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为什么西方人要剃掉他们的 pubic hair



bench是长凳 chair是椅子

子公司的director如何翻译,下面还有副的director和general manager?


general manager, director, managing director, supervisor的区别

首先,如果企业中同时出现了Director、Manager和Supervisor这三种职务,则其职位从高到低排序应为 Director>Manager>Supervisor。如“销售总监”译为“Director of Sales & Distribution”;其属下的“市场部经理”译为“Marketing Manager”,负责生产的“生产主管”译为“Supervisor of Sales”。总之,在翻译各类职务时必须慎重。首先要准确理解原文意思,还要了解清楚不同国家在体制、文化和语言习惯上的差异。对于职务的翻译,必须了解清楚相关职务的职权范围。不同企业的体制、组织机构不同,职务名称不能划上绝对的等号。其次Managing director is the traditional term for the top executive of a business in the United Kingdom and some other English speaking countries, but not in the United States. MD是除了US外的英语国家对最高执行官的称呼While The general manager in the sense contemplated in this article is the executive of a professional sports team responsible primarily for acquiring the rights to player personnel, negotiation of their contracts and reassignment or dismissal of players no longer desired on the team. Many other businesses have a person referred to as the business" general manager, but such positions are outside the scope of this article. GM一般指球队的经纪人。但princeton的解释在其他行业指the highest ranking manager 也就是排行最高的经理,我个人认为是同一职位的不同叫法。

General Manager 与 Managing Director 谁大?



M.Pire(朝鲜语:uc5e0ud30cuc774uc5b4),是韩国BenjaminENT公司推出的六人男子组合。2013年5月23日在Dream Concert首度亮相,2013年8月1日通过Mnet M! Countdown音乐节目正式出道,M.Pire是“Music Vampire”的合成词,包含“为音乐而生”的意思;团体风格偏重强烈曲风,成员由亲自参与出道专辑设计的队长泰熙和通过MBC电视剧百年的遗产最先露面的佑胜、漫画男招摇的视觉的Haru、中国籍荷兰血统的Red、Main Vocal TO、舞蹈神童忙内Jerry组成。出道曲《无法和你做朋友》是融入了成员们魅力四射的唱功和拔尖的performance的曲子,包含了自己并不是单纯的玩具向女友传达了强烈的警告讯息。

Rajesh:I need an aspirin? 拉杰什:你有脑残片么? 这句话出自哪一季?


how to make money for their own use为什么是to make

How to make money for their own use.怎样挣钱为自己所用?这里面用的to make是疑问词加动词不定式。如果是前面还有主句的话,这就是一个疑问词,加动词不定式做的是宾语。如果把to make换成iMac,也就是说,主语加make这后面这个how, 引导的就成了宾语从句。

