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英语They are pleasingly frank怎么翻译?


in no case should we neglect the importance of learning,什么意思


miss out 和leave out有什么区别


an animal,eats shoots and leaves 中文意思是什么?


Panda:an animal,eats shoots and leaves是什么意思

熊猫:一只动物,吃芽、叶子 ,你明知答案,干吗还要提问!stupid从前有一只熊猫,它到一家饭店点了菜就开始吃,吃完之后掏出一把枪乱放几枪走了。饭店的老板就问它,你为什么要这样做?熊猫就说,你查一下字典。老板发现字典上写着:Panda:an animal,eats shoots and leaves是在说这个笑话吧……我也不懂...等着看答案~~ 前几天看的一个笑话。 一只大熊猫去餐馆吃饭,点了N多道菜,全部干光(估计是《功夫熊猫》里的那只)。然后抹抹嘴唇预备走了。 这个时候店小二就过来了,跟他/她说,客官,您还没付账呢。谁知大熊猫从身上掏出一支手枪,BiangBiang就是 两声。小二胆颤心惊,不敢多言。店长闻声,就过来质问(应该是个不怕死的),客官怎能吃霸王餐呢。谁知大熊猫扔下一句话:你们去查查吧!就大摇大摆的走了。 气愤之余的店家找来了警察。叙述了事情的大概。负责滴这位刑警看来也是老道至极,嘴里一直念念有词,去查查, 去查查?突然,脑袋开窍。叫来了下属去翻百科全书。翻到对大熊猫注释:“... ...” 恍然大悟。(知道书里怎 么讲滴吗?看看:Gaint Panda,lives in China, It Eats, Shoots and Leaves [正确:it eats shoots and leaves.” ) “It Eats, Shoots and Leaves”是一个书名,事实上这是一本非常特殊的书。这本书意在呼吁人们规范标点符号的用法,书中列举的大量例子向读者说明,英国人不注意标点符号的使用,乱用、误用标点的情况层出不穷。“Eats, Shoots and Leaves”就是作者收集的例子之一。这句话来自某博物馆介绍大熊猫的一份宣传材料,该材料说:“The panda is an animal that lives in China. It eats, shoots and leaves.”(后面还有别的内容,这里不引了。)其实后面一句错误地多用了一个逗号,正确的句子应是:It eats shoots and leaves. “shoots and leaves”不是表示第三人称动词现在时的形式,而是复数名词,是“eats”的宾语。这里shoots的意思是植物的嫩苗幼枝,包括“竹笋”(bamboo shoots)。 这是刚刚查到的……希望对你有帮助


含义不同,takeaway n. 外卖餐馆,外卖食品;复数:takeaways例句:Let"s have a takeaway tonight.咱们今晚吃一顿外卖的饭菜吧。There"s a Chinese takeaway in the centre of town.在市中心有一家中国菜的外卖餐馆.He never cooks and always eats out or has a takeaway.他从不烹调而且总是在外面吃饭或 者有一个外卖饭菜.earning:n.收入;所赚的钱v.赚得( earn的现在分词 );挣钱;生(利);获(利)

Please give a introduction to English Renaissance and Humanism.

ok . 文艺复兴是指13世纪末在意大利各城市兴起,以后扩展到西欧各国,于16世纪在欧洲盛行的一场思想文化运动,带来一段科学与艺术革命时期,揭开了近代欧洲历史的序幕,被认为是中古时代和近代的分界。马克思主义史学家认为是封建主义时代和资本主义时代的分界。13世纪末期,在意大利商业发达的城市,新兴的资产阶级中的一些先进的知识分子借助研究古希腊、古罗马艺术文化,通过文艺创作,宣传人文精神。另有相关图书。

A library language is one which functions primarily as a tool for further learning through reading.


PU和Artificial leather的区别?

PU是合成革.Artificial leather 是人造革.PU比Artificial leather价格便宜,而质地比较好

英文翻译导致两人死亡为什么是leaving 2 people dead?这里为什么不用die(d)?




Sqite数据库 boolean 字段 该如何写where 查询子句

db.rawQuery("select count(*) from XX where islearned = 0 and questioncategoryname = ? ",new String[]{position} ); 代表查falsedb.rawQuery("select count(*) from XX where islearned = 1 or false and questioncategoryname = ? ",new String[]{position} ); 代表查true

xu xia andher teammares are leaving for the usa

答案:A 考查动词短语.句意"徐霞和她的同学下周将去美国."Leave for sp表示"动身去某地",而本句中的next week表示的是将来的时间,只有A项是属于现在进行时表示将来;故选A.



