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invitationLyrics: Shibasaki Kou Music: jin nakamuraUdaru you na chi mo shizumariHono kurai hinode maeItsumono doori michi de machiawaseMinna de shiyou“Natsu dakara” BOODAA ka yaketaHadaka WANPIISUKosei wa nai keredoKawaite urayamashiiMinna mae miteru suki niGyutto te wo hiite hoshiindaRomendensha ni noriDokomade hashiri nuke you?Douse kaigan ka sokora atariHanabi demo shimashouTe ni motte wa ike nai no niFuri mawashiki wo hikuYokuaru keshiki ga atsuiKyonen no tanjoubi ni waKuroi T-SHATSU wo kuretaWazato ana gaaiteruSode wo tooshite miyou kaKotoshi wa “Nani ga ii?”Shitataka kotaerarezuMitsumete kurete iru koto niManzoku shite iruDokokara koi ni natta no ka...Yaseta karada wo dakishimeteNatsukashi no ramune wa“Hatena” aji demo oishiiAmai kuse ni isagiyokute sukiKuchi no naka deAbare haji ketobuKAPUSERU tachiNan ni mo dekinaiBoku no kimochi no araware-Mata minna de koyou-Kimi nashi demo heikiTama ni fukenkou ni asa madeWasureru nomo ii neTama ni kenkouteki ni asaOmoidasu nomo ii yoKitto densha ni noriKimi datte kite kureru deshou?Kaki tochuu no cool na invitationSaikou no oto to umareta kono hiRiyou suruUtai tari nai dakaraMada kaera nai-Romendensha ni noriHitasura yurarete mitara“Sugita natsu no kioku” ni osamaruMoshikashitara bokura saigo kamoshirenai kedoAtama no naka dewa zuttoTsuduite yuku one time




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Spanish Harlem (2003 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Spanish Harlem (2003 Digital Remaster)歌手:Cliff Richard专辑:Cliff Richard Sings The StandardsThere is a rose in Spanish HarlemA red rose up in Spanish HarlemShe is a special one, she"s never seen the sunShe only comes out when the moon is on the runAnd all the stars are gleamingShe"s growing in the street right up through the concreteBut soft and sweet and dreamin"There is a rose in Spanish HarlemA red rose up in Spanish HarlemWith eyes as black as coal that look down in my soulAnd starts a fire there and then I lose controlI have to beg your pardonI"m going to pick that rose and watch her as she growsin my gardenThere is a rose in Spanish HarlemA red rose up in Spanish HarlemWith eyes as black as coal that look down in my soulAnd starts a fire there and then I lose controlI have to beg your pardonI"m going to pick that rose and watch her as she growsin my gardenI"m going to pick that rose and watch her as she growsin my garden

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你的拼写好像有误 是关于化学还是生物方面的词语吧

高价跪求GOSICK 320K完整版ED Resuscitated Hope+LRC歌词!!


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GOSICK歌曲 DestinHistoire和Resuscitatedhope谐音


gosick的op《destin histoire》和ed《resuscitated hope》的歌词

擦 我也在找 还想这有答案。。。

求GOSICK ED《Resuscitated Hope》 邮箱。 非常感谢!


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gosick片尾曲简谱 (GOSICK_ED-Resuscitated Hope)


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「Resuscitated Hope」 歌/コミネリサ 1. Resuscitated Hope <第1期ED>2. unity <第2期ED> 3. Resuscitated Hope (Instrumental) 4. unity (Instrumental) 発売日:2011年4月27日 価格:1,260円等吧,还有几天才有完整版

哥特萝莉侦探事件薄(gosick)的歌词Destin Histoire, Gosick Ed Full - Resuscitated Hope 这两首歌的歌词

有中文寂寞再次袭上胸口   仿佛永远没有尽头   沐浴着温暖的光芒   是爱给了我们希望   顶着从不停息的大雨   早已淡忘笑容的模样   走在苦痛与错失的世界   如果在纷争和虚伪中   真心总有一天会枯萎   不如像在巨浪中漂泊的花朵   跟随希望穿越暴风骤雨   为了踏上渐渐荒芜的大地   我将迈开脚步勇往直前   曾经满心期待的梦想   还有早已忘却的希望   刺痛了锈迹斑斑的胸口   把呼唤深深锁在心底   不敢再付出任何相信   只求从这场伤痛中逃离   与其满怀猜疑与怨恨   一味哀叹如今的境遇   不如像在狂风中歌唱的飞鸟   向高高的天空唱响希望   为了点亮渐渐沉寂的天空   愿走向光芒闪耀的彼方   那些喜悦与幸福的记忆   为了重新将其找回   世间人们都在不断寻觅   向着光芒伸出手去   在永不终结的无尽时光里   毫不吝啬地托付出此身躯   不如像在巨浪中漂泊的花朵   跟随希望穿越暴风骤雨   为了踏上渐渐荒芜的大地   我将迈开脚步勇往直前

哪位大神能告诉咱gosick ed完整版1+2Resuscitated Hope和Unity这两首歌的 中文歌词

Resuscitated Hope「GOSICK ED1」作词:渡部紫绪 / 作曲:坂部刚 / 编曲:坂部刚歌:コミネリサLoneliness Fighting back againSeems to be like it never endsGive us hope through the love ofpeaceful shine on me强く降り止まぬ雨に〖面临倾盆不止的大雨〗笑颜忘れたまま〖一直忘记微笑〗苦しみ すれ违う世界〖交织着千万苦痛的世界〗争いと伪りの中で〖若于纷争和虚伪中〗心 枯らすのなら〖让心灵枯萎的话〗荒れ狂う波に 浮かぶ花のように〖不如像那狂暴的风浪中浮起的花儿〗Lead the way 岚を乗り越えて〖Lead the way 跨越这场暴风雨〗枯れ行く大地を 踏みしめるように〖宛如稳踏在这片干涸的大地上〗Go ahead 真っ直ぐ歩みだせる〖Go ahead 能够勇往直前〗ここにあったはずの梦と〖本应存在于此的梦想〗忘れていた希望(のぞみ)〖以及早已忘怀的希望〗锖び付いた胸 突き刺さる〖狠狠刺穿这锈蚀的胸口〗深く 押し込める 叫び〖深深压抑住的呐喊〗何も信じられず〖失去一切信念〗痛みから 逃げ出すように〖仿佛想从痛苦中脱离而出〗疑いと憎しみを抱いた〖与其叹惜充满了〗现状(いま)を 叹くよりも〖疑心和憎恨的现状〗吹き荒ぶ风に 歌う鸟のように〖不如像那呼啸而来的狂风中高歌的鸟〗Sing away 空高く响かせ〖Sing away 让歌声响彻高空〗沈み行く空に 光 灯すように〖犹如灯光照亮了阴霾的天空〗Look ahead 辉きを见据えて〖Look ahead 展望光明吧〗喜びと幸せの记忆 取り戻すように〖为了重拾过往喜悦与幸福的记忆〗谁もが皆 捜し求め 手を伸ばす光 Ah〖群众们都纷纷伸出双手寻求光芒 Ah〗どこまでも続く 终わりなき日々に〖在连绵不断永无休止的岁月里〗惜しみなく この身 预けて〖毫不吝啬地托付出此身躯〗荒れ狂う波に 浮かぶ花のように〖如同狂暴的风浪中浮起的花儿〗Lead the way 岚を乗り越えて〖Lead the way 跨越这场暴风雨〗枯れ行く大地を 踏みしめるように〖宛如稳踏在这片干涸的大地上〗Go ahead 真っ直ぐ歩みだせる〖Go ahead 能够勇往直前〗-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------unity「GOSICK ED2」作词:渡部紫绪 / 作曲:Asu(The New Classics) / 编曲:长谷川智树歌:コミネリサStand up together动き始めた 愿い〖愿望由此转动〗Whenever, Wherever新たな旅立ち 迎えよう〖去迎接那崭新的旅途吧〗失いかけていた Soul〖即将消逝的灵魂〗呼び覚ました Confide in you〖因你的信赖而得以复苏〗不确かな未来さえ〖就连模糊的未来〗信じられる The testify〖亦是能信任的证据〗共にした日々を 一つ、二つと 集め〖逐一聚集起共同度过的时光〗咲いた ぬくもり 强く 握りしめ〖紧紧握住从中绽放的温暖〗Whenever, Wherever互いに寄り添い〖你我互相依偎〗恐れる事などない〖再也无所畏惧〗闇が 二人分かつとも〖哪怕黑暗将两人分开〗确かな鼓动が そう告げているから〖因为鸣亮的心跳声正如此宣告〗再び出会えるまで〖直至再度与你相逢〗想いよ どうか 君と共に〖思念啊 惟愿伴君左右〗微かに息づいた Hope〖奄奄一息的希望〗追いかけては Rely on you〖依靠你的力量去追赶〗不安かき消すように〖为了消除所有不安〗君を见つけた Tragic fate〖悲惨的命运让我遇见你〗ここにいる意味を 强く、强く 噛み缔め〖紧紧地咬住存在此地的意义〗背负う 运命 坚く つなぎとめ〖坚固地维系起身负的命运〗Stand up together互いに手を取り〖牵起彼此的手〗怯える事などない〖再也不用惴惴不安〗光 夺い去られても〖纵使失去了一切光芒〗重なる想いが 覚えているから〖因为我们仍记得那重重交织的思念〗再び出会えるまで〖直至再度与你相逢〗救いよ どうか 君のため〖挽救吧 但愿为了你〗Whenever, Wherever互いに寄り添い〖你我互相依偎〗恐れる事などない〖再也无所畏惧〗]闇が 二人分かつとも〖哪怕黑暗将两人分开〗确かな鼓动が そう告げているから〖因为鸣亮的心跳声正如此宣告〗再び出会えるまで〖直至再度与你相逢〗想いよ どうか 君と共に〖思念啊 惟愿伴君左右〗

