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Parser parser3 = Parser.createParser(content, charset); AndFilter filter3 = new AndFilter(new TagNameFilter("span"),new HasAttributeFilter("id","J_SingleEndTimeLabel")); NodeList nodeList3 = parser3.parse(filter3);http://gundumw100.javaeye.com/blog/704630

htmlparser的问题 求教



最近写一个小爬虫, 用的htmlparser来解析HTML,在解析Object标签时准确地拿到子标签对应的理想对象。 下面这样的一段HTML, <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="htt p:/ /download.macromedia.co m/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0" height="406" width="980"> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="movie" value="/flash/index.swf" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="movie" value="/flash/index.swf" /> <embed height="406" pluginspage="htt p:/ /w ww.macrome dia.co m/go/getflashplayer" quality="high" src="/flashRepository/d973f054-ae5d-453d-bbfb-9b9c825fd7df" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="980" wmode="transparent"></embed> </object> 我用HtmlParser解析后, 可以成功地拿到Object标签对应的对象, 可再往下就拿不到了, Param和Embed标签都是TagNode类型的, 而不是我想要的ParamTag和EmbedTag,这两个类的实现在下面, 是我自己定义的。 解析的代码是这样的:PrototypicalNodeFactory factory = new PrototypicalNodeFactory(); factory.registerTag(new LocalObjectTag()); factory.registerTag(new EmbedTag()); factory.registerTag(new ParamTag()); Parser parser = new Parser(); parser.setNodeFactory(factory); try { parser.setInputHTML(testHTML); } catch (ParserException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } parser.setFeedback(new DefaultParserFeedback(DefaultParserFeedback.QUIET)); NodeFilter[] srcFilters = { new NodeClassFilter(EmbedTag.class), new NodeClassFilter(LocalObjectTag.class),new NodeClassFilter(ParamTag.class) }; OrFilter linkFilter = new OrFilter(srcFilters); // 得到所有经过过滤的标签 try { NodeList list = parser.extractAllNodesThatMatch(linkFilter); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Node n = list.elementAt(i); if (n instanceof ParamTag) { ParamTag p = (ParamTag) n; System.out.println("src: " + p.getSrc()); } } } catch (ParserException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("exit"); 由于Parser里没有自带的EmbedTag和ParamTag, 我自写了这两个类。 Java代码 收藏代码public class ParamTag extends CompositeTag { public String getSrc() { String result = null; //先看data属性里有没有值。 String srcValue = getAttribute("SRC"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(srcValue)) { return getPage ().getAbsoluteURL (srcValue); } return result; } public boolean isMovie() { return null != getAttribute("MOVIE"); } } public class EmbedTag extends CompositeTag { public String getSrc() { String result = null; //先看data属性里有没有值。 String srcValue = getAttribute("SRC"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(srcValue)) { return getPage ().getAbsoluteURL (srcValue); } return result; } } 另, 为了方便地使用ObjectTag, 我又继承了下, 搞了个新类LocalObjectTag。Java代码 收藏代码public class LocalObjectTag extends ObjectTag { public String extractUrl() { String result = null; //先看data属性里有没有值。 String dataValue = getAttribute("data"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dataValue)) { return getPage ().getAbsoluteURL (dataValue); } result = fromChildren(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(result)) { return result; } return result; } private String fromChildren() { String result = null; NodeList nList = this.getChildren(); for(int i=0;i<nList.size();i++) { Node n = nList.elementAt(i); if (n instanceof TagNode) { TagNode tNode = (TagNode)n; String value = tNode.getAttribute("VALUE"); String nameAttri = tNode.getAttribute("name"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value) && "movie".equalsIgnoreCase(nameAttri)) { return value; } String src = tNode.getAttribute("src"); String name = tNode.getTagName(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(src) && "embed".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return src; } } } return result; } }


html中<dd>< /dd>用来创建列表中最下层项目,< dt>< /dt>和< dd>< /dd>都必须放在< dl>< /dl>标志对之间。所以获取标签内容需要一层一层来,先获取父节点的name,再依次获取dl中的dt和dd的值。例如:<html><body><h2>一个定义列表:</h2><dl> <dt>计算机</dt> <dd>用来计算的仪器 ... ...</dd> <dt>显示器</dt> <dd>以视觉方式显示信息的装置 ... ...</dd></dl></body></html>运行结果:一个定义列表:计算机用来计算的仪器 ... ...显示器以视觉方式显示信息的装置 ... ...


// 提取网页主要文本内容 public String getContent(){ content=(isHub())?getHubEntries():getTopicBlock(); System.out.println("<Content>:"); System.out.println("========================="); System.out.println(content); return content; }// 提取Hub类网页文本内容,如yahoo,sina等门户网 public String getHubEntries(){ StringBean bean=new StringBean(); bean.setLinks(false); bean.setReplaceNonBreakingSpaces(true); bean.setCollapse(true); try { parser.visitAllNodesWith(bean); } catch (ParserException e) { System.err.println("getHubEntries()-->"+e); } parser.reset(); return bean.getStrings(); }// 获取主题性(Topical)网页文本内容:对于博客等以文字为主体的网页效果较好 public String getTopicBlock(){ HasParentFilter acceptedFilter=new HasParentFilter(new TagNameFilter("p")); NodeList nodes=null; try { nodes=parser.extractAllNodesThatMatch(acceptedFilter); } catch (ParserException e) { System.err.println("getTopicBlock"+e); } StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(); SimpleNodeIterator iter=nodes.elements(); while(iter.hasMoreNodes()){ Node node=iter.nextNode(); sb.append(node.getText()+" "); } parser.reset(); return sb.toString(); }




其是有加密的。根据DeepL Pro官网查询得知:在使用DeepL Pro时,其数据将受到最高安全措施的保护。所有文本在翻译完成后会立即被删除,并且与官方服务器的连接始终是加密的。这也是意味着其文本不会被用于翻译以外的任何目的,也不会被第三方访问。DeepL Pro可以一键翻译整个文档,所有字体、图像和格式保持不变,用户可以自由地按照个人喜好编辑翻译后的文档。其所拥有的神经网络能够捕捉到最细微的差别,并且在翻译中再现它们。

From Now On (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:From Now On (Lp Version)歌手:George Gershwin专辑:The Piano Rolls, Volume TwoWill Young - From Now OnHey, heyI don"t understandWhat"s the planWhy I"m standing here todayAll I"ve ever known isA fear to be grown upAnd take the blameIt was not too clear"Cause this is new to meWas it plain to see?No time for insecurityIt"s never coming back to me, oh noNever seem to get itWhen I know what I want"Cause it"s all a lieNever knew a time when I though it was rightTo get it off my mindI was oh so blindI was wrongCause it"s all about my feelingsFrom now onHey heyI don"t really care ifYou share all the painThat I left behindIt doesn"t really matterCause now I"ve got my peace of mindLet me make it clearNo time for insecurityIt"s never coming back to me, yeah heyIt"s all about my feelings from now onIt"s all about my feelings from now onIt"s all about my feelings from now onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/878501


