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疼痛这张诅咒牌会造成掉血。在杀戮尖塔游戏汇总,疼痛这张诅咒牌会造成掉血。疼痛不能被打出,当在手牌中时,每打一张其它牌就会失去1生命值,所以这张诅咒牌是很变态的。死灵诅咒是杀戮尖塔中的一张卡牌。不能被打出。这个诅咒无法逃脱。 英文名称Necronomicurse 颜色诅咒 稀有度诅咒 描述 不能被打出。这个诅咒无法逃脱。 能力不能被打出 升级耗能 升级描述 →点此查看数据页面。

361度spire s和三态联名哪个好



推荐下面免费的方法转成PDF:方法一:使用虚拟打印机pdf factory即可,而且其他格式文件只要是能够打印,选择这个虚拟打印机,都可以做成PDF文件,很简单实用;方法二:使用专门的转换软件,把文件转成PDF文件;方法三:用其他虚拟打印机转成PDF文件。方法四:用WPS本身自带的转换功能转成PDF文件。

英语Slay the Spire怎么翻译?

Slay the Spire的中文翻译为:杀死尖塔



spire 上面的红字怎么消除

如果你越狱了,懂越狱 请继续往下读spire 只支持 5.0.1 , 你可以安装其他版本移植的siri 当然要有key 如果你安装的是其他版本的siri 请等待加载结束后重试








「エム猫ちゃん、楽しんじゃおうか……」真っ赤なヴェルヴェットシーツボクのイケない秘蜜(Syrup)を味わいたい?高々と舞い上がった魂(Coin)で Hands or tails理性もTossしちゃえばいい张り巡らされた蜘蛛の巣(SpiderNet)たわわなBodyを投身(Throw-in)甘い粘つきに溺れてもう 戻れない (戻れない)戻れない (戻れない) 戻れない―………………「我慢しないからね?……」キミの血はBeautiful脳で弾(パブ)っててSlipping解毒(と)けないPoisonをNeedyou射し出したHalation绥(やす)む暇なくBOOM∞BOOM曝(さら)したDesireにWannabe美しすぎるWhisperヤバい唇で (ふたり) 悪魔的(Devil"s)Spire!!!!「吸い尽くしちゃう……」嫉妬で燃えあがるNightカレのシラない手技で唆(そそのか)され徐(おもむろ)にシラを切ってワインをShe Knocks back 知性は置いてけ濠(Valley)掻き乱されてく坩埚(Melting Spot) イタイケな盛(ざか)りな速报(Just in)直ぐに欲しがるねベイビィもう 帰れない (帰れない)帰れない (帰れない) 帰れない―………………「それが、たまんないんでしょ?……」キミの血はDelicious深く凹(ハマ)ればawesome!知らないMagicでHoldyou动き出すSolution不意に幻聴(き)こえたBilliejean差し出す写真はReally?踌躇いがちなMoaningキツいGrind (ここで) 悪魔的(Devil"s)Spire!!!!「夜は、始まったばかりだよ?……」もう 离さない (离さない)离さない (离さない) 离さない―………………「爱しまくっちゃう……」キミの血はBeautiful脳で弾(パブ)っててSlipping解毒(と)けないPoisonをNeedyou射し出したHalation绥(やす)む暇なくBOOM∞BOOM曝(さら)したDesireにWannabe美しすぎるWhisperヤバい唇で (ふたり) 悪魔的(Devil"s)Spire!!!!「はぁ、サイコーだよぉ……」~END~

spire elite什么级别

洲际的IHG优悦会在去年推出了Spire Elite级别的会员,字面上直译就是“塔尖”会员,比原来的白金会员等级要高。这样IHG优悦会的会员等级变成了普通、金卡、白金、Spire4个等级。

spire 免费版没有打印功能吗

spire.doc、 spire.xls免费版不支持打印。spire.pdf、spire.presentation免费版支持打印,但是有10页限制,就是只能加载10页以内的文档。


这是因为你用的免费版本,免费版本对操作的PDF文档页数有一定限制,官方网站上有明确说明:友情提示:免费版有 10 页的页数限制,在创建和加载 PDF 文档时要求文档不超过 10 页。将 PDF 文档转换为图片时,仅支持转换前 3 页。如果要求使用完整的功能、没限制的,就要用商业版的。


这个企业的话是可以用的。这个企业的话也是适合做一些大型的文件去批准和项目的一些开发来用的,所以这个适合企业能用的。Spire.Doc for .NET 是一款专门对 Word 文档进行操作的 .NET类库。这款控件的主要功能在于帮助开发人员轻松快捷高效地创建、编辑、转换和打印 Microsoft Word 文档。作为一款独立的 Word .NET 控件,Spire.Doc for .NET 的运行系统(服务器端或客户端)均无需安装 Microsoft Word,但是它却可以将 Microsoft Word 文档的操作功能集成到任何开发人员的 .NET 应用程序中。Spire.Doc for .NET 能执行多种 Microsoft Word 文档处理任务的 .NET API。支持 Word97-2003,Word2007,Word2010 以及 Word2013。能在 Word 97/2003/2007/2010/2013 和 XML、RTF、TXT、XPS、EPUB、EMF、HTML、ODT 等格式文件之间进行双向转换,还能将 Word 文件高质量地转换为 PDF 和 SVG 文件格式。



.NET读写Excel工具Spire.Xls使用 重量级的Excel图表功能呢

前一篇文章:“.NET读写Excel工具Spire.Xls使用(4)对数据操作与控制”给大家介绍了Spire.XLS对数据的控制相关功能,这一篇给大家介绍Spire.XLS最大的亮点所在,C#控制Excel生成图表。将介绍C#生成不同类型图表的方法,并介绍Excel图表的相关操作,如调整大小,保存图片等操作的方法。1.Excel中的图表我们生活的这个世界是丰富多彩的,几乎所有的知识都来自于视觉。也许无法记住一连串的数字,以及它们之间的关系和趋势。但是可以很轻松地记住一幅图画或者一个曲线。因此由于使用图表,会使得用Excel编制的工作表更易于理解和交流。Excel具有许多高级的制图功能,同时使用起来也非常简便。在本章中,我们将学习到建立一张简单的图表,再进行修饰,使图表更加精致,以及如何为图形加上背景、图注、正文等等。Excel中图表是指将工作表中的数据用图形表示出来。例如:将各地区每周的销售用柱形图显示出来,见图8-1的显示。图表可以使数据更加有趣、吸引人、易于阅读和评价。它们也可以帮助我们分析和比较数据[1]。如下图所示的图表,看数据多累,看图表就一目了然。。。2.C#创建Excel图表方法2.1 Spire.Xls的图表类在Spire.Xls组件中,生成图表已经非常简化了。只需要一个核心的Chart类,就可以增加图表并进行辅助的一些设置。Spire.Xls定义支持的图表类型,在枚举ExcelChartType类型中。目前一共有74种类型,可以使用对象浏览器大概看一下:在实际的使用过程中,添加Excel图表主要有以下几个过程:1.给指定的Sheet添加需要的Excel图表的类型;2.设置图表所需要的数据范围;3.设置图表的位置以及标题;4.设置系列图表以及坐标轴的值。下面将使用C#和Spire.Xls组件做一个生成饼状图和折线图的例子,看看基本的使用过程。2.2 生成饼状图在工作中如果遇到需要计算总费用或金额的各个部分构成比例的情况,一般都是通过各个部分与总额相除来计算,而且这种比例表示方法很抽象,我们可以使用一种饼状图表工具,能够直接以图形的方式直接显示各个组成部分所占比例,在Excel中可以很方便的制作饼状图表。Spire.Xls中饼状图类型是ExcelChartType类中的Pie和Pie3D,为了效果很好看,我们可以使用3D的类型。123456789101112131415161718192021222324//创建饼状图表Chart chart = sheet.Charts.Add(ExcelChartType.Pie);//设置图表的数据范围,使用的也是和前面单元格获取的Range对象chart.DataRange = sheet.Range[B2:B5];chart.SeriesDataFromRange =false;//设置图表的位置chart.LeftColumn = 1;//图表左边列chart.TopRow = 6;//图表上部的行chart.RightColumn = 6;//图表右边列chart.BottomRow = 18;//图表底部行//图表标题chart.ChartTitle =饼形图例子;//设置字体chart.ChartTitleArea.IsBold =true;chart.ChartTitleArea.Size = 12;//初始化图例Spire.Xls.Charts.ChartSerie cs = chart.Series[0];//图表的标签目录数据

