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X-japan<Art OF Life>英文歌词 悬赏分:5 - 离问题结束还有 13 天 6 小时求~~~~~~感激不尽啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~提问者:Ryoo_Miyavi - 见习魔法师 二级 答复共 1 条Desert Rose 沙漠玫瑰 Why do you live alone 为何你独自生存 If you are sad 若你悲哀 I"ll make you leave this life 我将使你离开此生 Are you white, blue or bloody red 你是蓝色、白色、还是如血般的红 All I can see is drowning in cold gray sand 我所能见的全都淹没在冷灰的沙中 The winds of time 时间之风 You knock me to the ground 你将我击倒在地 I"m dying of thirst 我渴而垂死 I wanna run away 我想逃离 I don"t know how to set me free to live 我不知如何让自己自由的生活 My mind cries out feeling pain 我的心因痛苦而呐喊 I"ve been roaming to find myself 我四处徘徊 寻找自我 How long have I been feeling endless hurt 这无尽的痛 我还得忍受多久 Falling down, rain flows into my heart 落雨流入我心中 In the pain I"m waiting for you 在痛苦中我等待你 Can"t go back 无法回去 No place to go back to 无处可归 Life is lost. Flowers fall 生命已逝 花坠落 If it"s all dream 如果这都是梦 Now wake me up 现在就唤醒我 If it"s all real 如果全是真的 Just kill me 就只好杀了我 I"m making the wall inside my heart 我正在自己的心中筑墙 I don"t wanna let my emotions get out 我不要让我的情感泄露 It scares me to look at the world 它恐吓我注视著世界 Don"t want to find myself lost in your eyes 不要让自己在你眼中消失 I tried to drown my past in gray 我试著埋葬我的过去 I never wanna feel more pain 不要再受更多的伤害 Run away from you without saying any words 无言的从你身旁逃开 What I don"t wanna lose is love 我不愿失去的是「爱」 Through my eyes 从我的眼中 Time goes by like tears 时光如泪水般流逝 My emotion"s losing the color of life 我的情感失去生命的色彩 Kill my heart 使我心死 Release all my pain 解除我所有的痛苦 I"m shouting out loud 我高声叫喊 Insanity takes hold over me 疯狂威胁著我 Turning away from the wall 从墙的那一面转过来 Nothing I can see 我什么都看不见 The scream deep inside 深处的呐喊 reflecting another person in my heart 在心中反射出另一个自己 He calls me from within 他从内心深处告诉我 "All existence you see before you must be wipe out: 「你必须消灭你能见的所有存在 Dream, Reality, Memories 梦 真实 记忆 and Yourself." 和你自己」 I begin to lose control of myself 我开始失去自制 My lust is so blind, destroys my mind 我盲目的欲望破坏理智 Nobody can stop my turning to madness 无人能阻止我转向疯狂 No matter how you try to hold me in your heart 无论你如何尝试在你心中抓住我 Why do you wanna raise these walls 为何你要筑高这堵墙 I don"t know the meaning of hatred 我不知憎恨的意义 My brain gets blown away hearing words of lies 我的脑因听见谎言而疲惫 I only want to hold your love 我只想拥有你的爱 Stab the doll filled with hate 戳刺充满憎恨的人偶 Wash yourself with their blood 用它们的血洗你自己 Drive into the raging current of time 在猛烈的时间之流中行进 Swing your murderous weapon into the belly 在贪欲中操纵你杀人的凶器 "the earth" 向著「世界」 Shout and start creating confusion 狂叫且开始困惑 Shed your blood for preasure 你流血为获得快乐 And what? For love? 还有什么?为了爱? What am I suppose to do? 什么是我该做的? I believe in the madness called " Now " 我相信在被称为「现在」的疯狂中 Past and future prison my heart 过去和未来禁锢我的心 Time is blind 时间是盲目的 But I wanna trace my heart 但我要追溯我的爱 On the wall of time, over pain in my heart 在时间之壁上,越过我心中的痛苦 Art of life Art of life Insane blade stabbing dreams 疯狂的刀刃刺穿梦境 Try to break all truth now 试著破坏全部的事实 But I can"t heal this broken heart in pain 但我无法治愈这痛苦而破碎的心 Cannot start to live. Cannot end my life 无法开始生活,无法结束生命 Keep on crying 继续哭泣 Close my eyes 闭上眼睛 Time breath I can hear 我能听见时间的低语 All love and sadness melt in my heart 全部的爱与悲哀在我心中融化 Dry my tears 拭乾泪水 Wipe my broody face 擦拭我满是血污的脸 I wanna feel me living my life outside my wall 我要在我的墙外感受我的存在 You can"t draw a picture of yesterday , so 你无法为昨日描绘影象,以致於 You"re painting your heart with your blood 你用你的血涂抹你的心 You can"t say "No" 你无法说「不」 Only turning the wheel of time 只能用环绕在颈中的绳索 with a rope around your neck 转动时间之轮 You build a wall of morality and take a breath 你建造美德之墙 from between the bricks 在砖缝之间 延残喘 You make up imaginary enemies and are chased by them 你制造假想敌并被他们追捕 You"re trying to commit suicide 你试著自杀 You"re satisfied with your prologue 你对你的序幕感到满意 Now you"re painting your first chapter black 现在你抹黑你的第一章 You are putting the scraps of life together 你把生命的碎片收集在一起 and trying to make an asylum for yourself 并尝试为你自己制造一个避难所 You"re hitting a bell at the edag of the stage 你在舞台边缘敲钟 and 而且 You are trying to kill me 你试著杀我 I believe in the madness called " Now " 我相信在被称为「现在」的疯狂中 Time goes flowing, breaking my heart 时光流逝,破坏我的心 Wanna live 要活著 Can"t let my heart kill myself 不能让我的心毁了我自己 Still I haven"t found what I"m looking for 我仍未找到我要找寻的 Art of life Art of life I try to stop myself 我试著停止我自己 But my heart goes to destroy the truth 但我的心意欲毁灭这事实 Tell me why 告诉我为什么 I want the meaning of my life 我想知道我活著的意义 Do I try to live? Do I try to love 我该试著活下去吗 in my dream 我该试著去实现梦想中的爱吗 I am breaking the wall inside my heart 我破坏我心中的墙 I just wanna let my emotions get out 我想让我的情感流露 Nobody can stop 无人能阻止 I"m running to freedom 我奔向自由 No matter how you try to hold me in your world 无论你多想在你的世界中掌握我 Like a doll carried by the flow of time 像被流逝的时光控制的玩偶 I sacrificed the present moment for the future 我为未来牺牲此刻 I was in chains of memory half-blinded 我被半瞎的记忆束缚 Losing my heart, walking in the sea of dream 失去我的心,徘徊在梦之海里 Close my eyes 闭上眼睛 Rose breathes I can hear 我听见玫瑰的低语 All love and sadness melt in my heart 全部的爱与悲哀在我心中融化 Dry my tears 拭乾泪水 Wipe my bloody face 擦拭我满是血污的脸 I wanna feel me living my life outside my wall 我要在我的墙外感受我的存在 Dreams can make me mad 梦能使我疯狂 I can"t leave my dream 我无法离开梦境 I can"t stop myself 我无法阻止我自己 Don"t know what I am 不知我是什么 What lies are truth 什么是谎言 What truth are lies 什么是真实 Art of life Art of life An Eternal Bleeding heart 一颗永远滴血的心 You never wanna breathe your last 你永远不碰触你的过去 Wanna live 要活著 Can"t let my heart kill myself 不能让我的心毁了我自己 Still I am feeling for 我仍感觉到 A Rose is breathing love 一朵玫瑰正注入爱 in my life 在我生命中 回答者:rui0409 - 魔法师 五级 9-9 03:29我也来回答: 回答即可得2分,回答被采纳则获得悬赏分以及奖励20分。 积分规则回答字数在10000字以内 参考资料: 如果您的回答是从其他地方引用,请表明出处。 匿名回答

