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先艺 应该是

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Does Claire want a new one for her birthday?


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SureFire 的手电筒为什么这么贵


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ultra fire 是哪个国家的产物?

ultra fire 是美国的产物Ultrafire/SureFire 中文译作“神火”,灯芯皆为美国进口灯芯,其余配件都是由国内组装完成,各大网站上所出售的 Ultrafire/SureFire 手电筒都是如此。美国神火,其实他并不叫神火,只是中国的爱好者给他起的名字,它的手电质量很好,价格也很高,它追求的是简单实用,结实耐用,稳定性好 可以适应恶劣的使用环境,且经久耐用 不容易坏。还是很不错的。建议:建议各位朋友最好是按着自己的选择,根据自己的实际情况选择性价比最优,评价最好的手电。

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那个是美国神火的官方网站 supfire还是surefire

surfire supfire 都是假洋鬼子

跪求Miranda lambert-Over you钢琴,小提琴伴奏谱!


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Miranda Lambert《I Just Really Miss You》mp3

歌曲已发送,请留意查收。Miranda Lambert - I Just Really Miss YouThere"s a dark cloud hanging over my heart I can"t see where it ends, or where it starts. I should get over you, but baby, it"s so hard, with this dark cloud hanging over my heart. There"s a sad song ringing in my head. Baby, it"s been here ever since you left. I should be moving along how far would I get with this sad song ringing in my head. Chorus: I just really miss you, I just really miss you, There"s a life I can"t ask you to leave. I just really miss you, right now I kinda want to. The closest that you"ll ever be to me is free. There"s a hard wind blowing through this town. And nothing left to hold is pushing me down. It blows over you and me without a sound. There"s a hard wind blowing through this town. Chorus: I just really miss you, I just really miss you, There"s a life I can"t ask you to leave. I just really miss you, right now I kinda need to. The closest that you"ll ever be to me is free. Now it"s one more night at the upside down, it"s ten steps in, and hundred miles back out. Chorus: I just really miss you, I just really miss you, There"s a life I can"t ask you to leave. I just really miss you, right now I kinda need to. The closest that you"ll ever be to me is free.

谁有Miranda Lambert的 I Wanna Die的歌词

You know it"s so complicated, first you love then you hate itSomeone"s laughing, someone"s crying, someone livin", someone"s dyingSombody always looses and we still play the gameAnd the fire will always burn you and we still light the flameLet"s make it up baby, cause I aint gonna fightIf you"re the death of me darlin", I wanna dieYou always say that you love me and there is no one above meNever giving, always takin", never bending, always breakingI know you aint a liar but you don"t tell the truthAnd you"re walkin" on a wire wearing someone else"s shoesIf you"re handing out misery I"ll be the first in lineIf you"re the death of me darlin" I wanna dieTear it up, break it downPut my heart on your sleeve and wear it all over townI know you"re a player but you don"t play by the rulesAnd I"m just another in a long line of foolsYeah it"s so complicated, I love then I hate itI"m laughing, you"re crying, you"re livin", I"m dyin"Somebody always looses and we still play the gameYeah the fire will always burn you and we still light the flameLet"s make it up baby, cause I aint gonna fightIf you"re the death of me darlin", I wanna dieTear it up, break it downPut my heart on your sleeve and wear it all over townI know you"re a player but you don"t play by the rulesAnd I"m just another in a long line of foolsYeah it"s so complicated, I love then I hate itI"m laughing you"re crying, you"re living, I"m dyin"I know you aint a liar but you don"t tell the truthAnd you"re walkin on a wire wearing someone else"s shoesIf you"re handing out misery I"ll be the first in lineIf you"re the death of me darlin" I wanna dieOHHHH I wanna dieTear it up Tear it upum um um

Miranda Lambert的《Over You》 歌词

  歌曲名:Over You  歌手:Miranda Lambert专辑:Four The Record歌词如下;Miranda Lambert - Over YouWeather man said it"s gonna snowBy now I should be used to the coldMid-February shouldn"t be so scaryIt was only DecemberI still remember the presents, the tree, you and meBut you went awayHow dare you, I miss youThey say I"ll be OKBut I"m not going to ever get over youLiving alone here in this placeI think of you, and I"m not afraidYour favorite records make me feel better"Cause you sing along with every songI know you didn"t mean to give them to meBut you went awayHow dare you, I miss youThey say I"ll be OKBut I"m not going to ever get over youIt really sinks in, you knowWhen I see it in stone"Cause you went away,How dare you, I miss youThey say I"ll be OKBut I"m not going to ever get over you(来源




前面那个是真,后面那个是假,话说后面那个也不是那么写的 应该是supfire


“supfire“不是美国神火,美国神火是“surefire”。“supfire”是深圳市神火照明有限责任公司旗下自主品牌,产品涵盖各类型LED强光手电筒、头灯、自行车灯、潜水手电、防爆手电等。而美国神火“surefire”是美国加州一家专门生产高亮度小型手电的公司,最初的主要产品是各种型号的手电筒、安装在枪械上的战术灯、激光指示器以及其他与之配套的相关产品。扩展资料:surefire介绍这家公司的前身是1969年成立的专门生产工业激光器的新港公司(Newport Corporation),在1979年公司拆分后成立了一家激光产品公司(Laser ProductsCorporation)。在1984年洛杉矶奥运会期间该公司为LAPD和LASD提供霰弹枪的激光指示器,然后在1985年又研制出用于手枪的激光指示器,命名为“SURE-FIRE”(现在的写法是SureFire),这便是这个品牌的第一个产品。其后又开始推出小型的强光手电筒及把这些手电筒安装在枪械上使用的夹具及线控开关,SURE-FIRE系列产品被美国军队及执法机构所采用,还出口到其他国家。SureFire(神火),这个世界上最出名的战术手电生产厂家,为手电带来了一场革命,甚至可以说神火的手电已经成了战术手电的一种标准,也是深受广大手电筒爱好者喜欢的一个品牌。参考资料:百度百科-surefire


  surefire这个是真的。superfire这个是假的。  一、SureFire(神火)简介    SureFire(神火),这个世界上最出名的战术手电生产厂家,为手电带来了一场革命,甚至可以说神火的手电已经成了战术手电的一种标准,也是深受广大手电筒爱好者喜欢的一个品牌。SureFire是公认世界上最好的战术手电生产厂商,提供了多个系列的产品满足各种用途的需要,被用来作为军事,消防,救灾,紧急求救,户外运动和军事及执法单位的理想装备,更是广受手电爱好者喜爱,其手电主要采用航空航天级铝合金使用数控加工中心精密加工而成,以第三级超硬阳极氧化电镀处理表面,可靠耐用。  二,产品分类  1、SureFire(神火)分为以下系列:  E系列;G、P、Z、C、D系列;M系列;L系列。  2、还有其他一些手电无法归于以上所有系列中的,包括:  TITAN,T1A,A2,A2L,AZ2,V2,U2,KROMA,Stratum。


