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plain和plane怎么分辨plein 一个是平原,一个是飞机 用汉字谐音读(铺类恩)


翻译 Crystal plane oh my love


crystal plane oh on my love .这句话什么意思


帮我翻译下jason mraz 的plane的歌词


有一首歌叫plane 什么love

电视剧《夏日里的春天》插曲:《crystal plane》,张瑶演唱。歌词:Crystal planeOh my love起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空带着从不曾有的勇敢Crystal planeOh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短Oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短Oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站

帮我翻译下jason mraz 的plane的歌词

crystal plane oh my love起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空edit by ray allen带着从不曾有的勇敢crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站crystal plane oh my lovecrystal plane oh my love起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空带着从不曾有的勇敢crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站也许总觉得相识得太晚也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站 我都会陪你一站又一站

Sugarcubes的《Planet》 歌词

歌曲名:Planet歌手:Sugarcubes专辑:The Great Crossover Potentialcrystal planecrystal plane oh my love起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空带着从不曾有的勇敢crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站crystal plane oh my love起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空The windows for sleeping rearrange带着从不曾有的勇敢crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚And I"m nobody所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚Well who"s laughin now所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站

crystal plane歌词

Crystal plane oh my love, 起飞的时候很困难, 但还是努力地冲向天空,带着从不曾有的勇敢。 Crystal plane oh my love,飞起来就坠入云中, 感觉像是迷了路,有些忐忑,有些不安。 也许总觉得相识的太晚,所以总担心这段路太短。 Woo……Crystal plane 给我安慰, 不到终点你不能换乘别的航班。 也许总觉得相识的太晚, 所以总担心这段路太短。 Woo……Crystal plane 给我答案, 从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站

Crystal Plane 歌词

歌曲名:Crystal Plane歌手:张瑶Crystal planeCrystal plane oh my love起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空带着从不曾有的勇敢Crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑 有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh Crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh Crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站

Crystal Plane 歌词

歌曲名:Crystal Plane歌手:张瑶Crystal planeCrystal plane oh my love起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空带着从不曾有的勇敢Crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑 有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh Crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh Crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站

Crystal plane 这歌代表什么意思?

歌曲:crystal plane歌手:张瑶crystal plane oh my love 起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空带着从不曾有的勇敢crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉像是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短wo~ crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短wo~ crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站crystal plane oh my love 起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空带着从不曾有的勇敢crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉像是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短wo~ crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短wo~ crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短wo~ crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短wo~ crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站我都会陪你一站又一站 励志的小情歌....我是这么觉得的...以前看这电视剧来着

Crystal Planet 歌词

歌曲名:Crystal Planet歌手:Joe Satriani专辑:Crystal Planetcrystal plane张瑶crystal planecrystal plane oh my love起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空带着从不曾有的勇敢crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站crystal plane oh my love起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空带着从不曾有的勇敢crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站我都会陪你一站又一站

如果哪天有人送你玻璃夕阳,Crystal plane,赤道和北极 这三首歌代表了什么含义?


玻璃夕阳,Crystal plane,赤道和北极`他给我这三首歌是什么意思啊?


crystal plane的谱子

crystal plane--夏日里的春天 Crystal plane Crystal plane oh my love, 起飞的时候很困难, 但还是努力地冲向天空,带着从不曾有的勇敢。 Crystal plane oh my love,飞起来就坠入云中, 感觉像是迷了路,有些忐忑,有些不安。 也许总觉得相识的太晚,所以总担心这段路太短。 Woo……Crystal plane 给我安慰, 不到终点你不能换乘别的航班。 也许总觉得相识的太晚, 所以总担心这段路太短。 Woo……Crystal plane 给我答案, 从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站。 试听 下载爱情是偶像剧永远的主题,《夏日里的春天》对爱情的表现出奇出新——剧中设定三条爱情线索,互有交叉。憨厚的“高原”和好动的“春天”、不羁的“司徒南”和文雅的“妙歌”、功利的“彦真”和纯洁的“珍珠”,分别演绎出三种爱情。《夏日里的春天》的演员阵容分外抢眼,青春靓丽的女主角马苏、周娜,英俊挺拔的男主角王林、高磊,无一不使人对该剧的拍摄产生强烈的好奇心。   旨在打造青春偶像剧新范本的《夏日里的春天》在演员选拔上可谓煞费苦心,女主角马苏告别了古装片《大唐歌妃》的唐风古韵后,在《夏日里的春天》中塑造了一个活泼动感、敢爱敢恨的时尚女孩�而目前国内时尚界颇有名气的模特王林、高磊、周娜则首次以主演的身份“触电”,分别被量身打造成外形、个性鲜明的青春典型。   《夏日里的春天》除了有众多新面孔出现外,王刚、原华、张延、郑晓宁等影视圈中如日中天的“青衣”、“老生”们无疑也构成观众的收视期待。王刚穿上颇有活力的粉红衬衫,和原华组成一对夫妻,而原华则是第一次在屏幕上塑造妈妈的角色;张延则饰演一个广告界的女强人。   该剧专程取景时尚感极强的海滨城市大连,现代的建筑、不息的车流、透明的空气、浪漫的沙滩、绚烂的街景等都构成这部偶像剧持续不断的风景。剧中新人的造型也极富变化,从香港聘请的造型师精益求精,20集的剧戏服竟多达200多套,穿在马苏、周娜、王林、高磊这些美女帅哥的身上,摇曳多姿绚烂夺目的效果立时再现。四首主题音乐《哈一下》、《玻璃夕阳》、《CrystalPlane》和《赤道和北极》则有力地烘托了这一爱情主张,给新时代的爱情做出感性的定义

谁知道crystal plane的故事??

crystal plane 歌手:张瑶 专辑:夏日里的春天 crystal plane 夏日里的春天 edit by ray allen 起飞的时候很困难 但还是努力的冲向天空 edit by ray allen 带着从不曾有的勇敢 crystal plane oh my love 飞起来就坠入云中 感觉象是迷了路 有些忐忑有些不安 也许总觉得相识得太晚 所以总担心这段路太短 oh crystal plane 给我安慰 不到终点你不能换乘别的航班 也许总觉得相识得太晚 所以总担心这段路太短 oh crystal plane 给我答案 从此以后每个起点终点 我都会陪你一站又一站 crystal plane oh my love crystal plane oh my love 起飞的时候很困难 但还是努力的冲向天空 带着从不曾有的勇敢 crystal plane oh my love 飞起来就坠入云中 感觉象是迷了路 有些忐忑有些不安 所以总担心这段路太短 oh crystal plane 给我安慰 不到终点你不能换乘别的航班 也许总觉得相识得太晚 所以总担心这段路太短 oh crystal plane 给我答案 从此以后每个起点终点 我都会陪你一站又一站 也许总觉得相识得太晚 也许总觉得相识得太晚 所以总担心这段路太短 oh crystal plane 给我安慰 不到终点你不能换乘别的航班 也许总觉得相识得太晚 所以总担心这段路太短 oh crystal plane 给我答案 从此以后每个起点终点 我都会陪你一站又一站 我都会陪你一站又一站 纯纯的爱情,好喜欢这歌 特别是歌词 很能安慰人的心灵的歌曲,至少曾经安慰过我

crystal plane(水晶飞机)代表着什么???

