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utilize exert区别internal interior区别

utilize 利用, 使用(指一些设施。一些物品)The cook will utilize the leftover ham bone to make soup.厨师要用吃剩的猪腿骨做汤。exert用(力); 尽(力) 运用, 发挥, 施加(特指人的。主观的。比如才能,权力)He likes to exert his authority.他喜欢行使自己的权力。internal 内部的 (可以形容比较抽象的含义,比如,公司内部,小组内部。)He is talking to Tom on the internal telephone.他正在内线电话上与汤姆交谈。interior 内部 内部的(很具体的,如房子内部)They went into the interior room.他们进了内室。

avalization 是什么

好象是一种向(保证买方一定对卖方付款的)第三方交付的费用。详情见下:Avalizing Party I heard this term recently and searched for a good explanation - here it is:What Does Aval Mean?A guarantee added to a debt obligation by a third party who ensures payment should the issuing person default. The debt obligation could be a note, bond, promissory note, or draft. The third party providing the aval is usually a bank. Since avals can be forged, caution should be taken when accepting these notes. Banks usually only provide an aval to issuers with very good credit ratings. The process of avalizing is performed mainly in Europe. In the United States, banks have restrictions as to what instruments may be provided an aval. What Does Avalize Mean?The act of having a third party (usually a bank or lending institution) guarantee the obligations of a buyer to a seller per the terms of a contract such as a promissory note or purchase agreement. The bank, by "avalizing" the document (usually "by aval" will be written on the document itself), acts as a cosigner with the buyer in the transaction.Investopedia explains AvalizeTo avalize means "to give one"s accord". It is a rarely used but is an effective method of securing the rights of the receiving party in the transaction. This is an obligation that a bank will only take on with lucrative customers. It is seen as an act of good faith by both parties. In Sweden you will find the rules about “aval” in the 4th chapter of the 1932 Draft Act and in the same chapter of the 1932 Check Act.



leverage,exploit,utilize 作动词有什么区别?


sweet nipliz?什么意思?

sweet nipples
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