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爱过痛过亦愿等(Karaoke Version) 歌词

歌曲名:爱过痛过亦愿等(Karaoke Version)歌手:彭羚专辑:爱过痛过亦愿等词:张美贤 曲:D.Robinson-L / Worley轻轻挥手 让视线再三闪避目光中充塞了泪水在转身一刻为你留低祝福句谁清楚真心早暗许也听说过 情痴应收起快乐过后 留心碎这天即使需分离如海跟天相距怀里挚爱不应告吹曾笑过怨过未愿分爱过痛过亦愿等甘心长夜独对晚星冷冷细雨像泪水暖暖爱意梦内追珍惜回味逝去笑声孤单街灯寂寞却这么安份灯影中谁可给靠紧仍衷心感激是你曾于今生回忆中 添温暖感我盼你 从此可准许让我在美梦留低你远海高天都知道谁真的喜欢你无计较错对 只想一起

thurst是什么意思?语境为:Our success is based on our thurst for innovation and our eye for detail.



如果您看了LS的解释还不大明白,那就看这里吧,嘿嘿!!Propulsion 和 Thrust 的区别不大,都有推进的意思。唯一的区别是 Propulsion是持续均匀推进的动作;而Thrust 却有突然、猛力推动的意思,而且可能很短暂。

Hibernate中criteria的Restrictions问题(boolean->bit or tinyint)


javac后面的 options指什么?


我也是传不了相片呢,我手机输入*#1234#,然后出现两行字符,分别是S/W VERSION和C3730CZRJH1。


java环境变量配置,javac命令不能运行 java可以 java-version也不行 怎么回事 求高手解答

JAVA_HOME=C:downloadJava1.6_34 x86jdk1.6.0_34 后面不能加""CLASS_PATH=.;%JAVA_HOME%lib;%JAVA_HOME%lib ools.jar;PATH=%JAVA_HOME%in;你的这里也没错望采纳!

Kill me Kiss me(crash Berlin version) 歌词

歌曲名:Kill me Kiss me(crash Berlin version)歌手:hANGRY & ANGRY专辑:Sadistic Dance 残酷之舞「Kill Me Kiss Me(crash berlin version)」作词∶角田崇徳作曲∶角田崇徳歌∶HANGRY & ANGRYLet me tell you honey. I just wanna love and hate youカミサマのいない heavenCan you feel me now?Can you see the bat in hell?愿いを谁に捧ぐ?Kill me, Kiss me, ツギハギだらけのスカートはいてKill me, Kiss me, 今夜は踊ろう 今夜は踊ろう仆の大好きな 甘いプディングを(君にあげたい)だけどヒトツしかないの(どうしたらいい?)ヒトツしかなかったどうすればいい?悲しみ隠すように 君を伤つけて怯えていたのは 仆の方だったLet me tell you honey. I just wanna love and hate youカミサマのいない heavenCan you feel me now?Can you see the bat in hell?愿いを谁に捧ぐ?Kill me, Kiss me, ツギハギだらけのスカートはいてKill me, Kiss me, 今夜は踊ろう 今夜は踊ろう高いハイヒール履いて 黒いドレス着て 君が踊る悲しいくらい仆は 君が好きだった爱してくれたら 何も伤つけなかったNo way I think of you I don"t need you going home居场所无い孤独なheavenOh, Baby I"ll give you love, love and hate you飞べない仆はキライ?Kill me, Kiss me, 目を闭じれば天使に会えるKill me, Kiss me, 今夜は踊ろう 今夜は踊ろうLet me tell you honey. I just wanna love and hate youカミサマのいないheavenCan you feel me now?Can you see the bat in hell?愿いを谁に捧ぐ?Kill me, Kiss me, ツギハギだらけのスカートはいてKill me, Kiss me, 今夜は踊ろう 今夜は踊ろう 今夜は踊ろう【 おわり 】

刷机!!Odin卡在Set Partition的解决方法???

这个我试过的,当时刷了一点点 后来不知道是不是碰到数据线了,然后进度条走了10%就不动了 或者是动的极其缓慢,来气就把线拔了,然后上面显示红色failed。然后我就拔电池,装上开机,继续进入挖坟模式继续刷,一次成功。 查看原帖>>

Panama (Remastered Live Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Panama (Remastered Live Version)歌手:Van Halen专辑:The Very Best Of Van HalenJump back, what"s that sound ?Here she comes, full blast and top down.Hot shoe, burnin" down the avenue.Model citizen zero disciplineDon"t you know she"s coming home with me?You"l lose her in the turn.I"ll get her!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaAin"t nothin" like it, her shiny machine.Got the feel for the wheel, keep the moving parts clean.Hot shoe, burnin" down the avenue,Got an on-ramp comin" through my bedroom.Don"t you know she"s coming home with me?You"ll lose her in the turn.I"ll get her!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaYeah, we"re runnin" a little bit hot tonight.I can barely see the road from the heat comin" off of it.Ah, you reach down, between my legs,Ease the seat back.She"s blinding, I"m flying,Right behind the rear-view mirror now.Got the feeling, power steering,Pistons popping, ain"t no stopping now!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaPanama,panamaPanama,

三星S6 G9200 线刷 为什么odin一直显示 setupconnection 。


英语语法:times, directions, orders,为什么加S,为什么 information不加?



