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2023-07-09 22:32:41





dream team是什么意思

2023-07-09 21:04:493

dream team是什么意思

也是Dream team 、是一期女子特辑 。
2023-07-09 21:04:576


2023-07-09 21:05:112

Dream Team(梦之队) 是什么?

自1992年以来,历次的美国国家男篮几乎都由NBA球员组成,因此被冠以“梦之队”称号。“梦之队”是人们对1992年西班牙巴塞罗那奥运会以来的美国篮球队的昵称。由于从这届起,美国NBA职业联赛派出了代表世界最高水平的职业选手参赛,因而被称为“梦之队”。以前的奥运会是非商业性质的体育赛事,所以很久以来是禁止NBA这种商业联盟下的职业球员参加的.而从1992年巴塞罗那奥运会开始这种禁忌被打破,美国国家男子篮球队就组织了那一届由“飞人”乔丹和“魔术师”约翰逊等人领军的美国队.他们技艺超群,所向无敌.使得那年的男篮变成了一场没有悬念的表演.后来人们称这支球队为梦之队(无什么一二之说).从那以后美国相继组织NBA球员成为美国国家队,又有了梦二三之说.第一支梦之队是由迈克尔.乔丹,拉里.伯德,阿文.约翰逊组成的"梦之一队。在这支球队中,每个位置都有至少一个可以说是世界上最好的选手。在一支球队中同时拥有这么多出类拔萃的选手是前所未有的!尤因、马龙和巴克利无穷的力量,乔丹、皮蓬和德雷克斯勒超人的爆发力,罗宾逊敏捷的速度和灵活的头脑,"魔术师"约翰逊和斯托克顿在.处理球上的巧妙和创造性,穆林绝妙的投篮……加上大放异彩的"大鸟"伯德的全面技术,这样一支由NBA明星球员组成的奥运大军当然会打遍天下无敌手。值得一提的是,其主教练达利和助理教练沃尔金斯也已经被选入名人堂。所以无论是从球员的才能还是从教练层的水平上看,"梦之一队"都是历史上最强的【梦一名单】主帅:查克·戴利 中锋:尤因、大卫·罗宾逊 大前锋:巴克利、马龙、雷特纳 小前锋:穆林、皮蓬、“大鸟”伯德 攻击后卫:乔丹、德雷克斯勒 组织后卫:“魔术师”约翰逊、斯托克顿【梦一战绩】8胜0负1994年参加世锦赛的梦二队与梦一队相比,就完全是一支年轻化球队。杜马斯、普莱斯和威尔金斯三位老将外,其他所有队员都未满30岁,如科尔曼、奥尼尔、莫宁、拉里·约翰逊等,都是入NBA仅两三年的年轻巨星。事实上,这一支球队里并没有当时联盟的一线巨星。然而,梦二队依然保持着势不可当的凶猛势头,轻松夺下了世界冠军。奥尼尔场均18分,71%的命中率更成为大赛第一。然而,奥尼尔、坎普等人场上的嚣张和桀骜,也令人对梦二队的作风颇多非议。【梦二名单】主帅:老尼尔森 中锋:奥尼尔、莫宁 大前锋:拉里·约翰逊、坎普、科尔曼 小前锋:威尔金斯、史蒂夫·史密斯 攻击后卫:马尔利、米勒、杜马斯 组织后卫:普莱斯、凯文·约翰逊【梦二战绩】8胜0负1996年,美国继续派出梦三队参加亚特兰大奥运会,由于是本土比赛,所以相对慎重。队伍包括了梦一队的马龙、皮彭、罗宾逊、斯托克顿、巴克利,梦二队的奥尼尔、米勒等大将。94年的状元“大狗”罗宾逊原本在队,然而到了决赛阶段,国王队大将里奇蒙德入替。队上包括了当时联盟里风头最劲的新人哈达维、希尔等。而刚带领公牛队创下不世奇功的乔丹则对梦三队毫无兴趣,而梦三队也不再有梦一队那样开拓历史的兴趣,未对乔丹予以邀请。虽然梦三队是一支以老带新的球队,能代表美国的最高水平,但是其组建的松散随意也开始浮出水面。96年决赛,上半场梦三队一度38比43落后南斯拉夫,虽然最后还是95比69大胜26分,但是梦之队的神话已开始褪色。这次梦三队与安哥拉比赛时甚至出现了斗殴事件,马龙差点被安哥拉小伙子们饱以老拳。【梦三名单】主帅:威尔肯斯 中锋:奥尼尔、奥拉朱旺、大卫.罗宾逊 大前锋:马龙、巴克利 小前锋:皮蓬、格兰特.希尔 攻击后卫:里奇蒙、雷吉.米勒、“便士”哈达维 组织后卫:斯托克顿 佩顿【梦三战绩】8胜0负2000年悉尼奥运会,梦五队在公布名单时,雷·阿伦的率先入选一度使当时联盟风头最劲的飞人卡特不快,以至于在媒体大放厥词之余,在与雄鹿队的比赛中还与阿伦大肆飙分。从梦四队开始,由于联盟的中锋日渐势微,中锋位置上仅有莫宁一人担纲,而当时领衔联盟的巨星如奥尼尔、邓肯、科比等对球队毫无兴趣,麦克代斯、贝克、拉希姆、休斯顿等等进不了联盟前三阵容的球星纷纷拿来凑数。依靠着卡特、加内特的神勇,梦四队还是在悉尼维持了梦之队的尊严,然而在半决赛险些败北立陶宛,使人们开始相信,梦之队是可以被击败的。这届比赛的焦点在于与法国队的比赛中,卡特越过对方218公分的高中锋扣篮成功,成为史上经典。【梦四名单】主帅:汤姆贾诺维奇 中锋:莫宁 大前锋:加内特、麦克代斯、贝克 小前锋:卡特、拉希姆 攻击后卫:阿伦、休斯顿、史蒂夫·史密斯 组织后卫:基德、蒂姆·哈达维、佩顿【梦四战绩】8胜0负2002年,梦五队出战印第安纳举行的世锦赛,中锋位置上只能依靠大前锋出身的小奥尼尔和本·华莱士担纲,而从未打过季后赛的布兰德,二流内线戴维斯、拉佛伦茨,以及安德烈·米勒,大学刚毕业的杰·威廉姆斯等,实在难以背负梦之队的盛名。结果连败于阿根廷和南斯拉夫无缘四强,这也是美国队国际比赛58场连胜的终结,世界篮球霸主被打得颜面扫地。【梦五名单】主帅:乔治.卡尔 中锋:小奥尼尔、本.华莱士 大前锋:布兰德、A.戴维斯、拉弗伦茨 小前锋:马里昂、皮尔斯 攻击后卫:安德烈.米勒、贝伦.戴维斯、杰.威廉姆斯【梦五战绩】6胜3负2004年,雅典奥运会,梦之队组织了一支令人感觉莫名其妙的队伍——01年MVP艾佛森,02、03年MVP邓肯领衔,然而麾下却是布泽、斯塔德迈尔、马里昂、奥多姆、杰佛森这些联盟的二线球星,以及韦德、詹姆斯、安瑟尼这三个年及弱冠的孩子。除了邓肯外,其他球员对FIBA的规则完全没有无法适应。于是,他们只能眼睁睁的看着冠军继续旁落,延续02年以来梦之队的失败历程。【梦六完全阵容】蒂姆-邓肯(圣安东尼奥马刺队)、阿伦-艾弗森(费城76人队)、卡洛斯-布泽尔和勒布朗-詹姆斯(克利夫兰骑士队)、卡梅隆-安东尼(丹佛掘金队)、阿玛尔-斯塔达迈尔和肖恩-马里昂(菲尼克斯太阳队)、拉马尔-奥多姆和多尼亚-韦德(迈阿密热火队)、理查德-杰弗逊(新泽西网队)、斯蒂芬-马布里(纽约尼克斯队)及埃米卡-奥卡弗(夏洛特山猫队)梦里花落知多少梦一:1992年的巴塞罗那,乔丹、“魔术师”约翰逊、“大鸟”伯德、查尔斯u2022巴克利等率领第一届“梦之队”冲击奥运会赛场。8场比赛兵不血刃,每场得分都超过100分,没有任何对手能在“梦一”面前得分超过85分,最终8战全胜,场均净胜分达恐怖的43.8分。套用“梦一”主帅查克u2022戴利的话来说:“我不请求暂停,用此方式来表达我对球员们的尊敬。”梦二:1994年世锦赛,凯文u2022约翰逊、奥尼尔、莫宁、雷杰u2022米勒等接过前辈的钢枪,照样用8战全胜的战绩捧起世锦赛奖杯。“梦二”实力已经比“梦一”逊色,可美国篮球的精髓不减,场均超过对手14个百分点的投篮命中率也许最能说明问题。梦三:1996年亚特兰大,“梦三”在家乡父老面前继续锋芒毕露,8战全胜的结局不算意外,佩顿、哈达威、奥尼尔等组成的“无敌航母”才是美国球迷愿意看到的东西。“梦三”场均净胜分为31.7分,只有4场比赛得分过百,惟一让人少许振奋的消息是防守:8场比赛对手得分全没能超过82分。梦四:“梦四”没有云集当时NBA最强大的球员,奥尼尔就没入选“梦四”,“铁汉”莫宁成为球队惟一一位“纯种”中锋。“梦四”在2000年悉尼奥运会力保8场全胜金身不破,可场均净胜分跌到21.6分,半决赛仅险胜立陶宛2分,决赛也不过胜了法国队10分。虽卫冕成功,但“篮球第一国度”的桂冠岌岌可危。梦五:2002年印第安纳波利斯的世锦赛让“梦五”在家乡父老面前无地自容:6胜3负,成绩仅列第六。丢掉世界冠军的结果是美国人咎由自取,不少NBA超级球星都以种种借口拒绝效力,“梦五”让梦想彻底破灭,美国篮球走下神坛。梦六:“梦五”的耻辱让NBA球员们动怒,但在2004年雅典奥运会之前,不少球员找借口退出国家队,理由是担心遭遇恐怖分子袭击。结果,“梦六”组委会让“石佛”邓肯和“答案”艾弗森领军,率领一批阵容配置存在明显缺陷的年轻新人去了雅典。8场比赛5胜3负,艾弗森为首的外围球员集体找不到篮筐成为“梦之队”历史上最触目惊心的一幕,兵败雅典也促使美国人开始反思如何构建球队而不是组织全明星夏令营。梦七队大名单科比(湖人)、奥多姆(湖人)韦德(热队)、勒布朗u2022詹姆斯(骑士)、卡梅隆u2022安东尼(掘金)、阿里纳斯(奇才)、巴蒂尔(灰熊)、比卢普斯(活塞)、克里斯u2022波什(猛龙)、布鲁斯u2022鲍文(马刺)、艾尔顿u2022布兰德(快船)、德怀特u2022霍华德(魔术)、约什u2022霍华德(小牛)、安托万u2022贾米森(奇才)、乔u2022约翰逊(鹰队)、拉沙德u2022刘易斯(超音速)、马里昂(太阳)、布拉德u2022米勒(国王)、克里斯u2022保罗(黄蜂)、保罗u2022皮尔斯(凯尔特人)、迈克尔u2022里德(雄鹿)、卢克u2022里德诺(超音速)、斯塔德迈尔(太阳)人员配置 角色鲜明“我们在选拔一支角色鲜明的球队,而不是一支全明星队。”——“梦七”组委会主席科朗格罗用名气震天响的明星们囤积来的团队不适合国际大赛,这一点早在“梦六”折戟雅典的时候就被证实为铁律,“梦七”终于下定决心遵循而不是挑战国际大赛规律,为“梦七”人员装备计划竖立旗帜性的引导方向。在此方针指引下,“梦七”名单中出现了比卢普斯、里德诺这类纯组织后卫的名字,而艾弗森、马布里这类喜好长期粘球的“攻击性组织后卫”均被排除在外。这创世纪的举措,意味着“梦之队”组织后卫的任务终于回归正途:组织与分配进攻资源,杜绝个人秀,以帮助球队获胜视为第一目标!仅此一项变更,就能把全队战斗力提升一个层次。“梦七”高度重视组织后卫人选,是吸取了“梦六”兵败雅典的教训。2004年夏天,马布里和艾弗森联手执掌的“梦六”后场并不稳固,艾弗森8场37.8%命中率场均贡献13.8分2.5次助攻,马布里8场比赛42.3%命中率场均贡献10.5分3.4次助攻,这对能在NBA兴风作浪的老兄根本没能盘活全队战术,反倒是小艾每场出手11.3次与小马每场出手8.9次分别占据全队第一和第二位——两位原本该承担组织任务的仁兄没事儿老惦记着投篮而不是分享进攻资源,让老帅拉里u2022布朗差不多陷入昏厥境地,“梦六”崩溃早在组建球队时便埋下伏笔,而“梦七”绝对没打算重蹈覆辙。组织后卫“角色化”之外,“梦七”还在防守人选上大动干戈:众所周知,NBA直到新世纪初才开放联防,多数现役球员对高水准联防并不熟悉,此软肋在雅典简直让星条旗下的篮筐变成不设防的靶子。若以“梦六”对阵阿根廷的半决赛作为代表性的参照,该战役阿根廷人充分利用美国球员不熟悉联防体制下的轮转换位,连续形成左右侧底线或两翼斜向空切的机会,全场18次助攻甩开“梦六”的11次助攻,54.2%的命中率领先“梦六”整整13个百分点,让美国人晕头转向之余也在反思自己如何才能重新认识国际大赛的攻防体系构筑。没有什么办法能让现役美国球员迅速融入国际大赛的联防机制中,NBA球员本身就是职业球员,每年至少征战82场,他们习惯于用美国式联及人盯人轮转的交互方式完成多数时间的比赛,强求这帮明星球员跟着欧洲或南美球员不停轮转,简直会要他们的命。这是“梦六”兵败如山倒的原因之一,也是“梦七”致力于改进的地方,于是“胶布型”球员登堂入室进军“梦七”名单,佼佼者当属布鲁斯u2022鲍文与肖恩u2022巴蒂尔。很多明星球员攻防兼备,但不会有任何一位的防守专注程度像苦力一样兢兢业业,要知道,鲍文之流简直是把48分钟的对抗作为立足球场的饭碗,他们能凭借单兵能力与NBA超一流好手科比麦迪等对抗,自然不会怕国际大赛的欧洲或南美球员。即便“梦六”灰头土脸,人们仍可窥见美国人的禁区优势明显,锋线大块头们把冲击进攻篮板看作出自本能的反应。欧洲或南美球员多采取轮转后的空切、突破或者中远距离投篮作为打击“梦之队”的主要杀伤手段,而这些机动性较强的得分,多半出自得分后卫或小前锋。鲍文或巴蒂尔正是为冻结锋卫摇摆人而度身定制的膏药,“梦七”可以漠视鲍文巴蒂尔的得分能力,却需要此类球员如影随形与对手机动化攻击者叫板。与历届“梦之队”一样,尽管“梦七”合练时间多过前辈,却仍然无法避免不同球队的职业球员混居一堂欠缺默契的弱势,既然短期内克服不了防守轮转联防的不利局面,干脆选拔单兵防守极强的角色球员,用部分人盯人配合部分联防的模式来解决防守问题,转换成白话文解释:也就是用鲍文或巴蒂尔“特殊照顾”对方的首席外围攻击者,尽可能杜绝被空切或者突破造成的失分,凭此获得防守上的平衡点。“角色”,是梦七选拔的主基调,但并不意味着组委会放弃了“明星效应”。还是组织后卫,“梦七”照样配置了攻击力一等一的奇才首席攻击者阿里纳斯,新生代一流高手克里斯u2022保罗;小前锋位置,勒布朗u2022詹姆斯根正苗红且个人造诣登峰造极,太阳队野兽派前锋马里昂攻防兼备……这些怪兽级别的一流攻击者,随时能在场上形成恐怖的杀伤力。
2023-07-09 21:05:202

