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The Jesus And Mary Chain的《Down On Me》 歌词

2023-07-25 09:50:47
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歌曲名:Down On Me
歌手:The Jesus And Mary Chain

Down On Me
The Jesus And Mary Chain
Down On Me-The Jesus And Mary Chain
sometimes i can fake a smile
but still the world looks down on me
twenty five years of growing old
it just hangs infront of me
i can"t see or understand why
pushing up can drag me down
take my time in everything
it breaks me up if i cant sing
i cant see
i cant touch
sometimes in the summer sunshine
the sky falls down on me
always in the dead of darkdays
someone"s after me
talking fast I"m walking backwards
and my head is in the trees
you can hang this heavy feeling
hanging down on me
sometimes in the summer sunshine
the sky falls down on me
always in the dead of darkdays
someone"s after me




young for you (为你年轻) Sunday"s coming i wanna drive my car 周末,我想开着我的车to your apartment with a present like a star 带着礼物如流星般来到你家门前forecaster said the weather may be rainy hard 预报员说今天会有暴雨but i know the sun will shine for us 但是我知道阳光将为我们闪耀 oh lazy seagull fly me from the dark 喔 海鸥从黄昏中懒洋洋地飞向我 i dress my jeans and feed my monkey banana 我穿着我的牛仔裤 给我的猴子喂香蕉 then i think my age how old,skyline how far 那时我在想我有多大,还有地平线到底有多远or we need each other in california 或者我们需要一起生活在加州 you show me your body before night comes down 在夜幕降临前你向我展现你的身姿 i touch your face and promise to stay ever young 我抚摸你的脸庞,许诺我们永远这样年轻 on this ivory beach we kissed so long 在这象牙色的海滩上我们长吻 it seems that the passion"s never gone 仿佛激情永不消退you sing me your melody and i feel so please在我感觉到的这一刻你唱出你我的旋律 i want you to want me to keep your dream 我想你希望我一直做有你的梦together we"ll run wild by a summer symphony 我们在夏季的交响乐中肆意奔跑 this is what we enjoyed not a fantasy 这就是我们拥有的,而非幻想 the tin-man"s surfing i wanna try my luck 铁人般冲浪嬉戏,只因想试下运气。 to the top of tide rip like just have some drugs置身顶端的我如此陶醉如同服用了兴奋剂 i know you have no blame for my proud moonish heart我知道你不会责备我那骄傲如月的心。 welcome to the golden beatnik park 欢迎来到这奇异的乐园oh diamond seashore drag me from the yard 噢``钻石海岸将我拉离庭院 incredible sunward i watch as you"re in photograph面向阳光时我难以置信,因为你仿佛溶化于画中 for camera your smile"s so sweet,palm trees" so lush画面中你的微笑如此甜美,棕榈树如此青翠。 would you believe my honey it"s califonia 你相信么,亲爱的,这就是加洲you show me your body before night comes down 在夜幕降临前你向我展现你的身姿 i touch your face and promise to stay ever young 我抚摸你的脸庞,许诺我们永远这样年轻 on this ivory beach we kissed so long 在这象牙色的海滩上我们长吻 it seems that the passion"s never gone 仿佛激情永不消退you sing me your melody and i feel so please在我感觉到的这一刻你唱出你我的旋律 i want you to want me to keep your dream 我想你希望我一直做有你的梦together we"ll run wild by a summer symphony 我们在夏季的交响乐中肆意奔跑 this is what we enjoyed not a fantasy 这就是我们拥有的,而非幻想
2023-07-24 13:58:133


