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java boolean boolean用哪个




为一个boolean类型变量赋值时,可使用( )方式

B。这个是基本的语法。(boolean a=(9>=10))表示是一个优先级,编译器在编译时会优先编译括号里面的内容的。你不但可以这样写,还可以这样:((9>=10))。使用方法:1,直接赋值boolean b1=false。2,由条件表达式赋值boolean b2=3>4。3,由另一个boolean变量赋值boolean b3=b1。4,由方法返回赋值boolean b4=list,ready()://假设ready方法返回一个boolean的话程序中boolean为布尔类型变量。扩展资料:boolean 数据类型 boolean 变量存储为 8位(1 个字节)的数值形式,但只能是 True 或是 False。boolean 变量的值显示为 True 或 False(在使用 Print 的时候),或者 #TRUE# 或 #FALSE#(在使用 Write # 的时候)。使用关键字True 与 False 可将 boolean 变量赋值为这两个状态中的一个。在java中boolean值只能是true和false,而不能用0和1代替,并且一定要小写。boolean operate是指布尔运算。在ansys软件中他的下拉菜单会提示进行的布尔运算项目。在有的程序语言中该类型的关键字是bool,如C++,用法相同。参考资料来源:百度百科-Boolean



c 中怎么定义boolean

定义为int型ture 为-1false为0




布尔值. true和false两个值. 表示真假.

java 中boolean与Boolean的区别???

boolean是基本数据类型Boolean是它的封装类,和其他类一样,有属性有方法,可以new,例如:Boolean flag = new Boolean("true"); // boolean 则不可以!Boolean 是boolean 的实例化对象类,和Integer对应int一样自jdk1.5.0以上版本后,Boolean在"赋值"和判断上和boolean一样,即是你: boolean b1 = true ; 或者 Boolean b2 = true ; 都可以。唯一只能使用Boolean上的就是从列表或者哈希表获取值时。比如 boolean t = false;Map map = new HashMap();map.put("t", t);那么获取值时只能用Boolean t1 = (Boolean) map.get(t); //前面只能用Boolean强制转换,不能使用boolean.

BOOL 和 BOOLEAN 两种类型有什么区别?



也不一定非要定义Long 也可以定义long的只是通常会用Long因为在程序中long会有默认值0有时候0是有意义的比如成绩一个人null代表没有成绩0则代表成绩是0这时候没有成绩就该用Long




你想用它干什么就怎么用boolean canAcess=false;if(power>10){ canAcess=true;}return canAcess;


布尔类型 它的值有两种:true false






boolean(布尔型)是一个数据类型,它只有两个值true和false.var b = new Boolean(false);b是Boolean对象实例,它的值是false。但要注意的是,如果判断条件“b && true”,结果却为“true”,原因是此处是用对象b作为条件的,而不是b的值,由于在条件表达式中任何对象都自动转换为“true”,所以产生了不易理解的结果。在实际应用中,很少使用Boolean对象,通常使用的是Boolean原始值,这样可避免上面问题的发生。比如:var b = false;本例的b是一个Boolean类型的变量,它是原始值,不是Boolean对象。扩展资料实例——虽然Boolean类型的字面值只有两个,但ECMAScript中所有类型的值都有与这两个Boolean值等价的值。要将一个值转换为其对应的Boolean值,可以调用转型函数Boolean(),如下例所示:var message =“Hello world!”;var messageAsBoolean = Boolean(message);在这个例子中,字符串message被转换成了一个Boolean值,该值被保存在messageAsBoolean变量中。可以对任何数据类型的值调用Boolean()函数,而且总会返回一个Boolean值。


Boolean 数据类型 Boolean 变量存储为 16 位(2 个字节)的数值形式,但只能是 True 或是 False。Boolean 变量的值显示为 True 或 False(在使用 Print 的时候),或者 #TRUE# 或 #FALSE#(在使用 Write # 的时候)。使用关键字 True 与 False 可将 Boolean 变量赋值为这两个状态中的一个。当转换其他的数值类型为 Boolean 值时,0 会转成 False,而其他的值则变成 True。当转换 Boolean 值为其他的数据类型时,False 成为 0,而 True 成为 -1。

my dear friend clean the table语序对吗?

语序没问题,时态不对。要么cleans,要么is cleaning。




1、c99以前的c语言没有提供布尔变量,因此在c99以前的c中常用int变量来表示布尔变量,一切不等0的值都表示为真,0表示假;2、c99开始c语言提供了bool变量类型来定义布尔变量,bool一字节,如bool f;3、示例:bool f;f=true;printf("%d",f);C语言简介:C语言是一门通用计算机编程语言,应用广泛。C语言的设计目标是提供一种能以简易的方式编译、处理低级存储器、产生少量的机器码以及不需要任何运行环境支持便能运行的编程语言。尽管C语言提供了许多低级处理的功能,但仍然保持着良好跨平台的特性,以一个标准规格写出的C语言程序可在许多电脑平台上进行编译,甚至包含一些嵌入式处理器(单片机或称MCU)以及超级电脑等作业平台。二十世纪八十年代,为了避免各开发厂商用的C语言语法产生差异,由美国国家标准局为C语言订定了一套完整的国际标准语法,称为ANSI C,作为C语言最初的标准。


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 程序设计 >> 其他编程语言 问题描述: 在一段代码中看到了这样的内容,不太了解,请教。 解析: bool是c++中的一个关键字,属于c++类型的一种 boolean是定义来的,下面是boolean的类型定义 typedef unsigned char boolean;


