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uptown girl歌词的中文意思?

英文歌词Uptown girl, she"s been living in her uptown world I bet she never had a back street guy. I bet her mama never told her why I"m gonna try for an uptown girl, she"s been living in her white bread world As long as anyone with hot blood can and now she"s looking for a downtown man That"s what I am And when she knows what she wants from her time And when she wakes up and makes up her mind she"ll see I"m not so tough Just because I"m in love with an uptown girlYou know I"ve seen her in her uptown world She"s getting tired of her high class toys And all her presents from her uptown boys. She"s got a choice Uptown girl, you know I can"t afford to buy her pearls But maybe someday when my ship comes in She"ll understand what kind of guy I"ve been and then I"ll winAnd when she"s walking she"s looking so fine And when she"s talking she"ll say that she"s mine She"ll say I"m not so tough just because I"m in love with an uptown girl She"s been living in her white bread world As long as anyone with hot blood can And now she"s looking for a downtown man. That"s what I am Uptown girl. She"s my uptown girl You know I"m in love with an uptown girl My uptown girl, you know I"m in love with an uptown girl She is my uptown girl, you know I"m in love with an uptown girl My uptown girl中文歌词窈窕淑女,她住在那高档的住宅区 我赌她从没跟街头男孩交往过,我赌她妈妈也从没跟她说过为什么不可 我想交个窈窕淑女,她住在那高档的住宅区 只要是热血青年就有机会,现在她来寻找乡村男孩。那就是我呀日子一天天过去,她会明白她想要什么 等她从梦中醒来,就会做好决定,她会发现我这人不错因为我们相爱了我在她的世界看见过她,看得出她已经玩腻了她的高档玩具 还有那些富家公子送她的高档礼物。她现在有其他的选择了窈窕淑女,你知道我没钱给你买珍珠首饰 但搞不好哪天我的好运来了,她就会知道我是多么好的人,那时我就成功了当她走在路上,她看起来是那么婀娜当她和别人聊天时,她会说我们俩是一对 她会发现我这人不错,因为我爱上了一个窕淑女她住在那高档的住宅区,只要是热血青年就有机会 现在她来寻找乡村男孩,那就是我呀窈窕淑女,她是我的窈窕淑女你知道我们相爱了我的窈窕淑女,我跟窈窕淑女恋爱了她是我的窈窕淑女,我跟窈窕淑女恋爱了我的窈窕淑女

updown girl 是什么意思?

uptown和downtown是对反义词,downtown一般指城市的商业区(非住宅区),uptown就是指专门的住宅区,在国外高级住宅区一般是在城市外面的(或者说与商业区分开的),因为环境比较好(小时候地理课本好像学过),所以uptown girl应该就是指条件很好的富家女。uptown girl是美国的billy joel创作并演唱的(原唱的mv里面billy是个修车工,而girl是从劳斯莱斯里出来的/westlife翻唱版mv里的girl更不得了,德国名模claudia schiffer)中国好多人翻译成“窈窕淑女”。Uptown Girl - Westlife Uptown girl 街区女孩 You know I can"t afford to buy her pearls 你知道我给她买不起珠宝 But maybe someday when my ship comes in 但也许有一天当我来到她身边 She"ll understand what kind of guy I"ve been 她会明白我是什么样的人 And then I"ll win 然后我就成功了 And when she"s walking 当她漫步时 She"s looking so fine 她看起来很不错 And when she"s talking 当她说话时 She"ll say that she"s mine 她会说她属于我 She"ll say I"m not so tough 她会说我不是那么的粗鲁 Just because 只是因为 I"m in love 我恋爱了 With an uptown girl 和一个街区女孩 She"s been living in her uptown world 她一直住在她那奢华的街区世界里 I bet she never had a back street guy 我打赌她从来没有约过一个穷小子 I bet her mama never told her why 我打赌她妈妈从未告诉她原因 I"m gonna try for an uptown girl 我要去尝试一下 She"s been living in her white bread world 她一直都住在她那富有的世界里 As long as anyone with hot blood can 只要能热血沸腾 And now she"s looking for a downtown man 现在她在寻找着一个穷小子 That"s what I am 那就是我 And when she knows what 当她知道时 She wants from her time 她会与我共度时光 And when she wakes up 当她醒来时 And makes up her mind 决定了她的想法 She"ll see I"m not so tough 她会看见我不是那么的粗鲁 Just because 只是因为 I"m in love with an uptown girl 我爱上了这个街区女孩 You know I"ve seen her in her uptown world 你知道我在富人区看见过她 She"s getting tired of her high class toys 她厌烦了她那些高级玩具 And all her presents from her uptown boys 还有那些有钱公子们的礼物 She"s got a choice 她有了选择 灏明唱过的

uptown girl什么意思

uptown girl,上城女孩纽约的曼哈顿,分为上城,中城,下城(也叫市中心)上城是富人住的地方,所以,uptown girl,有富余家庭的女孩的意思

uptwon girl 什么意思


uptown girl什么意思

uptown girl词典窈窕淑女; 高贵淑女网络住宅区女孩; 上城女郎; 上城女孩双语例句 My uptown girl, you know I"m in love with an uptown girl. 我的上城女孩,你知道我爱上一个上城女孩。

英语uptown girl怎么翻译?


in order to know a foreign language thoroughly(完全地), four things are necessary. Firstly, we mus

小题1:B小题2:D小题3:C小题4:D 试题分析:本文讲述的是在外语学习方面要注意的不同的问题,以及学习语言最后的方法就是用。小题1:B 细节题。根据文章第一段Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear it spoken. secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves, with confidence(自信) and without hesitation(犹豫). Thirdly, we must do much reading. Finally, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are correct in grammar.可知学习关于听,说,读,写四个方面。故B正确。小题2:D 推理题。根据文章第二段We must learn by using the language. If we are pleased with a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. We must "learn through use". Practice is important. We must practice speaking and writing the language whenever we can.可知使用是学习语言最重要的方法,故D项正确。小题3:C 细节题。根据文章最后2句We must "learn through use". Practice is important. We must practice speaking and writing the language whenever we can.可知练习和使用是最有效的方法,故C正确。小题4:D 推理题。根据文章最后3行If we are pleased with a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. We must "learn through use". Practice is important. We must practice speaking and writing the language whenever we can可知"learn through use"有两方面的含义:通过使用来学习,学习的目的也是为了使用。故D项正确。点评:本文讲述的是学习语言的方法。文章基本上是考查细节题,对此类题型考生可以首先从问题中找到关键词,然后以此为线索,运用略读及查阅的技巧在文中迅速寻找这一细节,找到后再把这一部分内容仔细阅读一遍,仔细比较所给选项与文中细节的细微区别,在准确理解细节的前提下,最后确定最佳答案。



朴尼唛视频中有一首音乐的歌词是i got fire ,i like ,U like。求歌名。

On The Dancefloor 、 trouble maker 、Loca People 、David Guetta、Sexy Betch Britney Spears 、Gimme More Gnarls Barkley 、Crazy 一个不少 给个采纳吧 楼主 ~~

爱尔兰乐队the scropt的for the first time 的歌词

歌曲试听地址:For The First Time LogginsFor The First TimeAre those your eyes, is that your smileI"ve been lookin at you foreverBut I never saw you beforeAre these your hands holdin" mineNow I wonder how I could of been so blindFor the first time I am looking in your eyesFor the first time I"m seein" who you areI can"t believe how much I seeWhen you"re lookin back at meNow I understand why love is.......Love is.....for the first time.....Can this be real, can this be trueAm I the person I was this morningAnd are you the same youIt"s all so strange how can it beAll along this love was right in front of meFor the first time I am looking in your eyesFor the first time I"m seein who you areI can"t believe how much I seeWhen you"re lookin back at meNow I understand why love is.......Love is.....for the first time.....Such a long time agoI had given up on findin" this emotion..ever againBut you live with me nowYes I"ve found you some howAnd I"VE never been so sureAnd for the first time I am looking in your eyesFor the first time I"m seein" who you areCan"t believe how much I seeWhen you"re lookin back at meNow I understand why love is.......Love is.....for the first time.....



enabling environment是什么意思


happy birthday to my baby是什么意思





装甲舰USS开罗(Cairo)号。1862年12月12日,装甲舰USS开罗(Cairo)号成为有史以来第一艘被电水雷炸毁的船只,后沉入密西西比州维克斯堡102年被打捞并保存下来。美国装甲舰USS 开罗(Cairo)号,城市级姐妹舰之一。于1861年在伊利诺伊州莫顿市建造。以附近的伊利诺伊州开罗市为名。1862年1月25日下水。规格:长175英尺 x 宽52英尺 x 吃水6英尺;251名军官和船员;航速:4节;4台锅炉;600马力。联邦军由于缺乏火炮,因此USS 开罗(Cairo)号一开始的武器装备种类繁杂,并没有一个统一的火炮口径。火炮口径如下。3门8英寸滑膛炮6门42磅火炮6门32磅火炮1门12磅火炮USS 开罗(Cairo)号主要在密西西比河、田纳西河和耶祖河服役。她曾多次参与纳什维尔等地的战斗。装甲:3.5英寸厚的装置在舷侧炮口周围;2.5英寸厚的装置在前部、驾驶室和后部防护机械设备(桨、舵等)的侧面。托马斯·O·塞尔弗里奇于1862年9月12日担任了该舰指挥官。他的父亲同样也叫这个名字,是一位海军上将。但塞尔弗里奇也因其卓越的才能而闻名,其中之一是在USS Monitor号与CSS Virginia号(即原USS Merrimack号)进行著名的战斗时,他短暂地指挥过USS Monitor号。该舰有5台每平方英寸压力为140 PSI的锅炉,长25英尺,直径36英寸。每台锅炉的功率为120马力,总功率为600马力。她每小时燃烧一吨煤。船体上方的木材是新的,是后期复原后的样貌。照片中看到的所有金属,包括锅炉,都是从没有氧气的河泥中取出来的。保存得非常完好。到1862年11月21日,USS Cairo号在维克斯堡以北的耶祖河巡逻,搜索水雷。此时,她的火炮配置为3门8英寸滑膛炮、3门42磅步炮、6门32磅滑膛炮、1门30磅步炮和1门12磅榴弹炮。像Cairo号这样的船只是浅水船只,专门设计用于浅水河流。她只有6英尺的吃水深度!1862年12月12日,两名南军士兵观察到了Cairo号,然后通过电力引爆了水雷。受到严重破坏USS Cairo号注定要沉没。她在12分钟内沉没,成为有史以来第一艘被电力引爆的鱼雷击沉的船只。令人惊讶的是,没有人员伤亡。她沉到了36英尺深处,连28英尺的烟囱也被淹没在泥沙中,一直沉没在那里约100年,直到有一天被再次发现。1956年: USS Cairo号被国家公园管理局历史学家埃德温·贝尔斯和另外两人发现,他们只是划着小船在耶祖河上漂流,直到他们的简单指南针受到磁力干扰,指示下面有一块大金属物体,位于32°27"42.9"N 90°50"53.4"W (32.461907, -90.848158)处:浸泡在水中,隔绝了氧气的干扰。打捞水出整个舰体保存相当完好。整体轮廓尚未破坏。踏上这艘成为实体剖面船,可以从头清晰地看到船尾的内部结构,这与其他博物馆船不同。甲板上面是驾驶室,船尾是桨轮。船身上所有的黑色铁件、锅炉和火炮都是原装的没有复原品,而上层建筑和烟囱则是新建造的。注意:烟囱在1862年被北军移除,以防止残骸被破坏或是被打捞再利用。 USS Cairo号的13门火炮都是原装货。至少其中两门火炮连带着它们的绿橡木炮架一起被从耶祖河中提起,至少有一门火炮仍然装有炮弹!

