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2023-07-22 02:23:11
TAG: ry ma mary
“Sister Mary Bernard”——Melinda Page Hamilton,这女的还饰演过《莫惹是非》(Sleeping Dogs Lie)、《铁证悬案》(Cold Case),这里面有她和Gaby在教堂里打架的图片,下面有文字说明,你可以看看~~
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
"Sister Mary Bernard" - Melinda Page Hamilton


请问 a sleeping dog 是什么意思。谢谢。

词典 * 词性及解释 招惹是非 * 例句 搜索更多短句 * 相关词条 wake a sleeping wolf sleeping a dead dog shoot to a dog a jolly dog sick as a dog a sad dog die a dog"s death a sly dog a dog"s life die like a dog wake a sleeping wolf a yellow-dog contract a sly dog a dog"s life die like a dog a dead dog a jolly dog a sad dog a dog"s age sick as a dog die a dog"s death
2023-07-21 20:47:457

sleeping dogs definitive怎么开中文

sleeping dogs definitive即热血无赖,设置步骤如下。?1、热血无赖是一场设定在香港都市开放世界的警察游戏,中文设置的方法如下。首先进入游戏控制界面?2、点击游戏主菜单选项,界面有弹出很多选项。?3、点击弹出的“游戏和控制”选项,进入游戏控制界面。?4、点击开启游戏“粤语”设置。此处默认游戏字幕是粤语,玩家可以选择“开启”或“关闭”,这样玩游戏的时候就会出现中文字幕了。
2023-07-21 20:47:591


2023-07-21 20:48:061

如何评价《热血无赖》(Sleeping Dogs)这款游戏?大神们帮帮忙

ign各项评分内容:初步体验9.0分 : 游戏的剧情棒极了,让你难以自拔。载入时间不算长,菜单简单易用。画面表现7.5 : 游戏画面不属于漂亮但也不错。可惜有点贴图错误而且远景绘制距离不够。音效表现9.0 : 你会很惊讶游戏如何把中文和英文配音结合的如何好。香港市井的氛围体现的很到位,还有很多原声歌曲。游 戏 性8.5 : 视角在打斗和驾驶的时候有些别扭。但是近身格斗和枪战还是很有趣,驾驶体验超群。耐 玩 性8.0 : 大概需要时间20到25小时,就能完成游戏。如果收集奖杯的话需要更多时间。总 评 :8.5分 很棒最后点评:我不确定为什么没有很多人关注《热血无赖》,现在游戏出来了,希望不要你们不要错过它。游戏一开始就把我吸引住了,真的很难停下。除了几个苛刻的问题,《热血无赖》证明了自己的价值,跻身最佳开放世界游戏的行列,完全不同于了《侠盗猎车4》和《黑道圣徒3》。同时不要搞混了,《热血无赖》最好的地方是它的剧情,游戏这块处理的非常好。这个回答你看如何?
2023-07-21 20:48:131

to let sleeping dogs lie谚语

Let sleeping dogs lie.不要惹是生非。It"s better to let sleeping dogs lie.最好不要自找麻烦。Theo:Carly, just let sleeping dogs lie.西欧:卡莉,不要没事惹事好不好.To let sleeping dogs lie,从字面上来看,这个俗语的意思就是不要去惹正在睡觉的狗,因为睡着了的狗不会咬人。换句话说,也就是:要是采取什么行动会给自己或别人带来麻烦,那么最好还是保持现状,不要采取行动。下面是一个妇女在给她的朋友提出劝告:"If I were you, I would not tell Nellie you saw her husband having lunch with another woman. It might have been perfectly innocent, so I"d let sleeping dogs lie."就是让人不要招惹麻烦。
2023-07-21 20:48:201

sleeping dogs怎么全屏

2023-07-21 20:49:241


3天时间就把Sleeping dogs打通了,十分不错的游戏。都忘了上一次这么迅速打通游戏是什么时候的事儿了。闲得无聊说下这个游戏的优点和缺点吧,欢迎大家一起讨论。优点:1.强烈的代入感虽然不是香港人,但是去过香港很多次,看到熟悉的建筑物和熟悉的地名,感觉十分得有趣。个人认为这个游戏比GTA来说最大的优点就是代入感。虽然GTA是以真实的城市做出了一些改良,但是不像sleeping dogs这样会对国人产生这么强烈的代入感,毕竟比起纽约和洛杉矶来说,香港我们很容易过去。在打游戏的时候,经常会在群里面说“我X,刚才在中环抢了一个跑车”,“在太平山上把妹果真很不错诶”。而且游戏里面经常蹦出的广东话,也比英文要让人感觉很熟悉。顺便吐槽一下。。为啥有些NPC经常说一长串英文,然后突然插入一句广东话。。。感觉很违和。2.非常不错的打击感发生在中国的游戏,肯定会融入一些武术要素。sleeping dogs不像其他游戏把武术做得特别炫,比如什么气功之类的,而走的是真实路线。无论是打击声音还是手感都非常不错。想必大家都会对这个游戏的打击感给上不错的评价。缺点:其实不能说是缺点,我拿sleeping dogs和一些非常不错的沙盒游戏进行对比,毕竟希望以后sleeping dogs会像GTA一样经久不衰。1.单结局非常不错的卧底情节,竟然只有一个结局。。。狂杀人和帮助人竟然完全不冲突,感觉很奇怪。其实游戏可以引入一个类似于道德值的东西,比如在每个主线任务都可以有选择,是做个善良的黑帮,不会被提升,而且还会被黑帮的人怀疑是卧底。还是做一个心狠手辣的黑帮成员,慢慢堕入不归之道。而且不同的选择也会改变冠希哥对你的看法。这样可以让人有重新打一遍游戏的想法,游戏性会得到加强。2.挑战模式在游戏里面可以获得一些金牌,而且游戏还会记录最长安全驾驶时间,飞车距离之类的东西。不过这些要素只是和同伴进行比较,个人觉得完全可以引入大表哥中的挑战模式,比如说‘开车挑战",分别有安全驾驶,飞车距离一些小任务。完成挑战以后,车的加速度会变快,不容易被撞毁。还比如‘打枪挑战",完成以后可以随时开启子弹时间模式。有些这些挑战可以让玩家在通关之后也会继续游戏。3.坑爹的SESE已经放话了,大家等着DLC海吧。本来还期望会出现九龙DLC,想必应该是没戏了。从FF13-2的尿性来看,sleeping dogs的DLC不外乎衣服,好车。SE你的节操呢!拜托出些新地图DLC或者新模式DLC吧!4.一些小要素在游戏中花了40W买了一个跑车,结果不能参加比赛,感觉很蛋痛妹纸每次只能叫出来一次,然后就完了。。。感觉妹纸成了路人了。一些小任务(偷车,收保护费)只能给玩家钱,当钱够用时,已经没有必要去做了。可以新增一下当做完多少次任务以后会有奖励。都成为黑帮的一个小头目了,竟然和之前没有任何区别,小弟保护费啥的都不能收。应该可以成为黑帮小头目以后,在街上随便找商店收保护费啥的。总结如果个人评价的话,sleeping dogs在大表哥(个人感觉大表哥是最好玩的沙盒游戏)之后,有着非常不错的潜质。不过最后再求求SE不要让这个游戏烂掉吧。。。
2023-07-21 20:49:311

谁知道sleeping dogs lie的意思?

