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KOTOKO的imaginary affair歌词

阳だまりに揺れた白い风you damarini yure ta shiroi kazeおはようの精が窓に降りたohayouno sei ga mado ni ori ta生温いスープ饮み干したら ほらseion i su^pu nomihoshi tara hora新しいシャツ着て出挂けようatarashi i shatsu kite dekake you転がる坂道に不安抱いてkoroga ru sakamichi ni fuan dai teしゃがみ込む背中をshagami komu senaka wo鹎の声が抚でてくhiyodori no koe ga nade tekuここから见える明日を追いかけていたいkokokara mie ru ashita wo oi kaketeitai小さくたって 汚れてたってchiisa kutatte yogore tetatte他にはないhokani hanai远く広がる丘に登りつめた时tooku hiroga ru oka ni nobori tsumeta toki何よりも辉いて仆等を照らし出すからnani yorimo kagayai te bokura wo tera shi dasu kara雨粒に濡れて倾ぐ花amatsubu ni nure te kashigu hanaまるであの时の君のようでmarudeano tokino kun noyoude虹色の伞を差し挂けてみたnijiiro no kasa wo sashi kake temitaまた笑颜を取り戻すといいなmata egao wo tori modosu toiina长过ぎる坂道 空は遥かnagasugi ru sakamichi sora ha harukaすり変わる景色に行き先も见失うけどsuri kawa ru keshiki ni ikisaki mo miushinau kedoここから见える明日にエールを赠ろうkokokara mie ru ashita ni e^ru wo okuro u切なさだって 淋しさだってsetsuna sadatte sabishi sadatte胸の波动mune no hadou降り止まない雨などここにはないからori toma nai ame nadokokonihanaikara仆にだけ颔いてboku nidake unazui teその涙もう拭きなよsono namida mou fuki nayo振り返る坂道furikaeru sakamichi时に泣いたtokini nai ta弱虫な仆等の足迹に花が咲いてたyowamushi na bokura no sokuseki ni hana ga sai tetaここから见える明日の絵日记描こうkokokara mie ru ashita no enikki egako u平凡だって 歪んでたってheibon datte hizun detatteそれが证しsorega shoushi何気ない颜をした朝日に会えたらnanigena i kao woshita asahi ni ae taraそよ风の真似をしてsoyo kaze no mane woshiteこの道歩いてゆこうkono michi arui teyukou中文歌词:清风在阳光闪耀之处吹拂早晨的精灵落在窗边喝完了微温的汤 来吧穿著新的衬杉出发吧抱持著不安 走在崎岖不平的坡道上鹎鸟们的叫声拂过蹲伏的背脊想要去追赶从这里看得到的明天纵使渺小 纵使丢脸已别无所求当我们登上那延展到远方的山丘时胜过一切的闪亮光芒将照耀我们被雨滴打溼而歪斜的花就像那时候的你一般试著撑起七彩颜色的伞若是能取回笑容就好了在漫长的坡道上 天空很遥远虽然在瞬息万变的景色中也会迷失目标对著从这里看得见的明天呼喊吧纵使难受 纵使寂寞这是胸口的鼓动这里没有下不停的雨你只对我点点头把眼泪擦乾吧回顾以往的坡道上懦弱而偶尔哭泣的我们脚印上依然花儿盛开去描绘从这里看得到、明天的绘画日记吧纵使平凡 纵使歪曲那是个证明如果能若无其事地迎接早晨的太阳就模仿著微风在这条路上继续走下去吧


あの海(うみ)どこまでも青(あお)かった远(とお)くまであの道(みち)どこまでも续(つづ)いてた まっすぐに一番(いちばん)早(はや)く素直(すなお)に笑(わら)ったものがち一番(いちばん)好(す)きなあの人(ひと)笑(わら)ってる谁(だれ)よりも远(とお)くにいってもここからまたわらってくれる?ひとみを闭(と)じればふっと夏(なつ)の阳(ひ)のにおいあの川(かわ) 游(あそ)んでる二人(ふたり)きり泥(どろ)だらけあの云(くも)追(お)っている届(とど)いたら幸(しあわ)せと一番(いちばん)速(はや)くこの坂(さか)上(あが)ったものがち一番(いちばん)好(す)きなあの场所(ばしょ)めざしてたくさんの思(おも)い出(で)がある他(ほか)には何(なに)もいらないくらいひとみを闭(と)じればすぐあの海(うみ)のにおいまた夏(なつ)が来(く)る银色(ぎんいろ)に光(ひか)る水面(すいめん)に映(うつ)る二人分(ふたりぶん)の影(かげ)谁(だれ)よりも远(とお)くにいってもそこからまたわらってくれる?ひとみを闭(と)じればふっとあの日(ひ)の青空(あおぞら)AnoumidokomademoaokattatokumadeAnomichidokomademotsuzuitetamassuguniIchibanhayakusunaoniwarattamonogachiIchibansukinaanohitowaratteruDareyorimotokueittemokokokaramatawarattekureru?HitomiwotojirebafuttonatsunonioiAnokawaasonderufutarikiridorodarakeAnokumootteirutodoitarashiawasetoIchibanhayakukonosakanobottamonogachiIchibansukinaanobashomezashiteTakusannoomoidegaaruhokanihananimoiranaikuraiHitomiwotojirebasuguanouminonioiMatanatsugakuruginironihikaruMinamoniutsusufutaribunnokageDareyorimotokuheittemokokokaramatawarattekureru?Hitomiwotojirebafuttoanohinoaozora



in charge of national foreign affairs

应该选D 首先,让我们分析句子结构,可以得出需要我们填入的是一个表语.而之后的in charge of短语是修饰之前的表语的. 这句句子不是一个定语从句,因为主句中有一个动词,而句子后半部分没有动词. 再者,这里应该填入一个名词(因为in charge of短语修饰前面的表语) 那么没有名词我们该怎么办呢?我们可以寻找一个代词.代词,顾名思义,就是有一种替代作用,可以替代一个名词,所以who(疑问词)that(非代词)排除 而CD均为代词,而根据意思,这个填入的代词指代的是the man,已经限定了是这个人,那么我们要在代词前加一个定冠词表示特指,所以选D


