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狼爪,JACK WOLFSKIN。JACK WOLFSKIN创立于1981年,总部位于德国的伊德斯坦因,是德国第一大户外运动品牌,也是欧洲户外市场上最重要的品牌之一。作为德国户外第一品牌,JACK WOLFSKIN自1981年以来,以独特的设计、上乘的品质,享誉欧洲。JACK WOLFSKIN相信户外运动应该是一种乐趣,户外爱好者使用装备时能时刻感到“At Home Outdoors”。他们的产品包括山区和休闲服装,鞋类,背包,睡袋和帐篷。该品牌不仅在远足者和登山者中很受欢迎,而且在日常情况下主要穿着;杰克·沃尔夫斯金(Jack Wolfskin)的衣服和配饰在都市德国人荒野时尚中颇为流行。杰克·沃尔夫斯金(Ulrich Dausien)于1981年由美因河畔法兰克福的Sine公司以商标的名义成立。随着工作的成功,杰克·沃尔夫斯金与Sine分开成立。1991年,该公司出售给Johnson Outdoors。杰克·沃尔夫斯金(Jack Wolfskin)仅提供专卖店,直到1993年在海德堡开设第一家自己的商店为止。截止到2012年中期,全球共有600多家杰克·沃尔夫斯金商店。2018年11月30日,杰克·沃尔夫斯金(Jack Wolfskin)宣布将由卡拉威高尔夫公司(Callaway Golf Company)购买。2019年1月4日,卡拉威以4.18亿欧元的价格完成了对杰克·沃尔夫斯金的收购。扩展资料:发展Jack Wolfskin于1981年由Ulrich Dausien在美因河畔法兰克福创立Sine公司的商标。随着成功的发展,Jack Wolfskin与Sine分开成立。1991年,该公司出售给Johnson Outdoors。杰克·沃尔夫斯金(Jack Wolfskin)仅提供专卖店,直到1993年在海德堡开设第一家自己的商店为止。截止到2012年中期,全球共有600多家杰克·沃尔夫斯金商店。几乎所有这些组织都是在特许经营体系中进行的。2018年11月30日,杰克·沃尔夫斯金(Jack Wolfskin)宣布将由卡拉威高尔夫公司(Callaway Golf Company)购买。2019年1月4日,卡拉威以4.18亿欧元的价格完成了对杰克·沃尔夫斯金的收购。参考资料:百度百科-狼爪

谁能告诉我关于new technology的句子

Now we can cure many deseases with the new techology.

European andAmerican techology KidneyNeed翻译中文是什么


用英语写一篇《techology in the home》短文

we can"t live a happy life if we don"t have any technology at home .for example ,if we don"t have lights at night ,we can"t see anything clearly.


国外电汇退款最短3天,除节假日, 多长没时间


techology 是儿童学,育儿方法technology 才是技术

科技到底是techology 还是technology


techology 和 technology ,两个单词都是存在的吗?

techology 不存在technology n. 科技(总称);工业技术;工艺学;[总称]术语


百度百科里面应该有相关介绍。现在LOGO已经换成只有绿色的美人鱼了。Starbucks的名字来自于白鲸记中爱喝咖啡的大副。星巴克的标志就更有神秘色彩了,据说名字定下后,Terry Heckle开始研究其古老的海事书籍,后来找到了一幅16世纪斯堪的纳维亚Scandinavia的双尾美人鱼木雕(版画)图案,于是设计出了星巴克的标志,也就是美人鱼在中间周围围绕着STARBUCKS COFFEE TEA SPICES的字样,这个标志首次使用是在1971年的3月29日。当时的星巴克公司名称为:Starbuck"s Coffee Company(Washington corporation)







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phonology 包括什么内容??英语的

Phonology is the study of how sounds are organized and used in natural languages.Discussion The phonological system of a language includes an inventory of sounds and their features, and rules which specify how sounds interact with each other. Phonology is just one of several aspects of language. It is related to other aspects such as phonetics, morphology, syntax, and pragmatics. Here is an illustration that shows the place of phonology in an interacting hierarchy of levels in linguistics:








1 analogy n.相似,类似;比拟 2 anthology n. 诗集,文选 3 anthropology n. 人类学 4 apology n.道歉,认错,谢罪 5 archaeology n. 考古学 6 astrology n. 占星学,占星术 7 bacteriology n. 细菌学 8 biology n.生物学;生态学 扩展资料   9 biotechnology n.生物技术   10 chronology n.年代学   11 cytology n. 细胞学   12 dermatology n. 皮肤(病)学   13 doxology n. 上帝赞美诗,颂歌,颂荣   14 ecology n.生态学;个体生态学   15 entomology n. 昆虫学   16 epistemology n. 认识论(对知识本质的研究)   17 ethnology n. 人种学   18 etymology n. 语源学   19 eulogy n. 颂词,颂文   20 genealogy n. 系谱,宗谱,家系   21 geology n.地质学   22 gerontology n. 老人病学   23 histology n. 组织学(研究细胞之学科)   24 horology n. 测时法,钟表制造术   25 ideology n. 意识,意识形态   26 meteorology n.气象学   27 methodology n. 方法(论)   28 mineralogy n. 矿物学   29 mythology n. 神话,神话学   30 necrology n. 死者名册,死亡启事   31 neurology n. 神经病学   32 numerology n. 命理学   33 ontology n. 实体论,本体论   34 ophthalmology n. 眼科   35 ornithology n. 鸟类学   36 pathology n. 病理学   37 pathophysiology n. 病理生理学   38 petrology n. 岩石学   39 pharmacology n. 药理学,药物学   40 philology n. 语文学,语言学   41 phraseology n. 措辞,语法,语词   42 physiology n. 生理学   43 psephology n. 选举学   44 psychology n.心理学;心理   45 sociology n.社会学   46 speleology n. 洞穴学   47 tautology n. 同义反复,重复   48 technology n.工艺学,工艺,技术   49 teleology n. 目的论,有目的`,目的论者   50 terminology n.术语学,术语   51 theology n. 神学,宗教   52 trilogy n. 三部曲   53 zoology n. 动物学,生态

关于后缀-nomy和 -logy

-nomy表示“法则”, “学科”, 如:economy, astronomyastronomy天文学-logy表示“...学”, “...论”, 如:philology 表示“语”, “词”, 如: tautologyastrology占星术, 占星学(以观测天象来预卜人间事务的一种方术)geometry几何学,几何图形[形状, 结构, 条件],几何学论著geography 地理(学);地形, 地势;地理书; 地志,(生产, 建设等的)布局, 配置geology 地质学只好好特殊去记忆了。

