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如何引用 System.Runtime.Serialization.Json

说序列化Json字符串吧命名空间:System.Web.Script.Serialization引用:System.Web.Extensions.dll, 类名:JavaScriptSerializer序列化:public void Serialize(object obj, StringBuilder output);public string Serialize(object obj);反序列化:public T Deserialize(string input);public object Deserialize(string input, Type targetType);public object DeserializeObject(string input);

c# SerializationException 反序列化 出错


C++ ,boost, serialization,序列化,生成xml文件

竟然问到我。我知道的都告诉你吧,序列化这东西我也没做过,不过对于你的问题我还是能答个大概,过后自己找下资料吧#include "stdafx.h"#include <fstream>#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>#include <boost/archive/xml_oarchive.hpp>#include <boost/archive/xml_iarchive.hpp>#pragma comment(lib,"C://libboost_serialization-vc80-mt-gd-1_45.lib")//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class subtest//类声明{public: subtest()//构造函数: mvalue1(-1)//成员变量初始化{}template< class archive >//这是类模板,学过C++的都应该知道的吧,接下来就以archive当做一个类型用,看来面这个函数serialize()void serialize( archive &ar , unsigned int filever )//参数一个是模板类,前面声明了,具体是什么类型看调用时的情况。{ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(mvalue1);//按位与操作。BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP是一个宏,XML下生成对应名称。ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(nvalue1);//}int mvalue1; //double nvalue1;//两个类的公有成员。};////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class test{public: test(): mvalue(-1){}template< class archive >void serialize( archive &ar , unsigned int filever ){ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(mvalue);ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(nvalue);ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(obj);}int mvalue; double nvalue;subtest obj;};////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){/*** save archive */{std::vector< int > ints;test* a = new test;//创建一个test这个类的实例ints.push_back( 100 );//这部分内容你可以看C++primer.这是在容器尾添加值为100的元素ints.push_back( 200 );std::ofstream ofs("c://test.xml");//把生成的xml文件存到这个路径下面boost::archive::xml_oarchive oa(ofs);int nvalue = 106; a->nvalue = 0.1111;//成员变量赋值a->obj.mvalue1=123;a->obj.nvalue1=0.222;oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(nvalue); //输出。整个程序以模板的形式载入XML文档,然后按位与保存。 再多的我也不回答你了,因为我也没做过这些oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(ints);oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(a);delete a;}/*** load from archive */{std::vector< int > ints;std::ifstream ofs("c://test.xml");boost::archive::xml_iarchive oa(ofs);int nvalue = 0; test* a = NULL; oa >> BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(nvalue); oa >> BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(ints);oa >> BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(a);for( std::vector< int >::iterator i = ints.begin() ; i != ints.end() ; i++ ){printf("the value of vector %d ",*i);}}return 0;}






查看《U8常见问题快查手册》,关于IIS一节,内有详细的介绍,本例尝试方案为:32.system.runtime.serialization.serialzationexprction。输入流是无效的二进制格式。开始内容(以字节为单位)是: 3C-68-74-6D-6C-3E-0D-0A-20-20-20-20-3C-68-65-61-64...”。 建议方案:请检查IIS中的虚拟目录u8applicationEX 是否丢失,如没有请手工增加。



英语作文Should Euthanasia Be Legalized?

Euthanasia, a quiet and easy death, or “mercy killing” as we call it recently has made the headlines frequently. Many people applaud it and argue that euthanasia should be legalized.  As is pointed out, to practise euthanasia can benefit both the patient and his family. To a terminally ill person who is suffering excruciating pains day and night or living “like a vegetable”, to be allowed to end his life painlessly is a good release. To his family it is also a big relief considering the financial and emotional drain on them that having to sustain his life entails. However, the legalization of euthanasia may also bring with it problems our society has not previously faced. Is it humane, for example, that a terminally ill patient is thus caused to feel guilty for remaining alive because he does not want to die? Is it wise that a patient is killed alive simply because of a mistaken terminal diagnosis? And is it possible that euthanasia could be taken advantage of for some ulterior or even criminal purposes?  Since the legalization of euthanasia will raise serious moral and social issues, the decision our society makes about euthanasia will undoubtedly have tremendous consequences in society.

中考英语作文:Should Euthanasia Be Legalized?