xjapan art of life歌词是什么

Desert Rose 沙漠玫瑰 Why do you live alone 为何你独自生存 If you are sad 若你悲哀 I"ll make you leave this life 我将使你离开此生 Are you white, blue or bloody red 你是蓝色、白色、还是如血般的红 All I can see is drowning in cold gray sand 我所能见的全都淹没在冷灰的沙中 The winds of time 时间之风 You knock me to the ground 你将我击倒在地 I"m dying of thirst 我渴而垂死 I wanna run away 我想逃离 I don"t know how to set me free to live 我不知如何让自己自由的生活 My mind cries out feeling pain 我的心因痛苦而呐喊 I"ve been roaming to find myself 我四处徘徊 寻找自我 How long have I been feeling endless hurt 这无尽的痛 我还得忍受多久 Falling down, rain flows into my heart 落雨流入我心中 In the pain I"m waiting for you 在痛苦中我等待你 Can"t go back 无法回去 No place to go back to 无处可归 Life is lost. Flowers fall 生命已逝 花坠落 If it"s all dream 如果这都是梦 Now wake me up 现在就唤醒我 If it"s all real 如果全是真的 Just kill me 就只好杀了我 I"m making the wall inside my heart 我正在自己的心中筑墙 I don"t wanna let my emotions get out 我不要让我的情感泄露 It scares me to look at the world 它恐吓我注视著世界 Don"t want to find myself lost in your eyes 不要让自己在你眼中消失 I tried to drown my past in gray 我试著埋葬我的过去 I never wanna feel more pain 不要再受更多的伤害 Run away from you without saying any words 无言的从你身旁逃开 What I don"t wanna lose is love 我不愿失去的是「爱」 Through my eyes 从我的眼中 Time goes by like tears 时光如泪水般流逝 My emotion"s losing the color of life 我的情感失去生命的色彩 Kill my heart 使我心死 Release all my pain 解除我所有的痛苦 I"m shouting out loud 我高声叫喊 Insanity takes hold over me 疯狂威胁著我 Turning away from the wall 从墙的那一面转过来 Nothing I can see 我什么都看不见 The scream deep inside 深处的呐喊 reflecting another person in my heart 在心中反射出另一个自己 He calls me from within 他从内心深处告诉我 "All existence you see before you must be wipe out: 「你必须消灭你能见的所有存在 Dream, Reality, Memories 梦 真实 记忆 and Yourself." 和你自己」 I begin to lose control of myself 我开始失去自制 My lust is so blind, destroys my mind 我盲目的欲望破坏理智 Nobody can stop my turning to madness 无人能阻止我转向疯狂 No matter how you try to hold me in your heart 无论你如何尝试在你心中抓住我 Why do you wanna raise these walls 为何你要筑高这堵墙 I don"t know the meaning of hatred 我不知憎恨的意义 My brain gets blown away hearing words of lies 我的脑因听见谎言而疲惫 I only want to hold your love 我只想拥有你的爱 Stab the doll filled with hate 戳刺充满憎恨的人偶 Wash yourself with their blood 用它们的血洗你自己 Drive into the raging current of time 在猛烈的时间之流中行进 Swing your murderous weapon into the belly 在贪欲中操纵你杀人的凶器 "the earth" 向著「世界」 Shout and start creating confusion 狂叫且开始困惑 Shed your blood for preasure 你流血为获得快乐 And what? For love? 还有什么?为了爱? What am I suppose to do? 什么是我该做的? I believe in the madness called " Now " 我相信在被称为「现在」的疯狂中 Past and future prison my heart 过去和未来禁锢我的心 Time is blind 时间是盲目的 But I wanna trace my heart 但我要追溯我的爱 On the wall of time, over pain in my heart 在时间之壁上,越过我心中的痛苦 Art of life Art of life Insane blade stabbing dreams 疯狂的刀刃刺穿梦境 Try to break all truth now 试著破坏全部的事实 But I can"t heal this broken heart in pain 但我无法治愈这痛苦而破碎的心 Cannot start to live. Cannot end my life 无法开始生活,无法结束生命 Keep on crying 继续哭泣 Close my eyes 闭上眼睛 Time breath I can hear 我能听见时间的低语 All love and sadness melt in my heart 全部的爱与悲哀在我心中融化 Dry my tears 拭乾泪水 Wipe my broody face 擦拭我满是血污的脸 I wanna feel me living my life outside my wall 我要在我的墙外感受我的存在 You can"t draw a picture of yesterday , so 你无法为昨日描绘影象,以致於 You"re painting your heart with your blood 你用你的血涂抹你的心 You can"t say "No" 你无法说「不」 Only turning the wheel of time 只能用环绕在颈中的绳索 with a rope around your neck 转动时间之轮 You build a wall of morality and take a breath 你建造美德之墙 from between the bricks 在砖缝之间 延残喘 You make up imaginary enemies and are chased by them 你制造假想敌并被他们追捕 You"re trying to commit suicide 你试著自杀 You"re satisfied with your prologue 你对你的序幕感到满意 Now you"re painting your first chapter black 现在你抹黑你的第一章 You are putting the scraps of life together 你把生命的碎片收集在一起 and trying to make an asylum for yourself 并尝试为你自己制造一个避难所 You"re hitting a bell at the edag of the stage 你在舞台边缘敲钟 and 而且 You are trying to kill me 你试著杀我 I believe in the madness called " Now " 我相信在被称为「现在」的疯狂中 Time goes flowing, breaking my heart 时光流逝,破坏我的心 Wanna live 要活著 Can"t let my heart kill myself 不能让我的心毁了我自己 Still I haven"t found what I"m looking for 我仍未找到我要找寻的 Art of life Art of life I try to stop myself 我试著停止我自己 But my heart goes to destroy the truth 但我的心意欲毁灭这事实 Tell me why 告诉我为什么 I want the meaning of my life 我想知道我活著的意义 Do I try to live? Do I try to love 我该试著活下去吗 in my dream 我该试著去实现梦想中的爱吗 I am breaking the wall inside my heart 我破坏我心中的墙 I just wanna let my emotions get out 我想让我的情感流露 Nobody can stop 无人能阻止 I"m running to freedom 我奔向自由 No matter how you try to hold me in your world 无论你多想在你的世界中掌握我 Like a doll carried by the flow of time 像被流逝的时光控制的玩偶 I sacrificed the present moment for the future 我为未来牺牲此刻 I was in chains of memory half-blinded 我被半瞎的记忆束缚 Losing my heart, walking in the sea of dream 失去我的心,徘徊在梦之海里 Close my eyes 闭上眼睛 Rose breathes I can hear 我听见玫瑰的低语 All love and sadness melt in my heart 全部的爱与悲哀在我心中融化 Dry my tears 拭乾泪水 Wipe my bloody face 擦拭我满是血污的脸 I wanna feel me living my life outside my wall 我要在我的墙外感受我的存在 Dreams can make me mad 梦能使我疯狂 I can"t leave my dream 我无法离开梦境 I can"t stop myself 我无法阻止我自己 Don"t know what I am 不知我是什么 What lies are truth 什么是谎言 What truth are lies 什么是真实 Art of life Art of life An Eternal Bleeding heart 一颗永远滴血的心 You never wanna breathe your last 你永远不碰触你的过去 Wanna live 要活著 Can"t let my heart kill myself 不能让我的心毁了我自己 Still I am feeling for 我仍感觉到 A Rose is breathing love 一朵玫瑰正注入爱 in my life 在我生命中