英文 - 电话中的Dialogue

更新1: 若果有"书面语" 与 "口语" 请尽说"口语"的 The following are some telephone conversation for you:- When you are a caller -- Hello? -- Is that Peter? -- Can I speak to Peter? -- May I speak to Peter? When you are a receiver -- This is Peter speaking who"s that? -- Who"s speaking please? -- Who"s calling please? When you ask the caller to wait -- One moment please. -- Just a minute please. -- Hold on please. -- Hang on please u2003 When you ask the caller to leave messages -- Can you leave the message? -- Can I take your message? -- Would you like to leave a message? -- Would you like him/her to call you back? When calling the wrong number -- I"m afraid you got the wrong number -- Sorry I think you reach the wrong number When asking the receiver to trfer the line -- Can I have extension 1234 please? -- Could you please trfer the line to Mr. John please? When finish talking -- Nice talking to you -- Talk to you later hi u can say .... "你系边个"? = Who s calling? or ... Who is it? "我系边个"? = It s calling from (YOUR NAME). or .... It s (YOUR NAME). or ..... This is (YOUR NAME). or .... Here is (YOUR NAME). 参考: living in USA I would like to correct some of the wers. "who"s calling?" is not correct. it should be : WHOSE CALLING? Hi 因为呢有d系特别的 我记得"我系边个" = "There is Peter" I am afraid that your memory didn"t serve you right this time. 我系边个= This is ( name here). You may even say something like" This is XXX speaking." "你系边个"?<-------------- If you have to ask who is calling you you may say" May I know who is calling?". Example: A: May I speak to Mr Brown please? Receptionist: He"s just stepped out. May I know who is calling? A: This is Mr Cheung. Before I jet let me leave you some sentences that might be useful for you. 1) May I take a message? ( Someone on the phone wants to talk to your boss but he is not in the office. In this case you may take a message for your boss.) 2) May I speak/talk to XXXX? 3) Hold on a second please. He is on the phone. ( To ask someone to wait and tell him that the person he wants to talk to is now talking on the phone.) 4) May I know who is calling? ( to find out who is on the phone with you.) 5) This is ( your name) speaking.( To tell the one on the phone that you are the one who is talking to him.) 6) Speaking. ( When someone looks for Simon you say this to the caller.( If you are Simon.) ^______^ Of course you will then have to make sure which Simon he is asking for. 7) I am calling from XXXXX ( your pany name). May I speak to Mr Brown please? ( to tell someone which pany you work for on the phone.) 8) He is on the phone. ( He is talking on the phone.) 9) He is engaged on line one. ( He is busy talking on line one on the phone.) 10) I am afraid ( that) you have dialled the wrong number. ( to tell the caller that he/she has dialled the wrong number.) 2008-11-04 00:35:39 补充: 11) I just got a busy signal. ( Someone was talking on the phone.You could not reach him/her.) 12) I am hanging up the phone. ( to end a phone conversation.) 13) Grrrrrrrrrrr! My boyfriend hung up on me! ( He ended the convo all of a sudden without finishing it with you) 2008-11-04 00:36:31 补充: 14) I failed to reach Mr Brown but his phone was off the hook I believe. ( When a phone is off the hook. it me someone fot to put the receiver back on the phone.) 2008-11-04 00:37:04 补充: 15) Mr Brown is not available at the moment. Would you please call him back in about ten minutes? ( Mr Brown is busy now. You are asking someone to call him again in ten minutes.) 2008-11-04 00:37:31 补充: Yahoo doesn"t allow me to type much here. :) Perhaps you may try to look for some English books on this topic or you may even bomb me with your questions.^______^ Good luck to you! Tata for now. "你系边个"? Who is it? Who"s calling? Who"s speaking? Who"s on the line? + please if needed. "我系边个"? Who am I? "我系边个"。 This is xxxxxx This is xxxxxx speaking. This is xxxxxx on the line. This is xxxxx calling. 2008-11-04 00:45:31 补充: tata sounds girlish :) 你系边个? : May I have your name please? 我系边个 = "This is Peter" e.g. When you dial to other you may say "This is Peter. May I speak to Mary?" When you are wering the call you may say "Peter"s speaking". It is usually used in office.


湖南教师发展网登录入口: https://sts.hnteacher.net/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f 7月8日-9日,2021年“国培计划”工作坊研修承办单位研讨会在湖南省中小学教师发展中心举行。来自省内外30家项目承办机构负责人、坊主团队代表参加了本次研讨会。研讨会采取先集中后分组的方式进行。集中阶段由省中小学教师发展中心远程培训与资源建设科科长陈益兰主持,省中小学教师发展中心党******、主任贾腊生致辞并为研讨会定下了主要基调:一是明确职责,二是加强沟通,三是做好管理,确保优质完成任务。随后,陈益兰科长对国培计划工作坊研修实施工作进行具体部署,对项目实施进度节点作出说明,对发展网平台提供研修课程进行了充分的阐述,最后对承办单位和研修平台的主要职责进行明确分工。“国培计划”工作坊研修项目首席专家陶佑钦,资深培训专家龙万国参加了会议。 分组研讨环节分设两个会场,其中自主选学试点项目组由项目指导专家黄朝霞教授、邓水平教授组织研讨。骨干校(园)长、骨干教师工作坊项目组由项目指导专家肖裔、冯辉梅教授主持讨论。与会代表围绕项目实施面临的困难和问题,意见和建议各抒己见、畅所欲言,为下一步项目实施工作的顺利开展打下了坚实的基础。 (1)、湖南省中小学教师发展网登录平台入口地址:https://sts.hnteacher.net/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f (2)、湖南省中小学教师发展网登录平台入口:https://sts.hnteacher.net/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f (3)、湖南省中小教师发展网管理平台登陆入口 (4)、湖南省教师发展网登录入口:https://sts.hnteacher.net/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f (5)、湖南教师工资标准表2021,湖南教师工资调整多少钱一个月 (6)、2021年湖南教师工资上调最新政策,湖南教师工资改革最新消息 (7)、2020年湖南教师工资待遇改革上调方案及调整时间标准细则 (8)、湖南乡村教师生活补贴政策及养老保险新规定 (9)、2021年最新湖南教师工资上调最新政策和标准 (10)、2020年湖南特岗教师工资待遇怎么样,湖南特岗教师工资一览表 ;


The Toblerone logo contains the image of a bear hidden in the Matterhorn mountain, which is where Toblerone originally came from.瑞士三角牌巧克力的LOGO包含了一只熊藏在阿尔卑斯山马特洪峰的图案,而三角牌巧克力正是源于马特洪峰山脚下的伯尔尼。你看出来藏在图形中的那只正在跳舞的棕熊了吗?这个LOGO的设计是为了向巧克力的发源地Swiss Town(瑞士小镇)致敬.



