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DS2019表右上角的“EXPIRES: 07-31-2011”具体表示什么意思?


Response.Expires=0 有什么作用


response.expires = 0 和 response.expires = -1的区别


爬虫 爬出expires=Thu, 01-Dec-1994 16:00:00 GMT什么意思?




response.expires = 0 和 response.expires = -1的区别



expires end(银行卡的)有效期直译为:到期结束expiresv.期满( expire的第三人称单数 ); 文件、协议等(因到期而)失效; 断气; 逝世


<?phpdate_default_timezone_set ("PRC");//这里设置时区为中国+8echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s");?>如果不是当前时间,就是服务器的时间并不是中国的时间。


Cache-Control响应头信息包括:max-age=[秒] — 执行缓存被认为是最新的最长时间。类似于过期时间,这个参数是基于请求时间的相对时间间隔,而不是绝对过期时间,[秒]是一个数字,单位是秒:从请求时间 开始到过期时间之间的秒数。s-maxage=[秒] — 类似于max-age属性,除了他应用于共享(如:代理服务器)缓存public — 标记认证内容也可以被缓存,一般来说: 经过HTTP认证才能访问的内容,输出是自动不可以缓存的;no-cache — 强制每次请求直接发送给源服务器,而不经过本地缓存版本的校验。这对于需要确认认证应用很有用(可以和public结合使用),或者严格要求使用最新数据 的应用(不惜牺牲使用缓存的所有好处);no-store — 强制缓存在任何情况下都不要保留任何副本must-revalidate — 告诉缓存必须遵循所有你给予副本的新鲜度的,HTTP允许缓存在某些特定情况下返回过期数据,指定了这个属性,你高速缓存,你希望严格的遵循你的规则。proxy-revalidate — 和 must-revalidate类似,除了他只对缓存代理服务器起作用举例:Cache-Control: max-age=3600, must-revalidate



document.cookie = "testcookie=yes;expires=60*60*24*365";


html中expires设定网页期限 一旦过期就要去服务器重新调阅。 什么叫网页过期?怎么算是过



超过了设置的时间后,数据应该是没有了的 对吧,可是在浏览器上还是存在,是不是timeout失效问题?回答楼上的:Session本身的保存机制,是通过服务器端保存,也就是你在向服务器请求时,会发过去一个SessionID,而服务器根据你这个ID查找他的应用程序池里边是不是有这个ID对应的数据,也就是Session是否过期。而浏览器存在的网页是你以前请求的Html.他会一直存在。

cookie 的expires:30 具体意味着什么? 是从产生cookie后30天自动删除 还是

应该是给cookie状态设置为过期,你可以参考:------------------------给cookie设置终止日期:<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- //获取当前时间 var date=new Date(); var expiresDays=10; //将date设置为10天以后的时间 date.setTime(date.getTime()+expiresDays*24*3600*1000); //将userId和userName两个cookie设置为10天后过期 document.cookie="userId=828; userName=hulk; expires="+date.toGMTString(); //--> </script> ------------------------------删除cookie:<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- //获取当前时间 var date=new Date(); //将date设置为过去的时间 date.setTime(date.getTime()-10000); //将userId这个cookie删除 document.cookie="userId=828; expires="+date.toGMTString(); //--> </script>



关于 js 中 document.cookie 设置 expires 的问题

vaScript是运行在客户端的脚本,因此一般是不能够设置Session的,因为Session是运行在服务器端的。而cookie是运行在客户端的,所以可以用JS来设置cookie.假设有这样一种情况,在某个用例流程中,由A页面跳至B页面,若在A页面中采用JS用变量temp保存了某一变量的值,在B页面的时候,同样需要使用JS来引用temp的变量值,对于JS中的全局变量或者静态变量的生命周期是有限的,当发生页面跳转或者页面关闭的时候,这些变量的值会重新载入,即没有达到保存的效果。解决这个问题的最好的方案是采用cookie来保存该变量的值,那么如何来设置和读取cookie呢?首先需要稍微了解一下cookie的结构,简单地说:cookie是以键值对的形式保存的,即key=value的格式。各个cookie之间一般是以“;”分隔。JS设置cookie:假设在A页面中要保存变量username的值("jack")到cookie中,key值为name,则相应的JS代码为:复制代码代码如下:document.cookie="name="+username;JS读取cookie:假设cookie中存储的内容为:name=jack;password=123则在B页面中获取变量username的值的JS代码如下:var username=document.cookie.split(";")[0].split("=")[1];//JS操作cookies方法!//写cookiesfunction setCookie(name,value){var Days = 30;var exp = new Date();exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + Days*24*60*60*1000);document.cookie = name + "="+ escape (value) + ";expires=" + exp.toGMTString();}读取cookiesfunction getCookie(name){var arr,reg=new RegExp("(^| )"+name+"=([^;]*)(;|$)");if(arr=document.cookie.match(reg))return unescape(arr[2]);elsereturn null;}删除cookies function delCookie(name){var exp = new Date();exp.setTime(exp.getTime() - 1);var cval=getCookie(name);if(cval!=null)document.cookie= name + "="+cval+";expires="+exp.toGMTString();}//使用示例setCookie("name","hayden");alert(getCookie("name"));//如果需要设定自定义过期时间//那么把上面的setCookie 函数换成下面两个函数就ok;//程序代码function setCookie(name,value,time){var strsec = getsec(time);var exp = new Date();exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + strsec*1);document.cookie = name + "="+ escape (value) + ";expires=" + exp.toGMTString();}function getsec(str){alert(str);var str1=str.substring(1,str.length)*1;var str2=str.substring(0,1);if (str2=="s"){return str1*1000;}else if (str2=="h"){return str1*60*60*1000;}else if (str2=="d"){return str1*24*60*60*1000;}}//这是有设定过期时间的使用示例://s20是代表20秒//h是指小时,如12小时则是:h12//d是天数,30天则:d30setCookie("name","hayden","s20");


c#中 Response.Cookies["youwant"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(31);