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Text 类:public class Text { public static void main(String[] args) { Rectangle a=new Rectangle(); a.setWidth(2); a.setHeight(3); Rectangle b=new Rectangle(3,4); System.out.println("面积:"+a.area()+" 周长"+a.perimeter()); System.out.println("面积:"+b.area()+" 周长"+b.perimeter()); }}Rectangle类:private int width;private int height;public Rectangle(){}public Rectangle(int width,int height){ this.width=width; this.height=height;}public int getWidth() { return width;}public void setWidth(int width) { this.width = width;}public int getHeight() { return height;}public void setHeight(int height) { this.height = height;}public int area(){ return this.width*this.height;}public int perimeter(){ return (this.width+this.height)*2;}

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public class Rectangle{ private int width; private int height; public Rectangle(){ this.width = 10; this.height = 10; } public Rectangle(int width, int height){ this.width = width; this.height = height; } public int area(){ return width * height; } //省略getter/setter}


package s;public class Rectangle { /** * @param args */ private int lx;//左上横坐标 private int ly;//左上纵坐标 private int rx;//右上下横坐标 private int ry;//右下纵坐标 public int getLx() { return lx; } public void setLx(int lx) { this.lx = lx; } public int getLy() { return ly; } public void setLy(int ly) { this.ly = ly; } public int getRx() { return rx; } public void setRx(int rx) { this.rx = rx; } public int getRy() { return ry; } public void setRy(int ry) { this.ry = ry; } public void setLeft(int x,int y){ this.setLx(x); this.setLy(y); } public void setRight(int x,int y){ this.setRx(x); this.setRy(y); }//判断长和宽 public boolean isBool(){ return Math.abs(this.getRx()-this.getLx())>=Math.abs(this.getRy()-this.getLy()); }}


12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940class Rectangle { private double width; private double height; public Rectangle(double width, double height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; } public double getC() { return (width + height) * 2; } public double getS() { return width * height; } public double getWidth() { return width; } public void setWidth(double width) { this.width = width; } public double getHeight() { return height; } public void setHeight(double height) { this.height = height; }} public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(4, 5); System.out.println("周长=" + rect.getC() + " 面积=" + rect.getS()); }}


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 程序设计 >> 其他编程语言 问题描述: 创建一个rectangle类,添加width和height两个属性 并在rectangle中添加两种方法计算矩形的周长和面积,并利用rectangle输出一个矩形的周长和面积 解析: public class rectangle(){ public rectangel(){}private double width ; private double height ; 面积 public double getSquare(){ return width*height } 周长 public double getRound(){ return 2*(width+height) } public setWidth(double width){ this.width = width ; } public setHeight(double height){ this.height = height } }


/*** Project Name:jqueryEasyUiTest* File Name:Rectangle.java* Package Name:* Date:2013年12月30日上午9:46:55**//*** ClassName:Rectangle <br/>* Function: TODO ADD FUNCTION. <br/>* Reason: TODO ADD REASON. <br/>* Date: 2013年12月30日 上午9:46:55 <br/>* @author lenovo* @version* @since JDK 1.6* @see*/public class Rectangle { private int length; private int width; public int getLength() { return length; } public void setLength(int length) { this.length = length; } public int getWidth() { return width; } public void setWidth(int width) { this.width = width; } public Rectangle(int length, int width) { this.length = length; this.width = width; } public int calcArea(){ return this.length * this.width; } public int calcCircum(){ return 2 * (this.length + this.width); } public boolean equals(Rectangle rec) { if( this.calcArea() == rec.calcArea() ){ return true; }else{ return false; } }}





我有一把harper牌的电箱吉他,12年前买的,琴箱里面写有designed in japan,请问吉他来历,现在价值

呵呵.....英文是 日本设计.. 你懂得 直接写made in china 没人买... 有的人一看 啥啥japan买的起劲 自己用用吧..



james Harper的中文名是?效力球队?



网络上 很多人上传的代码可能有问题, 建议你使用linux内核源代码中的关于des的代码,可以联系我

这段JAVA代码转成C# 怎么写?

以下是将 Java 代码转换为 C# 代码的示例:```csharpusing System.Security.Cryptography;using System.Text;// 生成AES密钥public static byte[] GenerateAESKey(string key){KeyGenerator kgen = KeyGenerator.GetInstance("AES");SecureRandom random = SecureRandom.GetInstance("SHA1PRNG");random.SetSeed(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(key));kgen.Init(128, random);SecretKey secretKey = kgen.GenerateKey();byte[] enCodeFormat = secretKey.GetEncoded();return enCodeFormat;}// 加密或解密数据public static byte[] EncryptOrDecrypt(byte[] content, byte[] key, int mode){using (AesCryptoServiceProvider aes = new AesCryptoServiceProvider()){aes.KeySize = 128; // 密钥长度aes.BlockSize = 128; // 块大小aes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; // 加密模式aes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7; // 填充方式aes.Key = key;ICryptoTransform transform = aes.CreateEncryptor();byte[] result = transform.TransformFinalBlock(content, 0, content.Length);return result;}}```需要注意的是,C# 中的 AesCryptoServiceProvider 支持的加密模式和填充方式可能与 Java 中不同,需要根据具体需求进行调整。另外,Java 中的 SHA1PRNG 算法在 C# 中没有对应实现,可以使用其他随机数生成器替代。

