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toilet seat cleaner怎么用

2023-07-20 07:56:08





Public toilets。toilet是一个英语单词,常用作为名词、动词使用,作名词时意思是“厕所,盥洗室;梳妆,打扮”,作及物动词时意思是“给…梳妆打扮”,作不及物动词时意思是“梳妆,打扮”。一、单词释义。1、汉语释义。toilet:洗手间;坐便器;梳洗。2、双语释义。厕所,洗手间:a room containing a toilet。洗漱,打扮:the act of washing and dressing oneself。二、词组短语。1、toilet paper:卫生纸,厕纸。2、toilet seat:马桶座圈。3、public toilet:公厕;人民公厕。4、toilet bowl:抽水马桶。5、toilet soap:香皂。三、双语例句。1、Where is the ladies" toilet?女厕所在那里?2、Every flat has its own bathroom and toilet.每套公寓都带有洗澡间和盥洗室。3、I must buy some toilet requisites.我必须买些卫生间必需品。4、The sewer in the toilet was blocked.卫生间的下水道堵住了。
2023-07-19 23:27:471


seat 座位
2023-07-19 23:28:104


toilet seat cover
2023-07-19 23:28:433


2023-07-19 23:28:524


Things men tell their buddies that they don"t tell their wives and girlfriends. 1. Yes it"s about sex. Men like sex men like variety. Men like women that enjoy sex enjoy variety and are active partners in sex. 性。男人喜欢性,希望自己的女友也一样喜欢性,希望女人主动。 2. A man is less likely to feel romantic if a woman is making his life miserable. If you want to cuddle don"t start a fight over leaving the toilet seat up or not taking out the garbage Buzzkill. 男人排斥女人干涉自己的个人习惯,讨厌女人为一点点小事争吵。 3. Men are passionate about the things women hate. In general when men tell you they don"t like cartoons stoner movies action movies motorcycles South Park sports firearms the Simpsons and ESPN etc. they are lying so that they can have sex with you. 男人对女人讨厌的事情很在意。他会为了接近你,而告诉你自己不喜欢你讨厌的东西。 4. Men don"t like women"s entertainment. I"d rather eat glass than watch Bridget Jones but I"ve watched it for sex. 男人不喜欢女人玩的东西,他们宁愿吃玻璃也不愿看肥皂剧。 5. There"s only 24 hours in a day. Eight hours of sleep ten hours at work o hours mute 90 minutes at the gym and 90 minutes cooking eating and washing up leaves only one hour each day for "us" or "me" time. Keep your expectations reasonable and share. 不要将男人看的太死。一天只有24个小时,除了8小时睡觉,10小时工作,2小时公交,90分钟健身,90分钟做饭吃饭,洗澡,每天就只有1个小时是我们能在一起的。 6. Women have cold hands feet butts and other body parts. Men are not your personal heaters. Warm them or keep them to yourself. 男人不是电热毯,不要总想着让他们给你暖牀。 7. A man"s willingness to put up with a women"s b.s. is directly proportional to how hot they are. Yes men will kiss a beautiful women"s ass for sex that doesn"t mean you"re going to get the same treatment. 男人对女人的付出和女人的魅力成正比的,如果你很美,我会愿意为你做每一件事,反之就难了。 8. When women say they want to sit down and talk men hear "I"m pissed." You never want to talk about things we like like sports so telling us you want to talk sends us the signal that you want to bring up something that"s bothering you. You might fool us once in a while by actually wanting to talk about something the other sex is interested in. Men have to it"s called dating. 当女人说我们坐下来好好谈谈的时候,她们是在说“我很生气”。因为女人根本不会和我好好聊我喜欢的体育,所以男人知道女人想找他们的茬了。 9. Men hate dating because we have to lie. Lying isn"t fun. We can"t wait to be married so we can really tell you how we feel about Bridget Jones. Unless he"s a jerk a man"s happiest day is when he no longer has to lie to have sex. 男人讨厌约会。因为他们必须在约会上不停地撒谎。 10. Working out doesn"t count unless you sweat. We don"t want to hear about how tough your yoga class was if all the girls in class are wearing makeup. 流汗了才是真正地累了。男人不相信女人说累了,因为她们总是划着好好的妆。
2023-07-19 23:29:351


从单词的左边往右边看,以一个元音加上其左边的辅音为一个音节。如果该元音前面没有辅音,那它就是独立的一个音节;如果两个元音字母相接,那就视为两个音节。 如果一个辅音后面没有原因,那么它也被视做单个的音节。
2023-07-19 23:29:453


考 网 英语口语 频道为网友整理的《西餐厅日常实用英语口语对话》,供大家参考学习。 第一节:礼貌用语 ◎ 问候(Courtesy English) Good morning/afternoon/evrning, sir/madam 早上好/下午好/晚上好! Merry christmas 圣诞快乐! Happy New Year! 新年快乐! Nice to meet you 很高兴见到您! Welcome to happy hour (欢迎光临西餐厅) Have a good time ! 祝您在餐厅过的愉快! ◎ 电话用语(Telephoto sentences) Wait a moment, please 对不起,请稍等! Sorry , he is no in at the moment 对不起,他暂时不在! I beg you pardon ? 对不起,(我听的不太清楚!/您能再说一遍吗?) Gould you speak a little slower ,please? 请稍微讲慢一点,好吗? ◎ 谢用语(Thanks and answer) Thank you 谢谢! It is very kind of you 谢谢,您真客气! You are welcome 不用谢! It is my pleasure 非常高兴为您服务! I am at your service 我随时愿为您服务! That is all right 没关系! ◎ 征询语(Consult) What can I do for you? 我能为您做点什么? What is your suffestion? 您有什么意见或建议吗? Excuse me , may I hace your name ? 对不起,请问尊姓贵名? What would you like ? 请问您爱吃点什么? ◎ 指路(Asking and giving directions) This way ,please 这边请! It is next to the table ! 它紧靠着桌子! It is opposite the table ! 它在桌子的对面! I will ake you there 我带您去! Where is the toilet ? 请问洗手间在哪? You first , please ! 您先请! ◎ 提醒用语 (recalling words) Watch your steps 请走好 Be careful, please 请当心 Don`t be worried 不要担心 Take it easy 别紧张 Please do not smoke here 请别在此抽烟 Please do not leave anything behind 请别忘了您的东西 ◎ 道歉(Apology) I am sorry 对不起 Sorry to keep you waiting 对不起,请您久等了 Wait a moment ,please .I will ask somebody to handle it 请稍等,我去叫人来处理 ◎ 告别(Farewall) Goodbye 再见 See you later 再见 Good night 晚安 See you tomorrow 明天见 Have a good/nice trip 旅途愉快 Good luck 祝您好运 Goodbye and thanks for coming 再见 多谢光临 Goodbye and hope to see you again 再见,欢迎下次再来 I am glad to serve to you 很高兴能为您服务 第二节、餐厅常用单词 ◎ 职位(Position) General Manager 总经理 Manager 经理 Supervisor 主管 Captain 领班 Waitress 餐厅女服务员 Waiter 餐厅男服务员 Cooker 厨师 ◎ 地点 卫生间 toilet 收银台 cashier 前厅 lobby 吧台 bar table 厨房 kitchen 二楼 the second floor ◎ 用具 餐刀 knife 叉子 fork 勺子 spoon 铁板 tie-ban 托盘 tray 沙拉碗 salad-bowl 咖啡勺 coffee spoon 汤碗 tureen 餐巾 napkin 一副筷子 a pair of chop stick 牙签 toothpick 醋瓶 cinegar cruet 胡椒瓶 pepper-bottle 精盐 salt cellar ◎ 口味特点 甜 sweet 酸 sour 苦 bitter 辣 hot , peppery 咸 salty 臭的 stinking ◎ 饮料菜单 1、冰淇淋:Ice Gream 香草冰淇淋vanilla ice gream 哈密瓜hami melon (冰淇淋) 草莓strawberry(冰淇淋) 巧克力chocolate (冰淇淋) 芒果 (冰淇淋) 2、珍珠奶茶 珍珠奶茶 pearl milk tea 3、四季饮品系列 all time drinks 纯牛奶 milk 七色果茶 fresh fruit tea 现磨蓝山咖啡 blue mountain coffee 现磨巴西咖啡 brazil coffee 卡布基诺咖啡 拿铁咖啡 轻松咖啡 4、冰点系列cold drink 草莓冰沙strawberry sorbet 凤梨沙冰pineapple sorbet 5、鲜榨果汁系列 fresh fruit juice 西瓜汁 watermelon juice 苹果汁 apple juice 哈密瓜汁 hami melon juice 柠檬汁 lemon juice 爱琴海(双色果汁)orange with watermelon juice 胡萝卜苹果汁 carrot with apple juice 鲜橙汁 orange juice 6、酒水饮料 wine and drink 可乐(听)coca cola 雪碧 (听)sprite 啤酒 beer 解百纳干红葡萄酒 dry red wine ◎ 菜单 1、西餐 丁骨牛排 T"bone befsteak package 纽西兰牛展排 QQ牛排 鸭排 豪亨世家特色牛排 澳洲牛排 Australian beefsteak package meal 深海鱼排 黑胡椒牛排 Sablefish steak package meal 菲力牛排 Fillt beefsteak package meal 鸡排套餐 Black pepper chicken steak package meal 猪排套餐 Pock chop steak package meal 带骨牛小排 Bone beefsteak package meal 沙朗牛排 New york cut beefsteak package meal 蝴蝶羊排 2、意大利面 spaghtti 牛肉番茄意大利面 spaghtti tomato beef sauce 黑椒牛肉意大利面 spaghtti black pepper bef sauce 3、中式套餐 炖肉套餐 海鲜日本豆腐套餐 红烧鱼套餐 飘香鸭肉套餐 咖喱鸡套餐 Chicken curry package meal 排骨套餐 Pork rlb curry package meal 田鸡套餐 Frog curry package meal 牛腩套餐 Stewed beef with home-made sauce package meal 4、单点 西式煎蛋 western frying egg 生菜沙拉 vegetable salad 缤纷自选沙拉 luxuriant salad buffet 玉米浓汤 strong corn soup 奶油蘑菇汤 mushroom with cream soup 法式面片 fench style bread 布丁pudding 青菜 vegetable 米饭 rice 蒸蛋 steamed egg 汤soup 开胃小菜 delicious dish 第三节 服务程序对话 服:欢迎光临西餐厅!welcome to happy hour 服:先生/女士,请问几位呢? Table for how many people, please? 服:里边请!this way please/这边坐好吗?would you like to sit here ? /不好意思满座了,请稍等一下好吗? Sorry,.the seat is not available now. please wait a momet./您请坐! Sitdown please ! 服:这是我们的菜单,请看一下! Here"s our menu ,sir/madam. 服:请问现在可以为您点菜了吗? M ay I take your order now ,sir/madam 服:先生/小姐,要来点什么餐品? What would you like to have ? 客:有什么好吃的?what is special here 服:西餐最有特色,来份黑胡椒牛排怎么样? Westren food ,what about a black pepper beef steak package? 客:好的,就来一份吧。 Ok .I need one 服:好的,那先生您呢? Ok .what about you ,sir? 客:来份丁骨牛排吧! I want a T-bone beef steak. 服:祝您用餐愉快! H ave a good meal 客:小姐,结帐!多少钱? Waitress ,check-out, how much is it ? 服:一共63元,谢谢!稍等会找您零钱!sixty three yuan please, thank you.I will give change back to you later. 服:找您37元。Return 37 yuan 客:谢谢! You are welcomed 服:请走好,欢迎您下次光临! Take care, Welcome to haohengshijia again 服:好的,请问牛排要几分熟? How would you like your beef ? 客:黑胡椒牛排要5分熟,丁骨要全熟,谢谢! Blacke pepper beef steak mediumrare. T –bone well done. Thanks. 服:好的,要加什么酱汁的? Ok , And what kind of sauce would you like ? 客:黑胡椒汁,香草各一。Blacke pepper sauce and vanila sauce. 服:还要来点什么喝的饮料吗? What would you like something to drink ? 客:来瓶青岛啤酒,一杯奶茶。 One bottle QingDao beer. One cup of milk tea . 服:好的,啤酒要冰的吗?奶茶要热的还是冰的? Ok .Ice beer or normal one ? Hot milk tea or ice one ? 客: 是的,要冰的。Ice one . 服:好的,请稍候! Ok ,wait a moment please! 客:请问卫生间在哪里?where can I wash my hands?/where is the toilet ? 服:直走往左拐/请跟我来吧! Follow me please! 客:谢谢! Thank you ! 服:这是……(红茶、汤、沙拉、面包、牛排),请慢用! Here`s your (tea/soup/salad/brdad/beef). Enjoy your meal ,sir/madam! 客:小姐,我的牛排怎么还没有来? Waitress ,when can I have the beef steak? 服:很抱歉,我马上去催,请稍候片刻! Sorry ,I`m going to check it out now. one moment,please. 客:小姐,牛排是不是太生了?waitress, the steak is a little tender for me . 服:很抱歉,帮您加熟一点好吗? Sorry for that. May I help you to heat it ? 客:谢谢! Thank you 服:请问几位觉得食品合口味吗? How is your dinner ?hou is your meal ? 客:小姐,来点纸巾。/加点茶!/加碗米饭 waitress ,I need some papertowel ./more tea please/more rice please. 服:好的,马上来! Ok ,It is coming. 服:不好意思,打扰了,这个餐具可以帮你撤走吗? Excusme, may I take this away? 服:祝您用餐愉快! Have a good meal 客:小姐,结帐!多少钱? Waitress ,check-out, how much is it ? 服:一共63元,谢谢!稍等会找您零钱!sixty three yuan please, thank you.I will give change back to you later. 服:找您37元。Return 37 yuan 客:谢谢! You are welcomed 服:请走好,欢迎您下次光临! Take care, Welcome to haohengshijia again
2023-07-19 23:30:231

