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英语中的topic,summary和main idea有什么区别啊?

topic 是文章的“题目”或“主题”,一般是一个句子或者短语。一般1-10个词。 main idea 是文章的“中心思想”,比 topic 要详细一点,可以是一句或者几句,说明文章最主要想表达什么。一般20-50个词。 summary 是文章的“概要”、“撮要”,是用较短的文字把整篇文章写一遍,不只包括 main idea,连次要一点的重点也要包括。一般100-200个词。

英语中的topic,summary和main idea有什么区别啊?

topic指一篇文章的主题,类似于文章的标题 summary指一篇文章的概括,也就是主旨大意 main idea指文章的中心思想

英语中的topic,summary和main idea有什么区别啊?


plsql中数据库定义语句constraint a primary key(stu) validate,为什么要用validate呀

validate 是约束建立后,对表中已经存在数据根据约束条件做判断,要求已有的数据要符合约束的规则。

《The Nightmarys》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Nightmarys》(Poblocki, Dan)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 9bhv书名:The Nightmarys作者:Poblocki, Dan出版年份:2010-8页数:336内容简介:Timothy July has been having nightmares. About his brother, who is in a coma after being wounded in Iraq; about his best friend, Stuart, who is behaving like a jerk; about the old biology specimens in jars lining the walls of his classroom; and about Abigail, the new girl who seems to be a magnet for trouble. Or perhaps she is the cause.Suddenly Timothy"s nightmares are coming true. His brother, his face decaying, approaches Timothy on the street. Stuart ends up in the hospital, terrified that monsters are stalking him. And the specimen jars are tormenting not only Timothy but his teacher as well.What is the secret in Abigail"s past that is the key to these horrors? And can Timothy figure it out before his nightmares become a deadly reality?A follow-up to the well-received Stone Child, Dan Poblocki"s second novel will have his readers mesmerized until the last page—and sleeping with the lights on.--From the Hardcover edition.

How to write a summary?Thank you


in summary与to summarize可以互换吗

语法标注解释 summary英音:["sʌməri]美音:["sʌmərɪ] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释形容词 a. 1.概括的,扼要的He gave a summary report of the day"s events. 他对一天的事件作了简要的报告。 2.实时的;草率的;即决的,简易的The government took summary action to aid the earthquake victims. 政府即刻采取行动救济地震灾民。 名词 n. 1.总结,摘要,一览[C][(+of)]He made a summary of the case. 他为这个案件做了一个摘要。 语法标注解释 summarize英音:["sʌməraiz]美音:["sʌmə,raɪz] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释及物动词 vt. 1.总结,概述,概括She summarized the aims of the new party in a couple of sentences. 她用几句话概括了新党的目标。 不及物动词 vi. 1.作总结,作概括


1.sum 可以作名词,(作名词时意思是“合数,总计”),也可以作动词(是不及物动词,常和up 连用)。例如:The sum of 5 and 3 is 8. (名词)They want to sum up their past experience before going on.(动词)2.summary 可以作形容词,(作名词时意思是“摘要,概略”),也可以作名词。例如:He presented a summary account.(形容词) 他概括地说明。Give a summary of this chapter.(名词) 列出这一章的摘要。 【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答。


其实只要是summary题,都是在考你的summarize能力。首先是summary这个词。中文我们知道叫“摘要”,可是或许英文的解释会更加清楚一些。其次是introductory sentence这个名字。很明显,它指的是三个选项上面的那句黑体字。我们往往在做题时会下意识看它一眼,却不知自己为什么要看。其实一切尽在introductory这个词中。很多人将这个名字简单翻译为“介绍句”—--或许他们自己都不知道什么是“介绍句”。但如果我们从词根词缀方面对“introductory”这个词分析的话,其实intro-表示“inside”,duc-表示“lead”,那么这个名字就可以容易地被翻作“引入句”。如果我们将这道题目当作是真的一篇摘要,那么这个“引入句”便是它的开头,为整篇摘要奠定写作方向。所以“introductory sentence”给我们指明了我们分析的方向,选项中偏离方向的选项不能选!托福阅读理解中summary主旨题破题方法三:再次是正确答案的特征“the most important ideas”和错误答案的一个特征“minor ideas”。它们俩再连同之前提到的summary的定义得知,我们的答案要say “no” to the“minor”。那么“minor”到底代表着什么呢?我们也从英文解释中看个究竟:英文解释为Something that is monor has very little importance, significance, or seriousness, especially in relation to other things of the same sort.说白了也就是与同一背景下的其它事物对比次要的那个。其实在这道题目的范围内,背景当然就是“引入句”中所提到的摘要的方向了。如果在这个背景下某个选项次要,便说明这个选项的内容偏离了方向,与上面提到的第二点相同;此外,作为次要信息却又存在于文章中,则说明它肯定不是主旨信息,一定是说明和支持主旨的细节部分,与上面提到的第一点相同。

sum summary summarize 他们翻译成总结时候有什么区别吗?

sum- 总和summary- 概括,总结summarize- 形容,总结(动词)






summarize。通常来说在英语语法中,这是一种加后缀改变词性甚至是词义的形式,summarize意思是总结词性变为动词,词根是sum,意思为总量,类似于some,而另一种后缀summary意思是摘要或总结。那么显然,summary加ize的形式就是改变后缀变换词性,由名词转换为动词,值得一提的是,后缀-ize表示 ……化。summarize的意思是摘要,概述,联想记忆:summary(摘要)+ize(使…化)。读音:英[u02c8su028cmu0259rau026az],美[u02c8su028cmu0259rau026az]。释义:v. 总结;概述。变形:过去式summarized,过去分词summarized,现在分词summarizing,第三人称单数summarizes。词汇搭配:summarize a story概述故事。summarize completely完全总结。summarize for为…概括。近义词recapitulate读音:英[u02ccriu02d0ku0259u02c8pu026atu0283uleu026at],美[u02ccriu02d0ku0259u02c8pu026atu0283uleu026at]。释义:v. 概括;重述要点;摘要。例句:It will be helpful to recapitulate them.在这里将其简要重述一下也是有帮助的。变形:过去式recapitulated,过去分词recapitulated,现在分词recapitulating,第三人称单数recapitulates。