SJ组合 way for love和Miracle的歌词,汉语。

Way for love Wa Wa Wa Yeh! [Rap] [ud76cucca0希澈+uae30ubc94基范] uac00uc2dduc801uc778 uccb4uba74, ub2e4 ubaa8ub450ub2e4 ubc84ub9acuace0 uc0acub791uc774 uc8fcub294 ub9ceuc740 uae30uc068ub9ccuc744 ubaa8ub450 ub178ub798ud574 ubbf8uccd0uc788ub358 ub098uc758 uc0acub791 ub9ccud07c ub6f0uba74uc11c uc18cub9acuccd0 Boom! [ud76cucca0希澈+uae30ubc94基范] 把虚伪与体面全都抛开, 一同唱起那欢快的爱之歌 我那着了魔的爱情一爱奔跑一边欢叫 Boom! [ud76cucca0希澈+uae30ubc94基范] Gashigjogin chemyon da moduda borigo Sarangi junun manhun gippummanul modu norehe Michyoidon naui sarang mankhum twimyonso sorichyo Boom! [ub3d9ud574东海] ub0b4uac00 ubc84ud168uac00uc57cud558ub294,uc778uc0dduc18duc5d0 ubbf8uccd0 uac07ud600 ud798ub4e4ub2e4 ud558uc5ecub3c4 uadf8ub300uc640 ub098uc758 uc791uc740uc0acub791uc73cub85c,uac00uc2b4uc5d0 uc0c8uae30uace0 uae30uc058uac8c ubaa8ub4e0uac78 uc774uaca8uac00! [ub3d9ud574东海] 我要坚持到底,一生之中被你所困而无力逃脱 和你一起把我们那小小的爱情有种子种在心底,用喜悦的蜜水来浇灌成长! [ub3d9ud574东海] Nega bothyogayahanun insengsoge michyo,gadhyo himdulda hayodo G udewa naui jagunsaranguro,gasume segigo gippuge modungol igyoga! [uc131ubbfc晟敏] uc5b4ub835ub2e4uace0 uc0dduac01ub9d0uc544uc694,ub098ub3c4 uadf8ub308 ubc14ub77cubcf4uace0 uc788ub294uac78 [uc131ubbfc晟敏] 不要再苦思冥想,我也盼望着能见到你 [uc131ubbfc晟敏] Oryobdago senggagmarayo nado gudel barabogo inungol [uc2dcuc6d0始源] uadf8uc800 uc791uc740 uace0uc9d1 ub54cubb38uc5d0,ub098uc758 ub9c8uc74cuc744 uac10ucdb0 ub454uac70uc8e0 [uc2dcuc6d0始源] 只是因为那小小的固执,就把对我的心隐藏起来 [uc2dcuc6d0始源] Gujo jagun gojib temune naui maumul gamchwo dungojyo [uc774ud2b9李特] uc9c0uce58uc9c0 ub9c8uc694 ud798ub4e4 ub0b4uc5b4uc694?uc870uae08 ub354 uc624uba74 ub098ub97c ub290ub084 uc218 uc788uc8e0 ub0a0 uc548uc544uc918uc694 uae4auc740 ub9d8uc73cub85c?uac00uc2b4 uac00ub4ddud788 ub098ub97c uc0acub791ud574 uc8fcuc138uc694 [uc774ud2b9李特] 不要在折磨自己了 筋皮力尽有什么用? 只要你再走近一点 我就能感觉到你的真心 要我给你来个拥抱吗?我那深深的心底充满了对你的爱情私语 [uc774ud2b9李特] Jichiji mayo himdul neoyo?Jogum do omyon narul nukkil su ijyo Nal anajwoyo giphun mamuro?Gasum gadughi narul saranghe juseyo [Rap] [uae30ubc94基范] uc5b4ub514uc120uac00 ub4e4ub824uc624ub294 uc0acub791ub178ub798uc5d0 uac19uc774 ub098uc640 uae30uc068uc5d0 ud30cub3c4uc5d0 ubab8uc744 uc2e4uc5b4ubd10 [uae30ubc94基范] 又从哪儿飘来了这爱之歌和我一起跟着旋律动起来吧 [uae30ubc94基范] Odisonga dullyo onun sarangnoreye gathi nawa gippume padoe momul shirobwa [ud76cucca0希澈] uc5b4ucc28ud53c uac19uc774 ub9ccub4e4uc5b4 ub098uac00ub294 uac00uce58. ub098, ub108ub108uc640 ub098 ub458uc774uc11c ud558ub098uac00 ub418ub294 uc774uce58 [ud76cucca0希澈] 无论怎样 我们一起创造的价值,还有你与我心灵想同的事实 [ud76cucca0希澈] Ochaphi gathi manduro naganun gachi na no nowa na duriso hanaga doenun ichi [uc740ud601恩赫] ubaa8ub4e0uac78 ub0b4ub9d8uc548uc5d0 ubb58ud558ub358 ubb50ub4e0uac04uc5d0,uc778uc0dduc5d0 uc800uae30ub05duc5d0 uc6b0ub9acuac00 uac19uc774 ub9ccub0acub358 ub05duc5d0 ub098ub97c ub2f4uace0 ubaa8ub4e0uac78 ub2e4 ub9e1uae30uace0 uae30uc068uc5d0 ub108uc640uc758 uc0acub791ud574 [uc740ud601恩赫] 全部都代表了我的真心,一生之中 我们相遇之后 我的心中满满地装载着我们的爱情 [uc740ud601恩赫] Modungol nemamane mworhadon mwodungande, Insenge jogikuthe uriga gathi mannadon kuthe Narul damgo modungol da mathgigo gippume nowaui saranghe [ub3d9ud574东海] ucc28uadfcucc28uadfc ub9d0ud574ubcf4uc138uc694,ub098ub97c uc815ub9d0 uc0acub791ud558uace0 uc788ub2e4uace0 [ub3d9ud574东海] 试着仔细地说说,你也是那样爱着我的吧 [ub3d9ud574东海] Chagunchagun marheboseyo narul jongmal saranghago idago [ub824uc6b1丽旭] ud55cubc88ub9cc ub354 ub9d0ud574uc904ub798uc694,uadf8 ub2ecucf64ud568uc5d0 uc5b4uc9c0ub7fduaca0uc8e0 [ub824uc6b1丽旭] 只要再说一遍,就足以让我甜蜜地晕头转向了 [ub824uc6b1丽旭] Hanbonman do marhejulleyo gu dalkomhame ojirobgejyo [uc774ud2b9李特] uc9c0uce58uc9c0 ub9c8uc694 ud798uc744 ub0b4uc5b4uc694?uc870uae08 ub354 uc624uba74 ub098ub97c ub290ub084 uc218 uc788uc8e0 [uc774ud2b9李特] 不要在折磨自己了 筋皮力尽有什么用?只要你再走近一点 我就能感觉到你的真心 [uc774ud2b9李特] Jichiji mayo himul neoyo?Jogum do omyon narul nukkil su ijyo [uac15uc778强仁] ub0a0 uc548uc544uc918uc694 uae4auc740 ub9d8uc73cub85c?uac00uc2b4 uac00ub4ddud788 ub098ub97c uc0acub791ud574 uc8fcuc138uc694 [uac15uc778强仁] 要我给你来个拥抱吗?我那深深的心底充满了对你的爱情私语 [uac15uc778强仁] Nal anajwoyo giphun mamuro?Gasum gadughi narul saranghe juseyo [uc608uc131艺声] ub108ubb34ub3c4 ud798uc774 ub4e4ub54cuba74,ub450ub208 uaf2d uac10uace0 ub2ecub824uc640uc694 [uc608uc131艺声] 如果你已有了勇气,就请紧紧地抓住我的手一起奔跑怠 [uc608uc131艺声] Nomudo himi dultemyon dunun kog gamgo dallyowayo [uc131ubbfc晟敏] ub0b4uac8cub3c4 uadf8ub304 uc804ubd80uc8e0 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud574uc918uc694 [uc131ubbfc晟敏] 给我你的全部 我爱你 [uc131ubbfc晟敏] Negedo guden jonbujyo nal saranghejwoyo [uc774ud2b9李特] uc9c0uce58uc9c0 ub9c8uc694 ud798uc744 ub0b4uc5b4uc694?uc870uae08 ub354 uc624uba74 ub098ub97c ub290ub084 uc218 uc788uc8e0 [uc774ud2b9李特] 不要在折磨自己了 筋皮力尽有什么用?只要你再走近一点 我就能感觉到你的真心 [uc774ud2b9李特] Jichiji mayo himul neoyo?Jogum do omyon narul nukkil su ijyo [uac15uc778强仁] ub0a0 uc548uc544uc918uc694 uae4auc740 ub9d8uc73cub85c?uac00uc2b4 uac00ub4ddud788 ub098ub97c uc0acub791ud574 [uac15uc778强仁] 要我给你来个拥抱吗?我那深深的心底充满了对你的爱情私语 [uac15uc778强仁] Nal anajwoyo giphun mamuro?Gasum gadughi narul saranghe juseyo [ub3d9ud574东海] uc9c0uce58uc9c0 ub9c8uc694 ud798uc744 ub0b4uc5b4uc694?uc870uae08 ub354 uc624uba74 ub098ub97c ub290ub084 uc218 uc788uc8e0 [ub3d9ud574东海] 不要在折磨自己了 筋皮力尽有什么用?只要你再走近一点 我就能感觉到你的真心 [ub3d9ud574东海] Jichiji mayo himul neoyo?Jogum do omyon narul nukkil su ijyo [uc774ud2b9李特] ub0a0 uc548uc544uc918uc694 uae4auc740 ub9d8uc73cub85c?uac00uc2b4 uac00ub4ddud788 ub098ub97c uc0acub791ud574 uc8fcuc138uc694 [uc774ud2b9李特] 要我给你来个拥抱吗?我那深深的心底充满了对你的爱情私语 [uc774ud2b9李特] Nal anajwoyo giphun mamuro?Gasum gadughi narul saranghe juseyoMiracle [中文] Life couldn"t get better Life couldn"t get better 到现在为止 没有你的曰子是灰暗的(without you baby) 遇到你后 我的生活就有如梦一般(baby) 当我第一眼看到你时(第一眼看到你时) a miracle(a miracle) 我感觉到了 所谓的奇迹就是你 Life couldn"t get better(Hey~) 我将你抱入怀中飞翔 朝向蓝色的月亮遨游(Ho~) 亲吻睡著的你那小嘴 Life couldn"t get better (Hey) 请将你的心打开 请抓住我的手 Life couldn"t get better 每天每天平凡的曰子 现在已经不同了(a holiday) 世界上的每个人 看起来都很幸福 (I wanna thank you, baby) 当我第一眼看到你时(第一眼看到你时) a miracle(a miracle) 我感觉到了 所谓的奇迹就是你 Life couldn"t get better(Hey~) 我将你抱入怀中飞翔 朝向蓝色的月亮遨游(Ho~) 亲吻睡著的你那小嘴 Life couldn"t get better (Hey) 请将你的心打开 请抓住我的手 Life couldn"t get better

make their own decision可以加复数吗?