急!求不同国家礼仪 英文的

French Table Manners French table manners are really different from China. For example, you are not supposed to put your bread on your plate. You are supposed to put it on table! I thought that was pretty strange! And you are not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit! (You have to cut it up and eat it with fork.) Another thing is that it is very rude to say you" re full. If you don"t want any more food, you should say, "It was delicious" Also, it"s rude to put your hands in your lap. You should always keep your hands, but not your elbows, on the table. As you can see: French table manners are very different!望采纳~~
2023-07-19 23:30:312


英 [tilit] 美 [tlt] 。toilet是一个英语单词,常用作为名词、动词使用,作名词时意思是“厕所,盥洗室;梳妆,打扮”,作及物动词时意思是“给…梳妆打扮”,作不及物动词时意思是“梳妆,打扮”。一、单词释义。1、汉语释义。toilet:洗手间;坐便器;梳洗。2、双语释义。厕所,洗手间:a room containing a toilet。洗漱,打扮:the act of washing and dressing oneself。二、词组短语。1、toilet paper:卫生纸,厕纸。2、toilet seat:马桶座圈。3、public toilet:公厕;人民公厕。4、toilet bowl:抽水马桶。5、toilet soap:香皂。三、双语例句。1、Where is the ladies" toilet?女厕所在那里?2、Every flat has its own bathroom and toilet.每套公寓都带有洗澡间和盥洗室。3、I must buy some toilet requisites.我必须买些卫生间必需品。4、The sewer in the toilet was blocked.卫生间的下水道堵住了。
2023-07-19 23:31:181

toilet seat cover是一次性马桶坐垫纸么?

2023-07-19 23:32:051

Shake That Ass 歌词

歌曲名:Shake That Ass歌手:The Lovemakers专辑:Interscope Presents: Club BangersShake ThatShady, AftermathThere she goes shaking that ass on the floorBumpin and grindin that poleThe way she"s grindin that poleI think I"m losing controlGet buzzed, get drunk, get crunked, get fuucked upHit the strip club don"t forget once get your dick rubbedGet fucked, get sucked, get wasted, shit facetedPasted, blasted, puke drink up, get a new drinkHit the bathroom sink, throw upWipe your shoe clean, got a routineKnowin still got a few chunks on your shoestringKnowin I was dehydrated till the beat vibratedI was revibed as soon as this Bitch is gyratedAnd hips and licked them lips and that was itI had to get Nate Dogg and his sing some shitTwo to the one from the one to the threeI like good pussy and I like good treesSmoke so much weed you wouldn"t believeAnd I get more ass than a toilet seatThree to the one from the one to the threeI met a bad bitch last night in the DLet me tell you how I made her leave with meConversation and HennesseyI"ve been to the muthafuckin mountain topHeard muthafuckers talk, seen and droppedIf I ain"t got a weapon I"ma pick up a rockAnd when I bust yo ass I"ma continue to rockGetcha ass of the wall with your two left feetIt"s real easy just follow the beatDon"t let that fine girl pass you byyeLook real close cause strobe lights blindWe bout to have a party (turn the music up)Let"s get it started (Go head shake your butt)I"m lookin for a girl with a body and a sexy strutWanna get it poppin baby step right upSome girls they act retardedSome girls are bout it bout itI"m lookin for a girl that will do whatever the fuckI say everday she be givin it upShake that ass for me, shake that ass for meCome on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meOhh girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meCome on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meI"m a menace, a dentist, an oral hygentistOpen your mouth for about four or five minutesTake a little bit of this flouride ???Swish but don"t spit it, swallow and I"ll finishYeah me and Nate d-o double gLooking for a couple bitches with some double d"sPop a little champagne and a couple E"sSlip it in her bubbuly, we finna finna have a partyHave a party (turn the music up)Let"s get it started (Go head shake your butt)I"m lookin for a girl I can fuck in my hummer truckApple Bottom jeans and a big ol suckSome girls they act retardedSome girls are bout it bout itI want a bitch that sit at the crib with no panties onKnows that she can"t but she won"t say noNow look at this lady all in front of me, sexy as can beTonight I want a slut, will you be mine?I heard you was freaky from a friend of mineI"ma hope you don"t get mad at meBut I told Nate you was a freakHe said he wants a slut, hope you don"t mindI told him that you like it from behindShake that ass for me, shake that ass for meCmon girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meOhh girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meCmon girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meWe bout" to have a party (turn the music up)Let"s get it started (go ahead shake that butt)I"m lookin for a girl with a body and a sexy strutWanna get it poppin baby step right upSome girls they act retardedSome girls are bout it bout itI"m lookin for a girl that will do whatever the fuckI say everday she be givin it upThere she goes, shaking that ass on the floorBumpin and grindin that poleThe way she"s grindin that poleI think I"m losing controlGod, come one(Eminem makes noises)I ain"t leavin" without you bitchCome here home with meAmple boy, and his boy, and this boy, and this gurlhaha, they call(deep breathing)(deep breathing)
2023-07-19 23:32:131

Shake That Ass 歌词

歌曲名:Shake That Ass歌手:Le Monde专辑:VzducholodShake ThatShady, AftermathThere she goes shaking that ass on the floorBumpin and grindin that poleThe way she"s grindin that poleI think I"m losing controlGet buzzed, get drunk, get crunked, get fuucked upHit the strip club don"t forget once get your dick rubbedGet fucked, get sucked, get wasted, shit facetedPasted, blasted, puke drink up, get a new drinkHit the bathroom sink, throw upWipe your shoe clean, got a routineKnowin still got a few chunks on your shoestringKnowin I was dehydrated till the beat vibratedI was revibed as soon as this Bitch is gyratedAnd hips and licked them lips and that was itI had to get Nate Dogg and his sing some shitTwo to the one from the one to the threeI like good pussy and I like good treesSmoke so much weed you wouldn"t believeAnd I get more ass than a toilet seatThree to the one from the one to the threeI met a bad bitch last night in the DLet me tell you how I made her leave with meConversation and HennesseyI"ve been to the muthafuckin mountain topHeard muthafuckers talk, seen and droppedIf I ain"t got a weapon I"ma pick up a rockAnd when I bust yo ass I"ma continue to rockGetcha ass of the wall with your two left feetIt"s real easy just follow the beatDon"t let that fine girl pass you byyeLook real close cause strobe lights blindWe bout to have a party (turn the music up)Let"s get it started (Go head shake your butt)I"m lookin for a girl with a body and a sexy strutWanna get it poppin baby step right upSome girls they act retardedSome girls are bout it bout itI"m lookin for a girl that will do whatever the fuckI say everday she be givin it upShake that ass for me, shake that ass for meCome on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meOhh girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meCome on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meI"m a menace, a dentist, an oral hygentistOpen your mouth for about four or five minutesTake a little bit of this flouride ???Swish but don"t spit it, swallow and I"ll finishYeah me and Nate d-o double gLooking for a couple bitches with some double d"sPop a little champagne and a couple E"sSlip it in her bubbuly, we finna finna have a partyHave a party (turn the music up)Let"s get it started (Go head shake your butt)I"m lookin for a girl I can fuck in my hummer truckApple Bottom jeans and a big ol suckSome girls they act retardedSome girls are bout it bout itI want a bitch that sit at the crib with no panties onKnows that she can"t but she won"t say noNow look at this lady all in front of me, sexy as can beTonight I want a slut, will you be mine?I heard you was freaky from a friend of mineI"ma hope you don"t get mad at meBut I told Nate you was a freakHe said he wants a slut, hope you don"t mindI told him that you like it from behindShake that ass for me, shake that ass for meCmon girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meOhh girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meCmon girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meWe bout" to have a party (turn the music up)Let"s get it started (go ahead shake that butt)I"m lookin for a girl with a body and a sexy strutWanna get it poppin baby step right upSome girls they act retardedSome girls are bout it bout itI"m lookin for a girl that will do whatever the fuckI say everday she be givin it upThere she goes, shaking that ass on the floorBumpin and grindin that poleThe way she"s grindin that poleI think I"m losing controlGod, come one(Eminem makes noises)I ain"t leavin" without you bitchCome here home with meAmple boy, and his boy, and this boy, and this gurlhaha, they call(deep breathing)(deep breathing)
2023-07-19 23:32:201