Hair--Lady Gaga中文歌词?

Wooh... Oh...Wooh... Oh...Whenever I dress cool,只要我穿的过于潇洒My parents put up a fight我的父母就会暴怒And if I"m a hotshot,如果我表现的自命不凡Mom will cut hair at night妈妈就会在晚上剪掉我的头发In the morning I"m sure of my identity到了早上我发现了自己竟然和别人一样I scream Mom and Dad我尖叫:“爸爸妈妈!”Why can"t I be who I wanna be?为什么我不能做我想做的人I just wanna be myself,我仅仅是想做我自己And I want you to love me for who I am我希望你们爱真实的本我I just wanna be myself,我只想做我自己And I want you to know, I am my Hair我希望你们认识到头发就是我的象征I"ve had enough我已经受够了This is my prayer这是我的祈祷[00:59.63]That I"ll die living just as free as my hair我要活得如同我的头发一般不羁,否则我会死的I"ve had enough我已经受够了This is my prayer这是我的祈祷That I"ll die living just as free as my hair我要活得如同我的头发一般不羁,否则我会死的I"ve had enough我受够了!I"m not a freak我不是怪胎I must keep fighting to stay cool on the streets即使站在街上我也要保持我的潇洒I"ve had enough, enough, enough我已经受够了,真的受够了!And this is my prayer这是我的祈祷I swear我发誓I"m as free as my hair我如同我的头发一般不羁I"m as free as my hair我如同我的头发一般不羁I am my hair头发就是我的象征I am my hair头发就是我的象征(Free as my hair)(I"m as free as my hair)Sometimes I want some rock on some highlights有时候我想在惹人注目的地方狂舞Just because I want my friend to think that I am dynamite只是因为我想让我的朋友认为我是顶呱呱的And on party, roxy, high school dance在聚会上,在华丽的摇滚舞台上,在高中舞蹈表演上I got my bangs too hard我都会使劲地狂舞That I don"t stand a chance我不会去面对机会A chance机会I just wanna be myself,我仅仅是想做我自己And I want you to love me for who I am我希望你们爱真实的本我I just wanna be myself,我只想做我自己And I want you to know, I am my Hair我希望你们认识到头发就是我的象征I"ve had enough我已经受够了This is my prayer这是我的祈祷[00:59.63]That I"ll die living just as free as my hair我要活得如同我的头发一般不羁,否则我会死的I"ve had enough我已经受够了This is my prayer这是我的祈祷That I"ll die living just as free as my hair我要活得如同我的头发一般不羁,否则我会死的I"ve had enough我受够了!I"m not a freak我不是怪胎I must keep fighting to stay cool on the streets即使站在街上我也要保持我的潇洒I"ve had enough, enough, enough我已经受够了,真的受够了!And this is my prayer这是我的祈祷I swear我发誓I"m as free as my hair我如同我的头发一般不羁I"m as free as my hair我如同我的头发一般不羁I am my hair头发就是我的象征I am my hair头发就是我的象征(Free as my hair)(I"m as free as my hair)

跪求Lady GaGa 《Hair》中文歌词!!!!


Graham Central Station的《Hair》 歌词

歌曲名:Hair歌手:Graham Central Station专辑:Graham Central StationLady Gaga - Hair~Whenever I"m dressed cool my parents put up a fightAnd I"m hotshot mom will cut my hair at nightAnd in the morning I"m short of my identityI speak: mom and dad why can"t I be who I wanna be?To beI just wanna be myself and I want you to love me for who I amI just wanna be myself and I want you to know I am hairI"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! I"m not a freakI"m just keep fighting to stay cool on the streetsI"ve had enough, enough, enoughAnd this is my prayer, I swear, I"m as free as my hairI"m as free as my hairI am my hair~~free as my hairrrrrr~Sometimes I want some bright on highlightsJust because I want my friend to think that I am dynamiteAnd on party, roxy, high school danceI got my bangs too hard that I don"t stand a chanceA chanceI just wanna be myself and I want you to love me for who I amI just wanna be myself and I want you to know I am my hairI"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! I"m not a freakI"m just keep fighting to stay cool on the streetsI"ve had enough, enough, enoughAnd this is my prayer, I swear, I"m as free as my hairI"m as free as my hairI am my hair, I am my hair~I just wanna be free, I just wanna be meAnd I want lots of friends that invite me to their partiesDon"t wanna change and I don"t wanna be ashamedI"m the spirit of my hair, it"s all the glory that I bareI"m my hair, I am my hairIt"s all the glory that I bareI"m my hair-am my hairI"m my hair-am my hair yeah!~I"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! I"m not a freakI"m just keep fighting to stay cool on the streetsI"ve had enough, enough, enoughAnd this is my prayer, I swear, I"m as free as my hair (This is my prayer! I"m not a freak!)I am my hairI am my hair-am my hairQQ Super Group:117846453Youku page please search: "JonathonTTTTT"


歌曲名:Hair歌手:STANLEY CLARKE专辑:1, 2, To The BassLady Gaga - Hair~Whenever I"m dressed cool my parents put up a fightAnd I"m hotshot mom will cut my hair at nightAnd in the morning I"m short of my identityI speak: mom and dad why can"t I be who I wanna be?To beI just wanna be myself and I want you to love me for who I amI just wanna be myself and I want you to know I am hairI"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! I"m not a freakI"m just keep fighting to stay cool on the streetsI"ve had enough, enough, enoughAnd this is my prayer, I swear, I"m as free as my hairI"m as free as my hairI am my hair~~free as my hairrrrrr~Sometimes I want some bright on highlightsJust because I want my friend to think that I am dynamiteAnd on party, roxy, high school danceI got my bangs too hard that I don"t stand a chanceA chanceI just wanna be myself and I want you to love me for who I amI just wanna be myself and I want you to know I am my hairI"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! I"m not a freakI"m just keep fighting to stay cool on the streetsI"ve had enough, enough, enoughAnd this is my prayer, I swear, I"m as free as my hairI"m as free as my hairI am my hair, I am my hair~I just wanna be free, I just wanna be meAnd I want lots of friends that invite me to their partiesDon"t wanna change and I don"t wanna be ashamedI"m the spirit of my hair, it"s all the glory that I bareI"m my hair, I am my hairIt"s all the glory that I bareI"m my hair-am my hairI"m my hair-am my hair yeah!~I"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! I"m not a freakI"m just keep fighting to stay cool on the streetsI"ve had enough, enough, enoughAnd this is my prayer, I swear, I"m as free as my hair (This is my prayer! I"m not a freak!)I am my hairI am my hair-am my hairQQ Super Group:117846453Youku page please search: "JonathonTTTTT"

Lady Gaga的《Hair》 歌词

歌曲名:Hair歌手:Lady Gaga专辑:Born This WayLady Gaga - Hair~Whenever I"m dressed cool my parents put up a fightAnd I"m hotshot mom will cut my hair at nightAnd in the morning I"m short of my identityI speak: mom and dad why can"t I be who I wanna be?To beI just wanna be myself and I want you to love me for who I amI just wanna be myself and I want you to know I am hairI"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! I"m not a freakI"m just keep fighting to stay cool on the streetsI"ve had enough, enough, enoughAnd this is my prayer, I swear, I"m as free as my hairI"m as free as my hairI am my hair~~free as my hairrrrrr~Sometimes I want some bright on highlightsJust because I want my friend to think that I am dynamiteAnd on party, roxy, high school danceI got my bangs too hard that I don"t stand a chanceA chanceI just wanna be myself and I want you to love me for who I amI just wanna be myself and I want you to know I am my hairI"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! I"m not a freakI"m just keep fighting to stay cool on the streetsI"ve had enough, enough, enoughAnd this is my prayer, I swear, I"m as free as my hairI"m as free as my hairI am my hair, I am my hair~I just wanna be free, I just wanna be meAnd I want lots of friends that invite me to their partiesDon"t wanna change and I don"t wanna be ashamedI"m the spirit of my hair, it"s all the glory that I bareI"m my hair, I am my hairIt"s all the glory that I bareI"m my hair-am my hairI"m my hair-am my hair yeah!~I"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! This is my prayerThat I"ll die living just as free as my hairI"ve had enough! I"m not a freakI"m just keep fighting to stay cool on the streetsI"ve had enough, enough, enoughAnd this is my prayer, I swear, I"m as free as my hair (This is my prayer! I"m not a freak!)I am my hairI am my hair-am my hairQQ Super Group:117846453Youku page please search: "JonathonTTTTT"

Lady gaga新歌《Hair》的歌词(双语)