1.有的人赞成实行安乐死 2.有的人反对安乐死合法化 3.我的看法。 范文: Euthanasia, a quiet and easy death, or “mercy killing” as we call it recently has made the headlines frequently. Many people applaud it and argue that euthanasia should be legalized. As is pointed out, to practise euthanasia can benefit both the patient and his family. To a terminally ill person who is suffering excruciating pains day and night or living “like a vegetable”, to be allowed to end his life painlessly is a good release. To his family it is also a big relief considering the financial and emotional drain on them that having to sustain his life entails. However, the legalization of euthanasia may also bring with it problems our society has not previously faced. Is it humane, for example, that a terminally ill patient is thus caused to feel guilty for remaining alive because he does not want to die? Is it wise that a patient is killed alive simply because of a mistaken terminal diagnosis? And is it possible that euthanasia could be taken advantage of for some ulterior or even criminal purposes? Since the legalization of euthanasia will raise serious moral and social issues, the decision our society makes about euthanasia will undoubtedly have tremendous consequences in society.求采纳

辩论题目Euhthanasia should not be legalized

Euthanasis is inhumane.Everyone had the right to live in this world no matter who he is or who she is.For the relative of the patients, it is bad for some may say it a relief to the deadly disease patients.

辩论euthanasia should be legalized正方

1. Euthanasia(以下都用E代替) is humane because it helps to hasten the death of terminally ill patients.2. Death, as natural as birth, is sometiomes a hard process that requires assistance, and E is part of such assistance.3. Death is a normal and natural stage of life, so people have the right to die.4. It is ummecessary to maintain life artificially beyond the point when people will never regain consciousness.5 Extending an incurably ill patient"s life means the same as aggravating his pain.6. Efforts should no be made to perpetuate what has become a meaningless existence.7. E can bring mental and physical release to the patient and his family when he is terminally ill and has no prospect of recovering.你可以用这些观点来说明由安乐死是应该合法化的!

固定化酶(immobilized enzyme,IE)。

【答案】:固定化酶(Immobilized Enzyme IE):用物理或化学方法处理,使水溶性酶变成不溶于水的酶衍生物或被限制在一定的空间内发挥作用。这种形式的酶叫固定化酶。过去又叫固相酶、水不溶性酶,现在已经废弃这些叫法。

the struggle to be an all american girl elizabetf wong讲的主要是什么思想内容

你好!the struggle to be an all american girl elizabetf wong斗争是一个美国女孩的错

求Elizabeth Wong的The struggle to be all-American girl译文

The struggle to be all-American girl被评选为全美最佳的女孩的努力

Graphic Equalizer的含义是什么

图示均衡器(graphic equalizer)是一种高保真的音频控制器.用户可以看到它,通过图示均衡器,用户可以对立体音响系统中的许多不同频段进行控制. 录音室、剧院之类的地方需要这种东西.

架设冒险岛时出现 严重: Could not initialize RMI system


it was not ___she took off her sunglasses ____i realized she was a famous film star





品牌比较 没有意义 你说说是 联想好 还是DELL好?? 是奥迪好 还是奔驰好?












He specialized in science 3 years ago.


“专业”的英文:specialty 读法:英 ["spe?(?)lt?] 美 ["sp???lti] 释义: 1、n. 专业,专长;特产;特性;招牌菜 2、adj. 特色的;专门的;独立的 Specialty Practice专业实习 Specialty DRAM利基型记忆体 local specialty土特产例句: 1、Her profile page shows her picture and her specialty -- neuroscience. 她的个人页面显示了她的照片和专业--神经科学。 2、Also look at whether a particular specialty within your potentialnew field is in demand. 另外,也要看看你要进入的行业是否有特别的专业要求。 扩展资料 specialty的近义词:quality 读法:英 [?kw?l?t?] 美 ["kwɑl?ti] 释义: 1、n. 质量,[统计] 品质;特性;才能 2、adj. 优质的;高品质的;棒极了短语: 1、high quality高质量 2、quality policy质量方针 3、asset quality资产质量 4、Software Quality软件质量 5、superior quality优等的质量




崔克隶属国际一线上游顶级品牌 闪电也是 这两家美国品牌车型真的很齐全 要说谁好 难比较 看你喜欢哪个了 相中哪个买哪个 崔克喜欢一车一个配置 闪电喜欢一车两个配置 价格上都差不多 比如崔克X7:5980 闪电ROKEHOPPER:一款5690 一款6290 这个真的很难比 就看你当地售后了 那个方便入哪个

有谁知道“specialized S-WORKS ”山地车系列新车一般在什么价位

够贵的 有实力的话 买个骑骑吧!




s-works是specialized中最顶级的~~其次是pro 之后expert elite comp sport总之s-works>pro>expert>elite>comp>sport


specialized的读音是[_spe__la_zd]。双语例句:These tools are specialized equipment needed during surgery.这些工具都是手术中需要的专用设备。Mastering a specialized skill will help you a lot in the future.掌握一项专业技能对你未来有很大的帮助。