Shake That Ass (Original) 歌词

歌曲名:Shake That Ass (Original)歌手:Antranig专辑:Shake That AssShake ThatShady, AftermathThere she goes shaking that ass on the floorBumpin and grindin that poleThe way she"s grindin that poleI think I"m losing controlGet buzzed, get drunk, get crunked, get fuucked upHit the strip club don"t forget once get your dick rubbedGet fucked, get sucked, get wasted, shit facetedPasted, blasted, puke drink up, get a new drinkHit the bathroom sink, throw upWipe your shoe clean, got a routineKnowin still got a few chunks on your shoestringKnowin I was dehydrated till the beat vibratedI was revibed as soon as this Bitch is gyratedAnd hips and licked them lips and that was itI had to get Nate Dogg and his sing some shitTwo to the one from the one to the threeI like good pussy and I like good treesSmoke so much weed you wouldn"t believeAnd I get more ass than a toilet seatThree to the one from the one to the threeI met a bad bitch last night in the DLet me tell you how I made her leave with meConversation and HennesseyI"ve been to the muthafuckin mountain topHeard muthafuckers talk, seen and droppedIf I ain"t got a weapon I"ma pick up a rockAnd when I bust yo ass I"ma continue to rockGetcha ass of the wall with your two left feetIt"s real easy just follow the beatDon"t let that fine girl pass you byyeLook real close cause strobe lights blindWe bout to have a party (turn the music up)Let"s get it started (Go head shake your butt)I"m lookin for a girl with a body and a sexy strutWanna get it poppin baby step right upSome girls they act retardedSome girls are bout it bout itI"m lookin for a girl that will do whatever the fuckI say everday she be givin it upShake that ass for me, shake that ass for meCome on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meOhh girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meCome on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meI"m a menace, a dentist, an oral hygentistOpen your mouth for about four or five minutesTake a little bit of this flouride ???Swish but don"t spit it, swallow and I"ll finishYeah me and Nate d-o double gLooking for a couple bitches with some double d"sPop a little champagne and a couple E"sSlip it in her bubbuly, we finna finna have a partyHave a party (turn the music up)Let"s get it started (Go head shake your butt)I"m lookin for a girl I can fuck in my hummer truckApple Bottom jeans and a big ol suckSome girls they act retardedSome girls are bout it bout itI want a bitch that sit at the crib with no panties onKnows that she can"t but she won"t say noNow look at this lady all in front of me, sexy as can beTonight I want a slut, will you be mine?I heard you was freaky from a friend of mineI"ma hope you don"t get mad at meBut I told Nate you was a freakHe said he wants a slut, hope you don"t mindI told him that you like it from behindShake that ass for me, shake that ass for meCmon girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meOhh girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meCmon girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meWe bout" to have a party (turn the music up)Let"s get it started (go ahead shake that butt)I"m lookin for a girl with a body and a sexy strutWanna get it poppin baby step right upSome girls they act retardedSome girls are bout it bout itI"m lookin for a girl that will do whatever the fuckI say everday she be givin it upThere she goes, shaking that ass on the floorBumpin and grindin that poleThe way she"s grindin that poleI think I"m losing controlGod, come one(Eminem makes noises)I ain"t leavin" without you bitchCome here home with meAmple boy, and his boy, and this boy, and this gurlhaha, they call(deep breathing)(deep breathing)
2023-07-19 23:32:401

谁有Eminem shake that 翻译?

eminem 是个美国饶舌音歌手,他的歌骂人骂的挺有水准的我估计这句话的意思是eminem震撼XXX
2023-07-19 23:32:492


同学你好,感谢你对新东方课程的支持以元音结尾的音节称为开音节,以辅音结尾的音节称为闭音节 音节:音节是读音的基本单位,任何单词的读音,都是分解为一个个音节朗读。 在英语中元音特别响亮,一个元音可构成一个音节,一个元音和一个或几个辅音音素结合也可以构成一个音节。 一般说来,元音可以构成音节,辅音不响亮,不能构成音节。但英语辅音字母中有 4 个辅音[m],[n],[ng],[l]是响音,它们和辅音音素结合,也可构成音节。它们构成的音节往往出现在词尾,一般是非重读音节。 英语的词有一个音节的,两个音节的,多个音节的,一个音节叫单音节,两个音节叫双音节,三个音节以上叫多音节。如:take 拿,ta"ble 桌子,pota"to` 马铃薯,pop`ula"tion 人口,congrat`ula"tion 祝贺。tel"ecommu`nica"tion 电讯 划分音节的方法: 1.元音是构成音节的主体,辅音是音节的分界线。 2.两辅音之间不管有多少个元音,一般都是一个音节。如:bed 床,bet 打赌,seat 坐位,beat 毒打,beaut 极好的 beau"ty 美。 3.两元音字母之间有一个辅音字母时,辅音字母归后一音节,如:stu"dent 学生,la"bour 劳动。 4.有两个辅音字母时,一个辅音字母归前一音节,一个归后一音节,如:let"ter 信,win"ter 冬天。 5.不能拆分的字母组合按字母组合划分音节。如:fa"ther 父亲,tea"cher 教师。 1)音节按读音可以分为开音节和闭音节 开音节又可以分为绝对开音节和相对开音节 (1) 绝对开音节:是指一个元音字母后面没有辅音字母而构成的音节,例如:we, hi, yo-yo (2) 相对开音节:是指一个元音字母后面有一个辅音字母(除r)之外,最后是一个不发音的e构成的音节,如:take, make 在开音节中,这个元音字母发“字母”本身音,例如hi|hai|, use|ju:z| (3) 闭音节:指元音字母后面有辅音字母(辅音字母r除外)构成的音节,如:leg, cross 2)音节按重读可以分为重读音节和非重读音节 重读音节: 指在双音节或多音节词中有一个发音特别响亮的音节,叫重读音节,用重音符号“`”标于相应位置,其他音节为非重读音节,如begin |begin|,单音节词作重读处理,但不标重音符号。 英语单词的重音位置: 重读音节 单词中读音特别响亮的音节。重读符号为“ ”,标注在重读音节前左上方,如::[t m r u],也可以直接在单词里标注,如:to morrow。次重读符号“ ”,标注在重读音节前左下方。 在双音节词和多音节词中,必有一个音节读得较其他音节重而强,这个音节称为重读音节。其余的音节读得轻而弱,称为非重读音节。有的多音节词可能有两个重音,其中一个是主要重音,另一个是次重音,或两个都是主要重音。主要重音用 “ ”表示,加在重读音节前的左上方;次重音也用“ ”表示,但加在次重音节前的左下方。 单音节词 单音节词多数是重读音节,标记读音时不需要使用重读符号。例如: bag [b03] book [buk] club [klb] bird [b:d] snail [ snel] fish [f] pitch [p] fridge [frd] school [sku:l] 双音节词 双音节词通常第一个音节重读。例如: borrow → bor-row letter → let-ter daughter → daugh-ter window → win-dow toilet → toi-let manage → man-age student → stu-dent teacher → teach-er menu → men-u 注: teacher 一词中的 ch 划分到前一个音节中,主要是为了保留主干词 teach 的完整性。 多音节词 多音节词通常在倒数第三个音节上重读。在多音节单词中有时还要使用次重读符号 “” ,用来说明其中的元字组要按重读音节中的读音规则发音。
2023-07-19 23:32:581


1) Good morning/afternoon Can I help you sir/madam? 2) Please wait for awhile/ just a moment please sir/madam 3) May be I can go with you this way please madam 4) Would you like some coffee or tea please madam 参考: self knowledge 1) Good morning (Good afternoon) Sir/ Madam! May I help you? 客人 would usually respond: I have an appointment with xxx at x o"clock. Then it will be time to call your colleague to advise that the 客人 has arrived. Then you"ll say: 2) One moment please. Please have a seat while I ask my colleague xxx to join (meet) you. 3) This way please. (then you can show the 客人 to the toilet while walking) 4) Excuse me. What would you like to drink? We have Chinese tea coffee and soft drinks. 1. good morning / good afternoon may i help you ? 2. please wait for a moment. 3. 洗手间 ?? let me show you the way to washroom. 其实你讲完呢句之后一路带佢行就得 到达门口就话 here it is. 4. which one do you prefer tea or coffee ? 2007-09-05 17:07:44 补充: or 4. which one do you like tea or coffee ? / would you like trying some tea or coffee ? 参考: meee
2023-07-19 23:33:041


What can I help you?有什么可以帮你的?Can you tell me where the bathroom is?你可以告诉我厕所在哪吗You position in the third row of the one in the window.你位置的第三列靠窗户的那个Trouble to help me get a dink.麻烦帮我拿一瓶饮料
2023-07-19 23:33:142


2023-07-19 23:33:254


happy-page-earth-habit-ten-nose-easy-yard-deep-panda-an-name-east-tape-empty-year-red-dress-sad-dad-down-noon-near-rabbit-talk-key-you-under-right-to-our-radio-of-fish-hand-die-empty-yours-safe-enjoy-youth-hat-tooth-happy-your-read-dark-king-get-tea-apple-elect-taxi-ink-kilo-off-face-end-death-hamburger-race-earn-nod-dairy-yellow-walk-kill-lake-eight-temple-English-heath-help-paper-rank-kitchen-hair-race-eat-time-Easter-ring-grow-wall-learn-neck-kite-else-England-dance-e-mail-let-term-member-rice-excuse-eye-exercise-evening-good-door-run-new-want-than-November-ruler-rain-nurse-eraser-rest-taste-everything-go-ok-knife-envelope-everybody-yes-stop-pen-need-draw-wife-eighteen-moment-toilet-towel-long-girl-lunch-how-waiter-real-love-eighty-young-glass-seat-tent-that-teacher-relative-equal-lamp-piano-on-nation-nine-eager-roll-laugh-his-smart-trousers-start-TV-visit-think-jump-pin- newspaper-running-grandpa-April-lesson-no-other-rather-rock-keeper-raise-excited-develop-peach-hundred-December-room- minus-shop-problem-museum-mum-mother-ride- earache- earphone-edge-effect-thief-foot-tin-night-today- (yo-yo)-old-different-telescope-economy-yet-tell-look-know-when-north-human-next-test-teenager-ready-yourself-football-letter-raincoat-tenis-style-education-nut-this-sun-national-leave-enough-half-fat-type-exciting-German-niece-except-textbook-kiss-sweet-thinking-government-talent-tip-puzzle-expensive-even-not-title-effort-tired-dirty-yourselves-success-succeed-do-October-rent-telephone-either-result-television-novel-last-theater-restaurant-together-repeat-teach-handbag-gain-nature-excellent-tear-reporter-refer-reason-number-return-now-wind-diamond-disturb-basketball-latter-record-discuss-sale-earthquake-engine-energy-yesterday
2023-07-19 23:33:342