Whenever I dress cool,   当我打扮的很酷的时候   My parents put up a fight   我的父母总是争吵起来   And if I"m a hotshot,   而且,如果我变得很自大   Mom will cut hair at night   我的妈妈就会在晚上剪了我的头发   In the morning I"m sure of my identity   早上起来,我确信自己是对的   I scream Mom and Dad   我大叫:“爸爸妈妈!   Why can"t I be who I wanna be?   为什么我不能做我想做的那个人呢!?”   I just wanna be myself,   我只是想做我自己   And I want you to love me for who I am   我想让你们爱上我本来的样子   I just wanna be myself,   我只是想做我自己   And I want you to know, I am my Hair   我想让你知道,我就是我的头发!   [Chorus]   I"ve had enough   我真的受够了!   This is my prayer   这是我的祷告   That I"ll die living just as free as my hair   这样我会死的!要活得和我的头发一样自由   I"ve had enough   我实在受够了!   This is my prayer   这是我的祷告   That I"ll die living just as free as my hair   这样我会死的!要活得和我的头发一样自由   I"ve had enough   我真的受够了   I"m not a freak   我不是怪胎   I must keep fighting to stay cool on the streets   站在街上,我必须充满战斗力地保持我的帅气   I"ve had enough, enough, enough   真的够了,够了,够了   And this is my prayer, I swear   这是我的祈祷,我发誓!   I"m as free as my hair   我和我的头发一样自由   [Lady Gaga - Verse 2]   Sometimes I want to rock on some highlights   有时候我想在最抢眼的地方跳舞   just because   只是因为   I want my friend to think that I am dynamite   我想让我的朋友们觉得我就是颗炸药   And on party, roxy, high school dance   在聚会上,华丽摇滚,高中舞会   I got my bangs too hard   我使劲抨击   That I don"t stand a chance   我不想立位于一个偶然   A chance   一个偶然   I just wanna be myself,   我只想做我自己   And I want you to love me for who I am   我想让你们爱上我本来的样子   I just wanna be myself,   我只想做我自己   And I want you to know, I am my Hair   我想让你知道,我就是我的头发!   [Chorus]   I"ve had enough   我真的受够了!   This is my prayer   这是我的祷告   That I"ll die living just as free as my hair   这样我会死的!要活得和我的头发一样自由   I"ve had enough   我实在受够了!   This is my prayer   这是我的祷告   That I"ll die living just as free as my hair   这样我会死的!要活得和我的头发一样自由   I"ve had enough   我真的受够了   I"m not a freak   我不是怪胎   I must keep fighting to stay cool on the streets   站在街上,我必须充满战斗力地保持我的帅气   I"ve had enough, enough, enough   真的够了,够了,够了   And this is my prayer, I swear   这是我的祈祷,我发誓!   I"m as free as my hair   我和我的头发一样自由   [Bridge]   I just want to be free, I just want to be me   我只想要自由,我只想做我自己   And I want lots of friends that invite me to their parties   我想要很多可以请我去他们的聚会的朋友   I don"t wanna change,   我不想改变   And I don"t wanna be ashamed   我不想变得害臊   I"m the spirit of my Hair   我就是我头发的精神所在   It"s all the glory that I bare   一丝不挂也是我的骄傲   I am my Hair!   我就是我的头发!   I"m my hair, I am my hair   我是我的头发,我是我的头发   It"s all the glory that I bare   一丝不挂也是我的骄傲   I"m my hair-am my hair   我是我的头发,   I"m my hair-am my hair yeah!   我是我的头发,我是我的头发   [Chorus]   I"ve had enough   我真的受够了!   This is my prayer   这是我的祷告   That I"ll die living just as free as my hair   这样我会死的!要活得和我的头发一样自由   I"ve had enough   我实在受够了!   This is my prayer   这是我的祷告   That I"ll die living just as free as my hair   这样我会死的!要活得和我的头发一样自由   I"ve had enough   我真的受够了   I"m not a freak   我不是怪胎   I must keep fighting to stay cool on the streets   站在街上,我必须充满战斗力地保持我的帅气   I"ve had enough, enough, enough   真的够了,够了,够了   And this is my prayer, I swear   这是我的祈祷,我发誓!   I"m as free as my hair   我和我的头发一样自由


「GIRIGIRI 」TVアニメ~「ワールドu30fbトリガー」OPテーマ作词: Sonar Pocket作曲: Sonar Pocket, Kay编曲:Kay, Shunsuke Harada歌:Sonar PocketChange The New World !! *4仆等に其の未来がbokura ni sono mirai ga例えば近付いたならtatoeba chikazuita nara光を集めて照らしhikari o atsumete terashi心の Gate を开いてく !!kokoro no gate o hiraite kuきっと谁かの为だってkitto dare ka no tame datte 感じながら, 何时だって戦ってる !!kanji na gara itsudatte tatakatteru伤の数だけ, 强く成れるよ !!kizu no kaze dake,tsuyoku nareru yoやっと生きて, 意味を持ってyatto ikite,imi o motte其の日々に, 其々の色盛って !!sono hibi ni,sorezore no iro motte又虹を描こう !!mata niji o egakouGirigiri に Stay して !!girigiri ni stay shite叫べ次の, 未来, 期待したい !!sakebe tsuki no,mirai,kitai shi taiGirigiri に Fry Again !!girigiri ni fry again行くぞ掴め !!ikuzo tsukameSmile, Smile, Smile !!smile,smile,smile仆らには, 守る物が有るから !!bokura ni wa,mamoru mono ga aru kara其の为には, 何を舍てても良いさ !!sono tame ni wa,nani o sute te mo ii sa东から西へ, 升る太阳がhigashi kara nishi e,noboru taiyou ga今日も, 君を照らすから !!kyou mo,kimi o terasu karaWoh, Woh, Woh !!Change The New World !!Woh, Woh, Woh !!Change The New World !!弱さに, 负けぬようにyowasa ni ,makenu youni己を信じれるように !!onore o shinjireru youni强さに, 変わる何かをtsuyosa ni,kawaru nani ka o无我梦中で探し歩いた !!mugamuchuu de sagashi aruitaきっと谁かの为だってkitto dare ka no tame datte何时からか, 自分の为に変わってくitsu kara ka,jibun no tameni kawatte ku孤独を舍て, 希望, 梦, 抱いて !!kodoku o sute,kibou,yume,daiteきっと暗い闇だってkitto kurai yami datte见え无い绊, 常に繋がってるmienai kizuna,tsuneni tsunagatteru光を此の手に !!hikari o kono te niGirigiri に Stay して !!girigiri ni stay shite叫べ次の, 未来, 期待したい !!sakebe tsuki no,mirai,kitai shi taiGirigiri に Fry Again !!girigiri ni fry again行くぞ掴め !!ikuzo tsukameSmile, Smile, Smile !!smile,smile,smile仆らには, 守る物が有るから !!bokura ni wa,mamoru mono ga aru kara其の为には, 何を舍てても良いさ !!sono tame ni wa,nani o sute te mo ii sa东から西へ, 升る太阳がhigashi kara nishi e,noboru taiyou ga今日も, 君を照らすから !!kyou mo,kimi o terasu karaWoh, Woh, Woh !!Change The New World !!Woh, Woh, Woh !!Change The New World !!希望我的回答可以帮到你 满意请采纳 请提问者看清回答时间 谢谢

first of all、after all和above all应如何区别,怎样用于句子中?


求That Fire的歌词翻译。或者对于这首歌的理解。

整体不错,我觉得可以这样翻,请多指教。。。You ramble on about how I"m that - fire!你是如何地一直强调我是你心里的那把火,哦You"ve hit the wall and I can tell我可以看出你已经遇到的艰难险阻

Because I am a girl 是谁的歌?



区别是:前者是辐射的过程,后者是辐射(射线)这种物质本身。例句辨析:irradiation1、The technique has been to mutate the genes by irradiation or chemicals. 该技术是通过放射线照射或者使用化学方法使基因变异。2、Early lesions can be successfully treated with irradiation or cautery and curettage.早期病变可以有效地用放射线或烧灼术和刮除术来治疗。3、The effects of irradiation on spirulina were studied in this paper. 本文研究了辐照对螺旋藻的杀菌效果。radiation1、They suffer from health problems and fear the long term effects of radiation. 他们遭受着健康问题的困扰并且害怕辐射的长期影响。2、The satellite will study energy radiation from stars. 这颗人造卫星将用来研究恒星的能量辐射。3、If the cancer returns, radiation therapy is successful in 90 per cent of cases. 如果癌症复发,放射性疗法有90%的治愈率。



请教两个英语术语:radiation 和irradiation有何异同?

radiationn.放射,辐射; 发射; 发光 放射物; 辐射线[能] 散射器 【生】辐射形;【测】射出测量法;【医】射线疗法 语义扩展; 语义推演 irradiationn.放射,照射阐明,启发; 启迪 【物】光渗; 光线; 辐照[射] 【医】照射 ...


1. He panicked and ran five blocks to the local fire station. 他惊慌失措,跑了五个路口到当地的消防队.2. The new fire station is big. 新消防站很大.3. There is a fire station on Chung - Shan North Road. 中山北路上有一个消防队驻所.4. We see a fire truck in the fire station! 我们看见了消防局的消防车.5. And at the fire station, idling trucks expose firefighters to diesel exhaust. 而在消防站, 空档运转的卡车也会使消防员暴露在柴油机所产生的废气中.