可以的1. bool是基本值类型,Boolean 是对象.2. bool是Boolean的别名.bool是C#中的,Boolean是.net Framework中的。bool就像你的乳名,你爹妈以及你们内部所属成员都认识,Boolean就像你的学名。大家都认识。不过不管按照学名还是乳名称呼你,最终的目的是一样的,还是你这个人。

toilet seat cleaner怎么用


学习英语是leaning english ,为什么不用learn呢,动词ing在这里是怎么用的

leaning english 动名词短语learn 只是动词 不可以单独作为名词使用

求eminem Cleanin Out My Closet 歌词大意

Cleanin Out My Closet 清空壁柜 Eminem 歌手: 阿姆内 Intro: 前奏: Where"s my snare? 我的耳机夹子在哪里? I have no snare on my headphones 我的耳机上没有夹子 There you go 现在开始了 Yeah 耶 yeah 耶 Yo yo 哟 哟 yo yo 哟 哟 Verse 1 第一段 Have you ever been hated, or discriminated against? 你曾经遭人讨厌还是歧视? I have, I"ve been protested and demostrated against 我有,我曾经就被抗议和歧视过 Picket signs for my wicked rhymes, look at the times 纠察员签收到我的有恶意的文(类似“信”)看看时间 Sick as the mind, of the mothafuckin" kid that"s behind 在这混乱后面的全部是孩子,生病的是他妈的心" All this commotion, emotions run deep as oceans explodin" 混乱的象爆炸似的海洋一样深的运转的情感 Tempers flarin" from parents just blow "em off and keep goin" 脾气发火就作为家长把EM吹走,一直走 Not takin" nothin" from no one, give em hell long as I"m breathin" 不接受任何人的什么,当我正呼吸时,长时间惩罚厄门 Keep kickin" ass in the mornin", and takin" names in the evenin" 在早晨踢屁股,并且晚上扣留他人的动产 Leave them with a taste sour as vinegar in they mouth 在他们的醋装腔作势地说且留给他们一酸的口味 See they can trigger me, but they"ll never figure me out 看见他们能引发我,但是他们绝不会理解我 Look at me now, I betcha prolly sick of me now 现在看着我,现在我厌恶这该死的 Ain"t you mama, I"ma make you look so ridiculous now 不是你妈妈,你现在让我看起来如此可笑 妈妈 Chorus (2x) 第二段 I"m sorry mama 对不起妈妈 I never meant to hurt you 我从未想伤害你 I never meant make you cry 我从未想使你哭泣 But tonight, I"m cleanin" out my closet 但是今晚,我清洁我的房间 One More Time 再一次 I said, 我说 I"m sorry mama 对不起妈妈 I never meant to hurt you 我从未想伤害你 I never meant make you cry 我从未想使你哭泣 But tonight, I"m cleanin" out my closet 但是今晚,我清洁我的房间 Ha! 哈! HA 哈 Verse 2 第二段 I got some skeletons in my closet 在我的房间里找到一些纲要 And I don"t know if no one knows it 我不知道是否没有人知道它 So before they throw me inside my coffin and close it 因此在他们在我的棺材里面扔我并且关闭它之前 Imma expose it, I"ll take you back to "73 暴露它,我将把你带回" 73 Before I ever had a multi-platinum sellin" CD 在我有多铂金的出售CD之前 I was a baby maybe I was just a couple of months 我是个婴儿,也许我仅仅只有几个月大 My faggot father must"ve had his panties up 我忘记父亲一定已经有了他一群短裤 "Cause he SPLIT , I wonder if he even kissed me goodbye 结果他劈开,我想知道他是否吻我(说)再见 No I don"t, on second thought I just fuckin" wished he would die 我不是没有,进一步考虑过我只他妈的希望他死 I look at Hailie, and I couldn"t picture leavin" her side 我看着Hailie,并且我不能想象从她身边离开 (的样子) Even if I hated Kim, I"d grit my teeth and I try to make it work 即使我憎恶KIM(他老婆),我将咬紧牙关,我努力使它工作 With her at least for Hailie"s sake I maybe made some mistakes 由于她至少Hailie我或许犯一些错误 But I"m only human but I"m man enough to face "em today 但是我只也是个人,但是我有胆量面对今天的EM(EMINEM) 歌曲试听地址: http://www.yy8844.cn/play/%7B1D13B1E7-6539-436D-B403-770102B50DB2%7D.asp



跪求clean bandit的《rather be》的中文歌词

We"re a thousand miles from comfort,安逸与我们相隔万里 we have travelled land and sea我们赤足跋涉千山万水But as long as you are with me, 只要有你相伴there"s no place I"d rather be我就无处想去I would wait forever, 愿永远守候着你exalted in the scene,为你每一次露面欣喜as long as we"re together, 只要有你相伴my heart continues to beat我的心就小鹿乱撞With every step you take, 一步步小心翼翼Kyoto to The Bay京都海湾处歇脚Strolling so casually步伐随意散漫We"re different and the same, 我们不同又相似gave you another name取了各自的名字Switch up the batteries充足能量 继续前行If you gave me a chance I could take it你若给我机会 我会紧紧抓住It"s a shot in the dark but I"ll make it茫茫夜色中一抹亮色 我会尽力出彩Know with all of your heart, you can"t tame me即使完全了解你的心意 也不能动摇我When I am with you, there"s no place I rather be只要有你相伴 所到之处都是天堂No, no, no, no, no, no, no不 不 不no place I"d rather be我无处想去No, no, no, no, no, no, no不 不 不no place I"d rather be只要有你No, no, no, no, no, no, no不 不 不no place I"d rather be只想和你在一起We set out on a mission, 一路跌跌撞撞to find our inner peace去寻找内心的平静

vb中 optional x as boolean是什么意思

[Public | Private | Friend] [Static] Function name [(arglist)] [As type][statements][name = expression][Exit Function] [statements][name = expression]End Function[Private | Public | Friend] [Static] Sub name [(arglist)] [statements][Exit Sub][statements]End Sub其中的 arglist 参数的语法以及语法各个部分如下:[Optional] [ByVal | ByRef] [ParamArray] varname[( )] [As type] [= defaultvalue]Optional 可选的。表示参数不是必需的。如果使用了该选项,则 arglist 中的后续参数都必须是可选的,而且必须都使用 Optional 关键字声明。如果使用了 ParamArray,则任何参数都不能使用 Optional。ParamArray 可选的。只用于 arglist 的最后一个参数,指明最后这个参数是一个 Variant 元素的 Optional 数组。使用 ParamArray 关键字可以提供任意数目的参数。ParamArray 关键字不能与 ByVal,ByRef,或 Optional 一起使用。

Is there any clean paper in the bag ? There _____ some in the bag


Boolean operators是什么意思

Boolean operators网络布尔运算符; 布尔逻辑算符; 逻辑算符; 布尔算子; 运算元双语例句1Use Boolean operators to perform multiple keyword searches.使用布尔运算符执行多个关键字搜索。

We usually cleaned the classroom on fridays对吗?

usually与一般现在时态连用cleaned改为cleanWe usually clean the classroom on Fridays.