Alpina,德国著名的汽车性能提升专家,在宝马7系的基础上推出了全新的Alpina B7轿车,将宝马7系轿车的性能提到了一个新的高度。 2006款宝马Alpina B7及豪华、先驱的设计和先进的技术于一身,搭载一台最大功率高达500bhp的V8发动机。这款发动机是Alpina在宝马4.4升V8发动机的基础上改进强化而成,变速箱则采用先进的6挡自动变速箱。 宝马Alpina B7采用的这款V8发动机,最大功率为500hp/5500rpm,最大扭矩516lb-ft/4250rpm,从0到60mph(英里/小时)加速时间仅为4.8s。 Alpina诞生于1964年,是宝马汽车的御用改装厂商,它们以宝马各系列轿车的基础加以改装,相比宝马原车车型,Alpina的车型性能更加出色,配置更加豪华。http://image.baidu.com/i?ct=503316480&z=3&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=ALPINA+B7&in=27636&cl=2&cm=1&sc=0&lm=-1&pn=7&rn=1&di=670957732&ln=33

If You Could See Me Now (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:If You Could See Me Now (Lp Version)歌手:Carmen McRae专辑:Bittersweet"If You Could See Me Now"P.O.D.My soul is alive, and so are youHelps when trying to pass the time, it ain"t easy without youAs long as I can try, I"ll make it throughBut it might take awhile, believe me if you only knewIf you, If you, Could see Me NowIf you, If you, Could see Me NowIf only you, If you, Could see Me NowAnd is this what you want for me to feel?Or am I going out of my mind? What Is real?Stay by my side, so I can liveAnd I will be alright, don"t leave meIf you, If you, Could see Me NowIf you, If you, Could see Me NowIf you, If you, Could see Me NowIf only you, If you, Could see Me Now(Then you"d understand who I really am)If only you, If you, Could see Me Now(You never questioned me, if you could only see)And is this what you want for me to feel?And Is this what you want?Is this what you want?Is this what you need?Is this what you want?Is this what you need?If you, If you, Could see Me Now (If I could see you!)If you, If you, Could see Me Now (If I could see you!)If only you, If you, Could see Me Now (If I could see you!)(Then you"d understand who I really am)If you, If you, Could see Me Now (If I could see you!)(You never questioned me, if you could only see)http://music.baidu.com/song/7680643

god helps those who help themselves是什么意思



Alphabeat-Go Go★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师My feet keep taking me to your street"Cause there"s a chance I"ll meet youThat"s what I want to doI keep looking for a chanceA chance to steal a dance off youThat"s what I want to doCome on, please take my handI need somebody to understandI need somebody to show the way to go, goI can"t stand upI can"t get down, down, get down, get down, go, goI can"t stand upI can"t get down, down, get down, get down, goUnless I"m making a mistakeWe"ve got some loving to makeOoh, that"s what I wnat to doMy feet keep taking me to your street"Cause there"s a chance I"ll meet youThat"s what I want to doCome on, please take my handI need somebody to understandI need somebody to show the way to go, goI can"t stand upI can"t get down, down, get down, get down, go, goI can"t stand upI can"t get down, down, get down, get down, goWhen you come around, I fall to the floorI hammer on the door a million times or moreWhen you come around (what do you do?)I hammer on the door a million times or moreWhen you come around (what do you do?)I hammer on the door a million times or moreI can"t stand upI can"t get down, down, get down, get down, go, goI can"t stand upI can"t get down, down, get down, get down, ooh End-----------------------Alphabeat-Fantastic 6★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师Sci-fi stars on the postcard skies,White hair, black ties,Riding in atomic jets,Hi-Tech!They have crash helmets on,Just like Major Tom,They are the space troopers,Super duper!Ein Zwei DreiweltpolizeiTwentyfour SevenFrom HeavenThey"ll be watching over all of us,The internationalProfessionals.Hey you, what to do?You"re high strung,Relax, ku-ku-ku-choo.They"ll do the tricks,The Fantastic 6.Come on! Don"t be hysterical,It"s the making of a miracle,Everytime they save chicks,The Fantastic 6.Ein Zwei DreiWeltpolizeiTwentyfour SevenFrom HeavenThey"ll be watching over all of us,The internationalProfessionals.Ooooo-o-o-o-o-oohOoooo-o-o-o-o-oohOoooo-o-o-o-o-oooo-ohOoooo-o-o-o-o-oooo-ohOoooo-o-o-o-o-oooo-ohOoooo-o-o-o-o-oohEin Zwei DreiWeltpolizeiTwentyfour SevenFrom HeavenThey"ll be watching over all of us,The internationalProfessionals.Ein Zwei DreiWeltpolizeiTwentyfour SevenFrom HeavenThey"ll be watching over all of us,The internationalProfessionals. ---------------------Alphabeat-Nothing But My Baby★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师I would sink,I would go down down down,Bleak like a brig with a leak,But on this sea,You reach out for me,You take me up,You take me up.Baby you"re the mountain,That no one can shake,I"m on top,Brittle as cornflake,If you leave me,I"d fall from the mountain to the sea,You take me up,You take me up.I"m nothing but my baby,Ooh ooh, ooh ooh,I"m nothing but my baby,Ooh ooh, ooh ooh,I"m nothing but my baby,Ooh ooh, ooh ooh,I"m nothing but my baby,Ooh ooh, ooh ooh.Come on baby, sway away,ya-ya-ya-yaaaa,Come on baby, sway away,ya-ya-yaaaa,You build shelters for me,On the foggy, foggy sea,You take me up,You take me up.I"m nothing but my baby,Ooh ooh, ooh ooh,I"m nothing but my baby,Ooh ooh, ooh ooh,I"m nothing but my baby,Ooh ooh, ooh ooh,I"m nothing but my baby,Ooh ooh, ooh ooh,I"m nothing but my baby,Ooh ooh, ooh ooh,I"m nothing but my baby,Ooh ooh, ooh ooh,I"m nothing but my baby,Ooh ooh, ooh ooh,I"m nothing but my baby,Ooh ooh, ooh ooh. --------------------Alphabeat-Touching Me Touching You★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师I like to get to know you, babyTouch me touching youIf that"s what you wanna doYou have to touch me touching youI like to get to know you, babyTouch me touching youIf that"s what you wanna doYou have to touch me touching youCan I touch you baby?(Of course you can)Can I touch you baby?You still a stranger to me ba-ba-babyTouch number one and the stranger is goneI like to get to know you, babyTouch me touching youIf that"s what you wanna doYou have to touch me touching youCan I touch you baby?(Of course you can)Can I touch you baby?You still a stranger to me ba-ba-babyTouch number one and the stranger is goneI like to get to know you, babyTouch me touching youIf that"s what you wanna doYou have to touch me touching youCan I touch you baby?(Of course you can)Can I touch you baby?Can I touch you baby?(Of course you can)Can I touch you baby?(Of course you can)I like to get to know you, babyTouch me touching youIf that"s what you wanna doYou have to touch me touching youI like to get to know you, babyTouch me touching youIf that"s what you wanna doYou have to touch me touching youCan I touch you baby? Can I touch you baby? Can I touch you baby? Baby, can I touch you baby?Can I touch you baby? End

八年级上册英语阅读理解:dolphins are not fish.they are mammals they live in groups and


Half Life (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Half Life (Lp Version)歌手:Hiram Bullock专辑:Give It What U Got(ti:Half Life ar:Duncan Sheik)(by:Jackson Guo to:Cecily)I"m awake in the afternoonI fell asleep in the living roomand it"s one of those momentswhen everything is so clearbefore the truth goes back into hidingI want to decide "cause it"s worth decidingto work on finding something more than this fearIt takes so much out of me to pretendtell me now, tell me how to make amendsmaybe, I need to see the daylightto leave behind this half-lifedon"t you see I"m breaking downlately, something here don"t feel rightthis is just a half-lifeis there really no escape?no escape from timeof any kindI keep trying to understandthis thing and that thing, my fellow manbut I don"t mind a few mysteriesI guess I"ll let you knowthey can stay that way it"s fine by mebut you are another mystery i am missingwhen i figure it outIt takes so much out of me to pretendmaybe, I need to see the daylightto leave behind this half-lifedon"t you see I"m breaking downLately, something here don"t feel rightthis is just a half-lifeis there really no escape?no escape from timeof any kindcome on lets fall in lovecome on lets fall in lovecome on lets fall in loveagain"cause lately something here don"t feel rightthis is just a half-life,without you I am breaking downwake me, let me see the daylightsave me from this half-lifelet"s you and I escapeescape from timecome on lets fall in lovecome on lets fall in lovecome on lets fall in loveagainhttp://music.baidu.com/song/723577

英国爱丁堡大学,杜伦大学,利兹大学和美国的Adelphi University的TESOL专业,哪一个比较靠谱啊?


