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Delta Goodrem(黛尔塔)  1984年11月出生在悉尼的Delta Goodrem,7岁就开始在演艺圈里打滚儿,先是在广告里扮可爱,接着又在电视剧里装天真。12岁那年,她用上电视赚来的钱租了个录音室,把自己创作的五首歌曲外加一首她演唱的澳大利亚国歌录成了一张DEMO,寄给了她最喜爱的足球队——Sydney Swans,希望有朝一日能为球队在主场演唱国歌,结果球队转手把DEMO CD交给了他们的铁杆球迷兼著名经纪人Glenn Wheatley,就这样,三年后,在Glenn Wheatley的精心调教下,SONY唱片签下了Delta Goodrem。   2003年,Delta Goodrem的第一张专辑《Innocent Eyes》问世,当年就为她拿下了ARIA最佳流行专辑、最佳新人-专辑、最佳新人-单曲、最佳女艺人、最畅销单曲、最畅销专辑和年度单曲奖7项桂冠和年度专辑奖等6项提名。从澳洲、英国、新西兰到香港、台湾、大陆,从十几岁的小屁孩到我这样的单身大叔,引无数乐迷尽折腰,几乎所有人都认为,这将会是Kylie Minogue之后又一位为澳大利亚赢得国际声誉的流行巨星。   Delta Goodrem从小就接受过良好的古典钢琴训练,不但能弹会唱,还会自己作词,这张专辑里的大部分曲子都是出自她自己之手。既有偶像派的资本又有实力派的功底,再加上SONY的力捧,这样的美女想不红基本上很难,直到2003年7月她被查出患有Hodgkin"s disease(据说是一种淋巴肿瘤)。这场意外让Delta Goodrem不得不暂别舞台。不过顽强的Delta坚强地战胜了病魔,以全心的面貌在2004年推出了第2张个人大碟--《Mistaken Identity》,也就是这张作品让广大的中国歌迷认识了这个才华横溢的女孩,并迅速成为他们的偶像。  2007年10月,Delta的第3张作品--《Delta》问世了,之前就已经受到了各方的关注。抢先发行的热门单曲In this life让我们重新看到了一个更加成熟的Delta复出,歌路不光动感时尚,而且唱功也更加硬朗高亢。新专辑的制作也是请到了各路大牌制作人包括男友Brain的支持。全心亮相,全心制作,相信这位勇敢的澳洲天后又将创造奇迹!


  英文求职 简历 是求职者就业的名片,那你知道 英文简历 该怎么写吗?下面是我为大家带来的英文简历模板,相信对你会有帮助的。   英文简历模板(一)   Marc Smith   15th Lane Avenue, Near New church, Houston   Home: 00658-21589-98754   Cell: 00125-4587-9685   Email: smith.xuexila   Career Profile:   A highly skilled, talented and professional training consultant with diverse experience in conducting technical training for customers, field personnel and internal staff. Looking for a position of technical consultant in a well established organization.   Professional strengths:   Possess excellent verbal and written communication skills   In-depth knowledge of training evaluation methodologies   Possess effective presentation and organizational skills   Familiar with alternative training methods like e-learning   Possess good project management skills   Ability to built rapports and interact easily with clients and co-workers   In-depth knowledge of internal structure of the organizations and operational activities   Possess sound knowledge of LCDS, POD, AFP and PDC   Technical proficiencies:   Proficient in Microsoft Office suite, Dreamweaver, RoboDemo, RoboHelp, Tool book and Flash   Familiar with HTML, peoplesoft, Doc-to-help, Access, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint   Professional Experience:   ABBC Inc, Houston   20XX till date   Training Consultant   Responsible for preparing lesson plans on methods and documentation to be presented   Handled the tasks of designing and developing technical training curriculum for the entire customer base   Supervised administrative function in absence of higher management   Conducted trainings on technical skills for field personnel, internal staff and customers   Utilized assessment tools to determine the effectiveness of training programs   Instructed learners in remote locations and classroom environments   Handled the tasks of gathering technical documentation and develop courseware for instructors and learners   Conducted follow up evaluations to determine the applicability of course materials   Floret Co Inc, Houston   20XX to 20XX   Training Consultant   Responsible for guiding and monitoring training programs to enhance the quality of training sessions   Handled the tasks of managing roll out, administration, production, evaluation and continuous improvement of learning products   Conducted training on visual investigative analysis software via WebEx to intelligent analyst in classroom environment   Enhanced the training material by adding realistic data and case studies   Consulted managers, trainers and employers in generating effective learning and development strategies   Assisted higher officials in project management by offering feedback and training to the project team members   Redington Enterprises Inc, Houston   19XX to 20XX   Assistant Training consultant   Responsible for planning, organizing and implementing new training programs   Handled the tasks of gathering innovative information and training resources by using internet and various sources   Monitored and supervised activities of different departments   Participated in the delivery of functional/business specifications for learning about different products   Educational Summary:   Bachelor"s degree in instructional design , Design College, Houston19XX   Master in instructional system development, Houston University, Houston, 19XX   Personal Details:   Name: Marc Smith   Date of Birth: XX/XX/19XX   Employment Status: Full time   Relationship status: Single   Reference:   Available upon request   英文简历模板(二)   Career Profile:   Highly accomplished, talented and professional Marketing Communication Specialist with extensive knowledge of sales in communication media and advertising materials. Seeking for a position as Marketing Communication Specialist to enhance my professional experience and work for the growth of the organization.   Professional strengths:   Possess highly organized and creative skills   Familiar with media advertising and communications   Possess advanced written and communication skills   In-depth knowledge of communication products and services   Extensive knowledge of computer programs like IIIustrator, Photoshop and Desktop Publishing Software   Possess excellent problem solving and research skills   Ability to handle multiple assignments simultaneously   Possess excellent analytical and presentation skills   In-depth knowledge of writing and editing industrial products   Goal oriented and ability to work under pressure   Professional Experience:   Media Integrates Enterprises Co. Inc., Georgina   20XX till date   Marketing Communication Specialist   Assigned the tasks of reviewing sales reports to determine the success and failure of advertising campaigns   Responsible for translating the trends of the organization to create effective marketing materials   Handled the tasks of organizing marketing campaigns with colleagues to achieve customer satisfaction   Responsible for creating brochures, press releases and advertisements   Assigned the responsibilities of updating reports to the marketing manager or advertising department   Oversaw traffic management like creative print, advertising, web and press opportunities   Handled the tasks of assisting Communication Director in planning and executing communications strategies   Worked cooperatively with Sales and Marketing management for projects and promotions   Assisted seniors with a variety of Corporate Communications projects like creating PowerPoint presentations, light copywriting and product promotions   ABC Associates Co. Inc., Georgina   20XX to 20XX   Marketing Communication Specialist   Handled the tasks of writing and designing printed reports, newsletters and advertisements to promote various products   Assigned the tasks of conceptualizing, organizing, writing, editing and illustrating products   Worked collaboratively with Marketing Department to develop sales prospect of the organization   Assisted Directors in direct mail campaigns and targeted mailings   Responsible for coordinating and distributing materials from vendors   Handled the tasks of gathering information and conducting market research of financial industries   Monitored and supervised roll-out of campaigns and evaluated the success level   Assigned the tasks of direct mailing programs   Educational Summary and Certifications:   Bachelor"s degree in Marketing, College of Marketing and Advertisement, Georgina 19XX   Master"s degree in Business Administration, Department of MBA, Georgina University, 19XX   Certification Course in Communication, Georgina 19XX   Personal Details:   Name: George Mathew   Date of Birth: XX/XX/19XX   Employment Status: Full time   Relationship status: Married   References:   Will be available upon request


The work experience1 colloidal food safety drug residue ( antibiotic ) preparation of colloidal gold strip, change the line of production and manufacturing experience, product research and development in the city of sales.2 time resolved products ( double ), validation, clinical testing and production related experience.3 monoclonal antibody, drug residue detection related experience. Synthesis of antigen, purified. Cell culture and animal experiments related experience.4 antibody purification, mark ( cytokine FITC, rare earth ions Eu, Sm ( time resolution) ) experience.5 project management experience. Production validation plan and report, and the production process of standard operating procedures ( SOP ) file, product brochures, product packaging, promotional materials to compose and design experience.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -The occupation target1 food and environmental safety, virus detection of microorganisms and biological medicine in vitro diagnostic reagents development and management.2 R & D projects, change the line of production and management improvement. Fine production. Stability of product quality and continuous improvement.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -The occupation skillThe 1 product development( 1) food safety drug residue ( antibiotic ) preparation of colloidal gold strip.Work content:Working process was completed, chloramphenicol, enrofloxacin clenbuterol, fluoroquinolones and other colloidal gold test strip products R & D, some products already on the market.Work has accumulated a wealth of experience in research and development, especially in products that improve the sensitivity, stability and simple sample pre-treatment steps, reduce the sample matrix effects and has unique advantages. Research and development of products from the sample treatment to the interpretation of the results is only 10 ~ 20min; R & D products sensitivity in similar products on the market in the forefront ( 0.5 ~ 2ng ).Job responsibilities:1) colloidal gold new product development2) production line and the construction of new project to change the line of production3) procedure and related document writing4) the problems in the production process analysis( 2) time-resolved Kit ( double ) product developmentWork content:A double switching project.Double markers including preparation, coated board preparation, enhanced liquid preparation and other related materials preparation. Familiar with the production process.The project had changed the line of production proved to be successful, entering the clinical validation phase.Job responsibilities:1) responsible for the project by the R & D department to change the line of production to production. Responsible for production validation plan, coordinate transformation and is responsible for converting the personnel involved in the validation report and the process output.2) responsible for the project of technology improvement and product quality is stable and continuous improvement.3) the problem of the production process analysis.4) raw materials and alternative materials selection.In 2 experimental operation skills( 1) Master of monoclonal and polyclonal antibody preparation process. And in schools and companies are involved in synthesis of antigen, immune, fusion and antibody screening process.( 2) proficiency in cell culture, SDS electrophoresis, column chromatography, TLC and other experimental skills.( 3) antibody purification and marking skills. Master, first mentioned serum ascites fine purification steps. Master of cytokine FITC labeling and purification, time-resolved detection technology, Eu and Sm markers and purification technology of.( 4) master the time-resolved kit each major component preparation points, and component inspection train of thought ( foreign company self-test scheme and technical ).( 5) master the animal test operation skills, such as the mice reared, immune, orbital venous blood sampling, rabbit jugular vein and the blood from heart operation.Companies involved in the animal room planning and design, and formulate management rules and operating procedures, and responsible for the training of animal house keeper. Holding the test animal certificate.( 6) in the BioDot technology platform for training, skilled operation BioDot three-dimensional spray apparatus. Responsible for new research and development and production operations staff to carry out experimental instruction and training in the use of equipment.( 7) skilled use of Wallac Finland automatic time-resolved tester Auto 1235 and the new wave of the Shanghai biological technology limited company Anytest 2000 and other ancillary time-resolved detection instrument.The 3 production experienceCompose the product development production technology standard operating procedures ( SOP ) file, product brochures. In the design of product packaging, promotional materials.To assist in the establishment of colloidal gold test paper product line, responsible for the realization of products from research and development to production transformation, reduce product in batch and interassay differences.Good communication skills, independent and responsible for the project, coordinate the personnel involved in the production. And be familiar with ERP process. Project improvement and product stability and continuous improvement experience


英文简历必备:各类专业证书英文表达大全    (3)计算机类   全国计算机一级证书 First-level Certificate for National Computer   全国计算机二级证书 Second-level Certificate for National Computer   全国计算机三级证书 Third-level Certificate for National Computer   全国计算机四级证书 Fourth-level Certificate for National Computer    (4)金融类   会计证 Accounting Certificate   会计从业资格证书: Certificate of Accounting Professional   初级职务(助理会计)证书 Sub-accountant Certificate Preliminary Level   中级职称 Intermediate Certificate   管理会计师证书: Certificate in Management Accounting   注册会计师证书: (CPA Certificate)Certificate of Certified Public Accountant   注册金融分析师:(CFA)Chartered Financial Analyst   特许公认会计师:(ACCA)The Association of Chartered Accountants    (5)资格证书类   导游证 Guide ID Card (Guide Identity of Identification Card)   导游资格证书 Guide Certificate   秘书证 Secretary Card   中级涉外秘书证 Intermediate Foreign Secretary Card   CAD工程师认证证书 CAD Engineer Certification   电工证 Electrician certificate   技工证书 Technician Certificate   教师资格证 Teacher Certification   心理辅导教师资格证书 Psychological Counseling Teacher Certificate   报关员资格证书 Clerk for the Customs Declaration   报关员证书 Customs Declaration Certificate   人力资源从业资格证书 Qualification of Human Resources Practitioners   驾驶证 Driveru2019s License   法律类   国家司法考试证书 National Judicial Examination certificate(lawyer"s qualification certificate)   律师资格证书 Attorneyu2019s certificate   企业法律顾问执业资格证书 Enterprise Counsel Qualification Certificate   法律顾问 Legal Adviser   律师助理证 Assistant Lawyer Certificate   金融类   会计从业资格证 Certificate of Accounting Professional   初级会计职称 Junior Level Accountant   中级会计职称 Medium Level Accountant   高级职称 Advanced Level Accountant   注册会计师 Certified Public Accountant (CPC)   注册税务师 Certified Tax Agents(CTA )   经济师 Economist   精算师 Actuary   审计师 Auditor   统计师 Actuary   商务类   物流师职业资格证书 Certificate of International Logistics Specialist   国际物流师 Certified International Logistics Specialist (CILS)   国际电子商务师职业资格认证 Certification of International E-Commerce Specialist   国际电子商务师 Certified International E-Commerce Specialist(CIECS)   市场营销师 Marketing Manager   特许市场营销师 Certified Marketing Manager (CMM)   初级营销职业证书 Introductory Certificate in Marketing   市场营销职业证书 Certificate in Marketing   国际商务谈判师 Certificated International Professional Negotiator ( CIPN)   投资咨询师 Investment Counselor   人力资源管理 Human Resource Management ( HRM )   中国职业经理人资格认证 Certificate of Chinese Professional Manager   中国职业经理人 Chinese Professional Manager ( CPM )   注册国际投资分析师 Certified International Investment Analyst( CIIA )   注册金融分析师 Chartered Financial Analyst ( CFA )   注册金融策划师 Certified Financial Planner(CFP)   认证金融理财师 Associate Financial Planner (AFP)   金融风险管理师 Financial Risk Manager (FRM)   证券从业资格证书 Certificate of Securities   国际贸易单证员证书 Certificate of International Commercial Documents   计算机类计算机技术与软件专业技术(水平)资格考试 Computer Technology and Software Expertise (level) Qualification Examination   网络工程师 Network Engineer   软件设计师 Software Architect   数据库分析师 Database Analyst   网络管理员 Webmaster   信息系统项目管理师 Information Systems Project Management Division   网络规划设计师 Network Planning Designer   多媒体应用设计师 Multimedia designer   电力工程证书 Certificate in Electrical Engineering   国际电子商务师 Certified International E-Commerce Specialist (CIECS)   一、二级建造师 Grade1/2 Constructor   造价工程师 Cost Engineer   注册房地产估价师 Certified Real Estate Appraiser   质量工程师 Quality Assurance Engineer   城市规划师 Urban Planner   公路造价师 Highway Cost Estimator   工程造价师 Budgeting Specialist   化学检验员 Chemistry Testing Laboratory Technician   化学技能证书 Chemical Skills Certificate


