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cellpadding单元格衬距;单元格边距;单元格边距属性例句1.Change the cellpadding value to "1" plus add HTML comments around the last two cells of the table.将cellpadding的值改为“1”在表格的最后两个单元格加入HTML注释。2.To determine the amount of spacing between the contents of a cell and the cell"s border, set the CellPadding property.若要确定单元格的内容和单元格的边框之间的间距量,请设置CellPadding属性。3.How to use cellpadding to create more white space between the cell content and its borders.这个例子演示了如何使用cellpadding属性来创建单元格文本内容与边框之间的填充。


因为help 后面省略了to


服务端unit ServerMain;interfaceuses Windows, Messages, WinSock, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ImgList, ToolWin, XPMan, Menus, ExtCtrls;const WM_WORK1_ACCEPT = WM_USER + 12; WM_WORK1_READ = WM_USER + 13;type TForm1 = class(TForm) StatusBar1: TStatusBar; ToolBar1: TToolBar; ToolButton1: TToolButton; ToolButton2: TToolButton; ToolButton3: TToolButton; ImageList1: TImageList; XPManifest1: TXPManifest; PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu; N8: TMenuItem; Panel1: TPanel; ListBox1: TListBox; Memo1: TMemo; Splitter1: TSplitter; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure ToolButton3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure ToolButton1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure N8Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } procedure InitSocket; procedure OnWork1Accept(Var message: TMessage); message WM_WORK1_ACCEPT; procedure OnWork1Read(Var message: TMessage); message WM_WORK1_READ; public { Public declarations } end; TCarCache = Record Pzh: String[10]; Cz: String[20]; Zs: Integer; end;var Form1: TForm1; Server_Socket : Integer; //服务器Socket号码 Conn_Socket : Integer; //连接后Socket号码implementation{$R *.dfm}procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);begin //初始化 InitSocket;end;procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);begin //释放WInSOck WSACleanup();end;procedure TForm1.OnWork1Accept(var message: TMessage);Var Client_Addr: TSockAddr; ClientLen: Integer;begin FillChar(Client_Addr,Sizeof(Client_Addr),0); ClientLen := Sizeof(Client_Addr); Conn_Socket := Accept(Server_Socket,@Client_Addr,@ClientLen); StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := "已连接"; ToolButton1.Enabled := true; ToolButton3.Enabled := true; //读取/关闭 事件 WSAAsyncSelect(Conn_Socket, Form1.Handle, WM_WORK1_READ, FD_READ or FD_CLOSE);end; procedure TForm1.OnWork1Read(var message: TMessage);Var Buff: String[100]; RET: Integer;begin CASE WSAGETSELECTEVENT(message.lParam) OF FD_READ: begin Ret := Recv(Conn_Socket,Buff,Sizeof(Buff),0); if Ret = SOCKET_ERROR then begin showmessage("Read Error!"); end else if Ret > 0 then //接收 begin ListBox1.Items.Add(Buff); //返回 Send(Conn_Socket,Buff,Sizeof(Buff),0); end; end; FD_CLOSE: begin StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := "已断开"; ToolButton1.Enabled := false; ToolButton3.Enabled := false; end; end;end;procedure TForm1.ToolButton3Click(Sender: TObject);var Buff: String[100]; i: Integer;begin for i := 0 to Memo1.Lines.Count - 1 do begin Buff := Memo1.Lines[i]; Send(Conn_socket,Buff,sizeof(Buff),0); end; Memo1.Clear;end;procedure TForm1.ToolButton1Click(Sender: TObject);begin CloseSocket(Conn_socket); StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := "已断开"; ToolButton1.Enabled := false; ToolButton3.Enabled := false;end;procedure TForm1.N8Click(Sender: TObject);begin ListBox1.Clear;end;procedure TForm1.InitSocket;Var XL_WSADATA:TWSADATA; Sa: SockAddr_In; RET:Integer;begin //初始化WinSock库 RET:=WSASTARTUP(MakeWord(2,2),XL_WSADATA); IF RET=0 THEN begin //建立Sock Server_Socket:=Socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); IF Server_SOCKET=INVALID_SOCKET THEN begin Application.MessageBox("SOCKET创建失败","注意",mb_ok) end; //邦定 Sa.sin_family := PF_INET; Sa.sin_port := Htons(8080); Sa.sin_addr.s_addr := INADDR_ANY; RET := Bind(Server_Socket,Sa,sizeof(Sa)); IF RET = SOCKET_ERROR then begin Application.MessageBox("SOCKET邦定失败!","注意",mb_ok) end; //监听 Ret := Listen(Server_Socket,1); if Ret <> 0 then begin Application.MessageBox("监听失败!","错误信息",MB_OK); Exit; end; //连接事件 WSAAsyncSelect(Server_Socket,Form1.Handle,WM_WORK1_ACCEPT,FD_ACCEPT); end;end;end.客户端unit main;interfaceuses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Winsock, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, ImgList, ToolWin, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, XPMan, Menus, Buttons;const WM_SOCKET_READ = WM_USER + 14;type TFrmMain = class(TForm) ToolBar1: TToolBar; ImageList1: TImageList; ToolButton1: TToolButton; StatusBar1: TStatusBar; ToolButton2: TToolButton; Panel_Left: TPanel; Panel_Main: TPanel; Memo1: TMemo; ToolButton3: TToolButton; Panel3: TPanel; XPManifest1: TXPManifest; GroupBox1: TGroupBox; MainMenu1: TMainMenu; N1: TMenuItem; N2: TMenuItem; N3: TMenuItem; N4: TMenuItem; N5: TMenuItem; N6: TMenuItem; N7: TMenuItem; BitBtn1: TBitBtn; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Edit2: TEdit; Edit3: TEdit; BitBtn2: TBitBtn; BitBtn3: TBitBtn; Memo2: TMemo; PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu; N8: TMenuItem; procedure Panel3Resize(Sender: TObject); procedure ToolButton1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure ToolButton3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure BitBtn3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure BitBtn2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure N8Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } hostname:string; server_port:integer; xl_hostent:phostent; xl_sockaddrin:TSOCKADDRIN; xl_socket: Integer; psaddr:^longint; saddr:integer; Procedure LinkSock; procedure InitSock; procedure OnSocketRead(Var message: TMessage); message WM_SOCKET_READ; public { Public declarations } end; TCarCache = Record Pzh: String[10]; Cz: String[20]; Zs: Integer; end;var FrmMain: TFrmMain;implementation{$R *.dfm}procedure TFrmMain.Panel3Resize(Sender: TObject);begin Memo2.Width := Panel3.Width - 105; BitBtn1.Left := Panel3.Width - 90;end;procedure TFrmMain.LinkSock;Var RET: Integer;begin server_port:=StrToInt(Edit3.Text); hostname := Edit2.Text; xl_sockaddrin.sin_port := htons(server_port); xl_sockaddrin.sin_family := PF_INET; xl_hostent := GetHostByName(PCHAR(HOSTNAME)); IF xl_hostent = nil then begin saddr := inet_addr(PCHAR(HOSTNAME)); if saddr <> -1 then xl_sockaddrin.sin_addr.S_addr := saddr; end else begin psaddr := pointer(xl_hostent.h_addr_list^); xl_sockaddrin.sin_addr.S_addr := psaddr^; end; xl_socket:=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); IF XL_SOCKET=INVALID_SOCKET THEN begin Application.MessageBox("SOCKET创建失败","注意",mb_ok); end; RET := CONNECT(xl_socket,xl_sockaddrin,sizeof(xl_sockaddrin)); if ret = socket_error then begin Application.MessageBox("SOCKET连接失败","注意",mb_ok); ret:=closesocket(xl_socket); if ret=0 then Application.MessageBox("SOCKET释放成功!","注意",mb_ok); end else begin Application.MessageBox("SOCKET连接成功!","注意",mb_ok); Panel_Main.Enabled := true; //读取/关闭 事件 WSAAsyncSelect(xl_socket, FrmMain.Handle, WM_SOCKET_READ, FD_READ or FD_CLOSE); end;end;procedure TFrmMain.ToolButton1Click(Sender: TObject);begin Panel_Left.Visible := ToolButton1.Down;end;procedure TFrmMain.InitSock;Var XL_WSADATA:TWSADATA; RET:INTEGER;begin //初始化WinSock库 RET:=WSASTARTUP(MakeWord(2,2),XL_WSADATA); IF RET<>0 THEN begin Application.MessageBox("初始化WInSock库失败!","错误信息",MB_OK); end;end;procedure TFrmMain.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);begin WSAcleanup;end;procedure TFrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);begin InitSock;end;{ TSockServer }procedure TFrmMain.ToolButton3Click(Sender: TObject);begin CloseSocket(xl_socket); StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := "已断开"; ToolButton3.Enabled := false; ToolButton1.Enabled := true;end;procedure TFrmMain.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);var Buff: String[100]; i: Integer;begin {Buff.Pzh := "JA-88888"; Buff.Cz := "国务院"; Buff.Zs := 4; } for i := 0 to Memo2.Lines.Count - 1 do begin Buff := Memo2.Lines[i]; Send(xl_socket,Buff,sizeof(Buff),0); end; Memo2.Clear;end;procedure TFrmMain.OnSocketRead(var message: TMessage);Var Buff: String[100]; RET: Integer;begin CASE WSAGETSELECTEVENT(message.lParam) OF FD_READ: begin Ret := Recv(xl_socket,Buff,Sizeof(Buff),0); if Ret = SOCKET_ERROR then begin showmessage("Read Error!"); end else if Ret > 0 then begin {Memo1.Lines.Add("========== Server Call Back ============"); Memo1.Lines.Add("牌照号:" + Buff.Pzh); Memo1.Lines.Add("车 主:" + Buff.Cz); Memo1.Lines.Add("轴 数:" + IntToStr(Buff.Zs)); Memo1.Lines.Add("========== Call Back End ============"); } Memo1.Lines.Add(Buff); end; end; FD_CLOSE: begin StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := "已断开"; ToolButton3.Enabled := false; ToolButton1.Enabled := true; end; end;end;procedure TFrmMain.BitBtn3Click(Sender: TObject);begin ToolButton1.Down := false; ToolButton1.Click;end;procedure TFrmMain.BitBtn2Click(Sender: TObject);begin LinkSock; ToolButton1.Down := false; ToolButton1.Click; StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := "已连接"; ToolButton3.Enabled := true; ToolButton1.Enabled := false;end;procedure TFrmMain.N8Click(Sender: TObject);begin Memo1.Clear;end;end.不记得哪下的了,贴上来。