是 ” 别多管闲事! ”的意思.
2023-07-21 20:49:407

let sleeping dogs lie 是什么意思

let sleeping dogs lie.别惹是生非。
2023-07-21 20:50:073

sleeping dogs怎么设置中文

百度搜索 睡狗汉化补丁 找到一个蒹葭汉化补丁 下载是一个压缩文件 解压到sleeping dogs 文件夹里面就可以了
2023-07-21 20:50:151


Let sleeping dogs lie是个非常非常古老的习惯用语,至少有六百年的历史了。实际上十四世纪的英国伟大诗人乔叟就曾经引用过这句话,可见这个习惯用语影响深远。这个习惯用语形像生动,要是你去惊动邻居睡着的看家狗话,那你简直就是自讨苦吃,自愿被狗咬。听到这个习惯用语,你很可能会联想起中国那句老话“别打草惊蛇”。它们的确有异曲同工之妙。接下来我们要听一个例子。说的是办公室里的纠纷,有人和一个叫Peter的同事不和,因而打算去老板那儿告状,但是他另一位同事却在劝他。好,我们一起来听,请注意里面的let sleeping dogs lie。例句1: Better let sleeping dogs lie. The boss likes Peter so much, and you are just like fish in a big pond. Be smart and stay quiet until your chance comes.他说:你最好别打草惊蛇,老板很喜欢Peter,而你只是没没无闻的小人物。还是放聪明点儿,别吭声,等待时机。从这儿可以看出let sleeping dogs lie就是劝告别招惹别人,以免自找麻烦。******接下来我们还要听一个例子,进一步体会let sleeping dogs lie用在什么上下文中。有一个选民和朋友谈论名叫Green的候选人。他希望Green能就堕胎问题发表看法,于是他的朋友向他解释Green保持沉默的原因。好,我们一起来听他的朋友是怎么向他解释的。例句2: Green is trying to let sleeping dogs lie. Both sides feel so strongly about this issue that if he stands on either side, he is sure to make a lot of enemies.他说:“Green 是在努力避免招惹是非,由于双方在这个问题上都固执己见,所以不论他站在哪一边,都必然给自己树敌过多。”在这段话里,let sleeping dogs lie意思是,不招惹是非。
2023-07-21 20:50:232

let sleeping dogs lie 翻译一下,要直译和引申义

直译:别惊动睡着的狗。引申义:莫惹是非。Let sleeping dogs lie是个非常非常古老的习惯用语,至少有六百年的历史了。实际上十四世纪的英国伟大诗人乔叟就曾经引用过这句话,可见这个习惯用语影响深远。这个习惯用语形像生动,要是你去惊动邻居睡着的看家狗话,那你简直就是自讨苦吃,自愿被狗咬。听到这个习惯用语,你很可能会联想起中国那句老话“别打草惊蛇”。它们的确有异曲同工之妙。接下来我们要听一个例子。说的是办公室里的纠纷,有人和一个叫Peter的同事不和,因而打算去老板那儿告状,但是他另一位同事却在劝他。好,我们一起来听,请注意里面的let sleeping dogs lie。例句3: Better let sleeping dogs lie. The boss likes Peter so much, and you are just like fish in a big pond. Be smart and stay quiet until your chance comes.他说:你最好别打草惊蛇,老板很喜欢Peter,而你只是默默无闻的小人物。还是放聪明点儿,别吭声,等待时机。从这儿可以看出let sleeping dogs lie就是劝告别招惹别人,以免自找麻烦。******接下来我们还要听一个例子,进一步体会let sleeping dogs lie用在什么上下文中。有一个选民和朋友谈论名叫Green的候选人。他希望Green能就堕胎问题发表看法,于是他的朋友向他解释Green保持沉默的原因。好,我们一起来听他的朋友是怎么向他解释的。例句4: Green is trying to let sleeping dogs lie. Both sides feel so strongly about this issue that if he stands on either side, he is sure to make a lot of enemies.他说:“Green 是在努力避免招惹是非,由于双方在这个问题上都固执己见,所以不论他站在哪一边,都必然给自己树敌过多。”在这段话里,let sleeping dogs lie意思是,不招惹是非。
2023-07-21 20:50:391

《热血无赖(Sleeping Dogs)》为什么什么修改器都用不了??

2023-07-21 20:50:462

Let sleeping dogs lie

These sentences make confusing sense. NO obvious relationship to each other. Let sleeping dogs lie = do not disturb. Let it beIt is a wrong leading sentence to "I love you today and tomorrow". WTFThese are the three days of man. What does this sentence mean? The fourth day is not a man anymore. Or the love relationship is over? What is undying love has to do with man or not man?Utter nonsense.
2023-07-21 20:50:543