闪电吧。用的人少 抢眼拉风。






闪电自行车更高级,全部卖的自行车都很贵。没有低端的自行车了 因为低端自行车赚不了几个钱的。







是买买6000多的闪电specialized自行车还是5380元的美利达? 很纠结.



specialized 专业的specific 明确的, 确切的, 详尽的 具体的, 特有的, 特定的


国内人爱吹牛逼 闪电不是美利达贴牌 崔克也不是捷安特贴牌 至于闪电崔克这两个牌子 不用说 真正的国际一线大牌 有钱必须买 对于资深骑友来讲 还是买崔克 闪电 质量过关

specialized和trek哪个好 买闪电还是崔克

以前说起自行车品牌,人们可能想到的是永久、飞鸽或阿米尼、凤凰等,不过在高端自行车市场,这些牌子显然是没有发言权的。能够有胆亮相的,是下面这些大牌。1、Specialized(闪电)美国顶级自行车品牌,堪称自行车界里的法拉利,它的公路、山地系列笑傲江湖。尤其是它与迈凯轮汽车公司擦出火花,充分利用迈凯轮在碳纤维制造和空气动力学领域先进的优势,合作推出了这款McLaren Venge S-Works超轻量化公路自行车,中国标价19.8万。2、TREK(崔克)崔克创立于1976年,美国顶级自行车品牌,是自行车巨人,它的目标是致力于制造简单而且是世界上最好的自行车。经过30多年的不懈创新与努力,凭借对自行车发自内心的热爱,崔克已经成为自行车业界的强者,并拥有全球最大的经销商网络。3.Colnago(梅花)意大利“三巨头”之一。车身上的梅花,已经是全球公认的标志了。自行车迷中Colnago死忠很多,这些人常常同时有好几辆车,而且只买经典款,再配合特殊烤漆涂装。4、BMCBMC Trading AG (或者Bicycle Manufacturing Company)是一家来自瑞士格兰岑的自行车及骑行装备生产商,也是一个令人难以抗拒的自行车品牌。它的设计让人眼前一亮,从物料选用、力学科技与制作工艺均能达至完美的平衡。它的碳纤车架都是市场上最安全和最耐久的车架。5、TIME(泰姆)泰姆是一家法国自行车和自行车产品的生产商,在1987年由Roland Cattin成立,最初是设计自行车踏板,现在他们的产品包括自行车车架,自行车鞋,自行车锁踏等。时至今日,它已成为行业中的碳纤维自行车车架及前叉的领导者之一。6、LOOK(洛克)法国顶级自行车品牌。1984年,LOOK生产出第一个自动锁脚蹬,Bernard Hinault因使用该脚蹬,赢得了1985年的环法赛冠军。从此LOOK在公路脚蹬领域名声鹊起,至今仍居于世界领先地位,目前中国国家队和国内90%以上的专业车队都是该品牌的拥趸。7、Bianchi(比安奇)比安奇(Bianchi)是意大利历史悠久的高档自行车及用品制造商。1895年,该品牌创始人Edoardo Bianchi被邀至宫廷为王后特制一辆自行车。于是第一辆女式自行车就此诞生;后于1915年,该品牌生产了第一辆军用自行车,其原型被皇家轻步兵特种部队“Bersaglieri”所使用,也是现代山地自行车的鼻祖。8、Scott(斯科特)德国品牌。以研发、生产和市场推广高端自行车,冬季运动,摩托运动和跑步产品的业内领军品牌,也一直是轻量化与技术领导的代名词。9、CANNONDALE(左撇子)美国自行车厂商,其生产的整车大部分为高端自行车,高端车架由美国工厂工人手工制造,所以价格昂贵,售价大多在10000-65000元不等。它所生产的公路自行车铝架CAAD10有“铝架之王”的美誉,并在自行车三大环赛中都有车队使用。10、Nicolai(尼古拉)德国品牌,自行车中的劳斯莱斯!纯手工自行车!山地车中最NB的。日本越野车专业杂志评论说:“如果你骑越野车,那你一生一定至少要拥有一台Nicolai。”又说:“在Nicolai之前,其他品牌只能算是次级品!开始存钱吧!”---------------乐骑app,一起来约骑!可以挣钱的乐骑码表X1淘宝正在热售,欢迎订阅本号。

