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如何评价Luminosity在2016 MLG Major夺冠

刻苦训练+个人对CSGO的热情+生存压力+运气, 成就巴西人的CS历史上最伟大的成功。虽说巴西人早在ESWC2006群星闪耀下的法兰西,从初现巨人之相的Fnatic手中毫不讲理的拿下世界冠军,但100W美元奖金池以及单场超过130W线上观众的MLG赛场毫无疑问比十年前CS世界的第一次繁荣,要激烈和精彩的多。这次MLG的冠军,在还未决出之时就已经注定是CS历史的创造者。然而这个在过去所有7次Major都从未逃出欧洲人手心的桂冠,意外又不意外的落到巴西的“贫民窟”里。这是巴西人的胜利,是世界CSGO社区的胜利,也是世界电子竞技作为体育项目历史性的进步。

CSGOIEM里约majorMVP是谁 里约majorMVP数据一览

随着IEM里约Major总决赛落下帷幕,Outsiders在总决赛中2-0击败Heroic,HLTV也随之公布了本届MVP选手,Jame凭借整届赛事稳定的发挥和出色的带队能力成功获得该枚MVP奖章。本届Major,Jame依旧贯彻了自己低死亡,高效输出的风格。在传奇组以及冠军组阶段的12张地图中,他的rating一直保持在1.12以上,最高打出过1.69的rating。Jame稳定的火力输出和关键时刻的残局能力是Outsiders最终能够捧杯的关键因素,极高的K/D Diff也完美展现出了“被动型”狙击手的优势。这是Jame职业生涯第三枚MVP奖章,之前的两次分别是BLAST Pro Series莫斯科2019和cs_summit 7。值得一提的是,Jame曾经在2019年带队打入过柏林Major决赛,不过最终输给了那年的巅峰Astralis。从那之后Jame也多被人们诟病“过于被动”,本次的Major他坚持自己的风格并且拿到MVP也算是证明了自己。

big city 和major city 有什么区别

big city 是大城市major city是主要的城市



Major lithostratigraphic units of the study area

In western Hunan,Middle and Upper Cambrian strata of the Jiangnan Slope Belt were divided,in ascending order,into the Aoxi,Huaqiao,Chefu and Bitiao Formations(Hunan Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources,1964;Zhang et al.,1997).Recently,Peng and Robison(2000)re-assigned the Chefu and Bitiao formations to,in a broad sense,the Huaqiao Formation.Both names are used by present author in this thesis.The Aoxi Formation( )The Aoxi Formation was originally named by the Hunan Regional Geological Surveying Team(1964)for a dolostone-dominated succession.The formation in the study area can be distinctly subdivided into three members.The lowes tmember( )is characterised by black carbonaceous shale and intercalated with argillaceous limestone and ribbon limestone,with thickness varying from 28.5m to 167.4m in the study area.The second section( ),commonly consists of dark gray thin-bedded argillaceous limestone,medium-to thick-bedded argillaceous,dolomitic ribbon limestone intercalated with yellow-brown shales,bearing turbidity flow succession and symmetrical ripple marks in limestone,thickness is 92.6 m in Qilangqiao village(Text-figure 1);while in Ciyan village,the rocks are different,including many shale beds,and thick-bedded limestone breccias,with a thickness of about176m.The third member( 3),occurring at Qilangqiao,consists mainly of gray,thick-bedded argillaceous limestone and dolomites,with a thickness of about 12.9 m only.The Huaqiao Formation( )The formation was named by the Hunan Regional Geological Surveying Team(1964)based on the Aoxi-Paibi Section in the Baojing County(Text-figure 1).It is mainly thin-bedded,argillaceous and laminated limestone and nodular limestone with intercalated beds of thin-to medium-bedded limestone and carbonate debris in the lower and middle parts of the type section at Huaqiao,Baojing,Hunan.Regional investigation of the Huaqiao-Chefu-Bitiao areas shows that it is basically monofacial in lithology,and was deposited in an outer slope-apron environment and was erected biostratigraphically rather than based on lithofacies change.In an effort to define the unit lithologically,Peng and Robison(2000)expanded the definition of the Huaqiao Formation to embrace the strata formerly included in the Chefu and Bitiao formations.The Huaqiao Formation(Peng and Robison,2000)in a broad sense is commonly 800 m to 1200 m thick,and is richly fossiliferous.The Chefu Formation( )The formation was named by the Hunan Regional Geological Surveying Team(1964)based on the Aoxi Section,Baojing County(Text-figure 1).It is mainly dark-gray thick-dedded laminated argillaceous limestone bearing limestone lenses with intercalated ribbon limestone,yellow-brown,thin-thick bedded argillaceous dolomite with intercalated black shale near the base;gray thick bedded limestone breccia interbedded with thin bedded limestone.The formation is about 332 m to 548 m thick.It paraconformably overlies the Aoxi formation.The formation is included in the Huaqiao Formation in a broad sense by Peng and Robison(2000).Both names are used by present author in this paper.Bitiao Formation( )The formation was named by the Hunan Regional Geological Surveying Team(1964)based on the Aoxi-Paibi Section,Baojing County(Text-figure 1).The Bitiao Formation in Lianjiaqiao(Text-figure1)can be also subdivided into two parts:the lower part( )is mainly dark gray,thick-bedded,argillaceous ribbon limestone,bearing limestone lenses with a thickness of about 200m to240m;the upper part( )is mainly dark gray,thick-bedded,argillaceous ribbon limestone to nodular limestone or gray,medium-to thick-bedded packstone comprising a rhythmite layer,with about 400 to 500 m in thickness.The Bitiao Formation conformably overlies the Chefu Formation.This formation is also assigned to the Huaqiao Formation by Peng and Robison(2000).Both names are used by present author in this paper.The Yangliugang Formation( ),Huayansi Formation( )and Xiyangshan Formation( )In Chenxi(close to central Hunan),Cambrian deposits mostly represent relatively deep water,basin environment.The type localities of these three formations are all located in western Zhejiang,all being carbonate units.The Yangliugang Formation in its type section(west Zhejiang Province)is dominated by black and grayish-black,thin-to thick-bedded limestone with intercalated argillaceous limestone beds,ribbon limestone,and calcareous shale.In Chenxi(Shishanguan),it was characterised by dark gray,thin-bedded laminated limestone,argillaceous ribbon limestone,hardly with any fossils.The Huayansi Formation was originally known as the“Huayansi Limestone”(Lu et al.,1955).In its type locality at Tianmashan in west Zhejiang,it is predominately blackish-gray,thin-to thick-bedded limestone with intercalated calcareous shale beds(Anhui Regional Geological Surveying Team,1988).The formation in Chenxi is mainly dark gray,thick-bedded,laminated argillaceous limestone and argillaceous ribbon limestone bearing moniliform lenses.The formation contains few polymeroid trilobites including Charchaqia norini only in the study area.The Xiyangshan Formation was originally named as the“Xiyangshan Shale”(Lu et al.,1955)in its type locality at Xiyanshan of West Zhejiang,where it is predominately composed of mudstone and calcareous shale with interbedded thin-bedded limestone.In the study area,however,it is mainly composed of thin-bedded argillaceous limestone in the lower part,and argillaceous crystalline limestone in the upper part.