【 #英语资源# 导语】在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.教师节英语作文范文   Teacher"s Day is coming. I want to send a gift to my beloved teacher.   What would you like? Send a bunch of flowers? A little poem? No, I want to use the brush in my hand to draw a portrait that can best express my feelings to the teacher. First, draw the teacher"s hair. Due to overwork, a little white hair appears on the teacher"s head too early. I devoted myself to painting and looked at the silver hair in my pen, which reminded me of my memories.   One evening last summer, there was a sudden rainstorm. The students were picked up by their parents one after another, leaving me alone. My mother was on a business trip and my father was busy at work. Looking at the dark day, I couldn"t help crying on my seat. My heart kept calling: Dad, why don"t you pick me up! At this time, a hand was gently placed on my shoulder. I thought it was my father and jumped up happily. It"s a teacher. I"m a little embarrassed. The teacher dried my tears and said, "ah, it"s so big that it still falls golden beans!" I couldn"t help laughing. I looked up and saw the teacher"s white hair. I was so grateful that I didn"t know what to say. On the way home, I felt the teacher trembling. It turned out that the teacher was afraid of me getting wet and put most of her raincoat on me, but half of her body was drenched. I was moved to tears.   Draw the teacher"s hair and eyes. On the drawing paper, the teacher"s eyes are like stars in autumn night, kind and bright, as if looking at me kindly. That day, in Chinese class, I saw the toy oil pen on the desk. My hand itched. I unconsciously stretched out and played secretly under the desk. It happened to be seen by the teacher. She looked at me with reproach and concern. I felt guilty and quickly put my hands on the table and listened to the teacher carefully... Looking at the teacher"s portrait and her kind eyes, my respect and affection for the teacher deepened further.   Ah! Dear teacher, I love you! 2.教师节英语作文范文   For us personally, from small to large, we have been blessed by our teachers. On the road of life, it is the teacher"s earnest instruction to teach us the truth of life; On the way to knowledge, it is the teacher who enlightens the mind with science, inserts ideal wings for us, and lets us roam in the ocean of knowledge.   Whenever I think of my teacher, it seems that a spring breeze blows in front of me. It was so warm and genial, like a silent drizzle, slowly blowing open the beautiful flowers at the bottom of my heart.   Teacher, do you remember that lunch break? The students were sleeping on their desks. Suddenly, there was a strong wind and rainstorm outside. Bursts of cool wind blew into the classroom, disordering your hair and students" clothes. You are about to get up and do something. Suddenly you seem to think of something and sit down again... Oh, I see you take off your high heels, walk gently to the window and close the window quietly. Ah! Teacher, are you afraid to wake up the sleeping children! Teacher, do you know? At that moment, I felt like a child living in the arms of my mother. At that moment, I think you are like a wisp of spring breeze, quietly blowing past us.   Teacher, do you remember that hot afternoon? We met at the entrance of the stairs. I said, "Hello, teacher"! You smiled sweetly, came over and gently pulled my collar: "is it hot?" Suddenly, you found those red and swollen vesicles on my neck and asked with concern“ Ah! What"s the matter? Did the mosquito bite? " I nodded gently. I didn"t expect you to bring me mosquito repellent toilet water the next morning. At that moment, I was surprised and moved. Looking at the envious eyes of the students, the bottom of my heart seems to pass a wisp of spring breeze, warm and happy. 3.教师节英语作文范文   In the summer night, the cool wind is blowing, the cicadas are chirping continuously, and the moon is looming under the cover of the clouds. The light and dark are changeable. It is as beautiful as the immortal"s dream left in the world   This reminds me of a poem you often say, "people have joys and sorrows, the moon has cloudy, sunny, round and short, this is difficult to complete in ancient times." Yes, you are our teacher and our friend. Even though you have been separated for several years, you can still remember your past.   You are our teacher, a dedicated teacher. That year, near the end of the term, some teachers and students in the school got the flu, and you unfortunately caught it, and it became more and more serious, but you still insisted on teaching. Looking at your weak body under your white shirt, our hearts trembled violently due to coughing, which made our hearts uncomfortable. After that, you sent a classmate to the hospital to see a doctor, and you also registered for an injection. When you came back late at night, you still corrected the test papers for us despite the doctor"s instructions. Later, I heard from other teachers that we only have deep admiration for you.   You are also our friend, a close friend. Your class is humorous and vivid. I remember when you were talking about a formula, you suddenly said, "look, this method is more convenient than instant noodles." The whole class burst into laughter and the dull classroom suddenly became active. You often subsidize some students with financial difficulties in the form of "reward" to maintain their self-esteem in a subtle way. They often joke with us after class, leaving us many happy memories. This is also your charm.
2023-07-19 23:33:401


The sichuan earthquake let us once again feel "security" is so important that we must be alert, study the defense measures, the earthquake is we note: The first point is worth noting strong earthquake occurs, the crack in the home can temporarily hide a solid furniture such as bed, table below, or kitchen, toilet, etc. Should leave quickly outdoor, after being evacuated to protect the head, soft pillow usable will protect the head. Live in the high-rise buildings in the pers on cannot use the elevator, also don"t run to the balcony, particularly can"t jump. Second, is class of students and kindergarten children should be hiding in the desk and small under the bed. Listen to the teacher, don"t run away. In public places of entertainment, people should adjust measures to local conditions, avoid to table, chair, protect the head on both sides of the counter together, not to the exit. Third, passengers should seize the seat or car, don"t rush to get strong components. Running vehicles for emergency parking, trying to stop in the open places.Fourth, if is across the bridge, will hold QiaoLanGan main-earthquake, close to the shore immediately after the transfer. Finally, in the streets of personnel in the narrow tunnel not stay, don"t hide into wires, chimney and tall buildings.If the earthquake coming again, I think we no longer fear and panic, If the earthquake coming again, I think we have to learn how to take care of yourself. 震惊世界的四川大地震让我们再一次感受到了“安全”是如此的重要, 我们必须提高警觉,学习地震的防卫措施,一下几点是我们值得注意的:  第一点值得注意的是强裂地震发生时,在家中的人可暂躲较坚实的家具如床、桌下面、或厨房、卫生间等处。震后应迅速撤离户外,撤离时要注意保护头部,可用枕头等软物将头部护住。住在高层建筑里的人不能使用电梯,也不要跑到阳台上,尤其是不能跳楼。  第二,正在上课的学生和幼儿园的小朋友应躲在课桌和小床下。要听从老师的安排,不要乱跑。在公共娱乐场所的人们应因地制宜躲避到椅子下,桌子、柜台两侧,保护好头部,切不可一齐拥向出口。   第三,车上的乘客要抓住座椅或车上的牢固部件,不要急于下车。正在运行的车辆因紧急停车,设法停在开阔处。   第四,如果正在过桥,则要紧紧抓住桥栏杆,主震后立即向靠近的岸边转移。   最后,在街道上行走的人员不要在狭窄的巷道停留,不要躲进电线、烟囱及高大建筑物附近。   假如地震再次来临,我想我们不再害怕和慌张;假如地震再次来临,我想我们已经学会如何照顾自己。
2023-07-19 23:34:122

求without u 青山黛玛中文歌词

歌曲名称:Without u 歌曲原唱:青山玛黛作词:Thelma Aoyama/Komei Kobayashi作曲:YUTA/IKI 中文翻译歌词:虽然我们已经分开许久,但是我还想继续呆在这里让我告诉你我此刻的感受吧自从你离开我的那一夜起我的心就变得如此空虚此时此刻 我独自坐在这里知道你再也不会回来了每天我都想从没有你的记忆中清醒过来我知道现在说这些太晚太困难但是我真的不想让你走让我紧紧抱着你让我深深爱着你宝贝 你会再给我最后一次机会吗?我不想让你离开 我不想说再见我只想要你 你的全部没有你的爱我活不下去你不在这里我都不能呼吸你是我唯一想要的所以 宝贝,难道你不愿意给这份爱一次机会吗?这就是结局,这就是再见。再见了。YO:宝贝,已经这么久了我知道我必须离开因为爱已经在消逝了很显然它已经消逝了但是你是它唯一遗失的那是来自我内心深处的呼声你是找个世界上的唯一真实但是你不得不离开了我想让你回来此刻我是多么需要你所以我向你倾诉的一切现在重现在我的记忆里透过雨水(泪水?)我知道它们都将重现我不能放你离去让我紧紧拥住你让我紧紧抱着你让我深深爱着你宝贝 你会再给我最后一次机会吗?我不想让你离开 我不想说再见我只想要你 你的全部是我真的不得不让你走吗?我不想让你离开我还能做什么没有你的爱我活不下去你不在这里我都不能呼吸你是我唯一想要的也许我现在问太多了但是我仅仅只想再见你一面如果你也是这么深深的爱恋再来不及之前让我知晓吧 宝贝
2023-07-19 23:28:361


2023-07-19 23:28:371


声母23个,韵母有24个。声母,(Initials),是使用在韵母前面的辅音,跟韵母一起构成的一个完整的音节。其他汉藏语系语言也有类似的结构,一般由辅音充当,即首辅音。 韵母是一个中国汉语音韵学术语,汉语字音中声母、字调以外的部分。旧称为韵。韵母由韵头(介音)、韵腹(主要元音)、韵尾三部分组成;按韵母结构可分为单韵母、复韵母、鼻韵母。
2023-07-19 23:28:381

you are a big idiot, and very stupid.

Zhou Zeyang is a big idiot, and he is also a big idiot. You are a big idiot, we are big! Big idiot, you"re retarded. You"re retarded. 你们自己查什么意思。
2023-07-19 23:28:423


sql的全称是Structured Query Language,中文名称是结构化查询语言,是一种特殊目的的编程语言,是一种数据库查询和程序设计语言,用于存取数据以及查询、更新和管理关系数据库系统。SQL语言1974年由Boyce和Chamberlin提出,并首先在IBM公司研制的关系数据库系统SystemR上实现。由于它具有功能丰富、使用方便灵活、语言简洁易学等突出的优点。sql特点1、高度非过程化。SQL是一种第四代语言(4GL),用户只需要提出“干什么”,无须具体指明“怎么干”,像存取路径选择和具体处理操作等均由系统自动完成。2、语言简洁,易学易用。尽管SQL的功能很强,但语言十分简洁,核心功能只用了9个动词。SQL的语法接近英语口语,所以,用户很容易学习和使用。
2023-07-19 23:28:441


