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slow adj. 慢的;减速的;迟钝的;乏味的; slower adj. 较慢的;慢一点的(slow的比较级); slowest adj. 最慢的(slow的最高级)。 扩展资料   Could you go a little slower?   你能走慢点吗?   Progress was slower than expected.   进展比预计的缓慢。   The train went slower and slower until it stopped altogether.   火车愈来愈慢,最后完全停了。   I"d already been riding in this incredible Florida heat for 2 hours because I made sure to stay back with the slowest rider.   我已经在佛罗里达的.高温下骑了两个小时了,因为我要确保跟最慢的骑手站在后面。


slow 英[slu0259u028a] 美[slou028a] adj. 慢的; 迟钝的; 温和的; 慢于…的; adv. 慢慢地; 缓慢地; vt. (使) 缓行,(使)减速; The traffic is heavy and slow交通拥挤,车流缓慢。


slow是 一个音节 就是lou s不算 双写字母的情况是: 以一个辅音字母结尾的闭音节单音节词,双写结尾的辅音字母 因为slow不是闭音节词 所以不双写




副词 adv.1.慢慢地 The watch runs slow.表走着走着就慢了。How slow would you like me to play?你要我弹奏多慢?及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.(使)缓行, (使)减速 The river slows on the flat bottom.河水在平坦的河床上减慢了流速。She slowed the car to a crawl.她把车开得很慢。


  1、Slow,英文单词,名词、形容词、副词、动词。   2、作名词时意为“(美)斯洛(人名)”,作副词时意为“慢速地,缓慢地”,作形容词时意为“ 缓慢的;低速的;慢吞吞的;迟钝的;耗时的;缓行的;(球场或地面)阻球的;不忙碌的;乏味的;(钟表)慢的;(胶片)曝光慢的;(镜头)小孔径的;(火、烤箱)小火的”,作动词时意为“(使)放慢速度”。


slow 英[slu0259u028a] 美[slo] adj. 慢的;迟钝的;温和的;慢于…的 adv. 慢慢地;缓慢地 vt.& vi. (使)缓行,(使)减速 [例句]They are making slow progress.他们的动作相当缓慢。2.The economy will slow as lending cools. 随着贷款降温,经济将放慢。3.How slow will you go? 你会比之前慢多少?4.Others say chinese regulators remain slow. 还有人表示,中国监管部门仍行动迟缓。5.He"s maturing as slow as molasses, but he is a maturing character. 他成熟的过程慢的像蜗牛一样,但是他是个成熟的角色。

slow什么意思 英语slow什么意思

1、Slow,英文单词,名词、形容词、副词、动词,作名词时意为“(美)斯洛(人名)”,作副词时意为“慢速地,缓慢地”,作形容词时意为“ 缓慢的;低速的;慢吞吞的;迟钝的;耗时的;缓行的;(球场或地面)阻球的;不忙碌的;乏味的;(钟表)慢的;(胶片)曝光慢的;(镜头)小孔径的;(火、烤箱)小火的”,作动词时意为“(使)放慢速度”。 2、双语例句:For the slow people, I tell you not?对于这个迟钝的人,我告诉你没?