Siri,发音为:【"si:ri】,可以读作:si,rui(拼音)Siri是苹果公司在其产品iphone 4S上应用的一项语音控制功能。Siri可以令iPhone4S变身为一台智能化机器人,利用Siri用户可以通过手机读短信、介绍餐厅、询问天气、语音设置闹钟等。Siri功能,Siri可以支持自然语言输入,并且可以调用系统自带的天气预报、日程安排、搜索资料等应用。还能够不断学习新的声音和语调,提供对话式的应答。Siri技术来源于美国国防部高级研究规划局所公布的 CALO计划:一个让军方简化处理一些繁复庶务,并具学习、组织以及认知能力的数字助理,其所衍生出来的民用版软件 Siri 虚拟个人助理。Siri有什么功能Siri能做的,听起来相当一般,使用者可透过声控、文字输入的方式,来搜寻餐厅、电影院等生活信息,同时也可以直接收看各项相关评论,甚至是直接订位、订票;另外其适地性(location based)服务的能力也相当强悍,能够依据用户默认的居家地址或是所在位置来判断、过滤搜寻的结果。Siri功能,其最大的特色,则是人机的互动方面,不仅有十分生动的对话接口,其针对用户询问所给予的回答,也不至于答非所问,有时候更是让人有种心有灵犀的惊喜,例如使用者如果在说出、输入的内容包括了『drunk』、『home』这些字(甚至不需要符合语法,相当人性化...),Siri 则会判断为喝酒醉、要回家,并自动建议是否要帮忙叫出租车。不过唯一可惜的是说,该软件目前仅支持英语,英语、法语和德语,另外相关信息也仅限于美国本土,但整个软件的概念,可以说是相当的有趣,而且还是免费的,由于其仍处于测试阶段,对中文的支持可能并不甚理想,未来会加入更多语言支持。Siri怎么读Siri怎么读Siri已在App Store下架在iPhone 4S的苹果发布会中苹果称Siri Voice Assistant 将会成为iOS的一部分。Siri 原是一个第三方应用,是苹果在去年花费2亿美元购买所得的。虽然在收购后很长的一段时间里我们仍能在App Store上看到这一应用的身影,不过它将近有一年多的时间没有更新。而直到今天苹果在发布会上介绍Siri这一功能后,Siri 这一应用才正式下架结。Siri是苹果公司在其产品iphone 4S上应用的一项语音控制功能。Siri可以令iPhone4S变身为一台智能化机器人,利用Siri用户可以通过手机读短信、介绍餐厅、询问天气、语音设置闹钟等。Siri功能,Siri可以支持自然语言输入,并且可以调用系统自带的天气预报、日程安排、搜索资料等应用。还能够不断学习新的声音和语调,提供对话式的应答。Siri技术来源于美国国防部高级研究规划局所公布的 CALO计划:一个让军方简化处理一些繁复庶务,并具学习、组织以及认知能力的数字助理,其所衍生出来的民用版软件 Siri 虚拟个人助理。Siri有什么功能Siri能做的,听起来相当一般,使用者可透过声控、文字输入的方式,来搜寻餐厅、电影院等生活信息,同时也可以直接收看各项相关评论,甚至是直接订位、订票;另外其适地性(location based)服务的能力也相当强悍,能够依据用户默认的居家地址或是所在位置来判断、过滤搜寻的结果。Siri功能,其最大的特色,则是人机的互动方面,不仅有十分生动的对话接口,其针对用户询问所给予的回答,也不至于答非所问,有时候更是让人有种心有灵犀的惊喜,例如使用者如果在说出、输入的内容包括了『drunk』、『home』这些字(甚至不需要符合语法,相当人性化...),Siri 则会判断为喝酒醉、要回家,并自动建议是否要帮忙叫出租车。不过唯一可惜的是说,该软件目前仅支持英语,英语、法语和德语,另外相关信息也仅限于美国本土,但整个软件的概念,可以说是相当的有趣,而且还是免费的,由于其仍处于测试阶段,对中文的支持可能并不甚理想,未来会加入更多语言支持。Siri怎么读Siri怎么读Siri已在App Store下架在iPhone 4S的苹果发布会中苹果称Siri Voice Assistant 将会成为iOS的一部分。Siri 原是一个第三方应用,是苹果在去年花费2亿美元购买所得的。虽然在收购后很长的一段时间里我们仍能在App Store上看到这一应用的身影,不过它将近有一年多的时间没有更新。而直到今天苹果在发布会上介绍Siri这一功能后,Siri 这一应用才正式下架结。Siri是苹果公司在其产品iphone 4S上应用的一项语音控制功能。Siri可以令iPhone4S变身为一台智能化机器人,利用Siri用户可以通过手机读短信、介绍餐厅、询问天气、语音设置闹钟等。Siri功能,Siri可以支持自然语言输入,并且可以调用系统自带的天气预报、日程安排、搜索资料等应用。还能够不断学习新的声音和语调,提供对话式的应答。Siri技术来源于美国国防部高级研究规划局所公布的 CALO计划:一个让军方简化处理一些繁复庶务,并具学习、组织以及认知能力的数字助理,其所衍生出来的民用版软件 Siri 虚拟个人助理。Siri有什么功能Siri能做的,听起来相当一般,使用者可透过声控、文字输入的方式,来搜寻餐厅、电影院等生活信息,同时也可以直接收看各项相关评论,甚至是直接订位、订票;另外其适地性(location based)服务的能力也相当强悍,能够依据用户默认的居家地址或是所在位置来判断、过滤搜寻的结果。Siri功能,其最大的特色,则是人机的互动方面,不仅有十分生动的对话接口,其针对用户询问所给予的回答,也不至于答非所问,有时候更是让人有种心有灵犀的惊喜,例如使用者如果在说出、输入的内容包括了『drunk』、『home』这些字(甚至不需要符合语法,相当人性化...),Siri 则会判断为喝酒醉、要回家,并自动建议是否要帮忙叫出租车。不过唯一可惜的是说,该软件目前仅支持英语,英语、法语和德语,另外相关信息也仅限于美国本土,但整个软件的概念,可以说是相当的有趣,而且还是免费的,由于其仍处于测试阶段,对中文的支持可能并不甚理想,未来会加入更多语言支持。Siri怎么读Siri怎么读Siri已在App Store下架在iPhone 4S的苹果发布会中苹果称Siri Voice Assistant 将会成为iOS的一部分。Siri 原是一个第三方应用,是苹果在去年花费2亿美元购买所得的。虽然在收购后很长的一段时间里我们仍能在App Store上看到这一应用的身影,不过它将近有一年多的时间没有更新。而直到今天苹果在发布会上介绍Siri这一功能后,Siri 这一应用才正式下架结。



natural parents birth parents biological parents有什么区别

这三个parents的意思基本是相同的 区别不大 三者都是指亲生父母 尤其是birth parents和biological parents的意思是完全相同的 可以相互替换着用硬要说有区别的话是 birth parents(生身父母)和biological parents(生物学意义上的父母)两个更侧重于指那种把孩子(私生子)送人领养的未婚父母 生父生母 生身父母 非领养父母

In a small mounitain,have a shack on the slope,you can see a man slash the timber,and a cub squirrel

按顺序 is3.you之前加 where4.slash---slashing5.carefull--carefully6.wiggle--wiggled7make--making 8.Than--Then 9jump--jumped10.stumble--stumbling受不了,现在还有这种题目?

英语选词填空:It is the first question parents ask when

It"s the first question parents ask when their child is diagnosed with autism (自闭症). Will his future brothers or sisters have a higher risk of __47__ it, too?According to the largest study of siblings (兄弟姐妹) in families with autism, the answer is yes. Among 664 children who had at least one older sibling with the developmental disorder, the __48__ risk of autism was nearly 19%, __49__ higher than previous sibling-recurrence estimates that were anywhere from 3% to 10%. Kids with more than one older autistic sibling had an even higher risk of the disorder: 32%.The __50__ suggest that genes play a key role in autism risk. But they also hint that other environmental factors __51__ by siblings, like influences in the womb (子宫), may be important as well.On the __52__ of the findings, the researchers recommend that doctors closely __53__ younger siblings of autistic children to pick up any early signs of the disorder, __54__ an unusually large head or delayed language development and communication skills. Evidence suggests that early __55__ and diagnosis of autism can help children take advantage of therapies that can treat some of its __56__.47 F 48 A 49 H 50 L 51 M52 B 53 J 54 I 55 E 56 O

Girl from the North Country 歌词

Girl from the North Country演唱:StingIf you"re traveling in the north country fairWhere the winds hit heavy on the borderlineRemember me to one who lives thereShe once was a true love of mineIf you go when the snowflakes stormWhen the rivers freeze and summer endsPlease see if she has a coat so warmTo keep her from the howling windsPlease see if her hair hangs longIf it rolls and flows all down her breastPlease see for me if her hair"s hanging longFor that"s the way I remember her bestI"m a-wondering if she remembers me at allMany times I"ve often prayedIn the darkness of my nightIn the brightness of my daySo if you"re traveling in the north country fairWhere the winds hit heavy on the borderlineRemember me to one who lives thereShe once was a true love of mine

They had been woken once or twice by______sounded like a hairdryer. what/which/that


the hairdryer treatment是什么意思

the hairdryer treatment 电吹风 批评例句筛选1.Ferrara gave Melo the hairdryer treatment after the game, but the 26-year-old is doing his best to downplay the incident.赛后,费拉拉对梅洛进行了批评,但是这位26岁的球员正尽全力的想淡化这件事。2.DS: Many people call it the hairdryer treatment. Is that how he getsthe best out of you or does he use a more gentle approach?很多人把弗爵的这种行为称之为“吹风机”。那是否是他能够发挥你作用的方法?或者说他是否会使用更文雅的一种交流方式?



super hair dryer与super sonic有什么区别?

super hair dryer,是超级吹风机的意思。super sonic,是超音波的意思。两者的词义是不同的,这是两者区别。英语学习的方法。  1 学习英语的首要理念:要努力去了解“是什么”,而尽量少去了解“为什么”。  因为英语是语言,很多语汇和句型的用法没有道理可讲,没有“为什么”可言,人们就是这样用的,就是这样说的,记住就好。当然了,仔细分析起来或许可以找到语法上的解释。婴儿时期,我们学说话的时候,从来没有问过“为什么会这么说” 吧,但是为什么后来会说的这么好?因为我们听的多,说的多,自然就记在脑子里了。  2 学习英语的最好方法:背诵课文。  因为英语是我们的后天语言,所以必须将人家现成的东西反复在脑海里形成神经反射,不用关心为什么这样说(同第一点)。  推荐《新概念英语3,4册》。可以说,几乎没有任何一种教材的经典程度超过《新概念英语》。它的语法是最规范的,结构是最严谨的,流传了好几代人,依然保持最为持久的生命力。  3 学习英语需要多种形式的神经刺激。  真正学好英语,不经历背诵大量文章,写大量东西,听大量文章,是根本不可能达到目的的,比如一个新单词,我们在书上看到,默写,背诵,还不能说真正认识了。在听力中听到了这个单词,能反应过来是它吗?在想表达这种意思的时候,能反应过来应该用它吗?……我们当初学说话的时候,都是无形中进行了听,说,读,写等不经意的“练习”才全面掌握了这门语言。  4 学习英语要善于利用零碎时间。  英语学习不是靠突击可以学好的,一下子花上好几个小时拼命学英语,是无济于事的。它的特点在于“细水常流”。每天花上十几分钟的零碎时间听,背一段课文,记几个单词,长期坚持,逐渐会得到提高的。  5 要着意“卖弄”。  新学会的词汇和用法,应该在可能的场合多多练习使用。不要老是用自己喜欢或者熟悉的单词或者句型,这样的话,新学的东西永远得不到强化,慢慢的又会变的陌生,人将会永远停留原有的水平。不断地将新东西变为旧东西,又不断接触新东西,再将其变为旧东西,如此往复,才能不断提高。