  英语故事教学是小学英语教学中的一种重要方法,对学生综合语言运用能力的发展起着重要作用。我整理了7分钟英语故事,欢迎阅读!   7分钟英语故事篇一   The fox and the horse   A peasant had a faithful horse which had grown old and could do no more work, so his master no longer wanted to give him anything to eat and said, "I can certainly make no more use of you, but still I mean well by you, and if you prove yourself still strong enough to bring me a lion here, I will maintain you. But for now get out of my stable." And with that he chased him into the open field.   The horse was sad, and went to the forest to seek a little protection there from the weather. There the fox met him and said, "Why do you hang your head so, and go about all alone?"   "Alas," replied the horse, "greed and loyalty do not dwell together in one house. My master has forgotten what services I have performed for him for so many years, and because I can no longer plow well, he will give me no more food, and has driven me out."   "Without giving you a chance?" asked the fox.   "The chance was a bad one. He said, if I were still strong enough to bring him a lion, he would keep me, but he well knows that I cannot do that."   The fox said, "I will help you. Just lie down, stretch out as if you were dead, and do not stir."   The horse did what the fox asked, and then the fox went to the lion, who had his den not far off, and said, "A dead horse is lying out there. Just come with me, and you can have a rich meal."   The lion went with him, and when they were both standing by the horse the fox said, "After all, it is not very comfortable for you here —— I tell you what —— I will fasten it to you by the tail, and then you can drag it into your cave and eat it in peace."   This advice pleased the lion. He positioned himself, and in order that the fox might tie the horse fast to him, he kept completely quiet. But the fox tied the lion"s legs together with the horse"s tail, and twisted and fastened everything so well and so strongly that no amount of strength could pull it loose. When he had finished his work, he tapped the horse on the shoulder and said, "Pull, white horse, pull!"   Then up sprang the horse at once, and pulled the lion away with him. The lion began to roar so that all the birds in the forest flew up in terror, but the horse let him roar, and drew him and dragged him across the field to his master"s door. When the master saw the lion, he was of a better mind, and said to the horse, "You shall stay with me and fare well." And he gave him plenty to eat until he died.   狐狸和马   一个农夫有一匹勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨为他干活的马,但这匹马现在已经老了,干活也不行了,所以,农夫不想再给马吃东西.他对马说:“我再也用不着你了,你自己离开马厩走吧,到你比一头狮子更强壮时,我自然会把你牵回来的.”   说完,他打开门,让马自己去谋生去了.   这匹可怜的马非常悲哀,它在森林里茫无目标地到处徘徊,寒风夹着细雨,更增加了它的痛楚,它想寻找一个小小的避雨处.不久,它遇到了一只狐狸,狐狸问它:“我的好朋友,你怎么了?为甚么垂头丧气,一副孤苦伶仃、愁眉苦脸的样子呢?”马叹了一口气回答说:“哎——!公正和吝啬不能住在一间房子里.我的主人完全忘了我这许多年为他辛辛苦苦所干的一切,因为我不能再干活了,他就把我赶了出来,说除非我变得比一头狮子更强壮,他才会重新收留我.我有这样的能力吗?其实,主人是知道我没有这样的能力的,要不然,他也不会这样说了.”   狐狸听了之后,要它别愁了,只管放心,说道:“我来帮助你,你躺在那儿,把身子伸直,装做死了的样子,我自有办法.”马按狐狸的吩咐做了.狐狸跑到狮子住的洞口边,对狮子说:“狮子大王,有条小路上躺着一匹死马,我们一同去,你可以作一顿很不错的午餐来享受哩.”狮子听了非常高兴,立即就动身了.   它们来到马躺的地方,狐狸说:“在这儿你吃不完它,我告诉你怎么办:先让我把它的尾巴牢牢地绑在你的身上,然后你就能够将它拖回你的洞穴去慢慢地享用了.”狮子对这个建议很欣赏.於是它一动不动地躺下来,让狐狸把它绑在马背上.但狐狸却设法将它的腿捆在一起,用最大的力气把狮子牢牢地捆作一团,狮子没法挣脱束缚了.   一切料理完毕,狐狸拍了拍马的肩背说道:“起来吧!老马头,你可以走了!”那匹马跳起来,把狮子拖在尾巴后面离开了.狮子知道上了狐狸的当,开始咆哮吼叫起来,巨大的吼声把树上所有的鸟儿都吓得飞走了.但老马随便它怎么叫,只管自己慢慢悠悠地走过田野,终於把狮子拖到了主人的屋里.   它对主人说:“主人,狮子在这儿,我把它料理妥当了.”当主人看见它的这匹老马后,对它产生了怜悯之心,说道:“你就住在马厩里吧,我会好好待你的.”於是,这匹可怜的老马又有了吃的东西,主人一直供养它到死去.   7分钟英语故事篇二   The real pearl necklace   Jenny was a bright-eyed, pretty five-year-old girl.   One day when she and her mother were checking out at the grocery store, Jenny saw a plastic pearl necklace priced at $2.50. How she wanted that necklace, and when she asked her mother if she would buy it for her, her mother said, "Well, it is a pretty necklace, but it costs an awful lot of money. I"ll tell you what. I"ll buy you the necklace, and when we get home we can make up a list of chores that you can do to pay for the necklace.   And don"t forget that for your birthday Grandma just might give you a whole dollar bill, too. Okay?" Jenny agreed, and her mother bought the pearl necklace for her.   Jenny worked on her chores very hard every day, and sure enough, her grandma gave her a brand-new dollar bill for her birthday. Soon Jenny had paid off the pearls. How Jenny loved those pearls. She wore them everywhere to kindergarten, bed and when she went out with her mother to run errands.   The only time she didn"t wear them was in the shower. Her mother had told her that they would turn her neck green!   Jenny had a very loving daddy. When Jenny went to bed, he would get up from his favorite chair every night and read Jenny her favorite story.   One night when he finished the story, he said, "Jenny, do you love me?"   "Oh yes, Daddy, you know I love you," the little girl said.   "Well, then, give me your pearls."   "Oh! Daddy, not my pearls!" Jenny said. "But you can have Rosy, my favorite doll. Remember her? You gave her to me last year for my birthday. And you can have her tea party outfit, too. Okay?"   "Oh no, darling, that"s okay."Her father brushed her cheek with a kiss. "Good night, little one."   A week later, her father once again asked Jenny after her story, "Do you love me?"   "Oh yes, Daddy, you know I love you."   "Well, then, give me your pearls. "   "Oh, Daddy, not my pearls! But you can have Ribbons, my toy horse. Do you remember her? She"s my favorite. Her hair is so soft, and you can play with it and braid it and everything. You can have Ribbons if you want her, Daddy," the little girl said to her father.   "No, that"s okay," her father said and brushed her cheek again with a kiss. "God bless you, little one. Sweet dreams."   Several days later, when Jenny"s father came in to read her a story, Jenny was sitting on her bed and her lip was trembling." Here, Daddy," she said, and held out her hand. She opened it and her beloved pearl necklace was inside. She let it slip into her father"s hand.   With one hand her father held the plastic pearls and the other he pulled out of his pocket a blue velvet box. Inside of the box were real, genuine, beautiful pearls. He had had them all along. He was waiting for Jenny to give up the cheap stuff so he could give her the real thing.   7分钟英语故事篇三   心灵来自天使的爱抚   It was only a few weeks after my surgery, and I went to Dr. Belt"s office for a checkup. It was just after my first chemotherapy(化学疗法) treatment.   My scar was still very tender. My arm was numb underneath. This whole set of unique and weird sensations was like having a new roommate to share the two-bedroom apartment formerly known as my breasts - now lovingly known as "the breast and the chest."   As usual, I was taken to an examination room to have my blood drawn, again - a terrifying process for me, since I"m so frightened of needles.   I lay down on the examining table. I"d worn a big plaid flannel shirt and a camisole underneath. It was a carefully thought out costume that I hoped others would regard as a casual wardrobe choice. The plaid camouflaged my new chest, the camisole protected it and the buttons on the shirt made for easy medical access.   Ramona entered the room. Her warm sparkling smile was familiar, and stood out in contrast to my fears. I"d first seen her in the office a few weeks earlier. She wasn"t my nurse on that day, but I remember her because she was laughing. She laughed in deep, round and rich tones. I remember wondering what could be so funny behind that medical door. What could she possibly find to laugh about at a time like this? So I decided she wasn"t serious enough about the whole thing and that I would try to find a nurse who was. But I was wrong.   This day was different. Ramona had taken my blood before. She knew about my fear of needles, and she kindly hid the paraphernalia under a magazine with a bright blue picture of a kitchen being remodeled. As we opened the blouse and dropped the camisole, the catheter on my breast was exposed and the fresh scar on my chest could be seen.   She said, "How is your scar healing?"   I said, "I think pretty well. I wash around it gently each day." The memory of the shower water hitting my numb chest flashed across my face.   She gently reached over and ran her hand across the scar, examining the smoothness of the healing skin and looking for any irregularities. I began to cry gently and quietly. She brought her warm eyes to mine and said, "You haven"t touched it yet, have you?" And I said, "No."   So this wonderful, warm woman laid the palm of her golden brown hand on my pale chest and she gently held it there. For a long time. I continued to cry quietly. In soft tones she said, "This is part of your body. This is you. It"s okay to touch it." But I couldn"t. So she touched it for me. The scar. The healing wound. And beneath it, she touched my heart.Then Ramona said, "I"ll hold your hand while you touch it." So she placed her hand next to mine, and we both were quiet. That was the gift that Ramona gave me.   That night as I lay down to sleep, I gently placed my hand on my chest and I left it there until I dozed off. I knew I wasn"t alone. We were all in bed together,metaphorically(隐喻地) speaking, my breast, my chest, Ramona"s gift and me.
2023-07-24 13:58:291

who can tell me the rules of NBA in english?