热血无赖!Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition executable 已停止工作

右击原文件里的游戏图标,- 属性 - 兼容性 - 以管理员运行后面打钩。如果是W7还要在以兼容模式运行后打
2023-07-21 20:51:011


导语:谚语是短小,但许多谚语对生活的最佳方式给予建议。 下面我为您整理的关于美国谚语,供你你参考和借鉴。 Let the cat out of the bag.泄漏天机。Life is but a span.人生苦短。 Lies can never changes fact.谎言终究是谎言。 Lies have short legs.谎言站不长。 Life is half spent before we know what it is.人过半生,方知天命。 Life is not all roses.人生并不是康庄大道。 Life without a friend is death.没有朋友,虽生犹死。 Like a rat in a hole.瓮中之鳖。 Like author like book.文如其人。 Like father like son.有其父必有其子。 Like for like.一报还一报。 Like knows like.惺惺相惜。 Like mother like daughter.有其母必有其女。 Like teacher like pupil.什么样的老师教什么样的学生。 Like tree like fruit.羊毛出在羊身上。 Little things amuse little minds.小人无大志。 Look before you leap.摸清情况再行动。 Lookers-on see more than players.当局者迷,旁观者清。 Losers are always in the wrong.胜者为王,败者为寇。 Lost time is never found again.岁月既往,一去不回。 Love at first sight.一见钟情。 Love cannot be pelled.爱情不能强求。 Love is blind.爱情是盲目的。 Love is full of trouble.爱情充满烦恼。 Love is never without jealousy.没有妒忌就没有爱情。 Love me love my dog.爱屋及乌Make hay while the sun shines.良机勿失。 Make your enemy your friend.化敌为友。 Man is the soul of the universe.人是万物之灵。 Man proposes God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。 Many hands make light work.众人拾柴火焰高。 Many heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。 Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there. 有心栽花花不发,无心插柳柳成荫。 Once bitten ice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 One boy is a boy o boys half a boy three boys no boy. 一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚擡水喝,三个和尚没水喝。 One cannot put back the clock.时钟不能倒转。 One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays.百闻不如一见。 One false move may lose the game.一着不慎,满盘皆输。 One good turn deserves another.行善积德。 One hour today is worth o tomorrow.争分夺秒效率高。 One man‘s fault is other man‘s lesson.前车之鉴。 One never loses anything by politeness.讲礼貌不吃亏。 One swallow does not make a summ一燕不成夏。 One‘s words reflect one‘s thinking.言为心声。 Out of debt out of danger.无债一身轻。 Out of office out of danger.无官一身轻。 Out of sight out of mind.眼不见,心为静。 Patience is the best remedy.忍耐是良药。 Penny wise pound foolish.贪小便宜吃大亏。 Plain dealing is praised more than practiced. 正大光明者,说到的多,做到的少。 Please the eye and plague the heart. 贪图一时快活,必然留下隐祸。 Pleasure es through toil.苦尽甘来。 Pour water into a sieve.竹篮子打水一场空。 Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。 Praise is not pudding.恭维话不能当饭吃。 Praise makes good men better and bad men worse. 好人越夸越好,坏人越夸越糟。 Prefer loss to unjust gain.宁可吃亏,不贪便宜。 Prevention is better than cure.预防胜于治疗。 Pride goes before and shame es after.骄傲使人落后。 Promise is debt.一诺千金。 Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.谚语是日常经验的结晶。 Measure for measure.针锋相对。 Misfortunes never e alone.祸不单行。 Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends.患难见真情。 Money isn‘t everything.钱不是万能的。 Murder will out. 纸包不住火。 My son is my son till he has got him a wife but my daughter is my daughter all the days of her life. 儿子婚前是儿子,女儿终生是女儿。 Nature is the true law.天行有常,不为尧存,不为桀亡。 Necessity is the mother of invention.需要是发明的动力。 Never fish in trouble water.不要混水摸鱼。 Never judge from appearances.不可以貌取人。 Never say die.永不言败。 The secret of success is constancy of purpose. 成功的秘诀是目标坚定。 The shortest answer is doing the thing. 最简短的回答就是干。 The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time. 要想多做事情,最简单的办法是一次只做一件事。 The sky is not less blue because the blind man does not see it. 天不会因瞎子看不见而减其蓝色。 The sleeping fox catches no poultry. 睡觉的狐狸抓不到鸡鸭。 The *** all courtesies sweeten life; the greater ennoble it. 有点礼貌使生活愉快,多点礼貌使生活高尚。 The *** iles of a pretty woman are the tears of the purse. 美女的微笑就是钱包的泪水。 The soul is not where it lives, but it loves. 心灵不在它生活的地方,而在它所爱的地方。 The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。 The still sow eats up all the draff. 不声不响的猪吃光全部的饲料。 The style is the man. 文如其人。 The sun shines all alike. 太阳同样地普照一切。 The surest way to be happy is to be busy. 要快乐,最可靠的办法是忙碌。 Sadness and gladness succeed each other. 悲喜互继,哀乐相续。 Safe bind, safe find. Sail while the wind blows; wind and tide wait for no man. 驶船要乘风,风潮不等人。 Salt water and absence wash away love. 远离久别爱情淡。久别情淡? Satan always finds work for idle hands. 懒汉总会干坏事。 Save a thief from gallows and he will help hang you. 放虎归山。 Save while you may, no morning sun lasts a whole day. 能节俭时就节俭,朝阳难照一整天。 Saving is getting. 节约等于收入。 Saying and doing are o things. 说与做是两回事。 Saying is one thing, and doing another. 说是一回事,做是另一回事。 Say not all that you know, believe not all that you hear. 莫道全所知,莫信全所闻。 Say well is good, but do well is better, 说得漂亮固好,做得漂亮更佳。 Science is anized knowledge. 科学是系统化的知识。 Score ice before you cut once. 三思而行。 Scornful dogs will eat dirty puddings. 神气的狗也会吃赃布丁的。 Scratch a Russsian, and you("ll) find a Tartar. 文明不能改变本性。 Scratch me and I"ll scratch you 朋比为奸。 Scratch my back and I"ll scratch yours. 朋比为奸。 Second thoughts are best. 三思而行,再思可也。 Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 Seeing much, suffering much, and studying much are the three pillars of learning. 见识多、遭难重,钻研深是学问的三大支持。 See, listen, and be silent, and you will live in peace. 多看多听少多嘴,你会太平过日子。 Seize (or Take) time by the forelock. 撤热打铁。 Seldom seen, soon fotten. 见得少,忘得快。 Self-confidence is the first requisite to human greatness. 人类的伟大,首要的是要有自信。 Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failure. 我们的失败多数是由于缺乏自信。 Self do, self have. 自食其果。 Self-praise is no remendation. 自我吹嘘,决不可取。 Speak clearly if you speak at all, Carve every word before you let it fall. 要说就索性说得一清二楚,说出前每句话要字斟句酌。 Speaking without thinking is shooting without taking aim. 讲话不思考犹如射击不对准目标。 Speak less and listen more. 要少说多听。 Speak little of your ill luck and boast not of your good luck. 少说失意事,莫夸好运道。 Speak of angels and you will hear their wings. 说到曹操,曹操就到。 Speak well of your friend, of your enemy say nothing. 要赞美朋友,莫提及敌人。 Speech is silver (or silvern), silence is golden. 雄辩是银,沉默是金。 Speech is the picture of the mind. 言为心声。 Speech shows what a man is. 言如其人。 Speed is the soldier"s asset. 兵贵神速。 Spend money like water. 挥金如土。 Spoil (or Lose) the ship for half penny worth of tar. 因小失大。 Step after step the ladder is ascended. 按部就班,循序渐进。 Still waters have deep bottoms. 静水常深。 Still waters run deep. 大智若愚。静水流深。 Straight trees have crooked roots. 直树也有曲根。 Strike while the iron is hot. 见机行事。称热打铁。 Strong reasons make strong actions. 理由充足,行动就坚决。 Study sickness while you are well. 居安思危。 Success belongs to the persevering. 坚持到底必获胜利。坚持就是胜利。 Success grows out of struggles to overe difficulties. 成功来自于克服困难的斗争。 Such beginning, such ending. 有怎样的开始,就有怎样的结束。 Such carpenters, such chips. 什么样的木匠,出什么活。 Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. 一天的不幸已够人受的了,别再自寻烦恼。 Suit the action to the word. 怎么说就怎么做。 Sure bind, sure find. 捆得好,逃不了。 Suspicion is the poison of true friendship. 猜疑伤害莫逆之交。 Sweep before your own door. 先律己,后律人。 Sweet discourse makes short days and nights. 言语投机恨时短。 The sweetest grapes hang the highest. 最甜的葡萄挂在最高的地方。 The sweetest thing in life. Is the welocme of a wife. 人生最甜蜜的事情就是爱妻的欢迎。 The tail does often catch the fox. 狐狸常因尾巴而被捕。 If your ears glow someone is talking of you.耳朵发烧,有人念叨。 If you run after o hares you will catch neither.脚踏两条船,必定落空。 If you sell the cow you sell her milk too.杀鸡取卵。 If you venture nothing you will have nothing.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 If you want knowledge you must toil for it.要想求知,就得吃苦。 Industry is the parent of success.勤奋是成功之母。 It is better to die when life is a disgrace.宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。 It is easier to get money than to keep it.挣钱容易攒钱难。 It is easy to be wise after the event.事后诸葛亮好当。 It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open.创业容易守业难。 It is hard to please all.众口难调It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。 It is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收。 It is the first step that costs troublesome.万事开头难。 It is the unforeseen that always happens.天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。 It is too late to grieve when the chance is past.坐失良机,后悔已迟。 It never rains but it pours.不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。 It takes three generations to make a gentleman.十年树木,百年树人。 Jack of all trades and master of none.门门精通,样样稀松。 Judge not from appearances.人不可貌相,海不可斗量。 Justice has long arms.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 Keep good men pany and you shall be of the number.近朱者赤近墨黑。 Kill o birds with one stone.一箭双雕。 Kings go mad and the people suffer for it君王发狂,百姓遭殃。 Kings have long arms.普天之下,莫非王土。 Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。 Knowledge makes humble ignorance makes proud. 博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。 Learn and live.活着,为了学习。 Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse. 好人越学越好,坏人越学越坏。 Learn not and know not.不学无术。Let sleeping dogs lie.别惹麻烦 Learn to walk before you run.先学走,再学跑。 Let bygones be bygones.过去的就让它过去吧。
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dog [du0254ɡ]
2023-07-21 20:51:162


Most dogs in the United States seem to have an easy life 大多数美国狗看起来过得很舒坦.
2023-07-21 20:51:312