slow的中文意思是“缓慢的”。slow是一个形容词,用于描述物体、过程、速度等慢。在生活中,我们可以用slow来形容慢慢的行走、慢慢的动作、慢慢的节奏等。例如,在英语中,slow还可以用作动词,表示“放慢、减缓”等含义。此外,slow还可以用来形容人或事物运行的效率不高,表现出行动迟缓、反应迟钝的状态。在这种情况下,slow与fast、quick、rapid等形容词相对。除此之外,在英语中,slow还可以引申为“沉稳的、慎思慎行的、冷静的”等含义,如slow decision(慎重的决策)、slow cooker(慢炖锅)等。近年来,“Slow”还被人们用作一种时尚文化概念,旨在呼吁人们在日常生活中遵循“慢生活”理念,反对忙碌、压力,追求生活品质和内心平静。除了作为英语单词,slow还经常出现在许多场合和方面中,例如:1、音乐:slow在英文中也常用来形容慢板、舒缓的音乐风格,如slow jazz(慢爵士)、slow ballad(慢节奏歌曲),其反义词则为fast。2、运动:在运动方面,slow亦常用于形容慢跑、慢走等轻松运动方式,如slow jogging(慢跑)、slow walk(缓步行走),以进行身体锻炼,同时也有利于心理健康。3、烹饪:在烹饪领域,slow cooker是指一种可以慢炖食物的电器具,与快餐相对应。4、社会文化:最近,Slow Life、Slow Food、Slow City、Slow Shopping等概念已经在全球范围内形成了一种潮流和文化。这些概念主张人们走出快节奏的生活方式,强调缓慢、有品质的生活方式和文化生活。slow的其他含义1、质量差、不好的意思。例如,片语“slow learner”的意思是指学习困难的人或者笨学生。2、不主动、不积极、不热情的意思。例如,“She was slow to make new friends”表示某人不太愿意去结交新朋友。3、不活跃、不激进、保守的意思。例如,“The company is slow to adopt modern technologies”表示该公司在采用现代技术方面很保守。4、思维缓慢、理解不够、反应迟钝的意思。例如,“I"m a bit slow today, can you explain that to me again?”表示今天我的反应有点迟钝,请帮我再解释一下。


slow意思是“慢速地”等。slow作名词时意为“(美)斯洛(人名)”,作副词时意为“慢速地,缓慢地”,作形容词时意为“缓慢的;低速的;慢吞吞的”,作动词时意为“(使)放慢速度”。短语搭配:Slow Food慢食运动;慢餐;慢食;慢食文化。slow down减速;慢下来;慢驶;放慢速度。slow start慢启动;缓慢起动;慢速启动;缓启动。Slow Burn缓慢燃烧;怒火慢烧;边城夺宝记;火气慢慢上来。SLOW STEP慢步;漫步青春路。Slow Shutter低速快门;慢速快门;慢快门;支持电子慢快门。slow neutron慢中子;慢速中子;热中子。Slow Foxtrot狐步;狐步舞;孤步舞;慢狐步舞。双语例句:1、The band finished with a few slow dances.乐队最后演奏了几首节奏缓慢的舞曲。2、The government is making slow and fitful progress in these negotiations.政府从这些谈判中正取得缓慢的、间断性的进展。3、You must slow down or you"ll make yourself ill.你得松松劲,不然会累病的。4、She wasn"t slow to realize what was going on.她很快意识到出了什么事。5、The equipment is slow and heavy by modern standards.按现代标准,那台设备又慢又笨重。


慢慢走近你 感觉被什么吸引 我想应该就是你 不该是我太多情 慢慢走近你 我们真的在一起 从今以后不爱哭 从今以后不怕输 从今以后不再眷恋著过去 轻轻拨开了迷雾 眼前的路是幸福 慌乱之中也要把你看清楚 轻轻移开了脚步 眼前的路竟是孤独 上眼睛也许就能把谎言都看清楚 轻轻拨开了迷雾 眼前的路是幸福 慌乱之中也要把你看清楚 轻轻移开了脚步 眼前的路竟是孤独 上眼睛也许就能把谎言都看清楚 慢慢离开你拒绝你温柔邀请 我要试著不想起 还有他在等著你 慢慢离开你 就当还是在一起 从今以后不爱哭 从今以后不怕输 从今以后我会眷恋著过去 从今以后不再欺骗我自己

高中英语slower slowly的区别?

slower是比较级, The bus is slower than the car. slowly是副词,修饰动词 The bus is moving slowly.


