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离开你之后 用英文怎么说 是不是after you leave啊



leave的用法leave+地点”表示离开某地leave for+地点”表示动身去某地leave sb/sth而scored则是得分的意思,所以他们两个之间不能一起说用法,这是一个错误的语式


在分析LeakCanary原理之前,首先需要了解ReferenceQueue在LeakCanary的作用。 WeakReference在创建时,如果指定一个ReferenceQueue对象,在垃圾回收检测到被引用的对象的可达性更改后,垃圾回收器会将已注册的引用对象添加到ReferenceQueue对象中,等待ReferenceQueue处理。但是如果当GC过后引用对象仍然不被加入ReferenceQueue中,就可能存在内存泄露问题。这里ReferenceQueue对象中,存的其实就是WeakReference对象,而不是WeakReference中引用的要被回收的对象。即GC过后,WeakReference引用的对象被回收了,那么WeakReference引用的对象就是null,那么该WeakReference对象就会被加入到ReferenceQueue队列中。 所以我们可以通过监听 Activity.onDestroy() 回调之后,通过弱引用(WeakReference)对象、ReferenceQueue和 GC来观测Activity引用的内存泄露情况,如果发现了未被回收的Activity对象,在找到该Activity对象是否被其他对象所引用,如果被其他对象引用,就进行 heap dump生成完整的内存引用链(最短引用链),并通过notification等方式展示出来。 LeakCanary2.+的启动,与LeakCanary1.+的不同,1.+版本的启动,需要在Application的onCreate中手动调用LeakCanary.install方法进行启动;而2.+版本的启动则不需要,而是依赖ContentProvider,因为ContentProvider会在Application之前被加载,所以ContentProvider的onCreate方法会在Application的onCreate方法之前被调用,所以在ContentProvider的onCreate方法中完成初始化工作。 在源码中leakcanary-leaksentry中有一个LeakSentryInstaller,LeakSentryInstaller其实就是ContentProvider的一个子类,在其onCreate方法中就会调用InternalLeakSentry.install(application)进行初始化工作。 然后在AndroidManifest.xml中注册该ContentProvider。在这里注册,那么打包项目时,会将每个库和library中的AndroidManifest.xml合并到最终的app的androidManifest中。 LeakCanary的初始化是在InternalLeakSentry的install方法,即在ContentProvider的onCreate中调用。 这里的listener是LeakSentryListener接口,而实现LeakSentryListener接口的类,其实就是InternalLeakCanary,InternalLeakCanary是在leakcanary-android-core下的,InternalLeakCanary是单例模式的,采用的是kotlin单例,即用object关键字修饰类。 这里使用的RefWatcher对象,是在InternalLeakSentry中进行初始化的,然后在调用ActivityDestroyWatcher和FragmentDestroyWatcher的install方法的时候,传入。 在监测Activity和Fragment的生命周期进行内存回收以及是否泄露的过程,就是调用RefWatcher.watch方法进行,该方法是使用Synchronized修饰的同步方法。RefWatcher.watch的方法,一般是在Activity和Fragment生命周期执行到onDestroy的时候调用。根据生命周期监听触发回调,然后调用RefWatcher.watch方法。 VisibilityTracker其实就是在InternalLeakCanary.onLeakSentryInstalled方法中通过调用application.registerVisibilityListener方法的时候,添加的Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks,这里采用适配器模式,使用适配器模式的目的,其实就是不需要重写所有方法,只在VisibilityTracker中重写需要使用的方法。 VisibilityTracker的目的其实就是监听Activity的生命周期变化,即是否是执行到了onStart和onStop,如果是onStop的时候,则做内存泄露监测工作。 VisibilityTracker与ActivityDestroyWatcher有点区别,ActivityDestroyWatcher是最终Activity执行onDestroy的时候进行内存泄露分析 本方法是在InternalLeakCanary.onLeakSentryInstalled给application添加生命周期回调的时候,根据onStart和onStop生命周期的变化来进行Heap Dump(heap dump文件(.hprof)) 当生命周期执行到onStop的时候,会向该Application的扩展函数registerVisibilityListener的参数listener这个高阶函数传入boolean参数为false 看InternalLeakCanary#onLeakSentryInstalled方法中对application添加的生命周期监听,这是调用了application的扩展函数,该扩展函数是在VisibilityTracker中定义的。 其实registerVisibilityListener方法内部调用的就是application的registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks方法,传入的是Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks对象,这里传入的是VisibilityTracker,其实VisibilityTracker就是Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks的子类实现。 HeapDumpTrigger.onApplicationVisibilityChanged方法的调用,就是根据上述传给VisibilityTracker的listener函数来回调调用的,listener接收的是false的时候,就会调用scheduleRetainedInstanceCheck,接收的是false的时候是生命周期执行到onStop的时候。 这里的delayMillis默认是5s,因为该参数接收的是LeakSentry.config.watchDurationMillis,这个值初始默认值是5s。





controlled release tablets

【答案】:controlled release tablets:控释片是在水中或规定的释放介质中缓慢地恒速或接近恒速释放药物的片剂。controlledreleasetablets:控释片,是在水中或规定的释放介质中缓慢地恒速或接近恒速释放药物的片剂。



At least sorting out the things she should have

was now being made 被动语态的过去进行时?make sth adj.

clean up和weed out

clean up和weed out区别如下:clean up 意思是“打扫干净,整理好”,是对某物进行整理和打扫,使其变得更加干净。clean out意思是“扫除,清除,打扫干净”,是将某物上脏物扫除掉,将其扔掉,从而达到干净的效果。例如:I will clean my old books up.我要把我的旧书整理干净。I will clean my old books out.我要把我的旧书都清理掉。

A new campaign to ban smoking in taxis is part of a wider push to clean up the city’s image bef..