Delphic-Good Life歌词

Jesse MccartneyGood LifeBeautiful SoulGood LifeJesse Mccartneyby:Lynn4455If I were you I"d be taking it easyKick back and relax for a little whileWe"ll all still be here tomorrowTake time just to act like a little childNo matter what the world has in store for usYou got the ring that better get off of usReach out for a comfortable chairRejoice and throw your arms in the air"Cause it"s a good life so why you trippin"The good life slippin" awayit"s a good life so why you trippin"The good life slippin" awayit"s a good life so why you trippin"The good life slippin" awayit"s a good life so why you trippin"The good life slippin" awayIf you"re boss is giving you pressureLet go, take a breather in the parkYou"ve got to find out what"s your pleasureIn time you"ll be singing like a larkPretty soon your sorry will chime for allSomebody will heed your callReach out for a comfortable chairRejoice and throw your arms in the airit"s a good life so why you trippin"The good life slippin" awayit"s a good life so why you trippin"it"s a good life so why you trippin"The good life slippin" awayThe good life slippin" awayit"s a good life so why you trippin"The good life slippin" awayTrade in some misery for some tender loving careCast aside those cloudy days fuses are all to bearMake up your mind get a whole new lease on lifeReach out for a comfortable chairRejoice throw your hands in the airit"s a good life so why you trippin"The good life slippin" awayit"s a good life so why you trippin"The good life slippin" awayit"s a good life so why you trippin"The good life slippin" awayit"s a good life so why you trippin"The good life slippin" awayit"s a good life so why you trippin"The good life slippin" awayit"s a good life so why you trippin"The good life slippin" away


telphone是不是拼错了?应该是telephone吧?在现代英语中,做“电话”(名词)和“打电话”(动词)讲时phone=telephone,如:I phoned my parents.我给父母打了电话。We telephoned her a greetings on her wedding day.她结婚那天,我们打了电话祝贺她。----------------------------------下面是两者的语言学的和词源学的发展历程,请楼主参考:开始时,名词telephone 是由复合形式构成的一类技术和科学术语中的一个, 在这个例子中是tele- 和 -phone 。 这些形式来自于古典语言:tele- 来自于希腊语的复合形式 tele- 或 tel- ( tele 的形式,意为“在远处,遥远地”), 而-phone 则来自希腊语 phone (“声音,嗓音”)。 这些来自古典语言的词可以在法语或德语中放在一起,例如,同英语一样。这些词到底诞生于哪一种语言通常无法确认。在这个例子中,法语telephone (大约于1830年)看起来出现较早。 这个单词正如它最初出现在英语中(1844年)的意思一样,在法语中它用于指声音设备。亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔在1876年用这个词指代他的发明物,1877年我们有了第一个意为“用电话与…交谈”的动词telephone 的实例。 这个动词是称为功能转移的语言学进程的一个例子。这种情况在我们将名词作为动词,将形容词作为名词或将名词作为形容词使用时就发生。这样,我们正在改变单词的句法功能,正如在我们打电话给 一位朋友时所做的一样


这个数据库不存在吧,重新连接一次数据库实例,或者直接重启 ssms,这样之后,15010数据库应该是看不到了。


开始菜单里输入cmd回车,输入sqlplus system/密码@数据库实例名 as sysdba回车,连接成功这里的密码是创建数据库实例时指定的,数据库实例名需要在本机有配置,如果是在DB服务器上执行,实例名的问题就不用管了。

印尼语 Esok tlp aq yo ...PENTING!!! Bkan cuma mu...Suara mu ja kantrsa begitu Berarti....是什么意思



This is Jame .How can I help you?我是Name.我怎样帮你

how can i help you?还是what can i help you?


How can I help you 和 What can I help you 的区别

how can i help you : 我如何可以能帮到你?What can i help you : 我有什么可以帮到你的?


How can I help you?----- 我该怎样帮助你?(询问方法)What can I help you?---- 我能帮你做什么?(询问帮助做某事)

How can I help you是什么意思

HowcanIhelpyou中文:我能帮你什么忙?我怎样才能帮助你?  例句:  SohowcanIhelpyou?  那幺我有什么能帮你的呢?  Uh,howcanIhelpyou?  呃有什么我能效劳的?  Honey,howcanIhelpyou?  亲爱的我能为你做点什么?  HowcanIhelpyou,noblesir?  我能帮你什么?尊贵的先生?

How can I help you 和 What can I help you 的区别

How can I help you是对的,What can I do to help you

The objects on display were pieces of moving sculpture.这里pieces的意思是什么?怎样翻译?


how can i help you 和 what can i help you 的区别

楼主 你好相同的意思,可以用不同的语言表达方式.只要语法上正确,人家能听懂,不限于只有一种表达方法.不同的人还有不同的语言习惯.譬如yes,all right,OK,yeah都一样.如果一定要细究的话:What can I do for you? 适合于未在别人请求的情况下,主动询问是否要帮助;How can I help you? 适合于得到别人请求时,询问如何帮助.

How can I help you 和 What can I help you 的区别


How can I help you是什么意思


can I help you的同义句

can I help you的同义句有may I help you?how can i help you?do you need any help?can I help you的意思是我能帮助你吗?can用作情态动词的基本意思是“能,能够”“可以”“可能,会”。1.may I help you?翻译:需要我帮忙吗? may是个情态动词,无不定式和分词形式,第三人称单数现在时也无变化。 例句:Tina,may I help you?翻译:蒂娜,需要我帮忙吗? 2.how can i help you?翻译:需要我帮忙吗;有什么可以帮您。 例句:HowcanIhelpyoutothatgoal?翻译:我怎样能使你达到那个目标呢? 3.do you need any help?翻译:你需要帮助吗? 例句:Theteachersaystome:Doyouneedanyhelp?翻译:老师对我说:你需要帮助吗?