hairdryers造句 hairdryersの例文 "hairdryers"是什麼意思

Even when turned off, things pke hairdryers , cell phone chargers and televisions use energy 即使关了机,例如吹风机、手机充电器及电视都仍在使用能源。 As part of the multinational operation of phipps, the pany manufactures and sells over 40 kinds of phipps branded domestic apppance & personal care ( dap ) products including shavers and hairdryers 作为跨国巨头飞利浦企业的一部分,本公司专业生产世界知名的飞利浦品牌的小家庭电器,包括电动剃须刀、电吹风等数十种产品,供应国内外市场。 As part of the multinational operation of phipps, the pany manufactures and sells over 40 kinds of phipps branded domestic apppance & personal care ( dap ) products including shavers and hairdryers 作为跨国巨头飞利浦企业的一部分,本公司专业生产世界知名的飞利浦品牌的小家庭电器,包括电动剃须刀、电动牙刷等数十种产品,供应国内外市场。 As part of the multinational operation of phipps, the pany manufactures and sells over 40 kinds of phipps branded domestic apppance & personal care ( dap ) products including shavers and hairdryers 作为跨国巨头飞利浦企业的一部分,本公司专业生产世界知名的飞利浦品牌的小家庭电器,包括电动剃须刀、电动剃须刀等数十种产品,供应国内外市场。 As part of the multinational operation of phipps, the pany manufactures and sells over 40 kinds of phipps branded domestic apppance & amp; personal care ( dap ) products including shavers and hairdryers 作为跨国巨头飞利浦企业的一部分,本公司专业生产世界知名的飞利浦品牌的小家庭电器,包括电动剃须刀、电吹风等数十种产品,供应国内外市场。 It"s difficult to find hairdryers in a sentence. 用 hairdryers 造句挺难的

hair dryer是吹风机还是头发干燥剂???

hair dryer是吹风机bookmark是书签blueprint是蓝图classroom教室,classmates同学A.复合词的概念— 由两个或更多的词合成一个词的现象,叫复合词,又称合成词(词与词之间可以有连字符);其中以复合名词最多,其次是复合形容词,复合动词、介词、副词、数词等也不少。B.复合名词a.名词+名词:bookshop /store /seller / mark,sunlight /shine /glasses,French /Englishman,policeman /woman,volley /basket /base / football,penfriend,grandfather /mother /son / daughter /parent(s)/children,schoolboy /girl/ bag /yard,headache /master /teacher,moon- cake /light,team /house /homework,workbook /place /shop,newspaper,motorbike /car, birthday,bed /class /bathroom,handbag,gate- keeper /man,pencil-box,day /lunchtime, lifeboat /time,postcard /man /office,seafood, weekday /end,class /work /mate,northeast / west,railway,southeast /west,textbook,teapot, shellfish,earthquake,cup /keyboard,doorbell, fireplace,farmland,hometown,salesgirl,necklace,wardrobe,spaceship,etc. b.形容词+名词:loudspeaker,goodbye, midnight /day,blackboard,Mid-autumn,software,mainland... c.动名词+名词:sitting /waiting-room... d.动词+名词:playground /house, watchtower,chopsticks,washroom,checkout, breakfast... e.名词+动名词:handwriting,homecooking,thanksgiving,roller-skating... f.动词+副词:get-together g.其它:afternoon,today,tonight(n.& adv.),ping-pong,T-shirt,E-mail, self-respect,two-storey,yo-yo... C.复合形容词a.形容词+名词+(e)d:kind-hearted, glass-topped b.形容词+现在分词:good-looking c.副词+现在分词:hard-working d.名词+现在分词:English-speaking e.名词+过去分词:man-made f.副词+过去分词:well-known g.形容词+名词:mideast,round-trip h.其它:up /downstairs(adj.&adv.), everyday,take-away,outdoor,one-way,part- time ,two-month /day /year /metre(-old /long etc.)secondhand,mouth-to-mouth,so-so,on- line,so-called... D.其它复合词 maybe,forever,everything /body /one/ where,nothing /body /where,something / body /one /where,anything /body /one/ where,myself,ourselves,when /how/who/ what /whichever,wherever,without,into,in/ outside,sometime(s),thirty-eight,forty-fifth,water-ski,download,half-way,nearby,etc.希望能对楼主有所帮助,谢谢~

hair dryer 是哪个国家最先发明


hair dryer 还是hair drier





hairdryer 英[ˈheədraɪə(r)] 美[ˈherdraɪər] n. (吹干头发的) 吹风机;

I Am Not My Hair 歌词

歌曲名:I Am Not My Hair歌手:India.Arie专辑:Testimony: Vol. 1 Life & RelationshipI am Not My HairIndia & AkonKonvict...Konvict...Dat dad a dat daDad a oohCondict music, uh-huhSee I can kinda recallLittle ways back small tryin" to bawlAlways been black and my hair I tried it allI even went flat, had a gumdee curly top and all the crap, nowTryin" to be appreciatedNappy headed brothers never had no ladiesThen I hit by the barber shop real quickHad em give me little twist and it drove them crazyAnd then I couldn"t get no jobCause corporate wouldn"t hire no dreadlocksThen I thought about my dogs on the blockKinda understand why they chose a stealin" rockWas it the hair that got me this far? (uh-huh)All these girls these cribs these cars (uh-huh)Hate to say it but it seem so flawedCause success didn"t come "till i cut it all off (uh-huh)Little girl with the press and curlAge eight I got a Jheri curlThirteen then I got a relaxerI was a source of so much laughterFifteen when it all broke offEighteen and then I went all naturalFebruary two thousand and two IWent and did what I had to doCause it was time to change my lifeTo become the women that I am insideNinety-seven dreadlocks all goneLooked in the mirror for the first time and saw thatHey...I am not my hairI am not this skinI am not your ex-pec-tations no noI am not my hairI am not this skinI am a soul that lives withinGood hair means curls and wavesBad hair means you look like a slaveAt the turn of the centuryIt"s time for us to redefine who we beYou can shave it off like a South African beautyOr get in on lock like Bob MarleyYou can rock it straight like Oprah WinfreyIf its not what"s on your headIt"s what"s underneath and sayHey....I am not my hairI am not this skinI am not your ex-pec-tations no noI am not my hairI am not this skinI am a soul that lives withinWho cares if you don"t like thatWith nothin" to lose post it with a wave capWhen the cops tryin" to harassCause I got wavesBut he"s sayin" nothin" like thatNot in my days (noo...)Now you gotta change all feeling"sBased on one another by their appearanceYes, India I feel ya girlNow go on and talk the rest of the world(oh, oh, oh)Does the way I wear my hair make me a better person?(Whoa, whoa, whoa)Does the way I wear my hair make me a better friend? nooo...(Whoa, whoa, whoa)Does the way I wear my hair determine my integrity?(Whoa, whoa, whoa)I am expressing my creativity...Breast cancer and chemotherapyTook away her crown and gloryShe promised God if she was to surviveShe would enjoy everyday of her life ooh...On national televisionHer diamond eyes are sparklingBald headed like a full moon shiningSinging out to the whole wide world likeHey...I am not my hairI am not this skinI am not your ex-pec-tations no noI am not my hairI am not this skinI am a soul that lives withinI am not my hairI am not this skinI am not your ex-pec-tations no noI am not my hair....


