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怎么解决at least one of these environment variables is expected to be set

at least one of these environment variables is expected to be set_有道翻译翻译结果:至少有一个这些环境变量将被设置at least one of these environment variables is expected to be set_有道翻译翻译结果:至少有一个这些环境变量将被设置


private double radius;public void setRadius(double radius){ this.radius = radius;}public double getRadius(){ return radius;}public double findArea(){ return 3.14 * getRadius() * radius;}



good night reira sweet dreams什么意思

good night sweet dreams晚安祝你做好梦!reira 有这个单词吗?

跪求Gossip Girl的分集剧情。最好是到目前22集的,谢谢谢谢谢。

第1集  在巴黎畅游。B和S在巴黎度过了一个美好的夏天,不知道她以前的情人C正经受枪伤的痛苦。正当B决定忘记C时,C在巴黎神秘现身,还带来一位美貌高贵的“法国新情人”。与此同时,S正享受着新的“单身女郎”身份,与B及一群性感的巴黎男孩混在一起,不去想她究竟该接受哪位情郎:D还是。纽约上东区,N遇到一个叫Juliet的金发美女,就此展开意想不到的剧情。  第2集  Chuck Bass和Blair在巴黎重逢。Blair在巴黎过得有声有色。Lily则焦急万分,请S帮着找到Chuck,他已经几个月杳无音讯了。其实我们见到他的时候简直有点认不出来,他在巴黎的新生活全然不同,而他身边则有一个神秘的美女Eva。朱丽叶主动想要帮着Nate把S抢回来,想要重燃D和V的爱火。想不到Juliet的真正目的还在S身上......  第3集    开学去到哥伦比亚大学第一天,Blair就想要挤进一家奢华社交俱乐部,叫做汉密尔顿之家,这样她就能一步步攀上高枝,重获自己的人气地位,不过事情没有她想象地那么简单。与此同时,Serena开始怀疑Juliet干涉她感情生活的动机。Rufus则因为Georgina的事儿担心Dan,想要自己亲自插手。  第4集  Nate怀疑Juliet有什么事儿瞒着他,决定跟她当面对质。Blair计划着暗中破坏Chuck现在美满的恋情。Dan又夹在S和V之间一边是友情,一边是爱情,左右都不是,为难了自己……  第5集  绯闻女孩爆出一条关于哥伦比亚新生S毁灭性的传言,而消息来源是个不愿透露姓名的人士。而B继续在朝着功成名就的道路上行进,她决定和一位来哥伦比亚客座讲座的商业女强人Martha一起去上课,可却有一位同学却阻碍了她成为Martha助手的机会。  第6集  尽管Blair早已表示Jenny不再受曼哈顿欢迎,Jenny还是回来了。她不愿意放弃与Tim Gunn见面的机会--这种一生只有一次的机会可能永远改变她的命运。与此同时,Serena发现新男友Colin隐瞒了一个秘密,他们的关系可能因此而彻底结束。  第7集  一位特殊客人来到Blair的生日宴会,令毫无准备的Blair大感惊讶。这件事显然不是什么好事。Serena和Nate已经看够了Blair和Chuck的游戏,决定主动干预。瑞典著名女歌手Robyn将在本集中亮相并献唱。  第8集  Chuck和Blair达成共识:他们应该让过去的事情过去,结束“敌对状态”。但他们真的能成为朋友嘛?Nate发现Juliet隐瞒了一个重要秘密,决定找她当面对质。Dan和Nate发现他们都还对Serena有感情。  第9集  Chuck在帝国酒店举办一个名为“圣人与罪人”的化装舞会。Serena在舞会上的行为举止十分怪异,Dan和Nate都不能理解Serena 要表达的意思。Blair想成为Anne Archibald女性基金会的新代言人,但是Anne担心Blair与Chuck Bass的关系会带来一些问题。与此同时,Juliet、Vanessa将联合Jenny Humphrey再次挑战Serena,Serena能抵挡住三个“坏女孩”的进攻吗?  第10集  因为某人的家人住院治疗,Chuck、Serena、Blair、Dan、Jenny和Eric全都面临危机,与此同时,Nate试图帮助父母忘记过去,重新建立感情。  第11集  Blair和Dan共同寻找失踪的Juliet。Chuck怀疑Lily没有把全部真相告诉他。  第12集  Chuck老爸的前合伙人Russell,带着自己的女儿又回到了曼哈顿,来处理先前东区贵族间未完成的生意。而Serena和Chuck则联合起来反对莉莉,同时Blair开始发现:自己的老妈Eleanor,或许就是那个能帮她成为未来CEO的关键人物。另外,Nate开始担心自己的老爸或许根本没把他的话当真  。  第13集  Blair迫切希望得到去《W》杂志实习的机会,可当她发现Dan早已获得这令人垂涎的职位后,她的热情快速消退了。Russell Thorpe和女儿Raina回到纽约上东区后,Chuck发现自己遇到了真正的对手。Nate听说他父亲的生意前景不妙。第四季14-20集  第14集  Blair经过种种经历成功在《W》杂志当上助理,Serena和Ben在一起,Nate和Den将达利恩贩毒的事告诉了他父亲。Chuck想通过与Raina的关系,组织Thorpe收购Bass集团。     第15集  Russell Thorpe试图控制Bass集团,Chuck Bass为挽救家族产业决定孤注一掷。在《W》杂志工作的Blair面临一项富有挑战性的任务,如果成功的话可能得到升职。Serena纠结于自己对Ben的感觉。     第16集     Eric的十八岁生日到了,但筹备生日聚会的过程却充满戏剧性。Blair下决心当一个女强人,她想快速达成愿望,但却缺乏必要的力量。Serena被迫在家庭和Ben之间做出选择。Chuck和Lily的关系继    第17集  Ben的妈妈来到城里,令Ben和Serena之间深藏的矛盾逐渐暴露出来。Russell Thorpe下决心毁掉Chuck的家族遗产,但这很可能危及他和女儿Raina的关系。Billy Baldwin将再次在剧中扮演Lily的前夫William van der Woodsen(Eric和Serena的爸爸)。该剧将连续停播六周,四月份回归。    第18集  Serena的妈妈Lily的姐姐和她的女儿来到城里,Lily的前夫也被西西(Lily的母亲)叫来。一家人矛盾与甜蜜交杂。B和D因为一个吻而烦恼,C想挽回B,谁会是B的选择?  第四季第20集  Blair正努力让自己变成王妃,努力得到王后的认可,可是Serena却成了告密者,她认为Blair是属于曼哈顿,她的王子就在帝国。Dan和Charlie关系越来越暧味,让DAN不得不叫停,不希望再陷入新恋情中。Chunk一直在阻止Raina追查她母亲的事,不希望有更多的秘密被找出,同一时间,他崩溃的无法接受Blair将在成为LOUIS的新娘子。22就结尾在b的房间发现一直验允棒

