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running man里,郑秀妍(Jessica)参加过哪几期?我要全部

截止2021年9月28日,郑秀妍(Jessica)参加的Running Man有以下五期:1. E244 150426 危险的新娘特辑 嘉宾:Jessica(少女时代)2. E252 150621 hiphop特辑 嘉宾:Jessica(少女时代)3. E503 20200517 活动费死守竞赛 嘉宾:Jessica(少女时代)4. E514 20200802 寻找家人竞赛-拦不住的妹妹们 嘉宾:Jessica(少女时代)5. E548 20210328 明星们的签约战争 嘉宾:Jessica(少女时代)








我简短的说 sm称西卡的品牌的钱不肯给公司,还说西卡为了自己的利益不替其他8个人着想,就这样把西卡逼出团


Jessica 杰西卡[女]-[希伯来语]上帝的恩赐 Jessica(希伯来语) 意为:财富。 大部份人认为Jessica这个名字寓意是个甜美,美丽,受欢迎的女孩,有些人认为她是个美丽骄纵的富家女孩;其他的人则认为她是个难以驾驭的女强人。


Jessica 杰西卡(女子名)中文拼写: 杰西卡 名字含义: 上帝的恩宠 名字来源: 希伯来语






jessica参加过的综艺有以下这些:2009年7月,郑秀妍受韩国MC朴明秀邀请出演《无限挑战-奥林匹克歌谣祭特辑》,创作歌曲《冷面》成为各大音乐网站第一名。2010年5月10日,郑秀妍在KBS综艺节目《Happy Birthday》中担任固定来宾。2014年6月3日,郑秀妍与妹妹郑秀晶共同参加《Jessica & Krystal》的真人秀节目。2015年8月28日,在东方卫视《报告!教练》担任嘉宾,大陆综艺首秀。2016年1月29日,参演湖南卫视知名脱口秀节目《天天向上》。2016年3月17日,加盟美容节目《Beauty Bible——2016春夏》,担任主持人。2016年7月15日,参演湖南卫视真人秀节目《全员加速中第二季》。2016年7月30日,参演湖南卫视综艺《快乐大本营》。2017年2月15日,参演YY LIVE 233频道联手韩国iMBC直播综艺《Jessica的私生活》。扩展资料:jessica创作的歌曲有:1、冷面这首歌是在作为韩国一个很红的综艺节目无限挑战中各个成员选择搭档挑战歌曲中郑秀妍和朴明秀合唱的曲目。《冷面》是通过2009年7月11日在MBC“无限挑战歌谣祭特辑”中发表的歌曲。因为其活跃欢快的节拍,有趣的歌词和朗朗上口的旋律,深受歌迷的喜爱。虽然在“无限挑战”中没能得奖,没能抓住放送机会,但他们的演出邀请热了起来。在MBC“音乐中心”的告示板上要求其演出的饭越来越多。这首歌在出来的2,3个星期内,拿下多个网站的第一名。在2009年Melon Music Awards上获Special Album,当年Melon年榜第47位。2、sweet delight数码单曲"Sweet Delight", 2010年在许多韩国音乐网站上公开发行。"Sweet Delight"是首可爱有趣的歌曲,并且是JESSICA的首次SOLO。得到了大众的好评,取得了不错的成绩。参考资料来源:百度百科-Jessica


Jessica 读作 [ˈdʒesikə] - 杰C卡通常如果关系亲近的话,可以直接用昵称来称呼: Jessi - 杰C例如: Hi, Jessi...这个名字的意思是 gods gift gods glory中文翻译为:杰西卡这个名字主要是一个希伯来语起源的多用于女性的名字,意思是“上帝的礼物”。莎士比亚为《威尼斯商人》中一个犹太商人的女儿起的名字。他的名字可能来源于圣经中一个小角色的名字Jescha 。