1 是Fixman2 这是因为Fixman是荷兰一家专业销售工具和五金制品的公司,其产品大多为中高端品质,深受消费者喜爱。3 除了Fixman,荷兰action还销售着其他品牌的五金制品,包括Stanley、Bosch、Dulux等,因此具有很大的商品选择性和市场认可度。


1、区别一:品牌层级不同firststation:是雅莹女装下的一个主打品牌。EP雅莹:是雅莹女装下的另一个主打品牌。2、区别二:经营方向不同firststation:以高贵匠心的美学致力于塑造中国高级时尚品牌。EP雅莹:为当代都市女性引领精致、优雅的生活方式。EP雅莹,有奢华的高端系列ELEGANT.PROSPER,有甜美性感的年轻女装TBF,还有源自意大利的丰满时尚女装elena.miro。EP引领当代中国女性穿上设计多样化、色彩艺术化、品质上乘的精致雅致服装。EP的时尚美学源自对当代都市女性的细致洞察和对现代潮流的前瞻性捕捉。雅莹集团品牌:雅莹旗下六大品牌包括:恩派雅、Double Love、雅莹、EP、EP Jeans、TBF,雅莹、EP定位奢侈品,恩派雅简约设计,TBF针对年轻女性,Double Love属于甜美风,EP Jeans偏休闲。雅莹是中国一线时装品牌旗下有多个副牌,包括恩派雅、Double Love、雅莹、EP、EP Jeans、TBF等。雅莹YAYING以高贵匠心的美学致力于塑造中国高级时尚品牌,源自雅致江南,雅莹YAYING专注于对中国传统文化、美学、服饰、工艺的不断探究与演绎,融合当代审美趣味,为追求中式高品位生活方式的女性,打造高雅穿着与品质生活,塑造中国的高级时尚品牌形象。EP以多元的设计风格与品类,满足都市女性的多重生活方式与着装需求。以精致、优雅、女性化的品牌风格为主流,用经典的设计语言结合时尚潮流,彰显魅力、优雅、自信于一体的女性之美。



1+3+6+10+15+21+28+36,请写∑ notation,

1+3+6+10+15+21+28+36 =1/2*1*2+1/2*2*3+1/2*3*4+...+1/2*8*9 =1/2[1*2+2*3+3*4+...+8*9] =1/2[1/3*1*2*3+1/3*(2*3*4-1*2*3)+1/3(3*4*5-2*3*4)+...+1/3(8*9*10-7*8*9)] =1/6(1*2*3+2*3*4-1*2*3+3*4*5-2*3*4+...+8*9*10-7*8*9) =1/6*8*9*10 =120 公式:1*2+2*3+3*4+...+n(n+1)=1/3n(n+1)(n+2)

sigma notation

就是大写Σ用于数学上的总和符号,比如:∑Pi,其中i=1,2,...,T,即为求P1 + P2 + ...+ PT的和

什么是index notation?

index notation是"指数记数法"的意思.

bigoh notation里面的c 和n0是什么意思

首先我们说一下big-O定义:(big-Oh notation) 我们把函数t(n)包含在O(g(n))中,记作t(n)=O(g(n));它成立的条件是:对于足够大的n,t(n)的上界由g(n)的常熟倍所确定,也就是说, 存在大于0的常熟c和非负的整数n0,使得: 对于所有的n>=n0来说,t(n)

index notation 什么意思哦


connotation denotation 怎么记住?

就是前面有点不同嘛 应该很好记啊connotation :含蓄 内涵denotation:指示看几遍 强化下就OK了

function notation是什么意思


求文档: BV cleanship 请提供其详细的解释。 该符号为船级社notation


什么是set builder notation


scientific notation是什么意思

scientific notation[英][u02ccsaiu0259nu02c8tifik nu0259uu02c8teiu0283u0259n][美][u02ccsau026au0259nu02c8tu026afu026ak nou02c8teu0283u0259n]科学记数法; 例句:1.Always use in scientific notation. 始终使用科学记数法。2.You have to put your total number of dives in scientific notation. 你不得不用科学技术法记录你的总潜数。3.For example, format specifiers indicate whether a formatted number should be represented in scientific notation, or whether a formatted date should present the month as a number or a name. 例如,格式说明符指示:是否应该用科学记数法来表示格式化的数字,或者,格式化的日期在表示月份时应该用数字还是用名称。


可以试试:使用SolrQuery对象,SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();//组装查询条件solrQuery.setQuery("*:*");String key = "java3";solrQuery.addFilterQuery("content:" + "*"+key+"*" );试试吧


collection英 [ku0259u02c8leku0283n] 美 [ku0259u02c8lu025bku0283u0259n]n.征收; 收集,采集; 收藏品; 募捐;[例句]Computer systems to speed up collection of information加速信息收集的计算机系统[其他]复数:collections 形近词: bilection election selection--core英 [ku0254:(r)] 美 [ku0254r, kor]n.中心,核心,精髓; 果心,果核; [地质学] 地核; [计] 磁心;vt.去(果)核,挖去…的果心; 提取岩芯; (样品)[例句]Temperatures in this range, it seems, help facilitate the decrease incore body temperature that in turn initiates sleepiness.温度处于这个范围内,似乎利于中心体温的降低,而中心体温降低反过来利于睡眠。[其他]第三人称单数:cores 复数:cores 现在分词:coring 过去式:cored 过去分词:cored

scientific notation是什么意思


求文档: BV cleanship 请提供其详细的解释。 该符号为船级社notation

应该是BV的附加入级符号(Additional notation)吧,找一份BV船级社规范,目前最新的是2011版。关于清洁船(Cleanship),Part E Additional Class Notations,Chapter 9 POLLUTION PREVENTION (CLEANSHIP),如果你需要我可以传给你这个章节。

