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AAU研究(Awareness Attitude Usage) 简称AAU AAU研究即通过观测,掌握 消费者 对 品牌 或某 产品 ( 服务 ) 的知名度( Awareness)、态度(Attitude)及使用状况( Usage)的变化。它们是预测品牌份额变化的敏感 指标 , 其中任何一个因素的变动都应当引起 企业 的注意。满意请采纳

写一篇英语作文,attitudes to fool s day

A survey has recently been done at our school, and it shows there are three different attitudes to April Fool"s Day among the students. 40% of the students think they like to have April Fool"s Day. They say the special day is enjoyed bypeople around the word. And it can add much pleasure into our school life. But still 30% of them dislike April Fool"s Day. Thy think it would disturb others to play jokes onthemon that day. Even worse, most of the jokes may cause much trouble. The rest don"t care. In their opinion, people just play jokes on April Fool"s Day.


A survey has recently been done at our school that shows people"s attitude toward april fool"s is interesting to find that about one third ,33%percent really love this day because the day could offer us a chance to amuse ourselves especially those who under huge pressure!however,another 33%believe that it is unkind to do funny things to others and what"s worse,sometimes accidents may happen because of some silly jokes.

以"attitudes towards life"为题,写一篇150字的英语作文

5 Simple Things That Can Help Change Your Attitude1. Identify and understand what you want to change.The first step towards change is clearly understanding what needs to be changed.2. Look for a role model.We all need to know that what we"re trying to accomplish can in fact be achieved; that we can be more optimistic, more social or more patient.3. Think about how your attitude change will affect your life.To be able to hurtle through all the difficulties that lie ahead of you in your journey towards self betterment, you need to figure out exactly what this supposed change could bring to your life.4. Choose the right company. (人际交往)Consider befriending new people, especially those who are optimistic and have a healthy attitude towards life. You will see that your effort to change will be easier with these kinds of people as friends.5. Believe that you are able to change.Often, the greatest obstacle between us and our goals is ourselves or our inability to trust in what we are able to d

Attitudes and happines 英语议论文

Attitudes depend the degree of happiness. lf you face the life in positive attitude, you will be happiness easily.For example, SangLan.She was hurt in the competion, she could not stand up like others anymore,but she has never given up.We can often see her face cracks a smile.She is so brave and she is so positive.So she can live in happiness.

用attitudes to 造句

1. Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years. 最近几年对精神病的态度已有所改变。 2. Other changes include more tolerant attitudes to unmarried couples having children. 其他变化包括对非婚夫妇生育更为宽容的态度。 3. Of all the lazy, indifferent, unbusinesslike attitudes to have! 这是多么懒惰、冷漠、不敬业的态度!为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!

以"attitudes towards life"为题,写一篇150字的英语作文?

Attitudes towards life can vary greatly from person to person. Some people view life as a challenge and are driven to achieve success in their careers or personal endeavors. Others view life as an opportunity to help others and to make a positive impact in the world. Still, there are those who believe that life is a journey that should be savored and enjoyed with friends and family.No matter what our attitudes towards life may be, it is important to recognize that we only have a limited amount of time on this planet. We must strive to make the most of every moment, and to pursue our passions and interests with fervor.Ultimately, our attitudes towards life can shape who we are and the impact we make on the world around us. By cultivating a positive outlook and a determination to achieve our goals, we can overcome any obstacle and lead a fulfilling and rewarding life.

急求一篇英语作文! 主题就是Attitudes to the aged.对老人的态度.

Who Should Be Responsible for Our Old People? As the result of birth control and improvement of medical care,supporting the old has become an issue of China today. Because of the different culture and traditio,supporting the old is different from country to country.For instance,British is a developed country and the problem of supporting the old is solved very well these years.The government takes a series of measures to solve the problem and also pays a lot of money for the old every year in order to make them live better. In China,because of its tradition,the old people are mostly supported by their children.But our government and our society are taking measures to support the old. As the development of economy and society is so rapid that we believe the system of our country to support the old would be perfect one day. [参考译文] 谁应该对我们的老人们负责任? 作为计划生育和医疗改革的结果,赡养老人已成为今日中国的一个有争议的问题. 因为不同的文化和传统,赡养老人的问题各国各不相同.例如,英国是一个发达国家,赡养老人的问题,这些年一直解决得很好.政府采取大量措施以便更好地解决问题,并且每年都花费大量资金以便使老人们生活得更好. 在中国,因为传统的原因,老人总是由子女赡养.但是我们的政府和社会都在采取措施,来解决赡养老人这一问题. 随着经济的迅速发展,社会的快速进步,我们相信我国的赡养老人制度有一天也将完善

英语your understanding of attitudes怎么翻译?


negative attitudes是什么意思

negative attitudes消极的态度2.The section below will be a difficult one to complete, but it is important to try and change negative attitudes you have about yourself into positive ones. 以下的这个环节是比较难完成的一个环节,但是对将你拥有的负面态度转换成积极的态度是十分重要的。3.Some will focus on recent price declines, which may seem to belie any improvement in the economy, reinforcing negative attitudes about the housing market. 有些人可能关心房价下跌,这可能似乎与经济状况的一些改善不符,更加固了对住房市场观望。

"attitudes towards"怎么造句?

Tom walks towards me in a hurry . We have different attitudes towards money.

attitudes to language 为什么用复数?

首先,attitude是可数名词,很多时候它是可以带s的。其次,attitude在使用的时候,往往搭配一个介词to,表示的意思是:对……的态度。 你这个短语表达的是,对知识的态度,每个人对知识的态度都不一样,即便是一个人,他对知识的态度也有很多方面,很多种,所以这时候attitude要加s。最后,希望你记住有句谚语:Attitude is everything.态度决定一切。你这样的勤学好问,一定会有好的收获。

Attitudes towards是什么意思

attitude towards介词短语 :对 ... 的态度例句:She has a sane attitude towards diving and never go too fast.她对于跳水的态度很明智,从不操之过急。She has a firm, no-nonsense attitude towards her staff.她对下属的态度严肃而认真。There was a certain coldness in her attitude towards me.她对我的态度有点儿冷淡。

Attitudes towards是什么意思

Attitudes towards对。。。。的态度双语对照例句:1.Last year, the bank of japan surveyed its population about attitudes towards deflation. 去年,日本央行(boj)就民众对通缩的态度进行了一次民意调查。2.Have people"s attitudes towards the indri changed over the years? 过去的这些年里人们对大狐猴的态度发生改变了吗?

什么时候用attitude 什么时候用attitudes


attitudes 后加动词用加s吗?


And choices___________ by attitudes. (drive)
