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Ajax 即“Asynchronous Javascript And XML”(异步 JavaScript 和 XML),是指一种创建交互式、快速动态网页应用的网页开发技术,无需重新加载整个网页的情况下,能够更新部分网页的技术。通过在后台与服务器进行少量数据交换,Ajax 可以使网页实现异步更新。这意味着可以在不重新加载整个网页的情况下,对网页的某部分进行更新。




AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript and XML(异步的 JavaScript 和 XML)。AJAX 不是新的编程语言,而是一种使用现有标准的新方法。AJAX 是与服务器交换数据并更新部分网页的艺术,在不重新加载整个页面的情况下。


望采纳一、Ajax原理是什么AJAX全称(Async Javascript and XML),即异步的JavaScript 和XML是一种创建交互式网页应用的网页开发技术,可以在不重新加载整个网页的情况下,与服务器交换数据,并且更新部分网页Ajax的原理简单来说通过XmlHttpRequest对象来向服务器发异步请求,从服务器获得数据,然后用JavaScript来操作DOM而更新页面流程图如下:校长想找班主任汇报工作,就委托秘书去叫班主任自己就接着做其他事情,直到秘书告诉他班主任已经到了,最后班主任跟领导汇报工作Ajax请求数据流程与“校长想找班主任汇报一下工作”类似,上述秘书就相当于XMLHttpRequest对象,校长相当于浏览器,响应数据相当于班主任浏览器可以发送HTTP请求后,接着做其他事情,等收到XHR返回来的数据再进行操作二、实现过程实现Ajax异步交互需要服务器逻辑进行配合,需要完成以下步骤:建 Ajax的核心对象 XMLHttpRequest对象通过 XMLHttpRequest 对象的 open() 方法与服务端建立连接构建请求所需的数据内容,并通过XMLHttpRequest对象的 send() 方法发送给服务器端XMLHttpRequest 对象提供的 onreadystatechange 事件监听服务器端你的通信状态接受并处理服务端向客户端响应的数据结果 将处理结果更新到 HTML页面中2.1创建XMLHttpRequest对象通过XMLHttpRequest() 构造函数用于初始化一个 XMLHttpRequest 实例对象const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();12.2与服务器建立连接通过 XMLHttpRequest 对象的 open() 方法与服务器建立连接xhr.open(method, url, [async][, user][, password])1参数说明:method:表示当前的请求方式,常见的有GET、POSTurl:服务端地址async:布尔值,表示是否异步执行操作,默认为trueuser: 可选的用户名用于认证用途;默认为nullpassword: 可选的密码用于认证用途,默认为null2.3给服务端发送数据通过 XMLHttpRequest 对象的 send() 方法,将客户端页面的数据发送给服务端xhr.send([body])1body: 在 XHR 请求中要发送的数据体,如果不传递数据则为 null 如果使用GET请求发送数据的时候,需要注意如下:将请求数据添加到open()方法中的url地址中发送请求数据中的send()方法中参数设置为null2.4绑定onreadystatechange事件onreadystatechange 事件用于监听服务器端的通信状态,主要监听的属性为XMLHttpRequest.readyState ,关于XMLHttpRequest.readyState属性有五个状态,如下图显示:只要readyState属性值一变化,就会触发一次readystatechange事件XMLHttpRequest.responseText属性用于接收服务器端的响应结果举个例子:const request = new XMLHttpRequest()request.onreadystatechange = function(e){ if(request.readyState === 4){ // 整个请求过程完毕 if(request.status >= 200 && request.status <= 300){ console.log(request.responseText) // 服务端返回的结果 }else if(request.status >=400){ console.log("错误信息:" + request.status) } }}request.open("POST","request.send()三、封装通过上面对XMLHttpRequest对象的了解,下面来封装一个简单的ajax请求//封装一个ajax请求function ajax(options) { //创建XMLHttpRequest对象 const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()//初始化参数的内容 options = options || {} options.type = (options.type || "GET").toUpperCase() options.dataType = options.dataType || "json" const params = options.data //发送请求 if (options.type === "GET") { xhr.open("GET", options.url + "?" + params, true) xhr.send(null) } else if (options.type === "POST") { xhr.open("POST", options.url, true) xhr.send(params) //接收请求 xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState === 4) { let status = xhr.status if (status >= 200 && status < 300) { options.success && options.success(xhr.responseText, xhr.responseXML) } else { options.fail && options.fail(status) } } }}使用方式如下:ajax({ type: "post", dataType: "json", data: {}, url: " success: function(text,xml){//请求成功后的回调函数 console.log(text) }, fail: function(status){请求失败后的回调函数 console.log(status) }})


//定义一个var xmlHttp;function createXMLHttpRequest(){ if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); }else if(window.ActiveXObject){ xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }}function check(){ //1.获取需要发送服务器的请求参数 var username = document.getElementById("username").value; //2.创建XMLHttpRequest对象 createXMLHttpRequest(); //3.定义url,指定发送到服务器哪个文件 var url = "servlet/CheckServlet"; //4.打开连接,异步模式 xmlHttp.open("post", url, true); //5.设置请求头信息 xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); //6.回调函数,接收服务器响应数据 xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function (){ //8.接收服务器端的响应数据 //判断请求发送的状态和HTTP状态码 if(xmlHttp.readyState==4&&xmlHttp.status==200){ //9.接收响应数据 var text = xmlHttp.responseText; alert(text); //10.根据text的值确定在页面动态显示相应的信息 var msg_username = document.getElementById("msg_username"); if(text=="false"){ msg_username.innerHTML="<font color="red">否</font>"; document.getElementById("submit").disabled=true; }else{ msg_username.innerHTML="<font color="green">是</font>"; document.getElementById("submit").disabled=false; } } } //7.发送 xmlHttp.send("username="+username); alert(username);}


Ajax的工作原理相当于在用户和服务器之间加了—个中间层(AJAX引擎),使用户操作与服务器响应异步化。并不是所有的用户请求都提交给服务器。像—些数据验证和数据处理等都交给Ajax引擎自己来做,,只有确定需要从服务器读取新数据时再由Ajax引擎代为向服务器提交请求。Ajax是指一种创建交互式、快速动态网页应用的网页开发技术,无需重新加载整个网页的情况下,能够更新部分网页的技术。通过在后台与服务器进行少量数据交换,Ajax 可以使网页实现异步更新。这意味着可以在不重新加载整个网页的情况下,对网页的某部分进行更新。扩展资料:Ajax这个术语源自描述从基于 Web 的应用到基于数据的应用。Ajax 不是一种新的编程语言,而是一种用于创建更好更快以及交互性更强的Web应用程序的技术。使用 JavaScript 向服务器提出请求并处理响应而不阻塞用户核心对象XMLHttpRequest。通过这个对象,您的 JavaScript 可在不重载页面的情况与 Web 服务器交换数据,即在不需要刷新页面的情况下,就可以产生局部刷新的效果。Ajax 在浏览器与 Web 服务器之间使用异步数据传输(HTTP 请求),这样就可使网页从服务器请求少量的信息,而不是整个页面。Ajax可使因特网应用程序更小、更快,更友好。Ajax 是一种独立于 Web 服务器软件的浏览器技术。 Ajax 基于下列 Web 标准:JavaScript、XML、HTML与 CSS 在 Ajax 中使用的 Web 标准已被良好定义,并被所有的主流浏览器支持。Ajax 应用程序独立于浏览器和平台。Web 应用程序较桌面应用程序有诸多优势;它们能够涉及广大的用户,它们更易安装及维护,也更易开发。不过,因特网应用程序并不像传统的桌面应用程序那样完善且友好。通过 Ajax,因特网应用程序可以变得更完善,更友好。参考资料:百度百科-ajax(Ajax 开发)


ajax是一种技术方案,但并不是一种新技术。它依赖的是现有的CSS/HTML/JavaScript,而其中最核心的依赖就是浏览器提供的XMLHttpRequest对象,是这个对象使得浏览器可以发出HTTP请求与接收HTTP响应,实现在页面不刷新的情况下和服务端进行数据交互。浏览器升级之后,出现了fetch,也可以认为是ajax的一种实现。(兼容性差) 使用XMLHttpRequest对象来发送一个Ajax请求。 status:200-300表示正常状态码。 status:404表示这个文件不存在。 status:503服务器收到了请求但是内部报错了。 status:304表示这个数据是有缓存的。 readyState:存有XMLHttpRequest的状态。从0~4发生变化 只要readyState属性的值由一个值变成另一个值,都会触发一次readystatechange事件。必须在调用open()之前指定onreadystatechange事件处理程序才能保证跨浏览器兼容性。与其他事件不同的是,这里没有向readystatechange事件处理程序中传递event对象,必须通过XHR对象本身来确定下一步该怎么做。 在接受响应之前,还可以调用abort()方法来取消异步请求, 调用这个方法之后,XHR对象会停止触发事件,而且也不在允许访问任何与响应有关的对象属性。 XMLHttpRequest标准又分为Level 1和Level 2。 1.缺点: 此属性可以设置HTTP请求的时限。与之相关的是timeout()事件,用来指定回调函数。 timeout属性表示请求在等待多少毫秒之后就终止,再给timeout设置一个数值后,如果在规定的时间内浏览器还没有接收到响应,那么就会触发timeout事件,进而会调用ontimeout事件处理程序。如果在超时终止请求之后再访问status属性,就会导致错误。为避免浏览器报告错误,可以将检查status属性的语句封装在一个try-catch语句中。 ajax直接传送FormData对象与点击submit提交网页表单的效果是一样的。 使用FormData的优点:不必明确地在XHR对象上设置请求头部,XHR能够识别传入的数据类型是FormData的实例,并配置适当的头部信息。 假定files是一个"选择文件"的表单元素(input[type="file"]),将它装入FormData对象,之后发送FormData即可实现文件的上传。 作用:指定xhr.response的数据类型。 作用:获取response数据 作用:表示发送数据。 xhr.send(data)的参数data可以是以下几种类型: 阮一峰:XMLHttpRequest Level 2 使用指南 你真的会使用XMLHttpRequest么? 《javascript高级程序设计》 饥人谷前端教程