具体代码如下:<?php $ch = curl_init(); $timeout = 5; curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); $file_contents = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); echo $file_contents; ?> PHP 独特的语法混合了C、Java、Perl以及PHP自创的语法。它可以比CGI或者Perl更快速地执行动态网页。用PHP做出的动态页面与其他的编程语言相比,PHP是将程序嵌入到HTML(标准通用标记语言下的一个应用)文档中去执行,执行效率比完全生成HTML标记的CGI要高许多;PHP还可以执行编译后代码,编译可以达到加密和优化代码运行,使代码运行更快。



DS2019表右上角的“EXPIRES: 07-31-2011”具体表示什么意思?

EXPIRES: 07-31-2011,具体意思是失效日期为2011年7月31日,表示该表格在2011年7月31日之前有效,过期无法申请签证。DS2019这个是去美国交换学者身份的一个表格。DS2019表是你去美国的最有先决条件的一张表格,在没有这张表格以前,你填写DS156 157 158。在签证面谈前, 所有申请人都必须填写DS-156电子签证申请表。所有年满16岁的申请人还需填写DS-157签证申请表。另外,所有申请F(学生)、J(交流访问学者)和M(职业技术培训学生)签证的申请人以及家属签证申请人(F-2、J-2及 M-2)还必须填写DS-158签证申请表格都是没有意义的。DS2019表是你要申请的单位给你签发一张包涵有你的个人信息和他们的同意许可,还有你赴美学习或者工作的单位信息的表格,上面会有你的SEVIS号码。它的作用就是告诉签证官,“我这个单位是要你的,我这边已经通过了你的申请”,相当于你被“邀请”了。那签证官才会明白你去美国是在什么地方做什么要呆多长时间,也才会考虑下一步核实的你其他个人信息。sevis是存放学生和交流访问学者信息的系统。这个系统用来存放有关非移民学生(持F和M签证)、交流访问学者(持J签证)及其家属(持F-2,M-2和J-2签证)准确、当前的信息,以便学校和项目赞助者能够在该学生和交流访问学者在美停留整个期间通过互联网向国土安全部和国务院发送必须提供的信息,并在情况有所改变时发送通知。相当于你在美国的身份信息,网上交钱后会有一个属于你就注册进入美国国家国土安全部的的认证信息里,会在线生成一个国土安全号码给你,类似于你在美国的外国人身份证号码。这个也是在签证是要有的。

建行龙卡信用卡 如何查看expires end



有效限期, 失效日期

evus 查看状态的页面 expires 显示的是 护照的到期时间吗? 还是签证的?



“response.expires=-1”的意思是,缓存已经过期,禁止缓存的意思。Response.expires 该属性指定了在浏览器上缓冲存储的页,距过期还有多少时间。1、在Asp页面首部加入Response.Buffer = True Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1 Response.Expires = 0 Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "No-Cache"2、在HtML代码中加入<HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="0"></HEAD>3、在重新调用原页面的时候在给页面传一个参数Href="****.asp?random()"4、<body onLoad="javascriptocument.yourFormName.reset()">5、Content.Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCaxheability,NoCache);Response.Expires的使用一般,response.expires写在页面的最上端,后面跟的是一个时间,就是过期的时间1、语法Response.Expires [= number]2、参数number距过期还有多少分钟。将此参数设置为 0 可使缓存的页立即过期。3、注释若此属性在一页上设置了多次,则使用最短的时间。4、Response.Expires的使用说明设置Response.Expires为负数或者0,就禁止了缓存。对Response.expires=0也表示立即过期,但如果client和server不在一个时区或者client的时间早于server上的时间,则不能立即过期。所以用负数或者用Response.ExpiresAbsolute=now()-1来表示立即过期,response.expires=1表示在1分钟后过期。

DS2019表右上角的“EXPIRES: 07-31-2011”具体表示什么意思?

同问,我的也是一样。form covers period: From 10-01-2011 to 09-30-2012. DS2019表右上角的“EXPIRES: 07-31-2011”具体表示什么意思? 我预约8月15日签证,是不是2019表过期?

They say that first impressions are very important .是宾语从句还是表语从句?

是宾语从句.凡是在及物动词后面出现的从句都是宾语从句,say就是一个及物动词. 凡是在系动词后面出现的从句都是表语从句,如: This is what he said.这里的what he said 出现在了系动词is之后,就是表语从句.