slow的副词是slowly; slowly: adv.慢速地;缓慢地;迟缓地。 比较级: more slowly. 最高级: most slowly 扩展资料   The car bumped its way slowly down the drive.   汽车沿车道缓慢地颠簸行进。   Please could you speak more slowly?   请您说慢一点好不好?   Slowly things began to improve.   慢慢地,情况开始好转了。   My mother"s hospital expenses were slowly draining my income.   我母亲的住院开销把我的收入渐渐耗光了。   She walked slowly down the road, evidently in pain.   她沿路慢慢地走着,显然很痛苦。



slow slowly 作副词用,当“慢慢地”讲时,有何区别?

slow, slowly (1) slow和slowly作副词时意思基本相同,但slow通常只与go, run等少数动词搭配,其比较级是slower.例如: My watch goes slow. 我的表慢了. (2) slowly可用于各种情况,其比较级是more slowly.例如: There was something wrong with the childue10bs eyes. He did everything very slowly. 那个小孩的眼睛有毛病,他无论做什么事都是慢腾腾的. Would you please say that again more slowly? 请你更慢地重复一遍,好吗?


slowly是副词,慢慢地 slow 是形容词,慢慢的 解析:too...to “太...而不能”的意思,中间只能用形容词 只需记住:副词只能修饰动词,形容词修饰名词,这个题slow是修饰the poor door 的



英语中slowly的比较级是slowlier还是more slowly

一般三个音节一下的单词要变比较级都是加more 但是你说的slowlier我还没这么用过 一般slowly如果是变er的话就变成了多音节的词 所以一般只用more 没见过变过slowlier的


slowly的意思是很慢的那么的它的反义词就是quickly 很快的

slowly 形容词





对方是心血来潮 还是来真心交朋友的 ,几封信过后很快就能看出来


slow常用于非正式场合,slowly常用于正式场合。中国著名学者周海中在1985年发表的《slow与slowly》一文中指出,有以下几点值得注意:1.当句子的谓语动词使用进行时态时,slow与slowly所表示的含义有点不同。例如:The trains are running slow. (behind schedule)[火车经常晚点]The trains are running slowly. (in slow motion)[火车行驶太慢]2.一般不用词组“more and more slowly”,而用词组“slower and slower”,因为前者听起来不像后者那样顺耳且自然。例如:The car went slower and slower until it came to a standstill. 汽车越走越慢,最后停了下来。3.不能用slow代替词组“slowly and surely”中的slowly。例如:The troops advanced slowly but surely. 部队慢慢地,但有把握地前进。4. slow一般不能位于动词之前,如不能说*She slow speaks或*Slow she speaks,但slowly却能位于动词之前。例如:She slowly speaks. 她慢慢地说。Slowly she speaks. 她慢慢地说。但在某些特殊句型(如感叹句等)中,slow也可放在主语之前。例如:How slow/slowly the time passes! 时间过得真慢!The slower you drive, the safer you are. 车开得越慢就越安全。5.作为路标文字时,一般用slow,而不用slowly。例如:Drive Slow! 慢驶!Go Slow! 慢走!6.当句子的动词是go时,slow可以用于比喻意义,而slowly却不能这样用。例如:The workers in London decided to go slow last week. 上星期, 伦敦的工人决定怠工。You ought to go slow until you feel really well again. 在你真正恢复健康以前,应该减少活动。Tom Brown has to go slow with money in order to buy a car. 汤姆•布朗为了买一辆车不得不省吃俭用。

Melissa Manchester的《Slowly》 歌词

歌曲名:Slowly歌手:Melissa Manchester专辑:Hey RickyMatt Cardle - SlowlySaw your face, turned awayNever gave a second thought, never looked at you that waySearching for, someone elseI didn"t hear the fireworks, we were dancing with ourselvesAnd then you come close and knock me out, ohSlowly, slowly, changing me slowlyDriving with your heart, kissing in the darkThe way you hold me, hold me, turn with me slowlyThis is where it starts, kissing in the darkYou"re a thorn, in my soulThat cuts at first but now I"m feeling something wonderfulMore fool me, to let you driveYou can push me all you want but I"ll fall when I decideBut then you come close and knock me out, ohSlowly, slowly, changing me slowlyDriving with your heart, kissing in the darkThe way you hold me, hold me, turn with me slowlyThis is where it starts, kissing in the darkIt makes me shiver, that I could have missed youIt makes me shiver, that I could have missed youSlowly, slowly, changing me slowlyDriving with your heart, kissing in the darkThe way you hold me, hold me, turn with me slowlyThis is where it starts, kissing in the darkhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7489370