GOSICK ed的发售日?及Resuscitated Hope的假名歌词。

发售日现在还没说吧lonely nightfighting back againseems to be like it never endsgive us hopethrough the love or feels moreshine on me 强(つよ)く降(お)り止(と)まぬ雨(あめ)に //面对瓢泼大雨笑颜(えがお)忘(わす)れたまま //早已忘记微笑苦(くれ)しむ擦(す)れ违(ちか)う世界(せかい) //充满痛苦和擦身而过的世界争(あらそ)いと伪(いつわ)りの中(なか)で //在斗争与虚伪之中心(こころ) カラスのなら //心灵若要枯萎荒(あ)れ狂(くる)う波(なみ)に俯瞰(うかぶ)花(はな)のように //就如在狂风巨浪中翻滚的花朵get away 岚(あらし)を乗(の)り越(こ)えて //get away 跨越狂风暴雨枯(か)れゆく大地(だいち)を降(お)り湿(しめ)るように //濡湿日渐干涸的大地go ahend まっすぐ歩(あゆ)み出(た)せる //go ahead 一路勇往直前



麻烦把以下歌词翻译成罗马音 这是 GOSICK ED 《Resuscitated Hope 》的一部分歌词

  Resuscitated Hope  歌手 コミネリサ  Loneliness Fighting back again  Seems to be like it never ends  Give us hope through the love of  peaceful shine on me  强く降り止まぬ雨に  tsu yo ku fu ri to ma ne a me ni  笑颜忘れたまま  e ga o wa su re ta ma ma  苦しみ すれ违う世界  ku ru shi mu su re chi ga u se kai  争いと伪りの中で  a ra so i to i tsu wa ri no na ka de  心 枯らすのなら  ko ko ro ka ra su no na ra  荒れ狂う波に  a re ku ru u na mi ni  浮かぶ花のように  u ka bu ha na no you ni  Lead the way 岚を乘り越えて  Lead the way a ra shi wo no ri ko e te  枯れ行く大地を 踏みしめるように  Ka re yu ku dai chi wo fu mi shi me ru you ni  Go ahead 真っ直ぐ步みだせる  Go ahead ma ssu gu a yu mi da se ru  你要的从这里开始  ここにあったはずの梦と  ko ko ni a ta ha zu no yu me to  忘れていた希望  wa su re te i ta no zo mi  锖び付いた胸 突き刺さる  sa bi tsu i ta mu ne tsu ki sa sa ru  深く 押し込める 叫び  fu ka ku o shi ko me ru sa ke bi  何も信じられず 痛みから 逃げ出すように  na ni mo shin ji ra re zu i ta mi ka ra ni ge da su you ni  疑いと憎しみを抱いた  u ta ka i to ni ku shi mi wo da i ta  现状を 叹くよりも  i ma wo na ge ku yo ri mo  吹き荒ぶ风に 歌う鸟のように  fu ki su sa bu ka ze ni u ta u to ri no you ni  Sing away 空高く响かせ  Sing away so ra ta ka ku hi bi ka se  沈み行く空に 光 灯すように  shi zu mi yu ku so ra ni hi ka ri to mo su you ni  Look ahead 辉きを见据えて  Look ahead ka ga ya ki wo mi su e te  喜びと幸せの记忆 取り戻すように  yo ro ko bi to shi a wa se no ki o ku to ri mo do su you ni  谁もが皆 搜し求め 手を伸ばす光 Ah  da re mo ga min na sa ga shi mo to me te wo no ba su hi ka ri  どこまでも続く 终わりなき日々に  do ko ma de mo tsu du ku o wa ri na ki hi bi ni  惜しみなく この身 预けて  o shi mi na ku ko no mi a zu ke te  荒れ狂う波に  a re ku ru u na mi ni  浮かぶ花のように  u ka bu ha na no you ni  Lead the way 岚を乘り越えて  Lead the way a ra shi wo no ri ko e te  枯れ行く大地を 踏みしめるように  Ka re yu ku dai chi wo fu mi shi me ru you ni  Go ahead 真っ直ぐ步みだせる  Go ahead ma ssu gu a yu mi da se ru


ResuscitatedHope 「GOSICKED1」 作词:渡部紫绪/作曲:坂部刚/编曲:坂部刚 歌:コミネリサ LonelinessFightingbackagain Seemstobelikeitneverends Giveushopethroughtheloveof peacefulshineonme 强く降り止まぬ雨に〖面临倾盆不止的大雨〗 笑颜忘れたまま〖一直忘记微笑〗 苦しみすれ违う世界〖交织着千万苦痛的世界〗 争いと伪りの中で〖若于纷争和虚伪中〗 心枯らすのなら〖让心灵枯萎的话〗 荒れ狂う波に浮かぶ花のように〖不如像那狂暴的风浪中浮起的花儿〗 Leadtheway岚をり越えて〖Leadtheway跨越这场暴风雨〗 枯れ行く大地を踏みしめるように〖宛如稳踏在这片干涸的大地上〗 Goahead真っ直ぐ歩みだせる〖Goahead能够勇往直前〗 ここにあったはずの梦と〖本应存在于此的梦想〗 忘れていた希望(のぞみ)〖以及早已忘怀的希望〗 锖び付いた胸突き刺さる〖狠狠刺穿这锈蚀的胸口〗 深く押し込める叫び〖深深压抑住的呐喊〗 何も信じられず〖失去一切信念〗 痛みから逃げ出すように〖仿佛想从痛苦中脱离而出〗 疑いと憎しみを抱いた〖与其叹惜充满了〗 现状(いま)を叹くよりも〖疑心和憎恨的现状〗 吹き荒ぶ风に歌う鸟のように〖不如像那呼啸而来的狂风中高歌的鸟〗 Singaway空高く响かせ〖Singaway让歌声响彻高空〗 沈み行く空に光灯すように〖犹如灯光照亮了阴霾的天空〗 Lookahead辉きを见据えて〖Lookahead展望光明吧〗 喜びと幸せの记忆取り戻すように〖为了重拾过往喜悦与幸福的记忆〗 谁もが皆捜し求め手を伸ばす光Ah〖群众们都纷纷伸出双手寻求光芒Ah〗 どこまでも続く终わりなき日々に〖在连绵不断永无休止的岁月里〗 惜しみなくこの身预けて〖毫不吝啬地托付出此身躯〗 荒れ狂う波に浮かぶ花のように〖如同狂暴的风浪中浮起的花儿〗 Leadtheway岚をり越えて〖Leadtheway跨越这场暴风雨〗 枯れ行く大地を踏みしめるように〖宛如稳踏在这片干涸的大地上〗 Goahead真っ直ぐ歩みだせる〖Goahead能够勇往直前〗 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unity 「GOSICKED2」 作词:渡部紫绪/作曲:Asu(TheNewClassics)/编曲:长谷川智树 歌:コミネリサ Standuptogether 动き始めた愿い〖愿望由此转动〗 Whenever,Wherever 新たな旅立ち迎えよう〖去迎接那崭新的旅途吧〗 失いかけていたSoul〖即将消逝的灵魂〗 呼び覚ましたConfideinyou〖因你的信赖而得以复苏〗 不确かな未来さえ〖就连模糊的未来〗 信じられるThetestify〖亦是能信任的证据〗 共にした日々を一つ、二つと集め〖逐一聚集起共同度过的时光〗 咲いたぬくもり强く握りしめ〖紧紧握住从中绽放的温暖〗 Whenever,Wherever 互いに寄り添い〖你我互相依偎〗 恐れる事などない〖再也无所畏惧〗 闇が二人分かつとも〖哪怕黑暗将两人分开〗 确かな鼓动がそう告げているから〖因为鸣亮的心跳声正如此宣告〗 再び出会えるまで〖直至再度与你相逢〗 想いよどうか君と共に〖思念啊惟愿伴君左右〗 微かに息づいたHope〖奄奄一息的希望〗 追いかけてはRelyonyou〖依靠你的力量去追赶〗 不安かき消すように〖为了消除所有不安〗 君を见つけたTragicfate〖悲惨的命运让我遇见你〗 ここにいる意味を强く、强く噛み缔め〖紧紧地咬住存在此地的意义〗 背负う运命坚くつなぎとめ〖坚固地维系起身负的命运〗 Standuptogether 互いに手を取り〖牵起彼此的手〗 怯える事などない〖再也不用惴惴不安〗 光夺い去られても〖纵使失去了一切光芒〗 重なる想いが覚えているから〖因为我们仍记得那重重交织的思念〗 再び出会えるまで〖直至再度与你相逢〗 救いよどうか君のため〖挽救吧但愿为了你〗 Whenever,Wherever 互いに寄り添い〖你我互相依偎〗 恐れる事などない〖再也无所畏惧〗 ]闇が二人分かつとも〖哪怕黑暗将两人分开〗 确かな鼓动がそう告げているから〖因为鸣亮的心跳声正如此宣告〗 再び出会えるまで〖直至再度与你相逢〗 想いよどうか君と共に〖思念啊惟愿伴君左右〗