Autowired vs importAsk QuestionAsked 4 years, 3 months agoModified 4 years, 3 months agoViewed 4k times4I am very new to spring boot and I am trying to grasp the concept of it. Now I came across @Autowired in it. I understood pretty much about it.Like, when you write @Autowired, things happen in two passes and in the second pass spring injects beans.Now, I have this example;Class Abc { @Autowired private Xyz xyz; PSVM(String...z) { xyz.hello(); } }Import basically imports the code into the file.So,Import com.tilak.Xyz;Class Abc { private Xyz xyz; PSVM(String...z) { xyz = new Xyz(); xyz.hello(); }}Why should/ shouldn"t I go with the latter one?Is there any advantage in doing the first one? Where should I use the first one and where should I use the second one?javaspringspring-bootShareImprove this questionFollowedited Sep 7, 2018 at 12:18Poger1,8671717 silver badges1616 bronze badgesasked Seimport和 autowired的区别你的天真呢无悔超过210用户采纳过TA的回答关注成为第2位粉丝link标签除了可以加载CSS外,还可以做很多其它的事情,比如定义RSS,定义rel连接属性等,@import就只能加载CSS了。差别2:加载顺序的差别。当一个页面被加载的时候(就是被浏览者浏览的时候),link引用的CSS会同时被加载,而@import引用的CSS 会等到页面全部被下载完再被加载。所以有时候浏览@import加载CSS的页面时开始会没有样式(就是闪烁),网速慢的时候还挺明显(梦之都加载CSS 的方式就是使用@import,我一边下载一边浏览梦之都网页时,就会出现上述问题)。差别3:兼容性的差别。由于@import是CSS2.1提出的所以老的浏览器不支持,@import只有在IE5以上的才能识别,而link标签无此问题。差别4:使用dom控制样式时的差别。当使用javascript控制dom去改变样式的时候,只能使用link标签,因为@import不是dom可以控制的。




链接: 提取码: b6bx 导演: 弗朗西斯·劳伦斯编剧: 西蒙·博福伊 / 迈克尔·阿恩特 / 苏珊·科林斯主演: 詹妮弗·劳伦斯 / 乔什·哈切森 / 利亚姆·海姆斯沃斯 / 伍迪·哈里森 / 伊丽莎白·班克斯 / 唐纳德·萨瑟兰 / 菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼 / 山姆·克拉弗林 / 吉娜·马隆 / 斯坦利·图齐 / 托比·琼斯 / 林恩·科恩 / 薇洛·西尔德斯 / 蓝尼·克罗维兹 / 阿兰·里奇森 / 斯蒂芬妮·利·施朗德 / 杰弗里·怀特 / 阿曼达·普拉莫 / 布鲁诺·冈恩类型: 动作 / 科幻 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2013-11-21(中国大陆) / 2013-11-22(美国)片长: 146分钟又名: 饥饿游戏 第二部 /燃烧的女孩 该片讲经历生死的凯特尼斯(詹妮弗·劳伦斯 Jennifer Lawrence 饰)和皮塔(乔什·哈切森 Josh Hutcherson 饰)得到了74届饥饿游戏冠军享有的一切待遇,但是两人的关系变得很尴尬,凯特尼斯无法放下昔日男友盖尔(利亚姆·海姆斯沃斯 Liam Hemsworth 饰),甚至还想要跟他远走高飞。凯特尼斯和皮塔越来越受到人民的欢迎,加上他俩假扮情侣的事情激怒了斯诺总统(唐纳德·萨瑟兰 Donald Sutherland 饰),他联合新的游戏设计师(菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼 Philip Seymour Hoffman 饰)开展了25年一届的“世界级限赛”,要求抽出12个区的历届男女冠军各一人参加,旨在杀死凯特尼斯。皮塔为了保护凯特尼斯,代替黑密曲(伍迪·哈里森 Woody Harrelson 饰)参赛,一对“恋人”又踏上了征程。在赛事中二人结交了不同区的盟友,同时皮塔继续对凯特尼斯表露真情,而她对皮塔的态度也有所变化,可惜事情并不像他们想象的一样,等待他们的只有阴谋。

ina chair与on a chair的区别?

都是在椅子上。 扶手较高,形似包围 in a chair,躺着也是in 扶手 较低,没坐堑,或显人高椅低是on chair.







JEET Air Plus、小米Air2、华强北airpods,选哪款蓝牙耳机比较好?



苹果的笔记本分三个系列,macbook、macbook pro和macbook air,macbook(简称mb)是最基本,最便宜的款式,塑料外壳也没有其他两个系列的铝合金外壳那么炫;macbook pro就比macbook要高端一些,全系采用全铝合金外壳,处理器、显卡、外设接口等硬件设施也强于macbook,因此pro可以理解为进化或者高端版本;macbook air是一个独立的系列,采用超轻超薄设计,外观时尚,重量轻的惊人(一千克出头),固态硬盘的应用也使这个系列备受瞩目。但是身材上的优势基本上是用技术退步换来的,无论电池还是处理器以及显卡,air都明显落后与另外两个系列。另外苹果还有mac系列(台式机),有iMac(一体式台式机)、mac mini(采用笔记本技术的微型主机,一个仅有手巴掌那么大)、mac pro(性能最强悍的苹果电脑,性能可以达到工作站级别)

JEET Air Plus这款蓝牙耳机如何?



“Air”,顾名思义是轻和薄的代表。Macbook Air是新一代超薄笔记本,适用于家庭,休闲娱乐为主的用户。如果你是一个追求时常,以娱乐为主的用户,不妨选择 Macbook Air。因为 Macbook Air 足以应付日常的上网,办公,游戏,看电影之类的需求。Macbook pro 是专业版适用于专业人士,比如绘图,设计,视频剪辑等,对电脑的整体运算性能要求高的用户。因为这些应用对电脑性能的要求比较高,所以称之为(Professional)专业版。扩展资料:苹果air和pro的区别:一、屏幕MacBook Pro使用的是视网膜级别的屏幕,拥有2560×1600的分辨率,并且拥有P3广色域,整个Pro的显示效果相当华丽,可以说是消费级笔记本电脑里面最为出色的屏幕。而MacBook Air的屏幕的分辨率还只有1440×900,这已经可以用肉眼看到像素点了,并且没有采用全贴合技术,屏幕边框很宽,已经可以用肉眼看到大果粒,并且色域只有45%NTSC,采用TN面板,屏幕是MacBook Air最大的遗憾。二、处理器Air系列使用的为第五代低压版处理器,TDP为15W,Pro使用的为第七代低压处理器,带触控条版本的为28W,不带的为15W但集成高端集显,总体来讲2018年苹果竟然还不更新Air的处理器,让人不免觉得苹果已经完全放弃这一产品线。处理器Pro完胜。三、触控板在触控板上Pro系列支持压力触控,并且触控板面积极大,在Air上触控板就比较普通了,仍然为普通触控板,当然在使用体验上也强于windows阵营了,触控板Pro更好。四、键盘与接口在键盘上Pro采用第二代蝶式键盘,Air依旧采用普通的剪刀式键盘,但是在使用体验上蝶式键盘键程过小,键盘使用体验上Air更好。在接口上,MacBook Air有两个雷电二接口、两个USB3接口,一个SDXC读卡器,在Pro上只有四个雷电三接口,对于专业用户雷电三的功能是极其强大的,但对于个人用户来说,Air上的接口分布显然更加务实。

求Beyonce的《Broken-Hearted Girl》中英文对照歌词、伴奏。


谁能提供BrokenHearted Girl - Beyonce 的歌词

Broken-hearted Girl 心碎女孩Youre everything I thought you never were你变成了我不认识的人And nothing like I thought you couldve been和我想象的一点也不一样But still you live inside of me但你仍然活在我心里So tell me how is that?告诉我 这到底是怎么回事Youre the only one I wish I could forget你是我唯一希望可以忘记的人The only one Id love to not forgive唯一一个不愿原谅的人And though you break my heart, youre the only one尽管你使我心碎 但你仍是唯一And though there are times when I hate you尽管有时候我很恨你Cause I cant erase因为我无法取出The times that you hurt me那些你伤害我的时候And put tears on my face我流泪And even now while I hate you甚至到现在我还恨你It pains me to say这么说会很痛苦I know Ill be there at the end of the day但是一天结束后我还是会在那里等着你I dont wanna be without you babe我不想离开你 宝贝I dont want a broken heart我不想心碎了Dont wanna take a breath with out you babe离开你 我没法呼吸 宝贝I dont wanna play that part我不想继续扮演I know that I love you我知道我爱你But let me just say但请让我说I dont want to love you in no kind of way no no我不想这样迷茫的爱你了I dont want a broken heart我不想心碎And I dont wanna play the broken-hearted girl...No...No我不想扮演这个心碎女孩了No broken-hearted girl不扮演了Im no broken-hearted girl我不是心碎女孩Something that I feel I need to say有时我觉得我要说But up to now Ive always been afraid但是到现在我一直都在害怕That you would never come around害怕你不会再出现And still I want to put this out但是我还是要说You say youve got the most respect for me你说你给我最多的尊重But sometimes I feel youre not deserving me但是我有时觉得你不值得我这样的爱你And still youre in my heart但是你仍然在我心中But youre the only one and yes你是唯一一个我会说“我愿意的人”There are times when I hate you有时我恨你But I dont complain但我不抱怨Cause Ive been afraid that you would"ve walk away因为我害怕你会离开Oh but now I dont hate you但是现在我不恨你Im happy to say我很开心的告诉你That I will be there at the end of the day我会在那里一直等你I dont wanna be without you babeI dont want a broken heartDont wanna take a breath with out you babeI dont wanna play that partI know that I love youBut let me just sayI dont want to love you in no kind of way no noI dont want a broken heartAnd I dont wanna play the broken-hearted girl...No NoNo broken-hearted girlNow Im at a place I thought Id never be Oooo现在我在一个从没想过的地方Im living in a world thats all about you and me yeah我在一个只有你和我的世界Ain"t gotta be afraid my broken heart is free不用担心我在心碎了To spread my wings and fly away展开翅膀 飞翔Away With you和你一起飞到天边yeah yeah yeah, ohh ohh ohhI dont wanna be without my babyI dont wanna a broken heartDont want to take a breath with out my babyI dont wanna play that partI know that I love youBut let me just sayI dont want to love you in no kind of way..No..NoI dont want a broken heartI dont wanna play the broken-hearted girl..No..No..No broken-hearted girlBroken-hearted girl No no No broken-hearted girlNo broken-hearted girl 自己翻译的 什么都不为 只希望有帮助到你当然也希望喜欢bee和学习英语的各位可以个我挑挑毛病 找错误。

JEET Air Plus蓝牙耳机用的什么电池,续航寿命会不会很差啊?

