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jail和prison 都是监狱的意思,用法上有区分么?

Jail(n.)---“监狱”。英国的拼法为goal。在英国指民事监狱, 在美国指收容犯有轻罪的人或未经判决的人的收容所看守所等; 现在也指监狱。 Prison(n.)---“监狱”。指大型的监狱。是指监禁判刑的罪犯等待受审的嫌疑犯俘虏等的地方。 例:They have Birdsong in jail. 他们把伯德押在牢里。 The court committed a prisoner to jail. 该法庭将罪犯投入监狱。 The thief was sent to prison for a year. 那个小偷被判处一年监禁。 He came out of prison. 他出狱了。


一、读音不同1、jail:英 [du0292eu026al],美 [du0292el]2、prison:英[u02c8pru026azn],美[u02c8pru026azu0259n]二、词性不同1、jail:可作名词、及物动词。2、prison:可作名词。三、关押对象不同1、jail:一jail是一种监禁设施,人们在那里等待审判或判刑,通常由当地执法部门管理,而且只有一个安全级别。jail 里面的设施条件比较差。例句:With this sin, I have to throw myself into air jail once and again.背负着这个罪,我不得不一次又一次地把自己投进空中监狱。2、prison:prison 是为那些已经被判刑的人提供的设施,法庭已经证明他们是罪犯,通常由州或联邦政府管理,一些prisons由与政府达成协议的私营公司管理。由于犯罪分子较多,而且其中一些可能非常危险,因此prison 有几个安全级别。根据罪行和其他一些因素,为每个囚犯分配适当的安全级别。例句:It was a prison from which no one escaped.那是一个没有人从那里逃掉的监狱。


在上图中的门上有123456,共6个圆盘! 首先按下4和5两个按钮,之后会打开第一根棍子,接着是按下2和3按钮,第二根也打开了,最后是1和6,之后即可顺利过关!

behind bars是等于be in jail还是等于into jail

1、behind bars 在监狱服刑(直译为在栏杆后面,意为在监狱栅栏内)例如:After being sentenced to 23 months in prison, Michael Vick is adjusting well to life behind bars.在被判决入狱23个月后,迈克。维克已经完全适应了监狱生活。2、be in jail 在监狱服刑(直译为呆在监狱里面)例如:I could be in jail right now. Popper"s one hell of a lawyer.我可能现在就得进监狱里了 帕普还算够厉害!3、into jail 进监狱(直译为进入监狱,强调的是动作)例如:But if he refused to pick a pebble, his father would be thrown into Jail.但是如果他拒绝挑选鹅卵石,他的父亲将被关进监狱。综上所述,behind bars = be in jail 强调在监狱内部,一种存在的状态。而into jail 强调进行监狱的动作发生,非延续性词汇。

Rock House Jail,The Rock,亡灵序曲有什么联系




Rock House Jail,The Rock,亡灵序曲有什么联系





方法如下:1、单击左侧“jails”菜单 2、选择jail存储位置:在最上方“Activated Pool for Jail Manager:”这里会显示jail工作的存储池,点击“配置”按钮可以选择存储池,建议选择在固态硬盘上建立的存储池,因为jail系统运行中会不断访问硬盘,如果将jail放在机械盘上,将会不断访问机械盘,可能会影响寿命,放在固态硬盘上系统运行速度也会更快。配置好存储池之后,系统会自动建立一个iocage数据集,用于存放jail相关文件。3、创建jail:点击“ADD”按钮,在弹出界面中输入jail名称和系统版本4、点击“下一步”,在弹出界面中选择网络设置,一般情况下选择“DHCP自动配置IPv4”就行了。5、点击“下一步”,显示确认信息界面6、点击“SUBMIT”之后将开始创建jail,这时将会下载前面选择的FreeBSD11.2-RELEASE系统,可能需要较长时间,请耐心等待。7、成功之后,显示jail列表

goal 和 jail有什么不同?为啥读音一样?


