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根据《信息安全工程师教程》2016年7月第1版第2.1章的描述 研究密码编制的科学称为密码编制学(cryptography),研究密码破译的科学称为密码分析学(cryptanalysis),密码编制学和密码分析学共同组成密码学(cryptology)

pop danthology上所有的歌曲名单



理论上,svn和redmine的账号是分别创建的,即不同的账号管理机制,两者的权限不会混淆,你只需要对redmine上账号的权限加以控制即可。 svn用户与redmine用户的对应关系,应该仅仅是用户名对应,使svn的用户名在redmine上显示对应的redmine用户名,不涉及权限的关联。 redmine中角色定义权限,给项目中不同账号分配不同角色,这些账号即可对项目有不同的权限。 你可以设置项目中的某个账号或某个组的角色不能浏览版本库(svn库)。其实对于redmine上关联到的svn库,只有浏览的权限。


是不是笔上有一支羽毛 那个是REGAL做的






log、lg一样 读 捞个ln 读 捞英logaN 读 捞个 a n,a和n 之间顿一下


a^(logaN)=N 两边取以m为底的对数,也就是 logm a^(logaN)=logm N 根据对数的性质 logx y^a=alogx y 所以logm a^(logaN)=logaN*logma 所以logaN·logma=logmN




lg是以10为底的对数。ln是以e为底,自然对数。log再加个数在下面,就是以那个数为底的对数。如log0.2(10),即为以0.2为底的对数。具体来说:如果a(a>0,且a≠1)的b次幂等于N,即ab=N,那么数b叫做以a为底N的对数,记作:logaN=b,其中a叫做对数的底数,N叫做真数。以10为底的对数叫常用对数,记作log10N,简记为lgN;以无理数e(e=2.718 28…)为底的对数叫做自然对数,记作logeN,简记为lnN。








1、因为n=log(a)(b),代入则a^n=b,即a^(log(a)(b))=b. 2、MN=M×N   由基本性质1(换掉M和N)   a^[log(a)(MN)] = a^[log(a)(M)]×a^[log(a)(N)]   由指数的性质   a^[log(a)(MN)] = a^{[log(a)(M)] + [log(a)(N)]}   又因为指数函数是单调函数,所以   log(a)(MN) = log(a)(M) + log(a)(N) 3、与(2)类似处理 MN=M÷N   由基本性质1(换掉M和N)   a^[log(a)(M/N)] = a^[log(a)(M)]÷a^[log(a)(N)]   由指数的性质   a^[log(a)(M/N)] = a^{[log(a)(M)] - [log(a)(N)]} 又因为指数函数是单调函数,所以   log(a)(M/N) = log(a)(M) - log(a)(N) 时间比较晚了,我直接给你拉答案过来了,我就不自己打了


证明:设x=a^(logaN) 两边取对数得 loga(x)=loga[a^(logaN)] loga(x)=logaN*loga(a) loga(x)=logaN 两边去对数得 x=N ∴a^(logaN)=N




每次运行PS后 桌面上都会出现两个文件啊分别是ScriptingListenerJS.log 和ScriptingListenerVB.log



相等啊 设log N a=t 则N^t=a ∴N=t√a 1/logaN=1/loga (a^1/t)=1/(1/t)=t=log N a

a^logaN为什么等于N?请帮我详细解释一下 小白一个谢谢



如下图:一般地,对数函数是以幂(真数)为自变量,指数为因变量,底数为常量的函数。对数函数是6类基本初等函数之一。其中对数的定义:如果ax=N(a>0,且a≠1),那么数x叫做以a为底N的对数,记作x=logaN,读作以a为底N的对数,其中a叫做对数的底数,N叫做真数。相关信息:一般地,函数y=logaX(a>0,且a≠1)叫做对数函数,也就是说以幂(真数)为自变量,指数为因变量,底数为常量的函数,叫对数函数。其中x是自变量,函数的定义域是(0,+∞),即x>0。它实际上就是指数函数的反函数,可表示为x=ay。因此指数函数里对于a的规定,同样适用于对数函数。“log”是拉丁文logarithm(对数)的缩写,读作:[英][lɔɡ][美][lɔɡ, lɑɡ]。


log运算法则公式14个如下:1、运算法则:loga(MN)=logaM+logaNloga(M/N)=logaM-logaNlogaNn=nlogaN(n,M,N∈R)如果a=em,则m为数a的自然对数,即lna=m,e=2.718281828…为自然对数的底,其为无限不循环小数。定义:若an=b(a>0,a≠1)则n=logab。2、换底公式:logMN=logaM/logaN换底公式导出logMN=-logNM3、推导公式:log(1/a)(1/b)=log(a^-1)(b^-1)=-1logab/-1=loga(b)loga(b)*logb(a)=1loge(x)=ln(x)lg(x)=log10(x)对数运算法则,是一种特殊的运算方法。指 积、商、幂、方根 的对数的运算法则,由指数和对数的互相转化关系可得出:1、两个正数的积的对数,等于同一底数的这两个数的对数的和。2、两个正数商的对数,等于同一底数的被除数的对数减去除数对数的差。3、一个正数幂的对数,等于幂的底数的对数乘以幂的指数。4、若式中幂指数则有以下的正数的算术根的对数运算法则:一个正数的算术根的对数,等于被开方数的对数除以根指数。