specialized自行车 是哪里生产的



specialized是多义词,有英文单词Specialized专门的、专用的、专家的意思、还有品牌自行车等含义。1974年由铁杆车友Mike Sinyard创立的美国单车品牌——SPECIALIZED,国内车友亲切地称为“闪电”。 近四十年来一直致力于为车手提供最专业的单车产品和服务。SPECIALIZED在2007年正式进入中国市场。在上海、北京、杭州、常州、南京、苏州、济南、郑州、西安、昆明、成都、沈阳、哈尔滨、东莞等城市开设有SPECIALIZED 概念店。2012年,SPECIALIZED更增加了全新的精品店以配合不同的城市及市场需求,设有SPECIALIZED精品店的城市有宁波、永康,慈溪,义乌,吴江,徐州,济宁,滕州,东营等。2012年9月20日,SPECIALIZED上海成为继美国总部之后全球第二个开通网上商城的子公司,于其中文官方网站的装备和配件分类中提供电子商务服务。2018年5月5日,SPECIALIZED亚洲首家体验中心亮相云南昆明。


specialize[英][u02c8speu0283u0259lau026az][美][u02c8spu025bu0283u0259u02cclau026az]vi.专攻; 特化; 专门从事; 详细说明; vt.使专门化; 使适应特殊情况; 详细说明; 列举; 第三人称单数:specializes现在进行时:specializing过去式:specialized过去分词:specialized双语例句1Many students specialize in engineering.许多学生专攻工程学。




specialize 英 [u02c8speu0283u0259lau026az] 美 [u02c8spu025bu0283u0259u02cclau026az] vi. 专攻; 特化; 专门从事; 详细说明; vt. 使专门化; 使适应特殊情况; 详细说明; 列举; 全部释义>>[例句]I"d decided to specialize in kids, because I"ve always liked them.我决定专攻小孩,因为我总是喜欢他们。更多例句>>过去式:specialized 现在分词:specializing 过去分词:specialized 第三人称单数:specializes


意思为 特殊化的


specialized英音[ u02c8speu0283u0259lau026azd ] 美音[ u02c8speu0283u0259lau026azd ]释义adj. 专业的,专门的v. 专门研究(或从事)专攻;专营;使(器官)专化,使特化例句:1·He specialized in criminal law.他专攻刑法。2·My work is very specialized in nature.我的工作特点是非常专业化。3·Cocaine addicts get specialized support from knowledgeable staff。可卡因上瘾者从知识丰富的人员那里得到专业化的帮助。4·Some species of tuna have specialized grooves in their tongue.有些品种的金枪鱼的舌头上有专门的凹槽。5·Administrative work and more specialized work, the sort of thing I can do.行政以及更专业的工作,这类工作我能做。6·Advertising has already become a very specialized activity in modern times.广告在现代已经成为一种非常专业化的活动。7·Finally, I convinced a vet, who specialized in laboratory animals, to take the lump out.最后,我说服了一位专门研究实验动物的兽医把肿块取出来。8·It was created by Ludwig Lazar Zamenhof, a Polish Jewish doctor specialized in eye diseases.它是由专门治疗眼疾的波兰犹太医生路德维希·拉扎尔·扎曼霍夫创建的。9·Also, a specialized metal-producing workshop may have been excavated in a small area at Uruk.此外,乌鲁克的一小片区域可能也挖掘出了一个专门从事金属制造的生产车间。

必有重赏 WINDOWS7 64位电脑hardware virtualization显示NO 该如何解决啊?


请问:industrial country和industrialized country有什么不同?麻烦具体一点,谢谢!


Elizabeth Clay decided 全文翻译,机器翻译不给分!

伊丽莎白 克莱决定回家,与父母一起度假。第二天她驾车独自行驶在了回家的路上。突然她发现有个车胎没气了。在这个寒冷的冬天,这位22岁的学生将车停在路边,打开后备箱却没有备用胎。就在这个时候,一辆车停在了旁边,保罗和戴安让克莱坐他们的车去离他们住所很近的一家修汽车服务站。他们到达后发现没有适合车子的轮胎。“跟我们回家吧”保罗说。这对夫妇打了很多电话还是没有找到轮胎。很不幸,他们决定让克莱用他们的车。“这里”保罗说着递给克莱一串钥匙,“用我们的车吧,我们这个假期正好不用”。克莱惊呆了,“但是我要前往南卡罗尼亚州,我要离开两个星期”她提醒他们。“我们知道”保罗说“我们在这等你回来,这是我们的电话号码,如果你需要的话可以联系我们”。简直不相信她的眼睛,克莱看着这对夫妇将她的行李放在他们的车上,让她开走。两周后她驾车回来,发现她的旧车里外焕然一新,新换了三个轮子,安装了收音机。“非常感谢”她说“我要付你们多少钱?”“哦,不用”保罗说“我们不要任何费用,这是我们的心意”。克莱认识到这可能已经成为他们的乐趣,现在她有责任要将这种“无所求”的精神传递给他人。