Dream Team怎么读?

梦之队的意思。。。读音是:[dri:m] [ti:m] ( 汉语谐音是: 坠母 替母 )
2023-07-09 21:05:281


2023-07-09 21:05:375

八下英语书第35课翻译the dream team

2023-07-09 21:05:554


Dark blue sky 深蓝天空Dream of a star 星之梦Shiratori victory 胜利的白鸟英语学习小组的组名主要是看大家的意见,要能体现大家的意义。
2023-07-09 21:06:055


2023-07-09 21:06:376


美国男篮梦之队简介自1992年以来,历次的美国国家男篮几乎都由NBA球员组成,因此被冠以“梦之队”称号。“梦之队”是人们对1992年西班牙巴塞罗那奥运会以来的美国篮球队的昵称。由于从这届起,美国NBA职业联赛派出了代表世界最高水平的职业选手参赛,因而被称为“梦之队”。以前的奥运会是非商业性质的体育赛事,所以很久以来是禁止NBA这种商业联盟下的职业球员参加的。 而从1992年巴塞罗那奥运会开始这种禁忌被打破,美国国家男子篮球队就组织了那一届由“飞人”乔丹和“魔术师”约翰逊等人领军的美国队。他们技艺超群,所向无敌,使得那年的男篮变成了一场没有悬念的表演。后来人们称这支球队为梦之队(无什么一、二之说)。从那以后美国相继组织NBA球员成为美国国家队,又有了梦二、三之说。 狭义上的梦之队(Dream Team)通常是指那支在1992年巴塞罗那夏季奥运会上最终夺得金牌的美国男子篮球队。由于这支球队囊括了当时NBA几乎所有的顶尖篮球员,因而被后来的人们称为体育历史上最强大的一支篮球队,也就是梦一般的球队。当然,这支梦之队的出现在一定程度上要归功于国际篮联(FIBA)的帮助。1989年,国际篮联(FIBA)更改了原有的参赛规则,首次允许职业球员参加国际篮球赛事。因此,美国篮协随即从NBA中招募了大量优秀球员,组成了一支全新的美国国家男篮。此后,这支球队在美洲区预选赛中六战全胜,让全世界领略到了美国篮球的威力。因此,梦之队也终于成为了美国男子篮球的代表,得到了参加巴塞罗那奥运会的机会。与此同时,广义上的梦之队则是指1992之后,代表美国征战世界篮球锦标赛,以及奥运会的历届美国男子篮球队(注:参加1998年世界篮球锦标赛的那一支一般不认为是梦之队)。事实上,梦之队从一定程度上见证了美国人的自大与骄傲,因为并非任何一支美国队都可以称之为梦之队。随着国际篮球水平的迅猛发展,美国篮球已经失去了以往的统治地位,如果不想让梦之队成为笑话,美国篮协要做的还有很多。
2023-07-09 21:06:522


2000年悉尼奥运会美国男篮名单:贾森·基德、阿兰·休斯顿、阿隆佐·莫宁、蒂姆·哈达维、文斯·卡特、凯文·加内特、文·贝克、雷·阿伦 、安东尼奥·麦克代斯 、加里·佩顿、谢里夫·阿卜杜·拉希姆。扩展资料:1,参加2000年悉尼奥运会的是美国梦四队2,美国男篮美国国家男子篮球队(USA Basketball Team, Dream Team)成立于1936年,由美国篮球协会拥有,是一支代表美国参加各种国际篮球赛事的球队,昵称梦之队(Dream Team)。3,梦四队简介梦四队在时任NBA休斯顿火箭队主教练鲁迪·汤姆贾诺维奇(Rudy Tomjanovich)统帅下参加了在澳大利亚悉尼举行的2000年夏奥会男篮项目。在坎坷艰辛的夺冠后,他把奥运会冠军MVP颁给持续高效的全能队员凯文·加内特(Kevin Garnett)。梦四的前两场分组比赛都是大胜,不过之后的对手却与他们的分差却越来越小。小组赛中85:76胜立陶宛是梦之队第一次没有以两位数优势战胜对手。梦四队的最大震动是其在半决赛中以85:83两分之差战胜立陶宛。如果不是立陶宛球星萨鲁纳斯·雅西凯维丘斯(Sarunas Jasikevicius)没有投中终场前的压哨三分,梦四队甚至会折戟半决赛。卡特跪地祈祷的画面成为经典。2000年10月1日,悉尼奥运男篮决赛上,凭借着加内特的关键时刻的稳定表现和文斯·卡特颇为提升士气地在断球反击中飞身跨越法国中锋弗雷德里克·韦斯完成史上最佳惊天飞人骑扣——被法媒誉为“世纪灌篮”的死亡之扣,梦四队在男篮决赛中才艰难地以85:75十分之差小胜法国获得金牌。虽然梦四队在2000年的悉尼奥运会上卫冕成功,但也正是从此开始,梦之队逐渐褪去其天下无敌的光环。参考资料来源:百度百科-美国男篮
2023-07-09 21:07:1210


2023-07-09 21:08:324

李三多和牛金贵联手,会不会是共和党的梦之队(dream team)?

2023-07-09 21:08:501

好像是叫“the zoo dream team”?她们是哪个国家的足球宝贝儿?