What do you think of his proposal that improvements____in the old type of vacuum cleaner?

A这是一个同位语从句,proposal为先行词,that后引导的从句用(should)+V原desire, advise, recommend, command, direct, order, ask, demand, request, require, insist, maintain, move, propose, prefer, urge, vote等以及它们的派生词也一样

get lean,lose weight的区别

没有问题,loss weight的意思是减肥,weight loss的意思是体重减轻. 这段话的意思是: 每当女生们在一起,减肥是我们常常争论的一个话题.今天,我将向你们展示一些图片,告诉你们一个关于体重减轻后的真实故事. 现在很多人减肥成功与否的根据就是看体重有没有减轻.体重减轻有可能会导致很多问题,作者的下文可能是展示这一情况的.

《Lean In Women》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Lean In》(Sheryl Sandberg)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1JCoV0ext37Jlk-BQ53_qtQ 提取码: tg97书名:Lean In作者:Sheryl Sandberg豆瓣评分:8.3出版社:Knopf出版年份:2013-3-12页数:240内容简介:Thirty years after women became 50 percent of the college graduates in the United States, men still hold the vast majority of leadership positions in government and industry. This means that women"s voices are still not heard equally in the decisions that most affect our lives. In Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg examines why women"s progress in achieving leadership roles has stalled, explains the root causes, and offers compelling, commonsense solutions that can empower women to achieve their full potential.Sandberg is the chief operating officer of Facebook and is ranked on Fortune "s list of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Business and as one of Time "s 100 Most Influential People in the World. In 2010, she gave an electrifying TEDTalk in which she described how women unintentionally hold themselves back in their careers. Her talk, which became a phenomenon and has been viewed more than two million times, encouraged women to “sit at the table,” seek challenges, take risks, and pursue their goals with gusto.In Lean In, Sandberg digs deeper into these issues, combining personal anecdotes, hard data, and compelling research to cut through the layers of ambiguity and bias surrounding the lives and choices of working women. She recounts her own decisions, mistakes, and daily struggles to make the right choices for herself, her career, and her family. She provides practical advice on negotiation techniques, mentorship, and building a satisfying career, urging women to set boundaries and to abandon the myth of “having it all.” She describes specific steps women can take to combine professional achievement with personal fulfillment and demonstrates how men can benefit by supporting women in the workplace and at home.Written with both humor and wisdom , Sandberg"s book is an inspiring call to action and a blueprint for individual growth. Lean In is destined to change the conversation from what women can"t do to what they can.作者简介:Sheryl Sandberg is chief operating officer at Facebook. Prior to Facebook, she was vice president of Global Online Sales and Operations at Google and chief of staff at the U.S. Treasury Department. Sheryl lives in Northern California with her husband and their two children.


cleaningsolution网络清洁液solution 英[su0259u02c8lu:u0283n] 美[su0259u02c8luu0283u0259n] n. 溶液; 解决; 溶解; 答案; [网络] 方法; 整体解决方案; 处理; [例句]Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use greater military force.尽管他试图寻求和平解决,但现在却面临使用更多武力的压力。[其他] 复数:solutions 形近词: solutize dilution volution