去找个 raize 组件包,各个delphi网站都有的,有源码的或者用定时器,刷新文字就行了

如何更改TWICImage的像素格式在Delphi 2010

解决方法Bummi和Warren P问我发布了我之前添加的答案.这是答案:对于那些可能想知道的人,我尝试过这个工作,它似乎工作起来(它由Developer Express使用TcxImage,但我怀疑TImage也会工作):procedure TForm1.N16bitBGR1Click( Sender: TObject );varwicImg: TWICImage;wicBitmap: IWICBitmap;iBmpSource: IWICBitmapSource;puiWidth, puiHeight: UINT;iConverter: IWICFormatConverter;beginif cxImage1.Picture.Graphic is TWICImage thenbeginScreen.Cursor := crHourGlass;trywicImg := TWICImage( cxImage1.Picture.Graphic );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateFormatConverter( iConverter );iBmpSource := wicImg.Handle as IWICBitmapSource;iBmpSource.GetSize( puiWidth, puiHeight );iConverter.Initialize( iBmpSource, GUID_WICPixelFormat16bppBGR555, WICBitmapDitherTypeNone, nil, 0,WICBitmapPaletteTypeMedianCut );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateBitmapFromSourceRect( iConverter, 0, 0, puiWidth, puiHeight, wicBitmap );if Assigned( wicBitmap ) thenwicImg.Handle := wicBitmap;cxImage1.Repaint;cxImage1.Update;cxImage1.Invalidate;dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 0 ].Text := ExtractFileDir( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 1 ].Text := ExtractFileName( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 2 ].Text := "Width: " + IntToStr( WICImageWidth( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 3 ].Text := "Height: " + IntToStr( WICImageHeight( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 4 ].Text := "Pixel Format: " + WICGetPixelFormat( cxImage1 );finallyScreen.Cursor := crDefault;end;end;end;procedure TForm1.N16bitGray1Click( Sender: TObject );varwicImg: TWICImage;wicBitmap: IWICBitmap;iBmpSource: IWICBitmapSource;puiWidth, puiHeight: UINT;iConverter: IWICFormatConverter;beginif cxImage1.Picture.Graphic is TWICImage thenbeginScreen.Cursor := crHourGlass;trywicImg := TWICImage( cxImage1.Picture.Graphic );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateFormatConverter( iConverter );iBmpSource := wicImg.Handle as IWICBitmapSource;iBmpSource.GetSize( puiWidth, puiHeight );iConverter.Initialize( iBmpSource, GUID_WICPixelFormat16bppGray, WICBitmapDitherTypeSolid, nil, 0,WICBitmapPaletteTypeFixedGray16 );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateBitmapFromSourceRect( iConverter, 0, 0, puiWidth, puiHeight, wicBitmap );if Assigned( wicBitmap ) thenwicImg.Handle := wicBitmap;cxImage1.Repaint;cxImage1.Update;cxImage1.Invalidate;dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 0 ].Text := ExtractFileDir( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 1 ].Text := ExtractFileName( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 2 ].Text := "Width: " + IntToStr( WICImageWidth( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 3 ].Text := "Height: " + IntToStr( WICImageHeight( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 4 ].Text := "Pixel Format: " + WICGetPixelFormat( cxImage1 );finallyScreen.Cursor := crDefault;end;end;end;procedure TForm1.N24bitGBB1Click( Sender: TObject );varwicImg: TWICImage;wicBitmap: IWICBitmap;iBmpSource: IWICBitmapSource;puiWidth, puiHeight: UINT;iConverter: IWICFormatConverter;beginif cxImage1.Picture.Graphic is TWICImage thenbeginScreen.Cursor := crHourGlass;trywicImg := TWICImage( cxImage1.Picture.Graphic );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateFormatConverter( iConverter );iBmpSource := wicImg.Handle as IWICBitmapSource;iBmpSource.GetSize( puiWidth, puiHeight );iConverter.Initialize( iBmpSource, GUID_WICPixelFormat24bppBGR, WICBitmapDitherTypeNone, nil, 0,WICBitmapPaletteTypeMedianCut );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateBitmapFromSourceRect( iConverter, 0, 0, puiWidth, puiHeight, wicBitmap );if Assigned( wicBitmap ) thenwicImg.Handle := wicBitmap;cxImage1.Repaint;cxImage1.Update;cxImage1.Invalidate;dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 0 ].Text := ExtractFileDir( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 1 ].Text := ExtractFileName( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 2 ].Text := "Width: " + IntToStr( WICImageWidth( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 3 ].Text := "Height: " + IntToStr( WICImageHeight( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 4 ].Text := "Pixel Format: " + WICGetPixelFormat( cxImage1 );finallyScreen.Cursor := crDefault;end;end;end;procedure TForm1.N2bitIndexed1Click( Sender: TObject );varwicImg: TWICImage;wicBitmap: IWICBitmap;iBmpSource: IWICBitmapSource;puiWidth, puiHeight: UINT;iConverter: IWICFormatConverter;beginif cxImage1.Picture.Graphic is TWICImage thenbeginScreen.Cursor := crHourGlass;trywicImg := TWICImage( cxImage1.Picture.Graphic );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateFormatConverter( iConverter );iBmpSource := wicImg.Handle as IWICBitmapSource;iBmpSource.GetSize( puiWidth, puiHeight );iConverter.Initialize( iBmpSource, GUID_WICPixelFormat2bppIndexed, WICBitmapDitherTypeNone, nil, 0,WICBitmapPaletteTypeMedianCut );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateBitmapFromSourceRect( iConverter, 0, 0, puiWidth, puiHeight, wicBitmap );if Assigned( wicBitmap ) thenwicImg.Handle := wicBitmap;cxImage1.Repaint;cxImage1.Update;cxImage1.Invalidate;dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 0 ].Text := ExtractFileDir( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 1 ].Text := ExtractFileName( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 2 ].Text := "Width: " + IntToStr( WICImageWidth( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 3 ].Text := "Height: " + IntToStr( WICImageHeight( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 4 ].Text := "Pixel Format: " + WICGetPixelFormat( cxImage1 );finallyScreen.Cursor := crDefault;end;end;end;procedure TForm1.N32bitGray1Click( Sender: TObject );varwicImg: TWICImage;wicBitmap: IWICBitmap;iBmpSource: IWICBitmapSource;puiWidth, puiHeight: UINT;iConverter: IWICFormatConverter;beginif cxImage1.Picture.Graphic is TWICImage thenbeginScreen.Cursor := crHourGlass;trywicImg := TWICImage( cxImage1.Picture.Graphic );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateFormatConverter( iConverter );iBmpSource := wicImg.Handle as IWICBitmapSource;iBmpSource.GetSize( puiWidth, puiHeight );iConverter.Initialize( iBmpSource, GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppGrayFloat, WICBitmapDitherTypeSolid, nil, 0,WICBitmapPaletteTypeFixedGray256 );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateBitmapFromSourceRect( iConverter, 0, 0, puiWidth, puiHeight, wicBitmap );if Assigned( wicBitmap ) thenwicImg.Handle := wicBitmap;cxImage1.Repaint;cxImage1.Update;cxImage1.Invalidate;dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 0 ].Text := ExtractFileDir( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 1 ].Text := ExtractFileName( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 2 ].Text := "Width: " + IntToStr( WICImageWidth( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 3 ].Text := "Height: " + IntToStr( WICImageHeight( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 4 ].Text := "Pixel Format: " + WICGetPixelFormat( cxImage1 );finallyScreen.Cursor := crDefault;end;end;end;procedure TForm1.N32bitGRBA1Click( Sender: TObject );varwicImg: TWICImage;wicBitmap: IWICBitmap;iBmpSource: IWICBitmapSource;puiWidth, puiHeight: UINT;iConverter: IWICFormatConverter;beginif cxImage1.Picture.Graphic is TWICImage thenbeginScreen.Cursor := crHourGlass;trywicImg := TWICImage( cxImage1.Picture.Graphic );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateFormatConverter( iConverter );iBmpSource := wicImg.Handle as IWICBitmapSource;iBmpSource.GetSize( puiWidth, puiHeight );iConverter.Initialize( iBmpSource, GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppPBGRA, WICBitmapDitherTypeNone, nil, 0,WICBitmapPaletteTypeMedianCut );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateBitmapFromSourceRect( iConverter, 0, 0, puiWidth, puiHeight, wicBitmap );if Assigned( wicBitmap ) thenwicImg.Handle := wicBitmap;cxImage1.Repaint;cxImage1.Update;cxImage1.Invalidate;dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 0 ].Text := ExtractFileDir( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 1 ].Text := ExtractFileName( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 2 ].Text := "Width: " + IntToStr( WICImageWidth( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 3 ].Text := "Height: " + IntToStr( WICImageHeight( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 4 ].Text := "Pixel Format: " + WICGetPixelFormat( cxImage1 );finallyScreen.Cursor := crDefault;end;end;end;procedure TForm1.N4bitIndexed1Click( Sender: TObject );varwicImg: TWICImage;wicBitmap: IWICBitmap;iBmpSource: IWICBitmapSource;puiWidth, puiHeight: UINT;iConverter: IWICFormatConverter;beginif cxImage1.Picture.Graphic is TWICImage thenbeginScreen.Cursor := crHourGlass;trywicImg := TWICImage( cxImage1.Picture.Graphic );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateFormatConverter( iConverter );iBmpSource := wicImg.Handle as IWICBitmapSource;iBmpSource.GetSize( puiWidth, puiHeight );iConverter.Initialize( iBmpSource, GUID_WICPixelFormat4bppIndexed, WICBitmapDitherTypeNone, nil, 0,WICBitmapPaletteTypeMedianCut );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateBitmapFromSourceRect( iConverter, 0, 0, puiWidth, puiHeight, wicBitmap );if Assigned( wicBitmap ) thenwicImg.Handle := wicBitmap;cxImage1.Repaint;cxImage1.Update;cxImage1.Invalidate;dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 0 ].Text := ExtractFileDir( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 1 ].Text := ExtractFileName( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 2 ].Text := "Width: " + IntToStr( WICImageWidth( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 3 ].Text := "Height: " + IntToStr( WICImageHeight( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 4 ].Text := "Pixel Format: " + WICGetPixelFormat( cxImage1 );finallyScreen.Cursor := crDefault;end;end;end;procedure TForm1.N8bitGray1Click( Sender: TObject );varwicImg: TWICImage;wicBitmap: IWICBitmap;iBmpSource: IWICBitmapSource;puiWidth, puiHeight: UINT;iConverter: IWICFormatConverter;beginif cxImage1.Picture.Graphic is TWICImage thenbeginScreen.Cursor := crHourGlass;trywicImg := TWICImage( cxImage1.Picture.Graphic );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateFormatConverter( iConverter );iBmpSource := wicImg.Handle as IWICBitmapSource;iBmpSource.GetSize( puiWidth, puiHeight );iConverter.Initialize( iBmpSource, GUID_WICPixelFormat8bppGray, WICBitmapDitherTypeSolid, nil, 0,WICBitmapPaletteTypeMedianCut );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateBitmapFromSourceRect( iConverter, 0, 0, puiWidth, puiHeight, wicBitmap );if Assigned( wicBitmap ) thenwicImg.Handle := wicBitmap;cxImage1.Repaint;cxImage1.Update;cxImage1.Invalidate;dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 0 ].Text := ExtractFileDir( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 1 ].Text := ExtractFileName( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 2 ].Text := "Width: " + IntToStr( WICImageWidth( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 3 ].Text := "Height: " + IntToStr( WICImageHeight( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 4 ].Text := "Pixel Format: " + WICGetPixelFormat( cxImage1 );finallyScreen.Cursor := crDefault;end;end;end;procedure TForm1.N8bitIndexed1Click( Sender: TObject );varwicImg: TWICImage;wicBitmap: IWICBitmap;iBmpSource: IWICBitmapSource;puiWidth, puiHeight: UINT;iConverter: IWICFormatConverter;beginif cxImage1.Picture.Graphic is TWICImage thenbeginScreen.Cursor := crHourGlass;trywicImg := TWICImage( cxImage1.Picture.Graphic );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateFormatConverter( iConverter );iBmpSource := wicImg.Handle as IWICBitmapSource;iBmpSource.GetSize( puiWidth, puiHeight );iConverter.Initialize( iBmpSource, GUID_WICPixelFormat8bppIndexed, WICBitmapDitherTypeNone, nil, 0,WICBitmapPaletteTypeFixedGray256 );wicImg.ImagingFactory.CreateBitmapFromSourceRect( iConverter, 0, 0, puiWidth, puiHeight, wicBitmap );if Assigned( wicBitmap ) thenwicImg.Handle := wicBitmap;cxImage1.Repaint;cxImage1.Update;cxImage1.Invalidate;dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 0 ].Text := ExtractFileDir( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 1 ].Text := ExtractFileName( AFilename );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 2 ].Text := "Width: " + IntToStr( WICImageWidth( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 3 ].Text := "Height: " + IntToStr( WICImageHeight( cxImage1 ) );dxStatusBar1.Panels[ 4 ].Text := "Pixel Format: " + WICGetPixelFormat( cxImage1 );finallyScreen.Cursor := crDefault;end;end;end;