考试什么的都去 si 吧   我要回家 作我的梦想   就算风会很大 浪会很大   但我有力量   学校不让留头发 土的掉渣  还告诉爸妈 你的孩子太差   管不了拉 回家种田吧   为什么 我的音乐课被霸占了   变几何   三角方块睡觉了   抬着头 看着云 吹着风 哼着歌   我在惬意呢   再说我也不容易   考了整个年级的倒数第一   对不起我下一次一定努力   就先这样 我今天要练琴   考试什么的都去si吧   我要回家 作我的梦想   就算风会很大 浪会很大   但我有力量   学校不让留头发 土的掉渣   还告诉爸妈 你的孩子太差   管不了拉 回家种田吧   为什么   成绩会有那么重要   被人笑   真有那么好笑   成绩好 很diao 有鲜花 有鞭炮   我当然知道   其实我真有努力   在你看不到的地方会拼命   每一天都为了梦想在前进   没关系 我一定也可以   考试什么的都去si吧   我要回家 作我的梦想   就算风会很大 浪会很大   但我有力量   学校不让留头发 土的掉渣   还告诉爸妈 你的孩子太差   管不了拉 回家种田吧   摇曳的小花   有一天也会长大 考试什么都去si 吧电话里的秘密你说 麦小BABY是我 隔壁的Honey是我 送餐的帅哥是我 电话里的 都是我 你 朋友未免太多 肥皂剧看得太过 天上真掉个帅哥 看你躲不躲 你手中的白色iPhone 有一点点的不同 叮叮叮咚咚 麻烦你调成振动 故意这样在气我 我懂你想要什么 我偏不说 是我想得太多 对自己没把握 你说我该难过 求你别离开我 你的破绽太多 有一点点失落 该不该说 是我想得太多 对自己没把握 我相信你爱我 ,所以随你想做 不是我不想说 而是太难开口 在乎你的是我美瞳I believe I still love you Baby I believe Oh baby can"t you see是不是 童话的爱情 公主都会很在意 王子啊 你现在会在哪里镜框下小小的眼睛 被丢在风里 你笑我平凡的外形 不适合爱情 你说他应该像电影 那样的美丽leehom在哪里 bieber在哪里 你轻轻挽住他手臂 像一道风景 不自觉视线被吸引 感觉到距离 王子和公主的游戏 才是你要的爱情我如果有漂亮的眼睛 是不是就能改变了结局 镜子里太完美的世界 陌生的自己我如果能假装不在意 沉醉在辛德瑞拉魔法里 镜子里已充血的眼底 我已经适应 I believeI still love you Baby I believe Oh baby can"t you see是不是 童话的爱情 公主都会很在意 王子啊 你现在会在哪里镜框下小小的眼睛 被丢在风里 你笑我平凡的外形 不适合爱情 你说他应该像电影 那样的美丽 leehom在哪里 bieber在哪里 你轻轻挽住他手臂 像一道风景 不自觉视线被吸引 感觉到距离 王子和公主的游戏 才是你要的爱情我如果有漂亮的眼睛 是不是就能改变了结局 镜子里太完美的世界 陌生的自己我如果能假装不在意 沉醉在辛德瑞拉魔法里 镜子里已充血的眼底 我已经适应 我如果有漂亮的眼睛 是不是就能改变了结局 镜子里太完美的世界 陌生的自己不写情歌你一直说你喜欢抒情的歌曲 你怨我到了最后也没写给你 你说要我写一首当作鉴别礼 你没吃药吧 赶快回到你家里去 抒你头的情 这什么世纪 写那样的歌 怎会有人来听 你说你不想忘掉我 你说你听到会难过 你说你每天会播 不想忘了 那些生活 同样的话我不想说 请你不要继续罗嗦 我不写情歌 我最讨厌情歌 你说你不想忘掉我 你说你听到会难过 你说你每天会播 不想忘了 那些生活 同样的话我不想说 请你不要继续罗嗦 我不写情歌 我最讨厌情歌友情演出 那时候 我们两个人 不知道明天会有多远 但是 绑在一起的手 从来就没有分开过 小凌: 你笑我眼泪太少 伪装的很好 我像傻瓜般在笑 眼泪却在掉 你的爱并不知道 我早就想要 闻你的味道 要你的拥抱 你笑我演技不好 戏入得太少 在你的身旁紧靠 只剩下心跳 我什么都不想要 就在下一秒 也许会疯掉 也许会死掉 OH OH~ 徐良: 每一个季节 回忆总是会很跳跃 现在我一个人体贴 故事都来的太直接 我没说 你用过的咖啡杯 余温还多一些 我轻轻再吻一遍 变态的有点甜 就快要没有时间 散场的电影院 麦当劳总是在点 每次都剩一些 这世界规矩太多 我有点不爽 不想和别人一样 所以我逞强 每个人都有梦想 我却有妄想 抹不掉一种轻狂 请叫我不良 我许的那个愿望 现在就在我身旁 天使没有了翅膀 是不是和我一样 摆给我那些脸庞 每一个都很嚣张 收起你掩饰的慌 我一定给你希望 我是个不良 我有个妄想 我是个不良 我有个妄想 没去过那个方向 到什么地方 是谁说那里漂亮 其他不怎样 我想要自己去闯 即使会受伤 没有人能责怪我 因为我不良 我许的那个愿望 现在就在我身旁 天使没有了翅膀 是不是和我一样 摆给我那些脸庞 每一个都很嚣张 收起你掩饰的慌 我一定给你希望两个傻瓜雨洁: 时间回到 kisskiss 那天 有你的瞬间 Missmiss 那夜 一个人想念 Kisskiss 那天 忘掉了时间 MissMiss 那夜 谁在你身边 徐良: 你说你像风筝的线 有一点点的遥远 也没关系在你指尖 两个人不会断线 可是我们太过强倔 谁都不愿意退却 想念 想念 但绝不道歉 有一种很想你的感觉 两个人一样强烈 电话一直都在枕边 但是却没人来电 看着照片上你的脸 孤单就开始发炎 道歉 道歉 却变成再见 雨洁: 时间回到 kisskiss 那天 有你的瞬间 Missmiss 那夜 一个人想念 Kisskiss 那天 忘掉了时间 MissMiss 那夜 谁在你身边飞机场鬼才趴着睡 那不是后背 小姐我这种傲人身材 叫作自然美 哨塔请指挥 航班已就位 请允许我降落在机场上边休息一会 你说你说 夕阳落得很美 说好早去早回 却没有再回我空荡荡的机场 在等着谁 谁降落 停留过多久 谁又起飞 时间像一条条的流水 我也变得无所谓我繁忙忙的机场 有人安慰谁说着 爱很无所谓 谁又喝醉 那架飞机还在飞 谁也不能替代了谁 宝贝宝贝 总是淘气绝对 不要再趴着头睡 只给我后背 321对不起 love you I need you I want you I Fuck you小凌;你轻轻遮住我的眼睛 问我是否相信 只要你慢慢数三二一 我就开始哭泣 世界上最简单的咒语 三个字对不起 最后要说出的我恨你 却变成我爱你徐良;是谁先抱紧 说不知该去哪里 是谁在怀里 说着对我很在意 是我玩不起 BABY你太卑鄙 游戏的结局 我连输都很多余小凌;你轻轻遮住我的眼睛 问我是否相信 只要你慢慢数三二一 我就开始哭泣 世界上最简单的咒语 三个字对不起 最后要说出的我恨你 却变成我爱你 徐良;是谁先抱紧 说不知该去哪里 是谁在怀里 说着对我很在意 是我玩不起 BABY你太卑鄙 游戏的结局 我连输都很多余尾声;I love you I need you I want you I Fuck you 红装没话讲我们互相在假装 你的电话还在响 下一场什么人约你去了什么地方 我喜欢用眼睛说谎单纯善良的模样 这是我掩饰流血和受伤最好的红装 你说过让我成为你唯一的肩膀 可是我和前面的一二三四一样 你很忙总没时间来理我 现场编出的借口却漂亮 你说过想要跟我去任何的地方 可是你还是选择自由自在飞翔 能不能有一点点的哀伤 假装出一个不舍的模样 你在我的身旁化妆超短裙撩人的模样 有点稍刺鼻的芳香 调皮的问我你今天漂不漂亮车窗里的谁在等 和你的朋友不太像 我微笑着送你出门 然后对自己说谎 没话讲我们互相在假装 你的电话还在响 下一场什么人约你去了什么地方 我喜欢用眼睛说谎 单纯善良的模样 这是我掩饰流血和受伤最好的红装 你说过让我成为你唯一的肩膀 可是我和前面的一二三四一样 你很忙总没时间来理我 现场编出的借口却漂亮 你说过想要跟我去任何的地方 可是你还是选择自由自在飞翔 能不能有一点点的哀伤 假装出一个不舍的模样 你在我的身旁化妆 超短裙撩人的模样 有点稍刺鼻的芳香 调皮的问我你今天漂不漂亮 车窗里的谁在等 和你的朋友不太像 我微笑着送你出门 然后对自己说谎 没话讲我们互相在假装 你的电话还在响 下一场什么人约你去了什么地方 我喜欢用眼睛说谎 单纯善良的模样 这是我掩饰流血和受伤最好的红装 没话讲我们互相在假装你的电话还在响 下一场什么人约你去了什么地方 我喜欢用眼睛说谎 单纯善良的模样 这是我饰流血和受伤最好的红装不良这世界规矩太多 我有点不爽 不想和别人一样 所以我逞强 我是个不良 我有个妄想 每个人都有梦想 我却有妄想 抹不掉一种轻狂 请叫我不良 我许的那个愿望 那个愿望 现在就在我身旁 天使没有了翅膀 是不是和我一样 摆给我那些脸庞 每一个都很嚣张 收起你掩饰的慌我一定给你希望我是个不良 我有个妄想我是个不良 我有个妄想没去过那个方向 到什么地方 是谁说那里漂亮 其他不怎样 我想要自己去闯 即使会受伤 没有人能责怪我 因为我不良 我许的那个愿望 现在就在我身旁 天使没有了翅膀 是不是和我一样 摆给我那些脸庞 每一个都很嚣张 收起你掩饰的慌 我一定给你希望我是个不良 我有个妄想我是个不良 我有个妄想犯贱徐良点燃你总抽的香烟 欺骗我无法满足的嗅觉 那夜弄懂你嘴唇甘甜 但却感觉距离还是很远 点燃你潇洒的拒绝 我知道只是一厢的情愿 你已不再允许我犯贱 没办法让我再次回到你的身边阿悄我习惯你走在我的身后 无论什么要求你全都接受 我如果能够让时光倒流 高傲不再有毫无保留犯贱的祈求徐良放开手在喧闹的大街 找不到你瞳孔中的画面 你注视的总是很遥远 是我永远够不到的地点 你消失在人群的中间 我知道没有丝毫的留恋 明明这次我没再犯贱 但是你好像有一种奇怪的感觉阿悄我习惯你走在我的身后 无论什么要求你全都接受 我如果能够让时光倒流 高傲不再有毫无保留犯贱的祈求徐良点燃你总抽的香烟 欺骗我无法满足的嗅觉 那夜弄懂你嘴唇甘甜 但却感觉距离还是很远 点燃你潇洒的拒绝 我知道只是一厢的情愿 你已不再允许我犯贱 没办法让我再次回到你的身边阿悄我习惯你走在我的身后 无论什么要求你全都接受 我如果能够让时光倒流 高傲不再有毫无保 犯贱的祈求 我习惯你走在我的身后 无论什么要求你全都接受 我如果能够让时光倒流 高傲不再有毫无保留犯贱的祈求客官不可以小凌:客官 不可以 你靠的越来越近 你眼睛在看哪里 还假装那么冷静 客官 不可以 都怪我生的美丽 气质又那么多情 小心我真的生气徐良L:waiter 你是不是弄错了 好像我没有点这个煲 又矮又胖又找不到腰 虽说有点可爱味道 小姐你是谁家的城堡 请你靠边坐坐好不好 挡到电视真的看不到 你说的话莫名其妙小凌:你现在哪里 我每天都在想你 想念你身旁空气 想念你坏坏眼睛 你现在哪里 我每天都在回忆 回忆搞笑的相遇 回忆悲伤的结局小凌:客官 客官 客官 不可以 客官 客官 客官 你在哪里 客官 客官 客官 我想你徐良:小姐 小姐 小姐 不可以 小姐 小姐 小姐 别伤心 小姐 小姐 小姐 对不起胸前海浪一泛小船 在慢缓的靠岸 拉太多会不习惯 害怕你领带会断 你慢慢 你慢慢 掀开衣服让我看说你的胸前越来越不自然 教室水桶踢翻 我陪你在罚站 光头的教育家 被你泼成尿裤般 走廊的黄昏上 我胸前被你靠暖 我慢慢的习惯 你胸前的牵绊 你想法很简单 我一切都要管 在只有一支小船湖畔 单纯的天然 这感觉会乱 你慢慢的习惯 胸前有所期盼 我知道你喜欢 雨天不撑开伞 或许这与爱情无关 单纯的恬淡 在胸前盛满music~青梅竹马的男孩女孩,超越爱情的羁绊 请大家静静的听,感受这份清新温暖 海浪一泛小船 在慢缓的靠岸 拉太多会不习惯 害怕你领带会断 你慢慢 你慢慢 掀开衣服让我看 说你的胸前越来越不自然 教室水桶踢翻 我陪你在罚站 光头的教育家 被你泼成尿裤般 走廊的黄昏上 我胸前被你靠暖 我慢慢的习惯 你胸前的牵绊 你想法很简单 我一切都要管 在只有一支小船湖畔 单纯的天然 这感觉会乱 你慢慢的习惯 胸前有所期盼 我知道你喜欢 雨天不撑开伞 或许这与爱情无关 单纯的恬淡 在胸前盛满即使说抱歉melodia :i could be everything you needsay, what you wanna hearso don"t say sorryhow long i have to waiti could be everything you needchange, if you want to seeso don"t say sorrybaby take me away徐良:sorry,oh baby can"t you seewhat can you do for meyou know what you mean to mesorry,i can only say the sorryhow do you think. i don"t care.sorry,oh baby can"t you seewhat can you do for meyou know what you mean to mesorry,i can only say the sorryhow do you think. i don"t care.我已经不需要知道 你的心情今天好不好 一个人自由的无聊 房间空荡荡荡荡的傻笑 时间已不再重要 咖啡店的下午刚好 只是味道有点点点点点的糟糕 也许该换一杯饮料 也许该脱一件外套 也许该找个朋友像你一样不停的吵闹 为何我拼命寻找 甩掉了所有的烦恼 该来的快乐我却看不到听不到melodia :i could be everything you need say, what you wanna hear so don"t say sorry how long i have to wait i could be everything you need change, if you want to see so don"t say sorry baby take me away melodia :i could be everything you need say, what you wanna hear so don"t say sorry how long i have to wait i could be everything you need change, if you want to see so don"t say sorry baby take me away徐良:sorry,oh baby can"t you see what can you do for me you know what you mean to me sorry,i can only say the sorry how do you think. i don"t care. sorry,oh baby can"t you see what can you do for me you know what you mean to me sorry,i can only say the sorry how do you think. i don"t care.我已经不需要知道 你的心情今天好不好 一个人自由的无聊 房间空荡荡荡荡的傻笑 时间已不再重要 咖啡店的下午刚好 只是味道有点点点点点的糟糕 也许该换一杯饮料 也许该脱一件外套 也许该找个朋友像你一样不停的吵闹 为何我拼命寻找 甩掉了所有的烦恼 该来的快乐我却看不到听不到melodia :i could be everything you need say, what you wanna hear so don"t say sorry how long i have to wait i could be everything you need change, if you want to see so don"t say sorry baby take me away i could be everything you need say, what you wanna hear so don"t say sorry how long i have to wait i could be everything you need change, if you want to see so don"t say sorry baby take me away我们的承诺连你都忘记了   小时候拉拉钩 也许是时间过太久   有时候望天空   那云朵迷住我   感觉那都像你笑容   那片海 浪太大   风也越吹越沉重   海岸边 独自一个人走   想爱的冲动 是我们长大以后   我一直在等候 而你都已经远走   想你的时候 眼泪不自觉的流   好可笑的结果 可笑的承诺 考倒我   如果那天 不许下这个诺言 不会难过 不会有今天羞红的夏天如果你不回头 只让我一个人走 能不能回想曾经的美梦 即使失去所有 即使失去借口 请再温一次以往的冲动 如果盛夏融化的柏油很黏 如果夕阳粗心掉进了海面 能否猜测你在哪条幸福街 光下面刺眼的懒洋世界 在树荫透下的光线 十八块买下的拖鞋 清新的夏天 第一次撑伞在避雨屋檐 偷吻我的脸 今天仿佛格外热一点 我要冷静一些 我要冷静一些 羞红的夏天今夜会失眠 公车最后一排窗外的海边 安静的疲倦 靠着我的肩轻声入眠 我看着你的脸 并默默的许愿 要陪伴你度过每一个 羞红的夏天 RAP 错过,在发呆什么? 趁你没睡着时候约你出来逛逛 你眼睛眯着,说没在扛着。 不巧公车上没座扑在我身上就睡着了 怎么做,在害羞什么,抱住你的胳膊有些酸酸的软弱 你突然醒了,才发觉是我。 微笑我吓傻的样子眼睛又慢慢的闭上了…… 近近看着月光掠过你的脸 坏坏的感觉 能否申请定格这时间 在羞红的夏天 在羞红的夏天 有你在身边 每夜都失眠 我情愿 天真 徐良念白:   是否已经开始逐渐褪色 再也不会无时无刻   牵挂着我的你 已经给我一种假设   回忆中抹不去的 是你给过我的承诺   恋爱最初的那种感觉 让人冲动太多   淡淡对我说 想要看到我的微笑   我伸出双手 却告诉我又是一个圈套   你完美的爱情 是致命的毒药   是我不懂得浪漫 还是故事的结局早就写好   阿悄:   你笑我越爱越当真 所以才越来越愚蠢   那么残忍 没自尊 只想换一句永恒   这分手越长越伤人 你说的越来越诚恳   忍无可忍 转过身 一个吻 却让我再次天真   (第三段)   徐良:   你笑我越爱越当真 所以才越来越愚蠢   那么残忍 没自尊 只想换一句永恒   这分手越长越伤人 你说的越来越诚恳   忍无可忍 转过身 一个吻   阿悄:   你笑我越爱越当真 所以才越来越愚蠢   那么残忍 没自尊 只想换一句永恒   这分手越长越伤人 你说的越来越诚恳   忍无可忍 转过身 一个吻 却让我再次天真   (副歌)   阿悄:   你笑我越爱越当真 所以才越来越愚蠢   那么残忍 没自尊 只想换一句永恒   这分手越长越伤人 你说的越来越诚恳   忍无可忍 转过身 一个吻 却让我再次天真小恋曲  小时候外婆家 我就有问爸妈   有个戴大大帽子小小的她   总会哼着调调在玩耍   却从来不说话   直到我快长大 换上了高中衫   我看到对面窗里站着那个她   可爱短裙粉红的脸颊   居然对我喊着   她说我喜欢的话 可以进来吗   刚好这道难题想不出回答   老师呆呆的被几乎吓傻   笑坏了大家   她说我喜欢的话 可以恋爱吗   刚好下课没有自行车回家   早上起床还有中午便当   都麻烦你啦 不用谢啦   小时候外婆家 我就有问爸妈   有个戴大大帽子小小的她   总会哼着调调在玩耍   却从来不说话   直到我快长大 换上了高中衫   我看到对面窗里站着那个她   可爱短裙粉红的脸颊   居然对我喊着   她说我喜欢的话 可以进来吗   刚好这道难题想不出回答   老师呆呆的被几乎吓傻   笑坏了大家   她说我喜欢的话 可以恋爱吗   刚好下课没有自行车回家   早上起床还有中午便当   都麻烦你啦 不用谢啦   她说我喜欢的话 可以进来吗   刚好这道难题想不出回答   老师呆呆的被几乎吓傻   笑坏了大家   她说我喜欢的话 可以恋爱吗   刚好下课没有自行车回家   早上起床还有中午便当   都麻烦你啦 不用谢啦在回忆中死去徐良   念白:   人烟稀薄的大街上 我们不期而遇   擦肩而过的那一瞬间,谁都没有停下脚步,回头望去。   徐良:   擦肩而过的瞬间 一切突然安静   熟悉的香气 会很致命   总会在回忆世界 找到你的身影   根本就没有办法去忘记   我们走过的曾经 曾许下的约定   如果会分开 就要安静   绝对不许打扰对方要的感情   独自在回忆中 简单沉默的死去   小暖:   我还在原地等待着你   自己却不能控制自己   冷笑着对你潇洒放弃   说好不许 再让你担心   我还在原地等待着你   脚步却逐渐的在抽离   就这样倔强的走下去   沉浸在回忆 慢慢的死去   徐良:   画面不停的倒转 我们回到原地   你眼中藏着什么秘密   左右而行的脚步 你并没有犹豫   脸上是让人绝望的平静   最害怕寂寞的你 现在会在哪里   和谁在做着同样的梦境   不停的告诉着自己不要太在意   回忆留给自己 幸福全部都给你   小暖:   我还在原地等待着你   自己却不能控制自己   冷笑着对你潇洒放弃   说好不许 再让你担心   我还在原地等待着你   脚步却逐渐的在抽离   就这样倔强的走下去   沉浸在回忆 慢慢的死去坏女孩徐良:那时我放开你的手 转过身只剩了保重 你话都没说 却哭了很久很久 我喜欢坏坏的女友 我喜欢刺激的感受 你单纯太过 多余了那些温柔 你消失在无名大街 从此就没有再见面 好长的时间 再没有你的来电 在后来酒吧的房间 舞池里跳动着音乐 熟悉的侧脸 喂迷人的笑脸 吸引视线 慵懒的靠在陌生的肩 黑色的眼线 你的指间 有一点轻蔑小凌:在谁的怀中会有感觉 被爱的深夜我在想念 明明是为你才会改变 却回不到从前徐良:那时我放开你的手 转过身只剩了保重 你话都没说 却哭了很久很久 我喜欢坏坏的女友 我喜欢刺激的感受 你单纯太过 多余了那些温柔 你消失在无名大街 从此就没有再见面 好长的时间 再没有你的来电 在后来酒吧的房间 舞池里跳动着音乐 熟悉的侧脸 喂迷人的笑脸 吸引视线 慵懒的靠在陌生的肩 黑色的眼线 你的指间 有一点轻蔑小凌:在谁的怀中会有感觉 被爱的深夜我在想念 明明是为你才会改变 却回不到从前徐良:然后我安静的发现 两个人已经没有任何语言 曾经你纯真的永远 让我不顾一切开始怀念迷人的笑脸 吸引视线 慵懒的靠在陌生的肩 黑色的眼线 你的指间 有一点轻蔑小凌:在谁的怀中会有感觉 被爱的深夜我在想念 明明是为你才会改变 却回不到从前goodbay my love 我知道 假装沉默的软弱 是负隅顽抗的执着 如果 结果 没有你还是过着同样生活 住口 还是 不想听你多说 我早就 无法忍受 你需要的是 一个牵线的木偶 你残留的香味已经不多 瞳孔中放映着真实的我 (不知道这感情几多重 最后换来一个很轻蔑的笑容) Goodbye my love 在你身边 只是寂寞的感觉 Goodbye my love 为你沦陷 却失去我的一切 Goodbye my love 所谓永远 只是拼凑的瞬间 Goodbye my love 每个季节 不再清点你的笑脸 --Mucis-- 你在嘲笑 我不重要 也许你开始就知道 这是你最后拥抱过充满回忆的几秒 那份温暖还放在衣橱里的衬衫一角 我知道 假装沉默的软弱 是负隅顽抗的执着 如果 结果 没有你还是过着同样生活 住口 还是 不想听你多说 我早就 无法忍受 你需要的是 一个牵线的木偶 你残留的香味已经不多 瞳孔中放映着真实的我 (不知道这感情几多重 最后换来一个很轻蔑的笑容) Goodbye my love 在你身边 只是寂寞的感觉 Goodbye my love 为你沦陷 却失去我的一切 Goodbye my love 所谓永远 只是拼凑的瞬间 Goodbye my love 每个季节 不再清点你的笑脸 2010年8月发行专辑《犯贱》、11月份发行EP《徐良EP》以及2011年的四首单曲《坏女孩》、《不好听》、《飞机场》、《美瞳》,2011年11月发行专辑《不写情歌》,12月发行专辑《不良少年》中的《电话里的秘密》《考试什么的都去死吧》,《后会无期》与汪苏泷、阿悄、小暖、小凌、雨洁等人的合唱作品,在专辑《不良少年》中,徐良翻唱了他的很多歌曲,改变了歌曲的风格。使他在几个月之内,一路攀升,在“QQ音乐歌手总榜”“QQ音乐专辑总榜”取得良好的成绩,让徐良拥有了一大批忠实歌迷听众!目前在QQ音乐歌手总榜排行第一名,徐良做人自然、随性,谦虚没架子,曾在徐良贴吧发过一贴:要求吧主不要改会员申请要求,不要有门槛。他也感动了许多的歌迷。制作音乐认真仔细、专心致志、严格要求,这正是他打动歌迷们的原因。   正如徐良本人说的——“我没有什么设备,唱歌也不怎么好听,我今天有了一些成绩,都是因为我有最可爱的歌迷。” 徐良本身的努力我们看在眼里,而这些歌迷是徐良后面的坚强后盾。


  英国保守党领袖戴维·卡梅伦5月11日晚接受英国女王伊丽莎白二世的任命成为英国新一届首相,卡梅伦的履新同时宣告了英国工党连续13年执政的结束。此前保守党与自由民主党就结成议会中的多数联盟达成了协议。  在工党领袖戈登u2022布朗(Gordon Brown)在充满感情的告别仪式上离职之际,卡梅伦准备与尼克u2022克莱格(Nick Clegg)领导的自由民主党组建联盟政府。  43岁的卡梅伦是自1812年利物浦勋爵(Lord Liverpool)以来最年轻的英国首相。  卡梅伦入主唐宁街,意味着保守党自1997年以来首次重掌政权,当时托尼u2022布莱尔(Tony Blair)的工党以历史性的压倒多数击败了约翰u2022梅杰(John Major)领导的保守党政府。然而,卡梅伦的首相任期将面临巨大挑战。  他将不得不管理30多年来英国首次出现的两党合作关系。他还将面对通过削减支出和加税来控制英国巨大的公共财政的艰巨任务。  戴维·卡梅伦 介绍  戴维·卡梅伦戴维·卡梅伦(David William Donald Cameron,1966年10月9日-,英国政治人物(政治家),英国保守党领袖,现任英国首相。他是英国近二百年来最年轻的首相。  中文名: 戴维·威廉·唐纳德·卡梅伦  外文名: David William Donald Cameron  国籍: 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 (the United Kingdom)  出生地: 英国伦敦  出生日期: 1966年10月9日  职业: 英国首相  毕业院校: 伊顿公学、牛津大学  信仰: 英国国教 (Anglicanism)( The Church of England understands itself to be both Catholic and Reformed).  个人履历  戴维·卡梅伦出生在一个英国贵族家庭,是国王威廉四世的直系后裔。父亲曾是一位股票经纪人,戴维·卡梅伦母亲则是一位从男爵的女儿;家中兄弟姐妹一共四人。卡梅伦出生于伦敦,在英格兰东南部的伯克郡长大。  卡梅伦家族源自苏格兰高地的印威内斯,在英国金融界有很长的历史。他的祖父曾到芝加哥做生意,于1880年回到苏格兰;父亲伊恩·卡梅伦就出生在苏格兰阿伯丁郡。  戴维·卡梅伦毕业于英国著名的伊顿公学。在上学期间,曾因吸食大麻,受到被关禁闭一星期的惩罚。在最终通过牛津大学入学考试,并获得牛津大学布雷齐诺斯学院的录取通知后,卡梅伦办理了9个月休学。前三个月,他在教父、保守党议员提姆·拉斯波恩的办公室,从事研究工作,并列席了很多下议院的辩论会。而后,又通过父亲的关系,在香港怡和洋行工作了三个月。  1985年9月,戴维·卡梅伦正式进入布雷齐诺斯学院,修读哲学、政治与经济。在大学期间,他很少参加政治活动,但却是以狂饮和行为放荡不羁而著称的“布灵登俱乐部”的成员,也曾是学院网球队的队长。1988年,卡梅伦以一等荣誉学士学位的成绩大学毕业。现任伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊是他的大学同学  从政之路  大学毕业后,卡梅伦进入保守党政策研究部工作。1991年,借调到唐宁街10号,为时任保守党领戴维·卡梅伦袖、英国首相约翰·梅杰工作,并受到赞赏;很快被任命为研究部政治组组长。1992年英国大选期间,卡梅伦一直扮演保守党竞选策略专家的角色,并具体负责经济事务。保守党再次赢得大选胜利后,他被擢升为财政大臣诺曼·拉蒙特的特别顾问。一年后,拉蒙特被解职;卡梅伦被迈克尔·霍华德看中,调到内政部任职。  1994年,卡梅伦离开政府部门,进入卡尔顿传播公司,成为公司董事长迈克尔·格林手下的公共关系部门的主管。1997年,他参加Stafford区的国会选区议员选举落败。2001年,他竞逐Witney的席位成功,并成为下议院内政事物特别委员会的成员。仅仅两年后,即2003年6月,卡梅伦就被任为影子内阁的枢密院办事处部长;同年11月,在迈克尔·霍华德成为保守党领袖后,卡梅伦出任副领袖。此后,他还曾兼任反对党地方政府事务发言人、影子内阁政策事务主管、影子内阁教育大臣等职。当保守党在2005年英国大选再次失利后,迈克尔·霍华德宣布辞去领袖职务;卡梅伦决心竞选保守党领袖,并最终当选,时年41岁。  保守党领袖  为了体现保守党新形象,卡梅伦在党领袖的第一天,便出访了“伊斯特塞得青年领袖学院”——一戴维·卡梅伦登上时代周刊个旨在培养来自非洲和加勒比海地区青年们的领导潜质的学校。他还登上《时代周刊》2008年9月刊的封面;并被英国《每日邮报》称为,“未来的首相”。  接任首相  2009年6月,戈登·布朗领导的工党政府的支持率持续下跌,卡梅隆曾呼吁举行临时大选。2010年4月6日,英国宣布解散议会,大选于5月6日举行。在经济危机和政治丑闻的双重背景下,这次大选被认为是自1992年以来,英国最激烈的一场选举。结果虽然保守党获胜,但未能取得过半数议席。由于执政工党未能成功与自由民主党合组联合政府,2010年5月11日伦敦时间晚上7时,戈登·布朗向英女王辞职,并举荐作为反对党领袖的戴维·卡梅伦筹组新政府。在觐见女王后,戴维·卡梅伦接任英国首相,并于7时45分于唐宁街10号门外召开记者会。  家庭  1996年,卡梅伦迎娶贵族之女珊曼莎(Samantha Sheffield),珊曼莎从小在占地300英亩的庄园长大,不仅外型卡梅伦与夫人萨曼莎出众,气质高雅,同时在英国高级文具公司Smythson"s担任创意总监,面对媒体,她总是轻声细语,笑脸迎人。  2002年长子伊凡(Ivan)出生,但他不幸罹患脑瘫和癫痫,需要24小时照护,之后卡梅伦与珊曼莎分别于2005年育有长女南茜(Nancy),2007年育有次子亚瑟(Arthur),。  2009年2月,患有脑瘫和癫痫的长子伊万·卡梅伦不幸夭折,年仅6岁。  2010年9月,卡梅伦夫妇即将迎接他们的第4个孩子,他们也将是自布莱尔夫妇后,第1对任内生育的首相。


CVs, the basic situation, graduate school, graduation time, education, undergraduate, Suzhou Tourism and Finance higher vocational technical schools, professional, accounting and financial affairs, accounting, technology, abacus, Jiangsu Province, winning awards, outstanding graduate students in the school Miyoshi , school outstanding student leaders, school scholarships, Suzhou City, the computer application ability, computerized


