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2023-06-17 10:22:48





例:They have Birdsong in jail.


The court committed a prisoner to jail.


The thief was sent to prison for a year.


He came out of prison.




1.the chirps of birdseg:There I would enjoy the peace and quiet, watch the water rush downstream and listen to the chirps of birds and the rustling of leaves in the trees.在那里, 我可以享受平静与安宁,观看河流奔涌而下,倾听鸟儿啾啾鸣叫和树叶沙沙作响。2.birdsongeg:Well you can sometimes hear birdsong in the city but it"s the buildings that cause these natural sounds to be drowned out.有时候你在城市听到鸟叫声,但是正是这些建筑淹没了这些自然的声音。
2023-06-16 23:31:252


早上好英文祝福语 1、让温馨的问候与祝福伴你左右,祝福每一天。 Let warm greetings and blessings accompany you around, bless every day. 2、早上的一份祝愿,带给你一天的快乐开心。 A wish in the morning brings you a happy day. 3、朋友,早安,祝:平安健康黏着你,幸福快乐永伴你。 Good morning, friend. I wish you peace, health and happiness. 4、岁月依然静好,朋友,早安! Time is still quiet, my friend, good morning! 5、工作顺利,生活甜美。 Work well, life is sweet. 6、早上醒来笑一笑,心情快乐精神好。 Wake up in the morning and smile, happy mood and good spirit. 7、用美酒陶醉你,用幸福祝福你。 Intoxicate you with good wine and bless you with happiness. 8、淡妆启程,新的一天全新自我。 Light make-up set off, a new day a new self. 9、学习向日葵,哪里有阳光就朝向哪里。 Study sunflower, where there is sunshine, it will face. 10、无奈时,给自己一个微笑,那是一份达观。 When helpless, give yourself a smile, it is a philosophical. 11、睁开睡眼,整理衣衫,精神抖擞,大步向前。 Open your eyes, tidy up your clothes, be energetic and stride forward. 12、亲爱的朋友早安,祝愿你一生幸福,健康平安。 Good morning, dear friend. I wish you happiness, health and peace in your life. 13、爱护好你的身子,过好你的日子,愿你开心一辈子。 Take good care of your body, live your life, and wish you happy all your life. 14、铃声的旋律多曼妙,清晨的气息真正好。 The melody of the bell is wonderful, and the smell of the morning is really good. 15、满心欢喜的拉开,这美好一天的序幕! Happy to open, the prelude to a better day! 16、快乐每一天,早安天天见。 Happy every day, good morning every day. 17、朋友早上好,愿你开心快乐每一天! Good morning friends, wish you happy every day! 18、得到的、失去的、在乎的、忘掉的、都让它随风而去。 Get, lose, care, forget, let it go with the wind. 19、快乐好心情,烦恼全抛掉,出门带微笑,好运自然到。 Happy good mood, worry all give up, go out with a smile, good luck naturally. 20、那些不和别人比较,专注于自己世界的人们是幸福的。 Those who are not compared with others and focus on their own world are happy. 21、美好的一天开始了,快乐度过。 A good day begins, happy to spend. 22、愿从今往后的你,别爱得太满,别睡得太晚,好好爱自己。 I wish you from now on, don"t love too much, don"t sleep too late, love yourself well. 23、理想,努力了才叫梦想,放弃了那只是妄想。 Ideal, hard to dream, give up that is just a delusion. 24、一声鸟鸣,新的一天拂晓。 A birdsong, a new day dawn. 25、祝你清晨多愉快,幸福无尽头! Wish you a happy morning and endless happiness!
2023-06-16 23:31:591


目前没有定论。世界五大最容易学的语言:1.弗里斯兰语。这是荷兰弗里斯兰人的母语,使用人口不到50万。但它是英语最紧密的同胞兄弟,属于小小的北海日耳曼语分类的独特语言。可以这么说,在8世纪的时候古英语和古弗里斯兰语分道扬镳开始独自的发展。尽管这两种语言有着地理和历史上的区分,但它们之间的相似性几乎不可思议,有着几乎一样的词汇,结构和语音。在语言学上有一种说法:“‘Good butter and good cheese" is good English and good Fries.” (‘好白脱和好奶酪"就是好英语和好弗里斯兰语)。当响亮地说出这些句子时,英语和弗里斯兰语的版本是可以互换的。2.世界语。世界语的支持者列夫.托尔斯泰说他用了四个小时就学会了世界语。大多数语言学家把世界语列为最容易学习的语言,尤其是对使用印欧语系语言的人们来说。虽然世界语在任何国家都不是官方语言,这种人造语言被法国科学院和联合国教科文组织所承认,如今在全世界范围内估计有200万的世界语使用者。世界语创立于19世纪后期,这种在国籍和政治上保持中立的语言在创建时就考虑到要方便人们学习。为什么这种人造语言比较容易学习?这是因为它的拼写系统很有规律性,语音和语法规则很简单,并且在设计时就排除了不规则性。单词是以砖块搭建的形式构成的,使用了常规化的前缀、词根和后缀。复合词的构成是有逻辑性的,如birdokanto (birdsong,鸟鸣), akvobirdo (waterfowl,水鸟), akvomelono (watermelon西瓜)等。3.意大利语。在拉丁语族中最浪漫的是意大利语。意大利语有许多拉丁词根的词汇,于是就与英语分享着许多同源词如 foresta (forest,森林), calendario(calendar,日历), 和 ambizioso (ambitious,野心勃勃)等。意大利语像西班牙语一样,较浅的正字法深度使意大利语成为容易朗读的语言,尤其是意大利语只有21个字母,比起英语来要更加简单。意大利语特有的音素如ace或 ghi很容易被说英语的人掌握。此外意大利语的句子结构很有韵律性。大多数单词都是以元音结尾的,这就给口语增加了音乐性,比较容易听懂,说起来也比较有趣。4.瑞典语。瑞典语也属于日耳曼语族,与英语分享着许多同源词,如 konferens (conference,会议), midnatt (midnight,午夜), 和 telefon (telephone,电话)等。说英语的人也会对瑞典语的句法感到熟悉,如有着主-动-宾的句子结构,动词配合也与英语语法有着相同的形式和规则。更有甚者,瑞典语的动词在一般情况下保持常态不发生变化,所以动词配合就非常简单,如“I speak/ You speak/ He speaks”(我说/ 你说/ 他说)这三句话翻译成瑞典语就是jag pratar / du pratar/ han pratar。在发音方面,瑞典语是一种著名的“歌唱性”语言。学习者一旦掌握了四个额外的元音和斯堪的纳维亚语独特的“sje”发音,瑞典语就是一种容易听懂并且相当容易模仿的带旋律的语言。5.葡萄牙语。葡萄牙语的语法与其它拉丁语族的语言相似。有一个有趣而简单的特点是疑问句的形式,葡萄牙语的疑问句仅用语调来表示,而不需要重新安排词组。只要通过在句末使用升调,We"re leaving now(我们现在出发)这句话就成了疑问句,这对于说英语的人来说也是一种自然的语言习惯。在巴西人使用的葡萄牙语中,疑问句也可以在句末加上到处适用的疑问句结束语 n? o é?来构成。虽然葡萄牙语中的鼻元音在开始时不太容易模仿,习惯于英语的耳朵很容易跟上它那有节奏的语调。如今巴西的经济已经在世界上排名第六,掌握葡萄牙语越来越成为专业人员有价值的个人资产。
2023-06-16 23:32:061


sleeping in spring without conscious of the dawn . hearing the birdsongs lingering around
2023-06-16 23:32:568


楼主 找到了吗 我也一直在寻找D608的自带铃声 满满的回忆啊
2023-06-16 23:33:231


1944年生于美国费城的帕蒂·拉贝尔可说是流行音乐史上最长青的女歌手之一,她的风格与演唱事业从早期的女子偶像团体到气味强烈的放客音乐或到抒情慢板的情歌都是她非常拿手的表演范围。1960年,自青少年就在教堂唱诗班长大的她和朋友Cindy Birdsong组建了一支叫做the Ordettes的组合,一年后在加入了两位成员Nona Hendryx和Sarah Dash之后改名为the Blue Belles。1962年在制作人Bobby Martin的领导下,她们诞生了三首进入排行榜的热门单曲。 没多久立刻便以一首立刻登上排行榜前二十名的席次,从此Patti LaBelle不仅一路受到广大乐迷的支持,而且在七零年代更是因多首动人情歌而获得歌坛「爱神之女」的暱称 。在60年代末,帕蒂和她的同伴们为了获得更广泛的成功,她们在英国的经纪人Vicki Wickham将她们的音乐向着Funky和Rock的方向引导,在那段日子里,佩蒂甚至与The Who这样的激进摇滚乐队一起巡演。1973年,佩蒂的音乐向着更加戏剧化的方向发展,成为第一个登上纽约大剧院的黑人歌手。帕蒂·拉贝尔因其充满灵魂福音意味的即兴演唱风格深受观众的喜爱。更是对后来的许多女歌手造成了广泛的影响,与Aretha Flanklin并列为灵魂殿堂教母。Celine Dion翻唱其作品If You Ask Me To; Mariah Carey 现场为其致敬演唱If You Only Knew(Somewhere Over the Rainbow);Christina2001年,为了电影《Moulin Rouge》的原声碟而和另外三名女歌星Pink,Lil" Kim和Mya一起翻唱了帕蒂·拉贝尔的《Lady Marmalade》。有着音域宽达五个八度音节的惊人歌喉,在舞台上演唱的时候,更是充满了独特的个人魅力,也难怪这位天赋异禀的女歌手会在国际上备受推崇与喜爱了!
2023-06-16 23:33:301

和平之月 共创作了哪些乐曲?

BONTEN.-.[梵天].(mp3).rarPacific.Moon.-.[愈.Healing.CollectionⅠ].专辑.(MP3).rarpacificmoon.-.[华2(HUA2)].专辑.(mp3).rarpacificmoon.-.[兰2.-.ORCHID2].专辑.(mp3).rar和平之月(吉田洁.Kiyoshi.Yoshida).-.[祭.Matsuri].专辑.(ape).ape和平之月(邵容Shao.Rong).-.[兰1.Orchid.I].专辑.(ape).ape和平之月.-.[巴厘.BALI].专辑.(mp3).rar和平之月.-.[彩].专辑.(APE).rar和平之月.-.[打.Asian.Drums].专辑.(mp3).rar和平之月.-.[都.Ancient.City.II].专辑.(APE).rar和平之月.-.[二胡].专辑.(APE).rar和平之月.-.[河(River)].专辑.(MP3).rar和平之月.-.[红.Kurenai].专辑.(mp3).rar和平之月.-.[幻(Illision)].专辑.(MP3).rar和平之月.-.[京.Ancient.City].专辑.(APE).rar和平之月.-.[空华.Kuge.I.&.II].专辑.(mp3).rar和平之月.-.[梦.Dream].专辑.(mp3).rar和平之月.-.[舞.Mai].专辑.(mp3).rar和平之月.-.[翔.Sho].专辑.(mp3).rar和平之月.-.[雪(Snow)].专辑.(MP3).rar和平之月.-.[雅(Graces.of.Asia)].专辑.(MP3).rar和平之月.-.[遥(Far.A.Way)].专辑.(MP3).rar和平之月.-.[夜(Serenade)].专辑.(MP3).rar和平之月.-.[悠(Breathing.Spaces)].专辑.(MP3).rar和平之月.-.[月III].专辑.(APE).ape和平之月-[虹(Rainbow)].专辑.(MP3).rar和平之月-[浪漫(Romance)].专辑.(MP3).rar贾鹏芳.-.[月光].专辑.(mp3).rar和平之月.-.[风.East.Wind].专辑.(ape).ape和平之月.-.[日本人的遥远旅途].专辑.(APE).rar和平之月.-.[瞑.Meditation].专辑.(mp3).rar和平之月.-.[雅(MIYABI)].专辑.(MP3).rar和平之月.-.[打.II.Asian.Drums.II].专辑.(mp3).rar和平之月.-.[岛.Island].专辑.(mp3).rar和平之月.-.[瞑.III.Meditation.III].专辑.(mp3).rar和平之月.-.[语.Kataribe.Piano.Collection].专辑.(mp3).rar和平之月(Pacific Moon) -《童 Lullaby》[MP3!]和平之月(Pacific Moon) -《瞑 II Meditation II》[MP3!]和平之月(Pacific Moon) -《祈 Prayer》320KBPS[MP3!]和平之月(Pacific Moon) -《脉 Nadi》256KBPS[MP3!]和平之月(Pacific Moon) -《翼 Wings In The Dawn》[MP3!]和平之月(Pacific Moon) -《愈 IV Healing Collection IV》320KBPS[MP3!]和平之月 -《华》(pacificmoon-HUA(asian blossoms ))VBR192K[MP3!]Pacific Moon -《和平之月-香》(Pacific.Moon-kaori)192KBPS[MP3!]电驴上面的 我就能找到这么多
2023-06-16 23:33:432


1999年,美国二语习得专家david birdsong编辑出版的力作《第二语言习得与关键期假设》(second language acquisition and the critical period hypothesis)反映了关键期假设研究的最新成果,书中对研究二语习得年龄差异和关键期问题提供了崭新的视角。
2023-06-16 23:33:501