The Call (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Call (Lp Version)歌手:Charles Mingus专辑:Mingus MovesThe Museum - The CallI can feel this on the tableI can taste the moment"s nearI can see the stakes are risingYeah, this is the warNow our time is hereWe shine brighter and love biggerRun to the darkAnd we carry Your heartTo the lost and brokenWe"ll embrace our rescue missionTo live out your heart in the depths of the darkFor the lost and brokenI can feel the waters risingI can see the tide is hereWe are broken and beatenTired and weakenedWill we run, will we hide orWill we stand, will we fightWhen will we get up and answer the callWe shine brighter and love biggerWe"ll run to the darkAnd we carry Your heartTo the lost and brokenWe"ll embrace our rescue missionTo live out your heart in the depths of the darkFor the lost and brokenHere us callingHear us cryingHear us callingHear us cryingThis is the callThis is the callThis is the callThis is the callWe shine brighter and love biggerWe"ll run to the darkAnd we carry Your heartTo the lost and brokenWe"ll embrace our rescue missionTo live out your heart in the depths of the darkFor the lost and brokenThis is the callhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7666014

Business As Usual (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Business As Usual (Lp Version)歌手:Orleans专辑:Still The One[al:Long Road Out Of EdenEagles--Business As Usual1223_dd制作Look at the weather, look at the newsLook at all the people in denialWe"re running time, leaving graceStill we worship at the marketplaceWhile common sense is goin" out of styleI thought that I would be above it all by nowIn some country garden in the shadeBut it"s business as usualDay after dayBusiness as usualJust grinding awayYou try to be righteousYou try to do goodBut business as usualTurns your heart into woodMonuments to arrogance reach for the skyOur better nature"s buried in the rubbleWe got the prettiest White House that money can buySitting up there in that beltway bubbleThe main jefe talks about our freedomBut this is what he really means...Business as usualHow dirty we playBusiness as usualDon"t you get in the wayYeah, make you feel helplessMake you feel like a clownBusiness as usualIs breakin" me downBoy, you can"t go surfing in Century CityYeah, them sharks out there are lurking beneath the curbYeah, they rob you blind, chew you up, and it ain"t prettyAnd it"s a soul suckin", soul suckin", soul suckin", soul suckin"Soul suckin", soul suckin" worldBusiness as usualDay after dayBusiness as usualFeel like walking awayA barrell of monkeysOr band of renownBusiness as usualIs breakin" me downBreakin" me downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/799413

Business As Usual (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Business As Usual (Lp Version)歌手:Orleans专辑:Let There Be Music[al:Long Road Out Of EdenEagles--Business As Usual1223_dd制作Look at the weather, look at the newsLook at all the people in denialWe"re running time, leaving graceStill we worship at the marketplaceWhile common sense is goin" out of styleI thought that I would be above it all by nowIn some country garden in the shadeBut it"s business as usualDay after dayBusiness as usualJust grinding awayYou try to be righteousYou try to do goodBut business as usualTurns your heart into woodMonuments to arrogance reach for the skyOur better nature"s buried in the rubbleWe got the prettiest White House that money can buySitting up there in that beltway bubbleThe main jefe talks about our freedomBut this is what he really means...Business as usualHow dirty we playBusiness as usualDon"t you get in the wayYeah, make you feel helplessMake you feel like a clownBusiness as usualIs breakin" me downBoy, you can"t go surfing in Century CityYeah, them sharks out there are lurking beneath the curbYeah, they rob you blind, chew you up, and it ain"t prettyAnd it"s a soul suckin", soul suckin", soul suckin", soul suckin"Soul suckin", soul suckin" worldBusiness as usualDay after dayBusiness as usualFeel like walking awayA barrell of monkeysOr band of renownBusiness as usualIs breakin" me downBreakin" me downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7659187

一首女生唱的英文歌,有很多i am 什么 i am什么,歌的最后一句是help me to

lonely 很早的歌 不知道对不对

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一些正常的电脑进程 1.进程文件:vnetclient.exe 进程名称:vnet client 描述:网络快车(vnetclient) 2.进程文件:notepad或者notepad.exe 进程名称:notepad 描述:notepad.exe是windows自带的记事本程序。是windows默认用来打开和编辑文本文件的程序 3.进程文件:taskmgr 或者 taskmgr.exe 进程名称: the windows task manager. 描述: taskmgr.exe用于windows任务管理器。它显示你系统中正在运行的进程 4.进程文件:svchost或者svchost.exe 进程名称:microsoft service host process 描述:svchost.exe是一个属于微软windows操作系统的系统程序,用于执行dll文件。这个程序对你系统的正常运行是非常重要的。 正常的进程应该是在windows的system32和servicepackfilesi386下面 5.进程文件:smagent.exe 进程名称:smagent 描述:smagent.exe是analog devices声卡驱动程序。 6.进程文件:nvsvc32或者nvsvc32.exe 进程名称:nvidiadriverhelperservice 描述:nvsvc32.exe是nvidia显示卡相关程序。不要删除此进程,以确保你的图形显示卡的正常运行。 7.进程文件:kavsvc.exe 进程名称:kavsvc 描述:kavsvc.exe是卡巴斯基antivirus服务 8.进程文件:ctfmon 或者 ctfmon.exe 进程名称: alternative user input services 描述: ctfmon.exe是microsoft office产品套装的一部分。它可以选择用户文字输入程序,和微软office xp语言条。 9.进程文件:vm_sti.exe 进程名称:摄像头驱程文件 描述:vm sti.exe来自于pc机的摄像头驱程文件. 10.进程文件:smax4.exe 进程名称:soundmax control center 描述:smax4.exe是soundmax声卡控制中心程序。 11.进程文件: smax4pnp.exe 进程名称:smax4pnp mfc application 描述:smax4pnp.exe来一个自于声卡设备产品的进程。 12.进程文件:rundll32或者rundll32.exe 进程名称:microsoftrundll32 描述:rundll32.exe用于在内存中运行dll文件,它们会在应用程序中被使用。这个程序对你系统的正常运行是非常重要的。 13.进程文件:kav或者kav.exe 进程名称:kaspersky antivirus personalcomponent 描述:kav.exe来自于卡巴斯基反病毒软件,为了你的系统安全,不应被移除。 14.进程文件:alg 或者 alg.exe 进程名称: application layer gateway service 描述: alg.exe是微软windows操作系统自带的程序。它用于处理微软windows网络连接共享和网络连接防火墙。 这个程序对你系统的正常运行是非常重要的。 15.进程文件:explorer或者explorer.exe 进程名称:microsoft windows explorer 描述:explorer.exe是windows程序管理器或者windows资源管理器,它用于管理windows图形壳, 包括开始菜单、任务栏、桌面和文件管理。删除该程序会导致windows图形界面无法适用 16.进程文件:wscntfy 或者 wscntfy.exe 进程名称: microsoft windows 安全等级 center 描述: wscntfy.exe是windows安全相关策略的一部分。这个程序对你系统的正常运行是非常重要的。 17.进程文件:lsass或者lsass.exe 进程名称:local安全等级作者ityservice 描述:lsass.exe是一个关于微软安全机制的系统进程,主要处理一些特殊的安全机制和登录策略。 18.进程文件:services.exe 进程名称: windows service controller 描述: services.exe是微软windows操作系统的一部分。用于管理启动和停止服务。该进程也会处理在计算机启动和关机时运行的服务。 19.进程文件:winlogon.exe 进程名称:microsoft windows logon process 描述:winlogon.exe是windows域登陆管理器。它用于处理你登陆和退出系统过程。正常的进程应该是在windows的system32下面 20.进程文件:csrss.exe 进程名称:microsoft client/server runtime server subsystem 描述:csrss.exe是微软客户端/服务端运行时子系统。正常的进程应该是在windows的system32和servicepackfilesi386下面 21.进程文件:smss.exe 进程名称:session manager subsystem 描述:smss.exe是微软windows操作系统的一部分。该进程调用对话管理子系统和负责操作你系统的对话。 正常的进程应该是在windows的system32和servicepackfilesi386下面 22.进程文件:wdfmgr或者wdfmgr.exe 进程名称:windows driver foundation manager 描述:wdfmgr.exe是微软microsoftwindowsmediaplayer10播放器的相关程序。该进程用于减少兼容性问题。 23.进程文件:system或system process 进程名称:system process 描述:system process是windows页面内存管理进程,拥有0级优先。 24.进程文件:nwiz或者nwiz.exe 进程名称:nvidia nview wizard 描述:nwiz.exe是nvidia的nview特性相关程序。该程序用于用户对其特性进行配置,将桌面扩展到多台显示器上。 25.进程文件:imjpmig.exe 进程名称:imjpmig 描述:imjpmig.exe是微软microsoft输入法编辑器程序。 26.进程文件:tintsetp.exe 进程名称:tintsetp 描述:tintsetp.exe是输入法软件相关程序。 27.进程文件se 或者 ose.exe 进程名称: microsoft office source engine 描述: ose.exe是微软microsoft office套装的一部分,用于cd和web升级的附加安装支持。 28.进程文件:msiexec或者msiexec.exe 进程名称:windowsinstallercomponent 描述:msiexec属于一个安装组件,在安装新软件时调用这个“msi”安装包文件。此进程对机子的正常运行起着重要作用,不能终止。 29.进程文件:wuauclt.exe 进程名称:autoupdate for windows 描述:wuauclt.exe是windows自动升级管理程序。该进程会不断在线检测更新。删除该进程将使你无法得到最新更新信息。 30.进程文件:msiexec或者msiexec.exe 进程名称:windowsinstallercomponent 描述:msiexec属于一个安装组件,在安装新软件时调用这个“msi”安装包文件。此进程对机子的正常运行起着重要作用,不能终止。