求lean milk和skinny milk以及skim milk的区别?

skim就是脱脂的意思。百分号前面的数值是指占牛奶重量的百分比。1%就是整瓶牛奶里面有1%的重量是2%,3.25%……以此类推单纯的skim milk就是完全脱脂的了。按规定必须少于0.5%就我本人而言,还是比较喜欢喝2%的。因为甜度适中。呵呵。


PLEASE CHECK TKT ELEMENT:请检查核对机票上信息其中 tkt 是 ticket 的缩写,意思是“票务”这是一般机场广播中提示的,在上飞机前,提示检查你的飞机信息是否正确,以免耽误乘机。

Shipping Release 是什么意思



跳蛙(Leapfrog)法:就是 将从 范围大的 开始 积分逐渐缩小

leap frog怎么使用

leap frog是“跳山羊,跳蛙”的意思(最基础的意思)但它在不同语境中也有不同意思:I like to compare economic competition to a game of leap frog .我想把经济竞争比做跳蛙比赛。At the end of the day, What China has achieved in last decade and half is enough to leap frog!一日将尽,中国在最近十五年内所取得的成就足够他们完成‘(蛙跳)"!China has an energy policy based on radical energy efficiency and leapfrog technology .中国出台一项能源政策该政策以全新的高效能源和(跨越式)的技术作为基础。


leapfrog翻译:n.跳背游戏(游戏者轮流从其他弯背人身上跳过);v.越级提升;例句:1.Folks playing leapfrog must complete all jumps.人们完成跳背游戏的时候必须完成所有的跳跃。2.The win allowed them to leapfrog three teams to gain second place. 这场胜利使他们连超三个队,跃居第二位。3.It is already obvious that all four American systems have leapfrogged over the European versions 4个美国系统全部超过了欧洲版本,这已是显见的事实。4.American researchers have now leapfrogged the Japanese and are going to produce a digital system within a year or two. 美国研究人员现已乘日本人之东风赶超而上,将在一两年内研制出一套数字系统。5.At present, china railway is in the leapfrog development stage. 当前,中国铁路正处在跨越式发展阶段。www.fabiao.net6.Scientific Development Concept as a Guide to Achieving Sustainable Leapfrog Development. 以科学发展观为指导实现跨越式持续发展&西安石油大学十五科技工作回眸。7.China railway leapfrog development strategy focused on large-scale railway network construction. 中国铁路跨越式发展战略的核心是实施大规模铁路网建设。8.The Theory of Industrial Technology Leapfrogging and Its Applied Research in Guangxi. 产业技术跨越理论及其在广西的应用研究。


leapfrog英[u02c8li:pfru0252g]美[u02c8li:pfru0254:g]n.跳背游戏(分开两腿从背弯站立者身上跳过),(两支部队)交互跃进,竞相提高v.跳背,交替前进,跃过网络跳跳蛙; 跳蛙公司; 超越第三人称单数:leapfrogs现在分词:leapfrogging过去式:leapfrogged过去分词:leapfrogged双语例句 Folks playing leapfrog must complete all jumps.人们完成跳背游戏的时候必须完成所有的跳跃。