2023-06-16 23:33:571


问题一:向您致敬是什么意思 给您敬礼,以示尊敬! 问题二:趋是什么意思? 意思是,快走,趋势,趋向。 1张 趋?[qū] 趋,qu,从走从刍。刍指喂牲口的草,引申为”短而多“意。趋指以”短而多的步子快步走“的意思。 中文名 趋 拼音 qūcù 注音 ㄑㄩㄘㄨA 笔画 12 基本解释 趋 qū 1.快走:~走。~进。~前。~奉。~翔(快走像鸟展翅飞翔)。~炎附势(奔走于权贵,依附有权势的人)。~之若鹜(像野鸭子一样成群地争着去,含贬义)。 2.归向,情势向着某方面发展:~向。~势。大势所~。 3.鹅或蛇伸头咬人。 4.追求,追逐:~时(追求时髦)。~利。~光性。 趋 cù 1.古同“促”,催促;急速。 详细释义 [动] ⑴ (形声。从走,刍声。本义:快步走) ⑵ 同本义 [run] 趋,走也。――东汉u30fb许慎《说文》。按,疾行曰趋,疾趋曰走。” 走而不趋。――《礼记u30fb王藻》 帷薄之外不趋。――《礼记u30fb曲礼》 则负匮揭箧担囊而趋。――《庄子u30fbl箧》 急趋之,折过墙隅,迷其所往。――清u30fb蒲松龄《聊斋志异u30fb促织》 步趋动作。――宋u30fb苏轼《教战守》 ⑶ 又如:趋蹑(快速尾随);趋行(急行;赶路);趋走(疾走);趋风(快走如风。比喻快步向前走或表示向对方致敬);趋趋(小步急行的样子);趋拜(急往拜见) ⑷ 步,行走 [walk] 盈盈公府步,冉冉府中趋。――《古乐府u30fb陌上桑》 ⑸ 又如:趋趄(抬腿做出要走的架势);趋跄(步行快慢有节奏,合乎礼节);趋蹲(趋锵。行动整齐而有节奏) ⑹ 古代的一种礼节,小步快走,表示恭敬 [zip] 赐带剑履上殿,入朝不趋。――《史记u30fb萧相国世家》 ⑺ 又如:趋庭(称承受父亲教导);趋出(小步疾行退出。示恭敬);趋走(小步疾行,以示庄敬);趋进(小步疾行而前,表示敬意的一种动作) ⑻ 奔赴;趋向 [hurry off to;incline to;tend to;bee] 前者止,后者趋,辇乃止。――《韩非子u30fb外储说下》 夜趋高邮。――宋u30fb文天祥《指南录后序》 趋真州扬州。 尝趋百里外。――明u30fb宋濂《送东阳马生序》 前趋直上。――《徐霞客游记u30fb游黄山记》 ⑼ 又如:局势趋于稳定;大势所趋;趋前;售价已趋上升;趋跄(奔走侍奉);趋走(供差遣奔走;亦作仆役别名);趋厮(供差遣的童仆);趋世(奔走于世俗之事);趋赴(奔赴) ⑽ 追赶,追逐 [pursue]。如:趋时揽事(赶风头,管闲事);趋名(追求名声);趋求(追求);趋利(追求财利);趋就(追求) ⑾ 归附 [submit to the authority of another]。如:趋教(恭敬求教;领教);趋事(趋奉);趋时(时髦);趋跄(趋奉献媚);趋枪(趋抢。趋奉献媚) ⑿ 通“促”。催促 [urge] 卫音趋数烦志。――《礼记u30fb乐记》 使者驰传督趋。――《汉书u30fb食货志上》 趋具食。――《汉书u30fb酷吏咸宣传》 令趋销印。――《汉书u30fb高帝纪》 若不趋降。 [名] ⑴ 志趣 [inclination] 言眇而趋深。――《论衡u30fb定贤》 ⑵ 又如:趋尚(情趣;好尚) ⑶ 节奏 [rhythm] 足蹀《阳阿》之舞,而手会《绿水》之趋。――《淮南子》。高诱注:“趋,投节也。” 常用词组 趋避 qūbì [walk quickly and keep away] 躲避;规避;快走躲开 遥见奔马,趋避路旁 趋奉 qūfèng [toady to] 奉承 他最爱趋奉领导 趋附 qūfù......>> 问题三:lsabelle中文叫什么? 帕蒂u30fb拉贝尔(Patti Labelle,1944年10月-)是活跃于七、八十年代灵魂乐歌手。嗓音清澈、高亢,有着金属般的光泽。被誉为灵魂女伶和乐坛常青树。后辈天后级歌手Mariah、Whitney、Celine先后为这位前辈献唱以示致敬。而在老一辈灵魂乐大师里,Patti和Aretha Franklin、Diana Ross、Roberta Flack、Gladys Knight等人齐名。足见Patti在乐坛的地位。同时这些前辈灵魂乐大师也为后代乐迷吟唱,勾画出最为香浓醇厚、令人百般咀嚼仍能口齿留香的曼妙佳音! 1乐坛经历编辑生于美国费城的Patti LaBelle可说是流行音乐史上最长青的女歌手之一,她的风格与演唱事业从早期的女子偶像团体到气味强烈的放客音乐或到抒情慢板的情歌都是她非常拿手的表演范围。佩蒂1944年10月出生于美国费城,是横跨7、80年代,具有持久生命力的灵魂乐女歌手。她从小就在当地教堂的唱诗班里接受歌唱训练,1960年她和朋友Cindy Birdsong组建了一支叫做the Ordettes的组合,一年后在加入了两位成员Nona Hendryx和Sarah Dash之后改名为the Blue Belles。1962年在制作人Bobby Martin的领导下,她们诞生了三首进入排行榜的热门单曲,从此Patti LaBelle不仅一路受到广大乐迷的支持,而且在七零年代更是因多首动人情歌而获得歌坛「爱神之女」的砍 。 Patti LaBelle因其充满灵魂福音意味的即兴演唱风格深受观众的喜爱。更是对后来的许多女歌手造成了广泛的 影响,与Aretha Flanklin并列为灵魂殿堂教母。Celine Dion翻唱其作品If You Ask Me To; Mariah Carey 现场为其致敬演唱If You Only Knew(Somewhere Over the Rainbow);Christina2001年,为了电影《Moulin Rouge》的原声碟而和另外三名女歌星Pink,Lil" Kim和Mya一起翻唱了Patti LaBelle的《Lady Marmalade》。 在60年代末,佩蒂和她的同伴们为了获得更广泛的成功,她们在英国的经纪人Vicki Wickham将她们的音乐向着Funky和Rock的方向引导,在那段日子里,佩蒂甚至与The Who这样的激进摇滚乐队一起巡演。1973年,佩蒂的音乐向着更加戏剧化的方向发展,成为第一个登上纽约大剧院的黑人歌手。 问题四:阅兵是什么意思 1、阅兵:对武装力量进行检阅的仪式。通常在国家重大节日、迎送国宾和军队出征、凯旋、校阅、授旗、授奖、大型军事演习时举行,以示庆祝、致敬,展现部队建设成就,并可壮观瞻,振军威,鼓士气础 2、阅兵包括阅兵式和分列式。有时只进行一项。阅兵式是阅兵者从受阅部队队列前通过阅兵仪式,进行检阅的仪式。分列式是受阅部队列队从检阅台前通过,接受阅兵者检阅的仪式。早在公元前,中国周朝和古埃及、波斯、罗马等国已有阅兵活动。中华人民共和国建立后,多次举行盛大的阅兵,接受党、国家和军队领导人的检阅。 问题五:大阅兵是什么意思 对武装力量进行检阅的仪式。通常在国家重大节日、迎送国宾和军队出征、凯旋、校阅、授旗、授奖、大型军事演习时举行,以示庆祝、致敬,展现部队建设成就,并可壮观瞻,振军威,鼓士气。阅兵包括阅兵式和分列式。有时只进行一项。阅兵式是阅兵者从受阅部队队列前通过,进行检阅的仪式。分列式是受阅部队列队从检阅台前通过,接受阅兵者检阅的仪式。早在公元前,中国周朝和古埃及、波斯、罗马等国已有阅兵活动。中华人民共和国建立后,多次举行盛大的阅兵,接受党、国家和军队领导人的检阅。 阅兵权限 阅兵,由党和国家领导人、中央军事委员会主席、副主席、委员及团以上部队军政主要首长或者被上述人员授权的其他领导和首长实施。通常由1人检阅。 阅兵形式分为阅兵式和分列式。通常进行两项,根据需要,也可以只进行一项。 阅兵程序 阅兵,分为上级首长检阅和本级首长检阅。当上级首长检阅时,由本级军事首长任阅兵指挥;当本级军政主要首长检阅时(由1人检阅,另1名位于阅兵台或者队列中央前方适当位置面向部队),由副部队长或者参谋长任阅兵指挥。 步兵团阅兵程序是: (一)迎军旗 迎军旗,在阅兵式开始前进行。具体方法按照第五十五条的规定实施。 (二)阅兵式 团阅兵式的队形,通常为营横队的团横队,或者由团首长临时规定。列队时,各枪、炮手分别持枪(冲锋枪手挂枪)、持炮,40火箭筒手肩筒。必要时,重机枪、12.7高射机枪架枪,82迫击炮、82无坐力炮架炮。 阅兵式程序: 1.阅兵首长接受阅兵指挥报告 当阅兵首长行至本团队列右翼适当距离时或者在阅兵台就位后(当上级首长检阅时,通常由团政治委员陪同入场并陪阅),阅兵指挥在队列中央前下达“立正”的口令,随后跑到距阅兵首长5-7步处敬礼,待阅兵首长还礼后礼毕并报告。例如:“师长同志,步兵第×团列队完毕,请您检阅”。报告后,左跨1步,向右转,让首长先走,尔后在其右后侧(当上级首长检阅时,团政治委员在团长右侧)跟随陪阅。 2.阅兵首长向军旗敬礼 阅兵首长行至距军旗适当位置时,应当立正向军旗行举手礼(陪阅人员面向军旗,行注目礼)。 3.阅兵首长检阅部队 当阅兵首长行至团机关、各营部、各连及后勤分队队列右前方时,团机关由副团长或者参谋长、各营部由营长、各连由连长、后勤分队由团指定的指挥员下达“敬礼”的口令。听到口令后,位于指挥位置的军官行举手礼,其余人员行注目礼,目迎目送首长(左、右转头不超过45度)。当首长问候:“同志们好!”或者“同志们辛苦了!”,队列人员应当齐声洪亮地回答:“首―――长―――好!”或者“为―――人民―――服务!”,当首长通过后,指挥员下达“礼毕”的口令,队列人员礼毕。 4.阅兵首长上阅兵台 阅兵首长检阅完毕后上阅兵台,阅兵指挥跑步到队列中央前,下达“稍息”口令,队列人员稍息。当上级首长检阅时,团政治委员陪同首长上阅兵台,然后跑步到自己的列队位置。 (三)分列式 团分列式队形由团阅兵式队形调整变换,或者由团首长临时规定。 团分列式,应当设四个标兵。一、二标兵之间和三、四标兵之间的间隔各为15米,二、三标兵之间的间隔为40米。标兵应当携带81式自动步枪或者半自动步枪,并在枪上插标兵旗。 班用机枪手托枪,步枪手提枪,40火箭筒手托筒,冲锋枪手挂枪,重机枪手、12.7高射机枪手扛枪,60迫击炮手、82迫击炮手、82无坐力炮手扛炮(通常成结合状态)。 分列式程序: 1.标兵就位 分列式开始前,阅兵指挥在......>> 问题六:礼拜 是什么意思 礼拜有多种意思: 1、星期:下礼拜 | 开学已经三个礼拜了。 2、跟天(或日)、一、二、三、四、五、六连用,表示一星期中间的某一天:礼拜三/礼拜六。 3、 宗教徒向所信奉的神行礼:礼拜堂 | 做礼拜。 4、礼拜天的简称。 问题七:“阅兵”是什么意思? 对武装力量进行检阅的仪式。通常在国家重大节日、迎送国宾和军队出征、凯旋、校阅、授旗、授奖、大型军事演习时举行,以示庆祝、致敬,展现部队建设成就,并可壮观瞻,振军威,鼓士气。阅兵包括阅兵式和分列式。有时只进行一项。阅兵式是阅兵者从受阅部队队列前通过,进行检阅的仪式。分列式是受阅部队列队从检阅台前通过,接受阅兵者检阅的仪式。早在公元前,中国周朝和古埃及、波斯、罗马等国已有阅兵活动。中华人民共和国建立后,多次举行盛大的阅兵,接受党、国家和军队领导人的检阅。 阅兵权限 阅兵,由党和国家领导人、中央军事委员会主席、副主席、委员及团以上部队军政主要首长或者被上述人员授权的其他领导和首长实施。通常由1人检阅。 阅兵形式分为阅兵式和分列式。通常进行两项,根据需要,也可以只进行一项。 阅兵程序 阅兵,分为上级首长检阅和本级首长检阅。当上级首长检阅时,由本级军事首长任阅兵指挥;当本级军政主要首长检阅时(由1人检阅,另1名位于阅兵台或者队列中央前方适当位置面向部队),由副部队长或者参谋长任阅兵指挥。 步兵团阅兵程序是: (一)迎军旗 迎军旗,在阅兵式开始前进行。具体方法按照第五十五条的规定实施。 (二)阅兵式 团阅兵式的队形,通常为营横队的团横队,或者由团首长临时规定。列队时,各枪、炮手分别持枪(冲锋枪手挂枪)、持炮,40火箭筒手肩筒。必要时,重机枪、12.7高射机枪架枪,82迫击炮、82无坐力炮架炮。 阅兵式程序: 1.阅兵首长接受阅兵指挥报告 当阅兵首长行至本团队列右翼适当距离时或者在阅兵台就位后(当上级首长检阅时,通常由团政治委员陪同入场并陪阅),阅兵指挥在队列中央前下达“立正”的口令,随后跑到距阅兵首长5-7步处敬礼,待阅兵首长还礼后礼毕并报告。例如:“师长同志,步兵第×团列队完毕,请您检阅”。报告后,左跨1步,向右转,让首长先走,尔后在其右后侧(当上级首长检阅时,团政治委员在团长右侧)跟随陪阅。 2.阅兵首长向军旗敬礼 阅兵首长行至距军旗适当位置时,应当立正向军旗行举手礼(陪阅人员面向军旗,行注目礼)。 3.阅兵首长检阅部队 当阅兵首长行至团机关、各营部、各连及后勤分队队列右前方时,团机关由副团长或者参谋长、各营部由营长、各连由连长、后勤分队由团指定的指挥员下达“敬礼”的口令。听到口令后,位于指挥位置的军官行举手礼,其余人员行注目礼,目迎目送首长(左、右转头不超过45度)。当首长问候:“同志们好!”或者“同志们辛苦了!”,队列人员应当齐声洪亮地回答:“首―――长―――好!”或者“为―――人民―――服务!”,当首长通过后,指挥员下达“礼毕”的口令,队列人员礼毕。 4.阅兵首长上阅兵台 阅兵首长检阅完毕后上阅兵台,阅兵指挥跑步到队列中央前,下达“稍息”口令,队列人员稍息。当上级首长检阅时,团政治委员陪同首长上阅兵台,然后跑步到自己的列队位置。 (三)分列式 团分列式队形由团阅兵式队形调整变换,或者由团首长临时规定。 团分列式,应当设四个标兵。一、二标兵之间和三、四标兵之间的间隔各为15米,二、三标兵之间的间隔为40米。标兵应当携带81式自动步枪或者半自动步枪,并在枪上插标兵旗。 班用机枪手托枪,步枪手提枪,40火箭筒手托筒,冲锋枪手挂枪,重机枪手、12.7高射机枪手扛枪,60迫击炮手、82迫击炮手、82无坐力炮手扛炮(通常成结合状态)。 分列式程序: 1.标兵就位 分列式开始前,阅兵指挥在队列中央前,下达“立......>>
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《去吧,摩西》主题是美国南方的种族关系,但是其中有三篇作品即《古老的部族》、《熊》和《三角洲之秋》却是侧重写打猎的,人称“大森林三部曲”。这里又接触到一个人类怎样对待大自然的问题。而艾萨克正是在打猎的过程中,学会怎样做一个正直的人的。于是,接下去他作出了舍弃有罪恶的祖产的决定。他认为世界应该“在谁也不用个人名义的兄弟友爱气氛下,共同完整地经营”。然而我们不应认为艾萨克即是福克纳。福克纳并不认为放弃祖先罪恶的遗产就是问题的终结。从《三角洲之秋》中所写老卡洛瑟斯的罪孽在后代的身上重新出现,也可以得到证明。此外,福克纳在1955年答复一个访问者时说:“我认为一个人应该比舍弃做得更多。他应该有更加积极的行动而不能仅仅躲开别人。”接着福克纳列举了自己作品中更加积极的人物,如《坟墓的闯入者》(1948)中的加文·史蒂文斯以及他的外甥。而这个加文·史蒂文斯也就是《去吧,摩西》这篇作品中帮助莫莉大婶的那位律师。 在《去吧,摩西》中,麦卡斯林家族,如同福克纳的家族以及他的其它重要的小说中的人物的家族一样,有着传奇式的辉煌的历史。老卡洛瑟斯和其他拓荒者一样,从印地安人那儿获取土地,历尽艰险,在这片荒蛮的土地上建立了秩序和文明。后来这些家族和南方一样随着内战的结束都衰落下来了。传奇式的富于浪漫色彩的南方和辉煌的家族史让福克纳无比珍惜,也成了他抗拒粗鲁的暴发户式的北方佬的有力武器。南方社会中所特有的贵族特征同样深深吸引了福克纳。在《熊》中,爱扎克放弃了财产既是对其先人罪孽的一种救赎行为,也体现了他舍己为人与慷慨的行为,是福克纳笔下的美国南方的贵族阶层的伦理法则之一。此外,德史本少校邀请猎人参加他的狩猎的行列,分享猎物。胡伯特送给爱扎克,后来又自己盗去的那只银杯和金币,后来麦卡斯林·爱得蒙兹居然自愿承担这笔债务的偿还,也说明了这种贵族风度。同样的风度出现于狩猎的营地上。在那里,半个月之内,城市里的一切社会阶级观念,暂时完全被摈弃,所有的人不分尊卑贵贱,生活在一种平等的同志气氛中。“这些人就像亚瑟王的圆桌武士从来不会缺乏应有的殷勤和礼貌。” 不难看出,《去吧,摩西》一书虽然篇幅不大,却提供了一整个时期的历史画面,概括地反映了美国南方最本质的一些问题。用福克纳自己的话说,这里的故事是“整片南方土地的缩影,是整个南方发展和变迁的历史”。《熊》里也写道:“这部编年史本身就是一整个地区的缩影,让它自我相乘再组合起来也就是整个南方了。”作者采取了“系列小说”的形式,这样就可以舍弃一般交代性的笔墨而集中经营戏剧性强烈、诗意浓郁的场面,从而获得一种史诗般的效果。在人物塑造上,这本书一方面刻画出艾萨克·麦卡斯林这样的形象,他代表了白人的良知,另一方面又让我们看到了路喀斯·布钱普灵魂的深处。他是在极其艰难困苦的条件下凭借自己的不屈不挠与聪明才智生存下去的黑人的代表。福克纳一直认为黑人很顽强,他们是能够生存下去并且最终得到自由的。书名的典故也透露了这层意思。 除了慷慨之外,南方人还仿效英国的贵族阶层,表现出一种骑士风度。在《话说当年》中,布克兄弟为了追回逃跑到休伯特庄园的托梅的图尔却被休伯特兄妹所困。布蒂与休伯特打牌作赌,布蒂赢牌,救出了布克,并赢回了图尔所爱的女奴。这是典型的南方贵族的见义勇为,豪爽的骑士风度。南方的生活方式也使福克纳沉湎其中。他在 《去吧,摩西》中一再加以表现。首先是种植园生活。种植园生活富足而又惬意。在《话说当年》中,赫伯特·布香的大房子后楼有一处地方地板朽坏了,布香始终没有把它修好。客人总是发现他坐在底下流着泉水的冷藏室里,脱了鞋把脚浸在水里,一边啜饮早晨的第一杯酒。种植园生活舒适,仆役成群。但在文章中,福克纳没有大摆阔气的场面;没有对丝绸,银器,家具,月光与香槟酒的大肆渲染的描写。福克纳描写南方的生活方式,并不是他喜欢南方的财富、良田和华宅,而是他欣赏南方人身上特有的那种对待生活对待人生的态度。其次E 狩猎也是南方人生活的一部分。“每年一次的相会……每年一次庆祝老熊狂暴的不朽的盛典。”早期的拓荒生活和庄园生活使南方人身上有一种亲近大自然的浪漫主义倾向。狩猎成了南方人的一种传统。在《熊》里的狩猎中,白人、红人和黑人不分等级,种族平等地生活,和谐共处。他们狩猎不时为了杀生取乐、获利或是炫耀武力;捕猎是他们磨练意志,增加智慧,完美性格的活动。南方人对狩猎生活是无法忘怀的。《三角洲之秋》就讲述了快80岁的艾扎克大叔依然不顾年事已高,带着曾孙去打猎的故事。 另外,福克纳还向我们展现了一个与现代社会截然相反的南方传统的价值道德观。“现代世界是在道德混乱之中。它确是苦于缺乏纲纪、法度,缺乏道德标准和负有某种使命的责任感。在这个世界里凡是能图私利、行得通、获得成功的就是标准。”在这篇小说集里,作家向我们展现了南方的一系列美德。小说中几乎没有一个令人十分讨厌的人物,就连因杀人而被判了死刑的布钱普也是一个令人同情的角色。这些都是南方的传统美德,也正是北方人所缺乏的。正如福克纳在接受诺贝尔奖时所说的,是要“提醒人们记住勇气、荣誉、希望、自豪、同情、怜悯之心和牺牲精神,这是人类昔日的荣耀”。 福克纳对故乡有着深深地热爱。小时候,他经常由父亲带着到森林里打猎、钓鱼和骑马。这块土地生长,养育了他。他和同时代别的作家都不一样,他选择故乡度过了自己的一生。在那里,南方种植园之外的是莽莽原野。随着北方的南侵,北方人和南方的新贵们借助机器对荒野进行了疯狂的毁灭性的掠夺。在福克纳的记忆里,“那些高高大大的,无穷无尽的十一月的树木组成了一道密密的林墙,阴森森的简直无法穿越。”在莽莽苍苍的荒野中让福克纳最不能忘怀的是动物。不管是追逐的猎狗还是被追逐的熊,鹿或者松鼠,个个灵性十足。“这些动物混杂在一起,像浮雕似的出现在荒野的背景之前,它们生活在荒野里,受到荒野的驱使与支配,按照古老的毫不通融的规则,进行着一场古老的永不止息的竞争。”它们是森林的主宰。在作家的笔下,它们是完全可以和最优秀的人类相媲美的一群高贵的人;它们仿佛是从童话书中走出来的住在森林中的一群精灵。现代人对自己的同类都疯狂地杀戮,更不用说对森林中的动物了。现在森林正日益消退,动物的栖身之所越来越小;许多动物都不见了,连剩下来的松鼠和母鹿也无法幸免于难。《三角洲之秋》中的洛斯,虽然是个南方人,但他沾染了现代人所固有的习性,连母鹿都捕杀,无异于竭渊而渔。动物和森林在机器的轰鸣声中正在永远地消失着。福克纳明白这块土地是受了诅咒,是注定要灭亡的。福克纳对南方自然的描绘逼真传神,任何企图评述他对故乡的热爱之情的文字都显得苍白无力。作家对故乡的描述越是逼真传神,就越是衬托出他对故乡的热爱之情,也越是体现出他的哀挽之情。 短篇的统一性福克纳在领诺贝尔文学奖时曾经说过,文学家的使命就是去描绘那些挣扎于困境中的灵魂。 因此,在《去吧,摩西》这部由七个不同内容人物形象的短篇小说构成的长篇中,福克纳关注了一群陷入不平等种族关系困境中挣扎的灵魂。 这里有《话说当年》中的布克大叔和布蒂大叔,有《灶火与炉床》中的路喀斯,有《大黑傻子》中的赖德,还有《古老的部族》、《熊》、《三角洲之秋》中的主人公艾萨克,《去吧,摩西》中的加文·斯蒂文斯。这是一群挣扎在黑白人种关系困境中的人物。他们努力地与不平等的人种关系抗争,他们的抗争又是那么的悲壮。在《去吧,摩西》这七个彼此相关、相互联系的短篇故事中,为我们讲述了美国南方从1859-1949年将近一个世纪的家族种族故事,以麦卡斯林家族作为叙述的主线,描述了麦卡斯林家族中过去古老的白人与生活在现代的白人之间的矛盾,麦卡斯林家族中的白人成员与家族以外的白种人之间存在的矛盾冲突, 还有麦卡斯林家族内部的黑人与白人、黑人与家族外黑人之间不平等的矛盾存在。 《去吧,摩西》之所以在最初的时候,被大家当作短篇小说来审视,是由于其脱离了具体的关于种族主义的大的解读语境。 失去了这一种族主义的解读语境,《去吧,摩西》中的这七部短篇小说就完全可以作为自足的短篇来阅读。因此,才有了作品开始面试时的误读。《去吧,摩西》七个构成部分的排序独具匠心,具有长篇小说结构的内在统一性特征。在长篇小说《去吧,摩西》中,福克纳独具匠心地将《话说当年》放在了开始的位置,作为追溯故事的历史,并且为整部长篇小说的叙述设置了深厚的背景。 《话说当年》的故事不仅仅只是讲述了一件美国内战发生之前的事情,它还涉及了当时美国社会极为敏感的南北美战争的矛盾中心,那就是种族问题,奴隶制度。在故事讲述的时候,美国南方的奴隶制度还没有被战争的硝烟冲毁,黑人奴隶还被白人庄园主像狗一样追来追去,并且作为自己个人的私有财产欲夺欲杀,就是《话说当年》中的女奴谭妮·布钱普,一场随性的扑克牌赌博,就可以将她的命运决定。 福克纳将这部以美国内战开始之前、充满了矛盾冲突的种族问题作为整部长篇故事的历史背景,为面其他六部短篇小说分别从不同的角度探讨黑人奴隶、种族平等的问题设置了开阔的背景,同时,在这样一个大的充满社会矛盾的历史背景下,小说的人物命运也就在这里巧妙地埋下了伏笔。 正是在这样一个充满了种族社会矛盾的历史背景下,长篇小说《去吧,摩西》中的人物心理才有了关于自己人种问题的纠结与矛盾,就如路喀斯·布钱普,他一方面鄙视着纯正的黑人血统,为自己血脉中流淌的白人血液而骄傲,同时,另一方面回避着自己这种介于黑白人种之间的混血血统。 其实,这不仅只是路喀斯·布钱普一个人的矛盾纠结, 更是当时美国社会整个人种的纠结。 面对着不平等的种族关系,面对着地位悬殊的黑白人种间的主仆关系,对于作为主人的白色人种中有良知的人,这也是一个很大的拷问灵魂的纠葛。 就如《去吧,摩西》的主人公艾萨克,作为美国南方庄园主,面对着自己庄园中挣扎的奴隶,他的思想与灵魂也陷入了深深的矛盾纠缠中,以至于后来只好以放弃继承财产作为自己解决人种矛盾的方式。 其实,这并不是美国南方种族问题解决的真正核心所在。 福克纳这部关于结构充满争议的长篇小说《去吧,摩西》,最终以其精心地谋篇布局、宏大的人文主题而使其结构的松散性与统一性在叙述中得到了平衡。 大的种族主义问题将七部松散的短篇小说统一在自己这一主题框架中,而七个松散的短篇小说,又从不同的角度对于曾经困扰了美国南方几百年的种族问题进行了探讨与叙述,进而使这部被世人认为结构松散的长篇小说,获得了巨大的张力。 人物命名《去吧,摩西》中故事名称、人名,地名等命名艺术主要是基于听觉,读音,形态,语义,以及文学或神话典故的联系体现出来的,也体现出作者追求命名艺术的苦心孤诣。 作者还很好地运用了形态学联系来进行人物命名。形态学是指对单词构成的研究与描述,单词构成包括词尾变化,派生与合成等。《去吧,摩西》中备受大家尊重,教会“Isaac”(艾萨克)打猎,并执行成年礼仪式,被“Isaac”视为精神之父的“Sam Fathers”(山姆·法泽斯),他的名字来自于“father”的复数形式。在古老的部落中,作者介绍了山姆有两个父亲: 一个是印第安人,另一个是黑人。而山姆从其父母那里继承的红、黑、白三种血统使他具备了忠诚、忍耐、谦虚、仁爱等优秀品格,这令他更加有资格来执行艾萨克的成年礼仪式 。同时“Sam Fathers”这个名字暗示了血统的多样化,从而体现出作者对南方有全面的认识,也传递出作者的意图。因为“Sam”是暗指美国(山姆大叔)。美国是个文化多元,不同肤色,不同种族聚集的国家。所以福克纳也认识到无论是在南方,甚至在美国,不同肤色一起生活这个现实是不可改变的。作为精神之父的“Sam Fathers”的多血统本身也以包容性和多元性而个性鲜明。“Tomey"s Turl”(托梅的图尔)的名字也直接反映了他的身世。老麦卡斯林与自己的黑人女儿“Tomey”(托梅)乱伦后生下了儿子,但是老麦卡斯林并没有承认他这个黑人儿子。所以儿子的名字说明了他是母亲“Tomey”的,而不是“Parent"s Turl”。作者通过“Tomey"s Turl”这个名字刻画出一位被父亲抛弃的孩子,由此让读者心生怜悯。而大黑傻子中的Rider”这个名字也是由“ride”后面加“er”构成。“Rider”的字面意思是骑兵,这也正与“Rider”(赖德)在故事中的表现相吻合。故事中的Rider”身高体壮,豪放不羁。在面对多年作弊欺骗自己和黑人的白人“Birdsong”时,他就如骑兵一样把这位黑人的敌人一瞬间结束在自己的剃刀之下。但是与“Rider”的形象形成了对比的就是熊这个故事中的人物“Brownly”。“Brown”不用作专门名词时,表示棕色,所以一方面作者采用了该词汇中的颜色与人物相联系起来的,因为文章中的“Brown”就是一个有色人种。另一方面作者拿“Brownly”与美国历史上一位著名的废奴主义者“John Brown”相类比。“John Brown”为了解放黑奴曾在哈勃渡口举行武装起义,后被处死。“Brownly 是在“Brown”的基础上加”ly“来构成的,那么“Brownly”也就意为像布朗那样的暴力反抗压迫的人。但是在“Buck”和“Buddy”的文字记载中,“Brownly”是一个既不会计帐写字,也不会犁地,甚至连牲口在他手里都会出事的一位黑人。这让“Buck”(布克)和“Buddy”(布蒂)损失不小,但他们又拿“Brownly”没有办法,最后只好给予“Brownly”自由。所以“Brownly”是一位与前面的“Rider”和“John Brown”有区别的一位黑人,他是采用了非暴力不合作的态度而获得自由的典型。
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2023-06-16 23:36:135