这个必须加复数。正确的说法是make their own deci。

请问这个句子的结构:All the man have done their best .


girlfriend make out是什么意思


girlfriend make out是什么意思

如果您的“girlfriend make out”指的是“make out with girlfriend”的话,那么其中文意思是"与女友亲热"。make out 在口语里有“亲热”的意思。eg:John made out with other girls at the party yesterday.约翰在昨天的派对上与别的女孩过分亲热了。

Making DVD是什么意思 还有YG ON AIR是什么意思~


谁给我好好的翻译Shakira 的歌曲Underneath Your Clothes谢谢

Underneath Your Clothes 你的真心 You"re a song 你是 Written by the hands of God 上帝谱出的天籁之音。 Don"t 1)get me wrong couse 别误会, This might sound to you 2)a bit 3)odd 因为这在你听来有点荒唐。 But you own the place 但是我对你 Where all my thoughts 4)go hiding 朝思暮想。 And right under your clothes 就在你身上, Is where I find them 藏着我全部的思念。 5)Underneath your clothes 你的内心, There"s an endless story 是一个永远讲不完的故事。 There"s the man I chose 你就是我选择的人, There"s my territory 你的心是我的地盘。 And all the things I 6)deserve 你是我做为一个好女孩, For being such a good girl honey 所能得到的最好奖赏。 Because of you 因为你, I forgot the smart ways to lie 我变得诚实。 Because of you 因为你, I"m 7)running out of reasons to cry 我不再流泪。 When the friends are gone 即使朋友们都远去, When 8)the party"s over 曲终人散, We will still belong to each other 我们仍属于彼此。 Underneath your clothes 你的内心, There"s an endless story 是一个永远讲不完的故事。 There"s the man I chose 你就是我选择的人, There"s my territory 你的心是我的地盘。 And all the things I deserve 你是我做为一个好女孩, For being such a good girl honey 所能得到的最好奖赏。 I love you more than 我爱你, All 9)that"s on the planet 胜过这世上的一切。 Movin" talkin walkin" breathing 行走,说话,呼吸, You know it"s true 你知道这是真的。 Oh baby it"s so funny 亲爱的,真好笑, You almost don"t believe it 你几乎无法相信。 As every voice is hanging from the silence 就像声音从沉默中传出, Lamps are hanging from the ceiling 灯从天花板上垂下, Like a lady to her good manners 就像优雅的女士有优雅的举止, I"m 10)tied up to this feeling 我对你的感觉是这样自然而然。 Underneath your clothes 你的内心, There"s an endless story 是一个永远讲不完的故事。 There"s the man I chose 你就是我选择的人, There"s my territory 你的心是我的地盘。 And all the things I deserve 你是我做为一个好女孩, For being such a good girl honey 所能得到的最好奖赏

求 Shakira 的歌曲 Underneath Your Clothes 中英对照的歌词

you"re a song你是一首歌written by the hands of god一首出自上帝的杰作don"t get me wrong cause别误会我,因为this might sound to you a bit odd这样的你会有点奇怪but you own the place但你仍占有那位置where all my thoughts go hiding我的思绪要藏匿在何处and right under your clothesi而就在你的外衣之下is where i find them我会找到的underneath your clothes在你的外衣之下there"s an endless story有一个无止境的故事there"s the man i chose那有我所选择的人there"s my territory有我的领土and all the things i deserve全是我该得到的for being such a good girl honey给这样的一个好女孩because of you只因为你i forgot the smart ways to lie我忘记了高超说谎方式because of you只因为你i"m running out of reasons to cry我已不再有哭泣的理由when the friends are gone当朋友们走光时when the party"s over当聚会结束后we will still belong to each other我们仍是互相属於彼此的underneath your clothes在你的外衣之下there"s an endless story有一个无止境的故事there"s the man i chose那有我所选择的人there"s my territory有我的领土and all the things i deserve全是我该得到的for being such a good girl honey给这样的一个好女孩underneath your clothes在你的外衣之下there"s an endless story有一个无止境的故事there"s the man i chose那有我所选择的人there"s my territory有我的领土and all the things i deserve全是我该得到的for being such a good girl honey给这样的一个好女孩i love you more than all that"s on the planet有一个无止境的故事movin" talkin" walkin" breathing感动 谈话 散步 呼吸you know it"s true你了解都的真的oh baby it"s so funny哦!宝贝,这真是很有趣you almost don"t believe it你简直是不敢相信as every voice is hanging from the silence当声音都悬挂在寂静之中lamps are hanging from the celing灯火垂吊在天花板上like a lady to her good manners像位女士紧紧系着她的礼貌i"m tied up to this feeling我会紧系这样的感受underneath your clothes在你的外衣之下there"s an endless story有一个无止境的故事there"s the man i chose那有我所选择的人there"s my territory有我的领土and all the things i deserve全是我该得到的for being such a good girl honey给这样的一个好女孩underneath your clothes在你的外衣之下there"s the man i chose那有我所选择的人there"s my territory有我的领土and all the things i deserve全是我该得到的for being such a good girl honey给这样的一个好女孩



泰妍 亲密朋友 抽风合集 06 U Go GirlSo HotRock第2首叫什么名字

so hot wg的歌= =

she is so good a girl that we all like her.改为同义句

we all like her becouse she is good a girl

Water is to fish what air is to man. 水对鱼的关系正如空气对人


Air is to man what water is to fish. 这到底是什么句呢?

A is to B what C is to D固定句型: A 对B 来说就如C 对D 一样。

just as air is to man

就你提出的题目先来总的说一下:    方式状语从句通常由as, (just) as…so…, as if, as though引导. as, (just) as…so…引导的方式状语从句通常位于主句后,但在(just) as…so…结构中位于句首,这时as从句带有比喻的含义,意思是"正如…","就像",多用于正式文体,例如: Always do to the others as you would be done by.   你希望人家怎样待你,你就要怎样待人. As water is to fish, so air is to man.   我们离不开空气,犹如鱼儿离不开水 Just as we sweep our rooms, so we should sweep backward ideas from our minds.  正如打扫房屋一样,我们也要扫除我们头脑中落后的东西.

as air is to man,so is water to fish.

这个句子表达有错。Air is to man what water is to fish.人离不开空气,就像鱼儿离不开水一样。

Air is to man what fish to water.


as water is to fish,so air is to man


water is to fish what air is to man是什么从句

Water is to fish what air is to man. 请把to fish提到句子开头,全句变成 To fish, water is what air is to man. 可见,what air is to man 就是前面is 的表语从句。what air is to man即对人而言air 是什么。全句为: To fish, water is what air is to man. 即:对鱼而言,water就是 对人而言air 是的那个东东。

英语完成句子 Air is to man ___________ (就像水对鱼一样)(what)

what water is to fish

______ air is to man, so is water to fish.


as air is to man ,so is water to fish ,第一个as为什么不能换成like ?


he is the first man后面为什么是to do sth


Trees are useful to man in three very important ways. The first important way is that they prov...

小题1:No, it isn"t.小题2:They provide man with food, wood and other products.小题3:Under the shade of a tree.小题4:It means trees.小题5:Use both sides of paper./ Plant trees. 试题分析:这篇短文讲述的是树木的重要性,他们在三个重要的方面对我们来说是非常有用的。一是树木可以为人类和其他动物提供食物、木材和其他的产品;二是树木可以为我们提供阴凉;三是树木可以防止干旱和洪水。所以保护树木是很重要的。小题1:根据短文第一段的最后两句话Trees provide man and animals with food to live on the earth. It"s not easy for man to live on the earth without trees可知,树木给人类和动物提供食物,让他们住在地球上。对于人类而言,没有了树住在地球上是困难的。故这个题的答案是否定的。小题2:根据短文的第一段第二句话The first important way is that they provide man with food,wood and other products可知,树对于人类来说第一个重要的方面是他们为人类提供食物、木材和其他的产品。故由此可知,这个题的答案为They provide man with food, wood and other products。小题3:根据短文第二段中On a hot summer day,people are eager to have a rest under the shade of a tree after they have walked a long way.可知,在炎热的夏天,人们在走了很长的路之后,急于在树荫下休息一下。故答案为Under the shade of a tree。小题4:在短文的最后一段中,作者告诉了我们树的第三个重要的方面,即树木可以防止干旱和洪水。可是在世界上的很多地方,人们没有意识到树的这个作用。他们还是大量的砍伐树木,最后,他们就会失去这个最好的朋友。这里最好的朋友指的就是trees,即树木。小题5:这是一个开放性的问题,答案并不是唯一的。题目中问到的是为了保护树木,我们应该做些什么。例如我们可以节约用纸,用纸的两面书写;或者在生活中我们要保护树木,故乱砍滥伐,多种树等。

