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一首英文歌前面是说唱副歌第一句是Show girl

2023-07-09 21:59:22

Moves Like Jagger-Maroon 5

Oh, yeah

Oh, yeah



Just shoot for the stars


If it feels right


And aim for my heart


If you feel like


And take me away and make it OK


I swear I"ll behave


You wanted control


So we waited


I put on a show


Now I make it


You say I"m a kid


My ego is big


I don"t give a shit


And it goes like this


Take me by the tongue


And I"ll know you


Kiss me "til you"re drunk


And I"ll show you


All the moves like Jagger


I"ve got the moves like Jagger


I"ve got the moves like Jagger


I don"t need to try to control you


Look into my eyes and I"ll own you


With them moves like Jagger


I"ve got the moves like Jagger


I"ve got the moves like Jagger


Maybe it"s hard


When you feel like you"re broken and scarred


Nothing feels right


But when you"re with me


I"ll make you believe


That I"ve got the key




So get in the car


We can ride it


Wherever you want


Get inside it


And you want to steer


But I"m shifting gears


I"ll take it from here (Oh! Yeah yeah!)

从现在就开始 (Oh! Yeah yeah!)

And it goes like this (Uh)

所以就这样吧 (Uh)

Take me by the tongue


And I"ll know you (Uh)

让我更了解你 (Uh)

Kiss me "til you"re drunk


And I"ll show you


All the moves like Jagger


I"ve got the moves like Jagger


I"ve got the moves like Jagger


I don"t need to try to control you (Oh, yeah)

而我不需要试着去控制你(Oh, yeah)

Look into my eyes and I"ll own you


With them moves like Jagger


I"ve got the moves like Jagger (Yeah yeah)


I"ve got the moves like Jagger


You wanna know how to make me smile


Take control, own me just for the night


And if I share my secret


You"re gonna have to keep it


Nobody else can see this


So watch and learn


I won"t show you twice


Head to toe, oooh baby rub me right


But if I share my secret


You"re gonna have to keep it


Nobody else can see this (Ay! Ay! Ay! Aaay!)

没有人可以知道 (Ay! Ay! Ay! Aaay!)

And it goes like this


Take me by the tongue (Take me by the tongue)


And I"ll know you


Kiss me "til you"re drunk


And I"ll show you (Yeah yeah yeah!)


All the moves like Jagger


I"ve got the moves like Jagger


I"ve got the moves like Jagger


(Oh, yeah)

(Oh, yeah)

I don"t need to try to control you


Look into my eyes and I"ll own you


With them moves like Jagger


I"ve got the moves like Jagger


I"ve got the moves like Jagger



会不会是short gun啊,那首歌叫me and my broken heart


名字好像就是show girl ,少女时代作品



2023-07-09 19:27:291

动力火车这个组合 为什么要叫做动力火车 有什么特别的含义吗

A-show”的含义分释而言   “A”代表顶级,出色的意思“show”则寓意全心全意为大家演唱及展现,A-show就是要为大家带来最棒、最优秀的表演。不仅代表了公司对他们的期望,同时也表示成员们希望将最健康的一面展示给大家,以自己的行为使A-show成为一种清新、上进的力量,鼓励所有年轻人,要对自己充满信心,每个人都是最优秀、最棒的。   乐队成员   Chris   生日: 12月10日   星座: 射手座   特质:个性随和,有原则,对新事物的接受度高,好奇心强   ,勇于接受挑战   才华:随性的音乐感觉即兴的音乐创作   Licki   生日: 5月26日   星座: 双子座   特质:特有的双重性格,时而开朗、时而忧郁风格清新自然   、阳光笑脸深情迷人   才华:独特的嗓音音质、随性的创作意念   Henry   生日:5月21日   星座:双子座   特质:外型清秀、擅长创作对新事物的学习和新环境的适应   力强   才华:演唱功底强,唱法前卫,有很好的装饰音   吉神文化顷力打造的华语流行R& B组合A-show是由三个才艺双全的阳光男孩组成,自信、健康、积极的外型,优秀的唱功以及与众不同的音乐内涵,使他们对音乐赋予生活的含义有其更为独特的诠释。与众不同的声线、感性的唱功、个性化的表现力将使A-show魅力十足的登上了青春偶像的舞台。   “A-show”的含义分释而言,“A”代表顶级,出色的意思,“show”则寓意全心全   意为大家演唱及展现,A-show就是要为大家带来最棒、最优秀的表演。不仅代表了公司对他们的期望,同时也表示成员们希望将最健康的一面展示给大家,以自己的行为使A-show成为一种清新、上进的力量,鼓励所有年轻人,要对自己充满信心,每个人都是最优秀、最棒的。   在这个夏天,A-show组合的首张专辑《A-show奇遇》即将登场,而作为专辑中第一主打歌的“明天你会在哪里”也在近日由全国各地电台为广大歌迷奉上。   这首由A-show组合成员自己作曲完成的“明天你会在哪里”在忧伤的旋律中融入了较为强劲的R&B节奏,使整首歌既柔情万分又充满力度,这样的搭配,将歌词中本身的伤感之色极尽展现,也让A-show用自己的方式诠释了如今新一代年轻人对爱情的不同表达,从而体现了A-show组合自身独特的音乐感觉。   创作的最初正是处于灵感丰富的阶段,有一天Henry在楼下轻弹着吉他,慢   慢哼唱出副歌的部分,而这音乐声将Licki及Chris都吸引过来,大家不约而同,静静的融入到旋律中,倾听中Licki也有了灵感,将前面的音乐随即唱出,Chris做了整首歌的音乐过渡,创作的顺畅与他们一直以来的音乐学习积累是万万分不开的。   当成员第一次将曲目给制作人听时,制作人感觉旋律很不错,但认为歌曲整体缺乏力度感,因此制作人亲自进行编曲,并同成员一起编配合声,由于多年来成员一直不断模仿和演唱国外的乐队,都会即兴进行转音,这些为他们奠定了很好的基础,所以合声的工作很是得心应手,录音师录制过程中备感轻松。   虽然前面的节奏较为缓慢柔情,但随着音乐的不断延续,越来越有力度感的递进,使得歌曲给听众带来的音乐共鸣也越发不同。自由灵动的旋律伴随着伤感却又满怀期待的词义,让人不禁跟着A-show动情的演唱浮想联翩,近而全情投入到歌曲所要表达的意境中,释放自己的感情!   华人第一吉他大师、台湾著名制作人江建民老师(部分经典作品:刘德华-笨小孩、齐秦-痛并快乐着、动力火车-无情的情书、熊天平-火柴天堂、陈升-新乐园、陈慧琳-制造浪漫、范晓萱-Darling、 陶晶莹-离开我、Makiyo-养我一辈子、江美琪-第二眼美女、张惠妹-我可以抱你吗)在偶然中听到A-show录的“明天你会在哪里”的demo后非常喜欢,并即刻想亲自操琴编奏一段吉他solo加到歌曲中来丰富配器,为歌曲添色不少。当成员第一次听到吉他solo时很是感激,因为那份欧美音乐节奏及感觉正是他们想要表达的。   在制作人陈军伍的精心编排下,优美圆润的吉他声,丝丝扣弦,跌宕起伏,仿佛驿动不定的恋爱心情,将歌曲逐步推向高潮。而最后的副歌部分,大气磅礴的弦乐编配衬托着A-show三位成员浑厚醇郁的完美合声,让人心潮澎湃,久久不能平静。   【奇遇】   歌手名称:A-SHOW   所属语言:国语   唱片公司:华兴娱乐   发行日期:2006年09月11日   1.奇遇   2.明天你会在哪里   3.Tell me   4.安全感   5.I Love You   6.Angel拜托   7.停摆的钟   8.谁说我不在乎你   9.Emily   10.我的女友不落伍   11.What can I do   专辑简介:马来西亚知名音乐人陈军伍全力操刀A-SHOW奇遇第一张正式大碟 重装出击 超凡视听享受 尽在没一瞬间 随碟附赠:珍藏DVD:内含2首炫彩MV+音乐特辑>>精美小海报   经过多番精心磨练及充分准备,A-show组合第一张专辑《A-show奇遇》以流行R&B音乐元素为主题,同时融合了他们整体的清新亮丽风格,专辑含括的每首曲目,都具有不同的寓意色彩,同时亦有多首歌曲出自成员自身的创作,展现了他们的音乐天赋及才华。这张专辑由北京吉神文化授权,广东鸿艺总经销,将于近期在内地全面发行。   歌曲“Tell me”讲述女友对待爱情不认真的态度让男生倍感受伤,虽然看穿了那美丽的谎言,想要挣脱一个人走出去,可是又难以割舍那份情意。   以R&B为主旋律的“Tell Me”,节奏强烈、鲜明。三个人轻松玩转R&B,无论是真假音的转换,还是对高难度技巧的把控,都相当到位,让听者感觉非常尽兴。歌曲旋律是由A-show成员中的Henry即兴创作的,旋律感强、不死板,烘托出三个人完美的合声。另外,成员Lick加入一段法语演唱,更为整首歌曲带来清新感受。   “Tell Me”灵动的旋律更彰显了A-show成员深厚的演唱功底,时而转至、插入的演唱不断带来听觉上的惊喜。A-show要做的,不是那种只强调日韩风格的劲舞热歌,而是绝对乐感十足的R&B。   “Tell Me”MV更是邀请到成龙御用武术执导黄明升老师担当导演,在听过歌曲后,黄导并没有选择讲故事的方式来拍摄,甚至没有在片中选择一位女生出境,力求新颖独特。场景也为A-show特意选择即将拆迁的首钢工厂作为拍摄场地,之所以选择这里是因为看重这里的大气磅礴的背景环境,耸立的高炉、秀丽壮美的冷却塔、纵横交错的管网、间歇喷出的水蒸汽,拍摄出的画面极具视觉冲击力,与“Tell Me”旋律感强而不死板的明快节奏相得益彰。
2023-07-09 19:27:441