《The Divine Fire》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Divine Fire》(May Sinclair)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 6rqh书名:The Divine Fire作者:May Sinclair出版社:General Books LLC出版年份:2010-03-07页数:404

The Divine Conspiracy 歌词

歌曲名:The Divine Conspiracy歌手:Epica专辑:The Divine ConspiracyEpica-The Divine ConspiracyLRC Made by jwjnessQuaestio nostra est aeternaUltima requies fons vitaeSed eam ut novam ducemusWe will never know all possibilities to predict what is to comeAnd so we have illusions to think freelyOnce we had beenRich from withinDid not try to reachWhat we couldn"t achieveBecause once we had beenAble to winFrom the need to succeedWe need to be innocent to live the life we"ve lived for so longWe need to be blind enough to live the life we live right nowWho possesses your time also possesses your mindOnce we had beenRich from withinDid not try to reachWhat we couldn"t achieveBecause once we had beenAble to winFrom the need to succeedWe need to be innocent to live the life we"ve lived for so longWe need to be deaf enough to live the life we live right nowReach out, touch infinityLife is just a memoryTime is not the entityLike it used to beThe Divine ConspiracyOpens up the realityTime is not the entityLike it claims to beOnce we had beenRich from withinDid not try to reachWhat we couldn"t achieveBecause once we had beenAble to winFrom the need to succeedWe need to be innocent to live the life we"ve lived for so longWe need to be insensitive to live the life and so ignore it allWho possesses your time also possesses your mindWho possesses your time-Mislead us all, we are not in controlAlso possesses your mind-There is no trace that will lead to this placeReach out, touch infinityLife is just a memoryTime is not the entityLike it used to beThe Divine ConspiracyOpens up the realityTime is not the entityLike it claims to be~Desperately we allClutch at the last strawWe stumble and fallCountdown to dieTo heal it allWe will never reachOur capacities, no moreWe cannot expandOur boundariesOnce we had beenRich from withinDid not try to reachWhat we couldn"t achieveBecause once we had beenAble to winFrom the need to succeedWe need to be innocent to live the life we"ve lived for so longWe need to be insensitive to breathe so we can take it all for grantedReach out, touch infinityLife is just a memoryTime is not the entityLike it used to beThe Divine ConspiracyOpens up the realityTime is not the entityLike it claims to be

I completed Vice City and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt !是什么意思?



1. first和firstly区别那么写作文的时候,为什么有的范文开头就用first,有 first,firstly 这两个词的意义很近似,又都有“首先”、“第一”之意,但使用场合不尽一致.First的使用范围较大,可以作名词、形容词和副词,有时还可以代替firstly使用;firstly的运用范围较小,只能作副词,用于列举事实或理由的场合.汉语里的“首先”、“第一”,在英语中是firstly、first of all、in the first place或干脆说first;但汉语中的“最后一点”,英语里却不说last,而是说lastly或last of all,这是应当记住的.下面是first和firstly通用的例句:First(or Firstly),we dice the pork and marinate it and,second (or secondly),we prepare the dough for the pie. 首先,把猪肉切成肉丁并加腌料;其次是预备做馅饼的麦粉.但在下列场合里,first却不可以和firstly替换使用:We first(不能用firstly)go to Shenzhen,and then to Beijing. 我们先到深圳,然后上北京.He who would eat the nut must first(不能用firstly)crack the shell. 要吃核果,必须先破壳.下面是first作名词和形容词的例句:The first of May is International Labour Day. 五月一日是国际劳动节.The first question is whether the Government is willing to improve elementary education. 第一个问题是: *** 是否愿意改造小学教育.通过上列的一些例句,我们可以看到,firstly只能用作副词,并只能用于列举事物和理由的场合.在现代英语中,firstly不如first用得普遍,许多人在列举事物时都是说:First,…;secondly,…;thirdly,….。 2. first aid作文 it is important for you to learn some knowledge about first aid in your daily life. if a person has an accident, he needs medical care before a doctor can be found. when you give first aid, you must pay attention to three things. first, when a person stops breathing, open his/her mouth and see if there is food at the bulk of his/her mouth. second, if a person cannot breathe, do you best to start his/her breathing at once, using a mouth to mouth way. third, if a person is hurt badly, try at once to stop the bleeding. then take him/her to a doctor. if a person loses one third of his/her blood, he/she may die. many accidents may happen at home. all parents should know first aid in order to deal with mon injuries which may happen to their children. when a person is bitten by an animai, wash the wound with cold running water before he/she is taken to see a doctor. when a person is burnt, wash and cool the area of the skin under the cold tap for a while. then put a piece of dry clean cloth over the burn. if the person is badly burnt, take him/her to the doctor. if a person cuts his/her finger, clean it and put a piece of paper round the cut. every bodyrshould know some first aid in order to save othe people"s lives. 3. 【myfirstteacher怎么写这作文】 My First TeacherAt the age of eight,I was sent toschool.I was very happy,for intheschool,there were a lot ofchildren that I could play with.My first teacher was a middle-aged lady.She taught us Chinese,arith-metic,singing,drawing,andso on.She taught us very well,and we allloved her.Once she taught us to draw aduck.All of us were ready to copyherdrawing,but she only drew alarge "2" on the blackboard andthen stopped.She asked us to start with it andgo on drawing."Think it over,please," she said,"doesn"t the figure “2” look likeaduck?"All of us *** iled and knewwhat to do.One of the childrenwent up to theblackboard andfinished the drawing very quickly.My teacher walked up anddownin the classroom,checking ourdrawings and making corrections.In the end she retuned to theblackboard and said,"Children,ifyouwant to know the world,youmust observe the things aroundyou carefullyand think them over.Then you will live a much betterand richer life thanthose whodon"t."I did not understand whatshe said at that time.Butafterwards I came torealize thather words were very important,for they taught us how to liveandlearn.有用请采纳。 4. 求高手帮写作文The first time Iearn money This is the real life. Every day is an ordinary day. This is not in the movie, there won"t be so many exciting and interesting things happen every day. So we are just living like a little river, *** oothly and quietly. I used to think that I would keep on living like this. But one day, it happened and changed this situation. That night I was walking alone on a road without lightings. Suddenly a beam of light appeared. With this light, I found out that there"s a body lying on the left side of the road. I didn"t know it was alive or dead. The sound of that light became louder which told me it was a truck. And the speed was still high. I was just standing aside like an audience watching a show. That truck seemed to be faster and faster. At last I closed my eyes. I was not chilly, but I was still shuddering. The driver of the truck found he might rolled something. He stopped the truck and got out. I couldn"t see his face, but I knew he was also shocked. He got into the truck quickly and drove away. I dared not to see the body on the road. I started to move my steps and ran away. I kept on running and running. I dared not to look back. Something was chasing me. I could feel it. I got home and locked the door. The body was still shaking. So were the legs. What"s wrong with me? I asked myself several times. Having reached my room, I became sleepy and fell into dream. In the dream, I was still running. I had run a far distance. A shadow caught up. I turn around and kept my eyes on the shadow. That was I! Another I! It was *** iling. But the *** ile became so cold and horrible. "That is you! You only care yourself. You are really cruel." It was speaking and laughing. I woke up sweating. It was a dream. Although I had been aware of that, the voice was still hanging around. Selfish and cruel. I switched on the light, standing in front of the mirror. The man in the mirror was I. From this face, nothing could be told. I always hid myself with a mask. This was the result of the society. Nobody would like to show other their inner-world. So they became colder and colder. And in the end, it turned out to be tonight"s me. I was just standing aside to watch an accident occurring. I dared not to stop it or I did not want to stop it. I hesitated. If it was a child standing there, he might have stood out and stopped it. What"s the matter with I? The more knowledge I learnt, the more I feared. The elder I was, the further distance I had from people. Why it became to this? I was puzzled. But one point I found out. I disliked to be that. I just wanted to be myself. People always say, it will be easier to solve the problems if you can find out what problem it is. So I began to change. Anyway, I know that was not a good thing. Until now I still can"t confirm what was that body, and if it was alive. But I can"t chase to the history and change it. But I can change the future. Without such a terrible affair, I would not change. I would still living in the cold world. From then on, I changed my way of living and thinking. I think I am living happier than before, much more happier. I regard it as the most important day in my life。 5. when i graduated form the collage ,i feel pressure around myself .and i know i need a job for my life.but boz i had no exprience ,the work was diifcult for me .i try it one on one.cleaner,sellman,keybord opeater and so on .but due to had no more expriece so every job what do short time for me .but i never give up .i always work hard to lean knowledge at night when i finish my work,time laps .now i m experienced and get used to it and the boss like me so much .boz ,they are always think i m work hard and belive in me .now i can do a lot of work by myself and solution problem by myself。 6. my first teacher 怎么写这作文 My First Teacher At the age of eight, I was sent to school. I was very happy, for in theschool, there were a lot of children that I could play with. My first teacher was a middle- aged lady. She taught us Chinese, arith-metic, singing, drawing, and so on. She taught us very well, and we allloved her. Once she taught us to draw a duck. All of us were ready to copy herdrawing, but she only drew a large "2" on the blackboard and then stopped. She asked us to start with it and go on drawing. "Think it over, please," she said, "doesn"t the figure “2” look likea duck?"All of us *** iled and knew what to do. One of the children went up to theblackboard and finished the drawing very quickly. My teacher walked up anddown in the classroom, checking our drawings and making corrections. In the end she retuned to the blackboard and said, "Children, if youwant to know the world, you must observe the things around you carefullyand think them over. Then you will live a much better and richer life thanthose who don"t. "I did not understand what she said at that time. But afterwards I came torealize that her words were very important, for they taught us how to live andlearn. 有用请采纳!



HAPs(hazardous air pollutants)是什么意思?



organization较其他两词区别较大 意为 组织;团体而firm,company均有公司;商行;商号的含义,但company常用于名称,如股份有限公司incorporated company 或 limited liability company 且company用的比较广,也比较常用,firm有一定专业领域性 ,如 工程公司 engineering firm ;会计事务所 a firm of accountants其实,一般我们很少会细节性地区分company和firm,多数情况下习惯性用company



Some researchers claim that people’s personalities can be classified by their blood typesIf you..