2023-07-09 21:08:583

however there is more to a mdream team than winn

我觉得应该是“however there is more important to be a dream team than winning gold medals”然而成为一支理想的球队比赢金牌更重要
2023-07-09 21:09:061


明星金钟、starking、老幺叛乱、年下男、hello baby(他们自己的综艺节目)、偶像军团红了她、电台节目也不错、挑战千曲、夜行星、偶像养成、dream team、青春不败、满分百分08、09年的starking比较好玩,老幺叛乱去了两次,年下男是出道初期的节目,dream team是珉豪出演的(王牌啊)、夜行星是温牛担任mc等等亲自己去看吧~~~~~~~··091205和091128偶像老小的叛逆时代 (泰民 key 钟铉) 091212申东烨申凤善的香槟酒 (钟铉 温流)091004Star Dance Battle (全体)明星金钟:091024(全体) 091121(钟铉 KEY) 100109(温流)091019美女们的唠叨 (钟铉 温流 珉豪)091208想象PLUS (温流 珉豪 key)Star King:091003(全体) 091017(全体) 091024(珉豪 泰民) 091031(珉豪 泰民) 091107(全体) 091114(珉豪 泰民) 091121(钟铉 珉豪 泰民 key) 091128(全体) 091205(全体) 091212(全体) 091219(全体)091226(全体) 100102(全体) 100109(全体)091122挑战千曲 (钟铉 KEY)老板娘的沙龙好像有两期,我不记得是几号的,你可以去土豆查,查得到,一期泰民没来,一期温流没来。091213Ting数字音乐颁奖典礼 Ring Ding Dong+Juliette 091210韩国金唱片奖(Golden Disc Awards)Yepp人气奖091229SBS 歌谣大战 Juliette&Ring Ding Dong 091230KBS2歌谣大庆 Just Dance&Ring Ding Dong091231MBC 歌谣大战 Ring Ding Dong&Juliette(feat kara)去贴吧再看看有很多送你个网址 有他们的几乎是所有的综艺
2023-07-09 21:09:131

shinee 珉豪在dream team的k7车的简介全有
2023-07-09 21:09:201


可能是金泫雅 Trouble Maker可以看下这个MV
2023-07-09 21:09:287

Super Junior银赫和东海参加的所有综艺节目
2023-07-09 21:09:453

2023-07-09 21:10:044


can we have a sex after xxx(可以填入各种名词)?----->美国唯一的体育运动
2023-07-09 21:10:132


bring it on:fight to the finish所有曲目 希望有帮助~1.Lean Like A CholoDown 2.Rock Like UsKottonmouth Kings 3.Turn The Lights Out Mark Mclaughlin 4.Ya Mama Ya Mama5.Whine UpKat Deluna featuring Elephant Man 6.BurnMisty 7.HyphytonFreddy Chingar. Mr Kee. Trucho-G 8.FootworkinKeke Pamle 9.I"m A Contre Freak Mila Faits 10.PopularThe Veronicas 11.The Whistle SoneDJ Alingator 12.Fuerte FuerteL.A. Rouge 13.La NegotaLabn Soul Syndicate 14.DaleL.A. Rouge 15.Corazon(You Are Not Alone)Prima 16.Candy SweetMontana Tucker 17.HappySecrets In Stereo 18.Lift OffRachet Sufer 19.FamousMisty 20.JambaAnjuhe 21.Just DanceLady Gaga 22.Boy HunterBree Randall featuring Cali 23.TonightSecrets In Stereo 24.Labnos Go DumsFreddy Chingaz. Mr Kee. Jimmy Roses 25.You Got ItCheryf The featuring Makena 26.It"s OnSuperchick 27.Whoa Oh (Me Vs Everyone) Fommer The Sckost Kids 28.I Need You Around LGA 29.Put You InNatabe Poote 30.R U Ready31.Drop A HotMisty 32.We Are The Dream TeamDaniel Curts Lee 33.Party PeopleAltar featuring Janer Tracy 34.BoomL.A. Rouge 35.Oh Here We GoMayra 36.FashionetaJimmy James 37.I Gotta Get To You Christina Mrban
2023-07-09 21:10:211