【non-dimensionalized】【无量纲化的】===========================================无量纲化(nondimensionalize 或者dimensionless)将一个物理导出量用若干个基本量的乘方之积表示出来的表达式,称为该物理量的量纲式,简称量纲。 它是在选定了单位制之后,由基本物理量单位表达的式子。请参阅百度百科


名词:cililization形容词:civilizational副词:通常是动词后面加-ly,变成副词,但是civilization的副词形式不是很确定是不是应该加 ly后缀

Alizée的《Limelight》 歌词

歌曲名:Limelight歌手:Alizée专辑:Une Enfant Du SiecleLimelightPaul Rudd & Jason SegelI Love You, Man Soundtrack2009.07.30Living on a lighted stageApproaches the unrealFor those who think and feelIn touch with some realityBeyond the gilded cageCast in this unlikely roleIll-equipped to actWith insufficient tactOne must put up barriersTo keep oneself intactLiving in the limelightThe universal dreamFor those who wish to seemThose who wish to beMust put aside the alienationGet on with the fascinationThe real relationThe underlying themeLiving in a fish eye lensCaught in the camera eyeI have no heart to lieI can"t pretend a strangerIs a long-awaited friendAll the world"s indeed a stageAnd we are merely playersPerformers and portrayersEach another"s audienceOutside the gilded cageLiving in the limelightThe universal dreamFor those who wish to seemThose who wish to beMust put aside the alienationGet on with the fascinationThe real relationThe underlying themeLiving in the limelightThe universal dreamFor those who wish to seemThose who wish to beMust put aside the alienationGet on with the fascinationThe real relationThe underlying themeThe real relationThe underlying themeThe underlying theme2009.07.30

Alizée的《Limelight》 歌词

歌曲名:Limelight歌手:AlizéeLimelightPaul Rudd & Jason SegelI Love You, Man Soundtrack2009.07.30Living on a lighted stageApproaches the unrealFor those who think and feelIn touch with some realityBeyond the gilded cageCast in this unlikely roleIll-equipped to actWith insufficient tactOne must put up barriersTo keep oneself intactLiving in the limelightThe universal dreamFor those who wish to seemThose who wish to beMust put aside the alienationGet on with the fascinationThe real relationThe underlying themeLiving in a fish eye lensCaught in the camera eyeI have no heart to lieI can"t pretend a strangerIs a long-awaited friendAll the world"s indeed a stageAnd we are merely playersPerformers and portrayersEach another"s audienceOutside the gilded cageLiving in the limelightThe universal dreamFor those who wish to seemThose who wish to beMust put aside the alienationGet on with the fascinationThe real relationThe underlying themeLiving in the limelightThe universal dreamFor those who wish to seemThose who wish to beMust put aside the alienationGet on with the fascinationThe real relationThe underlying themeThe real relationThe underlying themeThe underlying theme2009.07.30


adj 文明的 有礼貌的 V 使文明 使开化

I realized,swallowing hard,that about half of them had since died.这句话中since什么意思,翻译。