A-Show的《奇遇》 歌词

歌曲名:奇遇歌手:A-Show专辑:A-Show奇遇奇遇 - 坚坚作词/作曲/编曲:坚坚你出现的姿态是那么的高贵 好象是天使登场让我相信爱情奇遇你的美貌让我陶醉今天晚上我不能安心的睡我会开始想你随着华丽的圆舞曲想故意靠近你你的呼吸都让人着迷会说话的眼睛这就是一个奇迹一场爱情的相遇我相信会有一个温馨结局要永远都在一起天空也变得美丽它见证爱的奇遇我相信你会给我一个惊喜一生一世不分离你出现的姿态是那么的高贵 好象是天使登场让我相信爱情奇遇你的美貌让我陶醉今天晚上我不能安心的睡我会开始想你随着华丽的圆舞曲想故意靠近你你的呼吸都让人着迷会说话的眼睛这就是一个奇迹一场爱情的相遇我相信会有一个温馨结局要永远都在一起天空也变得美丽它见证爱的奇遇我相信你会给我一个惊喜一生一世不分离这就是一个奇迹一场爱情的相遇我相信会有一个温馨结局要永远都在一起天空也变得美丽它见证爱的奇遇我相信你会给我一个惊喜一生一世不分离
2023-07-09 19:27:521


冠军 06号李炜 福建.连江(广州唱区) 亚军 09号刘心 辽宁·鞍山(长沙唱区) 季军 02号武艺 香港· 九龙(长沙唱区) 殿军 11号谭杰希 广东· 深圳(广州唱区) 全国第5名 12号陈翔 甘肃· 天水(成都唱区) 全国第6名 04号李行亮 湖北·襄樊(广州唱区) 全国第7名 03号王野 辽宁·沈阳(沈阳唱区) 全国第8名 10号张建波 安徽·合肥(合肥唱区) 全国第9名 07号 吴俊余 四川·平昌(成都唱区) 全国第10名 05号玉米提·帕日哈提(维) 新疆·库尔勒(长沙唱区) 全国第11名 01号delay组合 黄迪 广东· 湛江(天涯直通区) 惠雷 黑龙江·伊春(天涯直通区)
2023-07-09 19:28:005


2023-07-09 19:28:248

show是什么词? 名词?形容词? 如果是名词,可数么?

2023-07-09 19:28:415

去艺术馆看展览 用英文怎么说

an exhibition; an exposition; a display; a show; a showing
2023-07-09 19:28:581

show的用法 show的用法是什么

1、show可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that/wh-从句作宾语。也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that/wh-从句充当,间接宾语则可转化为介词to的宾语。 2、show还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由(to be+)名词或形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式的完成式、现在分词充当。
2023-07-09 19:29:131


2023-07-09 19:29:391


更新1: 请大家帮我想一想 谢谢 第一个不填 第二个是an 母音 1.【 不填!! 】one ,因为one就是一了!!!所以不需要在加!!! 2.【 an 】old ,因为单字前面是a,e,i,o,u,的都要加an !!! 不过有些是不可数名词!!!英文非常的麻烦,所ˇ以一定要认真学习。 如果是可属名词的话,开头又不是a,e,i,o,u,就只用加 a !! 不定冠词 a/an:不定冠词所修饰的名词为单数可数名词。 a:后面接实际发音为子音的单字(自首为子音)。 ->a dog. a boy. a show. an:后面接实际发音为母音的单字(自首为母音)。->an egg. an old man. an apple. 特殊发音单字: 例如:university大学 前面所接的不定冠词是a 虽然自首为u 母音 但发音却为子音 所以要用a而不是用an。 hour 小时 前面所接的不定冠词是an 虽然自首为h 子音 但发音却为母音 所以要用an而不是用a。 1.【 】one->one本身是数量代名词 所以前面要加定冠词the 而不是不定冠词。 2.【 】old->字首为o 母音 发音也为母音 故不定冠词用 an 。 1.可以填the意思是例外 不可填a/an因为one本身就是数量词 前面不能在加数量词。 2.要填an母音开头的单字要填an 其余填a。 参考: 我 a one = 一个 1 one 的 o 不是发母音 而是 w 的字音,所以前面冠词用 a 英文母音开头大部分都是 an,子音开头大部分都是a,但是也有例外,如: university(大学)是用a ,所以请注意。 1.[ ]one 不是a也不是an,应该要填[the]one,是例外。 2.[ ]old 是an。 2013-07-12 18:49:13 补充: 拜托选我为最佳解答 please............................... 参考: 自己、英文电子辞典 me 第一个好像不太会这样加~通常都是加the 第二个因为o是母音~母音开头要加an 参考: 自己
2023-07-09 19:29:481


I can show you. TV show, fashion show.
2023-07-09 19:30:072

综艺节目在英文里面叫什么? 想知道个专业点的答案!

Entertainment,这是一个统称。您也可以参考CNN的网站,分类有 sport,business, trvel, entertainment...
2023-07-09 19:30:154

show 短语

show off 炫耀show sb. around 带..到周围参观
2023-07-09 19:30:473


表演;展示 : )
2023-07-09 19:31:0313

show是什么意思英语 show的中文翻译及用法详解?

除了用于描述物品、信息、数据等的展示方式,show还可以用于描述人的表演、演出等活动。我们可以说:“I"m going to a show tonight.”(我今晚要去看演出。)或者“He showed us some amazing magic tricks.”(他给我们展示了一些惊人的魔术表演。)除了用于描述物品、信息、数据等的展示方式,show还可以用于描述人的表演、演出等活动。我们可以说:“I"m going to a show tonight.”(我今晚要去看演出。)或者“He showed us some amazing magic tricks.”(他给我们展示了一些惊人的魔术表演。)在英语中,show还有其他的用法。它可以用于表示“表现、显示出”某种特征或性质。我们可以说:“She showed great courage in the face of danger.”(她在危险面前表现出了极大的勇气。)或者“This painting shows the artist"s love of nature.”(这幅画展现了艺术家对自然的热爱。)show是一个英语单词,意思是“展示、显示、表演”。在日常生活中,show这个词经常被用于描述各种场景和情境。
2023-07-09 19:31:382


show around参观,show in领进,show off突出,show up显而易见,show through显露出。show around参观,Did you show him around the school?你领他参观学校了吗。show in领进,Show the visitors in, will you?请把参观者迎进来好吗?show off突出,These lights show the place off very nicely.这些灯把这里照得非常明亮。show up显而易见,Her wrinkles showed up in the strong sunlight.强烈的阳光使她脸上的皱纹更明显了。show through显露出,The new colour is lighter, and the old paint shows through.新刷的漆颜色较浅,使原来的漆显露出来。
2023-07-09 19:31:452