求Gosick ED [Resuscitated Hope]的假名歌词(英文部分保持英文,只要日文部分)

《GOSICK》片尾曲Resuscitated Hope作词:渡部 紫绪(Watanabe Shio)作曲:坂部 刚(Sakabe Gou)编曲:坂部 刚歌手:コミネ リサ(Komine Lisa)*つよく ふりやまぬあめにえがお わすれたままくるしむ すれちがうせかいあらそいといつわりのなかでこころ からすのならあれくるうなみにうかぶはなのようにLead the way* あらしをのりこえてかれゆくだいちをふみしめるようにGo ahead まっすぐあゆみだせる*???Lonely night find it back again seems to be like it never endsGive us hope through the love abyss moon shine on meorLonely night fighting back against seems to be like it never endsgive us hope through the love abyss moon shine on me orLonely night, find him back again, seems to be like it never endsKeep us strong, through the love of please, moon, shine on me*Lead the way?Make a way?

Spider Man (2002 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Spider Man (2002 Digital Remaster)歌手:Cliff Richard专辑:Every Face Tells A StoryJill Sobule - SpidermanI get out of the undergroundNear Hollywood and VineI had the whole train to myselfNo one ever ridesI"m in my costumeMy mask and tightsI"m SpidermanI"m SpidermanThey"re calling for a lovely dayThe tourists sure are outAnd here comes one as I speakTo take my photo nowHis daughter jumps up on my backShe wants to climb the wallsWe"re SpidermanWe"re SpidermanI moved out here from EvansvilleSeven years agoThe first week I"m an extra onWell, you know, that TV showAnd if you blink you miss meBut you can"t miss me nowI"m SpidermanI"m SpidermanDid you hear there was a fight?They arrested Captain JackAnd Princess Leia got so trashedShe won"t be coming backLike SpidermanLike SpidermanNow the sun is going downOn the boulevardA German couple try to matchThe footprints of the starsThe tips were pretty good todayTomorrow I"ll returnLike SpidermanI"m SpidermanLike SpidermanSpiderman

Spider Man (1992 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Spider Man (1992 Digital Remaster)歌手:Cliff Richard专辑:Every Face Tells A Story/Small CornersJill Sobule - SpidermanI get out of the undergroundNear Hollywood and VineI had the whole train to myselfNo one ever ridesI"m in my costumeMy mask and tightsI"m SpidermanI"m SpidermanThey"re calling for a lovely dayThe tourists sure are outAnd here comes one as I speakTo take my photo nowHis daughter jumps up on my backShe wants to climb the wallsWe"re SpidermanWe"re SpidermanI moved out here from EvansvilleSeven years agoThe first week I"m an extra onWell, you know, that TV showAnd if you blink you miss meBut you can"t miss me nowI"m SpidermanI"m SpidermanDid you hear there was a fight?They arrested Captain JackAnd Princess Leia got so trashedShe won"t be coming backLike SpidermanLike SpidermanNow the sun is going downOn the boulevardA German couple try to matchThe footprints of the starsThe tips were pretty good todayTomorrow I"ll returnLike SpidermanI"m SpidermanLike SpidermanSpiderman

Love With Me (Melody S Song) (The Prodigal Son Album Version) (1990 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Love With Me (Melody S Song) (The Prodigal Son Album Version) (1990 Digital Remaster)歌手:Keith Green专辑:Prodigal SonPeter DonnellyLove with meLrc edit by venjayWalk with me -- Through all my daysSleep with me -- And know you"re safeDream with me -- The whole night longWake with me -- To greet each dawnWork with me -- Throughout the yearBuild with me -- We"ll build a homePlay with me -- You bring me joyRest with me -- And hold me closeLive with me -- Through pain and toilLaugh with me -- Unleash my soulCry with me -- Our tears be oneHold onto me -- Your pain is mineTalk with me -- Keeping life anewLay with me -- I"m by your sideDance with me -- Our steps in timeSing with me -- Our songs unsung<chorus>Love with meHave faith in me --I"ll calm your fearsTrust in me -- And know I"m hereLook to me -- For strength and peaceComfort me -- When I need youLearn with me -- Throughout the yearsGrow with me -- As the seasons passPray with me --To the God we knowLove with me -- Be forever mineShare with me -- Take my handHope with me -- You have my heartFly with me -- Our path is oneSet me free -- Forever more<chorus>Love with me……Love with meEnd

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curriculum vitae什么意思

curriculum vitae英[ku0259u02ccru026akju0259lu0259m u02c8vi:tau026a]n. <正>简历,个人履历[例句]With the popularity of facebook and linkedin , the curriculum vitae might seem an anachronism.随着facebook和linkedin的流行,简历看起来或许像是过时之物。