jessica的品牌是杰西卡,为Toppy国际集团女装品牌之一。jessica杰西卡品牌在行业内具有一定的知名度,且拥有众多对标品牌,如:VICTION维信, nemow拿美女装,缪佳女裤,红黄蓝RYB,Prich女装,简非蓝女装,香纳儿女装,HERBAY黑贝女装。以及Eisenhart爱西娜,D&J韦欣女装,Desigual女装,入世丰针织,颜域女装,瓜子脸,ITIB服饰,涵香服饰,MOKA陌卡女装,素缕女装,太平鸟女装,壹型壹觅女装,始终致力于为用户的美好生活奉献自己的力量。品牌历史:香港杰西卡JESSICA高级时装Toppy集团由方氏家族于1973年在香港创立,最初名为Toppy(香港)有限公司,经营成衣制造,并于1976年在香港推出该公司品牌--Jessica,并以Jessica为名开设首间时装店,由首席行政总裁方方掌管店务。集团拥有Jessica、Episode、JessicaRED和WeekendWorkshop四个品牌,并在世界各地开设400多个销售点,遍布中国大陆、香港、台湾、泰国、澳门、新加坡、马来西亚以及英国。以上内容参考:百度百科-Jessica


Jessica 杰西卡[女]-[希伯来语]上帝的恩赐 Jessica(希伯来语) 意为:财富。 大部份人认为Jessica这个名字寓意是个甜美,美丽,受欢迎的女孩,有些人认为她是个美丽骄纵的富家女孩;其他的人则认为她是个难以驾驭的女强人。




jessica英文名的意思:洁西卡。名字的含义是上帝的恩宠。大部份人认为Jessica是个甜美、美丽、受欢迎的女孩,有些人认为她是个美丽骄纵的富家女孩;其它的人则认为她是个难以驾驭的女强人。 Jessica的含义 杰西卡(女子名) 中文拼写:杰西卡 名字含义:上帝的恩宠 名字来源:希伯来语 jessica例句 James took one look at Jessica and began to laugh. 詹姆斯朝杰西卡看了一眼接着便笑了起来。 "Oh,I left it in Jessica"s car," I realized. 哦,我把它落在杰西卡的车上了。 Jessica: No, you are so wrong. 你大错特错了。 Jessica stole your scooter? 杰西卡偷了你的滑板车? Everyone laughed, including Jessica. 大家都笑了起来,杰西卡也笑了。 Jessica is really starting to like me. jessica真的开始喜欢我了。






杰西卡(人名)1.Jessican.杰西卡(人名)例句:1.Jessica"s grandparents took her out for the day.杰茜卡的祖父母带她出去玩了一天。2.Jessica caught sight of Lois and waved to her.杰茜卡看到了洛伊丝,就冲她挥手致意。3.Jessica scanned the lines, none of which had any punctuation.杰茜卡把这几行飞快地扫了一眼,没有任何一行加了标点。4.Jessica settled into her chair with a small sigh of relief.杰茜卡微微松了口气,坐到了椅子上。5.Jessica dipped into her store of theatrical anecdotes.杰西卡翻阅了自己收集的大量演艺界的趣闻轶事资料。






杰西卡 ,一般为外国女子的名字

jessica怎么读 jessica的意思

1、Jessica的读音:英[u02c8du0292esiku0259],美[u02c8du0292u025bsiku0259]。 2、n.洁西卡;女子名。 3、[例句]Jessica always avoids taking sides when her friends fight.当她的朋友吵架时,洁西卡总是避免偏袒任何一方。


Jessica,读作:英[u02c8du0292esu026aku0259],美[u02c8du0292esiku0259]。Jessica常见英文名音译是杰西卡,杰茜卡。Jessica代表是财富,用作女孩英文名几率大,最早来源于希伯来语、英语,Jessica是个简短的名字,这个名字寓意有趣、善良、好看。英文名整体来说“Jessica”长度为7,柔和、好看,女性运用此英文名起名,可彰显出知难而上,善解人意、合格的性格。英文名为Jessica的名人杰西卡·阿尔芭(Jessica Alba),1981年4月28日出生于美国加利福尼亚州波莫纳市,美国影视女演员,毕业于加州克莱尔蒙特高中。1993年凭借喜剧电影《疯狂夏令营》进入演艺圈。凭借电视剧《末世黑天使》一举成名,获得了第58届美国电影电视金球奖剧情类剧集最佳女主角提名。2005年4月1日主演《神奇四侠》。2006年获得第15届MTV电影奖最性感表演奖等。2008年2月1日凭借电影《美版见鬼》获得了第10届青少年选择奖最佳恐怖/悬疑电影女演员奖。