雅虎通聊天软件里带英文的聊天室,你下载这个软件就可以去英语聊天室了。I want to talk to you .我的信箱是
2023-07-24 13:58:373


不及物动词 vi. 1.相撞,碰击[(+against)]His legs knocked against the chair. 他的两条腿撞到了椅子。 2.敲,击,打[(+on/at)]He knocked at the door and entered. 他敲了敲门便走进去了。 3.(发动机等由于故障)发爆震声及物动词 vt. 1.敲,击,打[O]The falling bottle knocked him on the head. 跌落的瓶子砸在他的头上。 2.击(撞)成...[O][O8]The blow knocked her senseless. 那一击把她打昏了。 3.【口】批评,贬损The critic knocked her latest novel. 那位批评家贬损她最新的那部小说。 名词 n. [C]1.敲;击,打When I fell I got a terrible knock on the head. 我摔倒时头撞得很厉害。 2.【口】不幸;挫折;艰苦We have to take certain knocks in life. 我们在一生中总得遭受某些挫折。 3.爆震声4.【美】【俚】指摘,挑剔
2023-07-24 13:58:461

drag me down什么意思

drag me down把我拖下去双语例句 1Mom. listen, he"s just gonna drag me down.妈,他会拖累我的。 2Wild horses could not drag me down to Cape Horn and that sinister Southern Ocean again.就是野马也休想再把我拖回到合恩角和那凶险莫测的南大洋去了。
2023-07-24 13:58:561

Drag Me Down整首歌得中文谐音翻译

I"ve got fire for a heart,心中涌起一团热火I"m not scared of the dark我丝毫不畏惧黑暗You"ve never seen it look so easy你从不觉这会如此轻松容易I got a river for a soul灵魂恰似汪洋And baby you"re a boat而你却是荡漾的扁舟Baby, you"re my only reason宝贝,你是我唯一的信仰If I didn"t have you there would be nothing left如果我无法拥有你 我将一无所有A shell of a man that could never be his best徒有躯壳 难以为继If I didn"t have you I"d never see the sun如果我无法拥有你 我将不见天日You taught me how to be someone, yeah你曾经让我明白如何超越All my life You stood by meWhen no one else was ever behind me我的一生无人相伴时 你会毅然相守All these lights that can"t blind me耀眼的光芒也无法蒙蔽我的双眼With your love Nobody can drag me down你的爱相随 无人将我击溃All my life You stood by meWhen no one else was ever behind me我的一生无人相伴时 你会毅然相守All these lights they can"t blind me耀眼的光芒也无法蒙蔽我的双眼With your love Nobody can drag me down你的爱相随 无人将我击溃Nobody, nobody无人将我击溃Nobody can drag me down我不再绝望Nobody, nobody无人将我击溃Nobody can drag me down我不再绝望I"ve got fire for a heart,心中涌起一团热火I"m not scared of the dark我丝毫不畏惧黑暗You"ve never seen it look so easy你从不觉这会如此轻松容易I got a river for a soul灵魂恰似汪洋And baby you"re a boat而你却是荡漾的扁舟Baby, you"re my only reason宝贝,你是我唯一的信仰If I didn"t have you there would be nothing left如果我无法拥有你 我将一无所有A shell of a man that could never be his best徒有躯壳 难以为继If I didn"t have you I"d never see the sun如果我无法拥有你 我将不见天日You taught me how to be someone, yeah你曾经让我明白如何超越All my life You stood by meWhen no one else was ever behind me我的一生无人相伴时 你会毅然相守All these lights theycan"t blind me耀眼的光芒也无法蒙蔽我的双眼With your love Nobody can drag me down你的爱相随 无人将我击溃Nobody, nobody无人将我击溃Nobody can drag me down我不再绝望Nobody, nobody无人将我击溃Nobody can drag me down我不再绝望All my life You stood by meWhen no one else was ever behind me我的一生无人相伴时 你会毅然相守All these lights they can"t blind me耀眼的光芒也无法蒙蔽我的双眼With your love Nobody can drag me down你的爱相随 无人将我击溃All my life You stood by meWhen no one else was ever behind me我的一生无人相伴时 你会毅然相守All these lights they can"t blind me耀眼的光芒也无法蒙蔽我的双眼With your love Nobody can drag me down你的爱相随 无人将我击溃Nobody, nobody无人将我击溃Nobody can drag me down我不再绝望Nobody, nobody无人将我击溃Nobody can drag me down我不再绝望Nobody, nobody无人将我击溃Nobody can drag me down我不再绝望Nobody, nobody无人将我击溃Nobody can drag me down我不再绝望
2023-07-24 13:59:162

求drag me down —one direction原唱下载,或云盘文件

2023-07-24 13:59:401

Eric Marienthal的《Sweet Talk》 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Talk歌手:Eric Marienthal专辑:Sweet Talk<Sweet Talk>Lift me up on my honourTake me over this spellGet this weight off my shouldersI"ve carried it wellLoose these shackles of pressureShake me out of these chainsLead me not to temptationHold my hand harderEase my mindRoll down the smoke screenAnd open the skyLet me flyMan I need a release fromThis troublesome mindFix my feet when they"re stumblingAnd well you know it hurts sometimesYou know it"s gonna bleed sometimesDig me out from this thorn treeHelp me bury my shameKeep my eyes from the fireThey can"t handle the flameGrace cut out from my brothersWhen most of them fellI carry it wellLet me flyMan I need a release fromThis troublesome mindFix my feet when they"re stumblingI guess you know it hurts sometimesYou know it"s gonna bleed sometimesNow hold onI"m not looking for sweet talkI"m looking for timeTop a tower and sleep walkBrother, cause it hurts sometimesYou know it"s gonna bleed sometimesHold onYou know its gonna hurt sometimesWhen you call meHold onHold onHold onI"m gonna climb that symphony home and make it mineLet his resonance light my waySee, all these pessimistic sufferers tend to drag me downSo I could use it to shelter what good I"ve found
2023-07-24 13:59:471

Jessie Ware的《Sweet Talk》 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Talk歌手:Jessie Ware专辑:Devotion<Sweet Talk>Lift me up on my honourTake me over this spellGet this weight off my shouldersI"ve carried it wellLoose these shackles of pressureShake me out of these chainsLead me not to temptationHold my hand harderEase my mindRoll down the smoke screenAnd open the skyLet me flyMan I need a release fromThis troublesome mindFix my feet when they"re stumblingAnd well you know it hurts sometimesYou know it"s gonna bleed sometimesDig me out from this thorn treeHelp me bury my shameKeep my eyes from the fireThey can"t handle the flameGrace cut out from my brothersWhen most of them fellI carry it wellLet me flyMan I need a release fromThis troublesome mindFix my feet when they"re stumblingI guess you know it hurts sometimesYou know it"s gonna bleed sometimesNow hold onI"m not looking for sweet talkI"m looking for timeTop a tower and sleep walkBrother, cause it hurts sometimesYou know it"s gonna bleed sometimesHold onYou know its gonna hurt sometimesWhen you call meHold onHold onHold onI"m gonna climb that symphony home and make it mineLet his resonance light my waySee, all these pessimistic sufferers tend to drag me downSo I could use it to shelter what good I"ve found
2023-07-24 13:59:541

Cherry Came Too 歌词

歌曲名:Cherry Came Too歌手:The Jesus And Mary Chain专辑:Original Album SeriesAlbum:DarklandsTitle:Cherry Came Toosung by Jimwhen she walks towards mei feel somethingcrawl beneath my skinand all the electric stars are shiningbeneath my skin andcherry takes me to the place abovewith barbed wire kisses and her lovewe"re going where the oceans bluekick the dust and you can come tooin the light of all my darkest morningsthings fall into placeand all the soft orange coloured dawningsfall into place andcherry"s scratching like a grain of sandthe trigger itch in the killer"s handme and cherry are so extrememaking love to the sound of a screamoh cherry honey you got me stuck on a ropeyou got me running aroundwith the fear in my head for youand i want youand i"ll give you my headand all the things it saidand i"ll give you my thoughtsif those things weren"t lostand i"ll give you my soulto beat it with your polei"m going to give you my headyou could kick it deadand i"ll give you my headcome on and kick me deadcome on and push me downcome on and drag me downoh cherry be badcome on and kiss my head
2023-07-24 14:00:021