代表着爱情你也看《夏日里的春天》了吧?嘻嘻~飞机与爱情一样起飞的时候都很困难爱情也是如此,在刚开始的时候,双方只是互有好感,谁都不好意思说喜欢上了对方,这就需要其中一个人鼓足勇气告白咯,可好似这个过程很艰辛啊飞机在起飞的时候的困难,和爱情刚起步的时候一样飞机与爱情一样飞起来就坠入了云里飞机一起飞,就飘在了茫茫云海里,感觉很神秘爱情也是这样一旦真正的爱了起来,就像飞上了天空,坠入了云海之中,感觉飘飘欲仙,闻到了爱情甜蜜的味道飞机与爱情一样坐上了这个航班,不到终点就不能换机了爱情也是这样两人的爱情之路没有到达重点,谁都不能失去对方一旦提出分手,那就是两人的爱情之路到达了尽头 其实,我从来也没有把爱情与飞机联系在一起过那个电视剧告诉了我,仔细想一想,还真的很像啊嘻嘻

crystal plane 是什么意思?


crystal plane oh my love 中文是什么意思

您好!这句话原来是《夏日里的春天》的主题曲——Crystal plane(水晶飞机)。crystal plane oh my love 中文意译是:水晶般的飞机爱情。飞机与爱情,飞在天上就像飘在云中,一旦乘坐了,就很难改成别的航班.歌词:Crystal plane oh my love(水晶般的飞机爱情,我的爱)起飞的时候很困难 但还是努力的冲向天空 带着重不曾有的勇敢Crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中 感觉象是迷了路 有些忐忑 有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚 所以总担心这段路太短oh Crystal plane 给我安慰 不到终点你文字不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚 所以总担心这段路太短oh Crystal plane 给我答案 从此以后每个起点终点 我都会陪你一站又一站 传说女孩子原本是有翅膀的天使,当她遇见自己喜欢的人时,就有了眼泪.于是泪水打湿了翅膀,她在也回不了天堂了就堕落到了凡间.所以男孩不应该辜负女孩,因为女孩为男孩放弃了整个天堂.这首歌确实不错,非常喜欢这首歌,飞机和爱情一样,一旦走错了方向,就很难回头,剧中春天和高原终于走到了一起,让我们看到了一段转折性的爱情,飞机就像爱情一样起飞的时候很简单,但是如果你错过了这次航班那么你就必须等待下一次到来,所以我们应该好好珍惜身边的人和事,不要害怕变故也不要害怕失去,要带着从不曾有的勇敢冲上云霄,不到达终点你绝不能换别的航班.不要在失去以后才懂得它的珍贵,要用心去观察去体会你身边的人和事.




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如何评价游戏《Planetary Annihilation》

说一说我在文字宣传上没看到的内容吧。这是一个网络游戏...玩家通过游戏客户端连接到服务器。我看到的每场游戏都是由服务器host的。客户端崩溃以后玩家只需重新登录服务器即可回到游戏,这是一个意义巨大的改动。Total Annihilation系列一直以设(sang)计(xin)超(bing)前(kuang)著称,这点相信老玩家都深有体会。TA的续作 Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance 于2007年发布,用现在(2013年)最高端的cpu跑多人游戏后期(12玩家每人1000单位FFA)仍然非常吃力。PA(Planetary Annihilation)的做法显著降低了游戏对玩家机器性能的要求,事实上PA客户端的游戏载入可以说是秒进。当然了,现在游戏内的单位和地形仍然十分粗糙,不知道正式发布会是怎样。从单位类型和科技树来看,这游戏更接近横扫千军的复刻版而不是最高指挥官的新作。貌似科技只分2级了,工程单位不分级,指挥官不能升级配件,单位经验系统(veterancy)目前还没有。另一个重要的改变是出现了随机地图。

Greenlight Planet Inc.怎么样

对的 我想的就是这样的

Why the plane can fly to the sky?