英语谚语:First impressions are most lasting 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: First impressions are most lasting 中文意思: 最初的印象最为持久。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Do as you would be done by 推己及人。 Do business but be not a slave to it 要做事,但不要做事务的奴隶。 Dog does not eat dog 物不伤其类。 Dogs that bark at a distance bite not at hand 远处叫得凶的狗,不会近身来咬人。 Dogs that run after many hares kill none 多谋寡成。 Dogs wag their tails not so much in love to you as your bread 狗摇尾巴,爱的是面包。 Doing is better than saying 行胜于言。 Do in Rome as the Romans do 入乡随俗。 Do not all you can spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all youknow 不要为所能为,不要花尽所有,不要全信所闻,不要言尽所知。 Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade 不要忘恩负义。 英语谚语: First impressions are most lasting 中文意思: 最初的印象最为持久。

First impressions are half the battle,什么意思

First impressions are half the battle第一印象是一半的战斗



英语作文First impressions


first impressions是什么意思


我有个手表上面写着Since 1888 roamer943637 Sapphir


first impressions是什么意思





NR(天然胶) IR(异戊)BR(顺丁)SBR(丁苯松香) NBR(丁睛)EPDM(三元乙丙 )


1、天然橡胶(NR)以橡胶烃(聚异戊二烯)为主,含少量蛋白质、水分、树脂酸、糖类和无机盐等。弹性大,定伸强度高,抗撕裂性和电绝缘性优良,耐磨性和耐旱性良好,加工性佳,易于其它材料粘合,在综合性能方面优于多数合成橡胶。缺点是耐氧和耐臭氧性差,容易老化变质;耐油和耐溶剂性不好,第抗酸碱的腐蚀能力低;耐热性不高。使用温度范围:约-60℃~+80℃。制作轮胎、胶鞋、胶管、胶带、电线电缆的绝缘层和护套以及其他通用制品。特别适用于制造扭振消除器、发动机减震器、机器支座、橡胶-金属悬挂元件、膜片、模压制品。2、异戊橡胶(IR) 是由异戊二烯单体聚合而成的一种顺式结构橡胶。化学组成、立体结构与天然橡胶相似,性能也非常接近天然橡胶,故有合成天然橡胶之称。它具有天然橡胶的大部分优点,耐老化由于天然橡胶,弹性和强力比天然橡胶稍低,加工性能差,成本较高。使用温度范围:约-50℃~+100℃ 可代替天然橡胶制作轮胎、胶鞋、胶管、胶带以及其他通用制品。3、顺丁橡胶(BR) 是由丁二烯聚合而成的顺式结构橡胶。优点是:弹性与耐磨性优良,耐老化性好,耐低温性优异,在动态负荷下发热量小,易于金属粘合。缺点是强度较低,抗撕裂性差,加工性能与自粘性差。使用温度范围:约-60℃~+100℃。 一般多和天然橡胶或丁苯橡胶并用,主要制作轮胎胎面、运输带和特殊耐寒制品。4、丁苯橡胶(SBR) 丁二烯和苯乙烯的共聚体。性能接近天然橡胶,是目前产量最大的通用合成橡胶,其特点是耐磨性、耐老化和耐热性超过天然橡胶,质地也较天然橡胶均匀。缺点是:弹性较低,抗屈挠、抗撕裂性能较差;加工性能差,特别是自粘性差、生胶强度低。使用温度范围:约-50℃~+100℃。主要用以代替天然橡胶制作轮胎、胶板、胶管、胶鞋及其他通用制品。5、丁晴橡胶(NBR) 丁二烯和丙烯晴的共聚体。特点是耐汽油和脂肪烃油类的性能特别好,仅次于聚硫橡胶、丙烯酸酯和氟橡胶,而优于其他通用橡胶。耐热性好,气密性、耐磨及耐水性等均较好,粘结力强。缺点是耐寒及耐臭氧性较差,强力及弹性较低,耐酸性差,电绝缘性不好,耐极性溶剂性能也较差。使用温度范围:约-30℃~+100℃。主要用于制造各种耐油制品,如胶管、密封制品等。6、乙丙橡胶(EPM\EPDM) 乙烯和丙烯的共聚体,一般分为二元乙丙橡胶和三元乙丙橡胶。特点是抗臭氧、耐紫外线、耐天候性和耐老化性优异,居通用橡胶之首。电绝缘性、耐化学性、冲击弹性很好,耐酸碱,比重小,可进行高填充配合。耐热可达150℃,耐极性溶剂-酮、酯等,但不耐脂肪烃和芳香烃,其他物理机械性能略次于天然橡胶而优于丁苯橡胶。缺点是自粘性和互粘性很差,不易粘合。使用温度范围:约-50℃~+150℃。 主要用作化工设备衬里、电线电缆包皮、蒸汽胶管、耐热运输带、汽车用橡胶制品及其他工业制品。希望能对你有用……

Unconditional Firm offer什么意思


Feel The Fire 歌词

Down in the basementThere"s a light that shinesEscape to the cityWhere we know we can be savedWhen we feel like this it is deep insideWith the joy it brings then we feel aliveAnd it"s all or nothingGonna be alrightChasing good timesInto into the nightDo you feel like meCan you read my mindIt"s getting closeCoz something"s got me burning up insideWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me(Dance with me)Imagination(Dance with me)Can drive you wild(Dance with me)The elevation(Dance with me)Can save and take you highWhen we feel the light it is deep insideWith the joy it brings got me starting up tonightWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me