Name: surname liu smile gender: male age: 24 political affiliation: member nations: han origin: # # # # height: 175cm tel: 18735 # # # 37 mailbox: www. Sj8 declan @ 6@126.comobjectivesalesEducation backgroundSeptember 2007 - June 2011 HHHH biological science and technology undergraduate specialty direction: biological technologyPersonal skillsL computer: computer rank examination C, have certain C language foundation, Skilled with office software, who help college secretariat science teaching, scientific research and other relevant documents of two yearsL English language: CET - 4 with good listening, speaking, reading and writingL body yukon: college basketball game as captain and won groups in thirdReward situationL 2008-2009 annual excellent member (winning percentage 3%)L 2009 school interesting games groups in firstL October 2007 attend school sports high-jump won the school ninthSocial practice and internship experienceL feb 2008 - November 2008 as the first WangChangXi English school general agent, responsible for student enrollment, learned from many sales skills and the ability to relate to othersL feb 2008-2010 May act as institute of assistant secretary of college secretaries and help, during the teacher of relevant work, we will arrange student activity related work, strengthens own communicating ability, leadership and coordinationL October 2007-2009 September successively as college foreign-related board members and foreign minister, during join and hosted college students" activities, and successfully held the audience a total of 1,000 new partyL September 2007 until June 2008 as class athletics member of committeeL 2009 April attend school tree-planting activitySelf assessmentL 1. Rich fighting spirit and innovative spirit, can bear hardships and stand hard workL 2. Proactive, earnest, have a strong sense of responsibility and team work spiritL 3. Has the strong ability to learn, adapt to the new environment ability and organization skillsProblems added:Downstairs, eagerly waiting for not superior earthly!






birthplaceplace of current residence


政治面貌:党员 英语是:Political Status: Party Member 简历中常用的英文: personal date(个人资料) name(姓名) address(通讯地址)、 postal code(邮政编码)、 phone number(电话号码)、 birthdate(出生日期)、 birthplace(出生地点)、 sex(性别)、 height(身高)、 weight(体重)、 health(健康状况)、 date of availability(可到职日期)、 number of identification card(身份证号码)。 job/career objective(应聘职位) education(学历) special skill(特别技能) hobbies/interests(业余爱好)


Personal: Has long been engaged in metallurgy, cement, electrolytic industry, such a relatively deep industry knowledge. Has long been engaged in large and medium-sized projects in the design, selection and commissioning. ABB and Siemens has long been engaged in the mixed expansion of equipment, equipment for direct current (6RA70, DCS500) a relatively deep understanding. Has long been engaged in automation, transmission equipment design and debugging, the Siemens S7 series PLC and the mainstream of the company"s high-power AC-DC devices are relatively deep. Proficiency in the use of the relevant design debug software, such as OFFICE, CAD, protel, STEP7, and so on. Performance: The main content of the work of the project name Iron & Steel Research Institute 0.2HZ ~ 10HZ/2500A.40V use of low-frequency power S7-200PLC, and TD200, the realization of an adjustment from 0.2HZ ~ 10HZ to adjust the frequency cycloconverter. Completed the process of writing and debugging, as well as the hardware circuit design, including trigger circuit and the circuit to improve the detection and debugging of the completed on-site work. Jiangxi Copper electrolytic copper 4KA rectifier device using ABB"s DCS500 control circuit to achieve 12-pulse control. 40KA completed the rectification device to trigger the 12-pulse control. And the commissioning of the on-site installation. Tongling Dongguashan 2500A/690V copper mine hoist the use of ABB"s DCS600 control unit at the scene of an old original company 10 years ago, ABB mine hoist 2500A of direct current transmission equipment for upgrading, and to retain its thyristor RC Absorption, such as power, control and the replacement of detection, some of the excitation control. Transformation after the end of the PLC with regard to machinery and equipment to complete a full set of debugging work. Shenyang down Shengda 18KA, 12KA, 6KA electric arc furnace equipment. The use of analog circuit design of the rectifier control devices for the realization of titanium metal smelting electric arc furnace control device to control the completion of the pre-commissioning and commissioning on-site installation. Cold-rolled aluminum plant in Zhengzhou in Henan Province in 2050 cold-rolled aluminum plant to use the Siemens 830V/4400A mixed module to improve the work, including the detection circuit, to improve the trigger loop. And participated in some of the live transmission of the debugging work Rong Cheng Tianjin, Qingdao Steel 550A/380V electromagnetic stirring power inverter to participate in the completion of the design of the hardware, software debugging and on-site improvements, as well as the maintenance of the latter part of the work. Langfang Fortune 1050 reversible single frame reversible cold-rolled sheet unit to participate in the on-site installation completed by ABB"s DCS500 DC transmission control circuit and the King of the new company composed of direct current power circuit transmission equipment and SIEMENS"s S7 - 400PLC constitute a set of cold-rolled unit of electrical control equipment debugging equipment. Tianjin Jianglin 1100 plane six-high mill stand-alone module mixed trigger new board needs to improve on-site thyristor 300MA starting current, the original trigger for the board to re-design changes. Qingzhou City, Shandong Province 273 seamless steel tube production lines at the scene of the scene as a debugging responsible for the transmission, from the completion of the installation is complete acceptance of the inspection, product testing, debugging stand-alone, automated debugging, the FBI system, the heat load trial run production, normal production, the final acceptance The entire process. Single Bazhou in Hebei 1450 plane reversible cold rolling system, detailed design and drawings of the principle of painting, selection of components, wiring on-site arrangements. China Metallurgical pressure Shaanxi, Zhejiang 1150 Concord reversible cold rolling system, detailed design and drawings of the principle of painting, selection of components, wiring on-site arrangements. Northwest chicken Steel Group 120 tons of converter steel North Group, a steel plant, 2 sets of 120 tons of converter steel-making equipment, on-site commissioning Liaocheng in Shandong Steel Alliance of seamless steel pipe joint seamless steel pipe perforated steel, pipe rolling machine, sizing machine, straightening machine on-site commissioning Personal overview: I graduated in 2005, has been engaged in the electrical automation industry, as companies in the XX electrical engineer so far. Mainly engaged in electric transmission as well as the automation of pre-designed products, modified, as well as on-site commissioning of the work; complete sets of equipment design, graphics, selection, as well as on-site commissioning, training of personnel to safeguard the latter part of the work. Of power electronics technology, digital-analog circuit PLC, as well as knowledge of a relatively deep. DC has long been engaged in, the frequency of exchange-related work in the field. There is an abundance of on-site debugging in the field of metallurgy-related experience, such as metallurgical plants, cold-rolled plant and smelting plant, and so on. Have good command of English listening and speaking ability, teamwork spirit, careful logic capacity. Long-term on-site work to develop the capacity to do good and careful approach to their work.




I warm and cheerful, friendly, honest modest. Hard-working, serious and responsible, can bear hardships and stand hard work, conscientious, have patience. Has the affinity, approachable, is good at communicating with people.I am a Qingdao local, to your company for the development of the business in Qingdao has certain help to some extent.My oral English ability is most of the students have an advantage, basic daily non-professional communication with foreigners.I taught himself through the national securities from job seniority card test.I typing speed of 100 per minute or so.I can drive all kinds of automobile, motorcycle, automobile driving experience has amounted to two and a half years.My hobby is photography, have a SLR cameras, although technology in general but can service for the company.I use photoshop software skilled.Former department of student union cadres, fasten the league organization, vice minister of communications department, class life committee member, etc., in the student work and sponsorship contact businesses to go out in the process, greatly improving their work and competence. In addition, also take an active part in the extracurricular activities, all kinds of social practice activities and part-time work, etc, in order to increase their own experience, improve their ability. Experience in the work way, exercise eloquence and interpersonal skills.In the normal school life, have done many part-time jobs. Such as tutor, telephone interviews, restaurant waiter, leaflets, questionnaire survey, to the factory also played a summer job, experience the different operation procedures and all kinds of work way, exercise has become the spirit of the bear hardships and stand hard work, and realize the pleasure from the work, committed.Four years of college career, my organization and coordination ability, management ability, to enhance the strain capacity and so on, make me have good psychological quality, let me have more advantages in the competition, let me in my career in go higher and further.Digital media art is this professional undergraduate course, eductional systme 4 years 】 【 a wide caliber is given priority to with technology, art is complementary, technology and art of combining the new professional. Aims to develop the good scientific literacy and art accomplishment, know both technology and art, can use the computer new media design tools for art design and creation of application design talents. Is computer science combined with the traditional animation professional interdisciplinary.

翻译一份简历- -有点长,自己实在懒得翻了

Self-evaluation I treat serious and responsible work, industriousness, and is willing to temper their frustrations and constant progress. I am keen collective goal in life "Eat suffer can win peaple." The collective honor a higher awareness. A spirit of mutual cooperation and coordination team to the company completed the tasks assigned. Approachable, and colleagues have a good exchange and communication. Work experience : In October 2004 --- 2005, in October advertising companies engaged in administrative assistant, in the home is a small private company, operates mainly in car advertising and production. December 2005 -- so far, Beijing Zhongshan University, Henderson Real Estate Company Limited. The company posts : Foreign Ministry homebuyers, project assistant. The company is one of Beijing"s largest real estate an intermediary companies, in Beijing has more than 500, based on their assessment, the sale of real estate for business. The company is mainly responsible for my network information, advertising information, personnel disputes, housing stock and input hotline counseling. After their business right of a continuous understanding and their own learning, in 2006 first quarter of this sector hit 600,000 RMB performance, and turnover again I-30. Income from the company so far, the outstanding performance of the quarterly was named outstanding staff. After this month for the company to create about 150 million performance, making the sector Corporation among the best overall performance last year. Because of their diligent work and active promotion to the heads of departments in the ministry of department heads, the Working positive efforts of the department to create more economic value. Education experience : In September 2001 -2004, Heilongjiang University to study management, educational seminars, management, and to achieve their own goals, to lay a solid foundation has been trying hard to learn to enrich themselves, create for themselves a better future. Training experience : Senior Assistant Commerce, the state labor training and education certificates Language : Russian


self-evaluationFaithful good faith, never shirk responsibility; Have self-control, do things always adhere to the stead fast, never give up; Willing to learn, have a problem not escape, willing to learn modestly from others study; Confidence but not conceit, not self-centered; Would like to accept the praise is modest attitude, authority; Will use 100% of the enthusiasm and energy into the work; Approachable. Honest, character, cheerful, positive enterprising, adaptable, is diligent diligently, conscientiously, a strong team spirit, work positive enterprising, serious attitude.Job objectiveTo work time: within a weekThe nature of the work: full-timeTarget location: BeijingExpected salary: negotiable/monthTarget functions: administrative manager/supervisor/office directorWork experience2012/3 - so far: (150-500)By sector: wholesale/retail administrativeAdministrative manager/supervisor/office directorMainly responsible for the company"s automation equipment, office supplies, daily necessities shopping, storage, receiving, be responsible for the vehicle"s deployment and maintenance, responsible for the company"s holiday welfare procurement and payment, the responsible for the company"s dormitory management, responsible for the company"s annual meeting, is responsible with various departments, be responsible for the communication with all business super communication, responsible for the company"s material storage.2009/11-2012/3 (150-500)By sector: pharmaceutical/biological engineering integrated departmentAdministrative manager/supervisor/director of the office is mainly responsible for company automation equipment, office supplies, daily necessities shopping, storage, receiving, be responsible for the vehicle"s deployment and maintenance, responsible for the company"s holiday welfare procurement and payment, the responsible for the company"s rules and regulations, be responsible for the writing of the dormitory management, responsible for the company"s annual meeting, is responsible with other departments of the communication.2008/11-2009/11 (150-500)By sector: pharmaceutical/biological engineering public relations centerMedia specialist is responsible for all parts of the country"s research, and with other radio, newspapers research, communication, solve the difficult problem of foreign company.Education experience2004/9-2008/7 economics undergraduate course


1:简历 resume2:大一、freshman 大二、sophomore 大三、junior 大四 senior3:作业(指大学期间所设计的作品) design4:实习作品 internship design5:个人总结 personal summary6:各种证书 all kinds of certificants1:住宅小区设计 neighbourhood designing2:古代建筑 ancient architechture3:大跨度建筑 architechture with large span 4:高层建筑 highrise5:城市规划 urban planning


最二楼正解。。。另:最好套用现成英文模板以避免chinglish的那种run on sentence






Job performance:Technology department minister1, 09, transfer separation products, product line planning, quality tracking and improvement;2, 10 years, the organization SD (Sauer Danfoss) series valve product development, finish four products directly;3, 10 years, the completion of the 146 lines, 148 lines, issue the tooling drawings and process arrangement plan;4, 2011-2012, finished 124 kinds of new brake discs for TRW Europe program development, at the same time completed the TRW Europe the development of high carbon brake disc samples;5, 2011-2011, complete the company product list, mold, production line position (according to the product and production line features) management. (more than 1500 kinds of products, more than 800 sets of mould);6, 12 years, complete brake drums project development;7, 12 years, completed 600 kinds of brake disc production transfer, alignment and the stable quality of work.Quality management department minister1, 2009, and passed the TS16949 quality system certification, and is responsible for continuously improving the quality system;2, in 2012 passed the review and every year for renewal of the supervision and audit;3, in 2010 passed the SD of the quality system audit, improve effectiveness validation from SD us quality engineer, smoothly into SD qualified suppliers;4, 2011 by TRW quality system audit, for DF series production ready the production of brake discs. And in 12 years, began to batch delivery.Foundry technology quality foundry factory director, vice factory director/agentDepartment: foundryReporting object: casting director (branch manager)The number of subordinates: 600Job responsibilities:Foundry technology quality vice director1, to track the quality of east long production line improvement;2, the new material (carbon brake disc) new product material and control the rejection rate;3, organize foundry engineer, workshop problems for research;Agent foundry factory director (2008, 4-2009, 2)1, complete the headquarter of production tasks, and maintain production schedule to coordinate with headquarter;2, to complete production tasks indicators issued based (yield, scrap rate, delivery period);3, complete temporary tasks;4, organization, technology, quality, equipment, production personnel to evaluate production orders, make monthly production deployment;5, the organization to achieve annual target of production, equipment and technological transformation.Job performance:Foundry technology quality vice director1, complete improvement of east long line brake disc technology, stable product quality;2, to finalize the design of carbon brake disc materials;3, improved the technology of single-chip brake disc, solved the monolithic brake disc shrinkage, and improved the monolithic process production rate of the brake disc and labor efficiency;4, the promotion of a box of four pieces of brake disc process, and make it standardized.Foundry factory director1, again according to the actual circumstance of the workshop, make the post capacity and wage norm;2, lead the casting plant for the first time, finish the monthly output of 4000 tons, and maintain production for 3 months.Technical engineerDepartment: technical departmentReporting object: department ministerNumber of subordinates: 0Job responsibilities:Casting GongYiYuan1, the design of casting process and tooling, and tracking improvement;2, Magma casting internal quality simulation;3, the casting process and the improvement of the quality;4, new product development and PPAP submission.Job performance:1, 2005, the organization and through the first article and mass production of automotive OEM (responsible for the casting process and Pro/E 3 d mold design, Magma simulation, process documents writing, casting inspection instruction and progress tracking coordination, PPAP submission, on-site training, etc.);2, 2005-2006, improved the casting tooling design process, using Pro/E, combined with the Magma simulation and manufacture cost, reducing process and make the design process from 3 d to 2 d instead, reduces the design variation; And use this process to develop the two sets of auto bracket mould;Design 3, 2006, the east long line and hunter line equipment design manual brake disc technology, standardization of the design process.


威尔第 (Giusepe Verdi, 1813-1901)是19世纪意大利歌剧复兴时期最具代表性的歌剧作曲家。出身于小商之家,曾报考米兰音乐学院未被录取,后师从拉维尼亚学习作曲和配器。创作以民族民间音乐为渊源,借鉴外国先进经验,取得了丰硕的成果。歌剧以题材的社会性,现实性,人物和环境的质朴真实,音乐,戏剧的紧密结合,声乐歌唱的主导地位和变化丰富的动人旋律而著称。《茶花女》,《弄臣》,《阿依达》,《奥塞罗》等是其代表作,他把意大利歌剧推向了一个新的历史高峰,为世界歌剧艺术作出了杰出的贡献。威尔第于1813年10月10日出生于意大利帕尔马的隆高勒,比在莱比锡出生的瓦格纳晚5个月。他的父亲是当地旅馆的老板和杂货商。这是一个家境清贫的农民家庭。父亲打发他到附近布塞托一个鞋匠家去住,他在那里学习管风琴,并在镇上管弦乐团工作。当他被镇民送往米兰音乐学院学习时,却遭到拒绝,被拒原因是他的岁数太大(超过了14岁)。从未受过训练,缺乏音乐才能。他回到布塞托,后来开始写他的第一部歌剧《博尼法乔伯爵奥贝尔托》,该剧于1839年他26岁时在斯卡拉歌剧院上演,这部歌剧取得了成功,使他获得了创作三部新歌剧的合约。1842年,因歌剧《那布科》的成功,使他一跃而成为意大利第一流的作曲家。当时的意大利正处于摆脱奥地利统治的革命浪潮之中,威尔第以自己的歌剧作品《伦巴底人》、《厄尔南尼》、《阿尔济拉》、《列尼亚诺战役》等以及一些革命歌曲鼓励人民起来斗争,有“意大利革命的音乐大师”之称。五十年代是威尔第创作的高峰时期,他勤奋不懈的创作,先后写出了《弄臣》、《游吟诗人》、《茶花女》、《假面舞会》等七部歌剧,奠定了歌剧大师的地位。后应埃及总督之请,为苏伊士运河的通航典礼创作了《阿伊达》。威尔第谱写了《阿伊达》之后16年就再没有写过任何歌剧,晚年又根据莎士比亚的剧本创作了最后两部震惊--悲剧性的《奥塞罗》和喜剧性的《福斯塔夫》。威尔第一生共创作了26部歌剧,今天演出最多的四大名作是《弄臣》、《游吟诗人》、《茶花女》和《阿伊达》。




抱歉,时间有限:Work experienceGuangdongprovinceoccupationdisease prevention and treatment hospitalInternPost--healthmonitoringdepartmentinternMaster ofhealthmonitoring methodfordrinking water,food,cosmetics,disinfection,insecticide(Mechanical)healthquality,inspectionand evaluationof toxic and harmfulfactorsand people"s productionlabor,work,life and entertainmentand learning environmentProficiency in the use ofthehealthinspectionoperation,skilled use ofinstruments such asliquid chromatography -mass spectrometry,gaschromatography -mass spectrometrymonitoring,ion chromatographyetc.The nextsampling,auxiliaryandfollow the teacher to learnscientific researchworkShenzhenHenggang people"sHospitalInternPost--DepartmentInternAssistandfollow the teacher to learn,master theelectrocardiogram inspection,CPRand other professionalmedicalskillBe able to independently accomplish thesimpleconsultation,test,writtenrecords and otherwork,ability to communicate withpatientsis strongFamiliar with therelevant professionalknowledgeof cliniciansAmway(China)Co.,Ltd.brandexperience centerpart-timePost--nutrition consultantand administrative assistantResponsible for thesenior leadershipofnutritional status,leaders and foreignguestsreceptionApplicationandmaster more comprehensivenutrition knowledge,learncommunication and leadership,guestsbetter,related toqualityas a receptionshould possessGuangzhou Asian GamesVillage,technicalofficialsvolunteersPost--the worldtechnology officialreception volunteersTo learntheability to collaborate with othersandimprove Englishcommunication abilityEducationbackgroundGuangdong Pharmaceutical Universitymajoring in preventive medicineWillhave a bachelor"s degree inmedicinein 2013JuneProfessional corecourseHigher mathematics,medical biology,human anatomy,histology and embryology,inorganic chemistry,human parasitology,physiology,biochemistry,microbiology and immunology,organic chemistry,teratology,pathologicphysiology,pathology,pharmacology,public nutrition,Endemiology,chemical hygiene,health statistics,diagnosis,pathology,systemsocial medicine,SPSS statisticalsoftware application,pediatrics,obstetrics and Gynecology,epidemiology,occupationdisease prevention,healthtoxicology,epidemiology,environmental health,Department of internal medicine,nutrition and foodhygiene,general surgery,occupationhealth,occupationhealth regulationsand supervisionetc.HonorOutstandingvolunteers of the Guangzhou Asian GamesGuangdong Pharmaceutical University socialpracticeactivelymoleculesExcellent League memberof Guangdong Pharmaceutical UniversityStudents workThe Secretariatofficerschool studentsSchool Youth Corps Committee Propaganda DepartmentcadresThe 08 session of theprevention ofduty to defend theclassmonitorSchool performanceIn Guangdong Pharmaceutical University"sChallenge CupAward2011.09Inthe first prize of Guangdong Pharmaceutical Universityelectronicdesigncontest 2010.10个人能力没有弄,望采纳,谢绝翻译器


Social activities:1.Position held: chief Responsibility: took participate in enrollment held by YUYING education training company as a sophomore; appointed as enrolling chief for outstanding performance, be responsible for enrollment management , subordinate training and teamwork.2.Responsibility: organized a bedclothes-selling activities aimed at freshmen in campus, overcame difficulties with relationships, gained a sound result eventually3.Acted as a tutor of French and EnglishInternships:Position held: front office laboratories Responsibility: took front office laboratories in YUNAN HONGZHUANG TRAELLING Co. Ltd. During summer vacation, be responsible for reception and consultation.Student activities:uf06cActed as assistant of Study Department, the Student Union, be responsible for sponsoring cultural and physical activities such as CCTV English competition and other evening partiesuf06cTook part in Asian Games Rooter Screening Competition, ranking top in the university and promoted to Yunnan provincial competition


IT skills : 1. Familiar with the computer hardware and software and network fault maintenance; 2. organizing and maintaining skilled enterprise"s internal network; 3. skilled production website and the website of the building; Work experience : 2002-2006 : James Thompson in charge of technical computer company is mainly responsible for : the server set up, integrated wiring, Computer assembly 2006-today : new Ho Tianjin Automobile Services Ltd. and computer network management is mainly responsible for : enterprise network management and maintenance, computer and office equipment repair maintenance project experience : James Thompson 2003/4-2003/6 companies in the Tianjin College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the first server and network structures; James Thompson 2003/9-2003/11 companies in the Tianjin College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the first leg of the Electronic Reading Room organized; James Thompson 2004/10-2006/3 company in Tianjin, China Medical College Hospital in the first leg and computer network maintenance; 2006/5-2006/10 involved in the Tianjin caring corporate headquarters of the formation of the internal network and website design ; 2005/7- today in Tianjin - Hebei Library National Computer Rank Examination (one and two) before attending counseling teachers and network and hardware maintenance classes of the teachers (part-time); Education : Law college graduates , we are now in school (the Self-law). A la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA a la Discriminación DIGA self-evaluation : I love the computer industry, and a strong motivation to work seriously; with the spirit of cooperation and teamwork, endured hardship, the stronger the spirit of collaboration and the organization and leadership; have very strong self-learning ability and resilience, treat new things have a strong thirst for knowledge.