delphi statusbar控件(状态栏)

//statusbar1单击事件var Pt: TPoint; I,Idx,PC,W,H: Integer; R: TRect; S: string;begin //先粗略取坐标,看是点在哪个格子上的 GetCursorPos(Pt); Pt := StatusBar1.ScreenToClient(Pt); Idx := -1; R := Rect(0,0,0,StatusBar1.Height); PC := StatusBar1.Panels.Count - 1; for I := 0 to PC do begin R.Left := R.Right; if I = PC then R.Right := StatusBar1.Width else R.Right := R.Left + StatusBar1.Panels[i].Width; if PtInRect(R,Pt) then begin Idx := I; Break; end; end; if Idx = -1 then Exit; //现根据文字宽度,确定在否在文字上 S := StatusBar1.Panels[Idx].Text; W := StatusBar1.Canvas.TextWidth(S); H := StatusBar1.Canvas.TextHeight(S); InflateRect(R,-1,0); if W < R.Right - R.Left then case StatusBar1.Panels[Idx].Alignment of taLeftJustify: R.Right := R.Left + W; taRightJustify: R.Left := R.Right - W; taCenter: InflateRect(R,- (R.Right - R.Left - W) div 2,0); end; if H < R.Bottom - R.Top then InflateRect(R,0,-(R.Bottom - R.Top - H) div 2); if not PtInRect(R,Pt) then Exit; //这里idx就是点中文字格子索引,自己选择,打开网页,这里是将文字做为网址打开,你可以自己维护一个网址表 ShellExecute(Application.Handle, nil, PChar(S), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);end;

Delphi 如何判断鼠标指针是否在窗口中


用delphi statusbar 的控件 怎么显示当前登录的用户名?

这里的sb就是statusbar 的控件. sb.Panels[0].Text:="Ready"; sb.Panels[1].Text:="当前用户:"+username; 设计时候,你双击statusbar控件,会有个设计器,你可以把statusbar分成几个区域, 每个区域可以设置宽度. 那么Panels[0] 就是第一个,,下面依次类推..【补充:建议你的sql不要select * 用到什么字段就取什么字段。sqlstr:="select username,usertel From t_user where loginID="+chr(39)+edit1.Text+chr(39); Adoquery1.SQL.Add(sqlstr); ADOquery1.Open;if (AdoQuery1.recordcount>0) thenStatusBar1.Panels[0].Text:="用户名:"+Adoquery.fields[0].AsString;//这里的fields[0]就是取select 的第一个字段的值,以此类推。。

NBA球队PHI是不是Philadelphia 76ers的缩写


NBA球队PHI是不是Philadelphia 76ers开头三个字母


Philadelphia 76ers名字里的76ers是怎么来的?