I"m over your liesAnd I"m over your gamesI"m over you asking me when you know I"m not okYou call me at nightAnd I pick up the phoneAnd though you"ve been telling me I know you"re not aloneAnd that"s why your eyesI"m over itYour smileI"m over itRealizedI"m over it I"m over it I"m overWanting you to be wanting meNo that ain"t no way to beHow I feel read my lipsBecause I"m so over I"m so overI"m soMoving on and it"s my timeYou never were a friend of fineHurt at first a little bitAnd now I"m so overSo over itI"m over your handsAnd I"m over your mouthTrying to drag me down and fill me with self doubtOh and that"s why your worldI"m over itSo sureI"m over itI"m not your girlI"m over it I"m over it I"m overWanting you to be wanting meNo that ain"t no way to beHow I feel read my lipsBecause I"m so over I"m so overMoving on and it"s my timeYou never were a friend of fineHurt at first a little bitAnd now I"m so overSo over itI"m so over itDon"t callDon"t come byAin"t no useDon"t ask me whyYou never changeThere"ll be no more cryin"in the rainWanting you to be wanting meNo that ain"t no way to beHow I feel read my lipsBecause I"m so over I"m so over itMoving on and it"s my timeYou never were a friend of fineHurt at first a little bitAnd now I"m so overSo over itI"m so over itWanting you to be wanting meNo that ain"t no way to beHow I feel read my lipsBecause I"m so over I"m so over itMoving on and it"s my timeYou never were a friend of fineHurt at first a little bitAnd now I"m so overSo over it
2023-07-24 14:00:101

drag me down one direction 下载

网盘下载: 望采纳~
2023-07-24 14:00:181

Culture Club的《Move Away》 歌词

move away歌手:culture clubSpirit changed the conversationStepping stones across the landI never wanted to be a heroI never wanted to be a manI hurt you darlingI made you cryI hurt you darlingDon"t ask me whyMove move move away from me darlingI never said i"d hold your handMove move move away from me darlingI never said i"d understandIf i could say this was judgment dayYou know I"d be a millionaireI"m prepared to wear my sorrowEverywhere we go in townAin"t no need to beg or borrowWhile you"re there to drag me downI hurt you darlingI made you cryI hurt you darlingDon"t ask me whyMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d hold your handMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d understandIf I could say this was judgment dayYou know I"d be a millionaire(Justice right)I need you soI can"t let goI hurt you darlingI made you cryI hurt you darlingDon"t ask me whyMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d hold your handMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d understandMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d hold your handIf I could say this was judgment dayI"d be a millionaireI never said I"d hold your handWhy don"t you move?I never said I"d understandWhy don"t you move?Why don"t you move?
2023-07-24 14:00:421

Have A Nice Day 歌词

歌曲名:Have A Nice Day歌手:Bon Jovi专辑:Welcome To Wherever You AreBon Jovi - Have A Nice DayAlbum: Have A Nice DayWhy, you wanna tell me how to live my life?Who, are you to tell me if it"s black or white?Mama, can you help me try to understandIs innocence the difference between a boy and a manMy daddy lived a lieIts just the price that he paidSacrificed his life, just slaving awayOhhh, if there"s one thing I hang ontoThat gets me through the nightI ain"t gonna do what I don"t want toI"m gonna live my lifeShining like a diamondRolling with the diceStanding on the ledgeJust show the wind how to flyWhen the world gets in my faceI say, have a nice dayHave a nice dayTake a look around you, nothings what it seemsWe"re living in a broken home of hopes and dreamsLet me be the first to shake your helping handEverybody, brave enough to take a standI knocked on every door, on every dead end streetLooking for forgivenessWhat"s left to believe?Ohhh~Now when this world keeps trying, to drag me downI"ve gotta raise my handsGonna stand my groundI say, hey, have a nice day
2023-07-24 14:00:501

< Better Of Two Evils Marilyn Manson > 的歌词、

歌手:marilyn manson 专辑:the golden age of grotesque Haters call me bitchCall me faggotCall me whineyI am something you can never beHey!Yeah, yeah, yeahHold a prayerful smile for the pictureMotherfuckers never liked me thenAnd they sure won"t like me nowTry to drag me down in your clicheYou fake your picture, fake your faceSo I find all my pleasure in your misery, yeahYeah, yeah, yeahI"ll step on you on my way upI"ll step on you on my way downI"ll step on you on my way upI"ll step on you on my way downHaters call me bitchCall me faggotCall me whineyBut I am something that you"ll never beHey!Haters call me bitchCall me faggotCall me whineyBut I am something that you"ll never beHey!I"ll be your scapegoatI"ll be your saviorI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeahI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeahI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeahI want to hang all you cattle with your velvet ropeMotherfuckers step up and get into an orderly lineI"ll show you how to make a muscleTakes the strength toIt doesn"t spit on all you paparazzi Nazis, yeahYeah yeah yeahI"ll step on you on my way upI"ll fucking step on you on my way downHaters call me bitchCall me faggotCall me whineyBut I am something that you"ll never beHey!Haters call me bitchCall me faggotCall me whineyBut I am something that you"ll never beHey!I"ll be your scapegoatI"ll be your saviorI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeahI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeahI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeahDon"t try to lead me to temptationDon"t try to lead me to temptationDon"t try to lead me to temptationI made a living, and I already know the wayHey!Haters call me bitchCall me faggotCall me whineyBut I am something that you"ll never beHey!Haters call me bitchCall me faggotCall me whineyBut I am something that you"ll never beHey!I"ll be your scapegoatI"ll be your saviorI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeahI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeahI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeah
2023-07-24 14:00:571

madonna -like it or not 英文歌词谁能翻译一下?

2023-07-24 14:01:041


1 Speed Dream ——丹尼尔 (SSC主题曲)2 Loves Me Not ——T.A.T.U3 Not A Single Day——rain4 remember the name——Fort Minor5 Never Say Good Bye——马里奥6 Right Now (Na Na Na) —— 阿肯7 说出愿望吧 ——少女时代8 Gangsta Bop—— 阿肯9 Gee —— 少女时代10 Tik tok —— 2PM11 Baby——Justin Bieber12 Your Love Is My Drug——Ke$ha13 Poker face—— Lady GaGa14 死一样的痛过 ——MC梦15 Love Story ——Taylor Swift16 Insomnia(失眠症)——辉星 17 Change——金泫雅18 starbucks19 the distance——A乐队20Never Say Good Bye——马里奥21girl friend —— 艾薇儿22aim high——Agent 5123last man standing——Bon Jovi24Let You Go25 wrecking ball ——Agent 5126Numb——林肯公园27 My would be savior —— Bstops 728 Whiskey In The Jar —— Metallica29 in the end——林肯公园30 regression—— Bstops 731 rocker —— angles del Infie32 Have A Nice Day——Bon Jovi33 something`s going on——A乐队34 Skater boy—— 艾薇儿35 U-Go-girl—— 李孝利36 Know your enemy—— Green day37 Don"t push me—— Sweetbox38 With U ——rain39 that`s not my name—— the ting tings40 亚特兰蒂斯——飞儿乐团41 Never Say Good Bye—— NESTY马里奥42 girl friend —— 艾薇儿43 aim high—— Agent 5144 last man standing——Bon Jovi45 Let You Go——Justin Bieber??46 wrecking ball ——Agent 5147 Numb——林肯公园48 My would be savior —— Bstops 749 火花 ——高耀太50 说出愿望吧 ——少女时代51 《u》——super junior-m52 girl friend —— 艾薇儿53 Toxic——布兰妮54《3》——布兰妮55 bad time56 Gangsta Bop—— 阿肯57 La Camisa Negra——Juanes58 that`s not my name—— the ting tings59 hug —— 东方神起
2023-07-24 14:01:142