Jessica Jessica[简明英汉词典] [desik] n. 杰西卡(女子名)




it depends..i call one of my friend jas for jasmine and jess for jessica




洋气点就Fiona, 平常点就Jessica,不过貌似两个都很多人用……

求Jessica Mauboy的Never be the Same中文歌词

Let me tell you about a girl that I used to be,告诉你,我一贯以来就是这样的女孩子Same name same face but a different me,一样的名字一样的脸,不一样的我自己She didn"t know what she was thinking,她根本不知道她在想什么Didn"t know her world was sinking,也不知道自己的世界正在沦陷Had her dreams written on a paper in her hand,她有她的梦想,她把它写在纸上,拿在手里Held on tight but she didn"t understand,她牢牢抓住它,但却并不理解The love and hurt that she"s replacing,爱和伤痛都已被她放回原处All the past that she"s erasing,她擦去了一切过去的记忆We all get lost sometimes and we forget who we are and we forget who we are有些时候我们都会失去些什么,或者忘了我们是谁,忘了我们是谁(Chorus)(合唱)Somewhere along the way, we"re all running in the crazy race,随着时间的推移,我们就像是在某个地方进行着一场疯狂的赛跑Never thinking about the hearts we break,从未忆及那些被我们伤害到的心灵And as our hope starts fading away things are never gonna be the same,当希望渐渐消失,任何东西都会变得不同Cause when you"re standing there all alone,因为当你独自站在那里Losing everything you"ve ever known,丢失掉那些你甚至尚未知道的东西You"re staring at a different face things are never gonna be the same,如果你看向一个不同的方面,一切都会变得不同(Verse 2)(第2节)I wish that I could share a different point of view,我希望我能够展示不同观点But the words coming out wouldn"t speak the truth,但却满口假话You wouldn"t know what I was really thinking,你无法知道我到底在想什么And I"d return to the girl, who"s sinking,我也变成了那个一直在堕落的女孩Sinking down to the world that waits below,在一个世界里不断下沉,等待风把我托起And I don"t want to be there anymore,我再也不想呆在那里Don"t wanna be there anymore,再也不要了We all get lost sometimes and we forget who we are and we forget who we are(Chorus)Somewhere along the way, we"re all running in the crazy race,Never thinking about the hearts we break,And as our hope starts fading away things are never gonna be the same,Cause when you"re standing there all alone,Losing everything you"ve ever known,You"re staring at a different face things are never gonna be the same,(Verse 3)The more you win, the more you want,欲望永无休止It never ends, it never stops,从不消停Oh it"s never enough,还不满足么Oh, the more you win, the more you want,It never ends, it never stops,Oh it"s never enough,(Chorus)We"re all running in the crazy race,Never thinking about the hearts we break,And as our hope starts fading away things are never gonna be the same,Cause when you"re standing there all alone,Losing everything you"ve ever known,You"re staring at a different face things are never gonna be the same,Things are never gonna be the same,Things are never gonna be the same,When you"re standing there all alone,Losing everything you"ve ever known,You"re staring at a different face things are never gonna be the same,Things are never gonna be the same,Things are never gonna be the same,Never gonna be the same.