Feel The Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Fire歌手:Joe McElderry专辑:Wide AwakeJoe McElderry - Feel the FireDown in the basementThere"s a light that shinesEscape to the cityWhere we know we can be savedWhen we feel like this it is deep insideWith the joy it brings then we feel aliveAnd it"s all or nothingGonna be alrightChasing good timesInto into the nightDo you feel like meCan you read my mindIt"s getting closeCoz something"s got me burning up insideWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me(Dance with me)Imagination(Dance with me)Can drive you wild(Dance with me)The elevation(Dance with me)Can save and take you highWhen we feel the light it is deep insideWith the joy it brings got me starting up tonightWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me

Feel The Fire (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Fire (Lp Version)歌手:Peabo Bryson专辑:Bedroom Classics, Vol. 2Joe McElderry - Feel the FireDown in the basementThere"s a light that shinesEscape to the cityWhere we know we can be savedWhen we feel like this it is deep insideWith the joy it brings then we feel aliveAnd it"s all or nothingGonna be alrightChasing good timesInto into the nightDo you feel like meCan you read my mindIt"s getting closeCoz something"s got me burning up insideWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me(Dance with me)Imagination(Dance with me)Can drive you wild(Dance with me)The elevation(Dance with me)Can save and take you highWhen we feel the light it is deep insideWith the joy it brings got me starting up tonightWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me

Feel The Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Fire歌手:Stephanie Mills专辑:GoldJoe McElderry - Feel the FireDown in the basementThere"s a light that shinesEscape to the cityWhere we know we can be savedWhen we feel like this it is deep insideWith the joy it brings then we feel aliveAnd it"s all or nothingGonna be alrightChasing good timesInto into the nightDo you feel like meCan you read my mindIt"s getting closeCoz something"s got me burning up insideWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me(Dance with me)Imagination(Dance with me)Can drive you wild(Dance with me)The elevation(Dance with me)Can save and take you highWhen we feel the light it is deep insideWith the joy it brings got me starting up tonightWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me

Feel The Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Fire歌手:The Fatback Band专辑:Beach Party Dance Mix AlbumJoe McElderry - Feel the FireDown in the basementThere"s a light that shinesEscape to the cityWhere we know we can be savedWhen we feel like this it is deep insideWith the joy it brings then we feel aliveAnd it"s all or nothingGonna be alrightChasing good timesInto into the nightDo you feel like meCan you read my mindIt"s getting closeCoz something"s got me burning up insideWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me(Dance with me)Imagination(Dance with me)Can drive you wild(Dance with me)The elevation(Dance with me)Can save and take you highWhen we feel the light it is deep insideWith the joy it brings got me starting up tonightWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me

Feel The Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Fire歌手:Robert Bradley S Blackwater Surprise专辑:New GroundJoe McElderry - Feel the FireDown in the basementThere"s a light that shinesEscape to the cityWhere we know we can be savedWhen we feel like this it is deep insideWith the joy it brings then we feel aliveAnd it"s all or nothingGonna be alrightChasing good timesInto into the nightDo you feel like meCan you read my mindIt"s getting closeCoz something"s got me burning up insideWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me(Dance with me)Imagination(Dance with me)Can drive you wild(Dance with me)The elevation(Dance with me)Can save and take you highWhen we feel the light it is deep insideWith the joy it brings got me starting up tonightWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me

求一首英文歌 里头有很多west virginia

country road 吧



East Virginia 歌词

歌曲名:East Virginia歌手:Joan Baez专辑:Joan Baezeast virginiajoan baezjoan baezI was born in east VirginiaNorth Carolina I did roamThere I met a pretty fair maidenHer name and age I do not knowHer hair it was of a brightsome colorAnd her lips of a ruby redOn her breast she wore white liliesThere I longed to lay my headI will dance, I will sing and my laugh shall be gayI will charm every heart, in his crown I will swayI woke from my dream and all idols was clayAnd all portions of love then had all flown awayWell in my heart you are my darlingAnd at my door you"re welcome inAt my gate I"ll meet you my darlingIf your love I could only winI"d rather be in some dark hollerWhere the sun refused to shineThan to see you another man"s darlingAnd to know that you"ll never be mine hourWell in the night I"m dreaming about youIn the day I find no restJust the thought of you my darlingSends aching pains all through my breastWell when I"m dead and in my coffinWith my feet turned toward the sunCome and sit beside me darlingCome and think on the way you done

virginia gold 是什么牌子的香烟?哪儿产的?

金弗吉尼亚 马来西亚产的

East Virginia 歌词

歌曲名:East Virginia歌手:Sandy Denny专辑:Sandy Denny Complete EditionI was born in east VirginiaNorth Carolina I did roamThere I met a fair pretty maidenHer name and age I do not knowHer hair it was of a brightsome colorAnd her lips of a ruby redOn her breast she wore white liliesThere I longed to lay my headWell in my heart you are my darlingat my door you"re welcome inAt my gate I"ll meet you my darlingIf your love I could only winI"d rather be in some dark hollerWhere the sun refused to shineThan to see you be another man"s darlingAnd to know that you"ll never be mineWell in the night I"m dreaming about youIn the day I find no restJust the thought of you my darlingSends aching pains all through my breastWell when I"m dead and in my coffinWith my feet turned toward the sunCome and sit beside me darlingCome and think on the way you done