johnny logan 强尼罗根- hold me now中文歌词

当我再拨你的电话已经是空号 深夜的街我漫无目的一个人狂飙要是我变成明天新闻头条 你会不会有一颗为我的泪往下掉*那些爱 那些温柔 我以为我还有时间回报 你发出 求救讯号 我却没有收到 后悔我没要求Hold me now#Hold me now I wanna be with you 你寂寞时 我早该给你个拥抱 Hold me now 希望你还需要 随时让你找到 Hold me now 带走我的骄傲 和你的争吵 以为赢了却输掉 Hold me now 我该知道 没什么好计较 Hold me 我要有你 Love me 好需要你还盼望你至少有说再见的礼貌 我就连一个道歉的机会都要不到关不掉的思念 吵得我快疯掉 宁愿当时根本没有爱上你的笑

travelers club 这个哪个公司的LOGO叫什么名字,是做什么的,公司在哪里?

上海行家商贸有限公司,在上海,有全国网点,是香港华美国际集团、英国PEAK GAIN MANAGENMENT LTD.,CO.,英国ABLE DYNAMIC LTD.,CO. 等联合投资组建, 致力于将高品质的箱包,旅行皮具国际品牌引入中国,打造大中华区最大的专业箱包、旅行皮具品牌投资商与运营商。“UTC行家”为旗下上海行家商贸有限公司的品牌项目名称,目前集团已启动上市计划。 香港华美国际集团,是一家从外贸,外包生成商,十年内发展成为全球箱包领域集品牌营销,生产,研发、物流中心于一身的跨国集团企业。 2008年,UTC行家启动,在上海发布了盛大的品牌发布会。包括瑞士军刀威戈(Wenger),芬兰时尚潮流品牌高乐(Golla)、意大利奢侈品牌 BRIC"S(布里克斯)、经典商务品牌Carlton(卡尔顿),全球旅行生活配件产品领导品牌蓝旅(Travel Blue),美国十大户外品牌之一高山(High Sierra),意大利意豹(Ghepard)……等数十个国际知名品牌箱包悉数登场,UTC行家成为这些国际品牌在大中华区的总代理,总经销或引入中国的领路者。 不知道是不是你要找的,希望可以帮到你。







请问一下LOGO是什么牌子 还有goole的中文是什么



呵呵 其实是个背景图片啦你改一下母版里的背景图咯或用啥东西遮掉--如果你图片处理不会的话:))


作文标题: Mythology 关 键 词: Mythology 高中高三 1500字 字 数: 1500字作文 本文适合: 高中高三 作文来源: https://zW.liuxue86.com 本作文是关于高中高三1500字的作文,题目为:《Mythology》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 欢迎阅读《作文:Mythology》,“作文网”每日为您更新更多优秀的“高一作文”,请随时关注! Mythology   The book Mythology written by Edith Hamilton presents a modern view of the Greeks and Romans" social beliefs. The word Mythology came from a Greek term Mythologia, which refers to a body of folklores and legends. They aren"t necessarily tall tales but show a basic understanding of natural events in a non-scientific way. And now, scientists look back at what was thought “superstition”, they could keep track of the happenings in early years. 来自:作文大全  Interestingly enough, the early Greeks had different understandings than the commons, according to their explanation of the creation of mankind. First there was chaos. Then Chaos gave birth to Night and Erebus (now considered as hell). Love was born from these two. And Love somehow gave birth to Light and Day by itself. All of a sudden Earth appears, without an explanation. Earth gives birth to Heaven. Earth and Heaven gave birth to Cyclops (monsters with only one eye, Polyphemus was famous among them), Titans. Finally, Titans bore Gods.  来源:作文网 zw.liuxue86.com  So instead of “God created the universe” as Christians say, the Greek believed that it was the other way around. Now that"s a relief. Not only Gods aren"t the father of everything, they were pretty carried away with their mortal emotions. They were not Mr. and Mrs. Perfect, but shows lots of human features. Zeus" love or desire we should say to possess woman, Hera"s green as envy and hatred towards the innocents, all backed up this argument. Hera"s desire to be judged as the fairest Goddess was probably the leading cause of the great Trojan War.    There were in total twelve Gods living in Mount Olympus. Zeus being the chief, Hera being his wife, his brother Poseidon and Hades, his kids Athena, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Hestia, Hephaestus and Aphrodite. Mount Olympus was a place where it never rained, but shouldn"t be confused with heaven. Then there was the Earth gods led by Demeter, goddess of Corn and Dionysus, Goddess of wine. The sea world was ruled by great Poseidon. And Hell was ruled by Hades and his wife, together with a three headed dog and judges.   The stories contained magnificent details, so well preserved that it is hard to believe they were passed down from centuries ago. It was told that mulberries were once white, until a pair of lovers died tragically, it turned to dark crimson. And once a maid was in love with Apollo, the sun god, but he could find nothing adorable in her and refuses to see her. The maid died in solitude and hence grow into a flower forever turning towards the sun.    I could tell many great writers where inspired by Mythology. Shakespeare was one of them. His most famous play script, Romeo and Julius refers to the story Pyramus and Thisbe. One was attacked by lions but managed to escape, leaving blood trails which caused the other think she was dead. Then the other committed suicide, eventually this one dies out. Same thing happened in Romeo and Julius. The move Star Wars also contains many elements and motifs from the ancient mythology.   Those mythologies, comic or tragic, were told in a very delighted tone. The world of fantasies almost seemed too farfetched beyond our ability to understand the ancient times. However, ancient life in Greece was not easy. People faced hunger and disease, no merrier than people today. But they were able to think outside of the box and created such wonderful tales with their incredible imaginations, which really shows how civilized, how spiritually developed ancient Greeks were.    《Mythology》这篇优秀的“高一作文”由作文网收集,来源于互联网和会员投稿,仅供参考和学习,转载请注明出处。

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《The Psychologyof Happiness》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Psychology of Happiness》(Franklin, Samuel S.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qbpZvGa9dWvOzhieMs8LfA 提取码: jb22书名:The Psychology of Happiness作者:Franklin, Samuel S.出版年份:2009-10页数:192内容简介:When Thomas Jefferson placed "the pursuit of happiness" along with life and liberty in The Declaration of Independence he was most likely referring to Aristotle"s concept of happiness, or eudaimonia. Eudaimonia is not about good feelings but rather the fulfilment of human potentials. Fulfilment is made possible by virtue; the moderation of desire and emotion by reason. The Psychology of Happiness was the first book to bring together psychological, philosophical, and physiological theory and research in support of Aristotle"s view. It examines the similarity between Aristotle"s concept of virtue and modern cognitive theories of emotion. It discusses the discovery of human potentials, the development of virtue and its neurological basis, the mistaken idea that fulfilment is selfish, and several other issues related to the pursuit of a good human life.