我想问一下,AIR JORDAN 1是耐克的空军一号系列吗

不是。AIR JORDAN 1是耐克旗下以史上最著名的NBA球星迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)命名的系列。是耐克乔丹系列的第一款正代篮球鞋。1985年,迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)以高薪合约被当时还是小厂家的体育用品生产商耐克(Nike) 签约至旗下,耐克 (Nike) 更随即为乔丹推出了第一款以乔丹命名的球鞋,即空中飞人 (Air Jordan) 系列的第一款。而耐克旗下的空军一号,创建于1982年,外文名Air Force 1,简称AF1。扩展资料乔丹是历史上最值钱的体育偶像之一,Nike为乔丹设计的系列签名鞋叫做“Air Jordan”。后来Nike把这条生产线从自己的厂家分出来,专门叫做“乔丹牌”。"飞人",这是人们送给乔丹的绰号。不光是因为他弹跳惊人、经常在场上做出不可思议的动作,还因为他脚上的Air Jordan 1。"Air Jordan",这是nike为乔丹推出的专署签名鞋的名字。不仅体现出鞋子的科技工艺,也可以反映出乔丹打球的风格。Air Force 1出生于1982年,深深地根植于篮球运动之中。当时挑选了6位篮球运动员来代言这款鞋,他们是经过精心选出的防守专家,他们将这款篮球鞋带到了世人面前。经典的海报,强硬的姿态,马龙和他的伙伴们展示出AF1成功的六大要素:宏大、耐久、超越、豪迈、连贯和纯粹。耐克在1982年选出这“最初六人”职业篮球运动员作为Air Force 1的代言人,他们从这张经典海报上的赛道上起飞,成功地飞越了篮球与文化,从这一刻开始,篮球已经不再是从前定义的篮球了。而在2007年,nike重新选择六位球星代言Air Force 1。即便Air Force 1已经离开了篮球场,但它的运动精神依然长存。科比·布莱恩特、勒布朗·詹姆斯、拉希德·华莱士、阿玛雷·斯塔德迈尔、托尼·帕克和文斯·卡特成为Air Force 1的“新六人”,承担起将Air Force 1精神发扬光大的历史使命。参考资料:百度百科-air jordan 1百度百科-耐克空军一号

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We On Fire》是Tha Vill于2013年发行的音乐专辑,共收录2首歌曲,由歌手Tha Vill担任专辑制作人,《We On Fire》也收录其中。[2]

J的《Fire》 歌词

歌曲名:Fire歌手:J专辑:ON FIREJ - fire作词:J·Tatsuji Ueda作曲:J暗闇を切り裂いて赤い月が升る夜全てを壊して 全てが生まれる新しい歴史の始まり 今燃やせ fire on your mind照らせ fire on your love狂おしいほど この今を信じて燃やせ fire on your prideそして fire on your all手にしたい未来なら 夺えばいい言い訳さえ闭じ込めて暴発する太阳谁かが笑い 谁かが泣く夜世界に火を着けて 今燃やせ fire on your mind起こせ fire on your life夸らしいほど 自由を感じて燃やせ fire on your groundそして fire on your all止まらない时代さえ 変えてゆけ全てを壊して 全てが生まれる新しい歴史の始まり 今燃やせ fire on your mind照らせ fire on your love狂おしいほど 自分を信じて燃やせ fire on your prideそして fire on your all手にしたい未来なら夺えばいい tonight燃やせ fire on your mind起こせ fire on your life夸らしい その炎を 感じて燃やせ fire on your groundそして fire on your allくだらない时代さえ 変えてゆけおわり

Kasabian的《Fire》 歌词

歌曲名:Fire歌手:Kasabian专辑:West Rider Pauper Lunatic AsylFireKasabianShake me into the nightAnd I"m an easy loverTake me into the fightAnd I"m an easy brotherAnd I"m on fireBurn my sweet effigyI"m a road runnerSpill my guts on a wheelI wanna taste uh-huhAnd I"m on fireAnd I"m on fireAnd I"m on fireI"m on fireWhoo WhooWhoo WhooWire me up to machinesI"ll be your prisonerFind it hard to believeYou are my murdererI"m on fire behind youHeads a fallen skyI"m on fireI"m on fireWhoo WhooWhoo WhooI"m on fireI"m on fireWhoo WhooWhoo Whoo

set on the fire什么意思?


dreams on fire翻译


on the fire 的中文意思



freed from desire

Fire (Ot:Fire) 歌词

Fire演唱:莫文蔚穿上红的新鞋叫所有的灰心亮起来是火的节拍烫红我的头发卷走了全部的不愉快是火的厉害管他这个世纪叫做水瓶时代我的生活还是要一次烧起来I"M ON FiRE 让我感觉我I GET HIGHER 给我一把火什么都要感觉 才会感觉我I FEEL DESIRE 一切活起来(I"M ON FiRE)戴上我的墨镜但我的自信藏不起来(是火的自在)吃过辣的拉面这种味道不赖真痛快(是火的期待)虽然这个城市冷得有点无奈我的生活还是要一次烧起来I"M ON FiRE 让我感觉我I GET HIGHER 给我一把火什么都要感觉 才会感觉我I FEEL DESIRE 一切活起来(I"M ON FiRE)热过 才知道好火尝过 才知道不错经过 才知道有我I"M ON FiRE 让我感觉我I GET HIGHER 给我一把火什么都要感觉 才会感觉我I FEEL DESIRE 一切活起来I"M ON FiRE 让我感觉我I GET HIGHER 给我一把火什么都要感觉 才会感觉我I FEEL DESIRE 一切活起来(I"M ON FiRE)热过 才知道好火尝过 才知道不错经过 才知道有我

求world on fire这首歌的英语歌词

The worlds on fire its more then I can handleIll tap into the water try and bring my shareTry to bring more, more then I can handleBring it to the tableBring what I am ableHearts are worn in these dark agesYoure not alone in these stories pagesThe light has fallen amongst the living and the dyingAnd Ill try to hold it inYeah Ill try to hold it inThe worlds on fire its more then I can handleIll tap into the water try and bring my shareTry to bring more, more then I can handleBring it to the tableBring what I am ableI watch the heavens but I find no callingSomething I can do to change whats comingStay close to me while the skys fallingI dont wanna be left alone dont wanna be aloneThe worlds on fire its more then I can handleIll tap into the water try and bring my shareTry to bring more, more then I can handleBring it to the tableBring what I am ableHearts break hearts mend love still hurtsVisions clash planes crash still theres talk ofsaving souls still colds closing in on usWe part the veil on our killer sunStray from the straight line on this short runThe more we take the less we becomeThe fortune of one man means less for someThe worlds on fire its more then I can handleIll tap into the water try and bring my shareTry to bring more, more then I can handleBring it to the tableThe worlds on fire its more then I can handleIll tap into the water try and bring my shareTry to bring more, more then I can handleBring it to the tableBring what I am able