语法标注解释 summary英音:["sʌməri]美音:["sʌmərɪ] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释形容词 a. 1.概括的,扼要的He gave a summary report of the day"s events. 他对一天的事件作了简要的报告。 2.实时的;草率的;即决的,简易的The government took summary action to aid the earthquake victims. 政府即刻采取行动救济地震灾民。 名词 n. 1.总结,摘要,一览[C][(+of)]He made a summary of the case. 他为这个案件做了一个摘要。 语法标注解释 summarize英音:["sʌməraiz]美音:["sʌmə,raɪz] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释及物动词 vt. 1.总结,概述,概括She summarized the aims of the new party in a couple of sentences. 她用几句话概括了新党的目标。 不及物动词 vi. 1.作总结,作概括

我想聊一聊John Watson & Mary Watson的爱情

文/慕凉卿卿 首先声明在此不评论《神探夏洛克》第四季的好坏,虽然最近好多人大呼第一集令人失望,但我个人觉得剧情依旧很精彩,所以众口难调。本人就不褒奖、不吐槽,只谈剧情,不讨论大道理,单纯想聊一聊John和Mary这段不算长亦不算短的爱情。 注:以下内容有轻微剧透,请尚未看过第四季的小伙伴自行选择是否继续阅读。 起初对于John和Mary这两人的结合是无所谓特别烦躁或是特别喜爱,可以讲是无感的。只是觉得终于有那么一个人能让这段关系中有三人共存,真是挺神奇的。 一刷第四季第一集的时候,第一反应是愤怒的,对John的愤怒: 原因有二,其一,Mary去世之后,John不理智地将所有过错怪罪于Sherlock身上,迁怒于Sherlock,甚至认为是Sherlock杀了Mary。而Sherlock这种声称是高功能反社会的人格,实际是不会处理自己的情感的人,面对Mary的突然离世和、John的决裂、自己过于自信的内疚以及违背了自己的誓言,这些事情令他难以接受,无法调节后他整个人崩坏,精神崩溃,甚至要去看心理医生。 其二则是John的婚后出轨,虽然从第二集能够得知他只停留在精神出轨层面,但他依旧辜负了所有人,Mary、Sherlock甚至是刚出生的小女儿Rosie。Mary从出现便一直深爱John,她感恩John爱她,死前她艰难地说了那句“you are my whole world!”而John在宝宝出生后出轨,只能说他配不上Mary全部的爱,也不配Sherlock对他的情谊。 因此,一刷第一集的时候,我对John除了愤怒外,还有一丝失望。 在漫长等待第二集的时候,我对第一集进行二刷,从头再看一次时,我注意到了许多一刷的时候忽略的东西。 Mary处于被曾经的同伴追杀的危险时,John找到Mary的时候说了一句话:“there are so many lies!”他又说,“当然这句话不仅仅是针对你。” 其实一刷的时候,我有注意到,不过那时单纯以为他是在抱怨Mary,就如刚知晓她的身份时候那样,抱怨为什么Mary会对John有那么多谎言、一次又一次的。而二刷时真正懂得了他说的意思,尤其是John在飞机上重新回顾这个片段,我懂他所说的这句话真正的意思是:他觉得这段婚姻中有太多的谎言,不仅Mary对John有谎言,John对Mary也有谎言,他觉得这段婚姻与他预想的不一样,没有那么多纯净的东西在里面。甚至可以大胆猜想他内心很愧疚,但真正在挣扎地或许是这一切是我想要的吗?这段婚姻还有存在的必要吗? 二刷第一集让我对John出轨这件事有了更多的感知,他的出轨其实是 有其必然性 。 首先,从前两季剧中我们可以看到John有超级多的女友,他喜欢女友,不幸地是都分手了。他说不是因为Sherlock,但多少还是因为女友们不理解支持John喜欢与Sherlock一同查案。所以女友只能一换再换,总之,能看出John是个不耐寂寞地男人。 同时,在剧中看透John的Sherlock曾经多次提到John喜欢危险刺激。首次见面就看出John是想念战场而不是惧怕;第三季第一集中Sherlock曾对John说,“承认了吧,你很怀念这样,追逐的刺激、血脉泵张的感觉”;第三季第三集时John愤怒地问Mary:“为什么我要用我的一生来受你这一劫?”sherlock插嘴说:“你所有的际遇都是你自己的选择,靠侦查罪案寻求刺激,John,你迷恋一种特定的生活方式,你诡异地受到危险的人和事吸引。所以你爱上的这个女人,是因为你选择了她。” 综上,John是个外表十分淡定,但内心疯狂,渴望刺激、挑战的男人,他喜欢迷一样的女人。