2023-07-09 19:32:006


2023-07-09 19:32:172


reveal spread 都可以
2023-07-09 19:32:334


2023-07-09 19:32:534


  英语show的中文是什么意思1   英语单词show的中文意思   及物/不及物动词 表现出; 给…看; 显露出; 上演   及物动词 表明;说明;指示;演示   名词 显示; 表演; 展览; 外观   不及物动词 被人看见,显现,显而易见   及物动词   1. Can you show me your photographs?   把你的照片给我看看好吗?   2. Anger showed in his face.   他脸上露出怒容。   3. The paintings were shown at the Art Gallery.   这些画曾在美术馆展出。   不及物动词   1. Her worry showed in her eyes.   她的眼神显露忧愁。   名词   1. Some delegates walked out in a show of protest.   有几位代表退出会场以示抗议。   2. Give the man a fair show.   给那人一个平等的机会。   英语单词show的单语例句   1. As the holiday season approaches, new economic indicators show a business activity firming up and rising consumer confidence and spending.   2. Show business is booming in China today, especially when compared with the nation"s film industry.   3. To his show business friends, he was a gentle and considerate man.   4. She married a Japanese man and left show business and left Taiwan.   5. All these facts show that business people on both sides can undoubtedly find methods acceptable to both sides.   6. Zhang has a passion for singing and said she would like to enter show business if she had the opportunity after her operation.   7. Seoul said that the launch will be a provocative act against the international community and urged Pyongyang to show restraint.   8. The business sector in Hong Kong is becoming more green conscious as corporate management tries to show greater care for Mother Nature.   9. The unforgettable Andy Lau - still going strong after three decades of standing solo under the relentless spotlight of show business.   10. More than 1 million Taiwan business people work or live on the mainland, statistics show.   英语单词show的词典解释   1. 显示;表明;证明   If something shows that a state of affairs exists, it gives information that proves it or makes it clear to people.   e.g. Research shows that a high-fibre diet may protect you from bowel cancer...   研究表明高纤维饮食可预防肠癌。   e.g. He was arrested at his home in Southampton after a breath test showed he had drunk more than twice the legal limit for driving...   呼吸测醉检测显示其饮酒量是法定驾车饮酒限量的两倍多,他随即在南安普顿的家中被捕。   2. (图画、图表、影像或文章)描绘,描述,展示,说明   If a picture, chart, film, or piece of writing shows something, it represents it or gives information about it.   e.g. Figure 4.1 shows the respiratory system...   图表 4.1 所示为呼吸系统。   e.g. ...a coin showing Cleopatra...   刻有克娄巴特拉头像的硬币   3. 给…看;向…出示(或展示);指给…看   If you show someone something, you give it to them, take them to it, or point to it, so that they can see it or know what you are referring to.   e.g. Cut out this article and show it to your bank manager...   将这篇文章剪下来,拿给你的银行经理看。   e.g. He showed me the flat he shares with Esther...   他带我看了他和埃丝特合住的.公寓。   4. 引,带,领(某人到某处)   If you show someone to a room or seat, you lead them there.   e.g. Let me show you to my study...   我带你去我的书房。   e.g. Milton was shown into the office...   米尔顿被领到了办公室。   5. (通过示范)教…,向…演示,做给…看   If you show someone how to do something, you do it yourself so that they can watch you and learn how to do it.   e.g. Claire showed us how to make a chocolate roulade...   克莱尔给我们示范了如何做巧克力卷。   e.g. There are seasoned professionals who can teach you and show you what to do...   有经验丰富的专家教你,并向你演示怎么做。   6. (使)露出;(使)显现;(使)变得显著   If something shows or if you show it, it is visible or noticeable.   e.g. He showed his teeth in a humourless grin...   他一本正经地咧嘴笑了笑。   e.g. His beard was just beginning to show signs of grey...   他的胡子才刚有点泛白。   英语show的中文是什么意思2   及物动词:   1.出示   2.陈列;展出;展销   3.显示;表现,露出   4.演出;放映   5.指出,指示   6.带领   7.阐述,说明;解释   8.(图片等的)描述   9.证明,证实   10.给予,赐予   11.(通过示范)教,告知   12.【律】陈述;辩护   不及物动词:   1.显出,显露;显而易见   2.显得   3.【口】展出商品   4.【口】演出,上演   5.【口】如约而来,露面   6.(表决时)举手   7.【美】(在赛马等中)得第三名   n.   1.展览会;展览品   2.炫耀;卖弄   3.演出;节目;电影;电影院,剧团   4.外观;表面;印象   5.(地下有石油等的)迹象   6.假象;托辞   7.景象;奇观   8.洋相;出丑的人   9.显示威力   11.【口】[用作单数]表白机会   12.【英口】事业;活动,组织   13.【美】第三名   14.【医】现血,见红   15.【军】交战,战斗   16.[the Show]【口】棒球联合总会   a.   1.用于展览的   2.戏剧演出的   词形变化   时态showed,shown,showed,showing,shows   单词分析   这些动词均有“出现”之意。   appear强调公开露面,被看见。   emerge侧重缓缓出现的过程。   show语气较强,强调“露出来”。   loom指朦胧出现,好像从雾中浮现出来一样。   这些名词都可表示“展览”或“展览会”之意。   exhibition一般指较正规的展览会。   exhibit多指个人或团体陈列的展览品,规模可大可小。   show指艺术品、农产品、工业品或商品等的任何形式的公开展览。   exposition多指大型博览会或国际博览会。   fair侧重指为促销商品而举办的展览会或商品交易会。   display指展销会,商店橱窗或柜台上的陈列品。   英语解释   show (someone) to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums   make visible or noticeable   be or become visible or noticeable   finish third or better in a horse or dog race   show in, or as in, a picture   give evidence of, as of records   give expression to   indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments   the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining   a social event involving a public performance or entertainment   make clear and visible   show or demonstrate something to an interested audience   provide evidence for   indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively   something intended to communicate a particular impression   establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment   pretending that something is the case in order to make a good impression   相似短语   for show为了炫耀,为了装门面   to show for作为某事的利益, 作为报酬, 从...中得到利润/得到成绩   show into领进(客人等)   no show失约,放弃预定   show thatvt.把...给...看,向...表明   show in领进来,引进   on show在展览,在展出,陈列着   in show外表上, 有名无实地   be on show展览   show to引导,引领   相似单词   showv.[T] 1.出示 2.陈列;展出;展销 3.显示;表现,露出 4.演出;放映 5.指出,指示 6.带领 7.阐述,说明;解释 8.(图片等的)描述 9.证明,证实 10.给予   no shown. 放弃预定座位的客人   show mea. 怀疑的,要别人出示证据的   show...out领…出去   show stoppinga. 被长时间热烈掌声打断的;特别受人欢迎的 特别引人注目的、特别受欢迎的   show card显示卡   show...around...带领(某人)参观...   raree shown. 西洋景,街头演出   show stoppern. 被长时间的掌声所打断的表演   variety show杂耍,综艺节目
2023-07-09 19:33:001


  show表给u2026看; 表现出; 显露出的意思,show的 同义词 有很多,接下来我为大家整理了show的同义词,希望能帮到大家。   appear, emerge, show, loom的词汇辨析   这些动词均有"出现"之意。   appear :强调公开露面,被看见。   emerge :侧重缓缓出现的过程。   show :语气较强,强调"露出来"。   loom :指朦胧出现,好像从雾中浮现出来一样。   exhibition, exhibit, show, exposition, fair, display的词汇辨析     这些名词都可表示"展览"或"展览会"之意。   exhibition : 一般指较正规的展览会。   exhibit : 多指个人或团体陈列的展览品,规模可大可小。   show : 指艺术品、农产品、工业品或商品等的任何形式的公开展览。   exposition : 多指大型博览会或国际博览会。   fair : 侧重指为促销商品而举办的展览会或商品交易会。   display : 指展销会,商店橱窗或柜台上的陈列品。   show, exhibit, display, manifest, demonstrate的词汇辨析      这些动词均含"显示,显露,展现"之意。   show : 最普通用词,泛指任何有意或无意地把东西给别人看的行为。   exhibit : 指公开或正式地展示,以便引人注目或让人检查。   display : 多指将某物陈列在显眼之处以便让发现其优点,侧重有意识地显示。   manifest : 书面正式用词,指明确地表明。   demonstrate : 指明显地表露感情。也指用实例、实验推理等手段表演证明,或论证某一问题。   show 的词组习语   for show   1. 为u2026装门面;为炫耀   get (或 keep) the show on the road   1. (非正式)开始干起来,付诸实施   “我们开始干 吧——我们已经晚了”。   u2018Let"s get this show on the road—we"re late already.u2019.   give the (whole) show away   1. 露出马脚,泄露秘密   good (或 bad 或 poor) show!   1. (非正式,旧)干得好(或不好);真棒(或糟糕)!   have something (或nothing) to show for   1. (在工作或经历方面)有(或无)成绩可言   一年之后,他的努力一点也没有成效。   a year later, he had nothing to show for his efforts.   on show   1. 展览,展出   show one"s cards   1. 同后面 show one"s hand   show cause   1. (律)陈述(申请或豁免一项程序或惩罚的)理由   show (someone) a clean pair of heels   1. (非正式)飞快地跑   show someone the door   1. 打发(或驱逐)某人走   show one"s face   1. 抛头露面   她曾经出庭,非常羞愧,几乎不敢露面。   she had been up in court and was so ashamed she could hardly show her face.   show the flag   show one"s hand   1. (牌戏)亮牌   show的例句   1. Leshka waved him away with a show of irritation.   廖什克恼火地挥手让他离开。   2. The evening show was terrible, with hesitant unsure performances from all.   晚上的演出很糟,所有人都缩手缩脚,显得很不自信。   3. This show, too, was virtually sold out before it opened.   这场演出的门票也是几乎在开演前就销售一空了。   4. Who do you suppose will replace her on the show?   你觉得谁会代替她参加这场演出?   5. It was time now to show more political realism.   现在是拿出更多政治务实精神的时候了。   6. The ideas in the show"s presentation were good, but failed in execution.   那场展览陈述的想法很好,但是没能实现。   7. She had hoped the couple would put on a show of unity.   她曾经希望那对夫妇会表现出和睦相处的样子。   8. Show me which one you like and I"ll buy it for you.   指给我看你喜欢哪个,我给你买。   9. She shook her fist. "I"ll show you," she said.   她挥了挥拳头,“我要让你看看,”她说。   10. But Ivanisevic"s no-show will be a blow for Wimbledon chiefs.   但伊万尼塞维奇不能参赛对温布尔登主办方将是一个重大打击。   11. A young Moroccan stopped by police refused to show his papers.   一位被警察拦下的摩洛哥青年拒绝出示他的证件。   12. The results show the level of frustration among hospital doctors.   这些结果显示了医院医生的不满程度。   13. They have a tendency to show off, to dramatize almost every situation.   他们爱炫耀,几乎对每种情况都添油加醋。   14. Would they forgive and forget — or show him the door?   他们会既往不咎吗——还是会对他下逐客令呢?   15. During each show we will be raffling a fabulous prize.   每场表演期间,我们将以抽彩 方法 送出大奖。 猜你喜欢: 1. dear的同义词 2. make的同义词 3. fall的同义词 4. stay的同义词是什么 5. 同义词库大全
2023-07-09 19:33:071


2023-07-09 19:33:143


2023-07-09 19:33:363


show offshow up
2023-07-09 19:34:103

C++虚基类 问题

指针和引用均可以如下:#include<iostream.h> class A { public: virtual void show() { cout<<"AAA"<<endl;} }; class B: public A { void show() {cout<<"BBB"<<endl;} }; class C: public A { void show() {cout<<"CCC"<<endl;} }; void main() { C c; A &p=c; (); }
2023-07-09 19:34:185