有一首英文歌里面有一句my back is on fire这是那首歌非常耳熟就是想不起来

Fire 歌手:Gavin DegrawOh if there"s one thing to be taughtit"s dreams are made to be caughtand friends can never be boughtDoesn"t matter how long it"s beenI know you"ll always jump in"Cause we don"t know how to quitLet"s start a riot tonighta pack of lions tonightIn this world he who stopswon"t get anything he wantsPlay like the top one percenttill nothing"s left to be spentTake it all ours to takeCelebrate becauseWe are the championsSetting it off againOh we on fireWe on fireRunning our own campaignDoing the whole shebangOh we on fireWe on fireGet upStand upThrow your hands upWelcome to the other land ofdreamers brothers sisters othersYeah we on fire like thatOh the bond is deeper than skinThe kind of club that we"re inThe kind of love that we giveOh ever since the dawn of mankindwe all belong to a tribeIt"s good to know this one"s mineLet"s start a riot tonighta pack of lions tonightIn this world he who stopswon"t get anything he wantsPlay like the top one percenttill nothing"s left to be spentWe don"t careWe won"t stopCall your mothersCall the copsWe are the championsSetting it off againOh we on fireWe on fireRunning our own campaignDoing the whole shebangOh we on fireWe on fireGet upStand upThrow your hands upWelcome to the other land ofdreamers brothers sisters othersYeah we on fire like thatOhOohAnd nothing"s gonna be the sameOhWe are the championsSetting it off againOh we on fireWe on fireRunning our own campaignDoing the whole shebangOh we on fireWe on fireAnd nothing"s gonna be the sameHey

有一首歌歌词好像是we on fire还是we are fire重复好几遍,然后高潮,摇滚男声

my songs know what you did in the dark fall out boy的


考查ir在单词中的发音[u02c8fau026au0259(r)] 火[u02c8su025cu02d0kl]圆圈.C.T-shirt[u02c8tiu02d0 u0283u025cu02d0t](T恤).A选项划线部分发/au026au0259/.B,C选项划线部分发/u025cu02d0/.因此划线部分发音不同的一项是A.

求一首韩文歌 高潮部分重复on fire

My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)-Fall Out Boy

Ice Cream Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Ice Cream Girl歌手:Sean Kingston专辑:TomorrowSean Kingston Ft. Wyclef Jean - Ice Cream GirlGive me an ice creamGirl for the weekendKind of girl she built for any seasonFor the winter...for the fallEven in the summer...time is no fallYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamMy rum raisin...she drunk in the clubOf cause she would not...she always moved itShe got a man...he"s always cheatingN her daddy left her when she was 18You"re number four and see a pearl and jewelryRide here ride her...she the life of the partyShe in that of the limosine...look like someone from a magazineShe such a beauty me spending all my creamGive me an ice creamGirl for the weekendKind of girl she built for any seasonFor the winter...for the fallEven in the summer...time is no fallYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamOnce upon a time...lets go back to the sceneShe was a prom queen...n you were the prom kingPinky swear that you would never separateCause you was drafted for the nbaI used to worry about your best friendI dont trust nobody named frosty the snowmanFrosty oh where u at?Now ice cream man...He reminisced of the limosineLooked like something from a magazineShe such a beauty queenHad him spending all his creamGive me an ice cream meant for the weekendBody toned up reaady for the beach andYoung fresh and know what i meanEverybody knows the feen that loves the ice creamYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice cream(Wyclef Jean sings)He reminisced of the limosineLooked like something from a magazineShe such a beauty queenHad him spending all his creamGive me an ice creamManl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamGive me an ice creamGirl for the weekendKind of girl she built for any seasonFor the winter...for the fallEven in the summer...time is no fallYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice cream

《少年on fire》在哪个平台看?

腾讯视频。《少年ON FIRE》是为时代少年团量身定制的大型舞台竞技类真人秀暨新歌打歌节目。在节目中,除《姐姐真漂亮》和《相遇》四场特别打歌舞台外,还有双人舞台、3v4舞台、七人国风大秀轮番上演,少年们将拥有更多登上舞台的机会,舞蹈、声乐、表演全面提升,一起为舞台而燃!后续发展2021年4月3日,时代少年团的自创打歌节目《少年on fire》第二季上线,双人舞台简直看不够!《少年on fire》录制期间,恰逢是时代少年团三位成员马嘉祺、丁程鑫、张真源高考闭关期间,所以很遗憾,他们三人并没有参与节目的录制。在节目第一期中,时代少年团的四位成员宋亚轩、刘耀文、严浩翔、贺峻霖两两组合,给我们带来了四组精彩的表演。四位成员两两组合,但是默契度都非常的高,四首歌曲的不同演绎都给观众带来了很好的感官,不管是柔情的还是嗨翻全场的,都看得让人激动,不经感叹道时代少年团的实力强大,默契十足。


all-round fire 玩火; 四周射击 St. Anthony"s fire 丹毒 antiaircraft fire 防空火力 area fire 面积射击 banked fire (锅炉)压火 barrage fire 高射炮火网 beacon fire 烽火 building fire 装配用火, 焊接用火; 熏鱼文火(熏鱼的第二阶段) St. Elmo"s fire 桅顶(飞机翼尖、塔尖等的)电辉火 burst fire 点射 cleaning fire 清炉 collective fire 协同发射的火力 converging fire 集中射击 covering fire 掩护射击 creeping fire 伏地火, 漫延火 crown fire 树冠火 decorating fire 彩烤, 彩烧, 烤花 decoy fire 诱引火力 deliberate fire 减速射击 director fire 指挥仪瞄准射击 drying fire 直接火烘干(熏鱼的第一阶段) exposure fire 曝热起火 flanking fire 侧面火 quartering fire 侧面火 flash-back fire 反闪火焰, 回火 frontal fire 正面射击 glost fire 烧釉 grazing fire 低伸火力 ground fire 地表火 hard fire 大火, 高温烧成 head fire 顺风火, 头火 high-angle fire 高角射击; 对空射击 knobbling fire 搅铁炉 ladder fire 梯次射击 low fire 微火 mild fire 文火 naked fire 明火(头) observed fire 观察射击 percussion fire 着发射击 radar fire 雷达火力 ricochet fire 跳弹射击 ring fire 圆火花, (集电环)整圈打火 running fire 凶(烈)火, 速行火 searching fire 纵深射击 sharp fire 急火, 烈焰(有过量空气燃烧成的短火焰) single fire 单烧, 一次烧成 slash fire 残火 smoky fire 烟熏火 smoke-producing fire 烟熏火 soft fire 文火(空气不足的火焰) spontaneous fire 自然火 spreading fire 火力扩展 surface fire 地表火 time fire 定时引爆 trial fire 试射 unregulated fire 任意点火 velocity fire 速度试验射击 volley fire 群射 zone fire 区域射击


第一期和第二期。 原因是前两期都是二对二的舞台演出,双人舞台但是时代少年团七个人刚好是单数,所以就邀请了三代的成员来进行助阵。 第一期是朱志鑫作为嘉宾,参加演出,和刘耀文搭档演出了《狼与美女》。第二期是苏新皓作为嘉宾,参加出演,和严浩翔搭档出演了《rising sun》。

set sb on fire什么意思及同义词


set on fire 是什么短语 怎么用

动词短语,引燃……;纵火焚烧……Usually we say, to set sth on firee.g. The man set his neighbour"s house on fire for revenge.