jail造句 jailの例文"jail"是什麼意思

That spy is now in a british jail . 现在这个间谍正在英国监狱里服刑。 You seem to have suffered a lot in jail . 你在监狱里似乎受了很多苦。 I always said he would wind up in jail . 我常说他到头来非进监狱不可。 The popce carted the protesters off to jail . 警察把抗议者押送监狱。 He can be punished by long jail sentences . 他可能受到长期监禁的处罚。 To go to jail in south would mean the end . 在南方,坐牢将意味著死亡。 Fred was finally found out and jailed . 弗莱德终于被捉到关入监狱。 He has done five years in the jail . 他已在这所监狱里服刑五年。 He is locked up in jail for the night . 他被关入监狱过夜。 When she was in jail she expressed their soul . 在身陷囹圄之后她表达了他们的灵魂。 It"s difficult to see jail in a sentence. 用 jail 造句挺难的 The prisoners used the tunnel to escape from jail . 囚犯们利用这条地道越狱逃跑了。 She worried he might end up in jail or worse . 她担心,他可能会落到坐牢或更糟的地步。 The guard let the prisoners out of jail to work in the garden . 警卫放犯人出来到花园工作。 The thief landed in jail . 罪犯被捕入狱。 She was jailed for her anti-world war i activities . 她曾由于反对第一次世界大战的活动而被捕入狱。 She was so ignorant of the world of popce and jails and criminals . 警察、监狱、囚徒,这一切对她太陌生啦。 The stolen goods were found in his room, thereupon he was put in jail . 脏物在他的屋里寻获,于是他被捕入狱。 After breaking out of the jail , he hid out in a deserted farmhouse . 他越狱后,暗藏在一个无人居住的农舍里。 I can assure you that we have every chance of tucking his ass into jail . 我敢向你担保,我们完全有把握将这头蠢驴塞进监狱。 The days of a judge telpng a miscreant to join the army or go to jail are over . 由法官判一名无赖不当兵就坐牢的日子过去了。 Israel even threatens health-shop owners with jail if they sell it at all . 以色列甚至威胁药店老板,如果他们出售它,就把他们关进监牢。 Since he escaped from jail , tom has been pving on a razor "s edge , terrified of recapture . 汤姆越狱后,时时如惊弓之鸟,生怕再次被捕。 "i"ve seen them poison before, but i"ve never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her." 我见过害人精,可是从没见过比她还要可怕的祸水。 She therefore suggested that young thugs have the choice beeen jail and the birch . 因此,她提议给年轻的凶手一个选择:要么坐牢房,要么吃鞭子。 Stiff fines or jail terms for persons offering or accepting bribes diminish their ines . 对行贿或受贿的人罚以重金或给予监禁,能减少他们的收入。 It is an interesting fact, however, that some of the best of this poetry has been produced in jail . 非常有趣的是,一些极好的诗作竟是在监狱中诞生的。 From her frail body had descended some seven hundred people and not one had so far been in jail . 瘦骨嶙峋的她已经繁衍了七百来个后代,从来没有一个犯过法坐过牢。 When he crossed the threshold of the jail a pecupar sensation of strangeness and defeat came over him . 当他踏进监狱门槛的时候,他觉得了一种特别异样的和失败的感觉。 A young thief who spends time in jail receives there a thorough education in crime from his fellow prisoners . 一个蹲监狱的少年窃贼会从同监的犯人那儿接受一整套有关犯罪的教育。 Although the physical condition of the jail was bad, the routine was, according to our notions, an informal one . 监狱里的物质条件虽然很差,但是用我们的观点看,日常生活倒没有什么拘束。 It"s difficult to see jail in a sentence. 用 jail 造句挺难的 He had his own reasons for avoiding the remarks of mrs. saddletree, whose shop-door opened at no great distance from that of the jail . 他有意避免萨德尔特里太太的闲话,而她的店门却离牢门不远。 Some three hundred leading japanese citizens were removed from jail by these voluntary efforts of the missionary descendants . 靠这些传教士后裔自动伸出的援手,有三百来个颇有地位的日本人走出了牢房。 But l got 30 grand . l can " t put him in jail 可我拿了3万美圆.我不能把他抓进去 The prisoner is left to rot in the jail 这个囚徒被投入监狱任凭他渐渐消瘦下去。 You should " ve brought the"get out of jail free"card 你应该带张“脱狱”卡给我 The prisoner was put into the jail with fetters 这个犯人被戴上脚镣投进了监狱。 Becca , e on . - one last game before jail 贝卡,拜托-去监狱前的最后一场游戏 Your marshal had him , and he don " t keep a friendly jail 这儿的监狱可不随便放人 When he awoke , he found himself in a jail 他一觉醒来,发现自己竟进了监狱里了。 If arness calls the cops , i could go to jail 如果阿妮斯报案,我可能会蹲监狱! Maybe a pttle time in jail might help him to . . 也许你在牢里呆一段时间能帮助. . And have put them into jail all my freakin " pfe 就是要把他们这样的人渣抓进监狱 After i got out of jail . i tried my best to move on 我出狱以后只是在努力的活著 More and more economic criminals go to jail 越来越多的经济罪犯入狱(被关进监狱) Your marshal had him , and he don " t keep a friendly jail 这儿的监狱可不随便放人 And have put them into jail all my freakin " pfe 就是要把他们这样的人渣抓进监狱 A heavenly christmas party in the jail of san sebastian 圣赛巴斯汀监狱的圣诞派对 - becca , e on . - one last game before jail -贝卡,拜托-去监狱前的最后一场游戏 Company director jailed and fined for tax evasion 公司董事逃税罪成被判入狱及罚款 E - mail scam swindler jailed for four years services 电子邮件骗案骗徒被判入狱四年 It"s difficult to see jail in a sentence. 用 jail 造句挺难的 上一篇: 奔跑吧迪丽热巴个人资料,奔跑吧迪丽热巴个人资料 下一篇: 爱在第一次