英 ["lu0252g(u0259)n; "lu0259u028ag(u0259)n] 美 ["lu0254ɡu0259n]





吸血鬼日记 中的logan是谁 他和Jenna原来什么关系




真名: 詹姆斯·豪利特(James Howlett) 别名:幸运吉姆(Lucky Jim)约翰·罗根/吉姆·罗根(John Logan/Jim Logan):报给各式各样的官方组织时的错误姓名罗根(Logan)武器X(Weapon X)/十号武器(Weapon Ten)武器Chi(Weapon Chi)眼罩(Patch)死亡骑士(Death)黑龙(Black Dragon):旧金山中国城的黑帮老大名称十号特工(Agent Ten)零号病人(Patient Zero)病人X(Patient X)上帝之手(Hand of God):也许是出自于他打败强大的恶魔Ba"al后所得的称号麦凯斯(Mai"keth):出自95-96年的年刊,变种人9601号(Mutant #9601):被关押在吉隆沙时的代号埃米尼奥·戛纳(Emilio Garra):跟剑齿虎在古巴当秘密特工时的化名彼得·理查德(Peter Richards):在Spiderman vs Wolverine的one-shot短篇中在护照上出现的假身份凤凰/黑凤凰(Phoenix/Dark Phoenix)泽维尔兄弟(Brother Xavier)实验体X(Experiment X)矮矬子(Runt):剑齿虎给罗根的专用爱称[大误]柔软的詹姆斯(Soft James):可能是出自起源传奇之拳(Fist of Legend)爪子男(Claw-Man)加拿大(Canada):二战时其他士兵给他的称呼野孩子(Wildboy):在给一个小孩子讲童话时,他在故事中把自己代入进去的角色小叔叔("Little Uncle")野人(Wild Man)阿狼(Wolvie)加拿大佬(Canucklehead)








logaN的N的范围为N>0设 loga[N]=x则 N=a^x>0N大于0.不可以等于.x=logaN 即 a的x次方=N.a的X次方不可能为0所以N不可能等于0


logann. 摇(摆)石(指受到轻微触动就会摇摆的大石)



关于高中数学logaN的公式 尽量仔细点

对数的运算性质: 当a>0且a≠1时,M>0,N>0,那么: (1)log(a)(MN)=log(a)(M)+log(a)(N); (2)log(a)(M/N)=log(a)(M)-log(a)(N); (3)log(a)(M^n)=nlog(a)(M) (n∈R) (4)换底公式:log(A)M=log(b)M/log(b)A (b>0且b≠1) (5) a^(log(b)n)=n^(log(b)a) 证明: 设a=n^x 则a^(log(b)n)= (n^x)^log(b)n=n^(x·log(b)n)=n^log(b)(n^x)=n^(log(b)a) (6)对数恒等式:a^log(a)N=N; log(a)a^b=b 对数与指数之间的关系 当a>0且a≠1时,a^x=N x=㏒(a)N


这是对数的表达形式,对数和指数函数互为反函数。了解反函数的概念吗?指数函数是y=a^x,a是底数,x是次数。而logaN的值就是上面这个指数函数的次数,也就是x。N相当于指数函数里的y。 LOGaN表示以a为底数,a的多少次幂的值为N,要就这个次数。比如指数函数y=2^5,2是底数,5是次数,这个y值可以算出y=2^5=32,要你求LOGaN的值,这里a=2,N=32,带进去log的函数值就是5。应该清楚了吧。希望采纳




如果a^b=N ,则b=logaN 叫对数。其计算公式有loga1=0 loga(MN)=logaM+logaN log(M/N)=logaM-logaN log(N^M)=MlogaN logaN=logbN/logba 叫对数的换底公式 log10N=lgN 叫常用对数 logeN=lnN 叫自然对数(其中e=2.718281....)