阿灵顿Major赛报速览 Spirit击败Aster即将对抗LGD

阿灵顿Major淘汰赛第三天的比赛已经全部结束了,LGD和Spirit进入胜者组,而OG和Aster跌入败者组,Fantic在败者组中落败惨遭淘汰。 阿灵顿Major赛程Day3如下: LGD以2:1战胜OG战队进入胜者组决赛,OG战队落入败者组第三轮。 Aster不敌TS,TS战队进入胜者组决赛,将对阵PSG.LGD战队;Aster战队落入败者组第三轮。 赛况速看 BC 2:1 Fantic LGD 2:1 OG 第一局面对OG小精灵+陈的双奶组合,LGD前期明显伤害不足,在经济逐渐落后的情况下更是难以阻止有效的进攻,最终LGD在20多分钟打出GG。 第二局LGD三路线优,兽王和屠夫扫图,再加上幽鬼的支援,全面压制OG,扳回一局。 第三局LGD选出炼金作为一号位,但是前期炼金的频繁阵亡导致LGD落入巨大劣势。15分钟拿出辉耀的炼金并没有对局势有太大帮助。33分钟在LGD上路二塔的一波团战成为翻盘关键,一波打完经济从落后到领先两千,LGD也吹响了反攻的号角,最终在50分钟取得了胜利,晋级胜者组决赛。 Spirit 2:0 Aster 第一局对线期结束TS就取得了5K的经济领先,yatoro的TA无解肥,毫无招架之力的Aster在第34分钟打出GG。 第二局Aster的小娜迦大战TS的TB,双方经济一直没有拉开,25分钟之后Aster决策的失误和团战的糟糕发挥导致经济逐渐被拉开,在第44分钟打出GG,跌入败者组。 今日赛程 23:00 BOOM vs Entity 2:00 Outsiders vs bc 5:00 Aster vs 待定(BOOM/Entity的胜者)

the majority of 和 a majority of的区别以及用法例句

解析:the majority of的意思是“...的大部分/大多数”,相当于most of...; a majority of 的意思是:大部分/大多数的,相当于most. The majority of Chinese people have television. 中国大多数人都有电视。 The majority of the damage is easy to repair. 这次的损害大部分容易补救。 A majority of Africans are forced to work for the Europeans. 大多数非洲人都被迫为欧洲人工作。

用in the majority造句

He believes that his supporters are in the majority. People who can speak English are in the majority in this country.The noes have it , ie Those voting ` no"are in the majority.

the majority of 和 a majority of的区别以及用法例句

解析:the majority of的意思是“...的大部分/大多数”,相当于most of...; a majority of 的意思是:大部分/大多数的,相当于most. The majority of Chinese people have television. 中国大多数人都有电视。 The majority of the damage is easy to repair. 这次的损害大部分容易补救。 A majority of Africans are forced to work for the Europeans. 大多数非洲人都被迫为欧洲人工作。

a majority of与the majority of有什么区别?

the majority of的意思是“...的大部分/大多数”,相当于most of...; a majority of 的意思是:大部分/大多数的,相当于most。a majority of与the majority of的区别举例(1)the majority of+限定词(the/one" s)+名词The majority of my patients come to me from out of town.大多数来找我看病的患者都是外省人。The vast majority of our cheses are made of milk.我们生产的绝大部分奶酪都是用巴氏消毒过的牛奶制成的。(2)a majority of+数词(百分数/基数词)A majorityvote of 75% is required from shareholders for the plan to go ahead.这项计划若要实施,必须获得股东75%的多数票。Members of parliament approved the move by a majority of ninety-nine.议员以99张的多数票批准了这项动议。

the majority of 与A lot of

majority是形容程度的,就是说大多数人,a lot of只是单纯数量,很多人并不表示一定达到majority的程度。majority of persons这里是形容一个整体,所以可以视为单数。

the majority of +n.后面的谓动是用单数还是复数

单独使用majority谓语动词单复数都可以,但是接of+复数名词,谓语则用复数。例句: 1 A/The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio. 大部分人似乎喜欢看电视而不喜欢听收音机。 2 The majority was/were in favour of the proposal. 多数人赞成这个建议。

the majority of+名词作主语谓语动词用单复


a majority of的翻译是什么意思?

a majority of意思是许多的,大量的An attempt to seize control of a company,as by acquiring a majority of its stock.侵吞获得对某公司支配权的努力,如通过获得该公司的大部分股票 the majority of意思是大多数的.The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio.多数人喜欢电视胜过广播.

a majority of people 是表示很多人?

a majority of people 大多数人the majority of people大多数人minority nationality 少数名族the minority of the stock小股东

a majority of什么意思

a majority of意思是许多的,大量的An attempt to seize control of a company,as by acquiring a majority of its stock.侵吞获得对某公司支配权的努力,如通过获得该公司的大部分股票 the majority of意思是大多数的.The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio.多数人喜欢电视胜过广播.

a majority of的意思是什么啊?

a majority of意思是许多的,大量的An attempt to seize control of a company,as by acquiring a majority of its stock.侵吞获得对某公司支配权的努力,如通过获得该公司的大部分股票 the majority of意思是大多数的.The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio.多数人喜欢电视胜过广播.

the majority of与the majority of的用法区别是什么?