少女时代jessica 和她妹妹唱的那首英文歌叫什么名字? 歌词很有趣的那首!

tik tok


Jessica was born in San Francisco, California in the same hospital as her fellow Girls" Generation member Tiffany.While on vacation in South Korea, she and her sister were scouted in a shopping mall by S.M. Entertainment and joined the company in 2000. She spent seven years as a trainee before debuting as part of the Korean girl group Girls" Generation. Jessica attended Korea Kent Foreign School in her teenage years.Her younger sister Krystal is a member of the Korean girl group f(x).Krystal was born as Chrystal Soo Jung in San Francisco, California, where her family from South Korea settled in the 1980s. During a family trip to South Korea in early 2000, at the age of five, she and her older sister Jessica were spotted by talent agency S.M. Entertainment, which earned her a cameo appearance in Shinhwa"s "Wedding March" music video. The agency saw potential in both Krystal and her sister and offered them singing and dancing lessons, opting to professionally train them in a singing career. However, the offer was turned down by her parents, reasoning that Krystal was too young. Therefore, her parents at first only allowed her older sister to join the agency, who debuted as a member of the girl group Girls" Generation. Since then, the Jung sisters have appeared together in many events. In 2002, Krystal began appearing in television commercials. She first appeared in a Lotte commercial with Korean actress Han Ga In.In 2006, her parents finally allowed her to join S.M. Entertainment, and the agency then enrolled her in dance classes, including jazz and ballet. Krystal was trained for 3 years before debuting as a part of f(x) in 2009.In early April, Jessica and her sister Krystal were announced to have their own reality television show.Jessica & Krystal was premiered on June 3 and consisted of ten episodes. The show featured the daily lives of the sisters.During one interview segment, the two sisters addressed their public "cold" image together. Jessica explained "The average person thinks of idols" bright images, but my sister and I tend to not have strong expressions. If I"m not so lively, other people could get in a bad mood or misunderstand. I wish they wouldn"t think me as rough."Jessica & Krystal takes the viewers behind the scenes, to unveil Jung Soo Yeon and Jung Soo Jung"s normal, everyday life as sisters and friends. The use of the pair"s Korean names implies that the viewers will be seeing an up-close and personal side of the two sisters, instead of their stage appearance as Jessica & Krystal. CJ E&MOnStyle"s CP Kim Ji Wook stated, "The one-of-a-kind Jung sisters" real lifestyle will be unveiled. We ask that you show a lot of interest and anticipation for the reveal of the lovely sisters" private stories.Jessica & Krystal, featuring Krystal and her sister, Jessica Jung, premiered on June 3 and consisted of 10 episodes. The show took on a more close-up and personal side of the two sisters, showing their affection towards one another, featuring their daily life activities, as well as never-before-seen footages.During one interview segment, the two sisters addressed their public "cold" image together. Jessica explained "The average person thinks of idols" bright images, but my sister and I tend to not have strong expressions. If I"m not so lively, other people could misunderstand. I wish they wouldn"t think me as rough." and Krystal added "I don"t particularly want to explain. This is us, so what could we do?" They also expressed their sisterly bond, saying "If we didn"t work in the same business, we wouldn"t be this close...we understand each other more than anyone else. If we didn"t have each other, it would have been difficult."