Dear readers,对面试者来说最好面试官可以准确地评估出你的能力,这样就不用我们自我推销了。但能力真的很难评判,特别是在像面试这样短时间的接触里要识别出一个人的能力就更难了。有数据显示,面试评定和后续工作表现评定一致的比例只有4%。那怎样做才能低调而又中肯地告诉别人你的能力特长呢?What should you do if you are interested in communicating your talents to others without coming across as a show-off or as being somewhat deluded? Here are four simple suggestions to consider:01Briefly Quantify Your Most Relevant Experience简明扼要地说出和你面试最相关的经验While past behavior doesn"t always predict future behavior― particularly if the context changes―people will want to be reassured that you “have done it before.” Fortunately, this is one of the first questions you will be asked when your talents are being evaluated, so you won"t be accused of (谴责)showing off for simply answering what you are asked.That said, it is essential that you keep it brief. We are living in an age of short attention spans. The risk here is that you get so immersed in your answer that people stop paying attention to what you are saying and make assumptions about your lack of brevity. This could work against you: people who talk too much about themselves are often perceived(认为) as self-centered, arrogant, or even narcissistic(自恋的). It is also likely that if you big up your achievements too much while not being sufficiently specific or concrete, your audience will assume you are exaggerating.It is therefore best to quantify any relevant experience and get to the point quickly: e.g.,“I have 18 years of global experience in X area/industry”,“I managed a team of 75 people”, or “I have led a division that was responsible for 60% of company revenues”. And if you don"t know what to report, pick what"s most relevant for the role you are being considered for.02Speak about Your Passion rather than Your Skills用说你喜欢怎么做来暗示你拥有的技能For some reason, it is OK to be enthusiastic about your interests and passions, but not so much about your talents. For example, you can"t expect others to celebrate the fact that you are really impressed with your sense of humor or your (self-rated) leadership skills. Try telling people “I am one of the funniest people in the world” and they will immediately assume you are not―probably rightly so. The same goes for telling them that you are a “great leader” or a “disruptive thinker.” However, if you report that you really enjoy managing teams, thinking of unconventional ways of doing things, or that you always “try to see the funny side of things,” it may at least suggest to others that you could have some talent in those areas.03Focus on Your Potential关注自己的潜能Recent research suggests that, when it comes to judging others, we are more interested in their future than their past. you can help others speculate about your own future―and place a bet on your talents―by describing the key qualities of your potential. Psychological reviews indicate that there are three main areas to discuss: learning ability, drive, and people skills. Fortunately, talking about these qualities will not be regarded as a blatant(露骨的) attempt to show off, and employers themselves are aware of how important these traits are, for they largely decide whom to employ and promote based on these qualities. The key, however, is not to make generic self-promotional statements ― e.g.,“I"m a fast learner”,“I"m super driven”, or “I have great people-skills”― but to demonstrate these things with concrete examples and during the interview.For example, if you have good people skills, you will avoid interrupting the interviewers, speaking for too long, or showing off. And if you want others to believe that you have good learning ability, then talk about concrete difficult problems you have solved or niche expertise you have acquired. Note that while these examples highlight past accomplishments they will invite people to infer your potential and therefore make inferences about your future performance.04Turn your Fans into Advocates将你的粉丝变为你的拥护者Ultimately, your reputation is made of what others (not you) think of you. It is therefore obvious that you are better off being promoted by others than promoting yourself. While references―such as recommendation letters―are a poor predictor(预言者) of future performance, they can still play a very important role in determining your success. The right things said by the right person to the right person will matter more than any objective indicator of talent. You should therefore treasure your supporters as much as you can. Moreover, if you can turn your mentors (and fans) into advocates, you will not have to work as hard to promote yourself.Shape of YouEd Sheeran - Shape of YouLearningbrevity [brevti] n.简洁eg.The risk here is that you get so immersed in your answer that people stop paying attention to what you are saying and make assumptions about your lack of brevity.brief [bri:f] a.简洁的eg.It is essential that you keep it brief.infer [nf:(r)] v.推断inference [nfrns] n.推断eg.they will invite people to infer your potential and therefore make inferences about your future performance.
2023-07-09 19:34:493

初三 英语 英语翻译 请详细解答,谢谢! (13 15:49:44)

fashion show?
2023-07-09 19:35:475


2023-07-09 19:36:049


showstopper[英]["u0283u0259u028au02ccstu0252pu0259][美]["u0283ou028au02ccstu0252pu0259]n.因特别精彩而被掌声打断的表演; 复数:showstoppers以上结果来自金山词霸 1.But on this occasion, unlike previous ones, the budget he delivered was ashowstopper. 但是这次就不像以前了,他的预算演说反响热烈
2023-07-09 19:36:313


2023-07-09 19:37:109

80词的英语作文《A TALENT SHOW》

TV Talent Show -- A Good Thing or Bad? An army of people today are fond of the TV talent show. They support it and see themselves as fans of one or another show star. They believe that the TV talent show can change one"s fortune. At least, they argue that, the show offers the opportunity to show and develop one"s talents. On the contrary, a number of people hold the negative attitude to TV talent shows. They maintain that the TV talent show today is like a river that has risen to its flood level. It misleads the youth and makes them believe that they can make a fortune or become famous overnight. As a result, a lot of students can"t calm down to study on the show"s season. Some of them take interest in imitating their idol, so much so that they can hardly recognize themselves. For my part, I believe that the TV talent show is like a double-edged sword, which can do both good and harm. Therefore, it is extremely important for us to face it properly. For one thing, the TV studios are supposed to create more positive and favorable shows. For another, the media ought to guide people, especially the young, to right way and refrain from exaggerating the effect of the show.范文如上,你可以参考下哦,稍作修改即可形成你自己的文章。祝顺利!
2023-07-09 19:37:283