楼主要表达的意思是"为什么飞机能飞上天么"?好象表达上有点问题我觉得换一种说法会比较好"why are the plane able to fly high up in the sky".对于你的提问.我做出如下回答:要了解飞机的飞行原理就必须先知道飞机的组成以及功用,飞机的升力是如何产生的等问题。这些问题将分成几个部分简要讲解。 一、飞行的主要组成部分及功用 到目前为止,除了少数特殊形式的飞机外,大多数飞机都由机翼、机身、尾翼、起落装置和动力装置五个主要部分组成: 1. 机翼——机翼的主要功用是产生升力,以支持飞机在空中飞行,同时也起到一定的稳定和操作作用。在机翼上一般安装有副翼和襟翼,操纵副翼可使飞机滚转,放下襟翼可使升力增大。机翼上还可安装发动机、起落架和油箱等。不同用途的飞机其机翼形状、大小也各有不同。 2. 机身——机身的主要功用是装载乘员、旅客、武器、货物和各种设备,将飞机的其他部件如:机翼、尾翼及发动机等连接成一个整体。 3. 尾翼——尾翼包括水平尾翼和垂直尾翼。水平尾翼由固定的水平安定面和可动的升降舵组成,有的高速飞机将水平安定面和升降舵合为一体成为全动平尾。垂直尾翼包括固定的垂直安定面和可动的方向舵。尾翼的作用是操纵飞机俯仰和偏转,保证飞机能平稳飞行。 4.起落装置——飞机的起落架大都由减震支柱和机轮组成,作用是起飞、着陆滑跑,地面滑行和停放时支撑飞机。 5.动力装置——动力装置主要用来产生拉力和推力,使飞机前进。其次还可为飞机上的其他用电设备提供电源等。现在飞机动力装置应用较广泛的有:航空活塞式发动机加螺旋桨推进器、涡轮喷气发动机、涡轮螺旋桨发动机和涡轮风扇发动机。除了发动机本身,动力装置还包括一系列保证发动机正常工作的系统。 飞机上除了这五个主要部分外,根据飞机操作和执行任务的需要,还装有各种仪表、通讯设备、领航设备、安全设备等其他设备。 二、飞机的升力和阻力 飞机是重于空气的飞行器,当飞机飞行在空中,就会产生作用于飞机的空气动力,飞机就是靠空气动力升空飞行的。在了解飞机升力和阻力的产生之前,我们还要认识空气流动的特性,即空气流动的基本规律。流动的空气就是气流,一种流体,这里我们要引用两个流体定理:连续性定理和伯努利定理: 流体的连续性定理:当流体连续不断而稳定地流过一个粗细不等的管道时,由于管道中任何一部分的流体都不能中断或挤压起来,因此在同一时间内,流进任一切面的流体的质量和从另一切面流出的流体质量是相等的。 连续性定理阐述了流体在流动中流速和管道切面之间的关系。流体在流动中,不仅流速和管道切面相互联系,而且流速和压力之间也相互联系。伯努利定理就是要阐述流体流动在流动中流速和压力之间的关系。 伯努利定理基本内容:流体在一个管道中流动时,流速大的地方压力小,流速小的地方压力大。 飞机的升力绝大部分是由机翼产生,尾翼通常产生负升力,飞机其他部分产生的升力很小,一般不考虑。从上图我们可以看到:空气流到机翼前缘,分成上、下两股气流,分别沿机翼上、下表面流过,在机翼后缘重新汇合向后流去。机翼上表面比较凸出,流管较细,说明流速加快,压力降低。而机翼下表面,气流受阻挡作用,流管变粗,流速减慢,压力增大。这里我们就引用到了上述两个定理。于是机翼上、下表面出现了压力差,垂直于相对气流方向的压力差的总和就是机翼的升力。这样重于空气的飞机借助机翼上获得的升力克服自身因地球引力形成的重力,从而翱翔在蓝天上了。 机翼升力的产生主要靠上表面吸力的作用,而不是靠下表面正压力的作用,一般机翼上表面形成的吸力占总升力的60-80%左右,下表面的正压形成的升力只占总升力的20-40%左右。 飞机飞行在空气中会有各种阻力,阻力是与飞机运动方向相反的空气动力,它阻碍飞机的前进,这里我们也需要对它有所了解。按阻力产生的原因可分为摩擦阻力、压差阻力、诱导阻力和干扰阻力。 1.摩擦阻力——空气的物理特性之一就是粘性。当空气流过飞机表面时,由于粘性,空气同飞机表面发生摩擦,产生一个阻止飞机前进的力,这个力就是摩擦阻力。摩擦阻力的大小,决定于空气的粘性,飞机的表面状况,以及同空气相接触的飞机表面积。空气粘性越大、飞机表面越粗糙、飞机表面积越大,摩擦阻力就越大。 2.压差阻力——人在逆风中行走,会感到阻力的作用,这就是一种压差阻力。这种由前后压力差形成的阻力叫压差阻力。飞机的机身、尾翼等部件都会产生压差阻力。 3.诱导阻力——升力产生的同时还对飞机附加了一种阻力。这种因产生升力而诱导出来的阻力称为诱导阻力,是飞机为产生升力而付出的一种“代价”。其产生的过程较复杂这里就不在详诉。 4.干扰阻力——它是飞机各部分之间因气流相互干扰而产生的一种额外阻力。这种阻力容易产生在机身和机翼、机身和尾翼、机翼和发动机短舱、机翼和副油箱之间。 以上四种阻力是对低速飞机而言,至于高速飞机,除了也有这些阻力外,还会产生波阻等其他阻力。 三、影响升力和阻力的因素 升力和阻力是飞机在空气之间的相对运动中(相对气流)中产生的。影响升力和阻力的基本因素有:机翼在气流中的相对位置(迎角)、气流的速度和空气密度以及飞机本身的特点(飞机表面质量、机翼形状、机翼面积、是否使用襟翼和前缘翼缝是否张开等)。 1.迎角对升力和阻力的影响——相对气流方向与翼弦所夹的角度叫迎角。在飞行速度等其它条件相同的情况下,得到最大升力的迎角,叫做临界迎角。在小于临界迎角范围内增大迎角,升力增大:超过临界临界迎角后,再增大迎角,升力反而减小。迎角增大,阻力也越大,迎角越大,阻力增加越多:超过临界迎角,阻力急剧增大。 2.飞行速度和空气密度对升力阻力的影响——飞行速度越大升力、阻力越大。升力、阻力与飞行速度的平方成正比例,即速度增大到原来的两倍,升力和阻力增大到原来的四倍:速度增大到原来的三倍,胜利和阻力也会增大到原来的九倍。空气密度大,空气动力大,升力和阻力自然也大。空气密度增大为原来的两倍,升力和阻力也增大为原来的两倍,即升力和阻力与空气密度成正比例。 3,机翼面积,形状和表面质量对升力、阻力的影响——机翼面积大,升力大,阻力也大。升力和阻力都与机翼面积的大小成正比例。机翼形状对升力、阻力有很大影响,从机翼切面形状的相对厚度、最大厚度位置、机翼平面形状、襟翼和前缘翼缝的位置到机翼结冰都对升力、阻力影响较大。还有飞机表面光滑与否对摩擦阻力也会有影响,飞机表面相对光滑,阻力相对也会较小,反之则大.

If you want to pass the cars in front, you have to go into the fast lane on the right.的翻译



冲着teta patrick

老鹰乐队:Life In The Fast Lane歌词意思?


Life In the Fast Lane 歌词

歌曲名:Life In the Fast Lane歌手:老鹰乐队专辑:墨尔本告别巡回演唱会 CD2He was a hard-headed manHe was brutally handsome,and she was teminally prettyShe held him up,and he held her for ransome in the heartof the cold, cold cityHe had a nasty reputation as a cruel dudeThey said he was ruthless, they said he was crudeThey had one thing in common,they were good in bedShe"d say, "Faster,faster. The lights are turnin" red."Life in the fast laneSurely make you lose your mind, mmLife in the fast laneEager for action and bot for the gameThe coming attraction, the drop of a nameThey knew all the right people,they took all the right pillsThey threw outrageous parties, they paid heavily bills.There were lines on the mirror, lines on her faceShe pretended not to notice,she was caught up in the raceOut every evening, until it was lightHe was too tired to make it,she was too tired to fight about itLife in the fast laneSurely make you lse your mindLife in the fast lane,everything all the timeLife in the fast lane, uh huhBlowin" and burnin", blinded by thirstThey didn"t see the stop sign,took a turn for the worst.She said, "Listen, baby.You can hear the engine ring.We"ve been up and down this highway;haven"t seen a goddam thing."He said,"Call the doctor. I think I"m gonna crash.""The doctor say he"s comin", but you gotta pay him cash."They went rushin" down that freeway,messed around and got lostThey didn"t know they were just dyin" to get offBy JerryQ 7132232

Life In The Fast Lane 歌词

歌曲名:Life In The Fast Lane歌手:Eagles专辑:The Complete Greatest HitsHe was a hard-headed manHe was brutally handsome,and she was teminally prettyShe held him up,and he held her for ransome in the heartof the cold, cold cityHe had a nasty reputation as a cruel dudeThey said he was ruthless, they said he was crudeThey had one thing in common,they were good in bedShe"d say, "Faster,faster. The lights are turnin" red."Life in the fast laneSurely make you lose your mind, mmLife in the fast laneEager for action and bot for the gameThe coming attraction, the drop of a nameThey knew all the right people,they took all the right pillsThey threw outrageous parties, they paid heavily bills.There were lines on the mirror, lines on her faceShe pretended not to notice,she was caught up in the raceOut every evening, until it was lightHe was too tired to make it,she was too tired to fight about itLife in the fast laneSurely make you lse your mindLife in the fast lane,everything all the timeLife in the fast lane, uh huhBlowin" and burnin", blinded by thirstThey didn"t see the stop sign,took a turn for the worst.She said, "Listen, baby.You can hear the engine ring.We"ve been up and down this highway;haven"t seen a goddam thing."He said,"Call the doctor. I think I"m gonna crash.""The doctor say he"s comin", but you gotta pay him cash."They went rushin" down that freeway,messed around and got lostThey didn"t know they were just dyin" to get offBy Jerry