百度百科上都有的:  20070713 无法阻挡的highkick《搞笑一家人》EP167 6:30   <越看越可爱>(5张)  20090801 SBS新周末剧《Style》EP6(2PM客串)   20100728 MBC日日剧《越看越可爱》EP76  20101212 MBC日日剧《全部我的爱》EP16   20110103 KBS《Dream High》 EP8   20110316 SBS情景剧《 Welcome to the Show》   20110526 富士电视台 《BOSS2》CASE6(2PM客串)MNET 《热血男儿》EP01-EP10(培养新人残酷记录, 包括2PM全体成员,2AM三名成员,Beast的尹斗俊,中国成员李诗琦和林代宪,最后选出了现2AM和2PM成员)   (080126)EP01—— 残酷史前奏曲(缺朴宰范)   (080201)EP02—— 最后的晚餐   (080208)EP03—— 寒风凛洌的小岛   (080215)EP04—— 地狱般的拳击场   (080222)EP05—— 说唱传授   (080229)EP06—— 地狱训练   (080307)EP07—— 体验死亡   (080315)EP08—— 热血男儿,站在大众面前吧!   (080322)EP09—— 热血男儿的隐秘私生活   (080329)EP10—— 热.血.男.儿   ◆《Happy Sunday SchoolOympic》   (080914、080921、081012)   ◆《校园突袭》   (081126)   ◆《少女反击》   (090108、090115)佑荣.Nichkhun.灿成   ◆《Wide News》   (090501、090518、090525、090608、090615、090622)2PM   (090826)Nichkhun   ◆《一周的恋人》   (090520、090527)   ◆《JP Star VJ Show》   (090523、090530)   ◆《崔阳乐的飞镖赛》   (090615)   《Mnet JAPAN 韩风WIDE Tok Tok Star》   (090623)2PM   《It"s Time 2PM》   (090624)Nichkhun    《Wild bunny》EP01~EP08 (2PM的第二个团体综艺,在节目里没有偶像的架子,展现坦率自由的模样,收视率逐渐上升,并诞生无数话题)   (090721)EP01——半夜出逃(上)   (090728)EP02——半夜出逃(下)&丢掉对偶像的成见(上)   (090804)EP03——丢掉对偶像的成见(下)& 玉泽演的100个隐藏摄像机(上)   (090811)EP04——玉泽演的100个隐藏摄像机(下)&《搓澡歌》(上)    (090818)EP05——《搓澡歌》(中)   (090825)EP06——《搓澡歌》(下)&干物男(上)    (090901)EP07——干物男(下)    (090908)EP08——竞选班长(未播出)    《you can fly》   (090812)2PM   《S-body》   (100226、100304、100311) SBS  《夜心万万》EP01~EP15 (Nichkhun为固定嘉宾主持)   (080728、080804、080811、080818、080825、080901、080908、080915、080922、080929、081006、081013、081020、081027、081103)(090629)   《Star King》   (081004、081018、081129、081213、081220、081227、090103、090110、090117、090131、090214、090314、090328、090404、090411、090418、090425、090502、090509、090516、090530、090606、090613、090620、090627、090704、090718、090801、090815、090822、090829、090905、090919、090926、091003、091010、091024、091030、100529、100619、100724、101106、101113、110212、110709、11108)   《明星金钟》   (081004)khun、泽演   (081018)khun、佑荣、俊昊   (100605)khun、佑荣、俊昊、灿成   《恋爱时代》   (090108)泽演、灿成、Nichkhun、佑荣   《寻笑人》   (090625)宰范、Nichkhun、灿成   《金正恩的巧克力》   (090627、091219、100529、101114)   《六感对决》   (090705)   《美好的早晨》   (091221)   《Running Man》    (100801、100808、101128、110703、110710)   (110424)泽演、Nichkhun (120722)Nichkhun   《哈哈梦show》   (100815)2PM   《最强幻想情侣》   (100922)Nichkhun、俊昊   《偶像的帝王》   (110202)2PM Nichkhun、灿成   《Welcome to the show》   (110316)Nichkhun、Sulli、瑟雍   《强心脏》   (100601、100608、101026、101102)   《2pm show》EP01~EP12(2PM第三个团体综艺,请观众做PD,首度自导自演)   (110709)EP01——2pm的好胜心上 MC: Nichkhun — 玉泽演(代班)   (110716)EP02——2pm的好胜心下 家务王甄选 上   (110723)EP03——家务王甄选 下 成为cool的男人吧   (110730)EP04——承受酷暑 2PM对2PM性感男人audition   (110806)EP05——2PM对2PM爸爸选拔 MC:Nichkhun   (110813)EP06——回到学生时代   (110820)EP07——2PM之X-MAN(with 2AM瑟雍、赵权)    (110827)EP08——2PM之TEAM WORK   (110903)EP09——未公开X-File(缺Nichkhun)   (110910)EP10——中秋特辑-BEST AWARDS   (110917)EP11——大气男人选拔赛    (110924)EP12——最终回 最终盘点 KBS  《Battle!唱歌真好!》   (090108、090604)   《美女的唠叨》   (090427、101204)   《World Star Chat Radio》   (090531)   《我有叔叔了》   (090815)宰范、灿成   《想象PLUS》   (090901)宰范、nichkhun、泽演   《香槟酒》   (090905、090912)泽演、Nichkhun   《男人的资格》   (090726、090802)   《Happy Together》   (100520)Nichkhun、俊昊   (101104、110804)2PM (120719) Nichkhun 朴振英 闵孝琳   《乘风破浪》   (100216、100223)2PM   《Entertainment Weekly》   (110709)2PM   《1vs100》   (110726)Nichkhun、灿成、佑荣、俊昊   《Dream Team》   (100530、100613、101128、101212、110731)2PM   (120722)Nichkhun、灿成、峻秀、俊昊[3] MBC  《邻里之爱 特别直播-送煤炭》   (081216)2PM   《今晚让我们借宿吧》   (081226)2PM   《明星拳击赛》   (090126)Nichkhun、灿成   《偶像军团红了!她2》第二季   (081030、081108)2PM   《偶像军团红了!她3》EP01~EP17(2PM首个团体综艺,和嘉宾配对并完成游戏)   (081204)EP01 —— 2PM成员出场介绍   (081211)EP02 —— Kara   (081218)EP03 —— 网络美女+女高中生   (081225)EP04 —— 圣诞节特辑 2AM   (090101)EP05 —— Brown Eyed Girls    (090108)EP06 —— 外国美女篇   (090115)EP07 —— 2PM认知度特辑   (090122)EP08 —— 少女时代上(少Yuri,泰妍,秀英)   (090129)EP09 —— 少女时代 下(少Yuri,泰妍,秀英)   (090205)EP10 —— MT特辑 上   (090212)EP11 —— MT特辑 中   (090219)EP12 —— MT特辑 下 & 女大学生滑雪联谊   (090226)EP13 —— 明星金钟篇 嘉宾:金正敏、郑珠丽 刘彩英blackpear1   (090305)EP14 —— SHINee 上   (090312)EP15 —— SHINee 下   (090319)EP16 ——After School   (090326)EP17 —— 评选最佳Idol+颁奖仪式(完结)   《幻想的同桌》   (090607)   《介绍明星的朋友》   (090627、 090704)Nichkhun、灿成   《现在是花美男时代》   (090602、090609)2PM   《无限挑战》   (090516、091024)2PM   《改变世界的问答》   (090509) NichKhun   (090808)佑荣、灿成   (100612)Nichkhun、俊昊   (101120)Nichkhun、佑荣、俊昊   (110402)Nichkhun、俊昊、灿成   《Sunday Night Body》   (090726、090802)Nichkhun、玉泽演   《甘霖》   (100307、100314、100321)   《生平第一次Gag Show》   (101120)Nichkhun、峻秀、灿盛、俊昊   《花束》   (110102)2PM   《黄金渔场》   (120711)Nichkhun Victoria Robert Holley 外国人特辑   《Idol Star 田径大会》   (110205、110206 春节特辑)Nichkhun、峻秀、灿盛、俊昊   (120725、120726伦敦奥运会特辑)Nichkhun、灿盛[4]   《我们结婚了II+III》EP01~EP64)   一档明星假想结婚节目。几对明星假扮成新婚夫妇,用摄象机记录假想新婚生活。与F(x)中国成员宋茜组成假想国际夫妇参加了MBC综艺节目《我们结婚了》第二季和第三季。 日本  《2PM韩语讲座》(2PM在日本的首个固定综艺节目,是韩语实用口语教学的电视节目,轻松幽默,寓教于乐。在NHK电视台播出)   (120403)EP01——见到你很高兴   (120409)EP02——没关系   (120416)EP03——请给我这个   (120423)EP04——请和我握个手吧   (120507)EP05——有日语的小册子吗   (120514)EP06——头痛   (120521)EP07——麻烦去新村   (120528)EP08——真帅气   (120604)EP09——这个多少钱   (120611)EP10——请问地铁站在哪里   《Wander Trip》(2PM和2AM首次联合固定出演,邀请嘉宾在日本街头发现日本全新魅力的综合节目。每周二在tokyo mix台播出)   (120403)EP01——东京塔   (120410)EP02——炸猪排店&麻布十番   (120417)EP03——台球对决   (120424)EP04——购物&咖啡店(无Khun)   (120501)EP05——咖啡店&乒乓球对决(无Khun)   (120508)EP06——日用品商店&惠比寿(无Khun)   (120515)EP07——武藏小山圆顶商店街   (120522)EP08——武藏小山道馆    (090523)MENT JAPAN STAR VJ SHOW   (101125)日本报道(Mezamashi TV)   (101209)(中字) 日本节目访问   (101215)2PM Made in BS Japan   (101218)Situation Humandocu-2PM登陆日本 特辑   (110302)MezamashiTV.2PM in Okinawa   (110323)KURABERU KURABERAR (JapanTBS)   (110323)魁!ONGAKUBANDUKE Eight   (110331)(2PM)Super Morning TV Asahi   (110513)(中字)PON TV(Japan News)   (110516) 2PM Oha!4 NEWS LIVE   (110516)(中字)Oha!4(Japan News)   (110516 / 17/ 18) 2PM On Ontama TV   (110519)(中字)Future Tracks   (110520、110718) Waratte IItomo   (110611) 2PM k-pop channel interview   (110613)2PM.Han Love   (110626) KBS K-Pop Special 2pm   (110627) 2PM ON HAN CHU   …… 中国  《2012成人礼》湖南电视台(120506)2PM 电台  《d Star Chat Radio》(090531)2PM   《崔华晶的Power Time》(100517)峻秀、Nichkhun、祐荣   《Sweet & Sorrow Club》(100518)峻秀、Nichkhun、祐荣、俊昊、灿盛   《Mister Radio》(100518)峻秀、Nichkhun、祐荣、俊昊、灿盛   《KBS-R 李秀英的Music Show》(100523)峻秀、Nichkhun、祐荣   《朴小贤Radio》(100523)峻秀、Nichkhun、 灿盛   《Dream Radio》(100525)Nichkhun、祐荣、俊昊   《金范秀adio》(100525)Nichkhun、祐荣、俊昊   《Ten ten radio》   (100518)Nichkhun、佑荣、埈秀   《深深打破》   (100526)Nichkhun、祐荣、俊昊   (101104)2pm   (110628)2PM(缺峻秀)   《NarSha的提高音量》   (100531)NICHKHUN、祐荣、俊昊、灿盛    《Kiss The Radio》   (090427)Nichkhun、宰范   (100504)峻秀、Nichkhun、祐荣、俊昊、 灿盛   (101129 )峻秀、Nichkhun   (110627 )2pm   《星光灿烂的夜晚》   (090517)   (090717)   (100510)2PM(缺泽演)   (110629)2PM(缺峻秀) 其他  《Real 2PM》由2PM官方Youtube频道不定期推出的小视频,以2PM一些活动的幕后故事为主。   01、2PM With Cocacola   02、2PM With Cass Part 1   03、2PM With Cass Part 2   04、2PM With Cass Part 3   05、First Concert Backstage Part 1   06、First Concert Backstage Part 2   07、First Concert Backstage Part 3   08、Happy 2 Year Anniversary   09、2PM In Taiwan Part 1   10、2PM In Taiwan Part 2   11、2PM In Taiwan Part 3   12、CK CF拍摄现场   13、2PM Comeback Stage   14、2PM MV Behind the Scene Part 1   15、2PM MV Behind the Scene Part 2   16、灿成 With Jeong-Gam (中文译音正感咪,黄灿成的宠物猫咪)   17、Cass Beer Fall CF 2010 Behind the Scene Part 1   18、Cass Beer Fall CF 2010 Behind the Scene Part 2   19、I‘ll Be Back Dance Time   20、JYP Nation MV Behind the Scene Part 1   21、JYP Nation MV Behind the Scene Part 2   22、JYP Nation MV Behind the Scene Part 3   23、Surprise~!! Happy birthday Taec!!   24、画报拍摄现场   25、Dream High Behind the Scene   26、Real Real 2PM by NichKhun   27、Pink Nichkhun   28、2PM with Cass (Winter Ver.) Part 1   29、‘不要走" Vocal Directing By Junsu   30、2PM with Cass (Winter Ver.) Part 2   31、2PM Cat   32、Happy Winter Child Junho^^   33、Fan Meeting for HOTTEST 2nd Part 1   34、Fan Meeting for HOTTEST 2nd Part 2   35、Junho - Magazine Photo Shoot  36、Backstage~!   37、In the Studio Shooting for Lotte Duty Free   38、Photo Shoot   39、2PM CARD Photo Shoot   40、MV Making Video(Woo Young"s Birthday)   41、The First Broadcast Episode   42、Hands Up MV Making Video In Singapore Part 1   43、Hands Up MV Making Video In Singapore Part 2   44、Signing Event for Hottest   45、峻秀不朽的名曲未公开花絮part1   46、峻秀不朽的名曲未公开花絮part2   47、Coca-cola CF shooting site   48、star cards photoshot part2   49、Look Optical Shooting site   50、Caribbean Bay CF making film part1   51、Caribbean Bay CF making film part2   52、Lotte Duty Free Shop CF making film part1   53、Lotte Duty Free Shop CF making film part2   54、A man living together with 2PM,the story of great Warmth   55、Coca-cola zero CF making film   56、JUNHO Photo Shoot~!!   57、nepa CF making film   58、2PM HANDS UP ASIA TOUR in SEOUL   59、JUN.K"s ALIVE photoshooting   60、NEPA CF making film part1   61、NEPA CF making film part2   62、Evisu Photoshoot(Taecyeon&Wooyoung)   63、Korea Tourist Service publicity video making film   64、Mr.Pizza CF making film part1   65、2012 Calender Photoshot   66、Hands Up Aisa Tour Episode   67、Mr.Pizza CF making film part2   68、Taecyeon"s Photoshoot for Men"s Health Magazine   69、Mr.Pizza CF making film part3   70、Eversense making film part1   71、Fan Meeting making film   72、Eversense making film part2   73、NEPA CF Making Film part1   74、NEPA CF Making Film part2   75、Cosmopolitan Photoshoot Making Film   76、Member"s Selection Making Film Part1   77、Member"s Selection Making Film Part2
2023-07-09 21:10:281