iphone4 5.01 安装spire 提示无法执行:因所依赖的软件包未找到或存在冲突软件包 操作无法完成这是什么原

解决方法-3步  1.iFile打开设备路径到/System/Library/CoreServices/  2.找到并打开K93AP.plist,找到数值 < ;key>;iPad< ;/key>;,将下方的< ;true/>;值,改为< ;false/>;,保存后退出  3.改好后去安装Spire试试吧。  为何安装Spire后,有的程序打不开了,程序会出现闪退情况?  解决方法-依次尝试  一般为Spire与一些Cydia插件不兼容导致,提醒下大家只要是iPhone4S兼容的插件均不会出现与Spire冲突。  1.卸载删除91助手(重要)Cydia中升级最新的 第三方输入法(百度、搜狗输入法等)  2.尝试用RedSnow红雪b5以上的版本,进行覆盖越狱操作,注意覆盖越狱时无需勾选install cydia选项  3.尝试用RedSnow红雪b5以上的版本,进行引导开机操作,redsnow /extras/just boot (tethered right now)  4.重刷系统,先装好Spire,再进行恢复备份文件  iPhone4S该如何恢复原生的英文Siri?  简单三步  1.用iFile 打开目录 /var/mobile/library/preferences/ 删掉和两个文件 退出iFile  2.到这里查看并安装原生Apple英文Siri Host地址  3.重启设备  设置好了Spire Proxy Host,也安装了证书文件,为何还是无法使用Siri?  解决方法,8步,进行如下操作一边,仅需操作一边  1.打开 设置-通用-Siri 关掉 Siri  2.打开 设置-通用-描述文件内 删掉所有证书文件 包括FeelSiri的  3.打开 设置-Spire 将host地址清空 删除  4.用iFile 打开目录 /var/mobile/library/preferences/ 删掉和两个文件 退出iFile  5.重启设备  6.重新安装证书  7.打开 设置-Spire 填写 host地址  8.打开 设置-通用-Siri-打开Siri,好了试下吧  其他原因  设备首次连接FeelSiri的Host时,会将设备伪装成iPhone4S后,去Apple为你激活Siri的使用。但Apple对于非iPhone4S设备增强了激活限制,所以并不能保证能立即为你激活设备使用Siri,激活需耐性。  按照上述方法操作一边后,不要操作多次,尝试间断性的对Siri说Hello,显示Sorry时代表激活未成功,当显示非Sorry回复时代表设备首次激活成功。  设备激活后,日后使用Siri就非常流畅了,开关机、关WIFI都不会影响使用  注意:激活Siri后,一定不要随意关闭Siri开关,不要随意刷机,否则还需通过FeelSiri为你重新激活。



361spire s有假货吗



我跟你一样啊~~~而且你没发现还莫名的占了内存了!!你用SB看下你的内存把所有东西都关了 都到不了以前接近300M的时候!!!!找不到解决办法啊



361度spire r和s的区别

361度Spire R和S的区别主要在于以下几点:1. 鞋面材质:Spire S采用工程网面,透气性更强;而Spire R采用贾卡网面,质感更轻。2. 中底科技:两款鞋都采用了 QU!KFOAM 中底科技,但调教略有不同。Spire S 的柔软度为45,回弹性能为60%;而 Spire R 的柔软度为45,回弹性能为65%。3. 大底:Spire R 在前掌部分使用发泡轻量化橡胶,并重新设计了纹路(类似于 Spire 2 的大底);而 Spire S 则没有这种设计。4. 鞋重:Spire R 的重量略高于 Spire S,分别为301克和297克。综上所述,361度Spire R和S在鞋面材质、中底科技、大底和鞋重等方面有所不同,根据个人需求和偏好选择适合自己的款式即可。




spire ["spau026au0259(r)]n. 尖塔; 锥形体; 尖顶; 幼叶, 幼苗#螺旋; 螺线的一圈; 螺线; 螺旋部, 螺塔v. 给...加塔尖; 塔状矗立; 发芽; 耸立steeple [stee·ple || "stu026au02d0pl]n. 尖塔; 尖顶区别是第一个词即可做名词又可做动词,但是第二个只能做名词。


有。spire-表示“呼吸,空气”;n. 尖顶;(教堂等顶部的)尖塔;vi. 给…装尖塔塔状矗立;螺旋形上升。inspire v.激发﹔启发﹔使有灵inspiration n.启发﹔灵感[例]An inspirational teacher can not only impart knowledge to his students effectively but also enlighten his students on the perplexing issues.一个能鼓励人的老师不仅可以高效地传递知识,也能在一些令学生困惑的问题上启迪他们。


spire英 [u02c8spau026au0259(r)] 美 [spau026ar] 第三人称单数:spires第三人称复数:spires现在分词:spiring过去分词:spired过去式:spiredspire 基本解释名词塔尖; 尖塔; 螺旋; [动]螺旋部,(软体动物的)螺塔及物动词给…装尖塔不及物动词塔状矗立; 螺旋形上升spire 相关例句名词1. He could see grimy roofs, factory chimneys and church spires.他可以看到肮脏的屋顶、工厂的烟囱和教堂的尖顶。

有人能回答 customer requirement 和 customer expectation的区别...

customer requirement 客户的要求customer expectation 客户的期望requirement: 这是你必须要做到的,比如产品的尺寸,数量,包装。这些落实到合同里面的实打实的需要遵守的。expectation: 既然是期望,那么完成期望客户很满意,但是如果实在客观条件下完不成,客户也可以谅解。如客户期望交货期可以提前。。但是提前不了,那也就是期望。

VirtuaGirl HD要什么密码,我给弄锁住了,不知道怎么解,求助..

striptease你在设置里面乱点了,在Advanced setting(高级设置)的software options(软件选项)的第三个选项protect by password“striptease”使用striptease(这个自己去查)把前面的勾去掉,当然那个密码就是striptease了。