雅思口语part2备考一直是众多考鸭们的头等难事,不敢开口,开口说不出,说不地道,相关话题的经历太少,让人抓狂。下面我给大家带来雅思口语 范文 赏析:a quiz TV show,希望对大家的口语有帮助! 雅思口语范文赏析:a quiz TV show Describe a quiz TV showWell, it seems that many TV channels like to present some quiz shows to the public, such as “the lucky 52” in CCTV2, “happy dictionary” in CCTV 3, and “great competition of intelligence” in CCTV 1. But here, I"d like to talk about a quiz show from Shenzhen TV channel, which is named as “who is cleverer”. This quiz show brings the adults back to the primary school class, helps them recall those happy memories in the childhood, recollects those forgotten knowledge. It aims to attract audience of primary school students, as well as adults. In this quiz show, a group of primary school students and a team of adults are competing on the same stage, for those seemingly familiar and seemingly simple questions from primary school subjects. It is fun to see the embarrassment of those adult competitors unable to answer those easy questions, and it is also fun to see those primary students showing off their knowledge in front of their adult competitors. Altogether, there are 10 questions for each competitor, and those adults who can answer right all the 10 questions may have a chance to get the prize: 50 thousand YMB , but if he fail, he has to say to the audience, “wow, I am not so clever as a primary school student” and then he is replaced by another adults. Wow, it"s so funny that after so many years education, almost no adults could win the game and get the prize. And it"s so interesting that this quiz show can bring so many parents and children in front of their TV sets to enjoy their get-together. I like the feeling of watching this kind of TV programs. 雅思口语Part 2话题:A Show or a Performance 雅思口语Part 2话题参考答案 Describe a show or performance You should say: what kind of performance it was when and where you saw it how it was performed and explain how you felt about this performance. My friends and I visited Laoshe Teahouse in Beijing last summer. It was our first time to visit such a famous place. We not only had nice tea but also enjoyed Chinese traditional art performances. It has been quite an impressive experience to me, and to my friends, too. The teahouse is to the southwest of Tian"an Men Square. Its amazing Beijing style has attracted hundreds of visitors from home and abroad every day. Before we decided to go, we had heard a lot about that place and we got very excited. We got even more excited when the performance was about to begin-audience from different parts of the world made the atmosphere hot. The performance began with a thrilling starting music. It was folk music played with Chinese traditional instruments. by Teahouse Music Band. The drum beats immediately dragged people"s attention. After starting music was Peking Opera Highlights with the name Presents from Magu. I didn"t quite follow its plot because I didn"t understand their singing. However, I like the music and the way it was presented. The most unforgettable show came when an artist from Sichuan started performing Face-Changing of Sichuan Opera. It was just like magic. He changed his face so quickly that no one could tell how he could manage that. This show gained much applause from the audience. I am glad that I took my friends from the US to the Laoshe Teahouse that evening. We had wonderful time there. I like this kind of performance. It has become a special showcase of the essence of Chinese national culture, and a bridge connecting China with the rest of the world. Part 3 Artistic Performances 1. Are traditional art forms performed very much in China? In some small cities and towns, where popular modern art is less introduced into, traditional art forms are still playing an important role in entertaining local people. In big cities, like Beijing and Shanghai, traditional art forms are kept well and performed a lot in big and small theatres. I think people are getting more aware of protecting our own traditions, including traditional art performances. And this is why it"s now a fashion to go and watch a really good Beijing Opera show at a not so low price. 2. How does TV program help to spread traditional culture? TV program helps greatly to spread traditional culture, definitely. For an obvious reason, people have easier access to a TV program than to a live show. Every one can afford it. So, with the help of TV show, more people would have the chance to be exposed to traditional culture. 3. What benefits do you think people derive from watching performances or visiting art exhibitions? In my opinion, art is not a necessity in our life, like food and drink. But life cannot be without art. Sounds contradictory? Well, I mean, what people derive from watching performances or visiting art exhibitions is mental pleasure and satisfaction. People say art is the reflection of life. I agree. Suppose after a day of hard work, what will a piece of beautiful music bring to us? Comfort, relief, refreshment, and so many other mental enjoyment. Life is hard, but thanks to art, we become less depressed. 4. Do you think people generally prefer to go to a concert or to listen to recordings of music? Generally, the majority would prefer to listen to recordings of music. It"s much easy to get and every one could afford the money and time. Besides, concert is concert. It"s live, and it"s one-time. You get there, you listen to it, and it"s over. Recordings can be listened to for many times. People choose to listen to their favorite recordings at any time, any place they like to. The Performing Arts and Children 1. What is the value of watching artistic performance (or experiencing artistic activities) in relation to children"s development? Beauty education is important in children"s development. Watching artistic performance or experiencing artistic activities is a good way to have such an education. It helps children to build up their understanding of this world. They get to know what is beautiful and what is ugly, which is good for their growing-up. But there is one thing we have to be careful about. That is to choose the proper performance and activities, improper ones could only lead to a bad education. 2. What is the value of children learning to perform, such as learning to sing or dance in front of an audience? It depends on if the child him/herself likes to do it or not. If it"s his/her own willingness to learn, it"s a hobby. Learning to perform will be a pleasant experience. Knowing how to perform could be a treasure for the child"s future development. Performing could be a well-paid occupation. However, if it"s not the child"s own wish to learn, it could be torture and I don"t think the child could get anything positive from the learning. 3. Do you think the performing arts should be included in school curriculums? (Why?/ Why not?) Performing arts should be included in school curriculums as an optional course, but not a compulsive one. If it"s optional, students with interest can choose to attend the course and develop their performing talent. For students who are not that involved in performing, they can have enough freedom not to choose to attend the course. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time for those who don"t like performing. 4. Do boys and girls have the same feelings/attitudes about performing (or watching) an artistic performance? For me, it"s a little blind to give a yes-or-no answer to this question. Well, if there is difference, I see it as the difference between individuals, but not between boys and girls.But…well, yes, I guess it"s easier for girls to get involved and become part of the story. I remember when I watched the play Cinderella many years ago, I cried when Cinderella was being tortured, but the boy sitting next to me didn"t. 5. Who do you think is more suited to learning how to dance - boys or girls? It"s hard to say. We have female dancers as well as many successful male ones dancing on the world stage. I mean male dancers can achieve as high as females dancers do. However it is a fact that more girls are learning how to dance at an early age than boys. The Chinese thinking is like this. Girls have to be pretty, and dancing girls are just fancy. But for boys people hold different expectations. Boys are expected to be playful and tough. It is not seen as a right thing for boys to learn how to dance. 雅思口语自学有什么建议 雅思口语怎么自学? 第一:大量背诵原汁原味的单句、对话、生活习语。 第二:把每天背诵过的素材反复消化,借助想像力,身临其境把它们表演出来。 第三:写 日记 。这个习惯看上去练习的是写作,其实它更是练习口语的妙法。当你动笔的同时,你的大脑正在激烈地做着英文 体操 。用英文进行思维是高级的口语训练 方法 。 第四:大量阅读报刊、杂志及各种 故事 、杂文,之后将它们复述出来。(超级提示:是"复述"而非"背诵"。)同一篇 文章 的复述工作应该反复滚动。 第五:一年左右逐渐过渡到用英文进行日常的思维活动。每当遇到不会的词、句就记录在本子上,集中解决,并定时更新、复习最理想的练习口语的方法是有个说英语的外国人天天在你身边陪你说英语,但这个条件一般谁也不具备,那么怎么来练习口语呢,有一个好办法非常可行,就是自己和自己说练习 英语口语 (当然后期还要找一些外国人进行语言交流体验),请相信自己和自己练习口语这一办法很管用,新体系英语有一个方法,叫“反述式口语练习法”,推荐给你: 拿出一篇英语文章来先看懂,反复看几遍,争取记住里面的内容(注意千万别背),然后把文章翻扣在桌上,对着墙用自己的英语将刚才读过的文章反说出来(注意是述说,不是背诵),一开始根本记不住,就打开文章再看一遍,然后再翻扣过来用英语述说。 雅思口语高分需要怎么答题 首先,在回答第一部分时,切忌回答过短。 一些初识雅思的学生在口语上遇到的最大障碍之一就是没话可说,每个问题的答案都只有寥寥几个词。比如:Are you working orstudying- I am working now. How do you spend your weekends- I spend my weekendsreading and watching TV. Do you read a lot in your spare time- Yes, I read a lotin mysparetime.其实如若您拿着这些问题去问一个初中生或甚至是小学生,他恐怕也能非常流利的给出这些答案的吧。既然如此,您又怎么能显示出您的水平决不仅止与此哪?雅思口语的高分诀窍就是要在很短的时间内将您的浑身解数都使出来。那么我们就要有意识的积累一些答题的技巧,也就是如何拓长自己的答案,并且灵活运用各种句型的方法。 此外,切题回答的本身就是对于细节的正确分析。 除了要注意运用适当的回答技巧之外,我们还要注意考题中的一些细节,通常对于这些细节的处理往往会直接决定第一部分的回答质量的好坏。由于口语考试的特点是需要学生在考官提出问题之后马上做出回答,过长的思考时间也会导致失分,所以我们在考官提出问题之后马上要对该问题迅速进行分析,同时给出答案 因此在考场中,考生回答偏题的现象时有发生。撇开考生由于语言水准问题理解错误的因素,有很多的偏题都是由于忽视考题中的细节问题所造成的。
2023-07-09 19:37:431

谁说我不在乎你 我只在乎你 A-SHOW 歌词

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2023-07-09 19:38:141

A-Show的《Emily》 歌词

歌曲名:Emily歌手:A-Show专辑:A-Show奇遇Artist:Brian MeloAlbum:Livin ItTitle:EmilyLRC-Maker:594-KingI look in my eyesSearching for signs of lifeDigging through darkness trying to seePity the sightTry to wipe up last nightThat"s not the kind of guy I want to beSweeping the city streetsOh picking up the piecestorn and scattered at my feetI"m down here on my knees asking for forgivenessHoping hard and begging"s not that I liedOh no, when I stopped tryingWas so sure you were mineTurned my back to youCos, I never believed you could just up and leave meDon"t know what I should doI"m not losing you againSweeping the city streetsOh picking up the piecesTorn and scattered at my feetI"m down here on my knees asking for forgivenessHoping hard and begging pleaseYou"re the one ( X4 )Sweeping the city streetsOh picking up the piecesTorn and scattered at my feetI"m down here on my knees asking for forgivenessHoping hard and begging pleaseEmily ( X4 )〖...Over...〗
2023-07-09 19:38:211


问题一:落伍?什么意思? 【词目】落伍 【拼音】luò wǔ 【英译】out 【结构】动宾结构 【基本解释】 比喻人或事物落在时代发展和形势要求的后面。 【出处】 老舍《骆驼祥子》十四:“那些老友的穿戴已经落伍。” 杨沫《青春之歌》第二部第二四章:“ 老郑 ,我怎么配帮助 晓燕 ?我现在落伍啦。” 问题二:你说我落伍了是啥意思? 思想跟不上潮流 问题三:落伍的意思是什么 嗯,确实,落伍收录是很快,但落伍已经变成很多卖签名的人的活动产所,每天都是上W的垃圾贴子,所以删除的很快 查看原帖>> 问题四:弥补落伍什么意思? 弥补落伍 比喻人或事物落在时代发展和形势要求的后面. 落后,跟不上时代的脚步. 问题五:OUT是不是落伍的意思 网络语言  你out了=你落伍了 跟不上潮流了! 问题六:女孩子说我落伍的意思是什么? 她问我懂在中国, 落伍的意思我懂吗。 A-show”的含义分释而言 “A”代表顶级,出色的意思“show”则寓意全心全意为大家演唱及展现,A-show就是要为大家带来最棒、最优秀的表演。不仅代表了对他们的期望,同时也表示成员们希望将最健康的一面展示给大家,以自己的行为使A-show成为一种清新、上进的力量,鼓励所有年轻人,要对自己充满信心,每个人都是最优秀、最棒的。 乐队成员 Chris 生日: 12月10日 星座: 射手座 特质:个性随和,有原则,对新事物的接受度高,好奇心强 ,勇于接受挑战 才华:随性的音乐感觉即兴的音乐创作 Licki 生日: 5月26日 星座: 双子座 特质:特有的双重性格,时而开朗、时而忧郁风格清新自然 、阳光笑脸深情迷人 才华:独特的嗓音音质、随性的创作意念 Henry 生日:5月21日 星座:双子座 特质:外型清秀、擅长创作对新事物的学习和新环境的适应 力强 才华:演唱功底强,唱法前卫,有很好的装饰音 吉神文化顷力打造的华语流行R& B组合A-show是由三个才艺双全的阳光男孩组成,自信、健康、积极的外型,优秀的唱功以及与众不同的音乐内涵,使他们对音乐赋予生活的含义有其更为独特的诠释。与众不同的声线、感性的唱功、个性化的表现力将使A-show魅力十足的登上了青春偶像的舞台。 “A-show”的含义分释而言,“A”代表顶级,出色的意思,“show”则寓意全心全 意为大家演唱及展现,A-show就是要为大家带来最棒、最优秀的表演。不仅代表了对他们的期望,同时也表示成员们希望将最健康的一面展示给大家,以自己的行为使A-show成为一种清新、上进的力量,鼓励所有年轻人,要对自己充满信心,每个人都是最优秀、最棒的。 在这个夏天,A-show组合的首张专辑《A-show奇遇》即将登场,而作为专辑中第一主打的“明天你会在哪里”也在近日由全国各地电台为广大迷奉上。 这首由A-show组合成员自己作曲完成的“明天你会在哪里”在忧伤的旋律中融入了较为强劲的R&B节奏,使整首既柔情万分又充满力度,这样的搭配,将词中本身的伤感之色极尽展现,也让A-show用自己的方式诠释了如今新一代年轻人对爱情的不同表达,从而体现了A-show组合自身独特的音乐感觉。 创作的最初正是处于灵感丰富的阶段,有一天Henry在楼下轻弹着吉他,慢 慢哼唱出副的部分,而这音乐声将Licki及Chris都吸引过来,大家不约而同,静静的融入到旋律中,倾听中Licki也有了灵感,将前面的音乐随即唱出,Chris做了整首的音乐过渡,创作的顺畅与他们一直以来的音乐学习积累是万万分不开的。 当成员第一次将曲目给人听时,人感觉旋律很不错,但认为曲整体缺乏力度感,因此人亲自进行编曲,并同成员一起编配合声,由于多年来成员一直不断模仿和演唱国外的乐队,都会即兴进行转音,这些为他们奠定了很好的基础,所以合声的工作很是得心应手,录音师录制过程中备感轻松。 虽然前面的节奏较为缓慢柔情,但随着音乐的不断延续,越来越有力度感的递进,使得曲给听众带来的音乐共鸣也越发不同。灵动的旋律伴随着伤感却又满怀期待的词义,让人不禁跟着A-show动情的演唱浮想联翩,近而全情投入到曲所要表达的意境中,释放自己的感情! 华人第一吉他、著名人江建民老师(部分经典作品:刘德华-笨小孩、齐秦-痛并快乐着、动力火车-无情的情书、熊天平-火柴天堂、陈升-新乐园、陈慧琳-浪漫、范晓萱-......>> 问题七:outer是落伍的意思吗 落伍的人! 问题八:太落伍了是什么意思 世间的事情都是如此:当你刻意地追求时,它就像蝴蝶一样振翅飞远;当你专心致志之时,意外的收获已悄悄来到你的身边! 问题九:老板说我不要落伍了,是什么意思? 这是暗示你工作落后了 跟不上大部队了 或者说你的思想太保守 跟不上时代的进步了 需要学习新鲜的知识 需要努力提高工作业绩 跟上同事的步伐 跟上老板的要求
2023-07-09 19:38:321


