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前期准备首先要先明确有个大体的思路,要实现什么样的功能,了解完成整个模块要运用到哪些方面的知识,以及从做的过程中去发现自己的不足。技术方面的进步大都都需要从实践中出来的。功能:用户注册功能+系统登录功能+生成验证码知识:窗体设计、数据库设计、JavaBean封装属性、JDBC实现对数据库的连接、验证码(包括彩色验证码)生成技术,还有就些比如像使用正则表达式校验用户注册信息、随机获得字符串、对文本可用字符数的控制等设计的模块预览图:彩色验证码预览图:所用数据库:MySQL数据库设计创建一个数据库db_database01,其中包含一个表格tb_user,用来保存用户的注册的数据。其中包含4个字段id int(11)username varchar(15)password varchar(20)email varchar(45)MySQL语句可以这样设计:create schema db_database01;use db_database01;create table tb_user(id int(11) not null auto_increment primary key,username varchar(15) not null,password varchar(20) not null,email varchar(45) not null);insert into tb_user values(1,"lixiyu","lixiyu",lixiyu419@gmail.com);这样把lixiyu作为用户名。select语句检查一下所建立的表格:编写JavaBean封装用户属性package com.lixiyu.model;public class User {private int id;// 编号private String username;// 用户名private String password;// 密码private String email;// 电子邮箱public int getId() {return id;}public void setId(int id) {this.id = id;}public String getUsername() {return username;}public void setUsername(String username) {this.username = username;}public String getPassword() {return password;}public void setPassword(String password) {this.password = password;}public String getEmail() {return email;}public void setEmail(String email) {this.email = email;}}编写JDBC工具类将与数据库操作相关的代码放置在DBConfig接口和DBHelper类中DBConfig接口用于保存数据库、用户名和密码信息代码:package com.lixiyu.util;public interface DBConfig {String databaseName = "db_database01";// 数据库名称String username = "root";// 数据库用户名String password = "lixiyu";// 数据库密码}为简化JDBC开发,DBHelper使用了了Commons DbUtil组合。DBHelper类继承了DBConfig接口,该类中包含4种方法:(1)getConnection()方法:获得数据库连接,使用MySQL数据源来简化编程,避免因加载数据库驱动而发生异常。(2)exists()方法:判断输入的用户名是否存在。(3)check()方法:当用户输入用户名和密码,查询使用check()方法是否正确。(4)save()方法:用户输入合法注册信息后,,将信息进行保存。详细代码:package com.lixiyu.util;import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.SQLException;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.List;import org.apache.commons.dbutils.DbUtils;import org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner;import org.apache.commons.dbutils.ResultSetHandler;import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.ColumnListHandler;import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.ScalarHandler;import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;import com.lixiyu.model.User;import com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource;public class DBHelper implements DBConfig {/** 使用MySQL数据源获得数据库连接对象** @return:MySQL连接对象,如果获得失败返回null*/public static Connection getConnection() {MysqlDataSource mds = new MysqlDataSource();// 创建MySQL数据源mds.setDatabaseName(databaseName);// 设置数据库名称mds.setUser(username);// 设置数据库用户名mds.setPassword(password);// 设置数据库密码try {return mds.getConnection();// 获得连接} catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();}return null;// 如果获取失败就返回null}/** 判断指定用户名的用户是否存在** @return:如果存在返回true,不存在或者查询失败返回false*/public static boolean exists(String username) {QueryRunner runner = new QueryRunner();// 创建QueryRunner对象String sql = "select id from tb_user where username = "" + username + "";";// 定义查询语句Connection conn = getConnection();// 获得连接ResultSetHandler<List<Object>> rsh = new ColumnListHandler();// 创建结果集处理类try {List<Object> result = runner.query(conn, sql, rsh);// 获得查询结果if (result.size() > 0) {// 如果列表中存在数据return true;// 返回true} else {// 如果列表中没有数据return false;// 返回false}} catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();} finally {DbUtils.closeQuietly(conn);// 关闭连接}return false;// 如果发生异常返回false}/** 验证用户名和密码是否正确 使用Commons Lang组件转义字符串避免SQL注入** @return:如果正确返回true,错误返回false*/public static boolean check(String username, char[] password) {username = StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(username);// 将用户输入的用户名转义QueryRunner runner = new QueryRunner();// 创建QueryRunner对象String sql = "select password from tb_user where username = "" + username + "";";// 定义查询语句Connection conn = getConnection();// 获得连接ResultSetHandler<Object> rsh = new ScalarHandler();// 创建结果集处理类try {String result = (String) runner.query(conn, sql, rsh);// 获得查询结果char[] queryPassword = result.toCharArray();// 将查询到得密码转换成字符数组if (Arrays.equals(password, queryPassword)) {// 如果密码相同则返回trueArrays.fill(password, "0");// 清空传入的密码Arrays.fill(queryPassword, "0");// 清空查询的密码return true;} else {// 如果密码不同则返回falseArrays.fill(password, "0");// 清空传入的密码Arrays.fill(queryPassword, "0");// 清空查询的密码return false;}} catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();} finally {DbUtils.closeQuietly(conn);// 关闭连接}return false;// 如果发生异常返回false}/** 保存用户输入的注册信息** @return:如果保存成功返回true,保存失败返回false*/public static boolean save(User user) {QueryRunner runner = new QueryRunner();// 创建QueryRunner对象String sql = "insert into tb_user (username, password, email) values (?, ?, ?);";// 定义查询语句Connection conn = getConnection();// 获得连接Object[] params = { user.getUsername(), user.getPassword(), user.getEmail() };// 获得传递的参数try {int result = runner.update(conn, sql, params);// 保存用户if (result > 0) {// 如果保存成功返回truereturn true;} else {// 如果保存失败返回falsereturn false;}} catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();} finally {DbUtils.closeQuietly(conn);// 关闭连接}return false;// 如果发生异常返回false}}系统登录1.1窗体设计使用BoxLayout布局,将控件排列方式设置从上至下:复制代码代码如下:contentPane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(contentPane,BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));窗体使用了标签、文本域、密码域和按钮等控件实现代码:public class login extends JFrame{private static final long serialVersionUID = -4655235896173916415L;private JPanel contentPane;private JTextField usernameTextField;private JPasswordField passwordField;private JTextField validateTextField;private String randomText;public static void main(String args[]){try {UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.sun.java.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel");} catch (Throwable e) {e.printStackTrace();}EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable(){public void run(){try{login frame=new login();frame.setVisible(true);}catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}}});}public login(){setTitle("系统登录");setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);contentPane=new JPanel();setContentPane(contentPane);contentPane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(contentPane,BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));JPanel usernamePanel=new JPanel();contentPane.add(usernamePanel);JLabel usernameLable=new JLabel("u7528u6237u540DuFF1A");usernameLable.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", Font.PLAIN, 15));usernamePanel.add(usernameLable);usernameTextField=new JTextField();usernameTextField.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", Font.PLAIN, 15));usernamePanel.add(usernameTextField);usernameTextField.setColumns(10);JPanel passwordPanel = new JPanel();contentPane.add(passwordPanel);JLabel passwordLabel = new JLabel("u5BC6 u7801uFF1A");passwordLabel.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", Font.PLAIN, 15));passwordPanel.add(passwordLabel);passwordField = new JPasswordField();passwordField.setColumns(10);passwordField.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", Font.PLAIN, 15));passwordPanel.add(passwordField);JPanel validatePanel = new JPanel();contentPane.add(validatePanel);JLabel validateLabel = new JLabel("u9A8Cu8BC1u7801uFF1A");validateLabel.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", Font.PLAIN, 15));validatePanel.add(validateLabel);validateTextField = new JTextField();validateTextField.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", Font.PLAIN, 15));validatePanel.add(validateTextField);validateTextField.setColumns(5);randomText = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(4);CAPTCHALabel label = new CAPTCHALabel(randomText);//随机验证码label.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", Font.PLAIN, 15));validatePanel.add(label);JPanel buttonPanel=new JPanel();contentPane.add(buttonPanel);JButton submitButton=new JButton("登录");submitButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {@Overridepublic void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {do_submitButton_actionPerformed(e);}});submitButton.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", Font.PLAIN, 15));buttonPanel.add(submitButton);JButton cancelButton=new JButton("退出");cancelButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){do_cancelButton_actionPerformed(e);}});cancelButton.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑",Font.PLAIN,15));buttonPanel.add(cancelButton);pack();// 自动调整窗体大小setLocation(com.lixiyu.util.SwingUtil.centreContainer(getSize()));// 让窗体居中显示}窗体居中显示:public class SwingUtil {/** 根据容器的大小,计算居中显示时左上角坐标** @return 容器左上角坐标*/public static Point centreContainer(Dimension size) {Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();// 获得屏幕大小int x = (screenSize.width - size.width) / 2;// 计算左上角的x坐标int y = (screenSize.height - size.height) / 2;// 计算左上角的y坐标return new Point(x, y);// 返回左上角坐标}}1.2获取及绘制验证码public class CAPTCHALabel extends JLabel {private static final long serialVersionUID = -963570191302793615L;private String text;// 用于保存生成验证图片的字符串public CAPTCHALabel(String text) {this.text = text;setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 36));// 设置标签的大小}@Overridepublic void paint(Graphics g) {super.paint(g);// 调用父类的构造方法g.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", Font.PLAIN, 16));// 设置字体g.drawString(text, 5, 25);// 绘制字符串}}*彩色验证码:public class ColorfulCAPTCHALabel extends JLabel {private static final long serialVersionUID = -963570191302793615L;private String text;// 用于保存生成验证图片的字符串private Color[] colors = { Color.BLACK, Color.BLUE, Color.CYAN, Color.DARK_GRAY, Color.GRAY, Color.GREEN, Color.LIGHT_GRAY, Color.MAGENTA, Color.ORANGE,Color.PINK, Color.RED, Color.WHITE, Color.YELLOW };// 定义画笔颜色数组public ColorfulCAPTCHALabel(String text) {this.text = text;setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 36));// 设置标签的大小}@Overridepublic void paint(Graphics g) {super.paint(g);// 调用父类的构造方法g.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", Font.PLAIN, 16));// 设置字体for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {g.setColor(colors[RandomUtils.nextInt(colors.length)]);g.drawString("" + text.charAt(i), 5 + i * 13, 25);// 绘制字符串}}}1


你好!你的设计意图在引入ajax回调之后不可能实现了.按你的设计目的,我建议你这样改进: function Password_CallBack(response) { document.getElementById("hiddenPassword").value = response; //这里取消 return confirm("The password has been reset to " + response + " , do you want to send email?");//改为: if(confirm("The password has been reset to " + response + " , do you want to send email?")){//在这里再发起一次ajax请求,在server端实现发送email重置密码的通知.} }另一种解决方案是: public static string GetPassword()加一个bool类型的参数sendEmail,在server端直接实现发送email.在调用ajax请求GetPassword之前,先请用户 var sendEmail=confirm("The password has been reset to " + response + " , do you want to send email?");把confirm返回的结果作为参数传给GetPassword方法.最后 .一楼的解决方法看上去可行,但实际 运行时,A永远都是null.不会实现正确效果有问题请再联系我,


admin.setPassword(newPassword);你没有一个带参数的构造方法,肯定会报编译错误。你的构造方法声明的不对,这样写就可以了。把原来的去掉。private String username; private String password;public String getUsername() { return username; } public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; } public String getPassword() { return password; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; }