重庆国税12366电子税务局官网入口: https://dzswj.cqsw.gov.cn/ssoserver/login 为实现税务机构改革每推进一步,纳税人和缴费人的获得感都增添一分的初衷,巴南区税务局打出简并办税资料、精减办税流程组合拳,确保十月大征期各项税收服务工作平稳推进。一系列新变化让纳税人有了更多获得感。 巴南区税务局工作人员指导纳税人填写涉税资料。市税务局供图 新体验:“一站”即可办结 “原来最担心的就是办完国税的业务,地税取的号已经叫过了,只有重新取号排队,常常有同行开玩笑说,‘不敢上厕所,怕过号"。国地税合并之后,再也不用分别取号了,一个窗口就能缴纳所有税费,办税更加省心了。”重庆华鑫建筑劳务有限公司办税人员彭先生笑道。 重庆珊恩劳务有限公司办税人员孔先生也很高兴,“听朋友说,首次申领发票要先去办税服务厅办理手续,然后去税务所审批,再回来领票,整个过程可能需要两三天,耗时费力。没想到今天税务人员辅导我通过网上税务局提交申请,很快就领到了发票。税务人员教我使用网上税务局做纳税申报,办发票业务,以后不用专门跑一趟了。” 机构改革期间,巴南区税务局简化办税流程,推行一次性告知、一次性办结、免填单、首次申领发票1日办结等便捷办税方式,让纳税人“最多跑一次”甚至“一次都不跑”就可办理涉税业务,办税耗时大幅缩减。此外,在专门设置的“清税注销”一站式办理、“简事快办”、外来建安核销等特色服务窗口,纳税人免取号、免排队即可办理业务,办税有了更多新体验。 新效率:部门联合办理 “领取营业执照前,我原本计划用三天时间来办理工商、税务手续的。当导税人员把我带到‘联合窗口"办理完工商、税务相关手续的时候,我都不敢相信居然这么快就办好了。”重庆宝成思航商贸有限公司是一家新成立的公司,办税人员杨先生说起在税务、工商联合窗口快速办理了登记、税(费)种认定手续时,感触颇深。 和杨先生一样感受到便利的还有巴南区办理二手房过户手续的刘先生。“以前陪朋友来办理过过户手续,需要准备很多的资料,在税务和房管两个部门来回跑,办手续的过程还是让人有点‘心累"。现在资料少了,一个窗口就能办理税务、国土业务,我办完所有手续用了都不到十分钟,部门联合办理事务的服务效率有不少提升。” 据悉,巴南区税务局联合工商设立联合专窗,提供登记信息确认、税(费)种认定等业务办理;与区不动产登记中心联合推行存量房交易“一窗受理”服务,实现资料统一收取,业务分别办理。此外,巴南区税务局还联合邮政会商代征代开流程规范,推动实现自然人代开发票实行邮政“一条龙”服务,进一步减少纳税人的来回跑路。 新服务:轻松获取‘红利" “个税新政出台后,员工也收到了改革红包。这个月我们就少交了3万多元个税。这一波‘涨工资"既不增加企业成本负担,又保障了员工福利,可谓‘双赢"。”在与税务人员谈到个人所得税新政策时,重庆百亚卫生用品股份有限公司财务助理陈莉介绍,新机构成立后,巴南区税务局纳税服务部门建立了实时在线答疑税企QQ群,及时发布、讲解最新优惠政策,对纳税人有问必答,近期个税新政宣讲,更是鼓舞了公司员工士气。 重庆颖扬新材料有限公司最近收到了税务部门的留抵退税,金额超过1400万元。财务人员冉璐介绍,“深化增值税改革新政出台后,税务人员来企业进行了政策宣传和业务辅导。但让我怎么也没想到的是,当天提交了留抵退税申请资料,即日退税款项就到账了,新税务的服务质效确实值得‘点赞"。” 为进一步优化营商环境,巴南区税务局印发了《进一步优化税收营商环境实施方案》,细化落实优化税收营商环境30余项措施,重点针对简并办税次数、压缩办税时间、减轻办税成本等纳税服务,再次提档升级。此外,通过税企微信群、上门走访、税企座谈、学堂培训等多渠道宣传改革新政策,帮助纳税人用足用好税收优惠政策,应享尽享改革‘红利" ;


第一个是真的。当这个标志不是单独出现,还有些其它图案的时候。有的时候GUCCI会有两个一正一反的G离的远的。那就是说gucci的logo一定会是一个正一个反 有可能连着 也有可能分开楼?答对了,加100分,一般分开的时候都是有那个由标志和虚线组成的好像网格状的那个图案。另外有些时候也会直接以“GUCCI”的形式出现。


非本人所写,答案供参考……always的用法与语法 一、连用时态问题1. always(总是)与一般现在时或一般过去时连用属通常用法。此外,它还可以与下列时态连用:(1) 与完成时连用,表示“一向”、“早就”等。如:Shehasalwayslovedgardening. 她一向喜爱园艺。Hehasalwaysbeeneasytogetalongwith. 他一向是很容易相处的。(2) 与进行时连用,带有一定的感情色彩(赞许、不快、厌恶等)。如:He"salwayssmiling.他总是面带笑容。(fromwww.yywords.com)Theyarealwayscomplaining. 他们老是抱怨个没完。 二、在句中的位置通常放在实义动词之前、特殊动词之后( 见上例),但有时为了强调,也可将其放在特殊动词之前,有时甚至还可放在句首或句末:A:Youshouldalwaysbekindtoothers. 你应该时时友好待 人。B:Ialwaysamkind. 我可一直是很友好的啊!Always,hewentthereonfoot. 他总是步行去那儿。Hesaidhewouldlovemealways. 他说他永远爱我。 三、部分否定问题与 not 构成部分否定,此时 always 总是要放在 not之后(而不能在其前)。如:正:Hedoesn"talwaysgooutwithher. 他并非总是与她一 起出去。误:Healwaysdoesn"tgooutwithher.















Air Jordan品牌Logo是个什么样子?