其中 Prison 和jail有什么区别吗?


请问 jail 和 prison 有何分别?

首先, Jail 其实是 Gaol (读音与 Jail 一样) 演变出来的。虽然不论英式或美式英语都惯常用 Jail 这个字,但在美国以外的英语国家,官方文件则会用 Goal 这个字。 至于 Jail 及 Prison ,两者在美国以外的英语国家其实是完全没有分别的。但美国的司法系统则对 Jail 及 Prison 用明确的区分。 Jail 在美国是由地方 *** (如郡) 设立及管理的,通常用于囚禁被判以一年以下刑期的囚犯或一些等待上庭或判刑的人。而 Prison 则是由州或联邦 *** 管理,用以囚禁被判以一年或以上刑期的囚犯。 问题里的句子是有关柬埔寨的新闻,提到两名被捕疑犯现还押监房看管,未审讯亦未判刑,若这则新闻在美国刊登,应该会用 Jail ,在其他英语国家则 Jail 或 Prison 都可以。 cdc/NCHSTP/OD/cccwg/difference en. *** /wiki/Jail 参考: .knowledge.yahoo/question/question?qid=7007020403834


goal名词:监狱动词:拘留例:You"ll go to gaol if you touch the moneyjail 名词:监狱动词:监禁例:be sent to ~ for two yuars ;be ~ed the man who broke ~prison名词:监狱;牢笼例:be seng to ~ for robbing who broke ~ bank ;In wet,ald weather this horse is a ~.

监狱用英语怎么说?除了:jail prison?



一、读音不同1、jail:英 [du0292eu026al],美 [du0292el]2、prison:英[u02c8pru026azn],美[u02c8pru026azu0259n]二、词性不同1、jail:可作名词、及物动词。2、prison:可作名词。三、关押对象不同1、jail:一jail是一种监禁设施,人们在那里等待审判或判刑,通常由当地执法部门管理,而且只有一个安全级别。jail 里面的设施条件比较差。例句:With this sin, I have to throw myself into air jail once and again.背负着这个罪,我不得不一次又一次地把自己投进空中监狱。2、prison:prison 是为那些已经被判刑的人提供的设施,法庭已经证明他们是罪犯,通常由州或联邦政府管理,一些prisons由与政府达成协议的私营公司管理。由于犯罪分子较多,而且其中一些可能非常危险,因此prison 有几个安全级别。根据罪行和其他一些因素,为每个囚犯分配适当的安全级别。例句:It was a prison from which no one escaped.那是一个没有人从那里逃掉的监狱。