我记得有首歌歌词大概是。I just keep run had it away。歌词不一定准,大概

歌名:I just wanna run中文名称:我只想逃离外文名称:I just wanna run所属专辑:Best I Never Had歌曲时长:3:20发行时间:2010-03-23歌曲原唱:The downtown fiction音乐风格:摇滚歌曲语言:英文歌词 :I just wanna run我只想逃离hide it away把它隐藏Run because they"re chasing me down因为他们的追逐而奔跑I just wanna run我只想逃离throw it away把它丢弃Run before they"re finding me out在他们发现我之前逃走I just wanna run我只想逃离I just wanna run我只想逃离I"m out here all alone我独自一人离开I try to call your house我试着给你打电话Can"t reach you on the phone却无法接通I"ll gather up the nerve我将鼓起勇气I"m packing up my bag我将收拾行装It"s more than you deserve它比你值得Don"t treat me like a drag别把我看做累赘I"m feeling like I keep on talking我感觉我一直自言自语I"m repeating myself我不停地重复my words lost all meaning我所说的话都变得毫无意义I keep talking I repeat myself但我仍不停地重复I just wanna run我只想逃离hide it away把它隐藏Run because they"re chasing me down因为他们的追逐而奔跑I just wanna run我只想逃离throw it away把它丢弃Run before they"re finding me out在他们发现我之前逃离I just wanna run (run, run, run)我只想逃离I just wanna run(run, run, run)我只想逃离Like a game of chess这就像一盘棋I predict your move我预测到你的下一步棋I think I know you better我想更了解你Better than you do比你更了解你自己I"m sick of feeling cheap我的痛十分廉价Cheated and abused被欺骗,被辱骂Sick of losing sleep因疼痛失眠Thinking about you忽然想起你I"m feelin" like I keep on talking我感觉我一直自言自语I"m repeating myself我不停地重复my words lost all meaning我所说的话都变得毫无意义I keep talking I repeat myself但我仍不停地重复I just wanna run我只想逃离hide it away把它隐藏Run because they"re chasing me down因为他们的追逐而奔跑I just wanna run, throw it away我只想逃离Run before they"re finding me out在他们发现我之前逃走I just wanna run (run, run, run)我只想逃离I just wanna run (run, run, run)我只想逃离
2023-07-24 14:01:211

Fight For You 歌词

歌曲名:Fight For You歌手:Jason Derulo专辑:Future HistoryIt"s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you...There"s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever doJust like the rain down in AfricaIt"s gonna take some time but I know you"re worth fighing for!I"d fight for you!heybabumbaya x2I"d fight for you!heybabumbaya x2I"d fight for you!Friends are coolBut we both knowThey don"t wanna see us togetherDon"t wanna loseWhat I live forI"m willing to do whatever..."Cause I don"t wanna see you cryGive our love another tryI bet we get it right this timeAs long as you"re prepeared to fightI don"t wanna live another day(hey!)Without your body next to meI"m not gonna let them break us down(hey!)"Cause baby I know now! (Yeah!)It"s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you(I"d fight for you)There"s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do(I"d fight for you)Just like the rain down in Africa(I"d fight for you)It"s gonna take some time but I know you"re worth fighing forWhoa-oh-whoa!Lets go!What they sayIt don"t even matterThey don"t really understand(Whoa!)Without each-otherWe are berly breathin"Lets get air in these hearts again"Cause I don"t wanna see you cry(cry)Give our love another try(try)I bet we get it right this time(time)As long as you"re prepeared to fightPrepeared to fightI don"t wanna live another day(hey!)Without your body next to meI"m not gonna let them break us down(hey!)"Cause baby I know now! (Yeah!)It"s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you(I"d fight for you)There"s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do(I"d fight for you)Just like the rain down in Africa(I"d fight for you)It"s gonna take some time but I know you"re worth fighing forWhoa-oh-whoa!heybabumbaya x2I"d fight for you!heybabumbaya x2(Vinino, vinino se pase)If you got someone that"s worth fighin" forDon"t let nobody hold ya downLet me hear sayWhoa-oh-oh-oh(Whoa-oh-oh-oh)Oh whoa-oh-oh-oh(Oh whoa-oh-oh-oh)And if you found someone that"s worth dyin" for(Oh!)That one you can"t live withoutLet me hear sayWhoa-oh-oh-oh(Whoa-oh-oh-oh)Oh whoa-oh-oh-oh(Oh whoa-oh-oh-oh)It"s gonna take a lot to drag me away from youThere"s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do(I"d fight for you)Just like the rain down in Africa(I"d fight for you)It"s gonna take some time but I know you"re worth fighing forIt"s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you(I"d fight for you)There"s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do(I"d fight for you)Just like the rain down in Africa(I"d fight for you)It"s gonna take some time but I know you"re worth fighing forWhoa-oh-whoa!Fight for YouJason Derulo
2023-07-24 14:01:291

One direction 的单曲『Drag me down』一句歌词:a shell of a

a shell/of a man that could never/be his best不过这有什么用,,,
2023-07-24 14:01:511

Kyng的《Down On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Down On Me歌手:Kyng专辑:Trampled SunDown On MeThe Jesus And Mary ChainDarklandsDown On Me-The Jesus And Mary Chainsometimes i can fake a smilebut still the world looks down on metwenty five years of growing oldit just hangs infront of mei can"t see or understand whypushing up can drag me downtake my time in everythingit breaks me up if i cant singi cant seei cant touchsometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after metalking fast I"m walking backwardsand my head is in the treesyou can hang this heavy feelinghanging down on mesometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after me
2023-07-24 14:01:591

Janis Joplin的《Down On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Down On Me歌手:Janis Joplin专辑:18 Essential SongsDown On MeThe Jesus And Mary ChainDarklandsDown On Me-The Jesus And Mary Chainsometimes i can fake a smilebut still the world looks down on metwenty five years of growing oldit just hangs infront of mei can"t see or understand whypushing up can drag me downtake my time in everythingit breaks me up if i cant singi cant seei cant touchsometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after metalking fast I"m walking backwardsand my head is in the treesyou can hang this heavy feelinghanging down on mesometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after me
2023-07-24 14:02:161

drag me down one direction 下载

2023-07-24 14:02:231

nobady can drag me down翻译成中文

nobady can drag me down没人能把我拖垮
2023-07-24 14:02:302

Janis Joplin的《Down On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Down On Me歌手:Janis Joplin专辑:Joplin In ConcertDown On MeThe Jesus And Mary ChainDarklandsDown On Me-The Jesus And Mary Chainsometimes i can fake a smilebut still the world looks down on metwenty five years of growing oldit just hangs infront of mei can"t see or understand whypushing up can drag me downtake my time in everythingit breaks me up if i cant singi cant seei cant touchsometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after metalking fast I"m walking backwardsand my head is in the treesyou can hang this heavy feelinghanging down on mesometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after me
2023-07-24 14:02:371