Jeff Jarvis - Off The Hook.wma大神们帮帮忙

歌手名:jeff jarvis 歌曲名:off the hook 感谢{Kumiko欢}辛苦编辑Lrc歌词,并提供给大家分享 Jeff Jarvis - Off The Hook Would you be my girl Would you be my girl - The ring upon your finger's worths a fortune But it doesn't matter He don't love you 九九Lrc歌词网 => www.99Lrc.net 配词 And I know you went to paris When he asked for your hand but He don't love you He don't love you I will give you something that no other man could When love is for real you know it feels so good It's hard to walk away now But it's gonna get worse Just cancel the wedding and come with me Sweet baby Understand me I feel the pressure to Let the man marry me But deep down in my heart It's you I want It's you I want You keep on driving me crazy Girl let me off the hook tell me Said you need time But I wanna know now Would you be my girl Would you be my girl I am so mad about you boy It's hard to be your friend when I want more I think about it seven and twenty-four It's what I want Would you be my girl Would you be my girl www.99Lrc.net =>九九Lrc歌词网 配词 Come on I fell in love the second that I laid my hands on you I said Let me love you Let me love you But everybody told me I was wasting my time that I shouldn't love you I shouldn't love you But I will give you something that no other man could When love is for real you know it feels so good It's hard to walk away now But it's gonna get worse Just cancel the wedding and come with me Sweet baby Understand me I feel the pressure to Let the man marry me But deep down in my heart It's you that I want It's you that I want You keep on driving me crazy Girl let me off the hook tell me Said you need time But I wanna know now Would you be my girl Would you be my girl I am so mad about you boy It's hard to be your friend when I want more I think about it seven and twenty-four It's what I want Would you be my girl Would you be my girl It's hard to be in between Love can hurt so easily You're all I want And all I need Girl I need you to be mine You keep on driving me crazy Girl let me off the hook tell me Said you need time But I wanna know now Would you be my girl Would you be my girl I am so mad about you boy It's hard to be your friend when I want more I think about it seven and twenty-four It's what I want Would you be my girl Would you be my girl You keep on driving me crazy Girl let me off the hook tell me Said you need time But I wanna know now Would you be my girl Would you be my girl I am so mad about you boy It's hard to be your friend when I want more I think about it seven and twenty-four It's what I want Would you be my girl Would you be my girl By:Kumiko欢

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阅读顺序:波西杰克逊系列:《神火之盗The Lightning Thief》《魔兽之海The Sea of Monsters》《巨神之咒The Titan"s Curse》《迷宫之战The Battle of the Labyrinth》《最终之神The Last Olympian》番外篇:《半神档案The Demigod Files》《半神日记The Demigod Diaries》(《半神外传》)《半神宝典The Ultimate Guide》奥林匹斯英雄系列:《失落的英雄The Lost Hero》《海神之子The Son of Neptune》《雅典娜之印The Mark of Athena》《哈迪斯之屋The House of Hades》《奥林匹斯之血The Blood of Olympus》一共13本

can you feel the love tonight--Jackie evancho歌词

There"s a calm surrender to the rush of dayWhen the heat of the rolling wind can be turned awayAn enchanted moment,and it sees me throughIt"s enough for this restless warrior just to be with youChorus:And can you feel the love tonightIt is where we areIt"s enough for this wide-eyed wandererThat we got this farAnd can you feel the love tonightHow it"s laid to restIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very bestThere"s a time for everyone if they only learnThat the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turnThere"s a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoorsWhen the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yoursAnd can you feel the love tonight?It is where we areIt"s enough for this wide eyed wandererThat we got this farAnd can you feel the love tonight?How it"s laid to restIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very bestIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very best有一股宁静(那是平心的屈服,)臣服于一日的繁忙(于那穿梭的时光。)何时这喧嚣的风(当这运转不止的风之灼)才能褪尽它的灼热(已事不关己。)而这美妙的时刻(魔幻的霎那)却突然洞悉了我的内心(我已神魂颠倒。)或许仅仅能够与你同在(那魔力足以使这个永不止歇的战士停下脚步)便足以安抚我这战士烦躁的心灵(只与你长相守。)今晚,你感受到爱了吗?(你感受到今夜的爱恋了吗?)它是如此如影随行(它与你我同在。-字面)更喜欢它如影随行要让那流浪者叹讶长久(那恋慕足以将这个无邪的浪子与你)我们的爱已然足够(牢牢地绑在了一起。)今晚,你感受到爱了吗?(你感受到今夜的爱恋了吗?)它是如何烟消云散(它怎能安枕而眠。-字面)更喜欢它岂能烟消云散要让无论贫富都坚信这是至善(那恋慕足以使所有王者及浪迹天涯的人们)我们的爱已然足够(相信其至美之触。)也许有一天(每个人都会经历,只要他们愿意畅怀接受)当每个人都能够明白时变幻的美丽景致(接受那变幻着的万花筒,它将把我们逐个感染,)也将回来感动着我们那狂野的天地都将产生了美好的韵律和意义(万物皆顺其韵理。)也许我只是落航员但只要我的心能与你一起跳动(当这不幸的旅子心脏与你同步之时)今晚,你感受到爱了吗? 叠段:(你感受到今夜的爱恋了吗?)它是如此如影随行(它与你我同在。-字面)更喜欢它如影随行要让那流浪者叹讶长久(那恋慕足以将这个无邪的浪子与你)我们的爱已然足够(牢牢地绑在了一起。)今晚,你感受到爱了吗?(你感受到今夜的爱恋了吗?)它是如何烟消云散(它怎能安枕而眠。-字面)更喜欢它岂能烟消云散要让无论贫富都坚信这是至善(那恋慕足以使所有王者及浪迹天涯的人们)我们的爱已然足够(相信其至美之触。)


异常指不期而至的各种状况,如:文件找不到、网络连接失败、非法参数等。异常是一个事件,它发生在程序运行期间,干扰了正常的指令流程。Java通 过API中Throwable类的众多子类描述各种不同的异常。因而,Java异常都是对象,是Throwable子类的实例,描述了出现在一段编码中的 错误条件。当条件生成时,错误将引发异常。一、相关知识1、在 Java 中,所有的异常都有一个共同的祖先 Throwable(可抛出)。Throwable 指定代码中可用异常传播机制通过 Java 应用程序传输的任何问题的共性。 Throwable: 有两个重要的子类:Exception(异常)和 Error(错误),二者都是 Java 异常处理的重要子类,各自都包含大量子类。 Error(错误):是程序无法处理的错误,表示运行应用程序中较严重问题。大多数错误与代码编写者执行的操作无关,而表示代码运行时 JVM(Java 虚拟机)出现的问题。例如,Java虚拟机运行错误(Virtual MachineError),当 JVM 不再有继续执行操作所需的内存资源时,将出现 OutOfMemoryError。这些异常发生时,Java虚拟机(JVM)一般会选择线程终止。这些错误表示故障发生于虚拟机自身、或者发生在虚拟机试图执行应用时,如Java虚拟机运行错误(Virtual MachineError)、类定义错误(NoClassDefFoundError)等。这些错误是不可查的,因为它们在应用程序的控制和处理能力之 外,而且绝大多数是程序运行时不允许出现的状况。对于设计合理的应用程序来说,即使确实发生了错误,本质上也不应该试图去处理它所引起的异常状况。在 Java中,错误通过Error的子类描述。 Exception(异常):是程序本身可以处理的异常。Exception 类有一个重要的子类 RuntimeException。RuntimeException 类及其子类表示“JVM 常用操作”引发的错误。例如,若试图使用空值对象引用、除数为零或数组越界,则分别引发运行时异常(NullPointerException、ArithmeticException)和 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException。 注意:异常和错误的区别:异常能被程序本身可以处理,错误是无法处理。2、通常,Java的异常(包括Exception和Error)分为可查的异常(checked exceptions)和不可查的异常(unchecked exceptions)。 可查异常(编译器要求必须处置的异常):正确的程序在运行中,很容易出现的、情理可容的异常状况。可查异常虽然是异常状况,但在一定程度上它的发生是可以预计的,而且一旦发生这种异常状况,就必须采取某种方式进行处理。除了RuntimeException及其子类以外,其他的Exception类及其子类都属于可查异常。这种异常的特点是Java编译器会检查它,也就是说,当程序中可能出现这类异常,要么用try-catch语句捕获它,要么用throws子句声明抛出它,否则编译不会通过。 不可查异常(编译器不要求强制处置的异常):包括运行时异常(RuntimeException与其子类)和错误(Error)。3、Exception 这种异常分两大类运行时异常和非运行时异常(编译异常)。程序中应当尽可能去处理这些异常。 运行时异常:都是RuntimeException类及其子类异常,如NullPointerException(空指针异常)、IndexOutOfBoundsException(下标越界异常)等,这些异常是不检查异常,程序中可以选择捕获处理,也可以不处理。这些异常一般是由程序逻辑错误引起的,程序应该从逻辑角度尽可能避免这类异常的发生。运行时异常的特点是Java编译器不会检查它,也就是说,当程序中可能出现这类异常,即使没有用try-catch语句捕获它,也没有用throws子句声明抛出它,也会编译通过。 非运行时异常 (编译异常):是RuntimeException以外的异常,类型上都属于Exception类及其子类。从程序语法角度讲是必须进行处理的异常,如果不处理,程序就不能编译通过。如IOException、SQLException等以及用户自定义的Exception异常,一般情况下不自定义检查异常。二、处理机制 在 Java 应用程序中,异常处理机制为:抛出异常,捕捉异常。 抛出异常:当一个方法出现错误引发异常时,方法创建异常对象并交付运行时系统,异常对象中包含了异常类型和异常出现时的程序状态等异常信息。运行时系统负责寻找处置异常的代码并执行。 捕获异常:在方法抛出异常之后,运行时系统将转为寻找合适的异常处理器(exception handler)。潜在的异常处理器是异常发生时依次存留在调用栈中的方法的集合。当异常处理器所能处理的异常类型与方法抛出的异常类型相符时,即为合适 的异常处理器。运行时系统从发生异常的方法开始,依次回查调用栈中的方法,直至找到含有合适异常处理器的方法并执行。当运行时系统遍历调用栈而未找到合适 的异常处理器,则运行时系统终止。同时,意味着Java程序的终止。 对于运行时异常、错误或可查异常,Java技术所要求的异常处理方式有所不同。 由于运行时异常的不可查性,为了更合理、更容易地实现应用程序,Java规定,运行时异常将由Java运行时系统自动抛出,允许应用程序忽略运行时异常。 对于方法运行中可能出现的Error,当运行方法不欲捕捉时,Java允许该方法不做任何抛出声明。因为,大多数Error异常属于永远不能被允许发生的状况,也属于合理的应用程序不该捕捉的异常。 对于所有的可查异常,Java规定:一个方法必须捕捉,或者声明抛出方法之外。也就是说,当一个方法选择不捕捉可查异常时,它必须声明将抛出异常。 能够捕捉异常的方法,需要提供相符类型的异常处理器。所捕捉的异常,可能是由于自身语句所引发并抛出的异常,也可能是由某个调用的方法或者Java运行时 系统等抛出的异常。也就是说,一个方法所能捕捉的异常,一定是Java代码在某处所抛出的异常。简单地说,异常总是先被抛出,后被捕捉的。 任何Java代码都可以抛出异常,如:自己编写的代码、来自Java开发环境包中代码,或者Java运行时系统。无论是谁,都可以通过Java的throw语句抛出异常。 从方法中抛出的任何异常都必须使用throws子句。 捕捉异常通过try-catch语句或者try-catch-finally语句实现。 总体来说,Java规定:对于可查异常必须捕捉、或者声明抛出。允许忽略不可查的RuntimeException和Error。


public class ExceptionTest1{public static void main(String args[]){try{int n=7;int m-0;int div=n/m;}catch(Exception e) {e.printstack();}finally{System.out.println("this game is over");}}}


e = g.divide(h,mct);这行 h 值等于零了

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayStoreException什么意思???