一、读音不同1、jail:英 [du0292eu026al],美 [du0292el]2、prison:英[u02c8pru026azn],美[u02c8pru026azu0259n]二、含义不同1、jail:一般指的是用来关押等待判决的嫌犯、服刑期在一年以下的犯人以及未能保释的犯人,译为看守所、拘留所更合适。2、prison:则指关押长期罪犯的监狱。功用国际音标严格规定以“一符一音”为原则,即“一个音素一个符号,一个符号一个音素”是读好英语单词必备的发音方法。使用拼音方案的语言,同一字母在不同词中常有几种读法。例如:英语like和lit中的“i”,用国际音标注音,分别为[au026a]和[e],又如:普通话bān(班)和bāng(邦)的a,用国际音标分别为[a]和[e]。此外,在不同的语言中,同一个音有不同的拼法。例如,英语的sh,法语的ch,德语的sch,波兰语的sz,捷克语的s ,实际上都是国际音标的[u0283]音。




Jail---“监狱”。英国的拼法为goal,指民事监狱。在美国指收容犯有轻罪的人或未经判决的人的看守所等; 现在也指监狱。Prison---“监狱”。指大型监狱,监禁判刑的罪犯的地方。slammer是俚语。


监狱:prison, jail, gaol   把……送进监狱   send sb. to prison == put sb in prison == throw sb into prison   in prison 坐牢   the prison 监狱   He is in prison / jail.   He is behind boars.

AWOLNATION Jailbreak MP3下载

AWOLNATION Jailbreak歌曲已分享到你的百度网盘登陆百度网盘点分享查收哦同求资源的请去百度提问问题地址发我百度私信




桌面时间改一下 就好了

Thin Lizzy的《Jailbreak》 歌词

歌曲名:Jailbreak歌手:Thin Lizzy专辑:JailbreakTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in this townSee me and the boys we dont like itSo were getting up and going downHiding low looking right to leftIf you see us coming I think its bestTo move away do you hear what I sayFrom under my breathTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundDont you be aroundTonight theres gonna be troubleSome of us wont surviveSee the boys and me mean businessBustin out dead or aliveI can hear the hound dogs on my trailAll hell breaks loose, alarm and sirens wailLike the game if you loseGo to jailTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundTonight theres gonna troubleIm gonna find myself inTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo woman stay with a friendYou know its saferBreakout!Tonight theres gonna be a breakoutInto the city zonesDont you dare to try and stop usNo one could for longSearchlight on my trailTonights the night all systems failHey you good lookin femaleCome here!Tonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundTonight theres gonna be troubleIm gonna find myself inTonight theres gonna be troubleSo woman stay with a friendhttp://music.baidu.com/song/11134219



iphone4 ios6.1完美越狱 点了jailbreak按钮后,开始载入了,然后手机会重启,可是数据线的连接却断开了


iPhone 5 iOS 10.3.3 h3lix jailbreak uicache failed!

iPhone 5 是32位的手机,32位手机上iOS10系统的越狱软件只有 h3lix ,以前越狱都很正常,最近发现使用h3lix越狱总是失败提示“uicahce failed!”(如上图),重启N次都没有效果。 搜索后发现有两种方法: 修复后的H3lix程序: https://workupload.com/start/etd9TYxN https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bdYuKH1VEkIKDhAf31eH3MTRzbesb7MA/view



iPhone 4 如何越狱~~~我越狱后手机上没有显示 JailbreakMe应用和Cydia应用程序~~~~请问如何破解越狱啊~~~

先连接Wifi,再打开Safari,上JailBreakMe的那个网站,就会自动下载越狱工具包。然后就会自动打开,Slide to JailBreak!


ios6.1 没有泛起错误 就是到 解锁后然后弹出界面 没有泛起Jailbreak停笔 因为按不了停笔 越狱就不成功

ios6.1 越狱过程中,到了3/4的进度的时候,没有Jailbreak图标出现,重启过,没用,求大神帮助


ipad2 ios6.1越狱中不显示jailbreak图标怎么办?