Soil Stabilization

INTRODUTION: Soil stabilization or soil strengthening is often also referred to as engineering treatment of soils. This is not a newtechnology as parts of the Appian Way in Rome were stabilized and are still in use today. The forthcoming programme of infrastructural development National Development Plan 2007—2013 will necessarily involve the construction of roads and railways through some of our most notorious boggy areas. With the development of newtechnologies and the increase in land values particularly around cities and built up areas there has been a large body of research carried out in relation to the developing of sites which would previously have been ignored because of the difficulty in achieving good foundations and the cost involved. Traditionally buildings and other structures sat on a foundation,which in turn sat on a strong sub-soil of clay,marl,gravel,shale or rock. Adequate structural strengths could be achieved,by using foundation such as strip,wide strip,deep strip,pad,beam and raft, bored piles or various combinations of the above. Modern technology nowlooks to more high tech foundations and the practice of strengthening of the soils and sub-soils means that simple foundations can be used where the ground has been improved in this way. Apart from the attraction of developing on difficult soils there is also the benefit that lower costs can be achieved at “normal”locations.TECHNIQUES USED: There are numerous methods of soil stabilization and strengthening. These fall into many categories and each is best suited to a specific construction problem. The solution required may be temporary or permanent.Temporary solutions are to facilitate the stabilization of the soil during construction or demolition work and among the techniques used are ground freezing, slurry trenches, cofferdams and well point systems.If permanent stabilization of soil is required then the type to be used will depend on the level of sub-soil strength required. Where clay banks trenches or embankments are to be stabilized then the best form of construction to use would be soil anchoring,soil nailing, gabions or some form of mesh.Where the ground to be stabilized is to be used to the extent that newconstruction is to rest on the finished ground then one of the following would be considered: dynamic compaction, vibro-compaction,vibro-flotation,pressure grouting and soil modification and re-cycling.If it is required to stabilize ground under an existing building or as part of conservation works then one of the following may be used: pressure grouting,bored mini piles or some of the more traditional methods.We will nowtake a look at some of the techniques mentioned above,particularly those related to permanent forms of construction.Figure 10. 9 Dynamic compaction carried out at reclamation project( 20 t,drop height 25 m)Dynamic Compaction ( Figure 10. 9 ) is the dropping of heavy weights on the ground surface to densify soils at depth. Two systems are commonly used. The first uses a flat bottom tamper but the more modern commonly used type is a cone shaped tamper. Ground conditions suitable for dynamic compaction include natural granular soils, made-up ground and land filled refuse,sites and ground can be compacted up to considerable depths. This technique can also be used where the ground is built up in layers,compacted and then consolidated. While this system would appear to be primitive bearing capacities of between 50 and 150 kN / m2can be achieved. Weights of 10 to 30 tons with drop heights of up to 100 ft have been used. The work is carried out on a grid system using grids varying from 7 ft × 7 ft to 20 ft × 20 ft. Consideration for use must take into account ground water level,relative density,degree of saturation and permeability.Vibro-compaction ( Figure 10. 10 ) ( also called vibro-flotation) is used to densify clean cohesionless soils. Large vibrating mandrels ( vibrating shafts or rods) to penetrate,displace and compact the soil and sometimes water jetting is used. When the mandrel is removed from the ground the subsequent void is filled with stone. The mandrel is then forced back through the stone further displacing and compacting the ground and stone. In this way a column of stone is built up which enhances the bearing capacity of the ground and when a number of these have been made they can be used to support foundations,slabs,hard standings,pavements or tanks. This type of construction can also be used in granular and cohesive soils and has been used successfully belowthe water table.Figure 10. 10 Vibro-compactionFigure 10. 11 Vibro-replacement stone columnsVibro-replacement stone columns ( Figure 10. 11 ) extend the range of soils that can be improved by vibratory techniques. Densification and / or reinforcement of the soil with compacted granular or stone columns is achieved by either top-feed or the bottom-method ( wet or dry methods can be used ) . This is one of the most commonly used methods of soil stabilization. It reduces foundation settlement, increases bearing capacity thus allowing reduction in foundation size,permits construction on fills and permits shallowfoundation construction.Figure 10. 12 Vibro concrete columnsVibro concrete columns ( Figure 10. 12 ) are constructed in the ground with a bottom feed vibratory probe. This technique densifies granular soils and transfers loads through soft cohesive and organic soils. Sometimes it is very effective in reducing settlement and improving bearing capacity of the formation, and so can be used as an economical alternative plan instead of piling.Compaction grouting ( Figure 10. 13 ) uses displacement to improve ground conditions. A very viscous ( low-mobility ) aggregate grout is pumped in stages,forming grout bulbs,which displace and densify the surrounding soil. It has many application and can be used in rubble soil,poorly placed fill, collapsible soils and to compensate for ground loss during tunnelling or other operations. Some of the advantages of this system include pinpoint treatment,speed of installation,wide application range,effective in a wide variety of soil conditions, can be performed in very tight access and lowheadroom conditions, non- hazardous,no waste spoil disposal,non- destructive and adaptable to existing foundations, economic alternative to removal replacement and piling and finally is capable of reaching depths unattainable by other methods.Figure 10. 13 Compaction groutingInjection for Expansive Soil ( Figure 10. 14) ,often referred to as injection stabilization,is an in-situ method of treating expansive clays by an aqueous solution of water,lime slurry or potassium chloride. Injection depths up to 12 ft deep can be achieved under buildings and 40 ft or more under railway sub-grades or land fills. This is regarded as an economical in-situ system,which has been in use successfully for over 30 years. Three fundamental types of injection are used:·Water·Lime or lime /fly ash·Potassium ChlorideThis is regarded as a very complicated area of soil engineering but it has still proved very useful in treating lower strength clays and silts to improve bearing capacity. It is used to treat railway sub-grades problems in high fills. It is also used to treat sub-grade conditions in pavement structures such as airport runways and bridge approaches.Figure 10. 14 Injection systems for expansive soilsFigure 10. 15 Soil mixing ( wet or dry method )Soil mixing ( Figure 10. 15) ,also known as the deep mixing method,is the mechanical blending of the in-situ soil with cementitious materials ( reagent binder) using a hollowstem auger and paddle arrangement. The intent of the soil-mixing program is to improve the soil strength and permeability. Soil mixing can also be used to immobilize and fixate contaminants as well as a treatment system for chemical reduction to a more friendly substrate. The reagent binder is usually delivered in a slurry form and depending on the soil to be mixed may be up to 20% by volume and the process can be delivered as a wet mix or as a dry mix. The material used can be cement,fly ash,ground blast furnace slag,lime,additives or any combination of the above. There are many uses for this system which has been used successfully in excavation support,in-situ walling,port development,tunnelling and foundation support.Soil modification and recycling is becoming more popular with the increased use of brown field,reclaimed and landfill sites for construction projects. The technology used is similar to that used in soil mixing referred to above and plant and machinery has been developed that is capable of operating on all soil type,including contaminated material,breaking up the various layers,then grading and crushing the material before mixing it with additives and relaying it as a compacted hard standing.Conclusion: The above are a number of examples of systems that have been developed to allowfor the construction of major projects on even the most difficult soil and sub-soil conditions. The purpose of the paper is to indicate that it is not necessary to carry out construction in ideal site conditions, bypassing supposedly sub standard conditions, and continuously using good quality land.地基处理部分词汇扩展( 1) 常用地基处理方法 ( Ground treatment method)勘查工程专业英语( 2) 换填法 ( Replacement method)勘查工程专业英语( 3) 排水固结法 ( Consolidation by dewatering)勘查工程专业英语( 4) 强夯法 ( Dynamic consolidation)勘查工程专业英语( 5) 土桩与灰土桩 ( Soil pile and lime soil pile)勘查工程专业英语