java 编译通过,但是在运行时候提示出错。代码如下:



ps -ef | grep java

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -17




Life is Wonderful - Jason Mraz 歌词的中文

Life is wonderful──活着是这样美好。It takes a crane to build a crane它拿起重机建起高楼 It takes two floors to make a story它拿两块地板构成一个楼层 It takes an egg to make a hen 它拿一个鸡蛋变成一只母鸡 It takes a hen to make an egg 它拿一只母鸡变成一个鸡蛋 There is no end to what I"m saying 这是没有结束的话语 It takes a thought to make a word 它拿思想做成了文字 And it takes some words to make an action 然后用这些文字构成一个动作 And it takes some work to make it work 再使劳动成为工作 It takes some good to make it hurt 它拿好的去伤害它的心 It takes some bad for satisfaction 它拿坏的去感到满足 Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful 生活如此美好Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle 生活变成完整的圆圈 Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful 生活是美好的 Ah la la la la It takes a night to make it dawn 它让黑夜变成黎明 And it takes a day to make you yawn brother 它用白昼唤醒你打呵欠的兄弟 It takes some old to make you young 它拿年老的换来你的年轻 It takes some cold to know the sun 它拿寒冷让我们知道温暖 It takes the one to have the other 它拿一个变成其它的所有 And it takes no time to fall in love 它让没有时间知道爱的失去 But it takes you years to know what love is 它用岁月让你知道爱是什么 And it takes some fears to make you trust 它让担心变成你的信任 It takes those tears to make it rust 它让这些破碎变成铁锈 It takes the dust to have it polished 它让灰尘变得闪光 Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful 生活真美好 Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle 生活变成完整的圆圈 Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful 生活真奇妙 Ah la la la it is so... It takes some silence to make sound 它让寂静变得喧闹 And It takes a loss before you found it 它让成功以前注定失败 And It takes a road to go nowhere 它让道路通向任何地方 It takes a toll to make you care 它让代价变成对你的照料 It takes a hole to make a mountain 它让一个洞变成山脉 Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful 生活真奇妙 Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle 生活变成完整的圆圈 Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful 生活真奇妙 Ah la la la la la la life is meaningful 生活真是意味深长 Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful 生活真奇妙 Ah la la la la la la it is so... wonderful 它是如此的奇妙 It is so meaningful 生活真是意味深长 It is so wonderful 它是如此的奇妙 It is meaningful 它真是意味深长 It is wonderful 它是如此的奇妙 It is meaningful 它真是意味深长 It goes full circle 它变成完整的圆圈 Wonderful 如此奇妙Meaningful 意味深长Full Circle 完整的圆圈Wonderful如此奇妙如果满意请采纳如有疑问欢迎追问谢谢你的支持O(∩_∩)O~枫叶思桐


在css中使用margin可以将margin-top, margin-bottom, margin-left, margin-right缩写为一个标记。margin标记可以带一个、二个、三个、四个参数,各有不同的含义。[示例代码]<html><body><div style="border: 1px solid red;"><div style="border: 1px solid blue; margin: 20px;">margin: 20px;上、下、左、右各20px。</div></div><div style="border: 1px solid red;"><div style="border: 1px solid blue; margin: 20px 40px;">margin: 20px 40px;上、下20px;左、右40px。</div></div><div style="border: 1px solid red;"><div style="border: 1px solid blue; margin: 20px 40px 60px;">margin: 20px 40px 60px;上20px;左、右40px;下60px。</div></div><div style="border: 1px solid red;"><div style="border: 1px solid blue; margin: 20px 40px 60px 80px;">

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java 已经获取pdf代码,如何把他pdf文件保存到本机 要求用输出流做

一、iText介绍  iText是着名的开放源码的站点sourceforge一个项目,是用于生成PDF文档的一个java类库。通过iText不仅可以生成PDF或rtf的文档,而且可以将XML、Html文件转化为PDF文件。  iText的安装非常方便,只需要在系统的CLASSPATH中加入iText.jar的路径,在程序中就可以使用iText类库了。  二、建立第一个PDF文档  用iText生成PDF文档需要5个步骤:  ①建立com.lowagie.text.Document对象的实例。  Document document = new Document();  ②建立一个书写器(Writer)与document对象关联,通过书写器(Writer)可以将文档写入到磁盘中。  PDFWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("Helloworld.PDF"));  ③打开文档。  document.open();  ④向文档中添加内容。  document.add(new Paragraph("Hello World"));  ⑤关闭文档。  document.close();  通过上面的5个步骤,就能产生一个Helloworld.PDF的文件,文件内容为"Hello World"。  建立com.lowagie.text.Document对象的实例  com.lowagie.text.Document对象的构建函数有三个,分别是:  public Document();  public Document(Rectangle pageSize);  public Document(Rectangle pageSize,  int marginLeft,  int marginRight,  int marginTop,  int marginBottom);  构建函数的参数pageSize是文档页面的大小,对于第一个构建函数,页面的大小为A4,同Document(PageSize.A4)的效果一样;对于第三个构建函数,参数marginLeft、marginRight、marginTop、marginBottom分别为左、右、上、下的页边距。

java itext 创建pdf,直接返回输出流做成下载,怎么做

public static void create() { try { Document document =new Document(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PdfWriter.getInstance(document,baos ); document.open(); document.add(new Paragraph("Hello World")); document.close(); byte[] content = baos.toByteArray(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }这是一个用itext创建pdf然后将创建的pdf转变成byte【】的方法,你看合适不,不合适的话m我,我帮你改code


obj.style.margin = "0px";obj代表你要加margin的标签


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import java.awt.Graphics;import java.applet.Applet;class Sound extends Applet{ public void paint(Graphics g){ play(getDocumentBase(),"music.wav");}//播放当前目录下的一月文件;}我的QQ1162856902

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HP 2100 :按住job cancel 键开机 直到3灯全亮HP 1320:关机状态按住机身后网卡上RESET键开机,等5-30秒松手,网卡冷复位。5分钟后打印配置页。HP 5000:按住GO开机,持续按住直到出现COLD RESET。HP Jetdirect 内置网络打印服务器冷复位步骤1 、关闭打印机的电源并取下网线;2 、给打印机作冷复位(具体步骤请参考下表);3 、将打印机静置静置 3-5 分钟后插上网线,并再静置约 3 分钟。

I’m Jack, and I am a middle school student. Yesterday was the most exciting day in my life. I w..

小题1:B小题2:B小题3:C小题4:A 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文主要介绍了杰克参加一个电视节目的过程,这让杰克很兴奋,他的父母也为她感到骄傲.小题1:细节理解题.根据第一段Yesterday was the most exciting day in my life. I was on TV!描述,可知昨天杰克很兴奋,因为他上电视了.故选B.小题2:细节理解题.根据短文第一段This is how it happened. 及第二段I was playing soccer in the park with my friends,描述,可知这件事情首先是杰克在公园里面和朋友们踢球,联系下文描述,可知接下来一个女人问他是否愿意上电视节目,杰克又问他的朋友们是否愿意上电视节目,然后这个女人问了杰克许多问题,最后杰克仔细思考,努力给出答案.故选B.小题3:词义猜测题.联系前半句,我仔细地思考.可知此处指的是给出了合理的答案.故选C.小题4:细节理解题.根据短文最后一段My mum and dad were proud of me too!描述,可知杰克的父母很为他骄傲.故选A.