步骤如下1.使用coherence3.3+openfire3.7.1+clustering.jar1.2.02.将coherence3.3中的三个jar包coherence.jar+coherence-work.jar+tangosol.jar拷贝到openfire的安装目录的lib下3.将clustering.jar拷贝到openfire的安装目录下的插件plugin包中4.重启服务,登陆到web管理控制台,在clustering目录下设置enable5.再重启服务,登陆管理控制台时,初始化错误异常java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at org.jivesoftware.openfire.lockout.LockOutManager.getInstance( at org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.AuthFactory.authenticate( at org.jivesoftware.openfire.admin.login_jsp._jspService( at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle( at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter( at com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.filter.PageFilter.doFilter( at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter( at org.jivesoftware.util.LocaleFilter.doFilter( at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter( at org.jivesoftware.util.SetCharacterEncodingFilter.doFilter( at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter( at org.jivesoftware.admin.PluginFilter.doFilter( at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter( at org.jivesoftware.admin.AuthCheckFilter.doFilter( at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter( at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle( at at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.SessionHandler.handle( at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler.handle( at org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.handle( at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandlerCollection.handle( at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerCollection.handle( at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle( at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.handle( at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handleRequest( at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection$RequestHandler.content( at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseNext( at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseAvailable( at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle( at at org.mortbay.thread.QueuedThreadPool$ by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to access backing cache for Locked Out Accounts. BackingMapManager is a$Manager and backing map is at com.jivesoftware.util.cache.ClusteredCache.init( at com.jivesoftware.util.cache.ClusteredCache.( at com.jivesoftware.util.cache.CoherenceClusteredCacheFactory.createCache( at org.jivesoftware.util.cache.CacheFactory.createCache( at org.jivesoftware.openfire.lockout.LockOutManager.( at org.jivesoftware.openfire.lockout.LockOutManager.( at org.jivesoftware.openfire.lockout.LockOutManager$LockOutManagerContainer.( ... 33 more起初怀疑是coherence与openfire的版本不兼容,之后试了coherence3.7.1,coherence3.6.1,coherence3.5,coherence3.4与openfire3.7.1、openfire3.6.4的各种排列组合均报异常。

Brown Eyed Girls - Cleansing Cream歌曲空间链接


谁能解释下Brown Eyed Girls -- CLeansing Cream的剧情啊


most cats remain suspicious of humans all their lives. 请问remain 在这是不及物动词,那么后面不

suspicious是形容词,常跟of搭配,意思是:对-- 怀疑。remain是系动词,应跟形容词连用。

英语问题` air conditioning可数吗

不可数 相关:air-conditioner 空调 可数名词 air-conditioned 他的adj


vt. 给……安装空调

there were no air conditioned buses

weren"t any (no=not any)

英语短文改错: 1: I was traveling on a air-conditioned bus. At a bus stop 2 :a granny...

1. traveling 过去式

And the air is fresh—far more so than in air-conditioned buildings, where up to 30% of the air


In the past,there were no buses with_____(air-conditioner).They were not______(air-conditioner)


air- conditioner中间有没有连字符

没有连字符,牛津字典里面显示没有,wikipedia里面也没有连字符,如果是要用作形容词或表语来用,有空调的办公室,那么右连字符的,写作air-conditioned officer。猜猜你应该是在雅思里面碰到问题吧,希望对你有帮助。

air-conditioned bus该用什么冠词?

an 、 the都可

英语air-conditioned shelters怎么翻译?

翻译“ 空调住所”如果有需要翻译的英文。你可以打开微信扫码翻译。这样你就方便了呢



我 很想知道一首诗 什么歌?开头是in my dreams 中间还有for boys and girls

那个不是小女孩....是小男孩.........tell me why


air-conditionv.〈美〉在…装设空气调节器;调节…的空气湿度和温度空调;装空调;空调机过去分词:air-conditioned 现在分词:air-conditioning 第三人称单数:air-conditions 例句筛选1.Mainly for comfort and province can the target set out, getting the air conditioncomfort improvement.主要为舒适及省能目标出发,得到空调舒适性改善。2.The air condition is to the back of the enlistment age, consumer will theseasonable replace.空调到了服役年龄后,用户就要及时的更换。


air-condition英["eu0259ku0259nu02ccdu026au0283u0259n]美["erku0259nu02ccdu026au0283u0259n]n. 空调,空调器;v. 给…装上空调,用空调调节(空气)[网络] 空气调节; 空调;


air-condition n. 空调,空调器; v. (空气) 给…装上空调,用空调调节;

girl in your dreams 歌词翻译

我正在沿街道向下步行一天 然后我看见我没有知道该说什么的你 你是眼睛正在闪烁 你是微笑很这么亲切 当我看见你我想要你是我的 也许我没有你喜欢的白色的头发 或也许我不让眼睛喜欢天空 而且如果我是你的梦的女孩,我不确定 但是我能给你看什么爱意谓 有一天你来了而且和我说话 而且你说我们必须是 我很快乐, 每件事物很这么美好 但是然后我发现那一个每件事物是一则谎言 也许我没有你喜欢的白色的头发 或也许我不让眼睛喜欢天空 而且如果我是你的梦的女孩,我不确定 但是我能给你看什么爱意谓 桥 你如何可以做这给我 你说我们必须是 你给我看该如何哭 当你告诉我每件事物是一则谎言的时候 也许我没有你喜欢的白色的头发 或也许我不让眼睛喜欢天空 而且如果我是你的梦的女孩,我不确定 但是我能给你看什么爱意谓

Girl in your dreams的中文是什么意思


求一首韩国女声歌曲,高潮有句“哪里哪里哪里”别的词我忘了,好像是wonder girl唱的吧,挺流行的


The Girl In Black 歌词

歌曲名:The Girl In Black歌手:Black Light Burns专辑:The Moment You Realize You"re Going To FallIts the M.I.B.s, oh, here come the M.I.B.sHere come the Men in BlackHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberNanana...The good guys dress in black remember thatJust in case we ever face to face and make contactThe title held by me...M.I.B.Means what you think you saw, you did not seeSo dont blinkThink what was there but nows goneBlack suit with the black Ray Bans onWalk in shadow move in silenceGuard against extra-terrestrial violenceBut though we aint on no government listWe straight dont existNo names and no figerprintsSaw something strangeWatch your backCause you never quite know where the M.I.B.s is atUh and...Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Now from the deepest of the darkest of nightOn the horizon, bright light in the site tightCameras zoom, only your pen been doomBut then like BOOM black suits fill the room upWith the quickness talk with the witnessesHypnotize, neuralizeVivid memories turn to fantasiesAint no M.I.B.sCan I pleaseDo what we say thats the way we kick itYa know what I meanI say my noisy cricket get wicket on yaWere your first, last and only line of defenceAgainst the worst scum of the universeSo dont fear us, jeer usIf you ever get near us, dont jeer usWere the fearlessM.I.B.s freezin the ball of flatWhats that stand for?Men In Black.The Men in BlackThe Men in BlackLet me see ya just bounce it with meJust bounce with meJust bounce it with me cmonLet me see ya just slide with meJust slide with meJust slide with me cmonLet me see ya take a walk with meJust walk with meTake a walk with me cmonAnd make your neck workNow freezeHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberA-ight check itLet me tell you this in closinI know we might seem imposinBut trust me if we ever show in your sessionBelieve me its for your own protectionCuz we see things that you need not seeAnd we be places that you need not beSo go with your lifeForget that Roswell crapShow love to the black suitCuz thats the men inThats the men in...Here come the Men in Black (here we come)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They wont let you remember (wont let you remember)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black