calpella platform笔记本电脑 是什么意思?

那处理器还是英特尔或者AMD的呢 笔记本本来就是组装机呀

Half A World Away ( Lp Version ) 歌词

歌曲名:Half A World Away ( Lp Version )歌手:R.E.M.专辑:Out Of TimeYou"re half a world awayStanding next to meIt seems that every dayI"m loosing you almost in miseryThough you are nearI can"t reach that farAcross to where you areAnd so you stayJust half a world awayAnd I would coss the universe for youBut what good would it doif you waren"t even thereTill you returnAnd untill your way is clearI will be hereNot half a world awayYou"re half a world awayAnd noone is to blameIf love out lives its taleAnd turns into a man from a flameI love you as beforeTill words will be nomoreTill I can"t find a wayTo where you stayJust half a world awayAnd I would coss the universe for youBut what good would it doIf you waren"t even thereTill you returnAnd untill your way is clearI will be hereNot half a world awayYou"re half a world awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7939870

delphi Append是什么意思?怎么用?

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);begin fwClientDataset1.Append; //追加一列表格 fwClientDataset1.FieldByName("qty1").AsFloat:=StrToInt(Edit1.Text); fwClientDataset1.FieldByName("qty2").AsFloat:=StrToInt(Edit2.Text); fwClientDataset1.FieldByName("total").AsFloat:=StrToInt(Edit3.Text);end;


电子元件品牌中文名:ST(STMicroelectronics 简称ST意法半导体一般3个字母内的品牌大家都直接说字母)、 IR(国际整流器公司简称IR)、FAIRCHILP(飞兆一般直接叫仙童)、TOS(东芝)、HIT(日立)、NXP(恩智浦)、NEC(日电电子一般直接叫NEC)、TI(德州)、NS( 美国国家半导体简称国半)、ON(安森美)、至于PSI、TC这两个就不知道了或者你搞错了或者特别不常见的公司没什么人知道

delphi Pointer类型转byte数组

你Pointer那是指针类型 这个类型转成byte类型 没有意思 你要转的是传过来的数据 你传过来的数据 应该是存在stream里了 你找找stream转换的

delphi pointer 转 integer

就是一个ansichar数组var strary:array [0..255] of AnsiChar;len:integer;beginlen:=ord( strary[4])*256+ord(strary[5]);end;


比如:var g_iTmp:integer;g_pPointer:Pointer;g_pPointer:=@g_iTemp;{获取地址}


byte 数组是多大的啊。 告诉我大小和 值 我测试一下给你贴代码。


显示pointer是一个很模糊、有歧义的说法,究竟是要显示这个指针变量的地址,还是显示它所指向的别的变量、常量的值,方法是完全不同的。根据问题描述,只有第一种意图是可行的,方法如下:ShowMessage( Format( "%p", [ pointer ] ) );或者ShowMessage( IntToHex( PCardinal( @pointer )^, 8 ) );注:需要uses SysUtils第二种意图就需要准确地知道指向的究竟是个什么东西,一个整数、一个浮点数、一个字符、一个字符串、一个结构、一个对象、一个函数地址均可,具体办法视需求而异。

delphi 中 pointer 的使用?