Error类和Exception类的父类都是throwable类,他们的区别是:Error类一般是指与虚拟机相关的问题,如系统崩溃,虚拟机错误,内存空间不足,方法调用栈溢等。对于这类错误的导致的应用程序中断,仅靠程序本身无法恢复和和预防,遇到这样的错误,建议让程序终止。Exception类表示程序可以处理的异常,可以捕获且可能恢复。遇到这类异常,应该尽可能处理异常,使程序恢复运行,而不应该随意终止异常。Exception类又分为运行时异常(Runtime Exception)和受检查的异常(Checked Exception ),运行时异常;ArithmaticException,IllegalArgumentException,编译能通过,但是一运行就终止了,程序不会处理运行时异常,出现这类异常,程序会终止。而受检查的异常,要么用try。。。catch捕获,要么用throws字句声明抛出,交给它的父类处理,否则编译不会通过。常见的异常;ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 数组下标越界异常,ArithmaticException 算数异常 如除数为零NullPointerException 空指针异常IllegalArgumentException 不合法参数异常

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:


电脑一开机就提示 A JavaScript error occurred in the main process


求【Jasmine】dear my friend 罗马音【内附日文歌词】

罗马音dear my friendI remember the beautiful daysItsumademo iro asezuTashikameau koto wa sezuOh my greatest friends zutto tsunagattekuYuganda kotoba dzukaide kikitoriau dekaieKono sekai de tomo ni egaite nandomo tachiagareU r right no matter what they sayKimi ga utsukushii sei de kizu ga medacchau dakeU r right no matter what they sayDon"t be afraid baby girl kimi no chikara shinjiteKoko made, hitori de, yoku aruite koreta neKowareru kurai jakuon hakeba ii henkan nashi de hakidaseba iiKoko made, hitori de, yoku nakanakatta neIitai yatsu nya iwase tokeba iiYou"re my shining star kanari kakkoiiKeep going! keep going! keep going!Hitoshirezu kimi wa hashiritsudzukeru kimi waHitoshirezu kimi wa mamoritsudzukeru kimi waTo wa ittemo kowaku natte nigedasu kimi no senaka otteSonna sugata mitakunai tte hou wo tataku koto dekiruWarainagara fumishimeru you naNakinagara kamishimeru you naKimi no manazashi atashi mo sonna fuu ni naritai kuraiU r right no matter what you doTsuyoku niranderu hou ni hora hikaru ga mieruU r right no matter what you doUtagau imi nante nai sono kobushi kakageteKoko made, hitori de, yoku aruite koreta neKowareru kurai jakuon hakeba ii henkan nashi de hakidaseba iiKoko made, hitori de, yoku nakanakatta neIitai yatsu nya iwase tokeba iiYou"re my shining star kanari kakkoiiKeep going! keep going! keep going!Hitoshirezu kimi wa hashiritsudzukeru kimi waHitoshirezu kimi wa mamoritsudzukeru kimi waBaby you are stronger warui kedoSorya arukerba korobu darou sonna koto de horaYamenaide nakanaideAnd you are stronger warui kedoSorya butsukarya itai darou dotte koto naiCome on tachiagareKoko made, hitori de, yoku aruite koreta neKowareru kurai jakuon hakeba ii henkan nashi de hakidaseba iiKoko made, hitori de, yoku nakanakatta neIitai yatsu nya iwase tokeba iiKeep going! keep going! keep going!Hitoshirezu kimi wa hashiritsudzukeru kimi waHitoshirezu kimi wa mamoritsudzukeru kimi wa

我家有个老的瓷茶壶,茶壶的底部上面有个印章样的东西,英文内容是FINE CHINA,还有个什么JAPAN。





<%var sql = "select * from Dictionary where MainID="" + v + """ ;%>

TAJ JACKSON的《Follow Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Follow Me歌手:TAJ JACKSON专辑:2011年9月欧美新歌速递Follow Me-Taj JackonCome follow me, come follow me!Come follow me, come follow me!Hey girl I just know thisYou often be capped but you"re missing all this fun!I said it alone!I ain"t never been no playerNever been my intruderI just wanna get you out, you seeMove your body to the floor!Girl you shine, I"m so spicing your lifeIf you"re lost, don"t worry, I will show you the way!Follow me ‘till the crack of dawnBaby I"mma turn you on,Take lessons, girl, I"mma be your super fancyIf you know you"re here for more,And I see you on the floorDo it like me, follow my lead!Come follow me, come follow me!Come follow me!Tell the DJ bring it back,If you want to play my hand,I take charge, you just follow me, girl!Come follow me, come follow me!Come follow me!Your style so impressive, the way you move is massiveI know jelly don"t shake like thatBut there ain"t no peanut butter!Girl, I want you to beat all night in hereShow me what I never seen, girlPut it down like you never done beforeGirl you shine, I"m so spicing your lifeIf you"re lost, don"t worry, I will show you the way!Follow me ‘till the crack of dawnBaby I"mma turn you on,Take lessons, girl, I"mma be your super fancyIf you know you"re here for more,And I see you on the floorDo it like me, follow my lead!Come follow me, come follow me!Come follow me!Tell the DJ bring it back,If you want to play my hand,I take charge, you just follow me, girl!Come follow me, come follow me!Come follow me!I"ll show you the way, I"ll leave with the paceYou"ll go with me and you don"t have to worry, girl!Don"t worry about the past, the future is rightAnd meaning is me and you over the floor!Come follow me, come follow me!come follow me, girl!......Come follow me, come follow me!Come follow me, girl!If you know you"re here for more,And I see you on the floorDo it like me, follow my lead!Come follow me, come follow me!Come follow me!Tell the DJ bring it back,If you want to play my hand,I take charge, you just follow me, girl!Come follow me, come follow me!Come follow me!Music group 171811589http://music.baidu.com/song/20678403




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Jay Sean的歌曲《May be》的歌词(全)是什么?

Beep Beep On It Now There Goes My PhoneAnd Once Again Im Just Hoping Its A Text From YouIt Aint Right i read your Messages Twice thriceFour Times A Night Its TrueEveryday I Patiently WaitFeeling Like A Fool But I Do AnywayNothing Can Feel As Sweet And As RealAs Now That I Wouldve Waited One DayAnd Maybe Its True (may be its true) Im caught Up On YouMaybe In A While You"ll Be Stuck On Me TooSo Maybe Im wrong Its All,In My HeadMaybe We"ll Await On Words We Both Hadnt SaidI Always Connected OnlineWatching My Space All The TimeHoping That You"ve Checked My ProfileJust can"t help wondering why you play it cool but sometimesI just keep falling for youEvery night Im on the phone and I loving you andI know you that you like it girl, now dont keep it inside what"s in the night.No come say what your trying to hide.And Maybe Its True (may be its true) Im caught Up On YouMaybe In A While You"ll Be Stuck On Me TooSo Maybe Im wrong Its All,In My HeadMaybe We"ll Await On Words We Both Hadnt SaidLike I really want you, I think I need you, Maybe I miss you, Im thinking of youLike I really want you, I think I need you, Maybe I miss you, Im thinking of youAnd Maybe Its True Oh (may be its true) Im caught Up On You(Maybe Yeh)Maybe In A While You"ll Be Stuck On Me TooSo Maybe Im wrong (Maybe yeh)Its All,In My Head (oh no)Maybe We"ll Await On Words We Both Hadnt SaidAnd Maybe Its True (may be its true) Im caught Up On YouMaybe there"s a chance You"ll Be Stuck On Me TooSo Maybe Im wrong Its All,In My HeadMaybe We"ll Await On Words We Both Hadnt SaidAnd Maybe Its True (may be its true) Im caught Up On You

JAVA 中类似partial的关键字有吗?


谁知道Jay Sean的Eyes on you的歌词?

ti:Eyes on you][ar:Jay Sean][al:Me Against Myself][by:SNAKE EATER][00:00.00]Jay Sean - Eyes on you[00:03.00](Feat. the Rishi R)[00:06.00]Track:[00:09.00]Presents by SNAKE EATER[00:12.00][00:15.30]You can tell your girlfriends about me[00:18.00]It"s about time to get rowdy[00:20.10]You know I wanna work that body[00:23.00]Come work it over here[00:25.50]You can be my brown-eyed beauty[00:27.60]And I bet you see right through me[00:30.50]You can do anything to me[00:32.80][00:34.50]You"re so beautiful[00:35.90]Tonight anything is possible[00:38.70]And you know I just can"t get enough[00:40.80]Of your love, so give it up[00:43.70][00:44.30]Got my eyes on you[00:46.40]Won"t you bring that back to me[00:49.10]Got my eyes on you[00:51.80]You know where I"m gonna be[00:54.50]Got my eyes on you[00:56.70]And I see you checkin me[00:59.00]Got my eyes on you[01:02.00]Hoo...And I like what I see[01:05.80][01:15.10]You can tell anyone about it[01:17.80]Show it off, no need to hide it[01:20.00]C"mon get a little excited[01:22.90]Excite it over here[01:25.60]Don"t stop baby girl don"t stop[01:27.60]I know you really like it when you"re on top[01:30.20]Don"t be shy just give it up[01:32.60]C"mon girl![01:33.60][01:34.00]You"re so beautiful[01:35.80]Tonight anything is possible[01:38.00]And you know I just can"t get enough[01:40.80]Of your love, so give it up[01:43.20][01:44.30]Got my eyes on you[01:46.40]Won"t you bring that back to me[01:49.10]Got my eyes on you[01:51.80]You know where I"m gonna be[01:54.00]Got my eyes on you[01:56.70]And I see you checkin me[01:59.00]Got my eyes on you[02:02.00]Hoo...And I like what I see[02:05.00][02:09.70]Uh-oh-uh-oh[02:10.70]Your body"s whining[02:11.80]Uh-oh-uh-oh[02:13.00]Bumpin and grindin"[02:14.70]Uh-oh-uh-oh[02:15.70]Stop and rewind it[02:16.80]Uh-oh-uh-oh...Ohoo...[02:19.70]Uh-oh-uh-oh[02:20.70]Gettin" you hot now[02:21.80]Uh-oh-uh-oh[02:22.80]Baby don"t stop now[02:24.50]Uh-oh-uh-oh[02:25.50]Got you all hot now[02:26.50]Uh-oh-uh-oh...Ohoo...[02:27.30][02:28.60]Got my eyes on you[02:31.00]Won"t you bring that back to me[02:33.80]Got my eyes on you[02:36.40]You know where I"m gonna be[02:38.30]Got my eyes on you[02:41.30]And I see you checkin me[02:43.80]Got my eyes on you[02:46.80]Hoo...And I like what I see[02:48.70]Got my eyes on you[02:50.90]Won"t you bring that back to me[02:53.70]Got my eyes on you[02:56.00]You know where I"m gonna be[02:58.60]Got my eyes on you[03:00.80]And I see you checkin me[03:03.70]Got my eyes on you[03:06.30]Hoo...And I like what I see[03:09.80][03:10.00]* End *中文你可以告诉亚女朋友"回合箱 现在正是时候让吵闹 你知道,我要工作机构 来到这里工作 你可以成为我的棕色眼睛的美丽 我敢打赌ü看到通过我的权利 你可以做任何事情对我来说 五ohh 你如此美丽 今晚任何事情都可能 但是y"know我无法获得足够的 你的爱..所以放弃了 了我的眼睛对你 不会带给你给我 了我的眼睛对你 你知道我现在所处的位置公鹿 了我的眼睛对你 我看到你签"箱 了我的眼睛对你 户外- oooo 我喜欢我看到 坚持.... 坚持.... 你可以告诉任何人,这 查看它关闭,没有必要隐藏 来吧得到一点点兴奋 高兴在这里 不要停止不停止babygirl 我知道你很喜欢它当你的顶端 不要害羞刚刚放弃了 来吧女孩.. 你如此美丽 今晚任何事情都可能 但是y"know我无法获得足够的 你的爱..所以放弃了 了我的眼睛对你 不会带给你给我 了我的眼睛对你 你知道我现在所处的位置公鹿 了我的眼睛对你 我看到你签"箱 了我的眼睛对你 户外- oooo 我喜欢我看到 坚持....... 噢,噢哦,哦 身体的牢骚 (噢,噢哦,哦) Bumpin "和grindin " (噢,噢哦,哦) 停止并rewindin " (噢,噢哦,哦) 坚持....... (噢,噢哦,哦) Gettin "你现在热 (噢,噢哦,哦) 孩子现在不停止 (噢,噢哦,哦) 获得您现在岩 (噢,噢哦,哦) 坚持....... 了我的眼睛对你 不会带给你给我 了我的眼睛对你 你知道我现在所处的位置公鹿 了我的眼睛对你 我看到你签"箱 了我的眼睛对你 户外- oooo 我喜欢喔... 了我的眼睛对你 不会带给你给我 了我的眼睛对你 你知道我现在所处的位置公鹿 了我的眼睛对你 我看到你签"箱 了我的眼睛对你 户外- oooo 我喜欢喔...