Life In The Fast Lane 歌词

歌曲名:Life In The Fast Lane歌手:老鹰乐队专辑:Eagles Live CD2He was a hard-headed manHe was brutally handsome,and she was teminally prettyShe held him up,and he held her for ransome in the heartof the cold, cold cityHe had a nasty reputation as a cruel dudeThey said he was ruthless, they said he was crudeThey had one thing in common,they were good in bedShe"d say, "Faster,faster. The lights are turnin" red."Life in the fast laneSurely make you lose your mind, mmLife in the fast laneEager for action and bot for the gameThe coming attraction, the drop of a nameThey knew all the right people,they took all the right pillsThey threw outrageous parties, they paid heavily bills.There were lines on the mirror, lines on her faceShe pretended not to notice,she was caught up in the raceOut every evening, until it was lightHe was too tired to make it,she was too tired to fight about itLife in the fast laneSurely make you lse your mindLife in the fast lane,everything all the timeLife in the fast lane, uh huhBlowin" and burnin", blinded by thirstThey didn"t see the stop sign,took a turn for the worst.She said, "Listen, baby.You can hear the engine ring.We"ve been up and down this highway;haven"t seen a goddam thing."He said,"Call the doctor. I think I"m gonna crash.""The doctor say he"s comin", but you gotta pay him cash."They went rushin" down that freeway,messed around and got lostThey didn"t know they were just dyin" to get offBy JerryQ 7132232


车道线检测算法通常分为两种类型:一种是基于基于视觉特征来做语义分割或者实例分割,例如 LaneNet 和 SCNN ;另一种是通过视觉特征来预测车道线所在位置的点,以此来解决 no-visual-clue 问题的模型,比如本文提到的 Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection 。 offical github : paper : Ultra Fast Structure-aware Deep Lane Detection 下图展示了整个模型的结构,基本可以分为三个部分: Backbone 、 Auxiliary 部分和用于车道线候选点选择的 Group Classification 部分。可以看出,由于整个 pipeline 中参与最终 inference 的部分只进行了下采样而不像分割模型还进行了多轮的上采样,因此模型整体的计算量是相当低的,根据论文给出的结果可以达到 300FPS 。 Backbone 部分采用了较小的 ResNet18 或者 ResNet34 ,下采样到 4X 的部分作为最终的特征,这里其实是较为浅层的特征,一般分割模型要下采样到 16x 或者 32x 。论文里也提到了使用较大的感受野就可以达到不错的检测效果,这样就可以极大的提高模型的推理速度。 Auxiliary 部分对三层浅层特征进行了 concat 和上采样,用来进行实例分割。其目的是在训练过程中增强视觉特征,不参与推理。 Group Classification 部分如下所示,论文称之为 row-based selecting method based on global image features ,即在全局特征上进行行索引来计算候选点,这样的方法将先验假设融入到了车道线检测的任务中。 在分割任务上,最终的特征图的大小是 HxWxC 。分类是要沿着 C 方向的, C 方向的向量代表一个像素位置的特征向量属于哪一个类别;在本方法中,最终的特征图的大小是 hx(w+1)xC 。 h 是要在垂直方向上采样的行的数量( row anchor ), h<H ; w 是行方向上车道线候选点的位置( grid cell )的数量, w<W 。 C 是车道线的数量。分类是沿着 w 方向的,即对每个车道线,在其预设的垂直方向 h 上,计算其出现在水平位置上每个 grid cell 中的概率。 文章中使用的 Loss 函数分为三部分,分别是多分类损失 L_cls , 分割损失 L_seg 和车道结构化损失 L_str 。其中 L_cls 和 L_seg 是常用的分类、分割任务中常用的两种损失。 结构损失的目的是利用车道结构的先验知识来约束预测出来的车道线的形状。其中 L_sim 为相似度损失, L_shp 为形状损失。 相似度损失的出发点是同一个车道中,相邻的两个点之间的距离应该尽可能的近,这里使用 L1 范式来进行距离的约束。 形状损失的出发点是基于大多的的车道线都是直线,即使是曲线其大部分也是近似的直线。对于同一条车道线,在相邻 row achor 上的车道线的候选点的位置的选择应该尽可能的相近。理想的状况下它的值应该为 0 。 Loc 函数的含义是第 i 条车道的第 j 个 row anchor 中车道点的期望。 Prob 代表的是第 i 条车道的第 j 个 row anchor 中,第 k 个位置是车道点的概率。因为背景不被计算在内,因此 k 的取值从 1 开始。 论文给出 metric 结果如下所示,其评估硬件应该为 NVIDIA GTX 1080TI 。该方法在保证精度接近的情况下,极大的提升了推理速度,很适合实时检测的任务。 为了测试其真实的推理性能,我在 NVIDIA RTX 3070+CUDA11+Pytorch1.7 的环境性进行了测试。模型的 backbone 为 resnet18 ,输入尺寸为 (288, 800, 3) 的情况下, Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection 的推理性能如下所示,单 batch 推理速度约为 350FPS ,其性能与论文给出的结果基本一致。

Fast Lane歌词

First verse, uh, I"m on "til I"m on a island又是我来第一段,我会保持这牛逼状态到我隐退《紧闭岛》那天My life"s ridin" on the Autobahn on autopilot我的人生开启了自动导航,驰骋在不限速高速路上Before I touch dirt, I"ll kill you all with kindness在我走出车子前,我要优雅从容的灭掉所有对手I kill ya, my natural persona"s much worse杀你没商量,我真实本性比这还要凶残You"ve been warned if you"ve been born or if you can form不管你是饶舌新人还是带几分功底的饶舌小辈,我劝你:Slap up a cop and then snatch "em outta his uniform有种的话就去狠抽**一耳光,再把他的制服扒下来Leave him wit" his socks, hard bottoms and bloomers on让他只穿着袜子,皮鞋和内裤And hang him by his balls from the horn of a unicorn在他小鸟处系好绳子,再把他悬挂在独角兽的角上Y"all niggas"s intellect"s mad slow, y"all fags know你们这帮笨蛋的脑筋过分迟钝,你们全都是娘/泡Claimin" you bangin", you flamin"还扬言自己是匪/帮的人,你娘到让人作呕Bet you could light your own cigarette witcha asshole基情如火到菊花能点燃自己的烟Me and Shady deaded the past, so that basically resurrected my cashflow我和痞子冰释前嫌,这基本上把我从潦倒破产变回财源不断I might rap tight as the snatch of a fat dyke虽然我的饶舌无懈可击,紧到可以匹敌肥胖女同的下/体 【用tight“紧”双关“歌词精妙”的意思】though I ain"t wrapped tight可我还没到万人瞩目的地位my blood type"s the "80s!我的饶舌基因烙印了80年代风格My "90s was like the Navy90年代的我如浪迹天涯的海员you was like the Bradys而当年的你已像《Brady一家》那样家喻户晓You still fly kites daily同时还爱用药片来麻痹自己?????????