托福机经 08.08.16

阅读:第一篇单独20min,后面2篇一起40min,每篇14题,时间比较紧张。第1篇、19世纪拉丁美州独立后的经济和政治的发展。说他们一直被西方列强控制。离经济上的独立还有很长距离。第一段:由于开始 经济灭有随政治独立而发展 落后了 由于各方面原因 大地主制度反而更有影响力2段 独立最初军阀统治,后来出现2个党派,一个conservative:提倡保留现有制度,大地主。一个liberism:新的professional和中小地主,以前没有权利,想改革,取消土地集中和中央集权。两个党都忽视了农民和小市民。3 说欧美承诺的经济帮助没有对现(考materialize=appear),拉美各国也没有相互贸易。经济和社会动乱让军阀力量加大。4 后来过度依赖欧美的投资,欧美控制了拉美的各种资源,而且拉美各国发展很不均衡,有的地方很穷。欧美取代西班牙和葡萄牙的“殖民地位”,只是比较而以。这叫neo-colonialism新殖民主义5 直到1900以后怎么样……忘了,第2篇、温度的变化。为什么一天最高温度不是中午,而是下午温度的变化,一天温度最高的时间,怎么造成的. 太阳辐射到地上,地面10cm air上传温度到上面的air很慢,叫做conduction。说wind带来的convention可以加速稳定上传,下面air和上面的air mix这样温度上传快。跑步者感觉,脚比腰热就是因为空气温度上传慢(考题why)。persist=continue,terminal=final,readily=easily。 后面说各种会导致更热的因素(而非时间推迟)沙漠更热就是没有植被土壤减慢热传递,松土和紧土传热一样快。植物表面水蒸气蒸发,吸收热量,降低温度(位置题,放这句话后面)第一是因为地面上的空气先热然后上面的空气才热。所以到中午还不是很热。还有关系到湿度、土壤的松软度、风和云。反正是风可以让温度降低,因为增加了空气的对流。云也是很重要,因为云可以挡出一部分的紫外线。2 太阳对空气加热及气温的影响因素第3篇、星体collapsed以后最终的三种状态:白矮星,neounton,黑洞,都是星球最终的三种状态,(出题)都很hot,都高密度,都是星球最终状态。(出题)是由于密度(mass)越大,星球灭亡前缩的越小。一般缩小为white-dwarf,密度再高一点缩为neournton,密度最高的缩为黑洞。考了一个好像是annihilated=destroy,engulfed=swallow,remnant=left-over。白星发光,但是黑矮星不发光,所以无法观察。neutron高速旋转,就像冰上滑冰,运动员缩小身体转速加大。 黑洞的引力太大,什么都无法逃脱,所以没有观察到过。白矮星 超新星 和黑洞。然后说这3个各有什么特点。而且质量越大的星,变出来的新星体积越小,因为重力很大~~( [/3白矮星到黑洞的形成过程,及各自的特点加试:1、湖中水一年四季的变化2. 意大利文艺复兴前北部地区的发展, 木兰, 佛罗伦萨...1意大利的商业发展及对欧洲的影响3. 婴儿模仿(model behavior)的研究. 主要是争论多大的婴儿才能模仿.婴儿能否模仿其他人,一种认为是有模仿能力,一种不同意。birdsong听力:1 、大妈给young man讲如何做好tour guide of museum。怎么tour children,要多讲有趣的事,不要讲无聊的details。都是7岁以上小孩不会乱跑乱跳的,男生开了个玩笑表示明白(出题)。最近Picasso的画要借来展,(出题)所以很多cubic风格可以让小孩学习。mummy很受欢迎,不准备event都ok。2、关于研究有机物的合成的试验,举了一个德国人JL开创了有机实验先河,他当时都没人能做有机实验research,都是做无机,给他很好的机会。教授问why没人做有机?学生说因为有机complex,教授举例肯定了(虽然没有说yes)。然后他的教学和实验一体化的lab影响深远。学生后来影响了英国的研究。 3、女学生去问教授关于play要意见.说一个play和well-designed play的比较,都好就是结尾不好,太俗happy-ending不够surprising。好的play都是发生在living room,都有secret去挖掘,都有surprise ending。学生还提出一个新观点,说演员最后都郁闷的表现出walk out of the play,教授第一次听到这么好的观点。教授推荐学生多读些critics。再来讨论。教授好像强调不要太detail, 不用写background。学生问教授关于剧评4、女学生的note book忘在教室了,去找管理员问打扫清洁的是谁,管理员说根据policy他们不会挪动教室里面的东西,除非是明显的垃圾。还说今天早上有课(暗示可能别的班的同学拿了)建议她share别人的笔记本,因为看样子找不到了。5、PR危机公关,应该怎么有效沟通信息。不能让rumor走在info 发布前面。先让内部员工知道,然后再发布。发布要简短,最好有expert技术支持,增加说服力和confidence。举例,酒店订房到了酒店,由于酒店电脑故障订房信息没了。说this never happen, right?反话,其实经常发生,所以才举这个例子。 有同学既然这么好,说那就故意制造问题,骗顾客loyalty吧?教授说结构很难预料,问了n个how,what if,肯定结果很难预料。6、关于生态平衡的,说一个物种被移入和移出一个环境都会破坏生态平衡. 举了澳大利亚移入一种蛙的例子.本来是消灭害虫的,结果导致生态的破坏.还问了问什么举引进马的例子.7、关于一种painting 有个人跟别人研究的方面不一样,好像比较偏向design.3.关於生态平衡,教授先讲了一个地方有斑马和狮子...如果把狮子都弄没,斑马数量会增加,草的数量就会减少...接著拿澳大利亚做例子(这里有一题问为什麽要拿澳大利亚做例子)...讲说有一种蛙,繁衍速度非常的快,好像是25000个卵一个月,导致生态平衡破坏...4.讲的是art histroy(我在国外高中主修的就是艺术我现在正在翻艺术历史书查)...教授刚开始讲Aegean Art,但是因为当时的作品都被毁了(或者说不懂的保存)所以没有什麽例子就不详细讲了...之后教授跳到Roman Art,介绍了Pompeii...之后讲了一个人说他研究Roman Art的角度和别人不一样...别人都是单方面的研究建筑,画啊什麽的...但是他是从Roman Art当时的社会去研究..还有一题听力...讲的是MARKETING...说recover的一种服务...就是说当你在服务客户的时候出了差错紧急应对赔偿的方法...这样的方法有的时候会留住客户...但是不可以故意制造问题...要不然公司的利益会减少加试:1、鸟迁徙 2、霸王花3、RAGTIME 音乐口语:Task 1. 你想学或者已经擅长的一种skill是什么 - 学什么运动sports 或者乐器music,或者某个工作技能(语言)都可以,什么时候开始学的?说出为什么这个技能对于你重要和将怎样发展你的技能。口语:1 你喜欢的运动Task 2. 你喜欢和大家一起做team sport还是单独做运动individual sport? 2你喜欢一个人运动,还是群体运动Task 3. 【学校通知】:学校university要加offer一个new 舞蹈课dancing class,noncredit,第一节课free试听。【学生议论】:女生很赞成excited:理由:1、有兴趣fun, 她以前的很多exercise自己练没能坚持hard work最后都drop out了,这个每周按时和大家一起锻炼身体,很不错。2、1st free,可以知道课程好不好再做决定,就算去上了一节不满意的话也不会浪费钱,免得选了又不喜欢。 5 学校提供免费舞蹈课程,女生很高兴Task 4.【课文要点】:ethnological design人体工程学设计。reading说普通办公设备不方便uncomfortable的话,长期使用会导致问题,费时费力、illness之类的,而且降低人的工作效率。ethnological design可以使办公室的人舒适comfortable ,不会有physical problem,并提高工作效率。【教授举例】:speaker 教授举了例子自己以前在办公室office工作,负责接客户的电话,但是每次当他和打电话同时又要找文件reach file cabinet的时候,只能用脖子和shoulder夹着电话phone,接电话的姿势不爽,时间长了(几个月以后)hurt his neck, 工作效率也下降了。后来老板BOSS给了他一个new device - hand free headset耳麦。他能誊出双手找文件了,他舒服了,而且脖子也好了工作。效率也提高了work got more done。Task 5. 【学生困难】:男生说他是一个club manager,为了今晚在town hall的音乐会concert 要从student center 搬运move一堆器材equipment去, 朋友答应了借车子,但朋友电话来说车truck突然坏路上了。【解决方案】:他自己说有两个办法:1、让志愿者来帮忙搬东西,不过不是他们原先说好的职责,虽然只有几个block,但是怕累着了。2、去学校rent a van,这样volunteer只需搬上下车,不过van很贵,而且他还不知道能不能报销。 3 学生搬乐器,朋友的卡车坏了,怎么办?Task 6.【讲课要点】:玩耍plying 对于幼小的动物 young animals的重要性。人们认为动物的play就是简单的玩,但是实际上playing也是有作用的。2种功能:1、玩耍可以让动物学习如何捕食learn to repeat body movement to catch thing/food:举例:小燕子swallow bird 自己把羽毛吹向天空,然后在羽毛落地前,用嘴叼住,锻炼长大了捕捉flying虫子insect in the air的能力。2、玩耍可以锻炼肌肉develop muscle strength 和 coordination skill to escape from predator。举例:小猴子monkey在枝头chase fast,而且不能slip或者落后,锻炼了肌肉力量和协调性,这样长大了才能逃脱追杀。 6燕子和猴子小时候玩耍有助于长大后的survive.写作:综合写作:1.the life-form on Mars1陨石里有细菌,证明有生命,LECTURE里证明这些证据是没有道理的文章:火星来的陨石meteorite上面有一些痕迹能证明mars火星有生命存在。教授反驳reading的观点:他觉得化石fossil的形状可能被改变了。fossil可能是在样品(为电子显微镜)准备时弄出来的。reading说在显微镜看到tube-like的化石,跟地球上的相似,教授说用显微镜会change 化石 real characteristic feature留上面的compound化学物质也可能是火山产生的,不一定从火星来。2.reading说在火星上发现一种special chemical compounds,跟地球上的一个什麽b开头的compound相似,教授说但是这有可能是从别的non life form activities来的3、他还觉得火星没有地球这边强的磁场,细菌bacteria不需要辨别磁场的能力/不可能用grains of magnetite来定位。所以这个不能证明细菌就是火星来的。文章说火星调到地球。3.reading说在火星上找到meteorite grains,教授说地球上的grains is strong to follow,但是mars, too weak to follow and the grains were useless独立写作:是否同意:Most businesspeople are motivated only by the desire of money. 商人的动机都是为了钱。 2你认为大多数生意人的主要目的是不是为了钱?
2023-06-16 23:36:281


大一大二的英语课是一个很可爱的英国姑娘来教我们,最后临走给我们留了一个书单,都是她认为现阶段比较适合我们阅读的书。说来惭愧,直到现在大三末了,我都一本未读,没办法给你一个难度等级的建议,昨天收拾搬家才偶然发现了这张书单,现在打到电脑上,算是一个备份,也推荐给喜欢读书的你们。书单如下:Contemporary Literature I recommend ,Lisa1.Life of Pi,Yann Martel2.The Kite Runner,Khaled Hosseini3.The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time,Mark Haddon4.Water for Elephants,Sara Gruen5.Mort(Discworld Series),Terry Pratchett6.Never Let Me Go,Kazuo Ishiguro7.Memoirs of a Geisha,Arthui Golden8.The Green Mile,Stephen King9.Atonement,Ian McEwan10.The Lovely Bones,Alice Sebold11.The Girl with the Gragon Tattoo,Stieg Larsson12.The Time Traveler"s Wife,Audrey Niffenegger13.Fight Club,Chuck Palahniuk14.Beloved,Toni Morrison15.The Unbearable Lightness of Being,Milan Kundera16.Midnight"s Children,Salman Rushdie17.The Perks of Being a Wallflower,Stephen Chbosky18.The Reader,Bernhard Schlink19.Things Fall Apart,Chinua Achebe20.Girl with a Pearl Earring,Tracy Chevalier21.Disgrace,J.M.Coetzee22.The boy in the Striped Pajamas,John Boyne23.The Shipping News,E.Annie Proulx24.Eat,Pray,Love,Elizabeth Gilbert25.High Fidelity,Nick Hornby26.The English Patient,Michael Ondaatje27.My Sister"s Keeper.Jodi Picoult28.The Art of Fielding,Chad Harbach29.Into the world,Jon Krakauer30.Corelli"s Mandolin,Louis de Bernieres31.No country for Old Man,Cormac McCarthy32.Angela"s Ashes,Frank McCourt33.Schindler"s Art,Thomas Keneally34.The God of Small Things,Arundhati Roy35.Bridget Jones"s Diary,Helen Fielding36.These Foolish Things(The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel),Deborah Moggach37.The Notebook,Nicholas Sparks38.A Song of Ice and Fire(The Game of Thrones),George R.R.Martin39.Birdsong,Sebastian Faulks40.Chocolate,Joanne Harris41,The Beach,Alex Garland42.The Horse Whisperer,Nicholas Evans
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探讨年龄差异和第二语言习得的关系一.社会现象:近年来,人们对第二语言的学习日益重视。年龄对第二语言习得的影响,是二语习得领域的焦点话题之一。在实际生活中可以看到,学习第二语言呈现低龄化趋势,于是出现了很多很多的早教班,很多年轻父母让他们的孩子还在上幼儿园的时候就开始学习英语。因为他们觉得,在第二语言学习中,越早开始学习,越容易学习和掌握这门语言。二.提出问题:对于那些连母语都不能完全掌握的孩子而言,过早学习第二语言真的有利于他对第二语言的学习和掌握吗?三.研究论证1.关键期假说复习概念:关键期假说伦尼伯格所提出的“关键期假说”。关键期假说认为儿童习得语言更有优势是由于生理因素,他认为人的大脑在两岁至青春期,10-12岁之前是习得语言的关键期。过了关键期的学习者不会像在关键期内的学习者一样成功。而且很容易产生外国腔。这是因为青春期以前,大脑的两个半球都参与了语言学习,大脑可塑性较强,语言习得较快,也较为成功。而在青春期后,大脑发生了侧化,逐渐失去可塑性,语言学习也就越来越困难。2.关键期假说的相关研究(1)支持关键期假说的研究二语习得领域里, 支持关键期存在最具代表性的研究是Johnson和Newport (1989)的实验。研究结果显示对于第二语言学习来说,越早越好,而且如果想学第二语言更容易,好像有一个界定的发展期间。(2)反对关键期假说的研究反对第二语言习得关键期的研究也有很多;C.Snow等人研究了在自然语言环境下不同年龄的人习得第二语言的情况;被试母语为英语,第二语言为荷兰语;研究者跟踪研究了被试在荷兰第一年里学习荷兰语的情况。其结果是,虽然儿童表现出一些优势,但成人同样也表现优势,在课堂学习,情况仍然如此。3.绝对的关键期到底存在吗?关于第一语言的学习,则关键期假说应该是正确的。但是,第二语言的学习和关键期假说的关系则不同。Birdsong在1989年也做了一个相似的研究,他也发现了明显的年龄作用。然而,他所发现的学习第二语言越早越好是指在人的整个生命区间,而不是在某一个关键年龄段期间。但是,第二语言的学习和关键期假说的关系则不同。大多数的研究者还是怀疑这种绝对版关键期假说的成熟性,因为毕竟有些实例表明有的成人尽管过了所谓的关键期,但第二语言的水平还是达到了近似母语熟练度或甚至相当于母语的熟练度。所以说,有其他更为复杂的因素来解释这种在二语学习中的年龄作用则比绝对版的关键期假说更为准确而全面。四.论证年龄差异对二语学习的影响 1.在正式的教室环境中青少年和成人在教室学习环境中的比较参加此研究的学生是被招收到小学(FLES)学习外语。研究表明在这种环境中开始第二语言学习晚一些的孩子的表现能够赶上甚至超过那些比他们学习早的孩子。在传统的教室环境中,外面环境中目标语的影响是有限的,成人学习者不仅比更小的学习者学的一样好而且超过他们部分由于成人学习者拥有更好的认知能力和学习策略。我们不能否认一些个体尽管在他们生命中更晚一些的时候开始学习二语但是也能达到像母语一样的水平,而且一些成人学习者对目标语句法的熟练掌握,与以这种目标语为母语的人的语言熟练程度很难区分。年龄在二语学习中有重要作用,但我们也要看到青少年和成人学习者在第二语言学习方面成功地达到甚至是超过了以目标语为母语的人。在某些方面成人要享有优势,比如:在学习能力方面,成人比孩子要记忆时间更长,并有更好的记忆能力。Ausubel认为成人比孩子有更为复杂的语言结构,而孩子趋向于依赖直觉。总之,在教室学习环境中,在目标语在教室之外没有用武之地的国家,表明儿童比成年学习者好的研究少之又少。所以,Schmitt 认为,近来的研究表明,孩子仅仅在目标语国家在教室之外的自然环境里学习第二语言才比成人更具有优势。而在传统教室环境中,成人在一些方面如形态和句法方面和孩子学的一样好,而且往往比孩子更好。所以,说这种绝对版的关键期假说完全正确是不成熟的。2.在目的语的自然环境中青少年和成人的学习情况在目的语自然环境中比较然而,在学习者能够持续接触这种第二语言的自然环境中,“的确有随着年龄增长而二语学习表现下降的证据”。比如说:Fasold指出研究者发现在二语习得中与年龄相关的下滑现象至少在目标语的一些方面存在,如在二语语音学习方面,如果学习者不能在早期被置于目标语的环境中去接触所学语言,那么他在二语原因方面总体来说很难达到本族人的发音程度和水平。有很多研究支持这种说法。根据Gass而言,在一些具体的任务中也许成人比儿童学习者做的好,但这种优势是短期的,它会最终被置身于自然的二语环境中的儿童学习者所超越。这就解释了为什么二语的最终成就在自然环境中比传统的教室环境中更容易取得。所以,在二语学习中,尽管有特例表明成人也能达到近母语的熟练程度,但的确存在着与年龄相关的下降,这是普遍的共识。然而,对于在某个年龄点之后把第二语言学到像母语的水平是不可能的,似乎并没有一个明显的这样的年龄点存在。所以,绝对版关键期假说是不完全合适的。应该这样说更为安全,在自然学习环境中,有一个敏感的年龄阶段,在这个阶段内把第二语言学到近母语的水平是更容易的,而这个阶段之后一些青少年或成人尽管是在关键或敏感年龄之后开始学习但还是能够克服年龄因素的限制,通过自我激励和个人努力也还是能达到第二语言学习的成功。结论第二语言习得中的关键期仍然是个有争议的问题。可以说;关于年龄与第二语言习得之间的关系的任何过度概括都是不可靠的。有学者认为,可以用“最佳期”或者“敏感期”来取代“关键期”这一说法,也就是说,在这一时期内,是第二语言习得的较好时期,但不是绝对时期,即使错过了这一时期,也可以通过其他途径的努力来达到比较高的第二语言水平,这种看法是比较理性和折中的。1.学习速度问题。成人学习者学习的最初阶段具有优势,尤其在语法方面。但他们最后可能会被儿童超过。儿童在自然的语言环境中学习更快,而在正规的外语课堂上学习速度较成年人缓慢。2.语音问题。在语音方面,儿童比成年人更有可能获得接近母语水平的第二语言。如果有足够的语言接触;大多数儿童在二语习得中都可以习得地道的口音,有可能达到语音纯正。而成年人经过多年的正规学习,多数可以流利地讲外语,但只有极少数人能达到语音纯正。也就是说年龄越大,相对而言获得完全地道的口音的可能性越小。
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【举例造句】:哗众取宠的人,是不受人欢迎的。【拼音代码】: hzqc【近义词】:夸大其词【反义词】:实事求是【用法】: 作宾语、定语;形容轻浮好虚荣【英文】: flubdub示例:1、The speaker played to the gallery by indulging in vulgar jokes.为了哗众取宠,那位演讲者大讲特讲粗俗的笑话。2、 You might offend your hosts if you camp it up at the party in your usual way.倘若你在晚会上像往常那样哗众取宠可能会冒犯主人。3、He was ill-equipped to handle the flashy showmanship of Birdsong.他根本没有对付伯德桑这种哗众取宠的人的手腕。
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2023-06-16 23:37:504