Jack WelchJohn Francis "Jack" Welch Jr. (born November 19, 1935) was CEO of General Electric between 1981 and 2001. He remains a highly-regarded figure in business circles due to his innovative management strategies and leadership style.Early life and careerWelch was born in Peabody, Massachusetts to Irish-Catholic parents John, a Boston & Maine Railroad conductor and Grace, a housewife. He attended Salem High School and later the University of Massachusetts, graduating in 1957 with a Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering. He went on to receive his M.S. and Ph.D at the University of Illinois in 1960.Welch "Neutron Jack" joined General Electric in 1960. He worked as a junior engineer in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, at a salary of $10,500. Welch was displeased with the $1000 raise he was offered after his first year, as well as the strict bureaucracy within GE. He planned to leave the company to work with International Minerals & Chemicals in Skokie, Illinois.However, Reuben Gutoff, a young executive one level higher than Welch, decided that the man was too valuable a resource for the company to lose. He took Welch and Welch"s former wife Carolyn out to dinner at the Yellow Aster in Pittsfield, and spent four hours trying to convince Welch to stay. Gutoff vowed to work to change the bureaucracy to create a small-company environment."Trust me," Gutoff remembers pleading. "As long as I am here, you are going to get a shot to operate with the best of the big company and the worst part of it pushed aside." "Well, you are on trial," retorted Welch. "I"m glad to be on trial," Gutoff said. "To try to keep you here is important." At daybreak, Welch gave him his answer. "It was one of my better marketing jobs in life," recalls Gutoff. "But then he said to me--and this is vintage Jack--"I"m still going to have the party because I like parties, and besides, I think they have some little presents for me."" Some 12 years later, Welch would audaciously write in his annual performance review that his long-term goal was to become CEO ([1]).Welch was named vice president of GE in 1972. He moved up the ranks to become senior vice president in 1977 and vice chairman in 1979. Welch became GE"s youngest chairman and CEO in 1981, succeeding Reginald H. Jones. By 1982, Welch had disassembled much of the earlier management put together by Jones, most notably Douglas Moore, Vice-President of Marketing and Public Relations and previously general counsel of the lamp division in Cleveland, Ohio. Moore lived at 89th and 5th Avenue in Manhattan and had built his reputation on the price fixing scandal that G.E was embroiled in during the 1950"s. To the shareholders" chagrin, Moore was abruptly terminated at the height of his value to G.E along with other senior members of the G.E. "old guard."Tenure as CEO of GEThrough the 1980s, Welch worked to streamline GE and make it a more competitive company, although many would say this was at too great a cost to individual employees who were not treated with respect. He shut down factories, reduced payrolls, cut lackluster old-line units. He also pushed the managers of the businesses he kept to become ever more productive. Welch worked to eradicate inefficiency by trimming inventories and dismantling the bureaucracy that had almost led him to leave GE in the past. Although he was initially treated with contempt by those under him for his policies, they eventually grew to respect him. Welch"s strategy was later adopted by other CEOs across corporate America.Each year, Welch would fire the bottom 10% of his managers. He earned a reputation for brutal candor in his meetings with executives. He would push his managers to perform, but he would reward those in the top 20% with bonuses and stock options. He also expanded the broadness of the stock options program at GE from just top executives to nearly one third of all employees. Welch is also known for destroying the nine-layer management hierarchy and bringing a sense of informality to the company.In the early 1980s he was dubbed "Neutron Jack" (in reference to the neutron bomb) for wiping out the employees while leaving the buildings intact. The chapter "the neutron years" in his book says that GE had 411,000 employees at the end of 1980, and 299,000 at the end of 1985. Of the 112,000 who left the payroll, 37,000 were in sold businesses, and 81,000 were reduced in continuing businesses.In 1986, GE acquired NBC. During the 90s, Welch helped to modernize GE by emphasizing a shift from manufacturing to services. He also made hundreds of acquisitions and made a push to dominate markets abroad. Welch adopted the Six Sigma quality program in late 1995.In 1999 he was named "Manager of the Century" by Fortune magazine ([2]).Notable is his record salary of $94 million a year, followed by his record retirement-plan of $8 million a year.CriticismSome people believe that Welch is given too much credit for GE"s success. They contend that individual managers are responsible for the company"s success. For example, Gary C. Wendt led GE Capital to contribute nearly 40% of the company"s total earnings and Robert C. Wright worked to effect a turnaround at NBC, leading it to five years of double-digit earnings and the No.1 position in prime time ratings. Also, Welch did not rescue GE from great losses; indeed, the company had 16% annual earnings growth during the tenure of his predecessor, Reginald H. Jones. Critics also say that "the pressure Welch imposes leads some employees to cut corners, possibly contributing to some of the defense-contracting scandals that have plagued GE, or to the humiliating Kidder, Peabody & Co. bond-trading scheme of the early 1990s that generated bogus profits" ([3]). Welch also is viewed by many as both arrogant and a tireless self-promoter.ResultsNevertheless, Welch has lead the company to massive revenues. In 1980, the year before Welch became CEO, GE recorded revenues of roughly $26.8 billion; in 2000, the year before he left, they were nearly $130 billion. Through its strong earnings and future growth estimates it was valued at $400 billion at the end of 2004, the world"s largest corporation, up from America"s tenth largest by market cap in 1981.Succession planThere was a lengthy and well-publicized succession planning saga prior to his retirement. The contest was between James McNerney, Robert L. Nardelli, and Jeff Immelt. Jeff Immelt finally won the competition, although Robert Nardelli is the current CEO of Home Depot and James McNerney is the CEO of Boeing.This section is a stub. You can help by adding to it.He announced the news of his succession to Jeff Immelt almost the same way as his earlier boss Reg Jones had announced to Jack.Welch begins his bestselling book Jack:Straight from the gut, with this experience of his.Personal lifeWelch has had a slight stutter since childhood. He had four children with his first wife, Carolyn. They divorced amicably in April 1987 after 28 years of marriage. His second wife, Jane Beasley, was a former mergers-and-acquisitions lawyer. She married Jack in April 1989, and they divorced in 2003. While Mr. Welch had crafted a prenuptial agreement, Beasley insisted on a ten-year time limit to its applicability, and thus she was able to leave the marriage with an amount believed in the range of $180m [4]. Third wife of Jack Welch is Suzy Wetlaufer, a former editor of Harvard Business Review, who co-authored his latest book Winning. Wetlaufer served briefly as the editor-in-chief of the Harvard Business Review before being forced to resign in early 2002 after admitting to having been involved in an affair with Welch while preparing an interview with him for the magazine.Welch underwent triple bypass surgery in May 1995. He returned to work full time in September of the same year and also adopted an exercise schedule that includes golf.On January 25, 2006, Jack Welch gave his name to Sacred Heart University"s College of Business, which will be known as the John F. Welch College of Business.


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From Now on Jackie Cho (曹洁敏)

Jackie Cho 只是香港的一个音乐人,可能是没有靓丽的外表,或者是她不喜欢表演吧,只有一首迷死人的《Dreams》在TVB的剧集里经常出现。看来很难找到这版本了。不过这首《From Now on 》不是她的作品,是新加坡的一个音乐人Dick Lee(李迪文)的作品 ,林忆莲和张国荣都唱过,我比较喜欢他俩合唱的版本。 今天4月1日,是纪念张国荣的日子,向你推荐一首Dick Lee的作品《追》,张国荣唱的,不要听CD或MTV,没感觉的。一定要看电影《金枝玉叶》,有多感人看完整场电影你就知道。