Auld lang syne 中英文歌词 要james taylor那个版本的 好的还加分

歌曲名称:Auld Lang Syne歌手:james taylor所属专辑:James Taylor At Christmas歌曲时长:3分38歌曲语言:英语英文歌词:Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgotAnd days of auld lang syne!For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We"ll take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syne.And here"s a hand, my trusty friend,And gets a hand of thine;We"ll take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syne.For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We"ll take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syne.Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgotAnd days of auld lang syne!For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We"ll take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syne.And here"s a hand, my trusty friend,And gets a hand of thine;We"ll take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syne.For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We"ll take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syne.For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We"ll take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syne.中文歌词:怎能忘记旧日的朋友,而从未想到?怎能忘记旧日的朋友和天的友谊地久天长!友谊地久天长,我亲爱的,友谊地久天长,我们会接受一杯好意友谊地久天长。这里的一只手,我信赖的朋友,并得到你的手;我们会接受一杯好意友谊地久天长。友谊地久天长,我亲爱的,友谊地久天长,我们会接受一杯好意友谊地久天长。怎能忘记旧日的朋友,而从未想到?怎能忘记旧日的朋友和天的友谊地久天长!友谊地久天长,我亲爱的,友谊地久天长,我们会接受一杯好意友谊地久天长。这里的一只手,我信赖的朋友,并得到你的手;我们会接受一杯好意友谊地久天长。友谊地久天长,我亲爱的,友谊地久天长,我们会接受一杯好意友谊地久天长。友谊地久天长,我亲爱的,友谊地久天长,我们会接受一杯好意友谊地久天长。


<% String Email=request.getParameter("Email"); %>


"<a href=">"+data[i].title+""></a>"

James Otto的《Damn Right》 歌词

歌曲名:Damn Right歌手:James Otto专辑:Sunset ManJames Otto - Damn RightYou can always find me hereRaisin" hell and drinkin" beerWith all my good-time buddiesCuttin" up and havin" funYeah the jokes can be on meAnd I don"t mind usuallyI"m an easy-goin", back-slappin" son of a gunBut she just left meAnd that"s just left me undoneSo you don"t want to push your luck boys, not tonightJust don"t bring up her name one more timeIf you think I"m in the mood to pick a fightYou"re damn rightShe"s gone and I admit I was wrongBut I can"t quitThinkin" about how good our love used to beAnd the whiskey numbs the painBut in the morning when I wakeI"ll be hungover hangin" on to a memoryAnd I"ll order one more roundLose the Coke and keep the CrownAnd just drown my miseryAnd I"ll blind myself with liquor and neon lightsAlone and stoned out of my mindIf you think I"m flyin" high as a kiteYou"re damn rightNow I"m just tryin" to make it throughBut gettin" over you is a long, long roadAnd I"m a strong man, but it"s killin" meLettin" goAnd I"d love to say it ain"t, but I can"t lieYeah pretend that I got somethin" in my eyesIf you think I"m gonna break down and cryYou"re damn rightYou"re damn rightLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with u!http://music.baidu.com/song/21432255

java生成xml后毫无格式 求高手指点 代码如下 // 创建根节点

你应该用的jar是jdom吧.一下是格式化方法.XMLOutputter XMLOut = new XMLOutputter(FormatXML());public Format FormatXML(){ //格式化生成的xml文件,如果不进行格式化的话,生成的xml文件将会是很长的一行... Format format = Format.getCompactFormat(); format.setEncoding("utf-8"); format.setIndent(" "); return format; }


周杰伦的音乐风格 极其独特,歌词更是天马行空、包罗万象。 JAY歌词经常出现一些新名词、或是出现一些很少见名词 比如:蓝色风暴就是以宗教古典乐开头,歌词更是看不太明白,里面甚至有些词语根本就没有看到过或是不知道意思 所以我专门到网上去查了一下,解释如下: 告解:就是一个人有了什么秘密,还是做错了事情,良心受到谴责,而去向神职人员忏悔或是求教。等等! 看过电影《教父》就知道里面有一段情节讲告解,教父第三部下半部分15:30处可以看到主角麦可到教堂去向教士告解 弥赛亚Messiah:巴勒斯坦 以色列耶路撒冷 古犹太语 希伯莱文“救世主”的意思。基督教里的弥赛亚就是耶稣 宗教清唱剧《弥赛亚》:宗教清唱剧《弥赛亚》<Messiah>是脍炙人口的宗教音乐,是音乐史上最伟大的神剧,描述耶稣出生、传教、受难及复 活的故事。亨德尔Handel以英国伦敦一位著名的剧作家詹宁斯创作的宗教清唱剧剧本《弥赛亚(Messiah)》,也就是《圣经》的相关篇章为剧 词,通过三个部分叙述耶稣的诞生,受难和复活。这里面有许多美妙,感人的唱段,特别是第二发结尾那著称 中的“哈利路亚”合唱,早已成 为最流行的圣诞乐。

Everybody Knows Jason 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody Knows Jason歌手:Alyssa Bernal专辑:Love HangoverNa na na na na na .I wrote another letter for Jason yesterdayHe hasn""t replied yet but really that""s OKHe tends to be quite busy on TuesdaysAnd on WednesdaysBut I""m going to call him on ThursdayMy friends call me aggressiveThey tell me I need helpI don""t know what they""re talking aboutI feel swellI""m so in love with JasonAnd he""s so in love with meHe just doesn""t know it yet you see.Cause everybody knows JasonAnd everybody knows meThey say that I should leave him alone, let him beAnd everybody says Jason really doesn""t careWell maybe if I lose some weight or change my hair.Na na na na na na .They say he""s in a meetingI know that that""s a lieThey say they""re gonna call the policeAnd I don""t know whyBut I know my sweet Jason he""s really quite fragileBut I can""t protect him from the crazy world outside.Cause everybody knows JasonAnd everybody knows meThey say that I should leave him alone, let him beAnd everybody says Jason really doesn""t careWell maybe if I lose some weight or change my hair.Well I send him lots of flowersWith confessions of my loveHe claims he""s got a girlI don""t know what he""s speaking ofMy Jason is a cutie, but he gets a bit confusedBut I love him, and he""s perfect for me.Cause everybody knows JasonAnd everybody knows meThey say that I should leave him alone, let him beAnd everybody says Jason really doesn""t careWell maybe if I lose some weight or change my hair.Everybody knows JasonAnd everybody knows meThey say that I should leave him alone, let him beAnd everybody says Jason really doesn""t careWell maybe if I lose some weight or change my hair.Na na na na na nahttp://music.baidu.com/song/17741967