the majority of的意思是“...的大部分/大多数”,相当于most of...;a majority of 的意思是:大部分/大多数的,相当于most。a majority of与the majority of的区别举例(1)the majority of+限定词(the/one" s)+名词The majority of my patients come to me from out of town.大多数来找我看病的患者都是外省人。(2)a majority of+数词(百分数/基数词)A majorityvote of 75% is required from shareholders for the plan to go ahead.这项计划若要实施,必须获得股东75%的多数票。

the majority of是什么意思

the majority of 大多数...The majority of the damage is easy to repair. 这次的损害大部分容易补救。majority 英[mu0259u02c8du0292u0252ru026atu026a] 美[mu0259u02c8du0292u0254ru0259ti; mu0259u02c8du0292ɑru0259ti] n. 大多数,大部分;多数票The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio. 大部分人似乎喜欢看电视而不喜欢听收音机。They attach great importance to the opinions of the majority. 他们十分重视大多数人的意见。

majority interest是什么意思

majority interest英 [mu0259u02c8du0292u0254riti u02c8intrist] 美 [mu0259u02c8du0292u0254ru026ati u02c8u026antru026ast] 词典多数权利,多数股权双语例句1This gives them majority interest in the business. 这使他们的生意大感兴趣。2He have majority interest in a supermarket chain. This supermarket chain turns over its stock very rapidly. 他拥有超级市场连锁店的多数股份。此超市连锁店商品周转很快。3He has a majority interest in a supermarket chain 他在超市连锁店中拥有多数权益

Majority Rule, Minority Rights什么意思呢?该用在哪里?

Majority rule: 少数服从多数原则Minority Rights少数人的或少数民族的权利。

failure ;majority; salutation 这英语用谐音怎么读?



是对的,the parents特指这些父母,而不是其他父母 the majority of people指大多数人,而如果用the people,就变成了这些人中的大多数,也对,但是意思不同



the majority of什么意思?

the majority of的意思是“...的大部分/大多数”,相当于most of...; a majority of 的意思是:大部分/大多数的,相当于most。a majority of与the majority of的区别举例(1)the majority of+限定词(the/one" s)+名词The majority of my patients come to me from out of town.大多数来找我看病的患者都是外省人。The vast majority of our cheses are made of milk.我们生产的绝大部分奶酪都是用巴氏消毒过的牛奶制成的。(2)a majority of+数词(百分数/基数词)A majorityvote of 75% is required from shareholders for the plan to go ahead.这项计划若要实施,必须获得股东75%的多数票。Members of parliament approved the move by a majority of ninety-nine.议员以99张的多数票批准了这项动议。

the majority of后面接复数还是单?

都可以。1、“the majority of+复数名词”用作主语时,谓语动词用复数。2、“the majority of+不可数名词”用作主语时,谓语动词用单数。3、“the majority of+集合名词”用作主语时,谓语动词可用单数(视为整体)或复数(考虑其个体)。如:The vast majority of the population lives [live] in utter misery.这里的绝大多数人生活在极度贫困之中。4、“a majority of+复数名词”用作主语时,谓语动词用复数。词语用法majority的基本意思是“多数”“大多数”,尤指在选举中在半数以上,即超过其余候选人得票总和的人或政党,也可指票数差距,即多得的票数或超过的票数。majority也可泛指“大多数”。majority还可作“成年人”解,指达到可以投票的法定年龄,如英国、中国等为18岁。majority单独用作主语时,谓语动词多用单数形式,在强调“多数中的各个成员”时,谓语动词常用复数形式。

有a majority的用法吗?

有另外还有 the majority (of...) 的用法。

a majority of与a majority的区别是什么?

the majority of的意思是“...的大部分/大多数”,相当于most of...; a majority of 的意思是:大部分/大多数的,相当于most。a majority of与the majority of的区别举例(1)the majority of+限定词(the/one" s)+名词The majority of my patients come to me from out of town.大多数来找我看病的患者都是外省人。The vast majority of our cheses are made of milk.我们生产的绝大部分奶酪都是用巴氏消毒过的牛奶制成的。(2)a majority of+数词(百分数/基数词)A majorityvote of 75% is required from shareholders for the plan to go ahead.这项计划若要实施,必须获得股东75%的多数票。Members of parliament approved the move by a majority of ninety-nine.议员以99张的多数票批准了这项动议。

the majority of 单数复数

the majority of+复数名词用作主语时,谓动用复数;the majority of+不可数名词用作主语时,谓动用单数。 majority单词用法 n. (名词) 1、majority的基本意思是“多数”“大多数”,尤指在选举中在半数以上,即超过其余候选人得票总和的人或政党,也可指票数差距,即多得的票数或超过的票数。 2、majority也可泛指“大多数”。 3、majority还可作“成年人”解,指达到可以投票的法定年龄,如英国、中国等为18岁。 4、majority单独用作主语时,谓语动词多用单数形式,在强调“多数中的各个成员”时,谓语动词常用复数形式。 5、当把“多数”当作一个整体和少数人的整体相对比时,谓语动词用单数形式。 majority相关例句: 1、The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio. 多数人喜欢电视胜过广播。 2、Racism is abhorrent to the majority of people. 种族主义是大多数人都憎恨的。

majority of的用法

a majority of意思是许多的,大量的An attempt to seize control of a company,as by acquiring a majority of its stock.侵吞获得对某公司支配权的努力,如通过获得该公司的大部分股票 the majority of意思是大多数的.The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio.多数人喜欢电视胜过广播.

majority of什么意思

majority of大多数。后面跟 名词的复数形式。勤学好问 天天进步。

the majority of后面接复数还是单?