如何制作notation list 在latex

直接用大写的O就可以,很多教材包括Wiki上对Big O notation的介绍都是直接大写的O。



with some abuse of notation是什么意思



1、将解压包中的solr-4.7.1/dist/solr-4.7.1.war复制到tomcat_dir/webapps/目录,并命名为solr.war。2、将solr-4.7.1/example/lib/ext/目录下的jar文件复制到tomcat/lib目录下,将solr-4.7.1/example/resources/下的log4j.properties文件复制到tomcat_dir/lib目录下;切把 solr-4.7.1/example/solr,复制到tomcat_dir/bin下。3、修改tomcat_dir/conf/server.xml<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"connectionTimeout="20000"redirectPort="8443" URIEncoding="UTF-8" />4、创建solr.xml,存放在路径:tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/solr.xml,内容:<Context path="/solr" docBase="C:Tomcat 7.0webappssolr.war"debug="0" crossContext="true"><Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="C:Tomcat 7.0insolr" override="true" /></Context>PS:上面的docBase和value路径中不能存在中文字符,否则会出现404错误。5、将C:Tomcat 7.0webapps下的solr.war包,启动项目解压;然后再添加几个jar包:solr-4.7.1distsolr-dataimporthandler-4.7.1.jar;solr-4.7.1distsolr-dataimporthandler-extras-4.7.1.jar;还要加载数据库驱动包:mysql-connector-java-3.1.13-bin.jar6、在C:Tomcat 7.0insolrcollection1conf 下的solrconfig.xml增加以下数据库配置:<requestHandler name="/dataimport" class="org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImportHandler"> <lst name="defaults"> <str name="config">data-config.xml</str> </lst> </requestHandler>7、将tomcatinsolrcollection1conf下增加data-config.xml文件,内容如下:<dataConfig> <dataSource type="JdbcDataSource" driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://" user="root" password="123456"/> <document name="content"> <entity name="node" query="select id,author,title,content from solrdb"> <field column="id" name="id" /> <field column="author" name="author" /> <field column="title" name="title" /> <field column="content" name="content" /></entity> </document> </dataConfig>8、增加中文分词器,ik-analyzer的配置如下:①目前的中文分词主要有两种 1,基于中科院ICTCLAS的隐式马尔科夫hhmm算法的中文分词器,例如smartcn等。(不支持自定义扩展词库) 2,基于正向迭代最细粒度切分算法(正向最大匹配并且最细分词)例如IK,庖丁等(支持自定义扩展词库) 安装分词前,可以去下载IK的分词包 :IK-Analyzer-4.7.1-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar下载完毕后,将此包放进tomcatsolr的WEB-INFlib下面:tomcatwebappssolrWEB-INFlib 。下面需要在solr的schemal.xml进行分词器注册:<!-- 配置IK分词器 --> <fieldType name="text_ik" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100"><analyzer type="index"> <!-- 分词--> <tokenizer class="org.wltea.analyzer.lucene.IKTokenizerFactory"/> <!-- 禁用词过滤根据情况使用--> <!-- <filter class="org.wltea.analyzer.lucene.IKStopFilterFactory"/> --> </analyzer> <analyzer type="query"> <!-- 分词--> <tokenizer class="org.wltea.analyzer.lucene.IKTokenizerFactory"/> <!-- 禁用词过滤根据情况使用--> <!-- <filter class="org.wltea.analyzer.lucene.IKStopFilterFactory"/>--> </analyzer> </fieldType>最后还得配置一个引用字段就OK了<field name="ik" type="text_ik" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>②它的安装部署十分简单,将IKAnalyzer2012.jar部署亍项目的lib目录中;IKAnalyzer.cfg.xml不stopword.dic文件放置在class根目录(对于web项目,通常是WEB-I NF/classes目彔,同hibernate、log4j等配置文件相同)下即可 ;然后配置solr4.7中schema.xml配置解析器:<schema name="example" version="1.1"> …… <fieldType name="text" class="solr.TextField"> <analyzer class="org.wltea.analyzer.lucene.IKAnalyzer"/> </fieldType>…… </schema>

外贸中 on board notation 什么意思

on board notation --装船批注。 一般提单有印就"已装船"("Shipped in apparent good order and condition on board…")字样的,毋须加"装船批注"("On board notation");也有印就"收妥待运"("Received in apparent good order and condition for shipment…")字样的则必须再加"装船批注"并加上装船日期。祝你好运哦。

set notation怎么表示

set notation. 应该是指the notation of set.即用特殊符号表示set(集合),比如说:u2205--empty(nall) set(空集)Z-- integer set(整数集)N--natural number(自然数集)Q--rational numbers (有理数集)R--real numbers (实数集)C--complex numbers (复数集)ζ--universal set(全集)还有补集等,不表。部分资料引用于维基百科

notation system是什么意思

notation system英 [nu0259uu02c8teiu0283u0259n u02c8sistu0259m] 美 [nou02c8teu0283u0259n u02c8su026astu0259m]记数系统,记数制记数系统;记数法;记数法中双语例句1. Music has a special system of notation. 音乐有一套特殊的标记法.2. A digit in the notation system with 3 as radix. 以3为基数的记数法中的一个数位.3. A number system written to the base two notation. 一种使用以2为基数的记数法的数制.4. Music has a special system of notation, and so does chemistry. 音乐有一个特殊的符号的系统, 化学也有.5. Music a special system of notation. 音乐有一套专用的“标志”法.


symbol:A printed or written sign used to represent an operation, an element, a quantity, a quality, or a relation.符号,代号:印刷的或书面的符号,用来代表某一操作、要素、数量、质量或某种联系.notation:A brief note; an annotation:记号;符号symbol 多用于象征。 比如说。 他象征的王位的权利而notation 就是我们说的标点符号之类的符号的意思。symbol 其实没有标点符号的意思。。

Notations 是什么意思



你好!notation 英[nu0259u028a"teu026au0283n] 美[nou02c8teu0283u0259n] n. 记号,标记法 名词复数:notations [例句]This is the largest number representable with standard roman numeral notation.这是罗马符号中能表示出来的最大数字。希望对你有所帮助!