Delphi的pointer类型就是VC中的指针类型。主要在相应的类型后加上*就是指针类型了。 如: int * nBytes; void * p; 等等。

EMNLP2020-Call for Papers

The 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2020) invites the submission of long and short papers on substantial , original , and unpublished research in empirical methods for Natural Language Processing. As in recent years, some of the presentations at the conference will be for papers accepted by the Transactions of the ACL (TACL) and Computational Linguistics (CL) journals. All deadlines are 11.59 pm UTC -12h ("anywhere on Earth"). EMNLP 2020 has the goal of a broad technical program. Relevant topics for the conference include, but are not limited to, the following areas (in alphabetical order): Long paper submissions must describe substantial , original , completed and unpublished work . Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation and analysis should be included. Review forms will be made available prior to the deadlines. Long papers may consist of up to 8 pages of content , plus unlimited pages for references ; final versions of long papers will be given one additional page of content (up to 9 pages) so that reviewers" comments can be taken into account. Long papers will be presented orally or as posters as determined by the program committee. The decisions as to which papers will be presented orally and which as poster presentations will be based on the nature rather than the quality of the work. There will be no distinction in the proceedings between long papers presented orally and as posters. Short paper submissions must describe original and unpublished work . Please note that a short paper is not a shortened long paper. Instead short papers should have a point that can be made in a few pages. Some kinds of short papers are: Short papers may consist of up to 4 pages of content , plus unlimited references . Upon acceptance, short papers will be given 5 content pages in the proceedings. Authors are encouraged to use this additional page to address reviewers" comments in their final versions. Short papers will be presented orally or as posters as determined by the program committee. While short papers will be distinguished from long papers in the proceedings, there will be no distinction in the proceedings between short papers presented orally and as posters. The author list for submissions should include all (and only) individuals who made substantial contributions to the work presented. Each author listed on a submission to EMNLP 2020 will be notified of submissions, revisions and the final decision. No changes to the order or composition of authorship may be made to submissions to EMNLP 2020 after the paper submission deadline. You are expected to cite all refereed publications relevant to your submission, but you may be excused for not knowing about all unpublished work (especially work that has been recently posted and/or is not widely cited) . In cases where a preprint has been superseded by a refereed publication, the refereed publication should be cited instead of the preprint version. Papers (whether refereed or not) appearing less than 3 months before the submission deadline are considered contemporaneous to your submission, and you are therefore not obliged to make detailed comparisons that require additional experimentation and/or in-depth analysis. For more information, see the ACL Policies for Submission, Review, and Citation EMNLP 2020 will not consider any paper that is under review in a journal or another conference at the time of submission, and submitted papers must not be submitted elsewhere during the EMNLP 2020 review period. This policy covers all refereed and archival conferences and workshops (e.g., COLING, NeurIPS, ACL workshops). For example, a paper under review at an ACL workshop cannot be dual-submitted to EMNLP 2020. In addition, we will not consider any paper that overlaps significantly in content or results with papers that will be (or have been) published elsewhere. Authors submitting more than one paper to EMNLP 2020 must ensure that their submissions do not overlap significantly (>25%) with each other in content or results. Authors are required to honour the ethical code set out in the ACM Code of Ethics . The consideration of the ethical impact of our research , use of data , and potential applications of our work has always been an important consideration, and as artificial intelligence is becoming more mainstream, these issues are increasingly pertinent. We ask that all authors read the code, and ensure that their work is conformant to this code. Where a paper may raise ethical issues, we ask that you include in the paper an explicit discussion of these issues, which will be taken into account in the review process. We reserve the right to reject papers on ethical grounds, where the authors are judged to have operated counter to the code of ethics, or have inadequately addressed legitimate ethical concerns with their work Submission is electronic, using the Softconf START conference management system . Both long and short papers must follow the EMNLP 2020 two-column format, using the supplied official style sheets . Please do not modify these style files, nor should you use templates designed for other conferences. Submissions that do not conform to the required styles, including paper size, margin width, and font size restrictions, will be rejected without review. Each EMNLP 2020 submission can be accompanied by one PDF appendix for the paper, one PDF for prior reviews and author response, one .tgz or .zip archive containing software , and one.tgz or .zip archive containing data . EMNLP 2020 encourages the submission of these supplementary materials to improve the reproducibility of results, and to enable authors to provide additional information that does not fit in the paper. For example, anonymised related work (see above), preprocessing decisions, model parameters, feature templates, lengthy proofs or derivations, pseudocode, sample system inputs/outputs, and other details that are necessary for the exact replication of the work described in the paper can be put into the appendix. However, the paper submissions need to remain fully self-contained , as these supplementary materials are completely optional, and reviewers are not even asked to review or download them. If the pseudo-code or derivations or model specifications are an important part of the contribution, or if they are important for the reviewers to assess the technical correctness of the work, they should be a part of the main paper, and not appear in the appendix. Supplementary materials need to be fully anonymized to preserve the double-blind reviewing policy. The following rules and guidelines are meant to protect the integrity of double-blind review and ensure that submissions are reviewed fairly. The rules make reference to the anonymity period, which runs from 1 month before the submission deadline (starting May 1st, 2020) up to the date when your paper is accepted or rejected (September 14th, 2020) . Papers that are withdrawn during this period will no longer be subject to these rules. As reviewing will be double blind, papers must not include authors" names and affiliations . Furthermore, self-references or links (such as github) that reveal the author"s identity, e.g., “We previously showed (Smith, 1991) …” must be avoided. Instead, use citations such as “Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991) …” Papers that do not conform to these requirements will be rejected without review. Papers should not refer, for further detail, to documents that are not available to the reviewers. For example, do not omit or redact important citation information to preserve anonymity. Instead, use third person or named reference to this work, as described above (“Smith showed” rather than “we showed”). If important citations are not available to reviewers (e.g., awaiting publication), these paper/s should be anonymised and included in the appendix. They can then be referenced from the submission without compromising anonymity. Papers may be accompanied by a resource (software and/or data) described in the paper, but these resources should also be anonymized. Authors resubmitting a paper that has been rejected from another venue are invited to submit alongside their paper the previous version of the paper, the reviews and an author response. This is strictly optional. It is designed to mimic the revise-and-resubmit procedure underlying journals like TACL, and this trial for EMNLP will help to inform potential changes to the review process under consideration for future EMNLP and ACL conferences. We expect that the fact that a paper was rejected from another venue will not necessarily affect the paper"s decision in a negative way, but is likely to be beneficial to authors who believe they have addressed the problems identified, and can argue strongly for how the paper has been improved. The prior reviews will not be seen by reviewers, but be used as part of the EMNLP decision process, primarily by area chairs and program chairs in review quality control, resolving disagreements between reviewers, and in deciding borderline papers. To foster reproducibility , authors will be asked to answer all questions from the following Reproducibility Checklist during the submission process. Authors are not required to meet all criteria on the checklist, but rather check off the criteria relevant to their submission. The answers will be made available to the reviewers to help them evaluate the submission. Reviewers will be expressly asked to assess the reproducibility of the work as part of their reviews. The following list is a preliminary checklist we will use. For all reported experimental results: For all experiments with hyperparameter search: For all datasets used: Thanks to Jesse Dodge for helping with the above checklist. It is based on Dodge et al, 2019 and Joelle Pineau"s reproducibility checklist All accepted papers must be presented at the conference to appear in the proceedings. Authors of papers accepted for presentation at EMNLP 2020 must notify the program chairs by the camera-ready deadline if they wish to withdraw the paper . Previous presentations of the work (e.g. preprints on arXiv.org) should be indicated in a footnote in the final version of papers appearing in the EMNLP 2020 proceedings. Please note that this footnote should not be in the submission version of the paper. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for EMNLP 2020 by the early registration deadline.

delphi 中的Pointer和@


Lick (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Lick (Lp Version)歌手:Fred Schneider专辑:Just FredGod-des and She - Lick It (From L Word)Good Evening, ClassI would like to welcome youTo Pussy Eating 101Pay close attention nowThere"s rules and regulations to pleasin" a girlGoin" downtown could really rock her worldBut you gotta make sure that you know what you"re doin"There"s a map down there that you gotta start learnin"First, you gotta make sure you rehearseMove "round your tongue like your tryin" to curse"Cause there"s nothin" worse than a tongue that doesn"t workThen your girl will be mad and youl feel like a jerkSpread out her lips before you kissYou wanna make sure that you find the clitLick a little bit then move it all aroundLick it all over "til you hear her make a soundThen you know that you found a good spotTease it and touch it, but not a lotPut your mouth on top, you"re in controlYou can make it happen - fast or slowLick it, better lick it rightTouch it, better touch it rightKiss it, better kiss it rightDo that pussy rightLick it, better lick it rightTouch it, better touch it rightKiss it, better kiss it rightDo that pussy rightDon"t be bland - better act creativeBe on top of your game and be innovativeExperiment a bit and change it upLick a little lower then put it in her buttThen you can place a finger insideMake sure that it"s wet and easy to glideIf she"s really wet, and your finger slides,Try to put another one insideBut you better still have your mouth on the clitYou know you"re doin" good if her legs twitchThen pick her up and set her on your facePick a large area to give her some spaceShe needs some room to place your mouth where she want itAnd let her ride your face like she"s "bout to cum on itThe key to a girl"s heart is goin" down southSo come on everybody let her put it in your mouth!Lick it, better lick it rightTouch it, better touch it rightKiss it, better kiss it rightDo that pussy rightLick it, better lick it rightTouch it, better touch it rightKiss it, better kiss it rightDo that pussy rightLet your mouth do the talkin" and your tongue do the walkin"Work on your cardio, there is no stoppin"Get through the pain if your jaw locksYou gotta be a soldier and don"t stopLick her and finger her at the same timeFeel around the G-spot seek and you shall findRup on that spot, lick on topYou got to be coordinated, show her what you gotOnce you got that down, put your other hand aroundI have to be blunt and not profoundPut your wet pinky finger in her assholeYou"re in three different places - it"s time to goYour pinky in her ass and your other in her holeYour tongue move fast like a drum roll...If your girl can"t come this way,I guess she"s not ready, come back another dayLick it, better lick it rightTouch it, better touch it rightKiss it, better kiss it rightDo that pussy rightLick it, better lick it rightTouch it, better touch it rightKiss it, better kiss it rightDo that pussy rightLick it, better lick it rightTouch it, better touch it rightKiss it, better kiss it rightDo that pussy rightLick it, better lick it rightTouch it, better touch it rightKiss it, better kiss it rightDo that pussy righthttp://music.baidu.com/song/7673023