都可以,具体要看实际语意。“the majority of+复数名词”用作主语时,谓语动词用复数。“the majority of+不可数名词”用作主语时,谓语动词用单数。“the majority of+集合名词”用作主语时,谓语动词可用单数(视为整体)或复数(考虑其个体)。例如:The vast majority of the population lives [live] in utter misery.这里的绝大多数人生活在极度贫困之中。词语用法majority的基本意思是“多数”“大多数”,尤指在选举中在半数以上,即超过其余候选人得票总和的人或政党,也可指票数差距,即多得的票数或超过的票数。majority也可泛指“大多数”。majority还可作“成年人”解,指达到可以投票的法定年龄,如英国、中国等为18岁。

a majority of与the majority of的区别


the majority of后面接复数还是单

都可以,具体要看实际语意。the majority of加复数名词用作主语时,谓动用复数;the majority of加不可数名词用作主语时,谓动用单数。 majority的用法 majority的基本意思是“多数”“大多数”,尤指在选举中在半数以上,即超过其余候选人得票总和的人或政党,也可指票数差距,即多得的票数或超过的票数。 majority也可泛指“大多数”。 majority还可作“成年人”解,指达到可以投票的法定年龄,如英国、中国等为18岁。 majority单独用作主语时,谓语动词多用单数形式,在强调“多数中的各个成员”时,谓语动词常用复数形式。 majority只用作单数,通常与of连用。the majority of后可用单数名词,也可用复数名词,谓语动词的数与of后面的名词相一致。 当把“多数”当作一个整体和少数人的整体相对比时,谓语动词用单数形式。 majority的例句 Whatever the majority decided I was prepared to go along with. 只要是多数人的决定我都愿意服从。 The majority of us feel worried if we walk through a subway. 大多数人在走地下通道时都感到害怕。 Surveys indicate that supporters of the treaty are still in the majority. 调查表明,该条约的支持者仍然占大多数。

the majority of 和 a majority of的区别以及用法例句

① the majority of 翻译为“大多数”,表示指涉到的人或物的大部分或绝大部分。a majority of 翻译为“大多数”,也表示指涉到的人或物的大部分或绝大部分。两者的区别在于 "the majority of" 强调的是特定群体中的大多数,而 "a majority of" 则更加泛指。② 语法详解:the majority of 是一个短语,由定冠词 "the"、名词 "majority" 和介词 "of" 组成。a majority of 同样也是一个短语,由不定冠词 "a"、名词 "majority" 和介词 "of" 组成。两者后面都跟随一个名词或名词短语。③ 具体用法举例:- The majority of people prefer coffee over tea.(大多数人喜欢咖啡胜过茶。)- A majority of the employees voted in favor of the new policy.(大部分员工投票支持新政策。)在这两个例句中,无论是 "the majority of" 还是 "a majority of" 都表示了一个特定群体中的大多数。选择使用哪种表达方式,取决于句子的语境和表达的意图。值得注意的是,"the majority of" 与特定群体有关,并暗示对该群体有一定的了解,而 "a majority of" 更为泛指,强调数量上的多数。希望以上回答对你有帮助。如有其他问题,请继续提问。

英语翻译 流行音乐赢得了大多数年轻人的喜爱.(majority)

Pop music is popular with a majority of young people. be popular with sb.受到……的欢迎 a majority of 大部分,大多数


分类: 外语/出国 解析: most KK: [] DJ: [] a. 1. (many, much的最高级)最多的;最高程度的 Which of you has made the most mistakes? 你们当中谁错得最多? 2. 多数的;大部分的 Most birds can fly. 多数的鸟会飞。 pron. 1. 最大量,最多数,最高额[the S] I did the most I could. 我已尽最大的努力去做了。 2. 大部分,大多数[(+of)] Of course most of them don"t agree with his opinion. 当然,他们中大多数人都不同意他的意见。 ad. 1. (用以构成形容词或副词的最高级)最 Of the three questions, this is the most difficult. 三个问题中这是最难的。 2. (much的最高级)最多,最大程度地 She gave money most generously. 她付钱最大方。 3. 非常,很 It is really most unfortunate. 这真是太不幸了。 4. 【美】【口】差不多,几乎 majority KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 多数,过半数,大多数[the S][G][(+of)] The majority were on Ben"s side. 大多数人都站在本的一边。 2. 多数党,多数派[the S] The Democrats became the majority in the election. 民主党在这次选举中变成了多数党。 3. 多得的票数[C][S1] He won by a majority of o: the vote was seven to five. 他以两票多数获胜:票数是七比五。 4. 【律】成人;成年[U] A person reaches his majority at the age of 21. 一个人二十一岁达到法定成年。 5. 少校军阶[U]

the majority of +n.后面的谓动是用单数还是复数





分类: 外语/出国 解析: 当 majority指特定的选票数目时,其动词用单数: Her majority was five votes. 她的票数是五票。 (常与of连用)多数;半数以上The majority of children in our class have brown eyes; only three have blue eyes. 我们班大多数孩子是棕色眼睛,只有三个是蓝眼睛。 in the majority 拥有多数的;占多数的 majority [mE5dVCriti] n. 多数, 大半 (投票)超过的数; (选举等中)多得的票数 得票多的党[集团], 多数党 陆军少校的职位 成年; 法定年龄 The minority is subordinate to the majority. 少数服从多数。 He will reach his majority next year. 明年他将到成年年龄。 He was elected by a large majority [by a majority of 3240]. 他以大多数票[超过对方3240票]当选。


most KK: [] DJ: [] a. 1. (many, much的最高级)最多的;最高程度的 Which of you has made the most mistakes? 你们当中谁错得最多? 2. 多数的;大部分的 Most birds can fly. 多数的鸟会飞. pron. 1. 最大量,最多数,最高额[the S] I did the most I could. 我已尽最大的努力去做了. 2. 大部分,大多数[(+of)] Of course most of them don"t agree with his opinion. 当然,他们中大多数人都不同意他的意见. ad. 1. (用以构成形容词或副词的最高级)最 Of the three questions, this is the most difficult. 三个问题中这是最难的. 2. (much的最高级)最多,最大程度地 She gave money most generously. 她付钱最大方. 3. 非常,很 It is really most unfortunate. 这真是太不幸了. 4. 【美】【口】差不多,几乎 majority KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 多数,过半数,大多数[the S][G][(+of)] The majority were on Ben"s side. 大多数人都站在本的一边. 2. 多数党,多数派[the S] The Democrats became the majority in the election. 民主党在这次选举中变成了多数党. 3. 多得的票数[C][S1] He won by a majority of two: the vote was seven to five. 他以两票多数获胜:票数是七比五. 4. 【律】成人;成年[U] A person reaches his majority at the age of 21. 一个人二十一岁达到法定成年. 5. 少校军阶[U]


majority作为主语部分时候谓语单复数均可!例如:The majority was/were in favour of banning smoking .大多数人支持禁烟。


majority用作名词,基本含义是“多数”“大多数”。还可作“成年人”解。majority单独用作主语时,谓语动词多用单数形式。1.majority的基本含义是“多数”“大多数”,尤指在选举中在半数以上,即超过其余候选人得票总和的人或政党,也可指票数差距,即多得的票数或超过的票数。 2.majority也可泛指“大多数”。还可作“成年人”解,指达到可以投票的法定年龄,如英国、中国等为18岁。 3.majority单独用作主语时,谓语动词多用单数形式,在强调“多数中的各个成员”时,谓语动词常用复数形式。 4.majority只用作单数,通常与of连用。the majority of后可用单数名词,也可用复数名词,谓语动词的数与of后面的名词相一致。 5.majority用作名词例句 Racism is abhorrent to the majority of people. 种族主义是大多数人都憎恨的。 The Democrats became the majority in the election. 民主党在这次选举中变成了多数党。