  励志名言充满正能量,激励我们不断的进步。以下是我分享的励志名言英语翻译的内容,希望你喜欢!  励志名言英语翻译经典   1) A hero is nothing but a product of his time 时势造英雄。   2) It is better to trust to valour than to luck 靠运气不如靠勇气。   3) Ignorance is the mother of impudence 无知是鲁莽之源。   4) The more you learn, the more you know, The more you know, the more you forget The more you forget, the less you know So why bother to learn学的越多,知道的越多, 知道的越多,忘记的越多, 忘记的越多,知道的越少, 为什么学来着?   5) Barking dogs don"t bite 吠狗不咬人。   6) What is done by night appears by day 若要人不知,除非已莫为。   7) It"s never too late to mend 改过不嫌晚。   8) Man proposes, God disposes 谋事在人,成事在天。   9) Running water does not get stale; a door-hinge is never worm-eaten 流水不腐,户枢不蠹。   10) A man"s best friends are his ten fingers人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指。   11) All lay load on the willing horse人善被人欺,马善被人骑。   12) He who commences many things finishes but a few样样都搞,完成者少。   13) Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue勇气和坚定是美德的精神与灵魂。   14) Let sleeping dogs lie别惹麻烦。   15) There is no royal road to learning求知无坦途。   励志名言英语翻译推荐   1) Learn to walk before you run先学走,再学跑。   2) No one can go with you for a lifetime, so you have to adjust yourself to be alone; no one will help you again and again, so you have to fight all the time没有人陪你走一辈子,所以你要适应孤独;没有人会帮你一辈子,所以你要一直奋斗。   3) It only takes a few seconds to hurt someone, but sometimes it takes a few years, to repair the damage伤害一个人只需要几秒钟,而修补这样的伤害有时候则需要好几年。   4) For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; and for everything you gain, you lose something else It is about your outlook towards your life You can either regret or rejoice有失必有得,有得必有失。你可以遗恨,也可以欣然,一切都决定于你对生活的态度。   5) In all one"s lifetime it is oneself that one spends the most time being with or dealing with But it is precisely oneself that one has the least understanding of人生在世,和“自己”相处最多,打交道最多,但是往往悟不透“自己”。   6) Bad temper is its own scourge Few things are bitterer than to feelbitter A man"s venom poisons himself more than his victim坏脾气会自己蹂躏自己,因为最苦的事情莫过于感到痛苦。人的怨恨伤害自己比伤害所恨的人更重。   7) Pursuing too many things means giving yourself unnecessary pressure donu2019t let your ambition stop you from enjoying your life追求太多会给自己带来不必要的压力。别让抱负阻止自己享受生活。   8) Penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than loss itself and making a bigger mistake than mistake itself,so never regret后悔是一种耗费精力的情绪,造成的损失比损失本身更大,犯的错误比错误本身更大,因此万事不要后悔。   9) Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions form insufficient premises生活是一种艺术,要在不充足的前提下得出充足的结论。   10) Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life which only lasts for a few decades Laugh or cry as you like, and itu2019s meaningless to oppress yourself人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。   11) Don"t hurry, don"t worry You"re only here for a short visit So be sure to stop and smell the flowers不要匆忙,不要烦恼。你只是在这短站作客而已,所以务必要停下来闻闻鲜花的芳香。   12) Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant不要问自己收获了多少果实,而是要问自己今天播种了多少种子。   13) A great life is the result of using the / you get in a creative and thoughtful way, instead of just what comes next实现精彩人生,你要周详而富有创意地用好每周天,每天小时的时间,而不是做一天和尚撞一天钟   14) A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference多体谅一下别人,多为别人考虑一点,那将让一切截然不同。   15) You keep to struggle to and fro and find it difficult to stand on the top since you can not locate the balance point来来回回挣扎许多次,你发现要站上高点是多么的困难,因为你始终找不到平衡点。   励志名言英语翻译精选   1) Sweep before your own door 正人先正已。   2) One careless move may lose the whole game 一步不慎,满盘皆输。   3) Words are like bees, they have honey and a sting 言语象蜜蜂,有蜜也有刺。   4) The best hearts are always the bravest心灵最高尚的人,也总是最勇敢的人。   5) One never lose anything by politeness讲礼貌不吃亏。   6) The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。   7) Do one thing at a time, and do well一次只做一件事,做到最好!   8) Learn not and know not不学无术。   9) An open enemy is better than a hollow friend 宁有公开的敌人,不要虚伪的朋友。   10) How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults or resolution enough to mend them!承认并改正错误,需要有足够的勇气和决心。   11) Trick and treachery are the practice if fools;they have not wit enough to be honest傻瓜习惯于诡计和背判的伎俩,他们还没聪明到学会真诚待人。   12) Thirst after desert, not reward 渴求美德而非奖赏。   13) If thou injure conscience, it will have its revenge on thee 伤害良心,将受到良心的严惩。   14) Every man should marry After all, happiness is not the only thing in life再快乐的单身汉迟早也会结婚,幸福不是永久的嘛。   15) The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。   16) Success is a relative term It brings so many relatives成功是一个相关名词,他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚。   17) Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today不要等明天交不上差再找借口, 今天就要找好。   18) Let bygones be bygones过去的就让它过去吧。   19) Life is real, life is earnest人生真实,人生诚挚。   20) Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it生活若无波折险阻,就会过于平淡无奇。 看了励志名言英语翻译还看: 1.励志英文名言警句带翻译 2.50句英文励志名言 3.经典英文励志的语录名言 4.英文励志名言加翻译 5.励志名言英文翻译
2023-07-21 20:51:501


勿打草惊蛇 Do not stir (disturb) the hornet"s nest勿以貌取人 Do not judge the book bu its cover.鱼和熊掌不可兼得 You cant get the best of both world.有钱能使鬼推磨 Those who pay the piper calls the tune把握良机,趁热打铁 Strike while the iron is hot老狗学不会新花样 The old dog never learn the new trick.
2023-07-21 20:51:582