Husky Rescue的《Fast Lane》 歌词

歌曲名:Fast Lane歌手:Husky Rescue专辑:Ship Of Light9.Fastlanevocal : lindsay lohanIt"s lonely sometimes in the fast lanePeople come and go like rainAnd I look around for a hand to holdBut there"s no one here todayEveryone has gone awayAnd left me in the rainSo don"t wish upon a starCause it"s dark and lonely gets you so farAnd it doesn"t matter who you areCause the sky looks better from the groundAnyway you never know what you gotAnd even if you do it don"t mean it"s gonna stayTomorrow is another dayYou only live once and I"m living for todayI"m living for todaySo I drive around the superficial townWith a smile on my faceNo one really knows how I feel insideAnd I"m keeping it that wayIt"s my story to replayAnd the fast lanes where I wanna staySo don"t wish upon a starCause it"s dark and lonely gets you so farAnd it doesn"t matter who you areCause the sky looks better from the groundAnyway you never know what you gotAnd even if you do it don"t mean it"s gonna stayTomorrow is another dayYou only live once and I"m living for todayI can"t find my sanityI am bound to lose my mindAnd I, I can"t find myselfWell I want to lose my mindLalalalalalaAnd if only I can show me that nobody"s gonna bring me downSo don"t wish upon a starCause it"s dark and lonely gets you so farAnd it doesn"t matter who you areCause the sky looks better from the groundAnyway you never know what you gotAnd even if you do it don"t mean it"s gonna stayTomorrow is another dayYou only live once and I"m living for today

求老鹰乐队的life in the fast lane的中文歌词,网上查的翻译的都很扯淡,可以加悬


plane driver什么意思


Eminem的《mockingbird》歌词中有个Laney 叔叔指的是谁?


does the plane land at the old airport?No,it does not.It land at the new one

It lands at the new 改 lands

【LOL】英雄联盟同人歌曲“We Are Never Ever Going To Lane Together”曲子是原创的还是借用的

有正版 也有翻版!



there is a plane in the sky 哪首英文歌里有这句歌词,超熟悉的。结尾的时候有make for love oh oh oh oh

楼主,你看一下是这首歌么?= =Traffic In The SkyJack JohnsonThere"s traffic in the sky - and it doesn"t seem to be getting much betterThere"s kids playing games on the pavementDrawing waves on the pavement - mm hmShadows of the planes on the pavement - It"s enough to make me cryBut that don"t seem like it could make it feel better - Maybe it"s a dream and if I screamit will burst at the seams and - this whole place will fall into piecesand then they"d say...Well how could we have known? - I"ll tell them it"s not so hard to tellna na na - if you keep adding stonessoon the water will be lost in the well mm hmPuzzle pieces in the ground - but no one ever seems to be diggingInstead they"re looking up towards the heavens - with their eyes on the heavensmm hm - the shadows on the way to the heavens - mm hmIt"s enough to make me cry - but that don"t seem like it would make it feel betterThe answers could be found - we could learn from digging downbut no one ever seems to be digging - instead they"ll say...Well how could we have known? - I"ll tell them it"s not so hard to tell - na na naif you keep adding stones - soon the water will be lost in the well - mm hmmmWords of wisdom all around - but no one ever seems to listenThey talk about their plans on the paper - Building up from the pavement - mm hmthere"re shadows from the scrapers on the pavement - mm hmIt"s enough to make me sigh - but that don"t seem like it would make it feel betterThe words are all around - but the words are only soundsand no one ever seems to listen - Instead they"ll say...Well how could we have known? - I"ll tell them it"s really not so hard to tell - na na naIf you keep adding stones - soon the water will be lost in the welllost in the well mm mm mm是什么意思




英语问题:the French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France.


before the invention of planes , ( to fly) like


【英文】BBC纪录片行星地球Planet Earth 1-3

For now though it"s still minus thirty degrees and the cubs must have the shelter of the den. It"s six days since the bears emerged and spring is advancing rapidly. But even now blizzards (暴风雪) can strike without warning. Being so small, the cubs are easily chilled and they will be more comfortable resting in the den. But their mother must keep them out and active. She"s becoming weak from hunger and there"s no food on these nursery slopes. The sea ice still holds firm, but it won"t last much longer. Day 10, and the mother has led her cubs a mile from the den. It"s time to put them to the test. They"ve grown enormously in confidence, but they don"t have their mother"s sense of urgency. At last it seems that they"re ready for their journey and they"re only just in time, for a few miles from the coast the ice is already splitting. Now the mother can start hunting for the seals they must have, but she"s leading her cubs into a dangerous new world. Nearly half of all cubs die in their first year out on the ice.

【英文】BBC纪录片行星地球Planet Earth 1-8

Whole populations of animals are now forced to travel great distances in pursuit of food and warmth. 300,000 Baikal teal (贝加尔湖水鸭) gather to escape from the Siberian winter by migrating south to Korea - the world"s entire population in a single flock. But there are parts of the world that have no seasons. In the tropics the sun"s rays strike the earth head on and their strength is more or less constant all year round. That is why the jungle grows so vigorously and supports so much life. This forest covers only 3 percent of the planet"s surface, but it contains more than 50 percent of all its plants and animals. The canopy is particularly rich. There are monkeys, birds and millions of species of insects, exactly how many we have no idea. The character of the forest changes as we descend, becoming ever darker and damper, favoring different kinds of animals and plants. Less than 2 percent of the sunlight reaches the floor, but even here there is extraordinary variety. In the great island of New Guinea there are 42 different species of birds of paradise (极乐鸟), each more bizarre than the last. This forest is so rich that nourishing food can be gathered very quickly. That leaves the male six-plumed bird of paradise with time to concentrate on other matters like tidying up his display area.

Planet Earth 歌词

歌曲名:Planet Earth歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:This Is ItPlanet Earth (Single Version)Duran DuranOnly came outside to watch the night fall with the rainI heard you making patterns rhymeLike some new romantic looking for the tv soundYou"ll see I"m right some other timeLook now, look all around, there"s no sign of lifeVoices, another sound, can you hear me now?This is planet earth, you"re looking at planet earthBop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop this is planet earth~~~~~~My head is stuck on something preciousLet me know if you"re coming down to landIs there anybody out there trying to get through?My eyes are so cloudy I can"t see youLook now, look all around, there"s no sign of lifeVoices, another sound, can you hear me now?Is is planet earth, you"re looking at planet earthBop bop bop bop bop bop bop bopThis is planet earth...~~~~~~Look now, look all around, there"s no sign of lifeVoices, another sound, can you hear me now?This is planet earth, you"re looking at planet earthBop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop this is planet earth...

求视频《planet earth is you》地球就是你自己 英文字幕,谢谢!

humans what an incredible wordwe are considered the most intelligence species on the planethoweverwe are the worstwhat are we doing in this worldwho brought us herewhat"s our mission on these planetmay be we will never understand itbut it seems the only mission is continue with it"s distructionhave you ever consideredthat this planet does not belong to us either way爱护她都是我们的义务(这句实在没听出来)they were there already before usand we are nothing but their guestswe came in invaded their territoryand we are destroying their homethey"ve been tolerantwe"ve been forgiven countless timesbut we keep ignore their situationwe been their kidnapperstheir killers howeverthey accept us their ownerswe are the only species(听着像spicy) that attacks ,destroys and 毁灭contaminate and extinguish just for ambitionor just live betterthe world is your"sis our"sit"s for all of ushowever,remember it"s their world toowe have to understand that they can"t do anything to save their lifemuchlessto save their planet planet earth is dyingwe destroy it in a savagely waybut he"s hugry for lovehe"s getting weakand dispite it allhe keeps giving to us generously the best experience since we arrived this planetthe planet has been the best house for speciesthe thing you need to degnrtionif we were given to get the capacity to speak,think,createwhy we would been silent,ignorant,distroy and killingopen your eyesyou are dyingalong with your planetthe only planet in all solar system that we were given to privilege to livewe are billions on this planetwe are think of theserational,dominatewhy we haven"t notice itwe are capable of concurring countriesthe mooneven planetshowever,we are not capable of concurring along (our own) heartstouch your heartfeel what it"s trying to say listen to what it"s longing forlet"s understand that we have to co-exist on the same planetstrat by chasing yourselfengage yourselfmake sure your children know it and understand itand remind of have forgottenwhen the day human is stop existing in the other spicies find the planetthey will see that we are species that failed,fell downbut get up and fix our mistakesthe planet not the same anymorewe can not wait any longereverybody knows what we have to doour time is nowthe future of the planet still in your hands help him let"s help him because planet earth is you我也在找这个片子的英文字幕,以上是我自己听的,水平有限中间有些地方也听不出来,如果你最后找到了英文字幕的,能麻烦你也给我发一份吗?