Logan 洛根(姓氏, 男子名)

我想知道 pop danthology2013 里歌曲的顺序和名字。要按时间排的。谢谢

(Get Lucky - Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams) 00:01 Roar - Katy Perry 00:02 22 - Taylor Swift00:03 Just Give Me A Reason - P!nk feat. Nate Ruess00:04 Cathy My Breath - Kelly Clarkson00:06 Feel This Moment - Pitbull feat. Christina Aguilera00:08 La La La - Naughty Boy feat. Sam Smith + Heart Attack - Demi Lovato00:11 Hold on,We"re going home - Drake feat. Majid Jordan00:13 Pompeii - Bastille + Don"t Stop The Party - Pitbull feat. TJR00:16 Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke feat. T.I., Pharrell Williams(Get Lucky - Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams + Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke feat. T.I., Pharrell Williams)00:17 Get Lucky - Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams(Get Lucky - Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams) 00:33 The Other Side - Jason Derulo00:37 Alive - Krewella00:40 This Is What I Feels Like - Armin van Buuren feat. Trevor Guthrie00:41 The Other Side - Jason Derulo00:45 #thatPOWER - will.i.am feat. Justin Bieber00:48 #thatPOWER - will.i.am feat. Justin Bieber + Alive - Krewella(Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix) - Lana Del Rey)00:50 #thatPOWER - will.i.am feat. Justin Bieber00:58(Crazy Kids - Ke$ha feat. will.i.am + Animals - Martin Garrix)(Crazy Kids - Ke$ha feat. will.i.am + Gentleman - PSY)01:02 Pour It Up - Rihanna(Crazy Kids - Ke$ha feat. will.i.am + Gentleman - PSY + #thatPOWER - will.i.am feat. Justin Bieber)01:10 Pour It Up - Rihanna(Crazy Kids - Ke$ha feat. will.i.am + Work B**tch - Britney Spears)01:13 Give It 2 U - Robin Thicke feat. Kendrick Lamar(Applause - Lady Gaga + Scream & Shout - will.i.am feat. Britney Spears)01:28 Stay The Night - Zedd feat. Hayley Williams01:30 I Need Your Love - Calvin Harris feat. Ellie Goulding01:34 Can"t Hold Us - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Ray Dalton01:35 If I Lose Myself - OneRepublic01:41 Right Now - Rihanna feat. David Guetta01:54 Let Her Go - Passenger(Applause - Lady Gaga)01:56 Let Her Go - Passenger + Clarity - Zedd feat. Foxes02:04 Clarity - Zedd feat. Foxes(Applause - Lady Gaga + Wild For The Night - A$AP Rocky feat. Skrillex, Birdy Nam Nam + Harlem Shake - Bauuer)02:26 Come & Get It - Selena Gomez02:30 Come & Get It - Selena Gomez + Harlem Shake - Bauuer02:33 Come & Get It - Selena Gomez(Applause - Lady Gaga + Get Up (Rattle) - Bingo Players feat. Far East Movement)02:38 Get Up (Rattle) - Bingo Players feat. Far East Movement(Hey Now - Martin Solveig & The Cataracs feat. Kyle)02:53 Love Somebody - Maroon 502:54 Love Somebody - Maroon 5 + I Need Your Love - Calvin Harris feat. Ellie Goulding02:56 Love Somebody - Maroon 502:58 Love Somebody - Maroon 5 + Hey Now - Martin Solveig & The Cataracs feat. Kyle03:00 Best Song Ever - One Direction03:01 Wake Me Up - Avicii + Hey Now - Martin Solveig & The Cataracs feat. Kyle03:03 Wake Me Up - Avicii03:05 Hey Now - Martin Solveig & The Cataracs feat. Kyle03:07 Cups(When I"m Gone) - Anna Kendrick03:10 Safe And Sound - Capital Cities03:13 Stay - Rihanna feat. Mikky Ekko(Hey Now - Martin Solveig & The Cataracs feat. Kyle + Timber - Pitbull feat. Ke$ha)03:15 Hey Now - Martin Solveig & The Cataracs feat. Kyle(Ooh La La - Britney Spears)03:20 Hey Now - Martin Solveig & The Cataracs feat. Kyle03:22 The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?) - Ylvis(Hey Now - Martin Solveig & The Cataracs feat. Kyle + Slow Down - Selena Gomez)03:24 Counting Stars - OneRepublic03:30 Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus(Slow Down - Selena Gomez)03:32 Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus03:34 Locked Out Of Heaven - Bruno Mars03:36 I Knew You Were Trouble - Taylor Swift03:38 Daynight - Maroon 503:41 Thinking About You - Calvin Harris feat. Ayah Marar03:45 Daynight - Maroon 503:49 C"mon - Ke$ha03:54 Story Of My Life - One Direction(Treasure - Bruno Mars)03:56 Suit & Tie - Justin Timberlake feat. Jay-Z04:15 I Love It (I Don"t Care) - Icona Pop feat. Charli XCX04:16 Treasure - Bruno Mars04:18 Slow Down - Selena Gomez(Treasure - Bruno Mars + Royals - Lorde)04:21 We Can"t Stop - Miley Cyrus04:26 Started From The Bottom - Drake + When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars04:32 We Can"t Stop - Miley Cyrus(We Can"t Stop - Miley Cyrus)04:55 Royals - Lorde05:01 Same Love - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Mary Lambert 05:06 Mirrors - Justin Timberlake05:07 Burn - Ellie Goulding05:12 Holy Grail - Jay-Z feat. Justin Timberlake05:14 Demons - Imagine Dragons05:16 Demons - Imagine Dragons + Here"s To Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne(Royals - Lorde)

solaris 中syslog和message的区别


weblogic 10 部署出错[J2EE:160144]Failed to register library Extension-Name:...