小题1: found小题2: from小题3: have been placed小题4: which小题5: both小题6: closely小题7:. to relax小题8:it小题9:a小题10:Despite 小题1:[解析] 过去分词作定语,表示“被发现抽烟的司机”。[答案] found小题2:[解析] 动词与介词的固定搭配,be banned from doing sth.意思是“被禁止做”。[答案] from小题3:[解析] 已经被放置,现在完成时态的被动语态。[答案] have been placed小题4:[解析] which引导非限定性定语从句。[答案] which小题5:[解析] 根据上下文的意义,这项运动是对司机和乘客双方都有好处的,所以填both。[答案] both小题6:[解析] 修饰动词monitor,用副词closely,表示接近地、严密地(监控)。[答案] closely小题7:[解析] 动词不定式作目的状语,许多出租车司机吸烟的目的是为了放松。[答案] to relax小题8:[解析] it在这里充当admitted后面的宾语从句中的形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式to achieve a total smoke ban in a short time。[答案] it小题9:[解析] 不定冠词的用法,表示“一个,一段”。[答案] a小题10:[解析] 表示“尽管,虽然”。[答案] Despite

ABC Learning是什么?

Learning 是学习的意思,而reading 则是阅读的意思。abc learning和abc reading,前者是学,学会ABC,后者是读,但是不一定会,前者程度更高【摘要】abc learning和abc reading什么区别【提问】Learning 是学习的意思,而reading...

whisky please

选c whisky指一杯威士忌酒时是可数的 eg.I ordered two whiskeys (我叫了两杯威士忌酒.) 在点单的时候说two coffees 是没有错的 省略掉cup of,coffee 被当做可数名词用. 但是这个有环境限制:只用于餐馆,咖啡店等等. .

nikki cleary《i miss you》歌词大意

Saw you yesterday昨天看到你We were talking我们正在谈论的Comparing notes比较What"s happeneing什么是发生What"s not什么是不What you wanted你想要什么What you got你得到了什么Now you"re on your way现在你对你的方式It"s all about that这是关于:And nothing else没有别的I feel like I"m small我觉得我很小And I don"t matter in that world我不管在那个世界If I try to tell you would you laugh in my face如果我告诉你你会嘲笑我吗Tell me to grow up when I come clean and say告诉我长大的时候我坦白的说*Chorus**合唱I miss you我想念你The way we used to be我们使用的方法是Back when you calling me当你打电话给我Everyday (Yeah)每天(是的)You wanted to come over你想过来I miss you我想念你But it"s different and it"s strange但不同的是它的奇怪的Now that everything"s changed现在,一切都变了And it scares me "cause it"s weird that you don"t notice它让我害怕,因为它很奇怪,你不会注意到I miss you我想念你I....I....I.....我……岛……我.....Yes I do (yeah)是的我(是的)I....I....I.....我……岛……我.....Maybe it"s just me也许这只是我的But I don"t think so但我不这么认为I"m not insecure我不是不安全I just know我只知道What"s real什么是真实的What is gone and what I feel什么是走了,我的感觉I remember when we used to say that我记得我们曾经说We"d never change我们永远都不会改变Forget where we"ve been忘了我们曾经去过的地方I wanna go there again我想再去那里If I tried to tell you如果我想告诉你You"d turn into that kind你会变成这样Would you put up your defense你能把你的防御Say I was losing my mind说我失去理智*Chorus**合唱I miss you我想念你The way we used to be我们使用的方法是Back when you calling me当你打电话给我Everyday (Yeah)每天(是的)You wanted to get closer你想靠近I miss you我想念你But it"s different and it"s strange但不同的是它的奇怪的Now that everything"s changed现在,一切都变了And it scares me "cause it"s weird that you don"t notice它让我害怕,因为它很奇怪,你不会注意到Don"t you ever see my face outside your window你难道没有看见窗外的我的脸Are you up so high you can"t get back around你是如此之高,你无法回头Will you think of me some night when you get lonely你认为当你感到孤单的夜晚,我Will you need me你会需要我的When you"re on your way down...当你在路上…(Oh)(哦)Saw you yesterday昨天看到你We were talking我们正在谈论的Comparing notes比较What"s happeneing什么是发生What"s not什么是不What you wanted你想要什么What you got你得到了什么*Chorus* (repeated)*合唱(重复)I miss you我想念你The way we used to be我们使用的方法是Back when you calling me当你打电话给我Everyday (Yeah)每天(是的)You wanted to come over你想过来I miss you我想念你But it"s different and it"s strange但不同的是它的奇怪的Now that everything"s changed现在,一切都变了And it scares me "cause it"s weird that you don"t notice它让我害怕,因为它很奇怪,你不会注意到I miss you我想念你The way we used to be我们使用的方法是Back when you calling me当你打电话给我Everyday (Yeah)每天(是的)You wanted to get closer你想靠近I miss you我想念你But it"s different and it"s strange但不同的是它的奇怪的Nothing stays the same没有什么是一成不变的And it scares me "cause it"s weird that you don"t notice它让我害怕,因为它很奇怪,你不会注意到I miss you我想念你I....I....I.....我……岛……我.....I miss you我想念你I....I....I.....我……岛……我.....Yes I do是我做的I....I....I.....我……岛……我.....I miss you我想念你

nikki cleary的《The Game》 歌词

歌曲名:The Game歌手:nikki cleary专辑:nikki clearyMe and my girlfriends are always in competitionWe picked a guy,Made a bet who could be the first to kiss himThe game was "Make the poor boy beg"Be the one inside his headI played the game to winLeft the girls in the rearviewI got into first positionWhile they were hittin" on him,Flirtin" with him,I was turning his ignitionThought he was just a game to winBut now I"m hearng violinsAnd now the jokes on me...Get your hands off my babyThe bets offIt"s not a game anymoreYou see the plan"s gone wrong and you can"t touchNot playin" like I was beforeYou gotta keep the game our little secretHe can never know the scoreNow I love him,I don"t want him to hate me for itIt"s not a game anymoreWe were bored hangin" out just lookin" for a new distractionBut the plan backfired,Ended up as reverse attractionIt was just a little innocent funBut I"m the one who"s comin" all undoneAnd now the jokes on me...What he don"t know won"t hurt himStop flirtin"Leave us aloneLeave us alonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14541350

英语翻译 clean our premise


git pull的时候报错:git did not exit cleanly (exit code 1)

这种情况一般是本地有未提交的更改,或者网络无法连通等。 具体要看输出的错误详细信息。

请问以下句中 the pack of lean是什么意思?可以讲得详细一点吗?



housework家务劳动 makeing the bed cleaning the window moping the floor tidying up the desk pruneing the flower washing the dishes sweep the floor 扫地 water flowers浇花 wash dishes洗碗 make dinner/cook做饭 wash clothes洗衣服 mop the floor 拖地 clean windows擦窗户make the bed, empty the trash, set the table, wash the dishes, clean the windows.