East Virginia 歌词

歌曲名:East Virginia歌手:Bethany & Rufus专辑:900 MilesI was born in east VirginiaNorth Carolina I did roamThere I met a fair pretty maidenHer name and age I do not knowHer hair it was of a brightsome colorAnd her lips of a ruby redOn her breast she wore white liliesThere I longed to lay my headWell in my heart you are my darlingat my door you"re welcome inAt my gate I"ll meet you my darlingIf your love I could only winI"d rather be in some dark hollerWhere the sun refused to shineThan to see you be another man"s darlingAnd to know that you"ll never be mineWell in the night I"m dreaming about youIn the day I find no restJust the thought of you my darlingSends aching pains all through my breastWell when I"m dead and in my coffinWith my feet turned toward the sunCome and sit beside me darlingCome and think on the way you done





Feel The Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Fire歌手:Peabo Bryson专辑:Reaching For The SkyJoe McElderry - Feel the FireDown in the basementThere"s a light that shinesEscape to the cityWhere we know we can be savedWhen we feel like this it is deep insideWith the joy it brings then we feel aliveAnd it"s all or nothingGonna be alrightChasing good timesInto into the nightDo you feel like meCan you read my mindIt"s getting closeCoz something"s got me burning up insideWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me(Dance with me)Imagination(Dance with me)Can drive you wild(Dance with me)The elevation(Dance with me)Can save and take you highWhen we feel the light it is deep insideWith the joy it brings got me starting up tonightWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me

Feel The Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Fire歌手:Joe Lynn Turner专辑:Rescue YouJoe McElderry - Feel the FireDown in the basementThere"s a light that shinesEscape to the cityWhere we know we can be savedWhen we feel like this it is deep insideWith the joy it brings then we feel aliveAnd it"s all or nothingGonna be alrightChasing good timesInto into the nightDo you feel like meCan you read my mindIt"s getting closeCoz something"s got me burning up insideWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me(Dance with me)Imagination(Dance with me)Can drive you wild(Dance with me)The elevation(Dance with me)Can save and take you highWhen we feel the light it is deep insideWith the joy it brings got me starting up tonightWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistFeel the music and you can"t resistWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with meWhen you feel the fireRunning through your veinsWhen the heat gets higherAnd you can"t and you can"t be tamedLike a burning sunWe are the chosen ones to danceThe night dance the nightWhen you dance the night with me

west virginia 和 Virginia什么区别

一个是西弗吉尼亚州 一个是弗吉尼亚州




宋岳庭只有两张专辑:<life"s a struggle>和<宋岳庭的羽毛>两张都是他死后发行的tension(天炫男孩)是一个4人组合,他们生前是宋岳庭的好友所以tension专辑里有一首歌叫<i will be with you>里面有一段宋岳庭客串的rap也就是说 宋岳庭所有的歌就是两张专辑+一首tension的

五叶神香烟 VIRGINIA TYPE是什么意思

五叶神香烟VIRGINIA TYPE的意思是指烤烟型卷烟,也被称为英式烤烟型卷烟。这种烟草起源于中美洲,后来被引进到北美殖民地,成为早期北美殖民地的主要经济作物之一。VIRGINIA TYPE烤烟型卷烟是以美国维珍尼亚州(Virginia)命名的,尽管这种烟草在世界各地都有种植,但最优质的VIRGINIA TYPE烤烟型卷烟仍产自美国维珍尼亚州、乔治亚州、以及南北卡罗来纳州。这种烟草具有独特的口感和特性,通常是经过热风管处理法(Flue-Cured)加工熟成,以保留其色泽和油滑性,以及微妙的甜和风味。VIRGINIA TYPE烤烟型卷烟也被认为是所有基烟中最为醇和(mild)的烟草,其天然糖分(sugar content)含量也较高。在烟草行业中,VIRGINIA TYPE烤烟型卷烟通常被视为高质量的烟草,也被用于制作各种烟草产品,如香烟、雪茄、烟草薄片、烟草提取物等。

loving v. virginia 是什么?可以英文简单介绍下吗?

Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967), was a landmark civil rights case in which the United States Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, declared Virginia"s anti-miscegenation statute, the "Racial Integrity Act of 1924", unconstitutional, thereby overturning Pace v. Alabama (1883) and ending all race-based legal restrictions on marriage in the United States.(英文摘自维基百科)简单说来,是起民事诉讼案:洛文诉弗吉尼亚州(台湾学者将其译为深爱夫妇诉弗吉尼亚州)。案情大概是这样的,1950年代,在美国种族隔离仍然十分严重的时代Richard Loving(男)和Mildred Jeter(女)相爱了,但Richard是白人,而Mildred是黑人,根据当时弗吉尼亚的法律他们不能结婚,即使结婚也属无效,于是他们跑到华盛顿特区结婚,然后再回到弗吉尼亚州的家中。但是几周之后警方以违法弗州法律为名将二人逮捕,夫妇二人拿出他们在华盛顿特区的结婚证书给警方及检察官,解释說他们已经合法结婚,但是却被告知:他们这种到外地结婚再回來本地的行为,是法律明文禁止的。1959年当地法院判决二人有期徒刑一年,但同意在他们离开弗州并25年内不得返回的条件之下暂缓执行。夫妻二人于是被迫离开弗州来到华盛顿,但是异乡生活并不如意。大约同一个时期,美国的黑人民权运动风起云涌,历经许许多多的示威、诉讼和悲剧事件,到了1964 年时,美国国会终于通过了民权法明文禁止任何旅馆、餐厅、戏院、公車、公立学校基于种族肤色而将民众隔离。这个法律的通过,让迁居到华盛顿特区已经五年的Loving夫妇,心中燃起一线希望。他们写信询问当时的联邦司法部长罗伯‧肯尼迪,此一新法可否允许他们回到维吉尼亚州的老家。或许是因为当时的法律没办法让联邦政府直接涉入,肯尼迪将他们的信转给知名的民间公益团体「美国公民自由联盟」。该联盟指派伯纳‧克汉担任他们的公益律师,他决定先协助这对夫妇从维吉尼亚州的州法院提起诉讼,挑战前述禁止异族通婚的法律的合宪性。1966 年,维吉尼亚州的最高上诉法院就本案做出判决,仍然认为该州禁止异族通婚的法律合宪,其判决当中并且指出:维持公民的种族完整性、避免血统的腐化、防止杂种血统的公民出现、避免种族自尊的丧失,这些都是州政府的正当目的。而且,婚姻事项向来属于州的权限,依照联邦宪法增修条文第十条,应该完全由州来立法决定,联邦不得干涉。Loving夫妇上诉至联邦最高法院并获得受理。1967年联邦法院判决Loving夫妇胜诉,认为弗州法律违反联邦宪法,最高法院认为弗州宪法构成“基于种族而分类”的差别歧视,构成“嫌疑归类”,应受严格的司法审查。沃伦大法官并且直接指出:该等法律根本就是为了维持白人至上的种族优越主义而存在,因为它们只限制白人跟其他人种混合,却不限制其他人种彼此混合。白人跟任何有色人种都不得结婚,但是黑人与黄种人、黄种人与印第安人 ……结婚却不受限制。其独尊白人血统,歧视其他种族的立意昭然若揭,明显违反平等保障条款。判决进一步阐释:结婚是人民极重要的基本权利,受到联邦宪法增修条文第十四条「正当法律程序条款」的保障。亦即最高法院基于「实质性正当程序」的观点,认为前述法律已侵害人民结婚之基本权利。

为什么是hazy blue Virginia

因为hazy是“雾蒙蒙的”的意思,是形容词修饰名词。blue是“蓝色”的意思,是形容词,修饰名词。Virginia是“弗吉尼亚山脉”的意思,是名词,应该放在形容词后面。巧记形容词排列顺序:限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老;颜色国籍跟材料,作用类别往后靠。其中,“限定词”包括:冠词、物主代词、指示代词、或数词,它位于各类形容词前。它本身分为三位,即:前、中、后。前位限定词有all、half、both、分数和倍数;中位限定词有冠词、指示代词、物主代词等;后位限定词有基数词和序数词,但序数词位于基数词前。如:both my hands、all half his income等。“描绘”性形容词如:beautiful、bad、cold、great等。“大长高”表示大小、长短、高低等一些词。表示“形状”的词如:round square等。“国籍”指一个国家或地区的词。“材料”的词如:wooden, woolen, stone,silk等。“作用类别”的词如:medical, college,writing desk,police car等。

五叶神香烟 VIRGINIA TYPE是什么意思

五叶神香烟VIRGINIA TYPE的意思是指烤烟型卷烟,也被称为英式烤烟型卷烟。这种烟草起源于中美洲,后来被引进到北美殖民地,成为早期北美殖民地的主要经济作物之一。VIRGINIA TYPE烤烟型卷烟是以美国维珍尼亚州(Virginia)命名的,尽管这种烟草在世界各地都有种植,但最优质的VIRGINIA TYPE烤烟型卷烟仍产自美国维珍尼亚州、乔治亚州、以及南北卡罗来纳州。这种烟草具有独特的口感和特性,通常是经过热风管处理法(Flue-Cured)加工熟成,以保留其色泽和油滑性,以及微妙的甜和风味。VIRGINIA TYPE烤烟型卷烟也被认为是所有基烟中最为醇和(mild)的烟草,其天然糖分(sugar content)含量也较高。在烟草行业中,VIRGINIA TYPE烤烟型卷烟通常被视为高质量的烟草,也被用于制作各种烟草产品,如香烟、雪茄、烟草薄片、烟草提取物等。





Tori Amos的《Virginia》 歌词

歌曲名:Virginia歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Scarlet"S Walkvirginiatori amosIn the Lush Virginia hillsthey kept her as long as they couldCause they knew when the white brother foundwhite shell Beads wrapped around herskin - a life giving river -Her body open as will his handAnd with a "goodbye" there she goesshe may BetrayAll that she lovesand even wait for their Savior to comeAnd in some things,maybe he"ll be rightBut as alwaysThe thing that he Loves he will change from hersunwise to clockwiseto soul trading still she"ll lay down her Bodycovering him all the sameso Hundreds of years go byShe"s a girl out working her Tradeand she loses a little each dayto ghetto pimps and presidentswho try and arouse her turquoise serpentsShe can"t recall what they representand when you ask, she won"t knowshe will BetrayAll that she lovesand even wait for their Savior to comeAnd in some things,maybe he"ll be rightBut as always The thing that he Loves he will change from hersunwise to clockwiseto soul trading still she"ll lay down her Bodycovering him all the sameoh dear Virginiayou won"t even knewdear virginiayou won"teven youvirginia~~~you won"teven youdear virginiayou can"t remenberyour name .............