淘宝网有卖的 我就买了一个 的确很亮





战术手电(surefire)的滤镜FM34, FM35, FM36 各有什么作用,哪个实际意义大?

散光镜就是发散光线 时候近距离照明红色滤镜适合夜间使用 配合夜视仪 蓝色滤镜可以看到荧光物质求救的话 当时是红光最好

Type org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.SurefirePlugin not present

引入spring-boot-maven-plugin 的时候报错 java.lang.TypeNotPresentException: Type org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.SurefirePlugin not present 。如下: 解决办法就是补上maven-surefire-plugin 插件

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不会的,SUREFIRE E1D这款是防水的,恶劣环境影响不了其性能。不会进灰尘的



uitrafire、trustfire是美国神火手电公司的注册品牌吗?还有supfire 好像真正的神火应该叫surefire?

ultrafire、trustfire supfire这三个都是国产品牌,只不过基本都是用美国CREE的LED,取名都和神火相近,但实际上和真正的美国原产surefire是一点关系没有.从价位上也有明显区别.前者都是一两元的做为主打价位,后者一般都500元起步,一般老百姓是用不起呀. SUPFIRE在国内众多"神火"品牌中广告营销与策划都做的比另两家要好,但终于和surefire一点血缘关系没有,只不过在广告中喜欢用"美国神火"字样.以上问题想深入研究的话可以进"手电大家谈"论坛.


是一个国产手电品牌,很多人称之为“神火”。但是实际上按照严格意义来讲,不能算是为真正的品牌,因为他是通用的,也就是谁都能用。任何一家生产手电的小厂都能在自己的产品上打上Ultrafire的标。所以在很多发烧友那儿一般称之为“山寨火”。而正真的“神火”是美国的手电品牌"Surefire"。 虽然不是正真意义上的品牌,但是在具体型号命名上,各厂家在生产时一般都遵循一定的规范。比如C8是大头远射型,C3是三段结构的单AA型号,502B是使用26.5mm通用一体光杯和18650电池的中型筒。不过由于各生产厂商的技术水平、加工能力以及使用材料的不同,会有一定的细节方面的差别,品质也是良莠不齐,有粗制滥造的典型山寨样,但其中也不乏做工精良的精品。同样,SuperFire也是国产山寨火。


SUREFIRE R1当然不错,前提是不差钱,一个朋友有一款,确实很好。标称750流明,这个也不用怀疑,国外的东西一般不会虚标。美国的神火(而不是国内的神火)很多一直用于军用或警用。10年前我买过一款SUREFIRE 6P,120流明(因为那是白炽灯炮,发光效率比不上LED),现在还在用,那也是非常经典的一款手电。




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Birthday Lady歌词中文翻译

夫人,祝你生日快乐生日快乐,我的夫人夫人,祝你生日快乐生日快乐,我的夫人早上好,宝贝难道你不知道今天是你的生日,我的夫人现在这里有一个计划,宝贝我想要弥补你,宝贝现在,让我们先洗个澡至少做///zzzzz////爱///aaaaa////两个小时从地板上站起来难道你不知道没有人在家生日快乐,夫人,我的宝贝生日快乐 我的夫人难道你不知道 你是我的?生日快乐,夫人生日快乐,我的夫人我有一份礼物要给你我知道你会爱上它的 宝贝让我牵着你的手这是你的钻石戒指我如此的爱你如果我可以的话 我会给你整个世界我只想说生日快乐生日快乐,夫人生日快乐,宝贝生日快乐,我的夫人生日快乐,宝贝生日快乐,夫人现在是早上,宝贝, 我知道你要醒来了生日快乐,我的夫人让你的头发全身心享受让你的指甲全身心享受去买你的性xxxxx//////感////////的衣服吧

Birthday Lady 歌词

歌曲名:Birthday Lady歌手:Emitt Rhodes专辑:The Emitt Rhodes Recordings (1969 - 1973)Johnny P. - Birthday LadyHappy birthday to you ladyHappy birthday to my ladyHappy birthday to you ladyHappy birthday to my ladyGood morning babyDon"t you know it"s your birthday ladyNow here"s the plan babyI wanna fix things for your babyNow let"s take a showerAnd make love at least two hoursNow get you up on the floorDon"t you know there"s no one at homeHappy birthday to you lady(happy birthday baby)Happy birthday to my lady(Don"t you know, you"re my)Happy birthday to you lady(oh oh)Happy birthday to my ladyHere"s my gift to you babyI know you gonna love this ladyLet me take your handHere is your diamond ringI love you so muchIf I could id give you the wordAll I wanna sayHappy happy birthdayHappy birthday to you lady(Happy birthday baby)Happy birthday to my lady(Happy happy birthday baby)Happy birthday to you lady(It"s moning baby, I know you can wake)Happy birthday to my lady(To get you head down)(To get you nails down)(And buy your sexy outfit baby)Happy birthday to you ladyHappy birthday to my ladyHappy birthday to my ladyHappy birthday to the ladyHappy birthday to you ladyHappy birthday to the ladyHappy birthday to you ladyHappy birthday to the ladyHappy birthday to you lady

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英语口语中my girl和my lady的区别

  英语口语中:  lady女士 girl女孩  My Lady的词典解释:  [对女法官和贵妇人的敬称]夫人;  例句:  1.No this is come strange bring in my lady!  没有来奇怪,这是使我的夫人!  2.Sir edward, my lady? Sir guy is waiting.  爱德华先生,小姐?盖先生在等着呢.  3.My lady. What do you look at?  公主你在看什么?