你去 百度百科 搜索 豪斯医生。那里有每集的简介。
2023-07-21 20:52:052


1、我要努力实现梦想,来弥补我小时候吹的牛。 I orroetimes, there is no choice but to be strong. 8、有些人你不值得姐为你流泪,离了你我会过得比你更幸福。 Some people are not God. No matter hoent of frustration can often be transformed into learning and insight through indomitable fighting. 18、只要不放弃努力和追求,小草也有点缀春天的价值。 As long as es ing back. Time and tide another angle, is still round. 33、让珊瑚远离惊涛骇浪的侵蚀,那无疑是将它们的美丽葬送。 Keeping corals aething that people know clearly that your success is in their interest. 49、股票有涨有落,然而打着信心标志的股票将使你永涨无落。 Stocks go up and down, but stocks marked with confidence will keep you going up and down forever.简短英文励志名言 1、如果工作是一种乐趣,人生就是天堂! If themselves. 19、山高路遥不足惧,最怕贪图安逸心。 The mountains are high and the roads are remote. 20、很多人失败的原因不是钱太少,而是钱太多。 Many people fail because of too little money, but too much money. 21、选择比努力重要,选择不对努力白费! Choice is more important than hard e up e true today. The impossible thing may come true tomorrow.nba励志名言英文 1、即使世界抛弃了我,可还有篮球陪着我。 Even if the panied me. 5、老头子,你最光荣的时候是代表全日本吗?而我,就是现在了。 Old man, did you represent Japan in your most glorious time? And I am nopromise. 13、我现在所做的一切,都是为了追求更加完美。 All I do nobstone. 16、在我的一生中,我失败了一次又一次,一次又一次,这就是我成功的原因。 In my life, I failed over and over again, e games, teamwork can win the championship. 29、你永远不要低估一颗冠军的心。 You should never underestimate the heart of a champion. 30、我从不惧怕任何对手,只怕对手不够强大。 I am never afraid of any opponent, just afraid that the opponent is not strong enough.英文30句励志名言 英文30句励志名言集锦 1、If you are doing your best,you e e thing to do, some one to love, some thing to hope for. 在这个世界我们只需拥有三件事便可真正快乐:有自己喜欢的事业;有所爱之人;充满希望。 19、Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it. 君王发狂,百姓遭殃。 20、Kings have long arms. 普天之下,莫非王土。 21、Knoter and ill man bygones be bygones. 过去的就让它过去吧。 27、Let sleeping dogs lie. 别惹麻烦。 28、Let the cat out of the bag. 泄漏天机。 29、Lies can never changes fact. 谎言终究是谎言。 30、Lies have short legs. 谎言站不长。 英文励志名言名句(中英文对照) 英文励志名言名句(中英文对照) 1、Keep on going never give up! 勇往直前, 决不放弃! 2、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today、 对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好! 3、The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man、 伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大的人。 4、Sharp tools make good work、 工欲善其事,必先利其器。 5、Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow、 今日事今日毕! 6、Theres only one corner of the universe you can be sure of improving, and thats your own self、 这个宇宙中只有一个角落你肯定可以改进,那就是你自己。 7、Dont aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally、 如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;尽管做你自己热爱的事情并且相信它,成功自然到来。 8、All things come to those who wait、 苍天不负有心人。 9、Victory wont come to me unless I go to it、 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。 10、A man is not old as long as he is seeking something、 A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams、 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。 11、Cease to struggle and you cease to live、 生命不止,奋斗不息。 12、The man who has made up his mind to win will never say impossible 、 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说不可能的。 13、Live a noble and honest life、 Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again、 过一种高尚而诚实的生活。当你年老时回想起过去,你就能再一次享受人生。 14、All things in their being are good for something、 天生我才必有用。 15、The good seaman is known in bad weather、 惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。励志英文名言 励志英文名言 1、Cease to struggle and you cease to live.Thomas Carlyle 2、The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it. (Johan ething nees,can spring be far behind?p.B.Shelley 21、Energy and persistence conquer all things. Benjamin Franklin 22、Jack of all trades and master of none. 23、Believe in yourself. 24、If orro any money in them.( Mark Twain , American writer ) 41、orrow is doing your best today. 45、Our destiny offers not the cup of despair,but the chalice of opportunity.(Richard Nixon, American president ) 名句作为警示自己的句子,希望以上《励志名言英文》内容对您有所帮助,如果还想获取更多名句内容可以点击 生日名言自己的话励志 专题。
2023-07-21 20:52:121


Trust no Future, however pleasant Let the dead past bury its dead! Act, act in the living present! Heart within, and God overhead! If you fail, let it be! Just try again until you made it!别信靠未来,无论未来的憧憬多么可爱! 让死亡的过去永远埋葬! 行动,就在此时此刻行动起来! 坚定的心灵,上帝的指引! 如果失败了,让它去吧? 站起来再努力一次,直至成功!这个来自——秃鹰双欲望,里面都是双语文章,很干净,没有广告,内容还不错,你可以自己看看啦
2023-07-21 20:52:233


英语励志名言简短: 1. Suffering is the most poes to all, but great achievements raise a monument which shall endure until the sun grows old. 死亡无人能免,但非凡的成就会树起一座纪念碑,它将一直立到太阳冷却之时。 9. The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man. 伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大的人。 10. The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart. 世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。 英语励志名言_励志英语 英语励志名言 1、Do one thing at a time, and do orroplish your future. 知识改变命运,英语成就未来。 13、Don"t aim for success if you appearances. 人不可貌相,海不可斗量。 16、Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 17、Keep good men company and you shall be of the number. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 18、Kill tter and ill man bygones be bygones. 过去的就让它过去吧。 27、Let sleeping dogs lie. 别惹麻烦。 28、Let the cat out of the bag. 泄漏天机。 29、Lies can never changes fact. 谎言终究是谎言。 30、Lies have short legs. 谎言站不长。 31、Life is but a span. 人生苦短。 32、Life is half spent before we know what it is. 人过半生,方知天命。 33、Life is not all roses. 人生并不是康庄大道。 34、Life without a friend is death. 没有朋友,虽生犹死。 35、Like a rat in a hole. 瓮中之鳖。 36、Like author, like book. 文如其人。 37、Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。 38、Like for like. 一报还一报。 39、Like knows like. 惺惺相惜。 40、Like mother, like daughter. 有其母必有其女。 41、Like teacher, like pupil. 什么样的老师教什么样的学生。 42、Like tree, like fruit. 羊毛出在羊身上。 50句精辟的简短英语励志名言大全摘抄 50句精辟的简短英语励志名言: 1、Soorroe to those ething. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。 31、pass.生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。 48、All things in their being are good for something.天生我才必有用。 49、The good seaman is known in bad weather.惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。 50、The secret of success is constancy to purpose.成功的秘诀在于对目标的忠实。 早安励志名言句子10句 1、只要朝着一个方向努力,一切都会变得得心应手。勃朗宁 2、当我们只遇到逆风行舟的时候,我们调整航向迂回行驶就可以了;但是,当海面上波涛汹涌,而我们想停在原地的时候,那就要抛锚。当心啊,年轻的舵手,别让你的缆绳松了,别让你的船锚动摇,不要在你没有发觉以前,船就漂走了。卢梭 3、只有经历过地狱般的磨砺,才能练就创造天堂的力量;只有流过血的手指,才能弹出世间的绝响。泰戈尔 4、当一个人一心一意做好事情的时候,他最终是必然会成功的。卢梭 5、让自己的内心藏着一条巨龙,既是一种苦刑,也是一种乐趣。雨果 6、时间抓起来说是金子,抓不住就是流水。 7、理想是指路明星。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向,而没有方向,就没有生活。列夫托尔斯泰 8、如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以当心为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。爱迪生 9、要有自信,然后全力以赴。假如具有这种观念,任何事情十之八九都能成功。威尔逊 10、顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰!狄更斯
2023-07-21 20:52:501


2023-07-21 20:52:598

definitive edition与sleeping dogs有什么区别

definitive edition 选定版; 定本; sleeping dog睡着的狗
2023-07-21 20:54:042

steam上sleeping dogs怎么设置中文

sleeping dogs=睡狗
2023-07-21 20:54:111

Let sleeping dogs lie.

意思是:不要没事惹事∕别自找麻烦换一种说法: Leave him alone.
2023-07-21 20:54:192

Let sieeping dogs lie.什么意思

2023-07-21 20:54:282

Steam商店的热血无赖sleeping dogs是盒装还是只有cd-key。卖88元人民币那个。

2023-07-21 20:54:362

买了个sleeping dogs,有大神知道怎么汉化吗

2023-07-21 20:54:451

翻译英文谚语'Let sleeping dogs lie.'

Let sleeping dogs lie: . . 莫惹是非 1. It"s better to let sleeping dogs lie.最好不要自找麻烦。2. Let sleeping dogs lie.不要惹是生非。3. Theo:Carly, just let sleeping dogs lie.西欧:卡莉,不要没事惹事好不好。
2023-07-21 20:54:561

