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羽田机场 去 池袋 sunshine city prince 酒店

1. 由羽田机场坐uff62京浜急行uff63 去uff62品川(Shinagawa)uff63站、转搭JRuff62山手线uff63到池袋。或羽田机场坐uff62单轨电车(モノレールu30fbMonorail)uff63去浜松町(Hamamatsu-cho)uff63站、转搭JRuff62山手线uff63到池袋。由池袋东口走5分钟左右就到Sunshine City Prince Hotel。 图片参考 2. 由池袋搭JR山手线到渋谷(Shibuya)、转搭uff62东急东横线uff63(直通Minato mirai Line)在新高岛站下车。2号出口出来、走10分钟左右。 (有指示牌) 图片参考 图片参考 除了横滨面包超人馆之外、新宿都有面包超人店。但这间没有横滨面包超人馆那么大、是小小的店子。详情可参考 2008-05-13 21:14:53 补充: 由于东急东横线的特急(Tokkyuu-Express)、急行(Kyuukoo-Semi-Express)不会停uff62新高岛(Shin Takashima)uff63站、建意在渋谷先搭特急或急行然后在uff62菊名(Kikuna)uff63或uff62横浜(Yokohama)uff63转搭各駅(Kakueki-Ordinary)车。千祈不要在渋谷搭各駅车!要坐差不多一倍时间啦!(横浜到新高岛是一个站。) 如果打算在横浜附近玩耐D、可以考虑在渋谷站买Minato Mirai Line 1 Day ticket。包渋谷-横浜来回加任搭Minato Mirai Line。 参考:

Jinci Temple

人说山西好风光,这次呱呱就带大家去那里一个历史非常非常悠久的地方看看。It has a history of more than three thousand years! 它就是千百年来盛名不衰的晋祠。 Jinci was built during the Western Zhou dynasty. It was built to commemorate (纪念) the first king of the Jin kingdom.晋国是西周时候的一个诸侯国。它的第一任国王是周成王的弟弟。The first king was a very good king. Under his rule, the people all lived good lives. After the king died, his people built this temple to pay their respects to him and honor his achievements. Many emperors and peoples of different dynasties built new buildings around the original temple. 直到现在形成了我们今天看到的晋祠。晋祠有三个最有名的景致,就是圣母殿的宋塑侍女、老枝纵横的周柏和长流不息的难老泉。它们被称为晋祠三绝。 宋塑侍女 Saint Mother Hall was built during the Song Dynasty. In this hall there are 43 statues of maidservants. They were made from clay and painted with different colors. 这些侍女有的捧着食物,有的捧着文印,还有的在唱歌跳舞。All of them have different expressions(表情). They all look like real people. 周柏 There are many ancient trees in the temple. 最有名的是一株柏树。It stands on the left of the Saint Mother Hall. It is said that the tree was planted during the Western Zhou dynasty. 算一算,它的年龄比我们要大好多倍呢!除了这颗周柏,还有三颗分别栽种于汉朝、隋朝和唐朝的槐树,也非常有名。 难老泉 难老泉又叫“天下第一泉”。李白的诗句“晋祠流水如碧玉”、“百尺清潭写翠娥”说的就是难老泉。可见在唐代,这泉水就很有名了。You may wonder why the spring was called “Forever Young”. 原来,这泉水无论春夏秋冬,雨多雨少,总是畅流不断。所以人们就取了《诗经》中的一句诗“永锡难老”来给它命名了。 除了这三绝,晋祠还有很多美丽的景致。像“鱼沼飞梁”啦,“不系舟”啦,一时难以说完。If you get the chance to visit it, remember to share what you think with us! If you get photos, please email them to us and let more people enjoy the beautiful Jinci Temple.

真诚地希望 英文 除了sincerely 还能怎么说




Notional principle contract 是什么


finca el mito红酒叫什么名字

finca el mito红酒叫法拉帝国科西嘉红酒。来自法国科西嘉产区的红葡萄酒,是选用35%的涅露秋,35%的歌海娜,15%的西雅卡雷罗和15%的西拉混酿而成的。这款酒呈黑樱桃色,散发着红色水果,紫罗兰,香料,甘草和烤面包的气息。finca el mito法拉帝国科西嘉红酒介绍科西嘉在葡萄酒界似乎并不为人所熟知。不过麻雀虽小,五脏俱全,地中海气候带来法国本土任何一个地方都无法匹及的阳光和干燥,多山的地形赋予了岛上多元化的风土条件。再加上40多种酿酒葡萄,使得科西嘉岛能够出产多种不同风格的葡萄酒,也成为了一个不可忽视的法国葡萄酒产区。科西嘉岛是法国葡萄酒产区,温暖的气候很适合种植葡萄,科西嘉岛桃红葡萄酒占大部分,其次是红葡萄酒,最后白葡萄酒,特点是新酿桃红和白葡萄酒带有海盐的味道,而红葡萄酒适合陈酿。科西嘉的气候非常适合酿酒,平均温度非常温暖,每年只比夏威夷低几度,科西嘉的气候晴朗,虽然气候干旱,但在这种天气下,科西嘉葡萄园的葡萄长得很好。

inCrade Four怎么读

in 英 [ɪn]     美 [ɪn]    grade 英 [ɡreɪd]     美 [ɡreɪd]    four 英 [fɔː(r)]     美 [fɔːr]

according to a study conducted by UNESCO,over 200 ethnic languages went extinct in 2004, primarily

意思能明白的话就很好 理解逗号也就容易了 句子的主体部分就是中间over 200 ethnic languages went extinct in 2004. 而go 的后面接形容词的这种情况很常见 可以看成是主 系 表 结构 extinct 可以看成go 的表语