请问PEARLIZER是哪种化学产品?cas no是多少? 多谢!

专业的回答 来找我们了解吧

英语写作文:campus civilization

Our generation is the future, more should establish patriotism and collectivism, sets up the broad ideal. Starts from oneself, the minor matter, starts from the side for the red scarf chelseagreat, let us all unite classmates, big hands, determined to become a tight little citizen civilized!Representatives of the national future and we need to learn many things and inheritance, however the most basic question is: we want to go over the baton of human civilization. Students per sow an action, we will reap a habit, Sow a habit that will reap a character, let civilized manners in my heart, with civilization momently, use it to their words and deeds, don"t put civilization behavior as a trivial matter. Let us start from now, from ourselves, the small start from dribs and formed the good habit of civilization, civilized student. Please every one of us take our mouth, say, no spitting, Hold our hands, no littering, no fight, Hold our feet, don"t trample lawn. I believe that, through our joint efforts, all students will create a beautiful campus civilization, good society.It is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, is everyone"s responsibility and obligation. As time goes by, we should use action to prove himself, let civilized bloom in every corner of the country



Spiritualized的《On Fire》 歌词

歌曲名:On Fire歌手:Spiritualized专辑:Let It Come DownTell you where you need to goTell you when you need to leaveTell you what you need to knowTell you who you need to beEverything inside you knowthere"s more than what you heardThere"s so much more than empty conversationfilled with empty wordsAnd you"re on fire when He"s near youYou"re on fire when He speaksYou"re on fire, burning at these mysteriesGive me one more time aroundGive me one more chance to seeGive me everything You areGive me one more chance to be near youWhen everything inside me looks like everything I hateYou are the hope I have for change,You are the only chance I"ll takeWhen I"m on fire when You"re near meI"m on fire when You speakI"m on fire burning at these mysteriesMysteries...I"ve been standing on the edge of mestanding on the edge of mestanding on the edge of mestanding on the edge of mestanding on the edge of everything I"ve never been beforeAnd I"ve been standing on the edge of mestanding on the edgeAnd I"m on fire when You"re near meI"m on fire when You speakI"m on fire burning at these mysteriesThese mysteriesThese mysteriesAh, You"re the MysteryYou"re the Mystery

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initialize运行在init之后. 每个类initialize只会运行一次, init会运行多次. 在程序运行过程中,它会在你程序中每个类调用一次initialize。 runtime 使用了发送消息 objc_msgSend 的方式对 +initialize 方法进行调用 这个调用的时间发生在你的类接收到消息之前, 但是在它的父类接收到initialize之后。 如果子类没有实现 +initialize 方法,那么继承自父类的实现会被调用; 如果一个类的 category 实现了 +initialize 方法,那么就会对这个类中的实现造成覆盖。

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第一先判断jdk是不是和你电脑系统的位数一样第二打开任务管理器看看是不是有个javaw的进程在 先把这个进程关了再试试