迈克尔乔丹介绍 (英文)!!!!急

Michael Jeffrey Jordan(born February 17,1963),also known by his initials,MJ,[3]is an American retired professional basketball player,businessman,and principal owner and chairman of the Charlotte Hornets.Jordan played 15 seasons in the National Basketball Association(NBA)for the Chicago Bulls and Washington Wizards.His biography on the NBA website states:"By acclamation,Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time."[4]Jordan was one of the most effectively marketed athletes of his generation and was considered instrumental in popularizing the NBA around the world in the 1980s and 1990s.[5]Jordan played three seasons for coach Dean Smith at the University of North Carolina.As a freshman,he was a member of the Tar Heels"national championship team in 1982.Jordan joined the Bulls in 1984 as the third overall draft pick.He quickly emerged as a league star,entertaining crowds with his prolific scoring.His leaping ability,demonstrated by performing slam dunks from the free throw line in slam dunk contests,earned him the nicknames Air Jordan and His Airness.He also gained a reputation for being one of the best defensive players in basketball.[6]In 1991,he won his first NBA championship with the Bulls,and followed that achievement with titles in 1992 and 1993,securing a"three-peat".Although Jordan abruptly retired from basketball before the beginning of the 1993–94 NBA season to pursue a new venture in minor league baseball,he returned to the Bulls in March 1995 and led them to three additional championships in 1996,1997,and 1998,as well as a then-record 72 regular-season wins in the 1995–96 NBA season.Jordan retired for a second time in January 1999,but returned for two more NBA seasons from 2001 to 2003 as a member of the Wizards.Jordan"s individual accolades and accomplishments include five Most Valuable Player(MVP)Awards,ten All-NBA First Team designations,nine All-Defensive First Team honors,fourteen NBA All-Star Game appearances,three All-Star Game MVP Awards,ten scoring titles,three steals titles,six NBA Finals MVP Awards,and the 1988 NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award.Among his numerous accomplishments,Jordan holds the NBA records for highest career regular season scoring average(30.12 points per game)and highest career playoff scoring average(33.45 points per game).In 1999,he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th century by ESPN,and was second to Babe Ruth on the Associated Press"s list of athletes of the century.Jordan is a two-time inductee into the Basketball Hall of Fame,having been enshrined in 2009 for his individual career,and again in 2010 as part of the group induction of the 1992 United States men"s Olympic basketball team("The Dream Team").He became a member of the FIBA Hall of Fame in 2015.Jordan is also known for his product endorsements.He fueled the success of Nike"s Air Jordan sneakers,which were introduced in 1985 and remain popular today.[7]Jordan also starred in the 1996 feature film Space Jam as himself.In 2006,he became part-owner and head of basketball operations for the then-Charlotte Bobcats,buying a controlling interest in 2010.In 2015,Jordan became the first billionaire NBA player in history as a result of the increase in value of NBA franchises.He is the third-richest African-American,behind Oprah Winfrey and Robert F.Smith.Early yearsJordan was born in Brooklyn,New York,to Deloris(née Peoples),who worked in banking,and James R.Jordan Sr.,an equipment supervisor.His family moved to Wilmington,North Carolina,when he was a toddler.[8]Jordan is the fourth of five children.He has two older brothers,Larry Jordan and James R.Jordan,Jr.,one older sister,Deloris,and one younger sister,Roslyn.Jordan"s brother James retired in 2006 as the Command Sergeant Major of the 35th Signal Brigade of the XVIII Airborne Corps in the U.S.Army.[9]High school careerJordan getting ready to slam-dunk for the Laney High School varsity basketball team in 1979–80.Jordan attended Emsley A.Laney High School in Wilmington,where he highlighted his athletic career by playing basketball,baseball,and football.He tried out for the varsity basketball team during his sophomore year,but at 5"11"(1.80 m),he was deemed too short to play at that level.His taller friend,Harvest Leroy Smith,was the only sophomore to make the team.[10][11]Motivated to prove his worth,Jordan became the star of Laney"s junior varsity squad,and tallied several 40-point games.[10]The following summer,he grew four inches(10 cm)[11][4]and trained rigorously.Upon earning a spot on the varsity roster,Jordan averaged about 20 points per game over his final two seasons of high school play.[12][13]As a senior,he was selected to the McDonald"s All-American Team[14]after averaging a triple-double:29.2 points,11.6 rebounds,and 10.1 assists.[15]Jordan was recruited by numerous college basketball programs,including Duke,North Carolina,South Carolina,Syracuse,and Virginia.[16]In 1981,Jordan accepted a basketball scholarship to North Carolina,where he majored in cultural geography.[17]As a freshman in coach Dean Smith"s team-oriented system,he was named ACC Freshman of the Year after he averaged 13.4 points per game(ppg)on 53.4%shooting(field goal percentage).[18]He made the game-winning jump shot in the 1982 NCAA Championship game against Georgetown,which was led by future NBA rival Patrick Ewing.[4]Jordan later described this shot as the major turning point in his basketball career.[19]During his three seasons at North Carolina,he averaged 17.7 ppg on 54.0%shooting,and added 5.0 rebounds per game(rpg).[12]He was selected by consensus to the NCAA All-American First Team in both his sophomore(1983)and junior(1984)seasons.After winning the Naismith and the Wooden College Player of the Year awards in 1984,Jordan left North Carolina one year before his scheduled graduation to enter the 1984 NBA draft.The Chicago Bulls selected Jordan with the third overall pick,after Hakeem Olajuwon(Houston Rockets)and Sam Bowie(Portland Trail Blazers).One of the primary reasons why Jordan was not drafted sooner was because the first two teams were in need of a center.[20]However,Trail Blazers general manager Stu Inman contended that it was not a matter of drafting a center,but more a matter of taking Sam Bowie over Jordan,in part because Portland already had Clyde Drexler,who was a guard with similar skills to Jordan.[21]ESPN,citing Bowie"s injury-laden college career,named the Blazers"choice of Bowie as the worst draft pick in North American professional sports history.[22]Jordan returned to North Carolina to complete his degree in 1986.[23]Professional careerEarly NBA years(1984–1987)During his rookie season in the NBA,Jordan averaged 28.2 ppg on 51.5%shooting.[18]He quickly became a fan favorite even in opposing arenas,[24][25][26]and appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated with the heading"A Star Is Born"just over a month into his professional career.[27][28]Jordan was also voted in as an All-Star starter by the fans in his rookie season.[4]Controversy arose before the All-Star game when word surfaced that several veteran players—led by Isiah Thomas—were upset by the amount of attention Jordan was receiving.[4]This led to a so-called"freeze-out"on Jordan,where players refused to pass the ball to him throughout the game.[4]The controversy left Jordan relatively unaffected when he returned to regular season play,and he would go on to be voted Rookie of the Year.[29]The Bulls finished the season 38–44[30]and lost to the Milwaukee Bucks in four games in the first round of the playoffs.[29]Jordan"s second season was cut short when he broke his foot in the third game of the year,causing him to miss 64 games.[4]Despite Jordan"s injury and a 30–52 record(at the time it was fifth worst record of any team to qualify for the playoffs in NBA history),[30][31]the Bulls made the playoffs.Jordan recovered in time to participate in the playoffs and performed well upon his return.Against a 1985–86 Boston Celtics team that is often considered one of the greatest in NBA history,[32]Jordan set the still-unbroken record for points in a playoff game with 63 in Game 2.[33]The Celtics,however,managed to sweep the series.[29]
2023-07-09 21:10:391

求nichkhun和珉豪一起参加的综艺节目,除了偶像军团 还有100613期dream team 高清视频 多谢啦

starking 吧,11年的偶像帝国,明星很多
2023-07-09 21:11:024


2023-07-09 21:11:108


career has seen a whirlwind of ups and downs, not to mention a whole lot of press. Fans blamed his infamous red card in the 1998 World Cup in France for England"s elimination. Yet many consider his superb play during the 1998-1999 soccer season as the reason why his team, Manchester United, enjoyed unprecedented success. Love him or hate him, his skin is thicker than an elephant"s considering all the abuse and adoration he has received. In June 2003, Bechkam was traded to Real Madrid -- soccer"s Dream Team -- for $41 million. Despite his ability on the field, he is a pop culture icon, as the unofficial "metrosexual" poster boy with a brand of Cologne for men bearing his name.
2023-07-09 21:11:261


  有泰民的综艺节目  明星金钟  080628 泰民 钟铉  080719 全体  080913 温流 泰民  081115 温流 珉豪 泰民  090131 温流 珉豪 泰民  091024 全体  100828 温流 泰民  Star King  080719 全体  080809 全体  080816 全体  080913 泰民 钟铉 Key  091003 全体  091017 全体  091024 珉豪 泰民  091031 珉豪 泰民  091107 全体  091114 珉豪 泰民  091121 钟铉 Key 珉豪 泰民  091128 全体  091205 全体  091212 全体  091219 全体  091226 全体  100102 全体  100109 缺钟铉  100116 全体  100123 全体  100130 全体  100206 珉豪 泰民  100213 珉豪 泰民  100220 珉豪 泰民 钟铉 Key  100403 全体  100501 缺温流  100508 泰民 珉豪  100515 泰民 珉豪  100626 泰民 珉豪  100717 缺珉豪  100724 缺珉豪  100807 温流 泰民  100814 缺珉豪  100918 缺温流  100925 缺温流  101009 缺钟铉  101016 缺钟铉  101023 缺钟铉  101030 缺钟铉  SHINee 的 Hello Baby  第一期100120  第二期100127  第三期100203  第四期100210  第五期100217  第六期100224  第七期100303  第八期100310  第九期100317  第十期100324  第十一期100331  第十二期100407  第十三期100413(特别篇)  SHINee年下男的约会  第一期 080730  第二期 080806  第三期 080813  第四期 080820  第五期 080827  第六期 080903  第七期 080910  第八期 080917  第九期 080924  第十期 081001  第十一期 081008  第十二期 081015  (花絮有27期)  青春不败 101203 泰民  少男少女歌谣白皮书 080724 温流 泰民  老板娘的沙龙 080615 全体  Quiz Show 竞猜远征队 090125 全体  偶像军团 红了!她 第三季  090305 全体  090312 全体  改变世界的Quiz  091010 温流 泰民  100828 珉豪 泰民  现在是花美男时代  090707 上  090714 下  Gold Miss 090301 全体  朴秀鸿好心情作战 090708 全体  1VS100 091124 Key 珉豪 泰民  SuperJunior的Miracle  091205 钟铉 温流 Key 泰民  091212 钟铉 温流 Key 泰民  柳熙烈的写生簿  091114 缺钟铉  SPONGE ZERO(SPONGE)  081220 温流 泰民  090103 温流 泰民  100806 泰民  100813 泰民  Gag Concert  090111 全体  100822 钟铉 key 泰民  金正恩的巧克力  091115 KEY 温流 泰民  100131 KEY 温流 泰民  100529 缺温流  100906 全体  偶像老小的叛逆时代  091128 钟铉 泰民 Key  091205 钟铉 泰民 Key  100123 钟铉 泰民 Key 温流  100130 钟铉 泰民 Key 温流  出发梦之队 第二季(Dream Team2 )  100523 泰民应援  100808  100815  The Muzit  100814 缺珉豪  Wonder Women  100813 温流 钟铉 泰民  蜜罐子.音乐日记 100905 全体  夜行星  100815 SHINee特辑上 全体  100822 SHINee特辑下 全体  100926  享受今天 101031 Key 珉豪 泰民  中国节目  娱乐百分百  090110 全体  101104 全体(预告播出)  101112 全体  101113 全体  舞林大道  090111 全体  金芒果粉丝节  100101 全体  时刻准备着  100514 全体  综艺大国民  101106 全体  MTV 一级娱乐  101109 全体  101110 全体  CHANEL V 就是爱JK  101117 全体  超级星光大道  101121 全体  如果要有趣点的建议看年下男和hello baby...明星金钟和starking蛮好笑,不过镜头不多,建议看cut版本.中国节目像娱乐百分百也不错  泰民本来艺能感就不太强,小孩太害羞了,跟舞台上完全不一样~~
2023-07-09 21:11:461


2023-07-09 21:11:554


这个呢?不会太长拉。。。只是看上去长。。其他的比这个更长呢-____ A 4ft cupcake weighing a hefty 1,224lbs has been officially recognised as the world"s largest by the Guinness Book of Records.Unveiled on Monday, in Detroit, Michigan, US, the enormous cake - with a whopping circumference of 11ft - was over eight times bigger than the previous record holder.Baked over the course of 12 hours, the gigantic cup cake was made from 200 lbs of flour, 200 lbs of sugar, 200 lbs of butter and 800 eggs.When covered with frosting and custard, the one-of-a-kind dessert boasted 2,000,000 calories. The brainchild of American firm Gourmet Gift Baskets, the cupcake smashed the previous record of 151 lbs set on July 20.Appearing at the Woodward Avenue Dream Cruise Classic Car Show in Detroit, proceeds from the sale of the cupcake went to cancer charity Passionately Pink for the Cure.Ryan Abood, CEO of, assembled a cupcake "dream team" including master-baker George Algarin to begin making the cake on August 12, five days before the scheduled unveiling."We started off with a goal of a 7,000 lb cupcake but fate intervened on Friday morning when the baking was supposed to be complete," said Mr Abood."The huge 8x8ft oven was opened and we found that the weight of the expanding batter crushed one of the main convection tubes blowing hot air into the heart of the cupcake causing cup-cake to collapse."Luckily, the team managed to avert disaster by rustling up a cake with only half a day to go, still managing to beat all other cupcake records in the process.An adjudicator from Guinness had flown in from London, especially to measure the cupcake and announced the record to a crowd of hundreds at the motor show.译文:一个“身高”4英尺、“体重”达1224磅的杯蛋糕日前被《吉尼斯世界记录》正式认证为世界上最大的杯形蛋糕。这块巨型蛋糕于本周一在美国密歇根州的底特律市公布于众,它的“腰围”惊人,达到11英尺,比之前的记录保持者大八倍之多。这一庞大的杯形蛋糕经过12小时烘制而成,共用掉200磅面粉、200磅糖、200磅黄油和800个鸡蛋。再加上糖霜和蛋奶沙司,这块独一无二的大蛋糕所含的热量高达200万卡路里。这块蛋糕的创意来自美国“美食礼品篮”公司,它打破了之前于今年7月20日创下的151磅的记录。这块蛋糕在底特律的伍德沃得大街梦想之航经典车展上亮相,它的销售收益将捐献给“粉色激情治疗”癌症慈善组织。“美食礼品篮”网站的首席执行官莱恩?阿布德组建了一支制作杯蛋糕的“梦之队”,其中还包括特级面包师乔治?阿尔加林。这块蛋糕于8月12日开始制作,当时距计划展出还有五天的时间。阿布德说:“我们一开始的目标是一个7000磅的蛋糕,但就在周五早上快完工时,命运跟我们开了个玩笑。”“当我们打开8*8英尺的巨型烤箱时,发现面糊膨胀的重量把其中一根主对流管压坏了,结果热空气吹到杯形蛋糕的中心部位,导致蛋糕坍塌。”幸运的是,“梦之队”在离最后期限还剩半天的时间里又重新赶制了一个,避免了一场大麻烦,而且还是打破了所有其他杯形蛋糕的记录。来自吉尼斯世界纪录的一名评审员特地从伦敦飞往底特律为这块杯蛋糕进行测量,并向前来参加车展的数百民众公布了这一记录。
2023-07-09 21:12:081