interval notation间隔符号;区间符号例句1.Interval notation is a way of writing subsets of the real number line.Interval notation is a way of writing subsets of the real number line.区间表示法是实数系的一种写子集的方法。2.To write this interval in interval notation, we use closed brackets [ ].为了写这段时间间隔符号,我们使用封闭的括号[ ]。


i...........don"t know


 collection英 [ku0259u02c8leku0283n] 美 [ku0259u02c8lu025bku0283u0259n]  n.征收; 收集,采集; 收藏品; 募捐;  [例句]Computer systems to speed up collection of information  加速信息收集的计算机系统  [其他]复数:collections 形近词: bilection election selection  --  core英 [ku0254:(r)] 美 [ku0254r, kor]  n.中心,核心,精髓; 果心,果核; [地质学] 地核; [计] 磁心;  vt.去(果)核,挖去…的果心; 提取岩芯; (样品)  [例句]Temperatures in this range, it seems, help facilitate the decrease in core body temperature that in turn initiates sleepiness.  温度处于这个范围内,似乎利于中心体温的降低,而中心体温降低反过来利于睡眠。  [其他]第三人称单数:cores 复数:cores 现在分词:coring 过去式:cored 过去分词:cored

as hungry as a lion

as sharp as s spear-聪明过人 as hungry as a lion-像雄狮一样凶猛 as sharp as a spear-像尖矛一样锋利 as busy as a bee-像蜜蜂一样勤快 as sly as a fox-像狐狸一样狡猾

onboard lan option rom是什么意思


在bios里面onboard usb function usb function for dos 是什么意思

USB功能 和 USB在DOS里的功能然后选开启或者禁止 补充:说白了就是是否起用USB接口 一般选则启用 你开机的时候想从U盘启动 就必须在BIOS里选则起用

WIP Completion是什么意思?


splice junction是什么意思

splice junction[遗] 剪接点

Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (KB892130)是什么东西啊


National Stadium是什么意思

National Stadium中文意思:国家体育场例句1、The National Stadium is called the bird"s nest.我们的国家体育场被称为鸟巢。2、Three new competition venues have been built: the National Stadium, National Aquatics Centre and National Indoor Stadium.北京即将建成三个竞赛场地,国家体育场,国家水上运动中心,国家室内体育场。3、Design and Installation of the Torch in Vietnam National Stadium越南国家体育场火炬设计与施工安装4、I"d love to see the new National Stadium.我想看看奥林匹克体育场。5、CATIA software is used to build the complicated geometric model in the revised preliminary design of National Stadium Beijing.在国家体育场修改初步设计中首次采用CATIA软件,解决复杂建筑的空间建模问题;

national stadium怎么读

National Stadiumn.国家体育场,俗称“鸟巢”; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Drummers perform during the opening ceremony for the 2008 beijing summer olympics at the national stadium on august 8, 2008 in beijing. 在2008年8月8日的中国国家体育中心里,鼓手在开幕式上为2008年北京夏季奥运会进行表演。

National Stadium是什么意思

国家剧院 希望能帮到您 望采纳 谢谢

National Stadium是什么意思


National Stadium是什么意思


Jumper (2006 Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Jumper (2006 Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Third Eye Blind专辑:A CollectionI wish you would step back from that ledge, my friendYou could cut ties with all the lies that you been living inAnd if you do not want to see me againI would understandI would understandThe angry boy, a bit too insaneIcing over a secret painYou know you don"t belongYou"re the first to fightYou"re way too loudYou"re the flash of light on a burial shroudI know something"s wrongWell everyone I know has got a reasonTo sayPut the past awayI wish you would step back from that ledge, my friendYou could cut ties with all the lies that you been living inAnd if you do not want to see me againI would understandI would understandWell, he"s on the table and he"s gone to codeAnd I do not think anyone knowsWhat they are doing hereAnd your friends have leftYou"ve been dismissedI never thought it would come to thisAnd II want you to knowEveryone"s got to face down the demonsMaybe todayWe can put the past awayI wish you would step back from that ledge, my friendYou could cut ties with all the lies that you been living inAnd if you do not want to see me againI would understandI would understandI would understandCan you put the past awayI wish you would step back from that ledge, my friendI would understandRepeat...


prescription 处方,药方;处方上开的药medicine药pill药片

Kings Horses (Digital Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Kings Horses (Digital Album Version)歌手:Jet专辑:Shine OnJokers believe what they"re told more or lessSo pull up an armchair lets drink to successEveryone laughed at the things that you saidAt all the kings horses and all the kings menWhen the back lights have brokenThen all that you built will come tumbling downDon"t try to hold itYou know you can always start over againTell me a story or sing me a tuneRemember the one "bout the man on the moon?In the morning i swear i will tell you the truthHow you receive it, well, that"s up to youWhen the back lights have brokenThen all that you built will come tumbling downDon"t try to hold itYou know you can always start over againI know i should ask youBut everyone got scaredI just want to help youBut everyone got scaredscaredscaredI should have told youThat everyone knows what they wished they had saidNow the back lights have brokenAnd all that you built has come tumbling downSo don"t try to hold itYou know you can always start over again

King Of Kings (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:King Of Kings (Album Version)歌手:Barren Cross专辑:Hotter Than Hell LiveBehold the King, the King of Kings.On your knees dog. All hail.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.The King grinned red as he walked from the blaze,Where the traitor lost both his name and his face.Through the halls and the corridors stinging in blood,He tasted his grin and it tasted good.The King took his head. Left him broken and dead.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.The King left none living, none able to tell.The King took their heads and he sent them to hell.Their screams echoed loud in the place of their death.Ripped open they died. With their final breath.They hailed to the King, the King of Kings.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Into the dirt, his will be done.Now feel your fear, there can be only one.Bow down, bow down, bow down to the ...Bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down to the ...Bow down, bow down to the...Bow down to the, bow down to the King.Bow down to the ...Bow down, bow down, bow down.The King is here, now feel your fear.The King of Kings.All hail, all hail the King.On your knees, on your knees for the King.The King of Kings, there is only one