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North Yorkshire是什么意思

North Yorkshire北郡双语例句1He was brought up in North Yorkshire.他是在北约克郡长大的。2Born in Bridlington, North Yorkshire, England, Mr.Brough graduated with a business degreefrom University of Nottingham.彭博伦出生于英国北约克郡的布里德灵顿,拥有诺丁汉大学的商学学位。

同义句转换 the hairclip is mays.the hairclip---------

The hairclip is May"s.这个发夹是梅的。 = the hairclip (belongs to May).这个发夹是属于梅的。




以下是使用C#语言使用抽象类实现长方形、圆的面积和周长的示例代码:public abstract class Shape {// 定义形状类 public abstract double Area();public abstract double Perimeter();}// 长方形类 public class Rectangle: Shape {private double length;private double width;public Rectangle(double length, double width) {this.length = length;this.width = width;}public override double Area() {return length * width;}public override double Perimeter() {return 2 * (length + width);}}// 圆类 public class Circle: Shape {private double radius;public Circle(double radius) {this.radius = radius;}public override double Area() {return Math.PI * radius * radius;}public override double Perimeter() {return 2 * Math.PI * radius;}}// 测试类 public class Test {public static void Main() {// 创建长方形对象 Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(5, 10);// 计算面积和周长 double area = rect.Area();double perimeter = rect.Perimeter();// 输出结果 Console.WriteLine("Area: " + area);Console.WriteLine("Perimeter: " + perimeter);}}接着,创建了两个子类Rectangle和Circle,分别表示长方形和圆。这两个类都继承了Shape类,并实现了Area和Perimeter方法。在Test类的Main方法中,我们创建了一个Rectangle对象,并分别计算了其面积和周长。最后,我们输出了结果。需要注意的是,在实际应用中,我们可能需要根据具体需求对抽象类和子类进行调整,例如添加图形(例如椭圆、多边形)、旋转等功能。此外,也需要注意线程安全和异常处理等问题。



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14.8正式版。苹果iPad是由英国出生的设计主管乔纳森·伊夫(Jonathan Ive,或译为乔纳森·艾维)领导的团队设计的,这个圆滑、超薄的产品反映出了伊夫对德国天才设计师Dieter Rams的崇敬之情。基本信息在2000年,“iPad”(internet portable apple device)已经是苹果内部一个极其重要的项目,一开始是基于多点触摸研发的秘密项目,且一直受乔布斯悉心保护。在掌握了多点触摸技术后。2002年,苹果硬件开发部有了第一台iPad原型,但是这部机器比较厚重,电池性能也太弱。所以苹果继续改进触摸技术,而平板计划则无限期推迟。2008年初,出现了Netbook(上网本)并开始蚕食传统手提电脑份额,所有公司都在制造这种产品,除了苹果和索尼,而索尼在2009年推出了自家的Netbook:VAIOP。“Netbook这东西什么都不是”,乔布斯曾在公共场合断言,“它只是一部很便宜的笔记本罢了,在它身上基本找不到一点点优秀。”在2008年的一次高层会议上决定对尘封在Jony Ive实验室的iPad原型继续开发,作为对Netbook的反击。


14.8正式版。苹果iPad是由英国出生的设计主管乔纳森·伊夫(Jonathan Ive,或译为乔纳森·艾维)领导的团队设计的,这个圆滑、超薄的产品反映出了伊夫对德国天才设计师Dieter Rams的崇敬之情。基本信息在2000年,“iPad”(internet portable apple device)已经是苹果内部一个极其重要的项目,一开始是基于多点触摸研发的秘密项目,且一直受乔布斯悉心保护。在掌握了多点触摸技术后。2002年,苹果硬件开发部有了第一台iPad原型,但是这部机器比较厚重,电池性能也太弱。所以苹果继续改进触摸技术,而平板计划则无限期推迟。2008年初,出现了Netbook(上网本)并开始蚕食传统手提电脑份额,所有公司都在制造这种产品,除了苹果和索尼,而索尼在2009年推出了自家的Netbook:VAIOP。“Netbook这东西什么都不是”,乔布斯曾在公共场合断言,“它只是一部很便宜的笔记本罢了,在它身上基本找不到一点点优秀。”在2008年的一次高层会议上决定对尘封在Jony Ive实验室的iPad原型继续开发,作为对Netbook的反击。


14.8正式版。苹果iPad是由英国出生的设计主管乔纳森·伊夫(Jonathan Ive,或译为乔纳森·艾维)领导的团队设计的,这个圆滑、超薄的产品反映出了伊夫对德国天才设计师Dieter Rams的崇敬之情。基本信息在2000年,“iPad”(internet portable apple device)已经是苹果内部一个极其重要的项目,一开始是基于多点触摸研发的秘密项目,且一直受乔布斯悉心保护。在掌握了多点触摸技术后。2002年,苹果硬件开发部有了第一台iPad原型,但是这部机器比较厚重,电池性能也太弱。所以苹果继续改进触摸技术,而平板计划则无限期推迟。2008年初,出现了Netbook(上网本)并开始蚕食传统手提电脑份额,所有公司都在制造这种产品,除了苹果和索尼,而索尼在2009年推出了自家的Netbook:VAIOP。“Netbook这东西什么都不是”,乔布斯曾在公共场合断言,“它只是一部很便宜的笔记本罢了,在它身上基本找不到一点点优秀。”在2008年的一次高层会议上决定对尘封在Jony Ive实验室的iPad原型继续开发,作为对Netbook的反击。