买了一年时间不到,现在已经丢一边落灰了。1:佩戴时间长点耳朵疼。2:续航真的很垃圾,基本上两个小时左右就20%。3:进水:,也不是运动的。莫名其妙进水4:连接不稳定,经常一只耳朵听不见,隔一堵墙就都听不见5:电池老化,充电失灵。现在已经左耳充不进去电了。这个牌子真的这两年被水军炒起来的,之前买耳机的时候想的是支持国货,真的以后再也不会买这些国货了,有了实力去找水军打开品牌没啥说的,光知道请水军自身质量是真的垃圾。还是大法 铁三角 akg 森海塞尔这种靠谱。

蓝牙耳机南卡N2和JEET air plus哪个更好?都399


Nirvana的《Turnaround》 歌词

歌曲名:Turnaround歌手:Nirvana专辑:Hormoaning EpTake a step outside yourselfAnd turn aroundTake a look at who you areIt"s pretty scarySo sillyRevoltingYou"re not muchYou can"t do anythingTake a step outside the cityAnd turn aroundTake a look at what you areIt is revoltingYou"re really nowhereSo wastefulSo foolishPoppycockWho said don"t look back?Don"t believe "emGo for that crazy sounding restaurant"Couse they"re gonna try and get behind youDon"t you let them do itYou know what I"m talking about?You hear me talking?You hear me talking?It"s pretty scary it"s so revoltingIt"s pretty scary it"s so revoltingIt"s pretty scary it"s so revoltingIt"s pretty scary it"s so revoltingTake a step outside the countryAnd turn aroundTake a look at what you areIt is amazingTake a good lookYou"re no big dealYou"re so pettyIt"s lotsTake a step outside the planetTurn around and aroundTake a look at where you areIt"s pretty scary

蓝牙耳机南卡N2和JEET air plus哪个更好?都399

蓝牙耳机南卡N2和JEET air plus比蓝牙耳机南卡N2更好,区别为:灵敏度不同、支持协议不同、产品阻抗不同。一、灵敏度不同1、蓝牙耳机南卡N2:蓝牙耳机南卡N2的灵敏度为93dB。2、蓝牙耳机JEET air plus:蓝牙耳机JEET air plus的灵敏度为103dB。二、支持协议不同1、蓝牙耳机南卡N2:蓝牙耳机南卡N2的支持协议为HFP/A2DP/HSP/AVRCP。2、蓝牙耳机JEET air plus:蓝牙耳机JEET air plus的支持协议为APTX,SBC,AAC。三、产品阻抗不同1、蓝牙耳机南卡N2:蓝牙耳机南卡N2的产品阻抗为54欧姆。2、蓝牙耳机JEET air plus:蓝牙耳机JEET air plus的产品阻抗为32欧姆。参考资料来源:中关村在线——NINEKA N2中关村在线——JEET Air Plus


、需要按着蓝牙耳机的开关键或多功能按钮5秒左右,蓝牙耳机才会蓝灯和红灯交替闪烁的。手机和蓝牙耳机具体的连接步骤如下:手机打开蓝牙功能,进去搜索蓝牙耳机状态,可见任何设备。 2、使蓝牙耳机在开机状态,需要长按蓝牙耳机的接开关键5-6秒左右。直到指示灯:蓝灯红灯交替闪烁再松开。这个时候蓝牙耳机和手机会进入匹对状态。 3、等手机上面显示此蓝牙耳机后,点击确定即可连接使用了。注意手机和蓝牙耳机之间的使用有效距离在10米内。

JEET AIR真无线蓝牙耳机为什么那么火,现在为什么买不到了?


好用不贵的蓝牙耳机除了JEET Air Plus还有哪些?

相比有线耳机带来让人纠结的线束困扰,蓝牙耳机让聆听彻底变得无拘无束,深受广大年轻人的喜欢。对于市面上的各种蓝牙耳机稍微有名一点的牌子就要大几百上千的价格,一般人很难接受尤其是学生党,亲民价位才是最好的选择。推荐几款性价比高适合学生党的蓝牙耳机给大家。 一、南卡Lite Pro推荐理由:高通蓝牙5.2,音质好,游戏加速模式 白色圆形的耳机舱。耳机舱表面材质是光滑反光的那种非常的有质感。产品搭载着最新的高通3040芯片、蓝牙5.2版本及陶瓷天线,这三项能让耳机传输更快、连接更稳、距离更远、抗干扰抗氧化。高通3040芯片赋予的APTX/ACC高清解码,还原CD级音效,加上13mm大尺寸动圈单元,优秀的调音师调配下,让耳机在听觉上做到低音震撼、人声分明、高音清透。加上ENC通话降噪技术,在嘈杂的环境中识别人声、环境噪音,有效过滤声音保证通话清晰。双主机单双耳随意切换,可应用于不同场景,三击右耳可开启游戏模式,延迟瞬间减低50%,比同配置蓝牙5.2的蓝牙耳机延迟更低,让游戏快人一步,先发夺人。 二、漫步者TWS1 Pro推荐理由:蓝牙5.2加持,超长续航单次12小时,总续航30小时 漫步者TWS1 Pro真无线蓝牙耳机为豆式入耳设计,有云白、深灰两种配色,统一以金色点缀,看上去比较典雅。耳机升级为钛振膜, 优化了人声及高频表现;单次续航时间可达12小时,搭配充电盒总续航可达42小时,并且充电盒支持快充,40分钟即可快速充满。此外,耳机还支持IP65级防尘防水,可运动佩戴。搭载的是高通QCC3040蓝牙音频SoC,采用高通第二代aptX Adaptive编解码器,可根据用户使用耳机的场景自动切换aptX HD高音质和aptX Low Latency低延时,兼顾用户体验和续航。 三、FIIL CC2推荐理由:全面升级蓝牙5.2,续航时间长 如果说市面上哪款耳机辨识度最高,相信FIIL CC2真无线蓝牙耳机肯定榜上有名,金属外壳的充电仓以及半开放的造型,硬朗简约的外观,非常有科技感,佩戴如果是侧躺可能会有点嗝耳,菱形面稍微有点影响操控性除了这两个槽点其余全是优点。FIIL CC2真无线蓝牙耳机搭载了全新的蓝牙5.2和前代蓝牙4.X相比,它的传输距离更远、速度更快,TA的任何一只耳机可以单独使用,还支持即取即连,可在FIIL+应用上任意切换,低延时,玩游戏不卡顿,看视频不会出现音画不同步的现象。 四、1MORE PistonBuds推荐理由:非常小巧方便携带,同时续航能力还能达到20小时。 1MORE的PistonBuds,首先在充电仓的设计上,颜值就不低,圆角方盒的设计很有时尚感,除了这枚皓白配色,它还有炭黑的配色可选,不过相比万魔的时尚豆来说,配色不算多。充电仓外壳的采用磨砂塑料,磨砂还带有丝滑的手感就很棒,给人视觉和手感上双重出色体验,而且背面的充电口也采用主流的Type-C接口。采用蓝牙5.0协议,支持AAC 格式可惜不支持aptx,内置7MM动圈单元。支持双耳分离设计,单耳和双耳可独立使用互不干扰。整体表现良好没有特别差劲的点,是一款不错的入门级产品。