PL(事假)=personal leave SL(病假)。AL表示什么假?

请假事由(填写代码):SL 病假、PL 事假、ML1 婚假、ML2 产假、FL 丧假、AL 年休假、OL 其他

radiant cleansing foam是天气丹什么产品

  radiant cleansing foam是天气丹的洁面泡沫。天气丹是韩国whoo后护肤品中的一个系列,该系列是whoo后护肤品中最高端的一个系列,产品特点是综合护理,主打皮肤再生、抗皱、保湿和毛孔管理,适合全年龄段的和所有肤质使用,包括敏感性肌肤。whoo后在韩国属于中高档护肤品,这是一个来自韩国SD生物科技有限公司的品牌,很多明星大牌都钟爱这个品牌,所以属于明星产品。后的护肤品主要有五大系列,即辰享、水研、津率享、天气丹以及雪美白系列。whoo天气丹特别适合30~45岁年龄段使用。Whoo天气丹具有改善脸上敏感程度、改善皮肤粗糙程度、收缩毛孔等多种功效。随着年龄的增大,脸上皮肤出现缺水等现象造成皮肤衰老的现象,在30岁~45岁之间这种皮肤难题会特别明显,使用whoo天气丹则可以将这些肌肤难题轻易解决。

Michael Learns To Rock的《Wild Women》 歌词

歌曲名:Wild Women歌手:Michael Learns To Rock专辑:Greatest HitsWild Women(Jascha Richter)Can I act like an angelif I live like a jerkCan I keep on disguisingCan I make believethat I don"t deceiveNo..no..noChorus:Send the wild women out the backdoorMy wife is knocking at the frontdoorThey made me a winner they made me a sinnerI don"t know what to doDirty money in the left handWhile the preacher"s shaking my right handThey made me a winner they made me a sinnerI don"t know what to doWhen I"m riding on top ofthe wave of successWill I lose my devotionWill I fail to seewhat I used to beoh..oh..ohChorus:Send the wild women out the backdoorMy wife is knocking at the frontdoorThey made me a winner they made me a sinnerI don"t know what to doDirty money in the left handWhile the preacher"s shaking my right handThey made me a winner they made me a sinnerI don"t know what to doI"ll have to carry onas two persons in oneas two persons in oneas two persons in oneChorus:Send the wild women out the backdoorMy wife is knocking at the frontdoorThey made me a winner they made me a sinnerI don"t know what to doDirty money in the left handWhile the preacher"s shaking my right handThey made me a winner they made me a sinnerI don"t know what to dohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2920336

关于"his parents both died last year,leaving him an orphan"


暑假作文: my best friend my disapointing day my plan for my summer holiday i want to learn English

There are many ways for us to learn English,but ways for us to learn English well is limited. Different ways of learning English effect different people differently. Some people were suggested to read more grammer books, read more textbooks, or even watch movies. But after they tried all of the suggestions , they find theyselives getting informations that are either too stiff for them to absord, or too uncommon to be used in everyday lives. However, as these methods don"t really help them with their English, these ways of learning English surely helped other people learn English well. They need some other suggestions that most people don"t use, so they went on to find other ways in learning English.They found theyselves improve their English by playing games. Through games, they learned many new vocabularys in interactive ways, and through games,they learned how to speak to make sure their sentences makes sense---all the NPC can only say a few lines, but they always gets to the point. From experiences their received already by playing games, I think I"ll continue to learn in this interactive and fun way of English --- by playing a various of RPG games. 仅是 i want to learn English

在线等!!!高分!!!越狱时出现“please wait while your device is being processed” 进度条一直不懂


Gpu Tweak 为什么提示Fail to load dlls please install VGA drivers????

尊敬的华硕用户您好,关于Gpu Tweaker安装现在出现以上错误,请先告知使用华硕显卡的型号;一般来讲,可以试着在控制面板,xp的话是添加或删除程序里面(windows7控制面板——程序——卸载程序),把VGA的驱动以及显卡的公用程序包括GPU Tweak卸载,再重新按照先安装显卡,再安装GPU Tweak的方式来安装。当然VGA的驱动、Gpu Tweak可以换一个版本呢来安装。 以上请参考,谢谢!