Michael Jackson个人资料


LaToya Jackson的《You and Me》 歌词

I, I didn"t know what real love wasUntil I fell in love with youNow I know that it"s realDon"t ever leave meWith youI feel the days will never endLike the river flows, and thenAnd then you fill my soulDon"t ever leave meYou and me, you and meLet"s love each other alwaysHold me closerLove me, love meLet"s make it last foreverlet"s make it last foreverYou and me, you and meLet"s love each other alwaysHold me closerLove me, love meLet"s make it last foreverDon"t you know our love will never dieOh noI, I didn"t know what real love wasUntil I fell in love with youNow I know that it"s loveDon"t ever leave meYou and me, you and meLet"s love each other alwaysHold me closerLove me, love meLet"s make it last foreverlet"s make it last foreverYou and me, you and meLet"s love each other alwaysHold me closerLove me, love meLet"s make it last foreverYou know our love will never ever dieOh no, uh, yeah, yeahOh, you and me, you and meLet"s love each other alwaysHold me closerLove me, love meLet"s make it last foreverlet"s make it last foreverYou and me (you and me), you and meLet"s love each other alwaysHold me closerLove me, love meLet"s make it last foreverYou know our love will never ever die(Oh yeah, I like this)Hold me closerLove me, love meLet"s make it last foreverYou know our love will never ever die


Face black another shadow of innocence taintedGave back all the lights and glitterWrong track again and again is stingsWish you all could feel like this12 is for the reason of regret9 is for the pain that I"m causedWill strife ever cease? Someday...Fuck this mind that is made to hateComplete the task of humilityRestrained from who they want me to beThat"s what they want me to beThat is not quite good enough for meFuck you and your thoughts on meFuck you and your thoughts of meFuck you how can I not be meFuck you I will never let you take meI will never be that good little oneI can never see what is so good about lifeI can never change just who I am or what is I think I am doingMy hands fell down now I know I failedYou were not there to pick up the waste of this pathetic taleMaybe I should just end all this right hereWould you like that?Maybe you could cope knowing that you all have succeededI am staying here to betray all of youNever failing me againCut a little...it bleeds slowly can you see it ooze?I"m going to save meMy eyes turn the color jadeI look at everyone around meI am so sick of this placeAnyone and anything makes me sickI just want to end it allI return to my room walls white with black shadesOh how would red look?The reasons are not for your earsThe feelings are not for your heartI circle in tears wishing, hoping, dreamingCan I find a way out besides this?I need itI want to be where you areI miss you

有谁知道latoya jackson


Michael Jackson的《Call On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Call On Me歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:Love SongsCall on me when you"re aloneBaby if you need someone to loveIf sometimes, things are hard for youIf nothing goes right for youDon"t you worry cause I"m on your sideThere"s gonna be a way out everytimeIf sometimes, you can see the lightHappiness is always so brightDon"t you worry cause I"m on your sideThere"s gonna be a way out everytimeCall on me when you"re aloneBaby if you need someone to loveCall me; love is a thing that you needSo call on me, call on meCall on me when you"re aloneBaby if you need someone to loveCall me, love is the answer you needSo call on me, call on meIf somewhere, there were better daysIf somewhere, there were better daysTheir happy ever after againThere"s gonna be a way out every timeDon"t you worry cause I"m on your sideCall on me when you"re aloneBaby if you need someone to loveCall me, love is a thing that you needSo call on me, call on meCall on me when you"re aloneBaby if you need someone to loveCall me, love is the answer you needSo call on me, call on me(Oh baby call on me....call on me... Call on me....)Call on me when you"re aloneBaby if you need someone to loveCall on me when you"re aloneBaby if you need someone to loveCall me, love is the thing that you needSo call on me, call on meCall on me when you"re aloneBaby if you need someone to loveCall me, love is the answer you needSo call on me, call on meCall on me when you"re aloneCall on me when you"re aloneBaby, love is a thing that you needSo call on me, call on me........http://music.baidu.com/song/10301867

java 400 bad request怎么解决

我的解决办法就是把实体类的javabean里边的类型都改成string类型了,在配置SQL语句时用数据库函数to_date或者to_number转化的,如果再java中用到这个字符串类型的日期的话,有必要的话,就用For format=new 。





汇编语句CMP AL,30H;JB GO;与CMP AL,39H;JA GO;区别















  Veja在尺码上会偏大半码,但是鞋头部分脚面比较低,建议还是买自己正常码数,毕竟只是大半码穿双袜子就能解决。并且鞋子宽度设计的比较好,不会磨到大拇指关节(当然小脚人儿就不存在这种困扰了)。   Veja跟别的品牌最大的不同就是天然。无论是鞋子的官网还是该品牌的社交平台界面,无一不在强调它天然环保的特性。Veja的鞋底全部都采用来自巴西亚马逊雨林的天然橡胶,并非简单的人造品的堆砌。就连橡胶的采集方式都采用最为原始的人工割胶方式。这也保证了鞋子在穿着时的舒适度和耐磨性。





Django Web开发指南的作者介绍

Jeffery Forcier现在是Digital Pulp,Inc.的一名系统管理员和Web后台工程师。他在PHP/Python的Web开发上有7年的经验,自2005年Django问世起他就在工作和业余时间里使用这个框架。Paul Bissex很早就开始使用Django,并且开发维护着Django社区的在线着色网站dpaste.com。从1996年起,他就开始主持The Well(well.com),Wired杂志称之为“全世界最有影响力的在线社区”。Wesley Chun是Prentice Hall的畅销书《Core Python Programming》(corepython.com)、配套的视频教程《Python Fundamentals》(LiveLessons DVD)的作者,以及本书(withdjango.com)的合著者。