show用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that/wh-从句作宾语。也可接双宾语。show也可用作不及物动词,有表明,证明等含义。show的释义 v.表明; 证明; 给…看; 出示; 展示; (通过示范) 教,解说; 演示; n.演出; 歌舞表演; (电视或广播) 节目; 展览; 展览会; 第三人称单数:shows 现在分词:showing 过去式:showed 过去分词:shown show的用法 1、show的基本意思是“给…看”,可指有意或无意地将某物置于他人视野内,也可指将他人带到能看到该物的地方。show也可作“上演、展出”; “为…带路”,“带…到某处”解,引申还可表示“表现出”“显露出”“流露出”; “说明”“表明”; “呈现”等。 2、show可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that/wh-从句作宾语。也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that/wh-从句充当,间接宾语则可转化为介词to的宾语。 3、show还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由(to be+)名词或形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式的完成式、现在分词充当。 4、show是可数名词,基本意思是“表演”“演出”,尤指戏院、夜总会、广播或电视上的节目,引申可表示“展览,展览物,展览会”,多指小型展览会。 5、show还可作“显示,展示”解,常用作单数,可用不定冠词修饰,且常与of连用。 6、show的过去式是showed,过去分词可以是shown,也可以是showed。用于被动结构中只能用shown,不能用showed,用于主动结构中shown和showed均可,但showed用得较少。
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show作名词时意为演出、歌舞表演、(电视或广播)节目、展览、展览会,作动词时意为表明、证明、给…看、出示、展示、(通过示范)教、解说、演示。 “show”是一个很常见的英语单词,使用频率是非常高的,那么你知道这个单词的意思是什么吗?又有哪些用法呢?下面就来跟大家详细介绍一下。 详细内容 01 show 英 [u0283u0259u028a] 美 [u0283ou028a] v.表明;证明;给…看;出示;展示;(通过示范)教,解说;演示 n.演出;歌舞表演;(电视或广播)节目;展览;展览会 第三人称单数: shows 现在分词: showing 过去式: showed 过去分词: shown showed 02 短语 game show 游戏节目 ; 穿越火线 ; 游戏秀 ; 比赛节目 show jumping 场地障碍赛 ; 超越障碍比赛 ; 障碍赛 ; 场地障碍 Peep Show 窥视秀 ; 西洋景 ; 西洋镜 ; 偷窥秀 quiz show 智力竞争节目 ; 机智问答 ; 智力竞赛节目 ; 幕后谎言 Show Guides 锁定参考线 ; 显示辅助线 ; 显示标尺辅助线命令 ; 锁订参考线 road show 路演 ; 巡回演出 ; 法人说明会 ; 说明会 trade show 贸易展览 ; 参加展会 ; 展销会 ; 商贸展 Slide Show 壁纸自动换 ; 幻灯播放 ; 幻灯片 ; 幻灯片放映 show case 玻璃柜台 ; 作品展示 ; 陈列柜 ; 样片展示 03 同义词辨析 appear v. 出现,亮相 强调进入视野为人所见,也指公开露面为公众所看见。 A warship appeared near the harbour. 一艘军舰出现在港口附近。 arise v. 出现 多指问题、困境等出现。 A crisis has arisen in the Foreign Office. 外交部出现了危机。 emerge v. 出现,显露 指从某个掩蔽处出现或摆脱遮挡物而被看见,强调缓缓出现的过程,常后接介词 from。 When we look a bit deeper, problems begin to emerge. 我们探讨得再深入一点就发现,问题开始出现了。 loom v. 隐约出现 尤指轮廓不清、令人惊恐地隐现。 An island loomed on the horizon. 一座岛屿赫然出现在地平线上。 show v. 显现,显出 语气较强,强调明显地表现出来。 Spain"s economy began to show signs of recovery. 西班牙的经济开始显露出复苏的迹象。 04 双语例句 Research shows that a high-fibre diet may protect you from bowel cancer 研究表明高纤维饮食可预防肠癌。 Figure 4.1 shows the respiratory system 图表4.1所示为呼吸系统。 Cut out this article and show it to your bank manager 将这篇文章剪下来,拿给你的银行经理看。 Let me show you to my study 我带你去我的书房。 Claire showed us how to make a chocolate roulade 克莱尔给我们示范了如何做巧克力卷。 He showed his teeth in a humourless grin 他一本正经地咧嘴笑了笑。 Elsie has had enough time to show her gratitude 埃尔茜有足够的时间来表达她的感激之情。
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表演 展示
2023-07-09 19:40:005

每年儿童节晚上都有演出 用英语。 there is a show --___ __ ___ ___ Children's Day every year.

there is a show --_in__ the __ _night__ _of__ Children's Day every year.
2023-07-09 19:40:411