推荐R&B、blues 、jazz、soul类型的女歌手

GHQ, I"M DOUBLE D 这些歌很温暖,没有金属味,适合有阳光的午后,很悠闲。。。 【Anaesthesia】Maximilian Hecker强烈推荐 【Summer Days In Bloom】Maximilian Hecker力推! 【end of May】Keren Ann 【gotta have you】The Weepies调调很特别,我用它做过背景音乐。 【i remember】郭采洁 我喜欢睡觉前听这首歌 【Let"s start from here】王若琳 【Never Grow Old】The Cranberries 【Tommai mai rub sak tee】Lydia(泰语)听听这个泰国女孩的声音吧。 【Disguise】Lene marlin 【When You Say Nothing At All】Ronan Keating有个校内好友也推荐过呢。 【valder fields】Tamas Wells很柔。 【don"t know why】Norah Joness很慵懒很舒服。。适合酒吧的浪漫气氛。。 【seven years】Norah Jones觉得她的声音像阳光打在身上一样舒服。 【the story】Norah Jones有点爵士。电影蓝莓之夜。 (二) 很High的鼓点,很High的节奏,很High的声音。。(Dance. DJ .Hip-hop.金属…) 【Good Foot】Justin Timberlake & Timbaland他们不是第一次合作了,绝! 【always come back to your love】Samantha mumba很久前就开始听了。 【Ba Yonga Wamba】Banaroo很有特点,听几遍就可以和着一起唱了。 【Bottle Pop】The Pussycat Dolls我喜欢 【Takin" All Over The World】The Pussycat Dolls 【Whatcha Think About That】The Pussycat Dolls 【When I Grow Up】The Pussycat Dolls 【Buckle Up n Chuggeluck】Heaven在QQ音乐上听到的,推荐,一定要调大音量。 【Chain Hang Low】Jibbs有点轻快。。。 【Disturbia】Rihanna dadada~~~ 【En Dag Tilbage】Nik&Jay 丹麦 【Floorfiller】 【Say It Right】Nelly Furtado她的声音很细,好听。。 【The Magic Key】One-T+cool-T 【I Hate Myself For Loving You】Joan Jett这首实在是太High了~ 【I Miss You】Basshunter 【just dance】 【Lonely】这个我就不用介绍了 【upside down】很多人用过这个曲子跳舞 【Oops Jaime Pas Langlais】 【Peerless】Darin Zanyar 【Remember The Name】Fort minor 【numb】Linkin Park实在是喜欢这支乐队 【in stereo】Fort minor我喜欢那种重重的敲击声 【where"d you go】Fort minor由女声开始,带我们进入黑暗堡垒 【What I"ve Done】Linkin Park相信这首歌对喜欢林肯公园的人都不陌生了吧 【Believe me】Fort minor吐血推荐!!!!!! 【My December】Linkin Park和以往的风格不太一样哦~是我的博客背景音乐。 【Till I Collapse】有时心情不好就听这首。。太刺激了。 【saturday night】Darin 电子乐很好听,也很动感 【Me Against The Music】Britney Spears看X-man的人都知道这首歌。 【do something】Britney Spears 【beautiful liar】Beyonce and Shakira 【my first ride】Aaron Carter 【fighter】Christina Aguilera NBA季后赛主题曲 【I Hate Myself For Loving You】Joan Jett她的声音实在是太high了 【come into my world】Kylie Minogue 【beautiful ones】Suede反正我听完这首歌就觉得很开心。。哈哈。。 【get it out me】Janet Jackson有布兰妮Toxic的感觉。Rap却很像孙燕姿的咕叽咕叽 【cry me a river】Justin timberlake喜欢刚开始那段雨声。 【sexyback】Justin timberlake这就是贾斯汀的风格。 【what dreams are made of】Hilary Duff她叫赫拉瑞达芙 声音很精致。 【beat of my heart】Hilary Duff 【come clean】Hilary Duff这首好听 【wake up】Hilary Duff DJ~ 这些歌曲节奏比较轻快,大部分听了心情会很好哦~~~~试试吧~ 【the saltwater room】Owl City有人说,这首歌有夏天的感觉,是挺清爽,力推! 【do you know】Enrique Iglesias (The Ping Pong Son)这首歌有乒乓球的声音,棒! 【touch my body】Mariah Carey玛利亚凯莉,神一样的女人。。 【I"m Yours】Jason Mraz; 我是你的,你的。。 【Solo】Kate Havnevik一定要听,节奏不是很快。 【my lucky day】Lene marlin ‘Everything will be ok"……因为这句我喜欢上这首歌。 【Unforgivable Sinner】Lene marlin前奏是辽大澡堂之歌。O(∩_∩)o… 【Sitting Down Here】Lene marlin 【whatever it takes】Lene marlin 【7 days】Craig David这个是潘猴子介绍我的。。。。 【Beautiful Girls】Sean kingston这个还有歌女声版本 但还是喜欢这个版本。。 【Force of Nature】Lenka 【Whatcha Think About That】The 1900s 【Lose You】Linda Sundblad 【mary jane shoes】Fergie菲姬 调调轻松明快。最后的部分会给你带来惊喜哦~haha ~ 【don"t believe in love】Dido蒂朵的歌很特别,节奏也很特别。 【here with me】Dido这首更能表现出她独特的嗓音和个性的音乐风格。 【life for rent】Dido这首很好听,相信很多人都听过。。蒂朵。 【so yesterday】Hilary Duff去年的这个时候就是在听这首歌,又找出来了。很好听哦~ 【to all the girls】Aaron Carter之前亚伦这个名字写错了,有网友提醒,谢谢~ 【Sealed With A Kiss Brian Hylan】乡村音乐 【someone"s watching over me】Hilary Duff这是她在电影《劲歌飞扬》里唱的。励志哦~ 【It"s Amazing】Jem 【I"m Gonna Getcha Good】Shania Twain 【Love Is Color-Blind】Sarah Connor有网友说之前没推荐她~她的歌都慢,不在这一类里。 【Here With Me】Michelle Branch这首的风格是General Rock~但还不错~~ 【Never be the same again】Melanie C 【Nothing In The World】Atomic Kitten 【Put Your Arms Around Me】Natasha Bedingfield她的声音很有特点 【The game of love】Santana 【Too Little Too Late】JoJo这首是丫蛋同学介绍的~不错~~么么~ 【Who"s Gonna Love You】The Pussycat Dolls 【free loop】Daniel Powter看台剧和综艺的时候片头就是这个哦~ 我经常失眠,所以我睡觉前会听这些纯音乐~不是很多~像班得瑞和理查德比较常见~我就不做太多介绍了~ 【卡农】钢琴这个好听就不用介绍了 【千寻之歌】日本卖座动画‘神隐少女"主题曲 【Hatsukoi】久石让 【Heaven On Earth】钢琴 【Mother】久石让 【Season】滨崎步 小提琴钢琴 【Tears】钢琴 【The changing seasons】钢琴 【Turning】班得瑞 【Viva La Vida】 【With an orchid】雅尼 【琵琶语】琵琶 林海 这个很古典的哦~ 【菊次郎的夏天】久石让 【风筝与风】(钢琴版) 【River Flows in You】李闰珉 【If I could see you again】李闰珉 【on the way】李闰珉 【kiss the rain】 【天空之城】(小提琴钢琴版 八音盒版 木吉他版) 【down by the sally gardens】恩雅和很多人都唱过。。也有纯音乐~ 【The Dawn 魔兽世界亡灵序曲】这支曲子不太适合睡觉前听。。。 【He s a Pirate】加勒比海盗 也不适合睡觉前听。但不能不听,会想起戴普和他的小胡子~ 这是大家都喜欢的风格R&B~慢摇~爵士~Rap~~嘻哈~ 【Lubov】RossTallanma(俄罗斯慢摇);这首歌我曾介绍给好多人 【Buttons】Pussycat Dolls潘猴子给我的歌,听前奏就迷上了。 【4 Minutes】Madonna&Timbaland Justin这三个人都是我喜欢的,特别是贾斯汀。 【Magic】Justin啊哈哈哈。。有个叫李竹的哈~注意了~~~ 【Don"t cha】Pussycat Dolls这个是她们最早的歌。可以说是第一首~ 【Out Of This Club】 Pussycat Dolls这个是以前在同学的P4里听的的~偷来~ 【We Went As Far As We Felt Like Going】Pussycat Dolls节奏很是紧张~(*^__^*) …… 【Beep】Pussycat Dolls我太喜欢这六个女人。就多推荐了一些~ 【Hot Stuff】Pussycat Dolls一般,但她们的声音实在是性感~ 【Sway】Pussycat Dolls这个很早~大家都听过吧~~ 【Wait a Minute】Pussycat Dolls&Timbaland我真幸运总能淘到这样的好歌~赞一个先~ 【Hung Up】Madonna大家肯定听过。。。。。 【Promiscuous】Nelly Furtado&Timbaland这两个歌手都是我喜欢的。。 【say it right】Nelly Furtado 【Sway】Michael Buble和上面推荐的那首不一样哦~适合跳伦巴~ 【Negative Things】Audius吐血推荐 【Hollandback Girl】Gwen Stefani感觉有点像~ 【Wind It Up】Gwen Stefani怎么就那么耳熟?有《音乐之声》的调调。。。 【In The Morning】Gwen Stefani她声音不那么厚重,但是这首歌还不错。 【Mad, Sexy, Cool】Babyface跪倒推荐 【Run The Show】Kat DeLuna&Busta Rhym女声很High~~ 【Unstoppable】Kat DeLuna我喜欢这首~~~~~嘿嘿~ 【Whine Up】Kat DeLuna&Elephant Man啊哈哈哈。。。。。绝了~~ 【Feel What I Feel】Kat DeLuna这首最好听。。特别是前奏~~~ 【Tattoo】Jordin Sparks这个歌听前奏就有种心旷神怡的感觉。抛弃一切。。 【Cheater"s Dilemma】Kay B一首很清爽的R&B~ 【I Remember】Keyshia Cole 【Shy Boy】Jordin Sparks可能这一季这首最不厚重了~但是配乐很棒! 【Red Blooded Woman】Kylie Minogue 【yesterday】Leona Lewis之前有很多网友推荐这个人~其实我并没有把她落下哦~ 【whatever it takes】Leona Lewis 【Better in Time】Leona Lewis 【I Miss You】Darren Hayes之前给大家的时候好像搞错了~再来一遍~感觉好好哦~ 【Creepin" Up On You】Darren Hayes想来想去还是决定把它写在这一季~ 【insatiable】Darren Hayes之前有推荐过他的歌~ 【U make me wanna】Blue 萧亚轩也唱~多年前在电台第一次听的~ 【Time After Time】Jessica Mauboy这个可不是柯南里的那个。。。。。 【Dilemma Ft Kelly Rowland】Nelly有好听的Rap哦~~~ 【Back at One】Brian McKnight很久的歌~但是值得听,一直听。。。。 【Take A Bow】Rihanna会让你开心的歌~ 【SOS】Rihanna 【Suerte】Shakira西班牙文~不错~~还有英文版的~~ 【Dragostea Din Tei】《不怕不怕》~但是是哪国的语言我实在没查到~网上各种的说~ 【Jenny From The Block】Jennifer Lopez 【Crash】Gwen Stefani挺High的~看名字就知道了~ 【Love In This Club】Usher 【All Fall Down】Anastacia她的歌你就调大音量爽爽的听吧~~~ 【Defeated】Anastacia比上一首慢一些~ 【I Can Feel You】Anastacia这一首电子的味道比较重~ 【Naughty】Anastacia这首最High…… 【Same Song】Anastacia爵士味重~~~ 【Stay With Me】Danity Kane 【Love in December】Club 8 【Beautiful Soul】Jesse McCartney 【Liar Liar】Girlicious我很喜欢这个组合~听听吧~ 【Like Me】Girlicious这首很热闹~赞! 【My Boo】Girlicious这首调调很好听。有特点~~~ 【Stupid Shit】Girlicious 【They Don"t Care About Us】Michael Jackson或许我们都不应该遗忘这个人。。。。 【Used To Love Her】Jay Sean 【un"emergenza d"amore】Laura pausini意大利语非常非常好听。。