1.什么是Ajax? Ajax的全称是:AsynchronousJavaScript+XML 2.Ajax的定义: Ajax不是一个技术,它实际上是几种技术,每种技术都有其独特这处,合在一起就成了一个功能强大的新技术。 3.Ajax包括: XHTML和CSS 使用文档对象模型(DocumentObjectModel)作动态显示和交互 使用XML和XSLT做数据交互和操作 使用XMLHttpRequest进行异步数据接收 使用JavaScript将它们绑定在一起 Web开发领域的最新时髦术语其实质是“旧貌换新颜”。 Ajax(AsynchronousJavaScriptandXML)是结合了Java技术、XML以及JavaScript等编程技术,可以让开发人员构建基于Java技术的Web应用,并打破了使用页面重载的惯例。 Ajax是使用客户端脚本与Web服务器交换数据的Web应用开发方法。这样,Web页面不用打断交互流程进行重新加裁,就可以动态地更新。使用Ajax,用户可以创建接近本地桌面应用的直接、高可用、更丰富、更动态的Web用户界面。 异步JavaScript和XML(AJAX)不是什么新技术,而是指这样一种方法:使用几种现有技术——包括级联样式表(CSS)、JavaScript、XHTML、XML和可扩展样式语言转换(XSLT),开发外观及操作类似桌面软件的Web应用软件。实现Ajax的所有组件都已存在了许多年。AdaptivePath的用户体验战略部门主管兼创办合伙人JesseJamesGarrett今年2月发表在AdaptivePath网站上的一篇文章中杜撰了这个术语。 异步这个词是指AJAX应用软件与主机服务器进行联系的方式。如果使用旧模式,每当用户执行某种操作、向服务器请求获得新数据,Web浏览器就会更新当前窗口。 如果使用AJAX的异步模式,浏览器就不必等用户请求操作,也不必更新整个窗口就可以显示新获取的数据。只要来回传送采用XML格式的数据,在浏览器里面运行的JavaScript代码就可以与服务器进行联系。JavaScript代码还可以把样式表加到检索到的数据上,然后在现有网页的某个部分加以显示。 在面向消费者的诸多应用当中,Google的Gmail和GoogleMaps就是最常见的例子。在Gmail当中,AJAX负责如何开启线程会话,以显示不同邮件的文本内容。而在Maps当中,AJAX允许用户以一种似乎无缝的方式拖拉及滚动地图。 还有雅虎的Flickr像片共享应用和亚马逊网站的A9搜索引擎。另外,雅虎新的Web邮件服务可能很快就会吸引AJAX支持者的莫大关注,这项服务基于雅虎收购Oddpost后得到的技术。 这些UI都充分地使用了后台通道,也被一些开发者称为“Web2.0”,并导致了大家对Ajax应用兴趣的猛涨。 然而,AJAX应用软件厂商越来越把目光瞄准了企业。譬如说,Scalix的WebAccess电子邮件应用软件其实比微软Outlook自己的Web邮件界面更像Outlook。 不过AJAX应用软件的适用领域具有一定的局限性。因为它们利用了一些最新的Web技术,所以只能在某些Web浏览器里面运行——不过AJAX适用的浏览器正越来越多。 Ajax Ajax,异步JavaScript与XML,是使用客户端脚本与Web服务器交换数据的Web应用开发方法。这样,Web页面不用打断交互流程进行重新加裁,就可以动态地更新。使用Ajax,你可以创建接近本地桌面应用的,直接的、高可用的、更丰富的、更动态的Web用户接口界面。 Ajax处理过程 一个Ajax交互从一个称为XMLHttpRequest的JavaScript对象开始。如同名字所暗示的,它允许一个客户端脚本来执行HTTP请求,并且将会解析一个XML格式的服务器响应。Ajax处理过程中的第一步是创建一个XMLHttpRequest实例。使用HTTP方法(GET或POST)来处理请求,并将目标URL设置到XMLHttpRequest对象上。 现在,记住Ajax如何首先处于异步处理状态?当你发送HTTP请求,你不希望浏览器挂起并等待服务器的响应,取而代之的是,你希望通过页面继续响应用户的界面交互,并在服务器响应真正到达后处理它们。要完成它,你可以向XMLHttpRequest注册一个回调函数,并异步地派发XMLHttpRequest请求。控制权马上就被返回到浏览器,当服务器响应到达时,回调函数将会被调用。 在JavaWeb服务器上,到达的请求与任何其它HttpServletRequest一样。在解析请求参数后,servlet执行必需的应用逻辑,将响应序列化到XML中,并将它写回HttpServletResponse。 一个Ajax交互从一个称为XMLHttpRequest的JavaScript对象开始。如同名字所暗示的,它允许一个客户端脚本来执行HTTP请求,并且将会解析一个XML格式的服务器响应。Ajax处理过程中的第一步是创建一个XMLHttpRequest实例。使用HTTP方法(GET或POST)来处理请求,并将目标URL设置到XMLHttpRequest对象上。 现在,记住Ajax如何首先处于异步处理状态?当你发送HTTP请求,你不希望浏览器挂起并等待服务器的响应,取而代之的是,你希望通过页面继续响应用户的界面交互,并在服务器响应真正到达后处理它们。要完成它,你可以向XMLHttpRequest注册一个回调函数,并异步地派发XMLHttpRequest请求。控制权马上就被返回到浏览器,当服务器响应到达时,回调函数将会被调用。 在JavaWeb服务器上,到达的请求与任何其它HttpServletRequest一样。在解析请求参数后,servlet执行必需的应用逻辑,将响应序列化到XML中,并将它写回HttpServletResponse。 一个Ajax交互从一个称为XMLHttpRequest的JavaScript对象开始。如同名字所暗示的,它允许一个客户端脚本来执行HTTP请求,并且将会解析一个XML格式的服务器响应。Ajax处理过程中的第一步是创建一个XMLHttpRequest实例。使用HTTP方法(GET或POST)来处理请求,并将目标URL设置到XMLHttpRequest对象上。 现在,记住Ajax如何首先处于异步处理状态?当你发送HTTP请求,你不希望浏览器挂起并等待服务器的响应,取而代之的是,你希望通过页面继续响应用户的界面交互,并在服务器响应真正到达后处理它们。要完成它,你可以向XMLHttpRequest注册一个回调函数,并异步地派发XMLHttpRequest请求。控制权马上就被返回到浏览器,当服务器响应到达时,回调函数将会被调用。 在JavaWeb服务器上,到达的请求与任何其它HttpServletRequest一样。在解析请求参数后,servlet执行必需的应用逻辑,将响应序列化到XML中,并将它写回HttpServletResponse。


ajax简介 AJAX全称“Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”(异步JavaScript和XML),是指一种创建交互式网页应用的网页开发技术。它有机地包含了以下几种技术: 基于web标准(standards-based presentation)XHTML+CSS的表示; 使用 DOM(Document Object Model)进行动态显示及交互; 使用 XML 和 XSLT 进行数据交换及相关操作; 使用 XMLHttpRequest 进行异步数据查询、检索; 使用 JavaScript 将所有的东西绑定在一起。 类似于DHTML或LAMP,AJAX不是指一种单一的技术,而是有机地利用了一系列相关的技术。事实上,一些基于AJAX的“派生/合成”式(derivative/composite)的技术正在出现,如“AFLAX”。ajax优势 传统的web应用允许用户填写表单(form),当提交表单时就向web服务器发送一个请求。服务器接收并处理传来的表单,然后返回一个新的网页。这个做法浪费了许多带宽,因为在前后两个页面中的大部分HTML代码往往是相同的。由于每次应用的交互都需要向服务器发送请求,应用的响应时间就依赖于服务器的响应时间。这导致了用户界面的响应比本地应用慢得多。与此不同,AJAX应用可以仅向服务器发送并取回必需的数据,它使用SOAP或其它一些基于XML的web service接口,并在客户端采用JavaScript处理来自服务器的响应。因为在服务器和浏览器之间交换的数据大量减少,结果我们就能看到响应更快的应用。同时很多的处理工作可以在发出请求的客户端机器上完成,所以Web服务器的处理时间也减少了。


ajax(ajax开发)AJAX即“Asynchronous Javascript + XML”(异步JavaScript和XML),是指一种创建交互式网页应用的网页开发技术。AJAX = 异步 JavaScript和XML(标准通用标记语言的子集)。AJAX 是一种用于创建快速动态网页的技术。通过在后台与服务器进行少量数据交换,AJAX 可以使网页实现异步更新。这意味着可以在不重新加载整个网页的情况下,对网页的某部分进行更新。传统的网页(不使用 AJAX)如果需要更新内容,必须重载整个网页面。有很多使用 AJAX 的应用程序案例:新浪微博、Google 地图、开心网等等。[2]



Mary Jane (All Night Long) 歌词

歌曲名:Mary Jane (All Night Long)歌手:Mary J. Blige专辑:Mary / Share My World / The TourAlanis Morissette - Mary Jane(Acoustic)What"s the matter Mary Jane, you had a hard dayAs you place the don"t disturb sign on the doorYou lost your place in line again, what a pityYou never seem to want to dance anymoreIt"s a long way downOn this roller coasterThe last chance streetcarWent off the trackAnd you"re on itI hear you"re counting sheep again Mary JaneWhat"s the point of trying to dream anymoreI hear you"re losing weight again Mary JaneDo you ever wonder who you"re losing it forWell it"s full speed babyIn the wrong directionThere"s a few more bruisesIf that"s the wayYou insist on headingPlease be honest Mary JaneAre you happyPlease don"t censor your tearsYou"re the sweet crusaderAnd you"re on your wayYou"re the last great innocentAnd that"s why I love youSo take this moment Mary Jane and be selfishWorry not about the cars that go byAll that matters Mary Jane is your freedomKeep warm my dear, keep dryTell meTell meWhat"s the matter Mary Jane...Tell mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8773348

女生英文名Janice、Jana、Karen、Vincy 哪一个更好?


Jacobs Ladder 歌词

Jacob"s LadderChumbawambaJacob"s Ladder演唱:Chumbawamba歌曲:Jacob"s Ladder (Not in My Name)~幸魂~收藏like a sermon on the mountainsays the dumber got dumbhellfire and brimstoneswapped for oil and gunswhen we"re pushing up daisieswe all look the samein the name of the father maybebut not in my nameon this Jacob"s ladderthe only way up is downone step from disastertwo to make the higher groundJacob"s ladderAnd they sent him to the wars to be slain, to be slainAnd they sent him to the wars to be slaina million lifetimesleft dying in the sunin the streets down in Whitehalldogs picking at the bonesnine eleven got brandednine eleven got soldthere will be no one left to waterall the seeds you"ve sownon this Jacob"s ladderthe only way up is downone step from disastertwo to make the higher groundJacob"s ladderand they sent him to the warsto be slain to be slainand they sent him to the warsto be slainAnd they sent him to the wars to be slain, to be slainAnd they sent him to the wars to be slainon this Jacob"s ladderthe only way up is downone step from disastertwo to make the higher groundon this Jacob"s ladderthe only way up is downone step from disastertwo to make the higher groundJacob"s ladderO Bulldog Leader,sooner or laterwe"ll dig up the body and try her murderO Bulldog Leader,sooner or laterwe"ll dig up the body and try her murder........http://music.baidu.com/song/8368539



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草龟买回来快一个月了 什么都不吃 指甲也断了2个 还开始有点掉皮的现象 是不是泡在水里太久的原因 而且它整天趴在石头上睡觉 眼睛很少睁开 它是生病了吗