Basic information Name : *** self-assessment of information technology workers, has seven years of experience designing websites. on the ASP, SQL and MySQL database and the preparation of Asp. net very skilled. Delegations from the preparation, image processing, database design, are able to prepare Asp. Net handy. At present, personal websites, Japan flows million. An entire website to independently accomplish the planning, production and management. LAN management and maintenance of two years experience. 2005/12-- work experience so far : Shanghai"s internet homepage design, a travel agency / production / status of the company responsible for the design and production of the database. Mysql sp independent writing ability, the biggest wrote the 4000 sp. Website of the design background, management and maintenance. Call Center installation and maintenance. Website design and the future of routine maintenance work. And by its own independent websites related to the completion. 2005/06--2005/12 : Shanghai Limited, a network of the Ministry of Commerce Web Design / production / status of the company responsible for the overall design of the website. Pages include the design and database design, management and routine maintenance work. All websites related to the completion by one. 2004/02--2005/06 : Shanghai, a Ministry of talent network systems administrator / network administrator responsible for the contents include : LAN network infrastructure and internal planning, management and regulation; LAN management and internal improvements; Computer hardware and software companies and network equipment configuration and maintenance, and for the purchase of related equipment. Also responsible for website building and management later. 2003/07--2004/02 : **** Network Ltd. Shanghai Net Systems Administrator / Network Manager"s first job after graduation. The company is mainly responsible for the maintenance of LAN structures and day-to-day management and maintenance of the website. Subject : animated cartoon website experience 2006/12-- has updated versions supporting online game development tools : DW MX2004, Visual Statio2005, Flash MX. FIREWORKS MX, Photoshop project description : Online game start-oriented commercial development. Before the change, the form used asp.net2.0+xml development, asp.net2.0+mysql changed the composition of the database for further development of the game. Write using the most advanced three-tier structure of the website code, including the SP 100 MYSQL Based in the preparation, several thousands of lines of the SP, a maximum of 4,000 wrote the SP for the realization of the competition process. AJAX technology to increase the match live, without realizing pages updated technology. In efforts to increase the rule of the game and interesting, and more attention to detail and humane design. The entire project is expected to be completed in April 0907, and officially opened to the public. Description : responsibility for the future of interface design from the website, text editor, to build the database. all from one website development independently. 2005/12--2006/05 website : Database Design Construction and the overall outlook for the page design. DW : Groupware tools, Visual Statio2005, Flash MX. FIREWORKS MX, Photoshop project description : for a tourism website, the database design, module of the function, and background information management and Web page design of future work. The database is data exchange of SQL 2000, page by ASP language. Description : From the initial responsibility of the data exchange of SQL 2000 database designed to function (including airfare, hotel reservations, Tourism management, business, etc.) module production test, and web site design and the style of his future page, All completed by one person alone. 看看有什么不足之处,自己改改.






普京,弗拉基米尔(vladimir putin, 1952.10.7- )俄罗斯总统、安全会议主席、独联体国家元首理事会主席。 1952年10月7日生于俄罗斯第二大城市列宁格勒(后改名为圣彼得堡),昵称沃洛佳。经济学博士。1970年中学毕业后考入国立列宁格勒大学法律系国际法专业,1975年以优异成绩毕业,毕业论文题目是《一个国家如何才能获得别国的平等对待》,毕业评语是“诚实、纪律性强、具有高度责任感”。 精通德语,喜爱运动,特别爱好桑勃式摔跤、柔道和山地滑雪,大学时代荣获过桑勃式摔跤冠军。1974年成为列宁格勒的柔道冠军,并入选运动健将候选人之列。性格坚韧,有极强的耐力,很少表露感情。工作作风果断干练而谨慎,在车臣问题上持强硬立场。是1999年度“风云人物”奖获得者。2000年开始学英语,他是俄罗斯第一位学英语的领导人。 1999年12月31日,叶利钦总统宣布辞去总统职务,并宣布由普京代行总统职务。2000年1月25日起任独联体国家元首理事会主席。3月27日,俄罗斯中央选举委员会宣布,在已统计的94.27%的选票中,普京获52.94%的选票,超过法定票数,当选为俄罗斯第三届总统,5月7日正式宣誓就职。


【 #英语资源# 导语】无论是走出校园寻求人生的第一份工作,还是在暑假中接触社会开始兼职,一份简历是必不可少的。有些岗位对于求职者的英语水平有一定要求,那么英文简历该怎么写呢? ! 简历的英文是resume,当然在招聘网站等地方也会看到用CV来表示。CV即拉丁语"Curriculum Vitae"的简写,指"履历、简历"。 1 简历的第一部分是个人信息,包括name(姓名)、address(通讯地址)、postal code(邮政编码)、phone number(电话号码)、DOB(Date of birth出生日期)、gender(性别)、date of availability(可到职日期)、number of identification card(身份证号码)和marital status(婚姻状况)等。2 接下来是希望应聘的岗位(job/career objective),不同的岗位对于应聘者能力、专业要求有所不同,大家可以根据自身情况以及岗位需求量身定做。如果认为自己很适合这份工作,也不要说是best candidate,可以表示为I am very interested and believe I"m qualified for the job. 3 教育背景(education)中,应写出就读的学校及专业的名称,就读时间,获得的学历,以及在校期间获得的奖项、参加过的科研活动等,当然有什么突出的成绩也可以写上。常用的学位名包括本科(bachelor"s degree),硕士(master"s degree)以及博士(doctor"s degree)。 4 工作经验(work experience)也是相当重要的环节。大部分学生都是第一次应聘正式工作,此时可以填上有价值的实习经历或社会实践。如果涉及到过往离职的工作岗位,尽量避谈矛盾,可以说"I"d learned a ton at that job, but it was time to go." 5 最后,很多简历还有自我评价(personal statement)这一项。其实这里就是用来夸自己的……但是,夸自己也是讲究技巧的,英语演讲君这里有一些不错的例子,大家可以根据自身情况使用~ 能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。 Ability to work independently, mature and resourceful. 个性稳重、具高度责任感。 A stable personality and high sense of responsibility. 能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。 Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force. 上进心强又可靠,并且身体健康、性格开朗。 Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. 积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。 Initiative, independent and good communication skill. 工作很有条理,办事效率高。 Be highly organized and efficient. 精力旺盛、思想新潮。 Energetic, fashion-minded person. 抗压能力强,能在指定时间内完成工作。 Able to work under high pressure and time limitation. 当然,夸自己的同时,要避免一些比较空洞的表达:比如注重结果(results-driven)、努力工作(hard worker)等。而有些词,则会让你的简历显得更加优秀:比如achieved(取得了)、improved(提高了)、managed(达成了)、resolved(解决了)以及launched(开展了)等等。 英文简历如何撰写更专业? 一、关于英文简历的细节问题(标点、字号、排版等) 此处参考了知乎上的一些关于标点我及排版的文章,若涉及侵权问题,可以直接与我联系。这一部分应该是参考引用为主。我只是帮大家整理一下。 1. 标点符号一律使用半角,逗号、句号、分号、冒号、感叹号、问号和它们后面一个字母之间必须留一个半角空格。同时,各类标点符号和它们前面的字符之间不可以留任何空格。(此类格式错误一般Word会用红色波浪线标示出) 错误:Hi,I"m Wei .This is my CV。 正确:Hi, I"m Wei. This is my CV. 2. 将长串的数字分开写,以此降低辨识的难度。同时电话区号应该用不同的符号区分。 错误:18900650512 错误:+86-189-0065-0512 正确:189 0065 0512 或者189-0065-0512 正确:(86)189 0065 0512 3. 书名、杂志名、电影名、音乐专辑名、英文中出现的外文(包括拼音,人名除外)用斜体。 错误:Worked for《Q Magazine》as an editor. 正确:Worked for Q Magazine as an editor. 4. 对于有序列表,应该用「阿拉伯数字+英文句点+半角空格」的方式。 错误: Three words to describe Wei: 1 . Cool 2, Cool 3 Cool again 正确: 1. Cool 2. Cool 3. Cool always 5. 排版中需要注意的一些细节问题: a.内容尽量控制在一张A4,最多不超过两张 b.字体最小不能小于10号(但也不能大于12号,一般用11、12号的最多) c.四周的页边距控制在0.8英寸左右 d.字体一般选择Time New Roman e.通过斜体、加粗等不同方式使得层次分明。 6. 英语行文中注意的问题: a.一定要注意单词的拼写,不要发生拼写错误,一般word会自动检测。 b.所有工作经验、组织活动经验的内容详述都应该以动词开头,而且动词应该是主动有效具体型,像make和do之类的辅助流尽量少用。另外,描述过去经历使用过去式。 二、英文简历的具体撰写流程 1. Personal Information个人信息 范例: WEI YU Add:Room802, Building No.2, Qiaoguang Community, Hanjiang Road 105, Changzhou, China Tel: 1XX 00605 0512 E-mail: do.mandarin@foxmail.com 此处应当注意的有: a.通常在简历的开头便给出自己姓名及基本信息,而不用像有些中文简历一样,另外再列表格进行描述。 b.基本信息一般包括姓名(加粗以醒目)、住址、电话及邮箱。 c.注意英文地址的书写形式,地址顺序从小到大。 地址中常用词对应的英文为: 新村:village/community 单元:Unit栋:building No. 如:翠竹新村2号楼甲单元301可以翻译成: Room 301, Unit Jia, Building No.2, Cuizhu Village d.此部分一般在页面居中位置。具体可根据简历排版进行调整。 2. Objective目标 范例: Objective:Administrative position with focus on Client Relations. 这一部分通常为用一句简单的话描述你的求职目标。同时这一部分也通常被中国求职者忽略。如果您作为应届毕业生,对自己的目标工作还没有明确目标从而“海投”的话,确实可以忽略这一部分。但如果您有目标公司以及目标职位,加入这一部分的描述,以表达自己的诚意,容易获得目标公司HR的好感。 实用范句: 管理职位Administration jobs:Project Management position with a focus on Team Leadership, Analysis and Customer Care 市场职位 Marketing jobs:A position in Marketing with L.L. Bean sporting goods 人力资源 HR jobs:A generalist position in Human Resources 销售 Sales jobs:A position in Medical/Pharmaceutical Sales 教师 Teaching jobs: A position teaching Secondary English at the high school level 3. Profile自我介绍 范例: I am an energetic,ambitious individual who has developed a mature and responsible approach to anytask that I undertake, or situation that I am presented with. As a graduate with three years" of experience in management, I am excellent in working with others to achieve a certain objective on time and with excellence. 自我介绍部分的核心在于使用精炼有效地语言概括自己的特长及部分工作经历,同时这一部分也是求职者自身对自己英文水平的展示平台,希望求职者能够使用精准的动词、时态以及从句,一定要避免单词拼写错误。同时,这一部分的内容撰写,要跟你所求职位相对应。 其他范例介绍: 寻求销售职位Sales: I am a mature, positive and self-motivated person, who always strives to achieve the highest standard possible, at any given task. I posses excellent communication skills and I have the ability and experience to relate to a wide range of people. I enjoy learning new things, I can work very well under pressure and I have the sales experience to handle customer complaints and solving problematic situations. 寻求IT职位: I am an open-minded individual with a proven track record in designing websites and creating databases. I have strong technical skills as well as excellent interpersonal skills. I am eager to be challenged in order to grow and improve my communication and professional IT skills gained through previous experiences in the IT sector. 寻求市场职位Marketing: I am a punctual, creative individual with excellent communication skills. 寻求管理培训生职位Management trainee: I am an energetic, ambitious, mature and responsible person who has developed excellent problem solving skills by dealing with unexpected situations. As a graduate with three years" of experience in management, I am excellent in working with others to achieve a certain objective on time and with excellence. I have a clear, logical mind with a practical approach to problem solving and a drive to see things through to completion. I have a great eye for detail. I am eager to learn, I enjoy overcoming challenges, and I have a genuine interest in a management position. 总结:一般以I am xxx, xxx and xxx individual开头,介绍自己与目标职位最相关的三个特点。随后用两句话总结一下自己先前的工作经验与收获。 Profile相关实用短语举例: Personal Qualities: Self-motivated Creative Adaptable An eye for detail Skills: Management skills Communication skills Problem-solving skills Design skills Experience: 10 years in management… Excellent track record… Extensive background… Wide experience in… 4. Education教育背景 范例: Ph.D.,International Education 2009 -2011 Shanghai xxxx University Shanghai, China B.S.,Teaching Chinese 2005 - 2009 Shanghai xxxx University Shanghai, China 注意点: 1)一般只需要写最近毕业的两个学校,不用涉及到初中、小学。 2)注意范例的格式,要做到清晰简洁。 3)学位本科用B.S.,研究生用Ph.D.。专业名称则使用官方表述。 5. Skills技能 范例: Language English TEM8 Spanish Basic Computer skills Word, Excel, Power Point Basic Knowledge 注意点: 1)将主要技能分类,一般公司看中的主要是语言技能和电脑技能。 2)技能在左侧,右侧为该技能你获得的证书或者是熟练程度。 关于熟练程度的词汇: 基本掌握:Basic knowledge 中等掌握:Medium 十分熟练:Advance(语言可以用Fluent) 6. Experience工作经验 范例: Do Studio 2013.6 - Now ·Manager Changzhou IES Center 2011.9 - 2013.4 ·Chinese Teacher Shanghai xxxx University 2009.9 - 2011.7 ·Chinese Teacher Shanghai 注意点: 1)工作经验应该是简历中最重要的部分,如果你有相当出色的工作经历,可以把这部分放到整份简历的开头。 2)工作经历从最忌的开始写出,注意要包含就职单位名以及职位,工作时间及地点。格式如范例所示。 延伸阅读:HR眼中的好简历是啥样的? 除了这些建议之外,以下也整理了一些HR筛选简历时的注意内容,职场新人们在写简历时可以作为参考。 HR筛选简历会重点注意这些内容:应聘者的期望;公司招聘岗位所需素质相关的表现,如学习成绩,社会工作经历,体现个人优秀素质的独特经历;教育背景,学历,专业,毕业的大学;如果需要面试,应聘者的一些基本信息不可少,姓名,联系方式等。 由此可见,一份简历至少要包括以下几个方面的内容: 1、应聘的岗位或求职希望; 2、基本信息:姓名、性别、联系方式(邮寄地址和邮编,联系电话,电子邮件);留下手机并保持手机畅通。 3、教育背景:学历,毕业院校,专业。 4、与应聘岗位需求素质有关的表现、经历和业绩等,主题突出,条理清楚地写下来。 5、最后,可以附上有关证明材料的复印件,如获得奖学金、优秀干部、实习鉴定、专业资格证书和发表过的论文的复印件。 HR喜欢的简历形式: 形式上要整洁、美观。一般不需要太多元素,关键要突出重点。工作经历中写3大条经历,每一条经历写3个小点,主要介绍一下工作内容以及在这个过程中的收获。在描述工作内容时,不能只说“做了什么”,要说“做了多少”,你想象一下,看简历的人每天看那么多简历,眼花缭乱的,如果不用醒目的数字表达,他们会疯掉的,以为跟前面一份普通的简历一样,然后扔掉。 上述内容最多只能写2页A4纸,一般要打印出来,字体为五号或小四号。简历有没有封面没有关系,很多HR并不希望有封面和塑封的简历,看起来要抽出其中的简历比较费时间。一般岗位的简历不需要太花哨,关键要有内容。对于一些特殊的岗位,如设计类,公关类,策划类的岗位,简历形式可以做得别出心裁,与众不同。




for RF circuit design and debug, as a project team led by the excellent interface were A and B completed the task of CDMA R & D projects. uf0b2 2003.7-2005.10 In July 2003 after graduating from XX branch is responsible for the maintenance of BSC and MSC, the base station transmission割接and save the station. Can be used in accordance with the rate of channel carrier frequency to save, to see the quality of transmission line traffic monitoring, demolition LOAD data, road test data analysis, including access to the failure of the analysis of events such as dropped calls, network coverage of the assessment of the situation analysis, the proposed reform program , implementation and confirmation; uf0b2 Personal qualities: Have a strong creative and full of challenges and the sense of competition, hard-working, able to endure hardship Have a good self-learning and problem-solving skills, accept new things fast, and adaptable Have a good team spirit and team spirit, good communication, coordination, sense of responsibility Personal capacity: CET6 class, 96 years have personal computers, proficient in hardware and software, familiar with the IS95 and CMDA2000 standards, has a wealth of RF development, on the SAW, LNA, such as the transfer device has extensive testing experience, as signal generator, spectrum analyzer,, network analyzer , oscilloscope. and other radio frequency equipment to skilled operation, familiar with VB programming. Career aspirations: RF engineers, hardware engineers, test engineers




中文姓名 : 罗温·艾特金森 英文姓名 : Rowan Atkinson 国 籍 : 英国 生 日 : 1955年1月6日 星 座 : 魔羯座 出 生 地 : 英国泰恩河新堡 职 业 : 喜剧演员,编剧,作家,制片人 教 育 : 新堡大学,英国牛津大学电子工程 身 高 : 183cm 妻 子 : 萨妮塔·萨斯特莉(1990年结婚) 父 亲 : 艾里克·艾金森 母 亲 : 艾拉·M·艾金森 哥 哥 : 罗伯特·艾金森与罗德尼·艾金森 儿 子 : 本杰明 女 儿 : 莉莉 爱 好 : 汽车,赛马 成 名 作 : 在系列喜剧《憨豆先生》中扮演憨豆先生 http://baike.baidu.com/view/47688.htm这里非常全面和详细啊 我就复制了一部分上来具体的你可以自己去看看。










空运操作员简历范本模板 姓 名: 个人简历 国 籍: 中国 目前住地: 广州 民 族: 汉族 户 籍 地: 韶关 身高体重: 160 cm? kg 婚姻状况: 未婚 年 龄: 27 岁 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型: 普通求职? 应聘职位: 外贸/贸易专员/助理:助理、物流:OP/Project Coordinator、操 姓  名: 个人简历 国  籍: 中国 目前住地: 广州 民  族: 汉族 户 籍 地: 韶关 身高体重: 160 cm? kg 婚姻状况: 未婚 年  龄: 27 岁 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型: 普通求职? 应聘职位: 外贸/贸易专员/助理:助理、物流:OP/Project Coordinator、操作 工作年限: 3 职  称: 求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 一个月 月薪要求: 2000--3500 希望工作地区: 广州 韶关 工作经历: 公司名称: 某国际展览物流公司起止年月:2008-03 ~ 2012-12 公司性质: 中外合资所属行业:其他 担任职务: Project Coordinator 工作描述: 任展览部Project Coordinator,工作范围是出口展会以及进口展会的销售、报关、船运文件的制作,与国外代理的沟通协调,展会现场的操作,制作账单,展会后的回运及报关等,曾连续参加103届、104届、105届、106届中国进出口商品交易会进口展区的展品运输工作。 离职原因: 公司名称: 某物流公司起止年月:2006-06 ~ 2007-07 公司性质: 中外合资所属行业:其他 担任职务: 海运/空运操作员 工作描述: 负责出口海运/空运方面的操作。包括负责制作shipping document,船务流程,集中散货和整柜拖柜至仓库--安排货柜等等的,及货物跟踪,并与国外代理的协调、沟通。任国际空海运操作员一职,主要负责根据BOOKING安排定舱、拖车及报关等事宜,并协助报关;及时跟踪货物现状,有必要则要第一时间告之客人;核对提单;及时出Debit Note给客人,以便其安排早日付款,关注货物船期、客人付款情况及销帐事宜;月月与同行对帐,出付款申请向总公司申请付款,并关注并协助财务安排付款;协助经理的.繁琐工作,与同事间互相帮助和学习,维护办公室和谐氛围。 离职原因: 教育背景 毕业院校: 韶关学院 最高学历: 本科获得学位: 学士学位 毕业日期: 2006-07-01 所学专业: 英语教育 第二专业: 商务英语 培训经历: 起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 专 业 获得证书 证书编号 2001-09 2004-07 广州金桥管理干部学院 商务英语 英语四级证书 2002-06 2002-07 广州博音咨询有限公司 行政管理 企业行政管理级中英职业资格证 2004-09 2006-06 韶关学院 英语教育 CCT全国高等校计算机考试一证书 2004-09 2006-06 韶关学院 英语教育 普通话水测试等级证书(二级乙等) 语言能力 外  语: 英语 优秀 国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 精通 工作能力及其他专长      具备英语优秀的听、说、读、写能力,精通粤语、普通话,对Windows操作系统和Office2000等常用办公软件较熟悉,并取得CCT 全国高等学校计算机考试一级证书。在学好本专业的基础上,注重其他能力的培养,参加培训并取得NVQ企业行政管理二级中英资格证书(Business Administration Level Two)。 在两年多的物流运输工作中,积累了一定的工作经验,对制作报关清单及文件,账单等shipping documents比较熟悉,具有相当的与海外代理协调沟通的能力,并累积了一定的展会现场操作经验。 同时善于利用网络寻找工厂以及产品信息。 1.在MADE-IN-CHINA,EC21等网站发布产品资料并搜索买家资料,发offer 2.帮国外客户寻找国内合适的supplier,采购客户指定产品。 详细个人自传  在两年的工作实践当中,我在各方面都得到了锻练,在平常工作中能严格要求自己,学习认真,工作塌实,人际关系良好,有很强的事业心、责任感和团队合作精神。 1.专业知识、加上良好的人际关系以及很强的组织协调能力,和敬业的精神,再加上两年多的船务跟单工作经验中,熟悉外贸出口相关流程的处理,在单证,海运操作,出口贸易方面都有一定程度的理解,并能独当一面去处理实际工作中出现的一些问题。 2.本人性格随和,积极,乐观,做事讲究实效,对于新鲜事物能在最短时间内掌握,学习能力强,有很强的适应能力! 希望在新的工作单位有更大的发展空间,并作出自己最大的贡献! (责任编辑:8021) ;


XXX very pleased to join the company and to know your honour (Note: This awareness has not yet met, but the self-introduced e-mail)! The following are my work experience: I have served on Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., responsible for the production line production management! After working in an injection molding company, it has four years experience in quality management! The company mainly produces plastic and HP printers spray products! Involved in injection molding, painting, assembly! I have served on the company: Customer service head (responsible for the anomaly, the handling of coordination and communication); Quality Engineer (responsible for the new introduction, process control, customer complaints); Quality Manager (responsible for the tariff process, the quality control of shipments)! The future, if there are problems in the management of quality, but also more comments please! I wishu2026u2026 (good that the seizure)


Profile Name: Li Ming Gender: Male Race: Han Birthplace: Guangdong Date of Birth: August 1980 Education: Undergraduate: Computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD / CAM) Contact Address: Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province Tel: Education Graduate institutions: Guangdong University of Technology 1999.9 - 2003.7 Computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD / CAM) Profile Personal Qualification Skilled three-dimensional design software PRO / E product appearance and its internal structural design, and use CAD for engineering drawing conversion, good product 3D modeling, are familiar with plastic injection products, sheet metal products, processing technology, and injection, and the principle of sheet metal mold and so on. And be able to skillfully use of English with customers. Work experience Social Activities * 2005.9 --- now Guangzhou Ming-Hao Electronics Co., Ltd. Design, Structure Design Project Engineer Responsibilities: 1, independent and responsible individual or team to complete the new product development and design project and master project schedule, according to the requirements of customers with complete product structure design, the implementation of product feasibility analysis and optimization design, to create a new line with customer requirements product model. 2, the leading imported product trial production, follow-up products, pilot production and deal with the problem, tracking the completion of product trial production of undesirable goods, analysis and quality conditions and to promptly resolve the problems the pilot point. 3, follow-up production of abnormal Analysis and Countermeasures to improve the timely resolution of the problem point and a record to be filed, and stay with the company among the various departments and customer communication. * July 2003 -2005 year in August in Foshan City, MI Electronics Design, Structural Design Engineer 1, under the guidance of the engineer to complete the structural design of products and related experimental work to understand the mechanical design principles. 2, BOM single production, ECN tracking, manufacturing technical drawings confirmed by follow-up and follow-up products into trial production


电视剧《英雄无悔》中扮演陈实 《历史的天空》中扮演窦玉泉 《长空铸剑》中扮演魏山河 《五妹》中扮演王革生 《尊严》中扮演马东 《垂直打击》中扮演杨亿 《反诈骗行动组》中扮演徐少明




1. The school track and field games men"s 800 m in third2. Responsible for expense management and activities, DuoCi lead the organization class dinner party activity, through the class activities make class atmosphere got active, strengthen cohesion between students; Also responsible for the class, timely mental health found that students be counseling and psychological problems to report. ? responsible for propaganda work, and perform the duty for one"s deceased father grind class cadre, and work of the students to provide information, and solve problems.3. ? July to group the new employee training (enterprise culture, personal career development, the process, development strategy, etc), August in XX group Shanghai XX car company as a management trainee, familiar with equipment hillock automotive manufacturing stamping, welding, painting, assembly process, understand the big four management system and culture, learning ?