Girl In Black 歌词

歌曲名:Girl In Black歌手:The Troggs专辑:Hit Single AnthologyIts the M.I.B.s, oh, here come the M.I.B.sHere come the Men in BlackHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberNanana...The good guys dress in black remember thatJust in case we ever face to face and make contactThe title held by me...M.I.B.Means what you think you saw, you did not seeSo dont blinkThink what was there but nows goneBlack suit with the black Ray Bans onWalk in shadow move in silenceGuard against extra-terrestrial violenceBut though we aint on no government listWe straight dont existNo names and no figerprintsSaw something strangeWatch your backCause you never quite know where the M.I.B.s is atUh and...Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Now from the deepest of the darkest of nightOn the horizon, bright light in the site tightCameras zoom, only your pen been doomBut then like BOOM black suits fill the room upWith the quickness talk with the witnessesHypnotize, neuralizeVivid memories turn to fantasiesAint no M.I.B.sCan I pleaseDo what we say thats the way we kick itYa know what I meanI say my noisy cricket get wicket on yaWere your first, last and only line of defenceAgainst the worst scum of the universeSo dont fear us, jeer usIf you ever get near us, dont jeer usWere the fearlessM.I.B.s freezin the ball of flatWhats that stand for?Men In Black.The Men in BlackThe Men in BlackLet me see ya just bounce it with meJust bounce with meJust bounce it with me cmonLet me see ya just slide with meJust slide with meJust slide with me cmonLet me see ya take a walk with meJust walk with meTake a walk with me cmonAnd make your neck workNow freezeHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberA-ight check itLet me tell you this in closinI know we might seem imposinBut trust me if we ever show in your sessionBelieve me its for your own protectionCuz we see things that you need not seeAnd we be places that you need not beSo go with your lifeForget that Roswell crapShow love to the black suitCuz thats the men inThats the men in...Here come the Men in Black (here we come)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They wont let you remember (wont let you remember)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black


歌曲名:GIRLS歌手:GILLE专辑:GILLEsound Vol.1Ma-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A Hu(Hey, let me get the party started now?)Ma-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A Hu(My best friends here, just go)ほら、つまんないことは全部Just let it go もう忘れようよ优しすぎる彼は 君にはちょっと物足りなかったね yeahGotta get the party startedみんなが集まった FridayLet me get the party startedどうでもいいことばっかでもGotta get the party started语ろうよ このままLet me get the party started now変わらないこの场所 全てがあるから今夜はずっと All night long long HeyMa-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A Huいつもの笑颜が集まればほらMa-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A Hu嫌なことも全部忘れられるよMa-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A Hu最高の My greatest girlsMa-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A Hu今感じる I"m so free「GIRLS」作词∶GILLE/DAN BALAN/Komei Kobayashi作曲∶GILLE/DAN BALAN/Red-T歌∶GILLE新しい恋の话やA brand new step 仕事のこと少し大人になって悩みもちょっと増えてきたけれど yeahGotta get the party startedあの映画の4人みたいにLet me get the party startedそう永远の We"re best friendsGotta get the party startedあんな风になりたいねLet me get the party started now (Hey!)かえらない时间を 懐かしむよりも未来はきっと Better days HeyMa-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A Hu君だけの场所がここにあるからMa-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A Huどんな悩みもほら笑い飞ばそうMa-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A HuありのままでいいMa-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A Hu今ここで Feel so realどんなことがあっても この先もずっと変わらないよ My best friends heyMa-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A Huいつもの笑颜が集まればほらMa-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A Hu嫌なことも全部忘れられるよMa-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A Hu最高の My greatest girlsMa-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A Hu今感じる I"m so freeMa-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A HuMa-I-A Ho, Ma-I-A Ha-HaMa-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A HuMa-I-A Ho, Ma-I-A Ha-Ha终わり

kangta唱的for the first time歌词

for the first time(jud friedman, allen rich, james newton-howard)are those your eyesis that your smilei"ve been looking at you foreveryet i never saw you beforeare these your hands holding minenow i wonder how i could have been so blindand for the first time i am looking in your eyesfor the first time i"m seeing who you arei can"t believe how much i see when you"re looking back at menow i understand what love is, love is for the first timecan this be realcan this be trueam i the person i was this morning and are you the same you it"s all so strangehow can it beall along this love was right in front of meand for the first time i am looking in your eyesfor the first time i"m seeing who you arei can"t believe how much i see when you"re looking back at menow i understand what love is, love is for the first timesuch a long time ago i had given up on finding this emotion ever againbut you"re here with me nowyes i found you somehow and i"ve never been so sure and for the first time i am looking in your eyes for the first time i"m seeing who you arecan"t believe how much i seewhen you"re looking back at menow i understand what love is, love is for the first time

英国组合Spice girls(辣妹)5人的档案

姓 名:辣妹艺人简历:Emma Lee BuntonBaby Spice(宝贝辣妹)生日:1976年1月21日(Aquarius水瓶座)身高:5尺1寸出生地:Branet,England(伯纳特)最喜欢的:Color : Pink Drinks : Coke Animal : Cats 最讨厌的:prison 监狱 ,loneliness 孤独Victoria Caroline AdamsPosh Spice(时髦辣妹)生日:1975年4月17(Aries牧羊座)身高:5尺6寸出生地:Hertfordshire,England(海特菲尔德) 最喜欢的:Color :black,white Drinks : Amaretto 一种意大利酒 Books : ELLE Foods : Sweet Foods,Chinese Foods Wearing : Gucci , Joseph 最讨厌的:Prison 监狱 Geri Estelle HalliwellGinger Spice(姜汁辣妹)生日:1972年8月6日(Leo狮子左)身高:5尺2寸出生地:Watford,England(沃特福的)最喜欢的:Foods : Ice cream,寿司 Names : Spice Girls最讨厌的:Bored 无聊,Depressed 压抑,Misunderstood 被误解Melanie Jayne ChisolmSporty Spice(运动辣妹)生日:1974年1月12日(Capricorn魔蝎)身高:5尺6寸出生地:Liverpool,England(利物浦)最喜欢的:Foods : Mexico Foods Melanie Janine BrownScary Spice(疯狂辣妹)生日:1975年5月29日(Gemini双子座)身高:5尺5寸出生地:Leeds,Englad(利兹)最喜欢的:Color : Brown Foods : Mexico Foods Drinks : Any Alcoholic Drink 酒 Book : Books About Astrology占星术的书 TV Show : Sex Talk Show Drinks : Hor Chocolate Book : Smash Hits Sports : Football Football Team :Liverpool Football Team最讨厌的:利物浦足球队输球时

spice girls成员

成员简介: Victoria Caroline Adams Posh Spice(时髦辣妹) 中文姓名:维多利亚·贝克汉姆 生日:1975年4月17(Aries牧羊座) 身高:5尺6寸 出生地:Hertfordshire,England(海特菲尔德) 婚姻:已婚,老公足球明星贝克汉姆,大儿子布鲁克林,小儿子罗密欧。 最喜欢的颜色:黑色,白色 最喜欢的杂志:ELLE 最喜欢的酒:Amaretto 一种意大利酒 最喜欢的食物:甜食、中餐 最喜欢的服装品牌:Gucci、 Joseph 最讨厌的:Prison 监狱 介绍:维多利亚是一个外表坚强,内心很脆弱的人, 她是世界上最成功的女人之一 ,她代表现代女性的高尚品质,她又是世界上最时尚的女人! Emma Lee Bunton Baby Spice(宝贝辣妹) 生日:1976年1月21日(Aquarius水瓶座) 身高:5尺1寸 出生地:Branet,England(伯纳特) 最喜欢的:Color : Pink Drinks : Coke Animal : Cats 最讨厌的:prison 监狱 ,loneliness 孤独 Geri Estelle Halliwell Ginger Spice(姜汁辣妹) 生日:1972年8月6日(Leo狮子左) 身高:5尺2寸 出生地:Watford,England(沃特福的) 最喜欢的:Foods : Ice cream,寿司 Names : Spice Girls 最讨厌的:Bored 无聊,Depressed 压抑,Misunderstood 被误解 Melanie Jayne Chisolm Sporty Spice(运动辣妹) 生日:1974年1月12日(Capricorn魔蝎) 身高:5尺6寸 出生地:Liverpool,England(利物浦) 最喜欢的:Foods : Mexico Foods Melanie Janine Brown Scary Spice(疯狂辣妹) 生日:1975年5月29日(Gemini双子座) 身高:5尺5寸 出生地:Leeds,Englad(利兹) 最喜欢的:Color : Brown Foods : Mexico Foods Drinks : Any Alcoholic Drink 酒 Book : Books About Astrology占星术的书 TV Show : Sex Talk Show Drinks : Hor Chocolate Book : Smash Hits Sports : Football Football Team : Liverpool Football Team 最讨厌的:利物浦足球队输球时 。