  在学习英语的过程中我们会遇到许多大大小小的困难,如果来引导时间状语since呢,接下来我在这里给大家带来since的用法及解释,我们一起来看看吧!   since的用法   一.Since作为介词,后接某一确定的时间点,主句谓语动词是持续性动词,常与现在完成时态、现在完成进行时态或过去完成时态连用。例如:   1、He left the village in 1982 and I havenu2019t seen him since then.1982年他离开这个村子,从那以后我再没见过他。   2、Sheu2019s been working in a bank since leaving school.她中学毕业后就一直在一家银行工作。   3.He had spoken to her only once since the party. 自从那次聚会以来,他只跟她说过一次话。   二.Since作为副词,表示从过去以来、以后或到现在的情形或状态,常与现在完成时态连用。例如:   1.He left home two weeks ago and we havenu2019t heard from him since. 他两周前离开了家,到现在我们一直没有他的消息。   2.He came to Zhenjiang 6 years ago and has lived here (ever) since.他6年前来到镇江,从此便住在这里。   三.since引导原因状语从句   作为连词,since可引导原因状语从句,表示因为;既然;鉴于:例如:   1. He didnu2019t come since he was busy.他因为忙,所以没有来。   2. Since this method doesnu2019t work, letu2019s try another.既然这种方法不行,我们就试用另一种吧。   四.Since引导时间状语从句   1.若since引导的状语从句的谓语是终止性动词的过去时,则从句表示的时间是“从动作开始的那一时刻起”。例如:   He has studied very hard since he came to our school.自从他来到我们学校,他学习就非常努力。   We have been missing them since they left here自从他们离开这里,我们就一直很想念他们。   2.若since引导的状语从句的谓语动词是持续性动词或表示状态动词的过去时时,则从句表示的时间是“从动作或状态结束时算起”。例如:   I havenu2019t heard any noise since I slept. Sleep 为持续性动词,sleep的动作结束时,即“醒来”时,所以这句应译为“我醒后还未听到任何声音”。   3.若since引导的状语从句的谓语为持续性动词的现在完成时,则表示动作和状态延续到现在(说话时刻),其表示的时间的起点应从动作发生之时算起。例如:I havenu2019t heard from him since he has lived there。 这里has lived表示动作的持续性,时间的起点应从:“开始居住”时算起。因此此句可理解为“自从他(开始)住在那儿起,我就一直没收到他的来信”。   五.Since在特殊句型中的应用   句型I:“It is (has been)+时间+since+持续性动词的过去时”,表示“自从u2026u2026以来到现在已有多久。”例如:   It has been quite some time since I was last in London.我上次离开伦敦至今颇有一段时间了。   句型II:“It was+时间+since+持续性动词的过去完成时”,表示“从u2026u2026到过去某时间点以来”,例如:It was three years since we had been here.那时我们在这已呆了三年。   since的相关解释   prep.   自u2026以后;从u2026以来;(表示气愤)何曾,什么时候   conj.   从u2026以后;自u2026以来;因为;由于;既然   adv.   自u2026以后;从u2026以来;此后;后来   since的例句   1. In the dozen years since the publication of the first edition of this book, software and interactive products have certainly improved.   本书的第1版问世以来,12年间,软件和交互产品的确有所进步。   2. Texture is seldom useful for conveying differences or calling attention, since it requires a lot of attention to distinguish.   纹理很少被用来表达不同或者引起注意,因为分辨纹理需要很强的注意力。   3. Expanding dialog boxes were big around 1990 but have declined in popularity since then, largely due to the ubiquity of toolbars and tabbed dialogs.   扩展对话框大约在1990年左右非常流行,自那以后主要是因为工具栏和标签对话框的无所不在而走向衰落。   4. It isnu2019t unreasonable to suspect a similar pattern in any kind of interface navigation, since this number is consistent with how much information we can hold in our short-term memories; when there are too many colors, we spend time trying to remember what the colors mean, so that slows us down.   这个数字同我们的短期记忆能力有关,我们的短期记忆仅仅能存储有限的信息。 因此当有太多颜色时,我们的大脑不得不花费额外的时间记住每种颜色的意义,这样便降低了我们的处理速度。 所以,在任何界面的导航中都是这样的情况,我们毫无理由超过这个数字。   5. Ultimately, the use of folders or directories as a primary retrieval mechanism requires that users know where an item has been stored in order to locate it. This is unfortunate, since digital systems are capable of providing us with significantly better methods of finding information than those physically possible using mechanical systems.   所以作为主要检索机制的文件夹或者目录,最终需要使用者知道一个物品到底放在哪个位置,才可以找到它。 这就很不幸了,按道理讲,和各种各样的物理世界中的机械系统相比,数字世界应该有能力提供给我们更加优越的查找信息的手段,我们下面要谈的是如何提高这种检索能力。   6. The document that was current at the time of the version selection will be created as a version itself. Also, since disk space is hardly a scarce resource these days, it makes sense to create versions regularly, in case it doesnu2019t occur to your users.   这个文档在这个时刻也应该成为一个新版本。 另外,既然现在磁盘空间并不是什么稀缺资源,所以有规律地生成版本是有意义的,以防使用者自己没有定时保存。   7. Also, we donu2019t want to rely on hue as the sole communication vector, since color-blindness is quite common.   还有由于存在着色盲现象,因此我们也不能依赖颜色,把它当做是唯一的传达矢量。   8. This behavior makes sense, since scrolling over long distances requires gross motor movements that make it difficult to stay within the bounds of the narrow scrollbar control.   这种行为很有道理,因为长距离的滚动需要粗略运动控制,使其难以保持在滚动条控件的范围内。   9. While multiple Undo is certainly a very useful mechanism, thereu2019s no reason not to finish the job and use our ample computing resources to allow users to Undo just the undesirable actions, instead of everything that has happened since them.   尽管多次撤销显然是很好的,但也没有理由放着充裕的计算机处理能力不用,而让使用者撤销并不想撤销的操作,最后还是撤销了之前全部所有操作。   10. Of course, adjust these properties with restraint, since the most important element doesnu2019t need to be huge, red, and outdented—often, varying just one of these properties will do the trick.   当然,因为最重要的元素也无须同时是巨大且红色,而且还是向外突出的,所以我们要谨慎使用这些属性。 一般来说,调整其中一个属性就可以了。

芭比公主与明星音乐To Be A Princess/To Be A Popstar歌词 记得给分

求类似Hold It Against Me或者DJ Jazzy Jeff&The Fresh Prince-Scream的歌曲。 主要是开车听。节奏感强的。

screamvi.1. 尖叫;放声大哭;放声大笑[(+for/with)]The child bumped into a table and started screaming.这小孩撞上了桌子,大声哭喊起来。2. (机器,汽笛等)发出尖锐刺耳的声音;(鸟等)尖鸣;(风)呼啸They were about to leave when they heard a siren screaming behind them.他们正要离开时,突然听到警报器在背后尖叫起来。3. 刺眼,令人触目惊心4. (歇斯底里地)强烈要求[(+for)]The gang was screaming for the immediate release of their leader.那帮人吵嚷着要求立即释放他们的头儿。5. 大叫大嚷着抗议[(+about)]vt.1. 尖叫着说;尖叫着发出[(+out)][+that]The old lady screamed out that there was a burglar inside the house.老太太尖叫着说房子里有贼。2. 尖叫得使[O8]She screamed herself hoarse.她尖叫得把嗓子喊哑了。3. 大叫大嚷着要求[+to-v]n.1. 尖叫;尖锐刺耳的声音;呼啸声[C]I was awakened by the sound of screams.我被阵阵尖叫声惊醒。2. 【口】极其滑稽可笑的人(或事物)[S]The dumb show was a scream.那出哑剧真是滑稽有趣。现在时screaming

考研英语小作文书信最后没写yours sincerely要扣几分?




求8#prince 的refrain歌词罗马音?

Raining natsu no gogo ni touriame kasa no shita Kissing nureta hoo ni sotto kuchidzuketa ano kisetsu ni mada kogarete iru Miss You mado no soto ni touzakaru keshiki tachi Breezing niji ga mieta sugu ni kiesou de ame ashita wa furanakereba ii nanimo te ni tsukazu ni uwanosora no hibi Nothing but you"re the part of me mada tarinakutemada kienakute kasaneta tenohira kara osanasa ga What a good thing we lose? What a bad thing we knew sonna fureezu ni nureteku ame no naka tada tarinakutemada ienakute kazoeta hi no yume kara sayonara ga What a good thing we lose? What a bad thing we knew furerarezu ni iretara waraeta ka na? Calling shiroi iki ga maiagaru sora no shita Freezing tsuyoi kaze ni sukoshi kajikanda te toyowasa wo poketto no naka ni doko wo miwatashitemo tourisugita hibi Nothing but you"re the part of me mata furetakutetada mabushikute omowazu me wo sorashita yasashisa ni I wanna sleep in your feelI wanna see you in the deepsonna fureezu wo narabeta uta wo ima ano kaerimichi basu ni yurarete kanau hazu no nai you na yume wo mite I wanna sleep in your feelI wanna see you in the deepkurikaesu kisetsu ni narenai mama mou sukoshi kurai otona de iretara nante ieta darou?mada tarinakutemada kienakute kasaneta tenohira kara osanasa ga What a good thing we lose? What a bad thing we knew sonna fureezu ni nureteku ame no naka tada tarinakutemada ienakute kazoeta hi no yume kara sayonara ga What a good thing we lose? What a bad thing we knew furerarezu ni iretara waraeta ka na?

as for winter, it is inconvenient

dawn 可以理解为黎明,也可以理解为开端. 句意:到了冬天的时候,熔炉的燃料因为冷气所以开始的时候不容易节省下来,这样就显得不便了. 理解为:it is convenient to be cold with most of furnace fuel. most of what 可以在从句中用,其它选项不可以.OF 也不可以接that所以只能选A. 冷气影响引擎的温热,这样就不容易启动,所以更加容易浪费燃料,也会便机器更使用不便.句子就是这样理解.