Ice Cream Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Ice Cream Girl歌手:Nature Insight专辑:Summer EquinoxSean Kingston Ft. Wyclef Jean - Ice Cream GirlGive me an ice creamGirl for the weekendKind of girl she built for any seasonFor the winter...for the fallEven in the summer...time is no fallYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamMy rum raisin...she drunk in the clubOf cause she would not...she always moved itShe got a man...he"s always cheatingN her daddy left her when she was 18You"re number four and see a pearl and jewelryRide here ride her...she the life of the partyShe in that of the limosine...look like someone from a magazineShe such a beauty me spending all my creamGive me an ice creamGirl for the weekendKind of girl she built for any seasonFor the winter...for the fallEven in the summer...time is no fallYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamOnce upon a time...lets go back to the sceneShe was a prom queen...n you were the prom kingPinky swear that you would never separateCause you was drafted for the nbaI used to worry about your best friendI dont trust nobody named frosty the snowmanFrosty oh where u at?Now ice cream man...He reminisced of the limosineLooked like something from a magazineShe such a beauty queenHad him spending all his creamGive me an ice cream meant for the weekendBody toned up reaady for the beach andYoung fresh and know what i meanEverybody knows the feen that loves the ice creamYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice cream(Wyclef Jean sings)He reminisced of the limosineLooked like something from a magazineShe such a beauty queenHad him spending all his creamGive me an ice creamManl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice creamGive me an ice creamGirl for the weekendKind of girl she built for any seasonFor the winter...for the fallEven in the summer...time is no fallYou wanna a ice creamGirl for the weekendA pocket full of dough you wanna blow on the weekendYoung fresh and know what i meanEverybody knows the female that loves the ice cream

I am on fire什么意思

我很火 吧,,,

少年on fire第一次公演投票结果

少年ON FIRE第一次公演投票结果于2021年5月25日公布,具体结果如下:1. 贺峻霖、严浩翔、宋亚轩表演的《巴比伦》获得182票;2. 陶桃、刘耀文、陈泗旭表演的《R&B All Night》获得177票;3. 宋亚轩、贺峻霖、苏新皓表演的《为你我受冷风吹》获得174票;4. 刘耀文、陈泗旭、严浩翔表演的《全部都是你》获得168票。因此,第一次公演的冠军由贺峻霖、严浩翔、宋亚轩获得。

we on fire .的意思


Switchfoot-on fire的中文歌词大意

Switchfoot - On FireTell you where you need to go告诉你应该去向何方 Tell you when you need to leave告诉你应该何时起程 Tell you what you need to know告诉你应该知道些什么 Tell you who you need to be告诉你应该成为谁人 Everything inside you know你心中确然明了 there"s more than what you heard现实远胜你所听闻 There"s so much more than empty conversation远胜空洞无聊对话 filled with empty words乏味字眼堆砌而成 And you"re on fire when He"s near you当他靠近你时,你激情难抑 You"re on fire when He speaks当他开口时,你激情难抑 You"re on fire, burning at these mysteries狂热激情只为了眼前的奇迹 Give me one more time around给我再多一回的时间 Give me one more chance to see给我再看一回的机会 Give me everything You are给我你的全部 Give me one more chance to be near you给我再一次靠近你的机会 When everything inside me looks like everything I hate当我如此地厌恶整个自己 You are the hope I have for change,你是我得以改变的希望 You are the only chance I"ll take你是我孤注一掷的机会 When I"m on fire when You"re near me当你靠近我时,我激情难抑 I"m on fire when You speak当你开口时,我激情难抑 I"m on fire burning at these mysteries狂热激情只为了眼前的奇迹 Mysteries...奇迹 I"ve been standing on the edge of me我一直伫立在自我的边缘 standing on the edge of me伫立在自我的边缘 standing on the edge of me伫立在自我的边缘 standing on the edge of me伫立在自我的边缘 standing on the edge of everything I"ve never been before伫立在未曾成为过的自我的边缘 And I"ve been standing on the edge of me我一直伫立在自我的边缘standing on the edge 伫立在边缘 And I"m on fire when You"re near me当你靠近我时,我激情难抑 I"m on fire when You speak当你开口时,我激情难抑 I"m on fire burning at these mysteries狂热激情只为了眼前的奇迹 These mysteries这些奇迹 These mysteries这些奇迹 Ah, You"re the Mystery啊,你就是奇迹 You"re the Mystery你就是奇迹 歌词吾爱论坛(提供

高一英语 有on fire 或in fire吗?若有,有何区别

on fire着火 in fire在火中

catch fire 和 on fire的区别

be on fire表示一种状态eg: Look! The house is on fire.而catch a fire强调动作性eg: The boy is so careless that he catches a fire on his clothes while cooking meals.希望你满意哦




1、这是团队名称这是少年ON FIRE里马嘉祺张真源宋亚轩的组合名称,他们三个的组合叫光轮1932。2、名称来历光轮2000是马嘉祺先提的,光轮2000在哈利波特里是一款超厉害的飞天扫帚的名字 所以马哥应该是先想到哈利波特。最后全员建议马嘉祺,宋亚轩,张真源的生日加起来作为团队的名称,所以3个人的生日加和刚好是1932。因此团队的名称被定位光轮1932.扩展资料1、马嘉祺马嘉祺,2002年12月12日出生于河南省郑州市,中国内地流行乐男歌手、演员,男子演唱组合时代少年团成员(队长)。马嘉祺中学毕业于郑州八中(2018届)。2017年5月25日,在郑州八中2017校园文化艺术节与刘栖子演唱了《三生三世》的主题曲《凉凉》 。2018年6月28日,郑州八中举行了2018届学生毕业典礼,马嘉祺与刘栖子等任主持人,马嘉祺还与刘栖子在毕业典礼上演唱了《凤凰花开的路口》2、宋亚轩宋亚轩,2004年3月4日出生于山东省滨州市,中国内地男歌手、演员,男子演唱组合时代少年团成员。2021年1月29日,参加的综艺节目《王牌对王牌第六季》于即日起每周五晚20:30在浙江卫视播出;2月5日,参与录制的综艺节目《接招吧!前辈》在东方卫视和百视TV首播。3、张真源张真源,2003年4月16日出生于重庆市,中国流行乐男歌手、演员,男子演唱组合时代少年团成员。2021年1月21日,张真源参演的节目《接招吧!前辈》发布群像海报,宣布将于1月29日起每周五22点在东方卫视播出 。



Van Halen的《On Fire》 歌词

歌曲名:On Fire歌手:Van Halen专辑:Van Halen<On Fire>Lyrics / Music : Van HalenVocals : David Lee RothAlbum : <Van Halen I>Release Date : February 10.1978Turn your radios onI"ll appear right there . Yes I willTurn me up real loudI"m in your , earsNow I"m hanging ten now babyAs I ride your sonic , ooh-waveGood , God y"allI"m on fireI"m on fireI"m on fireI"m on fireOh yeahOne timeFireFireFireGuitar:Edward Van Halen Bass:Alex Van HalenDurms : Michael AnthonyLay your bodies downI"m in your beds . Your bedsThrow your headphones onI"m in your heads Ah-haNow I"m hangin" ten now babyAs I ride your sonic oo-waveGood God y"allI"m on fireI"m on fireI"m on fireI"m on fireI"m on fireI"m on fireI"m on fireI"m on fire<0063> 2009.05.27