Britain in 1878 Berlin Congress

copied from wiki, help urselfThe Congress of Berlin (June 13 - July 13, 1878) was a meeting of the European Great Powers" and the Ottoman Empire"s leading statesmen in Berlin in 1878. In the wake of the Russo-Turkish War, 1877u201378, the meeting"s aim was to reorganize the countries of the Balkans. Otto von Bismarck, who led the Congress, undertook to balance the distinct interests of Britain, Russia and Austria-Hungary. As a consequence, however, differences between Russia and Austria-Hungary intensified, as did the nationality question in the Balkans.The congress was aimed at the revision of the Treaty of San Stefano and at keeping Constantinople in Ottoman hands. It effectively disavowed Russia"s victory over the decaying Ottoman Empire in the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78. The Congress of Berlin redistributed back to the Ottoman Empire certain Bulgarian territories that the previous treaty had given to the Principality of Bulgaria, most notably Macedonia.The congress formally recognized independence of the de facto sovereign states of Montenegro, Serbia and Romania, as the 27th-29th free states of the world.Anton von Werner. Congress of Berlin.Contents [hide]1 Proceedings 2 Main issues 3 Bismarck as host 4 Legacy 5 Delegates 6 References [edit] ProceedingsThe Congress was attended by the British Empire, Austria-Hungary, France, the German Empire, Italy, the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Delegates from Greece, Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro attended the sessions in which their states were concerned, but were not members of the congress.The congress was solicited by the rivals of the Russian Empire, particularly by Austria-Hungary and Britain, and hosted in 1878 by Otto von Bismarck. The Congress of Berlin proposed and ratified the Treaty of Berlin.The meetings were held at Bismarcku2019s chancellory, the former Radziwill Palace, from June 13, 1878 until July 13, 1878. The congress revised or eliminated 18 of the 29 articles in the Treaty of San Stefano. Furthermore, using as a foundation the treaties of Paris (1856) and Washington (1871), the treaty effected a rearrangement of the Eastern situation.Map of Bulgaria - in 1878 - borders after the peace of San Stefano (3rd March, 1878) and the Berlin congress (June, 1878).[edit] Main issuesThe principal mission of the World Powers at the congress was to deal a fatal blow to the burgeoning movement of pan-Slavism. The movement caused serious concern in Berlin and particularly in Vienna, which was afraid that the repressed Slavic nationalities would revolt against the Habsburgs. London and Paris were nervous about the diminishing influence of the Ottoman Empire in the south and about Russian cultural expansion to the south, where both Britain and France were poised to colonize Egypt and Palestine.Through the Treaty of San Stefano, the Russians, led by chancellor Alexander Gorchakov, had managed to create the Bulgarian autonomous principality under Ottoman Empire"s nominal rule, thus sparking British well-entrenched fears of growing Russian influence in the East. This state had access to the Aegean Sea and comprised a very large portion of Macedonia that could have at any time threatened the Straits that separate the Black Sea from the Mediterranean.This arrangement was not acceptable to the British Empire, which considered the entire Mediterranean to be, in effect, a British sphere of influence, and saw any Russian attempt to gain access there as a grave threat to its power. Just a week before the Congress, Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli had concluded a secret alliance with the Ottomans against Russia, whereby Britain was allowed to occupy the strategically placed island of Cyprus. This agreement predetermined Disraeli"s position during the Congress and led him to issue threats to unleash a war against Russia if she did not comply with Turkish demands.Ceding to Russia"s pressure, Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro were declared independent principalities. The full independence of Bulgaria, however, was denied. It was promised autonomy, and guarantees were made against Turkish interference, but these were largely ignored. The Dobruja was given to Romania; Montenegro obtained Niksic, Podgorica, Bar, and Plav-Gusinje. The Turkish government, or Porte, agreed to obey the specifications contained in the Organic Law of 1868, and to guarantee the civil rights of non-Muslim subjects. Bosnia and Herzegovina were placed under the administration of Austria-Hungary.Russia agreed that Bulgaria should be split up into three parts. The southwestern part remained under Turkish rule. Eastern Rumelia became an autonomous province and the remainder was the new state of Bulgaria. Russia retained southern Bessarabia and Austria received the right to "occupy and administer" Bosnia and Herzegovina, a controversial clause which eventually precipitated the Bosnian crisis of 1908.Bulgarian autonomy after the Treaty of Berlin.[edit] Bismarck as hostThe Congress of Berlin is frequently viewed as the culmination of the "Battle of Chancellors" involving Alexander Gorchakov of Russia and Otto von Bismarck of Germany. They were able to effectively persuade other European leaders that a free and independent Bulgaria would greatly improve the security risks posed by a disintegrating Ottoman Empire. According to German historian Erich Eyck, Bismarck supported Russia"s persuasion that "Turkish rule over a Christian community (Bulgaria) was an anachronism which undoubtedly gave rise to insurrection and bloodshed and should therefore be ended."[1] He used the Great Eastern Crisis of 1875 as proof of growing animosity in the region.Bismarck"s ultimate goal during the Congress of Berlin was not to upset Germany"s status on the international platform. He did not wish to disrupt the Three Emperor"s League by choosing between Russia and Austria as an ally.[2] In order to maintain peace in Europe, Bismarck sought to convince other European diplomats on dividing up the Balkans so as to foster greater stability. During the process of division, Russia began to feel short-changed even though she eventually gained independence for Bulgaria. One can therefore see the underpinnings of the alliance problems in Europe prior to the First World War.One reason why Bismarck was able to mediate the various tensions present at the Congress of Berlin stemmed from his diplomatic persona. He was an ardent pacifist when international affairs did not pertain to Germany directly. On the other hand, Bismarck seethed with aggression[citation needed] whenever Germany"s national interest was on the line. And at the Congress of Berlin, "Germany could not look for any advantage from the crisis" that had occurred in the Balkans back in 1875.[3] As a result, Bismarck claimed impartiality on behalf of Germany at the Congress. This claim enabled him to preside over the negotiations with a keen eye for foul play.According to Henry Kissinger[4], the congress saw a shift in Bismarck"s Realpolitik. Until then, as Germany had become too powerful for isolation, his policy was to maintain the Three Emperors League. Now that he could no longer rely on Russia"s alliance, he began to form relations with as many potential enemies as possible.[edit] LegacyItaly was dissatisfied with the results of the Congress, and the situation between Greece and Ottoman Empire was left unresolved. The Bosnians and Herzegovinans would also prove to be a problem to the Austro-Hungarian Empire in later decades. The League of Three Emperors, established in 1873, was destroyed, as Russia saw lack of German support on the issue of Bulgaria"s full independence as a breach of loyalty and alliance. The establishment of a border between Greece and Turkey failed to be accomplished. In 1881, after protracted negotiations, a compromise border was accepted after a naval demonstration of the Powers. So, the congress sowed the seeds of further conflicts, including the Balkan Wars, and the First World War.It is interesting to note that the Marquess of Salisbury, the British Foreign Secretary at the Congress, had originally supported the Russian position and the Treaty of San Stefano. After returning from the Congress, Salisbury confessed that--in supporting Austria-Hungary instead of Russia--the British had "backed the wrong horse."According to A.J.P. Taylor: "If the treaty of San Stefano had been maintained, both the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary might have survived to the present day. The British, except for Beaconsfield in his wilder moments, had expected less and were therefore less disappointed. Salisbury wrote at the end of 1878: We shall set up a rickety sort of Turkish rule again south of the Balkans. But it is a mere respite. There is no vitality left in them."[5]

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curriculum vitae简历双语对照词典结果:curriculum vitae[英][ku0259u02ccru026akju0259lu0259m u02c8vi:tau026a]n.<正>简历,个人履历; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.With the popularity of facebook and linkedin, the curriculum vitae might seem ananachronism. 随着facebook和linkedin的流行,简历看起来或许像是过时之物。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

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Shame (2006 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Shame (2006 Digital Remaster)歌手:Nitzer Ebb专辑:Body Of Work 1984-1997"Shame"Drowning PoolStraight through youI burn, I burnMy tongue rhymes one thing, for eager ears to hold on toYou know I"ll lie againYou know I"ll try againMy words, ripping, tearing, straight through youI, I turn my back on you and I will, I will, I will shame you, shame youI, I"ve got no time for you and I will, I will, I will shame you, shame youI burn, I burnLet me touch you, let me get inside youAll I feel, I can make it feel all so realYou know I"ll lie againYou know I"ll try againMy words, ripping, tearing, straight through youI, I turn my back on you and I will, I will, I will shame you, shame youI, I"ve got no time for you and I will, I will, I will shame you, shame youNo, don"t you speak my nameDon"t you speak my name, I"m pain(Don"t you speak my name, don"t you speak my name)I, I turn my back on you and I will, I will shame you, shame youAnd I, won"t hold against you if you never, never, never speak my name againI, I turn my back on you and I will, I will, I will shame you, shame youI, I"ve got no time for you and I will, I will, I will shame you, shame youDon"t you speak my name, I will shame you, shame you


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求gosick的片尾曲Resuscitated Hope和Xandria 的eversleeping 的简谱

Resuscitated Hope的简谱(只有这个= =)[ ]内表示高音区 对应12孔半音阶的8-12孔区域( )内表示低音区 对应12孔半音阶的1-4孔区域数字1-7对应C调的 do re mi.....si等等数字前面有#的 表示升高半音 对应半音阶在演奏时按下半音键以升高半音谱子写为C调#43#4 (7)2#43#46#43 2#12#1(7)#43#4 (7)2#43#467632#1(7) 22#1(7)(6)2#1(7) 23#462#43#1(6)(6)#12#1(6)2(7) 23#4335#4352 567[1]77665#43 3#456#4#4#5#4#5 #13 #5#4#57#5#4 3#23#2#1#5#4#5 #13 #5#4#57[#1]7#4#4#5#4#5 #13 #5#4#57#5#4 3#23#2#1#5#4#5 #1#23#47[#1][#1]#4#52#1(7) 22#1(7)(6)2#1(7) (7)#123#423#1(6)(6)#12#1 (6)2(7) (7)#12332#1(7) 22#1(7)(6)2#1(7) 23#462#43#1(6)(6)#12#1(6)2(7) 23#4335#4352 567[1]77665#43 3#456#4#4#5#4#5 #13 #5#4#57#5#4 3#23#2#1#5#4#5 #13 #5#4#57[#1]7#4#4#5#4#5 #13 #5#4#57#5#4 3#23#2#1#5#4#5 #1#23#47[#1][#1]#4#5[#2][#1][#2] #57 [#2][#1][#2][#4][#2][#1]7#67#6#5[#2][#1][#2] #57 [#2][#1][#2][#4][#5][#4][#1][#2][#1][#2] #57 [#2][#1][#2][#4][#2][#1]7#67#6#5[#2][#1][#2] #57 [#2][#1][#2][#4][#5][#4][#1]#11#1#2(#5) (#5)#4#3#1#1#11#1 (#5)#1#5#5#1#2#2#1#23 #23#4 (7)6#567#4#46#5373#4#4 #5#5#4#5 #13 #5#4#57#5#4 3#23#2#1#5#4#5 #13 #5#4#57[#1]7#4#4#5#4#5 #13 #5#4#57#5#4 3#23#2#1#5#4#5 #13 #5#4#57[#1]7#4#4#5#4#5 #13 #5#4#57#5#4 3#23#2#1#5#4#5 #1#23#47[#1][#1]#4#5

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-、将单词按照所含音节数归类1.一个音节mile,fridge,square, fork2.两个音节invite, double, today, message, about3.三个音节expensive, video,capital, balcony, september, tomato二、将上述多音节单词按照重音位置归类4.第一个音节重读video, capital, balcony,5.第二个音节重读expensive,september ,tomato6.最后音节重读/