Air Jordan品牌Logo是一个投篮的运动员标志;而国产乔丹则是一个运动员在运球的动作。正品的Air Jordan是nike旗下的一个产品线,是美国球星迈克尔·乔丹本人自己的品牌,其标志只有一个——投篮的运动员标志。但在中国有一个品牌叫做乔丹,标志是一个运球的运动员,属于福建注册的乔丹体育用品公司,乔丹(中国)是中国人自己注册的一个品牌,和美国球星迈克尔·乔丹没有任何关系,和nike公司也没有任何关系。扩展资料1985年,迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)以高薪合约被当时还是小厂家的体育用品生产商耐克(Nike)签约至旗下,耐克更随即为乔丹推出了第一款以乔丹命名的球鞋,即空中飞人(Air Jordan)系列的第一款。AIR JORDAN外底具备坚实的牵引力和出色的柔性,凹槽模仿人类脚的自然运动而设计。 Jordan Brand的汤姆Luedecke解释说:“它的纬向工程实际相匹配的足迹。我们正在寻找一个脚印发现鞋的磨损最初发生地方,适量的牵引模式”。乔丹品牌开发的专有编织技术和标准碳纤维并不会有什么不同,但它的大小和形状是有不同的。它提供了适量的刚性,同时还允许脚自然弯曲。参考资料来源:百度百科--AIR JORDAN参考资料来源:百度百科--乔丹

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《The Border Trilogy》([美国] 科马克·麦卡锡)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1IdJ4aO59SdpsX3L8X0mu9A 提取码:m016书名:The Border Trilogy作者:[美国] 科马克·麦卡锡出版社:Picador UK出版年份:2002-12-6页数:1056内容简介:The Border Trilogy chronicles the coming-of-age of two young men in the south west of America. John Grady Cole and Billy Parham, two cowboys of the old school, are poised on the edge of a world about to change forever. Their journeys across the border into Mexico, each an adventure fraught with fear and pain, mark a passage into adulthood, and eventual salvation. McCarthy"s clean, hard language evokes the physicality of an unforgiving landscape, the determination of the characters who roam within it, and the vanishing world of the Old West, where blood, violence and dying are conditions of life. Beautiful and brutal, filled with sorrow and humour, The Border Trilogy is both an epic love story an exhilarating elegy for the American Frontier. "In these three fierce, desolate, beautiful novels, McCarthy has created a masterpiece" Sunday Times "A landmark in American literature" Guardian

Marine and Petroleum Geology审稿意见求助

The reviewers have commented on your above paper. They indicated it requires some modifications in order to be acceptable for publicationIf you feel that you can suitably address the reviewers" comments (included below), I invite you to revise and resubmit your manuscript.Please carefully address the issues raised in the comments.If you are submitting a revised manuscript, please also:a) outline each change made (point by point) as raised in the reviewer commentsAND/ORb) provide a suitable rebuttal to each reviewer comment not addressed......I look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.Yours sincerely,......IMPORTANT NOTE: Reviewer attachments may have been uploaded to EES. If there are attachments for your paper, you can view them by clicking on the View Reviewer Attachments action link in EES.Reviewers" comments:

阿迪的鞋子头上有这种logo吗 这是哪一款

鞋子设计得很简洁大气,这一点无论是Jordan Brand还是Team Mac,都是一致的。团队鞋,实战为上.但是我并没有说鞋子不好看了,相反我很喜欢这样简洁的设计.白黑是主色调,点缀着红色,大众却不失灵气.鞋子也不再是Tmac以往低帮的设计了,改成了中帮的设计.也许Tmac真是老了,需要借助装备来保护自己了.鞋头白色的合成皮革包裹着一片薄薄的东西(或许是塑料片,大概是联盟不准采用更高硬度的东西了,也或者是太硬了会卡脚),保护脚趾是很重要d,不然很难保证阿帅不会为了Tmac的脚趾而刁难一次Adi。黑色的尼龙加上珠光合成皮不单止美观而且透气。Woven的设计貌似最近很潮啊。 鞋身外侧全黑色的珍珠皮远处看很低调,拿在手上把玩则非常的blingbling,有点像篮球皮的问路。3条招牌杠杠用了3M材料,闪光灯一打也是blingbling的,对于鞋面的支撑,这3条小玩意起着不可忽视的作用。内侧大面积的珍珠皮包裹,会在数次穿着后,让鞋子更为裹脚。刺绣的Tmac Logo位置稍稍低了一点,粘合处虽然可以看到稍稍溢胶,不过还是可以接受的。后跟处的尼龙布上有着Adi的Logo和Tmac的号码。以及新设计的可见式adiPRENE+减震胶,外底使用Non-marking无痕技术.鞋帮比起以往Tmac的鞋子可以说是高了非常多。外侧的材质没有官方的资料,我也不知道是什么,网上查了n多,只知道是一种全新的复合材料。不是Foam那种,很薄,上脚后多次弯曲也没有出现折痕。踝部的填充物非常的饱满,在做Ankle Breaker的同时,要先保证自己不是Break ankle才好。鞋舌比较难形容,内侧基本都是类似丝光棉的。鞋舌中间是一种非常透气的尼龙材料,两边反而是厚厚的珍珠皮做包裹。感觉好像两边被逼夹住,中间放空了一样。和早前一代Tmac一样,后掌大面积的缓震胶,带来的是快速的启动,良好的避震。鞋底一样能看到避震胶。还有Believe的字嵌在底纹处。前掌的避震胶是黑色,从黑色的间条可以看出来。鞋底的纹路很深,黑色那块的纹路很怪,看出来想表达什么,有点像窗花。然后和水波纹混在一起。(以上摘自HOOPCHINA, http://bbs.hoopchina.com/htm_data/49/0711/254676.html)

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www.viastrengths.org 我的课件上是这个网址,只是不可用啊!悲催 如果你知道了,请转告下我。我邮箱是w395704032@126.com 谢谢了!

一个裤腰带,带头的LOGO 是个大写的T,请问这是什么牌子









1。A&F (Abercrombie&Fitch) 品牌介绍: 来自美国的休闲服饰品牌 A&F (Abercrombie&Fitch) ,标识是一只长着巨角的麋鹿。Abercrombie&Fitch 中文名叫“阿贝克隆比 & 费奇”,但大家更喜欢直接叫简称:A&F,或者用A&F的昵称:小麋鹿。 2。阿瑟斯。3。Agnes.b于1975年由Agnes b.创立的法国品牌,是香港及日本最流行的法国Fashion牌子,其简便独特的风格,带自然的简单法国情怀。