而曾经特工亦或杀手出身的Mary正好能够满足John这一需求,并且Mary喜欢夏洛克,从她出场至今,我们能够看到Mary她能够很好的处理三人的关系。所以说,Mary既满足John的内心追求,又能很好的安抚Sherlock,这应该算是Mary能够顺利嫁给John的一个重要前提。 而我们再回顾第三季John与Mary准备婚礼时,John曾说他与Mary结婚将不会改变任何事,一切都会照旧;而Mrs. Hudson私下对Sherlock说到人一旦结婚后就会投入更多精力在照顾家里;Sherlock自己隐约有些慌乱,但不愿承认。而事实是婚后John虽然仍参与sherlock各种案件处理,但明显他需要将更多的时间和精力放到家庭中。 再说Mary,她一直以来的愿望是渴望摆脱过去黑暗的历史,因此在第三季结尾,掌握她一生秘密的那男人被Sherlock击毙,过程惊险,但她成功斩断与过去的一切联系。解脱后的Mary获得了John的原谅,之后,她便不会再去挑战任何危险,一心一意想过安定平静的生活,更不会将未出世的女儿和丈夫置于任何危险中。在John看来,这样的Mary渐渐开始失去她本来独有的吸引力,开始变得无趣。 之后,二人度过新婚期的甜蜜,再加上宝宝Rosie顺利降生,两人生活的重心开始每日围着孩子转。刚出生的宝宝不停地哭哭哭,可以看到很多时候Mary和John晚上没有时间睡觉,几个小时就要喂食一次母乳等,甚至有时二人白天累倒,需要Sherlock帮忙逗宝宝玩耍。这样平淡而繁琐的生活John没有抱怨,但已经令John感到很乏味。 这时候以一朵小白花作为契机,John的生活中出现一个主动搭讪的公交车美女,一位很美丽的女人,一点点不一样的光亮照进他单一色调的生活中。女人低头浅笑,主动给John留联系方式,两人的初次对话尴尬而羞涩,但已经让John不舍放下。终于,John开始了婚后精神出轨。 和陌生女人发短信的行为可以让John情不自禁在脑中幻想,而这种偷偷摸摸的行为更让他感受着久违的刺激感,他喜欢这个感觉。并且,有眼尖的网友曾经指出,这个美丽的女人坐在车站等John的旁边有本季大恶人的宣传海报,是否暗示这个女人的她的真实身份有待考究,而第二集结尾也证实了这个女人果然是善于伪装、隐藏在暗处的坏人。这再次证明Sherlock的那番话,John总会不自觉得被危险的人和事吸引,再一次靠近、追踪着危险。 John曾有过一次后悔,试图终止这段不正常的关系,但与那女人的再一次偶遇或许给他一种两人命中注定的默契,总之这让他又一次陷回这段出轨关系中。 那么,是什么让John彻底顿足脚,真正让他决定停止这段不正当关系?答:A.G.R.A的U盘出现,Mary再次陷入危险。 Mary在Sherlock告知自己将面临的危险时,她随即选择离开,跨越多国,全程路线都是掷骰子随机决定地,前方的路未知,终点更不知究竟在何方。这场跨国追逐重新将John又带回他怀念的危险刺激中,只一瞬间便找回过去的感觉。同时,John本身仍然爱着Mary,所以他要保护Mary的想法逐渐驱散了对另一个陌生女人的留恋,他又重新回到Mary身边扮演起一个好丈夫的角色。 因此,不去考虑John和陌生女人间暂时是否发生过肉体关系(据第二集得知还没有),如果没有第四季第一集Mary被昔日同伙追杀这件事,她若一直平常着,如她所愿过上平淡的生活后,John一定会出轨(不想说的那么绝对,但概率我认为也至少百分之九十以上)。二人之后的生活会充斥各种琐事、面临各种问题,或许这份平淡对于Mary是安心和平静,但John会不甘于这种零零碎碎的日常,到最后Mary与John之间会开始争吵,一系列漫长磨人的纠葛,彼此互相伤害,直到离婚。 所以说,Mary为Sherlock挡了一枪,是在她最幸福的时候离世,她心目中那个完美的John依旧爱着她…… 第二集,Sherlock过度使用毒品加上长期缺乏休息和营养不良,他神志不清,甚至伴随间歇性幻觉的出现;而失去Mary的John在很理智的情况下亦产生幻觉,一直能够看到Mary还陪在他身侧。这两人都不禁让人心疼。 那一幕John向幻觉中Mary坦白自己出轨,不知道为什么我泪目了,是真的眼泪一瞬间流下来,不知是为了Mary还是为了John…… John说,Mary看错了他,他永远都不是Mary想象的那么好的人,也永远不可能成为那么好的人,但她心目中的那个John,是他想要努力成为的样子。 就如John与Sherlock两人说到的那样,在你意识到之前,一些机会就失去了。而他不可能还好,事情也不可能没有关系,但是事已至此,事已至此。 终于,在潜在Mary的帮助下,John向Sherlock敞开了心扉,重新接受这位好友;而Sherlock也抱住John,替Mary原谅了他…… John和Mary两人的这段爱情不长亦不短,还是给我们带来一些感动和悲伤…… 嗯,感情的事说完了。那第四季第二集最后一声枪响是什么情况呢? 让我们一同期待! End.