对于英语这门学科,我们一般需要记大量的单词,那么大家认识majority这个单词吗?知道majority是什么意思吗?它的用法又有哪些呢?下面是我给大家带来的majority的用法和例句_majority的 短语 搭配,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ 目 录 ▼ ★ ★ majority的解 释 ★ ★ ★ majority的用 法 ★ ★ majority的短 语搭 配 ★ ★ majority的用 法例 句 ★ ▼ majority的解释 n.多数;大多数;成年;法定年龄;少校军衔;少校职位;多数党;多数派;领先票数;绝对多数 复数: majorities ▼ majority的用法 majority的用法1:majority的基本意思是“多数”“大多数”,尤指在选举中在半数以上,即超过其余候选人得票总和的人或政党,也可指票数差距,即多得的票数或超过的票数。 majority的用法2:majority也可泛指“大多数”。 majority的用法3:majority还可作“成年人”解,指达到可以投票的法定年龄,如英国、中国等为18岁。 majority的用法4:majority单独用作主语时,谓语动词多用单数形式,在强调“多数中的各个成员”时,谓语动词常用复数形式。 majority的用法5:majority只用作单数,通常与of连用。the majority of后可用单数名词,也可用复数名词,谓语动词的数与of后面的名词相一致。 majority的用法6:当把“多数”当作一个整体和少数人的整体相对比时,谓语动词用单数形式。 <<< ▼ majority的短语搭配 majority rule 多数裁定原则 absolute majority 绝对多数 simple majority 简单多数 the silent majority 沉默的大多数;无言百姓 be in the majority 属多数;占多数 majority verdict 多数裁决 moral majority 道德多数派 majority of 大多数;大部分 the majority 大多数;多数;多数人 the majority of 大多数;绝大多数;大部分 vast majority 绝大多数;绝大部分;广大 a majority of 大多数;多数;以多数 overwhelming majority 绝大多数;绝大多数人;压倒性多数 large majority 大多数;绝大多数 clear majority 绝对多数 majority voting 多数投票;多数表决;多数表决制 slim majority 微弱的多数 handsome majority 可观的多数 win majority 赢得大多数 majority of teens 大多数青少年;大部分青少年;大部分年轻人 <<< ▼ majority的用法例句 1. Independent candidates won the majority of seats on the local council. 无党派候选人在地方议会选举中赢得了多数席位。 2. It"s possible the Congress Party will scrape together a majority. 国大党可能会勉强获得多数票。 3. The men voted by a four-to-one majority to accept the pay offer. 男雇员以4比1的多数票接受了工资条件。 4. The majority of foreign nationals working here have work permits. 大多数在这里工作的外国人都有工作许可证。 5. The majority of sex offenders have a low opinion of themselves. 大多数性犯罪者都瞧不起自己。 6. There"sa danger of the government falling because it will lose its majority. 政府将因失去其占多数的优势而有倒台的危险。 7. The majority of people in this country pay their whack. 该国大部分人尽了他们的一份力。 8. The government got a massive majority — well over 400 votes. 政府获得了远远超过400票赞成的绝大多数票。 9. Whatever the majority decided I was prepared to go along with. 只要是多数人的决定我都愿意服从。 10. Members of parliament approved the move by a majority of ninety-nine. 议员以99张的多数票批准了这项动议. 11. So far, majority public opinion is solidly behind the government. 迄今为止,大部分民意还是坚决地支持政府。 12. Surveys indicate that supporters of the treaty are still in the majority. 调查表明,该条约的支持者仍然占大多数。 13. The majority of us feel worried if we walk through a subway. 大多数人在走地下通道时都感到害怕。 14. The vast majority of the attentive audience applauded these sentiments. 大多数聚精会神听讲的观众都对这些观点表示赞赏。 15. MPs approved the Bill by a majority of 97. 议员们以97票的多数票通过了该议案。 <<< majority的用法和例句相关 文章 : ★ majority的用法和例句 ★ a majority of 的用法集锦 ★ vast的用法和例句 ★ offer的用法和短语例句 ★ opinion的用法和例句 ★ adopt的用法和短语例句 ★ possible的用法和短语例句是什么意思 ★ credit的用法和短语例句意思是什么 ★ pay的用法和短语例句 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();


majority 考研 | CET6 | CET4 | TOEFL | IELTS英 [mu0259u02c8du0292u0252ru0259ti] 美 [mu0259u02c8du0292u0254:ru0259ti] n. 多数; (获胜的)票数; 成年; 法定年龄;复数: majorities


n.多数;[律]成年近义词n. number, figure, relative quantity, age, eld反义词n. minority, nonage联想词minority少数民族;vast巨大的;preponderance多数;sizable相当大的;sizeable大的,相当大的;overwhelmingly压倒地;predominantly占主导地位地;percentage百分比, 百分率;proportion部分;populace平民;handful一把;词组 | 习惯用语majority of 大多数;大部分overwhelming majority 压倒性多数vast majority 绝大多数,大部份the great majority 很大一部分in the majority 占多数majority leader 多数党领袖majority vote 多数票决majority shareholder 大股东;多数股东absolute majority 绝对多数simple majority 过半数;一般多数, 简单多数narrow majority 勉强多数silent majority 沉默的大多数(持温和观点并很少发表意见者)majority owner 多数份数拥有人majority of votes 多数票;表决多数majority control 过半数控制权




词性不一样,most是adj, advmajority是n.