(Hed) Planet Earth的《Get Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Get Away歌手:(Hed) Planet Earth专辑:BlackoutArtist: Bryan AdamsAlbum: On a Day Like TodayTitle: Getawaydrove all night form new york cityin your best friend"s carknocked on my door about five thirtynursing a broken heartstill got your keys in your back pocket - still got yourjacket onback door"s oben baby - I don"t lock itwe can leave anytime we wantI got my motor runnin" - fingers drummin"I never planned to staygetaway - ya know it"s now or nevergetaway - nobody lives foreverwe"re only waitin" just to make you getawayhey baby we were good togetherseemed like you"d always be my girlbut looking back now we were just too cleverthinking love could change the worldya know there"s no point in waitin" hesitatingwe gotta leave today

(Hed) Planet Earth的《Fallen》 歌词

歌曲名:Fallen歌手:(Hed) Planet Earth专辑:BlackoutFallenHeaven bent to take my handAnd lead me through the fireBe the long awaited answerto a long and painful fightTruth be told I"ve tried my bestbut somewhere along the wayI got caught up in all there was to offerand the cost was so much more than I could bearThough i"ve tried, I"ve fallen...I have sunk so lowI have messed upbetter I should knowSo don"t come round hereand tell me i told you so...We all begin with good intentLove was raw and youngWe believed that we could change ourselvesThe past could be undoneBut we carry on our backs the burdenTime always revealsThe lonely light of morningthe wound that would not healit"s the bitter taste of losing everythingthat i have held so dear.fallen I have sunk so lowI have messed upbetter I should knowSo don"t come round hereand tell me i told you so...Heaven bent to take my handnowhere left to turnI"m lost to those i thought were friendsto everyone i knowOh they turned their heads embarrassedpretend that they don"t seebut it"s one missed stepyou"ll slip before you know itand there doesn"t seem a way to be redeemedThough i"ve tried, I"ve fallen...I have sunk so lowI have messed upbetter I should knowSo don"t come round hereand tell me i told you so...I have messed upbetter I should knowSo don"t come round hereand tell me i told you so...


一共6部 《星球大战前传1--魅影危机》、《星球大战前传2--克隆人的攻击》、《星战前传3--西斯的反击》、《星球大战4--新的希望》、《星球大战5--帝国反击战》、《星球大战6--杰迪归来》

(Hed) Planet Earth的《Hill》 歌词

歌曲名:Hill歌手:(Hed) Planet Earth专辑:(Hed)Pehed p.e - Hill‘静态脉冲"Q:21281770what was the reason?didn"t need onelike instinct born into a tradenot by choice but for a purposepush the rock move the stoneForever the hill your homeSo, have you come to resurrect meor have you come to crucifystep aside or get behind mei wish someone would get behind meAnd the hill so very highdoes not give comfortAnd the sweat upon your browwill go unnoticedYou see there will bethose who come and standCome and stand stand in the waythey can"t believe that a stone can be movedSo they laugh when you are stillthey"re waiting for that hillto swallow you and spit you outAnother casualty of artwhose only fault was being bornBorn between the rock and the stoneforever the hill your homeI was born to move a mountainI will die before I fade awayI always thought that I was chosenKing of the hill, King of the hillAnd when the light is dimwho will stand by my sideCrawling on bloody kneeswho will believe in meWho will stand by mewho will walk with mewho will fly with me?I was born to move a mountainI will die before I fade awayI always thought that I was chosenKing of the hill, King of the hill

【英文】BBC纪录片行星地球Planet Earth 1-5

Midsummer on the tundra and the sun does not set (固定搭配:sunset 日落) . At these latitudes the sun"s rays ( ray和light的区别:light表示光,既可以是physical层面的,也可以是mental层面的,如思想之光等,而ray更偏向于科学表达的射线,可以看到光的直射的路径的那种,如X-ray ) are glancing and not enough of their energy reaches the ground to enable trees to grow. You"ll need to travel 500 miles south from here before that is possible. These stunted shrubs mark the tree line - the beginning of the boreal (北方的) forest - the taiga(泰加林,针叶林带). The needle-shaped leaves of the conifers (针叶树) are virtually inedible (不可食用) so this forest supports very little animal life. It"s a silent place where the snow is unmarked by footprints. In the Arctic winter snow forms a continuous blanket across the land. But as spring creeps up from the south the taiga is unveiled. This vast forest circling the globe contains a third of all the trees on Earth and produces so much oxygen it changes the composition of the atmosphere.

planet earth中文歌词,,,,能给我解开心中之谜的大师我给他烧1星期香~~~~

行星地球,我的家,我的地方 宇宙海洋中奇特的异象 行星地球你是否只是 一团飘荡的尘土 一个快破的小球 一片必要生锈的金属 一点混沌无知的元素 一艘寂寞的太空船,一颗大点的飞行物 像毫无色彩的石头一样冷酷 又像只用点胶水粘住 不,真想已经表露 你是我的甜心,柔弱而忧郁 是否介意,让我将你拥有 在我情意之最深处 如微风轻抚 如音乐不止,永远萦绕心头 深入肺腑,我体验了时间的奥秘, 历史的典籍 生命行进之歌在我血液里舞动 这舞动的节奏是大水和潮汐你黯淡的乌云,你刺激的风暴 在我体内骚动,咆哮 我已遍尝咸涩,辛辣和甘甜 可每次遇见你都会有激情和高潮你丰富的色调,你的馨香,你的味道 永远让我惊颤,越越过任何狂躁 在你的美丽中,我已知晓 体会此时此刻,就是永恒的福报 行星地球你是否只是 一团飘荡的尘土 一个快破的小球 一片必要生锈的金属 一点混沌无知的元素 一艘寂寞的太空船,一颗大点的飞行物 像毫无色彩的石头一样冷酷 又像只用点胶水粘住 不,真想已经表露 你是我的甜心,柔弱而忧郁 是否介意,让我将你拥有 在我情意之最深处 如微风轻抚 如音乐不止,永远萦绕心头 行星地球,温柔而忧郁 用我的全心,我爱你

bbc纪录片planet earth雪豹出现在哪一集b站题库


谁能给我MJ的 Planet Earth(Poem) 歌词兼翻译?