把你的91助手退了 就成了 要不貌似抢端口




1:按下关机键不放 滑动关机 直到手机关机 (此时 下一步已经可以按了)2:按下开机键不放 出现苹果logo3:出现苹果logo 的瞬间 按下主屏键 同时 开机键不能松开4:等到屏幕黑屏后松开开机键 主屏键 不能松手 直到电脑上面开始有进度5:等待越狱完成


所属专辑:Eden Fire演唱人:Sonic Syndicate歌词The walls are moving closer nowCan you feel it,can you feel it?You are not saved until you see the dawnSet my Eden on fire nowYou did it,you did itSmoked out my soul once and for allI"m coming home tonightCan we make it right?Or twist the dagger in my backYou lit the fires in me that I never thought I hadNow it"s nothing but a memory...BE PATIENT,SOMEDAY THIS PAIN WILL BE USEFUL USEFUL TO YOU !BE PATIENT,SOMEDAY THIS PAIN WILL SETTLE DEEP IN DEEP IN YOU !The helix is shattered nowYou broke it You broke itThe destruction of my entire essenceDrink the nectars of the shadow flower nowContaminatedAnd sit back as it reaches for your heartBE PATIENT,SOMEDAY THIS PAIN WILL BE USEFUL USEFUL TO YOU !BE PATIENT,SOMEDAY THIS PAIN WILL SETTLE DEEP IN DEEP IN YOU !Deep in youIn the excavation of my human heart I found somethingSomething that I never knew existed...I"m coming home tonightCan we make it right?Or twist the dagger in my backYou lit the fires in me that I never thought I hadNow it"s nothing but a memory...BE PATIENT,SOMEDAY THIS PAIN WILL BE USEFUL USEFUL TO YOU !BE PATIENT,SOMEDAY THIS PAIN WILL SETTLE DEEP IN DEEP IN YOU !BE PATIENT,SOMEDAY THIS PAIN WILL BE USEFUL USEFUL TO YOU !BE PATIENT,SOMEDAY THIS PAIN WILL SETTLE DEEP IN DEEP IN YOU !


需要越狱 越吧





ipad3 ios6.1完美越狱没出现jailbreak是怎么回事?



名如意歌曲名:Jailbreak歌手:Thin Lizzy专辑:JailbreakTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in this townSee me and the boys we dont like itSo were getting up and going downHiding low looking right to leftIf you see us coming I think its bestTo move away do you hear what I sayFrom under my breathTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundDont you be aroundTonight theres gonna be troubleSome of us wont surviveSee the boys and me mean businessBustin out dead or aliveI can hear the hound dogs on my trailAll hell breaks loose, alarm and sirens wailLike the game if you loseGo to jailTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundTonight theres gonna troubleIm gonna find myself inTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo woman stay with a friendYou know its saferBreakout!Tonight theres gonna be a breakoutInto the city zonesDont you dare to try and stop usNo one could for longSearchlight on my trailTonights the night all systems failHey you good lookin femaleCome here!Tonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundTonight theres gonna be troubleIm gonna find myself inTonight theres gonna be troubleSo woman stay with a friend