求街头篮球背景歌,the dream team《neva lose 2010》 mp3链接。。要能放qq空间的那种。

2023-07-09 21:12:163


2023-07-09 21:12:232

SHINee从2008年到2013年的综艺节目 有么有么~?

偶像老幺的叛乱时代(钟铉 泰民 Key 温流)   Star Dance Battle (全体)    偶像军团 红了!她 第三季 (全体)   现在是花美男时代(轮流客串MC)   Gag夜(温流 珉豪)   我们结婚了(温流 KEY珉豪 泰民)   改变世界的quiz (温流 泰民 KEY 钟铉 珉豪)   Wonder Woman (温流 钟铉 泰民)    Hello babySHINee 的 Hello Baby(全体 共13期)   少女时代的hello baby (钟铉)   SJ的Miracle (温流 泰民 KEY 钟铉)   申东烨申凤善的香槟酒 (钟铉 温流)   柳熙烈的写生簿 (温流 泰民 KEY 珉豪)   明星金钟(全体)   出发梦之队 第二季(Dream Team2 珉豪固定演出泰民)   夜行星 (温流固定MC 共30期 全体)   不朽的名曲2(钟铉)   Star king(全体)   挑战千曲(温流 钟铉 KEY)   金正恩的巧克力(全体)   强心脏(KEY 珉豪 温流)   老板娘的沙龙(全体)   School of 乐(全体)   SHINee年下男的约会(全体 共12期 花絮有27期)少男少女歌谣白皮书(温流 泰民 KEY 珉豪)   MNET容兄东弟(全体)   Band.Of.Brothers(全体)   M!CountDown的播报榜单(全体)   美女老师的偶像养成(key固定出演 前3期有泰民)   生平第一次(全体)   申东烨的300( 温流 泰民)   新春特别节目 偶像明星7080歌手王 (温流、KEY)   偶像明星运动会 (缺钟铉)   偶像的帝王 (温流 珉豪)   happy together (温流)   百分满分(珉豪key 泰民 温流)   哈哈梦show(key)   寻笑人(温流 key 泰民)   QUIZ!六感对决 (温流 钟铉)   朴秀鸿好心情作战 (全体)   Gold Miss (全体) starking 可爱老幺泰民青春不败(珉豪 温流)   想象PLUS (温流 珉豪 key )   美女们的唠叨(温流 钟铉 珉豪 key)   1对100( 温流 珉豪 Key 泰民)   Quiz Show 竞猜远征队(全体)   对决!歌唱真好(全体)   Gag Concert (全体)   SPONGE ZERO(SPONGE)(温流 泰民)   至亲笔记 (key)   爱情追击者(全体)
2023-07-09 21:12:382


2023-07-09 21:12:464


其实这只是中国人自己取的名字,真正的梦之队只有一支,就是92年迈克尔乔丹带领的“DREAM TEAM” 恐怕只有中国人这么无聊一直在沿用这个称号吧。美国只有一个梦之队,那就是92年巴塞罗那奥运会上的那支,后面就开始有了滥竽充数的味道。尤其是近年来,我看也只有中国人一直在这么说,然后津津乐道说美国篮球不行了等等。美国人他们自己可没说这是什么“梦七队”(当然也没有前面所谓梦五、梦六等等),他们把这些集合起来为国家效力的球员称为美国男子国家篮球队。 终于了解到学习英语的好处了,以后还是直接上NBA官网(不是中文版的那个)或者ESPN看消息吧,免得被国内的翻译误导。
2023-07-09 21:13:123

after school林珍娜去过什么综艺越细越好

2010团综 Play Girlz School挑战千曲100124偶像军团第五季 E07,E08Dream Team 100528黄金渔场 100704综艺大民国(台湾综艺)花束101031, 101106[1]2011百分满分 偶像运动会TVN现场脱口秀TAXI 110603Kiss the Radio 111028[1]星期六的自由宣言 110709 110716 110723 110730 110806running man E34 (友情出演)2012Tokyo Brandnew Girl(日本时尚综艺节目,固定嘉宾)StarKing 121020  一周偶像120725(after school), 121031 (orange caramel)这就是魔术 121209出发梦之队121202MBC中秋特辑 Miss&Mr Idol Koera选拔大会Boom的young street[3]2013KBS春节特别节目:美女与野兽 130211日本综艺 “韩ON! Fighting!!” 130419StarKing 130420这就是魔术 130331 (OrangeCaramel)日综 原宿めぐり! Hanryu Factory 13030130天整个ORANGE CARAMEL无限挑战 E329, E33O
2023-07-09 21:13:191

以"my favourite dream team"为题目的英语作文

my dream Everyone has a dream. I also have a dream,but not only a simple one. When I was in primary school,my dream was that I would be a doctor when I grew up.I"ll be the first person who produces a new medicine.This kind of medicine can make teachers relax when they are busy correcting their students" exercises and preparing their lessons.Because one day when I woke up at midnight,I found my father,a senior Chinese teacher,was still busy with his work.I was deeply moved.I wish my father could be healthy and relaxed every minute. Now I"m a senior Grade Two student,all my classmates and I are working hard,we all know the College Entrance Examination which will come in the year of 2005 is a big problem for us.We must study harder and harder in order to go to a good university,then when we finish our school,we can find a good job in society.My dream is also that.Though now I"m not good at study,I"ll try my best. I know fantasy is hard to come true,but dream can. I"ll work hard for my dreams,I"ll never give up.
2023-07-09 21:13:401

英语作文the dream team l like best

Now I want to say something about my dream. What is my dream? I often ask myself. In my mind, everyone shall have his own dream. I think that having a dream means that we have an idea, and then we will do all the things to achieve the target. As long as we have a goal to be realized, we won"t be blind at least.
2023-07-09 21:13:491

the dream team i like best 英语作文,80词左右

with a board designated from the hills, you can hear the roar. This is the origin of Mainly because of Crescent Moon Spring in Dunhuang, Gansu is located, but also in the desert of Gansu, so a long time ago, here in particular water, in the desert, only that water, it saved hundreds of thousands of individuals, therefore, it is To mark this spring
2023-07-09 21:13:571


很 有难度
2023-07-09 21:14:067


2023-07-09 21:14:217


About Basketball (Olympic sport since 1936) 篮球运动  For 36 years after basketball entered the Olympic Games as a full medal sport for men, the question was not who would win, but who would finish second. The United States owned the game, and not just because it was invented there.   在男子篮球成为正式的奥运会比赛项目之后的36年中,人们关注的焦点并不是谁会赢得冠军,而是亚军的归属。美国是这项运动的主宰,这并不仅仅是因为篮球起源于美国。   The Soviet Union took home the gold when they toppled the US team in a controversial 1972 game. After another semi-final victory for the Soviets in 1988, the sport opened to professionals. Once again, the question became who would finish second. In Barcelona in 1992, with a squad featuring some of the world"s best-known athletes - Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and Larry Bird - the gold-medal winning US "Dream Team" gave an exhibition of basketball at its best.   苏联曾在1972的一场有争议的比赛中击败了美国,获得了奥运金牌。在1988年苏联再次击败美国赢得奥运会篮球半决赛的胜利后,奥运会篮球赛向职业选手敞开了大门,于是人们关注的焦点又成了谁将获得亚军。在1992年的巴塞罗那奥运会上,拥有迈克尔·乔丹、魔术师约翰逊、拉里·伯德等著名职业选手的美国“梦之队”上演了一场精彩绝伦的表演赛。   Women"s basketball hasn"t been quite such a one-sided affair. Since it joined the Olympic programme in 1976, the gold medals have been divided between the US, the Soviet Union and, after the break-up of the Soviet Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States.   而女子篮球的决赛就不是一边倒了。自从1976成为奥运会正式比赛项目之后,冠军起初是由美国和苏联分享,在苏联解体后则有美国和独联体来争夺。
2023-07-09 21:14:381