Sorrow (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Sorrow (Album Version)歌手:Bad Religion专辑:The Process Of Belief旧爱梦 难再种抛进星空没说话 愿放松心凝重 别了后人变冻 衰痛千种泪淌下 但你心不为动 没再聚没再骤人已醉 不要空虚是放下 难再追心疲累You made me sorrow已凄息于晚风中Don"t let me sorrow往昔的真爱伤送去振作重头面对再见了别再三强求谁没错漏这错爱为何尚有过往一切将变旧从新再接受美世界再来合奏放弃往日那哀与愁回复美貌过往去为情闷透困恼的缺口已碎掉在手若理会 情与爱 都有真假现蓄备 难再侵 安全吧没顾忌 没记挂 心里开花若以后 可挑选 不会爱吧You made me sorrow这多么冰冷的嘴Don"t let me sorrow这杯中的冷水混入眼泪别后那用记取


Swagger2一些常用注解 最近遇到了一个使用swagger来生成接口文档的项目,在controller看到了一些没用过的注解(@API、@ApiOperation等),遂记录一下 @API 使用在类上,表明是swagger资源,@API拥有两个属性:value、tags,源码如下 //If tags is not used,this value will be used to set the tag for the operations described by this resource. Otherwise, the value will be ignored. String value() default ""; //Tags can be used for logical grouping of operations by resources or any other qualifier. String[] tags() default {""}; 1 2 3 4 5 生成的api文档会根据tags分类,直白的说就是这个controller中的所有接口生成的接口文档都会在tags这个list下;tags如果有多个值,会生成多个list,每个list都显示所有接口 @Api(tags = "列表1") @Api(tags = {"列表1","列表2"}) 1 2 value的作用类似tags,但是不能有多个值 @ApiOperation 使用于在方法上,表示一个http请求的操作 源码中属性太多,记几个比较常用 value用于方法描述 notes用于提示内容 tags可以重新分组(视情况而用) @ApiParam 使用在方法上或者参数上,字段说明;表示对参数的添加元数据(说明或是否必填等) name–参数名 value–参数说明 required–是否必填 @ApiModel() 使用在类上,表示对类进行说明,用于参数用实体类接收 value–表示对象名 description–描述 @ApiModelProperty() 使用在方法,字段上,表示对model属性的说明或者数据操作更改 value–字段说明 name–重写属性名字 dataType–重写属性类型 required–是否必填 example–举例说明 hidden–隐藏

Mele Kalikimaka (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Mele Kalikimaka (Album Version)歌手:Arthur Lyman专辑:With A Christmas Vibechris isaak - mele kalikimakaMele Kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian Christmas DayThat"s the island greeting that we send to youfrom the land where palm trees swayHere we know that Christmas will be green and brightThe sun will shine by day and all the stars at nightMele Kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian Christmas DayMele Kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian Christmas DayThat"s the island greeting that we send to youfrom the land where palm trees swayHere we know that Christmas will be green and brightThe sun will shine by day and all the stars at nightMele Kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian ChristmasMerry Merry ChristmasMerry Merry Christmas to you

1、As we know, fashions ___ ____ _____these days. 众所周知,如今的时尚来的快也去的快

2、When we got home in the evening,we were __TOO_ tired __TO__ say a word当我们晚上到家的时候,我们累得说不出话了3、Dr.Li thinks the book is _OF __ __MUCH / GREAT __ __VALUE__李博士认为这本书很有价值4、I find __IT __ __GREAT / MUCH__ __FUN___ reading books我每天从书中获得极大的乐趣5 、Tom is the tallest boy in his class Tom is _TALLER __ ___THAN _ __ANY __ _OTHER___ __BOY___ in his class (同义句)6、Robots can do dangerous work instad of humans Robots can _REPLACE__ _HUMANS_ __TO __ _DO___ humans to do dangerous work (同上)7、 Li peng wasn`t careful enough to find the mistakes Li peng was __TOO_ __CARELESS__ _TO___ find the mistakes (同上)8、 She often reads some books in the library She often ___DOES_ ___SOME_ _READING___ in the library (同上)9、I think you will enioy them. I _DON"T__ think you __WILL_ enioy them (否定句)10、He isn`t in the classroom. He _MUST__ _BE__ on the playground .他不在教室里,他一定在操场上。

Pivot position in a matrix的定义




3 Does easier-prepared food improve the way people live? Due to the fierce competition in modern so

People today can prepare their meal much easier than has ever been before. To prepare a single dinner, provident housewives usually had to work for hours in the past: they had to buy home dirty vegetables which had to wash, meat which had to slice, and so on and so forth. Each and every step of preparation was a time-consuming task. But now, things are entirely different. Supermarkets provide vegetable and meat clean and neat, some of them even have relevant ingredients and need only a few minutes to be made into delicious meals. And this change has indeed greatly improved the way people live. In a sense, food preparation is no longer a tedious task, at least much easier to tolerate. Such a change has liberated many women and given them chance to do more meaningful things, for example, a higher pay job or a more respectful one. On the other hand, more men are becoming willing to do the thing that they once hated so much, and in some cases such transformation of men brought dramatic positive impact on the family. Today, it"s not hard to imagine a wife comes home after a day"s hard work and how delightful she is to find out his husband has already prepared her several her favorite dishes! Children can more easily become independent---at least they can make themselves breakfasts or dinners when parents are occasionally not present. But such a change has also brought some unexpected consequences. Girls nowadays are becoming more and more reluctant to deem household work as their responsibility. The reason is quite straightforward: it was once really ridiculous to insist men do trivial household work rather than go work and earn money to support family, but conditions have altered now, girls might think:” I can work as well, or maybe I can earn a higher salary than you do, dear boy friend, if you want to marry me, answer me one question first, will you prepare me a breakfast and dinner every day?” And some boys, on the other hand, are becoming hesitant to get married, or simply remain solitary, among miscellaneous reasons they do so is one thing: “I can take care of myself, at least I don"t really need someone prepare me dinner!” Anyway, such a change is positive and it did improve the quality of people"s life. At least it has brought girls, boys, husbands, wives, children and everyone else who has to prepare food an opportunity, no matter what kind of opportunity it is.

circumstance, situation, state, environment, condition如何区别?