Shaquille O"Neal


Self assessment: several years in large state-owned enterprises technical work make me accumulate valuable experience with the machinery product design and manufacture of basic skills. Former structure group leader (yituo period), has participated in various large work machine product development work; With continuous innovation ability, actively carries out product continuous improvement and advanced design and application of this method. Career goal: in the near future achievement himself not common life and become industry within the dab at experts. Like challenges, dare to take greater responsibility. Vocational skills and expertise: 5 years machinery product design and manufacturing experience, master the machinery product structure design and optimization, familiar with welding, machining, blanking and molding manufacture content, master PRO/E, CAD, auxiliary tools, familiar with GB1804, ISO13920 and KES etc machinery related standards and design standard, have independently analytical solution of complicated scene manufacturing question ability, strong department coordination. Work experience: 1 vanda heavy secco Shanghai design center 2010.4 - yet r&d engineers Results: a pro/E, responsible for 3d collaborative design (based on the windchill introlink9.1 platform of the TOP - DOWN 3d design style) throughout the company range of application. Second, company technology project ZE1250E (125t) super-large excavator product r&d and trial-produce (the project plan to apply for national science and technology project) : 1. Get off chassis crawler travel system 3d collaborative design, 2. The cover of a system left/right gate assembly 3d collaborative design, 3. Hydraulic systems of hydraulic oil tank assembly 3d collaborative design, 4. Heat balance of power system optimization, 5. "ZE1250E operation and maintenance manual" preparation, 6. Field trial design related problem solving, 7. Project responsible for part of the continuous improvement and optimization. Three, new projects 70t large WaJi off chassis and four-wheel area of pro/e collaborative design and part of the organization simulation animation. Vanda heavy coco learn won the technical innovation and the second 3d CAD design competition prizes 2. Yituo (luoyang) engineering machinery Co., LTD 2005.7-2010.4 assistant engineer Results: a, yituo science and technology project dig installed (WZJ300) chassis system design and the trial, Second, wheel loader ZL50DX, ZL50F - IX new frame design and continuous improvement after the implementation of the scheme, Third, T90, T100 series bulldozers steering rocker mechanism design and continuous improvement, Four, participation loader four structures, bulldozers parts MAG welding and mechanical processing scheme review and machining process, Five, WY60, WY80 excavator parts recycling homemade scheme and implementation, Six, loader bucket manufacture of innovative technology research and applications. Seven, < welding universal process operating rules > preparation, Eight, T120N bulldozers earth-moving shovel hydraulic ascension jitter phenomenon cause analysis, Loader bucket coolie not leveled phenomena study and solve, Nine, design jigs and fixtures total of six sets of four series and many sets of small fixtures. Former structure group leader nearly 2 years and awarded 07 technology advanced individual, 07 advanced member, China yituo group technology achievements (groove cut molding process research 2008 - kindly -, loader bucket series welding new technology application 2009-013) Project management experience 2009.4-2009.10 grilled slag machine (WZJ300) | project principal developed Project description: Grilled slag machine is used for tunnel excavation of special equipment and high efficiency. Foreign congener product price at 800-900 million, domestic no first-come products, marketing foreground is very considerable. As fills domestic manufacturing blank grilled slag machine trial-production project, we developed WZJ300 type grilled slag machine in product configuration, performance, reliability, etc in the domestic leading level! After six months of research and development in trial-manufacture, on October 29 offline smoothly, a successful commissioning. Responsibility description: As a product manufacturing major person-in-charge one: the design phase, is responsible for the prophase chassis systems design work, Prototype, responsible for all manufacturing plant manufacturing coordination, welding and part of the machining the decision-making, on-site technical service work, etc. certificate 2009 loader bucket series welding new technology application China yituo group issued by institutions: staa committee Said Ming: one of the host 2008 bucket loader shovel blade plate series groove cut molding technology research China yituo group issued by institutions: staa committee Said Ming: participants 2010 vanda heavy serve two sessions a 3d CAD design competition prizes Issue organization: changsha vanda dhi technology development Co., LTD 凑合凑合吧!


A: Could you do me a favor and proofread my resume before I send it out to the human recources department? B: Sure let me take a look... Personal Information Education Experience Training... I think you should add another section for language. You speak three languages so you might as well put that on your resume. A: But languages don"t have anything to do with engineering. Shouldn"t everything I put on my resume have something to do with my field? B: Not necessarily. I think people would be impressed by your language abilities. It says something about your level of intellect and experience. Also I think human resources directors want to see more of a well-rounded person in a resume. A: It"s just a piece of paper you think that they can tell if I am a well-rounded person by looking at it? B: Well you"re right the resume is limited in how much it can tell someone about a person. That"s why job interviews are important to let people know the real you that they can"t see from a piece of paper. But resumes can be helpful in explaining things and giving a good impression to a potential employer. A: Let"s review the CVs we received last week for our vacancy in the financial department. What have you got? B: Take a look at this one... Experience three years in accounting for a large marketing firm before that she worked entry level in banking management. Looks pretty impressive. What do you think? A: Her education background is also quite outstanding. She graduated with her Bachelor"s degree from Harvard in Finance later got a master"s degree from Stanford. Looking just at that I"d say she"s qualified. B: Maybe a little overqualified... She might have higher salary expectations. Also she hasn"t listed any personal information. We don"t know her marital status whether or not she has children. Why she didn"t even put her birth date on the CV! No picture either... A: Oh didn"t you know? She"s an American. Generally Americans will not put those types of personal statistics on their CVs. That"s the difference beeen a CV and a resume. B: Why don"t they put those vital statistics on their resumes? A: Because America has many laws to ensure equality and prevent discrimination Americans are not required or even expected to put information of such a personal nature on their resumes. The purpose is to prevent discrimination in hiring based on age gender or marital status. B: Oh I didn"t know that. A: An American employer would never even ask for a photo on a resume. B: 看一下这份简历……经历方面:在一家大的销售公司做过三年的会计,此前在银行管理部门做过初级职位。看起来很不错。你们怎么看? A:她的教育背景也相当不错。她本科毕业于哈佛大学的金融专业,获得学士学位,后来在斯坦福大学获得硕士学位。仅仅看这一项,我就认为她是合格入选。 B: 也许她的资历有点儿太高了……说不定她对工资的期望也会很高。而且她也没有列出任何个人信息。我们不清楚她的婚姻状况,也不知道她是否有孩子。哎呀,她连出生日期也没写在履历上!也没有照片…… A: 奥,你不知道吗?她是个美国人。一般来说,美国人不愿把这些个人数据写在履历上。这是履历和简历的区别。 B: 他们为什么不把这些重要的数据写进自己的履历? A: 因为美国有很多确保平等、防止歧视的法律,所以美国人不要求或者甚至不期望应聘者把这样的个人信息写进简历。其目的是防止在招聘时出现歧视年龄、性别或婚姻状况的情况。 B: 奥,我不知道这些。 A: 美国的老板也永远不会要求简历上的照片。 well rounded:having a variety of experiences and abilities and a fully developed personality 全才的;通才的;全面发展的 well-rounded individuals 全面发展的人 vacancy:a job that is available for somebody to do (职位的)空缺;空职;空额 a casual/temporary vacancy 临时空缺 vacancies for bar staff 酒吧职员的空缺 to fill a vacancy 填补空额 discrimination:the practice of treating somebody or a particular group in society less fairly than others 区别对待;歧视;偏袒 racial/sex/sexual discrimination(= because of somebody"s race or sex) 种族/性别歧视 discrimination against the elderly 歧视老人 discrimination in favour of the young 厚待年轻人 discrimination on the grounds of race gender or sexual orientation 按照种族、性别或性取向给予区别对待


一 英文简历里"所修的主要专业科目"怎么翻译 英文简历常用词汇 A Useful Glossary for Ecational Background (教育程度常用词汇) ecation 学历 ecational history 学历 ecational background 教育程度 curriculum 课程 major 主修 minor 副修 ecational highlights 课程重点部分 curriculum included 课程包括 specialized courses 专门课程 courses taken 所学课程 special training 特别训练 social practice 社会实践 part-time jobs 业余工作 summer jobs 暑期工作 vacation jobs 假期工作 refresher course 进修课程 extracurricular activities 课外活动 physical activities 体育活动 recreational activities 娱乐活动 academic activities 学术活动 social activities 社会活动 rewards 奖励 scholarship 奖学金 excellent League member 优秀团员 excellent leader 优秀干部 student council 学生会 off-job training 脱产培训 in-job training 在职培训 ecational system 学制 academic year 学年 semester 学期(美) term 学期(英) supervisor 论文导师 pass 及格 fail 不及格 marks 分数 examination 考试 degree 学位 post doctorate 博士后 doctor(Ph.D) 博士 master 硕士 bachelor 学士 graate student 研究生 abroad student 留学生 abroad student 留学生 undergraate 大学肆业生 government-supported student 公费生 moner 自费生 extern 走读生 intern 实习生 prize fellow 奖学金生 boarder 寄宿生 graate 毕业生 guest student 旁听生(英) auditor 旁听生(美) day-student 走读生 二 你好。我在做英文简历。主修课程一栏有点吃力。能帮忙吗 Vehicle Dynamics Vehicle Construction Engines - Cooling, fuel & exhaust systems (Diesel, D4D & Petrol) Servicing - tran *** issions, wheels, tyres, chassis, suspension Electricity, Safety in the Workshop and Engine Electricals Engines - lubrication, fuel injection pumps and diagnostics Tran *** issions, Axles & Brakes Suspension, Steering & Wheel alignment systems Electronics, Simulator, Starting systems & Hybrid charging systems Fuel & Ignition diagnostics Air Conditioning & Prius/Auris Hybrid systems 三 英文简历里面的Qualification (to be) obtained and major subject是什么 英文简历里面的Qualification (to be) obtained and major subject是:获得和将要获得的资格证书及主修科目。 资格证书是一种参加某种工作或活动所应具备的条件或身份的证明。资格证又有执业资格证和职业资格证之分。我国职业资格证书分为五个级:初级、中级、高级、技师和高级技师。 资格证又有执业资格证和职业资格证之分,比如执业医师资格证,执业药师,如教师资格证书是国家对符合教师资格条件的公民依法授予教师资格的法定凭证.在中华人民共和国境内的各级各类学校或者其他教育机构中担任教师工作的人员,必须持有教师资格证书. 各行个业都有自己特有的资格证书,如律师资格证书,会计师资格证书等。 主修科目:完成学位培养目标必须学习的课程 四 急求一份英文简历 垃圾,不要相信上楼那位!一看就是用金山翻译翻的! 你既然已经过了公六,想来这个对你来说不是什么问题 啊! 五 英语简历中,Course/major 是写一门主要课程还是都写啊 一般的就是你的专业名称 比如化学,物理,计算机科学与技术等等。。。 如果你的专业不是你申请工作的对口专业 但是你有过工作相关课程的学习 你也可以特别写出来 六 英语简历(急) 格的形式,也可以是其他形式。 个人简历一般应包括以下几个方面的内容: (1)个人资料:姓名、性别、出生年月、家庭地址、政治面貌、婚姻状况,身体状况,兴趣、爱好、性格等等; (2)学业有关内容:就读学校、所学专业、学位、外语及计算机掌握程度等等; (3)本人经历:入学以来的简单经历,主要是担任社会工作或加入党团等方面的情况; (4)所获荣誉;三好学生、优秀团员、优秀学生干部、专项奖学金等; (5)本人特长:如计算机、外语、驾驶、文艺体育等。 . 个人简历应该浓缩大学生活或研究生生活的精华部分,要写得简洁精练,切忌拖泥带水。 个人简历后面,可以附上个人获奖证明,如三好学生、优秀学生干部证书的复印件,外语四、六级证书的复印件以及驾驶执照的复印件,这些复印件能够给用人单位留下深刻的印象。 . 写履历表要注意的问题是: (1)首先要突出过去的成就。过去的成就是你能力的最有力的证据。详细把它们写出来,会有说服力。 (2)履历表切忌过长,应尽量浓缩在三页之内。最重要的是要有实质性的东西给用人单位看。 (3)履历表上的资料必须是客观而实在的,千万不要吹牛,因为谎话一定会被识破。要本着诚实的态度,有多少写多少。 (4)和写求职信一样,资料不要密密麻麻地堆在一起,项目与项目之间应有一定的空位相隔。 (5)不要写对申请职位无用的东西,切记! . 最后祝,早日找到称心的工作 七 求翻译一份英文简历 Career Objective: Procurement Department, Logistics Department Basic Information Date of Birth: 1989.05 Residence: Zhengzhou Ecational Background 2009.9-2013.6 Logistics Engineering of Central South Forestry University of Science and Technology (undergraate) professional ranking: 5% GPA3.7 Majors: proction and operations management, ERP principle and application, the planning and operation of the distribution center, purchasing and supply chain management Personal capacity English proficiency: CET4 CET6, good reading and writing skills. Business English environment more familiar with the basic business English munication skills. 2, Computer Level: the National Computer Certificate II (C language), skilled use of Word, Excel, ERP and other office soft Parts, logistics system simulation sofare. 3 Other skills: the procurement division certificate, the trade logistics membership card, SIYB entrepreneurial training certificate of aerobics three Awards 1,2011-2012 won an Outstanding Young Communist League title, party activists training qualified graation 2,2010-2011 was outstanding school student C class scholarship, college debate petition group runner-up The Hunan University Games volunteers advanced personal 3,2009-2010 was excellent school students C class scholarship, outstanding athletes, Hunan, one hundred kilometers Trailwalker title of "Hero" Social practice 1,2012.07-2012.08 Zhengzhou branch of COSCO Logistics intern l pleted the automotive logistics project manager to arrange a preliminary *** ysis; operation of the business processes related to import and export foreign trade logistics A preliminary understanding of the pany"s business processes, sum up and solve the problems encountered in the work 2,2010.07-2010.08 Hunan Zhuzhou Institute of Technology metalworking practice l shop car, pliers, grinding, welding, casting operation, awareness and training School club experience 1,2011.09-2012.06 College class group secretary l Responsible classes advanced elements to join the party matters, class activities planning, anization, summarize activities, many times for cost-effective high-class procurement items, such as the Mid-Autumn Festival moon cake, saving students living expenses to promote harmony classes 2,2010.09-2011.09 College popular outdoor propaganda department of the Association l responsible for anizing the orientation activities of the Association, and outdoor activities, is mainly engaged in the work of the pre-publicity and post summary, acclaimed in schools, access to university-level best Societies Awards 3,2009.9-2010.09 school Societies Department, School of the Propaganda Department, the popular outdoor Association Director General l The school societies Ministry is responsible to contact the school students of various departments and the munity affairs of the handover, as well as to promote the exchanges beeen the Association. Involved in the preparations the Societies Department Christmas carnival party, as well as anizing and planning large-scale popular outdoor Association outdoor activities, within the scope of the whole school enthusiastic response Self-introction I actively strive to learn ring the school expertise and interested disciplines, improve professionali *** , ability to learn. Carefully serious, *** ytical ability, has been responsible for many collective activities of procurement tasks. Good munication, strong munication skills, with the ability in teamwork. 可能有些地方会有问题,不过大致应该就是这样了。希望采纳!^_^ 八 英文简历翻译 到招聘网站上去填一份中文简历,一般都会生成一份英文的 九 商务英语专业主修课程 主要课程:主要学习基础英语、高级英语、英语听力、英语口语、英语写作、翻译理论与实践、英美文学史及选读、西方经济学、国际贸易、国际商务、市场营销等课程。学生毕业后授予文学学士学位。 拓展资料:商务英语就业前景: 适应外向型现代商务管理工作岗位的要求,能胜任大量需要口头和书面英语交流的高级文员工作,并具备一定的工商管理知识。也可从事英语教学,培训工作。 国际贸易方向:国际贸易业务人员、商务翻译、商务助理。 旅游方向:英文导游及涉外宾馆的接待及管理人员、外企业高级文员、外向型企业一般管理员。 培养目标:本专业培养能用英语进行外贸商务活动的复合型人才,学生在校期间,通过课堂教学和实践教学,能较熟练地掌握英语读、写、听、说、译等语言技能,并掌握外贸活动的商务知识,以较熟练的口语为特长,以商务英语兼顾旅游、文秘英语为方向,培养能用英语从事商务、旅游、外贸、文秘等方面工作的高级应用型专门人才。 就业前景:中国对外开放和建设海峡西岸经济区需要大量既懂英语又懂外贸的复合型人才。本专业毕业生大都在外贸企业从事外贸业务工作,在涉外大型饭店、旅游部门、企事业单位从事文员和翻译工作,就业率达90%以上。


  如何在简历中说明教育背景   简历中教育背景的部分是非常重要的,尤其对于应届毕业生来说。这篇文章将就教育背景的书写顺序,在职应聘者与大学毕业生的陈述区别,及培训经历4个方面作具体讲解。   一、如果你是在职应聘者,有较多的工作经历,在书写学历时,只需把学校和学系的名称与地址、学业的起止时间、学位写出就行。例如:   1) 9/1994-7/1998B.C., Department of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin   1994年9月至1998年7月天津南开大学化学系化学学士   2) September 1997-July 2000M. C. L., School of Legal Studies Beijing University   1997年9月至2000年7月北京大学法学院民法硕士   二、书写学历的顺序,应该从最高学历开始往下写。例如:   9/2000-7/2002D. Lit., Dept. of English, Beijing University of Foreign Languages   2000年9月至2002年7月北京外国语大学英语系文学博士   9/1998-7/2001M. A., Dept. of English, Xi"an Institute of Foreign Languages   1998年9月至2001年7月西安外国语学院英语系文学硕士   9/1994-7/1998B. A., Dept. of English, Nanchang University   1994年9月至1998年7月南昌大学英语系文学学士   三、如果你在职期间曾参加过培训、进修、职大、夜大、函授等形式的.学习,而这种学习同你目前应聘的工作关系密切,也应在学历中列举出来,这将有助于你的应聘获得成功。例如:   1) March 1998 to July 1998, receiving off-job training at Shandong Economic Management Cadre Institute. Coursework includes: Study of Management of Enterprise, Marketing, International Laws of Commerce.   1998年3月至1998年7月,在山东省经济管理干部学院接受脱产培训。课程包括:企业管理学、市场营销、国际商法。   2) Taking such refresher courses in Linguistics as phonetics, phonology, morphology, and etymology in Dept. of Japanese at Shanghai University of Foreign Language (9/2001-7/2002)   在上海外国语大学日语系进修语音学、音位学、形态学和词源学等语言学课程(2001年9月至2002年7月)。   四、如果你是应届大中专毕业生,还没有工作经验,那么就应该将学历书写得详细些。为了让雇主了解你的知识、智力、思考力、判断力和个性等,除了写明学校和科系(研究所)的名称与地址,学业的起止时间以及学位之外,还应该增加如下具体内容:   所修课程与成绩(Curriculum and Grades):所修课程主要是列出同应聘工作有关联的科目,把各科成绩一并列出可使雇主了解你学习的好坏,通常学校都会给每位学生一份成绩单,上有各科成绩。


Major Course


  教育背景即正规学校教育/或培训(A history of a person"s formal schooling and/or training)   包括:学历(educational history )、教育程度(educational background)、知识背景(knowledge background )、所学课程(courses taken)、专业课程(specialized courses)、进修课程(refresher course)、脱产培训(off-job training)计算机能力(computer skills)等,及掌握情况。   Education 学历   educational background 教育程度、教育背景   educational history 学历   Educational System 学制   academic year 学年   semester 学期(美)   term 学期 (英)   Curriculum 课程   major 主修   minor 副修   educational highlights 课程重点部分   curriculum included 课程包括   specialized courses 专门课程   courses taken 所学课程   courses completed 所学课程   special training 特别训练   refresher course 进修课程   Examination 考试   pass 及格   fail 不及格   marks 分数   grades 分数   scores 分数   Degree 学位   post doctorate 博士后   doctor (Ph.D) 博士学位   master 硕士学位   bachelor 学士学位


英文简历如何描述教育背景   教育背景(Educational Background)   教育背景即正规学校教育/或培训(A history of a personu2019s formal schooling and/or training)   包括:学历(educational history )、教育程度(educational background)、知识背景(knowledge background )、所学课程(courses taken)、专业课程(specialized courses)、进修课程(refresher course)、脱产培训(off-job training)计算机能力(computer skills)等,及掌握情况。   Education 学历   educational background 教育程度、教育背景   educational history 学历   Educational System 学制   academic year 学年   semester 学期(美)   term 学期 (英)   Curriculum 课程   major 主修   minor 副修   educational highlights 课程重点部分   curriculum included 课程包括   specialized courses 专门课程   courses taken 所学课程   courses completed 所学课程   special training 特别训练   refresher course 进修课程   Examination 考试   pass 及格   fail 不及格   marks 分数   grades 分数   scores 分数   Degree 学位   post doctorate 博士后   doctor (Ph.D) 博士学位   master 硕士学位   bachelor 学士学位   Student 学生   graduate student 研究生   abroad student 留学生   returned student 回国留学生   foreign student 外国学生   undergraduate 大学肄业生   senior 大学四年级学生;高中三年级学生   junior 大学三年级学生;高中二年级学生   sophomore 大学二年级学生;高中一年级学生   freshman 大学一年级学生   guest student 旁听生(英)   auditor 旁听生(美)   government-supported student 公费生   commoner 自费生   extern 走读生   day-student 走读生   intern 实习生   prize fellow 奖学金生   boarder 寄宿生   classmate 同班同学   schoolmate 同校同学   graduate 毕业生   Intelligence Quotient(IQ) 智商   Training 各种培训   off-job training 脱产培训   in-job training 在职培训   Social Practice 社会实践   part-time jobs 业余工作   summer jobs 暑期工作   vacation jobs 假期工作   Activities 课外活动   extracurricular activities 课外活动   physical activities 体育活动   recreational activities 娱乐活动   academic activities 学术活动   social activities 社会活动、社交活动   Rewards 奖励   scholarship 奖学金   "Three Goods" student 三好学生   excellent League member 优秀团员   excellent leader 优秀干部   student council 学生会   monitor 班长   vice-monitor 副班长   commissary in charge of studies 学习委员   commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员   commissary in charge of sports 体育委员   commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员   Party branch secretary 党支部书记   League branch secretary 团支部书记   commissary in charge of organization 组织委员   commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员   普通的个人简历一般包含上面教育信息已经足够了,但如果你的简历中包含推荐信的附件、或者你的.导师、校长十分有名让你不得不提的话,也可以考虑写在简历中。不过首先要知道的是如何翻译他们的称谓。 ;


technical skill专门技能, 工艺技术good at computer,business English and the ability of communicating is very well




分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 填IBM网申中有 Technical Skills Please list your 5 main technical skills for your profession, mencing with the strongest. 什么属于Technical Skills,确实不知道怎么填比较好,希望高人指点下,最好能有例句可以参考,谢谢!解析: Technical skills:如 1)Conduct multi-step synthesis of plex natural products 2)Use molecular mechanics and dynamics to study biomolecular systems 3)Develop puter sofare for chemical applications 4)Programming languages including FORTRAN, C, Pascal, perl, javascript, assembler 5)In depth experience with putational chemistry programs including SYBYL, MacroModel, Insight/Discover, Quanta/CHARMm, Cerius2, Biograf, Chem-X, AMBER 6)Production experience with chemical information systems including MACCS, ISIS, ORACLE 7)Extensive use of HTML, CGI programming, javascript for the development of mercial Web sites. 诸如此类等等等等