Reba McEntire -Ill Be 的中文歌词

当黑暗覆盖你的心灵和灵魂我会成为照亮你的那道光当你忘记了你是如何的美丽我会出现使你记起当你迷失了自己的路我会为你找到我的路当灾难来临我会来到你的身旁当你需要有人依靠的时候我会成为你的肩膀当你需要有人掩护的时候我会成为你的庇护我会在那里支持你 我会在那里我会成为你最坚固的岩石 紧紧地抓住你当你感受到大雨倾盆当没有人在你身旁我会在当你在没有人能握着你的手的地方我会成为为你伸出的手臂当你的信念几乎要耗尽 我会在那里相信你当你发现所有都是谎言 我会成为你想要的真相当你希望向某人奔去你可以奔向我当你的心灵被雨水充满我会成为太阳我会成为为你驱逐雨水的那个人我会在 Translate By:Violin按照你给的歌词,我自己翻译了一下,希望你能够理解><

IR UV NMR MS在解析有机化合物结构过程中的特点

用口语话说:IR 能知道物质中有什么官能团 能知道物质中分子轨道跃迁情况,尤其是共轭体系 能知道每个氢原子(碳)周围环境有什么不同 能知道物质可以拆成那些碎片



life is wonderful,life goes full circle 翻译成中文是什么意思?

Life is Wonderful


Britpop? Britpop虽有个“ Pop"字,但其实是 Rock的一种,源於九十年代英伦,中文可译为“英式摇滚”,这是英伦乐坛对美国 Grunge潮的一个回应,主要是以乐队形式出现。不过, Britpop风格其实十分广泛,如 Oasis是结他摇滚乐队, Blur则Pop很多,而Pulp则接近Glam Rook及跳舞风格,不过他们都被列作 Britpop。 有人形容它“颓废而不绝望,感伤而不煽情,躁动而不狂热,是一种阳光灿烂的放纵,一场充溢着生命力的哭泣。” Brit-pop直接承继了后朋克的忧郁和新浪潮到新浪漫的华美,很多乐迷更熟悉的也许是其中无与伦比的英式吉他的清冽。从后朋克到新浪潮到Brit-pop,20世纪80年代后期到90年代初的“曼彻斯特之声”作为承前启后的音乐潮流,在英式摇滚乐历史上占有无可比拟的重要地位。 英国 Britpop代表人物: Oasis (my favorire)Blur Suede Pulp Radiohead澳大利亚发扬光大者:jet

any girl wanna talk dirty online? Q me: two six 849一二921

I never give it a shit.

air wanybill NO什么意思


what is it like to bea girl like this?

1、I am a boy.我是一个男孩2、she looks beautiful.她看起来很漂亮。3、this apple tastes good.苹果尝起来很可口4、the dog looks lovely.狗狗很可爱。5、the milk goes bad.牛奶变坏了6、the house looks dirty.这个房间看起来很脏7、the woman looks thin.这名女子看起来很瘦8、the mother is a doctor.妈妈是一个老师9、you are a worker。你是一名工人10、he is young.他很年轻表状态的系动词有:keep,becom,go,look.……等等。表语就是用在系动词后面修饰主语的内容。如果我给你的答案你不满意,可以依据此理自己编纂。

So Amazing (Dirty) 歌词

歌曲名:So Amazing (Dirty)歌手:50 Cent专辑:Piggy BankSo Amazing (Feat. Olivia)50 Cent(Chorus- Olivia)Summer, winter, spring, and fallI"ll be around to catch ya callsCause you"re my baby (you"re my baby)And I adore youYou always brighten up my dayI never ever let you waitCause you"re my baby (you"re my baby)And you"re amazing (so amazing)(Verse 1- 50 Cent)I"m from city to city to shop the showSee me I been glidin" across the globeI hustle hard to get the grib fa sho"So when I make time to call you, you should pick up the phoneTell me, whats on your mind when you"re aloneHave ya touchin" on yourself, girl all in the zoneNow if I turned you onwith things I say would I be wrongWell then I wouldn"t be rightMatter fact I"d be on the next flightTryna get it on with you tonightDo the things you likeTouch the right spot, have ya piped and hotWhile the wind blow through your hair in the dropJust lay back, relax to the sounds of the saxAnd let me to what I do until you climaxYou can go straight to sleep after its all overIn the mornin" roll over and we can start over(Chorus- Olivia)Summer, winter, spring, and fallI"ll be around to catch ya callsCause you"re my baby (you"re my baby)And I adore youYou always brighten up my dayI never ever let you waitCause you"re my baby (you"re my baby)And you"re amazing (so amazing)(Verse 2- 50 Cent)Yeah I called just to say hope you havin" a nice dayYou"re special, I get into you, oops I mean I"m into youEvery chance I get, I find time to spend with youJet to bring you to me, just to watch a movieBetter yet to watch you climb into the jacuzziBubbles in the bath, don in the glassFunny how time flies when you full of laughsIts fun but before long, a nigga gotta dashFor the lifestyle I live, a nigga need cashTo come quick, so I don"t fuck with the stashI know you like pumps and bootsI like jeeps and coupes, so I grind all the time, just gimme some lootI put a spell on you, I like to call it a spellIn the bedroom, workin" it well, I don"t kiss and tellBut I don"t care if you kiss and tellYou can tell your girlfriend the details(Chorus x2- Olivia)Summer, winter, spring, and fallI"ll be around to catch ya callsCause you"re my baby (you"re my baby)And I adore youYou always brighten up my dayI never ever let you waitCause you"re my baby (you"re my baby)And you"re amazing (so amazing)Summer, winter, spring, and fallI"ll be around to catch ya callsCause you"re my baby (you"re my baby)And I adore youYou always brighten up my dayI never ever let you waitCause you"re my baby (you"re my baby)And you"re amazing (so amazing)by:乱^_^

一首英文歌,歌词里有很多bad girl

李孝利 Bad Girl

dirty to me什么意思?

dirty to me什么意思?Dirty to me is an expression used to describe someone or something that is seen as immoral, unethical, or just plain wrong.