这五个词的区别我懂,circumstance常用于描述特定事件或情况发生的时间和地点背景。situation更常用于描述当前的情况、状态或局势。state更侧重于描述某个特定事物或个体的状态,无时间或地点要求。environment主要用于描述周围的自然、物理或社会条件。condition更侧重于描述某个人、事物或地方的特定状态或条件。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下circumstance、 situation、 state 、environment、condition的其他区别:1.内容范围区别:- circumstance:通常指特定的事件、情况或条件,包括人们所处的环境、时间、地点等因素。- situation:更广泛地指一个特定的状况或境况,通常描述当前的情况、状态或局势。- state:指某人、某物或某个地方的特定状态或状况。- environment:指周围的自然、物理或社会条件,包括身处的生态系统、工作环境等。- condition:指某人、某物或某个地方的特定状态或条件。例句:- The circumstances surrounding the crime are still unclear. (围绕着这起犯罪的情况仍不清楚。)- The company is currently facing a difficult situation due to financial issues. (公司目前因财务问题而面临困境。)- The state of the car after the accident was beyond repair. (事故后车辆的状态无法修复。)- They are committed to creating a safe and healthy environment for their employees. (他们致力于为员工创造一个安全和健康的环境。)- The patient"s condition has worsened over the past few days. (这位患者的状况在过去几天里恶化了。)2. 强调程度区别:- circumstance:强调不同因素或条件对特定情况的影响或决定作用。- situation:强调某种状态或事件对当前情况的影响或急需应对。- state:强调某人或某物的具体状态或状况。- environment:强调周围环境对某人或某物的重要影响。- condition:强调某人或某物的特定状态或状况。例句:- Under these circumstances, we have no other choice but to cancel the event. (在这种情况下,我们别无选择,只能取消这个活动。)- The current situation requires immediate attention and action. (当前形势需要立即予以关注和行动。)- The state of the patient"s health is improving slowly. (患者的健康状况正在缓慢地好转。)- Growing up in a nurturing environment can have a positive impact on a child"s development. (在一个培育环境中成长可以对孩子的发展产生积极影响。)- The poor living conditions in the area are of great concern. (该地区恶劣的生活条件令人担忧。)3. 时间和空间维度区别:- circumstance:常用于描述特定事件或情况发生的时间和地点背景。- situation:更常用于描述当前的情况、状态或局势。- state:更侧重于描述某个特定事物或个体的状态,无时间或地点要求。- environment:主要用于描述周围的自然、物理或社会条件。- condition:更侧重于描述某个人、事物或地方的特定状态或条件。例句:- In the circumstances, we had no choice but to proceed with the plan. (在这种情况下,我们别无选择,只能继续执行计划。)- The current situation in the country is causing concern among the citizens. (国家目前的情况引发了公民的担忧。)- The state of the patient"s mental health has improved significantly. (患者的心理健康状况有了显著改善。)- The tropical rainforest environment is home to a diverse range of species. (热带雨林环境是多种物种的家园。)- The condition of the road deteriorated after heavy rainfall. (大雨过后,道路的状况恶化了。)


这五个词的区别我懂,circumstance常用于描述特定事件或情况发生的时间和地点背景。situation更常用于描述当前的情况、状态或局势。state更侧重于描述某个特定事物或个体的状态,无时间或地点要求。environment主要用于描述周围的自然、物理或社会条件。condition更侧重于描述某个人、事物或地方的特定状态或条件。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下circumstance、 situation、 state 、environment、condition的其他区别:1.内容范围区别:- circumstance:通常指特定的事件、情况或条件,包括人们所处的环境、时间、地点等因素。- situation:更广泛地指一个特定的状况或境况,通常描述当前的情况、状态或局势。- state:指某人、某物或某个地方的特定状态或状况。- environment:指周围的自然、物理或社会条件,包括身处的生态系统、工作环境等。- condition:指某人、某物或某个地方的特定状态或条件。例句:- The circumstances surrounding the crime are still unclear. (围绕着这起犯罪的情况仍不清楚。)- The company is currently facing a difficult situation due to financial issues. (公司目前因财务问题而面临困境。)- The state of the car after the accident was beyond repair. (事故后车辆的状态无法修复。)- They are committed to creating a safe and healthy environment for their employees. (他们致力于为员工创造一个安全和健康的环境。)- The patient"s condition has worsened over the past few days. (这位患者的状况在过去几天里恶化了。)2. 强调程度区别:- circumstance:强调不同因素或条件对特定情况的影响或决定作用。- situation:强调某种状态或事件对当前情况的影响或急需应对。- state:强调某人或某物的具体状态或状况。- environment:强调周围环境对某人或某物的重要影响。- condition:强调某人或某物的特定状态或状况。例句:- Under these circumstances, we have no other choice but to cancel the event. (在这种情况下,我们别无选择,只能取消这个活动。)- The current situation requires immediate attention and action. (当前形势需要立即予以关注和行动。)- The state of the patient"s health is improving slowly. (患者的健康状况正在缓慢地好转。)- Growing up in a nurturing environment can have a positive impact on a child"s development. (在一个培育环境中成长可以对孩子的发展产生积极影响。)- The poor living conditions in the area are of great concern. (该地区恶劣的生活条件令人担忧。)3. 时间和空间维度区别:- circumstance:常用于描述特定事件或情况发生的时间和地点背景。- situation:更常用于描述当前的情况、状态或局势。- state:更侧重于描述某个特定事物或个体的状态,无时间或地点要求。- environment:主要用于描述周围的自然、物理或社会条件。- condition:更侧重于描述某个人、事物或地方的特定状态或条件。例句:- In the circumstances, we had no choice but to proceed with the plan. (在这种情况下,我们别无选择,只能继续执行计划。)- The current situation in the country is causing concern among the citizens. (国家目前的情况引发了公民的担忧。)- The state of the patient"s mental health has improved significantly. (患者的心理健康状况有了显著改善。)- The tropical rainforest environment is home to a diverse range of species. (热带雨林环境是多种物种的家园。)- The condition of the road deteriorated after heavy rainfall. (大雨过后,道路的状况恶化了。)