怎么样使用delphi 中的statusbar控件改变文字颜色 即如何将“文字”这两个字变为黄色

首先设置 Statusbar1.Panels[0].style:=psOwnerDraw; Statusbar1.Panels[0].Text:= "文字";然后在Statusbar1的自绘事件中写代码procedure TForm1.StatusBar1DrawPanel(StatusBar: TStatusBar; Panel: TStatusPanel; const Rect: TRect);begin with StatusBar.Canvas do begin Font.Color:= clYellow; TextRect(Rect,Rect.Left,Rect.Top,Panel.text); end;end;这样就可以实现你想要的黄色效果了。


是Q Lazzarus唱的Heaven,歌词 Everyone is trying to get to the bar. The name of the bar, the bar is called Heaven. The band in Heaven plays my favorite song. They play it once again, they play it all night long. Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens. Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens. There is a party, everyone is there. Everyone will leave at exactly the same time. Its hard to imagine that nothing at all could be so exciting, and so much fun. Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens. Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens. When this kiss is over it will start again. It will not be any different, it will be exactly the same. It"s hard to imagine that nothing at all could be so exciting, could be so much fun. Heaven is a place where nothing every happens Heaven is a place where nothing every happens

谁可以详细解释一下,每段是什么意思吗?我是个DELPHI 7的初学者。

memo这个控件的lines.add属性是执行一次就自动新增一行,你每次接收到数据都一个ADD,所以每次都换行了。如果你只要显示当前接收到的结果,你可以用memo1.text:=‘sbuf";如果要全部显示,可以用 Memo1.Lines.Text := Memo1.Lines.Text+sbuf;,也可以是 Memo1.Text := Memo1.Text+sbuf;

怎么样使用delphi 中的statusbar控件改变文字颜色 即如何将“文字”这两个字变为黄色

首先:确定Panels 的 Sytle 是否为:psOwnerDraw 其次:在statusbar控件单击 ondrawpanel事件写如下代码StatusBar.Canvas.Font.Color:=clGreen; 改成自己所要的颜色StatusBar.Canvas.TextRect(Rect, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Panel.Text);

delphi 如何在statusbar空间的panels上显示滚动字幕?(是在任意的panels[i]上面显示哦。)

这里的sb就是statusbar 的控件. sb.Panels[0].Text:="Ready"; sb.Panels[1].Text:="当前用户:"+username; 设计时候,你双击statusbar控件,会有个设计器,你可以把statusbar分成几个区域, 每个区域可以设置宽度. 那么Panels[0] 就是第一个,,下面依次类推..【补充:建议你的sql不要select * 用到什么字段就取什么字段。sqlstr:="select username,usertel From t_user where loginID="+chr(39)+edit1.Text+chr(39); Adoquery1.SQL.Add(sqlstr); ADOquery1.Open;if (AdoQuery1.recordcount>0) thenStatusBar1.Panels[0].Text:="用户名:"+Adoquery.fields[0].AsString;//这里的fields[0]就是取select 的第一个字段的值,以此类推。。

Philadelphia Passed a Soda Tax

The fifth largest city in the US passed a significant soda tax proposal that will levy 1.5 cents per liquid ounce on distributors. 美国第五大城市费城通过了一项重要的“苏打水征税”提案,该提案决定对经销商征收每液体盎司1.5美分的税。Philadelphia"s new measure was approved by a 13 to 4 city council vote. It sets a new bar for similar initiatives across the country. 费城的这项新措施以13票比4票获得了市议会的通过。它为美国全国范围内的类似举措设置了新的标准。It is proof that taxes on sugary drinks can win substantial support outside super-liberal areas. 这证明,即使在超自由主义领域之外,对含糖饮料征税也可以赢得大量支持。Until now, the only city to successfully pass and implement a soda tax was Berkeley, California, in 2014. 目前为止,加州的伯克利是唯一一个成功通过并实施了苏打水征税的城市,该税法于2014年通过。The tax will apply to regular and diet sodas, as well as other drinks with added sugar, such as Gatorade and iced teas. 该税不仅适用于佳得乐和冰茶等其他含糖饮料,也适用于普通汽水和无糖汽水。It"s expected to raise $410 million over the next five years, most of which will go toward funding a universal pre-kindergarten program for the city. 预计在未来五年中,它将征集到4.1亿美元,其中大部分将用于资助该市的一项普及学前教育项目。While the city council vote was met with applause inside the council room, opponents to the measure, including soda lobbyists, made sharp criticisms and a promise to challenge the tax in court. 虽然市议会投票结果在议会厅内赢得了欢呼,但是该项提案的反对者,包括苏打水游说者,却对此进行了尖锐的批判,并且发誓会在法庭上反对这一税收。"The tax passed today unfairly singles out beverages — including low- and no-calorie choices," said Lauren Kane, spokeswoman for the American Beverage Association. 美国饮料协会发言人劳伦·凯恩(Lauren Kane)称,”今天通过的这项税收专门针对饮料——包括低卡和零卡饮料,这很不公平。”"But most importantly, it is against the law. So we will side with the majority of the people of Philadelphia who oppose this tax and take legal action to stop it." “但最重要的是,这是违法的。因此,我们将与大多数费城人站在一起,反对这项税收,并采取法律行动阻止它。”An industry-backed anti-tax campaign has spent at least $4 million on advertisements. The ads criticized the measure, characterizing it as a "grocery tax." 一场由行业支持的反税运动已花费了至少400万美元用于广告宣传。这些广告批判了这项税收,并将其描绘为“杂货税。”Public health groups applauded the approved tax as a step toward fixing certain lasting health issues that plague Americans. 公共健康组织则支持这项已通过的税收,并称赞这是解决某些长久困扰美国人的健康问题所迈出的一步。"The move to recapture a small part of the profits from an industry that pushes a product that contributes to diabetes, obesity and heart disease in poorer communities in order to reinvest in those communities will sure be inspirational to many other places," said Jim Krieger, executive director of Healthy Food America. "Indeed, we are already hearing from some of them. It"s not "just Berkeley" anymore." 优食美国(Healthy Food America,一个致力于促进健康饮食的组织)的执行主任吉姆·克里格(Jim Krieger)说:“从一个所推广的产品会让较贫困社区的人口患上糖尿病、肥胖症和心脏病的行业拿回一小部分利润,以再投资于这些社区,这种举措肯定会对其他许多地方产生启发。”“事实上,我们已经收到了一些地方的来信。不会只有伯克利一个城市。”Similar measures in California"s Albany, Oakland, San Francisco and Colorado"s Boulder are becoming hot-button issues. Health advocacy groups have hinted that even more might be coming. 类似措施在加州的奥尔巴尼、奥克兰、旧金山和科罗拉多州的博尔德正成为热点问题。健康组织暗示未来可能会有更多城市。


美国 宾夕法尼亚州 费城



Philadelphia 歌词

歌曲名:Philadelphia歌手:john mark mcmillan专辑:the medicineJohn Mark McMillan - PhiladelphiaYou step through meAnd the screen door hits the woodAnd your packing all your thingsYou say your moving out to there to HollywoodAnd I can"t do a thingYou say there"s nothing for youIn this cardboard townAnd every bridge you crossYour gonna burn it to the groundYou wont listen to a word that I"m telling yaSo who"s running through the hallsIn the houses of painThat are staring back at meLike the ocean from a planeI swear I"ve seen your eyesin the ghost of PhiladelphiaI think about you late at night sometimesWhen I can"t sleepCause I can hear the trainIt"s always thereYou just don"t know itTill a quarter to threeYou just can"t hear it in the dayWhen every body"s got your numberIn a plexy glass townWhere the birds ain"t got wingsBut no one makes a soundCause they all know how to flyJust I wouldn"t buy what they"re selling yaI run into your old man every once and againMostly in the springReminds me of our younger and more genuine days whenYou weren"t so out of reachStill for all your runningYou just can"t change a mileOf the things you carry aroundIn the closet of your mindAnd the days keep coming manThey never fail yaYour never gonna run awayFrom what your hanging round your headFrom what you saidhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28283682