海明威的A Clean, Well-Lighted Place的中文翻译

It was very late and everyone had left the cafe except an old man who sat in the shadow the leaves of the tree made against the electric light. In the day time the street was dusty, but at night the dew settled the dust and the old man liked to sit late because he was deaf and now at night it was quiet and he felt the difference. The two waiters inside the cafe knew that the old man was a little drunk, and while he was a good client they knew that if he became too drunk he would leave without paying, so they kept watch on him.时间很晚了,大家都离开餐馆,只有一个老人还坐在树叶挡住灯光的阴影里。白天里,街上尽是尘埃,到得晚上,露水压住了尘埃。这个老人喜欢坐得很晚,因为他是个聋子,现在是夜里,十分寂静,他感觉得到跟白天的不同。呆在餐馆里的两个侍者知道这老人有点儿醉了,他虽然是个好主顾,可是,他们知道,如果他喝得太醉了,他会不付账就走,所以他们一直在留神他。"Last week he tried to commit suicide," one waiter said."Why?""He was in despair.""What about?""Nothing.""How do you know it was nothing?""He has plenty of money.""上个星期他想自杀,"一个侍者说。 "为什么?" "他绝望啦。" "干吗绝望?" "没事儿。" "你怎么知道是没事儿?" "他有很多钱。" They sat together at a table that was close against the wall near the door of the cafe and looked at the terrace where the tables were all empty except where the old man sat in the shadow of the leaves of the tree that moved slightly in the wind. A girl and a soldier went by in the street. The street light shone on the brass number on his collar. The girl wore no head covering and hurried beside him.他们一起坐在紧靠着餐馆大门墙边的桌旁,眼睛望着平台,那儿的桌子全都空无一人,只有那个老人坐在随风轻轻飘拂的树叶的阴影里。有个少女和一个大兵走过大街。街灯照在他那领章的铜号码上。那个少女没戴帽子,在他身旁匆匆走着。"The guard will pick him up," one waiter said."What does it matter if he gets what he"s after?""He had better get off the street now. The guard will get him. They went by five minutes ago."The old man sitting in the shadow rapped on his saucer with his glass. The younger waiter went over to him."What do you want?"The old man looked at him. "Another brandy," he said."警卫队会把他逮走,"一个侍者说。 "如果他到手了他要找的东西,那又有什么关系呢?" "他这会儿还是从街上溜走为好。警卫队会找他麻烦,他们五分钟前才经过这里。" 那老人坐在阴影里,用杯子敲敲茶托。那个年纪比较轻的侍者上他那儿去。"你要什么?" 老人朝他看了看。"再来杯白兰地,"他说。 "You"ll be drunk," the waiter said. The old man looked at him. The waiter went away."你会喝醉的,"侍者说。老人朝他看了一看。侍者走开了。"He"ll stay all night," he said to his colleague. "I"m sleepy now. I never get into bed before three o"clock. He should have killed himself last week.""他会通宵呆在这里,"他对他的同事说。"我这会儿真想睡。我从来没有在三点钟以前睡觉过。他应该在上星期就自杀了。"The waiter took the brandy bottle and another saucer from the counter inside the cafe and marched out to the old man"s table. He put down the saucer and poured the glass full of brandy.侍者从餐馆里的柜台上拿了一瓶白兰地和另一个茶托,大步走了出来,送到老人桌上。他放下茶托,把杯子倒满了白兰地。"You should have killed yourself last week," he said to the deaf man. The old man motioned with his finger. "A little more," he said. The waiter poured on into the glass so that the brandy slopped over and ran down the stem into the top saucer of the pile. "Thank you," the old man said. The waiter took the bottle back inside the cafe. He sat down at the table with his colleague again."你应该在上星期就自杀了,"他对那个聋子说。老人把手指一晃。"再加一点,"他说。侍者又往杯子里倒酒,酒溢了出来,顺着高脚杯的脚流进了一叠茶托的第一只茶托。"谢谢你,"老人说。侍者把酒瓶拿回到餐馆去。他又同他的同事坐在桌旁。"He"s drunk now," he said."He"s drunk every night.""What did he want to kill himself for?""How should I know.""How did he do it?""He hung himself with a rope.""Who cut him down?""他这会儿喝醉了,"他说。 "他每天晚上都喝醉。" "他干吗要自杀呀?" "我怎么知道。" "他上次是怎样自杀的?" "他用绳子上吊。" "谁把他放下来的?" "His niece.""Why did they do it?""Fear for his soul.""How much money has he got?" "He"s got plenty.""He must be eighty years old.""Anyway I should say he was eighty.""他侄女。" "干吗要把他放下来?" "为他的灵魂担忧。" "他有多少钱?" "他有很多钱。" "他准有八十岁喽。" "不管怎样,我算准他有八十岁。" "I wish he would go home. I never get to bed before three o"clock. What kind of hour is that to go to bed?""我真希望他回家去。我从来没有在三点钟以前睡觉过。那是个什么样的睡觉时间呀?" "He stays up because he likes it.""他因为不喜欢睡觉所以才不睡觉。" "He"s lonely. I"m not lonely. I have a wife waiting in bed for me."他孤孤单单。我可不孤单。我有个老婆在床上等着我呢。""He had a wife once too.""他从前也有过老婆。""A wife would be no good to him now.""这会儿有老婆对他可没好处。""You can"t tell. He might be better with a wife.""话可不能这么说。他有老婆也许会好些。""His niece looks after him. You said she cut him down.""他侄女会照料他。你刚才说是她把他放下来的。""I know." "I wouldn"t want to be that old. An old man is a nasty thing.""我知道。" "我才不要活得那么老。老人邋里邋遢。" "Not always. This old man is clean. He drinks without spilling. Even now, drunk. Look at him.""不一定都是这样。这个老人干干净净。他喝啤酒来并不滴滴答答往外漏。哪怕这会儿喝醉了。你瞧他。""I don"t want to look at him. I wish he would go home. He has no regard for those who must work.""我才不想瞧他。我希望他回家去。他并不关心那些非干活不可的人。"The old man looked from his glass across the square, then over at the waiters.那老人从酒杯上抬起头来望望广场,又望望那两个侍者。"Another brandy," he said, pointing to his glass. The waiter who was in a hurry came over."再来杯白兰地,"他指着杯子说。那个着急的侍者跑了过去。"Finished," he said, speaking with that omission of syntax stupid people employ when talking to drunken people or foreigners. "No more tonight. Close now.""没啦,"他不顾什么句法地说,蠢汉在对醉汉或外国人说话时就这么说法。"今晚上没啦。打烊啦。""Another," said the old man."再来一杯,"那老人说。"No. Finished." The waiter wiped the edge of the table with a towel and shook his head."