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英语作文《how to develop good habits》:Develop good behavior habits and control your mouth.Some students speak freely, swearing and swearing come out at random, which makes people extremely disgusted and hurts the harmony of students.Some students do not pay attention to protecting the environment and often spit everywhere, which affects indoor hygiene. It is easy to infect diseases in crowded classrooms.Some students behave even worse. They practice "shooting" with spittle from upstairs at the "enemy" below.How bad these behaviors are. I advise all students to control their mouths and let our mouths really become a window to publicize our civilized image.译文:养成良好的行为习惯要管住自己的口。有的同学说话口无遮拦,脏话、粗话随口而出,让人听了极为反感,也伤了同学的和气。有的同学不注意保护环境,经常随地吐痰,影响室内卫生不说,在人数拥挤的教室里还容易传染疾病。还有的同学行为更糟糕,从楼上对准下面的“敌人”练习用唾沫“射击”。这些行为是多么的不好,我奉劝所有的同学都管住自己的口,让我们的嘴巴真正成为宣传我们文明形象的窗口。