Lloyd Banks的《On Fire》 歌词

歌曲名:On Fire歌手:Lloyd Banks专辑:Fantastic 4 (The Album){Intro - Lloyd Banks}New York City!You are now rocking with the bestLloyd Banks! G Unit!Chorus - 50 Cent (Lloyd Banks)We on fire - up in hereIt"s burning hot, we on fireShe"ll take it off, if it get too hotUp in this spot, we on fireTear the roof off this motherfuckerLight the roof on fire (Uh! Nigga what you say?!)We get loose in this motherfuckerLight the roof on fire fire fire{Verse - Lloyd Banks}Naw I aint putting nothing out, I smoke when I wanna26 inch chrome spokes on the HummerThis heat gon last for the whole summerRunning your bitch faster then the Road RunnerRocks on my wrist, rose gold underGlocks on my hip, those throw thunderI"m riding Dalvins by the pierBut when you stop, the only thing still spinning is your earYeah, I"m riding with that all black snubRaiders cap back, all black glovesA ladies man, but the boy smack thugsThese record sales equal more back rubsNot to mention the boy pack clubsHis impacts about as raw as crack wasNow all these new artists getting wrong dealsI"m only 21, sitting on mills{Verse - Lloyd Banks}If you know anything about me, then you know I"m a ballerIf I don"t hit the first night, I ain"t gon call herI"m trying to play, you trying to have my daughterBut I can"t blame her for what her momma taught herAnd I don"t care bout what the next nigga bought herCause I aint putting no baguettes in her abuelaI got a diamond about as clear as waterAnd I got bread, but I ain"t spend a quarterSo cut the games ma, let"s go in the backMatter fact, turn your ass round, back a nigga downAnd I aint bias when I"m riding through the townLike em small, like em tall, like em black, like em brownShe gotta be able to cum when I need herTight ass pants, little wife beaterRegular chick or R&B divaBitch say something, I ain"t a mind reader

on fire是什么意思

on fire是着火;起火;在兴头上;非常激动。1. on fire:这个词组的意思是“着火;起火”例句1:Look, the car is on fire!看,车着火了!例句2:Protesters set cars on fire and burned a building.抗议者们焚烧汽车,烧毁了一栋建筑。例句3:This building is on fire, you must evacuate immediately.这座楼着火了,大家必须立即疏散。2. on the fire:这个词组的意思是“在考虑中;在审议中”。例句4:Who will attend the meeting is on the fire.参加会议的人选还未决定。例句5:The time when we will have a meeting is on the fire.我们什么时候开会还在考虑之中。例句6:Where we will have the party is on the fire.我们在什么地方聚会还未决定

sth be on fire 什么意思?




catch fire on fire有何区别

1. The house is on fire.=The house catches fire.2. (正)The house has been on fire for an hour. (be动词属于延续性动词,可跟一段时间状语) (误)The house has caught fire for an hour. (catch属于非延续性动词,不能跟一段时间状语)3. The house on fire is hers. (on fire 可作定语) =The house catching fire is hers.




少年onfire飘向北方是第三期。是指一档综艺节目。少年onfire没有达到公司预期或经费不够所以下架,这个项目如果下架一般是公司问题,经费不够就会下架。时代少年团从2019年出道,就被TFBOYS和时代少年团的真爱粉誉为"TF二团"的标签。因为国家现在目前禁止未成年人出现在综艺上,而少年on fire是自制类养成系综艺。

we on fire .的意思


fire on fire短语意思?





  少年onfire是一款非常受欢迎的手机游戏,但是近期这款游戏却被下架了。这个消息让众多玩家非常失望和沮丧,因为少年onfire是他们生活中的一个重要组成部分。对于这个游戏被下架的原因,一些玩家猜测是因为游戏中存在一些容易引起争议的内容,如血腥暴力,性暗示等。而另一些玩家则认为,这可能是由于游戏开发商的经营策略变化而导致的。  无论是因为什么原因,少年onfire的下架给了我们教训:我们不能太依赖一款游戏或产品,因为它们可能随时被下架或停产。这也提醒我们要多关注自己的生活,多参与到现实世界中去,不要沉浸在虚拟世界中。  当然,我们也应该尊重游戏开发商的决定,毕竟他们也是为了更好地经营自己的业务。在少年onfire下架之后,游戏开发商也发布了一些声明,对于这个决定做出了一些解释和辩护。他们表示,这个决定是经过深思熟虑的结果,考虑了游戏的各种因素,包括玩家反馈、游戏内的内容等等。他们也表示,他们将继续努力开发更好的游戏,并努力满足玩家的需求。  虽然少年onfire已经下架了,但是这并不意味着我们不能继续享受游戏带给我们的乐趣。事实上,现在有很多类似的游戏可以取代少年onfire,我们可以尝试一下这些新的游戏,寻找新的乐趣和挑战。同时,我们也可以回顾一下少年onfire带给我们的美好回忆,感慨一下这个游戏对我们生活的影响。  总之,少年onfire的下架是一个意外,但我们应该尊重游戏开发商的决定,同时也要为自己的生活寻找新的乐趣和挑战。希望少年onfire的粉丝们不要过于失落,相信未来还有更多更好的游戏等待我们去探索!

你们觉得 OnFire 这款篮球 APP 怎么样?


少年on fire在哪个平台看

少年on fire在哔哩哔哩可以看,步骤如下:1、打开百度搜索,在百度搜索首页进行搜索;2、在搜索框输入关键词少年on fire,点击搜索会显示多个词条;3、在词条中找到网站哔哩哔哩,点击进入;4、进入网站,点击播放就可以直接开始观看了;5、在右侧选项栏可以选择其他相关内容,点击观看。

on fire和on the fire的区别


Spiritualized的《On Fire》 歌词

歌曲名:On Fire歌手:Spiritualized专辑:Let It Come DownTell you where you need to goTell you when you need to leaveTell you what you need to knowTell you who you need to beEverything inside you knowthere"s more than what you heardThere"s so much more than empty conversationfilled with empty wordsAnd you"re on fire when He"s near youYou"re on fire when He speaksYou"re on fire, burning at these mysteriesGive me one more time aroundGive me one more chance to seeGive me everything You areGive me one more chance to be near youWhen everything inside me looks like everything I hateYou are the hope I have for change,You are the only chance I"ll takeWhen I"m on fire when You"re near meI"m on fire when You speakI"m on fire burning at these mysteriesMysteries...I"ve been standing on the edge of mestanding on the edge of mestanding on the edge of mestanding on the edge of mestanding on the edge of everything I"ve never been beforeAnd I"ve been standing on the edge of mestanding on the edgeAnd I"m on fire when You"re near meI"m on fire when You speakI"m on fire burning at these mysteriesThese mysteriesThese mysteriesAh, You"re the MysteryYou"re the Mystery

短语i am on fire 的意思是什么?