求Imogen 《speeding car》的歌词的中文翻译

2023-07-21 20:55:182


  百年成之不足,一旦毁之有余   It is love that makes the world go round.   情之一字,所以维持世界   It is never too late to mend.   亡羊补牢,时犹未晚   It is no use crying over spilt milk.   既坠釜甑,反顾无益   It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to educate   people.   十年树木,百年树人   It takes two to make a quarrel.   一个巴掌不响   It"s a deal.   一言为定   It"s a long story.   一言难尽   It"s never too late to learn.   活到老,学到老   It"s never too late to mend.   亡羊补牢,未为晚也   It"s of great urgency that   当务之急   It"s self-evident that   不言而喻   It"s the nature of beasts.   本性难移   Itu2032s easy to be wise after the event.   事后诸葛亮   Justice has long arms.   天网恢恢,疏而不漏   Keep something for a rainy day.   未雨绸缪   Kill two birds with one stone.   一箭双雕/一石二鸟   kind-hearted   心地慈祥的   Knowledge is power.   知识就是力量   Knowledge without practice makes half as artist.   有知识无实践只是半个艺术家   learn from other"s strong points and close the gap   取长补短   learn to meet practical needs   学以致用   Learn to walk before you run.   循序渐进   Learning is like swimming upstream.If you don"t go forward, you"ll   go back.   学如逆水行舟,不进则退   Let bygones be bygones.   既往不究   Let sleeping dogs lie.   莫惹是非/一动不如一静   Let things run their course.   听其自然   Life is but empty dream.   浮生若梦   like a lead balloon   毫无作用   Like father, like son.   有其父必有其子   Little and often fills the purse.   集腋成裘   Live and learn.   活到老学到老/学无止境   Look back to the old, if you would learn the new.   温故而知新   Look before you leap.   三思而后行   Lookers-on see most of the game.   旁观者清   Lost time is never found again.   光阴一去不复返   Love me, love my dog.   爱屋及乌   make great/rapid strides   突飞猛进   Make hay while the sun shines.   打铁趁热   make overall arrangements   统筹兼顾   make spectacle of oneself   出洋相   Make yourself all honey and the files will devour you.   招蜂引蝶   Man proposes, God disposes.   谋事在人,成事在天   Many a little makes a mickle.   积少成多   Many hands make light work.   人多力量大/只要人手多,牌楼搬过河   Many men, many minds.   百姓百姓,一百个心   marble-hearted   铁右心肠   Marriages are made in heaven.   姻缘天注定   Men are blind in their own cause.   人不知自丑,马不嫌脸长   merchant of death   死亡贩子   Might is right.   强权即公理   misfortunes never come singly.   祸不单行   mod(modern)   时髦的,摩登的   Money begets money.   钱赚钱   Money burns a hole in his pocket.   钱烧口袋漏,一有就不留   Money is everything.   有钱能使鬼推磨   Money is the root of all evil.   金钱是万恶之源   Money makes the mare go.   有钱能使鬼推魔   Money talks.   金钱万能/有钱能使鬼推磨   More haste, less speed.   欲速则不达   Murder will out.   纸包不住火   mutual understanding and mutual accommodation   互谅互让
2023-07-21 20:55:251

about dogs 帮忙将下文中的“?” 按顺序填出来 最好是原文

Americans use many expressions with the word dog. People in the United States love their dogs and treat them well. They take their dogs for walks, let them play outside and give them good food and medical care. However, dogs without owners to care for them lead a different kind of life. The expression, to lead a dog"s life, describes a person who has an unhappy uff08existenceuff09.Some people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world. That means many people are competing for the same things, like good jobs. They say that to be successful, a person has to work like a dog. This means they have to work very, very hard. Such hard work can make people dog-tired. And, the situation would be even worse if they became sick as a dog.Still, people say every dog has its day. This means that every person enjoys a successfuluff08 period uff09during his or her life. To be successful, people often have to learn new skills. Yet, some people say that you can never teach an old dog new tricks. They believe that older people do not like to learn new things and will not change the way they do things.Some people are compared to dogs in bad ways. People who are unkind or uncaring can be described uff08as meaner than a junkyard uff09dog.uff08 Junkyard uff09dogs live in places where people throw away things they do not want.uff08 Meanuff09 dogs are often used to guard this property. They bark or attack people who try to enter theuff08 propertyuff09. However, sometimes a person who appears to be mean and threatening is really not so bad. We say his bark is worse than his bite.A junkyard is not a fun place for a dog. Many dogs in the United States sleep in safe little houses near their owners" home. These doghouses provide shelter. Yet they can be cold and lonely in the winter.Husbands and wives use this doghouse term when they are angry at each other. For example, a woman might get angry at her husband for coming home late or forgetting their wedding anniversary. She might tell him that he is in the doghouse. She may not treat him nicely until he apologizes. However, the husband may decide that it is best to leave things alone and not create more problems. He might decide to let sleeping dogs lie.Dog expressions also are used to describe the weather. The dog days of summer are the hottest days of the year. A rainstorm may cool the weather. But we do not want it to rain too hard. We do not want it to rain cats and dogs.
2023-07-21 20:55:321


8. We have been trying to pin down by experiments what people mean by these expressions in specific contexts,…   pin作名词用时指“别针,大头针”,如a safety pin (安全别针);作动词用时指“别住”;“使不能行动”,pin down的意思是“准确说明”,“牵制”。如:   1) He pinned a badge on his jacket. (他在外套上别了一枚徽章。)   2) She pinned the papers together before giving them to the manager. (把文件给经理前,她用针把它们别好。)   3) They pinned him down to a promise. (他们迫使他履行诺言。)   4) We are trying to pin down his speech. (我们正努力准确说明他的讲话。)   两个by在句中都是介词,表示“靠,用,通过”,如:   1) What do you mean by that? (你这样讲是什么意思?)   2) He put the young man in an awkward situation by asking him some personal questions.   (他通过问一些私人性问题使那个年轻人陷入尴尬。)   9. …we find that the number depends of course on the items involved.   …the size of the population of items influences the value assigned to an expression.   上面两句中的过去分词involved和assigned其前都省去了that (which) are (is),做定语修饰items和value.   本课主要短语   1. be made up of   2. in part   3. be likely to   4. be left with   5. allow sb. to do sth.   6. out of the question   7. not so much…as…   8. be reduced to   9. pin down   10. compare with   11. be certain to   12. in place of   Text B it never rains but it pours!   谚语   1. There is no smoke without fire.   2. Don"t wash your dirty linen in the public.   3. It"s no use crying over spilt milk.   4. Make the best out of a bad job.   5. It never rains but it pours.   6. Every dog is allowed one bite.   7. One man"s meat is another man"s poison.   8. Let sleeping dogs lie.   9. He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount.   10. A friend in need is a friend indeed.   11. There is no such thing as a free lunch.   短语表达   1. relevance to / be relevant to   What he said had no relevance to the present question.   They could not forward any relevant proof.   2. believe in   I believe him but I don"t believe in him.   He believes in Christianity.   3. pass on to   Would you please pass this message on to Xiao Li?   Thank you for passing the news on to me.   4. in the form of   He showed his appreciation to her in the form of a letter of hanks.   They gave the children a lot of help in the form of books.   5. a reminder of   This proverb can be used as a reminder of the correct way to behave.   This picture is a reminder of my past.   6. in times of   They are said to be more intelligent in times of difficulties.   This could be a comfort in times of trouble.   7. be native to   Rice is believed to be native to China.   This saying is native to the American Indians.   8. go wrong   When anything goes wrong with his car he will hasten to his auto repairman.   I don"t know what has gone wrong with my computer.   9. be based on   His comments are based on facts.   This film is based on the life story of a general.   10. date back to   This invention can be dated back to the Han Dynasty.   This old law dated back to the 17th century.   11. pay compensation to   The insurance company would pay compensation to the victims.   The supermarket refused to pay any compensation to the customer.   12. be harmful to   Excessive smoking is harmful to your health.   TV violence is harmful to children.   13. come into contact with   China came into more contact with the outside world in the late 1980s.   We learned more as we came into contact with them.   14. borrow from   He borrowed a lot of money from his friends.   Some of the English words are borrowed from other languages.   15. start on   He started on his journey last week.   You have to get well prepared if you want to start on a dangerous enterprise.   16. in return   They gave you so much help, what are you going to do in return?   I didn"t expect any favor from you in return.   17. be reluctant to   He is reluctant to make any comment on this issue.   The boy was reluctant to tell his father the truth.
2023-07-21 20:55:391