熊出没英文主题曲:The hibernation"s over now,And the clover"s just in bloom,A cheerful birdsong woke me up,And chased me right out of my room,Sunshine beams through the leaves and branches,And the pines stand tall and proud,Dandelions dazzle and the nectar flows,And tiny forest critters shout out loud,The grass is green.the sky is blue,The brook is babbling,friend, And so are you,We"ll seize the day,For endless play,Picnic and party that"s our woodland play,Danger lurks,but we"ll be fine,I"ve got you back,I"m lucky you"ve got mine,Honeycomb,and apple tree,There"ll be plenty here,for you,and you,and you and me.熊出没《熊出没》是一部国产动画片。故事主要讲述了森林保护者熊兄弟(熊大、熊二)与破坏森林、采伐原木、占领土地开发创业实验田的光头强之间上演的一幕幕搞笑对决的故事。该片由广东省深圳市华强数字动漫有限公司出品,丁亮、邢旭辉执导,于2012年1月22日在中央电视台少儿频道首播。
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熊出没主题曲(我还有点小糊涂) 歌词

2023-06-16 23:38:256


1999年发行专辑 专辑名称专辑曲目 和平之月 -《幻》(Illision)01、天马行空Bagus Flyer02、子夜太阳 Midnight Sun03、幻蜃 Mirage04、使命 First Mission05、纱丽 Satie"S Sari06、言灵Ki-Zu-Na07、出水芙蓉Madam Lotus08、绿色宇宙 Green Cosmos09、生命的回声 Echoes Of Life~Takumi 和平之月 -《彩》(Color) 01、海峡序曲 Tsugaru Overture02、萌芽 Mebae03、海风吹Sea Wind04、春雨 Spring Rain05、红蜻蜓Akatombo06、津轻浪摇 Tsugaru Wave07、天蓝 Aidama (Sky Blue)08、淡绿 Moegi (Light Green)09、绯红天空 Akanegumo (Rosy Sky)10、蓝宝石Ruri11、琥珀 Kohaku12、Nakisuna 和平之月 -《雪》(Snow)01、冬之谣 Winter Song02、雪 Yuki03、银森林 Snow Forest04、寒月Kangetsu05、白色花园 White Garden06、时雨 Shigure07、冬景色 Fuyugeshiki08、絮絮私语 Gentle Whisper09、雪花Sekka10、初雪Hatsuyuki11、冰晶 Snow Crystal12、亚洲之风 Asian Wind13、静夜思 In The Silence Of Night 和平之月(Pacific Moon) -《祈 Prayer》01、凛风Wintry Wind02、不动明王 Fudosan03、津轻三味 Tsugaru04、托钵僧 Mendicant Priest05、心相 Cocoro06、梦魇Nightpiece07、圣祠 Shrine08、再渡津轻 Tsugaru (Reprise)09、观世音Mendicant Priest (Remix)10、残象 Afterimage 和平之月(Pacific Moon) -《梦 Dream》01、大地的吐息 The Breath Of Grass Land02、心田 Heartland03、银月 Silver Moon04、溪涧Brookside05、夜空Night Sky06、悠久的记忆 Distant Vista07、冬雨Winterfall08、春光 A Day In Spring09、富岳百景 Yadana Yadana10、梦 Dreams 和平之月 -《月 III》(Pacific Moon III)01、银月 Silver Moon02、てぃんさぐぬ花(凤仙花) Teinsagu Nu Hana03、夜空Night Sky04、鹰翔 Wings Of The Eagle05、窗外 Beyond The Window06、旅途 Neyuki07、竹田の子守歌(竹田摇篮曲) A Lullaby Of Takeda08、南风Hae09、庆生歌 A Song Of Birth10、海峡序曲 Tsugaru (Overture)11、般若心経Hannya Shingyo 2000年发行专辑  专辑名称专辑曲目和平之月 -《二胡》(Erhu)01、虹 Rainbow02、流光 Light Dance03、童年回忆Memory Of Childhood04、北京之夜Night Of Beijing06、晨曦 Dawn07、河畔 Riverside08、归途Homeward09、甜梦 Sweet Dreams10、深蓝Deep Blue11、寂静 In Silence12、虹桥的尽头 End Of The Rainbow 和平之月 -《夜》(Serenade)01、河畔 Riverside02、心田 Heartland03、麒麟 Unicorn04、地垠 Horizon05、大陆の风(大陆之风) Asian Wind06、古寺晨光 Temple In The Twilight07、鹰翔 Wings Of The Eagle08、山雪 Snow Line09、挚爱 True Love10、乡径 Path11、银月 Silver Moon12、雪 Snow13、梦迹沙河 Mirage Of The Fall14、春雨 Spring Rain15、宁月Silent Moon16、大陆の风 Asian Wind (Live)17、往事 Once Upon A Time (Live)18、生灵 Sekar~Spirit Of Plants19、本源 Kaja~Come From 和平之月(Pacific Moon) -《童 Lullaby》01、乡径02、故土 FurusatoⅠ03、竹田摇篮曲A Lullaby Of Takeda04、岛原摇篮曲 A Lullaby Of Shimabara05、窗外 Beyond The Window06、五木摇篮曲A Lullaby Of Itsuki07、萤火乱舞 Ho Ho Hotaru KoiⅠ08、萤光飞舞 Ho Ho Hotaru KoiⅡ09、秋思I"ve Felt Little Autumn10、人偶新娘 Hanayome Ningyo11、家乡 FurusatoⅡ12、晚安Oyasumi 2001年发行专辑 专辑名称专辑曲目和平之月(Pacific Moon) -《瞑》01、法华经 Hokkekyo02、北东风 Narai03、橹曜 Rokai04、海鸣 Uminari05、南风Hae06、潮路 Shioji07、东风 Kochi 和平之月 -《兰》(pacificmoon-ORCHID)01、野玫瑰 Wild Rose02、竹舞 Bamboo Dance03、惜月Precious Moon (FromYue Er Gao)04、挚爱 True Love05、昨日 A Day Goes By06、水木清华 The Land Of Woods And Waters07、麒麟 Unicorn08、庙会 Marketplace09、传奇 One More Tale10、野玫瑰Wild Rose (Reprise) 和平之月 -《遥》(Far a way)01 萤 Firefly02 天狼星 Sirius03 睡莲 A Water Lily04 东京归来 Back To Tokyo05二泉映月Er Quan Ying Yue06 山雪 Snow Line07 柳岛之风 The Wind Of Liudao08河南小曲A Ditty From Henan09怀乡曲Nostalgia10.清秋 Pure11.我的家 Our Home 和平之月(Pacific Moon) -《巴厘BALI》01、巴厘 Sengahyang Pagi02、海蓝Ocean Blue03、迦兰迦兰 Jalan Jalan04、水榭 Water Garden05、芙蓉 Lotus06、夕颜Sun-set07、萤火虫之墓Firefly Sanctuary08、南国Selamat Tidur 2002年发行专辑 专辑名称专辑曲目和平之月(Pacific Moon) -《红 Kurenai》01、山神 Legend Of The Mountain02、梦境 Dream Land03、红 Kurenai04、巡礼 Pilgrimage05、海风Sea Wind06、虚无之光 Deja Vu07、满月湾 Full Moon Bay08、上海晨光 Shanghai Twilight09、戈壁行 Deseart Walk10、劳伦斯Lawrence11、锦绣天空 Silky Sky12、丝路的终点 End Of The Silk Road 和平之月(Pacific Moon)-《风》(East Wind)01、花月Flowers,Birds,Winds & Moon(Prologue)02、鹰翔 Wings Of The Eagle03、雪舞Winter Dance04、第一印象 First Image05、旅途Neyuki06、箱舟 Wooden Ship07、第二印象 Second Image08、人生 Our Life09、风语者Niigata Okesa10、第三印象 Third Image11、八重云 Falling Through A Cloud12、祝福 Aizu Bandaisan13、风鸟 Flowers,Birds,Winds & Moon(Epilogue) 佚名01、天狼星Sirius02、宁月Silent Moon03、花 Flower04、甜梦Sweet Dreams05、睡莲 A Water Lily06、虹 Rainbow07、清秋 Pure08、望郷Bokyo09、杏林湖畔 Reflection Of The Lake10、什刹海之晨 Shichahai In The Morning11、梦迹沙河 Mirage Of The Fall12、童年回忆Memory Of Childhood13、宁月Silent Moon (Studio Live Version)14、旅愁 Dreaming Of Home And Mother (Studio Live) 2003年发行专辑 专辑名称专辑曲目和平之月 -《浪漫》(Roman)01武藏 Musashi02 新天堂乐园 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso03 爱的主题曲 Tema d"Amore04 丁不拉风的挽歌 Deborah"s Theme05 浪漫 Romance06 高奏爱情 Playing Love07 托托与埃费多 Toto E Alfredo08 玛莲娜 Malena09 悲壮史歌 Melancholy10.武藏 Musashi(Reprise) 和平之月 -《和平之月-兰2》(pacificmoon-ORCHID2)01 乐园 A Tropical Island02 东方旅行 Eastward Journey03 铃兰 A song of Lilies04 天川 Milky Way05 青岛微风 Qingdao Breeze06 沙漠诗行 Desert Flowers07 兰 Orchid08 梦 Dreaming09 早春 Early Spring10.乐园 A Tropical Island (Reprise) 和平之月 -《雅》(Graces Of Asia)11 竹舞 Bamboo Dance12 寒空 Winter Sky13 马可波罗 Marco Polo14时雨Shigure15 初恋 First Love16大漠孤旅 The Last Caravan17野玫瑰Wild Rose18 潮风に吹かれて(海风吹) Sea Wind19 春时 Springtime20.传奇 One More Tale21.乡径 Path22.舞 Mai23.宇宙 Cosmos 和平之月 -《虹》(Rainbow)( 暂无)和平之月(Pacific Moon) -《翔 Sho》01、空山鸟语 Birdsong02、远雷 Distant Thunder03、明日 Tomorrow04、东方花园Exotic Garden05、阳春小径 A Road In Early Spring06、旅愁 Ryoshu07、阳关三叠Yang Guan San Die08、晓 Daybreak09、远方的书信 Air Mail10、再会 Reunion11、树影婆娑 Shu Ying Po Suo 其它专辑贾鹏芳河 River虹 Rainbow遥 Faraway翔 Sho月光Moonlight浪漫 Roman休日 Holiday夜想曲Nocturne二胡Erhu ~ Jia Peng Fang Best二胡Ⅱ Lovers ~ Jia Peng Fang BestMemories ~ Jia Peng Fang Best明天 Tomorrow城之内美莎华 Asian Blossoms华Ⅱ road to OASIS红 Kurenai空华 Kuge华音 Canon ~ Missa Johnouchi Best语 Kataribe ~ Piano CollectionEveningFriends日曜日 Dimanche大地の歌 Le chant de la Terre菅井爱里舞 Mai香 KaoriStella Mirus~AirStella MirusⅡ京田诚一祈 Prayer风 East Wind水纪行 Apsaras恩田直幸梦 Dream翼 Wings In The Dawn渡边雅二雅 Miyabi ~ Piano Album雅Ⅱ MiyabiⅡ ~ Piano AlbumPiano Garden小宫瑞代彩 Color童 Lullaby吉田洁祭 Matsuri日本人的遥远旅途Long Journey to Japan (OST)打 Asian Drums打Ⅱ Asian DrumsⅡ远音(Tone)(三冢幸彦:尺八、小野美穗子:日本筝、曾山良一:吉他)远音 Tone钢琴精粹(渡边雅二、恩田直幸、山下力哉、城之内美莎、经田康子、小室光子、美野春树)京 Ancient City ~ Piano Collection都 Ancient CityⅡ ~ Piano Collection雪 Snow ~ Piano CollectionSorma(团长:嶋田阳一)幻 Illusion亚 Mirage Of The East峇里 Bali - Jalan Jalan峇里Ⅱ Bali dua - Jalan JalanUBUD乌布 UBUD乌布Ⅱ UBUD dua乌布Ⅲ UBUD Tiga其他冲绳 Okinawa梵天(团长:小林政高)梵天Bonten凯风 Gaifu凤蝶 AGEHAB瞑~禅 Meditation~Zen瞑~悟 Meditation~Satori瞑~轮回 Meditation~Rinne岛 Island - 南风 Hae永岛广Oasis Road上田益脉 Nadi里安娜恋し恋しや梦何处水无月岛呗2000年发行专辑
2023-06-16 23:39:081