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highwire press是提供免费全文的、全球最大的学术文献出版商之一,于哪年创立:于1995年由美国斯坦福大学图书馆创立。拓展资料学术文献网站:1、虫部落虫部落是一个致力于搜索的社区,它集谷歌搜索、百度一下、必应搜索、精准搜索、维基百科等众多搜索于一身,集合了大量的国内外资源。虫部落是一个纯粹的搜索经验、技术交流和分享平台,同时为虫友提供众多方便好用的搜索引擎。为您聚合Google、百度、必应等国内外综合搜索和学术、资源、专业领域知识等垂直搜索。精准搜索,便捷交互!与其说是一个搜索网站,不如说是一个大型收藏夹更为贴切一点。2、本地Pubmed本系统是华中科技大学同济医学院与济南泉方科技有限公司合作开发,本系统是在美国PubMed的基础上,参考CiteScore期刊评价系统、泉方学术搜索、德国的GoPubMed等整合开发的检索平台。需先行注册,注册很简单,只需按照要求填写,注册完成后能够试用3个月时间,如需继续使用得注册其他账号。然后点击上图中本地Pubmed检索系统进入查询页面。3、Scientific Research PublishingScientific Research Publishing(科研出版社,简称SRP)是一家国际综合性开源学术期刊出版机构。目前已有国际开源英文期刊近三百本,所有期刊都是开源的(OpenAccess,或称开放存取,简称OA),可免费下载所有期刊全文,所有期刊均回溯至创刊。4、NIMS日本国立材料研究旗下有NIMS NOW International,NIMS所属的每月通讯,2003年7月成立。每月覆盖范围包括国立材料研究所的最新研究活动,管理政策,在国际合作方面取得的进展,世界著名学者的访问、优秀的研究人员和工作人员,以及其他信息,报告当前的科研进展以及材料科学的重要趋势。5、HighWire Press数据库HighWire Press是全球最大的提供免费全文的学术文献出版商,于1995年由美国斯坦福大学图书馆创立。最初仅出版著名的周刊“Journal of Biological Chemistry”,现提供1300余种期刊。

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query 现多用于计算机领域,表示“查询”inquiry 为“质询”,“询问”,用于较为正式的场合。


query有质疑的嫌疑,尤其是当问询人怀疑所得的资讯不正确、有误等再次发问时,还有其会被用在特定的词汇中,比如计算机数据库sql中的q就用的query。inquiry表示询问,资讯一些列问题,甚至一些问责性的调查(官方上的说法 调查)也用inquiry。


inquiry 可用在很正式的场合,如司法审讯,还能表示业务方面的咨询、普通的疑问等。用作名词query 一般表示查询,质问,是名词。




query有质疑的嫌疑,尤其是当问询人怀疑所得的资讯不正确、有误等再次发问时,还有其会被用在特定的词汇中,比如计算机数据库sql中的q就用的query。inquiry表示询问,资讯一些列问题,甚至一些问责性的调查(官方上的说法 调查)也用inquiry。

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I read a is an interesting story.

Dire Straits乐队《What It Is》歌词翻译


徐黛妮的《Party Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:Party Girl歌手:徐黛妮专辑:芭比Party Girl - HotchaR:女生穿起吊带裙 再加胭脂碎粉今晚 未想训 来伸出手心吸水印W:要开心不靠他人 舞会之中跳起闪烁 亦迷人 同步庆祝单身的脚印C:全部女生摆动热裙 要高雅上阵ALL:向灯光方向靠近Hey Hey跟我摆 要跳到发尾都会摆be happy be crazy 乱舞动作不必介怀Hey Hey跟我摆 我有我性格的教派be girly be girly 做笑着爱玩的女孩W:舞会装饰烫金银 吊灯闪闪发光跟我 极相衬 男生高攀不到一吻C:女洗手间太多人 各位补妆谈论几个 陌路人 其实爱观赏衣香发鬓R:全部女生摆动热裙 要高雅上阵ALL:向灯光方向靠近Hey Hey跟我摆 要跳到发尾都会摆be happy be crazy 乱舞动作不必介怀Hey Hey跟我摆 我有我性格的教派be girly be girly 做笑着爱玩的女孩Hey Hey跟我摆 要跳到发尾都会摆be happy be crazy 乱舞动作不必介怀Hey Hey跟我摆 我有我性格的教派be girly be girly 做笑着爱玩的女孩Hey Hey Party Girl 要跳到发尾都会摆Hey Crystal Hey Winkie 别要做细胆的女孩Hey Hey Party Girl 要跳到世界跟我摆Regen HotCha 别要做个标准女孩

求Dire Straits乐队《What It Is》的歌词。

"Dire Straits What It Is "The drinking dens are spilling outThere"s staggering in the squareThere"s lads and lasses falling aboutAnd a crackling in the airDown around the dungeon doorsThe shelters and the queuesEverybody"s looking forSomebody"s arms to fall intoAnd it"s what it isIt"s what it is nowThere"s frost on the graves and the monumentsBut the taverns are warm in townPeople Curse the governmentAnd shovel hot food downThe lights are out in the city hallThe castle and the keepThe moon shines down upon it allThe legless and asleepAnd it"s cold on the tollgateWith the wagons creeping throughCold on the tollgateGod knows what I could do with youAnd it"s what it isIt"s what it is nowThe garrison sleeps in the citadelWith the ghosts and the ancient stonesHigh up on the parapetA Scottish piper stands aloneAnd high on the windThe highland drums begin to rollAnd something from the past just comesAnd stares into my soulAnd it"s cold on the tollgateWith the Caledonian BluesCold on the tollgateGod knows what I could do with youAnd it"s what it isIt"s what it is nowWhat it isIt"s what it is nowThere"s a chink of light, there"s a burning wickThere"s a lantern in the towerWee Willie Winkie with a candlestickStill writing songs in the wee wee hoursOn Charlotte Street I takeA walking stick from my hotelThe ghost of Dirty DickIs still in search of Little NellAnd it"s what it isIt"s what it is nowOh what it isWhat it is now

U2的《Party Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:Party Girl歌手:U2专辑:Under a Blood Red Sky [live]Party Girl - HotchaR:女生穿起吊带裙 再加胭脂碎粉今晚 未想训 来伸出手心吸水印W:要开心不靠他人 舞会之中跳起闪烁 亦迷人 同步庆祝单身的脚印C:全部女生摆动热裙 要高雅上阵ALL:向灯光方向靠近Hey Hey跟我摆 要跳到发尾都会摆be happy be crazy 乱舞动作不必介怀Hey Hey跟我摆 我有我性格的教派be girly be girly 做笑着爱玩的女孩W:舞会装饰烫金银 吊灯闪闪发光跟我 极相衬 男生高攀不到一吻C:女洗手间太多人 各位补妆谈论几个 陌路人 其实爱观赏衣香发鬓R:全部女生摆动热裙 要高雅上阵ALL:向灯光方向靠近Hey Hey跟我摆 要跳到发尾都会摆be happy be crazy 乱舞动作不必介怀Hey Hey跟我摆 我有我性格的教派be girly be girly 做笑着爱玩的女孩Hey Hey跟我摆 要跳到发尾都会摆be happy be crazy 乱舞动作不必介怀Hey Hey跟我摆 我有我性格的教派be girly be girly 做笑着爱玩的女孩Hey Hey Party Girl 要跳到发尾都会摆Hey Crystal Hey Winkie 别要做细胆的女孩Hey Hey Party Girl 要跳到世界跟我摆Regen HotCha 别要做个标准女孩