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flexicution logic中文翻译歌词

Flexicution - Logic[美] Yeah I"m like oh god oh oh my god Bitch I run the game y"all just commentate from the side I"m like oh god oh oh my god Everything I do you know I do it for the squad I"m like oh god oh oh my god Bitch I run the game y"all just commentate from the side I"m like oh god oh oh my god Everything I do you know I do it for the squad I"m like This the type of shit they said they really wanted So I gave them this right here now go get blunted Check my last album all y"all know I run it Flip the script just cause I couldn"t fucking stunt it This the type of shit my life is all about Check the forbes list you know I"m balling now They say logic you too humble boy just let it out Fuck "em all then I"ma dead it now Like oh I think I know I think I know This flow this super flow out of control Like woah this shit like woah I think I know Like woah like like woah like like Like this that flexicution This is what the people say they wanted from the Young boy from the from the from the god This that flexicution This is what the people say they wanted From the rap god from the from the from the god I"m like oh god oh oh my god Bitch I run the game y"all just commentate from the side I"m like oh god oh oh my god Everything I do you know I do it for the squad I"m like oh god oh oh my god Bitch I run the game y"all just commentate from the side I"m like oh god oh oh my god Everything I do you know I do it for the squad I"m like Hold on let me bring it back Everybody know I"m bringing the facts And they wonder why I got it like that Cause I put everything right on the track And you know I"ma fuck around and let it go I been living like woah I been living you already know And these motherfuckers wanna take up on every mistake And I"m showing where I"m going And I"m knowing what I"m doing Intuition never switching On a mission motherfucker why is you bitching Why is you bitching Like god damn I"m like oh god Hold up wait a minute they ain"t ready for the hook It"s another day another book I feel like Indiana in Atlanta hotter than Havana Coming with the stamina Bitch put down your camera And live in the moment This shit right here everybody gon" want it So what up with it Any and everybody talk about that boy changing Y"all can just shut up with it cause I know Ain"t none of y"all getting the flow Boy this that flexicution This is what the people say they wanted from me Young boy from the from the from the god This that flexicution This is what the people say they wanted From the rap god from the from the from the god I"m like oh god oh oh my god Bitch I run the game y"all just commentate from the side I"m like oh god oh oh my god Everything I do you know I do it for the squad I"m like oh god oh oh my god Bitch I run the game y"all just commentate from the side I"m like oh god oh oh my god Everything I do you know I do it I know I know I know I know I know I know It"s been a hell of a ride up It"s been a hell of a ride up Hell of a ride up it"s been a hell of a ride up I know I know I know I know I know That I"ve been mia but I was tied up Till I heard you talking shit now I"m fired up


简单易学的英文歌曲有哪些?下面我为大家收集了一些简单又好学易学的英文歌,喜欢的赶紧去看看吧。 一、简单易学的英文歌 1.dying in the sun---cranberries 2.Agnes Obel --- Riverside 3.Amy_Diamond---Heartbeats 4.Pale_-Within---Temptation 5.Alison Krauss---It Doesnt Matter 6.Avril--adia 7.Aril--innocence 8.Katy Perry --- Teenage Dream 9.伤感乐队stay --- hurts 10.布列瑟农Bressanone---音乐MV 马修.连恩《狼》 11.Cry On My Shoulder 12.Stratovarius --- Forever 13.Titanic ---My heart will go on( 我心依旧) 14.Boys like girls---two is better than one 15.倪安东 ---Sorry That I Loved You 16.西城男孩 ---seasons in the sun - 阳光下的季节 17.Timbaland One Republic ---Apologize 18.one republic --- secrets 19.Taylor Swift --- Love Story 20.克莱凯里森---because of you 21.far away from home 这歌曲久一个调很好学 22.proud of you这个调是和挥着翅膀的女孩一样的 23.the day you went away和第一次爱的人一样的调 24.little love词比较重复好学 25.only love 我用5分钟久学会了而且很好 26.long long ago往事难忘的调(没有爱字超好学的你要是会中文的调这首是最简单的) 27.yesterday once more经典歌曲 高潮应该都会所以只要学一下前几句的调久可以 28.auld lang syne友谊地久天长的调,这个跟几次久会了 29.big big world 这个高潮大家都会 所以只要学前几句久可以了 30.Taylor Alison Swift 的歌曲都比较适合,乡村风,也不快 二、好学的英文歌 1.《Big Big World》 这首歌特别特别的好听,而且久久重复一个调子,特别是歌词,非常简单,就算英语不太好的同学,只要多听几遍,跟着唱几遍,基本上就可以哼出来了。 2.《第一次爱的人》 其实这首歌是翻唱挪威组合M2M的《The day you went away 》,这首歌很柔,也很动听,适合嗓音甜美的女孩,英语较好的人很容易就可以学会了,我也很喜欢这首英文歌,建议大家去听一听,学一学。 3.《a littIe love》 也是一首比较简单的英文歌曲,久久一个旋律,就是歌词有一些复杂,不过只要多听,多练习,相信在不久,你一定可以完完整整地唱出这首歌曲。 4.《 it is not Goodbye》 也非常非常好听的,建议大家去搜一搜,听一下,这首歌曲的高潮,相信大家几乎都能哼出来的。 5.As long as you love me-后街男孩 6.Never Had A Dream Come True--S Club 7 最近开始听这首歌的,太好听了 7.Any Man Of Mine--Shania Twain 8.y name is --Emimem阿姆的经典之作 9.Happy Boys & Girls---Aqua 他她们的歌很活泼 10.Barbie Girl--Aqua 11.When You Say Nothing At All--Alison Krauss细心品味,很喜欢这首歌的 12.Candy Shop--50 Cent 相信很多人听过吧 13.Back to you--Bryan Adams 14.The Power Of Love--Celine Dion 15.yellow--coldplay 16.I COULD BE THE ONE--Donna Lewis 声音很甜 17.Without Me--Eminem 又一首阿姆的经典之作 18.Don"t Turn Off the Light--Enrique Iglesias 19.Any one Of Us--Gareth Gates 经典 20.American Idiot--Green Day 朋克乐,我很喜欢 21.Boulevard of Broken Dreams--Green Day 22.Moonlight Shadow --Groove Coverage 23.Yesterday Yes A Day--Jane Birkin 24.Because You Live--Jesse McCartney 人又帅歌又好 25.When You Believe--Mariah-Carey 很多地方介绍这首经典的 26.Nothing gonna chang my love for you 27.We Will Rock You--Queen 摇滚中的经典 28.tonight,i feel close to you 仓木麻衣&孙燕姿 29.Bubbly--Colbie Caillat 你听过一遍就会非常喜欢的歌 30.I Didn"t Know My Own Strength--Whitney Houston 是非常棒的一首慢歌