和平之月Pacific Moon Records(Chapter One): 这张属于和平之月系列的专辑《River 河》其亮点在于乐器——二胡,它是一种我国的传统弦乐器。有许多乐器是通过琴弓摩擦乐器发出声音来演奏的,例如蒙古的“batokin”,朝鲜半岛的 “hegum”,还有许多其他亚洲独一无二的乐器。据说这些乐器起初被弹奏是为了模仿人类的声音。如果真是这样,二胡就是在亚洲大陆所有音质中最能体现亚洲曲调的完美乐器。从最低的音到最高的音,这些音调广阔地伸展开,并在听者的脑中施展魔法,想象广阔而带有浅红色底色的天空,亚洲大陆绿色的原野,以及被丰富的自然风景所围绕,过着平静生活的人们。正如对于欧洲,我们是不是可以说小提琴是那里弦乐器的代表呢?包含在这张专辑中的歌曲,只有第6首和第9首是纯粹的中国古典乐曲,即《A Smiling Moon月牙五更》和《Moonlight Night月夜》,其余的都是专为这张专辑创作的原创作品。尽管曲中充满了西方的和声与器乐(如钢琴和吉他),但二胡演奏出的声音仍然保持着东方的和缓且淡淡伤感的音调,这种声音也表现了在亚洲大陆田园式生活的极大的开放。专辑曲目 Shichahai In The Morning什刹海之晨 Mirage Of The Fall 梦迹沙河 River 河 Silent Moon 宁月 Reflection Of The Lake杏林湖畔 A Smiling Moon 月牙五更 Maya 麻耶 Breath Of Night 松花晚风 Moonlight Night 月夜 For Tomorrow"s Children 明天的孩子 《Rainbow 虹》的编曲、制作与《River河》、《Faraway遥》两张专辑一样都是京田诚一担当大任。在和平之月发行的贾鹏芳的二胡专辑中,《Rainbow 虹》是最令人喜爱的作品之一。无论是旋律、编曲、整体感,无一不是上上之选。曲目各有特色,但又始终保持着微妙的统一感,令整张专辑一气呵成,浑然一体。专辑第一轨同名曲《虹》带来的感触,是其他曲子所不曾有的。不管听多少次,那种深入心灵的感动都不曾减少半分。专辑曲目 Rainbow 虹 Light Dance 流光 Memory Of Childhood童年回忆 In The Garden 游园 Night Of Beijing北京之夜 Dawn 晨曦 Riverside 河畔 Homeward归途 Sweet Dreams甜梦 Deep Blue深蓝 In Silence 寂静 End Of The Rainbow 虹桥的尽头 贾鹏芳的这张《Faraway 遥》是我最喜欢的二胡专辑之一。贾鹏芳的二胡曲清晰,富有颤音,他以高超的二胡技艺和广受青睐的作曲风格而闻名。作为留洋海外最成功的音乐家之一,在这张于和平之月发行的第三张专辑《Faraway 遥》中,他重新演绎了大量我们耳熟能详的中国二胡民乐经典,如《河南小曲》、《二泉映月》、《怀乡曲》等等,他用其娴熟的技巧和炉火纯青的演奏技艺融合现代元素,将源远的中华民乐重新打造,给人以感官的享受。有些网络评论说“专辑中一些章节有不足之处,一些地方的现代元素有点过重,掩盖了二胡的魅力,从而让音乐缺少了主心的味道”。但个人认为这正是作为 New Age 必然需要去大胆创新的地方,音乐被时代升华,二胡被贾鹏芳重新“改造”。一些地方我们也许能感受到贾鹏芳先生对祖国的怀念和依恋,从音乐的名字里不难看出,具体内心的想法只有他自己知道,我们只能从音乐中揣测和摸索,感觉贾鹏芳先生的内心,感觉他的音乐灵魂深处的中华情根。另外,《Faraway 遥》中的《睡莲》、《柳岛之风》为贾鹏芳作曲,其他曲子的作曲与所有曲子的编曲、专辑制作依然是由京田诚一担任。专辑曲目 Firefly 萤 Sirius 天狼星 A Water Lily 睡莲 Back To Tokyo 回到东京 Er Quan Ying Yue 二泉映月 Snow Line 山雪 The Wind Of Liudao 柳岛之风 A Ditty From Henan河南小曲 Nostalgia怀乡曲 Pure 清秋 Our Home 我们的家 这张2003年发行的《Sho 翔》是二胡大师贾鹏芳在和平之月发行的第五张专辑。此辑集合了京田诚一、城之内美莎、恩田直幸、吉冈一政等和平之月大部分当家高手、幕后精英合力打造。除《Birdsong 空山鸟语》、《Yang Guan San Die阳关三叠》改编自同名中国传统曲目,其它曲目由以上众人分别制作。其中,《Tomorrow 明日》是贾鹏芳自己作曲的,让我们得以一睹他除二胡演奏之外的多方面才华。专辑曲目 Birdsong 空山鸟语 Distant Thunder 远雷 Tomorrow 明日 Exotic Garden东方花园 A Road In Early Spring阳春小径 Ryoshu 旅愁 Yang Guan San Die 阳关三叠 Daybreak 晓 Air Mail 远方的书信 Reunion 再会 Shu Ying Po Suo 树影婆娑 专辑介绍《Moonlight月光》是二胡大师贾鹏芳于2006年在和平之月发行的专辑。也许是出于对二胡经典演绎手法的痴迷吧,个人感觉其水准要好过后面越来越把二胡当小提琴演奏的《Holiday休日》和《ノクターンNocturne夜想曲》(这两张专辑西尔德斯神话已经有推荐)——虽然专辑中也有曲目开始了这种倾向,但前面三曲堪称二胡经典。以下的音乐感受来自网络:必须承认,这张音乐碟的不断重复也在加深着我的回忆过程。旋律的重复和熟悉的乐器,非常自然的让人想起过去,想起成长的家乡。这种氛围是略微悲愁的,也许并不适合现在这样的气氛,但是,对我,却是对心灵的一次滋润。好像这是笔者真正意义上听过的第一张二胡演奏专辑,也许是小的时候因为听多了什么《高山流水》,《渔歌唱晚》之类,对这乐器留下了不好的印象。想来,作为我国历史悠久的一项乐器,他的延续是有道理的,它总是能在低沉悠长中表达一种情思,不管是哀伤的还是喜悦的,总是表现得安宁唯美。贾鹏芳或许也是唯一我能想起的二胡演奏家了,在这张专辑中,以钢琴做为配乐,修饰环境,使二胡所表现出的意境更加的绵长,就象主题一样,《Moonlight月光》,遥远,但却是美好的,光明的。我对贾鹏芳和他的作品也不是很了解,我想的话,或许他是要表达思乡之情?还是表达孤独?不过实话说,我听起来感觉像是忧伤的,呵呵。专辑曲目 Winter River ふゆのかわ 冬之河 Moonlight げっこう月光 Furusato ふるさと 郷 Tango Of Asia タンゴ オブ エイジア Forever とわに 永远に Mai Kyoku まいきょく舞曲 What A Beautiful World てんちそうそう 天地苍々 Ripples さざ波 Cherry Blossoms さくら 桜 Summer Of Jiamusi ジャムスの夏 专辑介绍比小提琴的声音更加圆润柔美的二胡的主旋律流淌出来。其间,戴着一顶大帽子的Toto露出了灿烂的笑容。Alfredo叔叔的硕大的躯体仿佛要把那个少年环抱住那样将他放在自行车前面,推着车往前走。鲜活的《New Cinema Paradise 新天堂电影院》的一幕场景顿时复苏。Ennio Morricone被誉为能给影像施加魔法的罕有天才,他的珠玉名曲悉数被二胡名家贾鹏芳用二胡来演绎并制作完成了这张和平之月发行于2003年的《Roman 浪漫》。然而电影音乐在某种意义上来说是一种有制约的音乐。印象并不能根据每个听众的好恶来进行映像化。因为在用耳朵感受时,眼睛已经同时捕捉住了映像。如主人公的心象风景、热情、眼泪、欢笑与忧伤。而且有时宏大的自然风景自身揉合到音乐里面,把听者的心引诱到电影当中去。Ennio Morricone就是这样逐一音符地创作音乐的人。而贾鹏芳就是从他的乐谱中将这些美妙音符重新纺织出来。这两人的合作使我们最终沉醉在银幕世界的时空之旅中。专辑开头,Ennio Morricone特别为NHK大河戏剧《Musashi 武藏》写下了主题。以前述的《New Cinema Paradise 新天堂电影院》为首,《Once Upon A Time In America》、《海上钢琴师》、《Malena玛莲娜/西西里岛的美丽传说》全是电影迷所熟悉的大作。正因为如此,艺术家们虽然在电影播出之前将各个主题都演奏过了,但还必须将超越了再现的坚强灵魂进行重叠。贾鹏芳出色地将音符渗透到其中去。真诚以及对电影的感动通过Ennio Morricone的灵魂而增强,将这些元素真挚地、正直地寄托到拥有温暖的抱拥感觉的音符中去。就在闭目抚弦的瞬间,他的心也被Ennio Morricone的世界所包围而心波荡漾,这一种悸动具有比电影更强的具压倒性的说服力。贾鹏芳的音乐将听者的记忆放映机温柔地转动。而我们则沉醉在其圆润的乐音中。专辑曲目 Musashi 武藏 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso 新天堂乐园 Tema d"Amore 爱的主题曲 Deborah"s Theme 丁不拉风的挽歌 Romance 浪漫 Playing Love 高奏爱情 Toto E Alfredo 托托与埃费多 Malena 玛莲娜 Melancholy 悲壮史歌 Musashi (Reprise) 武藏 专辑介绍《Holiday 休日》是贾鹏芳在和平之月发行于2006年的专辑,原定的专辑名是《My Favorite Things 我的最爱》。此辑用二胡演奏了6轨古典名曲,其中包括《今夜无人入睡》(《谁も寝てはならぬ (Nessun Dorma)》)等经典佳作。虽然广大乐迷对于在《Holiday休日》以及后来的《ノクターンNocturne夜想曲》里,和平之月屡次让贾鹏芳的二胡演奏得更像小提琴的做法颇有微词,并且认为这样是削弱了二胡的长处,使其短处暴露无遗。但是相对于和平之月创作力明显匮乏的外在表现,这种做法不失为一种实验性质的创新。(以上原创,转载请注明出处——西尔德斯神话)专辑曲目 谁も寝てはならぬ (Nessun Dorma) ひまわり Smile My Favorite Things 枯叶 A Stranger In Paradise 专辑介绍:在来日20年后,贾鹏芳的音乐活动于2008年迎来的盛大的节目。通过在日本的各种活动,有幸结识了广大的音乐家,这对我而言是笔珍贵的财富,这次的专辑也是为了迎接他们。用“从今以后”这个词作为标题是为了表达感谢之情 。贾鹏芳的这番话表达出这第20个年头决不是他在日本的音乐活动的终点,而是作为一个崭新的起点。专辑曲目 黎明(れいめい) DAYBREAK 黄昏の诗(たそがれのうた) DUSK 上海之夜(シャンハイナイト) SHANGHAI NIGHT 明天(ミンテェン) TOMORROW サマーダンス SUMMER DANCE 远い记忆(とおいきおく) MEMORIES 潮风に吹かれて(しおかぜにふかれて) BAYSIDE エレジー ELEGY 天马(ペガサス) PEGASUS 绊(きずな) BOND 朋友 FRIENDS / ジャー·パンファン 2009.10 专辑介绍这部新作是贾鹏芳旅日20 周年的纪念专辑,也是和月2008 年底的大制作,以大手笔请来外援服部克久和渡边俊幸两位名家。此外还有桑山哲也的手风琴以及天野清继的吉他助阵,幕后制作阵容可谓相当可观。服部克久为老贾写了专辑第一曲,贾鹏芳自己也写了两首,还有一首作词。其余作品都是由渡边俊幸谱写和编曲制作。全新的创作也让这张久违的新作倍增期待。整张专辑的精华可以说都浓缩在服部克久创作的《黎明》。专辑曲目 花历(はなごよみ)/ Floral Calendar 杏林湖畔 / Xinglin Hupan 睡莲 / A Water Lily Blue Flamingo(ブルーフラミンゴ) ジャムスの夏 / Summer Of Jiamusi Summer Dance(サマーダンス) Memory Of Childhood(メモリーオブチャイルドフッド) Dawn(ドーン) 2011年3月23日,新专辑《四季》发布,新的期待新的惊喜在等着我们。专辑曲目 芳春(ふぁんちゅん) Fang chun 夏色の风(なついろのかぜ) A Breeze Of Summer 深山秋冷(しんざんしゅうれい) Late Autumn 雪花(せっか) Snow Flower 月光(げっこう) Moonlight (New Version) 鸟の歌(とりのうた) El Cant dels Ocells 香菫に寄せて(においすみれによせて) Sweet Violet 白鸟(はくちょう) Le Cygne 《一抹天香》是著名旅日二胡演奏家贾鹏芳在大陆发行的首张专辑。专辑由日本著名音乐人京田诚一担任作曲和编曲,并立邀旅日古筝演奏家姜小青合作演出。《贾鹏芳:一抹天香》内容介绍:能聆听到贾鹏芳二胡天籁的人是幸运的,因为那种音乐,听一耳便可相伴终生。这张CD更是独一无二的:因为它是这位浪漫二胡创始人、持多项NewAge及二胡音乐世界纪录大师的首张中国版权音乐大碟!他的二胡音乐不仅依旧感动着传统的人群,而且还感动着无数过去不曾被感动过的人们。他开创了一片二胡的蓝海,他构建了二胡传统与现代的桥梁,他是独一无二的。这张极品CD另外一个稀缺特点,就是它背后众多国际一线水准的制作大腕群,文案亦由国内顶级艺术文案专家、首位文字艺术监理师黄胤然亲自创意,众星托月倾力推出火烈鸟文化2012开年荣誉巨献——《一抹天香》:  山有雪,莲香叠,抬头望见苍茫月;丝弦曲尽心弦接,长天落我无双阙。这一抹飘荡的天香,将绝世而独芳。“弓弦一触,音乐便从他手中流淌出来:这种乐声深情而延绵,既特殊而又自然。曲声且悠且闲,或幽或远,一声不尽而一声又起,明明听的出这一旋这一律,却又无法确切分离段落,好一似红叶浮于溪中,虽有三绕五转七弯九曲,却到底还是借着缓流悠悠飘荡了去。” 这一抹飘荡的天香,绝世独芳。 专辑曲目01 烛影摇红02 何日重逢03 闲居吟04 雪莲花05 阳春花路06 独弦操07 一帘海天08 病中吟09 月夜10 早秋 《煌》是贾鹏芳2014年1月22日发表的新专辑,距离上张专辑《一抹天香》是两年之久了,对这位二胡演奏家,想也无需再做任何介绍了,依旧是老东家和平之月公司出品,代表亚洲New age音乐公司的力量旗号Pacific Moon Records是不变的存在。 专辑曲目01 暁 Morning Twilight02 面影 Omokage03 风の翼 Wings of Wind04 夕暮れ Dusk05 Spanish Dance06 楼兰 Desert City of Loulan07 水月 Moon on the Water08 风花 Snow Flurry09 疾风迅雷 As Quick As Lightning10 时雨 Autumn Shower11 なつかしい日々其他专辑二胡 Erhu ~ Jia Peng Fang Best二胡Ⅱ Lovers ~ Jia Peng Fang BestMemories ~ Jia Peng Fang Best燕子 2008.12日本 Columbia Music Entertainment:悠久の风景 Eternal Scenery光の海 (贾鹏新专辑,贾鹏芳参加) 华弦空 Sora ~心を青く染めるとき~ (贾鹏新专辑,贾鹏芳参加)十二国记蓬山远景 ~胡弓Memories (梁邦彦专辑,贾鹏芳、贾鹏新参加演奏)彩云国物语(梁邦彦专辑,贾鹏芳参加演奏) 演奏:贾鹏芳、周耀コン、贾鹏新专辑曲目: 中花六板 洁白的哈达 ダムダム 関山月 松花江之夜 葡萄熟了 梦见る人 平湖秋月 演奏:贾鹏芳 桑木野宏子专辑曲目: 上海エトランゼ(上海异乡人) 夕阳の中の少年(夕阳下的少年) 海のオクターヴ(大海的音阶) 雨の日海岸で(雨中的海岸) 草原の日 マリヴォンヌの桜 风に消えたさよなら(话别风中) kinmokusei(丹桂花开) サバンナから丘へ(从草原到山岗) 雾の夜明け(拂晓晨)
2023-06-16 23:39:201

英语作文,关于夏天的,40 字

Last summer, I went to Hangzhou with my parents. We visited my parents" friends first. We went to the West Lake together. I enjoyed the beautiful scenery there. There were so many people in the park near the Wast Lake. We were happy.
2023-06-16 23:39:362


2023-06-16 23:40:0013

half past seven是什么意思

half past seven 的意思是 7点半
2023-06-16 23:40:375


2023-06-16 23:41:101


中文片名: 《鸟鸣》 当爱情面对生活,当生命面对战争。所有美好最脆弱和不堪一击的时候,唯一能做的,就是为了仅存的一点希望,苦苦挣扎。而那一点点美好,已经值得一切。《鸟鸣》讲述了男主人公斯蒂芬·维斯福德在战前与一位法国女子——伊莎贝拉的曲折爱情,和六年后在一战中的军队经历。曾经的爱情中弥漫着清脆的鸟鸣,唯美却也在斯蒂芬心中留下了难以磨灭的伤痛。在经历了战火的洗礼,认识了生命的美好与现实的残酷之后,重新找回了希望和动力,也在此时,战争终于结束了。英文片名: Birdsong剧集分类: 文艺影片类型: 英剧资源格式:HR-HDTV,RMVB,掌上设备上影时间: 2012导 演: Justin Chadwick主 演:埃迪·雷德梅尼克蕾曼丝·波西马修·古迪(Matthew Goode)对白语言: 英语
2023-06-16 23:41:171

跪求好心人分享鸟鸣2012年上映的由 埃迪·雷德梅恩主演的免费高清百度云资源

《鸟鸣 Birdsong》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:9vgv《鸟鸣 Birdsong》导演: 菲利普·马丁编剧: 艾比·摩根、塞巴斯蒂安·福克斯主演: 埃迪·雷德梅恩、克蕾曼丝·波西、马修·古迪、罗里·基南、托马斯·图尔格斯、理查德·麦登、约瑟夫·马勒、Simon Nehan、丹尼尔·切尔奎拉、尼古拉斯·莫斯、玛丽-乔西·克罗兹、马修·奥布瑞、Paul Rattray、Misi Dunai、皮洛斯卡·莫尔纳、罗兰·拉斐特、Clara Grebot、乔治·麦凯、肖恩·麦肯齐、安东尼·安德鲁斯、Máté Szabó、Gyula Kormos、Océane Bersegeay Holliday类型: 剧情、爱情、历史、战争制片国家/地区: 英国语言: 英语、法语首播: 2012-01-22(英国)集数: 2单集片长: 83分钟又名: 鸟歌、啭鸣当爱情面对生活,当生命面对战争。所有美好最脆弱和不堪一击的时候,唯一能做的,就是为了仅存的一点希望,苦苦挣扎。而那一点点美好,已经值得一切。《鸟鸣》讲述了男主人公斯蒂芬·维斯福德在战前与一位法国女子——伊莎贝拉的曲折爱情,和六年后在一战中的军队经历。曾经的爱情中弥漫着清脆的鸟鸣,唯美却也在斯蒂芬心中留下了难以磨灭的伤痛。在经历了战火的洗礼,认识了生命的美好与现实的残酷之后,重新找回了希望和动力,也在此时,战争终于结束了。根据塞巴斯蒂安.富克斯的同名小说改编,讲述第一次世界大战期间一对年轻恋人的悲欢离和,既有战争的血腥场面,又有凄美的爱情。埃迪·雷德梅尼、克蕾曼丝·波西(《哈利·波特》芙蓉)担纲男女主人公,《冰火》“少狼主”马克·艾迪,“班扬叔叔”约瑟夫·马维助阵,BBC荧幕再现小说家赛巴斯蒂安·福克斯作品《鸟鸣》。
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是电影《鸟鸣birdsong》。当爱情面对生活,当生命面对战争。所有美好最脆弱和不堪一击的时候,唯一能做的,就是为了仅存的一点希望,苦苦挣扎。而那一点点美好,已经值得一切。《鸟鸣》讲述了男主人公斯蒂芬·维斯福德在战前与一位法国女子——伊莎贝拉的曲折爱情,和六年后在一战中的军队经历。 曾经的爱情中弥漫着清脆的鸟鸣,唯美却也在斯蒂芬心中留下了难以磨灭的伤痛。在经历了战火的洗礼,认识了生命的美好与现实的残酷之后,重新找回了希望和动力,也在此时,战争终于结束了。 根据塞巴斯蒂安.富克斯的同名小说改编,讲述第一次世界大战期间一对年轻恋人的悲欢离和,既有战争的血腥场面,又有凄美的爱情。埃迪·雷德梅尼、克蕾曼丝·波西(《哈利·波特》芙蓉)担纲男女主人公,《冰火》“少狼主”马克·艾迪,“班扬叔叔”约瑟夫·马维助阵,BBC荧幕再现小说家赛巴斯蒂安·福克斯作品《鸟鸣》。
2023-06-16 23:41:491