copy of clean on board marine surrendered bill of lading 指的是提单什么copy件啊?是电放吗


英语作文cleaners wanted

Several years ago, a middle school in Shanghai announced that students would be required to pull up and remove the weeds growing on the school"s playground. The next day, what did happen was that, instead of doing the work themselves, the students stood in the shade of the buildings and the trees, watching their parents doing the work on their behalf in the midday heat. What a “spectacular” scene of doting parents and spoiled children!The idea and the practice that college students in China should hire cleaners to keep their dorms clean are just an extension of such notorious dotage and spoiling and, as such, constitute an unmistakable indication of our education being truly sick and decadent. Those who advocate and support the contention maintain that, as Chinese families get materially better-off in recent years, college students have the implicit freedom to spend their money on whatever they desire and hiring cleaners to keep their dorms clean can help students save time, which they presumably can spend on their studies. However, such a chain of reasoning is seriously flawed.Admittedly, people could spend their legitimately-earned money on whatever they like; however, they should do so only to the extent that they spend the money on those commodities and services they themselves are incapable of. For each college student sharing a dorm with 4 or 5 roommates, there are at most 3 or 5 square meters of space for him or her to tend to, including the space in the corridor. Keeping such a small space tidy and clean is a piece of cake for any college student as an adult; the labor involved in the process is minimal, so is the time required. When frugality is still a universally acknowledged virtue in the present-day world, spending money on hiring cleaners for a trivial responsibility students are wholly capable of performing themselves is simply an act of money squandering.Managing a dorm one lives in is really assuming responsibilities for one"s own actions. When the dorm gets disorderly and unclean, it is its inhabitants who should get it tidy and clean. In performing the cleaning him/herself, a college student learns to share the responsibility for managing a public space of which one is a part. The student also shows respect for the common welfare of the entire dorm. Cleaning one"s own dorm is a necessary process whereby one becomes a responsible person.What actually lies behind such a contention is a deep-entrenched contempt for manual labor and the argument that hiring cleaners could help students save time and devote to their studies is a mere pretext. Typically, college education is not dominated by heavy loads of coursework and a college student has ample time to manage his/her own affairs apart from his or her studies. Usually, those students who claim they are too busy to clean their own dorms are most often found otherwise preoccupied with playing computer games or shopping. They refuse to do manual labor because they tend to regard themselves as elites or the “chosen ones” once they succeed in entering a college. As self-styled elites, they believe they are bound for white-collar careers and thus have the privilege to stay aloof from menial work of a blue-collar worker.This naturally leads to a serious question regarding the ultimate aim of our education. No one denies the importance of learning but acquiring learning is only part of the college education. Essentially, college education is about the development of a whole person, who can apply the knowledge and the skills in diverse intellectual spheres to cope with the challenges ahead and turn one into a person instrumental to our society. Barack Obama is a living example of how a responsible person can grow into a global leader. What are most impressive about this first Afro-American president of the United States are not those impassioned speeches he has made about “Yes, Change We Can” but his readiness to serve the society through practical social work. On January 19, 2009, just one day before his inauguration, the president-elect worked as a volunteer at the Sasha Bruce Youthwork Shelter, painting the walls of the dormitories for homeless teens. This illustrates that the avoidance of physical labor is never the mark of a true elite.In the Chinese labor market, recent years have already witnessed an alarming surplus of college graduates, among whom a considerable proportion has found it hard to be employed. One of the reasons for their unemployment is their failure to acquire effective skills to solve practical problems. This constitutes a sharp contrast with the Japanese corporate culture in which newly-recruited college graduates start their professional careers not with the fundamentals of office work, but with the cleaning jobs in the company toilets. By forming their character and shaping their willpower, toilet cleaning enables Japanese college graduates to become CEOs of many influential multinational companies. This culture is echoed in South Korea where the Minister of the National Treasury worked part-time as toilet cleaner in the wake of the Asian financial crisis about a decade ago. How could we expect Chinese college students to be future leaders, on national and global scales,when they even refuse to mind their own business of cleaning their dorms?It is well articulated that “those who are ordained for a lofty mission should first be subjected to the most rigorous intellectual and physical hardships.” If learning and knowledge can “civilize one"s mind”, doing physical labor can serve to “brutalize one"s physique.” Instead of being reciprocally repulsive, those two impulses are what a college student ought to cultivate in the equal measure. Whether or not college students should hire cleaners to take care of their dorms is not a matter of money or of time, but a matter of whether we expect to develop ourselves into men of integrity, responsibility, and maturity. To the extent that Chinese college students should cultivate healthy and productive value orientations, they should take every precaution against becoming spoiled by the materialistic well-being that the country as a whole is currently experiencing. After all, there are provinces of human behavior where money cannot and should not exert its impact because such behavior is measured not in terms of money but in terms of moral values.范文2Recently there are reports in newspapers and internet that most of students of FuDan University who live in newly-built students flat or off-campus housing hire clernness from housekeeping services ,which brings about an intense debate between those students and teachers of the university and also among our society .Facing with the new inclination among our college students ,different people hold different opinions .Some students deem that hiring cleaners as a new form of efficiency which deserves nothing to be accused while some of administers believe that it is an pretense to escape from nsibility.Even someone think that the hiring of clean service is a sign indicating that students are becoming harmonious with society, and what causes those who hold the viewpoint of doing cleanness to think so is their tradditional opinion that colledge students is a separate group of society .As far as I am concerned,I think the argument is not reasonable enough . The main reason for my propensity for the opposite opinion is as follows .It is the reality that our college students have to cope with a great deal of events of our daily life besides study ,and which also occupy a part of our time andenergy to some extent .In addition,with the rapid development of our science and technology ,our society offer us more services than before .However it can not be the excuse for us to hire cleaners,and support the idea that hiring cleaners means being harmonious with society and doing cleanness means separation from society which cannot stand to reason.Of course,as students of university ,we have achived the age of adultsand shouldnot keep away from our society ,however,as everyone can see that, there are accountless approaches to get in touch with our society besides hiring cleaners.For instance,We can find some part-time jobs and participate some activity associates which can greatly contribute to our contacting with and get harmonious with our society .Maybe someone will argue that these things may account for a lot of time of them , and causethem cannot do well in their study . It is unreasonable to stand by,I think.As long as we make full use of our time and efficiently arrange our time ,we will succeedly make it. Without doubt ,numerous examples can be found in newspapers ,Tvs andinternet .With the same age as ours,the main characters of such events can deal with it ,why we cannot ?Even some students spend much of time on playing vidio games and some meaningless things rather than doing cleanness by their own and join in the activity.How can we explain this phenomenon ?Are they busy with their study ?Of course they do not .In addition ,some aspect also deserves some words here .As college students ,we certainly should do everything that we can solve and cultivate the habit of undertaking responsibility and being independent .In the event which we are discussing ,we also should make clear where the money used to hire cleaners comes from .If it is earned by ourselves ,we of course can hire such services.Can such students be called adults ? The general definition for adult is ,at least he or she should be independent .So from this angle hiring cleaners is improper for our students .In a word ,we had better do cleaning by our own rather than hiring cleaners because it only takes a little part of our time and we can easily be good at our study at the same time as long as we arrage our time efficiently and make full use of it.

有人知道一欧美博主leandra medine吗

莉安德拉·梅丁 (Leandra Medine) 是来自美国的时尚博主,同时也是一名作家。虽然没有天使般的容颜和魔鬼般的身材,但是莉安德拉·梅丁 (Leandra Medine) 凭借独特的视角和善于经营的头脑使自己脱颖而出。她的穿衣搭配张扬、粗犷、毫不做作,有一些大女人的强势,又不乏有趣的幽默感。她的时尚博客名为“The Man Repeller”,Leandra每天都会将当下的时尚事件与元素以自己独特的、更为幽默的方式呈现给大家。对于博客的名字,莉安德拉·梅丁 (Leandra Medine) 曾经向《每日邮报》这样解释道:“好的时尚会让女性产生愉悦感,而不是男人,所以一旦流行了某种趋势,我们就会爱上它,而男人却很讨厌它。这就是时尚最奇妙的地方了。”莉安德拉·梅丁 (Leandra Medine) 出生于纽约,是土耳其犹太人和伊朗犹太人的后裔。她在纽约市上东区的拉玛兹学院念完中学,有三个兄弟:Haim、Henry和Mark。莉安德拉·梅丁 (Leandra Medine) 在2010年创立了博客“The Man Repeller”,并将这作为一项兴趣爱好坚持了下来。开办博客是Leandra和后来在Women"s Wear Daily当记者的朋友Rachel Strugatz某天在Topshop购物的途中萌生的想法。当时她们正在开玩笑地说好多时髦的东西都是男人排斥的,比如酸洗哈伦裤和巨大的垫肩。然后Leandra忽然说了句:“这不就可以写成一个博客吗!”于是The Man Repeller就这样诞生了。2012年,莉安德拉·梅丁 (Leandra Medine) 以“年度最有影响力的潮流先锋”的名号登上了福布斯“Top 30 Under 30”的榜单。与此同时,她的博客The Man Repeller还被《时代》杂志评为“2012年最佳25个博客”之一,并且获得了2012年Bloglovin奖的“最佳综合博客”奖项。莉安德拉·梅丁 (Leandra Medine) 已经拥有超过169,900个Twitter听众和455,000个Instagram粉丝以及130,200个Facebook关注者。不仅如此,在博客成立的初期,整个网站的制作者只有Leandra一个人,而现在她已经雇佣了3名全职员工来帮助她完成销售和文字的工作。莉安德拉·梅丁 (Leandra Medine) 曾经与许多服装以及配饰设计师共同合作推出过限量系列,包括Gryphon、鞋履品牌Del Toro和Superga、珠宝系列Dannijo和服装系列PJK。她和Dannijo的创始人Danielle和Jodie Snyder也是很要好的朋友。2012年9月,Leandra在彭博电视台的节目《Surveillance Midday》上宣布自己近期正在撰写一本集合自己文章的散文集,该