安德鲁(汤姆u2022汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰)和米勒(丹泽尔u2022华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)认识于法庭上,两人都是年轻有为的律师,各为其主。然而,年轻的安德鲁不久后因为同性恋和身染艾滋病被老板发现,以莫须有理由解雇了。 遭解雇后的安德鲁四处寻找律师为他讨回公道。当安德鲁找到米勒时,米勒一开始拒绝了他。因为米勒像普通人一样憎恨同性恋和惧怕艾滋病,但当他看到安德鲁在图书馆搜索“艾滋病歧视”时遭到管理员的白眼,听着妻子缓慢而平静地说出他们的姨妈、朋友有很多也是同性恋时,他决定受理安德鲁的案件。 在最后的法庭上,病危的安德鲁毅然出庭…… 如果你要是打《费城故事》的话,会有更多信息的。


Philadelphia的发音是:[,filu0259"delfju0259; -fiu0259] 中文发:非了 呆非恶



Philadelphia 歌词

歌曲名:Philadelphia歌手:NEIL YOUNG专辑:Philadelphia - Music From The Motion PicturePHILADELPHIA / Neil YoungSometimes I think that I knowWhat love"s all aboutAnd when I see the lightI know I"ll be all right.I"ve got my friends in the world,I had my friendsWhen we were boys and girlsAnd the secrets came unfurled.City of brotherly lovePlace I call homeDon"t turn your back on meI don"t want to be aloneLove lasts forever.Someone is talking to me,Calling my nameTell me I"m not to blameI won"t be ashamed of love.PhiladelphiaCity of brotherly love.Brotherly love.Philadelphia.http://music.baidu.com/song/8803496


费城philadelphia在词典上的解释:(名词,n)费城费城:philadelphia 费城 是美国最老、最具历史意义的城市,在美国城市排名第四,居民共约六百二十万人,费城是德拉瓦河谷都会区的中心城市,位于宾夕法尼亚州(Pennsylvania)东南部,市区东起德拉瓦河,向西延伸到斯库基尔河以西,面积334平方公里。它在美国史上有非常重要的地位。同名电影《费城》则是一部反应艾滋病,同性恋,人权,自尊的经典影片。“费城”也是美国NBA中的一支老牌蓝球队。费城还是中国山东省费县费城镇的名称。


philadelphia的中文意思、音标、例句及语法单词音标英语音标:[u02ccfilu0259u02c8delfju0259]美语音标:[u02ccfilu0259u02c8delfju0259]转载需注明“转自音标网yinbiao5.com”,违者必究中文翻译n.费城单词例句用作名词 (n.)She got caught kite flying in Philadelphia. 她在费城到处开空头支票时被抓住。


Philadelphia 英[u02ccfu026alu0259"delfju0259] 美[u02ccfu026alu0259"delfju0259] n. 费城(美国宾西法尼亚州东南部港市); [例句]The document composed in Philadelphia transformed the confederation of sovereign states into a national government.在费城起草的这份文件使具有独立主权的各州组成的邦联变成了国家政府。

html里不用CSS,border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" td表格内,


cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" 在style中怎么样表示

style="cellpadding:0;cellspacing:0"cellspacing设置为“0”,显示的结果就是第一个表格的每个单元格之间的距离为0。若将表格边框设为“0”,则单元格 的距离就是0了 cellpadding属性用来指定单元格内容与单元格边界之间的空白距离的大小 。此属性的参数值也是数字,表示单元格内容与上下边界之间空白距离的高度所占像素点数以及单元格内容与左右边界之间空白距离的宽度所占的像素点数。


cellular [cel·lu·lar || "selju028alu0259] adj.细胞的 第二个就不知道了!= =|||



der="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">


Delphi 求mp3文件的持续时间

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);begin mediaplayer1.FileName :="f:mudan.mp3"; mediaplayer1.Open ; label1.Caption :=inttostr(mediaplayer1.Length );//播放长度end;procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);begin mediaplayer1.Play ;//播放end; ***************************8吧代码贴出来,别人才好帮助你呀,这种小儿科的问题无须保密。

在html语言中,cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"是什么意思啊?




cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" 在table这个是什么意思


cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"是什么意思啊?

cellspacing设置为“0”,显示的结果就是第一个表格的每个单元格之间的距离为0。若将表格边框设为“0”,则单元格 的距离就是0了。cellpadding属性用来指定单元格内容与单元格边界之间的空白距离的大小。此属性的参数值也是数字,表示单元格内容与上下边界之间空白距离的高度所占像素点数以及单元格内容与左右边界之间空白距离的宽度所占的像素点数。单元格边距(表格填充)(cellpadding) -- 代表单元格外面的一个距离,用于隔开单元格与单元格空间。单元格间距(表格间距)(cellspacing) -- 代表表格边框与单元格补白的距离,也是单元格补白之间的距离。


单元格边距(表格填充)(cellpadding) -- 代表单元格外面的一个距离,用于隔开单元格与单元格空间单元格间距(表格间距)(cellspacing) -- 代表表格边框与单元格补白的距离,也是单元格补白之间的距离


cellspacing设置为“0”,显示的结果就是第一个表格的每个单元格之间的距离为0。若将表格边框设为“0”,则单元格 的距离就是0了 cellpadding属性用来指定单元格内容与单元格边界之间的空白距离的大小 。此属性的参数值也是数字,表示单元格内容与上下边界之间空白距离的高度所占像素点数以及单元格内容与左右边界之间空白距离的宽度所占的像素点数。 楼上回答的很简洁 正解

Early In The Morning (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Early In The Morning (Lp Version)歌手:Bobby Darin & The Rinky-Dinks专辑:Twist With Bobby DarinEarly in the morning《相思成灾》插曲(Cliff Richard)Evening is the time of dayI find nothing much to sayDon"t know what to doBut I come toWhen it"s early in the morningOver by the window day is dawningWhen I feel the airI feel that life is very good to meYou knowIn the sun there"s so much yellowSomething in the early morning meadowTells me that today you"re on your wayAnd you"ll be coming home home to meNight time isn"t clear to meI find nothing near to meDon"t know what to doBut I come toWhen it"s early in the morningVery, very early without warningI can feel a newly formed vibrationSneaking up on me againThere"s a sunbird on my pillowAnd I can see the funny weeping willowI can see the sunYou"re on your wayYou"ll be coming homeWhen it"s early in the morningOver by the window day is dawningWhen I feel the airI feel that life is very good to meYou knowIn the sun there"s so much yellowSomething in the early morning meadowTells me that today you"re on your wayAnd you"ll be coming homeby:love芸の沐http://music.baidu.com/song/9922025

The Closer I Get To You (Single/Lp Version) 歌词中文歌词

The Closer I Get To You (Single/LP Version)歌手:Donny Hathaway & Roberta Flack所属专辑:A Donny Hathaway Collection发行时间:2009-01-24发行公司: Rhino Atlantic歌词:The closer I get to you我越接近你The more you"ll make me see你让我看到的更多Like giving me all you"ve got就像给我你所得到的一切Your love has captured me你的爱俘获了我Over and over again一遍又一遍I"ll try to tell myself that we我试着告诉自己,我们Could never be more than friends永远不会比朋友更多And all the while inside和所有的,而里面I knew it was real我知道这是真的The way you make me feel你让我感觉的方式Lying here next to you躺在你身边Time just seems to fly时间似乎飞Needing you more and more需要你越来越多Let"s give love a try让我们给爱一个尝试Sweeter than sweeter love grows比甜蜜的爱更甜美And heaven"s there for those天堂的存在Who fool the tricks of time谁愚弄时间的把戏With the hearts in love you find与心中的爱你找到True love真爱In a special way以一种特殊的方式The closer I get to you我越接近你The more you"ll make me see你让我看到的更多By giving me all you"ve got给我你所得到的Your love has captured me你的爱俘获了我Over and over again一遍又一遍I"ll try to tell myself that we我试着告诉自己,我们Could never be more than friends永远不会比朋友更多And all the while inside和所有的,而里面I knew it was real我知道这是真的The way you make me feel你让我感觉的方式The closer I get to you我越接近你The more you"ll make me see你让我看到的更多By giving you all I"ve got给你我所得到的Your love has captured me你的爱俘获了我The closer i get to you我越接近你The feeling comes over me这种感觉来自我Me too我也是Pulling closer sweet as the gravity把更接近的甜蜜拉