shirley temple 英文简介

Shirley Temple (born April 23, 1928) is an American film and television actress, autobiographer, and public servant. She began her screen career in 1932 at the age of three, and in 1934, skyrocketed to superstardom in Bright Eyes, a feature film designed specifically for her talents. She received a special Academy Award in February 1935, and blockbusting super hits such as Curly Top and Heidi followed year after year during the mid to late 1930s. Licensed merchandise that capitalized on her wholesome image included dolls, dishes and clothing. Her box office popularity waned as she reached adolescence, and she left the film industry at the age of 12 to attend high school. She appeared in a few films of varying quality in her mid to late teens, retiring completely from the silver screen in 1950 at the age of 21. She was the top box-office draw four years in a row (1935u201338) in a Motion Picture Herald poll.In 1958, Temple returned to show business with a two-season television anthology series of fairy tale adaptations. She made guest appearances on various television shows in the early 1960s and filmed a sitcom pilot that was never released. She sat on the boards of many corporations and organizations including The Walt Disney Company, Del Monte Foods, and the National Wildlife Federation. In 1967, she ran unsuccessfully for United States Congress, and was appointed United States Ambassador to Ghana in 1974 and to Czechoslovakia in 1989. In 1988, she published her autobiography, Child Star. Temple is the recipient of many awards and honors including Kennedy Center Honors and a Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award.In 1945, 17-year-old Temple married Army Air Corps sergeant John Agar, who, after being discharged from the service, entered the acting profession. The couple made two films together before Temple divorced him on the grounds of mental cruelty in 1949. She received custody of their daughter Linda Susan and the restoration of her maiden name in the process. In January 1950, Temple met the conservative scion of a patrician California family and United States Navy Silver Star recipient Charles Alden Black. She married him in December 1950 following the finalization of her divorce and retired from films the same day, to become a homemaker. Her son, Charles Alden Black, Jr. was born in 1952 and her daughter, Lori Alden Black was born in 1954.



questionary 和questionnaire区别

questionary[英]["kwestu0283u0259nu0259ru026a][美]["kwestu0283u0259nu02cceru026a]n.调查表,问卷; adj.质问的; questionnaire[英][u02cckwestu0283u0259u02c8neu0259(r)][美][u02cckwestu0283u0259u02c8ner]n.调查问卷; 调查表;两者意思是一样的,后者是法语的单词转变成英语的单词

1.There _______ a teacher and three girls in the classroom. A. are B. is C. be D. am

试题答案: 小题1:B小题2:C小题3:A小题4:A小题5:A

一种洋酒,酒瓶上写着Blue River 还有SHIRAZ



  摘 要:frustrated Lewis pair (FLP)是一个最近出现的新名词,指分子内或混合体系中同时具有路易斯酸和路易斯碱两个位点,由于空间位阻较大而使得这两个位点不能结合形成路易斯酸碱加合物,从而具有独特的反应活性。建议译为“受阻路易斯酸碱对”。   关键词:frustrated Lewis pair,路易斯酸碱加合物,空间位阻   中图分类号:N04;H059;O6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-8578(2010)06-0044-02      Chinese Translation of “Frustrated Lewis Pair”   PENG Bin NIE Yong   Abstract:Frustrated Lewis pair(FLP)is a newly emerging term, describing a system that combines sterically hindered Lewis acid and Lewis base fragments in the same molecule or mixture. Because of the steric hindrance the two sites can not combine to form the classic Lewis acidbase adducts, while maintaining unique reactivity towards small molecules. Based on this meaning, we suggest a Chinese translation for this term.   Keywords:frustrated Lewis pair, Lewis acidbase adduct, steric hindrance      自Stephan等[1]2006年首次提出frustrated Lewis pairs(FLP)类物质用于可逆非金属催化加氢反应以来,该概念受到了国内外化学人士的广泛关注。Berke等[2]最近发表了一篇FLP活化端炔分子的文章。Erker等[3]最近报道了FLP与共轭烯炔和共轭双炔在温和条件下的加成反应,分别制得环状联烯和环状累积多烯化合物。近年来,关于frustrated Lewis pairs的科技文献逐年增加,可以预见,这一概念将会越来越被关注,所以尽快给其一个确切的中文定名就非常有必要。   Stephan[4]对这一概念的描述如下:   In such systems, sterically hindered Lewis donors and acceptors are combined. Their steric demands preclude formation of simple Lewis acidbase adducts, allowing for the subsequent actions of both Lewis acids and bases on other molecules. This concept of FLPs has been extended to demonstrate new reactivity, ultimately leading to new approaches in catalysis. The advent of this new notion in reactivity presents both opportunities and challenges for chemists across the discipline.   意思是,在该体系中,具有空间位阻的路易斯电子给体和受体被组合在一起,由于空间位阻的存在使其不能形成简单的路易斯酸碱加合物,这样一来,这种组合的路易斯酸和碱位点能和其他分子发生反应。FLP这一概念已被扩展用于展示新的反应性能,最终发展成为用于催化领域的新方法。这一有关反应性能的新概念(FLP)的出现为化学工作者跨领域研究提供了机遇和挑战。   Stephan等还列举了frustrated Lewis pairs在激活小分子反应性能、非金属催化加氢和二硫化物异裂等方面的研究。   在该词的定名中,frustrated的翻译是关键。查阅《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》《新英汉词典》《英汉化学化工词汇》,发现该词有多种词意,与frustrated Lewis pairs关联比较紧密的有:(1)受挫折的;(2)被破坏的;(3)失败的;(4)无效的。   结合Stephan等人的解释,frustrated Lewis pairs是指一类分子内或混合体系中同时具有路易斯酸和碱两个位点的物质,由于这两个位点上连接了空间位阻大的基团而使得这两个位点不能按照一般的路易斯酸碱结合的方式结合,但是这种同时具有路易斯酸和碱位点的物质依然稳定。笔者建议使用“受阻路易斯酸碱对”来翻译frustrated Lewis pairs,“阻”说明酸碱之间的作用依然存在,只是在空间上不满足发生作用的条件,很好地描述了其特征。      参 考 文 献   [1]Welch G C, San Juan R R, Masuda J D,et al. Reversible, MetalFree Hydrogen Activation[J]. Science, 2006, 314: 1124-1126.   [2]Jiang C,Blacque O, Berke H. Activation of Terminal Alkynes by Frustrated Lewis Pairs[J]. Organometallics, 2010, 29: 125-133.   [3]Moemming C M,Kehr G, Wibbeling B,et al. Formation of Cyclic Allenes and Cumulenes by Cooperative Addition of Frustrated Lewis Pairs to Conjugated Enynes and Diynes[J]. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2010, 49: 2414-2417.   [4]Stephan D W. “Frustrated Lewis Pairs”: a Concept for New Reactivity and Catalysis[J]. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2008, 6: 1535-1539.

where is may shirt,mum? a.there it is b.t


There is,shirt,over,a,there怎么组成一个句子?

there is a shirt over there

where is may shirt,mum? A.there is it. B.the



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短句翻译people in their 20s and early 30s who wonder whatever happened to the American dream.