弗吉尼亚城。弗吉尼亚城(Virginia City)位于美国的内华达州西部,是斯托里县的县治。弗吉尼亚州(Commonwealth of Virginia)位于美国东部大西洋沿岸,是美国最初的13州之一。东临大西洋和切萨皮克湾,南接北卡罗来纳州和田纳西州,西界肯塔基州,北邻西弗吉尼亚州和马里兰州,隔波托马克河与首都华盛顿相望。面积105712平方公里,在50州内列第35位。人口7642884(2006年)。 首府为里士满。

virginia moon中文歌词

Country Roads John Denver Almost heaven West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River. Life is old there older than the trees, younger than the mountains growin" like a breeze. Country roads take me home to the place I belong: West Virginia, mountain mom-ma, take me home country roads. All my mem"ries gather "round her, miner"s lady, stranger to blue water. Dark and dusty painted on the sky, misty taste of moon-shine, teardrop in my eye. Country roads take me home to the place I belong: West Virginia, mountain mom-ma, take me home country roads. I hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me. The radio reminds me of my home far away, and drivin" down the road I get a feeling that I should have been home yesterday yesterday. (Oh) Country roads take me home to the place I belong: West Virginia, mountain mom-ma, take me home country roads, take me home country roads. 乡 村 路 [美] 约翰·丹佛 演唱 简直是天堂啊!西弗吉尼亚,兰岭山,谢纳多阿河。那里的生命年代久远,比树木古老,比群山年轻,象和风一样慢慢生长。乡村路,带我回家,到我生长的地方—西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈,乡村路,带我回家。 我的全部记忆都围绕着她,矿工的情人,没见过大海的人儿。天空灰蒙蒙的昏暗一片,月光朦朦胧胧,我的眼泪汪汪。乡村路,带我回家,到我生长的地方—西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈,乡村路,带我回家。 早晨她把我呼唤,我听到了她的声音,无线电广播使我想起遥远的家乡,驱车沿路而下,我感到我本应昨天就回家,昨天就回家。 乡村路,带我回家,到我生长的地方—西弗吉尼亚,山峦妈妈,乡村路,带我回家。乡村路,带我回家。 Country Road Takes Me Home Almost Heaven, West Virginia 西州我家,人间天堂Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenangoah River 蓝山绵延,雪河流长Life is old there, older than the trees 生命古老,万古长青Younger than the mountains,Growing like a breeze 山之后代,如风生长Country Roads, take me home, 走我小路,回我家乡to the place I belong 去斯土地,生我一方West Virginia, Mountain mama 西州山母,日夜盼望Take me home, Country Roads 天涯游子,衣锦还乡 All my memor

求中岛爱的sunshine girl 歌词,要求日语+中文+罗马音。

  「Sunshine Girl」  作词∶中岛爱/早川大地  作/编曲:早川大地  歌∶中岛爱  遅くなったね ごめんねって  o so ka ku na a ta ne go me n ne te  言ってるような 青い空  i i te ru yo u na a o I so ra  待ちくたびれた 仆らのもと  ma qi ku ta bi re ta bo ku ra no mo no  特别な季节 また来るよ  te ku be tsu na ki se tsu ma ta ku ru yo  心のペダルぐっと踏んだら  ko ko ro no pe da ru gu to fu n da ra  坂道もほら 味方した  sa ka mi qi mo ho ra mi ka ta shi ta  饮み干すサイダー 汗ばむボーダー  no mi ho su sa i da a se ba mu bo da  きみと近づく夏が来る  ki mi to ji ga zu ku na tsu ga ku ru  心まで ギラギラ太阳   ko ko ro ma de ki ra ki ra ta i yo u  诱惑の サマームード  yo wa ku no sa ma mu  势いで 冒険しちゃいたいじゃない   i ki o i de mo u ke n shi qia i ta i jia na i  だって夏じゃない  da a te na tsu jia na i  We gotta do! We gotta do!  きっと最高 クールなサマー  ki i to sa i go ku ru na sa ma  思い切り恋しちゃって ムードにのって  o mo i ki ri ko i shi qia te mu do ni no te  流されて hold and kiss(なんちゃって)  na ga sa re te hold and kiss na n qia te  We gotta do! We gotta do!  そしたらこんなにラブなナンバー  so shi ta ra ko n na ni ra bu na na n ba  かけてよ 胸の鼓动も on the beat(oh yeah)  ka ke te yo mu ne no ko do mo on the beat  この夏いちばん辉くSunshine Girl  ko no na tsu i qi ba n ka ga ya ku sunshine girl  oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh  oh oh, oh oh oh oh yeah  oh oh, oh oh oh, summer time  いまDive into the sun!  i ma dive into the sun  寝ても覚めても 君のことだけ  ne te mo me sa me te mo ki mi no ko to da ke  ショートしそうな胸のなか  xiu to shi so u na mu ne no na ka  ジリジリあつく 照りつけるのは  ji ri ji ri a tsu ku te ri tsu ke ru no wa  太阳じゃなく その笑颜  ta i yo u jia na ku so no e ga o  谁も彼もが无邪気になる  da re mo ka re mo ga mu jia ki ni na ru  特别な季节 また来たね  te ku be tsu na ki se tsu ma ta ki ta ne  弾けて笑う君の声で  ha qi ke te wa ru u ki mi no ko e de  最高の日々始まる  sa i go u no hi bi ha ji ma ru  君と描く 真夏のキャンパス 特别なストーリー  ki mi to e ga ku ma na tsu no kia n ba su te ku be tsu na su to ri  そうね ちょっと 无茶するくらいがいいじゃない  so u ne qyo to mu qia su ru ku ra i ga i i jia na i  だって夏じゃない  da a te na tsu jia na i  We gotta do! We gotta do!  きっと最高クールなサマー  ki i to sa i go u ku ru na sa ma  とりあえずビーチ行って 水着になって  to ri a e zu bi qi i te mi zu ji ni na a te  走り出す Sunshine girl  ha shi ri da su sunshine girl  We gotta do! We gotta do!  そしたら届けて爱のメッセージ  so shi ta ra to do ke te a i no me n se ji  始まるんだ君と仆 I love you(oh yeah)  ha ji me ru n da ki mi to bo ku I love you(oh yeah)  なにかが起きそうな summer time  na ni ka ga o ki so u na summer time  I need you, You need me  梦の中君と二人  yu me no na ka ki mi to fu ta ri  揺れてとけてしまいたいよなサマー  yu re te to ke te shi ma i ta i yo na sa ma  谁もが特别な夏の魔法で  da re mo ga te ku be tsu na na tsu no ma ho u de  最高の自分に出会えるよな季节  sa i go no ji bu n ni de a e ru yo na ki se tsu  We gotta do! We gotta do!  きっと最高クールなサマー  ki i to sa i go u ku ru na sa ma  恋してる君にもっと素直になって  ko i shi te ru ki mi ni mo to su na o ni na te  太阳にさあ乾杯(かんぱい!)  ta i yo u ni sa a ka n pa i  We gotta do! We gotta do!  そしたらこんなにラブなナンバー  so shi ta ra ko n na ni ra bu na na n ba  かけてよ 胸の鼓动も on the beat  ka ke te yo mu ne no ko do mo on the beat  今年こそはきっと この夏一番辉くSunshine Girl  ko to shi ko so wa ki i to ko no na tsu i ji ban ka ka ya ku sunshine girl  oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh  oh oh, oh oh oh oh yeah  oh oh, oh oh oh, summer time  いまDive into the sun!  i ma dive into the sun !  尊地是找不到中文歌词了 罗马音是手打的 应该没什么错误。