lean principles是什么意思

lean principles精益原则;精实原则;精实原理与原则;精益理论很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

lean production,lp怎么读

要读音?灵 普瑞达克星 诶偶屁lean英[li:n] 美[lin]production英[pru0259u02c8du028cku0283n]美 [pru0259u02c8du028cku0283u0259n,pro-]lp直接念作L P



英语Lean Production怎么翻译?

lean production同lean manufacturing,意思为“精益生产,精实生产”


1. 学习更轻松、快速。2. 学习更省时省力,复习功课时间只需传统学习方法时间的1/5-1/10,且知识记得更牢固。3. 轻松建立应考网络知识防御体系,考试时见到试题便知在考什么,怎么答,轻松拿高分。4. 有效缓解并消除学生由于学习疲劳产生的厌学心理;5. 腾出更多时间实现孩子全面发展。中国有句古话叫“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”,说的是传授给人以知识,不如传授给人学习知识的方法。道理其实很简单,鱼是目的,钓鱼是手段,一条鱼能解一时之饥,却不能解长久之饥,如果想永远有鱼吃,那就要学会捕鱼的方法。对鱼没有欲望的人,授之以渔没有半点意义。针对这一问题,该中心按“授人以鱼,不如授人以渔;授人以渔,不如授人以欲。“的理念,针对存在一定学习心理负担,导致对学习产生冷漠、畏惧或抵触心理的学生提供学习心理减负引导。

in the classroom where we lean是什么意思


lean forward是什么意思


lean over 是什么意思

lean over 是倾身的意思

老笔记本Windows 10 Lean在哪下载?如何安装?


《Lean Thinking》中文译本


谁有CCTV9主持人Michele Lean资料

中国中央电视台九频道 (英语) 主持人之一(Travelogue 节目 和 Centre Stage 节目): Michele Lean (CCTV International)蔺 蘼, 或 米歇尔. 莱恩, 全名 Michele Yi Wen Samantha Lean , 1982年9月1日 出生于 (西)马来西亚 的首都 吉隆坡 (Kuala Lumpur), 小学是在吉隆坡的英式学校 Garden International School, 中学去了用英语授课的香港 Island School, 大学飘洋过海到澳大利亚著名学府 墨尔本大学 主攻大众传媒;她工作之外好静, 喜欢旅行, 家里还有两个妹妹; 此外, 她同时具有 法属 塔希提岛人 (Tahitian) 和 印尼 沙捞越人(Iban) 的血统。 Michele Lean is a television host for CCTV International, the English channel on the CCTV network. She divides her time between three programs, Travelogue, Center Stage and Culture Express. Born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and raised in Hong Kong and Melbourne, Australia, she started her career as a commercial talent, model and actor in Melbourne, while juggling her studies in Media and Communications at the University of Melbourne. She has interned for CNN (Hong Kong), The Herald Sun (Australia), TBWA-ISC (Malaysia) and The Sun newspaper (Malaysia), amongst others. While she initially dreamt of being a writer and news anchor, it was her passion for performing that won out and lead her to the TV screens. Michele"s nomadic nature drew her to China, a place she expected nothing from and in return gained so much from, both personally and professionally. Michele is not an in-borne performer and at most times prefers to observe than command attention but it is her love for the art of performance that drives her out of her shell and into the spotlight. Like most actors, she is an extrovert and introvert and while she likes her privacy, she finds her place is on a film set and TV studio. In October 2008, she will take time off to further her acting skills at the New York Film Academy and looks forward to gracing the silver and TV screens in the near future.

Lean WMS 是哪个公司开发的仓库管理系统吗?还是说是WMS的一种术语?

LeanWMS仓库管理和物料控制系统的核心设计团队成员都来自于长期为国际顶级制造企业提供厂内物流规划服务的资深人员,致力于通过信息化手段帮助现代企业应对在智能制造、工业4.0升级背景中,对厂内物料管控日益增长的精细化、实时化、自动化、无人化、集装单元化、集成化需求。现在已经成功帮助多家行业领头的国际化企业客户成功实施了涵盖了上述特征化需求的现代厂内物料控制系统。LeanWMS在国内由林福科技 (LeanFour Technologies) 运营,总部位于广州。

英语Lean to do还是doing?