Elizabeth I Elizabeth II …… 发音:Elizabeth the first,Elizabeth the second……

我有一个英国硬币 一面是英国女皇照片上面有字母ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA1998


elizabeth cady stanton 的贡献是什么?和她在几几年干国什么事情。please

伊丽莎白凯迪斯坦顿 (Elizabeth Cady Stanton)1815年11月12日生于 纽约州约翰镇,1902年10月26日死于:纽约州纽约市。 伊丽莎白凯迪斯坦顿 是美国女权运动的先驱领袖之一。她也是一个极为优秀的作家及演说家;她跟苏珊布朗威尔安东尼 (Susan B. Anthony) 于1869年成立了全国妇女选举权协会 (National Woman Suffrage Association) 并并肩合作,一起为巩固妇女投票权而努力。终其一生,伊丽莎白凯迪斯坦顿都身为女权的发言人,而她的女儿哈里奥特斯坦顿布莱奇 (Harriot Stanton Blatch) 则继续她母亲的衣钵。Elizabeth Cady Stanton was one of

我有一枚英国的硬币上面印有ELIZABETH.II D.G.REG.F.D.1981

你好!这是英国1981年的1便士硬币正面图案为英国女王伊莉莎白二世肖像背面图案为古城闸门与链条、皇冠NEW PENNY 新便士ELIZABETH.II 伊莉莎白二世英国于1981年实行了币制改革1981之后便士币制:1 Pound (镑) = 100 Pence (便士)1英镑=10.7812人民币元 市场价格1元


elizabethii是加拿大的货币。兑换硬币要注意哪些问题?1, 必须提前预约。兑换硬币要注意的问题之一就是必须提前预约。因为一般的银行网点可能不会准备太多的硬币,因为硬币一般是用来找零的,不会用来兑换,所以在你准备兑换的时候,一定要去提前预约,提前把数额和面值跟对方约好,让对方有个准备。2, 选择距离近的银行。兑换硬币要注意的问题之二就是选择距离近的银行。100个硬币,重量还是不轻,所以为了方便你和回,建议还是选择就近的银行吧。免得让自己长途奔波。拓展资料:一,人民币的单位为元,人民币辅币单位为角、分。1元等于10角,1角等于10分。 扩展资料 自1997年起,中国消费者协会针对涉及消费者人身和财产安全的重大隐患和消费陷阱,以“消费警示”的形式向社会公布,提醒消费者免受危险消费方式的伤害。消费警示制度对指导消费发挥了十分显著的成效,也有力地促进了一些重大隐患问题的解决。 中国消费者协会创办了《中国消费者》杂志和“中国消费者协会信息网”两个权威媒体,作为消费者提供信息和咨询服务的有力途径。 作为向消费者提供消费信息和咨询服务的途径,中国消费者协会于1994年创办了《中国消费者》杂志月刊,辟有比较实验,权威检测,专项调查和消费警示等专栏,为消费者答疑解惑。二、拒收现金投诉电话是多少 消费者如发现拒收或者采取歧视性措施排斥现金的行为,可以通过中国人民银行金融消费咨询热线电话12363等渠道进行投诉、举报,人民银行将会同相关部门及时处理。 根据中国人民银行公告〔2018〕第10号内容规定,中华人民共和国的法定货币是人民币,包括纸币和硬币。任何单位和个人不得以格式条款、通知、声明、告示等方式拒收现金,依法应当使用非现金支付工具的情形除外。 三,中国人民银行公告〔2018〕第10号 1、中华人民共和国的法定货币是人民币,包括纸币和硬币 (以下统称现金)。任何单位和个人不得以格式条款、通知、声明、 告示等方式拒收现金,依法应当使用非现金支付工具的情形除外。 2、在接受现金支付的前提下,鼓励采用安全合法的非现金支付工具,保障人民群众和消费者在支付方式上的选择权。经自愿、平等、公平、诚信协商一致,通过互联网等信息网络方式、 无人销售方式提供商品或者服务、履行法定职责,且不具备收取 现金条件的,可以使用非现金支付工具。银行业金融机构、非银行支付机构不得要求或者诱导其他单位和个人拒收或者采取歧视性措施排斥现金。 3、任何单位和个人存在拒收或者采取歧视性措施排斥现金等违法违规行为的,应当自本公告公布之日起一个月内进行整改。 整改期限届满后仍然存在上述违法违规行为的,由中国人民银行分支机构会同有关部门依法予以查处。 四、不得拒收现金相关法律规定 中华人民共和国人民币管理条例 第二条 本条例所称人民币,是指中国人民银行依法发行的货币,包括纸币和硬币。 从事人民币的设计、印制、发行、流通和回收等活动,应当遵守本条例。 第三条 中华人民共和国的法定货币是人民币。以人民币支付中华人民共和国境内的一切公共的和私人的债务,任何单位和个人不得拒收

硬币背面有ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1971是哪个国家的钱,价值多少人民币?

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