chlp翻译成中文是什么 chip [tu0283u026ap] n. 屑片, 碎片; 炸马铃薯条; 缺口, 瑕疵; 炸洋芋片#积体电路片 v. 削, 铲, 凿; 把...切成薄片; 在...上造成缺口; 凿去; 形成缺口; 剥落; 碎裂; 插嘴 好像还有简短的录影,短片的意思 chip[英][tu0283u026ap] [美][tu0283u026ap] 生词本 简明释义 n.碎片;缺口;(作赌注用的)筹码;(足球)高球 vt.刻,削成;凿;从…上削下一小片 vi.剥落;碎裂 mobitec翻译成中文是什么? 莫比科技。 正确形式应该是MoBi Tec。这好像是一样德国的生物科技公司。对于公司的名称,如果人家有给自己取了对应的中文名的话,是以人家自己取的中文名为准的。当我们遇到像MoBi Tec公司没有给自己取中文名的时候,我们根据情况有时进行直译,有时进行音译。这里很明显更适合音译,MoBi是该公司的名字,取其谐音“莫比”;Tec是technology的缩写。所以这里翻译过来最恰当的就是“莫比科技”。 pixyboy翻译成中文是什么 pixy 是古怪的,调皮捣蛋的意思 pixy boy 你可以翻译成,古灵精怪的小男孩,或调皮男孩,淘气男孩。 wovles翻译成中文是什么 狼群/狼 复数 (狼群计算单位为pack, a pack of wolves = 一群狼) auroru翻译成中文是什么 1. 曙光[C] 2. 极光[C] 3. 【罗神】(大写)奥罗拉(即曙光女神) “administrator”翻译成中文是什么? administrator 原意为管理人或行政官员或遗产管理人,在计算机名词中,它的意思是系统管理员或超级使用者。administrator多预设为windows的初始账户名,无密码。 “Susie”翻译成中文是什么? 苏西 be的翻译成中文是什么 be 英 [bi] 美 [bi] v. 是;有,存在;做,成为;发生 aux. 用来表示某人或某物即主语本身,用来表示某人或某物属于某一群体或有某种性质 第三人称单数: is 现在分词: being 过去式: was were 过去分词: been sonebody翻译成中文是什么? somebody ["su028cm,bu0254di, -bu028c-, -bu0259-] n. 大人物;重要人物 pron. 有人;某人 [ 复数somebodies


ZETA是由纵行科技自主研发,并依托ZETA联盟进行推广的,非授权频段的LPWAN(低功耗广域网)标准。该标准是使用UNB(超窄带)的多信道通信,在传统LPWAN的穿透性能基础上,进一步通过分布式接入机制实现快速部署,并为Edge AI(端智能)提供底层支持。





时尚高定品牌 Ralph &amp; Russo 宣布破产,可惜了

英国高级定制女装品牌 Ralph & Russo 于上周宣布,由于疫情蔓延的影响,品牌目前已经申请破产。 时尚高定品牌 Ralph & Russo 宣布破产,可惜了" img_height="1493" img_width="1080" data-src="//imgq5.q578.com/df/0325/8e65cf33c396fbdc.jpg" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg"> 时尚高定品牌 Ralph & Russo 宣布破产,可惜了" img_height="692" img_width="1080" data-src="//imgq5.q578.com/df/0325/214f098207cc4913.jpg" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg"> 目前,Ralph & Russo 创始人已经将品牌交由 时尚 集团Begbies Traynor集团掌管,未来该集团即将重组该品牌,整个原生团队大换血,并制定新的运营策略发展品牌。 时尚高定品牌 Ralph & Russo 宣布破产,可惜了" img_height="715" img_width="1080" data-src="//imgq5.q578.com/df/0325/e657671bd29823bd.jpg" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg"> Ralph & Russo这个品牌是由一对来自澳洲的夫妻Michael Russo和Tamara Ralph 以两人组的方式于2010年在伦敦成立,设计的初衷是用最合适的面料和设计手法来塑造和提升女性固有的现代美,其服饰设计新颖、永恒、典雅,以女性美为核心,自然也风靡全球。 时尚高定品牌 Ralph & Russo 宣布破产,可惜了" img_height="400" img_width="600" data-src="//imgq5.q578.com/df/0325/1e39559e4c9fea94.jpg" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg"> 2014年,该品牌成为了法国高级定制时装联盟 (The Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture) 百年 历史 上首个获得认可的英国时装品牌,走入了高级定制的最高殿堂,成为 时尚 和奢侈品界的佼佼者。 时尚高定品牌 Ralph & Russo 宣布破产,可惜了" img_height="425" img_width="850" data-src="//imgq5.q578.com/df/0325/b136a73c2f1bb86c.jpg" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg"> 由于Ralph & Russo的风格华丽高贵,刚成立不久便得到许多明星大腕,富贵名媛们的青睐,Ralph & Russo 也从此成为了顶级女明星走红毯时的高端选择。 时尚高定品牌 Ralph & Russo 宣布破产,可惜了" img_height="1200" img_width="800" data-src="//imgq5.q578.com/df/0325/58d1595b834748cf.jpg" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg"> 时尚高定品牌 Ralph & Russo 宣布破产,可惜了" img_height="1344" img_width="1080" data-src="//imgq5.q578.com/df/0325/09e7ce7c4caef611.jpg" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg"> 无论是海外还是中国,都有不少明星名媛定制他们家昂贵的高定服装,在一些重要场合选择穿这一品牌的礼服。 时尚高定品牌 Ralph & Russo 宣布破产,可惜了" img_height="692" img_width="1080" data-src="//imgq5.q578.com/df/0325/564fcd5d998811f1.jpg" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg"> 时尚高定品牌 Ralph & Russo 宣布破产,可惜了" img_height="720" img_width="1080" data-src="//imgq5.q578.com/df/0325/44494f47d26b93cc.jpg" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg"> 该品牌定价高昂,在品牌巅峰期,创始人还在接受采访的时候骄傲地说: “我们的品牌大使和客户都是当代 社会 中的女性精英。” 时尚高定品牌 Ralph & Russo 宣布破产,可惜了" img_height="765" img_width="1006" data-src="//imgq5.q578.com/df/0325/2116cef5b1fa5181.jpg" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg"> 可没想到,受众非常单一也成为了破产的一大理由。 由于该品牌的客户清一色都是上流 社会 女士,所以2020年疫情蔓延,红毯活动、大型宴会和富豪婚礼都被大幅取消,Ralph & Russo的高定服装需求量大幅减少,才导致品牌运营不下去,需要申请破产重组。 时尚高定品牌 Ralph & Russo 宣布破产,可惜了" img_height="750" img_width="750" data-src="//imgq5.q578.com/df/0325/b1744ed2400f8fcb.jpg" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg"> 业界猜测,Ralph & Russo 重组后将会大力发展品牌的成衣系列,不在高级定制这一棵树上吊死,为品牌提供更多的保障和可能性。 时尚高定品牌 Ralph & Russo 宣布破产,可惜了" img_height="1056" img_width="1080" data-src="//imgq5.q578.com/df/0325/8337200fcc070d13.jpg" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg"> 时尚高定品牌 Ralph & Russo 宣布破产,可惜了" img_height="1080" img_width="1080" data-src="//imgq5.q578.com/df/0325/6a6e7021b214ba56.jpg" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg">

谁知道Michael Phelps有没有女朋友吗?


Michael Phelps won () Olympic medals.

Michael Phelps won () Olympic medals. A.18 B.20 C.22 D.25 正确答案:C

michael phelps is_____ and he got 8 gold medals in tje 29TH beijing olympic GAmes


michael phelps 英语介绍

Michael Fred Phelps (born June 30, 1985) is an American swimmer who has, overall, won 16 Olympic medals—six gold and two bronze at Athens in 2004, and eight gold at Beijing in 2008, becoming the most successful athlete at both of these Olympic Games editions. In doing so he has twice equaled the record eight medals of any type at a single Olympics achieved by Soviet gymnast Alexander Dityatin at the 1980 Moscow Summer Games. His five golds in individual events tied the single Games record set by Eric Heiden in the 1980 Winter Olympics and equaled by Vitaly Scherbo at the 1992 Summer Games. Phelps holds the record for the most gold medals won in a single Olympics, his eight at the 2008 Beijing Games surpassed American swimmer Mark Spitz"s seven-gold performance at Munich in 1972. Phelps" Olympic medal total is second only to the 18 Soviet gymnast Larisa Latynina won over three Olympics, including nine gold. Furthermore, he holds the all-time record for most individual gold Olympic medals, at nine.Phelps"s international titles and record breaking performances have earned him the World Swimmer of the Year Award six times and American Swimmer of the Year Award eight times. He has won a total of fifty-nine medals in major international competition, fifty gold, seven silver, and two bronze spanning the Olympics, the World, and the Pan Pacific Championships. His unprecedented Olympic success in 2008 earned Phelps Sports Illustrated magazine"s Sportsman of the Year award.After the 2008 Summer Olympics, Phelps started the Michael Phelps Foundation, which focuses on growing the sport of swimming and promoting healthier lifestyles. As a participant in the US Anti-Doping Agency"s "Project Believe" program, Phelps is regularly tested to ensure that his system is clean of performance-enhancing drugs.

michael phelps 英语介绍?