Pretty Please 歌词

歌曲名:Pretty Please歌手:Toni Braxton专辑:SnowflakesJoJo - Pretty PleaseNow, what we"re gonna do right now is,Is show ya, how we like to do itIsn"t that right, brother Chad Hugo? Brother Kenna? Beanz?You ready for this? Check it out.Beautiful, there you goWhisperin" all of those sweet nothin"s, babyNothin"s, babyAnd if you heard em" onceYa heard em" allThere ain"t nothing to itN0, it"s nothin", babyYou must be crazyDo yourself a favorQuick, while you"re aheadMaybe you should work on your game before you sayYou can"t think that I was born just yesterdayI"ll give you a tip...Ya might just get away with itYa might just get away with itYa might just get away with itYa might just get away with itIf ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"Sexual, there you goGet it, noExtra touch, you feel it, babyFeel it, feel it, feel it, feel it, babyKeep your hands and e1, off my merchandiseYou break it, you bought it, babyYou break it, you bought it, babyDo yourself a favorQuick, while you"re aheadMaybe you should work on your game before you sayYou can"t think that I was born just yesterdayI"ll give you a tip...Ya might just get away with itYa might just get away with itYa might just get away with itYa might just get away with itIf ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"Johnny got "Cash" and I don"t careJimmy cracked corn and I don"t careDon"t care, don"t care, don"t, don"t careDon"t care, don"t care, don"t, don"t careBilly got a whip, but I ain"t ridin"Rock-a-round it, cause with it, that"s time andDon"t care, don"t care, don"t, don"t careI don"t give a, I don"t give a, I don"t give a...Fudgesicle (No!) Sicle. Fudgesicle.Fudgesicle (No!) Sicle.Ya might just get away with itYa might just get away with itYa might just get away with itIf ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"http://music.baidu.com/song/8317550

用英语写一篇关于“Open Learning”的作文。(教育技术学专业英语)


not at all与not in the least两词组有什么不同

意思都是“一点都不……,完全不……”只是使用上有差别吧。not at all还有不用谢,别客气的意思。

Scientists have learned a lot about the kinds of food people need. They said that there are sev...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:C小题4:A 试题分析:文章是一篇说明文,说明全世界不同地区的人,有不同的饮食习惯,不论怎样,最重要存在两大问题,一是消除饥饿,二是吃出健康。小题1:推理判断题。由文章第一段科学家列出的每天应吃的食物种类,包括蔬菜、水果、谷物,鱼肉蛋、奶、坚果,要均衡饮食,可推断出C答案中包含的种类多,所以选C。小题2:细节理解题。由此句It doesn"t matter whether food is eaten raw or cooked,“食物是生吃还是熟吃都没关系。”可知raw和cooked应该是对应词,cooked在此的意思是,做熟了的,所以raw是“生的”。故选B。小题3:细节理解题。由第二段最后一句话The important thing is what you eat every day.“最重要的事情是你每天吃什么。” 可知选C。小题4:主旨大意题。由第二段第四行It doesn"t matter whether food is eaten raw or cooked, cool or hot.,推出B不正确;由最后一段第二句话The first is to find some ways to feed the world"s population so that no one in hungry.可知C不对,再根据全文的中心意思,故选A。


Drαgon Boαt Festⅰⅴαl?医学回答flash中改变对象的大小与形状有哪几种方式?Adobe Flash回答put什么yourshoes,please。A、inB、atC、away?金融

leaning on the door prohibited.中为何prohibited要放在后面

常用用法 例如shooting prohibited 禁止打猎(动作doing+prohibited)

rake the leaves是什么意思

rake the leaves耙树叶rake the leaves耙树叶例句I watched the men rake leaves into heaps. 我看着那些人把叶子耙成堆。2Rake the leaves and heap them by the garage. 用耙子把叶子收在一起堆在汽车库旁边。

rake leaves的音标

rake 英[reɪk] 美[rek] n. 耙子; 放荡的男人; 倾斜度; v. 耙; 梳理; 扫视; 搜寻; [例句]Rake the soil, press the seed into it, then cover it lightly将土耙松,把种子种在土里,然后轻轻地盖上土。[其他] 第三人称单数:rakes 复数:rakes 现在分词:raking 过去式:raked过去分词:raked leaves 英[li:vz] 美[livz] n. 叶子; 树叶,花瓣; (leaf的复数) ; 页( leaf的名词复数 ); 有…状叶的; 金属薄片; v. 离开( leave的第三人称单数 ); 遗弃; 忘了带; 交托; [例句]In the garden, the leaves of the horse chestnut had already fallen花园里,七叶树已经落叶了。[其他] 原型: leave / leaf

rake the leaves是什么意思

rake the leaves耙树叶双语对照例句:1.They will rake the leaves off the grass. 他们将把草地上的叶子耙去。2.Rake the leaves and heap them by the garage. 用耙子把叶子收在一起堆在汽车库旁边。

i can rake the leaves英文是什么意思?



aqui te amo


在这个短语中,"simply" 是一个副词,修饰介词短语 "for pleasure"。具体来说,"simply" 表示做某事只是出于简单的愉悦或享受,并且没有其他目的。在这个短语中,"for pleasure" 意味着某件事情是为了纯粹的乐趣而做,而不是为了赚钱、表现、提升自己等其他因素。因此,整个短语 "simply for pleasure" 的意思是“只是出于纯粹的快乐和享受”。