The person I most admire (150字

The person I admire most is Lee Lai Shan who is the first windsurfer from Hong Kong winning an Olympic gold medal. I admire her because she has proved that Hong Kong could also produce outstanding athletes like other countries. When she was young she lived on the island of Cheung Chau where she entered the world of windsurfing under the guidance of her uncle. She practised windsurfing everyday very hard even on the days with bad weather. The main thing I admire about is her persistence. It is very difficult to keep practising daily because there are so many distractions that tempt you to give up your practice. However she had a strong determination and great enthusia *** in windsurfing that had allowed her overe the distractions which eventually earned her the gold medal. I would like to have such persistence as her which would surely be helpful to my studies. Another thing I like about her is that she was still very nice and humble to the others after she won the gold medal in 1996. She continued to practise hard as before and did many things to encourage the development of local sports. It appealed to me a lot. I am also very impressed that she was still as determined as before after winning the medal. Winning many other races thereafter she is absolutely an outstanding athlete! Finally I must take my hat off to Li Lai Shan whom I have much to learn from. 希望帮到你。 2013-08-20 22:22:25 补充: 我们名字的第二个字都是「月」呢 2013-08-21 00:34:06 补充: 最尾是 Lee Lai Shan 参考: 自己


RouterOS v7加入了WireGuard,WireGuard是一个极简而快速的加密VPN协议。其设计目标是比IPsec更快、更精简和高效,同时性能要比OpenVPN提升很多。WireGuard被设计成一种通用VPN,可以在多个平台上运行,适合许多不同的环境。最初是为Linux内核发布的,后支持跨平台(Windows, macOS, BSD, iOS, Android),能进行广泛的部署。从官方测试性能看,WireGurad对于IPsec优势非常明显,而对于OpenVPN几乎是碾压。在部署方面,WireGurad各个节点是Peer对等体的概念,而非是Server与Client关系,相互之间是对等的,一个节点既可以是发起者,也可以是接收者,比如网上提到VPN的拓扑方案中,可以是点对点,点对多点的中心覆盖,而WireGuard不一样了,不仅可以点对点,也可以点对多点,每个节点同时可连接多个 Peer,看到过有人通过WireGuard建立全互联模式,三层的Mesh网状网络。WireGuard只支持UDP协议,不支持传统的TCP-over-TCP隧道,因为TCP网络性能并不理想,如果对TCP连接有需求,将wiredguard的UDP包转换为TCP,并可以使用如udptunnel和udp2raw来协助完成。关于NAT穿透,通常情况下,WireGuard网络在未被使用的情况下,会尽量保持“安静”。在大多数情况下,它只在Peer对等体,希望发送数据包时传输数据,当它没有被要求发送数据包时,它就停止发送,直到再次被请求。在点对点公网IP连接的网络环境是这样的,然而,当一个Peer端位于NAT或防火墙之后时,即使它不发送任何数据包的情况下,也希望能接收传入的数据包。因为NAT和防火墙会跟踪“会话连接”,他必须通过定期发送数据包来维持NAT/防火墙连接会话映射的有效,即UDP的timeout时间,即被称为keepalive。WireGuard可以开启此选项,每隔一秒向对端点发送一个keepalive报文,当然适用于各种NAT/防火墙的合理间隔在25秒。默认设置keepalive是关闭状态,因为公网IP连接的用户不需要这个功能。WireGuard加密使用ChaCha20,验证使用Poly1305,它几乎在所有通用CPU上的运行速度都非常快。虽然未被专用硬件支持(IPsec支持硬件加速),但在CPU上的矢量指令(vector instructions)与AES-NI指令处于相同的优先级(有时甚至更快)。总结下WireGuard的特点:是基于UDP协议连接,具备网络性能优势 运行在Linux内核,在性能上优于IPsec和OpenVPN 每个节点通过公钥识别进行验证,加密采用的是ChaCha20Poly1305。 每个节点是平等的,既可以作为server,又可以作为client 两端仅需要一个配置公网IP,另一端在nat后也能连接,nat后的节点,仅需要对端节点公钥,以及公网IP (endpoint)和端口(endpoint port),而公网节点只需要填写连接端的公钥即可 从测试结果看未使用IPsec加密的L2TP的传输带宽性能最好,超过了WireGuard,但在使用IPsec的L2TP加密后,性能远不如WireGuard,我平时喜欢使用SSTP在RouterOS设备之间建立连接,因为SSTP端口灵活,在RouterOS建立隧道无需证书,但SSTP的传输性能在RouterOS支持的所有隧道协议中性能是最差的,现在v7有了WireGuard就不一样了。