求Jayz Rihanna的中文和英文歌词

Feeling it coming in the air,感触空气中它临近的气息Hear the screams from everywhere,聆听呼声充溢每个角落I"m addicted to thrill,沉溺于激动心绪无法自拔Its a dangerous love affair,这份眷恋如此危险Can"t be scared when it goes down,当它降临无须胆怯Got a problem tell me now,迷惘时请向我倾诉Only thing thats on my mind 现在我心唯一所系is who gon run this town tonight,是今夜谁将主宰这座城市Who gon run this town tonite,今夜谁将主宰这座城市We gon run this town!我们来主宰这座城市(Jay-Z)We are,是我们Yeah I said it we are,没错 我说的就是我们This is Roc Nation,这是ROC的国度Pledge your allegiance,起誓效忠于它Get your fatigues on,穿上你的制服All black everything,周身都是黑色Black cards, blacks cars, All black everything,黑卡 黑色的车 将一切染成黑色And that girls a black birds 女孩像是黑色鸟儿riding with their dillingers,用魅惑驾驭心思I get more in depth,我正逐步深入If you boys really real enough但需要男孩们足够刚执This is la Familia, I"ll explain later,这是个大家族 此后再来解释But for now let me get back to this paper,而此刻让我谈谈金钱(方面的得失)I"m a couple bands down,我损失了些钱财And im tryin get back,但我正努力扭转局势I gave Doug a grip and lost a flip for five stacks,给了Doug很多钱 ,却因此失去更多Me im talking 5 comma 6 zero"s, dot zero"s,我说的是五亿美元 ,(但愿能得其所)Back to running circles round, 负隅归来 忙碌不堪 重操旧业 (岂管繁奢)? Nigga now we squared up, Hold uuuup兄弟们现整装待发 奏响最后战歌(Rihanna - Chorus)Life"s a game and but its not fair,生命是一场不公平的游戏I break the rules so I don"t care,我践踏常规 ,不屑一顾(的神气)So i keep doing my own thing,所以我一直为所欲为Walking tall against the rain,顶着风雨大步前行Victory"s within the mile,窥见凯旋的曙光Almost there don"t give up now,将到终点 决不放弃Only thing thats on my mind is who"s gon run this town tonight,而我心现在唯一所系 是今夜谁将主宰这座城市Heeeeey, heeeey, heeeey嗨~~~~~~~~~~~Who"s gon run this town tonite,今夜谁将主宰这座城市(Jay-Z)We are,我们Yeah I said it we are,没错 我说的就是我们You can call me Ceasar,你可以叫我凯撒In a dark ceasar,戴着黑色的皇冠Please follow the leader,请遵从我的指令So Eric B we are,和Eric B如此相似Microphone fiend, this the return of The God,麦克风上的能手 王者已经归来Peace God,上帝让一切平息It aint no nobody fresher,再没有谁比你更老土Im in mason, ah, martin, margella,我穿的是梅森-马丁-马吉拉的衣服On the table screaming fuck the other side they jealous,嫉妒之人在彼端谩骂We got a banquet full of broads,艳羡我们有美女成群的盛宴They got a table full of fella"s,他们却只有男人满桌的荒凉Yeaaaahh, and they aint spending no cake,耶 ~~他们分不到一杯羹They should throw they hand in cos they aint got no spades,而应该摊手臣服于我 因为手中已无黑桃王Yeah, my whole team got dough,耶~~ 我们挥金如土So my banquet is looking like millionaires row.所以连我的手下 都像是百万富豪大商(Rihanna - Chorus)Life"s a game and but its not fair,生命是一场不公平的游戏I break the rules so I don"t care,我践踏常规 ,不屑一顾(的神气)So i keep doing my own thing,所以我一直为所欲为Walking tall against the rain,顶着风雨大步前行Victory"s within the mile,窥见凯旋的曙光Almost there don"t give up now,将到终点 决不放弃Only thing thats on my mind is who"s gon run this town tonight,而我心现在唯一所系 是今夜谁将主宰这座城市Heeeeey, heeeey, heeeey嗨~~~~~~~~~~~Who"s gon run this town tonite,今夜谁将主宰这座城市(Kanye West)Its crazy how you can go from being Joe Blow,这实在是疯狂 你居然能从一个普通的老百姓To everybody on your dick, no homo,直至君临天下 红颜缱绻I bought my whole family whips, no volvo"s我给我全家买了车 但没买沃尔沃Next time I"m in Church please no photos,下次我去教堂时 请别乱拍照(求索)Police escorts, everybody passports,警察护送 人海簇拥This the life that everybody ask for这是每个人都想拥有的生活This the fast life we are on a crash course这是正在速成的生活 一切如此飞驰不羁What you think i rap for to push a fucking Rav 4,你认为我为何说唱?只为了买辆Rav 4?But i know that if I stay stunting,可我知晓 如果一直招摇All these girls only gon want one thing,所有女孩都只会追求我一个I can spend my whole life good will hunting,我会尽我一生追寻最终的幸福Only good gon come is its good when Im coming,只要我心中念想 幸福她便会马上到来She got an ass that will swallow up a G-string,她肥硕的臀部把丁字裤都吞没And up top ahh, 2 bee stings,还有上面 两个丰满的乳房And im beasting off the re sling,唤醒我沉睡的兽性 一发不可收拾And my nigga just made it out the precinct,而我的兄弟正从外边涌进,(窥见那春光)We give a damn bout the drama that your dude bring,我们才不管你这纨绔子弟又惹了什么麻烦Im just tryin change the color of your mood ring,我只想让你换个心情而不心中持续慌乱Reebok baby, you need to try some new things, Have you ever had shoes without shoe strings?“锐步..宝贝,你得换点新的花样—— 你穿过没鞋带的鞋子么?”Whats that Ye? baby these heels,“那是什么?”“是宝贝你脚上穿的。”Is that a make?Whaaat,Baby these wheels,“是订制的吗?”“宝贝,你的车才是订制的。”You trippin when you aint sippin, have a refill酌酒微醺 那便再斟一杯You feel like you run it huh, now you know how we feel,感觉自己主宰了这个城市么?我们的感受你现在才算体会(Rihanna)Heeeeey, heeeey, heeeeey,嗨~~~~~~~~~We gon run this town tonight今夜这座城市我们是主宰赞同379| 评论(4)

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加米拉(Jamelia)的歌曲"Superstar" 跟一首歌很像,我想不起来.


jamelia know my name 的歌词

  Songtext: Jamelia - Know my name  Aus dem Album: nicht angegeben [Album hinzufügen]  Diesen Song gratis und legal downloaden  It was the hottest day in summer of the London town  I was dressed to impress, you know how I gets down  Every guy that I passed looked at my ass like "woah!"  And this one in particular couldn"t hold it down  He said...  Hi,  Do you wanna go for a ride?  I got it all ,  I"ll give it to you, I"ll give it to you,  I said you"re promising the world,  Thinking better make me your girl,  But if promises are comfort to a bull,  And you don"t know my name  Is it some guys are idiots?  And their dumb lines are getting me  Ladies if you with me, let em know  They gotta up their game  You better brush up your ediquette  A girl like me, you"ll never get  Think you"re gonna win it, but you wont  Don"t even know my name  Now me and my girls are ringing at the hottest bar  And their ain"t no doubt, it going on is what we got  Now this boy slides over here like he"s a roller skates  Puts his lips to my ear, one hand around my waist  He says:  Girl, I wanna make you my world  And all I have, I give it to you, I give it to you  And I say baby boy you failed  Tonight you made no sale  Cos my promises are comfort to a bull  And you don"t know my name  Is it some guys are idiots?  And their dumb lines are getting me  Ladies if you with me, let em know  They gotta up their game  You better brush up your ediquette  A girl like me, you"ll never get  Think you"re gonna win it, but you wont  Don"t even know my name  Don"t wanna be too hard on you fellas, fellas, fellas  I just wanna teach you a lesson  Don"t need to know what you"re sittin" on baby  All you gotta do is get to know my name...  Is it some guys are idiots?  And their dumb lines are getting me  Ladies if you with me, let em know  They gotta up their game  You better brush up your ediquette  A girl like me, you"ll never get  Think you"re gonna win it, but you wont  Don"t even know my name...  Is it some guys are idiots?  And their dumb lines are getting me  Ladies if you with me, let em know  They gotta up their game  You better brush up your ediquette  A girl like me, you"ll never get  Think you"re gonna win it, but you wont  Don"t even know my name  Ladies if you with me, let em know  They gotta up their game  You better brush up your ediquette  A girl like me, you"ll never get  Think you"re gonna win it but you wont  Don"t even know my name.


其实 她也不是原唱 原唱是Christine Milton 在2003年的时候唱的歌 另外有Roni Duani 翻唱的版本 还有 前不久 美国 热热闹闹的 America"s Got Talent这个选秀比赛的 第一位 冠军 Bianca Ryan 也翻唱过 另外两个 合法 混音 版本是 《Superstar》(Rob Reef Tewlow 负责混音) 《Ayo Superstar》 (JD 混音) 人们总是谈 喂哦喂哦喂哦 所有的东西都 喂哦喂哦喂哦 它写在一张纸 有一种感觉,现在回头见 有什么东西我布特 让我们把握好节奏 如果它的用户好就好一些烹饪 cus的,我真的想与摇滚你 我感觉有些连接东西,你 (信不信由你,你) 我不知道它是什么东西 这令我觉得像这 我不知道你是谁? 但你一定要有某种超星 cus的,你的眼睛都在你们身上,不管你身在何处 刚才你使我想发挥 婴儿采取环顾 喂哦喂哦喂哦 每个人的获得了"打倒 喂哦喂哦喂哦 处理所有的问题后 坏男孩有最佳行为 有什么东西你布特 让我们把握好节奏 如果它的用户好就好一些烹饪 cus的,我真的想与摇滚你 我感觉有些连接东西,你 (信不信由你,你) 我不知道它是什么东西 这令我觉得像这 我不知道你是谁? 但你一定要有某种超星 cus的,你的眼睛都在你们身上,不管你身在何处 刚才你使我想发挥 我喜欢你把movin " 喂哦喂哦喂哦 我举成槽,然后 刚才你使我想发挥 如果你只是动笔 喂哦喂哦喂哦 那感觉"现在回头见 喂哦喂哦喂哦 你的动议 我们不能变得有点接近? 你的岩石,它就像你们理应 男童喂,我是没有得到nothin "多说 cus的,你刚才让我想要演奏 我不知道它是什么东西 这令我觉得像这 无无gotta认为应gotta认为是一个超级巨星 所有的目光对你的眼睛ohhh你 你使我想发挥 [合唱χ2 ] 我不知道它是什么东西 这令我觉得像这 我不知道你是谁? 但你一定要有某种超星 cus的,你的眼睛都在你们身上,不管你身在何处 刚才你使我想发挥


人们总是谈论嘿啊嘿啊嘿啊所有事情都是有嘿啊嘿啊嘿啊它写在一张纸上有一种感觉现在回头见有什么东西回合箱让我们保持移动如果这是好让只是找些烹调定制我真的想与你摇滚我感觉有些方面的东西你(你做什么,你这样做)我不知道它是什么这让我感觉像这样我不知道你是谁但是,你必须是某种超级巨星定制你所有的目光都聚焦在你无论您身在何处你刚才让我想打婴儿看看周围嘿啊嘿啊嘿啊每个人都获得"下跌嘿啊嘿啊嘿啊解决所有问题后坏男孩上有最好的行为这里有些比赛你让我们保持移动如果这是好让只是找些烹调定制我真的想与你摇滚我感觉有些方面的东西你(你做什么,你这样做)我不知道它是什么这让我感觉像这样我不知道你是谁但是,你必须是某种超级巨星定制你所有的目光都聚焦在你无论您身在何处你刚才让我想打我喜欢你movin "嘿啊嘿啊嘿啊我只是给到槽,然后你刚才让我想打如果你只是把笔纸嘿啊嘿啊嘿啊还没feelin "现在回头见嘿啊嘿啊嘿啊让您的移动我们不能有点更密切?您岩石它就像是您的支持嘿男孩我是没有nothin "更多的话要说定制你只是让我想打我不知道它是什么这让我感觉像这样否否得是得是一个超级巨星所有的目光都聚焦在你的眼睛你ohhh你让我想打我不知道它是什么这让我感觉像这样我不知道你是谁但是,你必须是某种超级巨星定制你所有的目光都聚焦在你无论您身在何处你刚才让我想打我不知道它是什么这让我感觉像这样我不知道你是谁但是,你必须是某种超级巨星定制你所有的目光都聚焦在你无论您身在何处你刚才让我想打

Jamelia Featuring Beenie Man的《Money》 歌词

歌曲名:Money歌手:Jamelia Featuring Beenie Man专辑:Superstar - The HitsPink Floyd: MoneyMoney, get away.Get a good job with good pay and you"re okay.Money, it"s a gas.Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.New car, caviar, four star daydream,Think I"ll buy me a football team.Money, get back.I"m all right Jack keep your hands off of my stack.Money, it"s a hit.Don"t give me that do goody good bullshit.I"m in the high-fidelity first class traveling setAnd I think I need a Lear jet.Money, it"s a crime.Share it fairly but don"t take a slice of my pie.Money, so they sayIs the root of all evil today.But if you ask for a raise it"s no surprise that they"re giving none away."HuHuh! I was in the right!""Yes, absolutely in the right!""I certainly was in the right!""You was definitely in the right. That geezer was cruising for a bruising!""Yeah!""Why does anyone do anything?""I don"t know, I was really drunk at the time!""I was just telling him, he couldn"t get into number 2.He was askingwhy he wasn"t coming up on freely,after I was yelling and screaming and telling him why he wasn"t coming up on freely.It came as a heavy blow, but we sorted the matter out"http://music.baidu.com/song/7976538

Jamelia super star歌词


Jamelia的《Superstar》 歌词

歌曲名:Superstar歌手:Jamelia专辑:Superstar - The HitsSuperstarJameliapeople always talk abouthey oh hey oh hey ohall the things there all abouthey oh hey oh hey ohwrite it on a piece of papergot a feeling now see you laterthere"s something bout melet"s keep it movingand if it"s good lets just get something cookingcus i really wanna rock with youi"m feeling some connection to the things you do(you do, you do)i don"t know what it isthat makes me feel like thisi don"t know who you arebut you must be some kind of superstarcus you got all eyes on you no matter where you areyou just make me wanna playbaby take a look aroundhey oh hey oh hey oheverybody"s getting" downhey oh hey oh hey ohdeal with all the problems laterbad boys on there best behaviourthere"s something bout youlet"s keep it movingand if it"s good lets just get something cookingcus i really wanna rock with youi"m feeling some connection to the things you do(you do, you do)i don"t know what it isthat makes me feel like thisi don"t know who you arebut you must be some kind of superstarcus you got all eyes on you no matter where you areyou just make me wanna playi like you movin"hey oh hey oh hey ohi just give into the groove and thenyou just make me wanna playif you just put pen to paperhey oh hey oh hey ohgot that feelin" now see you laterhey oh hey oh hey ohmake your movecan"t we get a little closer?you rock it just like your supposedhey boy i aint got nothin" more to saycus you just make me wanna playi don"t know what it isthat makes me feel like thisno no gotta be gotta be a superstarall eyes on you ohhh eyes on youyou make me wanna playi don"t know what it isthat makes me feel like thisi don"t know who you arebut you must be some kind of superstarcus you got all eyes on you no matter where you areyou just make me wanna playi don"t know what it isthat makes me feel like thisi don"t know who you arebut you must be some kind of superstarcus you got all eyes on you no matter where you areyou just make me wanna playhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2894038