LPS不是一个认证,只是IEC 60950-1 clause 2.5(IT类电源需符合的一个标准)中的一项非强制要求。 LPS英文全称是Limited Power Supply。中文意思是电源的输出功率是受限制的。 IEC 60950 Limited Power Source 常常发现power supply的制造商被要求产品要符合LPS (Limited Power Source,限功率源),这究竟是为什麼呢?原来,在安规标准IEC 60950里有要求资讯产品必须提供防火外壳。但是,当一个资讯产品的电源是由限功率电源(LPS)来供电时,若电子零件是安插在防火等级V-1以上的PCB时,则该产品可以不必提供防火外壳(fire enclosure),也就是可以使用HB燃烧等级的外壳材质。 HB等级的外壳材质,除了价格低外,还具备较佳的物理特性,也同时容易符合环保的要求。所以,Buyer都尽可能在防火以外,同时符合以上的要求。 Power supply要达到LPS的要求,可以有两种方式, 一为inherently limited power source (固有型限功率源),简而言之,若要符合LPS的要求,属於固有型限功率源的power supply,其输出不得大於8A / 100 VA; 固有性-inherently: 产品固有的,能自动调节输出电流的大小并限制输出功率。你可以把具有OCP(过流保护)电路的电源产品作为典型的具有 “inherently limiting output current & power ” 的电源。 另一为non-inherently limited power source (非固有型限功率源),其要求详见IEC60950标准中。若属於非固有型限功率源,其限电流保护装置 (fuse) 应小於5 A。 非固有性-non-inherently: 不是产品固有的,依靠(外加的)“过流保护装置”或“过流保护阻抗”或“电流调节网络等来限制输出电流和功率。 那是否power supply不符合LPS,就无法得到安规认证呢?那倒不是,用在较大功率需求的产品上时,power supply当然要大瓦特数的才够,大瓦数的power supply 一样能得到安规的认证,只是end-product需要提供防火外壳罢了! 举个例子给你。 过流保护装置, 例如在次极输出加“保险管”。 过流保护阻抗, 具有调节电流的电阻、电容、电感或其组合,例如“PTC”、“NTC”等。 电流调节网络,一种电路,能调节电流和功率。


LPS不是一个认证,只是IEC 60950-1 clause 2.5(IT类电源需符合的一个标准)中的一项非强制要求。 LPS英文全称是Limited Power Supply。中文意思是电源的输出功率是受限制的。 IEC 60950 Limited Power Source 常常发现power supply的制造商被要求产品要符合LPS (Limited Power Source,限功率源),这究竟是为什麼呢?原来,在安规标准IEC 60950里有要求资讯产品必须提供防火外壳。但是,当一个资讯产品的电源是由限功率电源(LPS)来供电时,若电子零件是安插在防火等级V-1以上的PCB时,则该产品可以不必提供防火外壳(fire enclosure),也就是可以使用HB燃烧等级的外壳材质。 HB等级的外壳材质,除了价格低外,还具备较佳的物理特性,也同时容易符合环保的要求。所以,Buyer都尽可能在防火以外,同时符合以上的要求。 Power supply要达到LPS的要求,可以有两种方式, 一为inherently limited power source (固有型限功率源),简而言之,若要符合LPS的要求,属於固有型限功率源的power supply,其输出不得大於8A / 100 VA; 固有性-inherently: 产品固有的,能自动调节输出电流的大小并限制输出功率。你可以把具有OCP(过流保护)电路的电源产品作为典型的具有 “inherently limiting output current & power ” 的电源。 另一为non-inherently limited power source (非固有型限功率源),其要求详见IEC60950标准中。若属於非固有型限功率源,其限电流保护装置 (fuse) 应小於5 A。 非固有性-non-inherently: 不是产品固有的,依靠(外加的)“过流保护装置”或“过流保护阻抗”或“电流调节网络等来限制输出电流和功率。 那是否power supply不符合LPS,就无法得到安规认证呢?那倒不是,用在较大功率需求的产品上时,power supply当然要大瓦特数的才够,大瓦数的power supply 一样能得到安规的认证,只是end-product需要提供防火外壳罢了! 举个例子给你。 过流保护装置, 例如在次极输出加“保险管”。 过流保护阻抗, 具有调节电流的电阻、电容、电感或其组合,例如“PTC”、“NTC”等。 电流调节网络,一种电路,能调节电流和功率。


LPS不是一个认证,只是IEC 60950-1 clause 2.5(IT类电源需符合的一个标准)中的一项非强制要求。 LPS英文全称是Limited Power Supply。中文意思是电源的输出功率是受限制的。 IEC 60950 Limited Power Source 常常发现power supply的制造商被要求产品要符合LPS (Limited Power Source,限功率源),这究竟是为什麼呢?原来,在安规标准IEC 60950里有要求资讯产品必须提供防火外壳。但是,当一个资讯产品的电源是由限功率电源(LPS)来供电时,若电子零件是安插在防火等级V-1以上的PCB时,则该产品可以不必提供防火外壳(fire enclosure),也就是可以使用HB燃烧等级的外壳材质。 HB等级的外壳材质,除了价格低外,还具备较佳的物理特性,也同时容易符合环保的要求。所以,Buyer都尽可能在防火以外,同时符合以上的要求。 Power supply要达到LPS的要求,可以有两种方式, 一为inherently limited power source (固有型限功率源),简而言之,若要符合LPS的要求,属於固有型限功率源的power supply,其输出不得大於8A / 100 VA; 固有性-inherently: 产品固有的,能自动调节输出电流的大小并限制输出功率。你可以把具有OCP(过流保护)电路的电源产品作为典型的具有 “inherently limiting output current & power ” 的电源。 另一为non-inherently limited power source (非固有型限功率源),其要求详见IEC60950标准中。若属於非固有型限功率源,其限电流保护装置 (fuse) 应小於5 A。 非固有性-non-inherently: 不是产品固有的,依靠(外加的)“过流保护装置”或“过流保护阻抗”或“电流调节网络等来限制输出电流和功率。 那是否power supply不符合LPS,就无法得到安规认证呢?那倒不是,用在较大功率需求的产品上时,power supply当然要大瓦特数的才够,大瓦数的power supply 一样能得到安规的认证,只是end-product需要提供防火外壳罢了! 举个例子给你。 过流保护装置, 例如在次极输出加“保险管”。 过流保护阻抗, 具有调节电流的电阻、电容、电感或其组合,例如“PTC”、“NTC”等。 电流调节网络,一种电路,能调节电流和功率。