是电影《鸟鸣birdsong》。当爱情面对生活,当生命面对战争。所有美好最脆弱和不堪一击的时候,唯一能做的,就是为了仅存的一点希望,苦苦挣扎。而那一点点美好,已经值得一切。《鸟鸣》讲述了男主人公斯蒂芬·维斯福德在战前与一位法国女子——伊莎贝拉的曲折爱情,和六年后在一战中的军队经历。 曾经的爱情中弥漫着清脆的鸟鸣,唯美却也在斯蒂芬心中留下了难以磨灭的伤痛。在经历了战火的洗礼,认识了生命的美好与现实的残酷之后,重新找回了希望和动力,也在此时,战争终于结束了。 根据塞巴斯蒂安.富克斯的同名小说改编,讲述第一次世界大战期间一对年轻恋人的悲欢离和,既有战争的血腥场面,又有凄美的爱情。埃迪·雷德梅尼、克蕾曼丝·波西(《哈利·波特》芙蓉)担纲男女主人公,《冰火》“少狼主”马克·艾迪,“班扬叔叔”约瑟夫·马维助阵,BBC荧幕再现小说家赛巴斯蒂安·福克斯作品《鸟鸣》。
2023-06-16 23:41:571


ntroductionBirds are warm bodied creatures with wings and feathers. The body temperature of birds is generally higher than that of humans, so they seem warm to the touch. Birds lay eggs which they incubate until hatching -- or, in some cases, get some other bird to do the incubating. In some species such as our songbirds, the young hatch naked and helpless and must be fed and cared for by a parent bird. Others, like the chickens and their relatives, produce down-covered young that are able run about and feed themselves. They are still dependent for protection upon adult birds.Birds range in size from thumb-sized hummingbirds to ostriches larger than a big man. Most birds, of course, fall somewhere between these two extremes. One common bird, the American Robin is about 10 inches in length, approximately the handspan of a large man. The smallest american birds are some species of hummingbird that could nest and raise a family in the cupped palm of a child. The largest are the cranes and herons, which, when standing erect, are almost eye-to-eye with a human adult. The nearly extinct California Condor has a wing span of almost 10 feet, and the Bald Eagle spans 7 feet.Birds walk, run, hop, swim, perch, cling, fly and even dig. They live in woodlands, open areas, cities, farms, lakes, swamps -- even the open ocean. They lay their eggs and raise their young in holes in the ground, in nests of varying complexity in vegetation or on the ground, in holes in trees, in human-constructed nest boxes, and in or on various parts of buildings. Go to IndexEvolutionary HistoryAccording to the best evidence paleontologists have found, birds evolved from dinosaurs or from a near relative of the dinosaurs during the Mesozoic Era. Early types of birds had teeth -- unlike modern birds which have toothless beaks -- and seemed intermediate between their reptilian ancestors and their modern descendents. Birds evolved feathers and light hollow bones which allow them to fly, though some species later returned to life on solid ground. Flying birds have powerful muscles anchored to special bones in the breast. Go to IndexMigrationMany birds are migratory, nesting and raising their young in temperate or higher latitudes during the warm months and spending the winter in tropical or sub-tropical areas. Some of these species make prodigious journeys of thousands of miles twice a year. The Arctic Tern nests in high lattitudes of the northern hemisphere and spends the rest of the year at the opposite end of the earth, the high lattitudes of the southern hemisphere. The thumb- sized Ruby-throated Hummingbird crosses the Caribbean non-stop twice each year. At the beginning of the journey, it rests and fills up on food to provide it energy for this tremendous feat. Go to IndexBird songsBird voices are often the key to their identification. Some species can hardly be told apart without hearing them call. The songs we hear in our gardens -- generally in the spring and summer -- are territorial and mating advertisements. The song, usually sung by a male, announces that he has staked out a particular piece of turf for his own and warns other males away. At the same time, the song announces to interested females the presence of a potential father for their young.The songs of birds vary from species to species, and skilled birders can identify the species in a particular area by sound alone. While some songs are often complex or variable and sometimes difficult to tell apart, most people can learn fairly quickly to identify a few of the most common near where they live. In fact, birdwatching is really as much bird listening as it is anything else. For this reason, many people who are completely blind or have low enough vision not to be able to see birds in the field can have be very successful in identifying the species around them.Not all birds sing, but they usually make other identifiable sounds. The familiar call of the various species of Chickadee in North America isn"t actually a song, but rather a call indicating excitement or alarm. The actual song of Chickadees is much more obscure. Birds make a variety of sounds ranging from territorial announcements to feeding announcements, to squeaks and chirps that serve to identify them to other birds -- and to observant humans. Owls, crows, chickadees, whip-poor-wills and many others are readily recognized as far away as they can be heard. With practice, the various notes of most birds can become as familiar as the caw of the crow. Go to IndexBirding as a hobbyThe hobby of birding, often called birdwatching, is open to all, regardless of level of vision. All that is needed is a way to learn the sounds, and an open window. The person listening carefully from a window, even in the city, can soon learn a great deal about the bird populations in the area and how that and the behavior of the birds changes by season. Those in the east soon learn that tree swallows and phoebes are the first consumers of flying insects to return in the spring.Perhaps the greatest pleasure to be derived from birding is the exchanging of observations with others with like interests. Among knowledgable people, the arrival of the first tree swallow of the season, or the first phoebe is a source of shared excitement.And there is a beauty to birdsong, too. Anyone who has heard the Hermit Thrush or the Common Loon doesn"t need to be told that there is music in the natural world.Eight hundred or more species of birds have been found somewhere in North America at one time or another. Some 8,000 are known worldwide. While not all these birds may be readily identified by sound, specialists feel that if they were placed anywhere in the world, they would be able to tell their location without any clues other than the voices of birds around them. Go to IndexScientific observationThe skillful observer of birds can contribute to the scientific knowledge of bird movements and to the science of ecology. Remember that miners used to carry a canary into the mines with them because birds are more sensitive to air quality than are humans. By watching the canary, the miners could tell if conditions dangerous to them were developing. So by paying attention to the behaviors and numbers of birds -- in organized bird counts and informally -- we all serve as observers of the miner"s canaries of nature that let us know when dangerous conditions for humans may be developing through environmental damage. Reduced numbers of songbirds in eastern forests in recent years has reinforced the observation that the destruction of tropical forest wintering habitat and nesting habitat in our own forests may be reaching dangerous proportions. Go to IndexAn introduction to natureAnd birds may be only the starting point for the blind nature enthusiast. There are other sounds to learn that give cues to the world around. There are sounds of frogs and insects to learn that add depth and dimension to perceptions. The whisper of wind in the trees varies depending on type of tree and season of the year. Wildflowers and many trees and shrubs can be distinguished by scent; plants can be identified by feel. With practice, a person can tell something about what kind of forest he or she is in by how the leaf litter feels and sounds under foot.
2023-06-16 23:42:101


It is dreadfully honourable for me to exist in the region and cite lotta expressive articulations on the theme of the linguistic grammatical phenomena analyses accumulation, and from my viewpoint and in accordance with my sophisticated capabilities of the academic erudition, Anglo-Saxon is the most irreplaceable commercial linguistics applied to the circumstances of internationalisation and economic globalization, thus , we are expected to pay specific concentration to the process of accumulation, my lingo entitlement is Australopithecusevolutionisationmephistophelianexistenceneurolinguisticprogrammingarchaeopteryxaristocracywhippersnappradolescencearcherymephistophelianextraordinariness, adieu/hooray/cheers, a species of Anglo-Saxon articulation.
2023-06-16 23:42:197


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No Shadow - Ryan Adams The veil is lifted And the sun is on the riseThis machine ain"t workin"You got to kick it on sight, kick it on sightIf you think you"re stronger than thisYou"re wrongI am with you, you are safeAnd you will always belongSo many faces in our pockets so slow down Repeat this, until tomorrow Wear a new disguise when you come aroundWhen you come aroundIf you think you"re stronger than thisYou"re wrongI am with you, you are safeAnd you will always belongLife is a birdsongLife is a birdsongLife is a birdsongWhat am I to you? What am I to you? No shadow, no shadowWhat am I to you? What am I to you? No shadow, no shadowThe veil is lifted And the sun is on the riseThis machine ain"t workin"You got to kick it on sight
2023-06-16 23:43:491


1. loud adj. adv. 大声的 ,高声的,响亮的His voice became harsh and loud.他的声音变得又尖又响。Suddenly there was a loud bang.突然一声 “ 砰 ”的响。2. noise n. 噪音,杂音 ,v. 大声议论There was too much noise in the room and she needed peace.房间里太噪杂了,她需要安静。Birdsong and other animals noises.鸟鸣声和其他动物的叫声。
2023-06-16 23:43:551


  The Singing Life  Looking deeper into bird songs  For half my birding life, I"ve been trying to learn bird songs. They"re not so easy as visual images. Not so simply reducible to key phrases (yellow in front of the eye, keel-shaped tail, white rump). Often forgettable, at least for a person who has never demonstrated a good ear or musical talent. I"m still fooled sometimes into taking a scarlet tanager for a robin. And every spring I must learn the warblers" songs all over again. It"s a task I enjoy, an annual initiation that keeps me connected to the earth.  I know birdsongs the way I know French and German. I can often tell which foreign language I"m hearing, and I comprehend merci and nein, but I can"t understand a sentence. And that"s about where I think I am with bird songs. Still, I"m grateful for what I do recognize.  Walking along the brushy trail beside certain a willow thicket on a late summer morning, when most of the birds had stopped singing, I heard a song from deep in the foliage. It was scratchy, rapid: Wouldja switch a witch"s widget witz a switch? Only half a song, really. The full version would have followed up with the answer: Witches switch a scritch"s stitches witz a chew! But even half a song was enough to tell me that the invisible singer was the question-and-answer bird, the Bell"s vireo. (Spectrogram of that bird"s song above.)  Born to recognize bird songs  It seems rather wonderful to me that a bird declares its identity with every utterance, and that our human ears and brains are built to sort out such sounds and recognize the singer. Lately I"ve come to realize, though, that I"ve barely begun to study bird sounds, and that it"s possible to learn much more than simply which species is singing.  Donald Kroodsma"s ear-opening book, The Singing Life of Birds, made me realize that I"d been simplistically identifying birds by their songs and letting it go at that, like some life-listers who glance at a bird only long enough to name it and rush on. Kroodsma listens deeply into the lives of birds, gaining new insights from their songs. I want to do that too.  The Raven key  After I read Kroodsma"s book, I got some recording equipment and started going out every day to capture the songs of the morning. Suddenly, every robin, titmouse, and cardinal was new and fascinating. I downloaded Raven Lite (free, from the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology) into my computer. Among other things, Raven translates my recordings into pictures, called spectrograms, which show details in the songs that I didn"t notice in the field. It also lets me slow a recording down to further reveal fine details too brief for the human ear.  What a revelation! Out of my own spectrograms jumped field sparrows, meadowlarks, and yellowthroats. (See thewichity- wichity- wichityof the common yellowthroat at right.)  As I learned the shapes of their songs, I could see at a glance which species sang on each recording, even before I played the selections. I relished seeing subtle details, such as the difference between the question and the answer of the Bell"s vireo.  Hearing with your eyes  Kroodsma says that he hears with his eyes, letting the birds" spectrograms show him what he would not have discriminated with his ears alone. I too found that my eyes started educating my ears. Taking Kroodsma"s lead, I used Raven to chart scarlet tanager songs frombirdsong CDs I"d purchased and compared them to spectrograms of my own robin recordings. Once I saw the difference in their timing and noticed the robin"s odd shrieky note spliced in between the musical ones, I started hearing the difference outdoors, too. I don"t think I"ll ever confuse scarlet tanager with robin again.  Kroodsma found that he could tell some birds from others of their species by the variation in their repertoires. That suggests the possibility of getting to know my neighboring birds better than I"ve ever done before. I can hardly wait for next spring. If the five singing male Bell"s vireos I listened to this summer come back, I"d like to see if I can learn to distinguish them as individuals, to see where they first show up in spring, where they nest, and how far they stray from their home territories. Now that"s going to be fun.  — Diane Porter
2023-06-16 23:44:141


世界上最容易学的语言是:1.弗里斯兰语 2.世界语 3.意大利语 4.瑞典语 5.葡萄牙语 6.挪威语 7.荷兰语拓展:1.弗里斯兰语。这是荷兰弗里斯兰人的母语,使用人口不到50万。但它是英语最紧密的同胞兄弟,属于小小的北海日耳曼语分类的独特语言。尽管这两种语言有着地理和历史上的区分,但它们之间的相似性几乎不可思议,有着几乎一样的词汇,结构和语音。在语言学上有一种说法:“‘Good butter and good cheese" is good English and good Fries.” (‘好白脱和好奶酪"就是好英语和好弗里斯兰语)。当响亮地说出这些句子时,英语和弗里斯兰语的版本是可以互换的。2.世界语。世界语的支持者列夫.托尔斯泰说他用了四个小时就学会了世界语。大多数语言学家把世界语列为最容易学习的语言,尤其是对使用印欧语系语言的人们来说。虽然世界语在任何国家都不是官方语言,这种人造语言被法国科学院和联合国教科文组织所承认,如今在全世界范围内估计有200万的世界语使用者。世界语创立于19世纪后期,这种在国籍和政治上保持中立的语言在创建时就考虑到要方便人们学习。为什么这种人造语言比较容易学习?这是因为它的拼写系统很有规律性,语音和语法规则很简单,并且在设计时就排除了不规则性。单词是以砖块搭建的形式构成的,使用了常规化的前缀、词根和后缀。复合词的构成是有逻辑性的,如birdokanto (birdsong,鸟鸣), akvobirdo (waterfowl,水鸟), akvomelono (watermelon西瓜)等。3.意大利语。在拉丁语族中最浪漫的是意大利语。意大利语有许多拉丁词根的词汇,于是就与英语分享着许多同源词如 foresta (forest,森林), calendario(calendar,日历), 和 ambizioso (ambitious,野心勃勃)等。意大利语像西班牙语一样,较浅的正字法深度使意大利语成为容易朗读的语言,尤其是意大利语只有21个字母,比起英语来要更加简单。意大利语特有的音素如ace或 ghi很容易被说英语的人掌握。此外意大利语的句子结构很有韵律性。大多数单词都是以元音结尾的,这就给口语增加了音乐性,比较容易听懂,说起来也比较有趣。4.瑞典语。瑞典语也属于日耳曼语族,与英语分享着许多同源词
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1、保护动物,从我做起。 Protect animals, from me. 2、希望的眼眸,不只你拥有。 The eyes of hope, not only you have. 3、关爱动物,呵护自己。 Care for animals and yourself. 4、善待动物,和谐生存。 Treat animals well and live harmoniously. 5、为了美好的明天,请节约用水、爱护小动物、保护森林大自然。 For a better tomorrow, please save water, take good care of small animals and protect the nature of the forest. 6、啼鸟有时能劝客,山桃无赖已撩人。 Singing birds can sometimes persuade guests, but Shantao scoundrels have been tantalizing. 7、不吃田鸡,保蛙护农。 Don"t eat pheasants, protect frogs and farmers. 8、请还鸟儿们一片自由翱翔的天空。 Please give the birds a free sky. 9、保护鸟类,保护野生动物,保护家园。 Protect birds, protect wild animals, protect homes. 10、每一种动物,或大或小,却都演绎着生命的传奇故事。 Every animal, big or small, is a legend of life. 11、动物是人类的好朋友,它们是自然的精灵。 Animals are good friends of human beings. They are spirits of nature. 12、人人投身科学爱鸟,处处彰显生态魅力。 Everyone devotes himself to science, loves birds and shows ecological charm everywhere. 13、人类改造世界,它们丰富自然。 Human beings transform the world. They enrich nature. 14、真正爱护小鸟,就不要剥夺它的自由! If you really love birds, don"t deprive them of their freedom! 15、爱护鸟儿吧。不要让树木感到孤独。 Love the birds. Don"t make the trees feel lonely. 16、保护野生动物,共建美丽福建。 Protect wild animals and build a beautiful Fujian. 17、保护动物,人人有责。请维持生态平衡。 Everyone is responsible for protecting animals. Please maintain ecological balance. 18、世界是平等的,请爱护动物。没有爱就没有美好。 The world is equal, please love animals. No love, no beauty. 19、保护野生动物,建设美好家园。 Protect wild animals and build a beautiful home. 20、我们也是动物,请善待动物。 We are also animals. Please be kind to animals. 21、保护野生动物,不打鸟,不捉蛇,不捉青蛙。 Protect wild animals, do not fight birds, do not catch snakes, do not catch frogs. 22、保护动物,你我的职责。 It"s our duty to protect animals. 23、爱护动物,人人有责。 It"s everyone"s responsibility to take good care of animals. 24、关注候鸟,保护家园。 Pay attention to migratory birds and protect their homes. 25、人给鸟爱心,鸟让人开心,人鸟和谐多。 People give birds love, birds make people happy, people bird harmony. 26、人类怎样对待动物,动物就会怎样对待人类。 How humans treat animals, animals will treat humans. 27、拒食野生动物,维护生态平衡。 Refuse to eat wild animals and maintain ecological balance. 28、爱鸟始于心,护鸟在于行。 The love of birds begins with the heart, and the protection of birds lies in the action. 29、我们的地盘我作主,我们的动物共爱护。 I"m the master of our territory, and our animals love each other. 30、酒香肉香,不如鸟语花香。 The smell of wine and meat is better than the smell of birds and flowers. 31、听一声清脆的鸟鸣,心灵就注入一片阳光。 Listen to a clear birdsong, the heart will inject a piece of sunshine. 32、大手小手齐动手,爱鸟护鸟拯救鸟。 Big hands and small hands work together to love and protect birds and save them. 33、爱护动物光荣,伤害动物可耻。 It is glorious to love animals and shameful to hurt them. 34、鸟类是害虫的天然克星,请倾心爱护吧! Birds are natural enemies of pests, please love it! 35、保护鸟类,为环境增姿添彩。 Protect birds and add color to the environment. 36、动物是人类的朋友,请爱护它吧。爱护动物人人有责。 Animals are friends of human beings. Please take good care of them. It"s everyone"s responsibility to take good care of animals. 37、同一片天空,同一个家园。 One sky, one home. 38、保护动物,与自然和谐。 Protect animals and be in harmony with nature. 39、鸟是害虫的。天敌,鸟是人类的益友。 Birds are pests. Birds are good friends of human beings. 40、保护野生动物,维护生态安全。 Protect wild animals and maintain ecological security. 41、保护野生动物,人与自然共存。 To protect wild animals, man and nature coexist. 42、野生动物是,人类的朋友。 Wild animals are friends of human beings. 43、亲爱的朋友们,让我们善待动物,珍爱每一种生命。 Dear friends, let"s treat animals well and cherish every life. 44、大家小家是一家,爱鸟护鸟靠大家。 Everyone"s family is a family. It"s up to everyone to love and protect birds. 45、护鸟光荣,打鸟可耻。 Protecting birds is glorious, beating birds is shameful. 46、同在蓝天下,人鸟共家园。 Under the same blue sky, people and birds share the same home. 47、爱护鸟儿吧!不要让树木感到孤独。 Love the birds! Don"t make the trees feel lonely. 48、保护野生动物,从我做起。 Protecting wild animals starts from me. 49、鸟,是我们美好家园的一份子! Bird is a part of our beautiful home! 50、动物是人类的第二,请大家来保护它们。 Animals are second to human beings. Please protect them.
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早上好英文祝福语 1、让温馨的问候与祝福伴你左右,祝福每一天。 Let warm greetings and blessings accompany you around, bless every day. 2、早上的一份祝愿,带给你一天的快乐开心。 A wish in the morning brings you a happy day. 3、朋友,早安,祝:平安健康黏着你,幸福快乐永伴你。 Good morning, friend. I wish you peace, health and happiness. 4、岁月依然静好,朋友,早安! Time is still quiet, my friend, good morning! 5、工作顺利,生活甜美。 Work well, life is sweet. 6、早上醒来笑一笑,心情快乐精神好。 Wake up in the morning and smile, happy mood and good spirit. 7、用美酒陶醉你,用幸福祝福你。 Intoxicate you with good wine and bless you with happiness. 8、淡妆启程,新的一天全新自我。 Light make-up set off, a new day a new self. 9、学习向日葵,哪里有阳光就朝向哪里。 Study sunflower, where there is sunshine, it will face. 10、无奈时,给自己一个微笑,那是一份达观。 When helpless, give yourself a smile, it is a philosophical. 11、睁开睡眼,整理衣衫,精神抖擞,大步向前。 Open your eyes, tidy up your clothes, be energetic and stride forward. 12、亲爱的朋友早安,祝愿你一生幸福,健康平安。 Good morning, dear friend. I wish you happiness, health and peace in your life. 13、爱护好你的身子,过好你的日子,愿你开心一辈子。 Take good care of your body, live your life, and wish you happy all your life. 14、铃声的旋律多曼妙,清晨的气息真正好。 The melody of the bell is wonderful, and the smell of the morning is really good. 15、满心欢喜的拉开,这美好一天的序幕! Happy to open, the prelude to a better day! 16、快乐每一天,早安天天见。 Happy every day, good morning every day. 17、朋友早上好,愿你开心快乐每一天! Good morning friends, wish you happy every day! 18、得到的、失去的、在乎的、忘掉的、都让它随风而去。 Get, lose, care, forget, let it go with the wind. 19、快乐好心情,烦恼全抛掉,出门带微笑,好运自然到。 Happy good mood, worry all give up, go out with a smile, good luck naturally. 20、那些不和别人比较,专注于自己世界的人们是幸福的。 Those who are not compared with others and focus on their own world are happy. 21、美好的一天开始了,快乐度过。 A good day begins, happy to spend. 22、愿从今往后的你,别爱得太满,别睡得太晚,好好爱自己。 I wish you from now on, don"t love too much, don"t sleep too late, love yourself well. 23、理想,努力了才叫梦想,放弃了那只是妄想。 Ideal, hard to dream, give up that is just a delusion. 24、一声鸟鸣,新的一天拂晓。 A birdsong, a new day dawn. 25、祝你清晨多愉快,幸福无尽头! Wish you a happy morning and endless happiness!
2023-06-16 23:44:361