英语名言名句大全1、It is easy to be as Addison)强者能同命运的风暴抗争。(爱迪生)15、A man can"t ride your back unless it is bent.你的腰不弯,别人就不能骑在你的背上。16、He that makes a good pass.(John Ruskin)生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。(罗斯金)The y is the spice of life.变化是生活的调味品。Bad times make a good man.艰难困苦出能人。There is no royal road to learning.求知无坦途。Sharp tools make good bygones be bygones.过去的就让它过去吧。Let sleeping dogs lie.别惹麻烦。Let the cat out of the bag.泄漏天机。Lies can never changes fact.谎言终究是谎言。Lies have short legs.谎言站不长。Life is but a span.人生苦短。Life is half spent before we know what it is.人过半生,方知天命。Life is not all roses.人生并不是康庄大道。
2023-07-21 20:55:531


Let sleeping dogs lie.(别惹是生非。)
2023-07-21 20:56:176

Fill in the blanks with proper names of animals 9.elephant 18.cats and dogs
2023-07-21 20:58:372


it rains cats and dogs,下着倾盆大雨
2023-07-21 20:58:462


本能2 Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction (2006)  破碎之花 Broken Flowers (2005)  不一样的忠诚 Different Loyalty, A (2004)  Second Annual TV Land Awards: A Celebration of Classic TV, The (2004)  猫女 Catwoman (2004)  凛冽庄园 Cold Creek Manor (2003)  美丽陷阱 Beautiful Joe (2000)  Forever Hollywood (1999)  葛洛莉 Gloria (1999)  暗夜惊狂 Simpatico (1999)  第六感女神 Muse The (1999)  地动天惊 Sphere (1998)  恶魔 Diabolique (1996)  最后生死恋 Last Dance (1996)  赌城风云 Casino (1995)  致命快感 The Quick And The Dead (1995)  炸弹专家 The Specialist (1994)  致命交叉点 Intersection (1994)  偷窥 Sliver (1993)  桃色女人香 Where Sleeping Dogs Lie (1992)  烈火情迷 Tears in the Rain (1992)  本能 Basic Instinct (1992)  喋路狂奔之枪的年代 Year of the Gun (1991)  欢喜俏冤家 He Said, She Said (1991)  媚力追缉令 Scissors (1991)  魔鬼总动员 Total Recall (1990)  飞跃星际 Beyond The Stars (1989)  致命美人心 Sangre y arena (1989)  魔鬼暴警 Action Jackson (1988)  法律之上 Above the Law (1988)  狂龙特警 Cold Steel (1987)  警察学校Ⅳ全民警察 Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol (1987)  黄金雨 Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold (1987)  所罗门国王的宝藏 King Solomon"s Mines (1985)  舞台 Irreconcilable Differences (1984)  停止呼吸 Deadly Blessing (1981)
2023-07-21 20:58:542

The dogs is sleeping.怎么错了

应该是:The dogs are sleeping或者The dog is sleeping
2023-07-21 20:59:032

are these dogs sleeping(补全答句)

Yes,they areNo,they aren"t
2023-07-21 20:59:111

i see two dogs are sleeping有读法错误么?

错了。see是感官动词,后面接的动词只有两种形式。(1)see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事 (2)see sb. do sth.看见过某人做某事(的全过程)因此,原句应为 I see two dogs sleeping.
2023-07-21 20:59:332