Sasha的《Slowly》 歌词

歌曲名:Slowly歌手:Sasha专辑:SlowlyConor Oberst - Slowly (Oh So Slowly)Potential, well, you"re a loaded lineThe veil between the world and the faceless brideThere"s nothing yet but a bunch of whiteOh potential, well, you"re a loded lineTomorrow, well, I will wait for youLaying right here floating in this swimming poolThere"s a lot of things I"ve got left to doOh tomorrow, but I"ll wait for youThe days keep slipping down into the cracksIt takes a while to realise where you"re atSlowly (so slowly)Slowly (so slowly)Slowly, it"s slowly endingDementia, you better treat me goodThe human race is in its second childhoodI never loved but I understoodOh dementia, you better treat me goodSometimes I need a place to goClassical music plays from the radioI sit real still, let my shadow growYeah, sometimes I need a place to goMy mind keeps slipping back into the pastI hope someday I can get it backSlowly (so slowly)Slowly (so slowly)Slowly, they"re slowly endingSo slowlySlowly (so slowly)Slowly, slowlyIt"s slowly endingAnd soon that train is going to pull awayI hear it whistling, I try to wave at a glowing faceThey can"t tell who I amSlowly (so slowly)Slowly (so slowly)Slowly, it"s slowly endinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/8188898



matt cardle的《Slowly》 歌词

歌曲名:Slowly歌手:matt cardle专辑:Letters (Limited Edition 2CD)Matt Cardle - SlowlySaw your face, turned awayNever gave a second thought, never looked at you that waySearching for, someone elseI didn"t hear the fireworks, we were dancing with ourselvesAnd then you come close and knock me out, ohSlowly, slowly, changing me slowlyDriving with your heart, kissing in the darkThe way you hold me, hold me, turn with me slowlyThis is where it starts, kissing in the darkYou"re a thorn, in my soulThat cuts at first but now I"m feeling something wonderfulMore fool me, to let you driveYou can push me all you want but I"ll fall when I decideBut then you come close and knock me out, ohSlowly, slowly, changing me slowlyDriving with your heart, kissing in the darkThe way you hold me, hold me, turn with me slowlyThis is where it starts, kissing in the darkIt makes me shiver, that I could have missed youIt makes me shiver, that I could have missed youSlowly, slowly, changing me slowlyDriving with your heart, kissing in the darkThe way you hold me, hold me, turn with me slowlyThis is where it starts, kissing in the darkhttp://music.baidu.com/song/19047346


1、slowly的比较级和最高级。 2、slowly的比较级是什么。 3、slowly的比较级为什么加more。 4、slowly的比较级是slowlier吗。 5、slowly的比较级和最高级分别是什么。 6、slowly的比较级和最高级怎么写。1.slowly的比较级是moreslowly,因为slowly是双音节词,并且它的组成结构是形容词+ly,这种形式的词的比较级构成方式一般在词前+more,所以是moreslow。



RAIN 《Slowly》 - 歌词

慢慢走近你 感觉被什么吸引 我想应该就是你 不该是我太多情 慢慢走近你 我们真的在一起 从今以后不爱哭 从今以后不怕输 从今以后不再眷恋著过去 轻轻拨开了迷雾 眼前的路是幸福 慌乱之中也要把你看清楚 轻轻移开了脚步 眼前的路竟是孤独 上眼睛也许就能把谎言都看清楚 (music) 轻轻拨开了迷雾 眼前的路是幸福 慌乱之中也要把你看清楚 轻轻移开了脚步 眼前的路竟是孤独 上眼睛也许就能把谎言都看清楚 (music) 慢慢离开你拒绝你温柔邀请 我要试著不想起 还有他在等著你 慢慢离开你 就当还是在一起 从今以后不爱哭 从今以后不怕输 从今以后我会眷恋著过去 从今以后不再欺骗我自己