有be inconvenient to do sth 的用法吗?

不方便做某事。通常用it来作形式上的主语而将真正的主语-动词不定式短语,放在句末。如:It is inconvenient for me to go shopping.


inconvenient是形容词,没有名词形式。 inconvenient:adj.不方便的;引起麻烦的;造成困难的 inconvenience:n.不便;麻烦;困难 扩展资料   It"s so inconvenient to get around without one.   这样到处游览没有一辆车很不方便。   So could the "inconvenient truth" approach work?   那么《难以忽视的真相》的.方法能够奏效吗?   The practical inconveniences of long hair are negligible.   长发在实际生活中产生的不便可以忽略不计。   He promised to be quick so as not to inconvenience them any further.   他许诺尽快完成,以免给他们带来更多不便。


inconvenient[英][u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vi:niu0259nt][美][u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vinju0259nt]adj.不便; 不方便的; 打扰人的,麻烦的; 例句:1.Well, today is rather inconvenient. Could you come tomorrow at three? 嗯,今天较不方便,你在可以明天3点来吗?2.Well, tomorrow is rather inconvenient. Could you come this afternoon around three? 嗯,明天不太方便,你能不能今天下午3点左右来?

inconvenient hours

Aue003 句意为“做一个宇航员某些方面可能很乏味,而且他们常常不得不在很不适宜的时候工作”。第一空表示在某种情况下“可能会”,用can; 第二空表示客观情况下“必须”,用have to。

inconvenient truth为什么已成难以忽视


英语翻译:请问inconvenient forum是什么意思呢? plead an inconvenient forum,应该怎么理解呢? 谢谢



inconvenient是“有困难的,不方便的” 戈尔的书的原名是“An Inconvenient Truth”没有inconvient这个单词

inconvenient 为什么翻译成难以忽视



inconvenient英[u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vi:niu0259nt]美[u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vinju0259nt]adj. 不便; 不方便的; 打扰人的,麻烦的;[网络] 不方便; 不便的; 不便利的;[例句]Can you come at 10.30? I know it"s inconvenient for you, but I must see you.你能10点半来吗?我知道你不方便,但是我必须见你。


inconvenient adj. 不便利的; convenient 的反义词




 聚碳酸酯(Polycarbonate)  缩写为PC是一种无色透明的无定性热塑性材料PE = PRICE / EARNING PER SHARE   PE是指股票的本益比,也称为“利润收益率”。本益比是某种股票普通股每股市价与每股盈利的比率。所以它也称为股价收益比率或市价盈利比率(市盈率)   市盈率PE分为静态市盈率PE和动态市盈率PE  :静态PE=股价/每股收益(EPS)(年) 动态PE=股价*总股本/下一年净利润(需要自己预测) GE: 通用电气公司   GE:google earth 谷歌地球挪威要求禁止在消费产品中使用某些有害物质的禁令( Posh : Prohibition on Certain Hazardous Substances in Consumer Products )建议预定于 2007 年 12 月 15 日 通过, 2008 年 1 月 1 日 生效 . Posh 名字与欧盟 Rosh 指令不仅仅是外形相似,无疑,这一禁令将被缩写为 Posh 供大家引用.虽然该立法只适用于挪威,但是可能会成为类似出口到欧洲的电气和电子产品使用的事实上的 Rosh 标准,因为很少有公司会专门单独为一个市场生产一种针对性的产品.除非不打算把产品销往挪威. IPO全称Initial public offering( 首次公开募股) 指某公司(股份有限公司或有限责任公司)首次向社会公众公开招股的发行方式。有限责任公司IPO后会成为股份有限公司。(有限)公司的意思。   Inc.表示了公司的性质。   Company Limitid 通常缩写为 或是精简为 Ltd.但是这只是指从公司的性质上说,该公司是一个有限公司不是什末其他的公司。公司名称后面与Co.ltd之间不应再出现 company,因为Co.已经包含了公司的意思。   再说回来,Inc.的原形是Incorporation意思是指:组成公司/注册/合并。如果加在公司名称后面,多是它的分词形式,但是已变成一个固有的形容词汇:Incorporated .使用这种用法,多是美国式的用法,不要加什末Ltd.。但是它的含义却是:‘某某股份有限公司"重点在于性质是‘股份制"的有限公司,意味着‘按股份公司组成的"、‘组成(股份)公司的"。 威士卡(VISA)(Visa International Service Association)  又译为维萨、维信,是一个信用卡品牌,由位于美国加利福尼亚州三藩市的Visa国际组织(Visa International Service Association)负责经营和管理。VISA国际组织是一个由全球2万1千多家金融机构会员所组成的非股份、非盈利性国际银行卡组织。VISA卡于1976年开始发行,它的前身是由美洲银行所发行的Bank Americard。

急!!!网王的《Dear Prince~テニスの王子様达へ~》越前手冢迹部幸村真田白石木手分别唱的哪几句?