“Sir”一字早见于1297年,源自中古英语sire、法语sieur(解作贵族)和拉丁语形容词senior(解作较年长的),在1350年代成为了欧洲语系中的一种敬称,并最早于1425年用于信件开首的称谓,在17世纪以前,亦曾经是教士的头衔。在现今的生活中,“Sir”一字除了指英国的“爵士”或“从男爵”以外,亦普遍用于对男性敬称。在广东话口语中,“Sir”通常用作对男性老师和警察等的称呼(如:陈Sir、阿Sir等),也是对长辈的敬称(Yes!Sir!),意指先生,有时一如英文,带有服从指令的性质。至于对女性的同等称呼是女士(madam)。在英文文法,“Sir”须列在受勋人士姓名之前(如:Sir Run Run Shaw和Sir Isaac Newton),或名之前(Sir Run Run和Sir Isaac),但却绝不可列於姓氏之前(即Sir Shaw和Sir Newton)。可是在中文文法上,情况则恰恰相反,一如“李先生”或“李大文先生”般的称谓,“爵士”头衔亦须列在受勋人士姓名以后(如:邵逸夫爵士和艾萨克·牛顿爵士),姓氏以后(邵爵士和牛顿爵士),但偶尔也可以列于名以后(即逸夫爵士和艾萨克爵士)。按照中文文法,从男爵与骑士一样,均可在名称后加上“爵士”头衔(例如:丹尼士·戴卓尔爵士),而英文则在名称前加上“Sir”(例如:Sir Denis Thatcher),至于从男爵的妻子可得“夫人”(Lady)头衔,或明确称为“爵士夫人”。依中文文法,“夫人”须列于丈夫的姓氏之后(例如:戴卓尔夫人和戴卓尔爵士夫人),而英文则把尊称冠于夫婿姓氏之前(例如:Lady Thatcher)。就女从男爵而言,则可于名称后加上“女爵士”头衔,而英文则在名称前加上“Dame”,但女从男爵的丈夫则不会因此获得任何敬称。另外,爵士的妻子可得“夫人”(Lady)头衔,或明确称为“爵士夫人”。依中文文法,“夫人”须列于丈夫的姓氏之后(例如:尤德夫人或尤德爵士夫人),而英文则把尊称冠于夫婿姓氏之前(例如:Lady Youde)。女性受勋为“爵士”,其相对的敬称则是“女爵士”(Dame),但女爵士的夫婿却不可凭妻子获取任何敬称。在英文,“Sir”一字同时是对男性“从男爵”(baronet)的正式敬称,用法跟“爵士”的用法差不多,但多会在名字之后冠上“Bt.”以作标示(如:Sir Denis Thatcher, 1st Bt.或Sir Denis Thatcher, Bt.)。正如英文日常文书和口语没有特别区分,中文文法也一直有尊称“从男爵”为“爵士”(如:丹尼士·戴卓尔爵士)。然而,正统上应对他们尊称“从男爵”(如:丹尼士·戴卓尔从男爵)。“Sir”在16世纪衍生出“Sirrah”,用于对男子表示轻蔑或生气时的称呼,可译作“家伙”或“小子”。 “sirree”和“siree”都是“Sir”的强调形,多见于演讲,主要用于“Yes”和“No”之后。 “Sir”与另一英文字“Sire”来自同一语源,但“Sire”一般用作对男性贵族、勋爵和王子的敬称,相当于汉语的大人。


sir一词的汉语意思是"先生;阁下",是一种非正式的对男子的礼貌称呼。sir一般单独使用,不跟姓名连用,这一点与Mr不同。Mr之后可接姓或姓名,如我们可以说Mr Green或Mr Jim Green, 但不说Sir Green或Sir Jim Green。sir主要用于以下几种情况: 一、对年长者或对地位较高者的尊称。如: Thank you, sir. 谢谢,先生。 二、中小学生对男教师的尊称。如: Good morning, sir. 早晨好,先生。 三、对不相识男子的尊称,多用于店员与顾客间的交流。如: -Can I help you, sir? 先生,我能帮你什么忙吗? -Yes, please show me that hat. 是的,请把那顶帽子拿给我看看。 四、用于商业信件中对男子的尊称。 如:Dear sir或My dear sir表示"尊敬的先生(一般信件中的称呼)"或"诸位先生(致公司,团体信件中的称呼)",但写信给两位以上的陌生男子通常用gentlemen。 五、士兵对军官,警员对警官的尊称。如: Yes, sir. 是,长官。 但应注意sir可冠于爵士或准男爵的名字之前或名字与姓之前,但不可只用于姓之前。如可以这样说: Sir Edward爱德华爵士,Sir John Jackson 约翰·杰克逊爵士。


通货膨胀率(Infation Rate)的定义   通货膨胀,是一种货币现象,指货币发行量超过流通中实际所需要的货币量而引起的货币贬值现象。通货膨胀与物价上涨是不同的经济范畴,但两者又有一定的联系,通货膨胀最为直接的结果就是物价上涨。   通货膨胀率(Infation Rate)是货币超发部分与实际需要的货币量之比,用以反映通货膨胀、货币贬值的程度;而价格指数则是反映价格变动趋势和程度的相对数。   经济学上,通货膨胀率为:物价平均水平的上升幅度(以通货膨胀为准)。以气球来类比,若其体积大小为物价水平,则通货膨胀率为气球膨胀速度。或说,通货膨胀率为货币购买力的下降速度。   在实际中,一般不直接、也不可能计算通货膨胀,而是通过价格指数的增长率来间接表示。由于消费者价格是反映商品经过流通各环节形成的最终价格,它最全面地反映了商品流通对货币的需要量,因此,消费者价格指数是最能充分、全面反映通货膨胀率的价格指数。目前,世界各国基本上均用消费者价格指数(我国称居民消费价格指数),也即CPI来反映通货膨胀的程度。 通货膨胀率计算公式   通货膨胀率=(现期物价水平—基期物价水平)/基期物价水平   其中基期就是选定某年的物价水平作为一个参照,这样就可以把其他各期的物价水平通过与基期水平作一对比,从而衡量现今的通货膨胀水平。其实,上面所说的只是三种衡量通货膨胀水平方法之一的消费指数折算法,但它是最常用的,此外还有GDP折算法和生产指数折算法。   20世纪70年代后,随着浮动汇率取代了固定汇率,通货膨胀对汇率变动的影响变得更为重要了。通货膨胀意味着国内物价水平的上涨,当一个经济中的大多数商品和劳务的价格连续在一段时间内普遍上涨时,就称这个经济经历着通货膨胀。由于物价是一国商品价值的货币表现,通货膨胀也就意味着该国货币代表的价值量下降。在国内外商品市场相互紧密联系的情况下,一般地,通货膨胀和国内物价上涨,会引起出口商品的减少和进口商品的增加,从而对外汇市场上的供求关系发生影响,导致该国汇率波动。同时,一国货币对内价值的下降必定影响其对外价值,削弱该国货币在国际市场上的信用地位,人们会因通货膨胀而预期该国货币的汇率将趋于疲软,把手中持有该国货币转化为其他货币,从而导致汇价下跌。按照一价定律和购买力平价理论,当一国的通货膨胀率高于另一国的通货膨胀率时,则该国货币实际所代表的价值相对另一国货币在减少,该国货币汇率就会下降。反之,则会上升。   例如,20世纪90年代之前,日元和原西德马克汇率十分坚挺的一个重要原因,就在于这两个国家的通货膨胀率一直很低。而英国和意大利的通货膨胀率经常高于其他西方国家的平均水平,故这两国货币的汇率一下处于跌势。 衡量通货膨胀率变化的三个主要指标:   (一)生产者价格指数(PPI)   生产者价格指数(Producer Price Index),是衡量制造商和农场主向商店出售商品的价格指数。它主要反映生产资料的价格变化状况,用于衡量各种商品在不同生产阶段的成本价格变化情况。   (二)消费者价格指数(CPI)   消费者价格指数(Consumer Price Index),是对一个固定的消费品篮子价格的衡量,主要反映消费者支付商品和劳务的价格变化情况,也是一种度量通货膨胀水平的工具,以百分比变化为表达形式。   (三)零售物价指数(RPI)   零售物价指数(Retail Price Index),是指以现金或信用卡形式支付的零售商品的价格指数。美国商务部每个月对全国范围的零售商品抽样调查,包括家具、电器、超级市场售卖品、医药等,不过各种服务业消费则不包括在内。汽车销售额构成了零售额中最大的单一构成要素,约占总额的25%。   许多外汇市场分析人员十分注重考察零售物价指数的变化。社会经济发展迅速,个人消费增加,便会导致零售物价上升,该指标持续地上升,将可能带来通货膨胀上升的压力,令政府收紧货币供应,利率趋升为该国货币带来利好的支持。因此,该指数向好,理论上亦利好于该国货币。什么是Internal Rate of Return[内部收益率] ? 定义Internal Rate of Return[内部收益率] (IRR)是提供净现值的零为一系列的未来现金流动的折扣率。 它是一个Discounted Cash Flow[贴现现金流] (DCF)方法对估价和投资。 和Net Present Value[净现值] (NPV[净现值])。 IRR和NPV[净现值]是用途广泛决定应该承担不做的哪些投资,并且哪些投资