如何在 Java 中正确使用 wait,notify 和 notifyAll

wait, notify 和 notifyAll,这些在多线程中被经常用到的保留关键字,在实际开发的时候很多时候却并没有被大家重视。本文对这些关键字的使用进行了描述。在 Java 中可以用 wait、notify 和 notifyAll 来实现线程间的通信。。举个例子,如果你的Java程序中有两个线程——即生产者和消费者,那么生产者可以通知消费者,让消费者开始消耗数据,因为队列缓冲区中有内容待消费(不为空)。相应的,消费者可以通知生产者可以开始生成更多的数据,因为当它消耗掉某些数据后缓冲区不再为满。我们可以利用wait()来让一个线程在某些条件下暂停运行。例如,在生产者消费者模型中,生产者线程在缓冲区为满的时候,消费者在缓冲区为空的时候,都应该暂停运行。如果某些线程在等待某些条件触发,那当那些条件为真时,你可以用 notify 和 notifyAll 来通知那些等待中的线程重新开始运行。不同之处在于,notify 仅仅通知一个线程,并且我们不知道哪个线程会收到通知,然而 notifyAll 会通知所有等待中的线程。换言之,如果只有一个线程在等待一个信号灯,notify和notifyAll都会通知到这个线程。但如果多个线程在等待这个信号灯,那么notify只会通知到其中一个,而其它线程并不会收到任何通知,而notifyAll会唤醒所有等待中的线程。在这篇文章中你将会学到如何使用 wait、notify 和 notifyAll 来实现线程间的通信,从而解决生产者消费者问题。如果你想要更深入地学习Java中的多线程同步问题,我强烈推荐阅读Brian Goetz所著的《Java Concurrency in Practice | Java 并发实践》,不读这本书你的 Java 多线程征程就不完整哦!这是我最向Java开发者推荐的书之一。如何使用Wait尽管关于wait和notify的概念很基础,它们也都是Object类的函数,但用它们来写代码却并不简单。如果你在面试中让应聘者来手写代码,用wait和notify解决生产者消费者问题,我几乎可以肯定他们中的大多数都会无所适从或者犯下一些错误,例如在错误的地方使用 synchronized 关键词,没有对正确的对象使用wait,或者没有遵循规范的代码方法。说实话,这个问题对于不常使用它们的程序员来说确实令人感觉比较头疼。第一个问题就是,我们怎么在代码里使用wait()呢?因为wait()并不是Thread类下的函数,我们并不能使用 Thread.call()。事实上很多Java程序员都喜欢这么写,因为它们习惯了使用Thread.sleep(),所以他们会试图使用wait()来达成相同的目的,但很快他们就会发现这并不能顺利解决问题。正确的方法是对在多线程间共享的那个Object来使用wait。在生产者消费者问题中,这个共享的Object就是那个缓冲区队列。第二个问题是,既然我们应该在synchronized的函数或是对象里调用wait,那哪个对象应该被synchronized呢?答案是,那个你希望上锁的对象就应该被synchronized,即那个在多个线程间被共享的对象。在生产者消费者问题中,应该被synchronized的就是那个缓冲区队列。(我觉得这里是英文原文有问题……本来那个句末就不应该是问号不然不太通……)永远在循环(loop)里调用 wait 和 notify,不是在 If 语句现在你知道wait应该永远在被synchronized的背景下和那个被多线程共享的对象上调用,下一个一定要记住的问题就是,你应该永远在 while循环,而不是if语句中调用wait。因为线程是在某些条件下等待的——在我们的例子里,即“如果缓冲区队列是满的话,那么生产者线程应该等 待”,你可能直觉就会写一个if语句。但if语句存在一些微妙的小问题,导致即使条件没被满足,你的线程你也有可能被错误地唤醒。所以如果你不在线程被唤醒后再次使用while循环检查唤醒条件是否被满足,你的程序就有可能会出错——例如在缓冲区为满的时候生产者继续生成数据,或者缓冲区为空的时候消费者开始小号数据。所以记住,永远在while循环而不是if语句中使用wait!我会推荐阅读《Effective Java》,这是关于如何正确使用wait和notify的最好的参考资料。基于以上认知,下面这个是使用wait和notify函数的规范代码模板:// The standard idiom for calling the wait method in Java synchronized (sharedObject) { while (condition) { sharedObject.wait(); // (Releases lock, and reacquires on wakeup) } // do action based upon condition e.g. take or put into queue } 就像我之前说的一样,在while循环里使用wait的目的,是在线程被唤醒的前后都持续检查条件是否被满足。如果条件并未改变,wait被调用之前notify的唤醒通知就来了,那么这个线程并不能保证被唤醒,有可能会导致死锁问题。Java wait(), notify(), notifyAll() 范例下面我们提供一个使用wait和notify的范例程序。在这个程序里,我们使用了上文所述的一些代码规范。我们有两个线程,分别名为 PRODUCER(生产者)和CONSUMER(消费者),他们分别继承了了Producer和Consumer类,而Producer和 Consumer都继承了Thread类。Producer和Consumer想要实现的代码逻辑都在run()函数内。Main线程开始了生产者和消费者线程,并声明了一个LinkedList作为缓冲区队列(在Java中,LinkedList实现了队列的接口)。生产者在无限循环中持续往 LinkedList里插入随机整数直到LinkedList满。我们在while(queue.size == maxSize)循环语句中检查这个条件。请注意到我们在做这个检查条件之前已经在队列对象上使用了synchronized关键词,因而其它线程不能在我们检查条件时改变这个队列。如果队列满了,那么PRODUCER线程会在CONSUMER线程消耗掉队列里的任意一个整数,并用notify来通知 PRODUCER线程之前持续等待。在我们的例子中,wait和notify都是使用在同一个共享对象上的。

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如何在 Java 中正确使用 wait,notify 和 notifyAll

  在 Java 中可以用 wait、notify 和 notifyAll 来实现线程间的通信。如果你的Java程序中有两个线程——即生产者和消费者,那么生产者可以通知消费者,让消费者开始消耗数据,因为队列缓冲区中有内容待消费(不为空)。相应的,消费者可以通知生产者可以开始生成更多的数据,因为当它消耗掉某些数据后缓冲区不再为满。  1、使用Wait和notify  尽管关于wait和notify的概念很基础,它们也都是Object类的函数,但用它们来写代码却并不简单。如果在面试中让应聘者来手写代码, 用wait和notify解决生产者消费者问题,大多数都会无所适从或者犯下一些错误,例如在错误的地方使用 synchronized 关键词,没有对正确的对象使用wait,或者没有遵循规范的代码方法。说实话,这个问题对于不常使用它们的程序员来说确实令人感觉比较头疼。  第一个问题就是,怎么在代码里使用wait()呢?因为wait()并不是Thread类下的函数,并不能使用 Thread.call()。事实上很多Java程序员都喜欢这么写,因为习惯了使用Thread.sleep(),所以会试图使用wait() 来达成相同的目的,但很快就会发现这并不能顺利解决问题。正确的方法是对在多线程间共享的那个Object来使用wait。在生产者消费者问题中,这 个共享的Object就是那个缓冲区队列。  第二个问题是,既然应该在synchronized的函数或是对象里调用wait,那哪个对象应该被synchronized呢?答案是,那个 希望上锁的对象就应该被synchronized,即那个在多个线程间被共享的对象。在生产者消费者问题中,应该被synchronized的就是那个缓冲区队列。  2、永远在循环(loop)里调用 wait 和 notify,不是在 If 语句。  现在wait永远在被synchronized的背景下和那个被多线程共享的对象上调用,下一个一定要记住的问题就是,应该永远在 while循环,而不是if语句中调用wait。因为线程是在某些条件下等待的——在例子里,即“如果缓冲区队列是满的话,那么生产者线程应该等 待”,可能直觉就会写一个if语句。但if语句存在一些微妙的小问题,导致即使条件没被满足,线程也有可能被错误地唤醒。所以如果不在线程被唤醒后再次使用while循环检查唤醒条件是否被满足,程序就有可能会出错——例如在缓冲区为满的时候生产者继续生成数据,或者缓冲区为空的时候消费者 开始小号数据。所以记住,永远在while循环而不是if语句中使用wait!  3、如果条件并未改变,wait被调用之前notify的唤醒通知就来了,那么这个线程并不能保证被唤醒,有可能会导致死锁问题。

Java里面 notify不被执行的原因可能有哪些?