Dear Mary, I am gold to hear you well come to Chain.How are you recently?I have to help you contact the Cnese teacher。She can always give you a lesson. And I tnk to learn Cnese must listen more reading. The Cnese people are very friendly, you don"t understand the place can ask everyone. You need to actively classmates and teachers。Only in ts way can you learn Cnese。And I"m really looking forward to your arrival。顺便说一下,我现在学的ABC天卞口语的老师要我明白 就是想征服英语是不难的。必然有个符合的学习情境和闇练口语对象 外教水平很重要,最好欧美母语 口语纯正才可以 坚持每日口语学习,1v1加强化教学就有.好.的学习成果..上完课记得复习听取录音文档 更可以加深印象..若真的是没人帮忙的环境 就上旺旺或大耳朵得到课余教材学习,多问多听一下子英语水平就培养起来,整体效果应该可以最佳的 li Hua



Mary J Blige德歌词翻译

歌曲名:Be Without You歌手:Mary J Blige歌词:I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you我要与你的宝贝与你,要与你 (Oh, oh, oh, oh) (哦,哦,哦,哦) I wanna be with you, gotta to be with you, need to be with you我要与你的宝贝,能与你们,要与你 (Oh, oh, oh, oh) (哦,哦,哦,哦) Oooo (oh, oh, oh, oh) oooo oooo (哦,哦,哦,哦) oooo Chemistry was crazy from the get-go化学疯了,从得到去 Neither one of us knew why既不是我们其中一人知道为什么 We didn"t build nothing overnight我们没有建立什么一夜之间 "cause a luv like this takes some time "令喜欢想这需要一些时间 People swore it off as a phase人立誓把它作为一个阶段 Said we can"t see that说,我们不能看到 Now from top to bottom现在从上到下 They see that we did that (yes)他们看到我们做的(是) It"s so true that (yes)它的,所以确实(是) We"ve been through it (yes)我们一直在通过它(是) We got bull sh** (yes)我们得到牛市的SH ** (是) See baby we been...看到宝宝,我们一直... Too strong for too long (and I can"t be without you baby)太强太久(我不能没有你的婴儿) And I"ll be waiting up until you get home ("cause I can"t sleep without you baby)我将等待,直到你回家( "事业,我可以不睡,没有你的婴儿) Anybody who"s ever loved, ya know just what I feel任何人的任何时候都爱,雅知道究竟是什么,我觉得 Too hard to fake it, nothing can replace it太难了假,没有任何东西可以取代它 Call the radio if you just can"t be without your baby致电电台,如果你只是不能没有你的宝宝 I got a question for ya我的一个问题,为亚 See I already know the answer见我已经知道答案 But still I wanna ask you但我依然要问你 Would you lie?你在哪里? (no) (无) Make me cry?让我哭? (no) (无) Do somethin" behind my back and then try to cover it up?做somethin "背后向我,然后再试图掩盖起来? Well, neither would I, baby那么,既不是我,宝宝 My love is only your love (yes)我的爱只是你的爱情(是) I"ll be faithful (yes)我将忠实于(是) I"m for real (yes)我真正的(是) And with us you"ll always know the deal与我们您将永远知道这笔交易 We"ve been...我们一直... [Be Without You ] [没有你 ] Too strong for too long (and I can"t be without you baby)太强太久(我不能没有你的婴儿) And I"ll be waiting up until you get home ("cause I can"t sleep without you baby)我将等待,直到你回家( "事业,我可以不睡,没有你的婴儿) Anybody who"s ever loved, ya know just what I feel任何人的任何时候都爱,雅知道究竟是什么,我觉得 Too hard to fake it, nothing can replace it太难了假,没有任何东西可以取代它 Call the radio if you just can"t be without your baby致电电台,如果你只是不能没有你的宝宝 See this is real talk见这是真正的对话 I"m always stay (no matter what)我一直留(无论什么) Good or bad (thick and thin)好还是坏(厚和薄) Right or wrong (all day everyday)正确或错误(整天天天) Now if you"re down on love or don"t believe现在,如果你是对爱情,不相信 This ain"t for you (no, this ain"t for you)这是不是你(不,这不是你) And if you got it deep in your heart如果你明白,它深藏于你的心 And deep down you know that it"s true (come on, come on, come on)和深下来,你知道它的真实(来吧,来吧,来) Well, let me see you put your hands up (hands up)那么,让我看看你把你的手(手) Fellas tell your lady she"s the one (fellas tell your lady she"s the one, oh) fellas告诉你的夫人,她的一个( fellas告诉你的夫人,她的一个,哦) Put your hands up (hands up)把你的手(手) Ladies let him know he"s got your love女士们,让他知道他的了你的爱情 Look him right in his eyes and tell him看看他的权利,在他的眼中,并告诉他, We"ve been...我们一直... Too strong for too long (and I can"t be without you baby)太强太久(我不能没有你的婴儿) And I"ll be waiting up until you get home ("cause I can"t sleep without you baby)我将等待,直到你回家( "事业,我可以不睡,没有你的婴儿) Anybody who"s ever loved, ya know just what I feel任何人的任何时候都爱,雅知道究竟是什么,我觉得 Too hard to fake it, nothing can replace it太难了假,没有任何东西可以取代它 Call the radio if you just can"t be without your baby致电电台,如果你只是不能没有你的宝宝 Heeeeeeeeeeeey Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh heeeeeeeeeeeey ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Heeeeeeeeeeeey Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh heeeeeeeeeeeey ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you我要与你的宝贝与你,要与你 I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you我要与你的宝贝与你,要与你 I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you我要与你的宝贝与你,要与你 I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you我要与你的宝贝与你,要与你 I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you我要与你的宝贝与你,要与你

哪位知道mary j blige的《be without you》歌词,谢谢

no i can"t forget this evening and your facewhen you were leavingbut i guess that"s just the way the story goesyou always smilebut in your eyes your sorrow shows, yes, it showsno, i can"t forget tomorrowwhen i think about my sorrowwhen i had you there, then i let you go and now it only fair that i should let you knowwhat you should knowi can"t live if living is without youi can"t give i can"t give anymorei can"t live if living is without youi can"t give i can"t give anymore

Summary of frankenstein...快

( Hi ^^:: 我不知道你要多少字的 summary).... 长的Summary : Frankenstein was born in 1810 in the beautiful city of Geneva. Three weeks after his mother;s death he left Geneva and studied at the great German University of Heidelburg. He studied science and medicine. He wanted to know whether a dead man could e alive again. Therefore he worked really hard for the wer. He took parts of dead men from hospitals and graveyards. He put the parts together to make a human body. One day a storm came. The silver light reached the dead man. The man sat up his eyes wide opened. He looked like a monster. Frankenstein;s friend Clerval saved him. A few months later he learned of his brother;s death. Frankenstein went to the mountain. As he rested there a figure came towards him. It was the monster. It told him its feelings and loneliness and asked Frankenstein to create a female friend for it. Frankenstein promised so the monster left him alone. Clerval acpanied Frankenstein in Scotland. Frankenstein began his work. When he was almost finished he changed his mind because he didnt want to be responsible for the carnage another monster could create so he destroyed the project. The monster murdered Clerval out of revenge. Once home Frankenstein married his cousin Elizabeth right away and prepared for his death but the monster killed Elizabeth instead and the grief of her death killed Frankenstein;s father. A few days after Frankenstein finished his story the crew decided to turn back and go home. Before they left Frankenstein died and the monster appeared in his room. The monster jumped from the ship and drived away on his dogsled into the northern distance and disappeared never to be seen or heard from again. (我会补充短的summary) 2009-04-13 20:58:04 补充: 短的Summary: Frankenstein was born in Geneva. He studied science and medince in a university. He put the dead body parts together to make a human body. He created a monster in a stormy night. A few months later the monster killed his brother. Frankenstein went to the mountain. (续) 2009-04-13 20:58:23 补充: The monster came towards him and asked Frankenstein to create a female friend for it. His friend Clerval acpanied Frankenstein in Scotland. Frankenstein began his work but he changed his mind. The monster was angry and murdered Clerval out of revenge. (续) 2009-04-13 20:58:32 补充: Later Frankenstein married his cousin Elizabeth. The monster killed his wife. A few days after Frankenstein finished his story he died and the monster disappeared. (完) 参考: bookrags myself 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运!

— What was last night’s outcome, Mary? — France ________ beat Germany 2:1 in the thrilling fi

B 试题分析:考查副词用法。narrowly狭窄地,勉强地;严密地;heavily严重地,沉重地;hardly几乎不;mostly多半,主要。句意:—昨天的结果怎么样?—法国队以2:1勉强击败德国队。根据句意说明B正确。点评:副词的词义辨析要结合上下文的语境进行,同时也要注意副词的一些固定搭配和一次多义的用法。特别如narrowly用于多种场合之下,表示很勉强,很惊险。

完成句子:玛丽计划明年到中国来学汉语。Mary plans _____ _____ to China to learn Chinese.

to come

有首Peter Paul and Mary歌,有句词就是Peter Paul and Mary,是啥

你下个KUGOU2008 上面都有 我找了很久才找到,你下吧,用电驴。 的专辑《The Very Best Of Peter Paul And Mary》上面的25首歌全都在。


Whose thick dictionary is this, Kitty"s or Marry"s ?