systemverilog 断言中assume 和assert的区别

assume用于做formal verification,如果输入和assume不一样,会出错, 断言(assert)可以用来检查行为或者时序的正确性。Mentor 的文档说的比较清楚Example 2-7 defines two cut points (p and q) in order to explore a hard-to-prove assertion(assert property (r_eq_s)) by reducing the problem to one that can be analyzed successfully.The variables p and q are large arithmetic expressions, which are typically hard to analyze.Suppose heuristic knowledge indicates p must be 3, 4 or 5. Then, by adding an assumption for this (i.e., assume property (values_of_p)), the assertion can be proven.Example 2-7. User-defined Cut Point dut.vmodule dut(clk, rst, a, b, c, d, e, f);input clk, rst;input [31:0] a,b,c,d,e,f;wire [31:0] p,q,r,s;assign p = a * b + (c - d) * (b - f) * (e*f);assign q = d + e + f + e*e + f*f + a*a;assign r = (p + 1) + (q - 1) + p;assign s = 2*p + q;property r_eq_s;@(posedge clk) disable iff (rst) r==s;endpropertyproperty values_of_p;@(posedge clk) disable iff (rst) p==3 || p==4 || p==5;endpropertyassert property (r_eq_s);assume property (values_of_p);endmodule

journal of hydrology审稿为什么一直处于editor assigned状态

1. 当然是确定你要投的期刊(可以在网上搜,一般他的网页都有,他喜欢的一些稿件类型) 2. 然后你可以找一些专业的,帮你的文章做一下相应的格式修改,英文溶色。 3.就是投稿了,投稿之后的状态,又有以下10种! (1). Submitted to Journal 当上传结束后,显示的状态是Submitted to Journal,这个状态是自然形成的无需处理。 (2). With editor 如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那里,主编会分派给别的编辑。这当中就会有另两个状态: ① Editor assigned 编辑分派 ② Editor Declined Invitation 编辑拒绝邀请,这时主编不得不将投稿文章重新分派给其它编辑。 (3). Reviewer(s) invited 说明编辑已接手处理,正在邀请审稿人中。有时该过程会持续很长时间,如果其中原因是编辑一直没有找到合适的审稿人,这时投稿者可以向编辑推荐审稿人。 (4). Under review 审稿人的意见已上传,说明审稿人已接受审稿,正在审稿中,这应该是一个漫长的等待(期刊通常会限定审稿人审稿时间,一般为一个月左右)。当然前面各步骤也可能很慢的,要看编辑的处理情况。如果被邀请审稿人不想审,就会decline,编辑会重新邀请别的审稿人。 (5). reuired review completed 审稿结束,等编辑处理,该过程短则几天,长则无期,曾有一篇文章出现reuired review completed状态已近一个月了,还是没有消息。 (6). Decision in Process 到了这一步就快要有结果了,编辑开始考虑是给修改还是直接拒,当然也有可能直接接受的,但可能性很小,呵呵。 (7). Minor revision/Major revision 小修/大修,这个时候可以稍微庆祝一下了,因为有修改就有可能。具体怎么改就不多说了,谦虚谨慎是不可少的(因为修改后一般会再发给审稿人看,所以一定要细心的回答每一个审稿人的每一个问题,态度要谦逊,要让审稿人觉得他提的每个问题都很有水准的,然后针对他的问题,一个一个的做出答复,能修改的就修改,不能修改的给出理由,而且都要列出来,文章的哪一段哪一行修改了最好都说出来,记住:给审稿人减少麻烦就是给你自己减少麻烦!另注:有时,审稿人会在修改意见里隐讳里说出要你仔细阅读某几篇文献,这时可要注意了,其中某些文章可能就是评审者自己发表的,这时你最好在你的修改稿中加以引用),修改后被拒绝的例子也多不胜数的。 (8). Revision Submitted to Journal 修改后重新提交,等待编辑审理。 (9). Accepted 如果不要再审,只是小修改,编辑看后会马上显示这个状态,但如果要再审也会有上面的部分状态。这一步会比较快,但也有慢的,看的。 (10). Rejected 相信大家见了Rejected,都会很郁闷。但也不要太灰心,耐心将评审意见看完,一般评审者会给出有益的建议,相信看后你会有所收获。 希望对你有帮助!

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求:逻辑连接词(logical connectors)

1) 先后次序关系:at this time; first; second; at last; next; previously; simultaneously; eventually; last but not least; to begin with; to start with; to end with; finally; seeing...; since then; first of all; afterwards; following this; preceding this. 2) 因果关系:because; because of this; being that; another important factor/reason of... ; since; as; for; in that...; owing to; due to; for the reason that...; in view of; the reason seems to be obvious; there are about... ; for this reason; as a result of this; therefore; ...and so...; consequently; as a result; thus; hence; so; so that...; in consequence; as a consequence; accordingly; inevitably; under these conditions; thereupon. 3) 转折关系:but; even so; however; though; even though; independent of; reckless of ; despite that; in spite of that; regardless of; yet...; and yet; but unless. 4) 并列关系: and; also; too; as well as; either...,or...; both...and... 5) (补充)递进关系: furthermore; moreover; further; In this way ; still; not only...but also...; not...but...; in addition (to); additionally, much more interesting, more specifically, next, besides; as far as... is concerned; moreover; in other words; along this line of consideration; on the one hand...,on the other hand...; even; as a poplar saying goes...; in order to do it...; meanwhile; at the same time; accordingly; In the first place..., in the second place...; equally important; of even greater appeal. 6) 比较关系: similarly; in like manner, in comparison with; when compared with; compared with; when in fact...; like...; likewise; similarly important; apart from (doing)...; ... rather than...,by doing so ; both…and...; in the same way; not only...but (also). 7) 对照(不同点):yet; still; for all of that; notwithstanding; rather; neither ... nor; although; though; but; however; something is just the other way around; yet; conversely; unlike; opposed to; as opposed to ; in contrast (to); by way of; on the contrary; different from this; as opposed to this; nevertheless; contrary to; whereas; while; but on the other hand. 8) 举例关系:for example; for instance; in this case; namely; as you know; you may as/say; as he explains; like; such as; a case in point is...; consider...; in particular; including...; for one thing...,for another...; put it simply; stated roughly; as an illustration, I will say...; a good example (of...)would be...; to detail this,I would like to...; It is interesting to note that...; in this situation; as proof; take the case of; take as example (something); as for; as regards; as to; according to; on this occasion. 9) 强调关系:in fact; especially; particularly; moreover; naturally; what is more important; in reality; certainly; of course; indeed; in particular; not to mention...; believe it or not; undeniably; other thing being equal; it is certain/sure that...; to be strict; to be true; by definition; definitely; undoubtedly; without a doubt; in truth, in any event(不论怎样); without reservation(毫无保留地); obviously, not only.. but(also...), both... and... 10) 条件关系: if; unless; lest; provided that; if it is the case; in this sense; once...; if possible; if necessary; if so; if not all; if anything. 11) 归纳总结类: in other words; on the whole; in sum; therefore; hence; in short; in brief; to sum up; in conclusion; in summary; to conclude; the conclusion can be drawn that...; for this reason; in short. 12) 地点关系:beyond; opposite to; adjacent to; at the same place; there; over; in the middle; around; in front of; in the distance; farther; here and there; above; below; at the right; between; on this side. 13) 目的关系:with this object; for this purpose; in order that; in this way, since; so that; on that account; in case; with a view to; for the same reason. 14) 重申关系:in other words; that is to say; as I have said; again; once again. 15) 结果关系:accordingly; thus; consequently; hence; therefore; thereupon; inevitably; under these conditions; as a result; as a consequence; because; because of; so that; not only...but (also...); so... as to. 16) 顺序关系:first; second; thirdly; next; then; at the outset(在开始时),following this; at this time; now; at this point; after; afterward; after this; subsequently; lastly; finally; consequently; before this; previously; preceding this; simultaneously; concurrently(同时). 17) 时间关系:at once; immediately; at length; in the mean time; meanwhile; at the same time; in the end; then; soon; not long after; later; at once; at last; finally; some time ago; at present; all of a sudden; from this time on; from time to time; since then; when; whenever; next point; a few minutes later; formerly; as; once; since; occasionally; in a moment; shortly; whereupon; previously.