原 名: 天空の城ラピュタ ( Tenkuu no Shiro Rapyuta) 中文名: 天空之城 英文名: Laputa:Castle in the Sky 制作: 德间书店 原作.脚本.监督/宫崎骏 制片:高畑勲 音乐:久石让 作画监督:丹内 司 美术: 野崎俊郎u30fb山本二三 色彩设计:保田道世 配音: 田中真弓 横泽启子 初井言荣 寺田农       故事由希塔所坐的飞艇遭到空中海盗的袭击而开始。争斗中希塔从万米高空的飞艇上跌落下来…… 故事另外一个主人公少年PASU是矿工机师的徒弟,这一天收工时,发现天上有个亮晶晶的东西正在慢慢地下落。是什么?UFO?他飞也似的跑过去,发现是一个好可爱的女孩子,在一团蓝光的包围下从天上飘下来. 《天空之城Laputa》是吉卜力工作室的开山之作,宫崎骏一人兼任了原作、监督、脚本和角色设定四项重任,使得这部作品从头到尾注入了纯粹的宫崎理念。宫崎骏的音乐搭档久石让,这次达到了他配乐生涯的顶峰。和 《龙猫》一样《天空之城》也是宫崎骏先生的得意之作,影片1986在日本上映时,引起了极大的轰动,值得一提的是,天空之城的主题曲——『君をのせこ』(井上杏美演唱),非常好听.柔和凄美的旋律,加上那浮在空中梦幻般的城市,紧张激烈的情节贯穿整部电影,但蔚蓝的天空和浓浓的白云反而将尖锐的冲突淡化得更耐人寻味;人物的表达很多时侯不是靠台词而是靠人物的具体动作,使人物的性格更显深刻。这可能就是为什么它能吸引小孩甚至大人坐下两小时专注地看一部动画片了吧。我们不得不承认宫崎骏有这种能力。总而言之,如果你没有看过天空之城的话,这部十多年前的作品,一样是非常值得一看的。 小姑娘希塔是传说中“天空之城Laputa”的后裔,那曾是超越地上文明不知几千年的空中文明,但不知为何,希塔的祖先离开“天空之城”,抛弃发达的科技,在地面上过起隐居的生活。而希塔向往着多彩的大千世界,她带着母亲的遗物——天空之石偷偷出走。 故事由希塔所坐的飞艇遭到空中海盗的袭击而开始。争斗中希塔从万米高空的飞艇上跌落下来……事另外一个主人公少年PASU是矿工机师的徒弟,这一天收工时,发现天上有个亮晶晶的东西正在慢慢地下落。是什么?UFO ?他飞也似的跑过去,发现是一个好可爱的女孩子,在一团蓝光的包围下从天上飘下来了…… 第二天希塔在PASU的房间里醒来,发现房里有一张“天空之城Laputa”的照片。这是PASU的父亲冒着生命的危险历尽艰险才拍到的真正的天空之城,但除了斯威夫特之外,没有人相信他。于是父亲在郁郁寡欢中去世了。PASU发誓,一定要向他人证实,世上真的有天空之城存在。然而嗅觉灵敏的海盗很快就找上门来了。接下来就是一段令人眼界大开的追捕与逃跑镜头,最后二人在众目睽睽之下掉入万丈深的矿井,希塔戴的天空之石又一次发光,令他二人安全飘落。 矿井中,天空之石和井下的矿石发生共鸣,原来这里曾是开采天空之石原料的地方,但提炼天空之石的技术,传说只有Laputa的人才掌握着。 二人刚出矿井,就被军队的人抓住了。希塔被带往要塞,在那里一个叫穆斯卡的人给希塔看一个巨大的机器人,说是从天空之城掉下来的,凭当时的科技无法令它再启动。当天晚上,希塔念起祖辈所流传的寻求帮助的咒语,天空之石发出光,令机器人再次活起来,整个要塞变成火的海洋。 PASU趁乱和海盗达成联盟飞入要塞救出了希塔。匆忙中希塔丢失了天空之石,而穆斯卡得到了宝石,命军队按照宝石上圣光的指引,飞向天空之城。另一方,海盗妈妈从希塔的记述中算出了天空之城的方位,带着希塔的二人乘海盗飞艇全速前进! 即将到达之时,忽然前方出现龙卷风,和穆斯卡的舰艇又狭路相逢,交战中PASU和希塔的滑翔机被卷入龙卷风里。 这里是被上帝抛弃的领域,自然的恐怖与众神的愤怒在这里集结,飞越浓重的黑暗,在纵横飞啸的电光中,穿过闪电的回廊,突破生与死的界限,命运之门再次敞开在少年的面前……龙卷风的中心,正是传说中的飞鸟“天空之城Laputa”!这儿是寂静的天堂,只有机器人值守的空中都市,植物和远古生物的家园。 宫崎骏的作品中,科学技术最好的地方就是没人居住,在柯南的“未来世界”以及“天空之城Laputa”都是如此。反之,“风之谷”中为生存而奋斗着的人们虽然只有古老的技术,但却是机器的主人,《天空之城》的飞行海盗们也是这样。 穆斯卡抓住了海盗们,也来到了Laputa,他迫希塔和他一起进入中央控制室,启动黑石碑上的文字,即将开始他称霸世界的野心。希塔抢回天空之石,为了阻止穆斯卡,她和PASU一起念起毁灭一切的咒语:Punish Laputa解体,邪恶和助纣为虐的武器系统一同化为大气层的火球坠入海中,而澄清的“天空之石”载着Laputa的生命之树,上升到天空的尽头…… 《天空之城Laputa》是吉卜力工作室的开山之作,宫崎骏一人兼任了原作、监督、脚本和角色设定四项重任,使得这部作品从头到尾注入了纯粹的宫崎理念。宫崎骏的音乐搭档久石让,这次达到了他配乐生涯的顶峰。 【 1 关于它的音乐 】 这部作品的音乐仍旧由久石让负责,在这部作品中他的才华得到了相当大的发挥,甚至可以说没有他的音乐,电影本身会因此而减少魅力,一般认为来说,电影音乐带有苏格兰风格,其主题曲也是由民歌曲调改编而成,不过现在还不是很清楚这个消息是否可靠,可以确定的是主题曲倒是经常被许多电视节目采用,中央台就能听到。 整部作品的音乐都是精品,特别有名气的就是它的结尾曲“君をのせて”,很多没有看过宫崎骏电影的人也许都相当熟悉它,它由井上杏美小姐演唱,她宽广而柔和的音域显然很受观众和宫崎骏本人喜欢,因此,后来几部作品也邀请了她来演唱主题曲或者片中插曲。 【 2 关于它的成功 】 《天空之城》作为 GHIBLI 的第一部作品,只能成功不能失败,否则 GHIBLI 就要从此解散,因此电影本身带有较多的商业元素,但是这丝毫没有减弱它的艺术魅力,在 1986 年上映时,在日本反响很大,在香港和台湾也获得了相当的成功,《天空之城》成为了宫崎骏作品最具知名度和最被喜欢的作品之一。 【 3 关于故事的背景 】 这部电影其实和《格利夫游记》关系很小,只是以它作为故事情节继续的一个小插曲,故事完全是原创而独立的,发生的时间一般认为是 19 世纪末期或者 20 世纪初期,当然其中有些飞行机械过于现代了,呵呵。发生的地点是一个想象的国家, PAZU 居住的小镇的原型则是一个威尔士的小城镇,宫崎骏曾经到过那里。 【 4 其他相关 】 宫崎骏曾经说电影里的空中盗贼老太婆含有他母亲的影子,说她的很多性格都有相似性;电影也有英文版,配音分别是 Bertha Greene 和 Louise Chambell ,对应 PAZU 和 SHEETA 。 专辑:天空之城(Laputa:The Castle in the Sky ) 作曲:久石让(Joe Hisaishi) 出版发行:德间书店 歌唱 / 井上杏美 合唱 / 杉并儿童合唱团 发行时间 : 1986. 8. 25     1.君をのせて 2.ラピュタの崩壊 3.天空の城ラピュタ 4.月光の云海 5.破灭への予兆 6.タイガーモス号にて 7.シータの决意 8.君をのせて 9.ロボット兵 10.失意のパズー 11.ゴンドアの思い出 12.愉快なケンカ 13.スラッグ溪谷の朝 14.空から降って来た少女 这部作品的音乐仍旧由久石让负责,在这部作品中他的才华得到了相当大的发挥,甚至可以说没有他的音乐,电影本身会因此而减少魅力,一般认为来说,电影音乐带有苏格兰风格,其主题曲也是由民歌曲调改编而成,不过现在还不是很清楚这个消息是否可靠,可以确定的是主题曲倒是经常被许多电视节目采用,中央台就能听到。 整部作品的音乐都是精品,特别有名气的就是它的结尾曲“君をのせて”,很多没有看过宫崎骏电影的人也许都相当熟悉它,它由井上杏美小姐演唱,她宽广而柔和的音域显然很受观众和宫崎骏本人喜欢,因此,后来几部作品也邀请了她来演唱主题曲或者片中插曲。
2023-07-19 23:28:463

Falling In Love 歌词

歌曲名:Falling In Love歌手:Will Downing专辑:EmotionsAl Walser - Falling In LoveOur Muzik - 最前沿的欧美音乐!I ain"t go no money, but you know it"s funny.I feel like I just got paid everytime I see your face.Its just been a weekend, I"m hoping that we cansave all these memories that were still until the ("tis?) of timeI"m falling in love with you, I want you to know that my love is true.Take all my life, I live it for you.Cause all my love is all I got, I wanna give it.I"m falling in love with you, I want you to know that my love is true.So take this whole heart, I leave it for you.Cause all my love is all I got, I wanna give it.I woke up this morning, the sun was calling.It felt just like my birthday when you were in my arms.Sometimes the heart moves and sometimes we all lose.But it feels like I"m waking up and I"m living all my dreams.I"m falling in love with you, I want you to know that my love is true.Take all my life, I live it for you.Cause all my love is all I got, I wanna give it.I"m falling in love with you, I want you to know that my love is true.So take this whole heart, I leave it for you.Cause all my love is all I got, I wanna give it.You"re gonna make me say (Ohh)(Mee-oh x4)Girl you make me wanna say (Ohh woah)(Mee-oh x4)You make me wanna say (Woah oh)(Mee-oh x4)Make me wanna say(Mee-oh x4)I"m falling in love with you, I want you to know that my love is true.Take all my life, I live it for you.Cause all my love is all I got, I wanna give it.I"m falling in love with you, I want you to know that my love is true.So take this whole heart, I leave it for you.Cause all my love is all I got, I wanna give it.I"m falling in love, oh woah.I"m falling in love, oh girl, with you.I"m falling in love, oh girl, oh woah.I"m falling in love, oh girl, with you.Oh woah.
2023-07-19 23:28:471