[J2EE:160144]Failed to register library Extension-Name: WebRoot, Implementation-Version:你是从tomcat转过来的吧?

superjunior李东海的 强心脏 的Logo song 同名的《强心脏》的歌词



1、使用字体本身不侵权。2、字体作为电脑基本软件微软办公软件自带的,我们已经一次性购买了侵权行为是一种侵害他人权益的行为,因此侵权行为也可以称为一种侵害行为,这可以从词源学上得到一定程度的印证。中文的“侵权行为”一词“最早于清末编定《大清民律》草案时才开始应用。”但是在旧中国民法中对侵权行为的概念却缺乏明确的界定。侵权行为是一种侵害他人权益的行为,因此侵权行为也可以称为一种侵害行为,这可以从词源学上得到一定程度的印证。在英语中,“侵权行为”一词称作“tort",来源于拉丁文“tortus ",原意是指扭曲和弯曲,它也用于将某人的手臂或腿砍掉的情形,此种含义仍然能从德语(jemanden einen Tort antum;Tortur)和法语(aviordu tort;faire du tortous)中找到,以后该词逐渐演化为错误(Wrong)的意思。在法语中,tortum和tort都是来源于拉丁语“delictum",其原意是“过错”,“罪过”。拉丁语名词delictum派生于动词delinqere(偏离正确的道路),意思是一个违法、一个失误或者一个错误。中文的“侵权行为”一词“最早于清末编定《大清民律》草案时才开始应用。”但是在旧中国民法中对侵权行为的概念却缺乏明确的界定。行为分类(1)按构成要件分一般侵权行为:指行为人基于过错直接致人损害,因而适用民法上一般责任条款的行为。特殊侵权行为:行为人虽无过错 但依民法特别责任条款或民事特别法应承担责任的行为 。(2)按侵害对象分侵害财产权行为:包括侵害物权及知识产权中的财产权行为。侵害人身权行为:包括侵害他人身体和心理的行为。(3)按致害人的人数分单独侵权行为:致害人仅为一人的侵权行为。共同侵权行为:致害人为二人以上的侵权行为 致害人应负连带的损害赔偿责任。(4)按行为性质分积极侵权行为:指致害人以积极作为的形式致人损害的行为。消极侵权行为:指致害人以消极不作为的形式致人损害的行为。

TortoiseSVN无法查看日志?安装目录下没有svnserve.conf如何解决?不能show log


片头logo是自由女神(好像就一女的拿着火把的那种)的, 请问一下是欧美那个电影制片商?




MDS源码分析-6 mdlog

可放大后查看原图 下面以创建文件(OPENC)为例,来分析mdlog产生、提交及flush的过程 mdr->ls = mdlog->get_current_segment(); 那么,当前segment怎么来的呢? 这就有必要探究一下 segments 从何而来 MDSRank::start() 函数的尾段,会执行 MDSRank::starting_done() 除了启动以外,在其它几处,也会产生新的LogSegment: journal_and_reply 是一个比较重要的函数,在多种请求流程中都会调用,其过程如下 至此,LogEvent(EUpdate)被注册到了MDLog, 注意现在还没有持久化 接下来LogEvent交由MDLog的submit线程做journal提交处理 在RANK初始化时,会触发MDLog的open,open中会启动submit线程 submit_thread的入口函数为 log->_submit_thread() 从上面的分析可知,LogEvent会被submit thread异步的从pending events列表提交到 journaler , journaler 再进行异步下刷和回调 注意到现在为止,Log仍然未持久化 在 MDLog::create 中,会初始化journaler 需要注意,Journaler有多处实现,此处使用的是 src/osdc/Journaler.h 中定义的,其实现在 src/osdc/Journaler.cc 中 接着上面的提交流程,会执行 journaler->append_entry(bl) 至此,Log buffer被写入了 journal_stream ,但 不一定被持久化到了RADOS journaler的回刷需要从MDLog层触发,由 mdlog->flush() 触发 调用 mdlog->flush() 的地方比较多,主要由几类: journaler回刷完成以后,会调用注册的回调,以驱动上层流程继续执行 最终执行各种回调的 complete ,通过Context的负载的继承关系,最终调用 finish 以 C_MDS_openc_finish 为例 mdlog会经历以下步骤:


有哪些你认为很有创意的LOGO?LOGO是一个品牌的标志性表达。不只代表着一种共同动因,同时也是一个品牌行为和核心理念的精华所在。这是谁?象征着什么?激发你的又是什么?最好的 LOGO 可以赋予企业独特的优势,并且能将品牌核心理念与消费者的欲望较好地联系在一起。可以说, LOGO是连接商业和文化的核心基本点。