D.most 是针对整体而言的,majority 是相对部分而言的。

a majority of与the majority of的区别







翻译如下The merging of diverse peoples into a common mass has produced tension among members of the minorities and the majority alike.把不同民族融合成一个共同的群体,这在少数民族和大多数人之间产生了紧张关系。majority是指大多数人,是群体概念,不可加复数




majority 表示“大多数”、“大半”的意思。majority有两个短语: a majority of 和 the majority of. 如果of 后面的名词是单数形式,谓语动词就用单数形式;当of 后面的名词是复数形式,如视为整体,谓语动词用单数;如果视为个体,谓语动词用复数形式。


most KK: [] DJ: [] a. 1. (many, much的最高级)最多的;最高程度的 Which of you has made the most mistakes? 你们当中谁错得最多? 2. 多数的;大部分的 Most birds can fly. 多数的鸟会飞。 pron. 1. 最大量,最多数,最高额[the S] I did the most I could. 我已尽最大的努力去做了。 2. 大部分,大多数[(+of)] Of course most of them don"t agree with his opinion. 当然,他们中大多数人都不同意他的意见。 ad. 1. (用以构成形容词或副词的最高级)最 Of the three questions, this is the most difficult. 三个问题中这是最难的。 2. (much的最高级)最多,最大程度地 She gave money most generously. 她付钱最大方。 3. 非常,很 It is really most unfortunate. 这真是太不幸了。 4. 【美】【口】差不多,几乎 majority KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 多数,过半数,大多数[the S][G][(+of)] The majority were on Ben"s side. 大多数人都站在本的一边。 2. 多数党,多数派[the S] The Democrats became the majority in the election. 民主党在这次选举中变成了多数党。 3. 多得的票数[C][S1] He won by a majority of two: the vote was seven to five. 他以两票多数获胜:票数是七比五。 4. 【律】成人;成年[U] A person reaches his majority at the age of 21. 一个人二十一岁达到法定成年。 5. 少校军阶[U]


B a majority of 是大量的,虚的概念 the majority of 是要在后面加有范围,某一群人中的大多数


the majority of the population 谓语用复数, 例如:The majority of the population live there.

majority 的反义词



单数,the majority of=大多数,谓语动词要看其所修饰的名词,此处population表整体,本来就是单数,它的大多数也是单数 如果是the majority of the people就要用复数


majority of 大多数;大部分 overwhelming majority 压倒性多数 vast majority 绝大多数,大部份 the great majority 很大一部分 in the majority 占多数 majority leader 多数党领袖 majority vote 多数票决 majority shareholder 大股东;多数股东 absolute majority 绝对多数 simple majority 过半数;一般多数, 简单多数 narrow majority 勉强多数 silent majority 沉默的大多数(持温和观点并很少发表意见者) majority owner 多数份数拥有人 majority of votes 多数票;表决多数 majority control 过半数控制权 希望能帮到你


majority表示“大多数”时,是集合名词;若单独用作主语,谓语动词可用单数(若强调整体)或复数(若强调个体)。 扩展资料 majority是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“多数;成年”。


majority 大多数的minority 少数的刚好是反意词


majority美 [mu0259"du0292u0254ru0259ti]英 [mu0259"du0292u0252ru0259ti]n.大多数;大部分;多数票;(获胜的)票数 过半数;多数派;成年复数:majoritiesminority美 [mau026a"nu0254ru0259ti]英 [mau026a"nu0252ru0259ti]n.少数民族;少数人;未成年;少数派 少数族裔;少数族群



primary major leading 在做“主要的”讲时,有什么区别?