不,没啦,"侍者一边拿块毛巾揩揩桌沿,一边摇摇头。The old man stood up, slowly counted the saucers, took a leather coin purse from his pocket and paid for the drinks, leaving half a peseta tip. The waiter watched him go down the street, a very old man walking unsteadily but with dignity.老人站了起来,慢慢地数着茶托,打口袋里摸出一只装硬币的起夹子来,付了酒账,又放下半个比塞塔作小账。那个侍者瞅着他顺着大街走去,这个年纪很大的人走起路来,虽然脚步不挺稳,却很有神气。"Why didn"t you let him stay and drink?" the unhurried waiter asked. They were putting up the shutters. "It is not half-past two.""你干吗不让他呆下来喝酒呢?"那个不着急的侍者问道。他们这会儿正在拉下百叶窗。"还不到二点半呢。""I want to go home to bed.""我要回家睡觉了。""What is an hour?""一个钟头算啥?""More to me than to him.""他无所谓,我可很在乎。""An hour is the same.""反正是一个钟头。""You talk like an old man yourself. He can buy a bottle and drink at home.""你说得就象那个老人一模一样。他可以买啤酒回家去喝嘛。""It"s not the same.""这可不一样。""No, it is not," agreed the waiter with a wife. He did not wish to be unjust. He was only in a hurry."是呀,这是不一样的。"那个有老婆的侍者表示同意说。他不希望做得不公道,他只是有点儿着急。"And you? You have no fear of going home before your usual hour?""那么你呢?你不怕不到你通常的时间就回家吗?""Are you trying to insult me?""你想侮辱我吗?""No, hombre, only to make a joke.""不,老兄,只是开开玩笑。""No," the waiter who was in a hurry said, rising from pulling down the metal shutters. "I have confidence. I am all confidence.""不,"那个着急的侍者一边说,一边拉下了铁百叶窗后站了起来。"我有信心。我完全有信心。""You have youth, confidence, and a job," the older waiter said. "You have everything.""你有青春,信心,又有工作,"那个年纪大些的侍者说,"你什么都有了。" "And what do you lack?""那么,你缺少什么呢?""Everything but work.""除了工作,什么都缺。""You have everything I have.""我有什么,你也都有了。""No. I have never had confidence and I am not young.""不,我从来就没有信心,我也不年轻了。""Come on. Stop talking nonsense and lock up.""好啦,好啦,别乱弹琴了,把门锁上吧。""I am of those who like to stay late at the cafe," the older waiter said."With all those who do not want to go to bed. With all those who need a light for the night.""我是属于那种喜欢在餐馆呆得很晚的人,"那个年纪大些的侍者说。"我同情那种不想睡觉的人,同情那种夜里要有亮光的人。""I want to go home and into bed.""我要回家睡觉去了。""We are of two different kinds," the older waiter said. He was now dressed to go home. "It is not only a question of youth and confidence although those things are very beautiful. Each night I am reluctant to close up because there may be some one who needs the cafe.""我们是不一样的,"那个年纪大些的侍者说。这会儿,他穿好衣服要回家了。"这不光是个年轻和信心的问题,虽然青春和信心都是十分美妙的。我每天晚上都很不愿意打烊,因为可能有人要上餐馆。""Hombre, there are bodegas open all night long.""老兄,开通宵的酒店有的是。""You do not understand. This is a clean and pleasant cafe. It is well lighted. The light is very good and also, now, there are shadows of the leaves.""你不懂。这儿是个干净愉快的餐馆。十分明亮。而且这会儿,灯光很亮,还有飘渺的树影。" "Good night," said the younger waiter."再见啦,"那个年轻的侍者说。"Good night," the other said. Turning off the electric light he continued the conversation with himself, It was the light of course but it is necessary that the place be clean and pleasant. You do not want music. Certainly you do not want music. Nor can you stand before a bar with dignity although that is all that is provided for these hours. What did he fear? It was not a fear or dread, It was a nothing that he knew too well. It was all a nothing and a man was a nothing too. It was only that and light was all it needed and a certain cleanness and order. Some lived in it and never felt it but he knew it all was nada y pues nada y nada y pues nada. Our nada who art in nada, nada be thy name thy kingdom nada thy will be nada in nada as it is in nada. Give us this nada our daily nada and nada us our nada as we nada our nadas and nada us not into nada but deliver us from nada; pues nada. Hail nothing full of nothing, nothing is with thee. He smiled and stood before a bar with a shining steam pressure coffee machine."再见,"年纪大些的侍者说。他关了电灯,继续在自说自话。亮固然要很亮,但也必须是个干净愉快的地方。你不要听音乐。你肯定不要听音乐。你也不会神气地站在酒吧前面,虽然这会儿那里应有尽有。他怕什么?他不是怕,也不是发慌。他心里很有数,这是虚无缥缈。全是虚无缥缈,人也是虚无缥缈的。人所需要的只是虚无缥缈和亮光以及干干净净和井井有条。有些人生活于其中却从来没有感觉到,可是,他知道一切都是虚无缥缈的,一切都是为了虚无缥缈,虚无缥缈,为了虚无缥缈。我们的虚无缥缈就在虚无缥缈中,虚无缥缈是你的名字,你的王国也叫虚无缥缈,你将是虚无缥缈中的虚无缥缈,因为原来就是虚无缥缈。给我们这个虚无缥缈吧,我们日常的虚无缥缈,虚无缥缈是我们的,我们的虚无缥缈,因为我们是虚无缥缈的,我们的虚无缥缈,我们无不在虚无缥缈中,可是,把我们打虚无缥缈中拯救出来吧;为了虚无缥缈。欢呼全是虚无缥缈的虚无缥缈,虚无缥缈与汝同在。他含笑站在一个酒吧前,那儿有架闪光的蒸气压咖啡机。"What"s yours?" asked the barman."你要什么?"酒吧招待问道。"Nada.""虚无缥缈。""Otro loco mas," said the barman and turned away."又是个神经病,"酒吧招待说过后,转过头去。"A little cup," said the waiter."来一小杯,"那个侍者说。The barman poured it for him.酒吧招待倒了一杯给他。 "The light is very bright and pleasant but the bar is unpolished," the waiter said."灯很亮,也很愉快,只是这个酒吧没有擦得很光洁,"侍者说。 The barman looked at him but did not answer. It was too late at night for conversation.酒吧招待看看他,但是,没有答腔,夜深了,不便谈话。 "You want another copita?" the barman asked."你要再来一小杯吗?"酒吧招待问道。 "No, thank you," said the waiter and went out. He disliked bars and bodegas. A clean, well-lighted cafe was a very different thing. Now, without thinking further, he would go home to his room. He would lie in the bed and finally, with daylight, he would go to sleep. After all, he said to himself, it"s probably only insomnia. Many must have it."不,谢谢你,"侍者说罢,走出去了。他不喜欢酒吧和酒店。一个干净明亮的餐馆又是另一回事。现在他不再想什么了,他要回家,到自己屋里去。他要去躺在床上,最后,天亮了,他就要睡觉了。到头来,他对自己说,大概又只是失眠。许多人一定都失眠。