show around(v.+prep.) 领…参观 take sb to look around ▲show sb around sth Now that you are all here, let me show you around our farm.既然大家都到齐了,我就带你们参观我们的农场吧。 Did you show him around the school?你领他参观学校了吗?show in(v.+adv.) 把…领进,迎进 guide in ▲show sb in Show the visitors in, will you?请把参观者迎进来好吗? Part of the nurse"s job is to show people in to the doctor"s office.把人们领进医生的诊室是护士工作的一部分。show off(v.+adv.) 1.使…突出 high light sth 〔说明〕 show off作此解时不用于进行体。 ▲show sthu21d4offThese lights show the place off very nicely.这些灯把这里照得非常明亮。 This colour shows your complexion off to the best advantage.这种颜色使你的脸显得格外好看。 Gold hangings were used to show off the pictures.金色的吊帘被用来突出那些图片。 2.展示,炫耀,卖弄 exhibit or boast by words or actions ▲show offHe never shows off.他从不卖弄自己的才能。 Oh, stop showing off!哎呀,别炫耀自己啦! It is very shameful of him to show off.他向人炫耀自己,真不害臊。 Don"t take any notice of him. He is just showing off.别管他,他不过在显示自己而已。 ▲show oneself/sthu21d4offShe likes to show herself off.她喜欢自我炫耀。 He likes to show off his abilities.他喜欢卖弄自己的才能。 They showed off their acrobatics, to our great amusement.他们表演杂技,使我们感到有趣极了。 She loves showing off her new dress.她喜欢炫耀自己的新衣服。 He has a very expensive wristwatch and he misses no opportunity to show it off.他有一只昂贵的手表,他总是不放过任何机会来炫耀。show over〔round〕 (v.+adv.) 领…参观 take sb to look around ▲show sb over〔round〕 ◇ 用于be ~ed结构 They were taken to the house and shown over〔round〕.他们被领到那座房子四处参观。show through1(v.+adv.) 显露出; 表露出 be able to be seen through (sth such as a covering); be clear in spite of (sth hiding it) 〔说明〕 show through不用于进行体,也不用于被动结构。 ▲show throughThe new colour is lighter, and the old paint shows through.新刷的漆颜色较浅,使原来的漆显露出来。 Whatever part he is playing his own character still shows through.不管他扮演什么角色,他自己的性格仍然会表现出来。 He may be able to speak English very fluently, but his Chinese speech habit still shows through.他虽然能讲一口流利的英语,但还是流露出汉语的讲话习惯。show through2(v.+prep.) 透过…显露出 be able to be seen through (sth such as a covering) 〔说明〕 show through不用于进行体,也不用于被动结构。 ▲show through sth The old dog was so thin that his bones showed through his skin.那条老狗瘦骨嶙峋。 ue0b3show up(v.+adv.) 1.显而易见; 使显示出 be easily visible; make visible 〔说明〕 show up常不用于进行体。 ▲show upA police-woman put some chemicals on the piece of paper, and a line of words showed up.一位女警察在一张纸条上涂上化学药品,一行字迹清晰地显示了出来。 Her wrinkles showed up in the strong sunlight.强烈的阳光使她脸上的皱纹更明显了。 ▲show sthu21d4up The quiz showed up Cane"s weak points in physics.这次小测验显出了凯恩在物理学方面的弱点。 The lawyer showed the witness"s testimony up.律师证明证人的证词失实。 2.到场,出席 come; appear; turn up ▲show upHe promised to come on Tuesday but he never showed up.他答应星期二来,可是一直未露面。 Not one student showed up for the scheduled meeting.没有一个学生出席预定的会议。 She showed up late.她姗姗来迟。 3.羞辱,使丢脸 humiliate; shame ▲show sb up She likes to show people up in public.她爱当众羞辱人。 He showed his parents up rather badly.他给他父母丢尽了脸。还有一些show有关的短语:1. all over the show[口语]到处,遍地2. Bad show !差劲! (表示灰心、不满等)3. be fond of show喜欢卖弄4. be the whole show做主角;包办代替5. boss the show= run the show6. do a show[俚语]去娱乐场所(如看戏、看电影等)7. for show为了外表,为了装门面,为引起注意;为炫耀8. get a (fair) show得到一个(公平的)机会9. get the show on the road开始巡回演出;付诸实施10. give (someone) a show给(某人)一个机会;公平地对待(某人)11. give away the show 或 give the show away[口语]泄露机密;露出马脚12. Good show!干得好!真棒!(表示赞许等)13. go to a show去看演出14. go to show说明,证明15. have a show有机会;有可能16. have nothing to show for在…上没有什么成绩可言(或报偿)17. I"ll show you (或him等).你(或他) 等着瞧吧!我会给你(或他)一点颜色看看!18. in dumb show用手势表示19. in show表面上;有名无实地20. let the whole show down让整个组织(或机构等)名誉扫地21. make a show of oneself出洋相,出丑22. make a show of someone使某人丢丑(或出洋相);嘲弄某人23. make a show of something卖弄某物;装出某种样子24. on show展览中,在公开展出25. Poor show!= Bad show !26. put on a show假装;装模作样27. put the (或 this) show on the road= get the show on the road28. put up a good show干得漂亮29. put up a show= put on a show30. run the show[口语]组织项目(或活动);主管一次活动;指挥一切;操纵局面31. “show me”spirit of the Missourians密苏里人的不轻信的精神32. show something the fire把某物稍加热33. stand a show= have a show34. steal the showa. (配角)抢戏,抢镜头;大受欢迎b. 成为中心人物(或事件)35. stop the show(因表演精彩)热烈掌声打断演出36. The show must go on.戏还得照演;事还要做下去。采纳吧谢谢
2023-07-09 19:40:492


all over the show [口]到处, 遍地 be the whole show [美]充当主要角色; 唱独脚戏; 包办代替 be fond of show 喜欢卖弄 bench show [美]狗[猫]展览会 boss the show 操纵; 主持(演出) run the show 操纵; 主持(演出) by a show of hands 举手表决 chat show (电视台)现场访问节目 dumb show 哑剧; 手势 fashion show 时装展览 floor show 夜总会席地节目演出 for a show 为夸耀, 为给人家看 get a fair show [美][澳]得到公平[合适]的机会 give away the (whole) show 露马脚, 泄露秘密 give sb. a fair show 给与表现机会, 公正地对待某人 go to show 说明, 证明 good show [口]显著成绩 have a show of 有机会, 有可能 have the show of 有机会, 有可能 stand a show of 有机会, 有可能 stand the show of 有机会, 有可能 have sth. to show for 在...方面有可显示的成绩 hush-hush show [讽, 口]极端秘密的事 in dumb show 打着手势 in open show 公然 in show 外表上, 有名无实地 leg show 大腿舞 let the whole show down 搞垮整个事情 make a good show 好看, 大出洋相 make a show of sth. 卖弄, 显示; 展览; 装样子 make a show of oneself 丢丑, 出洋相 meat show [美俚]卖弄色相的脱衣舞 on show被展出 one-house show 经费不足, 效率不高的小商店, 小企业 picture show 画展; 电影, 电影院 put on a show 假装, 装病 put up a good show 演出好[不好], 干得好[不好] put up a bad show 演出好[不好], 干得好[不好] quiz show 智力竞赛节目 quiz program 智力竞赛节目 raree show 西洋镜[景]; 街头演出 road show 巡回演出; (首轮影院的)新片放映 run away with the show [美俚]取得特别突出的成就, 成为人们注意的中心 run the show 操纵; 主持(演出) side show 穿插的小节目; 枝节问题, 次要事件 stand no show of sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划 stand no show to do sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划 have no show of sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划 have no show to do sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划 steal the show 抢镜头 stop the show 赢得热烈的掌声而使表演为之中断 talent show 业余能手演唱会 talk show [美](电视、无线电)访问节目, 座谈节目 whole show 整个组织, 全部活动 唯一重要的人物, 显要人物, 注意中心 Wild West show [美]牛仔戏 show forth [古]公布于众, 发表, 宣布 show in 领进(客人等) show into 领进(客人等) show itself 呈现, 露出 show off卖弄, 炫耀 陈列; 使显眼 show of hands 举手(表决) show of reason 似乎有理 show oneself 出现, 露面 show one"s cards 摊牌, 公开自己的计划; 吐露自己的真实打算 show one"s colours 摊牌, 公开自己的计划; 吐露自己的真实打算 show one"s hand 表明自己的计划或意图 show one"s heels 一溜烟地逃走;[美]【体】追过, 大显比赛的优越本领 show one"s teeth 发怒 show sb. the door 逐出, [美]拒绝要求 show out 送出(客人) show sb. over 领某人(到处)参观 show sb. round 领某人(到处)参观 show sb. around 领某人(到处)参观 show sb. what one is made of 向某人显自已的才能、力量、品德等 show the wing (用飞行访问)显示空军力量 show up 到席, 露面; 显眼; 暴露; 揭发; 嘲笑; 使人难堪
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show sb sth =show sth to sb
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show还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由(to be+)名词或形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式的完成式、现在分词充当。show还可作“显示,展示”解,常用作单数,可用不定冠词修饰,且常与of连用。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that/wh-从句作宾语。show的释义 v.表明; 证明; 给…看; 出示; 展示; (通过示范) 教,解说; 演示; n.演出; 歌舞表演; (电视或广播) 节目; 展览; 展览会; 第三人称单数:shows 现在分词:showing 过去式:showed 过去分词:shown show的用法 1、show的基本意思是“给…看”,可指有意或无意地将某物置于他人视野内,也可指将他人带到能看到该物的地方。show也可作“上演、展出”; “为…带路”,“带…到某处”解,引申还可表示“表现出”“显露出”“流露出”; “说明”“表明”; “呈现”等。 2、show可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that/wh-从句作宾语。也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that/wh-从句充当,间接宾语则可转化为介词to的宾语。 3、show还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由(to be+)名词或形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式的完成式、现在分词充当。 4、show是可数名词,基本意思是“表演”“演出”,尤指戏院、夜总会、广播或电视上的节目,引申可表示“展览,展览物,展览会”,多指小型展览会。 5、show还可作“显示,展示”解,常用作单数,可用不定冠词修饰,且常与of连用。 6、show的过去式是showed,过去分词可以是shown,也可以是showed。用于被动结构中只能用shown,不能用showed,用于主动结构中shown和showed均可,但showed用得较少。
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2023-07-09 19:44:182