i am on fire意为我热情似火。重点词汇解释:firen. 火;火灾;炮火;炉火;热情;激情;磨难vt. 点燃;解雇;开除;使发光;烧制;激动;放枪vi. 着火;射击;开枪;激动;烧火双语例句:There was a fire in the grate.壁炉里烧着火。扩展资料:fire的用法:fire作为物质名词表示火时是不可数名词,一般不加冠词,也不能用于复数形式。fire表示具体的炉火,火堆,一次火灾时是可数名词,表示火灾这一抽象事件时是不可数名词。fire引申可表示射击,炮火,火力,是不可数名词。fire用于比喻,意思是热情,怒火,热心,通常不可数,偶尔也用于复数形式,表示各种各样的强烈感情。fire用作名词的意思是火,转化为动词意思是烧,点燃,开火,射击。引申可表示激动,发火,发动。

鹿晗onfire歌词 鹿晗onfire是什么歌

1、歌曲歌词 零界点On fire 灯光打到 我的球鞋 舞台中央 我在狩猎 Run this town going nowhere We aint going nowhere 换上新的装备 Yes Sir Fresh 不管搭配哪个颜色 态度年轻 风格鲜明 我的生活像场电影 永远没有 ending 因为 I will go higher天空没有任何界限 无论冬季还是夏天眼睛冒的都是烈焰 I get mine you get yours we go getters I dont stop 我没办法歇着  This is my pride This is my city My swags on fire My swags on fire My swags on fire Lu Lu A to the R A to the R Go RAP: My Swag on the fire AR 和 Lu 坐马车来了 把 Hater 脸部都打马赛克 他们气的跺脚 下巴都歪了 整个体育馆 都在做蹦极跳摆出笑脸加个 V 拍着冠军照 像个胖子 没法弯低腰不能后退 像我开在单行道 把整个宇宙 当成我们练习的沙袋 干掉这伴奏 用说唱拳击着八拍 开着跑车冲过谁能 follow 我的动作 快到高速 camera 都不能连续的抓拍 别再呱呱 叫着 blah blah 嘴巴 唰 吐出子弹 接着就是 啪嗒啪嗒啪嗒啪嗒气氛达到极点 party 快要炸了炸了 没时间再跟你说了 哥们哥们 sayonara 因为 I will go higher天空没有任何界限 无论冬季还是夏天眼睛冒的都是烈焰 I get mine you get yours we go getters I dont stop 我没办法歇着This is my prideThis is my city My swags on fire My swags on fire My swags on fireFire My swags on fire Fire 因为 I will go higher天空没有任何界限 无论冬季还是夏天 眼睛冒的都是烈焰 I get mine you get yours we go getters I dont stop 我没办法歇着 This is my prideThis is my city My swags on fire My swags on fire My swags on fire My swags on fire 2、《零界点》是由刘夫阳作词,Leo、倪子冈作曲,鹿晗、刘夫阳演唱的歌曲,收录于鹿晗2017年6月27日发行的专辑《I》中。 3、创作背景:该曲是“XXVII”系列中制作周期最长的一首歌,从最初的风格想法、期间经过修改与完善,最终呈现出完整的作品。在歌曲创作的过程中,鹿晗与创作者会根据演唱感受对唱词、编曲提出意见,在高效协同的工作方式下达成最佳呈现效果。

on fire与in fire能互换吗

on fire adv. 在兴头上;着火;起火;非常激动。是固定搭配,指的是某物着火了,或者某人比较激动。in fire不是一个固定搭配 只是单纯的表示“在火中”希望对你有帮助!

《少年on fire》第二季在哪个平台播放?

截止2021年3月17日,《少年ON FIRE》的在线播放平台是腾讯视频。《少年ON FIRE》是为时代少年团量身定制的大型舞台竞技类真人秀暨新歌打歌节目。在节目中,除《姐姐真漂亮》和《相遇》四场特别打歌舞台外,还有双人舞台、3v4舞台、七人国风大秀轮番上演,少年们将拥有更多登上舞台的机会,舞蹈、声乐、表演全面提升,一起为舞台而燃!相关资料:2020年10月19日,综艺娱乐节目《少年onfire》中,偶像组合“时代少年团”的两位成员宋亚轩和刘耀文将崔健的摇滚歌曲《一块红布》改编演出之后引发观众热议。《少年onfire》整个舞台的质量和效果还是很不错的,不过,毕竟是打歌舞台,唱能跟上跳全程开麦就更好了。当宋亚轩和刘耀文改编崔健的作品《一块红布》后,部分观众并不支持,担心原来的精神和气质会消失。听众如果只是简单的把作为形式的一首歌奉为圭臬,当成是逆鳞甚至是禁脔,每一句歌词都要按照那个意思去理解去演绎才能被允许,实在是过于刻板教条,倒显得听歌的人狭隘了。

Slut的《On Fire》 歌词

歌曲名:On Fire歌手:Slut专辑:LookbookEminem - On Fireyeah.. Ya Know?.. Critics ManCritics Never Got Nothin Nice To Say manyou know the one thing i notice about critics man?is.. critics never ask me how my day wentwell imma tell emyesterday my dog died, i hog tied a ho, tied her in a bowsaid next time you blow up try to spit a flowyou wanna criticize dog try a little moim so tired of this i could blow, fire in the holeim fired up so fire up the lighter and the drobetter hold on a little tighter here i goflows tighter, hot headed as ghostridercold hearted as spiderman throwin a spider in the snowso ya better get to blowin in flow rider inside of a lowrider with no tires in the holewhy am i like this? why is winter coldwhy is it when i talk im so biased to the hose (host?)listen dog christmas is off this is as soft as it getsthis isnt gob this is a blister in the saltthose are your wounds this is the saltso get lostshit dissin me is just like pissin off the wizard of ozwrap a lizard in gauze beat you in the jaws with itgrab the scissors and saws andcut out your livers gizzards and ballsthrow you in the middle of the ocean in the blizzard with jawsso sip piss like sizzurp through a strawthen discribe how it tasted like dessert to us allgot the gall to make chris piss in his drawsticklin him go to his grave, skip him and visit his dogyou on firethats how ya know your on a rollcause when you hot its like your burnin up everyone elses coldyour on fireman im so fuckin sick i got ambulances pullin me over and shityour on fireya need to stop drop and roll cause when you say the shit to give the whole hip hop shop the blowyour on fire.. your on fireI just wrote a bullshit hook in between two long ass verses if you mistook the for a song, lookthis aint a song its a warnin to brooke, hogan and david cookthat the crook just took over so bookrun as fast as you can, stop writin and kill itim lightning in a skillet your a fuckin flash in a pani pop up you bitches scatter like hot grease splashin a fanmr mathers is the manyeah im pissed but i would rather take this energy and stash it in a cancome back and whip your ass with it againsalivas like sufiric acid in your hand itll eat through anything metal the ass of iron manturn him into plastic so for you to think that you could stand a fuckin chance is assanineyeah ask the nine manhit a blind man with a coloring book and told him color inside the lines or get hit widda fine crayonfuck it i aint playinpull up in a van and hop out at a homeless man holdin a sign sayinvietnam vet.. im out my fuckin mind mankick over the can beat his ass and leave him 9 grandso if i seem a little mean to you this aint savage you aint never seen the brewyou wanna get graphic we can go the scenic routeyou couldnt make a belemic puke on a piece of fuckin corn and peanut boo (?)sayin you sick quit playin you prick dont nobody carethen why the fuck am i yellin at airi aint even talkin to noone cause aint nobody therenobody will fuckin test me cause these hos wont even dareim wastin punchlines but i got so many to spare i just thought of another one that might go herenaw dont waste it save it psycho yeahplus you gotta rewrite those lines that you said about michaels hairyou on firethats how ya know your on a rollcause when you hot its like your burnin up everyone elses coldyour on fireman im so hot my motherfuckin firetrucks on fire homieyour on fireya need to stop drop and roll cause when you say the shit to give the whole hip hop shop the blowyour on fire.. your on fireEminem - On FireEND... ...