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this invitation has expired?这份请柬已经失效了invitation英 [u02ccu026anvu026au02c8teu026au0283n] 美 [u02ccu026anvu026au02c8teu0283u0259n] n. 招待,邀请;请柬,请帖;引诱,吸引,诱惑 邀请; 盛宴; 邀请卡; 请柬 复数:invitations expire英 [u026aku02c8spau026au0259(r)] 美 [u026aku02c8spau026ar] vi. 期满;文件、协议等(因到期而)失效;断气;逝世 终止; 满期; 开始无效; 断气 过去式:expired 过去分词:expired 现在分词:expiring 第三人称单数:expires

Action Boy (2003 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Action Boy (2003 Digital Remaster)歌手:Costello专辑:A Little Bit CrazyPowerman5000-"Action"Ahh... Go!The sky is falling it"s a curious conditionIt ain"t a fallacy, it ain"t superstitionYou live your life like you"re some kind of actorBut this scenario you cannot manufactureWe"re gonna need some actionWe"re gonna need some action soonTrapped in a world of ordinary madnessIt"s all the same, there"s nothing newCom"on, com"onCom"on, com"onCom"on, com"onWhere you learn how to be so complacent?They beat you down and you might as well face itYour heroes lied, yeah they"re all just a fakeDon"t know how much more of this I can takeWe"re gonna need some actionWe"re gonna need some action soonTrapped in a world of ordinary madness,It"s all the same, there"s nothing newWe"re gonna need some action (We"re gonna need some action)We"re gonna need some action soonTrapped in a world of ordinary madness,It"s all the same, there"s nothing... New!Ahh... Go!We"re gonna need some action (We"re gonna need some action)We"re gonna need some action soonTrapped in a world of ordinary madness,It"s all the same, there"s nothing newWe"re gonna need some action (We"re gonna need some action)We"re gonna need some action soonTrapped in a world of ordinary madness,It"s all the same, there"s nothing newCom"on, com"onCom"on, com"onCom"on, com"onCom"on, com"onAction! Action! Action! Action!欢迎联系我Q:523432690

Roman Cultural Influence on Britain

① After the Roman Empire"s conquest of Britain in the first century A.D., the presence of administrators, merchants, and troops on British soil, along with the natural flow of ideas and goods from the rest of the empire, had an enormous influence on life in the British Isles. Cultural influences were of three types: the bringing of objects, the transfer of craft workers, and the introduction of massive civil architecture. Many objects were not art in even the broadest sense and comprised utilitarian items of clothing, utensils, and equipment. We should not underestimate the social status associated with such mundane possessions which had not previously been available. The flooding of Britain with red-gloss pottery from Gaul (modern-day France), decorated with scenes from Classical mythology, probably brought many into contact with the styles and artistic concepts of the Greco-Roman world for the first time, whether or not the symbolism was understood. Mass-produced goods were accompanied by fewer more aesthetically impressive objects such as statuettes. Such pieces perhaps first came with officials for their own religious worship; others were then acquired by native leaders as diplomatic gifts or by purchase. Once seen by the natives, such objects created a fashion which rapidly spread through the province. 罗马征服不列颠后对它产生了很多影响,在物品方面(比如陶瓷)在本土开始流行。 ② In the most extreme instances, natives literally bought the whole package of Roman culture. The Fishbourne villa, built in the third quarter of the first century A.D., probably for the native client king Cogidubnus, amply illustrates his Roman pretensions. It was constructed in the latest Italian style with imported marbles and stylish mosaics. It was lavishly furnished with imported sculptures and other Classical objects. A visitor from Rome would have recognized its owner as a participant in the contemporary culture of the empire, not at all provincial in taste. Even if those from the traditional families looked down on him, they would have been unable to dismiss him as uncultured. Although exceptional, this demonstrates how new cultural symbols bound provincials to the identify of the Roman world. 本地人几乎买下了罗马文化,比如本地土豪建造罗马式别墅,表明新的文化符号将乡下人与罗马世界联系在一起。 ③ Such examples established a standard to be copied. One result was an influx of craft worker, particularly those skilled in artistic media like stone-carving which had not existed before the conquest. Civilian workers came mostly from Gaul and Germany. The magnificent temple built beside the sacred spring at Bath was constructed only about twenty years after the conquest. Its detail shows that it was carved by artists from northeast Gaul. In the absence of a tradition of Classical stone-carving and building, the desire to develop Roman amenities would have been difficult to fulfill. Administrators thus used their personal contacts to put the Britons in touch with architects and masons. As many of the officials in Britain had strong links with Gaul, it is not surprising that early Roman Britain owes much to craft workers from that area. Local workshops did develop and stylistically similar groups of sculpture show how skills in this new medium became widespread. Likewise skills in the use of mosaic, wall painting, ceramic decoration, and metal-working developed throughout the province with the eventual emergence of characteristically Romano-British styles. 大量的技术融合形成饿了罗马-英国风格。 ④ This art had a major impact on the native peoples, and one of the most importance factors was a change in the scale of buildings. Pre-Roman Britain was highly localized, with people rarely traveling beyond their own region. On occasion large groups amassed for war or religious festivals, but society remained centered on small communities. Architecture of this era reflected this with even the largest of the fortified towns and hill forts containing no more than clusters of medium-sized structures. The spaces inside even the largest roundhouses were modest, and the use of rounded shapes and organic building materials gave buildings a human scale. But the effect of Roman civil architecture was significant. The sheer size of space enclosed within buildings like the basilica of London must have been astonishing. This was an architecture of dominance in which subject peoples were literally made to feel small by buildings that epitomized imperial power. Supremacy was accentuated by the unyielding straight lines of both individual buildings and planned settlements since these too provided a marked contrast with the natural curvilinear shapes dominant in the native realm. 对建筑风格的影响,变大了。

Anita Sarawak的《Feelings》 歌词

歌曲名:Feelings歌手:Anita Sarawak专辑:Love SongsFeelingsArtist:Morris AlbertFeelingsNothing more than feelingTrying to forget myFeelings of lovetea dropsrollling dwon on my faceTrying to forget myFeelings of loveFeelingsFor all my life I"ll feel itI wish I"ve never met you girlYou never come againFeelingswow wow wow feelingwow wow wow feelingagain in my armsFeelingsFeelings like I"ve never lost youand feelings like I never havel youagain in my heartFeelingsfor all my life I"ll feel itI wish I"ve never met you girlyou never come againFeelingsfeelings like I"ve never lost youand feelings like I"ve never have youagain in my lifeFeelingwow wow wow feelingwow wow wow feelingagain in my armsFeelingwow wow wow feelingwow wow wow feeling

在英格兰metropolitan county与non-metropolitan county的区别?区域具体是如何划分的?

The metropolitan counties are a type of county-level country subdivision in current use in England. There are six metropolitan counties, which each cover large urban areas, typically with populations of 1.2 to 2.8 million. They were created in 1974 and are each divided into several metropolitan districts.





Why are Oberon (king of the fairies) and Titania (his queen) estranged?

Because the Indian changeling may be Oberon"s love child.