* Ext JS Library 2.0 RC 1 * * */ Ext.onReady(function(){ Ext.QuickTips.init(); function formatDate(value){ return value ? value.dateFormat("M d, Y") : ""; }; var fm = Ext.form; var checkColumn = new Ext.grid.CheckColumn({ header: "有效", dataIndex: "indoor", width: 55 }); var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([{ id:"doc_code", header: "文档编号", dataIndex: "doc_code", width: 220, hidden: true, // 隐藏列 editor: new fm.TextField({ allowBlank: false }) },{ id:"name", header: "名称", dataIndex: "name", width: 200, editor: new fm.TextField({ allowBlank: false }) },{ header: "说明", dataIndex: "label", width: 150, editor: new fm.TextField({ allowBlank: false }) },{ header: "菜单", dataIndex: "price", width: 120, editor: new fm.TextField({ allowBlank: false }) },{ header: "有效", dataIndex: "youx", width: 120, editor: new fm.TextField({ allowBlank: false }) } ]); // sortable cm.defaultSortable = true; var Plant =[ , , , , , ]); // create the Data Store var store = new{ // 载入自动生成的XML文件 xml文件格式 uft-8 url: "moudlexml.jsp", reader: new{ record: "plant" }, Plant), sortInfo: }); // create the editor grid var grid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({ store: store, cm: cm, renderTo: "editor-grid", width:600, height:300, autoExpandColumn:"name", title:"模块管理", frame:true, plugins:checkColumn, //clicksToEdit:10,//设置点击几次才可编辑 selModel: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel(),//设置单行选中模式, 否则将无法删除数据 tbar: [{ tooltip:"Add Plant", iconCls:"add", text: "添加行", handler : function(){ var p = new Plant({ doc_code: "0", name: "", label:"", price:"", youx:"", indoor: false }); var n = grid.getStore().getCount();// 获得总行数 grid.stopEditing(); store.insert(n, p); grid.startEditing(n, 0); } }, "-", { text:"删除行", tooltip:"remove ", iconCls:"remove", handler : function(){ var rs1 = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelected();// 返回值为 Record 类型 grid.stopEditing(); if(rs1==undefined) { return;//判断记录集是否为空,为空返回 } Ext.MessageBox.confirm("确认删除", "你真的要删除所有用户信息吗?", function(btn) { if(btn == "yes") { // var rs1 = store.getAt(1); store.remove(rs1); grid.startEditing(0, 0); Ext.Msg.alert("友情提示","删除成功,很好很强大"); } else { //Ext.Msg.alert("您成功修改了用户信息", "被修改 "+rs1.get("name") );// 取得用户名 Ext.Msg.alert("友情提示","很天真,怎么不删"); } }); } },"-",{ text:"保存", tooltip:"Save item", iconCls:"option" }] }); // 单元格编辑后事件处理,暂不用 grid.on("afteredit", afterEdit, grid); function afterEdit(e) {// 事件处理函数 var record = e.record;// 被编辑的记录 Ext.Msg.wait("请等候", "修改中", "操作进行中..."); // 显示等待对话框 // 更新界面, 来真正删除数据 Ext.Msg.alert("您成功修改了用户信息", "被修改的用户是:" + e.record.get(e.field) + " 修改的字段是:" + e.field); }; //*****************************编辑窗口***************************************************************** var simple = new Ext.FormPanel({ renderTo:"form-grid",//inner到哪个容器中 labelWidth: 75, // label settings here cascade unless overridden url:"baododododododododo", frame:true, title: "编辑器", bodyStyle:"padding:5px 5px 0", width: 350, defaults: , defaultType: "textfield", items: [{ fieldLabel: "名称", name: "name_e", allowBlank:false },{ fieldLabel: "菜单", name: "label_e", allowBlank:false },{ fieldLabel: "说明", name: "price_e", allowBlank:false }, { fieldLabel: "是否有效", name: "youx_e" } ], buttons: [{ text: "保存", handler : function(){ Ext.Ajax.request({ url : "addrow.jsp" , params :"action=edit&name="+Ext.getDom("name_e").value, method: "GET", text: "Updating...", success: function ( result, request ) { var rs1 = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelected();// 返回值为 Record 类型 var p = new Plant({ doc_code: "0", name: Ext.getDom("name_e").value, label:Ext.getDom("label_e").value, price:Ext.getDom("price_e").value, youx:Ext.getDom("youx_e").value , indoor: false }); var n = store.indexOf(rs1);// 获得点击行的index //本来想用替换方法 试了几次不爽 还是自己的增删吧 store.insert( n , p); store.remove(rs1); Ext.MessageBox.alert("访问成功", "数据返回的数据 "+ result.responseText); }, failure: function ( result, request) { Ext.MessageBox.alert("访问失败", "失败了就没好说的了 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……: "); } }); } },{ text: "取消" }] }); // 载入数据 store.load(); // 单元格单击后事件处理 grid.on("click", clickedit, grid); function clickedit(e) { var rs1 = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelected();// 返回当前行的记录集 //getDom 获取Dom元素的方法 Ext.getDom("name_e").value=rs1.get("name"); // Ext.getDom("label_e").value=rs1.get("label"); // Ext.getDom("price_e").value=rs1.get("price"); //说 Ext.getDom("youx_e").value=rs1.get("youx"); //是否有效 }; });

Miss You (Prod. by Dr.Costi) - Blaxy Girls 的歌词!!!急求!!

Miss You --Blaxy Girls I can see you sighThough you try to kiss meIt"s ok…..I don"t think you will miss me…………I can feel you breathingEverything has changeNow I see you leavingI miss you and you always were hereI miss youwhen you didn"t knew fearI miss youThe times you were nearI miss you babyI miss…And I miss you always were hereI miss youWhen you didn"t knew fearI miss youThe times you were nearI miss you babyI miss you baby…I miss you x 3I miss you babyI miss you x 4…….I closed my eyes past become the presentEvery memories alive ….Any brakes………you stop the fightingEverything I see you leavingI miss you and you always were hereI miss youWhen you didn"t knew fearI miss youThe times you were nearI miss you babyI miss…And I miss you always were hereI miss youWhen you didn"t knew fearI miss youThe times you were nearI miss you babyI miss you baby…I miss you x 3I miss you babyI miss you x 4ohhhoooooI miss you and you always were hereI miss youWhen you didn"t knew fearI miss youThe times you were nearI miss you babyI miss…And I miss you always were hereI miss youWhen you didn"t knew fearI miss youThe times you were nearI miss you babyI miss you baby…

Blaxy Girls - Miss You 歌词

Blaxy Girls - Miss You,这歌不错哦!I can see you sighThough you try to kiss meIt"s ok.....I don"t think you will miss me............I can feel you breathingEverything has changeNow I see you leavingI miss you and you always were hereI miss youwhen you didn"t knew fearI miss youThe times you were nearI miss you babyI miss...And I miss you always were hereI miss youWhen you didn"t knew fearI miss youThe times you were nearI miss you babyI miss you baby...I miss you x 3I miss you babyI miss you x 4.......I closed my eyes past become the presentEvery memories alive ....Any stop the fightingEverything I see you leavingI miss you and you always were hereI miss youWhen you didn"t knew fearI miss youThe times you were nearI miss you babyI miss...And I miss you always were hereI miss youWhen you didn"t knew fearI miss youThe times you were nearI miss you babyI miss you baby...I miss you x 3I miss you babyI miss you x 4ohhhoooooI miss you and you always were hereI miss youWhen you didn"t knew fearI miss youThe times you were nearI miss you babyI miss...And I miss you always were hereI miss youWhen you didn"t knew fearI miss youThe times you were nearI miss you babyI miss you baby...