Jamelia的《Taxi》 歌词

歌曲名:Taxi歌手:Jamelia专辑:See It In A Boy S Eyes络めた指を解く度「缠绕的手指松开的时候」その温もりを握り返した…「收回的手中还留有些许你的温度…」东方神起 - TAXI君に逢えると思う度「每当想起与你相遇的情形」仆の心は彩られてく「我的心也会变得多彩起来」他爱のない出来事も「就算是微不足道的小事也好」ふたりでいれば思い出に出来るのに…「只要两人在一起就会变成美好的回忆…」君の声も その细い肩も「你的声音和你那纤细的肩膀」その瞳も 仆のものじゃない「还有那眼中的神情全都不属于我」どんなに 傍にいても…「即使我这样陪伴在你身旁…」君の未来 壊さない限り「只要不破坏到你的未来」この想いを 叶えることは出来ないよ「即使这份感情将再也不能实现」ひとときの梦「只是一时的美好梦境」痛いほど好きなのに「爱到钻心般的疼」夜が终わってく…「夜晚即将过去…」中文歌词来源:HEY!JJ逢えない时间を埋めるように「像是把不能相见的日子深深掩埋一样」煌めく街の舗道を歩く「走在灯火辉煌的街道上」初めて手に触れた时「第一次触碰双手的时候」戯けた君の笑颜が蘇る「你脸上展开的笑颜被再次唤醒」抱きしめたい「想要抱着你」抱きしめていたい「想这样拥抱着你」だけど君は 仆のものじゃない「但是你从不属于我」歪な 心が今…「如今 心已经开始动摇」抱きしめたい「想要抱着你」抱きしめちゃいけない「却不能拥抱你」溢れるほど 溶けるほど「这满溢般的 像要融化般的心情」求めているのに「我是如此热切地追求着你」タクシー止めて「伸手叫停了出租车」约束も交さずに「连再见面的时间也没有约定」君は手を振る…「你挥着手…」作词:Shinjiroh Inoue作曲:Nao TanakaHa ha ha ha a a君の声も その细い肩も「你的声音和你那纤细的肩膀」その瞳も 仆のものじゃない「还有那眼中的神情全都不属于我」どんなに 傍にいても…「即使我这样陪伴在你身旁…」君の未来 壊さない限り「只要不破坏到你的未来」この想いを 叶えることは出来ないよ「即使这份感情将再也不能实现」ひとときの梦「只是一时的美好梦境」痛いほど好きなのに「爱到钻心般的疼」夜が终わってく…「夜晚即将过去…」-End-http://music.baidu.com/song/2672804

Jamelia的《Dj》 歌词

歌曲名:Dj歌手:Jamelia专辑:Superstar - The HitsDjJameliacome on come on ah ah....You"re gonna rock to thisYou"re gonna rock to this10 o"clockWeekend bout to head out to the garden of edenGot my shelltoes and my kangolBefore I hit the door I got to grab my cellphoneBout to call my boys at see what"s upAre you rolling with the chick or whatMeet me at the spotI"ll be the one round the back in the drop topDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblingDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblingTurn it up bump the baseCause we bout to tear the roof off this placeShake ya assCheak ya glassPut your hands up let the track blastThis beat"s so ridiculousI think the dancefloor"s about to bustEverybody on the wallBetter press it "cause it"s about to be the last callWe aint trying to leave the clubNow let me show you how to get a crunkHit the floor lock the doorIt"s time to goDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblingDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblingIf you came to dance clap your handsLadies grab your man andFeel the base go uhhuhhAll in your face go uhhuhhIf you came to dance clap your handsLadies grab your man and feel the base go uhhuhhAll in your face go uhhuhhDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblingDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblinggive me a beat I canI want a joint you canDj give me a beat I canI want a joint you canrock to woo rock wooRock to stafi nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2894221

Jamelia的《No More》 歌词

歌曲名:No More歌手:Jamelia专辑:Jamelia - The CollectionChristian - No Moreunh unh unhlistenwhat took us so longto we feel what i saidi was reaching for the starswhen you were right in front of mefrontin like i was so hotdidnt wanna spend the time nodidnt wanna hold your hand in the malldidnt wanna take your call nofellas if this is youdont let the love of your life past bygo get her and tell her the turthcause you know the heart dont lie.no morewill i let somebody get in the wayi had a feel about chu (about chu)no she cant get in the waycause my minds on youthis time i aint backin downcause your the one girland the time is nowso if your feeling this wayethen tell her nowtime is runnin" outtime is runnin" outtime is runnin" outso if your feeling this wayethen tell her nowit was you that was right therewhen i fell to my kneesfrom the weight of this worlddidnt think i would see the morning?got in trouble with the lawyour the one that took my car girllost my job my caryou were there to break my whole worldfellas if this is youdont let the love of your life past bygo get her and tell her the turthcause you know the heart dont lie.no morewill i let somebody get in the wayi had a feel about chu (about chu)no she cant get in the waycause my minds on youthis time i aint backin downcause your the one girland the time is nowso if your feeling this wayethen tell her nowtime is runnin" outtime is runnin" outtime is runnin" outso if your feeling this wayethen tell her nowtomorrow is not promise to anyoneso i left everyday for your lovei wont let you get awaynot promise to anyoneso i leave everydayeverydayfor your loveno morewill i let somebody get in the wayi had a feel about chu (about chu)no she cant get in the waycause my minds on youthis time i aint backin downcause your the one girland the time is nowso if your feeling this wayethen tell her nowtime is runnin" outtime is runnin" outtime is runnin" outso if your feeling this wayethen tell her nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2585432

求 (单身日记)插曲"STOP"by Jamelia

分类: 音乐 解析: 这个网页有下载17s8/DownMusic/34914(试过) 歌词: all that I have is all that you"ve given me did you never worry that I"d e to depend on youI"v gave you all my love I had in me now I found ur lying and I can"t believe It"s true wooooaahhhhh you better stop! before you tear me all apart you better stop! before you go and break my heart wooooaahhhhh you better stop time after time I tried to walk away but it"s not that easy when your soul must run into so I just resign myself to it everyday yeah and now all I can do is to leave it up to you wooooaahhhhh you better stop! before you tear me all apart you better stop! before you go and break my heart woooooo you better stop If you love me not the time to be sorry I want to believe that youd walk out on me baby yeahhhwoah! wooooaahhhhh you better stop! befor you tear me all apart you better stop! before you go and break my heart woooooo you better stop nooooo you better stop! stop! nooooo you better stop! stop! nooooo you better stop! stop! By the way,这是《BJ单身日记2:理性边缘Briget Jones Diary 2 》电影原声,不是第一部

Jamelia的《Taxi》 歌词

歌曲名:Taxi歌手:Jamelia专辑:Thank YouMonica - TaxiBaby I love itFor your future dreams, and everything you promised meBaby I love itThe materials thing, but they don"t mean that much to meWe could go on, to my roomBut you"re the only one that I"ll ever needIf I can"t please you, and you can"t please me...Then call me a taxiI would give it all awayTake everything I had from meThere ain"t nothing that can take your placeCause love ain"t a material thingI don"t care if we don"t have muchWe still got loveThat should be enoughBut if I can"t please you, and you can"t please meCall me a taxiMoney ain"t everythingI could of been everything you needed babeIf you want me to stayI"m telling you something gotta changeWe can struggle to the end, OhJust don"t let goLove is really all we needBut if you think money makes me happy...Call me a taxiOh ho, Oh ho,Call me a taxiOh ho, Oh ho,Call me a taxiOh ho, Oh ho,Call me a taxiOh ho, Oh ho,Call me a taxiBaby don"t stress your mindCause riches ain"t worth a dimeOoh was it worth itIf it takes all your time, and I"m here left alone to cryI can"t gambleIf I don"t know what"s insideBut if you rather be free instead of me...Call me a taxiMoney ain"t everythingI could of been everything you needed babeIf you want me to stayI"m telling you something gotta changeWe can struggle to the end, OhJust don"t let goLove is really all we needBut if you think money makes me happy...Call me a taxiLet"s be clear,Of what is realCause if we don"t,I"ll lose this feelAin"t nothing wrong with reaching goalsBut what matters to me the mostIs that further down the roadWe finally can be everything that I wished forOhhhh 0, OooooohhIf we can"t be happy baby,Call me a taxiMoney ain"t everythingI could of been everything you needed babeIf you want me to stayI"m telling you something gotta changeWe can struggle to the end, OhJust don"t let goLove is really all we needBut if you think money makes me happy...Call me a taxiOh ho, Oh hoCall me a taxiOh ho, Oh ho,Call me a taxiOh ho, Oh ho,Call me a taxiOh ho, Oh ho,Call me a taxiOh ho, Oh ho,But if you think money makes me happyCall me a taxiI don"t wanna leave, but I will...http://music.baidu.com/song/2659362

Jamelia的《Thank You》 歌词

歌曲名:Thank You歌手:Jamelia专辑:Beware Of The DogThank you作词:Kyasu Morizuki作曲:Tetsuya_Komuro歌:AAA暗闇迷うときも いつも傍に君がいたから勇気が溢れたのは いつも傍に君がいたから何度も踬いても いつも傍に君がいたからここまで歩けたのはいつも君がいたから伝えたい思いは まだまだ足りないけど Thank You for Love世界がひとつだってこと 宇宙が无限大だってこと地球がまん丸ってこと 仆らがつながっている理由世界の一番先よりも 宇宙の一番远い梦よりも地球の一番上よりも 仆らは一番君の傍にいる涙で霞む明日も ずっと傍に君がいるなら无邪気に歩き出せる ずっと傍に君がいるならはだかる高い壁も ずっと傍に君がいるなら背中の羽で飞べる ずっと君がいるから重ねたい景色はまだまだ増えてくからStep by My Side季节が移り変わっても 时代が辉き始めても未来が扉开けても 仆らは変わらないまま行こう季节の一番薫る场所 时代の一番热い场所よりも未来の一番果てよりも 仆らは一番君の横が好き2011仆の元へ6712声 羽はひとつじゃ空も飞べないでも知ってた? 意外と世界は狭い海の向こう 目も手もあわせられやしない距离だとしても约束しようこの心と声必ず届ける 君の元へ世界がひとつだってこと 宇宙が无限大だってこと地球がまん丸ってこと 仆らがつながっている理由世界の一番先よりも 宇宙の一番远い梦よりも地球の一番上よりも 仆らは一番君の傍にいる季节が移り変わっても 时代が辉き始めても未来が扉开けても 仆らは変わらないまま行こう季节の一番薫る场所 时代の一番热い场所よりも未来の一番果てよりも 仆らは一番君の横が好き~END~http://music.baidu.com/song/2625910