Michael Fred Phelps (born June 30, 1985) is an American swimmer who has, overall, won 16 Olympic medals—six gold and two bronze at Athens in 2004, and eight gold at Beijing in 2008, being the most successful athlete at both of these Olympic Games editions. In doing so he has twice equaled the record eight medals of any type at a single Olympics achieved by Soviet gymnast Alexander Dityatin at the 1980 Moscow Summer Games. His five golds in individual events tied the single Games record set by Eric Heiden in the 1980 Winter Olympics and equaled by Vitaly Scherbo at the 1992 Summer Games. Phelps holds the record for the most gold medals won in a single Olympics, his eight at the 2008 Beijing Games surpassed American swimmer Mark Spitz"s seven-gold performance at Munich in 1972. Phelps" Olympic medal total is second only to the 18 Soviet gymnast Larisa Latynina won over three Olympics, including nine gold. Furthermore, he holds the all-time record for most individual gold Olympic medals, at nine. Phelps"s international titles and record breaking performances have earned him the World Swimmer of the Year Award six times and American Swimmer of the Year Award eight times. He has won a total of fifty-nine medals in major international petition, fifty gold, seven silver, and two bronze spanning the Olympics, the World, and the Pan Pacific Championships. His unprecedented Olympic success in 2008 earned Phelps Sports Illustrated magazine"s Sport *** an of the Year award. After the 2008 Summer Olympics, Phelps started the Michael Phelps Foundation, which focuses on growing the sport of swimming and promoting healthier lifestyles. As a participant in the US Anti-Doping Agency"s "Project Believe" program, Phelps is regularly tested to ensure that his system is clean of performance-enhancing drugs.,2,

open the front cover the relplce th toner with a new one 这句话是什么意思


Sleep (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Sleep (Lp Version)歌手:Nada Surf专辑:High/LowSleepSo, sing your song for all the children and walk away a saviour,Or a madman and polluted from gutter institutions.Don"t you breathe for me, undeserving of your sympathy,Cos there ain"t no way that I"m sorry for what I"ve done.And through it all how could you cryFor me?Cos I don"t feel bad about it.So shut your eyes, kiss me goodbye,And sleep.Just sleep.The hardest part is letting go of your dreams.A drink for the horror that I"m in, for the good guys,And the bad guys, for the monsters that have been.Three cheers for tyranny, unapologetic apathy,Cos there ain"t no way that I"m coming back again.And through it all how could you cryFor me?Cos I don"t feel bad about it.So shut your eyes, kiss me goodbye,And sleep.Just sleep.The hardest part is the awful things that I"ve seen.Just sleep x6Cue screaminghttp://music.baidu.com/song/955929


【答案】:等离子体增强化学气相淀积,低压化学气相淀积,高密度等离子体化学气相淀积,常压化学气相淀积解析:PECVD(plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition) ,即等离子体增强化学气相淀积 。LPCVD(low pressure chemical vapor deposition),即低压化学气相淀积。HDPCVD(high-density plasma chemical vapor deposition),即高密度等离子体化学气相淀积。APCVD(atmospheric pressure CVD),即常压化学气相淀积。

How can we help the earth aviod global warming?

The biggest cause of global warming is the carbon dioxide released when fossil fuels like oil and coal are burned for energy. So when we save energy we fight global warming (and save money of course). Here are some easy steps we can take: Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a pact fluorescent light bulb. Clean or replace filters on air conditioners. Choose energy efficient electrical appliances when making new purchases. Look for the Energy Star label on electrical appliances to choose the most efficient models available. Do not leave electrical appliances on standby (e.g. TV). Cover the pots while cooking. Use the washing machine or dishwasher only when they are full. Take a shower instead of a bath. Use less hot water. Be sure we are recycling at home (e.g. put bottles and c in recycle bins). Buy recycled paper products. Choose products that e with little packaging and buy refills when we can. Reuse shopping bags. Reduce waste. Plant more trees. Switch to green power (e.g. wind and solar power). Buy fresh foods instead of frozen food. (Frozen food uses 10 times more energy to produce.) Buy anic foods as much as possible. Eat less meat. If we need a car choose an efficient vehicle. Drive *** art. Get the engine tuned up and keep the tires inflated -- both help fuel efficiency. Drive less. When possible choose alternatives to driving (public trit biking walking carpooling) 参考: Geography notes Reuse energy 参考: shieley There are five categories of actions that can be taken to mitigate(=avoid) global warming: - Reduction of energy use (per person) - Shifting from carbon-based fossil fuels to alternative energy sources - Carbon capture and storage - Geoengineering including carbon sequestration - Birth control to lessen demand for resources such as energy and land clearing 参考: en. *** /wiki/Mitigation_of_global_warming


Delphi中的SendMessage函数,其实就是C语言中的SendMessage函数,在C语言中,其函数原型为:LRESULT SendMessage(HWND hWnd,UINT Msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); 参数: hWnd:其窗口程序将接收消息的窗口的句柄。如果此参数为HWND_BROADCAST,则消息将被发送到系统中所有顶层窗口,包括无效或不可见的非自身拥有的窗口、被覆盖的窗口和弹出式窗口,但消息不被发送到子窗口。 Msg:指定被发送的消息。 wParam:指定附加的消息指定信息。 lParam:指定附加的消息指定信息。 返回值:返回值指定消息处理的结果,依赖于所发送的消息。 wParam与lParam的数据类型都是无符号整数,wParam 通常是一个与消息有关的常量值,也可能是窗口或控件的句柄。 lParam 通常是一个指向内存中数据的指针。 不同的消息,要求不同,有的用到wParam与lParam,有的不用。因为他们的数据类型为无符号整形,所以,不用时传个0就行了。



Stagger Lee (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Stagger Lee (Lp Version)歌手:Tim Hardin专辑:This Is Tim HardinStagger LeeIt was back in "32 when times were hardHe had a Colt .45 and a deck of cardsStagger LeeHe wore rat-drawn shoes and an old stetson hatHad a "28 Ford, had payments on thatStagger LeeHis woman threw him out in the ice and snowAnd told him, "Never ever come back no more"Stagger LeeSo he walked through the rain and he walked through the mudTill he came to a place called The Bucket Of BloodStagger LeeHe said "Mr Motherfucker, you know who I am"The barkeeper said, "No, and I don"t give a good goddamn"To Stagger LeeHe said, "Well bartender, it"s plain to seeI"m that bad motherfucker called Stagger Lee"Mr. Stagger LeeBarkeep said, "Yeah, I"ve heard your name down the wayAnd I kick motherfucking asses like you every day"Mr Stagger LeeWell those were the last words that the barkeep said"Cause Stag put four holes in his motherfucking headJust then in came a broad called Nellie BrownWas known to make more money than any bitch in townShe struts across the bar, hitching up her skirtOver to Stagger Lee, she starts to flirtWith Stagger LeeShe saw the barkeep, said, "O God, he can"t be dead!"Stag said, "Well, just count the holes in the motherfucker"s head"She said, "You ain"t look like you scored in quite a time.Why not come to my pad? It won"t cost you a dime"Mr. Stagger Lee"But there"s something I have to say before you beginYou"ll have to be gone before my man Billy Dilly comes in,Mr. Stagger Lee""I"ll stay here till Billy comes in, till time comes to passAnd furthermore I"ll fuck Billy in his motherfucking ass"Said Stagger Lee"I"m a bad motherfucker, don"t you knowAnd I"ll crawl over fifty good pussies just to get one fat boy"s asshole"Said Stagger LeeJust then Billy Dilly rolls in and he says, "You must beThat bad motherfucker called Stagger Lee"Stagger Lee"Yeah, I"m Stagger Lee and you better get down on your kneesAnd suck my dick, because If you don"t you"re gonna be dead"Said Stagger LeeBilly dropped down and slobbered on his headAnd Stag filled him full of leadOh yeah.http://music.baidu.com/song/8133817