1、“slowly”比较级和最高级分别是“more slowly”和“most slowly”。2、“slowly”是从“slow”加词尾ly变来的,这样的副词比较级和最高级只能是“more”和“most”。

M83的《Slowly》 歌词

歌曲名:Slowly歌手:M83专辑:M83Matt Cardle - SlowlySaw your face, turned awayNever gave a second thought, never looked at you that waySearching for, someone elseI didn"t hear the fireworks, we were dancing with ourselvesAnd then you come close and knock me out, ohSlowly, slowly, changing me slowlyDriving with your heart, kissing in the darkThe way you hold me, hold me, turn with me slowlyThis is where it starts, kissing in the darkYou"re a thorn, in my soulThat cuts at first but now I"m feeling something wonderfulMore fool me, to let you driveYou can push me all you want but I"ll fall when I decideBut then you come close and knock me out, ohSlowly, slowly, changing me slowlyDriving with your heart, kissing in the darkThe way you hold me, hold me, turn with me slowlyThis is where it starts, kissing in the darkIt makes me shiver, that I could have missed youIt makes me shiver, that I could have missed youSlowly, slowly, changing me slowlyDriving with your heart, kissing in the darkThe way you hold me, hold me, turn with me slowlyThis is where it starts, kissing in the darkhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3461009


slowly是双音节词. 判断一个词有几个音节要看它的音标中含有几个元音.slow /slu0259u/ 是单音节词,因为它只有一个双元音/u0259u/.但是slowly /slu0259uli/ 由于加了后缀,还有一个元音/i/,因此是双音节.

高考英语词汇: slow与slowly的用法区别

高考英语词汇:slow与slowly的用法区别   两者都可表示“慢”,但slow通常只与少数动词(如 go, drive, pass, climb, run, walk 等)连用,且应置于其后;而slowly则用法较广,且可置于动词之前或之后,有时还可置于句首。如:   He walked slowly [slow] up the path. 他沿着那条小路慢慢地走着。   She slowly opened the door. 她慢慢地把门打开。   Slowly, things began to improve. 情况渐渐有了好转。   Negotiations were going slowly, and not well. 谈判进展缓慢,也不顺利。   It is a good habit to eat slowly. 吃东西慢一点是好习惯。   He walked slowly past the house. 他从屋旁慢慢走过。   The balloon rose up slowly into the air. 气球冉冉升入空中。   Then the audience dispersed slowly. 然后观众慢慢散去。   【注】在某些特殊句型(如感叹句等)中,slow也可放在主语之前。如:   How slow [slowly] the time passes! 时间过得真慢!   The slower you drive, the safer you are. 车开得越慢就越安全。





slow 变为副词

slow本身可以作形容词和副词 加上ly就成 了 副 词

为什么slow的比较级是snower,slowly的比较级是more slow

单音节多是er,est。双音节和多音节多是加more,most。副词多是双音节词及以上。所以slow是slower,slowly是more slowly。


slowly是从slow加词尾ly变来的,这样的副词比较级和最高级只能是more,most,不能把y变成ier 所以应该是more slowly


slow, slower, slowestslowly, more slowly, most slowly一般两个音节以下的词都用-er, -est(特殊的除外)但是例外的就是由形容词加-ly的,一般用more, most原因?很简单slowlier, slowliest读起来很拗口


si lou li斯楼里




slowly的形容词是slow;slow形容词的意思为慢的,减速的,迟钝的,动词的意思为变慢,变萧条,放慢,阻碍,副词的意思为慢慢地,迟缓地,比较级是slower ,最高级是slowest;slower形容词的意思为较慢的,慢一点的(slow的比较级),动词的意思为减慢,slowest形容词的意思为最慢的(slow的最高级)。