office professional plus 2013 验证码,可行的,不行不要浪费时间。或则下图。

1、建议用KMSAuto Pro Net 2015 1.3.8激活工具直接激活,关闭杀毒软件和防火墙,运行后自动激活office2010/13/16/win7/8/8.1/10系列系统。2、电话或密钥激活比较费时间,软件激活方法已经很常见了,成功率也高,没必要用电话或密钥激活。该工具可以自动将零售版转换为VOL版。只要不卸载相关服务,是自动续期永久激活的。

WWDC 2015 有哪些值得关注的 session

个人比较喜欢的:0、Designing for future hardware WWDC 2015 - Videos做产品原型的,可以看看。标题虽是设计未来的硬件,但是大部分内容还是手把手的教制作产品原型,节省时间成本,会上讲的是一个快速制作烤面包的硬件与App的结合,很生动很风趣的例子。1、Audio Unit extension WWDC 2015 - Videos<img src="" data-rawwidth="569" data-rawheight="469" class="origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb" width="569" data-original="">以后可以直接写音频扩展插件plug-ins提到App Store. 这个原本是只能在pc时代的音频插件(win上vst插件,OSX 上AU插件,RATS),如今搬到了IOS上。就像之前宿主软件Host application(例如GarageBand IOS)加插件调参数需要不断在应用间来回切换,现在可以直接在宿主里直接调了。在IOS平台上可以称得上是"A Revolution" 。以后可以直接写音频扩展插件plug-ins提到App Store. 这个原本是只能在pc时代的音频插件(win上vst插件,OSX 上AU插件,RATS),如今搬到了IOS上。就像之前宿主软件Host application(例如GarageBand IOS)加插件调参数需要不断在应用间来回切换,现在可以直接在宿主里直接调了。在IOS平台上可以称得上是"A Revolution" 。以后GarageBand IOS版就像下面这样,开发者可以自己写音乐Instrument 或者plug-ins,而GarageBand iOS就变成宿主平台了。又带活了移动端的音频产业。“人人有功练”在苹果时代就变成人人有音乐做。个人认为这个Audio Unit extension技术将是划时代的。<img src="" data-rawwidth="616" data-rawheight="430" class="origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb" width="616" data-original="">2、Apple design Award2015 WWDC 2015 - Videos这个值得一看,可以大致看到Apple的评判标准。不同领域,激发思维,合适的运用苹果的框架,遵循iOS human interface guidelines,上乘设计等3、what"s new 系列XCode:WWDC 2015 - VideosSwift:WWDC 2015 - VideosCocoaTouch:WWDC 2015 - Videos

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安装SIMOTION SCOUT V4.4时提示创建配置文件失败。如何解决?

SCOUT安装程序不允许SIMOTION SCOUT V4.4.0.11安装在一台已经安装了STARTER V4.3.3.0或者STEP7-MICRO/WIN V4.0.9.25的电脑上。然而,将STEP7-MICRO/WIN V4.0.9.25安装在一台已经装了STARTER V4.3.3.0或者SIMOTION SCOUT V4.4.0.11的电脑上是可以的。这意味着,这几款软件可以装在同一台电脑上:1.卸载STEP7-MICRO/WIN V4.0.9.252.卸载STARTER V4.3.3.03.安装SIMOTION SCOUT V4.4.0.114.安装STARTER V4.3.3.05.安装STEP7-MICRO/WIN V4.0.9.25同时运行SIMOTION SCOUT V4.4.0.11和STARTER和STEP7-MICRO/WIN是不行的。

pinion shaft 和gear shaft的区别

gear wheel:齿轮;大齿轮; 求购齿轮; wheel gear:齿轮;小齿轮; 摩托车凸轮轴; 大齿轮请采纳!

Twisted (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Twisted (Lp Version)歌手:Keith Sweat专辑:Keith SweatRight here, babyYou"ve got to make your mind upYeahCome close, i"m hereYou know you are my loverYou"ve got me twisted over youI know I got what you need (right here, baby)So what you wanna do?Maybe, baby, I knowMaybe I love you soBut you don"t feel like I doTell me, what can I do?But I gotta be strong (but I gotta be strong)You did me wrongWhen I thought we were really downSo you say you want me,Make up your mind"Cause i"m not gunna be here for longYou know you are my loverYou"ve got me twisted over youI know I got what you need (right here, baby)So what you wanna do?Maybe, baby, in timeMaybe, i"ll know you"ll findThat what you needed was hereThink about it, my dearBut I gotta be strong (but I gotta be strong)You did me wrongWhen I thought we were really down (I thought we were down)So you say you want me,Make up your mind"Cause i"m not gunna be here for longYou know you are my loverYou"ve got me twisted over youI know I got what you need (right here, baby)So what you wanna do?