Janis Joplin的《Down On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Down On Me歌手:Janis Joplin专辑:Janis Joplin Live At Winterland "68Down On MeThe Jesus And Mary ChainDarklandsDown On Me-The Jesus And Mary Chainsometimes i can fake a smilebut still the world looks down on metwenty five years of growing oldit just hangs infront of mei can"t see or understand whypushing up can drag me downtake my time in everythingit breaks me up if i cant singi cant seei cant touchsometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after metalking fast I"m walking backwardsand my head is in the treesyou can hang this heavy feelinghanging down on mesometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after me
2023-07-24 14:02:561

单向乐队的歌(drag me down)哪能下载

网盘下载: 望采纳~
2023-07-24 14:03:021

Big Brother & The Holding Company (featuring Janis Joplin)的《Down On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Down On Me歌手:Big Brother & The Holding Company (featuring Janis Joplin)专辑:Piece Of My Heart - The CollectionDown On MeThe Jesus And Mary ChainDarklandsDown On Me-The Jesus And Mary Chainsometimes i can fake a smilebut still the world looks down on metwenty five years of growing oldit just hangs infront of mei can"t see or understand whypushing up can drag me downtake my time in everythingit breaks me up if i cant singi cant seei cant touchsometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after metalking fast I"m walking backwardsand my head is in the treesyou can hang this heavy feelinghanging down on mesometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after me
2023-07-24 14:03:091

群星的《Down On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Down On Me歌手:群星专辑:Field Recordings Vol. 4 Mississippi & Alabama (1934-1942)Down On MeThe Jesus And Mary ChainDarklandsDown On Me-The Jesus And Mary Chainsometimes i can fake a smilebut still the world looks down on metwenty five years of growing oldit just hangs infront of mei can"t see or understand whypushing up can drag me downtake my time in everythingit breaks me up if i cant singi cant seei cant touchsometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after metalking fast I"m walking backwardsand my head is in the treesyou can hang this heavy feelinghanging down on mesometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after me
2023-07-24 14:03:181

Heart的《Down On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Down On Me歌手:Heart专辑:Bebe Le StrangeDown On MeThe Jesus And Mary ChainDarklandsDown On Me-The Jesus And Mary Chainsometimes i can fake a smilebut still the world looks down on metwenty five years of growing oldit just hangs infront of mei can"t see or understand whypushing up can drag me downtake my time in everythingit breaks me up if i cant singi cant seei cant touchsometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after metalking fast I"m walking backwardsand my head is in the treesyou can hang this heavy feelinghanging down on mesometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after me
2023-07-24 14:03:251

Big Brother & The Holding Company (featuring Janis Joplin)的《Down On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Down On Me歌手:Big Brother & The Holding Company (featuring Janis Joplin)专辑:Box Of PearlsDown On MeThe Jesus And Mary ChainDarklandsDown On Me-The Jesus And Mary Chainsometimes i can fake a smilebut still the world looks down on metwenty five years of growing oldit just hangs infront of mei can"t see or understand whypushing up can drag me downtake my time in everythingit breaks me up if i cant singi cant seei cant touchsometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after metalking fast I"m walking backwardsand my head is in the treesyou can hang this heavy feelinghanging down on mesometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after me
2023-07-24 14:03:321

The Jesus And Mary Chain的《Down On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Down On Me歌手:The Jesus And Mary Chain专辑:Original Album SeriesDown On MeThe Jesus And Mary ChainDarklandsDown On Me-The Jesus And Mary Chainsometimes i can fake a smilebut still the world looks down on metwenty five years of growing oldit just hangs infront of mei can"t see or understand whypushing up can drag me downtake my time in everythingit breaks me up if i cant singi cant seei cant touchsometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after metalking fast I"m walking backwardsand my head is in the treesyou can hang this heavy feelinghanging down on mesometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after me
2023-07-24 14:03:401

歌词中有一句是 make me downdown

是不是drag me down?
2023-07-24 14:04:162

Dragging Me Down 歌词

歌曲名:Dragging Me Down歌手:Inspiral Carpets专辑:Top of the Pops 1992Dragging Me DownInspiral CarpetsI would search this world for youEven though you can"t imagineI wanna take you to ChinaI wanna kiss you in RomeI"d use rocket ships, mine sweepersTransistor radio receiversI wanna hold you, wanna hold you too tightGonna break every bone of everybody in sightWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, down, down, downI hear your talking and whispers,Pale drawn out nails and fingersI"m seeing shapes behind the curtainYou"re looking older but you can"t be certainYou"re so tiredBut you just can"t sleep You"re so shallowBut you"re in too deep Your hands shakingBody"s lifting, body"s mine I know, I knowCause I told you soWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, down, down, downOh, you"re dragging me down,Oh you"re dragging me downDrag, drag, dragging me down,Oh you"re dragging me downOh, you"re dragging me, dragging me, dragging me,OhOh You"re dragging me down(Oh) I never can quite remember(Oh) Was it June, July or September?(Oh) That you sold your soul to me, to me(Oh) That you sold your soul to me, to meWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a storm in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down,But you"re dragging me down,But you"re dragging me down, down, down, downDragging me down...dragging me down ...Dragging me down...dragging me down ...
2023-07-24 14:04:311

Dragging Me Down 歌词

歌曲名:Dragging Me Down歌手:Inspiral Carpets专辑:Best Of The Bands - Classic TracksDragging Me DownInspiral CarpetsI would search this world for youEven though you can"t imagineI wanna take you to ChinaI wanna kiss you in RomeI"d use rocket ships, mine sweepersTransistor radio receiversI wanna hold you, wanna hold you too tightGonna break every bone of everybody in sightWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, down, down, downI hear your talking and whispers,Pale drawn out nails and fingersI"m seeing shapes behind the curtainYou"re looking older but you can"t be certainYou"re so tiredBut you just can"t sleep You"re so shallowBut you"re in too deep Your hands shakingBody"s lifting, body"s mine I know, I knowCause I told you soWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, down, down, downOh, you"re dragging me down,Oh you"re dragging me downDrag, drag, dragging me down,Oh you"re dragging me downOh, you"re dragging me, dragging me, dragging me,OhOh You"re dragging me down(Oh) I never can quite remember(Oh) Was it June, July or September?(Oh) That you sold your soul to me, to me(Oh) That you sold your soul to me, to meWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a storm in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down,But you"re dragging me down,But you"re dragging me down, down, down, downDragging me down...dragging me down ...Dragging me down...dragging me down ...
2023-07-24 14:04:381