slowly 比较级:more slowly 修饰副词的比较级都要用more。 扩展资料 slowly 比较级:more slowly 修饰副词的比较级都要用more。比较级是将二者进行比较产生的词形,是由形容词的`原级转化而来,一般是在原级后面加er,也有一些不规则的转化。相对二者的比较,还有三者及以上的比较,这时就产生了最高级。




slowly的比较级为more slowly;最高级为most slowly。一般两个音节以下的词,比较级和最高级都加er、est,但由形容词加ly的,一般有more和most。slowly是副词,其意思是慢速地、缓慢地、迟缓地,例如to move slowly慢慢移动、slowly but surely缓慢但扎实地。例句:1、The car slowly climbed the hill.汽车缓慢地爬上了山坡。2、He found that life moved slowly in the countryside.他发现乡村的生活节奏慢。形容词比较级的用法:1、两者比较时用形容词比较级,其结构为“... 比较级 + than ...”。2、在两者之间选择“哪一个更……”时,用句型“Which / Who is +比较级, ... or ...?”。3、表示“两者之间最……的一个”时,用“the + 比较级”。


slowly是一个英语单词,可以用作副词,可以翻译为缓慢的、慢吞吞的,等等。单词简介 slowly [英][?sl??lI][美][?slo?lI]adv.缓慢地,慢吞吞地,慢腾腾地;慢条斯理地,不慌不忙地,袅袅;迟钝,痴痴呆呆地。

slowly什么意思中文 slowly的意思

1、slowly的读音:adv.慢速地; 缓慢地; 迟缓地; 2、slowly的读音:英[u02c8slu0259u028ali],美[u02c8slou028ali] 3、[例句]The car slowly climbed the hill.汽车缓慢地爬上了山坡。 4、比较级:more slowly 最高级:most slowly


1、slowly的读音:adv.慢速地; 缓慢地; 迟缓地;2、slowly的读音:英[?sl??li],美[?slo?li]3、[例句]The car slowly climbed the hill.汽车缓慢地爬上了山坡。4、比较级:more slowly 最高级:most slowly

slowly 什么意思?

["sləuli]副词 ad. 缓慢地;悠悠地He nodded slowly. 他慢慢地点了点头。


缓慢地 副词




slowly:慢地反义词:quickly/fast 快地




slow 这是一个形容词。用到系动词后面做表语。His speed is slow,他的速度很慢。Slowly,这是一个副词,用来修饰实义动词。He runs slowly,他跑得很慢。


两者都可表示“慢”,但slow通常只与少数动词(如 go, drive, pass, climb, run, walk 等)连用,且应置于其后;而slowly则用法较广,且可置于动词之前或之后,有时还可置于句首。 知识拓展 类似slow和slowly的词语还有: (1)quick-quickly She gave him a quick glance. 她迅速扫了他一眼。 These cakes are very quick and easy to make. 这些糕饼做起来又快又简单。 Would you like a quick drink? 你要不要小饮一杯? The doctor said she"d make a quick recovery. 医生说她很快就能康复。 She walked quickly away. 她迅速走开了。 We"ll repair it as quickly as possible. 我们会尽快把它修好的。 The last few weeks have gone quickly (= the time seems to have passed quickly) . 最近的几个星期过得很快。 (2)quiet-quietly Tania kept the children reasonably quiet and contented. 塔妮娅把孩子们哄得安安静静而又心满意足。 She was received in a small, quiet office 她在一个安静的小办公室里受到接待。 "This is goodbye, isn"t it?" she said quietly. “这就算是告别了,是吗?”她轻轻地说。 He closed the door quietly. 他悄悄地关上了门。 (3)loud-loudly The audience laughed loudly at the joke. 观众听到这笑话大笑起来。 Can you read the letter out loud? 你把信大声念一念行吗? He laughed out loud at his own joke. 他对自己的笑话大笑起来。 One of them protests loudly, and the Americans cart him away in plastic handcuffs 其中有个人大声抗议,美国人就把他铐上塑料手铐带走了。