目录方法1:越狱之前1、确定你运行的是哪个版本的iOS。2、进行设备备份。3、把你的设备连接到电脑。方法2:开始越狱2、确保你的设备是兼容的。3、移动滑块,开始越狱之旅。4、重启你的设备。5、浏览Cydia,寻找新的应用程序。有了jailbreakme.com,为旧版本的苹果设备越狱已经变得轻而易举。这个网站能让你只花最少的力气就成功越狱。为手机越狱后,就可以用其他运营商的服务。只需遵照本指南,你就能不费吹灰之力为你的iPhone越狱。方法1:越狱之前1、确定你运行的是哪个版本的iOS。只需打开主界面上的设置应用程序,点击通用类别,然后选择“关于”。你的iOS版本号就列在版本条目旁边。JailbreakMe不支持高于4.3.3以上的iOS版本。这就是说,iPhone 4S、5和iPod touch 5,还有iPad 3都不受支持。使用的旧硬件设备运行的一定要是iOS 4.3.3或者更早的版本。如果你要给使用更新iOS版本的设备越狱,请查看我们有关iOS 5.x和6.x的指南。【iOS 8.1目前已经有越狱方法,详情请访问http://jailbreak.25pp.com/ios/ 】2、进行设备备份。在你的电脑上打开iTunes。你要用iTunes来为手机创建一个备份镜像。万一越狱过程出现问题,或者你不喜欢越狱后的手机,就可以用它来令设备恢复。3、把你的设备连接到电脑。在iTunes里的侧边栏中点选你的设备。从出现的选项中选择“现在备份”,这样就能备份你的数据、联系人和设置。如果用了屏幕密码锁,把它关掉。越狱完成后你还可以再重新启用。方法2:开始越狱1、从设备上访问越狱网站。JailbreakMe是通过设备上的网络浏览器来进行越狱的。打开Safari,访问网址http://jailbreakme.com。2、确保你的设备是兼容的。如果你的设备不受支持,JailbreakMe网站会告诉你它将不起作用。如果兼容,你会看到一个“移动滑块开始越狱”的选项。3、移动滑块,开始越狱之旅。越狱会自动下载和安装,这可能要花五分钟或更久,取决于你的网速。一旦这一过程完成,设备界面上会出现一条消息,说“Cydia已经被添加至您的主界面。Enjoy!”点击OK,回到主界面。4、重启你的设备。这并非必须,但有助于解决越狱过程中遗留下来的任何小问题。5、浏览Cydia,寻找新的应用程序。Cydia是越狱设备的苹果应用商店,但你也能找到五花八门的应用程序和小窍门,可以用在越狱后的手机上。关于如何使用与浏览Cydia,可以看看我们的指南。小提示如果安装过程中出现问题,或者安装程序崩溃,光靠恢复系统再重试可能也无法解决。Jailbreakme.com会继续尝试安装,但还是会崩溃,让你回到主界面。解决这种问题(以及许多其他问题)的一个经过验证的办法就是将手机还原到出厂设置。但要注意,这样做会清楚手机上的所有数据。警告要明白,为手机越狱会让你能运行未经“许可”的应用程序——也包括恶意软件和病毒应用程序。服务供应商购买了在带有他们标志的手机上用某些功能的权利。你手机上的功能并不一定都能在别家供应商的网络上运行。请慎重考虑风险,到头来你可能会丢了功能又损失金钱。小心那些声称使用JailbreakMe方法越狱,却要收费的网站。所有真正的越狱应用程序都是由越狱社群开发的,用于免费发布。对某一设备越狱后引发问题的可能性总是存在的。一旦出现问题,你可以用通过iTunes创建的备份来恢复设备。

Thin Lizzy的《Jailbreak》 歌词

歌曲名:Jailbreak歌手:Thin Lizzy专辑:LifeTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in this townSee me and the boys we dont like itSo were getting up and going downHiding low looking right to leftIf you see us coming I think its bestTo move away do you hear what I sayFrom under my breathTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundDont you be aroundTonight theres gonna be troubleSome of us wont surviveSee the boys and me mean businessBustin out dead or aliveI can hear the hound dogs on my trailAll hell breaks loose, alarm and sirens wailLike the game if you loseGo to jailTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundTonight theres gonna troubleIm gonna find myself inTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo woman stay with a friendYou know its saferBreakout!Tonight theres gonna be a breakoutInto the city zonesDont you dare to try and stop usNo one could for longSearchlight on my trailTonights the night all systems failHey you good lookin femaleCome here!Tonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundTonight theres gonna be troubleIm gonna find myself inTonight theres gonna be troubleSo woman stay with a friendhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8001201

Ac/Dc的《Jailbreak》 歌词

歌曲名:Jailbreak歌手:Ac/Dc专辑:Gold Album 1974-2000Tonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in this townSee me and the boys we dont like itSo were getting up and going downHiding low looking right to leftIf you see us coming I think its bestTo move away do you hear what I sayFrom under my breathTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundDont you be aroundTonight theres gonna be troubleSome of us wont surviveSee the boys and me mean businessBustin out dead or aliveI can hear the hound dogs on my trailAll hell breaks loose, alarm and sirens wailLike the game if you loseGo to jailTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundTonight theres gonna troubleIm gonna find myself inTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo woman stay with a friendYou know its saferBreakout!Tonight theres gonna be a breakoutInto the city zonesDont you dare to try and stop usNo one could for longSearchlight on my trailTonights the night all systems failHey you good lookin femaleCome here!Tonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundTonight theres gonna be troubleIm gonna find myself inTonight theres gonna be troubleSo woman stay with a friendhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1459281


jailbreak 英[ˈdʒeɪlbreɪk] 美[ˈdʒeɪlbreɪk] n. (数人) 越狱; [例句]Some students from Lancaster University in the UK are going to have their annual Jailbreak Competition later this month.英国兰卡斯特大学的一些学生计划于本月晚些时候,举办他们一年一度的越狱比赛。[其他] 复数:jailbreaks 敬请采纳!