Dirty Dancing 歌词

歌曲名:Dirty Dancing歌手:New Kids On The Block专辑:the block (deluxe edition)New Kids On The Block - Dirty DancingWasn"t into slow dancin", forget about romancingCause I already got a ladyWasn"t tryin" to be flirty, wasn"t feeling dirty"Til this shorty started runnin" on meWith her itty-bitty waist and her pretty pretty faceAnd the leanest, meanest, badest, badest bodyDidn"t have no time to waste, she was looking for a testAnd she was wanting me to partyOoo, It"s so crazy, she"s like Baby, I"m like SwayzeI"m said, Ooo, and I"m burning upSo, lets turn it up, I said turn it up nowShe"s dirty dirty dancing, dirty dancing on meShe"s dirty dirty dancing, dirty dancing on meShe"s dirty dirty dancing, dirty dancing, dirty dancing on meShe"s dirty dirty dancing, dirty dancing on meNow, I ain"t looking for no drama,I don"t want karma cause my baby sittin" in bed at homeShe know that I be lying and that I be tryingTo be trying to get this shorty with me all alonePretty pretty lips and her big "ol hipsIt"s getting hotter when she touches me with her fingertipsAnd her sexy eyes and those big "ol thighsIt"s getting hotter like The Block up in the summertimeOoo, It"s so crazy, she"s like Baby, I"m like SwayzeI"m said, Ooo, and I"m burning upSo, lets turn it up, I said turn it up nowShe"s dirty dirty dancing, dirty dancing on meShe"s dirty dirty dancing, dirty dancing on meShe"s dirty dirty dancing, dirty dancing, dirty dancing on meShe"s dirty dirty dancing, dirty dancing on meNow, I know that my girl is aloneAnd she"s been blowing me up on my phoneBut I can shower when I get back homeCause tonight I"m dancing dirty, yeah..Now, I know that my girl is aloneAnd she"s been blowing me up on my phoneBut I can shower when I get back homeCause tonight I"m dancing dirty, yeah..Ooo, It"s so crazy, she"s like Baby, I"m like SwayzeI"m said, Ooo, and I"m burning upSo, lets turn it up, I said turn it up nowShe"s dirty dirty dancing, dirty dancing on meShe"s dirty dirty dancing, dirty dancing on meShe"s dirty dirty dancing, dirty dancing, dirty dancing on meShe"s dirty dirty dancing, dirty dancing on meShe"s dirty dirty dancing, dirty dancing on meShe"s dirty dirty dancing, dirty dancing on meShe"s dirty dirty dancing, dirty dancing, dirty dancing on meShe"s dirty dirty dancing, dirty dancing on me

laundry girl 歌词

歌曲名:laundry girl歌手:ludo专辑:ludoLaundry Girl, your eyes like apple trees, your voice like sprayed FebreezeYou had the cleanest dirty laundry that a Laundromat had ever seenLaundry Girl, you said that I should read Hitchhiker"s Guide to the GalaxyOh my love, please tell me were you real or just a dream?It was 4:03 in a world asleep except for meAlone in the Laundromat, the air too hot to breatheThe Tide was getting low, my pockets were drainedMy socks were soaked, my colors all stainedCycles agitating on, God damn, I needed some changeYou walked right through the doorLaundry Girl, your eyes like apple trees, your voice like sprayed FebreezeYou had the cleanest dirty laundry that a Laundromat had ever seenOh, Laundry Girl, I"m stuck between this crumpled five and a coin machineYour quarters breathe like minutes to my soulYou loaned me coins to dry my socks, I walked you home at 6:00Your flip-flops flip-flopped, we made fun of Charlie SheenYou said the Kids in the Hall was the best show of them allI told you how wrong you wereYou whirled around to make your case, to put me right back in my placeYou held your laundry in your arms, it said I-mean-it on your faceAnd in my last clean shirt, I was completely off-guardWhen Laundry Girl, you kissed me hardBeneath that stormy morning sky, those corny joggers jogging byWe stood like statues in the street, the traffic backing up for milesYour heart was permanent pressed to mine, the streets were clean, the socks were dryI held you like I"d lost and found you, hitching hikers had their guideOur lips were heavens opened up, you fit like coffee to my cupThrough galaxies of apple trees, you were my first clean loveAnd in my last clean shirt, I turned around and you were goneOh I never got to say goodbye, oh ohLaundry Girl, darlin" don"t ya see that I found my place in the galaxyOh my love, please tell me were you real or just a dream?Will somebody please tell me was she real or just a dream?Laundry Girl, I love you from my socks to my pocket-TJust a dream to me - Laundry Girl

Dirty Dancer 歌词

歌曲名:Dirty Dancer歌手:Enrique Iglesias专辑:EuphoriaDirty DancerEnrique IglesiasEnrique, UsherThis is for the dirty girlsAll around the worldHere we goDirty dirty dancer"Nother day nother nightAnd she acting like she don"t sleepShe"s a five when she drinksBut she"s a ten when she"s on top of meShe don"t want love she just wanna touchShe"s a greedy girl to never get enoughShe don"t wanna love she just wanna touchGot all the moves that make you get it upShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer Never ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer Never ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyIt"s a gameThat she playsShe can win with her eyes closedIt"s insane how she tamesShe can turn you to an animalShe don"t want love she just wanna touchShe"s a greedy girl to never get enoughShe don"t wanna love she just wanna touchShe"s got all the moves that make you give it upShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer Never ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer Never ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyNever be her onlyShe never satisfiedYou better do it rightBefore you"re lonelyNo, she"s never satisfiedYou better do it rightBefore you"re lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerNever ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer Never ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer, dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyYou"ll never be her onlyThe girl don"t stopDirty dancerThe girl don"t stopThe girl don"t stopDirty dancerThe girl don"t stopThe girl don"t stopDirty dancerThe girl don"t stopThe girl don"t stop