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  在国外这些年,我遇到的口语表达场合基本上可以分成三类:   Presentation展示、工作面试用——最正式的一类   在工作中与上级、同事沟通用,在银行、移民局、警察局、医院办重要的事(比如被拘留)时用——介于两者之间   在生活中和说英语的朋友交流用,和服务业人员交流时用——最随意的一类   请注意,在这三个场合,老外眼中的“地道”的意思是不一样的,所以你的用词,说话的模式都应该是不一样的,就像“见什么人说什么话”一样,“在什么场合说什么话”也是很重要的。   然后,再谈技巧。   大概可以分为两类:一类是“词汇类”,一类是“非词汇类”。   词汇类   这类就是你可以用到一些“高级”的单词、句式、连词之类。   工作展示   Presentation   经常做Preseantation就会知道,想取得好的效果并不在乎你中间说了什么,重要的是展示时你是否有自信的气场、PPT是否有吸引力,以及开头和结尾是不是印象深刻、结构清晰和表达流畅(这真的是答主的血泪经验)。   既然要结构清晰和流畅,我认为重要的技巧就是引导词和连词。   连词   连词最好准备在你忘词或者这一段已经油尽灯枯说不下去的时候用。我觉得连词中“高级”的有,但并不高级的那么明显,重要的是,你能在紧张到忘掉演讲词的时候想起来用个高级的连词。所以我建议你在pre开始前就要想好,比如对自己说“我今天一定要用however和as long as”。   以下是一些“高级”、“地道”的词:   1. However   However用在句首的效果和but基本一样,而且强调了转折,比起but是一个更好的选择。听过很多外国人做pre的表示,这个词母语者使用的频率比非母语者高很多。   2. So that   在表顺承(仅限表顺承)的时候这是一个比and高级很多的词。   3. Since和As   表原因这两词比because高级很多,重要的是用了这两个词你可以说出很长的从句。   4. Both, Eitheru2026oru2026, Neitheru2026noru2026   这三兄弟谁用谁知道,是很提气的!用这三组的时候,说了第一个词就会强迫你思考后半句要说什么,虽然不高级,但是很神奇。   引导词   引导词的道理和连词差不多,只不过引导词更强调“结构”,是提醒听众你接下来要说什么的关键。   推荐以下词汇:   开头用   First, we"re going to ...   I"d like to begin by outlining our present situation.   You may not know that ...   中间用   Let"s take a look at some of the implications of this.   Taking into consideration what we have said about X, we can see that Y ...   The main reason for these actions is ...   We have to keep in mind that ... when we consider ...   As you can see from this graph representing ...   If you could just take a look at ...   Looking at X we can see that ..   There are a number of alternatives in this case. We can ...   If we had ... , we would ...   Had we... , we could have ... Do we need to X or Y?   I think we can clearly see that we can either ... or ...   We have been considering ...   结尾用   We"ve discussed many points today. Let me quickly summarize the principal points:   I"d like to quickly go over the main points of today"s topic:   Before we end, let me briefly recap what we have discussed here today.   Thank you all very much for taking the time to listen to this presentation. Now, ifyou have any questions, I"d be happy to answer them.   I think that"s about it. I"d like to thank you all for coming in today. Do you have anyquestions?   面试   Interview   1. 首先重要的是,让面试官感到你的自信,或者说“确定性”。   你可以使用下面的词:   It is sure/very certain that....   It is very obvious that   I am sure that my experience in xxx could help (name of the company) with xxxx   I have certain confidence in xxxx   2. 要有中心,要在几个问题内让面试官知道你最明显的特点。   这些表达很好用:   As I mentioned before, I am a very xxx person and this could also apply to xxxx as well   If you remember what I said in last question, I could xxxxx   As I said before..........   3. 面试时,你通常不会有太多思考时间,你可以用 well等词拖延时间。这是可以接受的,你也可以用一些打太极的招式,比如   I am very confident that I can bring certain things to the firm/help the firm inmany ways...   In my understanding of the culture of this company.....   I am sure that the culture of this company delivers certain things that agree with my own value and hence(争取时间的大招!)   4. 关于工资,你不能太直白地说My expected salary ....   你至少要委婉地加上你要求某个数字的原因:   In reference to my xx years of working experience in the industry, I am expecting a payment like xxxxx   In regard of the average salary in the industry............   Considering the industry.....   办公室   In Office   当在办公室与老板、同事交流时,要记住,你交流的对象,职场中的大家都很忙,所以给你的时间是极其有限的。在这种情况下,所需要的技巧就是“快速表达你的目的”换而言之就是要使用“action message”——你要干啥。   那些老外是这样和老板沟通的:   1. 他们通常直呼其名   Hi, John   2. 为了开门见山地表达目的,他们通常会说   Hi John,just about the efficient frontier you mentioned in the lecture   Hi,John, in regarding of the issue of xxxxxx   没错,甚至都不需要加疑问词,就是这么直接,老板不会怪你的。   3. 如果你是要问关于某个项目、某个工作的问题,就需要先向老板表明“你在做xx项目/工作,这样他们才能提出具体建议。你可以说   Hi, John! I am working on xx, can I get a few thoughts on xxx?   Hi, John! In regarding of xx part of xxx project, can I do like xxxxxxx   Hi, John! I just want to know that whether it is alright to do xxx in xxx project?   交流之后请不要忘了表达感谢!   非正式社交场合   Informal Social Setting   这个就太多太多了,但是我想纠正一个误区,仅就我自己的经验来说,老外们,包括青少年日常聊天使用的俚语并不是很多,有几句经常听到的,但是说是俚语,不如说是表达方法,比如   1. It is like.......这是老外最爱用的,几乎可以做一切句子的开头,或者可以是I was likeu2026He/She is like....   2. 反问句,这也是老外很爱用的   Why not go there/接名词   Don"t you like him?   Don"t you want to?   3. I just wanted to这个聊天的时候也很常用。   4. 打招呼的时候最常用的是“hey what"s up”或者“hey bro/babe”这个貌似都知道u2026告别的时候老外最爱用的是“catch you later”。   5. 老外聊天时很喜欢征求你的意见Do you like it? 最常用(注意连读)   what youthink (注意不是what do you think)   6. 几个很酷的词:bloody, awesome, retarded +形容词   公共场合   Public Places   在公共场所,比如餐厅、银行,应该如何地道自信地拽英文?   1. 餐厅点餐最地道的说法是Can I have/Can I get ......?   这句话万能的!!能用这个,最好不用Doyou have   2. 在银行或者邮局的时候,最好不要第一句话就是“I want to xxxx”你可以先问Hi, can I ask about eg. sending express mails/having a new account/billu2026然后再接你要干什么,就自然很多了。   3. 付款的两种方式是cash and credit,请不要说card。付款再补充一个,用卡的话他会问你是debit还是credit,我一般都选credit,这样扣钱方便~   4. 饮料续杯地道的说法是top up而不是refill   非词汇类   这类就是“和你说的内容无关的”,比如你的连读、浊辅音、爆破音是否清晰,你的语调(升or降),断句、停顿、语速等。   1. 停顿技巧,限于Presentation。   停顿就像七伤拳一样,在presentation的时候,很多人不敢停顿,因为他们认为停顿时间过长,会造成忘词,或者是不自信的表现,导致他们从不停顿,一口气像跑火车一样说完完事,这才是不自信的表现。   《国王的演讲》里澳洲结巴矫正师莱诺(你看是澳洲的吧!)对Bertie说,在演讲时做长时间的停顿是严肃的象征。我用实际经验保证这是真的,我太享受我不说话,然后全场都屏住呼吸的那一瞬间了。   但是有两个限制条件:   请不要在句与句之间停顿,要在段与段或者section之间停顿。   想好停顿后你第一个词说什么。   2. 音调先抑后扬比较好。   我见过很多留学生说英语时,说一句话,前半句气势很足,声音很大,但是后半句声音就明显小了下去。   为了避免这个,我建议说长句子开头时不要用升调,这样容易力竭,开头尽量声音低沉,把那种要起来的声音压下去,这样可以保证你后半句不出错。   3. 想在公共场合流利表达,我有一个绝招就是多说长句子,我见过很多人发音不错,但是从来每次都只说10个单词以内。   这样语言组织能力是不会得到提升的,即使你一个人自言自语的时候,也请多说长句子,这样你演讲的时候才可以边说边组织语言,不会结巴。   4. 演讲忘词的时候不要纠结于那一句话,如果实在想不起来,这句不要,直接开始下一句,流畅性最重要。   5. 连读、浊辅音、爆破音这些只能通过模仿、多说来达到很好的效果。
2023-07-19 23:28:521


重新安装正版 让后在文件TLBB里创建《新建文件夹》然后把SF压解到新建文件夹就OK了 我是经验户 有问题找我就OK啦
2023-07-19 23:28:531


音乐节的名字来自即将要举行的场所地名Woodstock,但实际上因为当地政府和居民的反对,演出一度陷入被取消的危机,但住在临近地方的叫Max Jasger的人提供了自己的农场,所以经过很多曲折演出终于如期举行了。Woodstock音乐节举行的3天时间里(实际演出到18日早上应该算是4天),Woodstock聚集了数十万名(实际可能在45万以上)观众一同尽情欣赏演出,几天的演出属于他们自己的共和国、解放区。当时的政府对此活动非常不满,而且舆论的态度也不是很好,但hippie为主的观众在恶劣的天气和环境下没有发生任何事故,反而他们还过瘾了属于自己的小世界。与举行的乱糟糟的Woodstock演出相比,我们可以隐隐约约能猜测出当时观众们的世界观。当时最著名的很多艺人们参加了当时的演出。Jimi Hendrix因唱了类似嘲笑美国的音乐,所以得到了观众的欢呼,而Janis Joplin的热情歌唱也给观众留下深刻的印象。大家能听到Crosby, Stills & Nash和Neil Young的美妙合音和folk女王Joan Baez的豪爽的歌声,而且现场音响中还传出黑人fokl的醇厚的歌喉。演出中有美国人非常喜欢的Grateful Dead初期柔软的迷幻般的歌曲,还有Jefferson Airplane的初期出道歌曲。Melanie也不能不说,而且从英国专程来参加的Ten Years After和The Who在演出之后更加出名了。之后以3张LP销售的演出实况专辑(CD是2张)感觉像是Joe Cocker以完全自我形式歌唱Beatles的`With a little help from my friend`,一起与观众共呼吸并直接反映了Woodstock音乐节的气氛,而且把Mountain, CCR, Canned Heat, Santana,Iron Butterfly, Sly & The Family Stone等所有风格的摇滚音乐加入到一起。但是提出音乐和和平的短暂3天过去以后,随之大家慢慢就回到了从前的生活,这可能也是Woodstock音乐节所留下的遗憾。虽然在当时的年代里很多人都认为此演出很无聊,但给那一代和下一代人们留下了神话般的记忆,这可能是因为举办者的单纯目的得到了大家的共鸣。没有商业性的目的,而且在急进的世界观中展开,所以在3天的时间里大家感受到了最纯洁摇滚的自由世界。
2023-07-19 23:28:531

fall in love歌词

falling you刘耀文歌词如下:按下开关 温度循环房间空荡 用烛光填满靠落地窗 气氛慵懒除了你 其他的不用管时间变得很慢 当我们听同一首歌暧昧逐渐扩散 浪漫全都留在此刻你就像是个天使 在我身旁降落眼里是你的轮廓分开如此煎熬只想回到你的怀抱就算周围世界颠倒这一刻比一切重要总忘不了想你的微笑就快要疯掉想牵起你的手 oh no no no拥抱你在背后 oh no no no藏不住的温柔 oh no no notell me what you think l wanna know请不要再让我break heart break heartall l wanna do is live up live upnever thought that i would fall in love fall in love心跳迫不及待 因为你的存在心已被你占领那个位置为你固定假装一不小心故意掉入你的陷阱从未感受如此迷幻香水味空气中弥漫被丘比特写进了名单你是我要的另一半cause you know that i need youand i need you right now像电流 传递所有细胞伸出手 在我心上留下你的记号we"re going downwe"re going down分开如此煎熬只想回到你的怀抱就算周围世界颠倒这一刻比一切重要总忘不了想你的微笑就快要疯掉想牵起你的手 oh no no no拥抱你在背后 oh no no no藏不住的温柔 oh no no notell me what you think l wanna know请不要再让我break heart break heartall l wanna do is live up live upnever thought that i would fall in love fall in love心跳迫不及待 因为你的存在
2023-07-19 23:28:541