master 和 learn 的区别

master 熟练的掌握learn 学习学会了的话就是 Learned比如说 learning man 学习的人 learned man 已经学会的人

The car offers first rate 24.2kmpl mileage

kmpl应该是 km/l 或 km per l (kilometres per litre, l 可以大写或小写)。。意思是以一公升的汽油可以行驶多少公里。。可以翻译为这辆车能提供以每公升有二十四点二公里的一流里程。










一公里One kilometer 一英里 A mile 因为一英里 = 1.609344 公里1 / 1.609344 = 0.621371192所以一公里 = 0.621371192 英里



high mileage是什么意思

您好朋友以下翻译来自网络high mileage高里程真诚希望能够帮助您如果满意请采纳,谢谢!




成员姓名 状态 毕业日期 毕业年龄 出生日期 出身地 其后动向 在队日数 小川纱季 毕业 2011年8月27日 14岁9个月10天 1996年11月18日 埼玉县 退出艺能界 876日 小数贺芙由香 毕业 2011年9月9日 13岁9个月11天 1997年11月19日 神奈川县 因贫血而暂停活动,病愈后将加入EGG重新开始 27日 前田忧佳 毕业 2011年12月31日 17岁零3天 1994年12月28日 千叶县 因专注学业,将于2011年12月31日从s/mileage以及早安家族毕业(退出艺能界) 1002日

有没有人能介绍一下UA美联航的mileage plus是什么

Mileage Plus”是美联航空的“前程万里”特惠计划,以里程积分的方式来兑换免费航程等活动。


mileage是韩泰轮胎。韩泰轮胎成立于1941年,是韩国的第一家轮胎企业,为乘用车、轻卡(SUV、RV等)、货车、巴士和专用赛车提供子午轮胎 . 如果对您有所帮助望采纳








mileage credit里程的信用双语对照例句:1.A mileage credit card deal would really be futile if the miles begin to drop away just asyou draw near to a free ticket. 里程信用卡交易真的会徒劳无功,如果英里开始瓦解,就像你借鉴近一个免费入场券.








你好!从图片判断,此皮夹应该是用珍珠鱼皮(stingray leather)以及牛皮/小牛皮 (cow leather / calf leather) 制作的,看起来品质还不错,应该值这个价。现在市场上的皮具大多用牛皮,相对而言,鱼皮算是比较稀有的。PS: 你可以从小卡片(第一张图片)上看到珍珠鱼的样子 :-)

stingray leather是真皮吗

stingray leather鱼皮革不是真皮。经过鞣制的鱼的皮就是鱼皮革。通过鞣剂使生皮变成革的物理化学过程称为鞣制。鞣制是制革和裘皮加工的重要工序。鱼皮革的优点1、经过近百道上乘工艺而成的鱼皮革,特有的"鳞窝"表面和"层状"水平编织的纤维构造特点,令鱼皮革具备天然、独特立体的粒面鳞状花纹,龙鳞般的视觉冲击使人感受到其独有的天然个性。2、这一新型的皮具材料,同时兼具了坚韧和轻盈的特点,水平斜插式纤维结构使得鱼皮革具有牢固、抗撕裂、耐皱折等性能,且品质都优于同等厚度的牛羊皮革。3、天然防水、防油、防污的特性,"三防"效果非常显著。

learn from和learn with的区别

一、learn fromfrom 是从...地方来,所以learn from 是指从某个地方或者人学到知识.learn from是从……得知,向……学习,是指从某个地方或者人学到知识。通常语法是learn from sb向某人学习短语learn French from him 向他学习法语 learn English from me 向我学英语 learn lessons from mistakes 从错误中吸取教训 二、learn with释义:学习with可以是和人一起,也可以是和某样物品一起。1.I am prepared to follow and to learn, with a thankful heart.我现在打算用一颗感激的心跟从你不断的学习。2.Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?学而时习之,不亦悦乎?3.I learn with regret of the failure of messrs. P. R . & amp co.听说P. R. 公司破产,甚为遗憾。

请你在旁边等一下,英语:Please waiting for at aside?

请你在旁边等一下,建议翻译成: Please wait a moment aside.

leak or leakage

更新1: Thank you. leak or leakage - difference and examples For your reference below are wers to your question: (wers.yahoo/question/index?qid=20090720112831AARq2Rv) Well! Leakage es from the root word “Leak” me nearly the same thing. Guess it should be a noun of Leak. Leakage is the act of leaking. Leak itself can be used as a noun and verb. Example to use both of them: There is a leak (noun) in the roof. And during rainy season the water starts to leak (verb) through it. Something should be definitely done to fix this water leakage (noun). (forum.wordreference/showthread?t=1586295) Leakage: The act or an instance of leaking.Something that escapes by leaking.An amount lost as the result of leaking.Leak: To permit the escape entry or passage of something through a breach or flaw: rusted pipes that were beginning to leak; a boat leaking at the seams.To escape or pass through a breach or flaw: helium leaking slowly from the balloon.Informal. To bee publicly known through a breach of secrecy: The news has leaked.v.tr. To permit (a substance) to escape or pass through a breach or flaw: a damaged reactor leaking radioactivity into the atmosphere.Informal. To disclose without authorization or official sanction: leaked classified information to a reporter.n. A crack or flaw that permits something to escape from or enter a container or conduit: fixed the leak in the roof.The act or instance of leaking.An amount leaked: equipment used in cleaning up oil leaks.Informal. An unauthorized or a deliberate disclosure of confidential information: "Sometimes we can"t respond to stories based on leaks" (Ronald Reagan).Loss of electric current as a result of faulty insulation.The path or place at which this loss takes place.So there is quite a bit of overlap beeen the o but they"re not pletely synonymous. 参考: forum.wordreference/showthread?t=1586295 wers.yahoo/question/index?qid=20090720112831AARq2Rv Answer with good reference!


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请点菜.Anyone wants to order? please?

panther与 leapord的区别?