Dear Prince テニスの王子様达 -イケメン侍[中日对照][ti:Dear Prince~テニスの王子様达~][ar:イケメン侍][al:テニスの王子様キャラクターCD イケメン侍「Dear Prince~テニスの王子様达へ」][by:甜苹果(翻译) SACO.REI(LRC)][00:01.45]Dear Prince (迹部)会いに行くよ 【就要去见你了喔】[00:05.01]Dear Prince (手冢)理由はいらない 【不需要理由 】[00:08.52]Dear Prince (真田)顽张ってる 【你努力的样子】[00:12.43]Dear Prince (木手)トコロが大好きさ 【我最喜欢了 】[00:16.44]キミが胜てるまで 【直到你胜利为止】[00:19.38]见ててあげるから 【我都会一直看著你的】[00:24.93][00:25.93]Dear Prince~テニスの王子様达へ~ - イケメン侍[00:28.93](越前リョーマ=皆川纯子、手冢国光=置鮎龙太郎、[00:30.93] 迹部景吾=诹访部顺一、白石蔵ノ介=细谷佳正、[00:33.93] 幸村精市=永井幸子、真田弦一郎=楠 大典、[00:35.93] 木手永四郎=新垣樽助 )[00:38.93][00:40.93]作词:许斐刚 作曲:佐々木收 编曲:SCRIPT[00:43.93][00:45.93]テニスの王子様キャラクターCD [00:48.93]イケメン侍「Dear Prince~テニスの王子様达へ~」[00:50.93][00:51.51]いつもより早く目覚めた朝は 【比平常都还要早醒的早晨】[00:55.02]トキメキ鞄(かばん) にがっつり诘めて 【心跳不已的把书包塞满】[00:58.70]キミに伝える勇気Getでも 【就算Get了能去告诉你的勇气】[01:01.68]その声援(エール)はまだ届かない 【那个加油声却还是传到不到】[01:05.87]选手交替 せまる太阳に 【对逼迫选手换人的太阳】[01:09.53]负けじと粘る透けた月 やるじゃん 【顽强坚持著的清透月亮也很厉害嘛】[01:13.51](越前)「さあ行くよ!」ラケット握り 【「好了要上了!」握起球拍】[01:17.42]お前を打てば今日の幕开けだ 【把你打出去的话今天也就开幕了】[01:20.08][01:20.33](手冢)一生で最高のチャンス 【一生里最好的机会】[01:22.78](白石)Chance of lifetime[01:24.13](木手)逃したとしても 【就算错过了】[01:26.60](迹部)Don"t worry about it[01:27.13]世界が终わる訳じゃなし yeah 【世界也不会就此终结 Yeah】[01:32.18]前に进もう 【所以向前进吧】[01:35.33][01:36.53]Get ready 会いに行くよ 【就要去见你了喔】[01:40.21]Get ready 理由はいらない【不需要理由】[01:44.02]Get ready 顽张ってる 【你努力的样子】[01:47.56]Get ready トコロが大好きさ【我最喜欢了】[01:51.36]Ready,go! 手をつなごう 【牵起手来吧】[01:54.77]Ready,go! 逃げ腰なキミへの【这是给容易逃走的你】[01:58.53]Ready,go! プレゼントだから 【准备的礼物】[02:02.22]Ready,go! 立派にやれるさ【所以我会做得很漂亮】[02:06.10]キミに届ける勇気は 【能传达给你的勇气】[02:09.30]まだ1つしかないけれど【虽然只有一个】[02:13.48]キミから届く Happy Dream 【你所给我的Happy Dream】[02:16.52]星の数だから 【却像星星一样多】[02:21.27][02:26.46]いつもより粘り粘り粘って 【比平常更加地 坚持坚持坚韧不拔】 [02:29.18]Never give up [02:30.29]负ける时もあるけれど 【虽然也会有输掉的时候】[02:34.00]キミに伝える勇気2倍Getでも 【能告诉给你的勇气 我GET了2倍】[02:37.45]まだそれじゃ物足んない 【但是就算那样 也还是不够】[02:40.93]ガンガン全开飞ばして走るボクの 【力气全开 飞奔著的我】[02:45.00]頬を伝う悔し涙2つ 【脸上落下的是悔恨的两行泪水】[02:48.57]「胜ち负けだけが全てじゃない!」って 【「胜负并不是全部!」】[02:51.31]谁かさんが言ってたっけな 【这句话 是谁说过的呢】[02:55.26]Dear Prince[02:55.72](真田)いつかは谁も 【总有一天谁都一定得】[02:57.90](木手)in the course of time[02:59.25](越前)自分の梦に 【给自己的梦】[03:01.50](幸村)my sweet dream[03:02.67]区切りをつけなくちゃと言うけど 【画上句号才行 虽然是这样说】[03:07.68]嫌だよ 【但我才不要】[03:10.48][03:11.23]Get ready 明日(あす)のために 【为了明天】[03:15.31]Get ready リスクは承知さ 【我了解要冒险】[03:19.12]Get ready 我慢できるかな 【可以忍耐下去吧】[03:22.72]Get ready とても辛いけれど 【尽管十分辛苦】[03:26.56]Ready,go! テニスボール 【Tennis Ball】[03:29.79]Ready,go! 握りしめた 【握紧了它】[03:33.69]Ready,go! プレッシャーの中 【在压力之中】[03:37.37]Ready,go! 限界(リミット)を超えよう 【超越极限吧】[03:41.25]キミに届ける勇気が 【能传达给你的勇气】[03:44.49]少し溜まった时は 【稍微存起了一点的时候】[03:48.59]これからの物语を 【我们就把从此之后的故事】[03:51.84]共に描き出そう My friend 【共同去描绘出来吧】[03:56.21][04:26.64]Dear Prince (越前)会いに行くよ 【这就要去见你喔】[04:30.47]Dear Prince (白石)理由はいらない 【不需要理由】[04:34.22]Dear Prince (幸村)顽张ってる 【你努力的样子】[04:37.62]Dear Prince トコロが大好きさ 【我最喜欢了】[04:41.36]Ready,go! 手をつなごう 【牵起手来吧】[04:44.94]Ready,go! 逃げ腰なキミへの 【这是给容易逃走的你】[04:48.82]Ready,go! プレゼントだから 【准备的礼物】[04:52.27]Ready,go! 立派にやれるさ 【所以我会做得很漂亮】[04:56.22]今までの勇気を 【把迄今为止的勇气】[04:59.51]たくさん拾い集めて 【全都收集起来】[05:03.68]桜咲くこの街で 【在樱花绽放的这条街道上】[05:06.77]大きく笑おう (越前)Thank you! 【大声笑出来吧】[05:11.62][05:13.74]Dear Prince~テニスの王子様达へ~ / イケメン侍[05:14.39]BY:甜苹果(翻译) SACO.REI(LRC)]这个行不