bruno mars on fire 中文歌词

keep crawling up touching ya", kissing ya", hugging ya"the ice is melting down your backcause there"s a flame between usgirl with every single touchits like your body strikes a matchi"mma need to stop drop and rollcause baby girl your heat"s out of controlfeels like i"m on fire, firemy body"s a Hundred degrees every time you standing next to mefeels like i"m on fire, firegirl you make me so hoti don"t want it to stop, nooh you got me burning up, burning up, burning up, ohso turn it up, turn it up some morefeels like i"m on fire, firemy temperature is higheri"m sweating with desirefeels like i"m on firethe smoke detector"s going offthe neighbour"s gonna make the callthe fire trucks are on their waynow we"re both turning redwe"ve been up and down the bedwe don"t care so we sayi"mma need to stop drop and rollcause baby girl your heat"s out of controlfeels like i"m on fire, firemy body"s a hundred degreesevery time you standing next to mefeels like i"m on fire, firegirl you make me so hoti don"t want it to stop, nooh you got me burning up, burning up, burning up, ohso turn it up, turn it up some morefeels like i"m on fire, firemy temperature is higheri"m sweating with desirefeels like i"m on firegirl we got the house burning downbut ain"t nobody gonna save us nowand i don"t care who"s knocking on the doori"mma give you more, more, morefeels like i"m on fire, firemy body"s a hundred degrees every time you standing next to mefeels like i"m on fire, firegirl you make me so hoti don"t want it to stop, nooh you got me burning up, burning up, burning up, ohso turn it up, turn it up some morefeels like i"m on fire, firemy temperature is higheri"m sweating with desirefeels like i"m on fire(feels like i"m on) fire, firemy body"s a hundred degreesevery time you standing next to mefeels like i"m on fire, firegirl yo要采纳哦



set sth. in fire还是set sth. on fire?

set sth. in fire 和 set sth. on fire 都是表示“点燃某物”的意思,但是在使用时有一些区别。set sth. in fire 通常是指把某物放入火中点燃,例如:"I set the paper in fire and watched it burn."(我把纸放入火中,看着它烧起来。)set sth. on fire 通常是指用火把某物点燃,例如:"He set the house on fire and ran away."(他把房子点燃,然后逃走了。)所以,选择使用 set sth. in fire 还是 set sth. on fire,取决于你想要表达的具体意思。希望这些信息能帮助你。如果你还有其他问题,欢迎继续提出。

少年ON FIRE的名字由来是什么呢?

1、这是团队名称这是少年ON FIRE里马嘉祺张真源宋亚轩的组合名称,他们三个的组合叫光轮1932。2、名称来历光轮2000是马嘉祺先提的,光轮2000在哈利波特里是一款超厉害的飞天扫帚的名字 所以马哥应该是先想到哈利波特。最后全员建议马嘉祺,宋亚轩,张真源的生日加起来作为团队的名称,所以3个人的生日加和刚好是1932。因此团队的名称被定位光轮1932.扩展资料1、马嘉祺马嘉祺,2002年12月12日出生于河南省郑州市,中国内地流行乐男歌手、演员,男子演唱组合时代少年团成员(队长)。马嘉祺中学毕业于郑州八中(2018届)。2017年5月25日,在郑州八中2017校园文化艺术节与刘栖子演唱了《三生三世》的主题曲《凉凉》 。2018年6月28日,郑州八中举行了2018届学生毕业典礼,马嘉祺与刘栖子等任主持人,马嘉祺还与刘栖子在毕业典礼上演唱了《凤凰花开的路口》2、宋亚轩宋亚轩,2004年3月4日出生于山东省滨州市,中国内地男歌手、演员,男子演唱组合时代少年团成员。2021年1月29日,参加的综艺节目《王牌对王牌第六季》于即日起每周五晚20:30在浙江卫视播出;2月5日,参与录制的综艺节目《接招吧!前辈》在东方卫视和百视TV首播。3、张真源张真源,2003年4月16日出生于重庆市,中国流行乐男歌手、演员,男子演唱组合时代少年团成员。2021年1月21日,张真源参演的节目《接招吧!前辈》发布群像海报,宣布将于1月29日起每周五22点在东方卫视播出 。

P.O.D.的《On Fire》 歌词

歌曲名:On Fire歌手:P.O.D.专辑:Murdered LoveOn FireI was born, raging against the machine beforerage against the machine, heretoforemore than meets the eye is the truth unseenThe king salutes the recruits of the new regimeStorm the highways and byways, bring down the wallsAnd I will not sleep until Babylon fallsto coexist with the system is a mission to deceive usI and I must walk alone through these flames of HellTurn the heat upStop, drop, roll, I"m on fireCome into my house and I"ll set you on fireStop, drop roll, I"m on fire, I"m on fire, I"m on fireStop, drop, roll, I"m on fireDrink from my cup as much as you requireStop, drop, roll, I"m on fireThere"s a sucka born every minute suckingeverybody"s gimmickRemember when you said that would never be you andnow you"re living itEveryday routine, destiny foreseenThat"s why I stand for the cause, you jump from scene to sceneLet the brethren avow that they won"t sell outcause no longer are we blind, we see clearly nowAnd because I sin, I hope that God forgivesAnd because I"m dead, It"s the only way to liveAnd it"s the only way to dieStop, drop, roll, I"m on fireCome into my house and I"ll set you on fireStop, drop roll, I"m on fire, I"m on fire, I"m on fireStop, drop, roll, I"m on fireDrink from my cup as much as you requireStop, drop, roll, I"m on fireTurn the heat up! My soul ignites!Consumed by the fire, let us burn tonight!Let us burn tonight! Turn the heat up and burntonight! Forever we burn tonight!Stop, drop, roll, I"m on fireCome into my house and I"ll set you on fireStop, drop roll, I"m on fire, I"m on fire, I"m on fireStop, drop, roll, I"m on fireDrink from my cup as much as you requireStop, drop, roll, I"m on fire

catch fire 和 on fire的区别

be on fire表示一种状态eg:Look!The house is on fire.而catch a fire强调动作性eg:The boy is so careless that he catches a fire on his clothes while cooking meals.