primary 基本的 major 多数的 leading 主导的 都可以引申为主要的,区别可以从基本义中体会



如何求一个二次函数的center, radius, major axis, foci? 求例子说明

Qwt提供了自己的缩放机制。QwtMagnifier类:提供逐步放大缩小功能的抽象基类。被QwtPlotMagnifier继承。继承关系如下图所示:代码分析:一、QwtMagnifier类1、构造函数:[cpp] view plain copy /*! Constructor param parent Widget to be magnified */ QwtMagnifier::QwtMagnifier( QWidget *parent ): QObject( parent ) { d_data = new PrivateData(); setEnabled( true ); } 构造函数要求传入被放大缩小的部件parent (通常是QwtPlotCanvas)。2、安装/卸载事件过滤器:QwtMagnifier对象对“鼠标、滚轮,键盘”事件的响应(获取)是通过事件机制传递的。在setEnabled()函数中,通过安装/卸载事件过滤器来达到开启/禁用缩放功能的目的。[cpp] view plain copy/*! rief En/disable the magnifier When enabled is true an event filter is installed for the observed widget, otherwise the event filter is removed. param on true or false sa isEnabled(), eventFilter() */ void QwtMagnifier::setEnabled( bool on ) { if ( d_data->isEnabled != on ) { d_data->isEnabled = on; QObject *o = parent(); if ( o ) { if ( d_data->isEnabled ) o->installEventFilter( this ); else o->removeEventFilter( this ); } } } 这是一个利用Qt事件机制的极好例子。 注意以上代码:如果开启,则为对象o(即parent)安装this(即QwtMagnifier)的事件过滤器,也就是说,所有发送到对象o的事件都会先传给QwtMagnifier的eventFilter()函数过滤(即处理)。如果要禁用缩放功能,则只需卸载即可。3、看一下事件过滤器函数的代码:[cpp] view plain copy/*! rief Event filter When isEnabled() the mouse events of the observed widget are filtered. param object Object to be filtered param event Event sa widgetMousePressEvent(), widgetMouseReleaseEvent(), widgetMouseMoveEvent(), widgetWheelEvent(), widgetKeyPressEvent() widgetKeyReleaseEvent() */ bool QwtMagnifier::eventFilter( QObject *object, QEvent *event ) { if ( object && object == parent() ) // 判断事件属主对象 { switch ( event->type() ) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: { widgetMousePressEvent( ( QMouseEvent * )event ); break; } case QEvent::MouseMove: { widgetMouseMoveEvent( ( QMouseEvent * )event ); break; } case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: { widgetMouseReleaseEvent( ( QMouseEvent * )event ); break; } case QEvent::Wheel: { widgetWheelEvent( ( QWheelEvent * )event ); break; } case QEvent::KeyPress: { widgetKeyPressEvent( ( QKeyEvent * )event ); break; } case QEvent::KeyRelease: { widgetKeyReleaseEvent( ( QKeyEvent * )event ); break; } default:; } } return QObject::eventFilter( object, event ); } 4、再看看获取父类对象的函数,可以学习一个新的方法: bool QObject::inherits ( const char * className ) const:[cpp] view plain copy//! eturn Parent widget, where the rescaling happens QWidget *QwtMagnifier::parentWidget() { if ( parent()->inherits( "QWidget" ) ) return ( QWidget * )parent(); return NULL; } //! eturn Parent widget, where the rescaling happens const QWidget *QwtMagnifier::parentWidget() const { if ( parent()->inherits( "QWidget" ) ) return ( const QWidget * )parent(); return NULL; } 判断一个对象是否是名称为className 的类的实例或其子类实例。代码如下:[cpp] view plain copyinline bool inherits(const char *classname) const { return const_cast<QObject *>(this)->qt_metacast(classname) != 0; } 不过有一个疑问:这个地方为什么不使用 T qobject_cast ( QObject * object ) ???5、QwtMagnifier是一个抽象基类,有一个负责具体实现放大缩小的功能函数:[cpp] view plain copyprotected: /*! Rescale the parent widget param factor Scale factor */ virtual void rescale( double factor ) = 0; 纯虚函数,其具体实现被延迟到子类中。二、QwtPlotMagnifier类首先我们看看Qwt文档对QwtPlotMagnifier类的说明:QwtPlotMagnifier provides zooming, by magnifying in steps.Using QwtPlotMagnifier a plot can be zoomed in/out in steps using keys, the mouse wheel or moving a mouse button in vertical direction.Together with QwtPlotZoomer and QwtPlotPanner it is possible to implement individual and powerful navigation of the plot canvas.See also:QwtPlotZoomer, QwtPlotPanner, QwtPlot由于大部分功能在其基类QwtMagnifier中已经实现,QwtPlotMagnifier只需要重新实现纯虚函数rescale( factor )即可,因此QwtPlotMagnifier类的代码也较为简单:1、构造函数:[cpp] view plain copy/*! Constructor param canvas Plot canvas to be magnified */ QwtPlotMagnifier::QwtPlotMagnifier( QwtPlotCanvas *canvas ): QwtMagnifier( canvas ) { d_data = new PrivateData(); } 注意:传递进去的参数是QwtPlotCanvas而非QwtPlot。2、可以只“设置指定的轴”被放大或缩小,而其它轴保持不变:[cpp] view plain copy/*! rief En/Disable an axis Only Axes that are enabled will be zoomed. All other axes will remain unchanged. param axis Axis, see QwtPlot::Axis param on On/Off sa isAxisEnabled() */ void QwtPlotMagnifier::setAxisEnabled( int axis, bool on ) { if ( axis >= 0 && axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt ) d_data->isAxisEnabled[axis] = on; } 3、返回QwtPlotMagnifier类操作的画布对象QwtPlotCanvas:[cpp] view plain copy//! Return observed plot canvas QwtPlotCanvas *QwtPlotMagnifier::canvas() { return qobject_cast<QwtPlotCanvas *>( parent() ); } //! Return Observed plot canvas const QwtPlotCanvas *QwtPlotMagnifier::canvas() const { return qobject_cast<const QwtPlotCanvas *>( parent() ); } 这里使用了 T qobject_cast ( QObject * object ) 。4、一个好的防御性编码实现例子:[cpp] view plain copy//! Return plot widget, containing the observed plot canvas QwtPlot *QwtPlotMagnifier::plot() { QwtPlotCanvas *w = canvas(); if ( w ) return w->plot(); return NULL; } //! Return plot widget, containing the observed plot canvas const QwtPlot *QwtPlotMagnifier::plot() const { const QwtPlotCanvas *w = canvas(); if ( w ) return w->plot(); return NULL; } 我经常写成:return canvas()->plot(); 编码时总是求快,着急看到效果,没有防错意识。这样的编码习惯何谈提高代码质量? 差距啊!5、最后,也贴上功能函数rescale( factor )的实现代码:[cpp] view plain copy/*! Zoom in/out the axes scales param factor A value < 1.0 zooms in, a value > 1.0 zooms out. */ void QwtPlotMagnifier::rescale( double factor ) { factor = qAbs( factor ); if ( factor == 1.0 || factor == 0.0 ) return; bool doReplot = false; QwtPlot* plt = plot(); const bool autoReplot = plt->autoReplot(); plt->setAutoReplot( false ); for ( int axisId = 0; axisId < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axisId++ ) { const QwtScaleDiv *scaleDiv = plt->axisScaleDiv( axisId ); if ( isAxisEnabled( axisId ) && scaleDiv->isValid() ) { const double center = scaleDiv->lowerBound() + scaleDiv->range() / 2; const double width_2 = scaleDiv->range() / 2 * factor; plt->setAxisScale( axisId, center - width_2, center + width_2 ); doReplot = true; } } plt->setAutoReplot( autoReplot ); if ( doReplot ) plt->replot(); } 以后实现自己特定的缩放类时可以参考。三、疑问:现在对缩放操作类QwtMagnifier里的鼠标、滚轮、键盘的设置的作用不清楚。[cpp] view plain copyvoid setMouseButton( int button, int buttonState = Qt::NoButton ); void setWheelButtonState( int buttonState ); void setZoomInKey( int key, int modifiers ); void setZoomOutKey( int key, int modifiers );

In fact, the majority of state names in the U.S. (derive) ________ from Indian names.