The Jesus & Mary Chain的《Degenerate》 歌词

歌曲名:Degenerate歌手:The Jesus & Mary Chain专辑:MunkiDEGENERATECan"t you see the lightsCan"t you feel the vibeCan"t you see the lightsCan"t you feel the vibeWe can step it up, keep it up, lift it upWe can pick it up, get it up, do it rightWe can step it up, keep it up, lift it upWe can pick it up, get it up, do it rightMemories of yesterdayThere"s no place to hideW/Z high heel shoesWwarin" trip hop clothesShe"s comin" in a free styleTake you"re time don"t move to fastYa smile, Ya style, She"s so fineTryin" for so longAnd still don"t understandCan"t you see the lightsCan"t you feel the vibeCan"t you see the lightsCan"t you feel the vibeW/Z her beautiful straight hairIn this world w/z no luckShe was a little bit too youngBut She"s dancin" better than anyoneI know this is somethin" newJust guide me throughEvery hour she fights the powerW/Z a dope hat playin" tricksShe plays game w/z no ruleCan"t control…Happenin" almost everytimeGoin" out to partiesW/Z a gay man on her sideCan"t you see the lightsCan"t you feel the vibeFeel so good inside andThere is no need to lieThe minute she blinked her eyesBad feeling will dieShe can"t even lookW/Z out being watchedBut it"s OK!It"s enough to satisfy her liftCan"t you see the lightsCan"t you feel the vibeCan"t you see the lightsCan"t you feel the vibe..........................

SQL语句中的创建新表怎么做?要实例啊!!!跪求!create table tabname(col1 type1 [not null] [primary


sqlserver 建表语句:create table tb_user(uid int primary key,name varchar(20)) Mysql怎么写。详细点哈

上面说的都对 其实他们之间建表无太大区别 无外乎先判断是否有这张表 有的话删除,然后建表

Mary J. Blige的《PMS》 歌词

歌曲名:PMS歌手:Mary J. Blige专辑:No More DramaI wanna talk to the ladies tonightAbout situation I"m pretty sure y"all be able to relate toTrust meToday I"m not feelin prettySee I"m feeling quite uglyHavin one of this daysWhen I cant make up the ??So don"t even look at meSee I don"t wanna hear your problemCause I"m having some of my ownI know it was not your faultThat I"m feelin downI just wanna be left aloneDown I"m now in depressionI think the worst of everythingMy low was back and seekingAnd my close don"t feelNow aint that a bitchGot an attitude and I aint talkin to youWon"t to you if the shoe fillI don"t care what you think about meI don"t need you cry around meI don"t nedd it, no noPMSGo through something in nightsIs the some at dayI don"t need to understandWhere I"m coming from tonightSee I"m feelin messinTold you, you would be able to late tonightHallo was back he sayPMSAnd I don"t know what I"m gonna doI"m fulled stressedI want y"all to hear what I"m sayinPMS, PMS, PMSUnderstand what I"m sayin tonightUnderstand where I"m comin fromFeelin really bitch yeahAnd I don"t feel like be a nice to nobodyDon"t feel like smilin noDon"t feel like smilin no noSee I already know that I"m talkinPMSAnd I don"t need you to remind meSee cause PMSIs takin no all right nowif you understand, understand where I"m comin fromSing along, PMSThis is the worst part of everythingThe worst part of being a woman is PMSGive me a brake, give me a brakeCause I don"t wanna have to set it on tonight

who is that?it must be Mary.为什么不能用she?


O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee。是什么意思出自哪?


英语题 mary ___ ___ ____the kids 玛丽对这些孩子很有一套

mary is good with the kids Bob often helps his grandma with the housework on weekends

问句Mary,I have a pen。该怎么回答

I have a pen

my name is mary,l am a middle school原文+解析

完整句子是:My name is Mary. I am a middle school student.意思是:我的名字是玛丽, 我是一个中学生。


正确应该是 My name is Mary,and his name is Tom. Mary and Tom 都是属于专有名词,专有名词的首字母一定要大写. 所以你后面填mary,tom 都是错误的,是题的答案给错了. 做题的时候一定要注意它的形式.否则全功尽弃了.

my name is mary.什么意思



不要搞那个IBM SERVICE的分区,那个是隐藏备份分区,破坏了恢复较麻烦。Primary指主分区,一般就是C盘,Extended是指扩展分区,主分区以外的合起来叫扩展分区。你看到“extended很大.有20G.”,如果你的C盘有10G左右的话,那么就正常了。

索引: PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `id` (`ischeck`,`mid`)


Mary Jane Girls的《Jealousy》 歌词

歌曲名:Jealousy歌手:Mary Jane Girls专辑:Mary Jane Girls作词:Linda Hennrick作曲/编曲:入江纯It"s the same old story over againMy baby"s fallen in love with another manI thought we were happy, what a surpriseTo wake and find she was gone now I realizeHe"s the one she"ll kiss goodnightAs he holds her tightI just can"t stand itHow can love be so unfairJealousy, why should it be him instead of meI"m torn apart my jealous heart won"t set me freeJealousy, dreamin" of the love that used to beOh can"t you see this jealousy is killin" meJealousyI keep hearin" rumors all over townThey"re sayin" ain"t it shame how she put me downI tell myself forget her, she"s just no goodDon"t let her get to you, boy, find somebody newBut when I pass them on the street I start to cryI still remember when I was her guyWoh....

mary lambert唱的forget me 歌词翻译

歌名:Forget Me歌手:Mary Lambert所属专辑:Letters Don"t Talk发行时间:2012-08-31中英对译歌词:Did you forget me你忘记我了吗i wish i could say that i never left我希望我可以说我从未离开sorry just sounds stupid and quiet抱歉这听起来如此愚蠢in this house在这个房间里did you forget me你忘记我了吗letters don"t talk信不能说话and my crying"s too loud我的哭声太大paper"s no palm,信纸没有在手上and i wonder where yours are at我想知道你们的在哪里paper"s no palm信纸没有在手上and i bet you"d laugh at that我猜你们会因此感到可笑did you forget me你忘记我了吗please forget me请把我忘记吧cigarette out like our dying light香烟闪耀着我们濒死的光did you forget me你忘记我了吗please come get me请接纳我please come get me请接纳我

Mary is ________ website design than John.

be strict at sth at 后面接事

求《横滨玛丽》(Yokohama Mary/被遗忘的真实/横滨麻里)片源

百度下载一个 种子搜索器 里面什么都能搜到 打上关键字《横滨玛丽》(Yokohama Mary/被遗忘的真实/横滨麻里) 就可以了 有很多没有马赛克的 你试试吧!!!