Dirty Dancer翻译

Usher:This is for thr dirty girls all around the world致全世界的坏女孩Enrique:Here we go跳起来!Dirty dirty dancer她是放荡的舞者Nother day,nother night一天天,一夜夜And she acting like she don"t sleep不舍昼夜的舞蹈She"s a five when she drinks如饥似渴时的她有一半属于我But she"s a ten when she"s on top of me与我缠绕时的她似乎完全属于我Usher:She don"t want love she just wanna touch她要的不是爱而是一时快活She"s a greedy girl to nerver get enough她贪婪的从不满足She don"t wanna love she just wanna touch她要的不是爱而是一时快活Got all the moves that make you get it up忘情摇摆,尽情释放!Enrique:She"s a dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer她是一个放荡的舞者Nerver ever lonely从来都不孤寂Usher:She"s a dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer她是一个淫荡的舞者You"ll nerver be her only你永远不会是她的唯一E&U:She"s a dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer她是一个放荡的舞者Nerver ever lonely从来都不孤寂She"s a dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer她就是一个淫荡的舞者You"ll nerver be her only而你将永远得不到她的心Usher:It"s a game that she plays这只是她的游戏She can win with her eyes closed她闭上双眼都能赢It"s insane how she tames你不敢相信她是如何驯服你的She can turn you to an animal你会像动物般轻易被她驯服Enrique:She don"t want love she just wanna touch她要的不是爱而是一时快活She"s a greedy girl to nerver get enough她贪婪的从不满足She don"t wanna love she just wanna touch她要的不是爱而是一时快活She got all the moves that make you get it up她忘情的摇摆,只为尽情的释放!Enrique:She"s a dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer她是一个放荡的舞者Nerver ever lonely从不孤寂Usher:She"s a dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer她是一个放荡的舞者You"ll nerver be her only你得不到她的心E&U:She"s a dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer她是一个放荡的舞者Nerver ever lonely从不孤寂She"s a dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer她是一个放荡的舞者You"ll never be her only你成不了她的唯一Never be her only永远都成不了Usher:She never satisfied她从不满足You better do it right你最好做好准备Bdfore you"re lonely在你孤寂之前Enrique:No, she"s never satisfied不,她从不会得到满足You better do it right你最好做好心理准备Bdfore you"re lonely在你被她踹开之前Enrique:She"s a dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer她是一个放荡的舞者Nerver ever lonely她从不孤寂Usher:She"s a dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer她是一个放荡的舞者You"ll nerver be her only你不会得到她的心E&U:She"s a dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer她是一个放荡的舞者Nerver ever lonely从不孤寂Enrique:She"s a dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer她是一个放荡的舞者You"ll nerver be her only你永远也不会成为她的唯一You"ll nerver be her only永远也不能成为她的唯一The girl don"t stop一个不会停止放荡的女生Dirty dancer一个放荡的舞者The girl don"t stop一个不会停止放荡的女生The girl don"t stop她是一个不会停止玩弄爱情的女生Dirty dancer放荡的舞者The girl don"t stop她放荡得没完没了The girl don"t stop她就是一个不会停止玩弄爱情的女生Dirty dancer放荡的舞者The girl don"t stop永不停歇The girl don"t stop永不停歇...不知道是哪一句,所以把全部歌词都放上了

master air waybill

Master Air Way Bill(MAWB)为航空公司出的Carrier空运单,称为“主运单”,相当于海运中的MB/L;House Air Way Bill(HAWB)为货代公司出的,相当于海运中的HB/L.

dirty the water is

解析:首先,你要明白water是不可数名词,可以排除A和D,接下来就是what和how的问题,这个题很明显是要修饰dirty这个形容词,有用what来修饰形容词的吗?. 由"what"引导的感叹句:"what"意为"多么",修饰名词,这类句子的结构形式是: what+(a/an)+adj.+n.+主语+谓语+(it is). 如: ① What a clever girl she is! 多么聪明的姑娘呀! ② What an interesting story it is! 多么有趣的故事呀! ③ What good children they are! 他们是多么好的孩子呀! ④ What beautiful flowers they are! 多么漂亮的花呀! ⑤ What delicious food it is! 多么有味的食物呀! ⑥ What heavy snow it is! 多么大的雪呀! 2.由"how"引导的感叹句:"how"意为"多么",修饰形容词或副词,这类句子的结构形式是: How+adj.(adv.)+主语+谓语+(it is). 如:① How cold it is today! 今天多么冷呀! ② How nice the pictures are! 多么漂亮的图画呀! ③ How happy they look! 他们显得多么高兴呀! ④ How well she sings! 她唱得多好呀! ⑤ How hard they are working now! 他们干得多么起劲呀!

gossip girl第三季 插播的歌曲

第一集:《No Sex For Ben》 - TheRapture (第一集开场时的背景音乐)《Something we‘re Becoming》 - Time Machine (N乘坐直升机出场时的背景音乐)《Plastic Jungle》 - Miike Snow (马球赛现场的场景音乐)《Don"t Slow Down》 - Matt & Kim (S骑着马打第一球马球时候的音乐)《Oh!Forever》 - Brakes (本集结束时的背景音乐)第六集《Home》 - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros 《I‘m in Love with Your Rock"n" Roll》 - Kish Mauve《Achin" to be》 - The replacements《We"re All the Same》 - Meeting Places《Wings Undone》 - Meeting Places《Strangers》 - Dirty Secrets《Unfinished Business》 - White Lies《The Gentle Rain》 - Astrudo Gilberto第9集沙龙舞会Plastiscines - I Am Down Plastiscines - BitchAnya Marina - Whatever You Like第11集感恩节吃饭时的插曲 jason derulo-whatcha say 第12集车祸时vane The Raveonettes - Suicide