  中文名: 文勇  外文名:Alan  国籍: 中国  民族: 汉族  出生地: 湖南隆回  出生日期: 1986年10月15日  学历:本科  毕业院校:吉首大学  毕业时间:2005.6  擅长领域:生物工程、销售策划、电子商务、人力资源、企业管理  辅助领域:设计,CAD,AI,CROLDRW,PHOTOSHOP,3D  现任工作:华耀数控科技有限公司,市场策划,纸箱纸盒电脑打样机  QQ:562781525  详细介绍  中文名:文勇  笔名:文文  绰号:蚊子  昵称:小文、勇哥、文兄、阿文  性别:男  生肖:虎  籍贯:湖南隆回  身高:167.2厘米  体重:60KG(公斤)  爱好:听音乐、唱歌、设计、看电影  口头禅:晕;那确实;  座右铭:自己选择的路,自己负责!  语言:国语、粤语、英语  最喜爱的音乐:经典老歌  最喜爱的歌手:游鸿明  最喜欢的演员:劳勃迪尼洛、黛米摩尔  最喜爱的舞蹈:TICTAC  最喜爱的卡通片:《狐忍》  最喜爱的运动:羽毛球、篮球  最喜欢的电影类型:悬疑片  最喜欢的电影名称:《七宗罪》  最喜欢的刊物:漫画、音乐书  最难忘的事:毕业那段时间  临睡前的习惯:听音乐  最喜欢的异性类型:能沟通的  最喜欢的国家:中国  最喜欢数字:7  最怕听到的词:是非  最得意的事:完成自己想做的事  最讨厌的事:被误解  如果改行会从事何种行业:幕后音乐人  生气的时候会想做什么:不生气  最喜欢的发型:自然  最喜欢的坐姿:自然  最喜欢的料理类型:意大利料理  最喜欢的季节:秋天  最喜欢的动物:乌龟、四脚蛇(蜥蜴)  最喜欢的花:蝴蝶兰  最喜欢的颜色:黑色,白色及银色  最喜欢的水果:小玉西瓜、葡萄  最喜欢的饮料:可乐


蒙奇·D·路飞中文名:蒙奇·D·路飞外文名:Monkey.D.Luffy出生日期:5月5日职业:草帽海贼团船长故乡:风车村个人资料  身高:172cm    蒙其·D·路飞 年龄:17岁   生日:5月5日(日本男孩节)   星座:金牛座   出生地:东海-风车村   悬赏金:3千万贝利     恶魔果实:超人系——橡胶果实   外号: 草帽小子/草帽路飞/草帽BOY/小草帽   所属:草帽海贼团(现在为止有9位成员)   职称:船长   身上的味道:肉的味道(根据乔巴的鼻子判断)   弱点:斩击、高温、海楼石、海水(后两点是恶魔果实能力者共同弱点)   喜欢的食物:肉   惧怕的人:爷爷(卡普中将)   重视的人:艾斯(对自己没能救出艾斯深深自责与后悔看的出来) 伙伴(可以为伙伴而死)   喜欢:香克斯、伙伴们、艾斯、各种稀奇古怪的生物(比如僵尸、骷髅之类)   喜欢他的人:海贼女帝 (单相思)、艾斯(为保护弟弟而死)   代表颜色:红色    草帽海贼团全员 代表数字:01、56(56日文和橡胶同音)   出自:《海贼王one piece》   特征:   1、(外貌)农民形象,戴草帽、穿一件红褂子、蓝色牛仔裤、左眼下方有疤痕(小时候为证明自己有做海贼的勇气自己刺的)人字拖鞋,黑头发,   黑眼睛, 黄皮肤。   2、(性格)好吃(食量惊人)、有时很白痴、讲义气、单细胞、自信、善良、对那些稀奇古怪有极大的兴趣、爱笑、富有正义感、大无畏(不怕与世界政府作对、不怕幽灵、不怕巨大的生物)   3、(果实)手臂等任何部位都能任意伸长、普通的打击无效、枪炮也无效   特长:身体可以任意伸长   梦想:我是要成为海贼王的男人。    香克斯寄托草帽给路飞 人物背景:路飞在东海的一个小村庄长大,与偶然停泊在这里的香克斯建立了很好的友谊,一心想成为像他们那样的海贼。因误食了海贼们带来的橡胶果实,落水后幸得香克斯相救,但红发却因此丧失了左臂!香克斯离开村子再次出海前,把自己的草帽戴在了路飞头上,并希望有朝一日能再次相见。【将来你一定要还给我,当你成为出色海贼的时候!】   从此他的目标是--海贼王!那顶草帽,成了路飞最珍爱的宝物。 爸爸是革命军首领,爷爷是海军中将,结拜哥哥艾斯是最强的白胡子海贼团第二队队长(艾斯是罗杰的儿子)。所以,路飞拥有非常错乱且强大的家庭。拥有与生俱来的与白胡子和红发香克斯和女帝汉库克一样几百万中只有一个人拥有的霸王色霸气。   最具代表性的一句话:我是要成为海贼王的男人!   动漫声优:田中真弓   信念:寻求世界上最大的梦想,要有行动。   目前:从海军本部顺利逃出后,在九蛇岛养伤,经冥王雷利的建议,和雷利、吉贝尔大闹了了海军本部,抢走一艘军舰,乘它绕马林福特一周,敲响了“奥克斯大钟”16点钟(疑似有什么含义),投花束庄重地进行了默哀,后又回到九蛇岛。波特卡斯·D·艾斯 中文名:波特卡斯·D·艾斯外文名:ポートガス·D·エース个人资料 基本资料    波特卡斯·D·艾斯 初次登场:漫画第154话 动画第91集   姓名:波特卡斯·D·艾斯(ポートガス·D·エース / Portgas·D· Ace)   原名:哥尔·D·艾斯(若随父姓会连累周围的人并且会惹来杀身之祸,故随母姓。)   声优:古川登志夫阪口大助 (少年时期)符爽(台湾版配音)   性别:男   绰号:火拳艾斯   年龄:20岁   生日:1月1日   灰逝时间:2010年2月11日   出生地:南海巴苔里拉岛(Baterilla Island)   身高:185cm   职位:原黑桃海贼团船长、 白胡子海贼团第二队队长(黑桃海贼团被白胡子打败后并入白胡子海贼团)    波特卡斯·D·艾斯 能力:烧烧果实   悬赏金:未知 【2亿都是同人】   代表动物:不详   所属团体:白胡子海贼团   梦想:让白胡子成为海贼王,得到“ONE PIECE”。   爱好:吃饭,睡觉,弟控。   性格:幽默而成熟,令人难以置信的彬彬有礼,绝不逃避,有着D家族一贯脱线的一面。 家人   爷爷:蒙奇·D·卡普 【海军中将】【无血缘关系】   父亲:哥尔·D·罗杰   母亲:波特卡斯·D·露修   弟弟:蒙其·D·路飞(蒙其·D·鲁夫)【无血缘关系】   义兄:萨波【无血缘关系】

英文简历 Cover Letter如何写?

要避免把你的首页做成流传的最普通的那种样式。  When writing your cover letter, keep in mind that the reviewer is only interested in one thing: the facts. Do not think of your cover letter as an autobiography; it should be brief and to the point. The purpose of the cover letter (and resume) should be one thing - it should demonstrate that you meet or exceed the requirements listed in the job description. It should demonstrate that you"re interested in the position, and that you"re available to accept the position if offered. Additional information beyond this can be counterproductive, as it dilutes the core purpose of the cover letter.  在写简历首页的时候,一定要铭记在心,读简历的人只注重一件事:事实。不要把简历首页认为是自传书,它应该是简明扼要的。简历首页(和简历)的目的是一样的--证明你能适应或者胜任工作描述中的要求。还应该表明你对这个职位很感兴趣,并且你随时都能上任。超过这个范围的附加信息只能让人产生反感,而且它削弱了首页的核心目的。  When writing the cover letter, avoid negatives. A cover letter is not the place to explain why you left or are leaving an employer, why there are gaps in your employment dates, etc. These negatives are best delivered in person during the interview so that your personality can counter them.  Try to avoid a salary history in the cover letter. Even if the position specifically asks for your salary history, providing this information will more likely cost you a job than not. If the job ad specifically says that resumes without a salary history will not be considered, give a historical salary range, and state that your salary requirements are flexible based on the opportunity the position will provide.  首页要尽量避免以往薪金标准的问题。即使这个职位特别要求你注明以往的薪金数额,提供相应的信息可能更容易让你失去这份工作。如果这个工作广告特别说别不注明以往薪金就不予考虑那么就给出一个范围,并且注明你的薪金要求很灵活,以所提供的职位机会决定。  花时间来考虑一下简历的版面,确信它看上去比较顺眼。它应该看上去很容易浏览,有一个合理的主次关系。记住:看简历的人有上百份简历要看,所以一定要把你想要突出的内容做的让他一眼就注意到。段落要简短,长篇的内容让浏览者失去看的耐心,因为他们一周要看上百份简历。另外,版面不要仅仅是重复简历的内容。你的首页不仅仅是简历的摘要,相反,它是你的自我介绍,以及一份说明你是他们公司这个职位最佳人选的论证。


您好:GPA全称是Grade Point Average,即平均成绩点数(平均分数、平均绩点),美国普通课程的GPA满分是4.0分,即A=4,B=3,C=2, D=1。而一些高级课程,如荣誉课程,AP课程等,单科GPA满分可达5分,甚至6分。GPA的精确度往往达到小数点后1到2位,如:3.0、3.45。


  肖恩·沃德(Shayne Ward)是英国歌唱选秀节目“The X Factor”2005年度总冠军,一颗在英国乐坛冉冉升起的新星,Shayne Ward正在用自己俊朗的外表和优美高亢的声线征服全世界的乐迷。在赢得歌唱比赛之后,Shayne发行了2张个人单曲《That"s My Goal》和《No Promises》。随着前两支个人单曲的成功,Shayne Ward推出了个人的首张同名专辑《肖恩·沃德》。Shayne Ward在音乐事业上已经取得多项了不起的成就,Shayne Ward旋风正在席卷整个英国。这一切的一切都显示他具有成为一个乐坛巨星的潜质,预示着他美好的未来。  肖恩·沃德(Shayne Ward)  英文全名:Shayne Thomas Ward    肖恩·沃德  昵称:Wardy   中文名:肖恩·沃德   生日:1984年10月15日(天秤座)   身高:173cm   居住地:Clayton,Manchester,UK   中学:St Peter"s RC High School   最喜欢的科目:Performing Arts   家庭:母亲:Philomena;兄弟姐妹:Mark,Martin,Michael,Lisa,twin Emma,Leona   以前的职业:Working in New Look,selling shoes,Arndale Centre,Manchester   最喜爱的艺人:Justin Timberlake   2005年《X-Factor》面试编号: 9046  来自曼彻斯特的“英国超男”Shayne Ward。[1]   肖恩·沃德的迅速窜红要归功于英国ITV电视台的一挡热播的娱乐节目《The X Factor》,这是一档歌唱比赛真人秀,2004年推出第一届,斯蒂夫获得冠军而一炮走红,紧接着推出的个人专辑也大受欢迎。 肖恩·沃德  今年(2005年),经过一轮轮的淘汰厮杀,来自英国曼彻斯特的肖恩·沃德与41岁的工人安迪·亚伯拉罕进入到最后的对决,两人分别演唱了为本届《The X Factor》节目量身定做的最新单曲That"s My Goal,最终,21岁的Shayne Ward夺冠,并获得了一份100万英镑的唱片合约。决赛当天观众的投票数量达到1080万,ITV电视台趁热打铁,第一时间推出了Shayne的新单曲CD“That"s my goal”,仅仅上架4天就登上了单曲冠军宝座,销量达到了74万多张。   面对这些“突如其来”的成就,21岁的Shayne说:“我到现在还是不敢相信——我完全不能相信这些都是真的。我当初参加比赛的确是希望能够获胜,但是我绝对没有想过我真的能够获胜!”    肖恩·沃德  这一切都开始于第二届《The X Factor》的海选。在7万5000名报名者中,来自Clayton.Manchester一家服装店的销售员Shayne Ward走进面试大厅,也从此开始了他人生不一样的旅程。   “我当时是多么的希望能够获胜,为了我的妈妈。她把我们7个孩子抚养到大,非常的不容易,我希望我能够成功,给她带来喜悦,也能减轻她肩上的压力。当然,也不完全是经济上的考虑,毕竟我是非常非常喜爱唱歌的,我愿意去做这件事情。金钱与名望并不是我最渴望的,我爱我的妈妈,我也爱唱歌。”   此外,到目前为止,一夜成名、年轻的Shayne已经结识了不少新的朋友,比如英国“全民偶像”Robbie Williams。   “不久前我参加了Top of The Pops音乐节目,当时有人在现场告诉我说,Robbie想见见我,我以为我听错了。后来,Robbie亲自走过来向我做自我介绍,太不可思议了。他告诉我他是《The X Factor》的忠实观众,比赛时他也有为我投票!另外,对于将来,他还给了我很多中肯的意见,告诉我一定要好好把握机会、享受生活的每一分钟,并且尽自己最大的努力为自己的理想加油。他当时的表情语气非常诚恳,我十分感谢他。”  【1】   单曲CD:   1.《That"s My Goal》     2.《No Promises》?  3.《Stand By Me》  歌 手:Shayne Ward   语 言:英语   区 域:英国005年12月落下帷幕的英国ITV电视台歌唱比赛真人秀《The X Factor》冠军Shayne Ward在接受采访时说道。但事实是,因为有了《The X Factor》,Shayne的圣诞新年没有在打工卖衣服,而是在“卖”他的个人单曲CD——《That"s My Goal》,而且是“大卖特卖”中。 肖恩·沃德  相关背景:   “如果不是《The X Factor》,我想我会在服装店卖衣服打工度过我的圣诞新年。”2   根据英国TOP 40单曲音乐榜显示,在《The X Factor》总决赛结束当天推出的Shayne个人单曲CD早已名列榜首,更为吃惊的是,其销售量比榜上其他39名总销售量之和还要高。而且值得一提的是,据统计,Shayne的单曲网上下载量也已经创造了新的吉尼斯纪录,并且数字还在不断增长当中。   【2】   个人专辑:1.《Shayne Ward》   发行时间:2006年04月17日   歌 手:Shayne Ward   语 言:英语  个人图册(20张)  区 域:英国   专辑曲目:1. That"s My Goal   2. No Promises   3. Stand By Me   4. All My Life   5. You"re Not Alone   6. I Cry   7. What About Me   8. Back At One   9. Someone To Love   10. Something Worth Living For   11. Better Man   12. Next To Me   13. Over The Rainbow   随着第二主打单曲No Promises的推出,他的首张个人同名专辑《Shayne Ward》也终于上市。几首颇具亚洲风味的歌曲,让这张专辑同样在亚洲取得了骄人的成绩。   这张专辑可听性非常强,可以说都值得一听,当然最值得推荐的还是主打,也是让他走上冠军宝座的《That"s My Goal》。   个人专辑:2.《Breathless》 Breathless专辑  发行时间:2007年11月20日   歌 手:Shayne Ward   语 言:英语   区 域:英国   专辑曲目:1. No U Hang Up   2. Breathless   3. If That"s OK with You   4. Damaged   5. Stand by Your Side   6. Until You   7. Some Tears Never Dry   8. Melt the Snow   9. Tangled Up  照片(20张)  10. Just Be Good to Me   11. U Got Me So   12. You Make Me Wish   13. Tell Him   2005年度总冠军之后,Shayne开始在英国和爱尔兰走红。他正在用自己的实力向世界证明,自己并非徒有其表。除了帅气的外表,Shayne还拥有非凡的实力,他那极稳定的现场和令人叹为观止的高假音让你听过难忘。   《Breathless》是一张属於Shayne个人的专辑,英式R&B曲风,充满感染力。由著名音乐人Maratone(Britney,Westlife,Celine Dion)和Ryan Tedder(J-Lo,Natasha Bedingfield,Leona Lewis)联手打造。   流畅而惬意的旋律,迷人且动情的靓嗓,足以让一众少女倾倒的魅力,如果你只是想放松下心情,享受下听觉的按摩,或者暂时想脱离那些艰涩而沉重的音乐,那这张《Breathless》绝对会是不错的选择。?    个人专辑:3.《 Obsession 》   发行时间:2010年11月15日   歌 手:Shayne Ward   语 言:英语   区 域:英国   专辑曲目:01 Gotta Be Somebody   02 Obsession 3辑  03 Must Be a Reason Why...(feat. j. pearl.)   04 Close to Close   05 Waiting In the Wings   06 Foolish   07 Someone Like You   08 Human   09 Crash   10 Nobody Knows    英国偶像冠军Shayne Ward第三张个人专辑。先行单曲<Gotta Be Somebody>翻唱自加拿大著名另类摇滚乐队Nickelback 2009年专辑<Dark Horse>中的首波主打单曲。 ?   新专共收录10首单曲,无Bonus。制作人包括美国著名Remix大师RedOne以及英国著名创作人兼歌手Taio Cruz。准确地说这张大碟筹备了两年半时间,直到10年9月才完成了新专的制作。  编辑本段?人物专访  英国超人气选秀节目“X-Factor”2005年度总冠军、二度来到中国的肖恩·沃德,在上海宣传第二张专辑《Breathless/无法呼吸》之后,近日来京继续自己的中国新专辑宣传之旅。昨日(16日)下午,肖恩·沃德(Shayne Ward)也独家接受了腾讯娱乐的专访。[2]   谈音乐——“现在都是R&B风格,我只是想把流行音乐感觉带回来”   有人说初听Shayne Ward的声音,略有Take that组合的影子,似乎Take that的时代又回来了。对此,Shayne Ward很是惊讶,表示从未听人这样讲过。“Take that是90年代的组合,是说我和那个时代的声线比较像么,不过还没有人说过有相象的地方,我回去也再听听看是不是真正有相象的地方”,Shayne Ward说,“现在新流行音乐走到R&B的风格上去了,我只是想把比较流行音乐的感觉带回来,所以可能觉得像(Take that)吧。”    肖恩·沃德  Shayne Ward表示:比较喜欢90年代早期的流行音乐,最近常听的也是那个年代的音乐。自从“X-Factor”选秀获冠军以来,Shayne Ward在全世界都聚集了不少歌迷。谈及各地的歌迷,Shayne Ward则表示感谢他们一直以来的支持,特别是亚洲歌迷。“我能感觉到亚洲有更大的歌迷群,英国本土的歌迷大多都很有礼貌,看到你就是‘SAY HI"之类的。”   谈选秀——“专业人士看不起选秀歌手,这是错误的想法”   国内近年来,选秀泛滥。就算是热门选秀的人气选手,在竞争一些专业音乐奖项之时,也显得力不从心。对此,Shayne Ward表示这种状态在英国也很严重。“专业人士看不起选秀歌手,我觉得这是错误的想法,选秀的歌手需要更多倍的努力,才能得到这个成绩。别人判断我们的应该是:是不是唱的好,是不是好音乐?应该以这样的一个标准而衡量,而不是看你是不是参加过选秀比赛。”   对于同样因选秀而闻名的保罗·帕特斯(Paul Potts),Shayne Ward坦言他是一个有才华的人。而同样谈及刚刚上海出席某活动遇到的超女周笔畅,Shayne Ward说:“我参加那个活动时,被告知周笔畅是中国选秀——超级女声的获胜者,我希望她能有好的发展,如果有可能,也想和她一起合作。”   谈销售——“在英国也有非法下载,没有什么特别的办法”   去年电台司令乐队(Radiohead)新专集采用了网络销售并由歌迷定价的方式,有音乐人说这是一次唱片业的革命。对此,Shayne Ward则抱以怀疑的态度。“我觉得这是一个非常勇敢的举动,但以这样方式真正能赚钱吗,能赚多少钱呢?对于我来说,不确定会不会这样做。”   谈到网络销售,不得不涉及网络非法下载及版权的问题。对于非法下载,Shayne Ward则表示:“在英国也有非法下载,没有什么特别的办法”。   谈未来——“未来更多是怎么证明自己,而不是顾虑新人换旧人”   选秀年年有,当然获胜者的人气也随之时间流逝而无情的遭人淡忘。谈及这方面的状况,Shayne Ward很务实。“其实对我来说,这些都不是该担心的。我获奖两年后,现在还有受欢迎的专辑和歌迷,其实最重要的是(歌手)有自己的风格,保留自己的优点。每年必然都会有优胜者,更多是怎么证明自己,而不是顾虑每年的新人换旧人。”   第二次来到北京的Shayne Ward因工作,两次都有没有时间逛一逛,很是可惜。“希望下次来的时候有时间来这边转一转”,Shayne Ward说。   Pictures   Pictures


  在校学生该如何写好英文简历呢?下面是我整理的在校学生个人简历英文版范文,以供大家阅读。   在校学生个人简历英文版范文(一)   ANNA KING   Address: 15 Sample Rd   Melbourne VIC 3000   Home phone: (03) 9999 1234   Work phone: (03) 9999 5678   EMPLOYMENT HISTORY   Marketing Manager (Melbourne) 1995-present time   The Wine and Food Emporium   Duties:   Manage a staff of 18 people   Liaise with advertising agencies (above and below the line) and brief in all campaigns   Responsible for $15 million dollar advertising budget and $80 million turnover   Launched two new brands onto national market gaining 15 per cent and 22 per cent market share respectively within two years, earning the MIAu2019s 1998 Award for Best New Product.   Generated over $200,000 of free trade-journal publicity   Marketing Research Manager 1990-1996   Di Pastio Pasta Products (Queensland)   Duties:   Merchandise products in supermarkets u2013 78 stores   Build in-store promotional displays (12 product lines)   Liaise with store managers and advise on re-ordering quantities (increased average store buy by 28 per cent in six months)   Maximise shelf display coverage and facings   Managed and co-ordinated 28 sales promotional events per year.   EDUCATION   University of Queensland, Bachelor of Business (Marketing) 1996   Seacliff TAFE, Associate Diploma in Marketing 1986   COMPUTERS   Platforms: Apple, IBM   Software: Windows 95, Word 6, Excel, PowerPoint, PageMaker, Internet-trained   Typing: 65 WPM   TRAINING   Train the Trainer Accreditation   SPECIAL SKILLS   Co-author of seven articles for “Marketing Management” magazine   Key note speaker at the International MIA Annual Conference attended by 2,500 industry professionals   Board Member for “Life Skills For Youth” organisation and head of Mentoring Programme.   French (fluent in speech and written)   REFERENCES   Available on request.   在校学生个人简历英文版范文(二)   Name:xuexila   Gender:Female   Age:21Politica   affiliation   Mandarin Level:A class BComputer level:The national level   English level:CET-4Grade point average:3.80   Professional qualifications:Undergraduate physicsEmployment directionHigh school physics teachers   Phone number: Email:jianli.yjbys.com   Normal skill   Good eloquence   Skilled computer technology   Excellent organization skill   Students work   As a monitor for a year   The Secretary of the student union   The school group work cadre   Social practice experience   Entry of 2014 Dongguan spark education institutions do part-time teacher of Physics   2014 to participate in the South China Normal University model class competition finals probation   In 2014 the province to participate in physics experiment competition   2013 to participate in the Guangdong Province Gaozhou City Committee of the first "into the" big consulting activities volunteer 12 hours   2012 Summer in the city of Zhongshan to participate in the "four enters the community" research activities, in-depth investigation of children of migrant workers to receive education, to the local government to the reasonable suggestions   In 2012 South China Normal University courseware competition finals probation   Once many times to the provincial key middle school of Maoming No.1 middle school educational probation   Has participated in numerous tutoring classes and various part-time practice, a certain social experience   Strong style   In 2012, Guangdong Province was selected for the National Defense Students Games opening ceremony large-scale group gymnastics "fire of youth" show, the program won the military leadership appreciation   In 2013 won the school Games men"s 200 meters race fifth   In 2013 the school Games men"s 400 meters race team tournament for the first   Hobby character   Love to the library reading history   Loving concern current events   Like singing, chess,exercise   在校学生个人简历英文版范文(三)   RESUME   Kelly Wang   Sex: Female Born: Oct.18, 1982   English:TEM8 Computer: Level-3   Nantong University Major: English   Mob: 013055686022 Graduated: July, 2004   kellylighting@sohu.com Excellent Health   EDUCATION   2000.9----2004.7 English Major in Nantong University   Vice president of Student union ,   Vice president of Singing Association of Foreign Language Department   LANGUAGE LEVEL   Good command of English, effective written and oral communication   AWARD   TEM 8----Band 8 certificate,   BEC vantage -----Business English of Cambridge   Award in the oral English competition in Nantong University.   COMPUTER LEVEL   Proficient in the operation of Excel, Word and such kind of office software effectively   WORKING EXPERIENCE   Sept 2003—Feb, 2004 Jiangsu Provincial Publishing House   Job title: Interpreter ( part time Job)   Mar 2004—Oct, 2005 ZheJiang Yongkang Vehicle CO.,LTD   Job title: Senior Merchandiser   Responsible for exploring export market, handling the whole project of exporting mini motorcycles, Establishing good business relationship with my foreign customers by e-business, Canton Fair and other channels   Handle shipping documents and tax refund of all orders in export department   Contracted with 2 new clients successfully after Canton Fair in October   SKILL OF WORK   Handling export order with profit and long-term development orientation   Specific goal to sign the contract in my mind by flexible method   Can master knowledge necessary for the position in the shortest time   1.5 yearsu2019 experience to do business with many kinds of people, communicate with foreign clients directly   Handling complicated relationship during business with market orientation   Fluent spoken and written English   No fear of difficulties and painstaking   Glad to travel frequently according to requirement   Glad to commit myself to a full-time team player   Enthusiasm, good communication skill   Skilled in arranging export order with excellent sense of project management   Accuracy in handling details, organized work-habits   Energetic in studying and working, and strong sense of responsibility   Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.