求jessica with love J专辑英文版中歌曲的英文歌词

Fly (English Version) - uc81cuc2dcuce74 (Jessica)/FabolousI won"t lose fabolousSomebody tell "em I won"t loseLow soThe young OGSomebody tell them I won"t loseInvisiblePush through the fogI had to find my way yeahA glow of lightA spark of hopeIf you imagine it you"ll findYou"re reaching for all thingsTo follow your dreamsBut nothing will stand in your wayYou"re not far you are closeSo stand up for yourselfIt"s written in the skyJust spread your wingsReach for your dreamsThere"s no mountain that"s hard to moveTake a chance and tryYou would never knowYou"re a hero you can flyYou can flyYou"re a hero you can flyYou can flyUnthinkableBest is to comeThe light is shining so bright nowNo looking backKeep pressing on hold onCause your wings are made to flyYou"re reaching for all thingsTo follow your dreamsBut nothing will stand in your wayYou"re not far you are closeSo stand up for yourselfIt"s written in the skyJust spread your wingsReach for your dreamsThere"s no mountain that"s hard to moveTake a chance and tryYou would never knowYou"re a hero you can flyYou can flyYou"re a hero you can flyYou can flyI don"t plan on breaking downI don"t plan on falling downI won"t loseI won"t loseOh no no no no noYeah let"s go jessYou should"ve never doubted yourselfMatter of fact you should be proud of yourselfCause you had to find a way go about it yourselfNobody gave you direction had to route it yourselfAnd you never got lost losing"s not an optionNo time for lose no time for failWining like steph curry and them we warriorsHaters wanna see me in a crown victoriaBut I"m in a benz AC on 70Won"t lose my cool gotta move cleverlyCress not checkers playing it with strategyMe and jessica that"s a win automaticallyJust spread your wingsReach for your dreamsThere"s no mountain that"s hard to moveTake a chance and tryYou would never knowYou"re a hero you can flyYou can flyYou"re a hero you can flyYou can flyLove Me the Same (English Version) - uc81cuc2dcuce74 (Jessica)I know you care for meIt"s no question at allThere"s not anything in this world I wantMore than your loveLove can bring up anythingHurricanesI know and I know I knowThat you could love me in that wayWhen gold starts to rustAnd times to get toughThen babyWould you love me the sameIf diamonds were roughAnd cold was the stuffThat made usWould you love me the sameI see you lookingLike you wanna stayWhat are we doingIt"s not the time to playJust reveal itIt"s a solid gameCause I can"t do this foreverTell me honestly tell meWhere you wanna beCause I can"t hideWhat this is to meWhat it means to meCause I can"t hideTell me what you seeWhen gold starts to rustAnd times to get toughThen babyWould you love me the sameIf diamonds were roughAnd cold was the stuffThat made usWould you love me the sameWould you love me the sameWill your love ever changeWhen the light start to dimWill you still hold my handWould you love me the sameWithout time to meant itIf the world fell apartWould I still have your heart babeWhen gold starts to rustAnd times to get toughThen babyWould you love me the sameIf diamonds were roughAnd cold was the stuffThat made usWould you love me the sameBig Mini World (English Version) - uc81cuc2dcuce74 (Jessica)I should talk this wayI should walk that wayI was trying not then fall like mineGuess I can"t stay small when inside four wallsBe a pretty girls for you to pass the timeCause I"m gonna feel aliveI don"t wanna run and hideAnd stay stuck stay stuck in what I"ve always knownCause I know the time is rightIt"s now me who can decideIf enough is enoughI can"t live my life just only for youI don"t wanna live in a mini mini worldI don"t wanna be a doll that you play withI can"t pretend that there"s no big big world thereI don"t wanna live in a mini mini worldI don"t wanna stay inside your illusionI can"t pretend cause there"s a big big world out thereHere I break away start a brand new dayWrite a story that no one but me can writeFeel and try it all make mistakes and fallBe on my own gotta do my best and take this chanceI don"t wanna live in a mini mini worldI don"t wanna be a doll that you play withI can"t pretend that there"s no big big world thereI don"t wanna live in a mini mini worldI don"t wanna stay inside your illusionI can"t pretend cause there"s a big big world out thereI"m putting down my guard now babyCause I wanna show the world I"m hereAnd if you wanna come with meIf you wanna come I"ll be waiting oh whoaI don"t wanna live in a mini mini worldI don"t wanna be a doll that you play withI can"t pretend that there"s no big big world thereI don"t wanna live in a mini mini worldI don"t wanna stay inside your illusionI can"t pretend cause there"s a big big world out thereThere there thereThere"s a big big world out thereThere there thereThere"s a big worldThere"s a big big world out thereFalling Crazy in Love (English Version) - uc81cuc2dcuce74 (Jessica)Every dream that I have is about youI don"t wanna wake upBaby I lean onto you when I have toAnd I can"t get enoughWhen I hear your voiceThat my heart don"t have a choiceBut to give in give y"all I surrenderGive you all of my loveBabe tell me what to doYou have always been in my heartFrom the startYou are the one you are the oneThere are something about the way that you smileSomething about the way you hold meI"m falling babeI"m falling for youFalling crazy in loveSomething about how I feeling insideI can"t forget the day you told meI"m falling babeI"m falling for youFalling crazy in loveFalling crazy in loveYou got the key to my heartBaby use it now before it too lateI can just see you and meWe can do itThere is no reason to waitCause when I hear your voiceThat my heart don"t have a choiceBut to give in give y"all I surrenderGive you all of my loveBabe tell me what to doYou have always be in my heartFrom the startYou are the one you are the oneThere are something about the way that you smileSomething about the way you hold meI"m falling babeI"m falling for youFalling crazy in loveSomething about how I feeling insideI can"t forget the day you told meI"m falling babeI"m falling for youFalling crazy in loveWith every breathI can falling deeperEvery beat of my heartIt feel strongerAnd I never let this feeling goneNow that I found you babyI won"t let goThere are something about the way that you smileSomething about the way you hold meOh babyThere are something about the way that you smileSomething about the way you hold meI"m falling babeI"m falling for youFalling crazy in loveThere are something about the way that you smileSomething about the way you hold meI"m falling babeI"m falling for youFalling crazy in loveSomething about heart feeling insideI can"t forget the day you told meI"m falling babeI"m falling for youFalling crazy in loveFalling crazy in loveGolden Sky (English Version) - uc81cuc2dcuce74 (Jessica)In my darkest times you"re my burning lightYou guide the way like firefliesWhen tears cloud my eyes you hear my criesWave your flags up high like satellitesWhen I was barely holding onAnd I was down you held me upI fought it through the universeTill you break out through the sky like the stars you areToday today todayI"ll be thanking you for being my messiahEvery minute second foreverYou"ll be a part of me till the end of timeYour love is strong it brings me aliveAs we grew in time our hearts became oneYou"ll never know behind my smileI want to tell you you"re my golden skyWhen I was barely holding onAnd I was down you held me upI fought it through the universeTill you break out through the sky like the stars you areToday today todayI"ll be thanking you for being my messiahEvery minute second foreverYou"ll be a part of me till the end of timeToday today todayI"ll be thanking you for being my messiahEvery minute second foreverYou"ll be a part of me till the end of timeIn my golden skyYou"re my shinin" light