JailBreak后你的iPhone才能安装第三方的软件,否则你只能用iTunes Store上的免费或收费软件。

Cold War Kids的《Jailbirds》 歌词

歌曲名:Jailbirds歌手:Cold War Kids专辑:Dear Miss LonelyheartCold War Kids - Jailbirds.The sun is rising so late it"s earlyI have spread myself too thin againThe guest of honor at my guilty partyMe and this silence have become old friends.Father make believe for your daughtersMother take it easy on your sonsSister balance like a tightrope walkerBut for now, you got to keep them young.My solitude, it makes me softerMy suffering is not in vain.My depression sings, how much longerWill I have to wait to see a world free from pain?.Father make believe for your daughtersMother take it easy on your sonsSister balance like a tightrope walkerBut for now, you got to keep them youngFather make believe for your daughtersMother take it easy on your sonsSister balance like a tightrope walkerBut for now, you got to keep them youngFather make believe for your daughtersMother take it easy on your sonsSister balance like a tightrope walkerBut for now, you got to keep them young.http://music.baidu.com/song/38693065

Jail的《Julie》 歌词

歌曲名:Julie歌手:Jail专辑:You Can Help MeTake That - JulieKevin dedicated this song to a beautiful girl CrystalJulie, whatchu problem?Won"t you tell me what"s going onCoz there"s a dark cloud hanging over youYou"ve been down down down for too longYou used to singShalalalalala I want youSing shalalalalala I doThere"s a band outsideAnd they"re playing loud for you for youJulie, come to your windowDon"t let your problemSpoil the viewIt"s not a good day to cry todaySo com"n change change changeCome through the doorYou used to singShalalalalala I want youSing shalalalalala I doThere"s a band outsideAnd they"re playing loud for youYou used to singShalalalalala I want youSing shalalalalala I doThere"s a band outsideAnd they"re playing loud for you for youWhy why why, do you cry cry cryYou should know by nowThat the sun comes up for youWhy why why, do you cry cry cryYou should know nowThat the sun comes up for youThat the sun comes up for youYou used to singShalalalalala I want youSing shalalalalala I doThere"s a band outsideAnd they"re playing loud for youYou used to singShalalalalala I want youSing shalalalalala I doThere"s a band outsideAnd they"re playing loud for you for youShalalalalala I want youShalalalalala I dohttp://music.baidu.com/song/10410079

Jailhouse Rock 歌词

歌曲名:Jailhouse Rock歌手:Telex专辑:How Do You Dance?Elvis Presley - Jailhouse RockThe warden threw a party in the county jail.The prison band was there and they began to wail.The band was jumpin" and the joint began to swing.You should"ve heard those knocked out jailbirds sing.Let"s rock, everybody, let"s rock.Everybody in the whole cell blockWas dancin" to the Jailhouse Rock.Spider Murphy played the tenor saxophone,Little Joe was blowin" on the slide trombone.The drummer boy from Illinois went crash, boom, bang,The whole rhythm section was the Purple Gang.Let"s rock, everybody, let"s rock.Everybody in the whole cell blockWas dancin" to the Jailhouse Rock.Number forty-seven said to number three:"You"re the cutest jailbird I ever did see.I sure would be delighted with your company,Come on and do the Jailhouse Rock with me."Let"s rock, everybody, let"s rock.Everybody in the whole cell blockWas dancin" to the Jailhouse Rock.The sad sack was a sittin" on a block of stoneWay over in the corner weepin" all alone.The warden said, "Hey, buddy, don"t you be no square.If you can"t find a partner use a wooden chair."Let"s rock, everybody, let"s rock.Everybody in the whole cell blockWas dancin" to the Jailhouse Rock.Shifty Henry said to Bugs, "For Heaven"s sake,No one"s lookin", now"s our chance to make a break."Bugsy turned to Shifty and he said, "Nix nix,I wanna stick around a while and get my kicks."Let"s rock, everybody, let"s rock.Everybody in the whole cell blockWas dancin" to the Jailhouse Rock.Dancin" to the Jailhouse Rock...http://music.baidu.com/song/2545266