1. 描写小鸟的英语作文 你可以去一些作文网站去找 我这有一篇抓鸟的作文,不知行不行:Our family around the house there are many tall trees. Every day, there are many unknown trees, birds in the "chattering," cried, a variety of voices very nicely, as if birds in open concerts. One afternoon, my neighbor"s little brother, little brother in the room playing chess. Suddenly, a beautiful bird came flying, and we quickly closed the door window to catch the birds. Suffered a shock in the room where the birds kept flying, it was finally too tired to fly no more, stopping at the table. I quietly walked over, grabbed it carefully. Little brother immediately sent for a rope, tied the bird"s feet, we are afraid of birds fly away,The other end of the rope still tied a *** all iron bar. Then we put the bird in the yard, but dragging an iron bar that it does not matter how fly up and hurry toward the sky Zhi Jiao. At this time, my mom and dad came back from the outside, and my father asked: "Liang-liang, are you doing?" I said to the father: "Daddy, Come see us catch a bird." Daddy go came a look, said: "Liang-liang, you did not know even the Flying Swallow啦!" I am curious to ask: "That"s why it does not grow with the big swallows the same?" Dad said with a *** ile: "Swallow the time is so *** all , and wait for it to grow up, and body feathers and it would slowly bee DadDad, Mom the same. "At this time, there are o big swallows the sky fly over, directed at Flying Swallow cried loudly. I think: Yes, it"s father, my mother came to see it. So, I unlock it feet of rope, it flew off.译:我们家房子周围有许多参天的大树。 每天,树上有很多不知名的小鸟在“叽叽喳喳”地叫着,各种各样的声音好听极了,好像在开小鸟音乐会。 一天下午,我和邻居家的小哥哥、小弟弟在房间里下棋。 突然,飞进来一只漂亮的小鸟,我们赶紧关上门窗去捉小鸟。受了惊吓的小鸟在房间里不停地飞来飞去,它终于累得飞不动了,停在了桌子上。 我悄悄地走过去,小心翼翼地一把抓住它。小哥哥马上找来一根绳子,绑住了小鸟的脚,我们怕小鸟飞走,还在绳子的另一头绑了一根小铁棒。 然后,我们把小鸟放在院子里,可是它拖着铁棒怎么也飞不起来,着急地朝着天空直叫。 这时候,爸爸、妈妈从外面回来了,爸爸问:“亮亮,你在干什么?”我对爸爸说:“爸爸,快来看我们抓到了一只小鸟。” 爸爸走过来一看说:“亮亮,你连小燕子都不认识啦!”我奇怪地问:“那它为什么不跟大燕子长得一样?”爸爸笑着说:“燕子小的时候是这样的,等它长大了,身上的羽毛就慢慢地变得和它爸爸、妈妈一样了。” 这时,天空中有两只大燕子飞过来,冲着小燕子大声地叫着。 我想:一定是它的爸爸、妈妈来找它了。于是,我解开它脚上的绳子,让它飞走了。 字数有点多,你选着用,我已经尽力啦。 2. 介绍鸟的英语作文 Go Outing Last weekend we went to the countryside to have a picnic. We bought some cakes with us for lunch. We left quite early before there was too much traffic. After aborn o bours we came to a nice place. It was near a river, with some large trees beside it. So we parked our bicycles under the trees and went for a swim. It was a very hot day and the water was very refreshing. After having a swim, we had lunch in the cool shade under the trees. Then we went for a walk. We saw some beautiful birds and butterflies. After walking for about an hour we re turned to our bicycles and began to ride home. We got home very late and terribly exhausted. But we enjoyed it very much, for it was one of our most interesting weekend"s outings. 3. 描写鸟类的英语作文(最好只写一种鸟)不要保护鸟类的 洛基英语小作文: My Pet Bird I like birds very much,so I keep a bird as a pet at home.He"s a sparrow.I put him in a cage.He"s very cute.He has o strong grey wings,o little green eyes and a *** all black beak.He"s very active,jumping from this place to another all the time and letting out wonderful voice.But the voice is different in different occasions.He"s so lovely that I like it very much.Everday I get up,I go to see him,giving him some rice to eat and some water to drink.On weenkends,I release him from the cage to let him fly freely.He looks very happy and fly away after letting a voice of thanks.But soon he flies back home. 4. 简单描写鸟的作文帮翻译成英语谢谢 I have a pigeon named Snow White. She has white plumes, pink, but more like red mouth and a pair of beautiful feet. She loves corns, she usually eats couple of meals a day. She goes out to play during the day and es back home at night. She has a amazing memory which allows her to remember lots od places. And more than that, she is my best friend forever.。 5. 写一篇关于鸟的英语作文因为今天早我们班里飞进来了一只鸟 结果英语 A bird came in.Today is an average day as usual. But there is a little thrill happened in our morning class, which made us a little overreacted. This morning when we were on class, a bird came in, which it is unusal because we rarely can see bird flew into class, and it really disturbed us study. our teacher was very unhappied because our time was wasted on watching bird rather than being educated. After it flew out, i just realized what i was missing, we shouldn"t waste our time on unrelated events while we were learning. learning is more important than another things!手工翻译,希望对你有帮助。 6. 描写小鸟的英语作文3句话 The Singing Life Looking deeper into bird songs For half my birding life, I"ve been trying to learn bird songs. They"re not so easy as visual images. Not so simply reducible to key phrases (yellow in front of the eye, keel-shaped tail, white rump). Often fettable, at least for a person who has never demonstrated a good ear or musical talent. I"m still fooled sometimes into taking a scarlet tanager for a robin. And every spring I must learn the warblers" songs all over again. It"s a task I enjoy, an annual initiation that keeps me connected to the earth. I know birdsongs the way I know French and German. I can often tell which foreign language I"m hearing, and I prehend merci and nein, but I can"t understand a sentence. And that"s about where I think I am with bird songs. Still, I"m grateful for what I do recognize. Walking along the brushy trail beside certain a willow thicket on a late summer morning, when most of the birds had stopped singing, I heard a song from deep in the foliage. It was scratchy, rapid: Wouldja switch a witch"s widget witz a switch? Only half a song, really. The full version would have followed up with the answer: Witches switch a scritch"s stitches witz a chew! But even half a song was enough to tell me that the invisible singer was the question-and-answer bird, the Bell"s vireo. (Spectrogram of that bird"s song above.) Born to recognize bird songs It seems rather wonderful to me that a bird declares its identity with every utterance, and that our human ears and brains are built to sort out such sounds and recognize the singer. Lately I"ve e to realize, though, that I"ve barely begun to study bird sounds, and that it"s possible to learn much more than simply which species is singing. Donald Krood *** a"s ear-opening book, The Singing Life of Birds, made me realize that I"d been simplistically identifying birds by their songs and letting it go at that, like some life-listers who glance at a bird only long enough to name it and rush on. Krood *** a listens deeply into the lives of birds, gaining new insights from their songs. I want to do that too. The Raven key After I read Krood *** a"s book, I got some recording equipment and started going out every day to capture the songs of the morning. Suddenly, every robin, titmouse, and cardinal was new and fascinating. I downloaded Raven Lite (free, from the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology) into my puter. Among other things, Raven translates my recordings into pictures, called spectrograms, which show details in the songs that I didn"t notice in the field. It also lets me slow a recording down to further reveal fine details too brief for the human ear. What a revelation! Out of my own spectrograms jumped field sparrows, meadowlarks, and yellowthroats. (See thewichity- wichity- wichityof the mon yellowthroat at right.) As I learned the shapes of their songs, I could see at a glance which species sang on each recording, even before I played the selections. I relished seeing subtle details, such as the difference beeen the question and the answer of the Bell"s vireo. Hearing with your eyes Krood *** a says that he hears with his eyes, letting the birds" spectrograms show him what he would not have discriminated with his ears alone. I too found that my eyes started educating my ears. Taking Krood *** a"s lead, I used Raven to chart scarlet tanager songs frombirdsong CDs I"d purchased and pared them to spectrograms of my own robin recordings. Once I saw the difference in their timing and noticed the robin"s odd shrieky note spliced in beeen the musical ones, I started hearing the difference outdoors, too. I don"t think I"ll ever confuse scarlet tanager with robin again. Krood *** a found that he could tell some birds from others of their species by the variation in their repertoires. That suggests the possibility of getting to know my neighboring birds better than I"ve ever done before. I can hardly wait for next spring. If the five singing male Bell"s vireos I listened to this summer e back, I"d like to see if I can learn to distinguish them as individuals, to see where they first show up in spring, where they nest, and how far they stray from their home territories. Now that"s going to be fun. — Diane Porter。 7. 帮我写篇关于小鸟的英语作文 The larks were known as larks or sand, also called Mongolian Liu Braun. Is known as one of the ornamental bird cage. In the area of Inner Mongolia in hebei province of qinghai province, and the north east, etc. For all who or breeding birds. Braun about 1.9 mm in length to birds. Weight is about 30 grams. Males forehead, neck and head for the red chestnut, Eyes, eye week for brown, white and MeiWen left occipital department MeiWen extending to connect and now brown, Brown back, waist chestnut, Wing feathers cole-black, Brown, the lateral tail feathers chestnut color is white light, On the forehead, laryngeal white, the chest with a black bag, upper TiaoBan, Most white feather brown to uncover her nakedness. Male, female relatives to head and neck but less, feather color red chestnut is nearly tan, Lighter tan, beijingers is hazel, On the left breast TiaoBan black. Mouth shell meat pink, yellow, toes brown. Claws, After a sort of birds than paw paw, and after the straight out. The wildlife habitats YuAnKuo lark when, grassland, and fly straight into the sky, elegant, and is different from other songbirds. The unique The larks were good on the ground, is a kind of easy domesticated songbirds. In the wild, lark *** oothly through the summer 30 degrees Celsius above dry weather, also can pass through the icy snow, but in low temperature, longing for food, often a knot of migration. Most of the time, the lark in desert grassland in parison beeen sand dunes, what, to prevent or sand bath temperature and heat, clean surface dirt and feathers. 8. 谁有关于保护鸟的英语作文 Spring returns to the good earth., birds is the nesting season. Magpie, swallow, woodpeckers and tits are in trees or under the eaves of nesting birds, eggs, hatching. In order to protect the birds, for them to create a safe living environment, maintain natural ecological balance, we to the little friend issued the following initiatives:One, not out nest, do not touch the eggs, do not capture the beneficial bird.In o, plant more trees, a variety of grass, for birds to create life, breeding environment.Three, to promote the protection of the important significance of birds.Four, careful observation and study of birds living habits, learning the knowledge protection of birds.Young friends, let us act together, to protect the birds! 春回大地,正是百鸟做窝的季节。喜鹊、燕子、啄木鸟和山雀等都要在树上或屋檐下做窝,下蛋,孵小鸟。为了保护益鸟,给它们创造一个安全的生存环境,维护自然生态平衡,我们向全市的小朋友发出如下倡议: 一、不掏鸟窝,不摸鸟蛋,不捕捉益鸟。 二、多栽树,多种草,为鸟类创造生活、繁殖的良好环境。 三、向人们宣传保护益鸟的重要意义。 四、认真观察和研究鸟类的生活习性,学习保护益鸟的知识。 少年朋友们,让我们立即行动的起来,保护益鸟!
2023-06-16 23:44:431


2023-06-16 23:44:522


  大理古城导游词英文版 范文 1:   Dali referred to as "elm city, the scenery at the foot of beautiful framed, 13 km from the Dali shimonoseki. Dali ancient city was built in Ming dynasty fifteen years (1382), is one of the first batch of historical and cultural city. Dali erhai lake in the ancient east, west pillow features, towers majestic, beautiful scenery. Dali city the size of the grand square around 12, the original walls 7.5 meters high, thick 6 meters, north and south, east and west four gates, original on towers. If, autonomous prefecture capital of shimonoseki to flourish, the noisy impression, Dali is a simple and quiet.   Dali ancient rippling erhai lake in the east, west lean on perennial green features, form the "ancient city of monohydrate around features, features" of urban landscape. By the gates into the city, south Beijing changfu promotes a pass-through northward, became a bustling streets, shops along the street on a par, selling ethnic handicrafts and jewelry, jade, such as marble, tie-dye, etc. Streets between some of the old curtilage, also still to be found, former pond in the garden flowers and trees, birdsong, and outdoor streams flowing water channel, "three Wells, a door a few potted flower" scene still. The ancient city of east-west nation road, known as the "foreigner street". Here one by one between Chinese and western restaurants, cafes, tea houses and gift shops, trademark, advertising, multi-purpose, leaving the country writing blond "laowai", linger here naked, looking for ancient east, gradually into a unique scenery.   大理古城导游词英文版范文2:   Dali elm leaves for short, is also called the purple city, its history can be traced back to began years, NaZhaoWang GeLuoFeng built my sheep baa city (now the city near the west tower), for its new capital. Ancient city was built in Ming hongwu fifteen years (AD 1382), around 12, the walls of two zhangs five feet, thick two zhangs. North and south, east and west of a door, in both towers, four corners and turrets. Liberation, the walls are broken down. In 1982, rebuilt south side door, door head "Dali" two characters is a concentration of guo moruo calligraphy. By the gates into the city, south Beijing changfu promotes a pass-through northward, became a bustling streets, shops along the street on a par, selling ethnic handicrafts and jewelry, jade, such as marble, tie-dye, etc. Some old curtilage, the streets are also are still to be found, pond in the garden flowers and trees, birdsong, and outdoor streams flowing water channel. "Three Wells, a door a few potted flower" scene still.   The ancient city of east-west nation road, known as the "foreigner street". Here one by one between Chinese and western restaurants, cafes, tea houses and gift shops, trademark, advertising, multi-purpose writing, leaving the country attracts blond "laowai", linger here, looking for ancient east, gradually into a unique scenery.   The ancient city of history can be traced back to began years, NaZhaoWang GeLuoFeng built my sheep baa city (now near the city of the west tower), for its new capital. Ancient city was built in Ming hongwu fifteen years (AD 1382), around 12.   On February 8, 1982, the state council announced Dali is one of China"s first batch of 24 historical and cultural city.   The gate of the ancient city of Dali in yunnan province, the first batch of key cultural relics protection "emperor sai-jo flat yunnan tablet", it stands on the march street street field.   In 1 km northwest of ancient city, is listed as the national first batch of key units to be protected by the state council of the Dali three towers, and, at the southwest corner of the ancient city a holy temple tower, is relatively and added a layer of bright colors for the ancient city.   Dali city roads are still maintained the chessboard type grid structure since the Ming and qing, known as the nine street 18 lane. The north-south confrontation of the two towers have been restored.   Foreigners" street in the city from south to north, across a street, deep deep and remote street lane, from west to east, across the city to the polished tile roof, the wall of the cobble stones, according to the ancient city of of primitive simplicity, chic and elegant.   Seen from the features of Dali, the literature building, south gate house, five China building, beicheng gate house, where towering magnificent, the ancient city has an attractive artistically. Streets, bai nationality ancient sweet patina.   An aerial view of Dali ancient city first floor - literature. In Dali ancient north gate 1 km literature building, known as the ancient city of the first door, is the landmark of the ancient city of Dali. Founded in the qing emperor kangxi years. Building the frontal hanging yunnan prefect partial figure Yu Kangxi forty years (AD 1701) the title of "literature of nations" plaque, therefore the literature. Literature building into a Dali passage across the south road on both sides LiuShuCheng shadow, stroke yiyi, quite a picturesque, is the government guideline dignitaries portal. Literature building is two layers of jehiel mountain type civil structure of dysprosium floor, with typical bai architectural features, it stands in the masonry structure above the door, magnificent.   Foreigners" street - nation road. The ancient city of east-west nation road, known as the "foreigner street". Here one by one between Chinese and western restaurants, cafes, tea houses and gift shops, trademark, advertising, multi-purpose, leaving the country writing blond "laowai", linger here naked, looking for ancient east, gradually into a unique scenery.   Dali ancient nanzhao "world first" - five degrees. 5 China building is ancient NaZhaoWang state guesthouse, also called to a building. Since nanzhao, five China building burned down many times, and rebuilt many times, the smaller is built. Five floor area, has formed a certain scale of calligraphy and painting market, operating varieties include calligraphy, Chinese painting class, character of landscape painting of flowers and birds, etc., and leather trade such as painting, oil painting is very active.   Dali Christian churches. Dali Christian church is located in Dali changfu promotes heping road intersections, was founded in 1904 in June, called "Chinese Christian church". In 1956, changed its name to "Dali Christian unity". In 1980, changed its name to "Dali Christian church". Again in 2004 changed its name to "Dali Christ church". In 2008 is listed as the municipal cultural relics protection units. Church timberwork, four left the main structure of soil water tile roof, maintained the style of the western church, but also has strong bai architectural characteristics, is a combination of Chinese and western church.   大理古城导游词英文版范文3:   Dali referred to as "elm city, the scenery at the foot of beautiful framed, 13 km from the Dali shimonoseki. Dali ancient city was built in Ming dynasty fifteen years (1382), is one of the first batch of historical and cultural city.   Dali erhai lake in the ancient east, west pillow features, towers majestic, beautiful scenery. Dali city the size of the grand square around 12, the original walls 7.5 meters high, thick 6 meters, north and south, east and west four gates, original on towers. If, autonomous prefecture capital of shimonoseki to flourish, the noisy impression, Dali is a simple and quiet.   A north-south street in the city, the street has a variety of monopoly marble products, tie-dye, straw and other special products stores and bai trattoria flavour is dye-in-the-wood.   With stream in the city, everywhere the bai traditional local-style dwelling houses of primitive simplicity, here people, both rich and poor, are in the habit of inside the courtyard gardening. Dali is also "the every family running water, flowers".   Dali from shimonoseki close, more than 10 minutes by bus to arrive before the city"s bus station and the main hotel to all of them. Also can be made of shimonoseki by small carriages to, just to talk about in front of the bus.   Travel to Dali, if want to stay, the city has many according to the traditional bai local-style dwelling houses building hotel to choose from, the price is not expensive.大理古城导游词英文版范文相关 文章 : 1. 丽江古城导游词范文3篇 2. 导游词范文格式 3. 介绍湖南省英文导游词3篇 4. 3篇导游词范文 5. 导游词范文10篇
2023-06-16 23:44:591


问题一:哗众取宠的近义词 【成语】: 哗众取宠 【拼音】: huá zhòng qǔ chǒng 【解释】: 以浮夸的言行迎合群众,骗取群众的信赖和支持。 【近义词】:夸大其词,巧言令色 问题二:哗众取宠的同义词 哗众取宠 相关的近义词 巧言令色 哗众取宠_词语解释_词典 【拼音】:[huá zhòng qǔ chǒng] 【释义】:以浮夸的言论迎合群众,骗取群众的信赖和支持。 问题三:哗众取宠的词语辨析 【举例造句】:哗众取宠的人,是不受人欢迎的。【拼音代码】: hzqc【近义词】:夸大其词【反义词】:实事求是【用法】: 作宾语、定语;形容轻浮好虚荣【英文】: flubdub示例:1、The speaker played to the gallery by indulging in vulgar jokes.为了哗众取宠,那位演讲者大讲特讲粗俗的笑话。2、 You might offend your hosts if you camp it up at the party in your usual way.倘若你在晚会上像往常那样哗众取宠可能会冒犯主人。3、He was ill-equipped to handle the flashy showmanship of Birdsong.他根本没有对付伯德桑这种哗众取宠的人的手腕。 问题四:哗众取宠近义词 哗众取宠 相关的近义词巧言令色 哗众取宠_词语解释_词典 【拼音】:[huá zhòng qǔ chǒng] 【释义】:以浮夸的言论迎合群众,骗取群众的信赖和支持。 问题五:哗众取宠的同类成语 哗众取宠 读音:huá zhòng qǔ chǒng 释义:以浮夸的言行迎合群众,骗取群众的信赖和支持。 出处:《汉书u30fb艺文志》:“然惑者既失精微,而辟者又随时扬抑,违离道本,苟以哗众取宠。” 近义词: 夸大其词:把事情说得超过原有的程度。 言过其实:原指言语浮夸,超过实际才能。后也指话说得过分,超过了实际情况。 例句:哗众取宠的人,是不受人欢迎的。
2023-06-16 23:45:051