歌词 take off my jacket and my tie,something let you get out of my mind

Abhi the Nomad u2013 Somebody To LoveAnother day, another damn dollarAnother coupon in the mailboxAnother bus another train trackAnother broken stained mattress where my brain rotsAnd Iu2019ll be leaving like AlumniYou can taste the gasoline itu2019s got my tongue tiedRolling through the jungle with my punks rightWe waste time and we run wildI watch the colors and the lights as they fadeIn the comfort of shadeThereu2019s no burn in my heartYou stay in front and all around in my faceTricky games that you playWishing we were apartDonu2019t need no money or no timeI need something thatu2019ll get you out my eyesMmmTake off my jacket and my tieI need something thatu2019ll get you off my mindSomebody to love me(whistle)Another year another birthdayAnother boss, another job, another heartacheAnother sadness in a laugh trackA couple years, a couple kids, a couple dad hatsI donu2019t wanna live like thisWhere were you when we needed you the mostI know exactly what you thinkSo Iu2019ll push till I see you no moreI watch the colors and the lights as they fadeIn the comfort of shadeThereu2019s no burn in my heartYou stay in front and all around in my faceTricky games that you playWishing we were apartDonu2019t need no money or no timeI need something thatu2019ll get you out my eyesMmmTake off my jacket and my tieI need something thatu2019ll get you off my mindSomebody to love me(whistle)I think Iu2019m in it for the long runGive me a minute Iu2019ll be undoneYouu2019re old news, still so cold to meCanu2019t get you alone hereIu2019ve put up with you for like a good whileNow I canu2019t seem to clean the insideYouu2019re old news, so cold to meCanu2019t get you alone hereDonu2019t need no money or no timeDonu2019t need no money or no time(whistle)

out of mind James Blunt中文歌词

James Blunt《Out Of My Mind》Judging by the look on the organ-grinder,He"ll judge me by the fact that my face don"t fit.It"s touching that the monkey sits on my shoulder.He"s waiting for the day when he gets me,But I don"t need no alibi - I"m a puppet on a string.I just need this stage to be seen.We all need a pantomime to remind us what is real.Hold my eye and know what it means.Cause I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.Judging by the look on the organ-grinder,He"ll judge me by the fact that my face don"t fit.It"s touching that the monkey sits on my shoulder.He"s waiting for the day when he gets me,But I won"t be your concubineI"m a puppet not a whore.I just need this stage to be seen.Will you be a friend of mine to remind me what is real?Hold my heart and see that it bleeds.Cause I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind. 从目前的研究对器官磨床 他一定判断我的是,我的脸不适合. 它的感人,咱们就坐在我的肩膀. 他等待着这一天,当他到达我, 不过,我不需要任何借口-我是一个傀儡一个字符串. 我只是需要这个阶段将拭目以待.我们都需要一个哑剧,提醒我们什么是真实的.持有我国眼科及知道这意味着什么. 事业我出了主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 从目前的研究对器官磨床,就会引起他的判断我的是,我的脸不适合. 它的感人,咱们就坐在我的肩膀. 他等待着这一天,当他到达我, 但我不会是你的小老婆我是一个傀儡,而不是婊子. 我只是需要这个阶段将拭目以待. 你是我的朋友,我想起什么是真正的? 持我的心,看到它流血. 事业我出了主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意.

Mojave 3的乐队介绍

Mojave 3的音乐给人的第一印象有如天使一般不染丝毫俗艳的色彩,甜美的歌声充满了不食人间烟火的飘渺,犹如精灵一般描绘出一幅如诗如梦的声音图像,在每一个音符间释放出梦幻迷离的乐音。在Mojave 3的音乐之中体味一份无人能解的悲凉,即使沉溺,也是快乐的,似乎有一个隐秘的声音正在代替自己诉说。在一种恍若隔世的梦境里面,他们的吟唱像风刻在水上的指纹,轻柔、纤细、空灵,令人在回忆与梦幻的边缘不停地游走,最终在一片微薄的雾气中迷失了自己。印象有如躲藏在雾气中歌唱的天使一般,甜美的歌声充满了不食人间烟火的飘渺,这是精灵才能描绘出的声音图像,在每一个音符间释放情意的梦幻乐音。来自于英伦的新迷幻风潮下的他们在这张专辑里用相当简单的乐器配置制造出一种慵懒而迷蒙的美感,有着民谣传奇歌手Nick Drake的优雅、Cowboy Junkise的飘渺柔情,另外还有Bob Dylan歌曲般的深情感人。女主唱Rachel如天使呼气般的唱腔,搭配上Neil游走于乡村和民谣之间充满了轻灵味道的吉他,使得《Ask Me Tomorrow》充满了一种深情的哀伤与浪漫,成为探索心灵深处秘境的最佳专辑。&lt;BR&gt;这可是一只正在成长的乐队,没有一点衰落的迹象。Slowdive是在1995年发行了专辑《Pygmalion》之后被唱片公司解约的,今天人们说这是一张非常优美和简约的作品,只是当时他们得到的是悲惨的销量。所幸的是他们音乐的方向已经清晰可见了。Neil Halstead开始在工作的间隙断断续续地写一些歌。几个星期之后Halstead和Slowdive的成员Rachel Goswell、Lan Mc Cutcheon用了3天时间录制了6首音乐小样,其中几首歌曲没有伴奏。他们的经济人带着这盘小样去找4AD的老板Vio Watts-Russell,在听了他们的小样之后,Watts为了能更多地听到他们三个人的音乐立刻为他们投资进行唱片的录制,其实我想在你听了他们的音乐之后也会了解Watts当时的心情,因为Mojave3的音乐风格和This Mortal Coil有着曲风上的相似,但要更加的温柔、轻盈。在This Mortal Coil解散了5年的时候,突然冒出了这么一个让自己心动的组合,我想Watts一定欣喜若狂。&lt;BR&gt;随后他们决定不再继续沿用 “Slowdive”这个名字,为自己起了“Mojave”这个名字,然后在后面又加上了一个“3”,更突出了他们3个人的特点。Mojave 3使用很多传统乐器,如风琴、钢琴。他们从唯美的方向上发展了Slowdive的概念,但是不再以Slowdive的名义。象The Curve、My Bloody Valentine、Pale Saints之类的乐队都属于这个类型。他们都用很多吉他噪音,很迷幻。在签约4AD以后,先前的六首Demos外加上稍后录制的3首歌曲,他们在 1996年出版了自己的第一张专辑“Ask Me Tomorrow”。寂静、神秘、幽暗、深沉的音乐风格和Mazzy Star、The Cowboy Junkies的音乐同出一辙,Mojave 3的演奏更象Galaxie 500被轻微修改了的样子。伴随着类似乡村音乐的特点,其实不仅仅是乡村音乐,也有点儿好像从Unplugged的Slowdive发出的低沉轻微的鼻音。乐队的神秘就象Dean Wareham,不过一切的变化一切的声音都体现了4AD的标志性声音。乐队组成几个月以后,包括4AD公司的Scheer、Lush、Mojave 3进行了被称做“The Shaving the Pavement Tour”的全美演出活动1998年出版了“Out Of Tune”,Chapterhouse的吉它手Simon Rown也加入了乐队,还有键盘手Alan Forrester,他们全心地投入Mojave 3的创作中。这时Mojave 3已经赢得Bob Dylan、Nick Drake、Neil Young的喜爱了。他们已经成为90年代和21世纪早期最有影响力的乐队了,很快Mojave 3投入到第三张专辑的制作中去了,两年以后“Excuses For Travellers”(旅行者们的借口)专辑出版了,专辑延续了前两张专辑的类似流行的多元化音乐因素的风格。不断的进步似乎已经不是他们惟一的追求了,不停的外界赞扬的干扰似乎让他们已经厌烦了,他们以非常谦和的态度对外界宣称:“去掉包装和光环,我们只想安静地独自享受自己的音乐世界,为大家做出最好的专辑。”Neil Halstead再一次担当了创作人,继续用熟练的技术延续他象羽毛般柔软细腻的创作风格。“Excuses For Travellers”和另外两张专辑有些细微的差别,好比幽暗的班卓琴和时常出现的号角,Halstead的声音偶尔显得有点儿粗暴,但没有毁灭的元素,也许容易让人往DOOM方面联想,不过他的音乐依旧不会具有攻击性。值得注意的是Rachel Goswell制作的“Bringin` Me Home”,让Mark Van Hoen这个和Mojave 3合作关系密切的乐队也刮目相看了。很显然,她的声音已经变成了乐队的一件秘密武器。其实这也是一只很低调的乐队,保持了4AD以往乐队的风格,走神秘路线。第一次听到的时候就放下了手上的事情,能让人如此投入的音乐越来越少了,也许是心的感动越来越麻木了吧,但是毕竟还是找到了一些难忘的经历,耳朵在纷繁的世界中越来越遮掩着自己的本吧,其实就象自己的心一样,渐渐地把自己孤立于外界之中,然后看着路人狂发感叹,完了有点儿后悔,因为他们在用同样的心理语言对你说着同样的话。孤立未必是件坏事儿,更多地独立地感触自己的时间,同样未必是件坏事儿。偶尔也让音乐暖暖自己的心吧。

Michael Jackson所演的《 鬼屋 》 里面所有的插曲和主题曲叫什么名字

这些是电影中所有的插曲 1.Superstition 2.Grim Grinning Ghosts 3.Somebody"s Watching Me 4.Spooky 5.Bump In The Night 6.Right Place,Wrong Time 7.Dead Men"s Party 8.Man With The Hex 9.Monster Mash 10.The Boogie Man 11.Tombstone 12.I Put A Spell On You 13.Overture From The Haunted Mansion 14.So Long


class Demo{ public static void main(String[] args) { Box box =new Box(2, 2, 2); System.out.println("这个长方体的体积是:" +box.volume());}}class Box {double width;double height;double depth;Box(double w,double h,double d) {width = w;height = h;depth = d;}double volume() {return width * height * depth;}}


public class Bll{ float m_sum; float m_height; public Bll() { m_sum=0; m_height=100; } public void jump() { this.m_height=this.m_height/2; m_sum+=this.m_height; } public void down() { m_sum+=this.m_height; } public static void main(String[] args) { int n=0; Bll tickBall=new Bll(); while(n<10) { tickBall.down(); n++; if(n<10) { tickBall.jump(); } } System.out.println("第"+n+"次跳的高度是:"+tickBall.m_height); System.out.println(tickBall.m_sum); }}球掉落一次,调用down()函数一次然后判断掉落次数,在调用 jump()函数

Jay-Z的《Tom Ford》 歌词

歌曲名:《Tom Ford》歌手:Jay-Z专辑:《Magna Carta Holy Grail》发行时间:2013-07-04 流派:流行 发行公司:环球唱片歌词:Clap for a nigga with his rapping assBlow a stack for your niggas with your trapping assClap for a nigga with his rapping assBlow a stack for your niggas with your trapping assTom Ford, Tom Ford, Tom FordComing up, coming downRiding clean fix your head in my crownBad bitch, H townKeep it trill, y"all know y"all can"t fuck aroundParis where we been, pard" my ParisianIt"s Hov time in no time, it"s fuck all y"all seasonIt"s Bordeauxs and Burgundies, flush out a RieslingWhen Hov"s out, those hoes out, y"all put y"all weaves inClap for a nigga with his rapping assBlow a stack for your niggas with your trapping assSpent all my euros on tuxes and weird clothesI party with weirdoes, yeah Hov, yeah HovI don"t pop molly, I rock Tom FordInternational bring back the ConcordeNumbers don"t lie, check the scoreboardTom Ford, Tom Ford, Tom FordHands down got the best flow, sound I"m so specialSound boy burial, this my Wayne Perry flowY"all know nothing about Wayne Perry thoughDistrict of Columbia, guns on your TumblrsFuck hashtags and retweets, nigga140 characters in these streets, niggaPardon my laughing, y"all only flagging on beats, niggaPardon my laughing, I happen to think you sweetI don"t pop molly, I rock Tom FordInternational bring back the ConcordeNumbers don"t lie, check the scoreboardTom Ford, Tom Ford, Tom FordComing up, coming downRiding clean fix your head in my crownBad bitch, H townKeep it trill, y"all know y"all can"t fuck aroundComing up, coming downRiding clean fix your head in my crownBad bitch, H townKeep it trill, y"all know y"all can"t fuck around试听:http://music.baidu.com/song/64361853

jason_marz的details in the fabric的歌词

jason mraz - details in the fabricCalm down Deep breaths And get yourself dressed Instead of running around And pulling on your threads and Breaking yourself up If it"s a broken part, replace it if it"s a broken arm then brace it If it"s a broken heart then face it And hold your own Know your name And go your own way Hold your own Know your own name And go your own way And everything will be fine Hang on Help is on the way Stay strong I"m doing everything Hold your own Know your name And go your own way Hold your own Know your name And go your own way And everything, everything will be fine Everything [ Find more Lyrics on http://mp3lyrics.org/EzSZ ]Are the details in the fabric Are the things that make you panic Are your thoughts results of static cling? Are the things that make you blow Hell, no reason, go on and scream If you"re shocked it"s just the fault Of faulty manufacturing. Everything will be fine Everything in no time at all Everything Hold your own Know your name And go your own way Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own, know your name) Are the things that make you panic Are your thoughts results of static cling? (Go your own way) Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own, know your name) Are the things that make you panic (Go your own way) Is it Mother Nature"s sewing machine? Are the things that make you blow (Hold your own, know your name) Hell no reason go on and scream If you"re shocked it"s just the fault (Go your own way) Of faulty manufacturing Everything will be fine Everything in no time at all Hearts will hold