是leopard 不是leapord……leopard就是豹子panther 豹; (尤指)黑豹 还有美洲狮的意思


波士顿矩阵(BCG Matrix) 又称市场增长率—相对市场份额矩阵、波士顿咨询集团法、四象限分析法、产品系列结构管理法等。 波士顿矩阵是由美国大型商业咨询公司——波士顿咨询集团(Boston Consulting Group)首创的一种规划企业产品组合的方法。问题的关键在于要解决如何使企业的产品品种及其结构适合市场需求的变化,只有这样企业的生产才有意义。 波士顿矩阵认为一般决定产品结构的基本因素有二个:即 市场引力 与 企业实力 。市场引力包括企业销售量(额)增长率、目标市场容量、竞争对手强弱及利润高低等。其中最主要的是反映市场引力的综合指标——销售增长率,这是决定企业产品结构是否合理的外在因素。企业实力包括市场占有率,技术、设备、资金利用能力等,其中市场占有率是决定企业产品结构的内在要素,它直接显示出企业竞争实力。 销售增长率与市场占有率既相互影响,又互为条件:市场引力大,销售增长率高,可以显示产品发展的良好前景,企业也具备相应的适应能力,实力较强;如果仅有市场引力大,而没有相应的高销售增长率,则说明企业尚无足够实力,则该种产品也无法顺利发展。相反,企业实力强,而市场引力小的产品也预示了该产品的市场前景不佳。 通过以上两个因素相互作用,会出现四种不同性质的产品类型,形成不同的产品发展前景:①销售增长率和市场占有率“双高”的产品群( 明星类产品 );②销售增长率和市场占有率“双低”的产品群( 瘦狗类产品 );③销售增长率高、市场占有率低的产品群( 问号类产品 );④销售增长率低、市场占有率高的产品群( 现金牛类产品 )。 u200b 目前已有数据维度:1、不同产品名称;2、各产品在2016.3-2019.5每月的订单金额。 BCG矩阵需要的数据维度:1、市场占有率;2、市场增长率 。 Paremeter [Date]:BCG矩阵的时间节点 u200b Parameter [Period]:周期,用于计算市场增长率 u200b [Date] 前一个[Period]的销售额: u200b [Date] 前第二个[period]的销售额: u200b 增长率的计算: u200b 将计算字段[sales before 1 Period]拖入至Columns,并作快速表计算(percent of total),即为在[period]时间内各产品的市场份额; 将计算字段[Gr% of perod] 拖入至 Rows,即在指定日期阶段与上一阶段相比的增长率; 将[产品] 字段拖入至Marks

clean the dormitory为什么加the


Turn over a new leaf什么意思



drag leave拖走双语对照例句:1.If you don"t leave for action english studio right now I"ll drag you off there myself! 如果你还不去动感英语的摄影棚,我就得亲自拉你去了

我有四款迪奥香水,分别是Leau、Eau de Toilette、Eau de Parfum、Labsolu,请告诉我这几款香水的中文名


我们推选他做我们的足球队的队长翻译:We ____ him leader of our football team


group leader 和leader哪个级别高

  这不好说,group leader (小组头头/领导)可以小到真正意义上的小组(居委会/班级),也可大到中央政治局分小组讨论时的小组领导。同样,leader 可以指小孩子的头头。也可指一个国家的领导。比如:He is a leader (among these kids) / (in his country).

猎头的team leader提成方案都是怎样的

依. 具有良好的领导能力,有魄力.贰. 具有较强的专业知识.别人能做的他/她得会.别人不能做的他/她也要会.三. 具有良好的沟通能力.如与其他部门的沟通,与客户及供应商之间的沟通.四. 具有良好的人缘.5. 关心下属的工作状态及生活状态.如:分配工作时需根据下属的实际能力.分配的工作要和下属的能力相符合.避免大才小用或者是小才大用,难以胜任,导致压力太大.避免因工作分配的不合理而影响整个team的工作效率.平时不忙的时候可以和下属交流一下关于生活的话题.陆. 多给予下属鼓励和支持.漆. 多为下属创造机会进行专业培训从而提高整个team的工作能力.吧. 多为下属争取福利及为能力强的下属争取晋升的机会.9. 勇与承担责任及乐于解决问题.依0. If you promised. You should do it.依依. 做正确的事,而不是正确地做事.---------------------对team leader的基本要求:依、对领导只能出选择题,不能出问答题;???? ??“领导,现在项目忙不过来...”然后没有下文,这种方式是不对的。team leader分析的原因是哪些方面?准备采取哪些办法?这些办法提出来供领导选择,或让领导对其中的办法提出改进意见。???? 有个team leader打中国给领导:“领导,sco unix安装盘没有!怎么办?”,结果被狠批了一顿。?????? 此类问题顶多能这样问:“领导,现在没有sco unix安装盘。我问过了,张三、李四、王五他们三个有,找谁要合适?”???? ??“问答题、选择题”要求,目的是为了让team leader自己做过周全地思考,不养成依赖的习惯。从一个更概括性的层次上,Team Leader的工作中最优先的任务如下:(依)按期、按预算交付高质量的产品。(贰)确保团队完成高质量的工作。(三)建设有凝聚力和高回报的团队环境,并促使高效的团队协作。另外,Team Leader还有一些重要的工作:(依)保持团队目标清晰明确,并且确保每一个组员都了解他目前的任务对达到这一目标有多大贡献。???? ?? 目标是很重要的,它提供关注的焦点、动力和活力,这些要素可以帮助团队获得成功。(贰)为团队树立榜样。“老板的速度就是团队的速度。”(三)相信团队,并鼓励团队做到最好。(四)Team Leader必须为团队所做的每一件事承担责任。(5)生产率与工作环境的稳定性是直接相关的,工作环境的变化必须控制在一定的速度和比例内,才不会超出组织的容忍度

如何做好一个team leader

1. 具有良好的领导能力,有魄力. 2. 具有较强的专业知识.别人能做的他/她得会.别人不能做的他/她也要会. 3. 具有良好的沟通能力.如与其他部门的沟通,与客户及供应商之间的沟通. 4. 具有良好的人缘. 5. 关心下属的工作状态及生活状态.如:分配工作时需根据下属的实际能力.分配的工作要和下属的能力相符合.避免大才小用或者是小才大用,难以胜任,导致压力太大.避免因工作分配的不合理而影响整个team的工作效率.平时不忙的时候可以和下属交流一下关于生活的话题. 6. 多给予下属鼓励和支持. 7. 多为下属创造机会进行专业培训从而提高整个team的工作能力. 8. 多为下属争取福利及为能力强的下属争取晋升的机会. 9. 勇与承担责任及乐于解决问题. 10. If you promised. You should do it. 11. 做正确的事,而不是正确地做事.---------------------对team leader的基本要求: 1、对领导只能出选择题,不能出问答题;0202 02“领导,现在项目忙不过来...”然后没有下文,这种方式是不对的。team leader分析的原因是哪些方面?准备采取哪些办法?这些办法提出来供领导选择,或让领导对其中的办法提出改进意见。0202 有个team leader打电话给领导:“领导,sco unix安装盘没有!怎么办?”,结果被狠批了一顿。020202 此类问题顶多能这样问:“领导,现在没有sco unix安装盘。我问过了,张三、李四、王五他们三个有,找谁要合适?”0202 02“问答题、选择题”要求,目的是为了让team leader自己做过周全地思考,不养成依赖的习惯。从一个更概括性的层次上,Team Leader的工作中最优先的任务如下:(1)按期、按预算交付高质量的产品。(2)确保团队完成高质量的工作。(3)建设有凝聚力和高回报的团队环境,并促使高效的团队协作。另外,Team Leader还有一些重要的工作:(1)保持团队目标清晰明确,并且确保每一个组员都了解他目前的任务对达到这一目标有多大贡献。0202 02 目标是很重要的,它提供关注的焦点、动力和活力,这些要素可以帮助团队获得成功。(2)为团队树立榜样。“老板的速度就是团队的速度。”(3)相信团队,并鼓励团队做到最好。(4)Team Leader必须为团队所做的每一件事承担责任。(5)生产率与工作环境的稳定性是直接相关的,工作环境的变化必须控制在一定的速度和比例内,才不会超出组织的容忍度。

The only freshman who is team leader对不对

Only a freshman student"s captain duties

最近我的公司有新人加入, position title is Team Leader, 想问各位他的职位管甚麽呢 ?