张子萱拍vlog用的是松下LUMIX系列LX3相机,因为镜头有一小部分突出,是松下LUMIX系列。张子萱拍vlog是记录她日常的吃、工作、旅行、活动、甚至是生活片段等,受到了很多人的喜欢。适合日常拍vlog的相机:1、松下 LUMIX G100。松下G100作为一款Vlog相机,支持4K 30p/25p/24p、1080P/60p/50p/30p/25p/24p等多种视频拍摄规格。除此之外,Lumix G100使用了小巧轻便的机身,支持机身五轴防抖,搭载了专业收音系统,可以用V-Log L曲线。2、佳能EOS M200。佳能EOS M200采用了约2410万有效像素APS-C画幅CMOS图像感应器,并且搭载了佳能最新的DIGIC 8影像处理器,具有高达ISO 25600的常用感光度。并可扩展至ISO 51200,能够在手持拍摄夜景时,或在昏暗场景下拍摄运动物体等时放心提高ISO感光度抑制被摄体抖动与手抖动,拍出清晰通透的照片。佳能EOS M20具备全像素双核CMOS AF,自动对焦区域最大可利用CMOS约88%横向乘以约100%纵向区域进行高精度自动对焦。

ned university of engineering and technology 怎么样






Ⅴ.The use of the geological compass

The geologic compass,along with the rock hammer and hand len S,is one of the traditional geological tool S.The compass is used to determine direction,measure topographical slopes and to determine strike and dip of beds,structures and other geological features.There are many kinds of compasses,but most have essentially the same design and usage.Chinese geologists generally use an octagonal brunton-style compass.Following is an introduction for the usage of the DQY-1 geological compass,produced by the Harbin optical instrument factory,(Fig.2-5).Fig.2-5 DQY-1 Geological Compass1.The structure of the oompas SFig.2-6 Chart for DQY-1 geological compass1—short arm;2—cover; 3—ellipticalmirrorhole; 4—hinge connection; 5—compass shell; 6—long arm; 7—mirror and sub-line ; 8—magnetic needle ; 9—level bubble; 10—dial; 11—inclinometer level bubbl ; 12—inolinometer dial ; 13—brake screw ; 14—dial screws correctionThe compass is composed of housing,hinge connection,mirrors,folding arms,magnetic needle,dial,inclinometer scale,inclinometer plate,needle damper and screw dial for correotion of the declination(Fig.2-6).The hinge connects the compass with its cover and the mirror with a graduation line is loaded in the cover.The magnetic needle points to the magnetic North and South Pole-the white end of the needle points north and the blaok end south.The south needle is wrapped in a copper wire because China is in the northern hemisphere.The dial is divided into 360 degrees with the 1 80-degree mark at the hinge.The short and long arms are hinged to the body of the compass.The tips of the arms are aligned with the dial on the face of the oompass.The arms,magnetic needle,and dial can be used to determine the direction of a feature.A bubble level is used to keep the compass level and the second bubble in the inclinometer,can be rotated from the back of the compass to measure dip angles.The needle damper clamps the compass needle when the compass is closed in order to reduce wear and tear.The dial screw on the side is used to set the looal magnetic declination.2.Calibration of the compa SsThe magnetic needle points to the magnetio North and South poles,which are noti n the same location as the geographic poles.Thus,the compass needle must be adjusted so that it aligns with the geographic poles.The difference between the two is called the magnetic declination and it varies from place to place on the globe and changes with time.It is crucial that the needle should be adjusted before the compass is used or all of the measured data will be incorreot.Fig.2-7 Setting the magnetic declination of the compass(a)magnetic declination with 5°to the west;(b)magnetic declination with 5°to the east;(c)an example of magnetic declination in the Beidaihe area,Hebei ProvinceThe angle and direction of the magnetic declination for specific areas are generally given on topographic maps of the region.The declination on a map is for the date at which the map was published,so the declination needs to be calculated for the current date.In most parts of China magnetic north is located to the west of the meridian,and thus one must make a western declination.The procedure for calibration of the magnetic declination is shown in Fig.2-7.If the magnetic declination is to the west,use the screw on the side to rotate the surface plate in a counter-clockwise direction to the proper position(Fig.2-7(a).If the magnetic declination is to the east,make a clockwise rotation(Fig.2-7(b).It is always advisable to check your setting after the adjustment by aligning the compass with some feature whose geographic coordinates are known,e.g.a road running N-S or E-W.If the compass is set properly,it will line up with this feature.3.Use of the compas S for fieldworkIn field work,the compass is used to measure the direction of various features,the dip angle of hill slopes and the strike,dip direction and dip angle of various structural elements.(1)Azimuth measurementTo determine one"s location on a topographic map iti s useful to measure the azimuth to some fixed point of reference,e.g.,a hill top,stream junction or other feature shown on the map(Fig.2-8).By measuring the azimuth of two or more fixed points,one can draw lines from those points and where the lines intersect is the point at which you are located.Fig.2-8 Azimuth measurementsBefore taking a measurement make sure that the needle can move freely.Place the compass at a convenient height(waist or chest level)and align the long arm with the feature to be measured by using the mirror.Make sure that the compass is level by centering the round level bubble.When the needle stops swinging,you can read directly the azimuth of the feature.An azimuth reading can be either north or south,so one needs to know the direction of the reference point in relation to your position.Thus,in Fig.2-8,point A lies to the south of the feature at point B and one must draw a line southward(at the correct angle)from point B to determine the location of point A.The correct angle can be read from the south end of the magnetic needle.When the feature to be measured is low,the l Ong arm should point t O the Observer and the mirr Or should be adjusted until one can see the feature and the compass face with the level bubble.Keep the c Ompass level until the needle st Ops swinging and then press the brake to h Old the needle in p Ositi On.HOlding the brake d Own,turn the c Ompass until you can read the dial and record the angle as before.