Sky Ferreira的《american dream》歌词以及翻译!!

你好。歌词Written by Neil YoungI used to see you on every T.VYour smiling face looked back at me.I used to see you on every T.VYour smiling face looked back at me.Then they caught you with the girl next door,People"s money piled on the floor,Accusations that you try to deny,Revelations and rumours begin to fly.Crosby Stills Nash And YoungNow you think about reaching outTry to get some help from above.Now you think about reaching outTry to get some help from above.Reporters crowd around your house.Going through your garbage like a pack of hounds,Speculating what they may find out,It don"t matter now, you"re all washed up.You wake up in the middle of the night.Your sheets are wet and your face is white,You tried to make a good thing last,How could something so good, go bad, so fast?American dream, American dreamDon"t know when things went wrong,Might have been when you were young and strong.Don"t know when things went wrong,Might have been when you were young and strong.Reporters crowd around your house.Going through your garbage like a pack of hounds,Speculating what they may find out,It don"t matter now, you"re all washed up.Don"t know when things went wrong,Might have been when you were young and strong.American dream, American dream.Don"t know when things went wrong,Might have been when you were young and strong.American dream, American dream. 美国生活(美国生活)。我生活在美国梦(美国梦)中。你是我看到的最美好事物。你不只是一个梦(美国生活)。


《自我训练》(约瑟夫.J.卢斯亚尼)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码: g3xe书名:自我训练作者:约瑟夫.J.卢斯亚尼译者:曾早垒豆瓣评分:7.9出版社:重庆大学出版社出版年份:2012-10-1页数:225内容简介:《自我训练:改变焦虑和抑郁的习惯》,本书内容主要包括: 什么是自我训练 ; 自我训练可以解决的问题 ; 自我训练: 计划和实施 ; 自我训练: 对特殊人格对症下药 ; 生活中的自我训练。作者简介:Joseph J.Luciani博士,畅销书作家,国际知名心理咨询及治疗专家,有30年的临床心理治疗经验。他临床实践的“自我训练”方法,是30年来发展的独特而行之有效的心理治疗方法。他所著的两本“自我训练”畅销书分别是:《自我训练:改变焦虑和抑郁的习惯》,《改变自己:心理健康自我训练》。自我训练是一种全新的、开创性的心理疗法,其优点是快速而简便易行,适合应对轻微或中等程度的焦虑症和抑郁症。自我训练与传统的心理治疗方法有显著的区别,为心理治疗领域带来了清新的空气。——哈罗德·布卢姆菲尔德《纽约时报》畅销书作家尽管有时挺难,我们还是要对自己的行为和人生负责,尤其是那些在童年受到情感创伤的人们。本书为那些希望忘记过去、重获情感健康的人们提供了清晰而简明的指导和自我康复训练计划。——劳拉·施勒辛格博士《纽约时报》畅销书作家




《mirror2》需要补丁。它的最大优势在于能解决游戏中人物被兔子遮挡部位,该补丁主要由多个db和ini文件组成,消除了遮挡后,玩家能获得更好的观看效果,也激发了玩家对这款三消游戏战斗的热情,因为在游戏中只有不断消除 物品,才能进入下一关,从而解锁更多任务和人物角色。作用功效:软件刚做出来的时候一般都有漏洞或者不完善的地方,在软件发行之后开发者对软件进一步完善,然后发布补丁文件,来给用户安装,改进软件的性能,对于大型软件系统(如微软操作系统)在使用过程中暴露的问题(一般由黑客或病毒设计者发现)而发布的解决问题的。安装一些插件增强功能(常用的触发事件有键盘触发,鼠标触发,消息触发,显示一些需要的信息等),挂接的目的通常是想改变被挂接程序的运行方式,但不会影响软件的实际功能的这些插件也称为补丁。

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是 "Rihanna" 演唱的 《Bitch I"m Special》。Mirror, mirror on the wallWho"s got the most inflated ego of them all?Thinks he can make a booty callThinks he is so loveableThinks he is the perfect man, that I shoulda never let goAnd that"s why I let him goThe first thing he wants in the morning aint youIts all about him in the morning babyYou got a boy like I had, using you (a boy like that is using baby)Let me help you understand sexy grin from ear to earGirl if you were inside his headThis is what you"d hearAyo you gotta love meBitch I"m specialI want everybody thinking that I got something they don"t haveYou gotta love meBitch I"m specialI want everybody thinking that I got something they don"t haveLa da da daHe handled me like merchandiseHate to admit the down payment was his bedroom eyes (yeah)Ay then after he passed home base he started to pump the breaksMy heavenly bliss destroyedHe flipped a U-y in my faceI was the grand prize that he hardly had to chaseSaid goodbye cause I coulda sworn I heard him sayAyo you gotta love meBitch I"m special x2I want everybody thinking that I got something they don"t haveYou gotta love meBitch I"m specialI want everybody thinking that I got something they don"t haveLa da da daYou don"t gotta love no selfish manLet him love on himselfLet him love on himself (yeah)Let him love someone elseLet him love someone elseI"m just too good (too good)He said you gotta love meBitch I"m special x2I want everybody thinking that I got something they don"t haveYou gotta love meBitch I"m specialI want everybody thinking that I got something they don"t haveBitch


phigros中的mirror是指的镜像模式。即音符会根据屏幕中心左右对称出现。《Phigros》是由Pigeon Games(鸽游)开发的节奏类游戏。Pigeon Games是由初创通过bilibili视频网站发起的、由众多节奏类游戏爱好者组成的完全用爱发电的项目组。我们希望Phigros新颖的游戏模式和精心制作的插画与关卡可以让你感受到节奏类游戏的魅力。作为一款纯免费音游,在这里你只需要通过不断打歌就可以解锁新曲目,不需要像其他游戏一样花大量金钱去购买曲包哦~快来试试吧~