请帮忙翻译下 jessicasimpson 的《To Fall in Love Again 》 歌词


求100321dream team2出发梦之队2.e22.jessica孝渊krystal珉豪的中字视频!!,大谢!


jessica simpson - irresistible歌词中文翻译

你知道,我不知道它是什么 但你的一切是那么不可阻挡的。 你试着告诉我,他不是我喜欢的类型 隐藏我内心的感觉 当他让我软弱与渴望 我知道我应该让他等待 让他觉得我喜欢追逐 但我不能停止热情 我知道我的意思是说没有 合唱: 但他无法抗拒 距离越来越近 现在不可避免 我几乎不能呼吸 不仅仅是物质, 更深的精神 他的方法是强大的 我无法抗拒 我几乎不能呼吸 你不觉得我想告诉我的心里有什么权利 我应该说晚安 但我无法阻止我自己 也许我会告诉他,我有同样的感觉 我不想没有游戏玩 因为当我觉得他的手臂缠我 我知道我的意思是说没有(我的意思是说没有) 合唱: 他的不可抗拒的(不可抗拒) 距离越来越近 现在不可避免 我几乎不能呼吸(我几乎不能呼吸) 不仅仅是物质 深于精神(噢) 他的方法是强大的 我无法抗拒 你看 不 每当他靠近我 我实在难以呼吸 他是如此不可阻挡 宝贝,你知道 这不仅仅是精神上 他的方法是强大的 他是如此不可阻挡 (你是如此不可抗拒) 合唱: 他的不可抗拒的(是) 距离越来越近(噢) 现在不可避免 我几乎不能呼吸(我几乎不能呼吸) 不仅仅是物质 更深是精神(噢) 他的方法是强大的 不可抗拒的,我(不可抗拒的我) 他的不可抗拒的(是) 距离越来越近 现在不可避免 我几乎不能呼吸(不可抗拒的我) 不仅仅是物质更深的精神 他的方法是强大的 不可抗拒的,我(不可抗拒的我)网上没有现成的翻译 帮你翻译整理了一下 不好勿喷。

少女时代Jessica喜欢的那首《 love me in a special way》歌词,还有原唱是谁?