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:C 试题分析:这篇文章主要介绍了血型对人类性格的影响。小题1:根据When you want something ,you may be ruthless(不留情面的)about getting it or blind to how your actions affect others .故选C。小题2:Y ou are sensitive , patient , compassionate , and affectionate,故答案应为C。小题3:根据If you have AB blood , you are a natural entertainer.故选C。点评:本题型考查了对文章段落或某一板块的理解概括能力。先阅读问题,然后带着问题,再读全文,找出答题所需要的依据,完成阅读。在词义与句义理解的基础上,结合上下文总结归纳某一段或几段的大意,对于把握文章主旨,分析全文结构都是至关重要的。

We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects

all of them ==the insects that birds and beasts eat

急求神谷浩史的 shall we circus 罗马音

Shall We Circus!作词:古屋真作曲:本田光史郎歌:神谷浩史语らせんなよ Baby girlkatarasen nayo Baby girlアイラビューじゃ駄目なのかairabyu^ ja dame nanokaLa Pa Do it Do Pa PaLa Pa Do it Do Pa Paホントの爱ならトーゼンhonto no ai nara to^zen叫ぶしかないぜオーライsakebu shika naize o^rai何で Oh No オマエは泣き止まないnande Oh No omae wa naki yamanai乙女心はビンカンotomegokoro wa binkan解りたいけどワカラナイwakaritai kedo wakaranaiLa Pa Do it Do Pa PaLa Pa Do it Do Pa Pa夕阳を见せてもバイバイyuuhi wo misete mo baibaiギターを弾いてもナイナイgita^ wo hiite mo nainai毎晩 Up↑ Down↓ オマエを见せてくれmaiban Up↑ Down↓ omae wo misete kureもっと 言叶よりmotto kotoba yoriもっと 燃えるようなmotto moeru younaもっと 恋をしようぜmotto koi wo shiyouze君のせいで 胸の中はサーカスkimi no sei de mune no naka wa sa^kasu纲渡りで 爱を探してtsunawatari de ai wo sagashiteピエロのままで 抱きしめてやるpiero no mama de dakishimete yaruいつだって 本気なんだitsudatte honki nanda泣きたいんなら Don"t mindnakitain nara Don"t mind俺も共に泣いてやる!ore mo tomo ni naite yaru !La Pa Do it Do Pa PaLa Pa Do it Do Pa Pa何で Oh No オマエは泣き止まないnande Oh No omae wa naki yamanai男だったら全部otoko dattara zenbu失ったって守るだけushinattatte mamoru dakeLa Pa Do it Do Pa PaLa Pa Do it Do Pa Pa楽観主义とはシンガイrakukan shugi towa shingai雰囲気作りにシッパイfun"iki tsukuri ni shippaiFriday Sunday オマエの梦を见たFriday Sunday omae no yume wo mitaずっと 前よりもzutto mae yori moずっと 热くなるzutto atsuku naruずっと キスをしようぜzutto kisu wo shiyouze谁のせいだ スリリングな サーカスdare no sei da suriringu na sa^kasu燃えさかった 涙くぐってmoe sakatta namida kugutte饲いならしたって 猛獣なのさkai narashitatte moujuu nanosa君だけは 俺のもんだkimi dake wa ore no mondaずっと 居たいのさzutto itai nosaもっと なやんでもmotto nayande moきっと 笑わせるからkitto warawaseru karaもっと 言叶よりmotto kotoba yoriもっと 燃えるようなmotto moeru younaもっと 恋をしようぜmotto koi wo shiyouze君と逢って 见つけたのさビーナスkimi to atte mitsuketa nosa bi^nasu无重力のアクロバットでmujuuryoku no akurobatto deどんなときでも 受け止めてやるdonna toki demo uke tomete yaru大丈夫さdaijoubu sa君のせいで 胸の中はサーカスkimi no sei de mune no naka wa sa^kasu纲渡りで 爱を探してtsunawatari de ai wo sagashiteピエロのままで 抱きしめてやるpiero no mama de dakishimete yaruいつだって 本気なんだitsudatte honki nanda

It is the first time I have seen hern 和 It was the



指他们当中的所有人都能按时完成作业,因此用all of them

All of them are us to their new friends 对吗?

All of us are their new friends. 我们全部都是他们的新朋友。

The were quarrelling about property their father had left them when he was died这个句子的

这是一个复合句 可以看作主谓宾结构They 是主语were quarrelling about 是谓语the property their father had left them 是宾语, 其中their father had left them是定语从句修饰property。when he was died是状语从句。应该是定从中的状语从句。

The outbreak of swine flu that was first detected in Mexico was declared a global epidemic on ju

The outbreak of swine flu主 that was first detected in Mexico定语从句 was declared谓 (本来有to be) a global epidemic补语 on june 11,2009状.

I will have a birthday party tonight啥意思嘞?


Tom,do come to my birthday party tonight.为什么用do而不是does

这里是祈使句(请注意 Tom后有逗号)祈使句是动词原形开头

谁有少女时代girls generation 的mv (厨师打扮的)?随时关注这里,有大神会给你回答的,别管1L的回答,那个是无意义灌水的。

girls generation 图片

qq炫舞里少女时代唱的那首《girls’ generation》查出来和唱的怎么不一样?


分析句子: Parents are required to be present at all times when children are in the pool


少女时代(girls generation)其中的一小段谱


girls generation‖smash up音译歌词

【泰妍】Na 阿基够你大过 马拉多丫米U用行进一噶【徐贤】Oh 努楞问你林基 撒让嘿哈谬kiss黑举哦one呢【允儿】Ah 古嫩吧给基过 努兰努嫩课大了几过【珊妮】Love 里嫩呢一苏拟 怕兰必该怕多噶他【芬妮】诺木咯拉波林那嫩 啊木买多哈几莫他过【西卡】怕你呢噶无说把你该 森噶卡大噶【全】喔里大过努力几吗拉哟苏举波so买多莫他过喔里大过努力几吗拉哟苏擦噶嫩也gi不您过【Yuri】Na 阿基够你大过 马拉多丫米U用行进一噶【孝渊】Oh 努楞问你林基 撒让嘿哈谬kiss黑举哦one呢【秀英】诺木咯拉波林那嫩 啊木买多哈几莫他过【泰妍】怕你呢噶无说把你该 森噶卡大噶【全】喔里大过努力几吗拉哟苏举波so买多莫他过喔里大过努力几吗拉哟苏擦噶嫩也gi不您过【西卡】求进门so疼龙莫西多喔江课得呢妈门 库得咯嫩几【泰妍】呜~把波噶几满那多莫嫩给手【贤+Sunny】哭加一妈咪噶嫩 哭得咯【允儿】喔里大过努力几吗拉哟【西卡】呜 买莫六加那哟【徐贤】喔里大过努力几吗拉哟(黑耶耶耶呜耶~~)【全】喔里大过努力几吗拉哟(努力几吗拉哟)苏举波so买多莫他过喔里大过努力几吗拉哟(努力几吗拉哟)苏擦噶嫩也gi不您过耶~喔里大过努力几吗拉哟(买莫六加那哟)苏举波so买多莫他过(买多莫他过)喔里大过努力几吗拉哟(oh oh oh)苏擦噶嫩也gi不您过喔里大过努力几吗拉哟

求少女时代 girls generation mv psp


求少女时代beautiful girls中文歌词

我就没发现少女时代还有beautiful girls的歌、、、、

少女时代《Girls generation》音译歌词

Girls generation少女时代: [Tae Yeon]na a ji go li da go ma la do nya mi u nyo sim jeng i ga 【泰妍】还幼小的我 说成是可恶的贪心鬼 [Seo Hyun]o neu leu nwe ni lin ji sa rang he ha myo ki seu he ju o ne 【珠贤】今天是怎么回事 恋爱了又接吻了 [YoonA]o gu leun bal ge ji go nol lan nu neun ko da le ji go 【允儿】脸变红了 惊慌的眼睛变大了 [Sunny]dol li neun ne i su leun pa lan bi gal pa do ga ta 【顺圭】颤抖的我的嘴唇 如同蓝色的波涛 [Tiffany]no mu no la bo lin na neun a mu mal do ha ji mo ta go 【美英】太过惊慌的我 什么话也说不出来 [Jessica]hwa leul nel ga u so bo lil ga seng ga ka da ga 【秀妍】即使发火也要笑 一定要这样想(Yeah!) [All]o li da go no li ji ma la yo 【全体】不要捉弄幼小的我 su ju bo so mal do mo ta go 因为害羞而无法言语 o li da go no li ji ma la yo 不要捉弄幼小的我 seu chyo ga neun ye gi bu nin gol 闪过的只有故事而已 [Yuri]na a ji go li da go ma la do nya mi u nyo sim jeng i ga 【侑莉】还幼小的我 说成是可恶的贪心鬼 [Hyo Yeon]o neu leu nwe ni lin ji sa rang he ha myo ki seu he ju o ne 【孝渊】今天是怎么回事 恋爱了又接吻了 [Soo Young]no mu no la bo lin na neun a mu mal do ha ji mo ta go 【秀英】太过惊慌的我 什么话也说不出来 [Tae Yeon]hwa leul nel ga u so bo lil ga seng ga ka da ga 【泰妍】即使发火也要笑一定要这样想 [All]o li da go no li ji ma la yo 【全体】不要捉弄幼小的我 su ju bo so mal do mo ta go 因为害羞而无法言语 o li da go no li ji ma la yo 不要捉弄幼小的我 seu chyo ga neun ye gi bu nin gol 闪过的只有故事而已 [Jessica]jo geu meun so tun keu lon mo seu do 【秀妍】有点陌生的那模样 o jom keu de ne ma meul heun deu lo no neun ji 不知怎么你开始动摇我的心 [Tae Yeon]Ohh~ba bo ga ji man na do mo leu ge so 【泰妍】Ohh~如同傻瓜的心 我也不懂 [Seo Hyun+Sunny]keu jo i ma mi ga neun keu de lo 【珠贤+顺圭】只是这颗心向你而去 [YoonA]o li da go no li ji ma la yo 【允儿】不要捉弄幼小的我 [Jessica]nal mo leu ja na yo 【秀妍】Ohh 我不知道 [Seo Hyun]o li da go no li ji ma la yo 【珠贤】不要捉弄幼小的我 [Tae Yeon]Yeah Yeah Yeah [Jessica]Wow~~YEAH~ [All]o li da go no li ji ma la yo 【全体】不要捉弄幼小的我 ([Tae Yeon]no li ji ma la yo) (【泰妍】不要捉弄) su ju bo so ma do mo ta go 因为害羞而无法言语 o li da go no li ji ma la yo 不要捉弄幼小的我 ([Jessica]no li ji ma la yo) (【秀妍】不要捉弄) seu chyo ga neun ye gi bu nin gol 闪过的只有故事而已 yeah! [All]o li da go no li ji ma la yo 【全体】不要捉弄幼小的我 ([Tea Yeon]no mo leu ja na yo) (【泰妍】我不知道) su ju bo so ma do mo ta go 因为害羞而无法言语 ([Jessica]ma do mo ta go) (【秀妍】无法言语) o li da go no li ji ma la yo 不要捉弄幼小的我 seu chyo ga neun ye gi bu nin gol 闪过的只有故事而已 [All]o li da go no li ji ma la yo 【全体】不要捉弄幼小的我 中文+罗马

Vickie had most probably ______ her for another sort of girl

3 mistaken her for another sort of girl 把她错认为是另外一种女生mistaken sb. for ... 固定搭配补充:regard sb. as ... 把某人当成。。。view sb. as ... 把某人当成。。。两个都是固定搭配,意思差不多

求一首英文歌,里面反复唱的一句歌词貌似是这样句 if you want be a bad girl,类似那种很无奈的唱腔,男


THE FIRST灌篮高手什么时候上映的?

