sales manager put forward a practical plan_______on