DR品牌的logo标志是大写的DR两个字母的的组合。DR字母下面写着Darry Ring的全称。Darry Ring是英文名字,而DR则是Darry Ring的简称。DR钻戒忠于钻石的品质,创的一生只能定制一枚的婚戒定制理念,重新定义了人们对真爱的定义:真爱是一生唯一,一生只为一人定制求婚钻戒。DR钻戒品牌文化:DR钻戒对爱的浪漫诠释,让全世界所有女孩都为之倾心。DR钻戒全球首创立下传奇之约:每位男士凭身份证,一生仅能定制一枚,寓意"一生只爱一人”,独特的真爱意义引领着时尚求婚文化。在求婚的仪式背后,女性不仅是需要寻找被珍视的浪漫,也渴望得到一份DR式的一生唯一真爱。求婚可以说是爱情里一个不可或缺的神圣仪式,它是每个女性心中最美好的幻想期待,也象征着两个人婚姻生活的开启。DR是一个浪漫求婚钻戒品牌,隶属迪阿股份有限公司。每一枚DR钻戒求婚钻戒,都倾诉着一份一生一世一双人的爱情,从初恋到白头,从校园到社会,从青葱岁月到漫漫人生,一枚DR钻戒求婚钻戒,已不仅仅是一枚戒指,更是一生唯一真爱的见证。

求:逻辑连接词(logical connectors)

1) 先后次序关系:at this time; first; second; at last; next; previously; simultaneously; eventually; last but not least; to begin with; to start with; to end with; finally; seeing...; since then; first of all; afterwards; following this; preceding this. 2) 因果关系:because; because of this; being that; another important factor/reason of... ; since; as; for; in that...; owing to; due to; for the reason that...; in view of; the reason seems to be obvious; there are about... ; for this reason; as a result of this; therefore; ...and so...; consequently; as a result; thus; hence; so; so that...; in consequence; as a consequence; accordingly; inevitably; under these conditions; thereupon. 3) 转折关系:but; even so; however; though; even though; independent of; reckless of ; despite that; in spite of that; regardless of; yet...; and yet; but unless. 4) 并列关系: and; also; too; as well as; either...,or...; both...and... 5) (补充)递进关系: furthermore; moreover; further; In this way ; still; not only...but also...; not...but...; in addition (to); additionally, much more interesting, more specifically, next, besides; as far as... is concerned; moreover; in other words; along this line of consideration; on the one hand...,on the other hand...; even; as a poplar saying goes...; in order to do it...; meanwhile; at the same time; accordingly; In the first place..., in the second place...; equally important; of even greater appeal. 6) 比较关系: similarly; in like manner, in comparison with; when compared with; compared with; when in fact...; like...; likewise; similarly important; apart from (doing)...; ... rather than...,by doing so ; both…and...; in the same way; not only...but (also). 7) 对照(不同点):yet; still; for all of that; notwithstanding; rather; neither ... nor; although; though; but; however; something is just the other way around; yet; conversely; unlike; opposed to; as opposed to ; in contrast (to); by way of; on the contrary; different from this; as opposed to this; nevertheless; contrary to; whereas; while; but on the other hand. 8) 举例关系:for example; for instance; in this case; namely; as you know; you may as/say; as he explains; like; such as; a case in point is...; consider...; in particular; including...; for one thing...,for another...; put it simply; stated roughly; as an illustration, I will say...; a good example (of...)would be...; to detail this,I would like to...; It is interesting to note that...; in this situation; as proof; take the case of; take as example (something); as for; as regards; as to; according to; on this occasion. 9) 强调关系:in fact; especially; particularly; moreover; naturally; what is more important; in reality; certainly; of course; indeed; in particular; not to mention...; believe it or not; undeniably; other thing being equal; it is certain/sure that...; to be strict; to be true; by definition; definitely; undoubtedly; without a doubt; in truth, in any event(不论怎样); without reservation(毫无保留地); obviously, not only.. but(also...), both... and... 10) 条件关系: if; unless; lest; provided that; if it is the case; in this sense; once...; if possible; if necessary; if so; if not all; if anything. 11) 归纳总结类: in other words; on the whole; in sum; therefore; hence; in short; in brief; to sum up; in conclusion; in summary; to conclude; the conclusion can be drawn that...; for this reason; in short. 12) 地点关系:beyond; opposite to; adjacent to; at the same place; there; over; in the middle; around; in front of; in the distance; farther; here and there; above; below; at the right; between; on this side. 13) 目的关系:with this object; for this purpose; in order that; in this way, since; so that; on that account; in case; with a view to; for the same reason. 14) 重申关系:in other words; that is to say; as I have said; again; once again. 15) 结果关系:accordingly; thus; consequently; hence; therefore; thereupon; inevitably; under these conditions; as a result; as a consequence; because; because of; so that; not only...but (also...); so... as to. 16) 顺序关系:first; second; thirdly; next; then; at the outset(在开始时),following this; at this time; now; at this point; after; afterward; after this; subsequently; lastly; finally; consequently; before this; previously; preceding this; simultaneously; concurrently(同时). 17) 时间关系:at once; immediately; at length; in the mean time; meanwhile; at the same time; in the end; then; soon; not long after; later; at once; at last; finally; some time ago; at present; all of a sudden; from this time on; from time to time; since then; when; whenever; next point; a few minutes later; formerly; as; once; since; occasionally; in a moment; shortly; whereupon; previously.
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