你好,高兴帮助你。请采纳,谢谢!!!I guessed a riddle and got a prize.这句话的意思是:我猜对了一个谜语,获得了一份奖品。riddle 谜语guess 动词,猜prize 奖品


了解的英文短语词组:learn about。 learn: v.学;学习;学到;学会;听到;得知;获悉;记住;背熟;熟记; 第三人称单数: learns现在分词: learning过去式: learnt learned过去分词: learnt learned 扩展资料   We learn about current events through the radio or TV.   我们通过无线电或电视了解时事。   This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning.   这项研究大大提高了我们对语言学习的认识。   It takes a long time to learn to speak a language well.   学会说好一种语言需要花很长的时间。   A good dictionary is indispensable for learning a foreign language.   一本好词典是学习外语必备的。

learn pear wear bear 中的ea发什么音


了解”用英文“learn about”还是“know about”


为什么一句话英文是问句? Will passenger for this flight please

这是礼貌用语,大致相当于Would you please...就是请你怎么怎么样的意思

英语作文learn skills范文

A life"s study is considered to be much more important than ever before. For most of us, we only learn and study in schools, but the everlastingly changing world requires us to keep a habit of learning all the time.such as different kinds of practical skills, to confront the life challenge. Here comes a heated debate whether adult should learn by themselves or choose turning to a teacher in classroom. As for me, self-learning and teaching both can not be ignored.On one hand, self-learning is much more available for most adults for the simple reason that it demands less time from those who are always under the great pressure of work and family. People can squeeze any time he/she can in daily life for a short learning.Reading a chapter of the textbook during the break will make it easier to finish a heavy one within a week. By contrast, going to courses, night course for example, usually occupies a lot of time after work, which are supposed to be used for relaxing or family time. Moreover, it is the affluent resources online that enable self-learning for adults more possible and practical. There are massive number of courses on some better known video websites, cooking, gardening, language smoothingto name a few, which can drag users into any online classroom for something news.One the other side, self-learning online may arouse some questions, such as it can not help people solve professional problems unless turning to the real teacher. Besides, it also takes courage, persistence as well as self-controlling for people to learn by themselves online, because there are a great number of temptations through hyperlink all around and it is easy for us to digress from what we are intended to do.All in all, teacher can help us to solve professional problems and a class will create a sound learning atmosphere, but the lifestyle of most adult makes it impossible to attending a long term and a time class. The best method is to balance the two ways.

A Pleasant State of Mind保持良好心境的重要性 写篇英语作文 150-200

It is necessary that we should keep a pleasant state of mind.As is known to all,it is when we have a pleasant state of mind that we are able to perform greatly.For instant,I did badly in an exam,which made me very frastated at first.However,I try to keep a pleasant mind,facing the difficulty and working harder,which finally paid off.I did better than before,and seldom did I have a bad performce later on condition that I have a possitive mind.Thus it is of great importance that we keep a pleasant state of mind.希望接纳,打的辛苦啊!

I have sent you the revised Graphical abstract. Please find the attachments. 这句话有问题吗 谢谢



slip是滑倒的意思,leak是泄露的意思,两者都有动词和名次两个词性,但是意思大不相同。slip有两个词性v. 滑倒;滑跤;滑落;滑离;脱落;悄悄疾行;溜;迅速放置;下降;陷入,进入;(迅速且容易地)穿上,脱下;摆脱n. 差错;疏漏;纰漏;纸条;便条;小纸片;滑跤;滑倒;失脚;衬裙;(击球员后侧的)守场员leak有两个词性v. 漏;渗漏;泄漏;渗入;漏出;泄露,透露(秘密信息);走漏n. 漏洞;裂缝;缝隙;泄漏出的液体(或气体);(秘密信息的)透露;撒尿

Learn to smile 求教写英语作文!!!

Smile is an attiude of life .so it is important for us to simle to ourselves or others. every one has experience that he do not pass the exams.some may feel upset,others may feel energetic because they have new goals.to finish these goals,simle can help us a lot.simle can make us confident to face the failure.smile to friends is also necessary .the more friends you have ,the more succsss you can get in the future.so please get on well with your friends.in a short,smile is a important part of our life.after all,Try to smile to yourself and your friends and you will be happy all the time.(纯手打)

l clean my bedroom in saturdays 为什么加s?