IEM里约Major战队巡礼 Vitality篇

对于Vitality而言,里约Major可能是建队以来最有希望的一届,毕竟他们刚刚赢下了EPL S16。从2018年到现在,只有apEX和ZywOo还坚守在队伍中,前者成为了Vitality的队长和指挥,而后者,似乎仍是目前唯一一个能够在游戏上与s1mple抗衡的超巨选手。 ZywOo对Major的追寻 2018年底横空出世的ZywOo,迅速成长为了比肩s1mple的超级巨星。和很多天才少年相比,他的成就更为夸张,连续两年被选为HLTV TOP1选手;但和另一些天才少年相比,他的职业生涯又没有那么完美,毕竟,他还是未能拿到属于他的Major奖杯,即使是在力压s1mple的那两年里。 2019年的第一场Major,Vitality在小组赛早早出局。而在柏林Major,ZywOo和他的队友们在四分之一决赛成为了Jame亚军路上的垫脚石。到了2020年,疫情横扫全球,ZywOo甚至连冲击Major的机会都没有了。 在重返线下赛后,Vitality的表现并没有好多少。2021年,ZywOo的竞争对手s1mple拿到了他梦寐以求的Major冠军,而法国军团几乎颗粒无收。Vitality终于明白,法国CS衰落的人才库无法支撑他们夺得Major冠军,他们必须走向国际。 或许法国人也有“缺啥补啥”的俚语,打不过2019年的Astralis,那就买下他们的选手。2022年1月5日,dupreeh、Magisk和zonic携手加入Vitality,标志着这支纯血法国队伍正式和国际接轨。 抛开事实不谈,这是一个明智的转会,为拥有世界上第二好的选手的队伍,配置上两位经验丰富的Major冠军选手,再搭配上CS:GO历史上最好的冠军教练,纸面实力乱杀。但现实没那么理想化,五名选手将比赛语言调整到英语是一个痛苦的过程,于是,在整个2022年上半年,Vitality的日子都不太好过,他们打进了安特卫普Major,但最终止步小组赛。 Spinx的到来 在谈及Vitality于2022年上半年的失利时,我们把首要因素归结于沟通问题,但法式浪漫主义的Vitality和纪律严明的丹麦军团Astralis的结合之难,远不是一两句话可以概括的。火力问题,也是这支队伍需要面对的,诚然,无论是老一代法国疯狗突破手apEX,还是Astralis的两位顶级步枪手dupreeh和Magisk,在他们各自的巅峰期,都是数一数二的好手,但时代变了。家人们,现在是2022年了。 角色位置,也是Vitality所头疼的。给你一秒钟时间,告诉我谁是法国第一突破手,谁是丹麦第一突破手,想必十个人里有九个半都会告诉我相同的答案,而现在,这两位选手都效力于Vitality,除此之外,misutaaa和Magisk都需要一些打法上的自由。 Vitality将希望寄托在转会市场上,而Spinx,似乎是那个可以替代misutaaa的完美人选。这位以色列选手在2022年上半年堪称ENCE的当家巨星,他在安特卫普Major上大展神威,而那时,Vitality的选手们只能在家里的电视上观看他的个人秀。他的风格完美契合Vitality,并且能够一定程度上解放Magisk和dupreeh。更重要的是,他长时间效力于国际纵队,他知道如何用英语进行高效沟通。 控制变量永远是观众们乐于谈论的职业战队变阵要素,显然,Vitality这次的控制变量成功了。没有动明星选手,没有动队内指挥,他们通过一个选手的更换和一些位置的调整,让队伍在火力层面和战术层面上升了一个台阶。2022年10月2日,Vitality迎来了他们与国际接轨后的第一个大赛冠军。 国际纵队法国心 尽管一步步成为了国际纵队,但法国CS仍旧视Vitality为法国CS的未来。安特卫普Major小组赛出局固然令人沮丧,但这无法浇灭粉丝们的热忱,粉丝们在IEM科隆为这支队伍呐喊助威,声音响彻场馆。虽然你可能无法在巴西里约的观众席见到很多身着黄黑队服的粉丝,但当明年Major来到巴黎后,一切就说不准了。 法国CS荣耀不再,而ZywOo是唯一一个可以拯救法国CS的人,尽管腼腆内敛的他看起来不像超级巨星。2018年的伦敦Major,一场表演赛,对于绝大多数观众而言,那是他们第一次见到ZywOo,面对聚光灯和镜头以及Freya的提问,年仅17岁的小胖子只说了一句:“I don"t know.” 当被问及ZywOo和device谁更出色时,dupreeh给出了这样的答案:“我爱device,但这个问题没什么争议,ZywOo在游戏中的表现力是独一无二的。”要知道,device和dupreeh做队友时,拿下了18个赛事MVP。 至于apEX,很难有人不喜欢apEX,一个把喜怒哀乐写在脸上的,CS:GO职业赛场上最外向的人之一——你根本无法在他的表情库中找到扑克脸这一选项。并且他很乐意当大反派,2021年的哥本哈根BLAST,当Vitality击败主场作战的Astralis后,apEX起身在沮丧的观众面前载歌载舞。 十年来,dupreeh一直站在顶尖赛事的舞台上,2013年,当dupreeh以第18的名次首次闯入HLTV TOP20时,NiP还主宰着CS:GO赛场,而后,GeT_RiGhT、olofmeister和coldzera接连统治赛场,到了s1mple时代,dupreeh仍旧是明星选手。18届Major无一缺席,这是独属于dupreeh的荣耀。 Magisk是队伍中的第四名明星选手,但毫无疑问,他的成就也远超绝大多数的职业选手,三次Major在手的魔法男孩,早已不是那个在Dignitas和North年轻气盛的毛头小子了。队伍的最后一块拼图Spinx,尽管他的职业生涯才刚刚开始,但也已经取得了不少的成就,他的到来重新启动了Vitality的发动机,而这辆车能够走多远,我们还无从得知。 展望IEM里约Major 如果谈论本届Major的夺冠热门,就不得不提Vitality。在HLTV我的眼中,Vitality的实力仅次于今年的两大霸主战队——FaZe和NAVI。对于dupreeh和zonic来说,里约是他们冲击Major无冠的好机会,也是他们超越老队友gla1ve、Xyp9x和device的绝佳时机。 至于法国人,他们已经很久很久没有捧起Major冠军奖杯了,而现在,ZywOo接过了法国CS的大旗,朝着法国CS复兴之路昂首阔步。尽管人们不吝惜给予ZywOo最好的评价,但可以说他还没发挥出完整的潜力,人们常常会拿他和另一个超级巨星s1mple做比较。但当s1mple带领NaVi夺得Major冠军后,“荣誉论”的天平彻底失衡了。 诚然,ZywOo还有很多机会。像karrigan和s1mple这样的选手,也等待了很多年才拿到属于他们的冠军,但有些机会是转瞬即逝的。考虑到Vitality目前状态火热,而FaZe和NaVi并非如此,或许这是ZywOo再次回到和s1mple相同起跑线的最佳时机。 在Spinx入队以来,Vitality还没有和FaZe有过正面交锋,要知道这是2022年迄今为止最强的战队。Vitality并没有稳坐TOP1的信心,zonic也提到:“我还不觉得我们是世界第一。” 今年一月,Vitality的老板Neo说:“也许一开始会有些艰难,但这不重要。我们很清楚未来的路在哪里,并且我能肯定,当这支队伍开始发力的时候,我们会统治赛场很久。” 那么,就让我们在里约见证一切。



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词根 her=heir,与 heritage、inherit同源. 与其相关的动词是inherit


平假名 罗马音ああ ひだまりの中 きこえるきみの声 ちいさくうたってるaa hi da ma ri no na ka ki ko e ru ki mi no ko e chi i sa ku u ta tte ruそらは ながれるくもを だいてはこわして すきとおるあおくso ra ha na ga re ru ku mo wo da i te ha ko wa shi te su ki too ru a o kuまるで おだやかなえのような このしあわせがとてもma ru de o da ya ka na e no yo u na ko no shi ya wa se ga to te moうれしくて おもわず fu fu… すこしいなきそうになるだよu re shi ku te o mo wa zu fu fu... su ko shi i na ki so u ni na ru da yoせかいはやらかな きんいろのうぶげにくるまれ いきをひそめるse ka i ha ya wa ra ka na kin i ro no u bu ge ni ku ru ma re i ki wo hi so me ruここに来たなら この空っぽの心さえも 救われるのさko ko ni ki ta na ra ko no ka ra ppo no ko ko ro sa e mo su ku wa re ru no saねえ せせらぐみずが ひかりをまきちらし なないろのアーチ ne e se se ra gu mi zu ga hi ka ri wo ma ki chi ra shi na na i ro no a chiぼくは かぜにふかれて わすれてたこどくを なつかしく思うbo ku ha ka ze ni fu ka re te wa su re te ta ko do ku wo na tsu ka shi ku o mo uきみのせなかは だれよりも じゆうになれるつばさが にあうからki mi no se na ka ha da re yo ri mo ji you ni na re ru tsu ba sa ga ni a u ka raそれが fu fu… ぼくを さびしくさせるよso re ga fu fu... bo ku wo sa bi shi ku sa se ru yoせかいはやわらかなきんいろのうぶげにくるまれ いきをひそめるse ka i ha ya wa ra ka na kin i ro no u bu ge ni ku ru ma re i ki wo hi so me ruここにいたなら このおくびょうなこころさえも ゆるされるかなko ko ni i ta na ra ko no o ku byo u na ko ko ro sa e mo yu ru sa re ru ka naなきそうになるだよna ki so u ni na ru da yoせかいはやわらかな きんいろのうぶげにくるまれ いきをひそめるse ka i ha ya wa ra ka na kin i ro no u bu ge ni ku ru ma re i ki wo hi so me ruここにきたなら このそらっぽのこころさえも すくわれるのさko ko ni ki ta na ra ko no ka ra ppo no ko ko ro sa e mo su ku wa re ru no sa