动画电影《THE FIRST 灌篮高手》改编自井上雄彦创作的漫画作品《灌篮高手》,于2022年12月3日在日本上映。该片预计将于2023年1月12日在中国香港、澳门上映,1月13日在中国台湾上映,大陆暂时没有公布上映时间。《THE FIRST SLAM DUNK》的主角是宫城良田,整部电影以宫城为主视角,除了讲述他小时候跟渴望打赢的山王的哥哥的经历,亦涉及1998年推出的宫城番外篇《耳环》的剧情,而电影开宗明义就以湘北对山王的比赛为线,穿插上述宫城的故事。比赛情节几乎跟足原著,虽然换上全新配音班底及以CG绘制画面,但不影响整体效果,且更现场感十足,尤其比赛到最后几乎只有实境声音,全场屏息静气睇比赛,气氛十足。要数最大「惊喜」应该是结局,讲述宫城毕业后竟然到美国发展,还遇上了山王的泽北荣治,二人再次在球场上对决。不少观众质疑宫城凭什麽能够到美国发展,就算他是《THE FIRST SLAM DUNK》的主角,都不应该编得如此离谱,有人就认为可能会有下一部作品去交代故事,下次可能换上其他角色做主角。

IN WITHNESS WHEREOF, this contract has been executed effective as of the date first above written


《杀死一只知更鸟》To kill a mockingbird

By Harper Lee 刚读完了英文原版,诙谐,有趣,三观很正,作为一个女儿的父亲读这本书,关于如何做父亲的角色也有感悟,包括原则,勇敢和坚持。这本书是从一个小女生作为第一视角去描述的,很适合初中左右的学生读,期待以后和我女儿重温这本书。 有2个地方想特别说下: 一,在Tom Robinson被陪审团投票为有罪后,Jem和Scout的世界观应该说是崩塌了,他们对整个事情进行了讨论,这个过程中,Jem开始根据他自己的理解,对世界上的人分位四类人:“There"s four kinds of folks in the world. There"s the ordinary kind like us and the neighbors, there"s the kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down at the dump, and the Negroes”。在我看来这里是很具有象征意义的,Jem刚好代表的是一直接受三观很正的教育的赤子少年,抱有善有善报恶有恶报的信念,但是当现实发生的事情和他一直笃定的信念发生了偏差,人是需要为这种偏差对自己提供解释的,也就是重新构建自己的价值观。我们看到,他开始对人进行分类了,因为作为律师的父亲之前告知他们的democracy和equality已经无法解释他所遇见的事情,他的妥协就是,认为人之间是有阶级的,阶级之间的冲突,无法通过democracy和equality解决。 二,最后到底谁杀了Bob Ewells?书里没有给出明确答案,在Jem醒来之前就结束了。但可以肯定是Boo Radley,几个线索如下:1)Heck Tate手里的那把Switch-Blade刀,Atticus特意问了这把刀的来源,因为这把刀要比杀死Bob Ewells的厨刀小,刚好对应Jem的衣服上以及Scout的万圣节服装上的刀孔,而厨刀哪里来的,最可能是来自于离得最近的Radley家里;2)Atticus一开始以为是Jem,因此执意要让Jem苏醒后去面对这些,可能上法庭,他自己也说,如果不这么做,他以后无法面对Jem或Scout,从小说里Atticus一贯的做法来看,他肯定会这么做,但是当Heck Tate说“God damn it, I"m not thinking of Jem!”后,Atticus明白了Boo才是杀死Bob Eweills的人,也才开始展现出迟疑,以及最后同意Bob Ewells是摔在自己的厨刀上死的,如果是Jem杀的Bob然后Atticus还同意这个结论,那这本书的整个出发点就崩塌了,而只有当Boo Radley是凶手的时候,这个Boo Radley才变成了Mockingbird,and it is a sin to kill a mockingbird;3)Boo Radley整个过程应该是非常害怕的,包括第一次在Jem房间里时手心印在墙上的手汗,告别前抚摸Jem的自我安慰,以及最后让Scout送他回家;4)Scout在描述中说“He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good-luck pennies, and our lives.”;4)以及Heck Tate下面的这段话: “I never heard tell that it"s against the law for citizen to do his utmost to prevent a crime from being committed, which is exactly what he did, but maybe you"ll say it"s my duty to tell the town all about it and not hush it up. Know what"d happen then? All the ladies in Maycomb including my wife"d be knocking on his door bringing angel food cakes. To my way of thinking, Mr Finch, taking the one man who"s done you and this town a great service and dragging him with his shy ways into the limelight - to me, that"s a sin. It"s a sin and I"m not about to have it on my head. If it was any other man it"d be different. But not this man, Mr. Finch.”这里已经明确指向Boo Radely了,并且也说明了,如果像大家说明Boo是杀Bob Ewells的人,其实不会伤害他,反而是打扰他的宁静,这也是为什么最终Atticus会同意Bob Ewells是摔在自己的厨刀上而死的结论。 To kill a mockingbird,在我看来,指的是没有底线,滥用自己的强势,对弱者进行无理由的蔑视甚至杀害。在Atticus看来,这是最烂的人。

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美国的品牌中,明显以HiEnd器材为主,英国品牌中就以中低价位器材为主。美国:ADCOM(雅琴):Aragon(阿拉贡):著名的中价Hi-End晶体管放大器,近年向影音方面进军Ayre(艺雅): 著名Hi-End晶体管放大器,用料精湛,声调自然舒畅Audio Research:顶级Hi-End胆机代表性品牌,以胆机为主,声音中性,味道足,速度快B.A.T :美国新兴Hi-End胆/石放大器,设计和声音贯彻“平衡”原则B&K :美国著名中价高级晶体管放大器,性价比高,《Stereophie》榜中常客Boulder(宝达):Cary(加利): 美国高级胆机生产商,近年向数码领域进军C.A.T :产品型号最少的高级胆机,以一部SL-1胆前级确立Hi-End级地位Canary(金丝雀): 美国新兴Hi-End胆机,外观精美,声音细致高贵Cello(车佬) :Mark Levinson 创建的顶尖级高价值Hi-End晶体管放大器,质素无以伦比CODA(柯达):Conard Johnson(诗醉): 美国经典胆机代表作,音色高贵丰润Counterpoint(汇点):美国老牌胆机,现已被中国收购,品牌已死Dynaco(大力宝) :美国经典中价胆机代表作,音色极富乐感Hovland(浩龙): 美国新兴Hi-End胆机,用料精良,外观华美Herron (海伦):美国新兴Hi-End胆/石放大器,外观俭朴,内部严谨、声音透澈开扬Jeff Rowland(乐林): 美国著名Hi-End晶体管放大器,对电源与音乐的关系十分执著LAMM(拉玛):Krell(奇力): 美国顶尖级Hi-End晶体管放大器的代表作,推力强大,乐感惊人Manley (曼丽):美国著名Hi-End级胆机,设计精良,音质鲜明动人Mark Levinson (马克莱文森):美国顶尖级Hi-End晶体管放大器的代表作,典范级中性音质McIntosh(麦景图): 美国经典Hi-End胆/石放大器,音色高贵,收藏价值大Parasound :美国中低价晶体管放大器代表作,有“穷人的Krell”之称Pass lab(柏斯): 美国重量级Hi-End晶体管放大器,声音高贵流畅Proceed (谱诗):Mark Levinson 的中价Hi-End晶体管放大器,专注于影音产品Spectral(士必草):Threshold (精神):美国著名Hi-End晶体管放大器,科技应用超前VAC :美国老牌Hi-End胆机,多以分体式设计,品质如军规器材Viola(威娜):VTL :美国老牌高级胆机,品质稳定,推力大英国:AMC :英国平价胆/石放大器代表作,品质稳定,乐感强Arcam(雅骏) :英国剑桥地区中低价晶体管放大器代表作,音色细致,高性价比Audiolab(傲力):英国平价晶体管放大器,制作精良,音调通透富有乐感,后来被TAG Mclaren(麦拿伦)收购,现在又恢复为原厂牌AudiolabAudio Note :英国著名的Hi-End胆机,多为小功率单端设计,为求青铜声不惜采用昂贵材料Audionet: 英国著名的中价高级胆机,声音乐感强烈,音色极佳Cambridge Audio(剑桥):英国剑桥平价晶体管放大器的代表作,性价比高CHORD(和弦): 英国著名的监听级Hi-End晶体管放大器,造工与声音质素绝佳Creek(朗泉): 英国老牌中低价晶体管放大器,外观朴实,音质优美EAR :英国新兴高级胆机,据说是B&W、ATC、Thiel音箱的绝配Exposure(力宝声) :英国中价力士型晶体管放大器的代言人,内涵、力道重于外表LINN(莲): 英国著名Hi-End多元化厂商,其晶体管放大器小巧,音色动人Meridian(英国之宝):Matisse(马蒂斯): 英国著名的Hi-End胆机,音色高贵、细致Musical Fidelity(音乐传真): 英国著名高级晶体管放大器,声音柔润自然、乐感强Myryad(美丽安):NAD(乐廷): 英国著名的中价晶体管放大器,高性价比Naim(铭):OCTAVE(八度):Onix(欧尼士): 英国价晶体管放大器,音调中性朴实Quad(国都): 英国经典高级胆机,是优美音乐的代表人Roksan(乐圣):Rotel(路遥): 英国著名中低价晶体管放大器,性价比高Rega(君子): 英国中低价晶体管放大器代表作,音色精致典雅Sugden(瑟顿):加拿大:Anthem (圣歌):加拿大Sonic Frontiers的平价版胆机,制作质素高,声靓价平Bryston(拜事通) :加拿大最具代表的晶体管放大器,产品寿命长,声音理性,力道足Classe Audio(驾势) : 加拿大著名的晶体管放大器,音色细致,乐感丰富Sim Audio :加拿大著名Hi-End晶体管放大器,工艺先进,声音质素突出Sonic Frontiers (前卫) :加拿大Hi-End胆机代表作,音色细致高贵,力道充沛丹麦:Bow(丹麦神弓) 丹麦著名的高级晶体管放大器,内外制作别具特色Densen(丹麦王子) 丹麦精品级中价Hi-End晶体管放大器,音乐圆润纯净Gryphon(贵丰) 丹麦重量级Hi-End晶体管放大器,声音高贵力大LA.Audio 丹麦中价精品胆机、音色细致、生动有高贵感Primare(翩美) 丹麦精品级Hi-End晶体管放大器,音色细致顺滑高贵Tact Audio 丹麦新兴Hi-End数字放大器的先驱,造工精良,声调自然舒畅德国:AA:ASR:Burmester(柏林之声):MBL(大葫芦):瑞士:darTZeel(达声):FM Acoustic:Goldmund(高文):Nagra(南瓜):ORPHEUS(天琴):欧洲其它品牌:Audio Analogue(雅乐) 意大利新兴中价高级晶体管放大器,声音深具文艺气息Bladelius(谱丽声):瑞典Cairn(卡恩):法国Electrocompaniet(音乐之旅) 挪威最具代表的Hi-End晶体管放大器,音乐优雅通透逼真HEGEL(音响哲学):挪威Jadis(渣的士):法国SPHINX(灵狮) 荷兰著名的中高价Hi-End晶体管放大器,声音清新中性Unison Rexearch(声韵) 意大利著名的Hi-End胆机,造型典雅,音质迷人亚太地区: HALCRO :澳大利亚新兴巨无霸级Hi-End晶体管放大器,失真史上最低MAS :澳大利亚Hi-End晶体管放大器,产品制作用料扎实,潜质大Melody(麦乐迪): 华人创立的澳大利亚新兴高级胆机,音色鲜明艳丽,乐感丰富Plinius(谱乐诗):新西兰Hi-End晶体管放大器,用料佳,价格平实日本:Accuphase(金嗓子):日本著名Hi-End晶体管放大器,制作严谨精美Luxman(力士): 日本老牌胆/石高级放大器,声音温润丰满Marantz(马兰士): 被日本财团控制的美国品牌中价胆/石放大器,音调柔美,富有乐感中国:Audio Space (科宝):香港中高级著名胆机,造工精良,性价比高Proton(普腾): 台湾名牌晶体管放大器的先驱之一,声音控制力和性价比较好Bada(八达): 中国Hi-Fi级晶体管放大器的先驱之一,声音控制力和性价比较好Opera(欧博): 中国Hi-Fi胆机代表作之一,外观细致,用料精良,性价比较高Spark(斯巴克): 中国Hi-Fi胆机代表作之一,声音与制作质素超值Korsun(柯颂): 中国晶体管放大器代表作之一,声音中性醇正,现已更名为德颂(DUSSUN)Xindak(新德克): 中国著名的Hi-Fi胆/石放大器,用料精良,音质与性价比较高Winner(天逸): 中国著名的Hi-Fi级晶体管放大器,声调厚暖,售价实惠Sheng Ya(声雅): 中国老牌Hi-Fi胆/石放大器,功力扎实,外观高档钟神/凤之声 中国著名Hi-Fi晶体管放大器,用料高级,声音较佳