求网球王子 - dear prince テニスの王子様达へ的歌词,麻烦把每个人唱的地方标注出来,谢谢。

作词: 许斐刚作曲: 佐佐木收编曲: SCRIPT歌: イケメン侍 (中译:帅哥武士…)成员:龙马、迹部、手冢、真田、幸村、木手、白石专辑:Dear Prince~テニスの王子様达へ~发行日:2008/4/23--------------------------------------------------------------------------------※日文歌词Dear Prince~テニスの王子様达へ~Dear Prince会いに行くよDear Prince理由はいらないDear Prince顽张ってるDear Princeトコロが大好きさキミが胜ってるまで见ててあげるからいつもより早く目覚めた朝はトキメキ鞄にがっつり诘めてキミに伝える勇気Getでもその声援(エール)はまだ届かない选手交代せまる太阳に负けじと粘る透けた月やるじゃん「さあ行くよ!」ラケット握りお前を打てば今日の幕明けだ一生で最高のチャンス(Chance of lifetime)逃したとしても(Don"t worry about it)世界が终わる訳じゃなしYeah 前に进もうGet ready会いに行くよGet ready理由はいらないGet ready顽张ってるGet readyトコロが大好きさReady go!手をつなごうReady go!逃げ腰なキミへのReady go!プレゼントだからReady go!立派にやれるさキミに届ける勇気はまだ1つしかないけれどきみから届くHappy Dream星の数だからいつもより粘り粘り粘ってNever give up负ける时もあるけれどキミに伝える勇気2倍Getでもまだそれじゃ物足んないガンガン全开飞ばして走るボクの頬を伝う悔し涙2つ「胜ち负けだけが全てじゃない!」って谁かさんが 言ってたっけないつかは谁も(in the course of time)自分の梦に(my sweet dream)区切りを着けなくちゃと言うけど 嫌だよGet ready明日の为にGet readyリスクは承知さGet ready我慢できるかなGet readyとても辛いけれどReady go!テニスボールReady go!握りしめたReady go!プレッシャーの中Ready go!限界(リミット)を超えようキミに届ける勇気が少し溜まった时はこれからの物语を共に描き出そうMy friendDear Prince会いに行くよDear Prince理由はいらないDear Prince顽张ってるDear Princeトコロが大好きさReady go!手をつなごうReady go!逃げ腰なキミへのReady go!プレゼントだからReady go!立派にやれるさいままでの勇気をたくさん拾い集めて桜咲くこの街で大きく笑おうThank you!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------※英文拼音歌词Dear PrinceAiniyukuyoDear PrinceRIyuuwairanaiDear PrinceGAnbatteruDear PrinceTOKOROgadaisukisaKIMIgakatterumademiteteagarukaraitsumoyorihayakumezametaasawaTOKIMEKIkabannigattsuritsumeteKIMInitsutaeruyuukiGETdemosonoEERUwamadatodokanaisenshukoutaisemarutaiyounimakejitonebarusuketatsuki yarujansaa ikuyo RAKKETOnigiriomaewoutebakyounomakuakedaisshoudesaikounoCHANSU(Chance of lifetime)nogashitatoshitemo(Don"t worry about it)sekaigaowaruwakejanashiYeah maenisusumouGet readyainiyukuyoGet readyriyuuwairanaiGet readyganbatteruGet readyTOKOROgadaisukisaReady go!TEwotsunagouReady go!NIgegoshinaKIMIenoReady go!PUREZENTOdakaraReady go!RIppaniyarerusaKIMInitodokeruyuukiwamadahitotsushikanaikeredokimikaratodoku Happy DreamhoshinokazudakaraitsumoyorinebarinebarinebatteNever give upmakerutokimoarukeredoKIMInitsutaeruyuukinibaiGetdemomadasorejamonotannaiGANGANzenkaitobashirtehashiruBOKUnohoowotsutaukuyashinamidafutatsuKachimakedakegasubetejanaittedarekasanga ittetakkenaitsukawadaremo(in the course of time)jibunnoyumeni(my sweet dream)kugiriwotsukenakuchatoiukedoiyadayoGet readyasunotameniGet readyRISUKUwashouchisaGet readygamandekirukanaGet readytotemotsuraikeredoReady go!TENISUBOORUReady go!nigirishimetaReady go!PURESSHAAnonakaReady go!RIMITTOwokoeyouKIMInitodokeruyuukigasukoshitamattatokiwakorekaranomonogatariwotomoniegakidasouMy friendDear PrinceainiyukuyoDear PrinceriyuuwairanaiDear PrinceganbatteruDear PrinceTOKOROgadaisukisaReady go!tewotsunagouReady go!nigegoshinaKIMIenoReady go!PUREZENTOdakaraReady go!rippaniyarerusaimamadenoyuukiwotakusanhiroiatsumetesakurasakukonomachideookikuwaraouThank you!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------※中文翻译Dear Prince ~致网球王子们~Dear Prince就要去见你了喔 (迹部)Dear Prince不需要理由 (手冢)Dear Prince你努力的样子 (真田)Dear Prince我最喜欢了 (木手)直到你胜利为止我都会一直看著你的比平常都还要早醒的早晨心跳不已的把书包塞满就算Get了能去告诉你的勇气那个加油声却还是传到不到对逼迫选手换人的太阳顽强坚持著的清透月亮也很厉害嘛「好了要上了!」握起球拍 (龙马)把你打出去的话今天也就开幕了一生里最好的机会(Chance of lifetime) (手冢/白石)就算错过了(Don"t worry about it) (木手/迹部)世界也不会就此终结Yeah 所以向前进吧Get Ready 就要去见你了喔Get Ready 不需要理由Get Ready 你努力的样子Get Ready 我最喜欢了Ready go! 牵起手来吧Ready go! 这是给容易逃走的你Ready go! 准备的礼物Ready go! 所以我会做得很漂亮能传达给你的勇气虽然只有一个你所给我的Happy Dream却像星星一样多比平常更加地 坚持坚持坚韧不拔Never give up虽然也会有输掉的时候能告诉给你的勇气我GET了2倍但是就算那样也还是不够力气全开飞奔著的我脸上落下的是悔恨的两行泪水「胜负并不是全部!」这句话 是谁说过的呢总有一天谁都一定得(in the course of time) (真田/木手)给自己的梦(my sweet dream) (龙马/幸村)画上句号才行 虽然是这样说但我才不要Get Ready为了明天Get Ready我了解要冒险Get Ready可以忍耐下去吧Get Ready尽管十分辛苦Ready go!Tennis BallReady go!握紧了它Ready go!在压力之中Ready go!超越极限吧能传达给你的勇气稍微存起了一点的时候我们就把从此之後的故事共同去描绘出来吧My friendDear Prince这就要去见你喔 (龙马)Dear Prince不需要理由 (白石)Dear Prince你努力的样子 (幸村)Dear Prince我最喜欢了Ready go!牵起手来吧Ready go!这是给容易逃走的你Ready go!准备的礼物Ready go!所以我会做得很漂亮把迄今为止的勇气全都收集起来在樱花绽放的这条街道上大声笑出来吧Thank you! (龙马)

问英文 ”had better include”

for 816 square feet that had better include visits by Jackie Chan Kong Sang or Jay-z. "had better" is an idiom to mean: (1) "must" or "should" with an implication of "or else". (2) "cannot afford not to" For example: "You had better e" me: (1) "you must e otherwise there will be consequences". (2) "you cannot afford not to e". "had better" can also mean "cannot do without" or "will not work without" For example: "For 816 square feet that had better include visits by Jackie Chan (Kong Sang) or Jay-z" me: "For 816 square feet the price is too expensive unless it includes visits by rich and famous celebrities like Jackie Chan and Jay-z. To wer the question and to simplify it we can say "had better include" almost me "it should include". The word "visits" is part of the phrase "visits by Jackie Chan or Jay-z". Without the full sentence I would guess that the word "that" in the clause "that had better include" represents "the price of the apartment" which according to the author is too expensive and therefore requires some extra value such as visits by celebrities to justify it. 2010-02-17 13:22:19 补充: In reality the author is just using the "celebrities visits" to express his/her opinion that the place is overpriced. 参考: myself Had better = 最好 e.g. You had better stop now. 你 最好/好 马上停止 that had better include visits by jackie chan= 它最好包括埋成龙的探访 You have to give us the whole sentence. For 816 square feet that had better include visits by Jackie Chan or Jay-Z. Combine these 2 sentences For 816 square feet had better (较优胜). For 816 square feet include visits by Jackie Chan or Jay-Z. giving: For 816 square feet that had better include visits by Jackie Chan or Jay-Z. (since it was sold at a better price HK$24.5 million)



Nike Mamba Instinct怎么样

nike的低端篮球鞋 硬

A.reminded B.guaranteed C.convinced D.promised

【答案】:A解析:本题考查动词辨析。从下文的“One, two, three. Open your presents!”可知,此时在分发礼物时,我提醒每个人开始不要打开礼物。

英语翻译: Since the great scandals in banking ,many p




求歌词:it s been a long time since we drank the arsenic

歌词: It"s been a long time Since I"ve seen your smiling face It"s been a long time Since I"ve seen a su-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-unny day It"s been a long time Since you wore your pillbox hat It"s been a long time Since we drove your Po-o-o-o-o-o-ontiac It"s been a long time Since you gave me bu-uh-uh-uh-uh-oo-uh-uh-uh-oo-uh-oo-uh-uh-utterflies It"s been a long time Since I seen it bu-uh-uh-uh-uh-oo-uh-uh-uh-oo-uh-oo-urning in your eyes But I don"t mind (I don"t mind) No I don"t (I don"t mind) No I don"t (I don"t mind) When I"ve got you next to me It"s been a long time Since we tripped into this ditch It"s been a long time Since we drank the a-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-arsenic It"s been a long time Since we"ve been insi-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ide of this tomb It"s been a long time Since you wore your eh-e-eh-e-eh-e-eh-e-eh-e-expensive French perfume But I don"t mind (I don"t mind) No I don"t (I don"t mind) No I don"t (I don"t mind) When I"ve got you next to me It"s been a long time Since I"ve seen your smiling face It"s been a long time Since I"ve seen a su-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-unny day 收缩 文本歌词最后由 傲力杰巴亚尔 编辑于2011-10-03 17:22

求歌词:it s been a long time since we drank the arsenic


[XmlInclude(typeof(ModelData))] 这是什么语法 具体是什么意思?