Unted States Customary什么意思


customary quick despatch是什么意思

customary quick despatch 英     美    按港口习惯尽快装卸按港口习惯尽速装卸customary quick despatch的用法和样例:例句customary quick despatch (CQD)习惯快速装卸Cargo to be loaded and discharged according to the customary quick despatch-C.Q.D.规定按港口习惯尽快装货和卸货。

It seems that only Mary is eligible for the job.




Mary b____ me a toy from the supermarket as my birthday gift last year 补全单词,顺便讲根据哪个


Mary Jane (24-Bit Digitally Remastered 04) 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Mary Jane (24-Bit Digitally Remastered 04)歌手:Megadeth专辑:So Far, So Good...So What!Her name was Mary Jane,She sang, like Eda James,She came and went to easily.And it"s strange, how times are changed,I seen Mary yesterday, and she,Don"t look the same to me.Baby what"s the word?I aint trying to kill your mockingbird.I got scared and i started walking backwards.And after i got home alone,I couldn"t stop drunk dialing your cellular phone.And when you don"t pick up, your hang up hurts.I know i got caught with my hand up her skirt.I"m into sandals with the candle light romance,I go to itunes, to download your slow jams.Typhoon, with the Thunder clap.I fell in love with the girl in my summer class.She sat, right next to me,And she made me tell the truth like ecstasy.So, whoa, i gotta slow myself on down.I"ve been in love before.Her name was Mary Jane,She sang, like Eda James,She came and went to easily.And it"s strange, how times are changed,I seen Mary yesterday, and she,Don"t look the same to me.Baby we can be my mellow lil lady.Marijuana sunshine soul made crazy.Why go back and forth like a maybe?You and i can flow and say i love sailing.Light brown elleby on Chip and dale.Skin say i"m fat but i"m skinny as a rail.Pet snail, i got a freak on her knees.I need a little more made of the American Dream.I want her fired up, yea baby don"t try to tie me up.I"m just not the type of guy that"d wanna lie to ya.And if you wanna try to fall in love,It"s going to take a little time,And i won"t budge for a minute now.You"ve got to slow yourself on down.I"ve been in love before.Her name was Mary Jane,She sang, like Eda James,She came and went to easily.And it"s strange, how times are changed,I seen Mary yesterday, and she,Don"t look the same to me.Well she arrived on an Astro plane.6:45 on a Saturday.Just in time for the masquerade,Just in time for the masquerade.well she arrived in a limousine,7:45 on a Sunday,Just in time to see:Me making love to her friend Marie.I said: Baby this aint what you think.Like i"m supposed to say that "cause i"ve seen it on t.v.Then she ran out into the street.Why this has happened to me?No, got to slow myself on down.I know where this is going now.I"ve been in love before.Her name was Mary Jane,She sang, like Eda James,She came and went to easily.And it"s strange, how times are changed,I seen Mary yesterday, and she,Don"t look the same to me.http://music.b***.com/song/2579838

the one歌词(mary j。

Mary J Blige&Drake--The One

the her next english talk to girl is to mary in连词

Mary is the next girl to talk to her in English 翻译:玛丽是下一个和她用英语说话的女孩




总结 复述

Les Paul And Mary Ford的《Whispering》 歌词

歌曲名:Whispering歌手:Les Paul And Mary Ford专辑:The Hit Makers/Time To DreamEvanescence - WhisperCatch me as I fallSay you"re here and it"s all over nowSpeaking to the atmosphereNo one"s here and I fall into myselfThis truth drives meInto madnessI know I can stop the painIf I will it all awayIf I will it all awayDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)I"m frightened by what I seeBut somehow I knowThat there"s much more to comeImmobilized by my fearAnd soon to beBlinded by tearsI can stop the painIf I will it all awayIf I will it all awayDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)Fallen angels at my feetWhispered voices at my earDeath before my eyesLying next to me I fearShe beckons meShall I give inUpon my end shall I beginForsaking all I"ve fallen forI rise to meet my endDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)

The Jesus And Mary Chain的《Down On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Down On Me歌手:The Jesus And Mary Chain专辑:DarklandsDown On MeThe Jesus And Mary ChainDarklandsDown On Me-The Jesus And Mary Chainsometimes i can fake a smilebut still the world looks down on metwenty five years of growing oldit just hangs infront of mei can"t see or understand whypushing up can drag me downtake my time in everythingit breaks me up if i cant singi cant seei cant touchsometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after metalking fast I"m walking backwardsand my head is in the treesyou can hang this heavy feelinghanging down on mesometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after me

《the queen》(《女王》)的英文summary

The Queen Summary:The British prime minister and the Royal Family find themselves quietly at odds in the wake of a national tragedy in this drama from director Stephen Frears. On August 31, 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales died in an auto accident in Paris; despite the controversial breakup of her marriage to Prince Charles, she was still one of the most famous and best-loved women in the world, and the public outpouring of emotion over her passing was immediate and intense. However, given the messy circumstances of Diana"s breakup with Charles, official spokespeople for the Royal Family were uncertain about how to publicly address her passing. It didn"t take long for the media to pick up on the hesitation of Buckingham Palace to pay homage to Diana, and many saw this as a sign of the cool emotional distance so often attributed to the royals, which in this case was widely seen as an insult against Diana and the many people who loved her. Prime Minister Tony Blair (played by Michael Sheen) saw a potential public-relations disaster in the making, and took it upon himself to persuade Queen Elizabeth II (played by Helen Mirren) to make a statement in tribute to the fallen Diana -- an action that went against the taciturn queen"s usual nature. The Queen was released the same year that Helen Mirren played Queen Elizabeth I in an acclaimed miniseries for British television; The Queen also gave Michael Sheen his second opportunity to play Tony Blair after portraying the prime minister in the television film The Deal.