Dragging Me Down 歌词

歌曲名:Dragging Me Down歌手:Inspiral Carpets专辑:Cool AsDragging Me DownInspiral CarpetsI would search this world for youEven though you can"t imagineI wanna take you to ChinaI wanna kiss you in RomeI"d use rocket ships, mine sweepersTransistor radio receiversI wanna hold you, wanna hold you too tightGonna break every bone of everybody in sightWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, down, down, downI hear your talking and whispers,Pale drawn out nails and fingersI"m seeing shapes behind the curtainYou"re looking older but you can"t be certainYou"re so tiredBut you just can"t sleep You"re so shallowBut you"re in too deep Your hands shakingBody"s lifting, body"s mine I know, I knowCause I told you soWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, down, down, downOh, you"re dragging me down,Oh you"re dragging me downDrag, drag, dragging me down,Oh you"re dragging me downOh, you"re dragging me, dragging me, dragging me,OhOh You"re dragging me down(Oh) I never can quite remember(Oh) Was it June, July or September?(Oh) That you sold your soul to me, to me(Oh) That you sold your soul to me, to meWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a storm in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down,But you"re dragging me down,But you"re dragging me down, down, down, downDragging me down...dragging me down ...Dragging me down...dragging me down ...
2023-07-24 14:04:451

Dragging Me Down 歌词

歌曲名:Dragging Me Down歌手:Inspiral Carpets专辑:Greatest HitsDragging Me DownInspiral CarpetsI would search this world for youEven though you can"t imagineI wanna take you to ChinaI wanna kiss you in RomeI"d use rocket ships, mine sweepersTransistor radio receiversI wanna hold you, wanna hold you too tightGonna break every bone of everybody in sightWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, down, down, downI hear your talking and whispers,Pale drawn out nails and fingersI"m seeing shapes behind the curtainYou"re looking older but you can"t be certainYou"re so tiredBut you just can"t sleep You"re so shallowBut you"re in too deep Your hands shakingBody"s lifting, body"s mine I know, I knowCause I told you soWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, down, down, downOh, you"re dragging me down,Oh you"re dragging me downDrag, drag, dragging me down,Oh you"re dragging me downOh, you"re dragging me, dragging me, dragging me,OhOh You"re dragging me down(Oh) I never can quite remember(Oh) Was it June, July or September?(Oh) That you sold your soul to me, to me(Oh) That you sold your soul to me, to meWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a storm in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down,But you"re dragging me down,But you"re dragging me down, down, down, downDragging me down...dragging me down ...Dragging me down...dragging me down ...
2023-07-24 14:05:071

Dragging Me Down 歌词

歌曲名:Dragging Me Down歌手:Inspiral Carpets专辑:Revenge Of The GoldfishDragging Me DownInspiral CarpetsI would search this world for youEven though you can"t imagineI wanna take you to ChinaI wanna kiss you in RomeI"d use rocket ships, mine sweepersTransistor radio receiversI wanna hold you, wanna hold you too tightGonna break every bone of everybody in sightWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, down, down, downI hear your talking and whispers,Pale drawn out nails and fingersI"m seeing shapes behind the curtainYou"re looking older but you can"t be certainYou"re so tiredBut you just can"t sleep You"re so shallowBut you"re in too deep Your hands shakingBody"s lifting, body"s mine I know, I knowCause I told you soWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, down, down, downOh, you"re dragging me down,Oh you"re dragging me downDrag, drag, dragging me down,Oh you"re dragging me downOh, you"re dragging me, dragging me, dragging me,OhOh You"re dragging me down(Oh) I never can quite remember(Oh) Was it June, July or September?(Oh) That you sold your soul to me, to me(Oh) That you sold your soul to me, to meWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a storm in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down,But you"re dragging me down,But you"re dragging me down, down, down, downDragging me down...dragging me down ...Dragging me down...dragging me down ...
2023-07-24 14:05:141

one direction的Drag me down真的上太空了吗?

2023-07-24 14:05:221

Dragging Me Down 歌词

歌曲名:Dragging Me Down歌手:Inspiral Carpets专辑:Massive Hits!: AlternativeDragging Me DownInspiral CarpetsI would search this world for youEven though you can"t imagineI wanna take you to ChinaI wanna kiss you in RomeI"d use rocket ships, mine sweepersTransistor radio receiversI wanna hold you, wanna hold you too tightGonna break every bone of everybody in sightWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, down, down, downI hear your talking and whispers,Pale drawn out nails and fingersI"m seeing shapes behind the curtainYou"re looking older but you can"t be certainYou"re so tiredBut you just can"t sleep You"re so shallowBut you"re in too deep Your hands shakingBody"s lifting, body"s mine I know, I knowCause I told you soWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, down, down, downOh, you"re dragging me down,Oh you"re dragging me downDrag, drag, dragging me down,Oh you"re dragging me downOh, you"re dragging me, dragging me, dragging me,OhOh You"re dragging me down(Oh) I never can quite remember(Oh) Was it June, July or September?(Oh) That you sold your soul to me, to me(Oh) That you sold your soul to me, to meWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a storm in the skyBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahBut you"re dragging me down, yeahWhen I"m flying so high (Flying so high)Like a bird in the skyBut you"re dragging me down,But you"re dragging me down,But you"re dragging me down, down, down, downDragging me down...dragging me down ...Dragging me down...dragging me down ...
2023-07-24 14:05:301

let me down slowly是什么歌

我最喜欢的是蔡健雅的被驯服的象我最喜欢的一手歌应该就是现在抖音很火的《酒醉的蝴蝶》朋友们你是不是也爱听呢?可以一起分享呀!展开全部Let Me Down Slowly是由创作型歌手亚历克·本杰明录唱的一首流行歌曲,单曲于2018年5月25日通过华纳音乐集团发行附上mv歌词:I was once a man with dignity and grace我也曾是有尊严的男人Now I"m slipping through the cracks of your cold embrace如今却陷足于你那已出现裂纹的冷漠怀抱中So please, please我请求你Could you find a way to let me down slowly?能不能不让我失望地如此彻底A little sympathy, I hope you can show me我想得到你的安慰,那怕只有一点点If you wanna go then I"ll be so lonely你的离开会让我陷入孤独If you"re leaving baby let me down slowly宝贝如果你要离去,能不能不让我失望地如此彻底Let me down, down我已沉迷于你无法自拔Let me down, down如今你就这样离我而去Let me down, let me down可不可以Down, let me down, down可不可以再给我一点时间Let me down我无法接受这失望的深渊If you wanna go then I"ll be so lonely你的离开使我孤独一人If you"re leaving baby let me down slowly我不愿如此失望Cold skin, drag my feet on the tile我如行尸走肉般在这冰冷的瓷砖上前行As I"m walking down the corridor我已到了走廊尽头And I know we haven"t talked in a while我知道我们交谈寥寥So I"m looking for an open door所以我正在寻找走向你的入口Don"t cut me down, throw me out, leave me here to waste不要让我支离破碎,不要把我丢在原地,不要留我独自一人I was once a man以下为翻唱版本
2023-07-24 14:05:381