  写好一份英文简历是制造业个人求职者的一个必要的基本技能。下面是我带来的关于的内容,欢迎阅读!   一   basic cv   name: xxx nationality: china   current location: guangzhou national: han   exit and entry: hunan tall: 175 cm ? kg   marital status: married age: 40 years old   training certification: integrity badge:   job search intention and work experience   personnel types: ordinary job ?   position: director / deputy director: production deputy director, director of the industrial / factory production manager   work experience: 18 title: no title   job type: full-time can be reported for duty - a week   monthly requirements: 5000 - 8000 hope that the working area: guangzhou, foshan   personal experience: pany name: foshan luen fat metal can co., ltd. beginning and ending date :2007-05 ~ 2008-05   pany nature: in their respective professions:   positions: deputy general manager   job description: responsible for personnel administration / production / technical / quality / material control / procurement / warehouse / equipment, such as the work of the department.   reasons for leaving:   pany name: guangzhou city han machinery co., ltd. of beginning and ending date :2003-04 ~ 2006-04   pany nature: private enterprises in their respective professions: machinery and equipment   positions: deputy general manager   工作描述: 负责人事行政/生产/技术/品质/物控/采购/仓库/装置等部门的工作。   causes of separation: the home of something   educational background   graduate institutions: the army, after extensive technical   highest level of education: college graduates - 1989-07-01   studies by a: machinery manufacturing science by two:   by education and training experience: the termination of the start date school years institutions to obtain a certificate of professional certificate number   1986-09 1989-07 after the army institute of technology-canton maschinenfabrik tertiary 8,900,237   language ability   foreign language: russian general   mandarin level: the level of good cantonese: general   the ability to work and other expertise   1. familiar with the mechanical hardware and sheet metal processing technology and technical   2. familiar with electronics factory operation and management of the workshop.   3. familiar with the workshop, departments and panies of various procedures for the operation and management of   4. familiar with the qc methods and quality control of the seven   5. familiar with the internal audit and management review, and have been personally leading and planning the work of internal audit and management review   6. familiar with the quality management system and operation of the factory 6s   7. good personnel management, the promotion of human + of + the institutionalization of the principle of three-pronged program.   8, are familiar with press work and arrangements for processing.   9, familiar with the fuel injection, spraying operation and management of the program.   10, familiar with the heat treatment process and technology.   detailed personal autobiography   position: deputy general manager, director, production director, production manager   二   BACKGROUND SUMMARY   Extensive and diversified supervisory experience in puter,office furniture,and boat manufacturing operations.Particularly effective in increasing productivity and capavcity.Demonstrated ability to learn new skills quickly.Able to supervise new departments without prior experience and meet production goals.Successfuily motivate employees.Excellent interpersonal skills.Gained reputation for honesty and placed in a position of trust.   SUMMARY OF ACPLISHMENTS   Supervised the start-up of second shift shipping department.Trained new employees,reached full capacity while maintaining quality and production goals.   Instructed Quality Development courses.   Participated in upgrading assembly systems at Lennon and Epstein Systems.   Consistently met and/or surpassed production goals.Supervised same day shipping of orders.   Participated with Lennon management team in the move of logistics,service operations from St.Paui to Winona facility.Received cash achievement award for this project.   Operated puterized warehouse management,inventory control and order processing systems.   Researched requirements and supervised the development of a high-tech paint laboratory including procurement and staffing.   Planned,arranged and supervised rework groups which traveled to on-site locations to perform. engineering repairs and other problem-solving activities.   Supervised development of new preassembled ponents of cabin cruisers at Howell Boat pany.   Consistently built and maintained strong relationships with vendors and customers through close and effective munication.   Supervised,scheduled and coordinated production of four departments in a metal fabrication operation.   Notice:   Since candidate has held six jobs as production supervisor,he/she chooses not to repeat same job description six times.   Instead,candidate summarizes work history under"Summary of Acplishments".   三   name: mr. chen   sex: male   date of birth: february 1982   marital status: unmarried   account: henan   national: han   political landscape: members   graduate institutions: henan industrial vocational and technical college   graduation time: july 2003   specialties: mechanical design and manufacturing   language: english pets-3   puter level: skilled   work experience: 5 years   contact: phone: 130222xxxxx   job intentions   work type: all   nature of units: open   expectations of the industry: machine building, electrical and mechanical equipment, heavy   expectations of job: mechanical engineer, mechanical designer   working location: hangzhou   expectations of a monthly salary: open / negotiable   education   industrial occupational 2000/09—2003/07 henan institute of technology and automation machinery design and manufacture of post-secondary   the main design and manufacture of mechanical learning, tolerance, machining equipment, machinery and fixtures, die design and manufacturing, plastic mold design, plc, mcu, hydraulic and pneumatic technology, mechanical processing equipment and automation.   work experience   2006/03- present: sub-asahi electronic technology co., ltd.   industry: electronics / semiconductor manufacturing pany size: more than 5000   equipment r &; d division r &; d institutions in charge of the following engineers   job description and performance: 1. pcb bare board is responsible for labeling equipment, automation, motorola pocket pc button automatic testing machine, optical inspection devices and automated test equipment ict, ate flying probe test. 2. designers work allocation and performance evaluation.   2003/10-2006/03: cleaning apparatus somun suzhou co., ltd.   industry: mechanical / electrical pany size :500-999   technology development r &; d engineers in charge of the following institutions   job description and performance: is mainly responsible for the use of pro / e for the u.s. electrolux,泰怡凯, south korea lg vacuum cleaner in appearance and structure of r &; d, mold cleaners to follow up and automated test equipment related to the design, development validation, sop, sip""""s making bom list and development, product packaging design.   self-evaluation   i am in the home appliances and electrical products, such as design work for many years, familiar with the structural design of plastic parts and mold structure and the design of non-standard equipment has accumulated certain experience, be familiar with pneumatic, hydraulic original selection, servo and selection of the stepper motor, vibration plate with the design of sub-bit disk use, tran *** ission design, robot design.


自1989年起,一直从事力学教学和科学/教学研究工作,主讲高职、本科及研究生课程10多门。科学研究方面,提出了热流固耦合物质面理论,建立了处理热渗流、瞬态热载荷等系列问题的物质面基本模型,系统研究了热粘弹性波在流固耦合情况下的传播规律。在各种学术期刊/杂志上发表论文(第1作者)计70余篇,有12篇发表在国际性会议/刊物上,其它在力学/工程类核心期刊上发表,在国际学术会议(如著名的The 4th International Conference On Nonlinear Mechanics(ICNM-Ⅳ)and IUTAM-Symposium on Duality-Complementarity-Symmetry in Nonlinear Mechanics(SDCS))上做过多次论文宣读并进行过重点学术报告,宣读论文/大会报告12篇,在2004年9月5-10日在北京饭店召开的The Six World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM Ⅵ) in Conjunction with Second Asian-Pacific Congress for Computational Mechanics (APCOM 04)做了20分钟的分会报告,在教育部高等学校非力学专业力学基础课程教学指导委员会主办的2004年徐芝纶杯全国基础力学青年教师讲课比赛中获3等奖。讲课的全程录像、教案、个人介绍、照片由秦皇岛电视台、燕山大学电视台制作。任International Symposium on Modern Applied Technology and Management Science, 2005,学术秘书,Proceedings of International Symposium on Modern Applied Technology and Management Science学术委员、组委会成员、编委,《北方工业大学土木工程文库》编委。学术经历辞条入选多种出版物,其中有:大型系列丛书《中国·人才库》教育分卷《中国教育专家与教育人才》(第一卷P945)、《大型国际交流系列丛书·教育篇》、《全球华人专家名人远程交流协作网》、《中国人才世纪献辞》(第二卷)、《当代中国人才库》(第三卷,ISBN7-228-06128-4/K·881,同时当选100位《跨世纪优秀人才》之一)、《世界优秀华人教育专家名典》(网络版)(世华网·中国教育家网站)、《世界华人精英大典》、《中外名人辞典》(跨世纪卷)、《21世纪中华新人才大典》、《二十一世纪人才库》、《中国当代教育风采》、《中国当代创业英才》(第三卷)、《20世纪中华人物志》(P101,ISBN962-475-585-X,第一卷,香港银河出版社,THE MILKY WAY PUBLISHING CO.)等中,《入选:世界华人名人网》世界华人名人大辞典。


黄波 博士,副教授,1980年5月出生,湖南醴陵人。2006年7月南京理工大学计算机应用专业博士毕业(直博),此后留校任教至今;2010年进入南京理工大学模式识别与智能系统重点实验室开展博士后研究;2011年度入选南京理工大学的“紫金之星”培养计划;2013年度赴美国密苏里大学堪萨斯城(UMKC)访问交流;2014-2015年度赴美国新泽西理工学院(NJIT)访学。现为IEEE Senior Member,中国计算机学会高级会员。IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Information Sciences, Enterprise Information Systems, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, IET Control Theory & Applications等国际学术期刊的同行评审人,以及《自动化学报》、《控制理论与应用》等国内顶级期刊的审稿人。国家自然科学基金委员会自动化、计算机、制造学科通讯评议人。目前主要研究方向有离散事件系统控制、Petri网理论、先进机器人学与控制、自动化生产系统控制与优化方法。现主持国家自然科学基金项目,南京理工大学紫金之星计划项目等项目,主持完成教育部重点实验室开放基金,国家、省博士后基金、教育部博士点基金等项目,参与完成装备部重点预研项目、江苏省科技支撑项目等多个课题。在Automatica, IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics: Systems , Computers and Industrial Engineering, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., J. Control Theory Appl., Int. J. Prod. Res., 通信学报等学术期刊和国际会议上发表相关论文40余篇;申请发明专利2项。

钟汉良个人资料简历 钟汉良简介

钟汉良个人资料简历 钟汉良,男,歌手/演员,地区:中国,身高:183,体重:72KG,生日:1974-11-30,星座:射手座,血型:A型 钟汉良简介 钟汉良简介:1993年于无线电视台出道,1995年以第一张专辑《OREA》一炮而红,有歌坛“小太阳”之称,音乐以舞曲为主。先后发行过《OREA》《在你身边》《视觉动物》等十余张专辑;1999年,钟汉良开始将工作重心转向内地,以影视剧表演为主,拍摄了《上海王》《内线》《火线追凶》《来不及说我爱你》等剧。2012年凭《一触即发》《天涯明月刀》获得中国电视金鹰奖观众喜爱的港澳台演员奖。


中文名:钟汉良外文名:Wallace Chung别名:小太阳、小哇国籍:中华人民共和国民族:汉族星座:射手座血型:A型身高:183cm体重:70kg出生地:香港出生日期:1974年11月30日职业:歌手、演员、舞者经纪公司:银河海润演艺有限公司代表作品:何以笙箫默、天涯明月刀、一触即发、后会无期、十月围城、最美的时光、天龙八部、视觉动物、OREA主要成就:2012金鹰节观众最喜爱港澳台演员,第26届金鹰奖观众喜爱男演员提名,2010、2011中歌榜最佳舞台演绎男歌手奖,第三届乐视影视盛典最佳男演员奖,96、97台湾十大最受欢迎偶像奖籍贯:广东省惠州市惠阳区快速导航参演电视剧参演电影音乐作品相关人物分享演艺经历TVB时期1992年考入香港无线电视舞蹈训练班,并获选担任香港无线电视一线舞蹈艺员。同年被借调到艺员部,担纲演出香港无线电视剧集《少年五虎》,饰演温拿乐队中钟镇涛年轻时期一角。1994年,先后参与了香港无线电视剧集《第三类法庭》《刑事侦缉档案I》等剧集的演出,在《亲恩情未了》中饰演的弱智少年张家强一角中展现出令人印象深刻的表演天赋。主持综艺节目《K-100》。台湾“艺能动音”时期1995年,被台湾音乐人邰正宵发掘,与艺能动音唱片(后被BMG唱片收购)及台湾爱与诚创意制作签约,并于同年7月在台湾推出首张国语专辑《OREA》,以《OREA》、《是爱还是伤害》等主打歌进电视剧剧照1993-2000图册 23张入台湾歌坛;12月,推出第二张国语专辑《在你身边》,并以“小太阳”封号成为台湾新生代香港男歌手。在台湾成立亚洲歌迷会“小太阳能源俱乐部”,歌迷超过3000人。1996年6月,推出第三张国语专辑《奇迹》,随专辑附赠限量纪念金币;7月,于台湾拍摄第一部电影《超级班长》,担任男主角并演唱主题曲《爱不释手》及插曲《奇迹》,该片为1996年台湾暑期最卖座电影;10月,推出首张粤语专辑《一千种不放心》(又名《礼物》),以《一千种不放心》、《礼物》等主打歌成功进入香港歌坛。


钟汉良,1974年11月30日出生于中国香港,影视演员、歌手、舞者。1993年于香港无线电视台出道,1995年发行首张专辑《OREA》,连续两年获得“台湾十大最受欢迎偶像”奖,并成立“花花草草音乐工作室”。2011、2012年两度获得“中国歌曲排行榜年度最佳舞台演绎男歌手奖”。2011年举办“S-party”个人演唱会。1999年将工作重心转向影视剧表演。2012年凭借《一触即发》获得第26届中国电视金鹰奖“观众喜爱男演员”提名,是金鹰历史上第一个入围该奖项的港澳台演员,并获得2012年金鹰电视艺术节“观众最喜爱的港澳台演员奖”;2014年凭借《天涯明月刀》再次入围该奖项。2015年7月16日开始,每周四晚9点将播出由钟汉良参与的东方卫视与爱奇艺联合打造的《我去上学啦》综艺节目。中文名钟汉良外文名Wallace Chung别 名小太阳、小哇国 籍中华人民共和国民 族汉族星 座射手座血 型A型身 高183cm体 重70kg出生地香港出生日期1974年11月30日职 业歌手、演员、舞者经纪公司银河海润演艺有限公司代表作品何以笙箫默、天涯明月刀、一触即发、后会无期、十月围城、最美的时光、天龙八部、视觉动物、OREA主要成就2012金鹰节观众最喜爱港澳台演员 第26届金鹰奖观众喜爱男演员提名 2010、2011中歌榜最佳舞台演绎男歌手奖 第三届乐视影视盛典最佳男演员奖 96、97台湾十大最受欢迎偶像奖籍 贯广东省惠州市惠阳




 奥巴马简历  全名:巴拉克·胡赛因·奥巴马(Barack Hussein Obama Jr.)  党派:民主党  公职:联邦参议员(代表伊利诺伊州,2004年当选)  伊利诺伊州州参议员(1997-2004)  奥巴马1961年8月4日生于美国夏威夷州檀香山,是 2008年美国总统选举民主党候选人之一。 根据美国参议院历史办公室的资料显示,巴拉克·奥巴马是历史上第五位非裔美国人参议员,也是当前美国参议院唯一一名非裔参议员。  奥巴马在2007年2月10日在正式宣布参加2008年美国总统大选。10日,在曾是美国前总统亚伯拉罕·林肯的“地盘”的伊利诺伊州首府斯普林菲尔德,奥巴马借用林肯演讲的寓意,正式宣布参选。  “我们能打造一个更有希望的美国,”奥巴马激情洋溢地说,“在林肯呼吁结束分裂、团结一致的老议会前,希望和梦想仍在延续,正因为如此,我今天站在你们面前,宣布竞选美国总统。”他的竞选纲领侧重结束伊拉克战争及实施全民医疗制度。  45岁的奥巴马演说极具魅力,灿烂的笑容更虏获许多民众的心。与过去有意竞选总统的黑人前辈相比,奥巴马是首位在初选前民调获得全国性支持的明日之星,成为2008年民主党总统候选人的热门人选之一的希拉里的劲敌。此外,做为一名非洲裔美国人,他在黑人选民中占有强大优势。  奥巴马曾在不同场合多次表示,若当选总统,将继续奉行“一个中国政策”,和中国建立建设性的关系,以维系长久的和平与繁荣。同时,同其他一些候选人一样,奥巴马认为,中国这个崛起中的大国将在地区和世界事务上发挥越来越大的影响力,而美国目前能作出的回应是不断要求中国“成为一个负责任的大国”。  此外,奥巴马认为,美军目前只有1%的人能讲阿拉伯语、汉语和朝鲜语是一种缺陷,必须通过培训和招募加以改变。他也曾表示,如当选总统将对进口的中国商品采取更严格的检查措施。  附录:奥巴马的编年史  1961年8月4日生于美国夏威夷州檀香山  1983年获哥伦比亚大学文学学士学位;  1991年获哈佛大学法学院法学博士学位;  1992年结婚,育有二女;  1993-2004,Miner Barnhill & Galland律师事务所律师(伊利诺伊州芝加哥);  1996年,首次当选为伊利诺伊州参议员;  2004年在伊利诺伊州首次当选为国会参议员。( 世界各国人民可从奥巴马的参选过程里获得多种启示:一是奥巴马再次验证了一个老掉牙的童话故事,原来不仅青蛙可以变王子,斑马同样可以变王子,所有的动物都有可能变王子 奥巴马虽然出身“平民”,但履历却称得上是“精英”。他曾在哥伦比亚大学和哈佛大学求学,是《哈佛政治评论》史上第一个黑人主编。1996年,他获选成为伊利诺伊州州参议员,从此平步青云。2004年他进入国会,成为目前国会中惟一一位黑人参议员。  奥巴马的出身和家庭背景决定他在外交政策的走向上可能会更为包容。他的混血、他的不白不黑的肤色都使他在小时候极难进入白人或是黑人的小圈子,这会使他养成不少孤独和反叛的性格。对这样一个人,他的外交政策肯定不是单一的、以美国为绝对中心的。   奥巴马作为一个黑人,能取得今天这样的政治成就,首先要归功于美国上世纪60年代以后民权扩展和族裔融合的大潮流。在这种潮流的推动下,种族问题成了美国社会不敢触碰的“禁区”,不但没有人再敢于公开歧视黑人,而且黑人获得了很多的发展机会。奥巴马成为美国首位黑人总统,就真的是创造了美国历史?他的肤色或许是选战的卖点,但决不是选举的焦点。正如一些政治评论家所指出的一样,奥巴马有黑人的皮肤,却拥有一颗白人的心脏。要知道,在整个大选过程中,他一直只提及自己的母系白人家人,对其父系黑人家人却保持距离,甚至在大选中期开始疏远黑人选民,极力摆脱自己的黑人背景。因此,他的当选不能完全解读为新的历史的开始,所谓“美国梦的实现”,最多只具象征意义。 美国人希望改变,希望有人给他们带来希望,而奥巴马则寄托了美国人的梦想与希望。一切似乎正如他的自传《无畏的希望》所兆示,他和他的竞选智囊努力将自己塑造成像罗斯福一样临危不惧的美国总统。罗斯福上任100天内便将“新政”推行得有声有色,给美国历史留下了“黄金百日”的政治遗产。奥巴马真能带领美国走出低谷,恢复美国经济、激励国民信心吗?全世界都在拭目以待


关于中专生个人简历   时光飞逝,时间在慢慢推演,新一轮的招聘又朝我们走来,现在的你想必是在写简历吧。简历怎么写才能具有特色?下面是我帮大家整理的关于中专生个人简历,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。   中专生个人简历1   基本信息   姓名:   性别:男   出生年份:   工作年限:一年以上   毕业院校:河南省信阳市一职高   文化程度:中专   目前薪资:   所在城市:东莞   所学专业:计算机   求职意向   期望岗位:助理、网站管理、技术员、网管   期望地区:东莞   工作经历   工作时间:20xx—08—17至20xx—10—31   公司名称:东莞市寮步伟易达   担任职位:工人   工作描述:   物料员/新产品试验   项目经验   自我评价   在人生的旅程中我不断的在寻求属于自己的目标。我热爱生活,更热爱属于自己的一份工作。在我的人生中我不断的在寻求,在摸索着。虽然现在还是茫然,但是我相信在自信和自己不断的努力下一定会实现我人生最理想的`目标。记得小时候家里人就教导我:世上无难事,只要肯不断的登攀就一定会成功!"我相信这句话,也相信自己一定能行。   英文   Basic Information   Name: Zou Hongwei year of birth: 1987   Gender: male graduate institutions: Xinyang City, Henan Province, a high school   Education: secondary current salary:   City: Dongguan specialties: Computer   Length: more than one year email: ungwzhw@126.com   Contact   Mobile phone: 13427851150 fixed telephone:   Job intention   Expect job: assistant. Web site management. Technicians. Salary expectations of management: 1500   Look forward to: Dongguan   Professional status   Currently: No current:   At present position: industry: computer services (systems, data services, maintenance)   Levels: primary (<3 years) categories of jobs: in other categories   Work experience   The working hours of 2007-08-17 to 2008-10-31   Company Name: Dongguan Liaobu VTech positions as: workers   Job description: material / new product test   Project experience   Self-evaluation   In the journey of life, I have been looking for the own goal. I love life, love for his own job. In my life I have been looking for, trying to feel out of. While it is still at a loss, but I I believe in self-confidence and their continued efforts will be to achieve the best of my life. I remember as a child on the family taught me: there is nothing difficult, just make a continuous climb to success will be! "I believe this statement, and believe Certainly can do it themselves.   中专生个人简历2   个人信息   姓名:   性别:   目前所在:广州   年龄:21   户口所在:广州   国籍:中国   婚姻状况:未婚   民族:汉族   身高:163cm   体重:   求职意向   人才类型:在校学生   应聘职位:银行,人力资源,咨询/顾问   工作年限:0   职称:   求职类型:实习   可到职日期:随时   月薪要求:面议   希望工作地区:广东省,广州,   工作经历   广州市人力资源市场服务中心   起止年月:20xx—08~20xx—09   公司性质:事业单位   所属行业:专业服务(咨询,翻译,猎头)   担任职位:人事助理   工作描述:   1、协助部门主管做好9场大型人才招聘会的相关工作,负责招聘会的布场工作、接待客户进入会场、给客户提供服务、为求职者解答疑问等   2、负责求职者简历的分类整理,协助进行人事资料的录入和归档   3、在各大招聘网站上搜索目标企业,与企业HR进行电话沟通,询问是否有招聘代理业务,并发掘潜在客户达到为中心做业务宣传效果   4、荣获校级“优秀实习生”称号   离职原因:   埃森哲(中国)有限公司   起止年月:20xx—07~20xx—07   公司性质:外商独资   所属行业:专业服务(咨询,翻译,猎头)   担任职位:电话营销   工作描述:   1、通过陌生电话拜访等方式向符合办理中国电信自主融合套餐条件的客户介绍、推广套餐,解答客户关于该套餐方面的各种疑问,促成其办理套餐   2、每日完成100多个电话销售任务,成功率达10%   离职原因:   广东金融学院   起止年月:20xx—10~20xx—11   公司性质:事业单位   所属行业:事业单位/社会团体   担任职位:综合档案室勤工助学   工作描述:   1、协助老师做好学校各类档案的收集、分类、整理、归档和保管工作   2、负责学校各类档案材料的录入工作,协助老师进行日常的管理工作   毕业院校:   最高学历:中专获得学位:   毕业日期:20xx—07   专业一:人力资源管理   专业二:   语言能力   外语:英语优秀   粤语水平:优秀   其它外语能力:   国语水平:精通   工作能力及其他专长   良好的团队协作精神,为人诚恳、积极向上、具有亲和力,较强的独立工作能力。   具有较强的组织、协调、沟通、领导能力及出色的人际交往和社会活动能力。   个人自传   本人性格乐观开朗,为人诚实谦虚。工作认真、踏实、细心,能吃苦耐劳,具备良好的沟通能力,富有团体合作精神,能承受一定的压力。拥有较强的学习能力,能快速适应各种工作环境,独立工作能力强。 ;