原唱应该是Tamia,歌词:[Intro]Mmm yeahTell me that you like itOh yeah, yeah(Woo, let"s see if you remember this one)Do I?!Oh, now I have to go thereOohhMmm yeahLet me show you just how much I know this recordYou know you had meWith your sensuous charmYou looked so alarmedAs I walked on byAnd oh some wonderYou had to know why I did not respondTo carry onLove me in a special wayTamiaWhat more can I say?Love me nowLove me in a special wayWhat more can I say?Love me nowLove me nowCuz I"m specialNot the average kindWho"d accept any lineThat sounds goodSo reach into your chain of thoughtsTry to find something newWhat worked so well for you beforeFor me, it just won"t do, noLove me in a special wayWhat more can I say?Love me nowLove me in a special wayWhat more can I say?Love me nowOh yeah yeahMmm hmmSo reach into your chain of thoughtsTry to find something newCuz what worked so well for you beforeFor me, it just won"t do, no noLove me in a special wayWhat more can I say?Love me nowLove me in a special wayWhat more can I say?Love me nowLove me in a special wayWhat more can I say?Love me nowLove me in a special wayWhat more can I say?Love me nowLove me in a special wayLove me everydayWhat more can I say?Just love me now

Jessica Mauboy的《Maze》 歌词

歌曲名:Maze歌手:Jessica Mauboy专辑:Get "Em GirlsJessica Mauboy - MazeYou are soHard to readLike a foreign novelI don"t knowIf I"ll ever figure you outSo manyPieces of youLike a jigsaw puzzleMy head is spinning aroundYeah, causeOne minute you want my touchNext minute you don"t want noneHonestly, don"t know which way to goThis love is out of controlOhh ohhhShould I stay or should I go?I don"t know causeSometimes you treat me so specialSometimes you don"tSometimes you give me your bestSometimes you"re coldYour heart is like a mazeYour heart is like a mazeYour heart is like a mazeEveryday I keep losing my wayYou make me insecureLike I"m going crazyBut it can"t be my faultCause I"m trying hardIt"s you, who won"t commitEverything is maybeLeaving me out in the darkYeah, causeOne minute you want my touchNext minute you don"t want noneHonestly, I don"t know which way to goThis love is out of controlOhh ohhhShould I stay or should I go?I don"t know causeSometimes you treat me so specialSometimes you don"tSometimes you give me your bestSometimes you"re coldYour heart is like a mazeYour heart is like a mazeYour heart is like a mazeEveryday I keep losing my waySo confused, I"m so lostEverywhere I turnSeems to be wrongI need you"re helpLet me knowGive me a signOr let me knowThat there"s hopeCause ohh ohhhShould I stay or should I go?I don"t know causeSometimes you treat me so specialSometimes you don"tSometimes you give me your bestSometimes you treat me so coldOhh ohhhShould I stay or should I go?(Should I stay or should I go?)I don"t know causeSometimes you treat me so specialSometimes you don"tSometimes you give me your bestSometimes you"re coldYour heart is like a maze(Just like a maze)Your heart is like a maze(I can"t find my way)Your heart is like a mazeEveryday I keep losing my wayOhh ohhhShould I stay or should I go?I don"t know causeSometimes you treat me so specialSometimes you don"tSometimes you give me your bestSometimes you"re coldYour heart is like a maze(Just like a maze)Your heart is like a maze(Your heart is just like a maze)Your heart is like a mazeEveryday I keep losing my way