这是对客观情况的描述,为何用现在完成时? 一般现在时足矣。

Water Music, Suite No.1 in F major: X. [Allegro moderato] 歌词

歌曲名:Water Music, Suite No.1 in F major: X. [Allegro moderato]歌手:Linde Consort&Hans-Martin Linde专辑:100 Best HandelXzibit Ft. Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg - XYeah, ladies and gentlemanBroadcasting live to you and yoursIt"s Mr. X to the Z, XzibitYeah, bounce itCome onThe first day of the rest of my life (X)Stand behind the mic like Walter KronkikeYo, keep the spotlightI"m keeping my rhymes tightLose sight of what you believeAnd call it a nightThis ain"t the light-weight, cake mix shit that you"re used toTeflon territory, you just can"t shoot throughYou gon shoot who? (who?)Not even on your best dayRollin" the Wild West way, givin" it upLeavin" the whole world stuck, not givin" a fuckLaid in the cut, now we break through in the rutHennesy and Orange Juice, baby fill up a cupQuick to grab Mary Jane by the butt and squeezeLoosen up, let your hair down, and join the festivitiesOvercrowd the house like lockdown facilitiesBitches be quick to give me brains while I post the rangeGoing up and down my dick like the stock exchange(X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound(X) Won"t even say your own name when I come around(X) Stay on top but remain from the underground(X) to the Z and we all in the family(X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound(X) Won"t even say your own name when I come around(X) Stay on top but remain from the underground(X) to the Z and we all in the familyEver since Xzibit could spit, been on some pimp shitApproach every woman like a potential mistressShine bright, make sure that (X) stay tightCause tonight I might meet my next ex-wifeMr. Big Chief Reefa (uh-huh), Xzibit use his dick like a VisaI run it through and money come outRunnin" your mouth, I"ll have somebody run in your houseRavel your spouse and have a little fun on the couchNow you know that it was bound to happenI came to give you what you lackin"Whenever you hear them other niggas rappinRockin" chains, stadium, paladiums, cracked craniumsMy whole skeleton is dipped in titaniumDrop tops sittin" on twentiesUsing rappers like crash test dummiesStackin" real estate and moneyIt"s funny how things change overnight when you thinking rightI beat the odds like Ike beat on his first wife(X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound(X) Won"t even say your own name when I come around(X) Stay on top but remain from the underground(X) to the Z and we all in the family(X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound(X) Won"t even say your own name when I come around(X) Stay on top but remain from the underground(X) to the Z and we all in the familyWhat an event?We hardcore 100%Making it stick, Los Angeles proudly presents (X)The real deal, how does it feel?No special effectsYank the chain off of your neck and demand the respectNow all your conversations sound strange to meSeems like everybody around me want me to change but meI stand alone, on my own two feetStagger tracks, strangle the beatRestless, no time for sleepNiggas be weak, I"m concrete like bitumen gritIt"s a very thin line between a foe and a friendStraight to the chair(Not these niggas again)Crawl back, bounce in the spot and slide right inI ain"t trying to see nothing but progress, regardlessHome of the heartless, move right, remain cautiousRepresent nothing but the hustle and struggleHennesy, rock plenty of ice, making a double, now SCREAM(X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound(X) Won"t even say your own name when I come around(X) Stay on top but remain from the underground(X) to the Z and we all in the family(X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound(X) Won"t even say your own name when I come around(X) Stay on top but remain from the underground(X) to the Z and we all in the familySo there you have itA-B-C-D-P-G-CX to the motherfuckin" ZMr. Xuberant, XtravagantXtrodinary, Xciting, X-alottaX "em with a little bit of XtasyX-ing your bitch out if you tryna test a gAnd what"s the recipe?Xcalibur weaponaryAnd we shoot XceptionallyThat there is hotX marks the spot?Fuck naw, X spots the marksXclamation point, niggaz.....EndXzibit Ft. Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg - X

我的专业是计算机的英语是“My major in”还是“I major in”?








major in 与 major的用法及区别

以下我列举了最为常见的用法,供参考~major:(一)作形容词(1)较大的;较多的eg. the major part of the audience(2)重要的;主要的eg. a major problem major changes短语 play a major part in(3)主修的eg. a major subject(二)作名词主修课目eg. take international trade as one"s major He"s a hitory major.major in主修eg. He majors in physics.

【科普】MajorMinor傻傻分不清楚?CS:GO Major比赛详解

**Major**和**Minor**是CS:GO比赛的两个阶段,通常在大型赛事中采用。下面是它们的具体含义:1. **Major**:指世界范围内的最高级别比赛,如ESL Pro League、ELEAGUE Premier等。每个Major比赛都会有很多阶段的预选赛和小组赛,以选拔出最优秀的战队参加淘汰赛阶段的比赛。每个Major比赛的冠军都会获得象征着最高荣誉的奖杯。2. **Minor**:指区域范围内的次高级别比赛,如ELEAGUE Open、Gfinity等。Minor比赛通常由地区性组织或赛事方举办,旨在选拔出各地区的优秀战队参加Major比赛。每个Minor比赛的冠军会获得奖杯,但象征意义不如Major比赛的奖杯。总之,Major和Minor是CS:GO比赛的两个阶段,分别代表世界范围和区域范围内的最高级别和次高级别比赛。它们的冠军都会获得奖杯,但象征意义不同。


你好!有美军陆军(海军,空军,海军陆战队)少将的意思。MAJOR,英文单词,形容词、动词、名词,作形容词时意为“主要的;重要的;主修的;较多的”,作动词时意为“主修”,作名词时意为“[人类]成年人;主修科目;陆军少校,人名;(西)马霍尔;(法)马若尔;(捷、德、塞、瑞典)马约尔;(英)梅杰”,以及拥有重要的意思。短语:major in 专攻 ; 专研 ; 主研Oreolalax major 大齿蟾Proconsul major 大型原康修尔猿Major second 大二度 ; 大二音度Major seventh 大七度


major ADJ 较大的 主修的 重要的 N 成年人 主修课目 VI 主修较大的;较多的The house needs major repairs. 这幢房子需要大修. 主要的,重要的;一流的[B]He is a major writer. 他是位大作家. 主修的[B]...


1、解释和含义(1)main adj. 主要的;最重要的。n. (通往建筑物的)主管道,总管,输电干线;(建筑物的)污水总管道;水源;煤气源;电源;(水、煤气、电等的)供应系统;下水道系统。(2)majoradj. 主要的;重要的;大的;严重;大调的n. 少校;主修课程;专业课;主修学生;主修生v. 主修,专攻2、名词用法区别main名词通常表示主管道、主干线;例句:The house is not yet connected to the mains.翻译:这房子还没有通水电。major名词通常表示主课程;例句:Her major is French.翻译:她的专业课是法语。3、major可以用作动词表示主修,main没有动词用法。major动词用法:例句:She majored in History at Stanford.翻译:她在斯坦福主修历史。
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