是learn to do,动词不定式后面跟动词原形。

Lean 6s什么意思

Lean 6S应该是精益6S的合称。就如同Lean Six sigma是精益六标准差一样。6S是 5S+安全。5S是整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养。Lean 是Lean Manufacturing精益生产。两者合在一起,不外乎代表两个层面的意思:将精益生产与6S结合在一起实践,另一个则是以6S为中心来展开改善,前者比较偏向精益生产,后者比较偏向6S。有兴趣请到:http://www.leantpm.com.tw 有详细的相关资料可以参考。





lean to do sth from sb 和lean sth from sb有什么区别

两个句型表达的意思是一样的,只是形式不一样lean to do sth from sb ,learn后面接的是动词 ,例如:He learned to ride a bike at the age of ten. 他十岁的时候学习骑自行车。lean sth from sb,learn后面接的是名词或者名词短语,例如:We should learn good habit from each other.我们应该互相学习各自好的习惯。

lean 和against的区别

首先词性就有区别,如果你想问的是against当靠的意思的情况,前者是动词 靠在什么东西上,后面这个是介词比如 He slewed the car against the side of the building. 他的车滑到了大楼的一侧,抵住了。此外这两个词也可以连着用。就是指的 靠在... 倚在...



请问一下这种单词 lean 或 gasoline 最后音标[liu02d0n]是读 "林"还是 "里恩"?


lean period 是什么意思 ?




什么是lean production

精益生产(Lean Production)又称精良生产,其中“精”表示精良、精确、精美;“益”表示利益、效益等等。精益生产就是及时制造,消灭故障,消除一切浪费,向零缺陷、零库存进军。它是美国麻省理工学院在一项名为“国际汽车计划”的研究项目中提出来的。它们在做了大量的调查和对比后,认为日本丰田汽车公司的生产方式是最适用于现代制造企业的一种生产组织管理方式,称之为精益生产,以针对美国大量生产方式过于臃肿的弊病。精益生产综合了大量生产与单件生产方式的优点,力求在大量生产中实现多品种和高质量产品的低成本生产。丰田生产方式又称精细生产方式,或精益生产方式。

Lean 精益 or Six Sigma六西格玛 怎么选?

Lean 精益 or Six Sigma六西格玛 怎么选?精益六西格玛是精益生产与六西格玛管理的结合,精益六西格玛管理的目的是通过整合精益生产与六西格玛管理,吸收两种生产模式的优点,弥补单个生产模式的不足,达到更佳的管理效果。精益六西格玛不是精益生产和六西格玛的简单相加,而是二者的互相补充和有机结合。按照所能解决问题的范围和复杂程度,精益六西格玛包括了精益生产管理和六西格玛管理。根据精益六西格玛解决具体问题的复杂程度和所用工具,我们把精益六西格玛活动分为精益改善活动和精益六西格玛项目活动,其中精益改善活动全部采用精益生产的理论和方法,它解决的问题主要是相对简单的问题。精益六西格玛项目活动主要针对相对复杂问题,需要把精益生产和六西格玛的哲理、方法和工具结合起来进行突破性改善。传统六西格玛项目主要解决与变异有关的复杂性问题,例如控制一个过程的产品一次通过率等等;而精益六西格玛项目解决的问题不仅包括传统六西格玛所要解决的问题,更要关注并解决那些与变异、效率等都有关的" 综合性" 复杂问题 , 例如不但要控制一个过程的产品一次通过率,还要优化整个生产流程,简化某些动作,缩短生产提前期,而且简化这些动作和过程变异的控制有直接联系。组织通过实施精益六西格玛管理,组织流程可以在以下方面获得收益:1、减小业务流程的变异、提高过程的能力和稳定性、提高过程或产品的稳健性;2、减少在制品数量、减少库存、降低成本;3、平衡生产节拍、缩短生产准备时间、准确快速理解和响应顾客需求;4、改善设施布置、减小生产占用空间、有效利用资源;5、提高顾客满意度、提高市场占有率。


该方法综合系统认知、温故知新、循序渐进、学用结合、举一反三等传统学习方法的优点,结合大脑获取、处理知识和信息的机理,以及大脑信息存储、遗忘、唤醒与激活机理,通过知识体系化、记忆减量化、理解场景化、思维逻辑化、复习快速化、考试检索化,建立从知识导入、巩固、应试的规范化流程,实现学习时间投入少、学习效果好,考试得分高的效果。为了确保广大青少年朋友有效运用该法,真正实现学习时间投入少、学习效果好,考试得分高这一效果,该中心运用该学习与应试法的基本原理和方法,针对各科及每本教材整理出了具体的知识学习与应试指导手册,避免了以往学生学会了方法但不会结合运用或结合运用而花费大量时间和精力。家长们心照不宣的一个事实:现在中小学生的学习更多的不是智力的较量,而是体力和精力的较量。人类社会每次跨跃式发展都是建立在一个新方法的发明发现和运用基础之上的生产力的解放,学习是青少年朋友的生产活动,“Lean –learn”学习法的掌握和运用将带来学习的大解放。








no lean

lean in是什么意思

"Lean in"是一个短语,源自谢丽尔·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)的同名著作《Lean In:Women, Work, and the Will to Lead》。它的基本含义是指女性积极参与工作场所,争取领导地位,并追求职业成功。这个短语强调了女性自我主张、勇于表达意见和采取行动的重要性。源自谢丽尔·桑德伯格以下是”Lean in"的扩展概念,以及与之相关的五个要点:1.职业自信:"Lean in"鼓励女性培养自信心,相信自己的能力和价值,并勇敢追求自己的职业目标。2.积极参与:该概念鼓励女性积极参与工作场所的活动,包括发表意见、参加会议、加入专业组织等。积极参与有助于建立影响力和展示领导潜力。3.寻找导师:找到有经验、有影响力的导师,接受他们的指导和支持,是"Lean in"的重要组成部分。导师可以提供职业建议、分享经验,并在职业发展中提供支持。4.平衡工作与家庭:"Lean in"倡导寻找工作与家庭之间的平衡,并提倡建立支持性的家庭和职业环境。这可能包括灵活的工作安排、共享家务、寻求家庭支持等。in5.建立支持网络:与其他有类似目标和经历的人建立联系,形成支持网络是”Lean in”的关键。这样的网络可以提供支持、鼓励和资源共享,帮助女性在职业道路上取得成功。这些扩展概念帮助解释了"Leanin"更广泛的含义,强调了女性在职业生涯中的自我主张、积极参与、争取平衡和寻求支持的重要性。

lean muscle car是什么意思

muscle car:美国俚语]大力士中型汽车,大功率高速中型汽车,lean则是术语:精益生产,通俗来说就是制作精良的“肌肉车”。望采纳,谢谢~~





lean 和 six sigma 有什么本质上的区别或者联系

Lean:你可以理解为速度,即提缩短生产时间,减少时间成本。six sigma:你可以理解为减少变异,可以举个例子:99%的合格率在我们看来已经是很高了,但是当你的生产超过百万时,平均一百万就有10000的变异,six sigma的标准是百万分之3.4,即良品率达到99.9997%,两个数据一对比,答案很明显了。所以现在很多大型企业都会执行Lean six sigma