LPS不是一个认证,只是IEC 60950-1 clause 2.5(IT类电源需符合的一个标准)中的一项非强制要求。 LPS英文全称是Limited Power Supply。中文意思是电源的输出功率是受限制的。 IEC 60950 Limited Power Source 常常发现power supply的制造商被要求产品要符合LPS (Limited Power Source,限功率源),这究竟是为什麼呢?原来,在安规标准IEC 60950里有要求资讯产品必须提供防火外壳。但是,当一个资讯产品的电源是由限功率电源(LPS)来供电时,若电子零件是安插在防火等级V-1以上的PCB时,则该产品可以不必提供防火外壳(fire enclosure),也就是可以使用HB燃烧等级的外壳材质。 HB等级的外壳材质,除了价格低外,还具备较佳的物理特性,也同时容易符合环保的要求。所以,Buyer都尽可能在防火以外,同时符合以上的要求。 Power supply要达到LPS的要求,可以有两种方式, 一为inherently limited power source (固有型限功率源),简而言之,若要符合LPS的要求,属於固有型限功率源的power supply,其输出不得大於8A / 100 VA; 固有性-inherently: 产品固有的,能自动调节输出电流的大小并限制输出功率。你可以把具有OCP(过流保护)电路的电源产品作为典型的具有 “inherently limiting output current & power ” 的电源。 另一为non-inherently limited power source (非固有型限功率源),其要求详见IEC60950标准中。若属於非固有型限功率源,其限电流保护装置 (fuse) 应小於5 A。 非固有性-non-inherently: 不是产品固有的,依靠(外加的)“过流保护装置”或“过流保护阻抗”或“电流调节网络等来限制输出电流和功率。 那是否power supply不符合LPS,就无法得到安规认证呢?那倒不是,用在较大功率需求的产品上时,power supply当然要大瓦特数的才够,大瓦数的power supply 一样能得到安规的认证,只是end-product需要提供防火外壳罢了! 举个例子给你。 过流保护装置, 例如在次极输出加“保险管”。 过流保护阻抗, 具有调节电流的电阻、电容、电感或其组合,例如“PTC”、“NTC”等。 电流调节网络,一种电路,能调节电流和功率。

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本人亲测:[code] <object id="player" name="player" classid="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA" width="400" height="272"> <param name="_ExtentX" value="18415"> <param name="_ExtentY" value="9102"> <param name="AUTOSTART" value="-1"> <param name="SHUFFLE" value="0"> <param name="PREFETCH" value="0"> <param name="NOLABELS" value="-1"> <param name="SRC" value="bt.rm"> <param name="CONTROLS" value="Imagewindow"> <param name="CONSOLE" value="clip1"> <param name="LOOP" value="0"> <param name="NUMLOOP" value="0"> <param name="CENTER" value="0"> <param name="MAINTAINASPECT" value="0"> <param name="BACKGROUNDCOLOR" value="#000000"> </object><br> <object ID="RP2" CLASSID="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="57"> <param name="_ExtentX" value="18415"> <param name="_ExtentY" value="1005"> <param name="AUTOSTART" value="-1"> <param name="SHUFFLE" value="0"> <param name="PREFETCH" value="0"> <param name="NOLABELS" value="-1"> <param name="SRC" value="bt.rm"> <param name="CONTROLS" VALUE="ControlPanel,StatusBar"> <param name="CONSOLE" value="clip1"> <param name="LOOP" value="0"> <param name="NUMLOOP" value="0"> <param name="CENTER" value="0"> <param name="MAINTAINASPECT" value="0"> <param name="BACKGROUNDCOLOR" value="#000000"> </object> [/code]

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1、点击播放链接没有反应请检查你是否安装了限制弹出窗口的软件,如金山毒霸中的网页防火墙,使用3721上网助手禁了弹窗等,请取消这些软件中的限制弹出窗口功能,另外如果IE安全设置过高,不能执行javascript也会造成点击后没有反应,只要将安全设置改为默认中就可以。2、点播时页面中没有播放器,播放器的位置显示叉叉,画面一片漆黑? 答:出现这种问题,99%是你的电脑上没有安装Real播放器,请检查并安装它3、播放时老是在“缓冲”,画面出不来,或者画面可以出来,但断断续续的,很不连惯 答:1)大多情况下,这是由于你的网速过慢造成的,一般要不低于512k的带宽,,特别的DVD转录的高清晰电影,你可以试着按下面的步骤设置,可能会有所改善。但我们声明,如果你是拨号上网用户,你再怎么努力也是看不了本站电影的,因为你的网速太慢!设置指南: 请打开realplayer--->点工具--->首选项--->连接--->带宽--->把这里的“正常带宽,最高带宽”,都选10Mdps LAN2)您的系统盘(一般是C盘)剩余空间不足400MB,请清理您的系统盘,使其剩余空间大于400MB3)您是否安装了影响流媒体播放的网络防火墙软件,请在观看电影时关闭防火墙4)您是否在看电影的同时运行了其它非常占用系统资源的程序?如果是,请关闭其它程序5)避开上网热门时段 通常,上网热门时段(20:00---24:00)发生网络拥塞的机会较大。网络拥塞分两种情况,一是用户端网络拥塞,如有些小区局域网宣称也是中国电信的宽带接入,但如果很多人共用一个出口(通常共用10M甚至2M,高峰期带宽肯定不足。二是服务端(即绿色宽频影院)拥塞,超过我们的带宽,但这种情况极其罕见,我们有预警并留有足够的冗余。










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公司名称: RealNetworks(R), Inc.(纳斯达克交易代码:RNWK)公司介绍:RealNetworks是Internet和Intranet多媒体数据流技术和数字娱乐市场的创立者和领导者。 它的主要传统业务是从事开发与销售专门应用与网络上的音频、视频及其它多媒体的软件,使用户可从个人电脑至其它电子设备终端都可以发送与接收高质量的视频。 1995年面世至今,Real Networks 的产品已成为Internet和Intranet上最具有影响的、最深入人心的媒体流解决方案。同时,在数字娱乐市场上,RealNetworks在互联网上最受欢迎的网上视频、音频网站中稳居第一位。RealNetworks拥有的RealArcade平台是世界最大的休闲游戏平台之一,为全世界提供最多最经典的休闲游戏产品。Real的Rhapsody平台是世界最大的在线和手机音乐包月服务提供商。 Real 在手持终端播放器市场占有超过60%的份额,全球顶尖的手机制造厂商都选择RealNetwors的核心技术提供流媒体播放服务。RealNetworks中国致力于将其世界领先的数字娱乐业务在中国进行本地化的市场开拓和运营。 目前其多媒体客户端RealPlayer在中国拥有150万/天的安装量,到达超过71%的互联网用户,并通过RealPlayer向中国用户提供音乐,影视以及游戏服务,成功地成为中国专业的数字娱乐媒体平台。


删除REAL程序内的WEB.dll程序。。 如果你REAL默认安装在C盘的话。 那路径就是C:ProgramFilesRealRealPlayer pplugins pwe3260.dll 将rpwe3260.dll这个文件删除就可以了。但删除了之后REAL就无法使用其自带的IE浏览器。并不影响通过网络在线播放电影。或者删除Program FilesRealRealPlayer pplugins pwe3260.dll文件,删了后会出错是导入下面的注册表 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesSoftwareRealNetworksRealPlayer6.0PreferencesShowArtistInfo] [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareRealNetworksRealPlayer6.0PreferencesStartupT ab]@="playeronly" 导入后重启机子生效。
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