1607年英国就在沿海的詹姆斯敦建立起北美第一块定居点。所以该州有“老自治领州”的别名。取名“弗吉尼亚”是为纪念英国伊丽莎白女王一世(Virgin Queen of England)而得名

Loving v. Virginia怎么翻译?好像是美国一个著名的宪法法案




Tori Amos的《Virginia》 歌词

歌曲名:Virginia歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Buffalo, Ny - October 24, 2007virginiatori amosIn the Lush Virginia hillsthey kept her as long as they couldCause they knew when the white brother foundwhite shell Beads wrapped around herskin - a life giving river -Her body open as will his handAnd with a "goodbye" there she goesshe may BetrayAll that she lovesand even wait for their Savior to comeAnd in some things,maybe he"ll be rightBut as alwaysThe thing that he Loves he will change from hersunwise to clockwiseto soul trading still she"ll lay down her Bodycovering him all the sameso Hundreds of years go byShe"s a girl out working her Tradeand she loses a little each dayto ghetto pimps and presidentswho try and arouse her turquoise serpentsShe can"t recall what they representand when you ask, she won"t knowshe will BetrayAll that she lovesand even wait for their Savior to comeAnd in some things,maybe he"ll be rightBut as always The thing that he Loves he will change from hersunwise to clockwiseto soul trading still she"ll lay down her Bodycovering him all the sameoh dear Virginiayou won"t even knewdear virginiayou won"teven youvirginia~~~you won"teven youdear virginiayou can"t remenberyour name .............




美国的一个州 弗吉尼亚 该州为美国历史最悠久的州之一。 1774年弗吉尼亚议员建议召开第一届大陆会议。 1775年弗吉尼亚人乔治·华盛顿出任北美13个殖民地起义军总司令。


virginia隐藏的意思为贞洁、少女、处女。virginia常见的翻译为维基利亚、弗吉利亚,多用于姓氏。另外,《Virginia》还是Tori Amos2002年发行专辑《Scarlet"s Walk》中的一首歌曲,属于欧美流行风格。


  Virginia是美国的弗吉尼亚州,汉普顿是美国弗吉尼亚州东南部城市。  弗吉尼亚位于美国东部大西洋沿岸,是美国最初的13州之一。东临大西洋和切萨皮克湾,南接北卡罗来纳州和田纳西州,西界肯塔基州,北邻西弗吉尼亚州和马里兰州,隔波托马克河与首都华盛顿相望。  汉普顿是美国弗吉尼亚州东南部城市。南北战争首次战役(1861年6月10日)在附近进行。是住宅城市和游览中心。汉普顿在詹姆斯河入海处,海港。人口12.3万(1980)。1908年建市。南北战争首次战役(1861年6月10日)在附近进行。是住宅城市和游览中心。工业以水产品加工、肥料以及建筑材料等为主。有空军基地、空军作战指挥总部以及国家宇航研究中心——载人宇宙飞行中心。
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