有一首英文歌女生唱的歌,开始很快,很有节奏,高潮歌词好像是OK RIGHT NOW...HEI GIRL


求Skrillex与gd权志龙和CL(2NE1)合唱的dirty vibe英文完整版歌词 最好有翻译

GD:哥们儿大名便是一个龙,一旦被惹毛就怒火中烧;没什么想法的话就叫我G,突然来了点疯狂的念头,而你还没资格和我叫嚣,因为你就是个跳梁小丑;若我把这世界翻天覆地,你大概要晕个天翻地覆;对啊我们就是这么嚣张,we gon‘ celebrate every fucking day(每一个操蛋到底的日子,我们要好好庆祝才对);他们总是亦步亦趋地cos我,对啊就是那么没品地cos,没品地cos,越来越没品 dirty vibeCL:Seoul City(首尔),GZB(坏丫头),CL;hold up(站住),you in the presence of a queen(在你面前的是个女王);I turn up(我点燃全场),all the pretty bitches love me(所有的小贱人都爱我),姐姐啊,mouth full of gold with them jheri curls(满口金牙一头卷发);stunting on some Prince shit,Diamond and pearls(嚼着Prince的Diamond&pearls就搞得分外牛逼),I"ll be on my worst behavoir(接下来老娘就给你展现下什么叫真的坏),hold my purse(拿好我的包);runway‘s the strip club(T台就是脱衣俱乐部),I"ll be making the work(我让大家嗨起来),cuz I"ll be on until I die(因为知道我死前都会这样);middle finger up so high(高高竖起中指)dirty vibedirty vibejump on that dirty vibe(跳到这dirty vibe中来)GD:I don"t pop molly, I rock microphones(老子不玩嗑药,老子就玩麦克风)point it atcha girl,watch her ass sing along(话筒一指妹子,就看她跟我扭得分外妖娆)CL:talk shit with the prettiest lips(漂亮的嘴唇吐出肮脏的话)blow a kiss(抛出一个飞吻)kick a whole in your speaker,and then split(一脚踢进你的扬声器里,再把它粉碎)GD:do it just for fun(我只是为了玩乐)I come second to none(我认第二没人敢认第一)swerving in the lambo like a son of a gun(开着兰博漂移,就像个大坏蛋)CL:what you ain"t you ain"t konw(你根本就不知道)I"m yo girl"s lesbian crush(我是你的妞的姘头)she ain"t with you(她不属于你)she be rolling my dirty vibe(她迷恋于我的dirty vibe)GD:GGGG-G to the D, motherfuckerwho am I(我是谁)?老子就是首尔motherfuckerbut diving on C-momma(一头栽入汹涌波涛)it"s the beat on the come up(这就是新浪潮的律动)get it,huh(懂,昂?)你就捡着这个吃吧????????????????【听不出】就像第一次一样疯狂地享受吧G-Duh from the feet up(从头到脚都是G-Duh)I"m as dirty as they could(同他们一样疯狂)and there"s only one(而我独一无二)找图找了N久,还是我亲手一个字一个字码上去的啊......期望能帮到你

talk dirty to me什么意思?

talk dirty to me什么意思?这是一个比较私人的问题,因此无法给出明确的回答。但通常来说,“脏话对我说”意味着用性内容和/或具有性暗示的句子来吸引对方。

歌词里有dirty baby

Girlicious - Stupid ShitThey say she off the meter.From the track to the beat.Oh yeah, I"m viciousso deliciousall the boys wanna eat.Go "head and hate me baby.S-s-salty but sweet.I spin the bottletill tomorrowthere ain"t no memories.So bring it up.Burn it down.Throw it back,another round.I think I"m losing control. Ah Ah Oh.Take it highbring it loware you ready?Here we go!Cause even if the cops is comin"I ain"t gonna stop.Let"s do some stupid shit (yeah)Let"s get messy, messy with itDo some stupid shit (yeah)I know we"re not supposed toBut the hell with it (yeah)Let"s get dirty, dirty babyAre you down with it (yeah)We"ll then let"s go do some stupid shit.Tell me are you ready baby?Are you ready now?I"ll be your after party (yeah)Are you rocking with me?I keep it hush, hush (shh)How I does my thing on the “d”You won"t tell everybody (yeah)Baby girl, she with meBut I ain"t even trippin", pimpin"I"m just doing my thing so:So bring it upBurn it downThrow it backAnother roundHey, I think I"m losing control, ah, ah ohTake it high, bring it lowAre you ready? Here we go (Hey)‘Cause even if the cops is comingI ain"t gonna stopLet"s do some stupid shit (yeah)Let"s get messy, messy with itDo some stupid shit (yeah)I know we"re not supposed toBut the hell with it (yeah)Let"s get dirty, dirty babyAre you down with it (yeah)We"ll then let"s go do some stupid shitTell me are you ready baby?Are you ready now? (C"mon, c"mon, c"mon)Tell me are you ready baby?Are you ready now? (Yeah, yeah)Giddy up!Get down, with it get get down,get get down, get get downGiddy up!Get down,with it get get down,get get down, get get downGiddy up!Get down , with it get get down,get get down, get get downGiddy up!Girl wats up ‘cause this a hitLet"s go do some stupid shitLet"s do some stupid shit (yeah)Let"s get messy, messy with itDo some stupid shit (yeah)I know we"re not supposed toBut the hell with it (yeah)Let"s get dirty, dirty babyAre you down with it? (yeah)We"ll then let"s go do some stupid shitLet"s do some stupid shit (Yeah)Yeah, yeah, yeahLet"s do some stupid shit (yeah)C"mon, c"mon, c"monThe hell with it (yeah)Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahNic, Nat, Tiff, ChrysLet"s go do some stupid shitTell me are you ready baby?Are you ready now? (Holla)Tell me are you ready baby?Are you ready now? (Holla)

Dirty Dancer 歌词

歌曲名:Dirty Dancer歌手:Usher&Enrique Iglesias专辑:Raymond V Raymond (Deluxe Edition)Dirty DancerEnrique IglesiasEnrique, UsherThis is for the dirty girlsAll around the worldHere we goDirty dirty dancer"Nother day nother nightAnd she acting like she don"t sleepShe"s a five when she drinksBut she"s a ten when she"s on top of meShe don"t want love she just wanna touchShe"s a greedy girl to never get enoughShe don"t wanna love she just wanna touchGot all the moves that make you get it upShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer Never ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer Never ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyIt"s a gameThat she playsShe can win with her eyes closedIt"s insane how she tamesShe can turn you to an animalShe don"t want love she just wanna touchShe"s a greedy girl to never get enoughShe don"t wanna love she just wanna touchShe"s got all the moves that make you give it upShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer Never ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer Never ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyNever be her onlyShe never satisfiedYou better do it rightBefore you"re lonelyNo, she"s never satisfiedYou better do it rightBefore you"re lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerNever ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer Never ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer, dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyYou"ll never be her onlyThe girl don"t stopDirty dancerThe girl don"t stopThe girl don"t stopDirty dancerThe girl don"t stopThe girl don"t stopDirty dancerThe girl don"t stopThe girl don"t stop


dirty garden girl肮脏的花园女孩

bird dirty girl horse读音相同吗?