英语书35课翻译八年级下册河北教育出版社the dream team

2023-07-09 21:14:441


1.Chicago"s most famous figure before the 1980s was the gangster,Al“Scarface”Capone.But in the last two decades Chicago Bulls basketball star Michael Jordan has knocked the legendary crime boss from his pedestal.Almost single-handedly,Jordan turned Chicago"s image on its head,as the city on the shore of Lake Michigan moved from crime capital to basketball capital of America.Jordan is widely regarded as the sports greatest player,and his retirement announcement in early 1999 came as a blow to the sport and to his millions of fans in America and around the world. His athleticism and fierce competitiveness frightened his opponents,but his graciousness made him an American and international icon.He is most famous as the face of Nike,the athletics shoe and clothing company whose products he has endorsed for the past decade. Jordan quickly became a multi-millionaire,thanks to lucrative product endorsement deals such as his Nike promotion.As his fortune grew he put money back into the community,creating a foundation to fund athletics facilities and other projects for children from the inner city of Chicago,his adopted home.Jordan is reported to be the celebrity with whom most American children feel most comfortable,and American adults once placed him fifth on a list of all-time“most respected newsmakers.” But not everyone thought well of him.Some critics said he set a bad example,on and off the basketball court.He gambled;sometimes he mocked opponents during game and when the Nike company was accused of unfair labour practices,he virtually ignored the controversy.Certain black Americans accused him of dismissing less fortunate blacks,many of whom could not afford the expensive shoes marketed by Nike under the “Air Jordan”brand. His easy charm ensured that he remained popular with the vast majority of basketball supporters,despite these criticisms.And none of those who criticised his behavior could do the same when it came to his athletic performance.Nobody could undermine his achievements. Jordan was born on February 17,1963,is 1.98 meters tall and weighs 98kg.College players of the Year in 1983-4,he joined the struggling Chicago Bulls team for the 1984 season.By the next year,the Bulls had started a winning streak.In the 1986 season Jordan shot 3041 points,the third-highest score ever.In 1987 he was named the National Basketball Association (NBA) Slam Dunk Champion.He first won the Most valuable player award in 1988,an honour repeated four times in the 10 years to 1998.He guided his team to six championship wins during the 1990s,scoring 45 points during the sixth and last game of the 1998 NBA finals including the winning point in the game"s closing seconds. Over his career,Jordan captured 10 consecutive scoring titles.His jumping ability at goal was matched by excellent court and team play.Jordan retired from the club and the game in 1993,in pursuit of a dream to play basketball,but he returned to the baketball court and the Chicago Bulls in 1995. In 1996 he was named one of the 50 greatest players in history.2.Michael Jordan, the best known athlete in the world, is a leading scorer in the National Basketball Association (NBA), who led the Chicago Bulls to many recent NBA championships. He is, by far, and will be for a time to come, the best basketball player in the history of the game. Jordan was born in Brooklyn, New York, and raised in Wilmington, North Carolina. He accepted a basketball scholarship from the University of North Carolina and as a freshman scored the winning basket in the 1982 NCAA championship game against the Hoyas of Georgetown. Jordan was selected college player of the year for the 1983-1984 season, and in 1984 he led the United States basketball team to a gold medal at the Olympic Games in Los Angeles. Jordan left college in 1984 to play with the Bulls. He finished his first season (1984-1985) as one of the top scorers in the league, with an average of 28.2 points per game. He was also named rookie of the year and made the first of his nine All-Star game appearances. Jordan finished the 1986-1987 season as the second player, after Wilt Chamberlain, to score more than 3000 points in a single season. He led the NBA in scoring for seven consecutive seasons (1987-1993), tying Chamberlain"s record, and averaged more than 30 points per game in each season. He also became the Bulls" all-time leading scorer and set numerous scoring records, including most points in a playoff game (63 points against the Boston Celtics in 1986); and highest scoring average for an NBA championship series (41 points per game in the 1993 NBA finals). He led the Chicago Bulls to their first NBA championship title in 1991; with Jordan, the Bulls won again in 1992 and 1993. In addition to his three league Most Valuable Player awards (1988, 1991, 1992), Jordan won the All-Star game MVP award twice (1988, 1996) and a record three-consecutive NBA championship series MVP awards (1991-1993). Jordan was also a member of the United States Olympic basketball team, known as the Dream Team, that captured the gold medal at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, Spain. Stating that he had lost his desire to play professional basketball, Jordan announced his retirement prior to the 1993-1994 season. Initially noted for his scoring, his tenacious defensive play had made him one of the greatest all-around basketball players in NBA history. He had also become a worldwide celebrity due to his success in the NBA and the Olympics, and his numerous commercial endorsements. Early in 1994 Jordan returned to professional sports, this time as a baseball player. He signed a minor league contract with the Chicago White Sox of the American League (AL), reported to spring training, and was assigned to the team"s minor league system. That summer he batted .202 with the Birmingham Barons, a class AA affiliate of the White Sox. Later in the year he batted .252 with the Scottsdale Scorpions in the Arizona Fall League. Jordan ended his retirement from professional basketball by rejoining the Bulls near the end of the 1994-1995 NBA regular season. In the 1995-1996 season he enjoyed another great year, leading the NBA in scoring with 30.4 points per game and being named league MVP. The Bulls also became the first NBA team to win 70 games in a season, finishing with 72 victories, and they went on to win the NBA championship title. Jordan was named MVP of the NBA finals, becoming the first player to earn the honor four times. --------------------------------------------------------------个性签名职称论文发表,专业品质,负责到底,写发一条龙,联系见用户名!
2023-07-09 21:14:521

For The Money 歌词

歌曲名:For The Money歌手:Mack 10专辑:The Recipe (Explicit)Fabolous Ft. Nicki Minaj - For The Money (Remix)MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source(Chorus)Write another song for the moneyMy shawty sayWrite another song for the moneyYou know you needMoney in the bank to keep herYou know you needMoney in the bank to keep herSo my shawty sayWrite another song for the moneyHey hey hey my shawty sayWrite another song for the moneyYou know you needMoney in the bank to keep herShe say you know you needMoney in the bank to keep her(Fabolous)Uhh, and who the hell said they was cheaper to keepCause if you aint getting money when you call you get the beeepShe can"t pick up the phone, your broke ass should leave a messageAnd my guess is, if she never call well you get the messageYou like whaaaat, you can"t call nobodyI"ve been trying to find you like Waldo shawtyShe said she bout her paper if it"s there she gon get itWhen the money gone she gon" be the f-ck gone with itHey, I mean come on, she love Louis VuittonYorkie in her speedy bag that she name MilanHair stay there like she live in a salonSo her and money go hand in hand yeah like a batonI swear I"m on a stack of holy Bible"s and Qur"anWe could be the Dream team baby, Kobe and LeBronHoly if you gold, I never do the BronzeCause if you could have Beyonce would you take Solange(Chorus)Write another song for the moneyMy shawty sayWrite another song for the moneyYou know you needMoney in the bank to keep herYou know you needMoney in the bank to keep herSo my shawty sayWrite another song for the moneyHey hey hey my shawty sayWrite another song for the moneyYou know you needMoney in the bank to keep herShe say you know you needMoney in the bank to keep her(Nicki Minaj)Yo, yo I"m in a tricky little moodI trick these little dudesI tell "em that I love "em but I never really doSee I like pretty shoesAnd I like pretty minxAnd I like site seein"The pyramids and the sphinxHe cop Italian pieces so I do the fist pumpsAnd I can only push it if the trunk is in the frontIf the truck is in the back then u gotta take it backYou can hit me on the jackiChat on the MacSee I am who I amNicki M. motherf-ckerIf she say she not a fanShe a lyin" motherf-ckerAlways shoppin" in ParisSo I speak a little FrenchOui Oui rag-a-deTime for you to hit the benchIndecisive so I always gotta pick twoI guess that"s why I got the Yorkie and the ShitzuI told Fab get that Michael Knight Kit CoupeBefore I put this p-ssy on ya chipped tooth(Chorus)Write another song for the moneyMy shawty sayWrite another song for the moneyYou know you needMoney in the bank to keep herYou know you needMoney in the bank to keep herSo my shawty sayWrite another song for the moneyHey hey hey my shawty sayWrite another song for the moneyYou know you needMoney in the bank to keep herYou know you needMoney in the bank to keep her(Fabolous)I hate to see her poutin" she wants some LouboutinsI say how many pairs, she say who is countingMoney aint everything, with her it"s the only thingYou don"t treat her like a Queen, you gon be a lonely King!Her daddy must have spoiled herAint no expiration dateF-ck her ? in a movie she want a vacation dateFly out to London cruise to Bahama"sPresidential suites we check in as the Obama"sTake for instance Nicki, when she shops she"s pickyShe f-cks a fifty g"s fast and then calls it a quickieI only deal with ten cents my d-ck game is intenseBent that Barbie over and she aint seen Ken sinceThese n-ggas be feeling herAffording her"s another thingShe was married once before looking for another ringSo I call her ? thats amongst the other thingsShe say she love my flowI think she love to sing….(Chorus)Write another song for the moneyMy shawty sayWrite another song for the moneyYou know you needMoney in the bank to keep herYou know you needMoney in the bank to keep herSo my shawty sayWrite another song for the moneyHey hey hey my shawty sayWrite another song for the moneyYou know you needMoney in the bank to keep herYou know you needMoney in the bank to keep herMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source
2023-07-09 21:15:101