Lean指的是紫水饮料,而这种饮料被认为是由休斯敦的说唱歌手DJ Screw和Pimp C推广;Lean也被称为"Purple Drink",“Mud”“Sizzurp”;由处方级咳嗽糖浆与软饮料(大部分人会选择雪碧)和软糖(看个人也有人加硬糖)混合而成;Lean起源于德克萨斯州的休斯顿,在嘻哈亚文化或居住在美国南部的人群中很受欢迎,很多说唱歌手都把它当做一种娱乐“饮料”和创意灵感的来源;90年代初,Lean只不过是休斯顿当地的一种鸡尾酒,当时一些音乐人会将玫瑰果和啤酒混合在一起;从那之后,就演变成了一种Drug,首先影响了南方的嘻哈,后来影响来来自全球各地的明星Rapper;如今,几乎无处不在:Migos和Gucci Mane在歌词中不断的提到;Lil Wayne(之前好久就是Lean喝多了,在飞机上引发癫痫),Future还有Chief Keef在社交媒体上经常发关于饮用Lean的照片。


Lean也被称为"Purple Drink",“Mud”“Sizzurp”。由处方级咳嗽糖浆与软饮料(大部分人会选择雪碧)和软糖(看个人也有人加硬糖)混合而成。Lean起源于德克萨斯州的休斯顿,在嘻哈亚文化或居住在美国南部的人群中很受欢迎,很多说唱歌手都把它当做一种娱乐“饮料”和创意灵感的来源。注意:如果你在MV中看到说唱歌手拿着一个double cup(关于为什么他们使用2层套杯,第一是因为保持Lean的凉度,第二是因为单层杯Lean容易从泡沫杯里渗出到杯子表面),就像在Future的MV“Codeine Crazy”或者是Young Thug“Again”的MV中,那它很有可能就是Lean。90年代初,Lean只不过是休斯顿当地的一种鸡尾酒,当时一些音乐人会将玫瑰果和啤酒混合在一起。从那之后,它就演变成了一种Drug,首先影响了南方的嘻哈,后来影响来来自全球各地的明星Rapper。如今,它几乎无处不在:Migos和Gucci Mane在歌词中不断的提到它;Lil Wayne(之前好久就是Lean喝多了,在飞机上引发癫痫),Future还有Chief Keef在社交媒体上经常发关于他们饮用Lean的照片。


lean,slender,slim,slight,thin 这些形容词均有“瘦的”之意. lean侧重缺少脂肪.既可能是因病而瘦,也可能因饥饿而消瘦;也指身体消瘦,但肌肉结实,身体健康. slender指身体细长、体态优美、苗条适中,多用于指女性. slim指身体的细长,体重轻不着重外形的优美,可用于不同的性别,常用于减轻体重的人. slight指身材又瘦又小. thin普通用词,指腰细、骨架窄,常因疾病或疲劳而消瘦. thin指“肉不多的”,有时指“因病、过劳、缺乏养分等而缺少正常的肌肉”,如: Her illness left her very thin. 她的病使她消瘦多了. lean指“自然的瘦,其肌肉很坚实”,强调“缺乏脂肪的”,如: He is lean and brown. 他又瘦又黑.


精益应该是一种思想吧。不是部门精益是对英文Lean的一种翻译,Lean的一般含义,是指事物的一种极端或一种倾向,是带有瘦弱、贫瘠、细小、干瘦、扁平、精确、精准含义的一个英文词汇。把这个词汇用于一种思想的描述、一种生产方式的描述、一种有效事物的描述,人们选用精益这个词汇,是非常妥贴的。精益这个词汇,在中文里是“精益求精”的简称。反映的是“少而精” 的概念,能够非常妥贴地表述上个世纪末在发达国家出现的“精益思想”、“精益企业”、“精益生产”,以及在农业、工业、建筑业、物流乃至军事领域的一种趋势。

请问lean, slim, slender, thin 有咩分别?

a. lean 1. (肉)无脂肪的 精瘦的 Lean meat is healthier for you than fatty meat. 对你来说 瘦肉比肥肉更有利于健康。 2. (人或动物)瘦的 A lean and hungry cat came to our door. 一只饥饿的瘦猫走到我家门口。 3. 贫瘠的;贫乏的;收益差的 It"s been a lean year for business. 这是生意清淡的一年。 4. 缺乏营养的 slim a. 1. 苗条的;纤细的 A rigid diet will make you slimmer. 严格节食会使你身材苗条。 a. slender 1. 修长的 苗条的;纤细的 She"s got a beautiful slender figure. 她身材优美苗条。 2. 细长的 The spider hung suspended on its slender thread. 蜘蛛悬挂在它吐出的细丝上。 a. thin 1. 薄的;细的;瘦的 She looks thinner than before. 她看上去比过去瘦了。 2008-04-21 12:37:12 补充: toned 2. 腔调 语气[C] He spoke in a tone of mand. 他用命令的口吻说话。 3. 声调 语调[C] Mandarin Chinese has four tones. 汉语有四声。 a. 1. 蜷曲的;蜷缩的 curly hair 鬈发 2. 有鬈发的 a curly headed girl 长著一头鬈发的姑娘 2. 呈波浪形的;起伏的 wavy hair 波浪形的头发

“lean” 和 “six sigma” 有什么本质上的区别或者联系?