 The Singing Life  Looking deeper into bird songs  For half my birding life, I"ve been trying to learn bird songs. They"re not so easy as visual images. Not so simply reducible to key phrases (yellow in front of the eye, keel-shaped tail, white rump). Often forgettable, at least for a person who has never demonstrated a good ear or musical talent. I"m still fooled sometimes into taking a scarlet tanager for a robin. And every spring I must learn the warblers" songs all over again. It"s a task I enjoy, an annual initiation that keeps me connected to the earth.  I know birdsongs the way I know French and German. I can often tell which foreign language I"m hearing, and I comprehend merci and nein, but I can"t understand a sentence. And that"s about where I think I am with bird songs. Still, I"m grateful for what I do recognize.  Walking along the brushy trail beside certain a willow thicket on a late summer morning, when most of the birds had stopped singing, I heard a song from deep in the foliage. It was scratchy, rapid: Wouldja switch a witch"s widget witz a switch? Only half a song, really. The full version would have followed up with the answer: Witches switch a scritch"s stitches witz a chew! But even half a song was enough to tell me that the invisible singer was the question-and-answer bird, the Bell"s vireo. (Spectrogram of that bird"s song above.)  Born to recognize bird songs  It seems rather wonderful to me that a bird declares its identity with every utterance, and that our human ears and brains are built to sort out such sounds and recognize the singer. Lately I"ve come to realize, though, that I"ve barely begun to study bird sounds, and that it"s possible to learn much more than simply which species is singing.  Donald Kroodsma"s ear-opening book, The Singing Life of Birds, made me realize that I"d been simplistically identifying birds by their songs and letting it go at that, like some life-listers who glance at a bird only long enough to name it and rush on. Kroodsma listens deeply into the lives of birds, gaining new insights from their songs. I want to do that too.  The Raven key  After I read Kroodsma"s book, I got some recording equipment and started going out every day to capture the songs of the morning. Suddenly, every robin, titmouse, and cardinal was new and fascinating. I downloaded Raven Lite (free, from the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology) into my computer. Among other things, Raven translates my recordings into pictures, called spectrograms, which show details in the songs that I didn"t notice in the field. It also lets me slow a recording down to further reveal fine details too brief for the human ear.  What a revelation! Out of my own spectrograms jumped field sparrows, meadowlarks, and yellowthroats. (See thewichity- wichity- wichityof the common yellowthroat at right.)  As I learned the shapes of their songs, I could see at a glance which species sang on each recording, even before I played the selections. I relished seeing subtle details, such as the difference between the question and the answer of the Bell"s vireo.  Hearing with your eyes  Kroodsma says that he hears with his eyes, letting the birds" spectrograms show him what he would not have discriminated with his ears alone. I too found that my eyes started educating my ears. Taking Kroodsma"s lead, I used Raven to chart scarlet tanager songs frombirdsong CDs I"d purchased and compared them to spectrograms of my own robin recordings. Once I saw the difference in their timing and noticed the robin"s odd shrieky note spliced in between the musical ones, I started hearing the difference outdoors, too. I don"t think I"ll ever confuse scarlet tanager with robin again.  Kroodsma found that he could tell some birds from others of their species by the variation in their repertoires. That suggests the possibility of getting to know my neighboring birds better than I"ve ever done before. I can hardly wait for next spring. If the five singing male Bell"s vireos I listened to this summer come back, I"d like to see if I can learn to distinguish them as individuals, to see where they first show up in spring, where they nest, and how far they stray from their home territories. Now that"s going to be fun.  — Diane Porter
2023-06-16 23:45:131


1. 描写小鸟的英语作文 你可以去一些作文网站去找 我这有一篇抓鸟的作文,不知行不行:Our family around the house there are many tall trees. Every day, there are many unknown trees, birds in the "chattering," cried, a variety of voices very nicely, as if birds in open concerts. One afternoon, my neighbor"s little brother, little brother in the room playing chess. Suddenly, a beautiful bird came flying, and we quickly closed the door window to catch the birds. Suffered a shock in the room where the birds kept flying, it was finally too tired to fly no more, stopping at the table. I quietly walked over, grabbed it carefully. Little brother immediately sent for a rope, tied the bird"s feet, we are afraid of birds fly away,The other end of the rope still tied a *** all iron bar. Then we put the bird in the yard, but dragging an iron bar that it does not matter how fly up and hurry toward the sky Zhi Jiao. At this time, my mom and dad came back from the outside, and my father asked: "Liang-liang, are you doing?" I said to the father: "Daddy, Come see us catch a bird." Daddy go came a look, said: "Liang-liang, you did not know even the Flying Swallow啦!" I am curious to ask: "That"s why it does not grow with the big swallows the same?" Dad said with a *** ile: "Swallow the time is so *** all , and wait for it to grow up, and body feathers and it would slowly bee DadDad, Mom the same. "At this time, there are o big swallows the sky fly over, directed at Flying Swallow cried loudly. I think: Yes, it"s father, my mother came to see it. So, I unlock it feet of rope, it flew off.译:我们家房子周围有许多参天的大树。 每天,树上有很多不知名的小鸟在“叽叽喳喳”地叫着,各种各样的声音好听极了,好像在开小鸟音乐会。 一天下午,我和邻居家的小哥哥、小弟弟在房间里下棋。 突然,飞进来一只漂亮的小鸟,我们赶紧关上门窗去捉小鸟。受了惊吓的小鸟在房间里不停地飞来飞去,它终于累得飞不动了,停在了桌子上。 我悄悄地走过去,小心翼翼地一把抓住它。小哥哥马上找来一根绳子,绑住了小鸟的脚,我们怕小鸟飞走,还在绳子的另一头绑了一根小铁棒。 然后,我们把小鸟放在院子里,可是它拖着铁棒怎么也飞不起来,着急地朝着天空直叫。 这时候,爸爸、妈妈从外面回来了,爸爸问:“亮亮,你在干什么?”我对爸爸说:“爸爸,快来看我们抓到了一只小鸟。” 爸爸走过来一看说:“亮亮,你连小燕子都不认识啦!”我奇怪地问:“那它为什么不跟大燕子长得一样?”爸爸笑着说:“燕子小的时候是这样的,等它长大了,身上的羽毛就慢慢地变得和它爸爸、妈妈一样了。” 这时,天空中有两只大燕子飞过来,冲着小燕子大声地叫着。 我想:一定是它的爸爸、妈妈来找它了。于是,我解开它脚上的绳子,让它飞走了。 字数有点多,你选着用,我已经尽力啦。 2. 小女孩喂小鸟看图写话 今天的天气格外好,天高云淡,凉风习习,妈妈带我到公园去玩。 公园里有很多鸽子,有的在天空中自由自在地飞翔,有的在地上悠闲地走来走去,还有的在互相嬉闹。妈妈给我一把玉米让我喂鸽子,当我蹲下来伸出手的时候,鸽子争先恐后地围过来吃我手中的玉米,嘴里还发出“咕咕”的声音。有一只调皮的鸽子竟然跳到我的手上,尖尖的嘴巴啄得我的手痒痒的,可爱极了。不一会儿,我手中的玉米粒被鸽子们吃光了。 天色已暗,我也该回家了,我恋恋不舍地说:“再见了,鸽子,我以后还会来看你们的。” 3. 小鸟英语怎么写 “小鸟”的英语:little bird 例句:A little bird was singing happily in the tree. 小鸟在树上快乐地歌唱。 词汇解析: 一、little 读法:英 ["lu026at(u0259)l] 美 ["lu026atl] 释义: adj. 小的;很少的;短暂的;小巧可爱的 adv. 完全不 n. 少许;没有多少;短时间 短语: for a little 一会儿 little by little 渐渐;逐渐地 a little more 稍微多些 二、bird 读法:英 [bu025cu02d0d] 美 [bu025dd] 释义: n. 鸟;家伙;羽毛球 vt. 向…喝倒彩;起哄 vi. 猎鸟;观察研究野鸟 短语: bird flu n. 禽流感 migratory bird 候鸟 early bird 早起者;早到者 扩展资料 little词语用法 little用作形容词时表示“小的,幼小的,矮小的”,指由于因年龄小而身形娇小,含有感 *** 彩,意思是“小的可爱”“小的可怜”等意思。 little的比较级与最高级常用 *** aller, *** allest,而较少用littler,littlest。 little用作代词时有否定意味,接近于nothing。 the little, a little或little of在句中用作定语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 little用作副词和感官的动词连用并放在动词前,表示“毫不”“一点也不”。 4. 描写小鸟的英语作文3句话 The Singing Life Looking deeper into bird songs For half my birding life, I"ve been trying to learn bird songs. They"re not so easy as visual images. Not so simply reducible to key phrases (yellow in front of the eye, keel-shaped tail, white rump). Often fettable, at least for a person who has never demonstrated a good ear or musical talent. I"m still fooled sometimes into taking a scarlet tanager for a robin. And every spring I must learn the warblers" songs all over again. It"s a task I enjoy, an annual initiation that keeps me connected to the earth. I know birdsongs the way I know French and German. I can often tell which foreign language I"m hearing, and I prehend merci and nein, but I can"t understand a sentence. And that"s about where I think I am with bird songs. Still, I"m grateful for what I do recognize. Walking along the brushy trail beside certain a willow thicket on a late summer morning, when most of the birds had stopped singing, I heard a song from deep in the foliage. It was scratchy, rapid: Wouldja switch a witch"s widget witz a switch? Only half a song, really. The full version would have followed up with the answer: Witches switch a scritch"s stitches witz a chew! But even half a song was enough to tell me that the invisible singer was the question-and-answer bird, the Bell"s vireo. (Spectrogram of that bird"s song above.) Born to recognize bird songs It seems rather wonderful to me that a bird declares its identity with every utterance, and that our human ears and brains are built to sort out such sounds and recognize the singer. Lately I"ve e to realize, though, that I"ve barely begun to study bird sounds, and that it"s possible to learn much more than simply which species is singing. Donald Krood *** a"s ear-opening book, The Singing Life of Birds, made me realize that I"d been simplistically identifying birds by their songs and letting it go at that, like some life-listers who glance at a bird only long enough to name it and rush on. Krood *** a listens deeply into the lives of birds, gaining new insights from their songs. I want to do that too. The Raven key After I read Krood *** a"s book, I got some recording equipment and started going out every day to capture the songs of the morning. Suddenly, every robin, titmouse, and cardinal was new and fascinating. I downloaded Raven Lite (free, from the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology) into my puter. Among other things, Raven translates my recordings into pictures, called spectrograms, which show details in the songs that I didn"t notice in the field. It also lets me slow a recording down to further reveal fine details too brief for the human ear. What a revelation! Out of my own spectrograms jumped field sparrows, meadowlarks, and yellowthroats. (See thewichity- wichity- wichityof the mon yellowthroat at right.) As I learned the shapes of their songs, I could see at a glance which species sang on each recording, even before I played the selections. I relished seeing subtle details, such as the difference beeen the question and the answer of the Bell"s vireo. Hearing with your eyes Krood *** a says that he hears with his eyes, letting the birds" spectrograms show him what he would not have discriminated with his ears alone. I too found that my eyes started educating my ears. Taking Krood *** a"s lead, I used Raven to chart scarlet tanager songs frombirdsong CDs I"d purchased and pared them to spectrograms of my own robin recordings. Once I saw the difference in their timing and noticed the robin"s odd shrieky note spliced in beeen the musical ones, I started hearing the difference outdoors, too. I don"t think I"ll ever confuse scarlet tanager with robin again. Krood *** a found that he could tell some birds from others of their species by the variation in their repertoires. That suggests the possibility of getting to know my neighboring birds better than I"ve ever done before. I can hardly wait for next spring. If the five singing male Bell"s vireos I listened to this summer e back, I"d like to see if I can learn to distinguish them as individuals, to see where they first show up in spring, where they nest, and how far they stray from their home territories. Now that"s going to be fun. — Diane Porter。 5. 帮我写篇关于小鸟的英语作文 The larks were known as larks or sand, also called Mongolian Liu Braun. Is known as one of the ornamental bird cage. In the area of Inner Mongolia in hebei province of qinghai province, and the north east, etc. For all who or breeding birds. Braun about 1.9 mm in length to birds. Weight is about 30 grams. Males forehead, neck and head for the red chestnut, Eyes, eye week for brown, white and MeiWen left occipital department MeiWen extending to connect and now brown, Brown back, waist chestnut, Wing feathers cole-black, Brown, the lateral tail feathers chestnut color is white light, On the forehead, laryngeal white, the chest with a black bag, upper TiaoBan, Most white feather brown to uncover her nakedness. Male, female relatives to head and neck but less, feather color red chestnut is nearly tan, Lighter tan, beijingers is hazel, On the left breast TiaoBan black. Mouth shell meat pink, yellow, toes brown. Claws, After a sort of birds than paw paw, and after the straight out. The wildlife habitats YuAnKuo lark when, grassland, and fly straight into the sky, elegant, and is different from other songbirds. The unique The larks were good on the ground, is a kind of easy domesticated songbirds. In the wild, lark *** oothly through the summer 30 degrees Celsius above dry weather, also can pass through the icy snow, but in low temperature, longing for food, often a knot of migration. Most of the time, the lark in desert grassland in parison beeen sand dunes, what, to prevent or sand bath temperature and heat, clean surface dirt and feathers.
2023-06-16 23:46:051


《Human Traces》(Sebastian Faulks)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:l36q书名:Human Traces作者:Sebastian Faulks出版社:Vintage Books出版年份:2006-08-01页数:618内容简介:What is it to be human? This question, as in Birdsong, is at the heart of Human Traces.The story begins in Brittany where a young, poor boy somehow passes his medical exams and goes to Paris, where he attends the lectures of Charcot, the Parisian neurologist who set the world on its head in the 1870s. With a friend, he sets up a clinic in the mysterious mountain district of Carinthia in south-east Austria.If The Girl at the Lion d"Or was a simple three-movement symphony, Birdsong an opera, Charlotte Gray a complex four-movement symphony and On Green Dolphin Street a concerto, then Human Traces is a Wagnerian grand opera.From the Hardcover edition.
2023-06-16 23:46:121

和平之月 有一个日本女歌手 那首歌曲叫什么

可能是 姬神
2023-06-16 23:46:262


01 什刹海之晨 Shichahai In The Morning 02 梦迹沙河 Mirage Of The Fall 03 河 River 04 宁月 Silent Moon 05 杏林湖畔 Reflection Of The Lake 06 月牙五更 A Smiling Moon 07 麻耶 Maya 08 松花晚风 Breath Of Night 09 月夜 Moonlit Night 10 明天的孩子 For Tomorrow"s Children01 虹 Rainbow 02 流光 Light Dance 03 童年回忆 Memory Of Childhood 04 游园 In The Garden 05 北京之夜 Night Of Beijing 06 晨曦 Dawn 07 河畔 Riverside 08 归途 Homeward 09 甜梦 Sweet Dreams 10 深蓝 Deep Blue 11 寂静 In Silence 12 虹桥的尽头 End Of The Rainbow01 萤 Firefly 02 天狼星 Sirius (Tenrosei) 03 睡莲 A Water Lily (Suiren) 04 东京归来 Back To Tokyo 05 二泉映月 Er Quan Ying Yue 06 山雪 Snow Line 07 柳岛之风 The Wind Of Liudao 08 河南小曲 A Ditty From Henan 09 怀乡曲 Nostalgia 10 清秋 Pure (Seishu) 11 我的家 Our Home01 空山鸟语 Birdsong 02 远雷 Distant Thunder 03 明日 Tomorrow 04 东方花园 Exotic Garden 05 阳春小径 A Road In Early Spring 06 旅愁 Ryoshu 07 阳关三叠 Yang Guan San Die 08 晓 Daybreak 09 远方的书信 Air Mail 10 再会 Reunion 11 树影婆娑 Shu Ying Po Suo01 武藏 Musashi 02 新天堂乐园 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso 03 爱的主题曲 (爱のテーマ) Tema d"Amore 04 丁不拉风的挽歌 Deborah"s Theme 05 浪漫 Romance 06 高奏爱情 (爱を奏でて) Playing Love 07 托托与埃费多 Toto E Alfredo 08 玛莲娜 Malena 09 悲壮史歌 (哀愁のテーマ) Melancholy 10 武藏 Musashi (Reprise)01 天狼星 Sirius (Tenrosei) 02 宁月 Silent Moon 03 花 Flower 04 甜梦 Sweet Dreams 05 睡莲 A Water Lily (Suiren) 06 虹 Rainbow 07 清秋 Pure (Seishu) 08 望郷 Bokyo 09 杏林湖畔 Reflection Of The Lake 10 什刹海之晨 Shichahai In The Morning 11 梦迹沙河 Mirage Of The Fall 12 童年回忆 Memory Of Childhood 13 宁月 Silent Moon (Studio Live Version) 14 旅愁 Dreaming Of Home And Mother (Studio Live Version)01 十面埋伏 Lovers 02 流光 Light Dance 03 空山鸟语 Birdsong 04 夜空 Night Sky 05 睡莲 A Water Lily (Studio Live Version) 06 游园 In The Garden 07 东方花园 Exotic Garden 08 明天的孩子 For Tomorrow"s Children 09 河 River 10 二泉映月 Er Quan Ying Yue (Studio Live Version) 11 怀乡曲 Nostalgia 12 丁不拉风的挽歌 Deborah"s Theme01 冬之河 (ふゆのかわ) Winter River 02 月光 (げっこう) Moonlight 03 故乡 (郷~ふるさと) Furusato 04 亚洲探戈 Tango Of Asia 05 永远 (永远に~とわに) Forever 06 舞曲 (まいきょく) Mai Kyoku 07 天地苍苍 (天地苍々~てんちそうそう) What A Beautiful World 08 波光粼粼 (さざ波) Ripples 09 樱花 (桜~さくら) Cherry Blossoms 10 佳木斯之夏 (ジャムスの夏) Summer Of Jiamusi01 月夜 02 雨打芭蕉 03 懐郷曲 04 阳関三畳 05 汉宫秋月 06 草原上 07 流波曲 08 月芽五更 09 孔雀飞舞 10 陜北抒懐01 川流不息 (川の流れのように) 02 紫雨情 (むらさき雨情) 03 天城越え 04 函馆の女 05 北国之春 (北国の春) 06 冰雨 (氷雨) 07 津軽平野 08 无言坂 09 襟裳岬 10 紫阳花 (あじさいの花) 11 我只在乎你 (时の流れに身をまかせ) 12 津軽海峡99冬景色 13 北の宿から 14 夜雾よ今夜も有难う01 上海异乡人 (上海エトランゼ) 02 夕阳下的少年 (夕阳の中の少年) 03 大海的音阶 (海のオクターヴ) 04 雨中的海岸 (雨の日海岸で) 05 草原の日 06 マリヴォンヌの桜 07 话别风中 (风に消えたさよなら) 08 丹桂花开 Kinmokusei 09 从草原到山岗 (サバンナから丘へ) 10 拂晓晨雾 (雾の夜明け)01 花 Flower 02 如江河的流水 (川の流れのように) Like The Stream Of River 03 岛歌 (岛呗) Island Song 04 竹田摇篮曲 (竹田の子守歌) Lullaby Of Takada 05 在天空和大地之间 (大空と大地の中で) Between The Sky And The Earth 06 不能忘记你 (君を忘れない) I Will Never Forget You 07 纯 Pure 08 上路 (旅立ち) Departure 09 人生的天空 (人生の空から) From The Sky Of Life 10 博大的爱和理想 (大いなる爱よ梦よ) To Great Love And Dream 11 凡庸 Mediocrity 12 海神之木 (ワダツミの木) (新版新收录曲)01 泪别 (涙そうそう) (作曲:Begin) 02 国树之花 (くにぶん木の花) (作曲:Begin) 03 花 (作曲:喜纳昌吉) 04 海神之木 (ワダツミの木) (作曲:上田现) 05 光之海 (光の海) (作曲:京田诚一) 06 凤仙花 (てぃんさぐぬ花) (冲縄民谣) 07 海风 (作曲:米盛つぐみ) 08 黄金の花 (作曲:知名おさみ) 09 岛歌 (岛呗) (作曲:宫沢和史) 10 晚安 (おやすみ) (作曲:间宫工)01 残雪 (なごり雪) (作曲:伊势正三) 02 夏末 (夏の终わり) (作曲:森山直太郎) 03 樱花 (桜) (作曲:河口恭吾) 04 伤心难已 (悲しくてやりきれない) (作曲:加藤和彦) 05 喜看麦田千层浪 (作曲:李秀琪、王国潼) 06 春景 (作曲:京田诚一) 07 甘蔗田 (さとうきび畑) (作曲:寺岛尚彦) 08 田园生活 (田舎の生活) (作曲:草野正宗) 09 神田川 (作曲:南こうせつ) 10 木星 Jupiter (作曲:G. Holst <行星组曲01 国~东方丽韵 (Traditional Version) 02 蓬山远景~旅路 03 十二幻梦曲 (Acoustic Version) 04 澄空云 05 木霊响声 06 涙华 07 夜想月雫 08 偲芳歌 (胡弓 Version) 09 袭来~连锁 10 流云のパヴァーヌ~哀歌
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