2023-07-09 21:15:285


2023-07-09 21:15:522


2023-07-09 21:16:105

200分 灌篮高手问题二

2023-07-09 21:16:2610


神奈川县梦之队 ALL STARS Dream-Team监督:安西光义 主将:牧绅一中 锋:赤木刚宪 197CM 5大 前 锋:仙道 彰 190CM 7小 前 锋:流川 枫 187CM 11得分后卫:神宗一郎 189CM 6控球后卫:牧绅一 184CM 4清田信长 178CM 9三井 寿 184CM 14藤真健司 178CM 8鱼住 纯 202CM 15福田吉兆 188CM 13宫城良田 168CM 12樱木花道 189.2CM 10组合队 ALL-STARS Other-Stars监督:堂本 主将:??中 锋:森重 宽 199CM 15 (名朋工业)大 前 锋:土 屋 淳 190CM 4 (大荣学园)小 前 锋:泽北荣治 186CM 9 (山王工业)得分后卫:南 烈 184CM 4 (丰玉高中)控球后卫:诸 星 大 185CM 4 (爱和学园)深津一成 180CM 4 (山王工业)河田雅史 190CM 7 (山王工业)御子 柴 188CM 4 (常诚高中)岸本实理 188CM 5 (丰玉高中)北乡时久 185CM 4 (堀)清水元太 183CM 4 (浦安商业)深尾 原 187CM 4 (洛安)千叶 一 181CM 4 (博多商大附中)星野 健 190CM 5 (博多商大附中)翔-陵混合队 ALL-STARS SHOYO-RYONAN监督:??中 锋:鱼住 纯 202CM 4大 前 锋:花形 透 197CM 5小 前 锋:仙道 璋 190CM 7得分后卫:福田吉兆 188CM 13控球后卫:藤真健司 178CM 4池上亮二 185CM 5长谷川一志 190CM 6大学明星队 ALL-STARS University监督:唐泽一雄 主将:杉山祥太中 锋:杉山祥太 208CM 4大 前 锋:谷泽龙二 200CM 10小 前 锋:江花昭一 197CM 6得分后卫:田卧勇太 191CM 7控球后卫:森下雄一郎 183CM 5秋坂真史 205CM 9光宗正和 200CM 8全明星一览(山口县) 原口商业:王牌球员-草间(SF)(大阪县) 大容:王牌球员-图武(PG)(清森县) 町田三商 :王牌球员-江川(SG)(福井县) 崛:王牌球员-北乡(SF)(兵库县) 横田工业:王牌球员-迟川(SF)(静冈县) 常诚 :王牌球员-鱼自(SF)(神奈川县) 海南:王牌球员-阿牧(PG)(京都县) 洛安 :王牌球员-神尾(SF)(岩手县) 马宫西:王牌球员-北条(SG)(爱知县) 名朋 :王牌球员-森重宽(C)(秋田县) 山王重工:王牌球员-泽北(SF)(福冈县) 博多商:王牌球员-荥野(PF)(千叶县) 富房:王牌球员-磨松(SF)(爱知县) 爱和学院:王牌球员-株行(SG)(大阪县) 丰玉:王牌球员-南烈(SF)(充岛县) 汤来工业:王牌球员-平松(SF)(神奈川县) 湘北:王牌球员-流川枫(SF)(千叶县) 浦安商业:王牌球员-清水(SG)(崎玉县) 石野工业:王牌球员-百玉(SF)(神奈川县) 角野:王牌球员-原山(SF)(神奈川县) 三浦台 :王牌球员-村雨(SF)(神奈川县) 绿风: 王牌球员-Maike(SF)(神奈川县) 陵南: 王牌球员-仙道(SF)(神奈川县) 翔阳:王牌球员-藤真(PG)(神奈川县) 津久武 :王牌球员-武代(PF)(神奈川县) 武园 :王牌球员-小田(C)(神奈川县) 武里 :王牌球员-本云(SF)(神奈川县) 高烟:王牌球员-龙瑞(SF)名字:牧 绅一(SHINICHI MAKI)号码:4号位置:控球后卫 (Point Guard)身高:184cm体重:79kg年级:三年级名字:神 宗一郎 (SOICHIRO JIN)号码:6号位置:得分后卫 (Shooting Guard)身高:189cm体重:71kg年级:二年级名字:清田信长 (NOBUNGA KIYOTA)号码:10号位置:小前锋 (Small Forward)身高:178cm体重:65kg年级:一年级球鞋:Reebok-pump绰号:野猴子名字:高砂一马 (Kazuma Takasago)号码:5号位置:中锋 (center)身高:191cm体重:80kg年级:三年级名字:武藤 正(Tadashi Muto)号码:9号位置:前锋 (Forward)身高:185cm体重:75kg年级:三年级名字:宫益义范 (YOSHINORI MIYAMASU)号码:15号位置:前锋 (Forward)身高:160cm体重:42kg年级:三年级海南大学附属高校 Kanagawa KAINAN监督:高头 主将:牧绅一中 锋:高砂一马 191CM 5大 前 锋:武 藤 正 184CM 9小 前 锋:清田信长 178CM 10得分后卫:神宗一郎 189CM 6控球后卫:牧绅 一 184CM 4宫益义范 160CM 15小 岛 178CM 7山 本 190CM 12今 中 190CM 11小 菅 183CM 8湘北高校 Kanagawa SHOHOKU监督:安西光义 主将:赤木刚宪中 锋:赤木刚宪 197CM 4大 前 锋:樱木花道 189.2CM 10小 前 锋:流川 枫 187CM 11得分后卫:三井 寿 184CM 14控球后卫:宫城良田 168CM 7暮目公延 178CM 5安田靖春 164CM 6潮崎哲士 170CM 8角田 悟 180CM 9佐佐木冈智 172CM 13桑田登纪 163CM 15石井健太郎 170CM 12名字:樱木花道 (Hanamichi Sakuragi)生日:4月1日班级:1年7班国中:和光中学号码:10号位置:大前锋 (Power Forward)身高:188cm 后来长高到 189.2cm体重:83kg球鞋:Nike-Air Jordan球鞋号码:28名字:流川 枫 (Kaede Rukawa)生日:1月1日班级:1年10班国中:富丘中学号码:11号位置:小前锋 (Small Forward)身高:187cm体重:75kg球鞋:Nike-Air Jordan名字: 赤木刚宪 (Takenori Akagi)班级: 三年六班生日: 五月十日国中:北村中学号码:4号位置:中锋 center身高: 197cm体重:90kg球鞋:Converse名字:三井 寿 (Hisashi Mitsui)生日:5月22日班级:3年3班国中:武石中学号码:14号位置:得分后卫 (Shooting Guard)身高:184cm体重:70kg球鞋:Asics名字:宫城良田 (Ryouta Miyagi)生日:7月31日班级:2年1班号码:7号位置:控球后卫 (Point Guard)身高:168cm体重:59kg球鞋:Converse名字:木暮公延 (Kiminobu Kogure)班级:3年6班生日:7月12日国中:北村中学号码:5号位置:前锋 (Forward)身高:178cm体重:62kg名字:安田靖春 (Yasuharu Yasuda)号码:6号位置:控球后卫 (Point Guard)身高:165cm年级:二年级名字:潮崎哲士 (Tetsushi Shiozaki)号码:8号位置:后卫 (Guard)身高:170cm年级:2年级名字:角田 悟 (Satoru Kakuta)号码:9号位置:中锋(Center)身高:180cm年级:二年级名字:石井 健太郎 (Kentarou Ishii)号码:12号位置:前锋(Forward)身高:170cm体重:65kg年级:一年级名字:左左冈 智(Satoru Sasaoka)号码:13号位置:前锋(Forward)身高:172cm年级:一年级名字:桑田登纪 (Toki Kuwata)号码:15号位置:控球后卫 (Point Guard)身高:163cm年级:一年级陵南高校 Kanagawa RYONAN监督:田冈茂一 主将:鱼住 纯中 锋:鱼住 纯 202CM 4大 前 锋:福田吉兆 188CM 13小 前 锋:仙道 璋 190CM 7得分后卫:越野宏明 174CM 6控球后卫:植草智之 170CM 8池上亮二 185CM 5相田彦一 160CM 15管 平 190CM 11名字:鱼住 纯 (JUN UOZUMI)号码:4号位置:中锋 (Center)身高:202cm体重:90kg球鞋:Asics年级:三年级名字:仙道 彰 (AKIRA SENDOH)号码:7号位置:小前锋 (Small Forward),控球后卫 (Point Guard)身高:190cm体重:79kg球鞋:Converse年级:二年级名字:福田吉兆 Kicchou Fukuda号码:13号位置:大前锋身高:188cm体重:80kg年级:二年级名字:越野宏明 Hiroaki Koshino号码:6号位置:前锋身高:174cm体重:62kg年级:二年级名字:池上 亮二 Ryoji Ikegami身高:188cm体重:83kg号码:5位置:前锋-F年级:三年级名字:植草智之 Toriyuki Uekusa号码:8号位置:控球后卫,前锋身高:170cm体重:62kg年级:二年级名字:相田彦一 Hikoichi Aida身高:165cm年级:一年级翔阳高校 Kanagawa SHOYO监督&主将:滕真健司中 锋:花形 透 197CM 5大 前 锋:高野昭一 193CM 8小 前 锋:永野 满 191CM 7得分后卫:长谷川一志 190CM 6控球后卫:滕真健司 178CM 4伊藤 卓 180CM 9名字:藤真健司 (Kenji Fujima)(兼职教练)号码:4号位置:控球后卫 (Point Guard)身高:178cm体重:66kg球鞋:Asics年级:三年级名字:花形 透 (Touru Hanagata)号码:5号位置:中锋 (Center)身高:197cm体重:83kg球鞋:Asics年级:三年级名字:长谷川 一志 (Kazushi Hasegawa)号码:6号位置:前锋 (Forward)身高:190cm体重:81kg年级:三年级名字:永野 满 (Mitsuru Nagano)号码:7号位置:前锋(Forward)身高:191cm体重:84kg年级:三年级名字:高野昭一 (Shouichi Takano)号码:8号位置:前锋,中锋身高:193cm体重:85kg年级:三年级名字:伊藤 卓 (Taku Itou)号码:9号位置:后卫身高:180cm体重:71kg年级:二年级丰玉高中 Osaka TOYOTAMA监督:北野 主将:南烈中 锋:岩田三秋 190CM 8大 前 锋:岸本实理 188CM 5小 前 锋:南 烈 184CM 4得分后卫:矢鸟京平 184CM 7控球后卫:板仓大二郎 183CM 6大川辉男 181CM 14风间水献 183CM 11桥本点启 183CM 9名字:南 烈 Tsuyoshi Minami号码:4号位置:小前锋身高:184cm年级:三年级绰号:王牌杀手名字:岸本实理 Minori Kishimoto号码:5号位置:大前锋身高:188cm年级:三年级名字:岩田三秋 Mitsuaki Iwata号码:8号位置:中锋身高:190cm年级:三年级名字:板仓 大二郎 Daijirou Itakura号码:6号位置:后卫身高:183cm年级:二年级名字:矢崤京平 Kyouhei Yajima号码:7号位置:得分后卫身高:184cm年级:三年级山王工业 Akita SANNOH监督:堂本五郎 主将:深津一成中 锋:河田雅史 190CM 7大 前 锋:野边将广 198CM 5小 前 锋:泽北荣治 186CM 9得分后卫:一之仓聪 172CM 8控球后卫:深津一成 180CM 4松本 念 184CM 6河田美纪男 210CM 15明石昌夫 182CM 10名字:深津一成 Kazunori Fukatsu号码:4号身高: 180cm位置:控球后卫年级:三年级名字:河田雅史 Masashi Kawata号码:7号位置:中锋身高:190cm年级:三年级名字:泽北荣志 Eiji Sawakita号码:9号身高: 186cm位置:小前锋年级:二年级名字:野边将广 Masahiro Nobe号码:5号身高: 190cm位置:大前锋年级:三年级名字:河田美纪男 Mikio Kawata号码:15号位置:大前锋 中锋身高:210cm体重:130kg年级:一年级名字:松本 稔 Matsumoto号码:6号身高: 184CM位置:前锋年级:三年级名字:一之仓 聪 Satoshi Ichinokura号码:8号身高: 172cm位置:得分后卫年级:三年级武园 Kanagawa TAKEZONO监督:叶山 主将:黛 明中 锋: 小田龙政 190CM 9大 前 锋: 宇崎健一 186CM 8小 前 锋: 结城 勇 187CM 7得分后卫: 三浦义秀 173CM 5控球后卫: 黛 明 187CM 4 下 野 177CM 6小田龙政 Oda国中:和光中学学校:武园高中 Takesono号码:9号身高: 190cm位置:后卫年级:一年级名朋工业 Aichi MEIHON监督:德川 主将:中山典梨中 锋:森重 宽 199CM 15大 前 锋:前田龙雨 198CM 5小 前 锋:森岛了师 186CM 7得分后卫:大门三郎 184CM 6控球后卫:中山典梨 182CM 4服部火盛 186CM 8竹木直人 179CM 10千山四局 185CM 11森重宽 HIROSHI MORISHIGE学校:名朋工业(爱知县)Meihou Kougyou号码:15号位置:中锋身高:199cm体重:100kg年级:一年级常诚高中 Shizuoka JOUSEI监督:?? 主将:御子 柴中 锋:阪 神 195CM 7大 前 锋:吉田泽仁 190CM 9小 前 锋:御子 柴 188CM 4得分后卫:汤 船 184CM 8控球后卫:松冈末下 180CM 5多田 绪 175CM 6大山赖星 177CM 12川岛 津 184CM 10御子柴 MIKOSHIBA学校:常诚高中(静冈县)Jousei大荣学院 Osaka Daiei Gakuen监督:?? 主将:土屋 淳中 锋:中居广正 193CM 5大 前 锋:龙刻年岛 188CM 7小 前 锋:中野得山 185CM 8得分后卫:永濑正天 180CM 6控球后卫:土屋 淳 190CM 4尾原绿 180CM 10工 藤 190CM 11滨崎 岛 189CM 9
2023-07-09 21:16:511