求一篇 my colleague 作文 80个单词即可

my colleague my colleague is a girl,her name is xiaolin.she is very kind to everyone in my company.she always help others.one day i lost my wallet,she helped to go along with me to the police.and then,she asked me to have dinner.at evening,she always chat with me home.after a while,she went home.the next day,when i came to office,she gave me a surprise.my wallet was on her hands.l was very happy and thanked her. this is my college.aren`t you kike her?



colleague 有缩写吗?


翻译The Leaning Tower of Pisa七年级下



1.standard,名词,“标准,规范”;形容词,“规范的,常规性的”。2.leave,动词,“离开,动身,遗忘”;名词, “请假,同意”。总结:两个单词词性和意思均不相同,使用时容易区分。希望对你有帮助。谢谢!

transaction being process,please wait。

Transcation is proceeding.是 Transcation 在做 proceeding . Transcation is being processed.= 是正在处理




My way to be happy Being a student, we have to study hard all days. Keeping so busy easily makes us feel tired or unhappy. To cheer myself up, I usually do sports. In sports I can forget all the stress and feel strong and confident. Sometimes, I also do the disco. With the powerful music and free body movements, I can completely relax myself and feel happy. Just as the proverb says, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." We need to take a break and do some sports if we have learned for hours. That"s the secret to keep yourself happy.

Lead To You 歌词

歌曲名:Lead To You歌手:Maury专辑:The Best Is Yet To ComeOlivia Ong - I"ll Get Back To YouAlbum: Just For YouI can tell youI"m not gonna hideBut somewhere insideI get shy when you"re aroundCruising fellingI go up and downIn and outLand on the groundSo...What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowI can tell youIt"s more than crushCoz somewhere insideI"m gonna get you tooCruising feelingI go up and downin and outLand on the groundSo....What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowWhat is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2759992

有这么个句子,:Please confirm,而confirm 是及物动词,所以句子后面一定要加宾语(比如it)。



过滤下就可以了啊。。。if(((contrl)sender) == 某控件){return;}

为何一打开电脑就显示 无法定位程序输入点LeaveCriticalSection于动态链接



可以和读文本文件一样读取fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");f = fso.OpenTextFile("c:fps.properties", ForWriting, true);或者用java代码把xx.properties拼成JSON放到那个页面的js代码块里

thymeleaf 中js怎么取到list数据大小

var $listSize = [[${xxlist.size()}]]

thymeleaf 怎么判断添加属性

可以插入js来判断 var reg =/^[0-9]*$ /; reg.test(object); object就是要判断的对象







cannot resolve xxx,html里thymeleaf无法解析变量,但是能正常运行程序

eg:h:each="map:${discussPosts} discussPosts有红色下划线,错误提示。 原因: 这是idea警告级别的问题,可以在idea设置中的inspection配置中降低下相应的警告级别。 解决方法:在idea设置里修改下Inspections的thymeleaf警告级别: File->Settings->Eidter->inspections下搜索thymeleaf,修改Reports unresolved references and invalid Thymeleaf expressions警告级别为Warning。

求解thymeleaf 怎么实现双重迭代重循环


thymeleaf 如何取map的值

Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer,String>();map.put(3,"区级部门");String name = map.get(3);。。。String deptTypeName = name;

thymeleaf th:if 两个条件

你好,后端写个Post,前端AJAX 提交 POST到数据后 后端根据数据对session信息进行修改


Spring中Model的attributes属性SpringMVC调用可以在视图模型的执行过程中访问的数据,在Thymeleaf中相当于上下文变量。在SpringMVC中添加一个attributes有几种不同的方法,下面有一些常见的情况:给Model的addAttribut方法新增一个attribute@RequestMapping(value = "message", method = RequestMethod.GET)public String messages(Model model) { model.addAttribute("messages", messageRepository.findAll()); return "message/list";}在ModelAndView的返回值中添加:@RequestMapping(value = "message", method = RequestMethod.GET)public ModelAndView messages() { ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("message/list"); mav.addObject("messages", messageRepository.findAll()); return mav;}