公司收到员工resignation letter既confirmation letter ?

1) 公司收到员工既resignation letter 通常都唔好出confirmation 架u359e ? 只要个员工俾咗信, 当然要系上面写清楚递信日期啦. 咁收咗就叫做confirm 架啦. 不过如果你真系要写confirmation 都得既, 大致上内容如下: (Date) (Re: Resignation ) Mr.Chan, (e.g.) Being confirmed that your resignation letter was well received on 17th July, 2007. Your last working day will be on 16th August, 2007. Due to your leaving, the final payment would be calculated after 7days of the last day 22nd August, 2007. ........... 2) 如 17/7 系effective date, 咁佢既 last day 即最后上班日应该系 16/8/07 先啱. 2007-07-18 10:58:19 补充: 唔好意思, misunderstand 咗你个问题. 如果佢u358a日俾信, effective date 应该系u358a日, 但系要confirm 佢封信上面个date 系咪同佢俾信系同一日, 如果唔系最好当面叫佢改番, 签番名咁就冇数"坳", 因为effective date 唔同咗 last day 都会唔同.,你可以看一看员工的信件上是什么日期. 如正常来说是计昨天, 如果员工的信日期是今天, 则计今天.,

Natalia Kills的《Mirrors》 歌词

歌曲名:Mirrors歌手:Natalia Kills专辑:PerfectionistNatalia Kills - MirrorsnananaShut upShut your mouth and close the doorI wanna, watch you while you take it offI"m gonna, take a blindfold put it onAnd then I drop the letter to the floorI said shut upTurning the lights out,Burnin" the candlesAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightTurning the lights out,Tighten the handcuffsAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightMy stiletto on your neckuntil I, tie your hands above the bed,you"re "bout to, but boy dont pull the trigger yetnanana, I haven"t reloaded the clipno matterSqueeze hard, hold that poseyou know i like it do itsweetheart, im the bossI"ll let you get close to itIm gonna make tonight a showoh oh ohI"ll make your love grenade explodenananaTurning the lights out,burnin" the candlesAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightTurning the lights out,Tighten the handcuffsAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightTurning the lights out,burnin" the candlesAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightTurning the lights out,Tighten the handcuffsAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightsex, love, control, vanitysex, love, control, vanitysex, love, control, vanitysex, love, control, vanitysex, love, control, vanitysex, love, control, vanityVanity, vanitySqueeze hard, hold that poseYou know I like it do itsweetheart, I"m the bossI"ll let you get close to itIm gonna make tonight a showohohohI"ll make your love grenade explodenananaTurning the lights out,burnin" the candlesAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightTurning the lights out,Tighten the handcuffsAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightTurning the lights out,burnin" the candlesAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightTurning the lights out,Tighten the handcuffsAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonight


我也在找这个答案,搜到一些英文的问答。分享一下,简单翻译了一下,供参考。source:"s Third New International Dictionary (Unabridged) gives theapplicable definition of "notice" as "a written or printedannouncement or bulletin." The same source defines "circular" as "anannouncement, advertisement, or directive typically in the form of aprinted leaflet intended to be sent to many persons or otherwisedistributed widely."Here are five differences between a circular and a notice.1. Typically you would print very few copies of a notice (possiblyonly one), but you might print thousands of copies of a circular.notice可以印几份,而circular要印上千份2. A notice is usually posted on a wall or similar fixed structure,while a circular is designed to be distributed in various locations,or mailed.notice通常是贴在墙上,circular是被转到不同地方,或使用邮件3. A notice is generally intended to be read by many people; eachcircular is likely to be read by one person: a circular goes topeople, but people come to a notice.notice是为了让许多人阅读,circular更可能是给一个人读circular送给人,而人们会来看notice4. Since a notice is designed to be read by groups of people, it islikely to be printed in a larger typeface so that it can be read at adistance; a circular can be printed in small type, since it will behand-held by individuals.notice会使用大字型,方便人们从很远的地方看过去阅读circular会使用小字型,因为人们会手拿着阅读5. A notice is more likely to have legal standing than a circular,since it is difficult to prove that circulars have reached theirtarget audience, while a notice that is prominently posted may beassumed to have been read by the public.notice的法律地位可能更强一些,因为它会在明显的位置,并且假定大众会阅读另外,这里也涉及一些办公室里的这两个词的区别:

ipad air 能像正常的电脑那样用吗

可以,除了轻薄外,其打开应用程序和网页的速度更快,这是因为苹果定制了软件以匹配定制的A7处理器,打开应用程序的速度更快了,但最大的改进在于,更密集使用处理器的活动,如InfinityBladeIII等游戏和Vjay、iMovie和GarageBand等应用。iPad air配备了苹果最新的A7处理器+M7运动协处理器,这意味着你可以以高达2倍的处理器速度和图形处理速度处理一切。在GPU方面,A7集成了一个四核PowerVRG6430。A7也是第一个集成这个核心的CPU,支持OPENGL3.0。扩展资料:iPad Air的特点:1、电池方面iPad Air功能强大,但耗电量很小。虽然它的速度是前一代iPad的两倍,而且薄了20%,但它的电池续航时间也惊人地长达10小时。2、网络连接通过双天线设计和MIMO(多输入多输出)技术,iPad Air可以将Wi-Fi连接速度提高2倍。双频(2.4GHz和5GHz)802.11n无线网络和MIMO技术协同工作,使下载速度高达300mbps,是之前iPad数据传输速率的两倍。参考资料来源:百度百科—iPad Air

求Irrational anthem 的歌词

IRRATIONAL ANTHEMI remember wishing I was olderalways something big around the cornerbut as the years go by I"m growing younger open eye and head still filled with wonder....wonder ohhhhh .....ummmmm...ohhhh[Chorus:]Pledge of allegiance everybody stand up this is a Irrational Anthem we don"t care if they don"t understand us because this is our Irrational... Irrational Anthem ohhhhhh ohhhhhh Let your mind go anywhere it whats tomake your wildest wish and watch it come truesome how somewhere we forgot cowboys Indians astronauts all the dreams we could not hold on to we could not Ohhhh [Chorus]Nothing worse then normal theres no fun in one day as everyone else gets older I refuse to change we are strong a mile long who side are you on[Chorus x2]

everything is not what it seems irc歌词


英语:Can their dream come true?中的梦想一词为什么不用复数?