Planet Earth, my home, my place行星地球,我的家,我的地方A capricious anomaly in the sea of space宇宙海洋中奇特的异象Planet Earth are you just行星地球你是否只是Floating by, a cloud of dust一团飘荡的尘土A minor globe, about to bust一个快破的小球A piece of metal bound to rust一片必要生锈的金属A speck of matter in a mindless void 一点混沌无知的元素A lonely spaceship, a large asteroid一艘寂寞的太空船,一颗大点的飞行物Cold as a rock without a hue像毫无色彩的石头一样冷酷Held together with a bit of glue又像只用点胶水粘住Something tells me this isn"t true 不,真想已经表露You are my sweetheart, soft and blue你是我的甜心,柔弱而忧郁Do you care, have you a part是否介意,让我将你拥有In the deepest emotions of my own heart在我情意之最深处Tender with breezes caressing and whole 如微风轻抚Alive with music, haunting my soul. 如音乐不止,永远萦绕心头In my veins I"ve felt the mystery 深入肺腑,我体验了时间的奥秘,Of corridors of time, books of history历史的典籍Life songs of ages throbbing in my blood生命行进之歌在我血液里舞动Have danced to the rhythm of the tide and flood这舞动的节奏是大水和潮汐Your misty clouds, your electric storm你黯淡的乌云,你刺激的风暴Were turbulent tempests in my own form在我体内骚动,咆哮I"ve licked the salt, the bitter, the sweet我已遍尝咸涩,辛辣和甘甜Of every encounter, of passion, of heat可每次遇见你都会有激情和高潮Your riotous color, your fragrance, your taste你丰富的色调,你的馨香,你的味道Have thrilled my senses beyond all haste永远让我惊颤,越越过任何狂躁In your beauty, I"ve known the how在你的美丽中,我已知晓Of timeless bliss, this moment of now体会此时此刻,就是永恒的福报Planet Earth, gentle and blue行星地球,温柔而忧郁With all my heart, I love you 用我的全心,我爱你

this is my planet Earth.是哪首歌的歌词

this is my planet Earth出自歌曲《Planet Earth》。Planet Earth歌手: Duran Duran语言:英语所属专辑:Duran Duran (1983 Capitol Re-release)发行时间:1984-10-25Only came outside toWatch the night fall with the rainI heard you making patterns rhymeLike some new romantic looking for the tv soundYou"ll see I"m right some other timeThe Look now look all aroundThere"s no sign of lifeVoices another sound can you hear me nowThis is planet earthYou"re looking at planet earthBopThis is planet earthMy head is stuck on something preciousLet me know if you"re coming down to landIs there anybody out there trying to get throughMy eyes are so cloudy I can"t see youLook now look all aroundThere"s no sign of lifeVoices another soundCan you hear me nowIs is planet earthYou"re looking at planet earthBopThis is planet earthLook now look all aroundThere"s no sign of lifeVoices another soundCan you hear me nowIs is planet earthYou"re looking at planet earthBopThis is planet earthBopCalling planet earthBopLooking at planet earthBopThis is planet earth中文:   只有外面来  看雨的夜幕降临  我听说你做韵律模式  像一些新浪漫主义寻找电视声音  你会发现我是对的  看现在看周围  没有生命的迹象  另一个声音的声音你能听到我  这是地球  你看地球  防喷器  这是地球  我的头是困在珍贵的东西  让我知道如果你向下降落  有人试图通过吗  我的眼睛是如此的中心思想

Planet Earth 歌词

歌曲名:Planet Earth歌手:Prince专辑:Planet Earth我们相爱一年了拉!OH,YEAHImagine holding Planet EarthIn the palm of your handWith no regard for your place of birthOr claim to any landThe only thing between us now is the truth we understandIf Planet Earth was in the palm of your hand50 years from now what will they say about us here?Did we care for the water and the fragile atmosphere?There are only 2 kinds of folkAnd the difference they makeThe ones that giveAnd the ones that takeJust like the countless bodiesThat revolve around the sunPlanet Earth must now come into balance with the one,That caused it all to beThen we"ll see His kingdom come,So shall it be written, so shall it be sung你永远是最可爱的Imagine you could rid the EarthOf anyone you chooseWhich ones would you need the mostAnd which ones would you lose?Do we want to judge anotherLest we be judged too?Careful now... The next one might be youJust like the countless bodiesThat revolve around the sunPlanet Earth must now come into balance with the one,That caused it all to beThen we"ll see His kingdom come,So shall it be written, so shall it be sung我爱你,让我听,你的疲惫和恐惧,我爱你,我想起,你倔强到极限的心豆豆,每天我都想你念你想看你,可是有时真的没办法,但是我会把爱好好的保留给你的,当你需要我时我一定会尽我的全力,为我们的明天而努力的,豆豆我爱你Imagine sending your first bornOff to fight a warWith no good reason how it started and what they are fighting forAnd if they"re blessed to make it homeWill they still be poor?Pray for peace right now and forever moreJust like the countless bodiesThat revolve around the sunPlanet Earth must now come into balance with the one,That caused it all to beThen we"ll see His kingdom come,So shall it be written, so shall it be sungJust like the countless bodiesThat revolve around the sunPlanet Earth must now come into balance with the one,That caused it all to beThen we"ll see His kingdom come,So shall it be written, so shall it be sung

earth planet区别


Cristy Lane的《Ave Maria》 歌词

歌曲名:Ave Maria歌手:Cristy Lane专辑:Golden Hymns of Christmasave mariagratia plenadominus tecumbenedicta tuin mulieribuset benedictusfructus ventristui jesussancta mariasancta mariamariaora pro nobisnobis peccatoribusnunc et in horain hora mortis nostrae(sancta mariasancta maria)mariaora pro nobisnobis peccatoribusnunc et in horain hora mortis nostraeamenamen

什么是stand by airplane


Rosemary Lane 歌词

歌曲名:Rosemary Lane歌手:Bert Jansch专辑:Rosemary LaneEspers-Rosemary LaneWhen I was in service in the rosemary laneI won the good will of my master amberdine"Til a sailor came there one night to layAnd that was the beginning of my miseryHe called for a candle to light him to bedLikewise a silk hankerchief to tie up his hairTo tie up his hair as sailors will doAnd third my pretty polly won"t you come tooThis may be young and foolish she thought it no harmTo lie into bed why to keep herself warmAnd what was done there I will never discloseBut I wish that short night had been seven long yearsNext morning this sailor so early aroseAnd into my bra 3 guineas did throwSaying this I will give and more I will doIf you



lane crawford哪个国家的

连卡佛(Lane Crawford)是一个历史悠久的著名英资百货公司,以售卖高档欧洲时装精品著称。现在香港拥有四家分店,包括中环国际金融中心旗舰店、金钟、铜锣湾及尖沙咀,并在北京开有分店。