XmlInclude 指定了Data属性值为SampleInfo类的对象 的时候可以正常解析. 否则解析不了. 如果Data属性还可能为其它的自定义类型时. 都需要Include进来.使用XmlInclude属性来指定不属于已知的静态类型(Use the XmlInclude or SoapInclude attribute to specify types that are not known statically)

vc2008中编译c语言提示没有找到#include ,这个头文件是不是只在linux中有


vc2008中编译c语言提示没有找到#include ,这个头文件是不是只在linux中有


linux #include 为什么有些头文件需要加SYS/ 有些不用加


SGCH是什么意思,关键是第四个字母H代表什么?它和SGCC有什么区别?参考原文:SGCH full hard zinc80

sgch,h就是hard的意思,高强度热镀锌卷板,sgcc为普通热镀锌卷板,带钢是经过再结晶退火处理的,强度硬度低,延伸率高;而sgch退火温度在再结晶温度之下,所以强度硬度高,延伸率低。 zinc80为双面锌层重量为80g/㎡。

问一下,在英语中表示因为时,FOR,AS,SINCE,BECAUSE 的区别和用法~~


#include “stdio.h” int x=3; main() {int i; void n


Co., Ltd.、LTD、INC.、LLC 中文意思是?公司类型英文缩写教学

Co., Ltd.、LTD、INC.、LLC ..中文意思 是?这几个英文缩写都是公司类型的英文缩写,但很容易搞混。比方说,台湾的股份有限公司英文写法是Co., Ltd.,而国际上则常称作Ltd,英文全名为 limited liability pany,中文意思是「有限责任公司」。 下面说明Co., Ltd.、LTD、INC.、LLC 这几个公司类型英文缩写差异。 内容目录 1.Co., Ltd. 股份有限公司 Co., Ltd. 是台湾所使用的股份有限公司英文缩写,有限公司英文缩写则是Ltd.。 关于有限公司跟股份有限公司的差别,可以参考: 下面举例Co., Ltd. 的英文例句: 例: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 台积电股份有限公司 例: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. 鸿海精密工业股份有限公司 例: CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd. 中国信托金融控股股份有限公司 2.LTD 有限责任公司 LTD 的全名叫做 Limited Partnership,国际上可以称为「有限责任合伙企业」。不过如果是英文Ltd. ,则是Limited Company的缩写,台湾中文称作有限公司。 LTD 相关英文例句: 例: Smith and Jones Ltd 史密斯和琼斯有限责任公司 例: Computer Sofare Packages Pty Ltd. 计算机软件包有限公司 3.INC. 股份有限公司 INC.的全名是 Incorporation 或是 Corporation。国际上的意思是「股份有限公司」。不过在台湾,股份有限公司缩写则被叫做Co., Ltd.。 INC. 相关英文例句: 例: Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 波克夏·海瑟威股份有限公司。 4.LLT 有限责任公司 LLC 的英文全名是 Limited Liability Company。中文可以称为「有限责任公司」。有限责任公司(Limited Liability Company,LLC)是一种公司的组织形态,有限公司对外所负的经济责任,以出资者所投入的资金为限。 Co., Inc., Inc. 中文, INC. 全名, INC. 意思, LLC, LLC 中文, LLC 全名, LLC 意思, LLC 翻译, LLC 英文全名, Ltd., Ltd. 中文, Ltd. 全名, Ltd. 意思, Ltd. 翻译, Ltd. 英文全名

Lighthouse Family的《Raincloud》 歌词

歌曲名:Raincloud歌手:Lighthouse Family专辑:Postcards From HeavenRaincloudThere ain"t no point holding back the tideStill gonna get yerCos every little bird"s got to learn to fly, sooner or laterI don"t wanna lose youCan"t always do what you wanna do.There"s ain"t no point holding back the tideDon"t waste you"re timeCos everything is out thereAnd there"s no limits out thereWe could be reaching out for anything if we try enoughLet the daylight endOn a better dayIt"s been too long waiting, babyUnder a raincloudLet the daylight endOn a better dayIt"s been too long waiting, babyUnder a raincloudThere ain"t no point holding back desireStill gonna get yerStrangers on a train driving through the night, soon overtakes yerIf someone feels the same as you.Might as well just do what you wanna doThere ain"t no point holding back desireDon"t waste your timeCos everything is out thereAnd there"s no limits out thereWe could be reaching out for anything if we try enoughCos everything is out thereAnd there"s no limits out thereWe could be reaching out for anything if we try enoughLet the daylight end, on a better dayIt"s been too long waiting, babyUnder a raincloud



求英语达人 upgrade和increase 还有几个“增加”具体用法有什么区别啊?


我有一块手表六点上方有25jewels AUTOMATIC INCABLOC请问是什么意思谢谢




请教Principal Investigator和Program Director的区别

请教Principal Investigator和Program Director的区别Principal Investigator就是主要研究者或主要参加者,Program Director是项目主持人。


_iror_ 整数循环右移

请教Principal Investigator和Program Director的区别

先看一下,两者的英文界定:Principal InvestigatorA principal investigator (PI) is the lead researcher for a particular well-defined project, usually in the sciences, such as a laboratory study or a clinical trial.大意:一位“principal investigator(PI)”是某个特定的明确定义项目的首席研究员,通常是指科学领域的,如实验室研究或临床试验等。Program DirectorIn service industries, such as education, a program manager or program director researches, plans, develops and implements one or more of the firm"s professional services.大意:一名项目经理或项目主管(“Program Director”)通常要研究、计划、制订和执行一个或多个公司的专业服务。通常是指处于服务性行业的,例如教育。由上述解释得出,二者最本质区别在于工作领域。Principal Investigator 通常是指科学领域的;Program Director 通常是指处于服务性行业的;前者常被译为:首席研究员,后者常被译为:计划负责人或项目总监等。

请教Principal Investigator和Program Director的区别

  先看一下,两者的英文界定:  Principal Investigator  A principal investigator (PI) is the lead researcher for a particular well-defined project, usually in the sciences, such as a laboratory study or a clinical trial.  大意:  一位“principal investigator(PI)”是某个特定的明确定义项目的首席研究员,通常是指科学领域的,如实验室研究或临床试验等。  Program Director  In service industries, such as education, a program manager or program director researches, plans, develops and implements one or more of the firm"s professional services.  大意:  一名项目经理或项目主管(“Program Director”)通常要研究、计划、制订和执行一个或多个公司的专业服务。通常是指处于服务性行业的,例如教育。  由上述解释得出,二者最本质区别在于工作领域。  Principal Investigator 通常是指科学领域的;Program Director 通常是指处于服务性行业的;前者常被译为:首席研究员,后者常被译为:计划负责人或项目总监等。