一、精益生产精益生产(Lean Production)是美国麻省理工学院的研究小组对日本汽车工业的生产管理方式进行调查研究之后,对这种生产方式所赋予的名称。实际上,原来在日本并没有这样的一种名称。研究小组认为日本汽车工业(特别是丰田汽车公司)之所以取得成功,正是由于他们采用了这种新的生产方式,而且这种生产方式将取代20世纪初开始的大批量生产方式,在世界上产生重大的影响。精益中的”精”是完美、周密、高品质的意思,而“益”表示利益、效益。精益生产是指通过消除企业所有环节上的不增值活动,来达到降低成本、缩短生产周期和改善质量的目的。精益生产有两大支柱。其一为Just In Time(JIT),即准时生产。它不采取预测性或计划性的生产,仅在接到客户的订单之后才开始依照订单的产品规格、数量及交货时间组织生产,以降低库存资金积压及呆滞品库存增加的风险。另一支柱为自动化(Jidoka)。与传统的追求“高速度、大产量、多用机”的自动化截然不同,它是以最低的成本制造出“适速化、专用化、小型化”的自动机器,以使不论大批量还是小批量的产品都能够快速、合格地被制造出来。围绕着这两大支柱的是TOYOTA总结出的一系列独特的改善技法,如“看板化生产”、“标准作业”、“平准化生产”等等。其实这些技法还略嫌粗放,TOYOTA要求工人在更细的细节上实现这种技法,由此提出了“改善(Kaizen)和连续改善”的基础理念,以把看得见的浪费最大程度地消灭,同时把看不见的浪费也最大程度地消灭。二、六西格玛上世纪80年代中期,摩托罗拉开始推行六西格玛,1987年到1989年,质量水平提高了10倍,并于1988年获得了首届美国国家质量奖(鲍德里奇奖)。1989年到1991年,质量水平又提高了10倍,并在4年的时间内节约了22亿美元。90年代中期,联合信号、通用电气等国际知名公司开始推行六西格玛,并取得了显著的经济效益。尤其是通用电气,时任总裁Jack Welch在六西格玛的推行方面力度非常大,成效卓著,公司业绩的增长在华尔街引起震撼效果。90年代末期到本世纪初,世界上的知名公司纷纷开始引入六西格玛,如美国的福特、戴尔、卡特彼勒,韩国的三星、LG、日本的东芝等,并且绝大多数公司均取得了明显的收益,由此掀起了六西格玛管理的热潮。六西格玛是一项以数据为基础,追求几乎完美的质量管理方法。西格玛是希腊字母σ的中文译音,统计学用来表示标准偏差,即数据的分散程度。对连续可计量的质量特性,用"σ"度量质量特性总体上对目标值的偏离程度。西格玛水平是一种表示品质的统计尺度,任何一个工作程序或工艺过程都可用西格玛水平表示。六个西格玛可解释为每一百万个机会中有3.4个出错的机会,即合格率是99.99966%。而三个西格玛的合格率只有93.32%。六西格玛的管理方法重点是将所有的工作作为一种流程,采用量化的方法分析流程中影响质量的因素,找出最关键的因素加以改进从而达到更高的客户满意度。六西格玛是在九十年代中期开始从一种全面质量管理方法演变成为一个高度有效的企业流程设计、改善和优化技术,并提供了一系列同等地适用于设计、生产和服务的新产品开发工具。继而与全球化、产品服务、电子商务等战略齐头并进,成为全世界上追求管理卓越性的企业最为重要的战略举措。六西格玛逐步发展成为以顾客为主体来确定企业战略目标和产品开发设计的标尺,追求持续进步的一种质量管理哲学。三、精益和六西格玛比较精益和六西格玛在支持企业使命方面具有追求完美和持续改进的相同目标。六西格玛偏重于突破改进;精益则是从基础出发,通过积累达到最终目标。在价值观和企业文化的层面,精益和六西格玛对客户、流程、团队及价值驱动都具有相同的观念,也存在互补的不同之处。精益追求的是速度,通过减少浪费达到JIT;六西格玛追求的是质量,用数据驱动,通过减少波动达到消除缺陷。从战略规划层面,精益和六西格玛都能达到提高竞争力、促进运营改进、降低成本、提高质量、提高客户满意度和提升员工能力的效果。精益以快速响应市场变化为主要着眼点,关注交货周期、库存量、多品种小批量生产;六西格玛强调与战略目标的结合,关注客户,提高流程能力。精益和六西格玛唯一可能的冲突就是没有实施整合,发生资源冲突。从方法论的角度,精益和六西格玛都是战略目标驱动,从系统出发,从局部到整体的改进,以适当控制手段维持改进成果。精益以减少浪费为原则,通过价值流分析寻找问题,设计一个未来流程并逐步改进,遵循P-D-C-A循环;六西格玛以减少波动为原则,通过把现实问题转换成统计问题,通过问题的定义、测量、分析、改进和控制达到绩效提升。在工具使用方面,精益和六西格玛除流程分析和瓶颈分析之外,几乎没有重叠。精益以“流”为主线,定性工具丰富,视觉控制手段多,注重整体的布局和平衡;六西格玛则以流程为主线,定量分析工具丰富,应用统计推论,注重决策的风险控制。精益和六西格玛两种方法论主要致力改进的地方,显示了其希望达到不同的目的。精益以消除非增值活动为目的,核心是提高运营的速度;六西格玛的目的是减少变异和波动,不排斥消除非增值,但在减少偏差,尤其是增值活动的偏差更有效,核心是增加一致性,减少和消除缺陷。四、精益六西格玛精益和六西格玛两种方法论的弱点可以由另外一个补偿。六西格玛对精益方法的补偿体现在能更有效地发现与常识相左的微妙因果关系;精益对六西格玛的补偿体现在促进快速改变有更丰富的手段。精益和六西格玛两种方法论之间存在互相重叠的部分,流程增值性分析是一致的,强调标准化与控制是一致的,部分分析方法是相似的(如时间分析、Patero分析等)。精益和六西格玛两种方法论之间互相补充,只实施其中之一,会使问题解决不充分,或者在改进中遇到困难。真正的需求是综合精益和六西格玛两种理念,即精益六西格玛,通过消除浪费,我们创造效率;通过减少散布,我们创造品质。因此,通过精益六西格玛可以更快速地生产出客户所需要的高质量的产品。
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