“show”是一个很常见的英语单词,使用频率是非常高的,那么你知道这个单词的意思是什么吗?又有哪些用法呢?下面就来跟大家详细介绍一下。 简要回答 show作名词时意为演出、歌舞表演、(电视或广播)节目、展览、展览会,作动词时意为表明、证明、给…看、出示、展示、(通过示范)教、解说、演示。 详细内容 show 英 [u0283u0259u028a] 美 [u0283ou028a] v.表明;证明;给…看;出示;展示;(通过示范)教,解说;演示 n.演出;歌舞表演;(电视或广播)节目;展览;展览会 第三人称单数: shows 现在分词: showing 过去式: showed 过去分词: shown showed 短语 game show 游戏节目 ; 穿越火线 ; 游戏秀 ; 比赛节目 show jumping 场地障碍赛 ; 超越障碍比赛 ; 障碍赛 ; 场地障碍 Peep Show 窥视秀 ; 西洋景 ; 西洋镜 ; 偷窥秀 quiz show 智力竞争节目 ; 机智问答 ; 智力竞赛节目 ; 幕后谎言 Show Guides 锁定参考线 ; 显示辅助线 ; 显示标尺辅助线命令 ; 锁订参考线 road show 路演 ; 巡回演出 ; 法人说明会 ; 说明会 trade show 贸易展览 ; 参加展会 ; 展销会 ; 商贸展 Slide Show 壁纸自动换 ; 幻灯播放 ; 幻灯片 ; 幻灯片放映 show case 玻璃柜台 ; 作品展示 ; 陈列柜 ; 样片展示 同义词辨析 appear v. 出现,亮相 强调进入视野为人所见,也指公开露面为公众所看见。 A warship appeared near the harbour. 一艘军舰出现在港口附近。 arise v. 出现 多指问题、困境等出现。 A crisis has arisen in the Foreign Office. 外交部出现了危机。 emerge v. 出现,显露 指从某个掩蔽处出现或摆脱遮挡物而被看见,强调缓缓出现的过程,常后接介词 from。 When we look a bit deeper, problems begin to emerge. 我们探讨得再深入一点就发现,问题开始出现了。 loom v. 隐约出现 尤指轮廓不清、令人惊恐地隐现。 An island loomed on the horizon. 一座岛屿赫然出现在地平线上。 show v. 显现,显出 语气较强,强调明显地表现出来。 Spain"s economy began to show signs of recovery. 西班牙的经济开始显露出复苏的迹象。 双语例句 Research shows that a high-fibre diet may protect you from bowel cancer 研究表明高纤维饮食可预防肠癌。 Figure 4.1 shows the respiratory system 图表4.1所示为呼吸系统。 Cut out this article and show it to your bank manager 将这篇文章剪下来,拿给你的银行经理看。 Let me show you to my study 我带你去我的书房。 Claire showed us how to make a chocolate roulade 克莱尔给我们示范了如何做巧克力卷。 He showed his teeth in a humourless grin 他一本正经地咧嘴笑了笑。 Elsie has had enough time to show her gratitude 埃尔茜有足够的时间来表达她的感激之情。
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  并不是我们在表演过去时才会用到show,只要掌握它的用法,它的出场率也是杠杠的。以下是我给大家带来show的过去式和用法及例句,以供参阅。   show的各种时态   过去分词: shown   过去式: showed   现在分词: showing   show的用法   show的用法1:show的基本意思是“给u2026看”,可指有意或无意地将某物置于他人视野内,也可指将他人带到能看到该物的地方。show也可作“上演、展出”; “为u2026带路”,“带u2026到某处”解,引申还可表示“表现出”“显露出”“流露出”; “说明”“表明”; “呈现”等。   show的用法2:show可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that/wh-从句作宾语。也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that/wh-从句充当,间接宾语则可转化为介词to的宾语。show还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由(to be+)名词或形容词、副词、介词 短语 、动词不定式的完成式、现在分词充当。   show的用法3:show的过去式是showed,过去分词可以是shown,也可以是showed。用于被动结构中只能用shown,不能用showed,用于主动结构中shown和showed均可,但showed用得较少。   show的用法4:在美式英语中, show还可作“露面”解,属于非正式用法。   show的过去式例句   1. Middle East peace talks in Washington showed signs of progress yesterday.   昨天在华盛顿举行的中东和谈有了取得进展的迹象。   2. The boy first showed promise as an athlete in grade school.   这个男孩在上小学的时候就初次显示出成为运动员的潜力。   3. He showed great courage by admitting that he is an alcoholic.   他以极大的勇气承认自己酗酒。   4. The letter showed horribly clearly the workings of a twisted mind.   那封信非常清楚地表明了一个变态者的 思维方式 。   5. He was wearing shorts which showed his long, muscular, hairy legs.   他穿着短裤,露出自己强壮多毛的长腿。   6. CBS"s ratings again showed huge improvement over the previous year.   与前一年相比,哥伦比亚广播公司的收视率再次大幅提高。   7. Family therapy showed us how to communicate with each other.   家庭疗法指导我们彼此之间的沟通交流。   8. She showed him around the ground floor of the empty house.   她带他参观了这处空房子的底楼。   9. The targets would not be achieved unless other departments showed equal commitment.   除非其他部门同样努力,否则这些目标无法达成。   10. His citation says he showed outstanding and exemplary courage.   颁给他的嘉奖令称他表现出非凡的勇气,堪为表率。   11. She showed me round and introduced me to everybody.   她领着我四处看了看,将我介绍给每个人。   12. Ms Senatorova showed an instinctive feel for market economics.   谢纳托罗娃女士对市场经济学有一种天生的敏感。   13. The figures showed that cash was haemorrhaging from the conglomerate.   数据表明,这家集团的现金正在大量流失。   14. Jack showed off his latest squeeze at the weekend.   周末杰克炫耀了一番自己新交的女朋友。   15. Every cover showed a woman in a state of undress.   每个封面上都有一名裸体女子。   show的英语例句   1. Leshka waved him away with a show of irritation.   廖什克恼火地挥手让他离开。   2. The evening show was terrible, with hesitant unsure performances from all.   晚上的演出很糟,所有人都缩手缩脚,显得很不自信。   3. This show, too, was virtually sold out before it opened.   这场演出的门票也是几乎在开演前就销售一空了。   4. Who do you suppose will replace her on the show?   你觉得谁会代替她参加这场演出?   5. It was time now to show more political realism.   现在是拿出更多政治务实精神的时候了。   6. The ideas in the show"s presentation were good, but failed in execution.   那场展览陈述的想法很好,但是没能实现。   7. She had hoped the couple would put on a show of unity.   她曾经希望那对夫妇会表现出和睦相处的样子。   8. Show me which one you like and I"ll buy it for you.   指给我看你喜欢哪个,我给你买。   9. She shook her fist. "I"ll show you," she said.   她挥了挥拳头,“我要让你看看,”她说。   10. But Ivanisevic"s no-show will be a blow for Wimbledon chiefs.   但伊万尼塞维奇不能参赛对温布尔登主办方将是一个重大打击。   11. A young Moroccan stopped by police refused to show his papers.   一位被警察拦下的摩洛哥青年拒绝出示他的证件。   12. The results show the level of frustration among hospital doctors.   这些结果显示了医院医生的不满程度。   13. They have a tendency to show off, to dramatize almost every situation.   他们爱炫耀,几乎对每种情况都添油加醋。   14. Would they forgive and forget — or show him the door?   他们会既往不咎吗——还是会对他下逐客令呢?   15. During each show we will be raffling a fabulous prize.
2023-07-09 19:45:111

谁能给我show 的相关短语翻译,谢谢!

习惯用语 all over the show [口]到处, 遍地 all over the shop [口]到处, 遍地 all over the place [口]到处, 遍地 be the whole show [美]充当主要角色; 唱独脚戏; 包办代替 be fond of show 喜欢卖弄 bench show [美]狗[猫]展览会 boss the show 操纵; 主持(演出) run the show 操纵; 主持(演出) by a show of hands 举手表决 chat show (电视台)现场访问节目 dumb show 哑剧; 手势 fashion show 时装展览 fashion parade 时装展览 floor show 夜总会席地节目演出 for a show 为夸耀, 为给人家看 get a fair show [美][澳]得到公平[合适]的机会 give away the (whole) show 露马脚, 泄露秘密 give sb. a fair show 给与表现机会, 公正地对待某人 go to show 说明, 证明 good show [口]显著成绩 have a show of 有机会, 有可能 have the show of 有机会, 有可能 stand a show of 有机会, 有可能 stand the show of 有机会, 有可能 have sth. to show for 在...方面有可显示的成绩 hush-hush show [讽, 口]极端秘密的事 in dumb show 打着手势 in open show 公然 in show 外表上, 有名无实地 leg show 大腿舞 let the whole show down 搞垮整个事情 make a good show 好看, 大出洋相 make a show of sth. 卖弄, 显示; 展览; 装样子 make a show of oneself 丢丑, 出洋相 meat show [美俚]卖弄色相的脱衣舞 on show 被展出 one-house show 经费不足, 效率不高的小商店, 小企业 picture show 画展; 电影, 电影院 put on a show 假装, 装病 put up a good show 演出好[不好], 干得好[不好] put up a bad show 演出好[不好], 干得好[不好] quiz show 智力竞赛节目 quiz program 智力竞赛节目 raree show 西洋镜[景]; 街头演出 road show 巡回演出; (首轮影院的)新片放映 run away with the show [美俚]取得特别突出的成就, 成为人们注意的中心 run the show 操纵; 主持(演出) side show 穿插的小节目; 枝节问题, 次要事件 stand no show of sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划 stand no show to do sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划 have no show of sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划 have no show to do sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划 steal the show 抢镜头 stop the show 赢得热烈的掌声而使表演为之中断 talent show 业余能手演唱会 talk show [美](电视、无线电)访问节目, 座谈节目 whole show 整个组织, 全部活动 唯一重要的人物, 显要人物, 注意中心 Wild West show [美]牛仔戏 show forth [古]公布于众, 发表, 宣布 show in 领进(客人等) show into 领进(客人等) show itself 呈现, 露出 show off 卖弄, 炫耀 陈列; 使显眼 show of hands 举手(表决) show of reason 似乎有理 show oneself 出现, 露面 show one"s cards 摊牌, 公开自己的计划; 吐露自己的真实打算 show one"s colours 摊牌, 公开自己的计划; 吐露自己的真实打算 show one"s hand 表明自己的计划或意图 show one"s heels 一溜烟地逃走;[美]【体】追过, 大显比赛的优越本领 show one"s teeth 发怒 show sb. the door 逐出, [美]拒绝要求 show out 送出(客人) show sb. over 领某人(到处)参观 show sb. round 领某人(到处)参观 show sb. around 领某人(到处)参观 show sb. what one is made of 向某人显自已的才能、力量、品德等 show the wing (用飞行访问)显示空军力量 show up 到席, 露面; 显眼; 暴露; 揭发; 嘲笑; 使人难堪
2023-07-09 19:45:291