JEET AIR2真无线蓝牙耳机,音质暴力的终结者

近几年,国内蓝牙耳机品牌涌出速度让人震惊,各种手机厂商品牌、音乐软件厂商以及山寨杂牌等等,数不胜数。而就在这样鱼龙混杂的环境中,JEET品牌的出现,让我有了重拾国产品牌蓝牙耳机的冲动。无论是颜值还是音质,表现得都非常出色。同时我也一直在关注JEET的新品,不久前JEET推出了一款主打小巧轻便的真无线蓝牙耳机JEET AIR2。下面就一起来看看它的表现究竟如何。 包装盒还是家族式的设计语言以简约为主,白色的盒子上刻印着耳机的渲染图,没有过多的花哨图案。 品牌标识以及产品的主打卖点被刻印在了包装盒的侧面。盒子后面是这款耳机的基本参数信息。 打开盒子首先看到的就是JEET AIR2真无线蓝牙耳机的充电仓,表面贴有防滑膜。在耳机充电仓的下面装着电源线、说明书还配备一副运动专用的耳帽,为了运动时佩戴更加稳固。 充电仓通体黑色,磨砂的质感,仓盖上雕刻着JEET的品牌logo,在灯光下还是非常亮眼的。 充电仓正面有一颗充电指示灯,充电时会有提示。电量过低时指示灯不会显示,而是通过语音来提示,电量低到10%会听到“Low battery”的提示音,低到5%时会自动关机并听到“Power off”的提示。 这款真无线蓝牙耳机是不支持无线充电的,只能通过Type-C电源线连接充电仓后面的充电口充电。 重置配对按键被设计在了充电仓的底部。 充电仓开关仓盖依然是磁吸的方式,开关仓盖手感极佳。打开充电仓就可以看到耳机的本体了,拿取还是很顺手的,耳机同样采用了磨砂的工艺,摸上去非常丝滑,而且不易留下指纹。 这次JEET AIR2的耳机采用入耳式的设计,非常小巧,看到实物要比想象中的要小,体积仅为普通蓝牙耳机的60%,单耳仅重3.4g,就像一颗有魔力的黑豆。 立体线条的耳机表面是触控区域,可通过不同的点按方式实现接听/挂断电话、音乐播放/暂停、上一曲/下一曲等功能。在触控区域周围还能看到麦克风和调音孔。 JEET AIR2真无线蓝牙耳机运用轻奢级的声学选材与工艺,13寸大单元喇叭,厚度2.0mm,振膜选材为优质PU复合材质+镀钛,立体声学设计。强力降噪的同时还可以享受完美的音质。 而且还拥有智能AI数字调音技术,高保真级音质,让音乐更加动听。同时搭载蓝牙5.2,低延迟的效果使它可以做到音画同步,高度还原音乐的魅力。 连接方式也是非常简单实用,打开充电仓盖,搜索蓝牙设备即可找到耳机名称,第一次连接后自动配对,再次打开仓盖会自动连接上配对的设备。 耳机主体采用特殊工艺增加表面摩擦力,加上入耳式的设计,贴合人耳,佩戴非常稳固,彻底解决长时间佩戴耳机,耳朵肿胀的痛点。睡觉也可以佩戴,丝毫没有不适感。而且它小巧的身材又被称作看不见的“潜行者”,无论从正面、侧面都难以察觉耳机的存在。 一款好的蓝牙耳机续航时间一定要给力,JEET AIR2真无线蓝牙耳机官方给出的数据是单体耳机续航时间为7.5小时,搭配充电仓使用续航时间可以达到约20小时,几乎可以满足任何场景下的使用需求了。 通过几天的佩戴使用,对于JEET AIR2真无线蓝牙耳机能有这么好的音质表示很惊讶,佩戴感也很舒适,几乎晚上睡前都会戴着它听歌。唯一的遗憾就是没有无线充电功能。如果你正需要一款体积小巧,音质又好的耳机,那么它绝对是你的菜。拥有千元级同等的配置、用料和技术,却带来平民级的价格,难道JEET这是要终结音质暴力的节奏?#JEET# #无线蓝牙耳机# #蓝牙耳机# @JEET耳机团队


1、需要按着蓝牙耳机的开关键或多功能按钮5秒左右,蓝牙耳机才会蓝灯和红灯交替闪烁的。手机和蓝牙耳机具体的连接步骤如下:手机打开蓝牙功能,进去搜索蓝牙耳机状态,可见任何设备。 2、使蓝牙耳机在开机状态,需要长按蓝牙耳机的接开关键5-6秒左右。直到指示灯:蓝灯红灯交替闪烁再松开。这个时候蓝牙耳机和手机会进入匹对状态。 3、等手机上面显示此蓝牙耳机后,点击确定即可连接使用了。注意手机和蓝牙耳机之间的使用有效距离在10米内。

为什么我们学的是英语却广泛的用在一楼用on the first floor?这个不是美式的楼吗?

语言总是离不开文化。这个与英美文化差异有关。1. 根据“Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English”的说法,在英国英语中,first floor 是二楼。 美国英语中称 second floor。 2. 短语on the first floor既是英国英语,也是美国英语。但是,两国所指不同。例如,She lives on the first floor.3. 在这个方面,中美两国楼层的编号方法相同,即on the first floor广泛用指“在一楼”。


virtual指现实 实际上的 而虚拟的意思是用来说计算机的

mayfair sky blue是什么烟

mayfairn. 伦敦的上流住宅区;伦敦的社交界;伦敦的上流社会所以是 伦敦上流社会用的天蓝烟鄙人拙见,不知是否满意。

Uncle Sam sent him a _______ bicycle as a birthday present


Danny Boy (Londonderry Air) 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy (Londonderry Air)歌手:Glenn Miller & His Orchestra专辑:Rca Original MastersDanny BoyDeclan GalbraithBy:Emma_babyOh Danny boyThe pipes the pipes are callingFrom glenn to glennAnd down the mountain sideThe summer"s goneAnd all the flowers are dyinging"Tis you must goAnd I must byeBut come ye backWhen summer"s in the meadowOr when the valley"s hushedAnd white with snow"Tis I"ll be hereIn Sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy oh Danny boyI love you soAnd if ye comeWhen alll the flowers are dyingIf I am deadAs dead I well may beYou"ll come and findThe place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an Ave for meAnd I shall hearThe soft you tread above meAnd all my graveWill warm and sweeter beIf you will bendThat you love meThen I shall sleep in peaceAnd whisperUntil you come to meThen I shall sleep in peaceUntil you come to me