求咕噜碳翻唱rolling survivor的罗马音歌词~

根据→这里的日语歌词翻译的罗马音,若有部分错误请见谅。saisho ha matamata最初はグーまたまたグーsaigo no saigo de wo nerae最後の最後でチヨキを狙えato dashi no janken de ushiro tora re te moあとだしのジャンケンで後ろ取られてもotsugi ha pa ha paお次はパー头はパーi hou ja nai kamo shire nai贤いほうじゃないかもしれないsoredemo sa koko made sa tsuzuki deそれでもさここまでさ连胜続きでitsu datte bouken itsuku ba tte chousenいつだって冒険这いつくばって挑戦madamada ware naiまだまだ终われないmou ichi kai dake kimi no emi wo se te kureもう一回だけキミの笑颜を见せてくれkonnichi mo guruguru me no mawaru sekai nochuushin bu de今日もぐるぐる目の回る世界の中心部でkimi to boku to te no tsunai da ano hikari no seneキミとボクと手の繋いだあの光の先えsoshite guruguru tomara nai sekai wo momo nikakeそしてぐるぐる止まらない世界を股にかけkimi to boku no teru keshiki onaji sora no shimodeキミとボクの见てる景色同じ空の下でtsuki muda ke突き进むだけwari yokere ba subete yoshi终わりよければ全て良し【 O. K !】yuuki ha taida ha勇気はYES !怠惰はNO !saisho de saigo no chansu tsukame最初で最後のチャンスつかめushiro no koto kangae te後のこと考えてsuru yori mo踌躇するよりもfutatabi pa pa再びパー计画パ ―uma ku ika nee koto dara ke deshoウマく行かねぇことだらけでしょsoredemo sa boku ra ha sa eikou mezashi teそれでもさボクらはさ栄光目指してjitto matu te mitsuru i nara sa re te suu nenじっと待って充电饲いならされて数年sorosoro tomare naiそろそろ止まれないnan kai datte yarinaoshi chae yo se te yare何回だってやりなおしちゃえよ见せてやれasu mo guruguru kakimazeru sekai no kanjou ni明日もぐるぐるかき混ぜる世界の感情论にkimi to boku to ni nin warau ano namida wo koe teキミとボクと二人笑うあの涙を超えてsoshite guruguru tomare nai korogari tsuzuke temoそしてぐるぐる止まれない転がり続けてもkimi ga boku ni seru keshikiキミがボクに见せる景色aoi sora no juu he青い空の中へhashiridasu ima走り出す今wari yokere ba subete yoshi终わりよければ全て良し【 O. K !】saisho ha matamata最初はグーまたまたグーisse no seいっせーのせjankempon ジャンケンポン !!!/itsu datte bouken itsuku ba tte chousenいつだって冒険这いつくばって挑戦madamada ware naiまだまだ终われないmou ichi kai dake kimi no emi wo se te kureもう一回だけキミの笑颜を见せてくれkonnichi mo guruguru me no mawaru sekai nochuushin bu de今日もぐるぐる目の回る世界の中心部でkimi to boku to te no tsunai da ano hikari no seneキミとボクと手の繋いだあの光の先えasu mo guruguru kakimazeru sekai no kanjou ni明日もぐるぐるかき混ぜる世界の感情论にkimi to boku to ni nin warau ano namida wo koe teキミとボクと二人笑うあの涙を超えてhashiridasu ima走り出す今wari yokere ba subete yoshi终わりよければ全て良しwari yokere ba subete yoshi终わりよければ全て良し【 O. K !】
2023-07-19 23:28:572


是Black Eyed Peas 唱的“Let"s Get Retarded”歌词:Let"s Get Retarded, in here And the base keep"s runnin" runnin" and runnin" runnin" and runnin" runnin" and runnin" runnin" and runnin" runnin" and runnin" runnin" and runnin" runnin" and runnin" runnin" and In this context, there"s no disrespect So when I bust my rhyme, you break ya" necks We got five minutes for us to disconnect, From all intellect and let the rhythm affect Obstacles are inefficient, follow your intuition Free your inner soul and break away from tradition Coz when we beat out, girl it"s pullin" without You wouldn"t believe how we wow shit out Burn it till it"s it burned out Turn it till it"s turned out Act up from north, west, east, south [CHORUS] Everybody, (yeah) Everybody, (yeah) Let"s get into it, (yeah) Get stupid, (Come on) Get retarded, (Come on) Get retarded, (Yeah) Get retarded! Let"s Get Retarded! (Haa!) Let"s Get Retarded! (In here!) [x4] Yeah! Lose control, of body and soul Don"t move too fast, people just take it slow Don"t get ahead, just jump into it Y"all here a"body, tha Peas "L" do it Get Started, Get Stupid Don"t worry `bout it, people will walk you through it Step by step, like a into new kid Inch by inch, with the new solution Transman hits, with no delusion The feelin"s irresistable and that"s how we movin" [CHORUS] Runnin" runnin" and runnin" runnin...... Come on y"all let"s get (Cookoo...Ah hah!) Let"s get (Cookoo...In here!) Right now yeah" (Cookoo...Ah hah!) Let"s get (Cookoo...In here!) Right now yeah" (Cookoo...Ah hah!) Let"s get (Cookoo...In here!) Oww, Oww, Oww... Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya!! Let"s get ill, that"s the deal At the gate a we"ll bring the bud top drill (Just) Lose your mind, this is the time Y"all test this drill, adjust and bang ya" spine (Just) Bop your head like epilepsy, up inside ya" club or in your bentley Get messy, loud and sick Y"all mount past slow mo on another head trip (So) Come then now do not correct it, Let"s get ignant, let"s get hectic (yeah) Everybody, (yeah) Everybody (yeah) Let"s get into it (yeah) Get stupid (Come on) Get Retarded (Come on!) Get Retarded (Yeah!!) Let"s Get Retarded! (Haa!) Let"s Get Retarded! (In here!) [x2] (R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D!) Let"s Get Retarded! (Haa!) Let"s Get Retarded! (In here!) [x2] (WoWoooWoWoooWowoooaarRRHH!!) (yeah..Cookoo...Ah hah!) (Cookoo...In here!) (Cookoo...Ah hah!) (Cookoo...In here!) (R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D!) (Cookoo...Ah hah!) (Cookoo...In here!) Oww, Oww, Oww... Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya" Ya!! runnin" runnin" and runnin" runnin" and runnin" runnin" and runnin" runnin" and [FADE]
2023-07-19 23:29:001

SF天龙八部YY频道都有那些什么不灭 无天全族 王者频道ID都是多少啊

2023-07-19 23:29:013


是。Rolling Wireless (H.K.) Limited中文名称是锐凌无线(香港)有限公司。该公司是深圳市锐凌无线技术有限公司的子公司,属于外企。锐凌无线(香港)有限公司,成立于2020年,位于香港特别行政区,是一家以从事计算机编程服务为主的企业。
2023-07-19 23:28:341


2023-07-19 23:28:322

求助place your initials 是什么意思

place your initials 全部释义和例句>>把你的名字
2023-07-19 23:28:312


2023-07-19 23:28:3011

智障学校(弱智学校) 英语怎么说

(Feebleminded school)正确回答。不懂英语不要瞎翻,以免误会。
2023-07-19 23:28:303


结构化信息(Structured Information),指信息经过分析后可分解成多个互相关联的组成部分,各组成部分间有明确的层次结构,其使用和维护通过数 据库进行管理,并有一定的操作规范。 非结构化信息 指信息的形式相对不固定,常常是各种格式的文件。它是相对结构化信息而言的,从宏观上看也是结构化信息的一种形式。诸如电子文档、电子邮件、网页、视频文件、多媒体等
2023-07-19 23:28:272

falling in love歌词?

歌曲名:FALLING IN LOVE歌手:RossyPP专辑:ALOHA OEIt must be love because we are to afraid to sayIt must be love and so we paint everything in greyLet"s not lose this chanceHold onto my handsLet"s not waste this time"Cause today is a great day for falling in love"Cause today is a great day for falling in loveFalling in loveIt must be hard to know that we"ll never be the sameIt must be hard to take this honoured leap of faithLet"s not lose our wayLet"s not wait to sayHow we feel inside"Cause today is a great day for falling in love"Cause today is a great day for falling in loveFalling in love, falling in loveFalling in love, falling in love"Cause today is a great day for falling in loveFalling in loveWhen you"re falling, fallingJust don"t let goWhen you"re falling, fallingJust don"t let goLet"s not lose this chanceHold onto my handsLet"s not waste this time"Cause today is a great day for falling in love"Cause today is a great day for falling in loveFalling in love, falling in loveFalling in love, falling in love"Cause today is a great day for falling in loveFalling in love
2023-07-19 23:28:272

Charlie DéE的《Woodstock》 歌词

歌曲名:Woodstock歌手:Charlie DéE专辑:A Tribute To Joni MitchellWoodstockI came upon a child of GodHe was walking along the roadAnd I asked him "Tell me where are you going?”This he told me"I"m going down to Yasgur"s farmGonna join in a rock and roll bandGot to get back to the landAnd get my soul free”We are stardust, we"re goldenAnd we"ve got to get ourselves back to the gardenCan I walk along beside youI have come here to lose the smogAnd I feel like I"m a partOf something turning round and roundAnd maybe it"s the time of yearMaybe it"s the time of manAnd I don"t know who I amBut life is for learning ...We are stardust, we"re goldenAnd we"ve got to get ourselves back to the gardenBy the time we got to WoodstockWe were half a million strongAnd everywhere was the songAnd the celebrationAnd I dreamed I saw the bomber jet planesRiding shotgun in the skyAnd they were turning into butterfliesAbove our nation ...We are stardust, we"re goldenAnd we"ve got to get ourselves back to the garden献给yaoyaoyanyihe制作哈哈哈哈哈哈
2023-07-19 23:28:241


shake that 歌手:eminem 专辑:curtin call Eminem Shake That [ Intro ] [ Eminem ] Woo! Shady, Aftermath There she goes shaking that ass on the floor Bumpin and grindin" that pole The way she"s grindin that pole I think I"m losing control [ Verse 1 ] [ Eminem ] Get buzzed, get drunk, get crunked, get fucked up Hit the strip club don"t forget ones get your dick rubbed Get fucked, get sucked, get wasted, shit faceted Pasted, blasted, puke drink up, get a new drink Hit the bathroom sink, throw up Wipe your shoe clean, got a routine goin" Still got a few chunks on them shoestring showin" I was dehydrated till the beat vibrated I was revibed as soon as this bitch gyrated Them hips and licked them lips and that was it I had to get Nate Dogg here to sing some shit [ Verse 2 ] [ Nate Dogg ] Two to the one from the one to the three I like good pussy and I like good trees Smoke so much weed you wouldn"t believe And I get more ass than a toilet seat Three to the one from the one to the three I met a bad bitch last night in the D Let me tell you how I made her leave with me Conversation and Hennessey I"ve been to the muthafuckin mountain top Heard muthafuckers talk, seen "em dropped Eminem If I ain"t got a weapon I"ma pick up a rock And when I bust yo" ass I"m gon" continue to rock Getcha ass off the wall with your two left feet It"s real easy just follow the beat Don"t let that fine girl pass you by Look real close cause strobe lights blind [ Verse 3 ] [ Nate Dogg ] We bout to have a party (turn the music up) Let"s get it started (Go head shake your butt) I"m lookin for a girl with a body and a sexy strut Wanna get it poppin baby step right up Some girls they act retarded Some girls are bout it bout it I"m lookin for a girl that will do whatever the fuck I say everday she be givin it up Now, [ Chorus ] [ Nate Dogg ] Shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Come on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Ohh girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Come on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me [ Verse 4 ] [ Eminem ] I"m a menace, a dentist, an oral hygentist Open your mouth for about four or five minutes Take a little bit of this fluoride fillin" Swish but don"t spit it, swallow and I"ll finish Yeah me and Nate d-o double g Looking for a couple bi-tches with some double d"s Pop a little champagne and a couple E"s Slip it in her bubbuly, we finna finna have a party [ Verse 5 ] [ Nate Dogg ] Have a party (turn the music up) Let"s get it started (Go head shake your butt) I"m lookin for a girl I can fuck in my hummer truck Apple Bottom jeans and a big ol SLUT Some girls they act retarded I want a bitch to sit at the crib with no panties on Knows that she can but she won"t say no Now look at this lady all in front of me, sexy as can be Tonight I want a slut, would you be mine? I heard you was freaky from a friend of mine [ Bridge ] [ Eminem ] Now I hope you don"t get mad at me But I told Nate you was a freak He said he wants a slut, hope you don"t mind I told him how you like it from behind [ Chorus ] [ Nate Dogg ] Shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Cmon girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Ohh girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me Cmon girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me We bout" to have a party (turn the music up) Let"s get it started (go ahead shake your butt) I"m lookin for a girl with a body and a sexy strut Wanna get it poppin baby step right up Some girls they act retarded Some girls are bout it bout it I"m lookin for a girl that will do whatever the fuck I say everday she be givin it up [ Outro ] [ Eminem ] There she goes, shaking that ass on the floor Bumpin and grindin that pole The way she"s grindin that pole I think I"m losing control God! (Eminem makes noises) I ain"t leavin" without you bitch You"re Coming Home With Me And my boy, and his boy, and his boy, and his girl Haha, Nate Dogg!
2023-07-19 23:28:202