求彩虹岛日服主题曲 Girl Meets Boy-榊原由依 的罗马音和日文、中文歌词

Girl meets Boy歌:榊原ゆい作词/作曲:榊原ゆい 编曲:原田胜通(Angel Note)At any time 出逢(であ)い求(もと)めて 触(ふ)れ合(あ)いたい 感(かん)じたいそれがきっと この世界(ばしょ)に存在(いき)てる证拠(あかし)自分(じぶん)を磨(みが)くコトも tremendously 大切(たいせつ)だって素敌(すてき)になれなくちゃ もったいないじゃない!街角(まちかど)にいるあの子(こ) 「いつも気(き)になってた」って勇気(ゆうき)をだしてごらん キミならね きっと大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)☆(She opens up the new world by Lauff65tale and a girl meets boy.)新(あたら)しい扉(ドア)を开(ひら)こう!(Many friends are waiting.I will go together!)なりたい自分(じぶん)になろう!(She opens up the new world by Lauff65tale and a girl meets boy.)鲜(あざ)やかな世界(せかい)が见(み)えたら ようこそ!Wonderlandへ☆キミの笑颜(えがお)に会(あ)いたいSo anyone 仲间(なかま)探(さが)して 分(わ)かち合(あ)い 騒(さわ)ぎたい朝(あさ)まで语(かた)り明(あ)かす 眠(ねむ)い目(め)をこすり本音(ほんね)を言(い)えるコトも significance なのかもねもっと楽(たの)しまなくちゃ 意味(いみ)がないんじゃない!いつか出会(であ)う 不思议(ふしぎ)の键(かぎ)を开(あ)ける时(とき)はきっとキミと一绪(いっしょ)だったなら 大(おお)きな感动(かんどう)が生(う)まれるね☆(She opens up the new world by Lauff65tale and a girl meets boy.)辉(かがや)く冒険(ぼうけん)に出(で)かけよう!(Many friends are waiting.I will go together!)なりたい自分(じぶん)になれる!(She opens up the new world by Lauff65tale and a girl meets boy.)信(しん)じる仲间(なかま)が集(あつ)まったら 行(い)こうよ!Unknown worldへ☆キミの笑颜(えがお)になりたい勇気(ゆうき)をだしてごらん キミならね きっと大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)☆(She opens up the new world by Lauff65tale and a girl meets boy.)新(あたら)しい扉(ドア)を开(ひら)こう!(Many friends are waiting.I will go together!)なりたい自分(じぶん)になろう!(She opens up the new world by Lauff65tale and a girl meets boy.)鲜(あざ)やかな世界(せかい)が见(み)えたら ようこそ!Wonderlandへ☆キミの笑颜(えがお)に会(あ)いたい(She opens up the new world by Lauff65tale and a girl meets boy.)辉(かがや)く冒険(ぼうけん)に出(で)かけよう!(Many friends are waiting.I will go together!)なりたい自分(じぶん)になれる!(She opens up the new world by Lauff65tale and a girl meets boy.)信(しん)じる仲间(なかま)が集(あつ)まったら 行(い)こうよ!Unknown worldへ☆キミの笑颜(えがお)になりたい


查看文章 李孝利《UGOGIRL》歌词---中文翻译+韩文+罗马拼音(音译)2009-03-0520:15 李孝利《UGOGIRL》韩文歌词GirlgirlHeyugogirl De-leDe-lethatthatthatgirl GirlgirlHeyugogirl BabybabybabybabygirlSaywhat Girl GirlGirlheyUgogirl De-leDe-lethatthatthatgirl GirlheyUgogirl Babybabybabybabygirl tonight tonightGirlgirlHeyugogirl De-leDe-lethatthatthatgirl GirlgirlHeyugogirl Babybabybabybabygirl Girl GirlGirlheyUgogirl De-leDe-lethatthatthatgirl GirlheyUgogirl Babybabybabybabygirl tonight tonightCrazynight That`sallright Letmetakeyouholdtonight It`sallright HeygirlpartytonightGirlgirlHeyugogirl De-leDe-lethatthatthatgirl GirlgirlHeyugogirl BabybabybabybabygirlGirlgirlHeyugogirl De-leDe-lethatthatthatgirl GirlgirlHeyugogirl BabybabybabybabygirlIlikethatthatthatgirl andletmeseeabringit backbackbackgirlOKIlikethatthatthatgirl andletmeseeabringit backbackbackgirlOnemoretimebaby Ilikethatthatthatgirl andletmeseeabringit backbackbackgirlOKIlikethatthatthatgirl andletmeseeabringit backbackbackgirl李孝利《UGOGIRL》的罗马拼音(音译)歌词 Heygirl it"stheprincessleehyolee she"sbackyeah 2008youready heygirl girlgirlugogirl deledelethatthatthatgirl girlgirlugogirl babybabybabybabygirl saywhat aonuendaoodunaosiryiboyaji molinundaoaodaokeimanjiuyazaoerji yigunaodaonidaozeogunaodaoni gaomingaominhajima girl aonuendaoaodunmarheiyahayaji aodaokeineimaemzenneiyazaoerji yigunaodaoni daozeogunaodaoni gaomingaominhajima girl girlheyugogirl deledelethatthatthatgirl girl heyugogirlbabybabybabybabygirl yijiebutousorjikagei yijiebutoutantanhagei noeimambaoyoujiu balaoyisungan jigumyisungantonight kagemxiendarkomhagei kagemxienkanliuhagei noeimambaoyoujiu balaoyisungan jigumyisungantonight girlgirlheyugogirl girl girlheyugogirl deledelethatthatthatgirl girlheyugogirl babybabybabybabygirl aonuendaomusenyirsengingenji yigiraozaojidaozeogiraodaoji gaomingaominhajima girl grsalamdaozaoahargamaemzaolimun zumonisaozagendunzenhanagaoneisao abmunninaaojidiumunninaaoji gaomingaominhajima girl girlheyugogirl deledelethatthatthatgirl girlheyugogirl babybabybabybabygirl yijiebutousorjikagei yijiebutantanhagei noeimambaoyoujiubalaoyisungan jigumyisungantonightkagemxiendarkomhagei kagemxienkanliuhageicrazynight that"sallright let"smetakeyouholdtonight that"sallrightheygirlpartytonight crazynight that"sallright let"smetakeyouholdtonight that"sallright heygirlpartytonight girlheyugogirl deledelethatthatthatgirl girlheyugogirl babybabybabybabygirl girlheyugogirl deledelethatthatthatgirl girlheyugogirl babybabybabybabygirlIlikethatthatthatgirl andletmeseeabringitbackbackbackgirl OK Ilikethatthatthatgirlandletmeseeabringitbackbackbackgirl onemoretimebaby Ilikethatthatthatgirl andletmeseeabringitbackbackbackgirl OK Ilikethatthatthatgirlandletmeseeabringitbackbackbackgirl李孝利《UGOGIRL》中文翻译歌词今天又该穿怎样的衣服呢 头发又该怎么弄才好呢 这个怎么办那个又怎么办 郁闷郁闷不要这样GIRL 今天又该说怎样的话呢 又该怎样传达我的心思才好呢 这个怎么办那个又怎么办 郁闷郁闷不要这样GIRL GIRLHEYUGOGIRL DELEDELETHATTHATGIRL GIRLHEYUGOGIRL BABYBABYBABYBABYGIRL现在开始率直的 现在开始堂堂正正的 展开你的心扉 当时这瞬间现在这瞬间TONIGHT 相同的时间甜蜜的 相同的时间强烈的 展开你的心扉 当时这瞬间现在这瞬间TONIGHT GIRLGIRLHEYUGOGIRL DELEDELETHATTHATGIRL GIRLGIRLHEYUGOGIRL BABYBABYBABYBABYGIRL WOOHA 今天又有怎样的事情在呼唤我 或许我又会有什么事情发生 这该怎么办那又该怎么办 郁闷郁闷不要这样GIRL 那个人是不是也喜欢我担心着 从钱包中取出一枚小硬币 是从前面出来还是从后面出来 郁闷郁闷不要这样GIRL GIRLHEYUGOGIRL DELEDELETHATTHATGIRL GIRLHEYUGOGIRL BABYBABYBABYBABYGIRL 现在开始率直的 现在开始堂堂正正的 展开你的心扉 当时这瞬间现在这瞬间TONIGHT 相同的时间甜蜜的 相同的时间强烈的 给我们看看你的心 当时这瞬间现在这瞬间TONIGHT


iridescent英 [u02ccu026aru026au02c8desnt] 美 [u02ccu026aru026au02c8du025bsu0259nt]adj.彩虹色的; (随位置不同而)变色的,闪色的; 小配件派生词:iridescence iridescently 双语例句1. a bird with iridescent blue feathers 蓝色羽毛闪烁的鸟2. The prelude was as iridescent as a prism in a morning room. 这个序曲就象清晨房间里的一块三棱镜一样灿烂辉煌.3. The iridescent bubbles were beautiful. 这些闪着彩虹般颜色的大气泡很美.4. Light flashed from the iridescent feathers around its neck. 它颈上的虹彩色羽毛闪烁着光芒.5. Broad disks of iridescent brightness swam under his lids. 闪亮的彩色光团在他的眼皮底下浮游.


是林肯公园第4部专辑《A Thousand suns》中的12首歌,[1] 2011年4月被定为电影《变形金刚3》的主题曲,并将重新拍摄MV。

以前偶然听过一首歌,只记得歌中有半句歌词是a just girl ,旋律很低沉,是个男声唱的,整首歌大部分就是这


firms that use

D 使用计算机的那些公司早就发现质量控制所需要的工作人员数量可以大幅度减少. 这句话主要结构: Firms..have found that the number of the staff.can be...reduced. that use computers 定语从句修饰firms, 使用计算机的公司 that is needed for quality control 定语从句修饰the number of the staff,质量控制所需要的人员数量 在此,that指代the number of the staff what不能引导定语从句,先排除C. 因为that在从句中作主语,再排除A. as单独不能引导限制性的定语从句,也排除. 所以选D.

眼睛检查OCT报告单 IR ART 是什么意思


求一首欧美男歌手唱的歌名,歌曲开头是baby girl,结束是no stress.

Fool againu2015westlife

for third-parties submitting the enrollment on behalf of the enrollee什么意

for third-parties submitting the enrollment on behalf of the enrollee第三方对学生的招生代表提交


是不是《漫长的季节》里的?是恰恰舞曲 surprise(浏览器搜,音乐软件目前我搜不到)

一首说唱,高潮部分是girl you are you playing with me,男生唱的

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