Job search intention: Hope that the accounting, financial management, so as to give full play to professional knowledge and skills expertise. Self-evaluation: Working carefully seriously, a strong sense of responsibility, people of integrity, courage to uphold principles; Professional knowledge and skills of expertise: 1. Good at discovering problems, good language skills, strong organizational communication, coordination and leadership; 2. Five years of financial and tax work related to social relations, financial management for more than two years work experience (with the IT industry and listed companies experienced); 3. Have a solid accounting, finance, taxation and management of basic knowledge, familiar with the related financial, taxation, auditing laws and regulations, China has adopted a certified public accountant (CPA) examination for five in the three courses, skilled use of the "Golden Butterfly "0 ffice financial software and office software (particularly good at the use of Excel); 5. Familiar with the financial plan, financial cost analysis, financial budget, tax planning, and other financial management. Work experience: 2005/5- now Beijing New Oriental-Network Technology Co., Ltd. - in charge of financial accounting / finance department The company under the Beijing New Oriental Education Technology Group, under the wholly-owned subsidiary, the Group was 2006.9 on the New York listing in the United States (NYSE: EDU). 1. Skilled form of PBC, US GAAP table, the management company to provide the internal financial management reporting (operating statistics and forecasts of statements); organizations to develop the company annual financial budget plan, coordinate the implementation of the budget sector, the implementation of the budget management system; 2. Coordination company with banking, industry and commerce, taxation and other government departments, safeguarding the interests of the company, the company responsible for the overall planning and revenue management, timely completion of tax returns and annual audit; 3. With financial managers, according to the company"s overall strategic planning, internal control and risk management of the actual situation, improve the internal control system, formulating the relevant internal audit work plan and work flow; external audit institutions with the completion of the trial work to help Finance Manager to develop and standardize financial management system and corporate cost review process, approval by the organization and implementation and supervision and examination of implementation. 2003/11 - 2005 / 4 Lvzhi Xing Beijing New Technology Industry Co., Ltd. accounting cashier / Finance Department The company is specialized in the development of mobile storage products, development, sales of professional-type high-tech enterprises. 1. Under the day-to-day business review the original documents, the preparation of accounting documents, registration books in the company"s financial work plan under the guidance of the mandates, the company responsible for the payment of receivables should be reviewed, collating, statistics and follow-up to prevent stay Account, the incidence of bad debts; 2. According to the calculation of the tax law to declare all taxes, fees; Linggou, certification and issuance of VAT invoices; 3. The company is responsible for internal financial data analysis, internal performance assessment and cost control, preparation of financial statements and provide relevant analysis of the report.



曲婉婷个人资料简历 曲婉婷简介

曲婉婷个人资料简历 曲婉婷,女,歌手,地区:中国,身高:166,体重:45KG,生日:1983-10-10,星座:天秤座,血型:O型 曲婉婷简介 曲婉婷简介:她的英文歌曲《Drenched》成为了彭浩翔导演《春娇与志明》的主题曲,深受港台新加坡马来西亚等地区听众的喜爱。又凭借一首原创歌曲《我的歌声里》,在华语乐坛一炮而红。2012年加盟环球音乐,并于同年4月24日在北美首发个人首张原创专辑《EverythingInTheWorld》。作为首位在国内未发片便先在国外发片的华语原创流行女歌手,是华语乐坛惟一一位同一张唱片跨三家国际公司发行的艺人(加拿大由索尼音乐、美国由华纳音乐、亚洲由环球音乐发行)。




郑秀文 Sammi cheng生日:1972年8月19日出生地点:香港 籍贯:潮洲国籍:中国星座:狮子座 生肖:鼠 身高:168cm 体重:51Kg宗教信仰:基督教 儿时梦想:开幼儿园入行原因:参加了香港第九届新秀歌唱大赛休闲嗜好:旅行、听歌 择偶标准:有才能、坦白 经纪人:郭启华(Wallace)私人助手:Elinor阿nor私人司机:华仔 私人发型师:Billy Choi,Minnie私人造型师:Tomas Chan私人化妆师:Zing 郑秀文於16岁那年叁加了香港「第七届新秀歌唱大赛」,凭叁赛歌曲「乾一杯」夺得了铜奖。郑秀文的演艺潜质备受赞许,随即获机会叁与多个音乐节目、电视剧电影的演出,并担纲重要角色,全面发挥她的演艺天份。郑秀文拥有可塑性极高的外表,优秀的演艺才华,在过往郑秀文推出的每一张唱片中,郑秀文均以崭新鲜明的的型像出现,赢得了唱片业内人士与大众的注意与赞赏。郑秀文拥有敏锐的潮流触角,加上她个人勇於尝试的性格,使她入选为香港十大杰出衣着人士,她的服饰打扮充满个人魅力,使她成为了万千年轻人模仿的对象。凭着努力不懈的信念,日趋成熟的歌唱技巧郑秀文获得了广大歌迷的支持与爱戴,成功地在流行乐坛建立了巩固的地位。首张国语大碟「值得」成功的打入台湾市场,缔造了60万的唱片销售量,稳踞了台湾IFPI销售榜冠军五周之久。 而同年11月郑秀文在香港红湛体育馆举办首度个唱「郑秀文 X空间演唱会」也惊艳港台、场场爆满1988年,参加了香港第九届新秀歌唱大赛,凭叶倩文的《干一杯》夺得季军(1.该赛事常在每年7、8月举行,sammi的生日是72年8月19日,故参赛时可能还不到16岁或刚过16岁生日;2.那一届的冠军好像是谭耀文;3.sammi本来是陪朋友去的,她其实是想看看这种比赛到底有没有电视台黑幕),遂与香港华星唱片签约,待2年后完成学业,1990年,推出首张粤语专辑《sammi》,在乐坛展露头脚,后又接连推出数张粤语专辑。Sammi在乐坛的头三年中,都是唱情歌,在公司的打造下走清纯玉女的路线,因此并没有一炮而红。1993年,是sammi事业上第一个转折和突破,sammi向公司提出尝试唱快歌,于是有了sammi第一首边唱边跳的快歌《chotto等等》,使她引起了广泛的关注,后来又推出了《热爱岛》、《叮当》等一系列快歌,同年还与许志安合唱了至今都是粤语歌坛经典对唱情歌的《其实你心里没有我》,包揽多项对唱大奖,故次年又顺势推出合唱曲《非一般爱火》,同样广受欢迎,93年是sammi蹿红的一年,她开始受到全港的注目和喜爱,也是在这一年,sammi开了她个人第一次小型演唱会。1994年,sammi因合约问题被公司雪藏了9个月,使sammi曾一度有些失落和迷茫,这时,著名的经理人李进(就是他一手把黎明捧为四大天王之一)找到sammi,给了sammi不少鼓励和建议,后来sammi便与他签约,请李进作了她的经理人。1995年,李进取代黄柏高(注意这个人,他后面还会出现噢!)成为香港华纳唱片的总经理,sammi也跟随他加入了华纳,从此开始了她事业上的第一个颠峰。Sammi加入Warner的第一张专辑是《舍不得你》,其中多首歌曲广受欢迎,同名主打《舍不得你》更是红透全港,勇夺多个奖项,sammi借此人气急升,成为香港天后,众多fans也从这时起深深爱上了sammi,1996年sammi顺势推出《放不低》、《浓情》两张专辑,继续大热,其中《放不低》、《不拖不欠》、《默契》等歌可谓sammi的首本名曲,这年真是sammi事业上的黄金之年,sammi于年中进军台湾市场,推出了第一张国语专辑《值得》,创下70万张的销售佳绩,至今仍是其他香港歌手难以超越的数字,sammi这年还拍摄了《百分百感觉》、《百分百&feel》两部电影,受到年轻人的欢迎,均创下很好的票房,同年,sammi还代言了松下CD机。年底,sammi在红馆开了她第一次个人演唱会-"X空间演唱会sammi X Live",一连8场,场场爆满,更被评为全年最好看concert。96年,sammi巩固了她的天后地位,风头无人能及。 1997年,4月,郑秀文在度在台湾发行第二张国语专辑「为你等」,一向造型前卫的天后又带来最新的「爆擦妆」,在台湾掀起了一股模仿的热潮。而主打歌曲「痴痴为你等」、「承诺」等再度成为传唱度极高的流行歌曲,销量上更是惊人。粤语专辑《我们的主题曲》和《生活语言》,其中《亲密关系》等歌曲广为传唱,至今令人难忘;拍摄电影《爱你爱到杀你》(与黎明)、《行运一条龙》(与周星驰),在红馆开了第二次个人唱"sammi star show 97",一连16场(16哦!没有几个人能开这么多场)。97年sammi继续大热,天后地已不可动摇,创造了事业上的一个高峰。 1998年,sammi事业遇到了一个小小低潮。这年夏天,sammi经理李进突然辞去华纳唱片(香港)总经理一职,sammi面临两难的决择,是跟李进一起离开,还是自己留下,最后sammi选择了后者。这年sammi只推出了一张粤专辑《feel so good》(当然还有精选辑和混音专辑等),不过saimm的事业发展依旧精彩,她开了她的第一次世界巡回演唱会,到新加坡、马来西亚、美加、澳大利亚等地演唱,受到当地歌迷狂热欢迎;夏天,sammi代表香港为喜力亚洲音乐节挑大梁,还与世界知名组合all-4-one合唱了一曲《I cross my heart》,进一步拓展了事业版图。影视方面,sammi与古天乐、宣萱合演了TVB港剧《宠物情缘》。1999年,年初,华纳唱片在HK召开隆重盛大的记者招待会,宣布与sammi续约(据说sammi的续约金高达3500万港币之多,而且只签约了2年),承诺将sammi的事业推上另一个高峰,同时推出了sammi的新粤语专辑《听闻》,剧集《宠》开播。春天sammi再度出击国语市场推出语专辑《我应该得到》,又创销量佳绩。夏天,sammi签约了黄柏高的金牌经理人公司,准备进军影坛。秋天,sammi推出粤语专辑《很爱很爱郑秀文》,并在红馆开了第三次个唱"sammi I cencert 99",一连8场,而且是开4面台(开4面台很伟大呢!)。7月31日,sammi在广州开了内地第一次个唱。②6与刘德华合作广播剧《孤男寡女》,大受欢迎,此剧还出了一本书,后改拍成电影。2000年,春,郑秀文发行第四张国语专辑《去爱吧》,被台湾唱片业界评为「2000年度十大华语唱片」,值得一提的是,郑秀文不但在歌坛依然强势,而且她还开拓了个人的演艺事业夏天,由郑秀文主演的两部电影《孤男寡女》《夏日的么么茶》分别占据当年香港年度电影票房排行榜的第一位和第四位,从此奠定了香港一代票房天后的地位,同时也为郑秀文赢得了香港电影金像奖,台湾电影金马奖及亚太影展三项影后的提名。8月和12月底,sammi分别推出两张粤语专辑《ladies first》和《love is…》,其中《感情线上》借电影大热,《煞科》(及国语版《眉飞色舞》)、《独家试唱》两首快歌更红遍大小PUB,唱到街知卷闻。12月sammi首次到台湾开唱,在台中、台北分别开了一场眉飞色舞演唱会,在台掀起热潮。同年,sammi还接拍了"蒙娜丽莎婚纱"、"SK2"洁面棉"和"统一his & hev咖啡"等广告,可谓大丰收的一年。 2001年,郑秀文的演艺事业更上一层楼。唱歌方面,年初郑秀文即以上亿台币的天价与华纳音乐续约,并发行第五张国语专辑《完整》,再次成为台湾地区和新马地区销量最高的香港歌手。同年郑秀文在香港歌坛的成就也达到了顶峰。她是年度最受欢迎女歌手,也是全年最高唱片销量歌手大奖的唯一得主。她在香港红馆举办的一连12场的个唱「2001 Shocking Colors演唱会」不仅造型惊艳,演出精彩,而且场场爆满,更是被主办方誉为香港近几年来最赚钱的演唱会。电影方面,由郑秀文主演的三部电影《瘦身男女》《钟无艳》《同居密友》分别位列香港年度电影票房排行榜的第二位,第四位和第八位。 郑秀文再次强势蝉联香港票房天后的宝座,并从此晋身香港电影片酬最高女星的行列。更让人惊艳的是,这三部电影还同时入围了当年香港电影金像奖最佳女主角奖,缔造了纪录。另外《钟无艳》一片也为郑秀文赢得了2001年度香港电影评论学会最佳女演员大奖。 Sammi的情歌在台湾一向脍炙人口,看过电影〈孤男寡女〉的观众也深深的为郑秀文追求爱情的执着所感动,私底下的Sammi对于感情的细腻是大家所想象不到的,她也从来很少去谈论到这样的话题,在01年国语专辑《完整》中,郑秀文藉由量身打造得情歌,唱出了自己内心对于情感的每一份悸动与感触,用赤裸裸的Vocal唱出内心的世界,相信在《完整》中,大家会更贴近郑秀文。2005年,郑秀文因为哮喘病和感情的问题,自电影《长恨歌》之后,就再也没有正式出演任何角色,同时也和唱片,舞台绝缘。2006年,大笑姑婆杨千华后来居上,威胁到郑秀文的“一姐”地位。2007年,春郑秀文终于高调宣布提出,5月18日至25日一连举行8场演唱会,这是她3年来的首次个唱,当然备受关注,人气大幅反弹。 12月开始与陈奕迅拍摄电影《查之女》 。12月9日受洗正式成为基督教徒。



英语简历优势描述中,executive capacity指的是_____。



英文版个人简历5篇   时间流逝得如此之快,我们又将面临求职找工作的挑战,该为自己写一份简历了哦。相信许多人会觉得简历很难写吧,以下是我为大家整理的英文版个人简历,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英文版个人简历1   Annie Smith   69 N. Grant Street, Mid Lake City, California 84301   Cell :( 988) 598-1331   Email:XX   Career Objectives:To gain the position of a Customer Service Billing Administrator where my skills and experience will contribute towards the growth of the organization.   Core Competencies:   Good knowledge of mathematics that can handle complex billing tasks   Excellent analytical and problem solving skills   Proficient in computer applications like Excel, Word and Outlook   Excellent interpersonal and communication skills   Ability to handle multiple tasks and meet deadlines   Proficient in handling tasks independently as well as a part of the billing team   Ability to handle sensitive and private information in a professional manner   Educational Qualifications:   Bachelor"s degree in Mathematics from University of California in the year 20xx   Work History:   Organization: CF Engineering Groups, California   Duration: March 20xx till date   Designation: Customer Service Billing Administrator   Responsible for processing the organization billing through a weekly cycle in the Deltek FMS database   Handles the tasks of supervising and monitoring every stage of processing invoice   Performs responsibility like issuing various reports and other administrative tasks like filing and copying and updates the same to the billing manager   Produces invoices as well as distributes and mails the invoices to the concerned person   Handles tasks like Issuing and Processing Billing Reports   Responsible for Data Entry of time sheets, and expenses on a daily basis   Assist department in handling day-to-day functions on areas of billing   Organization: NKOI Group Co Inc, California   Duration: January 20xx to February 20xx   Designation: Billing Administrator   Perform tasks like maintaining records for management reports and inventories of supplies required   Handles the charge of making proper calculations of the charges for jobs performed as well as maintains some billing logs   Reviews the invoices for general cost charging errors   Coordinates as well as responds to all service calls required by customer   Performs filing duties in accordance with the specific request   Responsible for handling day-to-day clerical duties like typing, filing and handling mails   Personal Details:   Name: Annie Smith   Date of Birth: 15/03/1978   Employment Status: Full time   Relationship status: Married   Reference:   Mr. Charlie Smith   Customer Service Billing Head   Lopez Associates Co Inc, California   Cell: 123-589-3655   Email: www.XX 英文版个人简历2   Name:Tom   Female, 22,   Education: college   Working lives: fresh graduates   Expected salary: 5000-8000 yuan   Working location: guangzhou - tianhe   Objective: nurse/nursing staff   Work experience (work for 11 months, do 2 job)   Keep on brain hospital   Working hours: between January 20xx and July 20xx [6 months]   Job title: nurse baiyun mountain   Working time: July ** to December ** 5 months   Job title: nurse   Education experience   Graduated in June 20xx Meizhou city health nursing vocational and technical school 英文版个人简历3   Franklin Crowe   124 Franklin Street,   Melbourne, VIC 20xx   Australia   Telephone No: 61-3-9329-3476   Email id:   Career Objective   To achieve a senior, development-oriented position which requires professional know-how, educational background, technical knowledge, and a dedication for excellence will have valuable implementation.   Academic Background   Achieved Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting and Finance from the Hampbell College of Business, Melbourne, Australia in the year 1994.   Computer Programming Skills   Knowing Office Package: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Outlook Express.   Knowing Operating Systems: Windows9X, Windows20xx, Windows ME, Windows XP and Windows Vista.   Professional Background   Since 20xx working as a Tax Inspector in the Higher Tax Office of the Internal Revenue Commission, Sydney, Australia and is responsibly handling the following:   Analyzing both individual and company tax files for comprehensiveness and exactness.   Consulting tax claims and settlements in resolving differences or conflicts and resolving inequities arising from wrong information, absence of information at time of initial recording.   Responding to inquiries on matters related to tax as to policies and measures.   Determining penalties as bound by law and route claims for collection procedure.   Examining company payment records for exactness.   Executing collections with the help of direct payment to the Collector General"s Office.   Organizing, instructing, scheduling, and monitoring 25 employees.   Assorting monthly statistical data base for permanent report and data for national reports.   Monitoring performance of subordinates and offer selections of traders and vendors.   From 1995-20xx worked as a Director in The Revenue Commission Social Club, Canberra, Australia, and efficiently handled the following responsibilities:   Organized in general operations and functioning of the Club representing employees and staffs of the revenue commissioners.   Retained facility of four bars, large function rooms, multi-gym, saunas, indoor basketball arena, and additional space areas.   Recruited and terminated, organized, instructed, and motivated employees.   Monitored office administration, accounting and member details.   Maintained for time to time equipment substitution, control and bid-purchases. 英文版个人简历4   Andre Norbert   City, State   24th ABC, Boulevard Home: 10021-002365-54897   Cell: 1250-12548-98751   E-mail:   Career Profile:   A highly talented, accomplished and professional SAP B1 Consultant with proven track record of developing quality software products. Seeking a position as Senior B1 consultant to utilize my skills and proficiency in a renowned IT firm.   Areas of Interest :   Possess excellent knowledge of OOPs and SDLC   Highly motivated, self-driven and excellent team player   Ability to comprehend and modify the configuration of software applications and web services   Familiar with coding and software engineering life cycles   Possess voluminous knowledge of database and pays attention to details   Possess extensive knowledge of core CRM business processes   Highly skilled in SAP Business One Module and designing Print Layout   Goal oriented and ability to perform tasks under pressure   Technical skills:   In-depth knowledge of Windows 20xx, XP, SQL server, Vista, IIS and .NET infrastructure and technologies   Knowledge of Languages like SQL, HTML ,C# ,Visual Basic .Net , .NET Framework, complex XML Schema and Java script   Extensive knowledge of SQL Server 20xx, SQL scripting, SQL Batch Jobs, SQL DTS Packages and SQL back-end   Professional Experience:   ABC Global software solutions, Boulevard   20xx to till date   SAP B1 Consultant   Handled the tasks of installing and configuring business applications   Responsible for developing menus and screens by using the method of dialog programming   Developed and designed process to integrate Business One with 3-party applications   Assigned the tasks of developing project plans and schedules   Handled the tasks of supervising and maintaining MS SQL backups and SQL servers   Responsible for recommending and responding to issues and questions regarding software implementation   Assigned the tasks of creating reports by using Queries, User Defined fields ,Formatted searches and User Defined tables   Handled the tasks of conducting training to users on SAP"s functionality   Assisted users regarding screen and menus development to streamline their process flow   TRITECH Software, Boulevard   20xx to 20xx   SAP B1 Consultant   Assigned the tasks of developing forms and structures of Print Layout Designs   Assisted the Project Manager in handling a project with a software company, Evitable Inc., based in Cuba City, Boulevard   Responsible for providing technical support in case of issues related to SAP Business One, software and SQL Server setup   Handled the tasks of working out in ERP designed for mid-sized and small business firms   Performed other tasks as assigned   Educational Qualifications:   Bachelor of science in Computer, Boulevard Science college, Boulevard 19XX   Master"s degree in Information systems, Information Technology Center, Boulevard 19XX   Certificate course in SAP B 1, ABC center, Boulevard 19XX   Reference:   Will be available upon request 英文版个人简历5   1.中式。   如果中英文简历一起递交,建议中文不写政治面貌,因为如果去外企工作,背景中的政治色彩越少越好,起码没必要让老外知道。   性格是一个主观的东西,有经验的招聘人员从来不相信任何人自己写的性格,因为它不是一个硬性的东西,不象学历、技能。有些人如果认为要招聘一个比较活跃一点的,便会在简历中写性格开朗,有的是真相信自己性格开朗,有的.是觉得写上开朗更好,其实没必要。   身高体重,向外资求职时,就不必写了,因为属于特别隐私性的内容,写了显得不了解国外文化。   2.港式。   香港出版的简历书写技巧书籍中都要求写年龄、婚否,报纸的招聘广告中还要求求职者写上工资现状及预期工资,这些都属于隐私问题,美式简历则不要求提供这些信息。   3.美式。   国际大公司中比较流行,一页纸,是我们重点参考的样式。美式简历书写格式也有十几种,有些书籍登载了上百种样本,但我们所介绍的式样是美国大公司中比较流行的,如华尔街的投资银行、大的咨询公司、工业公司、制造业公司、营销业公司等都采用这种式样;同时,我们也参考了三个名牌学校--哈佛商学院、沃顿商学院和哥伦比亚商学院的简历样本,式样大同小异,这里主要以哈佛商学院的为主。 ;
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