slower 与 slowly 的区别





slowly的比较级是:more slowly,slowly的最高级(superlative)则是most slowly。 扩展资料 slowly的.比较级是:more slowly,因为SLOWLY是多音节词(在英语中两个音节或以上音节叫多音节词.)slowly的最高级则是most slowly。slowly的比较级和最高级还可以是:slowlier, slowliest。Slowly的词性是副词。


slow用作副词时,通常只和少数动词(如go,drive,pass,run,climb等)连用,且必须置于其后。slowly用作副词时,其位置比较灵活。slow(用于非正式英语中)缓慢地,慢吞吞地。 1)通常只与go,run,walk,drive等少数动词搭配,其比较级是slower。例如 My watch runs slow. 我的表慢了. How slow this train goes! 这列火车开得多慢啊! Tell the driver to go slower.告诉司机开慢些。 2)slow还可以与分词构成复合词。如:slow-cooked food用文火烹调的食物 3)习语:go slow(指工人)怠工;减少活动。 You ought to go slow until you feel really well again. 你应该减少活动,直到真正康复以后再说。 slowly可用于各种情况,置于动词前或后,其比较级是more slowly。例如: walk/speak/learn/react slowly 走、说、学、反应得慢 She slowly opened the door. 她慢慢地打开门。 He did everything very slowly. 他无论做什么事都是慢腾腾的。 Would you please say that again more slowly? 请你更慢地重复一遍,好吗?



slowly 形容词

slowly的形容词是slow; slow形容词的意思为慢的,减速的,迟钝的,动词的意思为变慢,变萧条,放慢,阻碍,副词的意思为慢慢地,迟缓地,比较级是slower ,最高级是slowest; slower形容词的意思为较慢的,慢一点的(slow的比较级),动词的意思为减慢,slowest形容词的意思为最慢的(slow的最高级)。


slow 缓慢地、慢慢地(一般用在go,run,speak,read,burn或how等之后) slowly 多用于动词前




slowly动词是slow。作动词的时候可以是slow down。slowly可以翻译为缓慢的、慢吞吞的,等等。 扩展资料 slowly:adv.缓慢地,慢吞吞地,慢腾腾地;慢条斯理地,不慌不忙地,袅袅;迟钝,痴痴呆呆地;逐步;最高级:most slowly比较级:more slowly。

it is slow 还是it is slowly

你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案如下: It is slow. 因为slow 是形容词,在be动词后面作表语,而slowly是副词,不能作表语. 翻译:它是慢的.(它很慢) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^希...




你好,你问的slow是方式副词还是程度副词?他是一个方式副词。意思是怎么样的慢?程度副词是so too very。

can you speak slowly还是can you speak slower

slower是slow的比较级,表示更慢. slowly是副词,表示“慢地”,用来修饰动词;而slow是形容词,表示“慢的”,用来修饰名词. can you please speak more slowly这句话:你能不能讲得慢一些?本句中用slowly修饰动词speak.另外,这句话用到了比较级,slowly的比较级是more slowly,而slow的比较级是slower,不用再加more.




slowly是副词,意思如下:1. (速度)慢,缓慢2. (进程、耗时等)需长时间地,费事地3. (时间上)慢了地,迟了地4. (时间)过得慢地5. 不精地,索然无味6. (生长、变化、发生)渐进,逐步7. (性情、动作)迟缓地;(思维等)迟钝,笨;不灵巧地






有两个元音!!!O 和Y 所以是双元音


  slowly的形容词是slow;   slow形容词的意思为慢的,减速的,迟钝的,动词的意思为变慢,变萧条,放慢,阻碍,副词的意思为慢慢地,迟缓地,比较级是slower ,最高级是slowest;   slower形容词的意思为较慢的,慢一点的(slow的比较级),动词的意思为减慢,slowest形容词的意思为最慢的(slow的最高级)。


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