mirro mirro歌词

mirror mirror - m2m *(mirror mirror lie to me show me what i wanna see mirror mirror lie to me) why don"t i like the girl i see the one who"s standing right in front of me why don"t i think before i speak i should have listened to that voice inside me i must be stupid, must be crazy, must be out of my mind to say the kind of things i said last night ** mirror mirror hanging on the wall you don"t have to tell me who"s the biggest fool of all mirror mirror i wish you could lie to me and bring my baby back, bring my baby back to me (mirror mirror lie to me show me what i wanna see mirror mirror lie to me show me what i wanna see) why did i let you walk away when all i had to do was say i"m sorry i let my pride get in the way and in the heat of the moment i was to blame i must be stupid, must be crazy, must be out of my mind now in the cold light of the day i realize ** mirror mirror hanging on the wall you don"t have to tell me who"s the biggest fool of all mirror mirror i wish you could lie to me and bring my baby back, bring my baby back to me if only wishes could be dreams and know my dreams could come true there would be two us standing here in front of you if you could show me that someone that i used to be bring back my baby, my baby to me ** mirror mirror hanging on the wall you don"t have to tell me who"s the biggest fool of all mirror mirror i wish you could lie to me and bring my baby back, bring my baby back to me ** mirror mirror hanging on the wall you don"t have to tell me who"s the biggest fool of all mirror mirror i wish you could lie to me and bring my baby back, bring my baby back to me *(mirror mirror lie to me show me what i wanna see mirror mirror lie to me) to me... *(mirror mirror lie to me show me what i wanna see mirror mirror lie to me)中文翻译:一面镜子,镜子-M 2M的* (镜子镜子骗我给我看什么,我希望见到一面镜子,镜子骗我) 为什么我喜欢的女孩我看见一个人的权利,常委会在我前面为什么我觉得在我发言我应该有听过这种声音里面,我我真是太愚蠢了,要疯了,要出我的心要说什么样的事情,我说,昨晚**镜子镜子挂在墙上你没有告诉我,谁是最大的傻瓜所有镜子镜子,我想你可以骗我, 把我的宝宝回来,使我的宝宝回来给我(镜子镜子骗我给我看什么,我希望见到一面镜子,镜子骗我给我看什么,我希望见到) 为什么我让你走开当我需要做的就是说,我很抱歉我让我的骄傲取得方式并在激烈的时刻,我是咎由自取我真是太愚蠢了,要疯了,要出我的心现在在冷光的一天,我实现**镜子镜子挂在墙上你没有告诉我,谁是最大的傻瓜所有镜子镜子,我想你可以骗我, 把我的宝宝回来,使我的宝宝回来给我如果只希望可以梦想并知道我的梦想可以成真将有两个,我们站在这里,就在你面前如果你能证明我说,有人说,我曾经是被带回我的宝宝,我的宝宝给我**镜子镜子挂在墙上你没有告诉我,谁是最大的傻瓜所有镜子镜子,我想你可以骗我, 把我的宝宝回来,使我的宝宝回来给我**镜子镜子挂在墙上你没有告诉我,谁是最大的傻瓜所有镜子镜子,我想你可以骗我, 把我的宝宝回来,使我的宝宝回来给我* (镜子镜子骗我给我看什么,我希望见到一面镜子,镜子骗我) 我... * (镜子镜子骗我给我看什么,我希望见到一面镜子,镜子骗我)


mirror n.镜子;写照;反映某种情况的事物 v.反映;映照;反射 mirror maker 镜子制造者

Mirror Mirror (Power Dance Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Mirror Mirror (Power Dance Mix)歌手:M2M专辑:The Day You Went Away The Best Of M2M* (Mirror mirror lie to meShow me what I wanna seeMirror mirror lie to me)Why don"t I like the girl I seeThe one who"s standing right in front of meWhy don"t I think before I speakI should have listened to that voice inside meI must be stupid, must be crazy, must be out of my mindTo say the kind of things I said last nightYou don"t have to tell me who"s the biggest fool of allMirror mirror I wish you could lie to meAnd bring my baby back, bring my baby back to me(Mirror mirror lie to meShow me what I wanna seeMirror mirror lie to meShow me what I wanna see)Why did I let you walk awayWhen all I had to do was say I"m sorryI let my pride get in the wayAnd in the heat of the moment I was to blameI must be stupid, must be crazy, must be out of my mindNow in the cold light of the day I realizeYou don"t have to tell me who"s the biggest fool of allMirror mirror I wish you could lie to meAnd bring my baby back, bring my baby back to meIf only wishes could be dreamsAnd know my dreams could come trueThere would be two us standing here in front of youIf you could show me that someone that I used to beBring back my baby, my baby to meYou don"t have to tell me who"s the biggest fool of allMirror mirror I wish you could lie to meAnd bring my baby back, bring my baby back to meYou don"t have to tell me who"s the biggest fool of allMirror mirror I wish you could lie to meAnd bring my baby back, bring my baby back to me* (Mirror mirror lie to meShow me what I wanna seeMirror mirror lie to me)To me...* (Mirror mirror lie to meShow me what I wanna seeMirror mirror lie to me)


phigros中的mirror是指的镜像模式。即音符会根据屏幕中心左右对称出现。《Phigros》是由Pigeon Games(鸽游)开发的节奏类游戏。Pigeon Games是由初创通过bilibili视频网站发起的、由众多节奏类游戏爱好者组成的完全用爱发电的项目组。我们希望Phigros新颖的游戏模式和精心制作的插画与关卡可以让你感受到节奏类游戏的魅力。作为一款纯免费音游,在这里你只需要通过不断打歌就可以解锁新曲目,不需要像其他游戏一样花大量金钱去购买曲包哦~快来试试吧~

Mirror Mirror 歌词

歌曲名:Mirror Mirror歌手:M2M专辑:珍重再见精选Mirror MirrorM2MMirror mirror lie to meShow me what I wanna seeMirror mirror lie to meWhy don"t I like the girl I seeThe one who"s standing right in front of meWhy don"t I think before I speakI should have listened to that voice inside meI must be stupid, must be crazy, must be out of my mindTo say the kind of things I said last night** Mirror mirror hanging on the wallYou don"t have to tell me who"s the biggest fool of allMirror mirror I wish you could lie to meAnd bring my baby back, bring my baby back to meMirror mirror lie to meShow me what I wanna seeMirror mirror lie to meShow me what I wanna seeWhy did I let you walk awayWhen all I had to do was say I"m sorryI let my pride get in the wayAnd in the heat of the moment I was to blameI must be stupid, must be crazy,must be out of my mindNow in the cold light of the day I realizeMirror mirror hanging on the wallYou don"t have to tell me who"s the biggest fool of allMirror mirror I wish you could lie to meAnd bring my baby back, bring my baby back to meIf only wishes could be dreamsAnd know my dreams could come trueThere would be two us standing here in front of youIf you could show me that someone that I used to beBring back my baby, my baby to meMirror mirror hanging on the wallYou don"t have to tell me who"s the biggest fool of allMirror mirror I wish you could lie to meAnd bring my baby back, bring my baby back to meMirror mirror hanging on the wallYou don"t have to tell me who"s the biggest fool of allMirror mirror I wish you could lie to meAnd bring my baby back, bring my baby back to meMirror mirror lie to meShow me what I wanna seeMirror mirror lie to meTo me...Mirror mirror lie to meShow me what I wanna seeMirror mirror lie to me
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