Incom T-65 X-Wing Starfighter的战斗机性能

X翼顺直的机身长12.5米。4部有力的亚光速推进器安装于狭长的中空框架机体的尾部。每个引擎都连接着一个符合空气动力学的S-薄翼(S-foil),机翼不但作为大气层飞行中的稳定翼,同时还是偏导护盾的发生装置和武器挂架。每个S-薄翼的表面都涂有中队和战机标识。战机中部是驾驶舱,其后配有宇航技师机器人(astromech droid)插槽。机器人为战机的超太空推进器(hyperdrives)解算宇航数据,并且兼作战机的领航员和技师。战机降落时将会伸出3个着陆装置。伴随着帝国对印卡姆公司进行国有化改造,X翼战机也首次出现在义军同盟的行列中。在义军一次大胆的奇袭中,公司里暗中支持义军的技师和辅助人员,带着战机的原型机转投义军。和它的前身,印卡姆/萨普鲁 Z-95型(the Incom/Subpro Z-95)战机一样,X翼战机有抗打击的优点,并且相当快速灵活。面对X翼战机的威胁,帝国设计了新型的钛式截击机(TIE interceptor)作为其太空优势战机。在银河内战的大多数时期,X翼都是义军战机的中坚力量。X翼战斗机拥有一套包括增压装置,温度调节装置,和氧气再生过滤装置在内的生命维持系统。一组加速反馈补偿系统使飞行员不必承受高速机动中致命的过载加速度。X翼携带足够的氧气,燃料和电能,可使其维持长达的一周非战斗飞行。不过可挂于S-薄翼上的外挂燃料箱会降低战机的性能。在驾驶舱后,有一个与驾驶员坐椅和舱盖相接的储物舱,容积为2立方米,额定载重为110千克。飞行员通常用它来储存备件和维修装置。新型的T-65AC4型的储物舱可以载重150千克。紧急情况下,X翼的弹射坐椅能够将飞行员弹出战机。由分离控制器将舱盖炸开,同时也会将宇航技师机器人从插槽中射出。一套全面的特鲁雷克斯Rq8.Y型(Torplex Rq8.Y)飞行控制计算机负责将由操作面板传入的数据进行处理后传至引擎等部件,和多数星际战斗机一样,X翼并没有装备辅助电路。X翼的电能来自装于机器人插口后的气体离心熔合器和离子反应堆。发电机由装于船尾工程舱的诺瓦德克斯04-Z型(Novaldex O4-Z)低温电池启动。电池通过高级接口充电。一旦接通动力,战机即由4部印卡姆(Incom)4L4型喷射发动机驱动。部分配备印卡姆4J4型发动机的样机的速度更可达300宇宙速度单位(KTU)。新式T-65AC4型的亚光速航速甚至可与惊人的A翼星际战斗机比肩。一套控制引擎的气动舵为战机提供了良好的机动能力。在大气层中,X翼的印卡姆RDA反重力引擎(repulsorlift drive)使其达到1050千米/时的高速。战机在大气层中的控制装置几乎和T-16“天空跳虫”(T-16 skyhopper)完全一样。新共和时代的机型更可达到至少1300千米/时的速度。在超太空航行方面,X翼装备一部印卡姆GBk-585型加力控制系统,每一部发动机中的加力器都具有第一级超太空动力性能。X翼的主要电器组件安装于其主机身内。机头内部是由法巴特斯ANs-5d踪迹锁定型(Fabritech ANs-5d lock track)全频段收发机,美乐赫特“多影象”(Melihat Multi-imager)专用能量探测器和塔纳-爱厄(Tana Ire)电磁图象探测器组成的主传感器阵列。PA-9r型远程超太空探测阵列和PG-7u型近程威胁警报器构成了战机的协调工作设备。传感器阵列获得的信息通过一个严密保护的多路续传器,传到ANq3.6型传感器控制电脑。这套系统可以同时跟踪1000个亚光速移动物体,捕获20个最具威胁的目标,并精确解算120个特定的信号。在战机的正后方安装的法巴特斯k-blakan型袖珍传感器可为飞行员提供战机后方区域的情况。不过X翼机腹下方的盲区却是它的一个主要弱点。波塔可“尖叫者”(Bertriak Screamer)主动干扰器是X翼的标准装备。“尖叫者”的能力不足以干扰大型指挥级的传感器,但足以压制为导弹制导的小型战机传感器。4个S薄翼的翼尖都安装有相同的泰姆-巴克KX9(Taim & Bak KX9)型激光炮。在战斗状态下,S薄翼展开成X状攻击态势。这样增加了战机的火力范围,同时各门激光炮都对准同一个瞄准点——通常是在战机前方半千米处。激光炮的能量来自引擎的动力转换器,并由S薄翼上的能量引线传输至火炮。相当数量的X翼改用泰姆-巴克IX4型激光炮。新共和时期的飞行员甚至使用更强大的火炮。X翼的一大特点便是:能量充足时,激光炮的输出功率可以保证战机连续开火。主机体中装备的2部克普克斯MG7型质子鱼雷发射器(Krupx MG7 proton torpedo launchers)是X翼的远程攻击武器。总载荷为6枚鱼雷,每个发射器的弹药舱储存3枚。为了增加弹道的精确性,由机械臂引出辅助瞄准电脑放可置于飞行员面前,显示精确的射击数据。改装的X翼侦察型战机用高增益远程探测处理器和高速超太空通讯器取代了原来安装的质子鱼雷发射器。部分X翼战机装备了用于空中缠斗的诱饵弹和炭纤维屑炸雷。诱饵弹可以发出类似X翼战机的信号,以欺骗敌方侦测器。炭纤维屑炸雷可以制造出由碎片组成的信号盲区,以此摧毁追击的敌机或引爆来袭的导弹。偏导护盾发生器(deflector shield generato)装于X翼的机尾,它产生的初级护盾通过激发强化处理,导入延战机表面布置的偏导器发射端。分布于S薄翼表面的查普特“防御者”(Chepat Defender)发生器产生战机左右舷的护盾。这是对X翼钛合金装甲的有力补充。高硬度但昂贵的sedrellium合金被用来强化X翼战机的机身。稀少的同盟X翼战机与蜂群般的帝国军钛战机在数量间的巨大反差,贯穿银河内战的始终。因此,X翼总是连续作战。几乎看不到一架“新的”X翼。战机们挂满了飞行员带给它们的累累伤痕。T-65B和T-65C-A2型是内战中常被使用的型号。英勇的红色中队(Red Squadron)由X翼战机组成,并曾在雅文战役(Battle of Yavin)中成功的摧毁了死星(Death Star)。中队的生还者加入了由指挥官纳厄尔(Commander Narra)和卢克-天行者(Luke Skywalker)组建的侠盗小队。在威奇-安特雷斯(Wedge Antilles)的指挥下,侠盗中队(Rogue Squadron)脱颖而出,成为银河中最突出的X翼战机作战力量。在恩多战役(Battle of Endor)前,威奇本有机会为他的中队选配像A翼或B翼(A-wing & B-wing)这样的新型战斗机,不过,继续使用久经考验的X翼仍然是他的选择。在这场大决战中,为纪念在第一次击毁死星作战中牺牲的飞行员,侠盗中队启用了红色小队的称号。侠盗中队很快成为义军同盟和之后的新共和(New Republic)的象征。它在巴卡鲁(Bakura)、布罗雷斯(Borleias)、科罗桑(Coruscant)、斯费尔(Thyferra)等战役中扮演了关键角色。年长的巡洋舰指挥官总是抱惊讶于X翼战机那神奇的力量,昵称它们为“X翼快车”(X-wing hotshots) 。不久,随着像A-9警备截击机和E翼战斗机(A-9 Vigilance Interceptor & E-wing fighter)这些新型号的出现,X翼被渐渐远离了核心的位置。最终,在经过多年的调研和改进之后,印卡姆公司推出了可以在现代战场上占据一席之地的T-65AC4型战机。老式的X翼被改装成T-65BRs型,或改做侦察机。侦察机型的原来的导弹武器被先进的探测器和通讯装置取代。另外,这些X翼配备了技术成熟的自毁程序,这将清楚机载电脑记录,利用电荷摧毁宇航技师机器人,使用注射毒素杀死飞行员,最终引爆钯核素炸药——这样不仅摧毁了本机,更足以毁伤靠近的飞船。新共和时代的第十三年,印卡姆公司推出了经过改进明显的T-65D-A1型X翼战斗机。为了使新共和的军事力量正规化,威奇-安特雷斯上将命令将所有X翼战机按照新标准进行改造。新标准的特点是一部集成了全部强化型宇航技师机器人功能的计算机系统。这样,T-65D-A1型战机不再需要机器人插槽,也不再有此设置。新型的X翼的先进计算机系统更易与驾驶舱互动,允许飞行员在飞行和作战时拥有更多的自主权。不幸的是,新的T-65D-A1型的推出被未遂的恐怖分子所阻挠。每一部用于翻新老式X翼的计算机系统,或者符合标准的新型号,都被装上了可引爆的炸药,如果计算机执行一个特定运算时,就将引发爆炸。这个活动使新共和的X翼军械厂的运作一度停滞,并严重阻碍了T-65D-A1型的成功改装。为了努力避免落伍,印卡姆公司继续改进X翼的设计。最新的成果是XJ型X翼。拥有三联装质子鱼雷发射器,更快的速度,更坚固的装甲,更好的机动性,XJ型是一个突破性设计,却仍然包含着经典的T-65的灵魂。