Jamelia的《Life》 歌词

歌曲名:Life歌手:Jamelia专辑:Thank YouLife is a wonderLife is like a wonderlandLife is funny?缀(つつ)る 巡(めぐ)る 纺(つま)ど糸(いと)It"s my lifeLife作词:Lia·R作、编曲:Koma2 Kazu演唱:Lia砂糖菓子(さどやし)のよぅに冬化粧(げしょう)した街(まち)にひっそり话(はな)すずっと傍(そば)にいると誓(じか)ったのでも独(ひと)りうつむく 夕暮(ゆぅぐ)れ嗫(ささや)きあう 幸(しあ)せが灯(とも)っている 今日(きょう)は切(せつ)なさも 全(すべ)て包(つつ)み込(こ)む…Life is a wonderLife is full of happinessFeel me heart beat想(おも)い 描(えが)く 系(つま)ぐ径(みち)Love is wonderLove someone dearlyFeel my heart beat超(こ)える 想(おも)い 廻(まわ)る今(いま)It"s my life<music>舞(ま)い降(お)りて 消(き)えてく 雪(ゆき)のよぅに记忆(きおく)の棘(とえ)も 溶(と)けて柔(やわ)らかな 思(おも)い出(で)だけ 今(いま)心(こころ)の中(なか)に映(うつ)し出(だ)して微笑(ほほえ)みあう 优(やさ)しさが溢(あふ)れてる 今日(きょう)は少(すこ)しだけ 急(いそ)いで出(だ)かけよぅLove is wonderLove someone dearlyFeel my heart beat続(つづ)く 结(むす)ぶ 架(か)ける桥(はし)Life is a wonderLife is like a wonderlandLife is funny缀(つつ)る 巡(めぐ)る 纺(つま)ど糸(いと)It"s my life<music>「Life is a wonder……」「Feel the earth beat……」Life is a wonderLife is full of happinessFeel me heart beat想(おも)い 描(えが)く 系(つま)ぐ径(みち)Love is fuzzyLove is like a wonderlandLife is a wonder超(こ)える 想(おも)い 廻(まわ)る今(いま)It"s my lifeFINhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2659428


People always talk about大家总是说些有关Hey oh hey oh hey oh嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦All the things there all about所有的事情都是有关Hey oh hey oh hey oh嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦Write it on a piece of paper将它写在一张纸上Got a feeling now see you later一种感觉,一会儿在见There"s something bout me有些关於我的事情Let"s keep it moving让我们继续前进And if it"s good lets just get something cooking如果是好事,让我们找些烹饪料理Cus I really wanna rock with you因为我真的很想为你摇滚I"m feeling some connection to the things you do你做的事情让我感到一些联系(You do, you do)(你做的,你做的)I don"t know what it is我不知道怎麽回事That makes me feel like this让我有如此的感觉I don"t know who you are我不知道你是谁But you must be some kind of superstar但你一定是某些影视明星Cus you got all eyes on you no matter where you are因为不敢在哪裏,你都吸引了所有目光You just make me wanna play你让我向往嬉戏Baby take a look aroundbaby,看看周围Hey oh hey oh hey oh嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦Everybody"s getting" down大家都下来了Hey oh hey oh hey oh嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦Deal with all the problems later以后再去理那些烦恼Bad boys on there best behaviour坏小子都在表现他们的最好There"s something bout you有些关於你的事情Let"s keep it moving让我们继续前进And if it"s good lets just get something cooking如果是好事,让我们找些烹饪料理Cus I really wanna rock with you因为我很想和你一起摇滚I"m feeling some connection to the things you do我感到一丝牵挂与你做的事情连在一起(You do, you do)(你做的,你做的)I don"t know what it is我不知道怎麽回事That makes me feel like this让我感到如此I don"t know who you are我不知道你是谁But you must be some kind of superstar但你一定是某种影视明星Cus you got all eyes on you no matter where you are因为你吸引了所有目光,不管你身在何处You just make me wanna play你让我向往嬉戏I like you movin"我希望你前进Hey oh hey oh hey oh嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦I just give into the groove and then我只需凿坑,之后You just make me wanna play你让我向往嬉戏If you just put pen to paper如果你将笔纸放在一起Hey oh hey oh hey oh嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦Got that feelin" now see you later感觉到,一会儿在见Hey oh hey oh hey oh嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦Make your move让你前进Can"t we get a little closer?我们感觉不到距离的缩短麽?You rock it just like your supposed你摇摆著,好似你应该的Hey boy I aint got nothin" more to say少年,我无话好说Cus you just make me wanna play只因你让我向往嬉戏I don"t know what it is 我不知道是怎麽回事That makes me feel like this让我感觉如此No no gotta be gotta be a superstar不,不,必须成为,必须成为一个影视明星All eyes on you ohhh eyes on you所有目光在看著你,oh,目光看著你You make me wanna play你让我向往嬉戏I don"t know what it is我不知道是怎麽回事That makes me feel like this让我感觉如此I don"t know who you are我不知道你是谁But you must be some kind of superstar但,你一定是某种影视明星Cus you got all eyes on you no matter where you are因为你吸引了所有目光,不管身在何处You just make me wanna play你让我向往嬉戏

Jamelia的《Go》 歌词

歌曲名:Go歌手:Jamelia专辑:Walk With MeJamelia - GoYou say why don"t you change your mindThink it over one last timeLike you don"t know yourselfall depend on youThere"s consequence in what you chooseBut if you loose I won"t forgive myselfShowing that much self controlWon"t bring back your life when you"re oldDo something for yourselfCause oh,If you don"tYou will never know, oh noGo, why would stay when it does nothing for youGo, watching your pain only makes me surerGo, holding you down there"s no wayI can? keep youI say go ahead and save your lifeDo something for the first timeIt"s the least you could doWho cares if they won"t take the riskYour biggest one"s not doing thisI cannot live for youInfinite responsibilities, how about living duty freeEmancipate yourselfCause oh,If you don"tYou will never know, oh noGo, why would stay when it does nothing for youGo, watching your pain only makes me surerGo, holding you down there"s no wayI can? keep youFor heavens sake I can take disappointmentBut I can"t understand why you won"t leaveYou"ve been quiet, awful quiet, no enjoymentComes a point when you have to take what you needDon"t forget I respect what you gave upBut you lost such a lot along the lineGet it back, get it back, wise upGet it back, get it back, oh you gotta goGo, why would stay when it does nothing for youGo, watching your pain only makes me surerGo, holding you down there"s no wayI can? keep youOh no no no no no NOGo, why would stay when it does nothing for youGo, watching your pain only makes me surerGo, holding you down there"s no wayI can? keep youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3486656

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Alejandro Escovedo的《Anchor》 歌词

歌曲名:Anchor歌手:Alejandro Escovedo专辑:Street Songs Of Love能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollI stand with a blank expression nowand I can"t believe myselfwill someone tell me howdid I get hereI am walkingchanging slowlyI am chasingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchorit seems that I lost track of timeand I can"t believe my mindwould you save me ifI reached out to youI"m waiting, watching, standingI am reachingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchor yeahanchor yeahanchor yeahI am walkingchanging slowlyI am chasingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchor yeahanchor yeahanchor yeahcan you hear mehear mecan you hear mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7582103



印尼语 Esok tlp aq yo ...PENTING!!! Bkan cuma mu...Suara mu ja kantrsa begitu Berarti....是什么意思


阿里港 英文到底怎么写,有的说JEBAL ALI 有的说JABEL ALI 也有说JEBEL ALI。到底是哪个啊





回调函数 程序员常常需要实现回调。本文将讨论函数指针的基本原则并说明如何使用函数指针实现回调。注意这里针对的是普通的函数,不包括完全依赖于不同语法和语义规则的类成员函数(类成员指针将在另文中讨论)。声明函数指针 回调函数是一个程序员不能显式调用的函数;通过将回调函数的地址传给调用者从而实现调用。要实现回调,必须首先定义函数指针。尽管定义的语法有点不可思议,但如果你熟悉函数声明的一般方法,便会发现函数指针的声明与函数声明非常类似。请看下面的例子:void f();// 函数原型上面的语句声明了一个函数,没有输入参数并返回void。那么函数指针的声明方法如下:void (*) (); 让我们来分析一下,左边圆括弧中的星号是函数指针声明的关键。另外两个元素是函数的返回类型(void)和由边圆括弧中的入口参数(本例中参数是空)。注意本例中还没有创建指针变量-只是声明了变量类型。目前可以用这个变量类型来创建类型定义名及用sizeof表达式获得函数指针的大小:// 获得函数指针的大小unsigned psize = sizeof (void (*) ()); // 为函数指针声明类型定义typedef void (*pfv) ();pfv是一个函数指针,它指向的函数没有输入参数,返回类行为void。使用这个类型定义名可以隐藏复杂的函数指针语法。指针变量应该有一个变量名:void (*p) (); //p是指向某函数的指针 p是指向某函数的指针,该函数无输入参数,返回值的类型为void。左边圆括弧里星号后的就是指针变量名。有了指针变量便可以赋值,值的内容是署名匹配的函数名和返回类型。例如:void func() {/* do something */} p = func; p的赋值可以不同,但一定要是函数的地址,并且署名和返回类型相同。传递回调函数的地址给调用者 现在可以将p传递给另一个函数(调用者)- caller(),它将调用p指向的函数,而此函数名是未知的:void caller(void(*ptr)()){ptr(); /* 调用ptr指向的函数 */ }void func();int main(){p = func; caller(p); /* 传递函数地址到调用者 */} 如果赋了不同的值给p(不同函数地址),那么调用者将调用不同地址的函数。赋值可以发生在运行时,这样使你能实现动态绑定。调用规范 到目前为止,我们只讨论了函数指针及回调而没有去注意ANSI C/C++的编译器规范。许多编译器有几种调用规范。如在Visual C++中,可以在函数类型前加_cdecl,_stdcall或者_pascal来表示其调用规范(默认为_cdecl)。C++ Builder也支持_fastcall调用规范。调用规范影响编译器产生的给定函数名,参数传递的顺序(从右到左或从左到右),堆栈清理责任(调用者或者被调用者)以及参数传递机制(堆栈,CPU寄存器等)。 将调用规范看成是函数类型的一部分是很重要的;不能用不兼容的调用规范将地址赋值给函数指针。例如:// 被调用函数是以int为参数,以int为返回值__stdcall int callee(int); // 调用函数以函数指针为参数void caller( __cdecl int(*ptr)(int)); // 在p中企图存储被调用函数地址的非法操作__cdecl int(*p)(int) = callee; // 出错指针p和callee()的类型不兼容,因为它们有不同的调用规范。因此不能将被调用者的地址赋值给指针p,尽管两者有相同的返回值和参数列。


warning: [deprecation] XppDriver(com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.xml.XmlFriendlyReplacer) in com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.xml.XppDriver has been deprecated已经过时的方法,所以,不会调用此方法。








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Moves like a jagger 中文歌词谐音

就休油否是坦阿飞飞油Rig艾米否妈汗~阿飞飞油来给崽米油味安麦给油OK阿摔辣儿比黑又忘点儿进抽守卫卫呆儿昂不ruang啊受拿我耐给~又谁啊M`K哎儿~麦已购 卫视呗~阿懂个被试安奈够了啦可悲切克把内侧儿拿NO油Kiss油着K拿 手游忘得木啦加个阿嗲个木 啦加个阿嗲个木唔~ 啦加个昂哦你地踹了 扛守油路克涂满啊丝 阿哦哟得木 啦加个阿嗲个木 啦加个阿嗲个木唔~ 啦加个(后面就不是我弄的了,太麻烦了。)卑鄙一次哈的按的飞o来可有啊波坑应撕卡呢sing飞哦撕ruai特b呃特问有啊喂撕米爱妹克由比理伏色爱无够特的ki搜给特应的卡we看级无爱一特问诶伐由网特看 应塞的一特按的有往特的撕题噢b特爱母西付听级撕爱喂忒可伊特房黑呃按的够撕来可第撕忒米白的腾够安的爱we闹由ki似米题o有啊据昂可由由望那木伏来可加歌爱过特的木伏来可加歌爱过特木无吾呜五无 来客 加歌~~呃~爱懂一文踹图肯求友路克应屠买爱 按的爱we昂由由望那木伏来可加歌爱过特的木伏来可加歌爱过特木无吾呜五无 来客 加歌~~呃


move like jagger 好像是失控

类似Booty Music 、Moves like jagger 感觉的英文歌 ,能推荐几首吗?


求推荐像Moves Like Jagger一样的英文歌!