Imagine Me Without You (LP Version)-Jaci Velasquez 中文歌词

As long as stars shine down from heaven直到星星不再从天堂那样亮丽的闪烁And the rivers run into the sea直到小溪不再流进大海里Til the end of time forever直到时间的尽头You"re the only love I"ll need你是我唯一需要的爱In my life you"re all that matters在我的生命里, 你是唯一需要关心的In my eyes the only truth I see在我双眼里, 是唯一的真实When my hopes and dreams have shattered当我的希望和梦想都碎了You"re the one that"s there for me你是在我身旁的人When I found you I was blessed我是那么的幸运, 找到你And I will never leave you, I need you而我不会离开你, 我需要你Imagine me without you我不敢想象自己没有你I"d be lost and so confused我会变的那么失落, 那么的悲伤I wouldn"t last a day, I"d be afraid我活不了一天, 我会那么的害怕Without you there to see me through因为你不在我的身边Imagine me without you我不敢想象自己没有你Lord, you know it"s just impossible上天, 你知道我不可能活下去的Because of you, it"s all brand new因为你, 世界是那么的鲜明My life is now worthwhile我的生命现在值得了I can"t imagine me without you我不敢想象自己没有你When you caught me I was falling当我掉落时, 是你抓住了我You"re love lifted me back on my feet你是让我重新站起来的爱It was like you heard me calling就像是你听到我在呼唤你And you rush to set me free而你冲了过来让我自由When I found you I was blessed我是那么的幸运, 能够找到你And I will never leave you, I need you而我不会离开你, 我需要你Imagine me without you我不敢想象自己没有你I"d be lost and so confused我会变的那么失落, 那么的悲伤I wouldn"t last a day, I"d be afraid我活不了一天, 我会那么的害怕Without you there to see me through因为你不在我的身边When I found you I was blessed我是那么的幸运, 能找到你And I will never leave you, I need you oh而我不会离开你, 我需要你Imagine me without you我不敢想象自己没有你I"d be lost and so confused我会变的那么失落, 那么的悲伤I wouldn"t last a day, I"d be afraid我活不了一天, 我会那么的害怕Without you there to see me through因为你不在我的身边Imagine me without you我不敢想象自己没有你


1、打印协议范围不一样:RAW协议是大多数打印设备的默认协议。LPR 协议在过去几年已作为网络打印的真正标准而被广泛采用。2、协议使用端口不一样:RAW 协议使用端口 9100 至 9102 打印,如果选择 RAW 协议,必须输入 9100、9101 或 9102。LPR (RFC1179) 使用 515 端口接收打印数据。 如果选择 LPR 协议,输入以英文字母组成的打印队列名称。扩展资料:RAW协议是大多数打印设备的默认协议。为了发送 RAW 格式的作业,打印服务器将打开一个针对打印机网络接口的 TCP 流。对于许多设备来说,这个接口将是端口 9100。在创建 TCP/IP端口之后,Windows将按照RFC 1759(Printer MIB),使用SNMP来查询设备的对象标识符(Object Identifier,OID)。如果设备返回了一个值,则解析系统文件tcpmon.ini来寻找匹配项。如果打印机制造商提供了特定设备的特殊配置信息,则这些配置信息已经连同配置设置一起创建就绪。例如,有些外部打印服务器接口支持多台打印机(例如,具有3个并行端口连接的Hewlett Packard JetDirect EX)。制造商可以使用不同的端口来指明应该将某项作业提交给哪台打印机(例如,将作业9102提交给端口1,将作业9103提交给端口2等等)。这一功能对于需要使用特殊端口名称的打印服务器接口有所裨益,比如:某些IBM网络打印机上的PASS端口。参考资料来源:PC Review-LPR or RAWIBM Developer-管理打印机和打印

Phelps the phenomenon这篇文章的翻译



范数,是具有“距离”概念的函数 。我们知道距离的定义是一个宽泛的概念,只要满足 非负、自反、三角不等式就可以称之为距离。范数是一种强化了的距离概念 ,它在定义上比距离多了一条 数乘 的运算法则。有时候为了便于理解,我们可以把范数当作距离来理解。 在数学上,范数包括向量范数和矩阵范数,向量范数表征向量空间中向量的大小,矩阵范数表征矩阵引起变化的大小。一种非严密的解释就是,对应向量范数,向量空间中的向量都是有大小的,这个大小如何度量,就是用范数来度量的,不同的范数都可以来度量这个大小,就好比米和尺都可以来度量远近一样;对于矩阵范数,学过线性代数,我们知道,通过运算AX=B,可以将向量X变化为B,矩阵范数就是来度量这个变化大小的。 这里简单地介绍以下几种向量范数的定义和含义 2、L0范数 当P=0时,也就是L0范数,由上面可知, L0范数并不是一个真正的范数 ,它主要被用来度量向量中非零元素的个数。用上面的L-P定义可以得到的L-0的定义为: 这里就有点问题了,我们知道非零元素的零次方为1,但零的零次方,非零数开零次方都是什么鬼,很不好说明L0的意义,所以在通常情况下,大家都用的是: 表示向量x中非零元素的个数。对于L0范数,其优化问题为: 在实际应用中,由于L0范数本身不容易有一个好的数学表示形式,给出上面问题的形式化表示是一个很难的问题,故被人认为是一个NP难问题。所以在 实际情况中 , L0的最优问题会被放宽到L1或L2下的最优化。 3、L1范数 L1范数是我们经常见到的一种范数,它的定义如下: 表示向量x中非零元素的绝对值之和。 L1范数有很多的名字,例如我们熟悉的 曼哈顿距离、最小绝对误差 等。使用 L1范数可以度量两个向量间的差异,如绝对误差和(Sum of Absolute Difference) : 对于L1范数,它的优化问题如下: 由于L1范数的天然性质,对L1优化的解是一个稀疏解, 因此L1范数也被叫做稀疏规则算子 。 通过L1可以实现特征的稀疏,去掉一些没有信息的特征 ,例如在对用户的电影爱好做分类的时候,用户有100个特征,可能只有十几个特征是对分类有用的,大部分特征如身高体重等可能都是无用的,利用L1范数就可以过滤掉。 4、L2范数 L2范数是我们最常见最常用的范数了,我们用的最多的度量 距离欧氏距离就是一种L2范数 ,它的定义如下: 表示向量元素的平方和再开平方。 像L1范数一样,L2也可以度量两个向量间的差异 ,如平方差和(Sum of Squared Difference): 对于L2范数,它的优化问题如下: L2范数通常会被用来做优化目标函数的正则化项,防止模型为了迎合训练集而过于复杂造成过拟合的情况,从而提高模型的泛化能力 。 5、L ∞ 范数 当 p=∞时,也就是L ∞ 范数,它主要被用来 度量向量元素的最大值 ,与L0一样,通常情况下表示为 使用机器学习方法解决实际问题时,我们通常要用L1或L2范数做正则化(regularization),从而限制权值大小,减少过拟合风险。特别是在使用梯度下降来做目标函数优化时, L1范数(L1 norm)是指向量中各个元素绝对值之和,也有个美称叫“ 稀疏规则算”(Lasso regularization )。 比如 向量A=[1,-1,3], 那么A的L1范数为 |1|+|-1|+|3|. 简单总结一下就是: L1范数: 为x向量各个元素绝对值之和。 L2范数: 为x向量各个元素平方和的1/2次方,L2范数又称Euclidean范数或者Frobenius范数 Lp范数: 为x向量各个元素绝对值p次方和的1/p次方. L1正则化产生稀疏的权值, L2正则化产生平滑的权值为什么会这样? 在支持向量机学习过程中,L1范数实际是一种对于成本函数求解最优的过程,因此,L1范数正则化通过向成本函数中添加L1范数,使得学习得到的结果满足 稀疏化 ,从而方便提取特征。 L1范数可以使权值稀疏,方便特征提取。 L2范数可以防止过拟合,提升模型的泛化能力。 L1和L2正则先验分别服从什么分布 面试中遇到的,L1和L2正则先验分别服从什么分布,L1是拉普拉斯分布,L2是高斯分布。 “星空智能对话研学社”



It is helpful to ________ a good habit of reading in language learning. A.take B.show C.de

C take采取,获得;show显示,说明; develop发展,养成; match比赛,匹配。句意:在语言学习中养成一个好的阅读习惯是很有帮助的。结合语境可知选C。

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I Could Not Ask For More (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:I Could Not Ask For More (Lp Version)歌手:Edwin Mccain专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: Edwin MccainLying here with youListening to the rainSmiling just to see the smile upon your faceThese are the moments I thank God that I"m aliveThese are the moments I"ll remember all my lifeI found all I"ve waited forAnd I could not ask for moreLooking in your eyesSeeing all I needEverything you are is everything to meThese are the momentsI know heaven must existThese are the moments I know all I need is thisI have all I"ve waited forAnd I could not ask for moreI could not ask for more than this time togetherI could not ask for more than this time with youEvery prayer has been answeredEvery dream I have"s come trueAnd right here in this moment is right where I"m meant to beHere with you here with meThese are the moments I thank God that I"m aliveThese are the moments I"ll remember all my lifeI"ve got all I"ve waited forAnd I could not ask for moreI could not ask for more than this time togetherI could not ask for more than this time with youEvery prayer has been answeredEvery dream I have"s come trueAnd right here in this moment is right where I"m meant to beHere with you here with meI could not ask for more than the love you give me"Coz it"s all I"ve waited forAnd I could not ask for moreI could not ask for morehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7861158

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1.熬夜对我们的健康有害. Staying up is bad for our health. Staying up 是动名词短语作主语,动词不能直接作主语。通常作主语的只有名词、代词、动名词以及动词不定式。

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