Wait()和notify():如果条件不满足,则等待。当条件满足时,等待该条件的线程将被唤醒。一般用在synchronized机制中例如:线程Asynchronized(obj) {while(!condition) {obj.wait();}obj.doSomething();} 当线程A获得了obj锁后,发现条件condition不满足,无法继续下一处理,于是线程A就wait()。在另一线程B中,如果B更改了某些条件,使得线程A的condition条件满足了,就可以唤醒线程A:线程Bsynchronized(obj) {condition = true;obj.notify();}需要注意的概念是:  ◆调用obj的wait(), notify()方法前,必须获得obj锁,也就是必须写在synchronized(obj) {……} 代码段内。  ◆调用obj.wait()后,线程A就释放了obj的锁,否则线程B无法获得obj锁,也就无法在synchronized(obj) {……} 代码段内唤醒A.  ◆当obj.wait()方法返回后,线程A需要再次获得obj锁,才能继续执行。  ◆如果A1,A2,A3都在obj.wait(),则B调用obj.notify()只能唤醒A1,A2,A3中的一个(具体哪一个由JVM决定)。  ◆obj.notifyAll()则能全部唤醒A1,A2,A3,但是要继续执行obj.wait()的下一条语句,必须获得obj锁,因此,A1,A2,A3只有一个有机会获得锁继续执行,例如A1,其余的需要等待A1释放obj锁之后才能继续执行。  ◆当B调用obj.notify/notifyAll的时候,B正持有obj锁,因此,A1,A2,A3虽被唤醒,但是仍无法获得obj锁。直到B退出synchronized块,释放obj锁后,A1,A2,A3中的一个才有机会获得锁继续执行。



如何在 Java 中正确使用 wait,notify 和 notifyAll







“继承子object类并且为final,不能重载。” 如果是final类,应该是不能被重写。

Slojack的《After All》 歌词

歌曲名:After All歌手:Slojack专辑:NakedafterVocal: 秀三Album: 石鹸屋 - TOHOHUM原曲: 东方红魔郷 / 亡き王女の为のセプテットおとぼけな晴れを日伞で歩こう 日向も日阴もただの通り道気まぐれな云の形を変えよう 谁かによく似た颜でも浮かべて选んだドレスも结んだリボンもいつものままね代わり映えしない毎日を横目に歩いてゆこう どんな场所でも歩いてゆこう どこまででも歩いてゆこう どんな景色も歩いてゆこう ただそれだけ足迹は続く足音ひびかせ ゆっくりのんびり足取りは軽く行き先も决めず约束さえ无く わがまま気ままな时间だけ进むこの先もずっといついつまでも変わらないままでただ过ぎてゆくこの月日は远くに歩いてゆこう どんな场所でも歩いてゆこう どこまででも歩いてゆこう どんな景色も歩いてゆこう ただそれだけ明日はまた晴れるかな あんまり変わらないかな明日でも明後日でも いつでもどこまでも今日と言う日は続くのだろう歩いてゆくの? いつまで続くの?歩いてゆくの? この景色を?歩いてゆくの? どこへ向かうの?歩いてゆくの? 一人きりでhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15029600


/*** Denotes that a parameter, field or method return value can never be null.* This is a marker annotation and it has no specific attributes.*///解释:指明一个参数,字段或者方法的返回值不可以为null;//这是一个动画标记,没有特定的属性值;有作用,但这个只是IDE对代码的静态检查null,运行时传递过来的null还是需要用代码做好空保护。

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首先:function newin(){和下面的window.onload=newinit;newinit不一致。其次:看看你的页面里面空间的ID是不是有anchor1,anchor2,anchor3少一个都会报错。 下面是我测试的代码,你试一下。<script>function newinit(){alert();for (var i=1;i<=3;i++){ var anchor = document.getElementById("anchor"+i); point(anchor,i); } } function point(anchor,i){ anchor.onclick=function(){ alert("my no.is "+i); } }window.onload=newinit;</script><body onload="newinit()"><input type="button" id = "anchor1"></input><input id = "anchor2"></input><input id = "anchor3"></input></body>

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Quitzow的《Jackpot》 歌词

歌曲名:Jackpot歌手:Quitzow专辑:Art College311 - JackpotGet upEverybody jumpWooJackpot, uh split shotI"m in line doing fineThis ? I"ve got the bountyBlessed with the amount, weNever guess, the best is yet to comeCan"t you rock the fucking blockIf you don"t come newThen you might get droppedI think it"s strangeThe ? the same, carry onSeason"s derangedWith the touch of my wandYou are my God, you"re my guardianI hit the jackpot, I"m the lucky oneMy fortune endless, never coming undone, uhMoving, I"m a nomadAnother girl"s voice is the voices radMy treasure is soul, aren"t you gladI get pyschedelic with a pen and a padMoving up the ? it"s about that criticalFind it difficult to be so analyticalI"m filled with hopeThe rope it won"t hang youSit your ass down and come in ?Right about now it"s about that timeYou know I crack the coconut and I twist up the limeI"ve been on a roll like a Seminole warriorPassing up the tales like the one they wrote the story forWooEverybody jumpWhat are the chancesThe odds must be enhances ofWhy a god let you throughOf all the places to end upIt amazes meAfter all we"ve been throughJackpotAll the people say woahJackpotLet me hear you say woahJackpotUh, what, woahGive "em what you got "til you hit that spotWoahWe hit the jackpotThe lotto, lucky dotSo the path that we treadWe pave the bars of goldNow we got itHow we bought itSweating from stage to stageA lot of itAnd if we won the chance to danceAnd do it all againWe wouldn"t change a thingThere is no other endThe pinnacle we reachedWe knew it was possibleHow we got hereOvercoming obstaclesRight about now it"s about that timeYou know I crack the coconut and I twist up the limeI"ve been on a roll like a Seminole warriorPassing up the tales like the one they wrote the story forReside West Coast from the Mid WestTake what you like and fuck all the rest, manWe only enter in one contestWe made up ourselvesThat"s to be the 311"estWooEverybody jumpWhat are the chancesThe odds must be enhances ofWhy a god let you throughOf all the places to end upIt amazes meAfter all we"ve been throughWhat are the chancesThe odds must be enhances ofWhy a god let you throughOf all the places to end upIt amazes meAfter all we"ve been throughJackpotAll the people say woahJackpotLet me hear you say woahJackpotUh, what, woahGive "em what you got "til you hit that spotWoahWooTo the death of dismayUhDisc jock to the truth hits hardhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2205259
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