[ti:]almost [ar:]Tamia [al:] [by:]lyrics by wylouise [00:00.99]Can you tell me [00:01.95]How can one miss what she"s never had [00:05.00]How could I reminisce when there is no past [00:08.76]How could I have memories of being happy with you boy [00:13.36]Could someone tell me how can this be [00:16.36]How could my mind pull up incidents [00:20.09]Recall dates and times that never happened [00:23.96]How could we celebrate a love that"s to late [00:27.51]And how could I really mean the words I"m bout to say [00:30.69]I missed the times that we almost shared [00:33.71]I miss the love that was almost there [00:37.29]I miss the times that we use to kiss [00:41.00]At least in my dreams [00:42.42]Just let me take my time and reminisce [00:45.46]I miss the times that we never had [00:48.35]What happened to us we were almost there [00:52.13]Whoever said it"s impossible to miss when you never had [00:58.16]Never almost had you [01:07.02]I cannot believe I let you go [01:10.05]Or what I should say I should"ve grabbed you up and never let you go [01:15.18]I should"ve went out with you [01:17.15]I should"ve made you my boo boy [01:19.74]Yes that"s one time I should"ve broke the rules [01:22.94]I should"ve went on a date [01:24.42]Should"ve found a way to escape [01:26.19]Should"ve turned a almost into [01:27.83]If it happened now its to late [01:30.35]How could I celebrate a love that wasn"t real [01:33.57]And if it didn"t happen why does my heart feel [01:37.40]I missed the times that we almost shared [01:40.43]I miss the love that was almost there [01:43.75]I miss the times that we use to kiss [01:47.47]At least in my dreams [01:48.75]Just let me take my time and reminisce [01:51.99]I miss the times that we never had [01:54.81]What happened to us we were almost there [01:58.62]Whoever said it"s impossible to miss when you never had [02:04.59]Never almost had you [02:07.67](sometimes I wanna rub ya, some nights I wanna hug ya) [02:12.72]And you seem to be the perfect one for me [02:14.67]You (some nights I wanna touch ya but tonight I wanna love ya) [02:18.64]You"re all that I ever wanted [02:20.78]And you"re my everything yes its true [02:24.61]Boy its hard to be close to you [02:28.26]My love [02:32.54]I know it may sound crazy [02:34.49]But I"m in love with you [02:37.18]I missed the times that we almost shared [02:39.71]I miss the love that was almost there [02:43.46]I miss the times that we use to kiss [02:46.57]At least in my dreams [02:48.07]Just let me take my time and reminisce [02:50.82]I miss the times that we never had [02:53.92]What happened to us we were almost there [02:57.77]Whoever said it"s impossible to miss when you never had [03:03.67]Never almost had you [03:05.67]I missed the times that we almost shared [03:08.68]I miss the love that was almost there (sometimes I wanna rub ya) [03:12.52]I miss the times that we use to kiss [03:16.11]At least in my dreams [03:18.04]Just let me take my time and reminisce (but tonight I wanna love ya) [03:21.22]I miss the times that we never had [03:23.46]What happened to us we were almost there [03:27.17]Whoever said its impossible to miss when you never had [03:34.99]Never, never almost had you (but tonight I wanna love ya)

jessica simpson when you told me you loved me歌词

when you told me you loved me][ar:jessica simpson]… music …once doesnt mean anything to mecomeshow me the meaning of completewhere did our love go wrongonce we were so stronghow can i go on?when you told me you loved medid you know it would take me the rest of my lifeto get over the feeling of knowinga dream didnt turn out rightwhen you let me believe that you werent completewithout me by your sidehow could i knowthat you would gothat you would runbaby, i thought you were the onewhycant i just leave it all behindi felt passion so bright that i was blindthensomething made me weaktalking in my sleepbaby, im in so deep and you know i believedwhen you told me you loved medid you know it would take me the rest of my lifeto get over the feeling of knowinga dream didnt turn out rightwhen you let me believe that you werent completewithout me by your sidehow could i knowthat you would gothat you would runbaby, i thought you were the oneyour lipsyour facesomething that time just cant erasefind my heartcould breakall over againwhen you told me you loved medid you know it would take me the rest of my lifeto get over the feeling of knowinga dream didnt turn out rightwhen you let me believe that you werent completewithout me by your sidehow could i knowthat you would gothat you would runbaby, i thought you were the one
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