歌词里有play on the ocean guitar这首歌的名字

是不是“It"s on the ocean ”Memory Motel - The Rolling StonesHannah honey was a peachy kind of girlEyes were hazel and her nose were slightly curvedWe spent a lonely night at the Memory MotelIt"s on the ocean I guess you know it wellIt took a starry NIGHT to steal my breath awayDown on the water frontHer hair all drenched in sprayHannah baby was a honey of a girlHer eyes were hazelAnd her teeth were slightly curvedShe took my guitar and she began to playShe sang a song to meStuck right in my brainYou"re just a memory of a loveThat used to beYou"re just a memory of a loveThat used to mean so much to meShe got a mind of her ownAnd she use it wellWell she"s one of a kindShe"s got a mindShe got a mind of her ownAnd she use it mighty fineShe drove a pick-up truckPainted green and blueThe tires were wearing thinShe turned a mile or twoWhen I asked her where she headed for"Back up to Boston I"m singing in a bar"I got to fly today on down to Baton RougeMy nerves are shot alreadyThe road ain"t all that smoothAcross in Texas is the rose of San AntoneI keep on a feeling that"s gnawing in my bonesYou"re just a memory of a loveThat used to mean so much to meYou"re just a memory girlYou"re just a sweet memoryGirl You"re just a memory girlYou"re just a sweet memoryAnd it used to mean so much to meSha la la la la...You"re just a sweet memoryAnd it used to mean so much to meShe got a mind of her ownAnd she use it wellMighty fine she"s one of a kindShe got a mind of her ownShe"s one of a kindAnd she use it wellOn the seventh day my eyes were all a glazeWe"ve been ten thousand milesBeen in fifteen statesEvery woman seemed to fade out of my mindI hit the bottle and hit the sack and criedWhat"s all this laughter on the 22nd floorIt"s just some friends of mineAnd they"re busting down the doorBeen a lonely night at the Memory MotelYou"re just a memory girlJust a sweet memoryAnd it used to mean so much to meYou"re just a memory girlYou"re just a sweet memoryAnd it used to mean so much to meYou"re just a memory girlYou"re just a sweet memoryAnd it used to mean so much to meYou"re just a memory girlAnd we loveAnd it used to mean so much to meLook on got man and she use to meanWill she want to lookon

Britain was the first country to industrialize be








Elfenlied (Italienisches Liederbuch) 歌词

歌曲名:Elfenlied (Italienisches Liederbuch)歌手:Elisabeth Schumann&George Reeves专辑:Icon: Elisabeth Schumannlilium妖精的旋律opos iusti meditabitur sapientiam义人的口道出智慧et lingua eius loquetur iudicium义人的舌诉出正道beatus vir qui suffert tentationem经历试炼的人得到福气quoniam cum probatus fruerit accipiet coronam vitae 因他经过试炼后,必得kyrie, ignis divine, eleison耶和华,圣火,请怜悯我们o quam sancta啊 多么神圣quam serena多么安详quam benigna多么慈爱quam amoena o castitatis lilium 多么宜人 啊 纯洁若百合os iusti meditabitur sapientiam 义人的口道出智慧et lingua eius loquetur iudicium义人的舌诉出正义beatus vir qui suffert tentationem经试炼的人得到福气quoniam cum cum 因为试炼过后,probatus fruerit accipiet coronam vitae他必得生命冠冕kyrie, ignis divine, eleison 耶和华 圣火 怜恤kyrie, ignis divine, eleison 耶和华 圣火 怜恤o quam sancta何等神圣quam serena 何等安详quam benigna何等慈爱quam amoena 何等安慰sapikogua iudituo quam sancta 何等神圣,quam serenaquam 何等安详quam benigna 何等慈爱quam amoena o castitatis lilium何等安慰纯洁若百合a~~~~~~~~~~~~kyrie, ignis divine, eleison 耶和华 圣火 怜恤o quam sancta何等神圣,quam serenaquam 何等安详quam benigna 何等慈爱quam amoena o castitatis lilium何等安慰 纯洁若百合EnD


这个单词本身就是一个词。拆不开的。词源:(来自牛津词典)1. indomitable不屈不挠的in-,不,非,-dom,控制,驯服,词源同adamant,domesticate.即不能被驯服的,不屈不挠的。来源:童理民2. indomitable不屈服的,不气馁的,不可战胜的词根词缀: in-不,无 + -dom-主人→控制 + it + -able形容词词尾,被动意义 → 不可被控制的来源:童理民





Heroes (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Heroes (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:David Bowie专辑:HeroesHEROSDAVID BOWIEHEROSI, I wish you could swimLike the dolphins, like dolphins can swimThough nothing, nothing will keep us togetherWe can beat them, for ever and everOh we can be Heroes, just for one dayI, I will be kingAnd you, you will be queenThough nothing will drive them awaqyWe can beat them, just for one dayWe can be Heroes, just for one dayI, I can remember (I remember)Standing, by the wall (by the wall)And the guns, shot above our heads (over our heads)And we kissed, as though nothing could fall (nothing could fall)And the shame, was on the other sideOh we can beat them, for ever and everThen we could be Heroes, just for one dayWe can be HeroesWe can be HeroesWe can be HeroesJust for one dayWe can be Heroes



哪位大神给我La IsLa Bonita的吉他谱,不要指弹的~~

  chords:  c#m 456644  f#m 222442  a 022200  e 001220  b 244422  g#m 444664  d 232000  c#m f#m c#m  last night i dreamt of san pedro  a c#m e b  just like i"d never gone, i knew the song  c#m f#m c#m  a young girl with eyes like the desert  a c#m e b  it all seems like yesterday, not far away  chorus:  c#m g#m  tropical the island breeze  f#m e  all of nature, wild and free  g#m f#m  this is where i long to be  c#m  la isla bonita  g#m  and when the samba played  f#m e  the sun would set so high  g#m f#m  ring through my ears and sting my eyes  c#m  your spanish lullaby  solo:  e ----------------------------------------------------------------  b ----5-5-4-5---7--7/9----9-10-12-10-9-----9----------------------  g -------------------------------------10----9--10--8--9---8------  d -------------------------------------------------------9---11---  a ----------------------------------------------------------------  e ----------------------------------------------------------------  then the second part goes exactly like the first one  i fell in love with san pedro  warm wind carried on the sea  he called to me, te dijo te amo  i prayed that the days would last  they went so fast  chorus  solo ii:  e --9-9-9-----------------------------------------------------------------  b --------12--9/10/9----9/10/9----------------------9---------------------  g ------------------11-----------------8-9-11-9-8-9--11-9-8---8/9/8-------  d -------------------------------10-11----------------------9-------9-11--  a ------------------------------------------------------------------------  e ------------------------------------------------------------------------  e -----------------------------------------------------  b ---------------------12-10---------------------------  g --------8-9-11-13-14---------------------------------  d --11-10----------------------------------------------  a -----------------------------------------------------  e -----------------------------------------------------  (this third part, the singing starts at the very ending of the solo,  listen to the song to get the correct timing)  f#m d e f#m  i want to be where the sun warms the sky  d  when it"s time for siesta  e  you can watch them go by  f#m d e f#m  beautiful faces, no cares in this world  d  where a girl loves a boy  e g#m  and a boy loves a girl  last night i dreamt of san pedro  it all seems like yesterday, not far away  chorus (2x)

请问谁有 laislabonita 的吉他谱??? 跪求啊~

  La Isla Bonita吉他谱  Chords:  C#m 456644  F#m 222442  A 022200  E 001220  B 244422  G#m 444664  D 232000  C#m F#m C#m  Last night I dreamt of San Pedro  A C#m E B  Just like I"d never gone, I knew the song  C#m F#m C#m  A young girl with eyes like the desert  A C#m E B  It all seems like yesterday, not far away  CHORUS:  C#m G#m  Tropical the island breeze  F#m E  All of nature, wild and free  G#m F#m  This is where I long to be  C#m  La isla bonita  G#m  And when the samba played  F#m E  The sun would set so high  G#m F#m  Ring through my ears and sting my eyes  C#m  Your Spanish lullaby  solo:  e ----------------------------------------------------------------  B ----5-5-4-5---7--7/9----9-10-12-10-9-----9----------------------  G -------------------------------------10----9--10--8--9---8------  D -------------------------------------------------------9---11---  A ----------------------------------------------------------------  E ----------------------------------------------------------------  then the second part goes exactly like the first one  I fell in love with San Pedro  Warm wind carried on the sea  He called to me, te dijo te amo  I prayed that the days would last  They went so fast  CHORUS  solo II:  e --9-9-9-----------------------------------------------------------------  B --------12--9/10/9----9/10/9----------------------9---------------------  G ------------------11-----------------8-9-11-9-8-9--11-9-8---8/9/8-------  D -------------------------------10-11----------------------9-------9-11--  A ------------------------------------------------------------------------  E ------------------------------------------------------------------------  e -----------------------------------------------------  B ---------------------12-10---------------------------  G --------8-9-11-13-14---------------------------------  D --11-10----------------------------------------------  A -----------------------------------------------------  E -----------------------------------------------------  (this third part, the singing starts at the very ending of the solo,  listen to the song to get the correct timing)  F#m D E F#m  I want to be where the sun warms the sky  D  When it"s time for siesta  E  You can watch them go by  F#m D E F#m  Beautiful faces, no cares in this world  D  Where a girl loves a boy  E G#m  And a boy loves a girl  Last night I dreamt of San Pedro  It all seems like yesterday, not far away  CHORUS (2x)  具体地址:

rita 红の空 罗马音歌词

『红の空』作词:Rita/作曲:新井健史/编曲:新井健史歌:Rita/コーラス:文月りく/ギター:maya红く红く 燃え上がる空akaku akaku moeaga ru sora永久(とわ)の 契にも似てtowa no chigiri nimo nite朝な夕な 祈り続けるasa na yuu na inori tsuduke ruこの幸(さち)をkono sachi wo森は揺れ ざわめく木々mori wa yure zawameku kigi绿に 落ちる影midori ni ochiru kage流れる 阳の光 追いnagareru hi no hikari oi息潜め 染まる空はiki hisome soma ru sora wa鼓动を 打ちながらkodouwo uchi nagara若叶も 小鸟も 暮れる日 见入てwakaba mo kotori mo kure ru hi miitteこの世界 爱おしくkono sekai itooshiku时を刻んでいるtoki wo kizan deiru红く红く 燃え上がる空akaku akaku moeaga ru sora夕日 今日の终わりをyuuhi kyou no owariwo祝い 祈りiwai inoriまた明日の日の 梦を托し沈んでmata asu no hi no yume wo taku shi shizun de夜の暗を 迎え梦见るyoru no yori wo mukae yume mi ru永久に幸 続く世にkowa ni sachi tsuduku yoni明ける空は 日々を重ねてake ru sora wa hibi wo dasane te恋愿うkoi negau彷徨うは 人の心samayo uwa hito no kokoro移ろい 揺れ返しutsuro i yure kaeshi命の歯车きしむ音inochi no hakuruma kishimu otoこの世界 爱おしくkono sekai itooshiku全ては辉いてsubete wa kagayaite绿芽吹く 春の朝焼けmidori me fuku haru no asayake生きる 汗流す夜露iki ru ase nagasu yotsuyu落ち叶缠う 秋の夕けりochiba matou aki no yuu keri息の 冻る 冬枯れiki no kooru fuyugare时を过ごし 人は生きづくtoki wo sugoshi hito wa iki duku友と 手と手取り合いtomo to te to tedori ai爱する人 守り続けてaisuru hito mamori tsuduke te生きてゆくiki teyuku红く红く 燃え上がる空akaku akaku moeaga ru sora永久の 契も示しtowa no chigiri mo shimeshi朝な夕な 祈り続けるasa na yuu na inori tsuduke ru人の世な最爱をhito no yona sai ai wo红く红く 燃え上がる空akaku akaku moeaga ru sora光 墨色髪にhikari sumi iro kami ni缠いながら 祈り続けるmatoi nagara inori tsuduke ruこの幸をkono sachi wo

土屋安娜Imitation night歌词翻译加罗马音

.貌似国内还没有人翻译这首歌的歌词…… 楼主就将就了吧Imitation night 歌词:歌手:土屋安娜(土屋アンナ)专辑:《Virgin Cat》この手を取って あの波に 饮まれましょう 限られた永久(とわ)へkono te wo totte ano nami ni noma remashou kagira reta towa e目覚めてみれば 伪りの鼓动mezame temireba itsuwari no kodou卑猥(ひわい)なsoundね 爱なんて知らないhiwai na sound ne ai nante shira naiImitationの夜が 招くのはいつも 未解决の 不快な朝Imitation no yoru ga maneku nohaitsumo mikaiketsu no fukai na asa感情を暗に 置き忘れた?kanjou wo yami ni oki wasure ta ?Let"s dance with me~真っ赤に肿れ上がり 羞耻心忘れ靡(なび)くmakka ni hare aga ri shuuchishin wasure nabi ku不规则で淫靡(いんび)なdrapefukisoku de inbi na drape~Please stop time~~ Please stop time ~静止させた时间(とき) 静寂の中でseishi saseta toki seijaku no naka deさあ恍惚(こうこつ)のdance、踊りましょうsaa koukotsu no dance , odori mashou千切(ちぎ)れたheart 割れ目が见せるchigi reta heart wareme ga mise ru花模様のscar 残酷で魅(み)するhana moyou no scar zankoku de mi suru辿る指先が 残す伪りの 温もりから 化脓していくtado ru yubisaki ga nokosu itsuwari no atatamo rikara kanou shiteiku绝望の毒に 侵されてる?zetsubou no doku ni okasa reteru ?Please need me more~Please need me more ~正気放弃して 汚れた服脱いで 赦(ゆる)された场所へ、行こうshouki houki shite yogore ta fuku nui de yuru sareta basho e , iko u~believe in tonight~~ believe in tonight ~月夜に付き合い 氷の靴を履いてtsukiyo ni tsukiai koori no kutsu wo hai te现(うつつ)かの妄覚(もうかく)、踊りましょうutsutsu kano moukaku, odori mashou今ここに在るは无心 无いのは约束 明日が未来が见过ごすようにima kokoni aru ha mushin nai noha yakusoku ashita ga mirai ga misugo suyouni密やかな游び そこには常にmitsu yakana asobi sokoniha tsuneni缠(まと)わり付いてる お约束の罪悪mato wari tsui teru o yakusoku no zaiakuそうね、取り合えず 『爱』のせいにしてsoune , tori ae zu ( ai ) noseinishite共に壊れましょう さあ手を伸ばし求めてtomoni koware mashou saa te wo nobashi motome teLet"s dance with me~真っ赤に肿れ上がり 羞耻心忘れ靡(なび)くmakka ni hare aga ri shuuchishin wasure nabi ku不规则で淫靡(いんび)なdrapefukisoku de inbi na drape~Please stop time~~ Please stop time ~静止させた时间(とき) 静寂の中でseishi saseta toki seijaku no naka deさあ恍惚(こうこつ)のdance、踊りましょうsaa koukotsu no dance , odori mashou

hesitate for a while

She hesitated ______whether to go or not. 应该是A hesitate to do sth 迟疑去做某事

hesitate to do sth造句

1. Managers shouldn"t hesitate to do it. 北半球的管理者应该悉心听取他的真知灼见,勿犹豫,勿彷徨. 2. A wicked person does not hesitate to do ill. 人若变邪恶,使坏不犹豫. 4. Certainly,mr sarkozy would not hesitate to do more. 当然,萨科奇先生会毫不犹豫做更多事情. 5. We are allowed to prevent it,and shall not hesitate to do so. 我们被允许阻止它,并且毫不犹豫的这么做.

if you后加hesitate还是hesitation

if you hesitate.... hesitation是名词,不能做谓语动词。

hesitate to do



Without any hesitation recommend you to your guests. I do not hesitate to recommend you to your guests.



hesitate in和hesitate at的区别

前者in 后面加的是 动词的-ing形式 是犹豫做某事 后者at 加的名词 是犹豫某事

hesitate a moment要不要加FOR? 我们英语书上说不用,但为什么啊?

hesitate是不及物动词,不能直接带宾语,必须加for,它的用法,如:She hesitated slightly before answering the inspector"s question.或带不定式[+ to infinitive] If you need anything, don"t hesitate to call me. 来源:Cambridge Advanced Learner"s Dictionary

hesitate about/at/in/over doing sth hesitate to do sth有什么区别呢?请各位大侠帮个忙,通俗点哦。

hesitate about/at/in/over doing sth 表示已经发生了,犹豫过要不要做某事、 hesitate to do sth 还没发生,正在犹豫要不要做

英语翻译 你如果需要什么帮助请尽管说,不要有什么顾虑.(hesitate)

Don"t hesitate to tell us if you need help

hesitate a wink

没有理由,但在有道词典(a moment)上找到几个例句: 1、Though she hesitated for a moment,she finary went in and asked to see a dress that was in the window.她虽然犹豫了片刻,但终于还是走进了商店,要求把陈列在橱窗里的一件衣服拿给她看. 2、Wormtail hesitated for a moment,looking as though he might argue,but then turned and headed through a second hidden door.虫尾巴迟疑了片刻,似乎还想争辩,但他还是转过身,从另一道暗门出去了. 3、The shock make her hesitate for a moment but she quickly come to herself again.这一打击使她踌躇片刻,但很快就又恢复正常了. 4、He paused for a moment wondering whether to turn back as the captain urged him.他停了一会儿,考虑是否像麦克沃尔船长催促的那样返回. 5、The stranger paused a moment in revery before this tender and calming spectacle.这个异乡人在那种温柔宁静的景物前出了一会神. 我的个人总结: 前面3个例句在与hesitate连用时全部用了for a moment; 第4和第5个例句是与pause动词连用时,前一个是for a moment ,后一个是a moment; 结合你们英语书上说的,总体感觉,两者在用法上差别似乎不大. Wait a moment似乎是个例外,可以看作短语,好象没有见过Wait for a moment的说法.

hesitate to contact是什么意思

hesitate to contact联系双语对照例句:1.If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. 如果您有任何疑问,请随时联系我。

hesitate in doing something

前者,犹豫去做某事,表示还未做 后者,为正在做的事情感到犹豫,表示正在做的事情
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