求down by the water的歌词,the decemberists唱的~

See this ancient riverbedSee where all our follies are ledDown by the water and down by the old main dragI was just some towhead teenFeeling around for fingers to get in betweenDown by the water and down by the old main dragThe season rubs me wrongThe summer swells anonSo knock me down, tear me upBut I would bear it all broken just to fill my cupDown by the water and down by the old main dragSweet descend this rabble roundPretty little patter of a seaport townRolling down the water and rolling down the old main dragAll dolled up in gabardineThe last flashing lee to appear nineteenQueen of the water and queen of the old main dragThe season rubs me wrongThe summer swells anonSo knock me down, tear me upBut I would bear it all broken just to fill my cupDown by the water and down by the old main dragThe season rubs me wrongThe summer swells anonSo knock me down, tear me upBut I would bear it all broken just to fill my cupDown by the water and down by the old main dragDown by the water and down by the old main dragDown by the water and down by the old main drag
2023-07-24 14:05:562

Down By The Water 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The Water歌手:The Decemberists专辑:We All Raise Our Voices to the Air (Live Songs 04.11-08.11)The Decemberists - Down By The WaterSee this ancient riverbedSee where all my folly"s ledDown by the water and down by the old main dragI was just some tow-head teenFeeling "round for fingers to get in betweenDown by the water and down by the old main dragThe season rubs me wrongThe summer swells anonSo knock me down, tear me upBut I would bear it all broken just to fill my cupDown by the water and down by the old main dragSweet descend this rabble "roundThe pretty little patter of a seaport townRolling in the water and rolling down the old main dragAll dolled up in gabardineThe lash-flashing Leda of pier nineteenQueen of the water and queen of the old main dragThe season rubs me wrongThe summer swells anonSo knock me down, tear me upBut I would bear it all broken just to fill my cupDown by the water and down by the old main dragThe season rubs me wrongThe summer swells anonSo knock me down, tear me upBut I would bear it all broken just to fill my cupDown by the water and down by the old main dragDown by the water and down by the old main dragDown by the water and down by the old main drag
2023-07-24 14:06:031

Down By The River 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The River歌手:Pulp专辑:Countdown 1992-1983Neil Young"Down By the River"歌词Be on my side, i"ll be on your side, babyThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a rideYeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloYou take my hand, i"ll take your handTogether we may get awayThis much madness is too much sorrowIt"s impossible to make it today,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloBe on my side, i"ll be on your sideThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a ride,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the river。。。。
2023-07-24 14:06:131

l just wanna run,hide it away,run because,they′er chosing me down什么意思

出自歌曲I Just Wanna Run - The Downtown FictionI just wanna run" hide it away我只想逃离 找个藏身之所Run because they"re chasing me down好想摆脱他们的追捕I just wanna run" throw it away我只想逃避 抛开一切念头Run before they"re finding me out在他们找出我之前逃开I just wanna run我只想逃离I just wanna run我只想逃离I"m out here all alone我独身一人在此I try to call your house我试着打电话去你家Can"t reach you on the phone却无人接听I"ll gather up the nerve我鼓起勇气I"m packing up my bag整理行囊It"s more than you deserve你罪有应得Don"t treat me like a drag别把我看作累赘I"m feelin" like I keep on talking我感觉自己的话滔滔不绝I"m repeating myself" my words lost all meaning我再三强调自己 我的言语失去意义I keep talking I repeat myself我滔滔不绝 我再三强调I just wanna run" hide it away我只想逃离 找个藏身之所Run because they"re chasing me down好想摆脱他们的追捕I just wanna run" throw it away我只想逃避 抛开一切念头Run before they"re finding me out在他们找出我之前逃开I just wanna run (run" run" run)我只想逃离(逃离 逃离 逃离)I just wanna run我只想逃离(run" run" run)(逃离 逃离 逃离)Like a game of chess犹如一盘象棋I predict your move我预示你的一举一动I think I know you better我想我对你一清二楚Better than you do比你更了解自己I"m sick of feeling cheap我厌倦感觉一文不值Cheated and abused厌倦谎言和凌辱Sick of losing sleep我厌倦感觉一文不值Thinking about you对你朝思暮想I"m feelin" like I keep on talking我感觉自己的话滔滔不绝I"m repeating myself" my words lost all meaning我再三强调自己 我的言语失去意义I keep talking I repeat myself我滔滔不绝 我再三强调I just wanna run" hide it away我只想逃离 找个藏身之所Run because they"re chasing me down好想摆脱他们的追捕I just wanna run" throw it away我只想逃避 抛开一切念头Run before they"re finding me out在他们找出我之前逃开I just wanna run (run" run" run)我只想逃离(逃离 逃离 逃离)I just wanna run (run" run" run)我只想逃离(逃离 逃离 逃离)I just wanna run" hide it away我只想逃离 找个藏身之所Run because they"re chasing me down好想摆脱他们的追捕I just wanna run" throw it away我只想逃避 抛开一切念头Run before they"re finding me out在他们找出我之前逃开I just wanna run" hide it away我只想逃离 找个藏身之所Run because they"re chasing me down好想摆脱他们的追捕I just wanna run" throw it away我只想逃避 抛开一切念头Run before they"re finding me out在他们找出我之前逃开I just wanna run (run" run" run)我只想逃离(逃离 逃离 逃离)I just wanna run (run" run" run)我只想逃离(逃离 逃离 逃离)
2023-07-24 14:06:221

Down By The River (Single Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The River (Single Edit)歌手:Jon Allen专辑:Down By The RiverNeil Young"Down By the River"歌词Be on my side, i"ll be on your side, babyThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a rideYeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloYou take my hand, i"ll take your handTogether we may get awayThis much madness is too much sorrowIt"s impossible to make it today,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloBe on my side, i"ll be on your sideThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a ride,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the river。。。。
2023-07-24 14:06:301

Down By The River 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The River歌手:Jon Allen专辑:In Your LightNeil Young"Down By the River"歌词Be on my side, i"ll be on your side, babyThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a rideYeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloYou take my hand, i"ll take your handTogether we may get awayThis much madness is too much sorrowIt"s impossible to make it today,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloBe on my side, i"ll be on your sideThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a ride,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the river。。。。
2023-07-24 14:06:421

Down By The River 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The River歌手:Indigo Girls专辑:1200 CurfewsNeil Young"Down By the River"歌词Be on my side, i"ll be on your side, babyThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a rideYeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloYou take my hand, i"ll take your handTogether we may get awayThis much madness is too much sorrowIt"s impossible to make it today,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloBe on my side, i"ll be on your sideThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a ride,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the river。。。。
2023-07-24 14:06:501

Down By The River 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The River歌手:群星专辑:Rodgers & Hart: With A Song In Their HeartsNeil Young"Down By the River"歌词Be on my side, i"ll be on your side, babyThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a rideYeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloYou take my hand, i"ll take your handTogether we may get awayThis much madness is too much sorrowIt"s impossible to make it today,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloBe on my side, i"ll be on your sideThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a ride,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the river。。。。
2023-07-24 14:06:571

Down By The River 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The River歌手:Albert Hammond专辑:Four Hits: Albert HammondNeil Young"Down By the River"歌词Be on my side, i"ll be on your side, babyThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a rideYeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloYou take my hand, i"ll take your handTogether we may get awayThis much madness is too much sorrowIt"s impossible to make it today,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloBe on my side, i"ll be on your sideThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a ride,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the river。。。。
2023-07-24 14:07:051