Runaway (Dj Manion Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway (Dj Manion Remix)歌手:Groove Coverage专辑:Runawayi wannna knowthe structure of your heartwhy did you tearmy broken soul apartis it a dreamor my realityloved and withoutafter warrantyOoO i want to runawayyou tell me nothing else but liesi"m singinOoO i try to runawaycause i just want to live my lifei"m singinOoO i want to runawayas long you are by my sidei"m singinOoO i try to runawaybut i can′t find a place to hideno i am notyour Xing second choiceno i am notturnin down my voiceuntil you understandthere"s nothing to commanduntil you realizethat we can touch the skycan"t you feelinside us controlcan"t you feelthere"s nothing at allOoO i want to runawayyou tell me nothing else but liesi"m singinOoO i try to runawaycause i just want to live my lifei"m singinOoO i want to runawayas long you are by my sidei"m singinOoO i try to runawaybut i can′t find a place to hide

Runaway (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway (Album Version)歌手:Grum专辑:HeartbeatsLinkin Park - RunawayGraffiti decorationsUnderneath a sky of dustA constant wave of tensionOn top of broken trustThe lessons that you taught meI learn were never trueNow I find myself in questionThey point the finger at me againGuilty by associationYou point the finger at me againI wanna run awayNever say goodbyeI wanna know the truthInstead of wondering whyI wanna know the answersNo more liesI wanna shut the doorAnd open up my mindPaper bags and angry voicesUnder a sky of dustAnother wave of tensionHas more than filled me upAll my talk of taking actionThese words were never trueI gonna run away and never say goodbyeGonna run away, gonna run awayI gonna run away and never wonder whyI gonna run away and open up my mind

Runaway (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway (Album Version)歌手:Linkin Park专辑:Hybrid TheoryLinkin Park - RunawayGraffiti decorationsUnderneath a sky of dustA constant wave of tensionOn top of broken trustThe lessons that you taught meI learn were never trueNow I find myself in questionThey point the finger at me againGuilty by associationYou point the finger at me againI wanna run awayNever say goodbyeI wanna know the truthInstead of wondering whyI wanna know the answersNo more liesI wanna shut the doorAnd open up my mindPaper bags and angry voicesUnder a sky of dustAnother wave of tensionHas more than filled me upAll my talk of taking actionThese words were never trueI gonna run away and never say goodbyeGonna run away, gonna run awayI gonna run away and never wonder whyI gonna run away and open up my mind

Whatever You Like [Live From The Vmas Version] 歌词

歌曲名:Whatever You Like [Live From The Vmas Version]歌手:T.I.专辑:Paper TrailT.I. - Whatever You LikeI said you can have whatever you likeI said you can have whatever you likeStacks on deck, patron on iceWe can pop bottles all nightBaby you can have whatever you likeI said you can have whatever you like (Yeah)Late night sex so wet and so tightGas up the jet for you tonight and baby you can go where ever you likeI said you can go where ever you likeAnytime you want toPick up the telephone youKnow it ain"t nothin to drop a couple stacks on youWant it you can get it my dear5 million dollar homes drop business I swearI want your bodyNeed your bodyAs long as you got me you don"t need nobodyYou want it I got itGo get I"ll buy itTell them other broke niggas be quietStacks on deck, patron on iceWe can pop bottles all nightBaby you can have whatever you likeI said you can have whatever you like (Yeah)Late night sex so wet and so tightGas up the jet for you tonight and baby you can go where ever you likeI said you can go where ever you likeShawty you the hottestLove the way you drop itBrain so good swore you went to collegeHoney can"t deposit vactions in the tropicCause everybody know it a"int tricking if you got itAnd you ain"t never ever gotta go in your walletLong as I got rubberband banks in my pockets5 6 ride with rims and a body kitYou ain"t gotta downgrade you can get what I getMy chick can have what she wantYou go in any store buy anything she wantI notice you ain"t ever had a man like thatTo buy you anything your heart desire like thatI want your bodyNeed your bodyAs long as you got me you don"t need nobodyYou want it I got itGo get I"ll buy itTell them other broke niggas be quietStacks on deck, patron on iceWe can pop bottles all nightBaby you can have whatever you likeI said you can have whatever you like (Yeah)Late night sex so wet and so tightGas up the jet for you tonight and baby you can go where ever you likeI said you can go where ever you likeI"m talkin big boy rides and big boy iceLet me put this big boy in your lifeThe thing get so wet it hit so rightLet me put this big boy in your life that"s rightI want your bodyNeed your bodyAs long as you got me you don"t need nobodyYou want it I got itGo get I"ll buy itTell them other broke niggas be quietStacks on deck, patron on iceWe can pop bottles all nightBaby you can have whatever you likeI said you can have whatever you like (Yeah)Late night sex so wet and so tightGas up the jet for you tonight and baby you can go where ever you likeI said you can go where ever you like




一般session数据保存有以下几种方式: 1.直接存储在cookie(服务器端不保存),例如flask中,默认的session是经过加密保存在cookie中的. 2.在cookie中保存一个session_id,然后在服务器端通过session_id查询该cookie. 现在基于第二种在tornado中实现session. 首先拿一个dict来存储session_id和对应的数据. 然后实现这个session类 然后通过重写tornado的RequestHandler的initialize方法来增加session扩展。 这样就可以在每个handler里使用session了 把session数据存在字典显然不是个好办法,因为每次服务重启会导致session失效,而且也不能自定义session的有效期。 改用redis存储: 在redis中以hash的形式存储,key为 tornado_session 加上session_id,value为序列化后的dict对象。 这样利用redis的expire可以设置session的有效期。


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