求一首女声英文歌歌名:歌的开头是hey hey hey you X to the XXX girl... 开头是轻快的 中断高潮部分明显。

「宝儿 现场」031225 Hey Hey Hey Rock With You

Pharrell Williams的 Prettiest Girls 歌词中文翻译~


Pharrell的《that girl》 歌词

歌曲名:that girl歌手:Pharrell专辑:In My Mindwe do this in our sleep niggazYessirU eva been in love b4?Let me holla at u mannU know it"s hard for a playa to admit that sumtimesBut I"m a spit that sumtimesU know wat I"m sayin"Ay p, give it to em one time, nephewThere"s sumthin bout this girlFrom around my wayEver try to hold back ur feelings,But it just wouldn"t stay?But when I finally found the words to sayI wanted to run awaySimply run awayU can try to run and hideIt wont make a differenceU can lie to urselfOf the reasonSure it hurts wen it comes to ur attentionThat ur in love with the girlYessir, that"s herBut it wasn"t like that back wen I met herThe lavish life from all the do? spunBefore the RR had the hitchhike thumbHer friends didn"t like niggaz like us but iArrested the coochie and her feelings got cuffedSpiderweb sex, must"a got caught upBut there"s more to itI remember onceSayin" let"s shit on the peonsLet"s go ta vegas nd watch celine dionMake em say "wat we on??U say no like u was doin it for eonsFuck it, I"ll just hum and let the watch give off the neonsWen it rains it poursI laughs to myself wen I change the scoreU said my sex was a lot but my brain gave u moreAnd sumn bout how ya ex was a toyI guess he played gamesThere"s only diamond dice hereNot tryin ta justifyBut wen ya shut ya eye u can touch the skyU in trouble maAnd u should pray about speedBut if this bout uWat that say about me?But when I finally found the words to sayI wanted to run awaySimply run awayU can try to run and hideIt wont make a differenceU can lie to urselfOf the reasonSure it hurts wen it comes to ur attentionThat ur in love with the girlSee I"m a crip in dark blue chucksAnd I does wat I doesYea I might say "cuz?It"s really weird cuz a nigga got loveSnoop Dogg"s a crip and the girl was a blood (what??)She told me that her baby-daddy was a thugNow it is wat it is and it was how it wasI"m hollin lil mama like watMoney mo stacked tryin ta get my g"s backAll these memories breed seeds of a rhythm rhyme pleaserLaid back while we sippin on a breezaFresh 4-pack sittin in the freezaAin"t that kadeeja? I heard she was a Skeeza?She used ta hit them licks wit the BeezasWen I seen her wit the homies, I was like ?JESUS!?It"s been a lil min since I seen herHope her man don"t run up cuz ill have to pull the neenaThere"s sumthin bout this girlFrom around my wayEver try to hold back ur feelings,But it just wouldn"t stay?But when I finally found the words to sayI wanted to run awaySimply run awayU can try to run and hideIt wont make a differenceU can lie to urselfOf the reasonSure it hurts wen it comes to ur attentionThat ur in love with the girl



one blackboard,one tv,many desks and chairs是什么意思


有一位很著名的男模叫Julian Fantechi,是Playgirl的?

Julian Fantechi is an American male model who has appeared in many magazines and on television . He was born in San Diego, California on 16 February 1976. He is primarily of Italian descent. He was a model for Men"s Health magazine, appearing in the publication 5 times. He also appeared in several fitness magazines, exercise videos and has appeared on several television shows. He has a Master"s degree from New York University where he was awarded a full scholarship.Playgirl magazine named Fantechi their Man of the Year for 2007; he had appeared in the magazine three times prior to the award and was its cover model and centerfold for the August 2006 issue. In addition to his appearances in Playgirl, Fantechi has also been on the covers of Exercise for Men, Men and many others.In March 2007 the New York Daily News reported that he was both a nude model as well as an occupational therapist for the New York City Dept. of Education.[1]Fantechi continues to work actively as a model while continuing his work with the City of New York Department of Education. His mainstream work includes appearing on the December 2006 cover of Men"s Exercise, performing as an extra on the ABC sitcom Ugly Betty, and modeling for a Saks Fifth Avenue ad campaign. He is also currently perfecting his acting skills and has been appearing in local community theater projects.

【凯拉·奈特利 Keira Knightley 】饰演的片

怎么前面的回答不是一大长串就是几个字?汗颜....KEIRA KNIGHTLEY的,都是我看过的而且觉得不错的——《公爵夫人》古典而奢华,《赎罪》很耐人寻味,《加勒比海盗》你可以不看因为打打杀杀比较多,《真爱之上》好多大牌名星哦,而且这部片子特别感人,尤其是KEIRA那段真的让人心酸安妮同学的——公主日记1,2但是一定要告诉你2不如1好看,断背山(虽然不是主角),还有《穿PRADA的恶魔》那片子不错,其小说也很好看。

各位大大我想要chihiro的新歌 永远 的罗马歌词~

《永远 feat. Tarantula from スポンテニア》?永远 feat. Tarantula from スポンテニア(Eien feat. Tarantula from supontenia(Spontania))作词:CHIHIRO・Tarantula作曲:CHIHIRO・Tarantula歌手:CHIHIROForever ForeverItsumademo[ Futari wa isshou... ] tte omottetaDaisuki datta yoEien wo issho ni mitakattaForever ForeverIma ni natte omoidasu nowaYasashii kioku no kakera tachiAn"na ni kenka shite semeta kotoIma dewa yuruseru Doushite darou?""Ano kyoku mada oboeteru kana?""Fuini nazeka kikitaku naru noHenji no nai sora miageHitori kaerimichi aruitekuAnata to deatteAnata to koi shiteNaite waratteKorekara mo sugosu tte omottetaAtarimae ga atarimae ja nai tteUshinatte hajimete kizuitaForever ForeverItsumademo""Futari wa isshou..."" tte omottetaDaisuki datta yoEien wo issho ni mitakattaForever ForeverBaby... I love youHitome de [ A ] tte, [ Kono hito da ] tteHorete horeatte motomeatteKoi wa itsushika ai ni natteOtagai ga yasashisa no imi hakichigatteKono sabishisa no mukou niMukawa nakya even if it"s slowlyDare yori suki datta kimi eIma wa mada dare no mono nimo naranaideKureta kotoba hitotsu hitotsu niAishiteru no imi ga attanoniGomen ne [ Arigatou ] saeChanto tsutae rare nakattaAnata ga inakuteHitori ni natteAishiteta nante tsuyogari woIeru hodo mada tsuyoku narete nai yoUshinatta hibi ja nakuKasaneta hibi dato konosaki kokoro ni nokoshi taiForever ForeverItsumademo[ Futari wa isshou... ] tte omottetaDaisuki datta yoEien wo issho ni mitakattaForever ForeverBaby... I love youItsukaraka surechigatte bakari deHanare you to kimeta anohi niOnaji mono miteta kotoSunao ni ieba yokatta neForever ForeverItsumademoWasure nai yo Ano shunkan woDeaete yokattaEien ni zutto oboeteruForever ForeverItsumademo[ Futari wa isshou... ] tte omottetaDaisuki datta yoEien wo issho ni mitakattaForever ForeverTashikameatta nukumori ga ima mo mataForever ForeverI fell in love with you Wasure taku nai karaBaby... I love you

阁楼女孩杂志(The Girls of Penthouse)和阁楼杂志(Penthouse)是什么关系?谢谢


reservation confirmation是什么意思

确认预订I presented the reservation confirmation number and was asked for my credit card.

Internal Rate of Return (IRR)是什么意思啊?

Internal Rate of Return (IRR)内部收益率(IRR)双语例句1.Internal Rate of Return ( IRR)内部收益率(IRR)2.This internal rate of return ( IRR) for the project is then compared to a minimumrequired rate of return for projects of similar risk.然后项目的这一内部收益率(IRR)被与风险相近的项目的最小要求收益率进行比较。3.The dashboard can perform a detailed ROI, payback or breakeven analyses usingvarious models including Net Present Value ( NPV), Economic Value Added ( EVA)and Internal Rate of Return ( IRR).仪表盘可以利用各种模型,包括净现值(NPV)、附加经济值(EVA)和内部回报率(IRR)来执行详细的ROI、偿还,或收支平衡分析。


《Passionate Thirst》(Dean, Cameron)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 49jw书名:Passionate Thirst作者:Dean, Cameron出版社:Ballantine Books出版年份:2006-10页数:336内容简介:JUST ANOTHER NIGHT IN SIN CITYCandace Steele is as tough as she is alluring. For her, killing vampires isn"t just a job–it"s personal: She"s still haunted by erotic memories of an all-consuming affair with Ash, a seductive vampire who thrilled her–and then nearly destroyed her. Now, working undercover in a Las Vegas casino, she seduces the most powerful undead–right before she drives a stake through their unbeating hearts.When hot-ticket singer Temptation McCoy sweeps into town for a major concert, Candace is tapped for security. But after meeting Temptation, Candace feels the cold, tingling sensation that can mean only one thing: There"s a vampire in the diva"s entourage. To complicate matters, Ash suddenly appears in Sin City, vowing to do anything and everything to draw Candace back into his arms. Overwhelmed by desire and suspicion, she lets down her guard . . . a move that could cost Candace her life.