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为了调试远程机器的内存及线程等情况,需要进行远程连接调试,按照如下方法进行: 1. 下载YourKit Java Profiler 首先在server上进行安装,即本机。 下载Linux版本的YourKit Java Profiler 在client端进行安装,即远程主机,由于我们使用的是远程主机操作系统为linux,所以以此为准。 2. 本机安装后,需要有key,可以发送邮件获得15天免费使用 由于远程linux主机使用的是console模式,不需要key,即可使用 3. 对远程主机jdk进行设置 方法是: 1) 首先java –version 获得java的一些版本信息,我获得是 注意红框,这里标注了是32 bit还是64 bit,下面的设置需要,请留意。 2) 对jvm 进行设置: Java –agentpath: <profiler directory>/bin/linux-x86-64/libyjpagent.so 成功后会在相关提示的目录写log信息(截取部分信息):如: 4. 开始远程监控 开启本机的YourKit Java Profiler,要与远程机器的版本相同。 在<profiler directory>/bin/ 目录下,执行脚本yjp.sh 方法:<profiler directory>/bin/yjp.sh –attach [/align]技术问题可以去itjob技术交流群大家一起探讨








javascript的生命周期 只限于当前页面。 刷新后,生命周期就又是新的开始了。。。所以你说的问题 不能实现,只能靠cookie存储 读取,但是cookie很不靠谱,首先是存储量,其次是不安全

java 怎么使用localstorage

在HTML 5中,localstorage是个不错的东西,在支持localstorage的浏览器中, 能持久化用户表单的输入,即使关掉浏览器,下次重新打开浏览器访问,也能读出其值, 下面给出的例子是使用jquery 在每次表单加载的时候,读localstorage的值,而在表单每次提交时则清楚其值的例子 首先是一个表单:   复制代码 代码如下:  <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>HTML5 Local Storage Example</title> <!-- include Bootstrap CSS for layout --> <link rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <h1>HTML5 Local Storage Example</h1> <form method="post" class="form-horizontal"> <fieldset> <legend>Enquiry Form</legend> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="type">Type of enquiry</label> <div class="controls"> <select name="type" id="type"> <option value="">Please select</option> <option value="general">General</option> <option value="sales">Sales</option> <option value="support">Support</option> </select> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="name">Name</label> <div class="controls"> <input class="input-xlarge" type="text" name="name" id="name" value="" maxlength="50"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="email">Email Address</label> <div class="controls"> <input class="input-xlarge" type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" maxlength="150"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="message">Message</label> <div class="controls"> <textarea class="input-xlarge" name="message" id="message"></textarea> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <label class="checkbox"> <input name="subscribe" id="subscribe" type="checkbox"> Subscribe to our newsletter </label> </div> </div> </fieldset> <div class="form-actions"> <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Send" class="btn btn-primary"> </div> </form> </div> 然后是js部分代码:   复制代码 代码如下:  <script src="///jquery-latest.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function () { /* * 判断是否支持localstorage */ if (localStorage) { /* * 读出localstorage中的值 */ if (localStorage.type) { $("#type").find("option[value=" + localStorage.type + "]").attr("selected", true); } if (localStorage.name) { $("#name").val(localStorage.name); } if (localStorage.email) { $("#email").val(localStorage.email); } if (ssage) { $("#message").val(ssage); } if (localStorage.subscribe === "checked") { $("#subscribe").attr("checked", "checked"); } /* * 当表单中的值改变时,localstorage的值也改变 */ $("input[type=text],select,textarea").change(function(){ $this = $(this); localStorage[$this.attr("name")] = $this.val(); }); $("input[type=checkbox]").change(function(){ $this = $(this); localStorage[$this.attr("name")] = $this.attr("checked"); }); $("form") /* * 如果表单提交,则调用clear方法 */ .submit(function(){ localStorage.clear(); }) .change(function(){ console.log(localStorage); }); } });


Paul亲手为爱侣Jackie进行高危险手术,感压力重重。Paul不小心刺破Jackie脑部主动脉,必须于15分钟内替Jackie止血,可惜超时。  Jackie你醒了吗? Paul成功为Jackie切除畸形血管瘤,但刚才的失误却令Jackie昏迷不醒。Paul激动难过,Jackie父母指责Paul为何强迫Jackie接受手术,导致如此结果。Paul回答道:“伯父伯母,今后你们可能需要照顾Jackie很长一段时间。如果你们连自己都照顾不好,又怎么照顾她呢?”Judy劝Henry不应再为瑛的死而自责,失去和Annie的发展机会。Henry了新打火机,自言要用此替Annie点烟。Annie动容,与Henry在街上相拥两人和好。Jackie突然醒来,Paul喜极而泣。最后竟发现原来只是梦一场,Paul感无奈。彩虹出现,Paul认为这是奇迹先兆,高兴的叫Jackie起身看彩虹一眼。只可惜Jackie并无动静,Paul伤心,继续给Jackie讲故事。

JARDINDE CHOUETTE注册过商标吗?还有哪些分类可以注册?

JARDINDE CHOUETTE商标总申请量2件其中已成功注册1件,有0件正在申请中,无效注册1件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,JARDINDE CHOUETTE还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)


光一个字母 ? 没有什么意思~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

java中 +a+ , +a代表什么?还有 --a 和 a-- 的区别?请举实例

1.+a+ :前后的加号是连接符代表连接,举一例子写一输出语句,输出结果:变量a=1 eg:System.out.println("变量"+a+"=1");2.+a :前边的加号也是连接符,eg:System.out.println("变量"+a); 输出结果:变量a3.你知不知道++a与a++的区别,而--a与a--的区别是一样的,其含义都是a=a-1,区别在于使用和运算的先后顺序,例如,--a是先运算后使用,a--反之,举个例子eg:public class First{ public static void main(String []args){ int a = 10; int b = a-- + --a;//a-- + --a=10+8 System.out.println("变量b="+b);//输出结果是:变量b=18 }}b = ++a;含义是b=a+1=4,而这时的变量a=a+1=4,所以输出结果是a=4,b=4如果b=a++;是先使用a的值赋给b,所以b=3,再在运算a=a++=a+1=4所以输出结果是a=4,b=3

初学java中B b=new B();b.m();A a=b

//实例化一个BB b=new B();//调用B类中的m()方法b.m();//A可能是一个接口,B实现了接口A,实例化一个A a让a =bA a=b://A里面有m这么一个属性,给实例化a的m这个属性复制-100.a.m=-100;看不到A B的代码就这么猜一下吧。

jason statham都演过哪些电影?

杰森·斯坦森1972年出生于英国伦敦。他是英国国家潜水艇队的退役运动员,曾经代表英国参加了1992年度的第十二届世界潜水艇冠军赛,也在奥林匹克赛上取得过第三名的好成绩,全球排名第12名。 杰森在伦敦训练时,出演了几部广告片,为平面媒体拍照,由此认识了麦当娜的丈夫、导演盖伊·里奇(Guy Ritchie),继尔获得《两杆大烟枪》(Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels)中贝肯一角,紧接着他出演了里奇的《贪得无厌》(Snatch)和《左轮手枪》(Revolver),有机会与布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)和贝尼西奥·德尔托罗(Benicio Del Toro)等大明星合作。在吕克·贝松(Luc Besson)为他量身打造的《非常人贩》(Transporter)系列中,斯坦森确立起年轻一代动作英雄的形象。

Java java.net.URI登录验证

(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView{ CGRect r = CGRectMake(scrollView.contentOffset.x, scrollView.contentOffset.y, CGRectGetWidth(scrollView.frame), CGRectGetHeight(scrollView.frame)); for (UIView *v in [_tableView subviews]) { if ( CGRectIntersectsRect(r, v.frame) ) { if ( _TBL_TAG_IS_SECTION(v.tag) ) { NSLog(@"visible section tag %d", _TBL_TAG_CLEAR(v.tag)); }

如何练好New Jazz中的body wave?。

body waveInside是关注身体重心的变换,outside是分步分方向进行练习,当然是越细越好,最初练习头,胸,跨,腿几个大部位既可,(body wave也分方向和位置,身体的正面,两侧面,后背面都可以练习,也可以朝不同的方向去做)刚开始只需练习身体的正面及两侧的上下wave就可以了 你说的:侧面看起来是曲线摆动。。比如韩国Jazz中能够让身体看起来很柔软很s e x y很女人味儿的那种 应该是 SEXY JAZZ 如果你想学的话 建议呢 可以先学hiphop 可以先把基本功打扎实 等基本功深厚了 Newstyle的感觉,自然也就会慢慢被你跳出来 等到了这个程度 再学New Jazz 就简单多啦 你如果想再去跳Newjazz的话,再去学起来会相对轻松点 都是靠基本功 New Jazz和Hiphop的音乐: britney spears - circus britney spears - three - mainciara - goodies - hotlineciara&chamillionaire - get upgirlicious - stupid shithot - wow - likejanet jackson - feedbackjessica mauboy - burnkeyshia cole - fallin outlady gaga - porker faceleona lewis - yesterdaylove sex magicoh oh babypitbull - go girlpussycat dolls、buttons sugababes - get sexytimbaland - way i are布兰妮- gimme moreHide and Seek - Q;indivi

麻烦各位解答下关于NEW JAZZ 的身体WAVE动作

BODY WAVE——动作分析:1.身体垂直站立2.头部向前伸,身体其他部位保持不动3.头部回到原来位置,收腹,胸部向前挺起(不要动肩膀)4.收回胸部,放松腹部,并将胯部响前挺出5.收回胯部,整个人成半蹲状态,并将弯曲的膝盖并拢,双脚成内八字,身体其余部分继续保持原来姿势6.伸直膝盖,崛起臀部,并放松腰部,使臀部自然向上提7.5的步骤倒着做回去8.4的步骤倒着做回去9.3的步骤到着做回去10.2的步骤到着做回去11.1的步骤到着做回去最后直立站好即可注意:单独做某个部分的动作时,其余身体的部分保持原来站立的姿势