(2)Measurement of hill slopesHill slopes form an angle between the inclined plane oft he slope and the h Oriz Ontal.The meth Od for measuring this angle is shown in(Fig.2-9).One person stands at the top of the slope and the other One at the b Ott Om makes the measurement.Turn the c Ompass On its side,align the l Ong arm and sh Ort arm with the head of the person at the t Op and r Otate the inclinometer until the bubble is level.Then read the angle.The slope can also be measured from top to bottom,even without a second person if necessary.Fig.2-9 M easurement of a hills lope(3)Measurements for planar features such as bedding orf oliationFor planar feature S,one must measure the strike,dip direction and dip angle.The strike is the direction of an imaginary line formed by the intersection of the plane with the horizontal and the dip direction is perpendicular to the strike(Fig.2-10).The dip is the downward angle between the plane and the horizontal,measured perpendicular to the strike(Fig.2-10).To measure the strike,open the compass and place the long edge against the plane and then rotate the compass until the level bubble is centered.Now read the angle of the compass needle from north.The angle measured by the north and south end of the needle i S the same but,by convention,strike is usually referred to the north direction(e.g.N30°E)or recorded as an azimuth(e.g.120°),which is the same.With practice you will be able to measure the strike without having to place the compass on the rock.This is important because some rocks are magnetic and thi S can cause an incorrect reading.To measure the dip direction,place the compass as shown in Fig.2-10 with the hinge along the line of strike,centering the level bubble and read the angle between the needle and north.Fig.2-10 Diagram showing how to measure the strike and dip of a planar featureTo measure the dip angle,align the edge of the compass with the dipping plane parallel to the dip direction(Fig.2-10),rotate the inclinometer until the bubble is centered and then read the angle.Actually,only the dip direction and dip angle need to be measured,because the strike can be calculated by adding or subtracting 90°from the dip direction.It is important to first measure the dip direction and then the dip angle,not vice versa.If the rock surface is uneven,one can place the field book on the surface and make the measurement on the book.Alternatively,one can estimate the slope and make the measurements without placing the compass on the rock.If the outcrop is incomplete,the dip angle and direction can be measured by the 3-point method.Find two points on the layer at the same level(this is the strike)and one point up or down on the surface perpendicular to the strike.Align the field book with these three points to make a plane and to make the measurements as described above.The section above describes the way to measure any plane and it can be used for rock layers,foliation,cleavage,schistosity,joints or faults.The measured data are usually recorded as follows.For a plane with a dip direction of 30°,and dip angle of 50°,the information would be recorded as 30°∠50°.This shows that the measurement refers to a planar feature.In North America,it would be recorded as Strike N60°W and Dip 50°NE.






physiological音节划分:physiu25aaolu25aaogy英 [u02ccfu026azu026au0259"lu0252du0292u026akl] 美 [u02ccfu026aziu0259u02c8lɑdu0292u026aku0259l] adj. 生理学的; 生理的 双语例句1. Thinking angry thoughts can provoke strong physiological arousal. 想着生气的事情能激起强烈的生理反应。来自柯林斯例句2. The problem was psychological rather than physiological. 问题是心理方面的而不是生理方面的。来自柯林斯例句3. The doctor had a test on the physiological reaction of human being. 医生做了一次有关人的生理反应的测试.来自《简明英汉词典》4. In the organization of industrial life the influence of the factory upon the physiological and mental state of the workers has been neglected. 在工业生活的组织中,工厂对工人的生理和心理状态上的影响完全被忽视了.来自《用法词典》5. Most published studies of gestures are physiological, linguistic, or psychological. 大多数已经出版的专著是生理学 、 语言学或心理学方面的.来自英汉非文学 - 民俗查看更多例句>> 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典英汉双向大词典1. N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词生理学 Physiology is the scientific study of how people"s and animals" bodies function, and of how plants function. ...the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology. 诺贝尔医学和生理学奖physiologist ... a retired plant physiologist. 退休的植物生理学家2. N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词生理(机能) The physiology of a human or animal"s body or of a plant is the way that it functions. 【搭配模式】:usu with supp...the physiology of respiration. 呼吸生理...insect physiology. 昆虫的生理机能physiological ...the physiological effects of stress. 压力产生的生理影响physiologically Camels are among the most physiologically resilient creatures on Earth. 骆驼是地球上生理适应能力最强的生物之一。adj.1. 生理学的 He bought a physiological book.他买了一本生理学方面的书。2. 生理的 The doctor had a test on the physiological reaction of human being.医生做了一次有关人的生理反应的测试。英英释义行业释义Adjective1. of or relating to the biological study of physiology;"physiological psychology""Pavlov"s physiological theories"2. of or consistent with an organism"s normal functioning;"physiologic functions""physiological processes"synonym: physiologic