求penny lane 译文

In Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographs在小马巷有家理发师展出照片Of every head he"s had the pleasure to know.照片上是他很喜欢的头型And all the people that come and go所有的人来了又去Stop and say hello.停下来打着招呼On the corner is a banker with a motorcar,在街角有个骑摩托的银行家The little children laugh at him behind his back.小孩子总在他的背后笑话他And the banker never wears a mack因为那银行家从不穿雨衣In the pouring rain, very strange.即使在大雨瓢泼中,真奇怪Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes.我听见了小马巷,我也看见了小马巷There beneath the blue suburban skies在蓝色狭长的天空下I sit, and meanwhile back我坐着,记忆突然而至In penny Lane there is a fireman with an hourglass在便士街有个拿着沙漏的消防员And in his pocket is a portrait of the Queen.在他的口袋里是女王的肖像画He likes to keep his fire engine clean,他喜欢把救火车打扫得干干净净It"s a clean machine.它是个干净的机器Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes.我听见了小马巷,我也看见了小马巷A four of fish and finger pies四分之一条鱼和手指派In summer, meanwhile back在夏天,记忆突然而至Behind the shelter in the middle of a roundabout在环形路中间的掩蔽后The pretty nurse is selling poppies from a tray漂亮护士正在卖着托盘里的鸦片And tho" she feels as if she"s in a play她感觉她像在表演She is anyway.她总是随随便便的In Penny Lane the barber shaves another customer,在小马巷理发室正在为另一个客人剪发We see the banker sitting waiting for a trim.我们看见银行家正坐着等着理发And then the fireman rushes in消防员冲了进来From the pouring rain, very strange.从大雨瓢泼中,真奇怪Penny lane is in my ears and in my eyes.我听见了小马巷,我也看见了小马巷There beneath the blue suburban skies在蓝色狭长的天空下I sit, and meanwhile back.我坐着,记忆突然而至Penny lane is in my ears and in my eyes.我听见了小马巷,我也看见了小马巷There beneath the blue suburban skies,在蓝色狭长的天空下Penny Lane.小马巷

glow synthetic lane翻译

glow synthetic lane翻译:辉光合成车道。短语搭配swimming lane 泳道 ; 泳道来源考试大。Alex Lane 亚历克斯·莱恩。Lane snapper 巴哈马笛鲷 ; 斑笛鲷 ; 暗色笛鲷。CAMPBELL LANE 甘贝尔巷 ; 与甘贝尔巷。Sunny Lane 妖兽入侵 ; 阳光里 ; 提供关于。PARK LANE 花园弄 ; 公园路 ; 公园巷。happy lane 幸福里 ; 超高跟鞋 ; 鱼嘴高跟鞋。相关例句:1、The road is only one lane wide.这条路只有一个车道那么宽。2、She signalled and pulled over into the slow lane.她给信号后把车开进了慢车道。3、The truck was travelling at 20 mph in the slow lane.那辆卡车以每小时20英里的速度行驶在慢车道上。4、The northbound lane should remain open at most times.大部分时间北行方向的车道应该保持通畅。5、Traffic in the northbound lane is at a complete standstill.北行车道的交通完全堵塞。


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down memory lane是什么意思

down memory lane:万里长情;记忆消失之路;记忆的深巷例句:1.You"re not to hopscotch down memory lane.而不是让你们感怀往事。2.Make the most of Mercury"s last day in retrograde motion to take a trip downmemory lane.利用水星逆行的最后一天时间沿着记忆的路径做旅行吧。3.For most of us, a stroll down Memory Lane is an easy trip.对于大多数人而言,追忆往事是一种简单的旅行。4.Let"s take a stroll down memory lane and look at some of the finest classicautomobiles of all time!让我们在记忆的长廊中漫步,看一看历史上最优秀的老爷车!

It is a long lane that has no turning. 求中文翻译,谢谢

路毕有弯 曲径通幽处

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Memory Lane 歌词

歌曲名:Memory Lane歌手:横山克专辑:蜜之味In Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographsOf every head hes had the pleasure to know.And all the people that come and goStop and say hello.On the corner is a banker with a motorcar,The little children laugh at him behind his back.And the banker never wears a mackIn the pouring rain, very strange.Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes.There beneath the blue suburban skiesI sit, and meanwhile backIn penny Lane there is a fireman with an hourglassAnd in his pocket is a portrait of the Queen.He likes to keep his fire engine clean,Its a clean machine.Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes.A four of fish and finger piesIn summer, meanwhile backBehind the shelter in the middle of a roundaboutThe pretty nurse is selling poppies from a trayAnd tho she feels as if shes in a playShe is anyway.In Penny Lane the barber shaves another customer,We see the banker sitting waiting for a trim.And then the fireman rushes in>From the pouring rain, very strange.Penny lane is in my ears and in my eyes.There beneath the blue suburban skiesI sit, and meanwhile back.Penny lane is in my ears and in my eyes.There beneath the blue suburban skies,



Memory Lane 歌词

歌曲名:Memory Lane歌手:o.c.专辑:StarchildIn Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographsOf every head hes had the pleasure to know.And all the people that come and goStop and say hello.On the corner is a banker with a motorcar,The little children laugh at him behind his back.And the banker never wears a mackIn the pouring rain, very strange.Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes.There beneath the blue suburban skiesI sit, and meanwhile backIn penny Lane there is a fireman with an hourglassAnd in his pocket is a portrait of the Queen.He likes to keep his fire engine clean,Its a clean machine.Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes.A four of fish and finger piesIn summer, meanwhile backBehind the shelter in the middle of a roundaboutThe pretty nurse is selling poppies from a trayAnd tho she feels as if shes in a playShe is anyway.In Penny Lane the barber shaves another customer,We see the banker sitting waiting for a trim.And then the fireman rushes in>From the pouring rain, very strange.Penny lane is in my ears and in my eyes.There beneath the blue suburban skiesI sit, and meanwhile back.Penny lane is in my ears and in my eyes.There beneath the blue suburban skies,

Memory Lane 歌词

歌曲名:Memory Lane歌手:日韩群星专辑:Beats PiecesIn Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographsOf every head hes had the pleasure to know.And all the people that come and goStop and say hello.On the corner is a banker with a motorcar,The little children laugh at him behind his back.And the banker never wears a mackIn the pouring rain, very strange.Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes.There beneath the blue suburban skiesI sit, and meanwhile backIn penny Lane there is a fireman with an hourglassAnd in his pocket is a portrait of the Queen.He likes to keep his fire engine clean,Its a clean machine.Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes.A four of fish and finger piesIn summer, meanwhile backBehind the shelter in the middle of a roundaboutThe pretty nurse is selling poppies from a trayAnd tho she feels as if shes in a playShe is anyway.In Penny Lane the barber shaves another customer,We see the banker sitting waiting for a trim.And then the fireman rushes in>From the pouring rain, very strange.Penny lane is in my ears and in my eyes.There beneath the blue suburban skiesI sit, and meanwhile back.Penny lane is in my ears and in my eyes.There beneath the blue suburban skies,

伦敦交响乐团的《Penny Lane》 歌词

歌曲名:Penny Lane歌手:伦敦交响乐团专辑:London Symphony Orchestra Plays The BeatlesIn Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographsOf every head hes had the pleasure to know.And all the people that come and goStop and say hello.On the corner is a banker with a motorcar,The little children laugh at him behind his back.And the banker never wears a mackIn the pouring rain, very strange.Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes.There beneath the blue suburban skiesI sit, and meanwhile backIn penny Lane there is a fireman with an hourglassAnd in his pocket is a portrait of the Queen.He likes to keep his fire engine clean,Its a clean machine.Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes.A four of fish and finger piesIn summer, meanwhile backBehind the shelter in the middle of a roundaboutThe pretty nurse is selling poppies from a trayAnd tho she feels as if shes in a playShe is anyway.In Penny Lane the barber shaves another customer,We see the banker sitting waiting for a trim.And then the fireman rushes in>From the pouring rain, very strange.Penny lane is in my ears and in my eyes.There beneath the blue suburban skiesI sit, and meanwhile back.Penny lane is in my ears and in my eyes.There beneath the blue suburban skies,

Lane Sands 英文名,这个组合合理吗

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