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猪,鸡,牛,羊,狗,白鳍豚,丹顶鹤,大熊猫,藏羚羊,金丝猴 用英语怎么说???

猪PIG 狗DOG 大熊猫panda


金丝猴: The Golden Monkey(Cercopithecus kandti) is a species of Old World monkey found in the Virunga volcanic mountains of Central Africa, including four national parks: Mgahinga, in south-westUganda; Volcanoes, in north-west Rwanda; and Virunga and Kahuzi-Biéga, in theeastern DemocraticRepublic of Congo. It is restricted to highland forest,especially near bamboo. 熊猫:panda is a mammal native to central-western and south western China.[2] The Giant Panda is a member of the Ursidae (bear) family.[3]It is easily recognized by its large, distinctive black patches aroundthe eyes, over the ears, and across its round body. Though it belongsto the order Carnivora, the Giant Panda"s diet is 99% bamboo. The Panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, mainly in Sichuan province, but also in the Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. Due to farming, deforestation, and other development, the Giant Panda has been driven out of the lowland areas where it once lived.




people"s hunting endanger the Golden Monkeys.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------我国的一级保护动物:蜂猴、熊猴、台湾猴、豚尾猴、叶猴、金丝猴、长臂猿、马来熊、大熊猫、紫貂、貂熊、熊狸、云豹、豹、虎、雪豹、儒良、白鳍豚、中华白海豚、亚洲象、蒙古野驴、西藏野驴、野马、野骆驼、 鼷鹿、黑鹿。白唇鹿、坡鹿、梅花鹿、豚鹿、糜鹿、野牛、野牦牛、普氏原羚、藏羚、高鼻羚羊、扭角羚、台湾鬣羚、赤斑羚、塔尔羊、北山羊、河狸、短尾信天翁、白腹军舰鸟、白鹤、黑鹤、朱环、中华秋沙鸭、金雕、白肩雕、玉带海雕、白尾海雕、虎头海雕、拟兀骛、胡兀骛、细嘴松鸡、斑尾棒鸡、雉鹞、四川山鹤鸽、海南山鹧鸽、黑头角雉、红胸角雉、灰腹角雉、黄腹角雉、虹雉、褐马鸡、蓝鹏、黑颈长尾雉、白颈长尾雉、黑长尾雉、孔雀雉、绿孔雀、黑颈鹤、白头鹤、丹顶鹤、白鹤、赤颈鹤、鸨、遗鸥、四爪陆龟、鳄蜥、巨蜥、蟒、扬子鳄、新疆大头鱼、中华鳄、达尔鳄、白鳄、红珊瑚、库氏碎磲、鹦鹉螺、中华蛋镰、金斑喙凤蝶、多鳃孔舌形虫、黄岛长吻虫

整段翻译 金丝猴

Golden Monkey is very beautiful: the sky-blue face on the mouth large and prominent, because of their extreme degradation of the nose, commonly known as "no child nose", making the nostrils were overturned, it has "Snub-nosed monkey," another name. 70 cm in length, tail length and body appearance, etc., or longer. Nostrils large, the Yang. Thick lips, no cheek pouch. Back a long shiny hair, color is green, head, neck, shoulder, upper arm, back and tail hair is gray and black, cephalic, sides of neck, trunk and limbs, ventral medial yellow hair is brown, very soft wool quality . Mountain forests in the golden monkey habitat group. Mainly in the tree of life, but also the ground looking for something to eat. With wild fruits, buds, shoots, moss plants for food. Staple foods are leaves, tender twigs, flowers, fruit, eat bark and roots, eat insects, birds, and eggs. Eat it da mouth always seemed so sweet! Snub-nosed monkey added to our great joy of nature, let us act to protect golden monkey, nature conservation. Let golden monkey loyal partners that we humans and our joy of sharing a common life! Between humans and animals to more closely!