心理现象要素 element of mental phenomenon  心理现象结构 structure of mental phenomenon  官能心理学 faculty psychology  个体心理学 personal psychology  差异心理学 differential psychology  物理主义心理学 physicalistic psychology  心理化学 mental chemistry  拟人论 anthropomorphism  生物主义 biologism  环境论 environmentalism  反射学 reflexology  反应学 reactology  颅相学 phrenology  等势原理 principle of equipotentiality  中枢论 centralism  决定论 determinism  决定论原则 principle of determinism  交互决定论 reciprocal determinism  文化决定论 cultural determinism  社会文化历史学派 social-cultural-historical school  文化历史心理学 cultural-historical psychology  定势理论 set theory  意向论 intentionalism  相对论 relativism  互动论 interactionism  微型学习理论 miniature theory of learning  思维边缘理论 peripheral theory of thinking  点状感觉说 theory of punctiform sensation  沙赫特情绪实验 Schachter"s experiment on emotion  原子心理学 atomistic psychology  构造心理学 structural psychology  内容心理学 content psychology  内容分析 content analysis  民族心理学 folk psychology  屈尔珀学派 Külpe school  二重心理学 dual psychology一种调和折中的心理学,认为心理学应研究兼括内容与意动的广义经验。  形质学派 school of form-quality  格式塔心理学 Gestalt psychology  顿悟说 insight theory  同型论 isomorphism  心身同型论 mind-body isomorphism  格式塔场理论 Gestalt field theory  场论 field theory  场论心理学 field psychology  心理场 psychological field  拓扑心理学 topological psychology  向量心理学 vector psychology  生活空间 life space  心理生活空间 psychological life space  群体动力学 group dynamics  机能主义 functionalism  机能心理学 functional psychology  芝加哥学派 Chicago school  哥伦比亚学派 Columbia school  动力心理学 dynamic psychology  皮亚杰学派 Piagetian school  奥地利学派 Austrian school  苏黎世学派 Zürich school  联结主义心理学 connectionism psychology  复演[说] recapitulation  摩尔根法则 Morgan"s canon  节约律 law of parsimony  行为主义 behaviorism  行为主义心理学 behavioristic psychology  目的行为主义 purposive behaviorism  新行为主义 neo-behaviorism  操作性行为 operant behavior  黑箱论 black box theory  方法学行为主义 methodological behaviorism  巴黎学派 Paris school  南锡学派 Nancy school  催眠术 hypnotism  精神分析 psychoanalysis  泛性论 pansexualism  力比多 libido  潜意识 nonconscious  下意识 subconscious  社会禁忌 social taboo  集体无意识 collective unconscious  遗传型 genotype  新精神分析 neo-psychoanalysis  自我心理学 ego psychology  策动心理学 hormic psychology  本能论 instinct theory  认知革命 cognitive revolution  人本主义心理学 humanistic psychology  需要层次论 hierarchical theory of needs  顶峰体验 peak experience  现象心理学 phenomenological psychology  存在心理学 existential psychology  超个人心理学 transpersonal psychology重点研究超越个人中心自我封闭和自我满足的意识状态。  认知神经科学 cognitive neuroscience  生理心理学 physiological psychology主要以动物为研究对象,采用控制生理学的变量来记录行为活动。  心理生理学 psychophysiology主要以人为研究对象,采用控制行为活动而记录生理学的变量。  生物心理学 biopsychology  心理药理学 psychopharmacology  心理神经免疫学 psychoneuroimmunology  神经毒理学 neurotoxicology  社会生物学 sociobiology  脑定位 brain localization  大脑皮层功能等位说 theory of cerebral cortex equipotentiality  大脑皮层功能定位说 theory of functional localization on cortex  高级神经活动规律 law of higher nervous activity  分析器学说 theory of analyzer  反射弧 reflex arc  反射中枢 reflex center  条件性免疫 conditioned immunity  暂时联系 temporary connection  两种信号系统学说 theory of two signal systems  第一信号系统 first signal system  第二信号系统 second signal system  神经类型 nervous type  非联想性学习 non-associative learning  交替问题学习 learning with alternation problems  奇偶问题学习 learning with oddity problem  同时性辨别 simultaneous discrimination  延缓交替反应 delayed alternation response  问题箱 problem box测验动物智能的一种实验装置  穿梭箱 shuttle box  T型迷津 T maze  Y型迷津 Y maze  模仿学习 imitation learning  印记 imprinting许多动物在生活早期的一种学习形式。  旷场试验 open field test通常用来测验动物情绪状态的一种简单试验。  操作性攻击 operant aggression  光动反应 optokinetic response  耶基斯-沃森辨别箱 Yerkes-Watson discrimination box  印迹 engram  反响回路 reverberatory circuit  长时程增强效应 long term potentiation  顺行性遗忘 anterograde amnesia  帕佩兹环路 Papez"s circuit  三突触回路 trisynaptic circuit  定向反应 orienting response  愉快中枢 pleasure center  自我刺激 self-stimulation动物主动地、不断地去按杠杆以获得脑内强化的现象。  符号刺激 sign stimulus  摄食调节 regulation of food intake  饮水调节 regulation of water intake  摄食中枢 feeding center  抓握反射 grasping reflex  生理机制 physiological mechanism  神经生理机制 neurophysiological mechanism  代偿 compensation又称“补偿”。  兴奋增强 erethism又称“兴奋过度”。  先天释放机制 innate releasing mechanism, IRM  内源性时钟 endogenous clock动物机体内生理活动的周期变化,通过视交叉上核进行生物节律的调节。  昼夜节律 circadian rhythm  动力定型 dynamic stereotype  动物心理学 animal psychology  比较心理学 comparative psychology  比较认知 comparative cognition