Mouves Like Jagger中文译音 整首歌 谢谢

Maroon 5 - Moves Like JaggerJust you shoot for the stars你如流星般划过If it feels right这感觉美妙至极And in for my heart你正中我的靶心If you feel like如果你觉得喜欢Can take me away 你可以带我远走高飞And make it okay使一切都安好如初I swear i"ll behave我发誓 我会去实现You wanted control你想控制全场Sure we waited好吧 我们等一等I put on a show我举办一场狂欢Now I make it现在让你美梦成真You say i"m a kid你说我是个小屁孩My ego is big我的自尊心很强I don"t give a shit我从不胡说八道And it goes like this一切就如此继续Take me by the tongue亲吻我的舌尖And i"ll know you我将了解你Kiss til you"re drunk吻到你沉醉其中And i"ll show you然后我闪亮登场Want the moves like jagger想像jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I don"t even try to control you我从没试图束缚你Look into my eyes and i"ll own you看着我的眼睛 我将属于你With the moves like jagger随着jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆Baby it"s hard宝贝 这很难呐!And it feel like you"re broken in scar似乎你已经战胜恐惧Nothing feels right一切都觉得不对劲But when you"re with me但当你我相依时I make you believe我会使你深深信赖我That i"ve got the key车钥匙到手了So get in the car快点 上车吧We can ride it我们去兜风Wherever you want你想去的任何地方Get inside it到车里来And you want to stir你想立刻启程But i"m shifting gears但我正在换挡I"ll take it from here我将从这里出发And it goes like this一切就如此继续Take me by the tongue亲吻我的舌尖And i"ll know you我将了解你Kiss til you"re drunk吻到你沉醉其中And i"ll show you然后我闪亮登场Want the moves like jagger想像jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I don"t even try to control you我从没试图束缚你Look into my eyes and i"ll own you看着我的眼睛 我将属于你With the moves like jagger随着jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆You want to know how to make me smile你想知道如何逗我笑Take control, own me just for the night不要乱来 我想有一个属于自己的夜But if I share my secret但是如果我分享我的秘密You gonna have to keep it你必须守口如瓶Nobody else can see this无人知晓So watch and learn睁大眼睛 学着点I won"t show you twice我不想演示两次Head to toe, ooh baby, roll me right头碰到脚趾了 哦 宝贝 蜷缩在一起But if I share my secret但是如果我分享我的秘密You gonna have to keep it你必须守口如瓶Nobody else can see this无人知晓And it goes like this一切就如此继续Take me by the tongue亲吻我的舌尖And i"ll know you我将了解你Kiss til you"re drunk吻到你沉醉其中And i"ll show you然后我闪亮登场Want the moves like jagger想像jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I don"t even try to control you我从没试图束缚你Look into my eyes and i"ll own you看着我的眼睛 我将属于你With the moves like jagger随着jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆

Maroon 5《Moves like jajjer》歌词(中文+英文)

Just shoot for the stars,if it feels right射下星星,如果它让你感觉还不错And then from my heart,if you feel like 然后摘取我的心,如果你愿意那么做You take me away你带我离开 You make it okay你让一切顺利I swear I"ll behave我发誓我会安分守己You wanted control,so we waited  你曾想过要控制全局 所以我们在等待良机I put on a show我全心全意投入演出Now we"re naked现在我们坦裎相见You say I"m a kid你说我还是个孩子 My ego is bare自尊心又好强 I don"t give a *****! 但我管不了那么多了!And it goes like this就让它顺其自然吧Take my by the tongue,And I"ll know you 用你的舌头抚慰我吧,让我更了解你Kiss me till you"re drunk and I"ll show you亲吻我吧,直到你也沉醉其中 我就会让你明白You wanna move like jagger你想要像米克杰格般摆动着身体I got the moves like jagger我得要像米克杰格般舞动着身体I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jagger我得要像米克杰格般摆动着身体I don"t need to try and control you我并不需要尝试着去控制你Look into my eyes and I"ll hold you  注视着我的眼睛,我就会拥抱你 Well maybe it"s hard  恩 或许这件事很困难When you feel like,You"re broken and scarred当你感到心碎受到伤害时It feels right一切会好起来的When you"re with me只要你和我在一起 I"ll make you believe我就会让你相信  I"ve got the key我握有神奇的钥匙 Oh, so get in the car喔,所以坐进车内 You can ride it你可以驾驶它  Wherever you want无论你想要什么 You decide it都由你来决定  If you wanna steer如果你想要自己驾驶它  I"m shifting gears我会立刻换你 I"ll take it from here就从现在开始副歌)You wanna know你想要知道How to make me smile?如何逗我微笑?  Take control on me just for the night这个夜晚就交由你掌控全局When I share my secret当我共享着我的秘密时 You"re gonna have to keep it你一定要守口如瓶Nobody else can see this任意人都不能知道这件事So won"t cha learn 那么何不让我就那么一次的I won"t show you twice从头到尾,一五一十的Head to toe,Oooo baby rub it right 喔 宝贝 好好的告诉你If I share my secret若我共享我的秘密 You"re gonna have to keep it你一定要守口如瓶  Nobody else can see this任意人都不能知道这件事Oh! And it goes like this喔!就让它这样继续下去

moves like jagger和弦吉他谱

GP5吉他谱 请查收

求《Moves Like Jagger》歌名的中文意思?

意思是《像》绝对正确 查了好多地方。


Maroon 5 - Moves Like JaggerJust you shoot for the stars你如流星般划过If it feels right这感觉美妙至极And in for my heart你正中我的靶心If you feel like如果你觉得喜欢Can take me away 你可以带我远走高飞And make it okay使一切都安好如初I swear i"ll behave我发誓 我会去实现You wanted control你想控制全场Sure we waited好吧 我们等一等I put on a show我举办一场狂欢Now I make it现在让你美梦成真You say i"m a kid你说我是个小屁孩My ego is big我的自尊心很强I don"t give a shit我从不胡说八道And it goes like this一切就如此继续Take me by the tongue亲吻我的舌尖And i"ll know you我将了解你Kiss til you"re drunk吻到你沉醉其中And i"ll show you然后我闪亮登场Want the moves like jagger想像jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I don"t even try to control you我从没试图束缚你Look into my eyes and i"ll own you看着我的眼睛 我将属于你With the moves like jagger随着jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆Baby it"s hard宝贝 这很难呐!And it feel like you"re broken in scar似乎你已经战胜恐惧Nothing feels right一切都觉得不对劲But when you"re with me但当你我相依时I make you believe我会使你深深信赖我That i"ve got the key车钥匙到手了So get in the car快点 上车吧We can ride it我们去兜风Wherever you want你想去的任何地方Get inside it到车里来And you want to stir你想立刻启程But i"m shifting gears但我正在换挡I"ll take it from here我将从这里出发And it goes like this一切就如此继续Take me by the tongue亲吻我的舌尖And i"ll know you我将了解你Kiss til you"re drunk吻到你沉醉其中And i"ll show you然后我闪亮登场Want the moves like jagger想像jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I don"t even try to control you我从没试图束缚你Look into my eyes and i"ll own you看着我的眼睛 我将属于你With the moves like jagger随着jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆You want to know how to make me smile你想知道如何逗我笑Take control, own me just for the night不要乱来 我想有一个属于自己的夜But if I share my secret但是如果我分享我的秘密You gonna have to keep it你必须守口如瓶Nobody else can see this无人知晓So watch and learn睁大眼睛 学着点I won"t show you twice我不想演示两次Head to toe, ooh baby, roll me right头碰到脚趾了 哦 宝贝 蜷缩在一起But if I share my secret但是如果我分享我的秘密You gonna have to keep it你必须守口如瓶Nobody else can see this无人知晓And it goes like this一切就如此继续Take me by the tongue亲吻我的舌尖And i"ll know you我将了解你Kiss til you"re drunk吻到你沉醉其中And i"ll show you然后我闪亮登场Want the moves like jagger想像jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I don"t even try to control you我从没试图束缚你.Look into my eyes and i"ll own you看着我的眼睛 我将属于你With the moves like jagger随着jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆

求moves like jagger中文音译 还望高人解答

急死佛则思堂哎飞飞悠哉来人疯买航爱飞友 飞儿来客特别有味蕊给 OK啊帅啊 比黑又望你 挺丑馊味的俺不懂那兽恼那个谁丫不K卖一个 无丝被哎 都给那谁爱你够 来呗太磕巴 握草赖农友 渴死兔友 终肯来稍友熬大目不眨眼熬大大目不眨眼熬大大目 O O O O来眨个阿ong地 扎客收油路客土埋啊 啊 ong 油熬大目不眨眼熬大大目不眨眼熬大大目 O O O O来眨个美背挨躺美飞来渴不给 饿死缸那飞飞抓闻有萎靡没给背离啊旮哥 K 搜给了这炕又砍入阿得玩耳朵 油旺给忑 洒德油汪死定啊停停顶这个风顶爱你够 来呗太磕巴 握草赖农友 渴死兔友 终肯来稍友熬大目不眨眼熬大大目不眨眼熬大大目 O O O O来眨个阿ong地 扎客收油路客土埋啊 啊 ong 油熬大目不眨眼熬大大目不眨眼熬大大目 O O O O来眨个(Christina"s Part)略爱你够 来呗太磕巴 握草赖农友 渴死兔友 终肯来稍友熬大目不眨眼熬大大目不眨眼熬大大目 O O O O来眨个阿ong地 扎客收油路客土埋啊 啊 ong 油熬大目不眨眼熬大大目不眨眼熬大大目 O O O O来眨个

move like jagger的歌词!!急~~~~~~~~~~~

Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger LRC编辑:Love Just shoot for the stars If it feels right And then from my heart If you feel like You take me away You make it okay I swear I"ll behave You wanted control So we waited I put on a show Now we"re naked You say I"m a kid My ego is bare I don"t give a shit And it goes like this Take my by the tongue And I"ll know you Kiss me til you"re drunk and I"ll show you You wanna move like jagger I got the moves like jagger I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jagger I don"t need to try and control you Look into my eyes and I"ll hold you With the moves like jagger I got the moves like jagger I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jagger Well maybe it"s hard When you feel like You"re broken and scarred It feels right When you"re with me I"ll make you believe I"ve got the key Oh, so get in the car You can ride it Wherever you want You decide it If you wanna steer I"m shifting gears I"ll take it from here Oh! And it goes like this Take my by the tongue And I"ll know you Kiss me till you"re drunk and I"ll show you You wanna move like jagger I got the moves like jagger I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jagger I don"t need to try and control you Look into my eyes and I"ll hold you With the moves like jagger I got the moves like jagger I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jagger You wanna know How to make me smile Take control on me just for the night When I share my secret You"re gonna have to keep it Nobody else can see this So won"t cha learn I won"t show you twice Head to toe Oooo baby rub it right If I share my secret You"re gonna have to keep it Nobody else can see this Oh! And it goes like this Take my by the tongue And I"ll know you Kiss me till you"re drunk and I"ll show you You wanna move like jagger I got the moves like jagger I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jagger I don"t need to try and control you Look into my eyes and I"ll hold you With the moves like jagger I got the moves like jagger I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jagger 展开歌词收起歌词

求moves like jagger这歌中文歌词


moves like jagger什么意思

Maroon5,中文译名魔力红乐队。来自LA的摇滚乐队,确切一些说是新灵魂摇滚。maroon 融合了红色的狂野魅力,神秘热情,奔放烈爱再掺入摇滚力道,灵魂旋律及放克节奏,这样的红流泻着新灵魂乐性感风情的放克摇滚这样的红,在流行歌坛注入了一股新的颜色。美国选秀节目The Voice的评委Maroon 5的主唱Adam Levine联手另外一位评委Christina Aguilera推出了他们合作的单曲"Moves Like Jagger",并且在The Voice的舞台上演了现场版的大首播,这首歌曲同时也向滚石乐队(The Rolling Stones)主唱Mick Jagger致敬。Just shoot for the stars,if it feels right   射下星星,如果它让你感觉还不错   And then from my heart,if you feel like    然后摘取我的心,如果你愿意那么做   You take me away   你带我离开    You make it okay   你让一切顺利   I swear I"ll behave   我发誓我会安分守己   You wanted control,so we waited   你曾想过要控制全局 所以我们在等待良机   I put on a show   我全心全意投入演出   Now we"re naked   现在我们坦裎相见   You say I"m a kid   你说我还是个孩子    My ego is bare   自尊心又好强    I don"t give a *****!    但我管不了那么多了!   And it goes like this   就让它顺其自然吧   Take my by the tongue,And I"ll know you    用你的舌头抚慰我吧,让我更了解你   Kiss me till you"re drunk and I"ll show you   亲吻我吧,直到你也沉醉其中 我就会让你明白   You wanna move like jagger   你想要像米克杰格般摆动着身体   I got the moves like jagger   我得要像米克杰格般舞动着身体   I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jagger   我得要像米克杰格般摆动着身体   I don"t need to try and control you   我并不需要尝试着去控制你   Look into my eyes and I"ll hold you   注视着我的眼睛,我就会拥抱你    Well maybe it"s hard   恩 或许这件事很困难   When you feel like,You"re broken and scarred   当你感到心碎受到伤害时   It feels right   一切会好起来的   When you"re with me   只要你和我在一起    I"ll make you believe   我就会让你相信   I"ve got the key   我握有神奇的钥匙    Oh, so get in the car   喔,所以坐进车内    You can ride it   你可以驾驶它   Wherever you want   无论你想要什么    You decide it   都由你来决定   If you wanna steer   如果你想要自己驾驶它   I"m shifting gears   我会立刻换你    I"ll take it from here   就从现在开始   副歌)   You wanna know   你想要知道   How to make me smile?   如何逗我微笑?   Take control on me just for the night   这个夜晚就交由你掌控全局   When I share my secret   当我共享着我的秘密时    You"re gonna have to keep it   你一定要守口如瓶   Nobody else can see this   任意人都不能知道这件事   So won"t cha learn    那么何不让我就那么一次的   I won"t show you twice   从头到尾,一五一十的   Head to toe,Oooo baby rub it right    喔 宝贝 好好的告诉你   If I share my secret   若我共享我的秘密    You"re gonna have to keep it   你一定要守口如瓶   Nobody else can see this   任意人都不能知道这件事   Oh! And it goes like this   喔!就让它这样继续下去Jason Chen(陈以桐)和Sam Tsui 有翻唱过。

一首《moves like jagger》请问这首歌唱出的是什么意思?