Mary Mary的《Incredible》 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible歌手:Mary Mary专辑:IncredibleClique Girlz - IncredibleHow can it be?We"re here with you nowyou"ve made our dreams come trueYou"ve helped it put us herefor that we are so sincere"Bout the love that we"ll haveSingin" for youThe moment we came on stageSomehow we always knewThat we"ve been waiting for youTell me,Why does it feel so incredible?When the lights shine on meIt"s so beautifulWe"ve been searching for all our livesFor the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all that we needYou"re incredible (x2)Look at our fans screaming like thatLook what you"ve given usA life that is now completeFor us this is such a treatDay in, day out singing for youThe moment we came on stageAnd we"d only heard of loveTill you showed us what is wasTell me why does it feel so incredible?(why does it feel)When the lights shine on meIt"s so beautiful (beautiful)We"ve been searching for all our livesFor the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all (and you"re all)That we need (that we need)You"re incredibleDon"t you be scared to follow your dreamsThey"ll come trueAnd listen to your heartAnd you"ll get throughTell me why (tell me why)Does it feel (does it feel)So incredible (so incredible)When the lights (when the light)Shine on me (shine on me)It"s so beautiful (its so beautful)We"ve been searching for all our lives(our lives)For the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all that we needThis is wild this is realAnd you"re love"s all I feelYou"re incredibleYou"re incredible (yah yah)You"re incredible (oohhh oohhh yah yah)You"re incredible (oohhh oh whoa)

Mary J. Blige的《Fade Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Fade Away歌手:Mary J. Blige专辑:Growing PainsFade AwayMary J.BligeGrowing PainsMary J.Blige.-.Fade AwayGrowing Pains∧.∧.∧.∧.∧.∧.∧.∧.∧.∧.∧.∧Ohhh...Ohhh...It"s starting to rain again.Everything"s gone now.Even the sun.It"s starting to rain again.Don"t go away.What have I done?Hmmm...I"ve been high and I"ve been low.I"ve been wealthy and I"ve been poor.I don"t know much.But one thing I know, this ain"t no fun.Hmmm...Sometimes I wish that I can stand here and fade away. (Sometimes)Ohh...So that no one could see the tears running down my face. (Sometimes)Oh, invisibility would be great.I painted a picture with her in his arms.Hmmm...It"s starting to rain again.It"s all in my mind.He"s done me no harm.Hmmm...I"ve been up and I"ve been down.Through all my drama, he"s still around.I can"t believe that even now I put us through the storm.Ohhh...Sometimes I wish that I can stand here and fade away. (Sometimes)Ohhh...So that no one could see the tears running down my face. (Sometimes)Oh, invisibility would be great.Couldn"t look at myself in the mirror.Asking myself "How dumb could you be? "Maybe everything would be much clearer if no one could see me.Hmmm...Ohhh...Oh, invisibility would be great.Yaaa...Ohhh...Sometimes I wish that I can stand here and fade away. (Sometimes)Ohhh...So that no one could see the tears running down my face. (Sometimes)Hey...Hey...Sometimes I wish that I can stand here and fade away. (Sometimes)Ohhh...So that no one could see the tears running down my face. (Sometimes)Invisibility would be great.∨.∨.∨.∨.∨.∨.∨.∨.∨.∨.∨.∨

my english study in primary school的英语作文带翻译的英语作文作

My school life in primary school is wonderful! I have a lot of friends. They are friendly to me.We study together play together and talk together.My teachers are very patient .They teach me a lot and help me with many problems. The school life is unforgettable(难忘的).

英语作文 my english study in primary school 50词

loose grouping around me

the old man and the sea summary 老人与海的总结

For 84 days, the old fisherman Santiago has caught nothing. Alone, impoverished, and facing his own mortality, Santiago is now considered unlucky. So Manolin (Santiago"s fishing partner until recently and the young man Santiago has taught since the age of five) has been constrained by his parents to fish in another, more productive boat. Every evening, though, when Santiago again returns empty-handed, Manolin helps carry home the old man"s equipment, keeps him company, and brings him food.On the morning of the 85th day, Santiago sets out before dawn on a three-day odyssey that takes him far out to sea. In search of an epic catch, he eventually does snag a marlin of epic proportions, enduring tremendous hardship to land the great fish. He straps the marlin along the length of his skiff and heads for home, hardly believing his own victory. Within an hour, a mako shark attacks the marlin, tearing away a great hunk of its flesh and mutilating Santiago"s prize. Santiago fights the mako, enduring great suffering, and eventually kills it with his harpoon, which he loses in the struggle. The great tear in the marlin"s flesh releases the fish"s blood and scent into the water, attracting packs of shovel-nosed sharks. With whatever equipment remains on board, Santiago repeatedly fights off the packs of these scavengers, enduring exhaustion and great physical pain, even tearing something in his chest. Eventually, the sharks pick the marlin clean. Defeated, Santiago reaches shore and beaches the skiff. Alone in the dark, he looks back at the marlin"s skeleton in the reflection from a street light and then stumbles home to his shack, falling face down onto his cot in exhaustion.The next morning, Manolin finds Santiago in his hut and cries over the old man"s injuries. Manolin fetches coffee and hears from the other fisherman what he had already seen—that the marlin"s skeleton lashed to the skiff is eighteen feet long, the greatest fish the village has known. Manolin sits with Santiago until he awakes and then gives the old man some coffee. The old man tells Manolin that he was beaten. But Manolin reassures him that the great fish didn"t beat him and that they will fish together again, that luck doesn"t matter, and that the old man still has much to teach him. That afternoon, some tourists see the marlin"s skeleton waiting to go out with the tide and ask a waiter what it is. Trying to explain what happened to the marlin, the waiter replies, “Eshark.” But the tourists misunderstand and assume that"s what the skeleton is.Back in his shack, with Manolin sitting beside him, Santiago sleeps again and dreams of the young lions he had seen along the coast of Africa when he was a young man.

Mary used to enjoy rock music.(改为否定句)?

Mary didn"t use to enjoy Rock music.或Mary used not to enjoy rock music.两种形式

我叫黄倩赟 想取个英文名 谢谢了 不要太俗的 比如Alicia Mary等


summary dismissal是什么意思

summary dismissal_百度翻译summary dismissal [英]u02c8su028cmu0259ri du026asu02c8mu026asu0259l [美]u02c8su028cmu0259ri du026asu02c8mu026asu0259l 立即解雇 [例句]Curtis has said that he plans to appeal against his summary dismissal.柯蒂斯说他打算就他被简率开除一事提起申诉。

SAS里proc mean,proc summary,proc univariate有什么区别


Duplicate entry 13 for key PRIMARY怎么解决

Mysql进行数据备份,还原后进行回帖,出现以下错误代码:Discuz! info: MySQL Query ErrorUser: webcullTime: 2008-7-10 2:20pmScript. /post.phpSQL: INSERT INTO [Table]posts (fid, tid, first, author, authorid, subject, dateline, message, useip, invisible, anonymous, usesig, htmlon, bbcodeoff, smileyoff, parseurloff, attachment)VALUES ("45", "2727", "0", "webcull", "6", "", "1216707030", "ddd", "", "0", "0", "0", "0", "-1", "-1", "", "0")Error: Duplicate entry "2678" for key 1Errno.: 1062网上搜索分析原因:可能是字段pid为primary key且auto_increment属性,不能出现重复值。而我在备份数据时,可能有数据写入破坏了数据表。尝试了一些方法:1、数据表部分字段属性丢失 ALTER TABLE `cdb_posts` CHANGE `pid` `pid` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT2、repair table cdb_posts均失败!最后的解决方法:一般是因为数据表文件损害导致,可用MySQL的修复工具myisamchk 工具修复。cmdmyisamchk cdb_posts.myi -r修复数据表就OK了!