看美剧学英语:on fire只能表示着火吗(

还可以表示 某人非常生气。



着火on fire为什么要用on?

on还有形容词的意思:正在发生的onThere"s a marvellous match on at Wimbledon at the moment... There"s a marvellous match on at Wimbledon at the moment...此刻在温布尔登正进行着一场精彩的比赛。onEvery year they put a play on at Saint Holy Cross Church... Every year they put a play on at Saint Holy Cross Church...他们每年在圣十字教堂上演一出剧目。


on fire意思是着火。可燃物在与空气共存的条件下,当达到某一温度时,与着火源接触即能引起燃烧,并在着火源离开后仍能持续燃烧,这种持续燃烧的现象叫着火。燃烧,俗称着火,是指可燃物与氧或氧化剂作用发生的释放热量的化学反着火应,通常伴有火焰和发烟的现象。研究表明,绝大多数物质燃烧的本质是一种自由基的链反应。只要有适当条件引发自由基的产生(引火条件),链反应就会开始,然后连续自动地循环发展下去,直至反应物全部转化完毕为止。在时间或空间上失去控制的燃烧所造成的灾害,叫做火灾。任何物质发生燃烧,都有一个由未燃状态转向燃烧状态的过程。这过程的发生必须具备三个条件:即:可燃物、助燃物和着火源,并且三者要相互作用。着火点:外部热源使物质表面起火并持续燃烧一定时间所需的最低温度。一、可燃物凡是能与空气中的氧或其他氧化剂起化学反应的物质称可燃物。按其物理状态还可分为气体可燃物(如氢气、一氧化碳等)、液体可燃物(如汽油、酒精等)和固体可燃物(如木材、布匹、塑料等)三类。二、助燃物凡是能帮助和支持可燃物燃烧的物质,即能与可燃物发生氧化反应的物质称为助燃物(如空气、氧气、氯气以及高锰酸钾、氯酸钾等氧化物和过氧化物等)。能够使可燃物维持燃烧不致熄灭的最低氧含量即氧指数。空气中氧含量约为21%,而空气是到处都有的,因而它是最常见的助燃物。发生火灾时,除非是密闭室内的初起小火可用隔绝空气的“闷火”手段扑灭,否则这个条件较难控制。三、着火源凡能引起可燃物与助燃物发生反应的能量来源(常见的是热能源)称作着火源。根据其能量来源不同,着火源可分为:明火、高热物体、化学热能、电热能、机械热能、生物能、光能和核能等。此外,可燃物质燃烧所需的着火能量是不同的,一般可燃气体比可燃固体和可燃液体所需的着火能量要低。着火源的温度越高,越容易引起可燃物燃烧。综上所述,只有在可燃物、助燃物和着火源三个条件同时具备,而且数量达到一定比例的前提下,互相结合,互相作用,燃烧才能发生。否则,燃烧不能发生。可见,不论采用什么措施,只要能破坏已经产生的燃烧条件,去掉其中任何一个,火即可扑灭。此外,也可运用现代灭火理论,用灭火剂和阻燃剂加入燃烧的链反应中,消灭自由基,使链增长中断,从而取得比传统的灭火手段更为有效的灭火效应。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。


on fire,表示正在着火。例句:When I woke up at midnight, I found the opposite building was on fire.我半夜醒来,发现对面大楼在着火。介词on+有动作特征的名词,表示正在发生某个动作。如:on sale; on operation; on business,etc.

on fire和on the fire的区别

这就和in the bed 和 in bed的区别,一个是卧床不起生病,一个是躺床上,这个的话一个是著火一个是在火上。


on fire的意思是:着火。读音是:英[u0252n]['fau026au0259]重点词汇:fire英['fau026au0259(r)]释义:n.火;火灾;炮火;炉火;热情;激情;磨难vt.点燃;解雇;开除;使发光;烧制;激动;放枪vi.着火;射击;开枪;激动;烧火[复数:fires;第三人称单数:fires;现在分词:firing;过去式:fired;过去分词:fired]短语:Chariots of Fire烈火战车;火之战车;火战车;火的战车扩展资料:词语辨析:kindle,fire,ignite,light这些动词均含“点燃、着火”之意。1、kindle指艰难或缓慢地把可燃料点燃,可用于比喻。2、fire普通用词,指将某物点燃使其燃烧起来,火势可大可小。3、ignite多用于科技文体,指使某物受热直到燃烧或发光,也可指用火花使易燃物迅速燃烧起来。4、light普通用词,指点燃易燃物,使其能发光,满足各种需要。

on fire是什么意思啊?




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DirectSound如果你声卡没问题的话 建议下载另一模拟器覆盖



DirectSound 测试结果: 步骤 19 (用户验证软件) 上有故障: HRESULT = 0x00000000 (错误码)

首先,电脑无音看似简单,其实有时问题比较复杂,既涉及到硬件方面的问题又涉及到软件方面的问题因此,要先查明原因,看是软件还是硬件出了故障,然后针对问题对症下药千万不能原因不明,就乱捣一气,搞不好会把系统弄瘫痪,麻烦就大了 1、检查声卡、连接线,以及音箱等设备是否连接正常;运行杀毒软件进行杀毒; 2、右击“我的电脑”----“属性”---“硬件”----“设备管理器”,打开“声音、视频和游戏控制器”有无问题,即看前面有没有出现黄色的“”如有,重新安装这个设备的驱动程序进行解决; 3、有声音但不见小喇叭时,打开控制面板----声音和视频设备----音量,在“将音量图标放入任务栏”前打上对号; 4、无声音又无小喇叭时,打开控制面板----添加与删除程序----添加删除Windows组件,在“附件和工具”前打对号,点击“下一步”,然后,关机重启,系统会提示安装新硬件,按照提示进行安装即可;无麦克风: 5,双击小喇叭--选项--属性--把“麦克风”前面的钩打上即可调节双击右下角的小喇叭,然后找到麦克风选项。设置一下就好了。在声音界面点击选项——属性,里面有麦克风,打上对勾就有了。 6、卸载声卡驱动程序,重新进行安装或升级声频驱动程序; 7、当安装声卡驱动程序时出现“找不着AC晶片”提示,有可能是电脑中毒,或者因违规操作误删了声卡驱动程序,抑或是内部软件冲突解决的办法是重装系统和驱动程序 8、干脆不予理睬,关机后等待一段时间后再重新开机,有时声音问题会自行解决不妨你可以试 9、开始—控制面板—声音和音频设备—声音,看看是不是调成无声的了,然后选windows默认 10、点击开始-运行,输入regedit,回车,这就打开了注册表,点几HKEY-CURRENT-USER,再点击其中的ControlPanel项,再击其下的Sound中的Beep将它的值由No改为Yes重启,是不是又听见久违了的开关机声音了 可能是声卡驱动不对..重新安装一下..单独的声卡买来的时候应该配有驱动盘集成的应该在主板驱动的那张光盘里如果你下载的声卡建议你卸载掉,用电脑本身的声卡





当前已安装的音频驱动不支持 directSound 输入。无法进行音频录制。



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