"leave"是一个英文词汇,可用作动词和名词。作为动词,它有多种不同的意思,具体取决于上下文。以下是一些常见的含义:1. 离开:表示离开某个地点或位置。例如:I need to leave the office at 6 PM.(我需要在下午6点离开办公室。)2. 留下,放置:表示将某物留在某个地方或位置。例如:Please leave your bags by the door.(请把你的包放在门边。)3. 让某人处于某种状态或状况:表示让某人停留或保持在某种状态下。例如:Leave the door open.(让门敞开。)4. 将某物交给他人:表示将某物留给他人。例如:I will leave the documents with my assistant.(我会把文件留给我的助理。)作为名词,"leave"通常指离开或暂时离开的许可。例如:I have been granted leave for two weeks.(我获准休假两周。)总而言之,"leave"是一个多义词,在不同的语境中可以有不同的含义。


No one was left 。是没人留下了




check out 结账离开go away depart from


depart from、deviate from、departure、check out.


(图片来源:pixabay) 当你有事离开(leave),但又不好意思什么都不说的一声走人,该怎么用英文委婉表达呢? 以下说明当你有其他原因必须离开(leave)的时候,怎么用英文表达。 1.leave 离开 leave本身有离开的意思。 例:I need to leave because it"s really late. 我得离开了,因为时间真得晚了。 如果你仅仅只是想表达某人离开某个地方,同样可以用leave。 例:She left her house at 3 o"clock. 她三点离开她家。 2. I gotta go 我得走了/我得离开了 这是最简单的说法,也很口语。 例:I want to stay longer, but I gotta go. 我想留久一点,但我得走了。 也可以用I have to go。 例:I"m afraid I have to go. 我恐怕必须走了。 离开之前,你可以先说一下,你很喜欢这次跟对方相聚。 例: It"s been a pleasure talking to you. 跟你聊天真的很愉快。 无论你离开的原因是什么,你都可以跟对方说你会跟他保持联络。 例: 1.Let"s get tougher soon. 之后再相聚。 2.Let"s get lunch sometime. 改天一起吃午餐。 3.I"ll call you tomorrow. 我明天会打给你! 4.Let"s keep in touch. 让我们保持联络! 最后你可以再跟对方说声再见。 例:Bye bye! See you soon! 后会有期。 I gotta go, I gotta go 中文, I gotta go 例句, I gotta go 意思, I gotta go 翻译, I gotta go用法, leave, leave 中文, leave 例句, leave 意思, leave 用法, leave 翻译, leave 英文例句, 得走了 英文, 得离开了 英文, 离开 英文, 离开 英文例句, 离开 英文怎么说

歌词开头大概是you got the please..what bill they say...another day老英文歌男的唱的,挺火的

On Top of the World(and the girls)but now i sing (now i sing) oh whoahbecause im sitting on top of the world (the whole world)and now i sing sing sing sing cause im sitting on top of the worldand now i sing sing sing sing sitting on top of the worldthey say what goes up must come down but i aint reached my cruising altitudetake a look at what i did but can you imagine what im about to dothe places im bout to go and the money im bout to seegave bill gates some binoculaurs and said look out for meand see these expectations even at def jamcause i married the streets and atlanta has been my best manmy momma quit her job and now she works with six figurescause im a self-made nappy-headed rich niggaprivate planes help me travel in peaceto four cities in one day and four countries in one weekcause i work for myself and no one else cause im too smart tooput one of my partners right through culinary art schoolnow he my personal chef so that bread he get itput them all in houses cleaned up all of my friends creditand now they witness all the glitz and the glamourcatch us eating at straits atlanta with women with table mannersorder in singapore and lobstercelebrating coming from nothing to winning grammys and rappers winning oscarsand they say rappers shouldnt act nahh suckerswe see samuel jackson like whats up mother f**kerrri used to dream (i used to dream) oh whoahabout the money and the cars and girls (and the girls)but now i sing (now i sing) oh whoahbecause im sitting on top of the world (the whole world)and now i sing sing sing sing cause im sitting on top of the worldand now i sing sing sing sing sitting on top of the worldi know them haters dont stop plotting and wish you would fallcause im standing on top looking down at it alli see you down there to yall this aint like i got it allhomie i aint get enough im still trying to triple upso all we got is street cred and a cool building upsay im doing too much shit i say i aint did enoughremember saying damn if i could just get to a million plusand now im like shit what the f**k is a million buckstriple that on my bun thanks to bigs and runbut nevermind what ive been through just look at what i becomeall the shit ive avoided what i done for my sonshand dollars and momma just call heri sold dope and dropped out of school seems its all they can seethey dont notice none of my family did that since mei broke that cycle now my family live a life ofmandatory minimals but not when the judge sentence themcousins in college where you think they get tuition fromjeffrey standing around wishing huhand while you standing around looking dumbi make it happen taking action over time got damn good at iti used to dream (i used to dream) oh whoahabout the money and the cars and girls (and the girls)but now i sing (now i sing) oh whoahbecause im sitting on top of the world (the whole world)and now i sing sing sing sing cause im sitting on top of the worldand now i sing sing sing sing sitting on top of the world



please enter your birthdate是什么意思


请把它们拿走的英语 Please_____them_____


Please enter a valid date of birth中文意思是什么


“Please enther a valid date of birth”是什么意思?


Please enter a valid date of birth中文意思是什么 急


Please enter a valid date of birth中文意思是什么 急


Please enter a valid date什么意思?

请输入一个有效的出生日期 或 请输入一个有效的起始数据
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