请问wave 与new jazz有什么区别

Wave俗称电流舞、波浪舞,就是将动作由身体的一边部位像波浪一样传递到另外一边。近年在wave的基础上衍生出风格教新的Rave,特点是骻部扭动的动作特别多。 在新手在练习wave的时候,handwave按分解来做,手指→手背→腕→肘→肩。而对于希望能找到感觉的人而言,可以倒着来练习,很多人对于反方向的wave天生的具有一定的感觉。badywave也是同样的,从上向下来对于一部分人很难,但从下到上,一部分人又觉得很简单,这样是找到感觉的最快办法,应人而易,自己来选择。注意的是handwave的时候,最关键的是在手背到腕的时候要相对的用力而且速度快,这样就能很容易的带动半面各部分的动作。在badywave的时候则是胯的部位想前挺的动作是最关键的,同样是带动全身继续此动作的重要环节。当然,这些所说的好比“十”,只是wave中竖的部分,而对于横着的视觉部分练习又是另当别论。new jazz 新爵士(舞) 其实new jazz 就是现在我们现在一般在跳的爵士,只不过pose点比较多 以前可能是有了舞蹈,再找音乐,但是新潮爵士则是有音乐,再配合去编舞,像各式音乐MTV。 NEW JAZZ早期是在美国纽约由芭蕾所演化过来的。。。 创造出了芭蕾融合HIP-HOP的街舞魅力 其实NEW JAZZ的特色也可以说成是JAZZ加上HIP-HOP的一种舞```` NEW JAZZ的特色就是:身体的延展。NEW JAZZ的每一个动作都有固定的角度跟摆的方式 跳NEW JAZZ的时候作手的动作的时候会有无限延伸的感觉,这种感觉就像是有人正在拉你的手一样 目前跳NEW JAZZ 的主要有: 蔡妍。李孝利,天舞,BOA的舞蹈也有一部分是NEW JAZZ. 目前我们国内的jazz dancer多是女生, 跟舞者在跳NEW JAZZ的妩媚感觉可以说有很大的关系。new jazz也就是power jazz,每一个动作都要求要有爆发力,带有野性,但它和hip-hop里的new jazz是有区别的。 它的起源是来自10多年前, 珍娜杰克森的歌曲"If"的MV(目前没有线上可观看的网页,但可从Kazza下载) MV里的舞蹈比较偏向传统爵士,但在那时,MV里的编舞除了传统爵士的power以外, 也加入了展现女性身段的性感动作。那时候的名词就是power jazz。 此项舞蹈所展现的感觉, 受到日本的青睐,遂有后来的流行代表~ 安室奈美惠,诸如此类的舞蹈产生,之后才开始有NewJazz自己独特的舞蹈风格和名词。 而舞蹈趋向於NewJazz的歌手代表有: 朴志胤,小甜甜布兰妮,早期的安室奈美惠,碧昂思。。。等等 这些耳熟能详的歌手,大家如果常在电视上看到她们的MV的话,大致上就可以知道NewJazz的舞蹈风格是什麼样子了





java peer什么意思

peer 就是类似节点的意思。



openssl 生成的.pem文件 java怎么从这个文件中得到私钥信息



c,java,python,还是其他的所有语言 ,都是有相互关联的,就是语法单词的不同,就是和英语,日语,中文一样,入门的书籍我不知道,但是网上有很多好的网站,你可以去里面看看,边学边做才只最重要的,现在网络资源很丰富,也不一定要看书籍




目前java学习除了在高校的专业中学习,还有自学和报班学习两种途径,根据每个人的情况最合适的学习方式是不同的。学习java只要掌握好方式和方法,其实学起来并不是非常难。java学的内容主要有:①JAVA编程基础(基础语法、面向对象、和谐特性等)②WEB应用开发(静态网页制作、Oracle数据库、Java Web开发技术、Linux技术、网站性能与安全、软件工程开发流程、Java Web和谐等)③企业级框架开发(数据结构与算法、SSH框架、JavaEE和谐等)④项目实训你可以考察对比一下开设有IT专业的热门学校,好的学校拥有根据当下大型企业需求自主研发课程的能力,建议实地考察对比一下。祝你学有所成,望采纳。


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自从Java程序入市以来,Java仍是就业人数最多的编程语言。作为数万程序员的选择,Java就业前景好,岗位多,从业面广。要知道在变幻莫测的编程界,Java独领风骚已有二十多载,23年的独立开发历史,83次荣获Tiobe排行榜首位,90%服务器用Java开发,45.5%开源项目用Java开发。可以说Java是编程界的王者。越来越多的人选择进入到Java领域。很多刚接触Java编程的同学都觉得学习Java编程很简单,但是学到后期越学越吃力,今天我就总结一下Java编程哪一阶段最难学。目前来看,对于那些打算通过学习Java来找到一份工作的同学来说,可以分为三个学习阶段,初级,中级,高级。不同的学习阶段有不同的难点,下面来分这三个阶段看下。初级:面向对象,基本上大多数同学在学到这个概念的时候都会懵逼,太抽象了,逻辑思维不太好的同学,掉到这个坑里就很难再爬上来。多线程,这个也是初级里面比较难学的一个章节,而且有些已经工作两三年的同学对这个知识点仍然是一知半解,大多数Java初级程序员在工作当中也接触不到这方法的Java编程开发工作。中级:这块最难的恐怕就是要学的知识点太多了,无从下手,前台的html,css,Javascript,后台的servlet,jdbc,数据库,tomcat,要学习的知识点真的是太多了,零基础学习Java刚学到这块知识的时候,会觉着比较杂乱,不过只要是把这部分的知识点掌握了,再去学习Java编程后面框架的知识,会容易很多。高级:对于能够学习到这块知识的同学,Java编程对他来说已经没有难学的了。万变不离其宗,只要是把前面的Java编程基础知识掌握好,后面会越来越容易。以上就是我总结的Java编程各阶段的难点汇总。万事开头难,有很多人都倒在了hello world上面。只要你用心,Java编程其实并不难。————————————————版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「戏精程序媛」的

跪求X Japan的rusty nail的按发音译成的中文歌词或者罗马音歌词!

kioku no kakera ni egaita bara wo mitsumete togireta omoi de kasaneru kawaranai yume ni Oh! Rusty Nail dore dake namida wo nagaseba anata wo wasurerareru darou Just tell me my life doko made aruite mitemo namida de ashita ga mienai jyosho ni owatta shuumatsu no kizu wasurete nagareru toki ni dakaretemo mune ni tsuki sasaru Oh! Rusty Nail dore dake namida wo nagaseba anata wo wasurerareru darou utsukushiku iroasete nemuru bara wo anata no kokoro ni sakasete sugao no mama de ikite yukereba kitto hitomi ni utsuru yoru wa kagayaku yume dake nokoshite asa wo mukaeru kodoku wo wasurete akai tekubi wo dakishimete naita yoru wo owarasete kioku no tobira wo tozashita mama de furuetetogireta omoi wo kasaneru aoi kuchibiru ni Oh! Rusty Nail dore dake namida wo nagaseba anata wo wasurerareru darou Just tell me my life doko made aruite mitemo namida de ashita ga mienai kurushikute kokoro wo kazatta... ima mo anata wo wasurerarenakute

我想要X-JAPAN的rusty nail的平假名歌词,或者帮我把歌词中这些汉字注上假名。

kioku no kakera ni egaita bara wo mitsumetetogireta omoi de kasaneru kawaranai yume niOH! RUSTY NAIL* dore dake namida wo nagasebaanata wo wasurerareru darouJUST TELL ME MY LIFEdoko made aruite mitemonamida de ashita ga mienaijyosho ni owatta shuumatsu no kizu wasuretenagareru toki ni dakaretemo mune ni tsuki sasaruOH! RUSTY NAILdore dake namida wo nagasebaanata wo wasurerareru darouutsukushiku iroasete nemuru bara woanata no kokoro ni sakasetesugao no mama de ikite yukereba kittohitomi ni utsuru yoru wa kagayaku yume dake nokoshiteasa wo mukaeru kodoku wo wasureteakai tekubi wo dakishimete naita yoru wo owarasetekioku no tobira wo tozashita mama de furuetetogireta omoi wo kasaneru aoi kuchibiru niOH! RUSTY NAIL* repeatkurushikute kokoro wo kazatta... ima moanata wo wasurerarenakute

求 X Japan 《Rusty Nail》 中文演唱的歌词,要的是怎么唱的 用拼音或中国字描述出来的。

用中文的音不准的。。。= =若真是X饭。。。从长远考虑~~~LZ可以考虑罗马音看看~~===罗马音~====Rusty Nail 作词 : YOSHIKI / 作曲 : YOSHIKI kioku no kakera ni egaita bara wo mitsumete togireta omoi de kasaneru kawaranai yume niOh- Rusty Nail dore dake namida wo nagaseba anata wo wasurerareru darou Just tell me my life doko made aruite mitemo namida de ashita ga mienaijyosho ni owatta shuumatsu no kizu wasurete nagareru toki ni dakaretemo mune ni tsuki sasaruOh- Rusty Nail dore dake namida wo nagaseba anata wo wasurerareru darou utsukushiku iroasete nemuru bara wo anata no kokoro ni sakasete I wanna die I wanna live I wanna die to set me free Day and night Night and day I wanna live to set me free I can die I can live I can die to set me free Day and night Night and day I wanna live to set me free......sugao no mama de ikite yukereba kitto hitomi ni utsuru yoru wa kagayaku yume dake nokoshite asa wo mukaeru kodoku wo wasurete akai tekubi wo dakishimete naita yoru wo owarasetekioku no tobira wo tozashita mama de furuete togireta omoi wo kasaneru aoi kuchibiru niOh- Rusty Nail dore dake namida wo nagaseba anata wo wasurerareru darou Just tell me my life doko made aruite mitemo namida de ashita ga mienai kurushikute kokoro wo kazatta... ima mo anata wo wasurerarenakute


小例子<script>function ch(temp){ a=document.getElementById("link"); a.innerHTML="<a href="+ temp +" target=_blank>友情链接</a>";}</script><p> <select name="s" id="s" onchange="ch(this.value)"> <option value="http://www.baidu.com">链接1</option> <option value="http://www.sina.com.cn">链接2</option> <option value="http://www.sohu.com.cn">链接3</option> </select></p><div id="link"><a href="">友情链接</a></div>

火狐谷歌浏览器中 a 的href属性里怎么写javascript代码才能被识别,


java 根据a标签内容获取href链接地址

var as = document.getElementsByTag("a");var href = as[0].href;var title = as[0].innerText;


safair 浏览器会直接跳转到javascript:; 所以最后写成 javascript:void(0);

A href="javascript:;的作用?



//BIN_LIB为JAR包中存放DLL的路径 //getResourceAsStream以JAR中根路径为开始点 private synchronized static void loadLib(String libName) throws IOException { String systemType = System.getProperty("os.name"); String libExtension = (systemType.toLowerCase().indexOf("win")!=-1) ? ".dll" : ".so"; String libFullName = libName + libExtension; String nativeTempDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"); InputStream in = null; BufferedInputStream reader = null; FileOutputStream writer = null; File extractedLibFile = new File(nativeTempDir+File.separator+libFullName); if(!extractedLibFile.exists()){ try { in = SMAgent.class.getResourceAsStream(BIN_LIB + libFullName); if(in==null) in = SMAgent.class.getResourceAsStream(libFullName); SMAgent.class.getResource(libFullName); reader = new BufferedInputStream(in); writer = new FileOutputStream(extractedLibFile); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while (reader.read(buffer) > 0){ writer.write(buffer); buffer = new byte[1024]; } } catch (IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if(in!=null) in.close(); if(writer!=null) writer.close(); } } System.load(extractedLibFile.toString()); }


Jay-Z Alicia Keys--Empire State of Mind

2009MTV音乐大奖颁奖典礼上,最后一首歌叫什么名字?好像是JAY-Z和一个女的唱的,IN NEW YORK?

empire state of mind
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