天龙八部怎么卡星 是sf

2023-07-19 23:28:135

Every Chance I Get 歌词

歌曲名:Every Chance I Get歌手:T.I.专辑:Paper TrailT.I. - Every Chance I GetReal talk, true story (uh-huh)No nuts, no glory (uh-uh)Y"knowmsayin? (Real talk)Ay dawg (yeah yeah)I"ma tell you like thisHey I"m so raw, and I"m so richAnd you so flawed niggaz ain"t "bout shitI"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitchKnow that I"m gon" ball every chance I getEvery chance I get, real talk, no shitEvery chance I get, make money on thisI"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitchKnow that I"m gon" ball every chance I get, every chance I getThey say it"s lonely at the top, but I don"t feel lonelyGot my homies out in Hollywood so I don"t feel phonyAin"t another nigga colder, cribs all overFlash-in-pan, these other rappers catch a number, Coca-ColaI"m exceedin expectations, you barely meetin quotaI give it to "em straight, you cut it with baking sodaYou said I ain"t Zone One, nigga ha, that"s a funny oneI"m King like my 3 year-old, Major like my youngest sonGot one named Domani, so you know what I"m gettin (guap)Deyjah and Neek-Neek and Messiah like "Daddy, get "em"Got an angel named Leah here to keep me outta prisonAnd my partner Jason Geter to help me see about a billionListen; Grand Hustle, best respect this visionMy records sell about a million, but shit that just the beginninWhat with Club Crucial and Grand Hustle film divisionMultiplication to get the paper, I let the clique do the divisionPlus "A King of Oneself," high fashion, I"m flashinI"m, ready for whatever though, trained to go you better knowPut dick up in whoever hoe, let "em knowHey I"m so raw, and I"m so richAnd you so flawed niggaz ain"t "bout shitI"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitchKnow that I"m gon" ball every chance I getEvery chance I get, real talk, no shitEvery chance I get, make money on thisI"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitchKnow that I"m gon" ball every chance I get, every chance I getI gotta thank my lucky stars cause it came so farDope game, rap game, "bout the same so farBrag about your lil" Benz, nigga that ain"t no carI got some shit in my garage that requires a chauffeurHigh as gas is, the country at war and people are starvinAnd I pay a million dollars for Ferrari"s, retarded, huh?Sorry bruh, been a dick that been ballin since it started upSeason hoe, get "em all to fuck cause they know this dough stack tall as fuckNah, it ain"t that I"m rich that they hate so muchLeast I could do it, not rub it in niggaz face so muchSo I"m tryin now while I"m rhymin not to brag about the islandOr the crib in Hawaii where all the walls slide inHouse is wide open, we could bring the outside inI think you should hear about it, but fuck it I"ll be quietI just spit it how I live it homie I don"t be lyinWould it make you feel better if I put my pockets on the die?If I made less money, started to dress bummyWould the haters and the critics have more respect for me?Should I downgrade the crib and the way I live?Now how about I don"t and we just say I did, niggaHey I"m so raw, and I"m so richAnd you so flawed niggaz ain"t "bout shitI"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitchKnow that I"m gon" ball every chance I getEvery chance I get, real talk, no shitEvery chance I get, make money on thisI"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitchKnow that I"m gon" ball every chance I get, every chance I getAy say homeboyIt"s real talk comin at you live and direct homeboy, you dig that?Heh, you could hate all you want partnaI"ma give you somethin to hate on, bitch niggaHa ha! Grand Hustle, you understand?DJ Toomp you did yo" muh"fuckin thang as usualAy-hey look, P$C partna, Pimp Squad ClickAy, Big Kuntry you up next homieIt"s the king, BITCH!Yeahhhhhh, they say I ain"t Zone One, bitch niggaMy grandmama been livin on Center Hill 43 years, hoe-ass niggaYou understand that? Nigga come meet me niggaSee me nigga! You know?Why niggaz gotta wait "til a nigga got the police watchin youand start kickin that fuck shit, you know?You know how I get down, you know what it was niggaYou know you don"t wanna see me, bitch nigga!Yeahhhhhh, AY!Hey I"m so raw, and I"m so richAnd you so flawed niggaz ain"t "bout shitI"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitchKnow that I"m gon" ball every chance I getEvery chance I get, real talk, no shitEvery chance I get, make money on thisI"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitchKnow that I"m gon" ball every chance I get, every chance I get
2023-07-19 23:28:121


Woodstock的出现与当时的时代背景有很大关系,60年代中晚期,战后的思潮很激烈,年轻人有足够的见解却不被重视,挫折感与避世感顿生,他们渴望一种与世无争、和平、平等的世界,消除贫富差距、反建制,Woodstock应运而生,而它的超前成功又使青年人重拾信心,在Woodstock精神中加入一条积极上进的因素。1969年,到至今已经有30多年的时间了,而且给人类(或者是美国人)留下2个深刻的记忆。当时在冷战的情况下战胜前苏联,并有一个叫Armstrong人在人类史上第一次登陆月球,而在月球上无法看到的名叫Woodstock地方在`3 Days of Peace & Music`口号下举行了盛大的音乐节。人类在为越来越进步的科技而欢呼之时,另一方面有很多人为音乐而欢呼,是一个非常有趣的一年。在Woodstock音乐节之前美国已经举行过很多摇滚音乐节,但提起足球就能让人想起世界杯一样,一谈到摇滚音乐节那大家肯定会说到Woodstock音乐节。为什么呢?1969年美国内外社会矛盾非常多,人权问题、针对参加越南战争而出现的反战争示威等等,所以当时美国社会非常混乱。60年代初的年轻一代反叛精神比较弱,二战以后出生的baby boom时代人参加所谓`Flower Movement`,而且之后被人们称之为hippie族。他们整天喊着反战、爱情、和平,但他的真正意义并不是积极参加到社会,而是回避者、追求梦幻世界的消极阶层。虽然是这样的背景,但4个年轻人自己出钱并策划举办了1969年8月15日Woodstock音乐节。
2023-07-19 23:28:121


新视野大学英语第3版第2册单元10课后答案和翻译   想要期末考试取得好成绩,平时就需要按照"循序渐进、阶段侧重、精讲精练"的原则进行练习。下面是我为大家整理的新视野大学英语第3版第2册单元10课后答案和翻译,欢迎参考!   新视野大学英语第3版第2册单元10课后答案和翻译 篇1   新视野大学英 语(第二版)第二册Unit 10答案【Section A】   Comprehension of the Text   I.   1. He was head of the European staff of the Columbia Broadcasting System and a news broadcaster.   2. He felt sorry for the suffering of London during the attach by the German bombers.   3. Because he believed that whatever London had to endure, it could not be destroyed.   4. They were sure about their ultimate triumph over England.   5. They believed that London would surrender after it became a burned city.   6. Because they had the English Channel as a barrier against the Nazi ground forces, and they had the Royal Air Force to battle the Nazi in the sky.   7. On the one hand, they stayed calm and tried to continue living their lives; on the other hand, they did their best to help to defend their nation.   8. He predicted that the English people would win the final victory.   Vocabulary   III.   1.channels 2.rescued 3.royal 4.survival 5.crash 6.Whichever 7.punishment 8.cast 9.endured 10.surrender   IV.   1.over 4.on 5.under 6.on 7.down 8.for 9.after   V.   1.O 2.H 3.M 4.J 5.K 6. G 7.C 8.A 9.F 10.E   WordBuilding   VI.   1. misreported 2.misprinted 3. misspells 4. misplaced 5.misunderstood 6. misusing/ misuse 7. mistake 8. misled   VII.   1.broaden 2. irresponsible 3.protective 4. characterized 5. redoubling 6. fashionable 7. unfair 8. disobeys   Sentence Structure   VIII.   1. as though he wee the only person who scored over 90.   2. as though she had seen a ghost there   3. as though he were her own son   4. as though he were attending a party.   5. as though he knew everything.   IX.   1. You should wear whichever dress suits you best for the evening party.   2. You can settle down in whichever area you choose.   3. Whichever (of you) comes first will receive a gift.   4. All my books are here. You may borrow whichever you like.   5. I have several spare rooms. Whichever you want is yours.   Translation   X.   1. I remember the whole thing clearly as though it had happened yesterday.   2. Whichever of them writes the best essay will win the prize.   3. It turned out that the budget provided for a salary increase one year later.   4. She did the same job day after day and year after year, but she never complained.   5. She endured all kinds of hardships on the journey; nothing could keep her from finding her lost daughter.   6. Don"t get mixed up with that gang. They have committed many bad things in broad daylight.   XI.   1.市民抢购瓶装水,就好像接下来几天饮用水可能会短缺似的。   2. 学会用最适合你自己的"办法放松,是一种有助于健康的积极办法。   3. 在战役中,为数不多的战士们英勇抗敌,壮烈牺牲。   4. 他们奋战了4个多小时才将大火控制住,避免了危险的火势蔓延到整个小镇。   5. 他告诉她,不管遇到什么麻烦,她都永远有一位可依赖的朋友。   6. 银行可以贷款给一些小公司以防它们倒闭。   Cloze   XII.   1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.D   Structured Writing   XIV.   Londonwould not surrender. All the people of London were in the front lines. They put out endless fires from the heavy bombing. They dug quickly in cellars to rescue their friends who had been buried underneath the wreckage. London people prepared to fight on with every possible means until the last Englishman died or the invaders were driven off.   新视野大学英语第3版第2册单元10课后答案和翻译 篇2   Comprehension of the Text   II.   1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.F   Vocabulary   III.   1.expose 2.sectors 3.layout 4.dizzy 5.historical 6.exploded 7.heal 9.uneasy 10.swaying   IV.   1.wanting in 2.made for 3.break off 4.gave way to 5.sank into 6.remained of 7.left his key to the door behind 8.was seized with fear 9.sank into 10.taken…in ;
2023-07-19 23:28:111

英文简历中姓名旁边的Title initials是什么意思?

职位首字母缩写。就比如像Dr. 啊Phd. 之类的
2023-07-19 23:28:112