在springboot的开发框架中,本来就推荐使用thymeleaf的前端框架,所以结合起来进行请后端的开发也是很方面的。下面就是我学习两者的一个实际用例笔记的额一个记录,方便回看关键的知识点 修改后自动跳转到用户列表页面

最近在用springboot+thymeleaf 做网站但是每次访问经常报错,时好时坏,不知道什么原因,

Whitelabel Error PageThis application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.Sun Apr 08 10:47:03 CST 2018There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500).Error resolving template "books_upload", template might not exist or might not be accessible by any of the configured Template Resolvers同问????

thymeleaf 是否可以引用java常量



CPU的性能不能从某个参数得出结论,要综合考虑多个参数,不能只看主频,主频=外频和倍频的积,倍频通常是被锁频的。执行不同的运算所需时间可能不同,因而对运算速度的描述常采用不同的方法。常用的有CPU时钟频率(主频)、每秒平均执行指令数(ips)等。微型计算机一般采用主频来描述运算速度,例如,Pentium/133的主频为133 MHz,PentiumⅢ/800的主频为800 MHz,Pentium 4 1.5G的主频为1.5 GHz。一般说来,主频越高,运算速度就越快。运算速度:运算速度是衡量计算机性能的一项重要指标。通常所说的计算机运算速度(平均运算速度),是指每秒钟所能执行的指令条数,一般用“百万条指令/秒”(mips,Million Instruction Per Second)来描述。同一台计算机。


Spring Boot & thymeleaf模板 使用 th:each 遍历对象数组 -生成一批html标签体 在controller中取出emps 对象数组 //1.查询所有的员工,返回列表页面

thymeleaf 怎么判断添加属性

thymeleaf 也是支持js的,可以插入js来判断 var reg =/^[0-9]*$ /; reg.test(object); object就是要判断的对象

thymeleaf中 input/select/radio回显问题

1/input 2/select 3/radio <label for="isBoy" class="col-sm-2 control-label">是否男生</label> <div id="isBoy" class="col-sm-8"> <div class="radio-inline"> <label><input name="isBoy" type="radio" value="1" th:field=" {book.isBoy}"/> 否</label> </div> <div class="radio-inline"> <label><input name="isBoy" type="radio" value="0" th:field=" {book.isBoy}"/> 是</label> </div> </div>

spring boot thymeleaf 模板src拼接



注意,对应的Controller类不能使用 @RestController 注解。 具体参考: https://www.thymeleaf.org/doc/tutorials/2.1/thymeleafspring.html#rendering-template-fragments 布局方式同fragment方式,webController方法中有改动: 具体参考: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20982683/spring-mvc-3-2-thymeleaf-ajax-fragments tinytongtong / spring-thymeleaf


官方上实现步骤如下:<select th:field="*{paymentMethod}" th:remove="all-but-first"><option th:each="paymentMethod : ${paymentMethods}"th:value="${paymentMethod}" th:text="${paymentMethod.description}">Credit card</option><option>Another payment method</option><option>Another payment method</option></select>还可以用以下方法实现:<select multiple="multiple" class="width-50 chosen-select" name="knowledgePointIdSet" data-placeholder="分类名称:"><option th:each="category:${knowPointList}" th:value="${category.id}" th:selected="${#strings.contains(instance.knowledgePointIdSet,category.id)}" th:text="${category.name}" >性名:</option></select>




如果你 th:field="*{paymentMethod}"的paymentMethod对象也是个list对象的话,multiple select也是直接使用就OK了。但如果paymentMethod是个以,号分隔的字符串的话,则只能自己处理了下,thymeleaf还没找到怎么整呢,我的处理方式如下:<select multiple="multiple" class="width-40 chosen-select" name="knowledgePointIdSet" data-placeholder="请选择课件分类..."> <option th:each="category:${knowPointList}" th:value="${category.id}" th:selected="${#strings.contains(instance.knowledgePointIdSet,category.id)}" th:text="${category.name}" >模块名称</option> </select>

idea thymeleaf 变量未定义

如果使用 idea + thymeleaf 的时候,直接在模板中使用 Model 中定义的变量, 会出现变量未定义的错误 : Cannot resolve "variable" . 此时只需要按 alt + enter , 选择 Declare external variable in comment annotion ,然后在新增的注释 `` 的 type 中输入你的类型即可.
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