psychology的形容词形式 是什么啊?

psychological(心理学的) 这是我专业。- -


what"s number one ,一个字母多些,一个字母少点and number two ,the explanationspsychologic=psychological 心理学方面的mental 多指神智方面the following samples would definitely give you difference between ...

you may suffer from psychological depression. 4595 什么意思?


psychological science 的影响因子是多少 这个杂志怎么样

The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences [1079-5014] 本刊收录在: MEDLINE(2011年)本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2009版)本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2012版)本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2013版)本刊收录在Web of Science: SSCI(2009版)本刊收录在Web of Science: SSCI(2012版)本刊收录在Web of Science: SSCI(2013版)点击: 查看SCI影响因子(2009)提示: Impact Factor:2.094; 5-Year Impact Factor:2.825点击: 查看SCI影响因子(2010)提示: Impact Factor: 1.963 ; Rank: 2631主题分类:Health Sciences: Clinical MedicineHealth Sciences: GeriatricsContinues in part: Journal of gerontology [0022-1422]

we are not conscious of the extent ______work provides the psychological


心理差位关系(psychological disparity relationship)


什么是心理趋同性(psychological convergence)



psychology psychology psychology psychology

psychological analysis的英语解释

It is the task of psychologists to describe and explain psychological phenomena, though the meaning of both description and explanation varies widely. One way to deal with psychological phenomena is to transform them as soon as possible into data (by which is meant quantitative data), which then can be analysed by ready-made methods (by which is meant inferential statistics). An unfortunate result of this politically fortified procedure is that the availability of methods (for data "collection" and analysis) comes to dictate the whole research process, including the construction of the phenomenon and its operationalization. As a consequence, various opponents of this non-scientific procedure have challenged psychology with a new dogma: the need to replace quantitative methods by their qualitative counterparts.






以ological为后缀的单词有: pathological adj. 病理学 (上) 的; physiological a. 生理学的; psychological a.心理的; sociological a. 社会学的; tautological adj. 冗赘的; technological adj. 技术的 扩展资料   The problem was psychological rather than physiological   问题是心理方面的而不是生理方面的。   Thinking angry thoughts can provoke strong physiological arousal.   想着生气的事情能激起强烈的生理反应。   It also keeps their physiological processes working.   这样做也可以保持它们的生理机能正常运转。   Her symptoms are more psychological than physical.   她的`病症是臆想的,而不是真实的。   Victory in the last game gave them a psychological advantage over their opponents.   上一场比赛的胜利使他们比对手有心理优势。




psychological /u02ccsau026aku0259u02c8lu0252du0292u026aku0259l/ CET4 TEM41.ADJ Psychological means concerned with a person"s mind and thoughts. 心理的例:John received constant physical and psychological abuse from his father.约翰受到来自他父亲的不断的身心摧残。2.ADV 心理上地 psychologically例:It was very important psychologically for us to succeed.取得成功,在心理上对我们非常重要。3.ADJ Psychological means relating to psychology. 心理学的例:...psychological testing.…心理学测试。




精神心理上的 adj.比如说 psychological activities. 心理上的活动 psychological problem. 心理上的问题 psychological illness. 心理上的疾病

psychological novel名词解释

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