谁看过a world lit only by fire?麻烦说下简介,还有它的英文读后感,跪求~

内容均取自网络,保证符合题目要求,但不保证准确性以及质量。简介 ReviewIt speaks to the failure of medieval Europe, writes popular historian William Manchester, that "in the year 1500, after a thousand years of neglect, the roads built by the Romans were still the best on the continent." European powers were so absorbed in destroying each other and in suppressing peasant revolts and religious reform that they never quite got around to realizing the possibilities of contemporary innovations in public health, civil engineering, and other peaceful pursuits. Instead, they waged war in faraway lands, created and lost fortunes, and squandered millions of lives. For all the wastefulness of medieval societies, however, Manchester notes, the era created the foundation for the extraordinary creative explosion of the Renaissance. Drawing on a cast of characters numbering in the hundreds, Manchester does a solid job of reconstructing the medieval world, although some scholars may disagree with his interpretations.From Publishers WeeklyManchester"s marvelously vivid popular history humanizes the tumultuous span from the Dark Ages to the Renaissance. A one-week PW bestseller in cloth. Illustrations.英文读后感1(最好不要抄袭,因为内容取自网络,别人也可能读到)Author William Manchester recently passed away which has prompted me to re-read some of his books. One favorite is A World Lit Only by Fire : The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance - Portrait of an Age. Manchester is often accused of being a "popular" historian, more focused on narrative than getting his facts straight. To these detractors I say, phooey. Unlike many history books which are the world"s best cure for insomnia, A World Lit Only By Fire is highly readable, entertaining, and enlightening. Manchester paints a grimly realistic picture of what life was like in the middle ages including the stench, the violence, and the pervasive Roman Catholic Church. He shows the seeds and the blossoming of the Renaissance - the combination of technology (printing press), brilliant enlightened minds (such as Erasmus and DaVinci), and Papal funding that brought about a full scale shift in the consciousness of the Western world.The book is filled with colorful anecdotes describing the violence and punishments that were standard practice of the time.Some men, in their search for absolution, suffered almost unendurable ordeals. The notorious Count Fulk the Black of Anjou, who crimes were legendary, finally realized that his immortal soul was in peril and, while miserable in the throes of conscience, begged for divine mercy. Count Fulk had sinned for twenty years. Among other things he had murdered his wife, though this charge had been dropped on the strength of his unsupported word that he had found her rutting behind a barn with a goatherd......Shackled, he was condemned to a triple Jerusalem pilgrimage: across most of France and Savoy, over the Alps, through the Papal States, Carinthia, Hungary, Bosnia, mountainous Serbia, Bulgaria, Constantinople, and the length of mountainous Anatolia, then down through modern Syria and Jordan to the holy city. In irons, his feet bleeding, he made this round trip three times - 15,300 miles - and the last time he was dragged through the streets on a hurdle while two well-muscled men lashed his naked back with bullwhips.One of my favorite sections describes the complete moral degeneration of the Catholic popes, including the story of Lucrezia Borgia, daughter of Pople Alexander VI, who gave birth to his son. Manchester describes in detail how the selling of indulgences to fund Papal wars pushed Martin Luther over the edge and set off the Reformation. Many important characters of the time are explored including Erasmus, Thomas More, Henry VIII, Copernicus, and Martin Luther. A full quarter of the book is devoted to the story of Magellan and his voyage of circumnavigation. All this and the book is only 300 pages long. It"s an engaging introduction to that period of history.英文阅读感2This review is from: A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age (Paperback)Having enjoyed William Manchester"s works in the past, and being interested in the material supposedly covered in this book, I was prepared to enjoy A World Lit Only by Fire when I sat down with it. But, as much as I would have liked to, I couldn"t.Manchester states that he"s no expert on the period, and neither am I, but even I could see the glaring and seemingly endless number of factual errors throughout the book, not to mention the myths (such as that of "la belle Ferroniere" and Francis I) he presents as fact. The book isn"t really even about the Middle Ages, aside from twenty or so pages Manchester devotes to outlining that thousand years of European history. The majority of the book is dedicated to Renaissance and post-Renaissance Europe, and a sizable chunk of that is solely concerned with the career of Magellan.This would be acceptable, of course, if Manchester"s "history" wasn"t just a rehash of 19th (!) century clichés and stereotypes about the Middle Ages: that is, a Europe composed wholly of mud, blood, sex, torture and ridiculous superstition, utterly worthless and depraved. And although I"m certainly not a fan of the Catholic Church, Manchester"s endless cavalcade of largely unsubstantiated potshots at that institution is particularly annoying. If this book was someone"s sole source of information on the time period, they"d be excused for thinking that Europe from the fall of Rome to the rediscovery of Classical culture in the Renaissance was pretty much composed of people expiring from sexually transmitted diseases... when they weren"t poisoning popes and burning witches, that is.So, why two stars and not one? A World Lit Only by Fire may be tabloid history, but it could be considered a guilty pleasure if you keep in mind that it"s utter nonsense. The portion of the book dedicated to Magellan is also a cut above the rest. Given that the majority of readers will probably be utterly ignorant about this time period, though, it"s pretty irresponsible of Manchester to present a bunch of unrelated half-truths and myths as history. He says in his Author"s Note--along with various other veiled apologies--that he didn"t plan out the writing of this book in advance and it certainly shows.If you want to read about the time period covered in this book without sacrificing facts for readability (or vice versa), try A Distant Mirror by Barbara Tuchman, the appropriate volumes of The Story of Civilization by Will Durant (The Age of Faith, The Renaissance, and The Reformation) or The Civilization of the Middle Ages by Norman Cantor. They show that reading about this period can be both entertaining and informative, even if there isn"t a bloodthirsty, syphilitic twelve year-old bishop on every page.阅读感3This review is from: A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age (Paperback)William Manchester is Professor of History Emeritus at Wesleyan University in Connecticut. Over the years he has written many popular works on history; this is his contribution to the medieval period. Manchester"s particular interest and area of expertise is the life and accomplishments of Ferdinand Magellan. This book sets up the picture of Magellan"s world, beginning with the Dark Ages and moving to the beginning of the sixteenth century. He sees in Magellan a symbolic figure--the personification of the end of the medieval mind and the beginning of the modern age. The last major section of the book is about Magellan himself. After discussing the medieval mind in general, Manchester proceeds to show how their world progressed and then came to an end. He traces the major events in Europe over a five hundred-year period. He conceives of the medieval mind as being superstitious, subject to the authority of the church, and full of erroneous ideas. One notes throughout the book a pronounced dislike of religion, especially of Christianity and the institutional church. His sharpest barbs are reserved for popes and Protestant reformers. With the coming of the scientific age, he sees the intellectual demise of religion in general and Christianity in particular. Religion is relegated to ethical values and encouraging legends. It is disappointing to see how he ignores the fact that Christianity, and Protestant Christianity in particular, spurred the modern scientific method. Manchester admits that he depends almost exclusively on secondary sources. This is a major weakness of the book. While writing in my own field (Reformed theology) Manchester betrays an abysmal ignorance of Calvin"s ideas and positions and history, accepting the most common stereotypes. He gives a very unbalanced picture of Calvin, and I think of Luther as well. I would rate this book as two stars, except that his excellent discussion of Magellan"s life, adventures, and significance raises it up in my opinion to three stars. This book is written for a popular audience, and one can see while reading it that he is used to college students. He writes in a quick, racy style that is easy to read and often entertaining. He often writes about sexual topics, more often it seems than called for and giving more detailed information than necessary; but then maybe this was necessary in his lectures to keep his college students listening. 阅读感4This book is absolutely marvelous. While others may criticize Manchester for not being "scholarly" and sticking to movements and the generalities of medieval Europe, I say "Thank you!" We didn"t read this to be taught "and this king begat this king who begat this. . ." and all that rubbish. We didn"t read it to memorize "and this is the year which is considered the beginning of the --- period in . . ." We don"t care. We read it because we wanted to know some of the more interesting tidbits that one of the most fascinating periods in human history has to offer us. Thats what makes history intresting! Not the dates of certain reigns of certain monarchs, but what those monarchs actually did that our World History books back in tenth grade failed to mention, being deemed inappropriate for 15 year olds. I encountered this book in an AP European History course, and of the 17 members of the class, I can"t name a one that regretted taking time out of the summer before their senior year to read this book. Intresting books like this are what inspired me to become a history major, and I have no clue as to why anyone would want to go into History if all it was was boring dissertations and thesises having solely to do with what generally happened when. Without facets of history like the ones presented in this book, no one in there right mind would ever give a second thougt to the subject. Also, I myself am a Catholic but have the good sense to recognize the shortcomings of past leaders and their practices. To say that A World Lit Only by Fire is unfairly Anti-Catholic for airing some of the dirty laundry of Renaissance popes is comparable to saying that Schindler"s List is unfairly Anti-German for presenting them in an unfavorable light.

Today you inspiredme翻译



这是个复合形容词,其实没有这个单词 意思为 大师级的创造 应该是广告用的或者赞美之词


With his inspring,I work more hard.


spark本义是火花、火星儿,用做动词“鼓舞”是引申义。因火星儿所具备的特点,这个词做动词时也有类似的含义。主要有两点。一是因为火星儿不同火苗,一般只起很小的引燃作用,所以在指鼓舞、激励时,也仅仅起到触发、激发的作用。二是火星儿所引发的是大火、火灾,所以在做动词讲时,所激发的也经常是辩论、争吵、打架等带有火药味的事件。spark另外一个含义是激发灵感,恰似黑暗中骤然出现的亮光。例子:the severity of the plan sparked off street protests.这项计划太过严厉,引发了街头示威。inspire指用激励的方式使某人愿意尝试做某事。所鼓舞的事情对受鼓舞者常常是新鲜事物,同时也是他们能够做到的。his passion for romantic literature inspired him to begin writing.他对浪漫主义文学的激情激励他开始写作。此外,inspire还指唤起某人的某种感情。their past record does not inspire confidence.他们过去的经历并没有带来信心。

may have inspired 是什么用法

may + have + 过去分词:推测过去发生的事情, 意思是“可能。。。。。。”。如:He may have fallen ill yesterday. (= It is possible that he fell ill yesterday.)... may have inspired the shooting suspect 可能影响了枪击嫌疑人。有记录显示,一个白人至上主义者团体的领袖曾向共和党候选人捐赠过数万美元,该枪击案嫌疑人可能就是受了该组织网站的影响。

the leader of the expedition inspired everyone to follow his example.

the leader of the expedition主语inspired谓语everyone宾语to follow his example.宾语补足语


vintage inspired复古灵感双语例句1Vintage Glamour is inspired and influenced by much larger events and circumstances than Christmas.古老年代的魅力受到比圣诞节更大事件和情境所启发和影响。

Danny Boy (Londonderry Air) 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy (Londonderry Air)歌手:Glenn Miller & His Orchestra专辑:Glenn Miller--A Memorial (1944-1969)小野丽莎 - Danny Boyby 猪头家族 - 龟速小子Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are callingFrom glen to glen, and down the mountain sideThe summer"s gone, and all the flowers are dying"Tis you, "tis you must go and I must bide.But come ye back when summer"s in the meadowOr when the valley"s hushed and white with snow"Tis I"ll be here in sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy, Danny boy, I love you so.And if you come, when all the flowers are dyingAnd I am dead, as dead I well may beYou"ll come and find the place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.And I shall hear, tho" soft you tread above meAnd all my dreams will warm and sweeter beIf you"ll not fail to tell me that you love meI"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I"ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.