像Jagger 一样舞动 就是尽情舞动,舞到失控疯狂的意思吧。Maroon 5《Moves Like Jagger》 (The Voice Performance)(feat. Christina Aguilera)专辑:单曲发行时间:2011年6月21日射下星星,如果这样感觉不错然后摘取我心,如果你愿意你带我离开我发誓我会安分守己因你让这一切变美好你曾想要控制所以我们等待我总是在演出但现在赤诚相待你说我是一个孩子自尊又好胜但我不在乎了,所以就这样吧抚慰我吧,让我更了解你吻我吧,直到你也沉醉其中你失控,我失控而我不需要试着去控制你看着我的眼睛吧,当我抱着你是的,也许这很困难当你觉得你受到了伤害但是你会感觉好起来的当你和我在一起我会让你坚信我有神奇之钥Oh,我们进车里去吧,今天你可以开无论你想要去哪里,交由你决定如果你想要掌舵我就立刻换你从现在就开始你想要知道如何逗我笑?这个夜晚你来掌控大局你要保守和你分享的秘密没有人可以知道所以为什么不呢?从头到尾,原原本本我要说给你听

Maroon5的moves like jagger有没有中英文对照的歌词

just shoot for the stars,If it feels right,And then from my heart,If you feel like,You take me away,You make it okay,I swear I"ll behave.You wanted control,So we waited.I put on a show,Now we"re naked.You say I"m a kid,My ego is bare,I don"t give a shit!….And it goes like this.Take my by the tongue,And I"ll know you,Kiss me til you"re drunk and I"ll show you,You wanna move like jagger,I got the moves like jagger,I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jaggerI don"t need to try and control you,Look into my eyes and I"ll hold you,With the moves like jagger,I got the moves like jagger,I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jaggerWell maybe it"s hard,When you feel like,You"re broken and scarred,It feels right,When you"re with me,I"ll make you believe,I"ve got the key.Oh, so get in the car,You can ride it,Wherever you want,You decide it.If you wanna steerI"m shifting gears,I"ll take it from here.Oh! And it goes like this…Take my by the tongue,And I"ll know you,Kiss me till you"re drunk and I"ll show you,You wanna move like jagger,I got the moves like jagger,I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jaggerI don"t need to try and control you,Look into my eyes and I"ll hold you,With the moves like jagger,I got the moves like jagger,I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jagger(Christina"s Part)You wanna know,How to make me smile?Take control on me just for the night.When I share my secret,You"re gonna have to keep it.Nobody else can see this.So won"t cha learn?I won"t show you twice.Head to toe,Oooo baby rub it right.If I share my secret,You"re gonna have to keep it.Nobody else can see this.Oh! And it goes like this…Take my by the tongue,And I"ll know you,Kiss me till you"re drunk and I"ll show you,You wanna move like jagger,I got the moves like jagger,I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jaggerI don"t need to try and control you,Look into my eyes and I"ll hold you,With the moves like jagger,I got the moves like jagger,I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jagger射下星星,如果这样感觉不错然后摘取我心,如果你愿意你带我离开我发誓我会安分守己因你让这一切变美好你曾想要控制所以我们等待我总是在演出但现在赤诚相待你说我是一个孩子自尊又好胜但我不在乎了,所以就这样吧抚慰我吧,让我更了解你吻我吧,直到你也沉醉其中你失控,我失控而我不需要试着去控制你看着我的眼睛吧,当我抱着你是的,也许这很困难当你觉得你受到了伤害但是你会感觉好起来的当你和我在一起我会让你坚信我有神奇之钥Oh,我们进车里去吧,今天你可以开无论你想要去哪里,交由你决定如果你想要掌舵我就立刻换你从现在就开始你想要知道如何逗我笑?这个夜晚你来掌控大局你要保守和你分享的秘密没有人可以知道所以为什么不呢?从头到尾,原原本本我要说给你听

moves like jagger的歌词,还有翻译(一句一句翻译)

Just shoot for the stars,if it feels right 射下星星,如果它让你感觉还不错And then from my heart,if you feel like 然后摘取我的心,如果你愿意那么做You take me away你带我离开 You make it okay你让一切顺利I swear I"ll behave我发誓我会安分守己 You wanted control,so we waited  你曾想过要控制全局 所以我们在等待良机I put on a show我全心全意投入演出Now we"re naked现在我们坦裎相见You say I"m a kid你说我还是个孩子 My ego is bare 自尊心又好强 I don"t give a *****! 但我管不了那么多了!And it goes like this就让它顺其自然吧Take my by the tongue,And I"ll know you 用你的舌头抚慰我吧,让我更了解你Kiss me till you"re drunk and I"ll show you亲吻我吧,直到你也沉醉其中 我就会让你明白You wanna move like jagger你想要像米克杰格般摆动着身体I got the moves like jagger我得要像米克杰格般舞动着身体I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jagger我得要像米克杰格般摆动着身体 I don"t need to try and control you 我并不需要尝试着去控制你Look into my eyes and I"ll hold you  注视着我的眼睛,我就会拥抱你 Well maybe it"s hard  恩 或许这件事很困难When you feel like,You"re broken and scarred 当你感到心碎受到伤害时 It feels right一切会好起来的When you"re with me 只要你和我在一起 I"ll make you believe我就会让你相信  I"ve got the key 我握有神奇的钥匙 Oh, so get in the car 喔,所以坐进车内 You can ride it你可以驾驶它  Wherever you want 无论你想要什么 You decide it都由你来决定  If you wanna steer如果你想要自己驾驶它  I"m shifting gears 我会立刻换你 I"ll take it from here 就从现在开始副歌) You wanna know你想要知道How to make me smile? 如何逗我微笑?  Take control on me just for the night这个夜晚就交由你掌控全局When I share my secret 当我共享着我的秘密时 You"re gonna have to keep it你一定要守口如瓶Nobody else can see this任意人都不能知道这件事So won"t cha learn 那么何不让我就那么一次的I won"t show you twice从头到尾,一五一十的 Head to toe,Oooo baby rub it right 喔 宝贝 好好的告诉你If I share my secret 若我共享我的秘密 You"re gonna have to keep it你一定要守口如瓶  Nobody else can see this任意人都不能知道这件事Oh! And it goes like this 喔!就让它这样继续下去

moves like jagger 中文歌词

just shoot for the stars,If it feels right,And then from my heart,If you feel like,You take me away,You make it okay,I swear I"ll behave.You wanted control,So we waited.I put on a show,Now we"re naked.You say I"m a kid,My ego is bare,I don"t give a shit!….And it goes like this.Take my by the tongue,And I"ll know you,Kiss me til you"re drunk and I"ll show you,You wanna move like jagger,I got the moves like jagger,I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jaggerI don"t need to try and control you,Look into my eyes and I"ll hold you,With the moves like jagger,I got the moves like jagger,I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jaggerWell maybe it"s hard,When you feel like,You"re broken and scarred,It feels right,When you"re with me,I"ll make you believe,I"ve got the key.Oh, so get in the car,You can ride it,Wherever you want,You decide it.If you wanna steerI"m shifting gears,I"ll take it from here.Oh! And it goes like this…Take my by the tongue,And I"ll know you,Kiss me till you"re drunk and I"ll show you,You wanna move like jagger,I got the moves like jagger,I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jaggerI don"t need to try and control you,Look into my eyes and I"ll hold you,With the moves like jagger,I got the moves like jagger,I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jagger(Christina"s Part)You wanna know,How to make me smile?Take control on me just for the night.When I share my secret,You"re gonna have to keep it.Nobody else can see this.So won"t cha learn?I won"t show you twice.Head to toe,Oooo baby rub it right.If I share my secret,You"re gonna have to keep it.Nobody else can see this.Oh! And it goes like this…Take my by the tongue,And I"ll know you,Kiss me till you"re drunk and I"ll show you,You wanna move like jagger,I got the moves like jagger,I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jaggerI don"t need to try and control you,Look into my eyes and I"ll hold you,With the moves like jagger,I got the moves like jagger,I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jagger这是英文版的,给你个连接吧 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/yKWu5xlXhOg/

有一首英文歌名是什么like jappes

是Moves like jagger

《moves like jagger》的歌词

Just shoot for the stars,if it feels right   射下星星,如果它让你感觉还不错   And then from my heart,if you feel like    然后摘取我的心,如果你愿意那么做   You take me away   你带我离开    You make it okay   你让一切顺利   I swear I"ll behave   我发誓我会安分守己   You wanted control,so we waited   你曾想过要控制全局 所以我们在等待良机   I put on a show   我全心全意投入演出   Now we"re naked   现在我们坦裎相见   You say I"m a kid   你说我还是个孩子    My ego is bare   自尊心又好强    I don"t give a *****!    但我管不了那么多了!   And it goes like this   就让它顺其自然吧   Take my by the tongue,And I"ll know you    用你的舌头抚慰我吧,让我更了解你   Kiss me till you"re drunk and I"ll show you   亲吻我吧,直到你也沉醉其中 我就会让你明白   You wanna move like jagger   你想要像米克杰格般摆动着身体   I got the moves like jagger   我得要像米克杰格般舞动着身体   I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jagger   我得要像米克杰格般摆动着身体   I don"t need to try and control you   我并不需要尝试着去控制你   Look into my eyes and I"ll hold you   注视着我的眼睛,我就会拥抱你    Well maybe it"s hard   恩 或许这件事很困难   When you feel like,You"re broken and scarred   当你感到心碎受到伤害时   It feels right   一切会好起来的   When you"re with me   只要你和我在一起    I"ll make you believe   我就会让你相信   I"ve got the key   我握有神奇的钥匙    Oh, so get in the car   喔,所以坐进车内    You can ride it   你可以驾驶它   Wherever you want   无论你想要什么    You decide it   都由你来决定   If you wanna steer   如果你想要自己驾驶它   I"m shifting gears   我会立刻换你    I"ll take it from here   就从现在开始   副歌)   You wanna know   你想要知道   How to make me smile?   如何逗我微笑?   Take control on me just for the night   这个夜晚就交由你掌控全局   When I share my secret   当我共享着我的秘密时    You"re gonna have to keep it   你一定要守口如瓶   Nobody else can see this   任意人都不能知道这件事   So won"t cha learn    那么何不让我就那么一次的   I won"t show you twice   从头到尾,一五一十的   Head to toe,Oooo baby rub it right    喔 宝贝 好好的告诉你   If I share my secret   若我共享我的秘密    You"re gonna have to keep it   你一定要守口如瓶   Nobody else can see this   任意人都不能知道这件事   Oh! And it goes like this   喔!就让它这样继续下去