West End Girls (Original) 歌词

歌曲名:West End Girls (Original)歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:Megamix-ZYX MusicSometimes you"re better off deadThere"s a gun in your hand and it"s pointing at your headYou think you"re mad, too unstableKicking in chairs and knocking down tablesIn a restaurant in a West End townCall the police, there"s a madman aroundRun him down, underground to a dive barIn a West End townIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsWest End girlsToo many shadows, whispering voicesFaces on posters, too many choicesIf, when, why, what?How much have you got?Have you got it, do you get it, if so, how often?And which do you choose, a hard or soft option?(How much do you need?)In a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsWest End girlsWest End girls(How much do you need?)In a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsOooh West End town, a dead end worldEast End boys, West End GirlsWest End girlsYou"ve got a heart of glass or a heart of stoneJust you wait "til I get you homeWe"ve got no future, we"ve got no pastHere today, built to lastIn every city, in every nationFrom Lake Geneva to the Finland station(How far have you been?)In a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsA West End town, a dead end worldEast End Boys, West End girlsWest End girlsWest End girlsWest End girls(How far have you been?)

West End Girls (7' Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:West End Girls (7"" Mix)歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:Discography - Complete Singles CollectionSometimes you"re better off deadThere"s a gun in your hand and it"s pointing at your headYou think you"re mad, too unstableKicking in chairs and knocking down tablesIn a restaurant in a West End townCall the police, there"s a madman aroundRun him down, underground to a dive barIn a West End townIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsWest End girlsToo many shadows, whispering voicesFaces on posters, too many choicesIf, when, why, what?How much have you got?Have you got it, do you get it, if so, how often?And which do you choose, a hard or soft option?(How much do you need?)In a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsWest End girlsWest End girls(How much do you need?)In a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsOooh West End town, a dead end worldEast End boys, West End GirlsWest End girlsYou"ve got a heart of glass or a heart of stoneJust you wait "til I get you homeWe"ve got no future, we"ve got no pastHere today, built to lastIn every city, in every nationFrom Lake Geneva to the Finland station(How far have you been?)In a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsA West End town, a dead end worldEast End Boys, West End girlsWest End girlsWest End girlsWest End girls(How far have you been?)

West End Girls 歌词

歌曲名:West End Girls歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:伦敦奥运开幕式合辑 Isles of WonderWest End GirlsPet Shop BoysSometimes you"re better off deadThere"s a gun in your hand and it"s pointing at your headYou think you"re mad too unstableKicking in chairs and knocking down tablesIn a restaurant in a West End townCall the police there"s a madman aroundRun him down underground to a dive barIn a West End townIn a West End town a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsIn a West End town a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsWest End girlsToo many shadows whispering voicesFaces on posters too many choicesIf when why whatHow much have you gotHave you got it do you get it if so how oftenAnd which do you choose a hard or soft option(How much do you need)In a West End town a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsIn a West End town a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsWest End girlsWest End girls(How much do you need)In a West End town a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsOooh West End town a dead end worldEast End boys West End GirlsWest End girls

West End Girls 歌词

歌曲名:West End Girls歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:就在今夜 周末狂热劲曲West End GirlsPet Shop BoysSometimes you"re better off deadThere"s a gun in your hand and it"s pointing at your headYou think you"re mad, too unstableKicking in chairs and knocking down tablesIn a restaurant in a West End townCall the police, there"s a madman aroundRun him down, underground to a dive barIn a West End townIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsWest End girlsToo many shadows, whispering voicesFaces on posters, too many choicesIf, when, why, what?How much have you got?Have you got it, do you get it, if so, how often?And which do you choose, a hard or soft option?In a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsWest End girlsIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsWest End girlsYou"ve got a heart of glass or a heart of stoneJust you wait "til I get you homeWe"ve got no future, we"ve got no pastHere today, built to lastIn every city, in every nationFrom Lake Geneva to the Finland stationIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsA West End town, a dead end worldEast End Boys, West End girlsWest End girlsYou"ve got a heart of glass or a heart of stoneJust you wait "til I get you homeSometimes you"re better off deadThere"s gun in your hand and it"s pointing at your headIn a West End town, a dead end worldThe East End boys and West End girlsA West End town, a dead end worldEast End Boys, West End girlsWest End girlsWest End girls

The Low Anthem的《Wire》 歌词

歌曲名:Wire歌手:The Low Anthem专辑:Smart FleshArtist:U2Album: The Unforgettable FireTitle: WireInnocent, and in a sense I amGuilty of the crime that"s now in handSuch a nice dayThrow your life awaySuch a nice dayLet it goCold these eyes, I can"t believe itCold, this heart is slowHeart is slowCall meSuch a cold heartSuch a cold manWatch you tear your self apartSo lay me downMy soul to giveSo lay me downThe longest sleepOh, the longest sleepIn I come and out you go you getHere we are again now, place your betsIs this the timeThe time to win or loseIs this the timeThe time to chooseCold these eyes, I can"t believe itSo deep inside a cold fireCold, this heart is slow...Anytime you"re only a kiss awayWon"t you do it nowThat"s right, just keep me goingIn some white trackYou come the right trackCartoon cutoutCut throat bled outI"m on your sideBe on the both sideI"m alright JackYou get off my backI"m no dopeI give you hopeHere"s the ropeHere"s the ropeNow...swing awayEnd

青驱的《wired life》的完整版罗马歌词,谢谢。邮箱


求Wired Life 罗马音

Mau chou no you ni hirariChuu ni tadayou fukashikina hikariKoko wa dokoka betsu no sekai?Rakka suru sokudo wa kawaranaiCut the rope x5Atama wo meguru suuchi waRasen wo egaki kyuujoushouJuudaina ayamachi ni mo kizukazu niHito kara hito e to tsunagaruAwaku seiran ni kagayaku WireTotemo kirei de maru de kinu no itoSore ga unmei to iu kusari nano ka?Sagashite demo karamatteTadori tsukenaiWhat is Wired Life?Nogarerarenai nanteOroka de utsukushiiWired LifeSagashite demo karamatteTadori tsukenaiWhat is Wired Life?Nogarerarenai nanteOroka de utsukushiiThere is Wired Life

U2的《Wire》 歌词

歌曲名:Wire歌手:U2专辑:Unforgettable FireArtist:U2Album: The Unforgettable FireTitle: WireInnocent, and in a sense I amGuilty of the crime that"s now in handSuch a nice dayThrow your life awaySuch a nice dayLet it goCold these eyes, I can"t believe itCold, this heart is slowHeart is slowCall meSuch a cold heartSuch a cold manWatch you tear your self apartSo lay me downMy soul to giveSo lay me downThe longest sleepOh, the longest sleepIn I come and out you go you getHere we are again now, place your betsIs this the timeThe time to win or loseIs this the timeThe time to chooseCold these eyes, I can"t believe itSo deep inside a cold fireCold, this heart is slow...Anytime you"re only a kiss awayWon"t you do it nowThat"s right, just keep me goingIn some white trackYou come the right trackCartoon cutoutCut throat bled outI"m on your sideBe on the both sideI"m alright JackYou get off my backI"m no dopeI give you hopeHere"s the ropeHere"s the ropeNow...swing awayEnd
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