求elvis presley一首歌叫jailhouse rock的中文歌词

埃尔维斯普雷斯利-监狱摇滚 (词的音乐,杰里leiber迈克-斯托勒) 看守扔一方当事人在县监狱。 监狱乐队在那里,他们开始哀号。 乐队是冒险"和联合开始挥杆。 您应该听说过这些淘汰jailbirds唱。 让我们摇滚,每个人,让我们的岩石。 每个人在整个细胞阻滞 是dancin "的监狱岩石。 蜘蛛墨菲扮演男高音萨克斯管, 小乔随风"的幻灯片长号。 鼓手男孩来自伊利诺伊州的崩溃了,繁荣,帮, 整个节奏部分是紫色钢。 让我们摇滚,每个人,让我们的岩石。 每个人在整个细胞阻滞 是dancin "的监狱岩石。 一些47说之三: “你是可爱的累犯我从来没有看到的。 我当然会非常高兴与您的公司, 来吧,做监狱岩石与我。 “ 让我们摇滚,每个人,让我们的岩石。 每个人在整个细胞阻滞 是dancin "的监狱岩石。 在冒失鬼是sittin "的一块石头 这样的角落weepin "所有的。 监狱长说: “嘿,朋友,你不就没有平方米。 如果你不能找到一个合作伙伴使用的木椅子上。 “ 让我们摇滚,每个人,让我们的岩石。 每个人在整个细胞阻滞 是dancin "的监狱岩石。 亨利说腥错误, “去天堂的缘故, 没有人来查找" ,现在我们的机会突破。 “ bugsy转向腥和他说, “尼克nix中, 我想,要坚持一段时间,并让我的球。 “ 让我们摇滚,每个人,让我们的岩石。 每个人在整个细胞阻滞 是dancin "的监狱岩石。 dancin "的监狱摇滚...

Jailcell Mind 歌词

歌曲名:Jailcell Mind歌手:Hayley Sales专辑:SunseedJailcell MindHayley SalesEverybody knowsThe street that"s paved can never be tilledEverybody knowsThe man who"s full can never be filledThat"s just the way it goesWhen we"re already goneThat"s just the way it goesIn a Jailcell MindLooking for the keyTo open an already open doorSo many people spend theirWhole lives just looking for moreThat"s just the way it goesWhen we"re already goneThat"s just the wayIt goes in a Jailcell MindWaiting on an open waveSo many miss the tideSo let go and break awayOut of your Jailcell MindOut of your Jailcell MindOut of your mindWell time"s like a wallIt"s up till you knock it downOh when the clock is your play groundBut hardly anybody figures that outCause they"re waiting on an open waveAbout to miss the tideSo let go and break awayOut of your Jailcell MindOut of your Jailcell MindOut of you mind your mindCause that"s the way it goesWhen we"re already goneThat"s just the wayIt goes in a Jailcell Mindhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1374937

Please first run: cinject -i payloadsjailbreak.mobileconfig Do so with device unlocked and approve


ipad2越狱过程中的问题。输入 cinject -i payloads/jailbreak.mobileconfig 的时候显示如图。qq515663156


goal 和 jail有什么不同?为啥读音一样?



Jail(n.)---“监狱”。英国的拼法为goal。在英国指民事监狱,在美国指收容犯有轻罪的人或未经判决的人的收容所、看守所等;现在也指监狱。Prison(n.)---“监狱”。指大型的监狱。是指监禁判刑的罪犯、等待受审的嫌疑犯、俘虏等的地方。例:They have Birdsong in jail.他们把伯德押在牢里。The court committed a prisoner to jail.该法庭将罪犯投入监狱。The thief was sent to prison for a year.那个小偷被判处一年监禁。He came out of prison.他出狱了。


基本上可以通用.都是监狱的意思,但jail偏向于拘留所之类,也可作动词用,prison让人感觉就是实实在在的.send to prison = put in prison = throw into prisonHe was sent to prison because of stealing.He went to jail because of stealing.He was jailed.

为什么有段时期叫开拓者队“Jail Blazer”



coun/ter 2clou/dy 2jail/house 2couch 1route 1



问几个高中英语问题 bust a dog out of jail 里面的bust怎么理解 翻译呢?

Until意思是 直到