求歌词:moves like jagger 歌词

射下星星,如果这样感觉不错然后摘取我心,如果你愿意你带我离开我发誓我会安分守己因你让这一切变美好你曾想要控制所以我们等待我总是在演出但现在赤诚相待你说我是一个孩子自尊又好胜但我不在乎了,所以就这样吧抚慰我吧,让我更了解你吻我吧,直到你也沉醉其中你失控,我失控而我不需要试着去控制你看着我的眼睛吧,当我抱着你是的,也许这很困难当你觉得你受到了伤害但是你会感觉好起来的当你和我在一起我会让你坚信我有神奇之钥Oh,我们进车里去吧,今天你可以开无论你想要去哪里,交由你决定如果你想要掌舵我就立刻换你从现在就开始你想要知道如何逗我笑?这个夜晚你来掌控大局你要保守和你分享的秘密没有人可以知道所以为什么不呢?从头到尾,原原本本我要说给你听just shoot for the stars,If it feels right,And then from my heart,If you feel like,You take me away,You make it okay,I swear I"ll behave.You wanted control,So we waited.I put on a show,Now we"re naked.You say I"m a kid,My ego is bare,I don"t give a shit!….And it goes like this.Take me by the tongue,And I"ll know you,Kiss me til you"re drunk and I"ll show you,You wanna move like jagger,I"ve got the moves like jagger,I"ve got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jaggerI don"t need to try and control you,Look into my eyes and I"ll hold you,With the moves like jagger,I"ve got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jagger

求《Moves Like Jagger》的中文歌词。另外…………



Maroon5,中文译名魔力红乐队。来自LA的摇滚乐队,确切一些说是新灵魂摇滚。maroon 融合了红色的狂野魅力,神秘热情,奔放烈爱再掺入摇滚力道,灵魂旋律及放克节奏,这样的红流泻着新灵魂乐性感风情的放克摇滚这样的红,在流行歌坛注入了一股新的颜色。美国选秀节目The Voice的评委Maroon 5的主唱Adam Levine联手另外一位评委Christina Aguilera推出了他们合作的单曲"Moves Like Jagger",并且在The Voice的舞台上演了现场版的大首播,这首歌曲同时也向滚石乐队(The Rolling Stones)主唱Mick Jagger致敬。Just shoot for the stars,if it feels right   射下星星,如果它让你感觉还不错   And then from my heart,if you feel like    然后摘取我的心,如果你愿意那么做   You take me away   你带我离开    You make it okay   你让一切顺利   I swear I"ll behave   我发誓我会安分守己   You wanted control,so we waited   你曾想过要控制全局 所以我们在等待良机   I put on a show   我全心全意投入演出   Now we"re naked   现在我们坦裎相见   You say I"m a kid   你说我还是个孩子    My ego is bare   自尊心又好强    I don"t give a *****!    但我管不了那么多了!   And it goes like this   就让它顺其自然吧   Take my by the tongue,And I"ll know you    用你的舌头抚慰我吧,让我更了解你   Kiss me till you"re drunk and I"ll show you   亲吻我吧,直到你也沉醉其中 我就会让你明白   You wanna move like jagger   你想要像米克杰格般摆动着身体   I got the moves like jagger   我得要像米克杰格般舞动着身体   I got the moo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ves like jagger   我得要像米克杰格般摆动着身体   I don"t need to try and control you   我并不需要尝试着去控制你   Look into my eyes and I"ll hold you   注视着我的眼睛,我就会拥抱你    Well maybe it"s hard   恩 或许这件事很困难   When you feel like,You"re broken and scarred   当你感到心碎受到伤害时   It feels right   一切会好起来的   When you"re with me   只要你和我在一起    I"ll make you believe   我就会让你相信   I"ve got the key   我握有神奇的钥匙    Oh, so get in the car   喔,所以坐进车内    You can ride it   你可以驾驶它   Wherever you want   无论你想要什么    You decide it   都由你来决定   If you wanna steer   如果你想要自己驾驶它   I"m shifting gears   我会立刻换你    I"ll take it from here   就从现在开始   副歌)   You wanna know   你想要知道   How to make me smile?   如何逗我微笑?   Take control on me just for the night   这个夜晚就交由你掌控全局   When I share my secret   当我共享着我的秘密时    You"re gonna have to keep it   你一定要守口如瓶   Nobody else can see this   任意人都不能知道这件事   So won"t cha learn    那么何不让我就那么一次的   I won"t show you twice   从头到尾,一五一十的   Head to toe,Oooo baby rub it right    喔 宝贝 好好的告诉你   If I share my secret   若我共享我的秘密    You"re gonna have to keep it   你一定要守口如瓶   Nobody else can see this   任意人都不能知道这件事   Oh! And it goes like this   喔!就让它这样继续下去Jason Chen(陈以桐)和Sam Tsui 有翻唱过。

Moves Like Jagger是什么意思

1、尽情跳舞2、美国选秀节目《美国之声》的评委魔力红乐队的主唱亚当·莱文联手另外一位评委克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉推出了他们合作的单曲"Moves Like Jagger",并且在The Voice的舞台上演了现场版的大首播,这首歌曲同时也向滚石乐队(The Rolling Stones)主唱Mick Jagger致敬。


  Maroon 5 - Moves Like JaggerJust you shoot for the stars你如流星般划过If it feels right这感觉美妙至极And in for my heart你正中我的靶心If you feel like如果你觉得喜欢Can take me away 你可以带我远走高飞And make it okay使一切都安好如初I swear i"ll behave我发誓 我会去实现You wanted control你想控制全场Sure we waited好吧 我们等一等I put on a show我举办一场狂欢Now I make it现在让你美梦成真You say i"m a kid你说我是个小屁孩My ego is big我的自尊心很强I don"t give a shit我从不胡说八道And it goes like this一切就如此继续Take me by the tongue亲吻我的舌尖And i"ll know you我将了解你Kiss til you"re drunk吻到你沉醉其中And i"ll show you然后我闪亮登场Want the moves like jagger想像jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I don"t even try to control you我从没试图束缚你Look into my eyes and i"ll own you看着我的眼睛 我将属于你With the moves like jagger随着jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆Baby it"s hard宝贝 这很难呐!And it feel like you"re broken in scar似乎你已经战胜恐惧Nothing feels right一切都觉得不对劲But when you"re with me但当你我相依时I make you believe我会使你深深信赖我That i"ve got the key车钥匙到手了So get in the car快点 上车吧We can ride it我们去兜风Wherever you want你想去的任何地方Get inside it到车里来And you want to stir你想立刻启程But i"m shifting gears但我正在换挡I"ll take it from here我将从这里出发And it goes like this一切就如此继续Take me by the tongue亲吻我的舌尖And i"ll know you我将了解你Kiss til you"re drunk吻到你沉醉其中And i"ll show you然后我闪亮登场Want the moves like jagger想像jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I don"t even try to control you我从没试图束缚你Look into my eyes and i"ll own you看着我的眼睛 我将属于你With the moves like jagger随着jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆You want to know how to make me smile你想知道如何逗我笑Take control, own me just for the night不要乱来 我想有一个属于自己的夜But if I share my secret但是如果我分享我的秘密You gonna have to keep it你必须守口如瓶Nobody else can see this无人知晓So watch and learn睁大眼睛 学着点I won"t show you twice我不想演示两次Head to toe, ooh baby, roll me right头碰到脚趾了 哦 宝贝 蜷缩在一起But if I share my secret但是如果我分享我的秘密You gonna have to keep it你必须守口如瓶Nobody else can see this无人知晓And it goes like this一切就如此继续Take me by the tongue亲吻我的舌尖And i"ll know you我将了解你Kiss til you"re drunk吻到你沉醉其中And i"ll show you然后我闪亮登场Want the moves like jagger想像jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I don"t even try to control you我从没试图束缚你Look into my eyes and i"ll own you看着我的眼睛 我将属于你With the moves like jagger随着jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆

moves like jagger什么意思 歌曲介绍

1、moves like jagger字面意思是“像锯木工人那样移动”。 2、《Moves Like Jagger》是魔力红和克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉共同演唱的歌曲,由亚当·莱文、本尼·布兰科、阿玛尔·马利克和歇尔贝克共同作词作曲,发行于2011年6月21日,被魔力红第三张录音室专辑《Hands All Over》的再版收录。 3、2011年,该曲在美国公告牌百强单曲榜取得了四周冠军。2012年,魔力红和克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉凭借该曲入围第54届格莱美奖最佳流行乐队/组合。

moves like jagger什么意思 歌曲介绍

1、moves like jagger字面意思是“像锯木工人那样移动”。 2、《Moves Like Jagger》是魔力红和克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉共同演唱的歌曲,由亚当·莱文、本尼·布兰科、阿玛尔·马利克和歇尔贝克共同作词作曲,发行于2011年6月21日,被魔力红第三张录音室专辑《Hands All Over》的再版收录。 3、2011年,该曲在美国公告牌百强单曲榜取得了四周冠军。2012年,魔力红和克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉凭借该曲入围第54届格莱美奖最佳流行乐队/组合。

Moves like jagger 是什么意思?


move like jagger什么意思

moves like jagger字面意思是“ 像锯木工人那样移动”。不过这里Jagger应该是指滚石乐队(The Rolling Stones)主唱Mick Jagger,这首歌曲也是Maroon 5向滚石乐队(The Rolling Stones)主唱Mick Jagger致敬。因而意思就应该是“像Jagger那样移动”或者“像Jagger那样摇摆”吧。顺便提供这首歌歌词中文翻译:Maroon 5 - Moves Like JaggerJust you shoot for the stars你如流星般划过If it feels right这感觉美妙至极And in for my heart你正中我的靶心If you feel like如果你觉得喜欢Can take me away 你可以带我远走高飞And make it okay使一切都安好如初I swear i"ll behave我发誓 我会去实现You wanted control你想控制全场Sure we waited好吧 我们等一等I put on a show我举办一场狂欢Now I make it现在让你美梦成真You say i"m a kid你说我是个小屁孩My ego is big我的自尊心很强I don"t give a shit我从不胡说八道And it goes like this一切就如此继续Take me by the tongue亲吻我的舌尖And i"ll know you我将了解你Kiss til you"re drunk吻到你沉醉其中And i"ll show you然后我闪亮登场Want the moves like jagger想像jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I don"t even try to control you我从没试图束缚你Look into my eyes and i"ll own you看着我的眼睛 我将属于你With the moves like jagger随着jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆Baby it"s hard宝贝 这很难呐!And it feel like you"re broken in scar似乎你已经战胜恐惧Nothing feels right一切都觉得不对劲But when you"re with me但当你我相依时I make you believe我会使你深深信赖我That i"ve got the key车钥匙到手了So get in the car快点 上车吧We can ride it我们去兜风Wherever you want你想去的任何地方Get inside it到车里来And you want to stir你想立刻启程But i"m shifting gears但我正在换挡I"ll take it from here我将从这里出发And it goes like this一切就如此继续Take me by the tongue亲吻我的舌尖And i"ll know you我将了解你Kiss til you"re drunk吻到你沉醉其中And i"ll show you然后我闪亮登场Want the moves like jagger想像jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I don"t even try to control you我从没试图束缚你Look into my eyes and i"ll own you看着我的眼睛 我将属于你With the moves like jagger随着jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆You want to know how to make me smile你想知道如何逗我笑Take control, own me just for the night不要乱来 我想有一个属于自己的夜But if I share my secret但是如果我分享我的秘密You gonna have to keep it你必须守口如瓶Nobody else can see this无人知晓So watch and learn睁大眼睛 学着点I won"t show you twice我不想演示两次Head to toe, ooh baby, roll me right头碰到脚趾了 哦 宝贝 蜷缩在一起But if I share my secret但是如果我分享我的秘密You gonna have to keep it你必须守口如瓶Nobody else can see this无人知晓And it goes like this一切就如此继续Take me by the tongue亲吻我的舌尖And i"ll know you我将了解你Kiss til you"re drunk吻到你沉醉其中And i"ll show you然后我闪亮登场Want the moves like jagger想像jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I don"t even try to control you我从没试图束缚你Look into my eyes and i"ll own you看着我的眼睛 我将属于你With the moves like jagger随着jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆

一首英文串烧开头是Die young,其中有moves like jagger和江南style。

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