horse不同,读[u0254:]bird,dirty girl 读[u025c:]

quite a beautiful girl还是a quite beautiful girl




Dirty garden girl的种子求大神帮忙:871油箱004把中间的汉字去掉222Qq的E

1、一般小型车油箱容量35-45升,中型车油箱容量55-75升左右。加满一油箱后一般都可以行驶500公里左右,根据汽车的排量大小油耗大的油箱就大油耗小的油箱就小。汽车油箱容积设计,一般可行驶400~600公里。车轻、排量小的车,油箱容积相应小一些;车重、排量大的车,油箱容积自然要大一些;但是满箱油的最大行程大多都在400~600公里。当然,一些越野车除外2、汽车油箱容量怎么看(1)油箱容量计算单位:国际标准都是用L(升)为汽车油箱容量的计算单位,在不同的国家也对汽车油箱容量有相应的标准。在我国规定汽车油箱容量在百分之95的额定值,但是根据实际情况而定实际的容量一般都大于标称容量,所以不用担心汽车油箱比实际的小。现在很多汽车油箱容量是根据自己的品牌车型进行制造的,所以有些国家也没有相应汽车油箱容量死规定。耗油非常多的车辆,品牌所设定的汽车油箱容量就会比较大,耗油小的车型油箱容量就设计小一些。(2)现在汽车油箱容量查看方法,一般都是通过车内的燃油表进行读数的观察,如果没有其他问题油量的数值会真实的反应到油表上。仪表的燃油表一般有5-6格,每一格油量代表油箱剩余汽车的容量,一般燃油表还剩两格油的时候就要加油了,以避免开到半路没有汽油的情况发生。3、汽车的油箱容量参考捷达60L 老款55L 奇瑞50L长安之星40L 桑塔纳老款55L 现在60L 奔驰 70L 别克60L 广本60L 凯美瑞58 1.6以上大部分60L 1.6一下40L大型车汽车的油箱容量参考大型车100L 150L 200L 400L 都有红岩 100 150 200 400 都用分几个油箱东风50 100 福田圆灯的 30 方形的50


推荐]道德自救21条 1、 爱我民族,爱我祖国,爱我人民;不要忘记曾经为我们战斗过的人;不说有辱先烈的精神、名誉、情感的话,不做有辱先烈的精神、名誉、情感的事;不说有辱国格的话,不做有辱国格的事。 2、 加强民族意识,增强民族自豪感


  [推荐]道德自救21条  1、 爱我民族,爱我祖国,爱我人民;不要忘记曾经为我们战斗过的人;不说有辱先烈的精神、名誉、情感的话,不做有辱先烈的精神、名誉、情感的事;不说有辱国格的话,不做有辱国格的事。  2、 加强民族意识,增强民族自豪感;宏扬我优秀的民族传统文化;不崇洋媚外,不卑躬屈膝;不有意讲夹着英语单词的殖民地式语言。  3、 惩恶扬善,见义勇为;有坚定的是非观、道德观,不麻木不仁;爱憎分明,不暧昧、不苟且。  4、 不忘恩负义,有一颗感恩的心,知道回报社会,不为富不仁,不仗势欺人,不残酷剥削和压迫,不穷奢极侈、极端享乐。  5、 不盲目追求时髦,不把病态的、怪异的是社会现象看作时尚,严肃对待人生,不做嬉皮士。  6、 着装得体;语言文明,不讲脏话、狠话、粗话;行为文明,不随地吐痰,不乱扔垃圾,不在公共场所喧哗、搂抱、接吻。  7、 尊重你的工作和职业,不心浮气躁,不好高务远,脚踏实地,不妄想一夜暴富。  8、 坚守感情纯真,保持贞洁,拒绝婚前性行为;洁身自爱,不勾引,不委身,不搞婚外情、婚外性,一夜性,不搞同性恋。  9、 遵纪守法,不看、不听、不唱黄色、庸俗、下流的电影、书刊、图片、网站、歌曲;不吸毒,不卖淫,不嫖娼,不结交品德不良的朋友,远离黑社会。  10、 自强不息,不自甘堕落,不自暴自弃;保持积极健康心理,  11、 尊重别人,平等的对待别人,谦虚、谦让,不搞等级歧视;不自以为是,不做伪贵族,不做无耻精英;同情弱者,帮助弱者,不鄙视、蔑视、贬低弱者;给老、弱、病、残、妇让座、让路;尊重农民、农民工。  12、 有社会责任心、公德心;不追求极端个性,不损人利己、自私自利,凡事尊崇社会良好共性。  13、 不惟利是图、见利忘义,不制、贩、卖假、冒、伪、劣产品,不挣黑心钱,不偷税漏税。  14、 敢于承担责任、承认错误,有错就改,不找借口,不推委搪塞。  15、 不公权私用、以权谋私、滥用职权、以权欺人、以职欺人;不贪污受贿,不行贿,不腐化堕落。  16、 诚实,守信,守诺,守时,不欺骗,不诬陷,不诋毁。  17、 老幼有序,长晚有辈,不乱伦;孝敬、赡养父母、长辈;兄弟姐妹友爱;好好教育子女;为家庭分担责任,不浪费、挥霍父母的血汗钱。  18、 救死扶伤,发扬人道、人性主义,不做黑心医生;  19、 为人师表,授业更要传正道,不要做流氓教师。  20、 文化艺术、娱乐工作者要有社会良心、职业良心,要有高尚的灵魂,不拜金,不要为社会制造文艺、娱乐垃圾、病毒。  21、 媒体要有社会正义,有职业良知,有正确、明确的社会舆论导向,不追腥逐臭,不媚世迎俗,要旗帜鲜明的批评和表扬,不暧昧,不纵容。

the dirty girl is lily friends的就划线部分提问应该是什么答案

1.Who is your friend? 2.What are there in the sky? 3.What color of shirt do you like? 4.What does Lily have? 5.Where are you from?




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