motivate / u02c8mu0259utu026aveu026at; ˋmotu0259u02cfvet/ v [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态态] be the reason for (sb"s action); cause (sb) to act in a particular way; inspire 作为(某人行为)的动机; 使(某人)以某方式行事: be motivated by greed, fear, love, etc 受贪欲﹑ 恐惧﹑ 爱等驱使. [Tn, Cn.t] stimulate the interest of (sb); cause to want to do sth 激发(某人)的兴趣; 使欲做某事物: a teacher who can motivate her pupils (to work harder) 善於诱导学生(努力学习)的教师. > motivated adj: a politically motivated murder 出於政治动机的谋杀 * be highly motivated, ie very keen to do sth 有高度积极性(非常热衷於做某事物). motivation / u02cfmu0259utu026au02c8veu026au0283n; u02cfmotu0259ˋveu0283u0259n/n [C, U]: the basic financial motivations for the decision 做出该决定的基本上在财务方面的考虑 * They lack the motivation to study. 他们缺乏学习的积极性. inspire / u026anu02c8spau026au0259(r); u026anˋspau026ar/ v [Tn,, Cn.t] ~ sb (to sth) fill sb with the ability or urge to do, feel, etc sth beyond his usual ability, esp to write, paint, compose, etc 赋予某人灵感(尤指写作﹑ 绘画﹑ 作曲 等); 启示; 启迪: His noble example inspired the rest of us to greater efforts. 他那高尚的榜样激发我们大家更加努力. * The Lake District scenery inspired Wordsworth to write his greatest poetry. 英格兰湖区的美景给了华兹华斯灵感而创作出他最伟大的诗篇. [Tn,] ~ sb (with sth)/~ sth (in sb) fill sb with thoughts, feelings or aims 激励或鼓舞某人: Our first sight of the dingy little hotel did not inspire us with much confidence/inspire much confidence in us. 我们一见到那旅店昏暗肮脏, 心里就很不痛快. * inspire hope, loyalty, enthusiasm, etc in sb 燃起某人的希望﹑ 唤起某人的忠诚﹑ 激起某人的热情 * gloomy statistics which inspired panic in the stock market/among the stockbrokers 在证券市场[证券经纪人]中引起恐慌的令人沮丧的统计数字.参考——————牛津高阶英汉双解词典

inspired to 什么意思

inspired to的意思是启发

Danny Boy (Londonderry Air) 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy (Londonderry Air)歌手:Slim Whitman专辑:Emi Country Masters - 50 Originals(O^~^O)...CherQQ制作....p(^-^)qdanny boy 丹尼男孩The Choirboys(童声版)Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 噢!丹尼男孩,听笛声,笛声正在召唤From glen to glen and down the mountain side 在山谷间回荡,消失在山的另一边The summer"s gone and all the flowers are dying 夏天已经逝去,花儿开始枯萎Tis you tis you must go and I must bide 你必须得离去,而我会一直等待But come you back when summer"s in the meadow 如果你回来的时候,正是草原上的夏天Or when the valley"s hushed and white with snow 或是山谷沉静,白雪覆盖之时Tis I"ll be here. In sunshine or in shadow 我一定会去那儿,不论是阳光普照或阴影覆盖Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so 噢!丹尼男孩,噢!丹尼男孩,我是多么爱你--苏格兰风笛--And if you come when all the flowers are dying 但是如果你在百花凋谢的时候回来And I am dead as dead I well may be 也许我已经死去,我会死得很安详I pray you"ll find the place where I am lying 我祈祷你会前来,找到我长眠之地And kneel and say an ave there for me 跪下来和我说你为我而在这里And I shall hear though soft you tread above me 我会倾听,虽然你轻柔的踩在我上面And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be 我的坟墓将会更加温暖而甜蜜Then you will kneel and whisper that you love me 然后你跪下,在我耳边低声说你爱我And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me 我将在平静中安息,直到你来我身边爱尔兰民歌-伦敦德里小调

It was the journey that inspired什么用法?

It was the journey that inspired…强调句型,强调主语the journey。 还原:The journey inspired.

用inspire 造句


inspired adj. 有灵感的;官方授意的inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的;灌输的;启发灵感的inspiringly adv. 鼓舞地;启示地

I was amazed和I was inspired的区别

区别:I was amazed:我很惊讶.I was amazed by the 使我大为惊奇的是;令我感到惊奇的。[例句]:I was amazed to hear that Chris had won first prize. 听说克里斯获得了一等奖,我很惊讶。I was inspired:我受到了启发.Then I was inspired 接着。[例句]:As an interior professional, I was inspired by the unity of design and elegance. 作为室内设计的专业人士,我的设计灵感来自于设计和优雅的统一。

用inspire 造句

及物动词 vt. 1.鼓舞,激励,驱使[(+to)][O2] His speech inspired us to try again. 2.赋予...灵感,给...以启示 The beautiful scenery inspired the composer. 3.激起,唤起(感情,思想等)[(+in/with)] His encouraging remarks inspired confidence in me.

inspired by life 还是inspired from life?

应是 inspired by life,这是被动语态,要用by,可以from. 例如:The equipment is invented by David.,2,应该有区别的,主要是在介词的使用上的,by 主要是指借助什么而来做什么的,而from是从什么中得到或者源于什么的。,2,用by,没有from这个用法, 回复楼上的 我查了牛 津,没from这个用法,牛 津里释义:to give *** .the idea for something,especially something artistic or shows imagination,赋予灵感,引起联想,启发思考eg:The choice of decor was inspired by a trip ...,1,个人觉得意思差不多, 有本诗歌集叫Poetry Inspired by Life; inspired from life也有这么用的,都是灵感来自生活的意思,1,inspired by life 还是inspired from life 如题,应该用哪个?如果意思有区别请指出来

inspired by life 还是inspired from life


inspired by放句首什么用法

先翻译吧: Inspired by his success,(或 Inspired by his story about his success,) I have decided to run an online shop. 过去分词直接放句首,短语做状(有说做主语补语) Be+过去分词放句首的用法还真没见过:因为短语中不能出现谓语动词.

loosely inspired 什么意思

loosely inspired 松散的启发inspired 英[u026anu02c8spau026au0259d] 美[u026anu02c8spau026au0259rd] adj. 有创造力的; 品质优秀的; 有雄心壮志的; (与名词、形容词以及副词构成形容词) 受…影响的; v. 激励; 鼓舞( inspire的过去式和过去分词 ); 赋予某人灵感; 启迪;


①inspiring 令人鼓舞的;鼓舞人心的;激励的;启发灵感的。例句:His talk is inspiring. 他的谈话令人鼓舞。②inspired 受到鼓舞的;有创造力的;品质优秀的;有雄心壮志的。例句:I was also inspired by my teacher. 我也是受了我的老师的鼓励。

inspire inspiring inspiration inspired 有什么区别啊?

inspiring 是它的现在分词 用于现在时 谓语动词等 inspired 是过去式及过去分词 用于过去时态及被动


回答:1. 过去分词inspired的意思是:受到鼓舞(鼓励,激励,启发);现在分词inspiring的意思是:令人鼓舞的,鼓舞人心的,振奋人心的,激励(鼓舞)人的。这两个分词都可以作形容词,但有区别。2. 现在分词与过去分词作形容词的区别:1)现在分词作形容词时通常具有主动关系,多形容客观事物体现在外的性质,其修饰对象往往是物,其意思是:令人......的。如:The news is exciting. 这个消息令人激动。He cried at the exciting news.他听到这个激动人心的消息哭了。2)过去分词作形容词时往往具有被动关系,多形容人或生物的情绪或感受。其意思是:感受到......。如;He felt excited at the news. 他听到这个消息感到很激动。The film star waved good-bye to the excited fans. 这位电影明星向激动的影迷挥手告别。






像这类还有excited 和exciting. 后面加ed的就是事物有这种特性了. 加ing就是事物 令人 怎么怎么样.有种使动的感觉 大家对 inspire 这个词的理解还都拘泥于中文翻译过来的释义.如果看一看英文原始的释义就好理解了.To stimulate to action; motivate,促使别人行动起来,给人以动力,也就是我们常说的“鼓舞人心”,有感召力.所以,这里使用现在分词是正确的.因为作为一个科学家、发明家、作家、政治家的他,自己有动力也好,有灵感也好,那是不言而喻的.是他给我们树立了榜样,让我们像他那样奋进才对呀.所以,inspiring 是正确答案.

being inspired和inspired的区别

being inspired 受到鼓舞/启发(被动)Texas fruit farms donated food to their local food bank after being inspired by Plant a Row.受到启发,德克萨斯州果园也捐赠食品给它们当地的食品库。inspired(主动)adj.有创造力的; 品质优秀的; 有雄心壮志的; (与名词、形容词以及副词构成形容词)受…影响的; v.激励; 鼓舞( inspire的过去式和过去分词 ); 赋予某人灵感; 启迪;Jimi Hendrix inspired a generation of guitarists.吉米·亨德里克斯启发了整整一代吉他演奏者。

be inspired 意思

Be inspired 意思: 灵感点亮生活; 受到启发; [例句]If your designing process is right, you are inspired and ready to be inspired.如果你的设计过程是正确的,你愿意得到启发和鼓舞


从你提出的问题来看你还是很善于思考的,基础也不错.但是what引导的主语从句一般不用it做形式主语这种形式,而是直接放在句首:what inspired me……was my mother"s influence.还有不懂的吗?


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