The summary of Oliver Twist(《雾都孤儿》的简介)


Go back home now, Mary. Your parents ______ your safety. A.are concerned about B.are concer.

A 试题分析:句意:现在回家,玛丽。你的父母担心你的安全。Be concerned about 担心;be concerned with牵涉到,与……有关,其他不构成搭配,根据句意可知选A。



求mary j.blige-no more drama中文歌词

哈哈~我也爱死了这首歌,所以亲自帮你翻译了一下,英语水平不高请见谅啦![NO MORE DRAMA]悲剧不再Artist: Mary J. BligeI"m so tired, I"m tired of all this drama我受够了,我受够了这些悲剧No more, no more不,停下来吧I wanna be free让我自由吧I"m so tired, so tired我受够了,我受够了Broken heart again又一次心碎Another lesson learned又上了心痛的一课Better know your friends最好清楚了解你的朋友们Or else you will get burned否则就是引火烧身Gotta count on me不用担心我Cause I can guarantee因为我可以保证That I"ll be fine我会好起来的No more pain (no more pain)再没有伤痛了(再没有伤痛了)No more pain (no more pain)再没有伤痛了(再没有伤痛了)No drama (no more drama in my life)悲剧不再(我的人生里不会再有悲剧了)No one"s gonna make me hurt again没有人能让我再次受伤了Why"d I play the fool?为什么我总是扮演傻瓜的角色?Blige Mary J玛丽布莱姬Go through ups and downs?经历这么多的起起落落?Knowing all the time其实一直都知道You wouldn"t be around你不会在我的身旁But baby I like the stress但是,宝贝,我喜欢过这种紧张的感觉Cause I was young and restless因为我曾经年轻,不知疲倦的滋味But that was long ago但那也是很久以前了I don"t wanna cry no more现在我再也不想哭泣了No more pain (no more pain)再没有伤痛了(再没有伤痛了)No more pain (no more pain)再没有伤痛了(再没有伤痛了)No drama (no more drama in my life)悲剧不再(我的人生里不会再有悲剧了)No one"s gonna make me hurt again没有人能让我再次受伤了No more tears (no more tears, I"m tired of cryin" everynight)我不会再哭泣(我不会再哭泣,我厌倦了天天晚上哭泣)No more fears (no more fears, I really don"t wanna cry)我不会再害怕(我不会再害怕,我真的不想哭泣了)No drama (no more drama in my life)悲剧不再(我的人生里不会再有悲剧了)I don"t ever wanna hurt again我不想再受伤害了Wanna speak my mind, wanna speak my mind我想要说出我现在的感觉,想要说出我现在的感觉Oooh, it feels so good哦,这感觉太好了When you let go当你终于放开了Of all the drama in your life你生命中所有的悲剧Now you"re free from all the pain现在的你已经与所有的伤痛绝缘Free from all the game与那些爱的把戏绝缘Free from all the stress与那些压力绝缘So find your happiness所以去寻找你的幸福吧Only God knows where the story is只有神知道这一切究竟是为了什么For me, but I know where the story begins对我而言,我却知道这故事的开始It"s up to us to choose我们可以选择Wether we win or loose胜利或者失败And I choose to win而我选择胜利No more pain (no more pain)再没有伤痛了(再没有伤痛了)No more game (tired of you playin" games with my mind)再没有玩弄了(我受够了你玩弄我的感情)No drama (no more drama in my life)悲剧不再(我的人生不会再有悲剧了)No more, no more, no more, no more, no more, no more不再了,不再了,不再了,不再了,不再了,不再了No more tears (no more tears, no more cryin" every night)我不会再哭泣(我不会再哭泣,我厌倦了天天晚上哭泣)No more fears (no more wakin" me up in the morning) (we don"t deserve it no more)我不会再害怕(再也不会让它在清晨把我叫醒)(我不应当被这样对待)No drama (leave me alone, go ahead)悲剧不再(放过我吧,让我前行)No more in my life (heyyy, ad-libbing to end)我的人生里不会再有了No more drama, no more drama悲剧不再,悲剧不再No more drama, no more drama悲剧不再,悲剧不再NO MORE DRAMA悲剧不再NO MORE DRAMA悲剧不再NO MORE DRAMA悲剧不再NO MORE DRAMA悲剧不再NO MORE DRAMA悲剧不再No more drama in my life我的人生不会再有悲剧了I"m so tired, so tired, tired of this drama我真的受够了,真的受够了,真的受够了这种悲剧



用too或either填空mary is a good girl。candy is a good girl,——


谁有吉他曲mary had a little lamb,electric gypsy 和SRV的原版谱,要原版的,格式不限


primary orientation是什么意思

primary orientation[英][u02c8praimu0259ri u02ccu0254:rienu02c8teiu0283u0259n][美][u02c8prau026au02ccmu025bri u02ccu0254riu025bnu02c8teu0283u0259n]基本定向; 基本定向{动}; 双语例句1A smoke detection algorithm combined of blurring property, diffuse property and the property of primary orientation angle is presented.提出了一种融合烟雾模糊、扩散、主方向角等多种特征的烟雾检测算法。



periodic summary and interim summary 有什么 不同

周期性的总结和临时性的总结。前者更为规律,比如每周固定在周五写一个总结就是periodic summary后者是随机的,比如今天发生了一件事,领导让你写个总结就是临时性的总结interim summary


conclusion (根据。。。得出的)结论summary 总结

Who else, () Mary, took part in the English speech contest?

Who else, () Mary, took part in the English speech contest? A.besidesB.additionalC.exceptD.without正确答案:A

She ofteb什么with mary in Enilysh?

She often talks with Marry in English.


"Sister Mary Bernard" - Melinda Page Hamilton这里面都有

mary is a pretty girl.是什么意思

mary is a pretty girl玛丽是一个漂亮的女孩双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 玛丽是个可爱的女孩。例句:1.She is a pretty girl. 她是个漂亮的女孩。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
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