费了好大劲的,选我吧:牛津初中英语7B UNIT 4单元检测卷I. 听力。(15`)A. Millie正在读一些卡片,你能指出她读得是什么吗?A. Africa B .elephants C. sneeze D. rocket E.lightning1. __________ 2. __________ 3.___________ 4. __________ 5.__________B. 听!七年级一班的学生正在谈论什么?1. A. Birds. B. Snakes. C. Camels D. Giraffes. 2. A. They walk a long way every day. B. They smell as well as dogs can. C. They can talk to each other. D. They can carry a lot of food. 3. A. Kitty"s B. Millie"s C. Sandy"s D. Andy"s 4. A. A dog. B. A cat. C. A bird. D. A hat. 5. A. No, it isn"t B. Yes, it is. C. No, it wasn"t. D. Yes, it was. C. Millie正在听一个关于狗的报告,检查一下她笔记看看有没有错误。11. Dogs are important in the USA.12. Dogs can help blind people go where they want.13. Dogs can answer the telephone.14. Dogs can help people look after sheep.15. Some people have dogs for fun. II. 吴老师给七年级一班的同学出了些单项选择题,你也来做做看好吗?(15`)1. There is a river in my hometown. It is about _________ long. A. 5 hundreds kilometers B. 5 hundred kilometers C. 5 hundreds kilometer D. 5 hundred kilometer2. ---Is this ________ dictionary?---No. It isn"t _______. It"s _______.A. his, his, her B. he"s, his, hers C. his, his, hers D. his, he"s, hers3. It"s very cold outside. Most of the families keep their windows _________.A. open B. opened C. close D. closed4. In spring, you will _______ the whisper of the breeze(清风),if you _______ carefully. A. hear, listen B. listen, hear C. hear, listen to D. listen to, hear5. Jane __________ Jay Chou. She buys every album(专缉) of him and goes to every concert(演唱会) by him. A. is crazy about B. likes C. dislikes D. hates 6. ________ great fun the children have playing in the park!A. What B. How C. What a D. How a7. The students are _______ to know that elephants can walk quietly on tiptoe.A. surprising B. surprised C. frightening D. frightened 8. In spring, it is good for you to sleep ________ your windows open. A. for B. and C. with D. but9. Some of the frogs has ________ to kill about 2,200 people. A. poisonous enough B. enough poisonous C. enough poison D. poison enough10. --- How do you like this DVD?--- __________. I enjoy it very much. A. It"s like a book. B. It"s not interesting at all. C. It"s about animals. D. It"s very funny. 11. It is terrible. The cat miaowed a lot at night recently. It _________ a baby crying. A. sound B. sounds C. sound like D. sounds like12. It was ________ late when we got home. The children are sleeping, so we walked into the house ___________. A. quiet, quitely B. quite, quitely C. quite, quietly D. quiet, quietly13. The machine is making so much __________ . How __________ it is!A. noisy, noise B. noise, noisy C. noise, noisily D. noise, noise14. __________ you afraid of ___________ late for school. A. Are, be B. Do, be C. Are, being D. Do, being15. It is a little bit _________ to know that the most dangerous animal is mosquitoes.A. funny B. wonderful C. strange D. greatIII. Millie和Amy正在谈话,你能帮助他们完成对话吗?(5`)Millie: (1)________________________Amy: Yes, I do. Millie: (2)________________________Amy: They are about fish. A. May I borrow these books? B. Do you have any interesting books? C. What are they about? D .Do you know fish can sleep with their eyes open? E.Really?(3)________________________.Millie: (4)_________________________That"s very funny.(5)_________________________Amy: Certainly. IV. Millie正在读一本旧书,这一页有几个字看不清,你能帮她选出来吗?(10`)Bob is an old man. He has two big houses and a new car. He has ____1____ wife, but he is____2 father of four children. He has two sons and two daughters. One son is from England and the other son is from the USA. The two daughters are from Japan. Bob is not the children"s ____3____father, ____4____ he loves them very much. The children love their father, ____5____. Bob has many toys ____6____ the children. He gives different toys ____7____different children. The boys play ____8____ toy cars and girls have dolls. Bob is the children"s father and he is ____9____ good ____10 , too.1. A. a B. two C. none D. no2. A. a B. the C. their D. /3. A. really B. real C. true D. truly4. A. and B. but C. because D. or5. A. also B. either C. none D. too6. A. to B. at C. in D. for7. A. to B. for C. in D. at8. A. in B. with C. / D. at9. A. his B. our C. their D. the10. A. teacher B. father C. classmate D. friendV. 阅读理解。(10`)A. Mr. Wu正在让七年级一班的学生阅读一篇关于鸵鸟的文章,你也来试试吧!The ostrich (鸵鸟 ) is a bird of the deserts of Africa. It is the largest of all birds. It is often 10 feet high. Sometimes the ostrich is called the "camel bird". Like the camel it lives in the desert, and can live a long time without water.The ostrich"s legs are very long and strong, but its wings are small, and it cannot fly. The ostrich can run very quickly --- about 30 km. an hour. The nest of the bird is a great hole in the sand. There the ostrich lays ( 产、生 ) 10 or 12 large eggs. She watches her nest and leaves it only during the hottest part of the day.People often hunt the ostrich, but it is not easy to catch it. The hunter must know that the ostrich runs only zig-zag ( z 字形路线 )1. The ostrich can run quickly so .A. its legs become longer and strongerB. its wings become smaller and smallerC. it isn"t easily caughtD. people call it the "camel bird"2. According to the passage above, we can see that a couple of ( 一对 ) ostriches can have at most _______ children.A. 30 B. four C. 10 D. 123. The ostrich watches her nest and seldom leaves it because .A. her eggs are in itB. people often hunt herC. she wants to have a good rest after she has laid eggsD. she is afraid of the hottest hours of the day4. , so people call it the "camel bird".A. The ostrich has a larger body than any other bird in the desertB. The ostrich"s character is like the camel"sC. The ostrich is a bird of the deserts of AfricaD. The ostrich can run about 30 km. an hour5. If there is no water, the ostrich .A. will die in no time B. can still stay alive for some timeC. the ostrich can still live well D. may leave her nest without laying any eggsB. 七年级一班的学生正在进行阅读比赛,你也来试试看吧!The peacock ( 公孔雀 ) is a kind of lovely bird because it is beautiful when it opens its tail. So when children go to the zoo they always shake ( 挥舞 ) something colourful to make the peacock show its fine tail feathers.The peacock in the forests of southern Yunnan Province in China is green. The head of the peacock is covered with dark-green feathers. The face is light yellow. Its upper ( 上面的 ) tail feathers are often used to make fans ( 扇子 ) or clothes.When a peacock wants to marry a peahen, it dances around his girl friend and seems to say, “Am I beautiful?"The peacock does little harm to the crops and is costly, it shouldn"t be hunted without reasons.1.When does the peacock look beautiful?___________________________________________________________________ 2. Where do the green peacocks live?___________________________________________________________________ 3.根据短文内容填词:People often ______________ peacocks" tail feathers ______________ fans.4.将划线部分翻译成中文:___________________________________________________________________5.选择答案: The peacock is _______________.A. a cock B. a hen C. a peahen D. a birdVI. 词汇(20`)A. Millie正在做家庭作业她有几个单词不会写,你来帮助她一把吧!1. The world is so interesting. It is full of __________(令人惊奇的) things. 2. Without __________(闪电), there would be no plant life in the world. 3. Do you think ____________ (大象) are the largest animals on land? 4. When the little girl saw the big dog, she was ____________(害怕的). 5. My brother is too young to look after ____________(他自己).B. Mille不知道该用什么形式的词来填空,你来帮他一把吧!1. Air is so important for us. We can"t live __________(with) it. 2. They can hear the whisper, but they can"t find anything ___________(usual). 3. Our teacher _________ (take) us to the museum yesterday morning. 4. She often makes a lot of mistakes. She is not ____________(care) at all. 5. It takes me two hours ___________(do) my homework every day. 6. A monkey can use __________(it) tail to hang down from the tree. 7. Millie was __________(surprise)to hear the bad news. 8. The books are not Millie"s. They are those ___________(child). 9. My father told me a ___________(fun) story and I laughed a lot. 10. Pandas are so ___________(love). I love watching them eat bamboos. C. 请你帮助Millie,选用所给词组的适当形式填空。 1. Simon is often late for school. Today he is late ________________.2. Jimmy is very good at singing. Daniel sings ________________ Jimmy. 3. Hey you can"t draw lines in that dictionary. It ________________ the library.4. At the bus stop, we should ________________ to get on the bus. 5. Both Millie and Kitty are clever. They worked out the problem _______________ yesterday. VII. 改写和改错。(15`)A. 嘿!快来看看吧!句子大变形,试试看你一定能行的!(10`)1. Snakes do not have ears. (同义句) Snakes ____________ ____________ ears.2. There is something interesting about animals in the book. (一般疑问句) _________ __________ ___________ interesting about animals in the book. 3. Will you please give my tennis racket back to me tomorrow. (同义句) Will you please __________ my tennis racket __________ me tomorrow. 4.What an interesting story it is! (同义句) __________ ___________ __________ story is!5. Sandy likes music very much. (同义句) Sandy __________ ___________ ____________ music. 6. I spent 30 minutes playing volleyball after school yesterday. (同义句) It ___________ ___________ 30 minutes ___________ ___________ after school yesterday. 7. Mr. Smith has a big house in the country. (同义句) The big house in the countryside ____________ __________ Mr. Smith. 8. Animal Center will look after animals well. (同义句) Animal Center will __________ __________ __________ __________ animals. 9. Some fish sleep in the daytime. (对划线部分提问) _____________ ___________ fish sleep? 10. My sister likes watching Hollywood films. (否定句) My sister __________ watching Hollywood films.B. Millie的作业中出现了一些错误,你来帮助她找出错误并订正一下吧!1. Yesterday was Woman"s Day, so I bought some flowers for my mother. A B C D ( )________2. On their way to home, they found a purse on the ground. ( )________ A B C D 3. We can"t see stars in the daytime, but we can see them at the night. ( )________ A B C D4. The little boy doesn"t afraid of snakes any more. ( )________ A B C D 5. We must return the book back to the library on time. ( )________ A B C D VIII. 书面表达。(15`)七年级一班正在举行一个作文比赛,你也想参加比赛, 你想写一篇关于可爱的袋鼠的文章, 以下是你能够收集到的信息,现在就动手吧!要求:语句通顺,条理清楚,字数不少于60词。Kangaroo1 a kind of lovely animals, eat grass and leaves 2 jump quickly and highly, use its tail for, push off3 mother kangaroos, pockets, carry their sons and daughters 4 protect the animals; make our world more beautiful and lovely
2023-07-21 20:59:441

从A、B、C、D中选择一个最佳答案。 The boy with two dogs __________ when the fire broke out .

两狗男孩爆发火灾爆发时。= =
2023-07-21 20:59:524

A boy with two dogs____when the earthquake rocked the city.a.were sleeping b. was sleeping为什么选.

B。主语是A boy ,后面是with,而非and 。
2023-07-21 21:00:107

He said nothing at the meeting because he wanted to let the sleeping _____ lie.

2023-07-21 21:00:241

A boy with two dogs ______when the earthquake rocked the city. A.were sleeping asleep .

C 试题分析:句意:当这个城市发生地震时,一个男孩和两条狗正在睡觉。句中有when所引导的过去的时间状语,句子用过去进行时,故选C点评:过去进行时表示在过去的某个时间正在做某事。动词的是时态是中考必考的语法点,对于常用的八大时态,学生在平时的学习中需下功夫对每个时态的含义,用法,区别进行掌握,并辅助试题进行练习、巩固。
2023-07-21 21:00:311

The boy as well as the two dogs _____ when the earthquake rocked the city. A.were sleeping ..

C 试题分析:考查主谓一致。句子的主语是the boy,所以谓语动词用单数,又根据从句中的时态rocked为过去时,所以主句谓语部分用was sleeping,过去进行时。as well as the two boys作状语。句意:城市里发生地震的时候,孩子们正在睡觉,当时还有两只狗也在睡觉。所以答案选C。
2023-07-21 21:00:391