汇编语言中 指令INC SRC是什么意思

inc是加一 src源操作数 合起来就是源操作数加一。

Prince的《avalanche》 歌词

歌曲名:avalanche歌手:Prince专辑:one nite aloneHe was not or never had been in favorof setting r people freeif it wasn"t 4 the 13th Amendmentwe woulda been born in slaveryHe was not or never had been in favorof letting us vote so u c...Abraham Lincoln was a racist who said"U cannot escape from history"PrinceCHORUSLike the snow comin" down the mountainthat landed on Wounded Kneenobody wants 2 take the weight-the responsibilityHear the joyous sound of freedomThe Harlem RenaissanceHear Duke Ellington and his bandkick another jungle jamWho"s that lurking in the shadows?Mr. John Hammond with his pen in hand...sayin" "Sign ur kingdom over 2 meand b known throughout the land!"But, u ain"t got no money, U ain"t got no cash,So u sign yo name and he claims innocencejust like every snowflake in an avalanche...CHORUSLike the snow comin" down the mountainthat landed on Wounded Kneenobody wants 2 take the weight-the responsability

#include 这个头文件是什么用法

在C语言里 #include 的含义基本上就是“插入”的意思。C语言编程下,有很多现成的大家都默认的定义、函数等等成规的东西已经事先经由开发公司、组插件开发者事先编写好了放在特定的目录中。比如 #include <utility> 就是指的是:请把名为“utility”的文件里的内容插入到当前代码的这个位置。一般文件处于你的C编译器的标准函数库文件所在位置的话, #include 后用 "<>"号来将文件名括起来,否则,使用“"" ”号。使用“"" ”时,会在当前项目指定的所有的头文件可能存在的位置中查找。 ***********希望你能理解上面我所说的,我知道不太好理解,学编程嘛,就是酱子地********此外,你说的:#include <utility> 估计是你从那儿抄来的一个讲解。在实际中,是没有<utility> 这个标准库文件的。









LINC 和ESL 什么意思?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 是某种语言课程吗 解析: LINC=Language Instruction for New Comers to Canada,法语叫CLIC LINC是加拿大新移民语言课程,一般分1-5级,每级学三个月,LINC不接收留学生,只面对成年的新移民或难民,并完全免费.一年分三个学期,一般是9月~11月一个学期,12月~3月一个学期,5~7月为一个学期,一个学期为一级,不断地晋级到5级为止.和许多中小学校一样,有寒假,暑假,法定假日,它的考试定级在YMCA(青年基督教协会).几乎所有的LINC学校(所谓学校,多半是一,两层楼的办公室)都可以免费带半岁到5岁的孩子(6岁的孩子可以在小学免费上学前班,但是只有半天.),并报销部分TTC车票。 ESL=ENGLISH AS SECOND LANGUAGE 非母语英语课程,法语的叫FSL加拿大使用两种官方语言,因此,国际学生来加拿大学习英语作为第二语言(ESL)或法语作为第二语言(FSL)都可。许多人选择到加拿大学习英语作为第二语言是因为加拿大有众多优秀的英语语言学校。因为为数众多的新移民需要学习英语,因此,这些年来,加拿大培养出了相当数量的一批ESL专业教师。在语言学校,国际学生可以学习综合英语、商务英语或专门用途英语。有时候单门选修的英语课需要1000多加元的学费,几乎所有的大学和社区学院都开设ESL课程。一般而言,大多数ESL学校的入学要求和入学时间都很灵活。

Vincent 这个名字怎么读?




vincent 原唱是谁

Don Mclean(唐.马克林) Vincent(文森特)是歌曲名, starry starry night是其中的歌词, 这首歌的演唱者名叫Don Mclean(唐.马克林), 他为纪念偶像文森特.凡.高而创作了《Vincent》, 我想你问的是马克林,而非梵高的资料吧。 Don Mclean,1945年10月2日生于美国纽约。60年代早期在俱乐部中一灌制唱片的方式开始了演艺生涯,1970年他写了一首纪念凡高的歌。 马克林的首张专集名叫〈TAPESTRY〉,但没卖出去 后来他和艺术家联合会签约并制作了美国派的增加版,登上了英国排行镑第儿,美国排行镑第一,马克林一下子成了炙手可热的歌手 但他的演艺生涯在70年代中期陷入困境 1980年他凭一曲〈CRYING〉重返排行镑 80年代后马克林转向乡村音乐发展 1991年,他那张已有20周岁的美国派专集居然重返英国排行镑,是使得人们重新开始关注他。 他最近的一张专集是95年的〈RIVER OF LOVE〉 参考资料:


Vincent (Album Version) 歌词

Vincent(Starry Starry Night)星 夜演唱:Julio Iglesias(胡里奥)Starry starry night (繁星点点的夜晚)Paint your palette blue and gray (你的画版涂满了灰蓝)Look out on a summer"s day (你在那夏日向远处远眺)With eyes that know the darkness in my soul(用你那双能洞悉我灵魂的双眼)Shadows on the hills (影像重叠的层层群山)Sketch the trees and the daffodils (点缀着茂密的树林与美丽的水仙)Catch the breeze and the winter chills (颜色跳跃在雪白的亚麻布上)In colors on the snowy linen land (捕捉着冬去春来的乍暖还寒)Now I understand (如今我才明白)What you tried to say to me (你想对我说的是什么)How you suffered for your sanity (你为自己的清醒承受了多少的苦痛)How you tried to set them free (你多么努力的想让它们得到解脱)They would not listen they did not know how (却无人理会 无人倾听)Perhaps they"ll listen now (也许 人们现在已有所改变)Starry starry night (繁星点点的夜晚)Flaming flowers that brightly blaze (火红的花朵像燃烧的火焰)Swirling clouds in violet haze (舒卷的云朵似紫罗兰的娇颜)Reflect in Vincent"s eyes of china blue (映射在文森特湛蓝而忧郁的双眼)Colors changing hue (色彩变化万千)Morning fields of amber grain (清晨里琥珀色的田野)Weathered faces lined in pain (满布风霜的脸孔刻画着痛苦)Are soothed beneath the artist"s loving hand (在画才充满爱的画笔下得到了抚慰)Now I understand (如今我才明白)What you tried to say to me (你想对我说的是什么)How you suffered for your sanity (你为自己的清醒承受了多少的苦痛)How you tried to set them free (你多么努力的想让它们得到解脱)They would not listen they did not know how (却无人倾听 无人倾听)Perhaps they"ll listen now (也许 人们现在已有所改变)For they could not love you (因为他们当时无法爱你)But still your love was true (可是你的爱却依然真实)And when no hope was left inside (当内心的希望全部破灭)On that starry starry night (在那个繁星点点的夜晚)You took your life as lovers often do (你像许多绝望的恋人般结束了自己的生命)But I could have told you (但我却没能告诉你)Vincent,This world was never meant (文森特 这个世界根本配不上)for one as beautiful as you (生命如你般灿烂的一个人)Starry starry night (繁星点点的夜晚)Portraits hung in empty halls (空旷的大厅中你的画像独自安然)Frameless heads on nameless walls (无框的自画像挂在无名的墙上)With eyes that watch the world and can"t forget (有着注视人世而无法忘怀的眼睛)Like the strangers that you"ve met (就像你曾见过的陌生人)The ragged men in ragged clothes (那些衣着褴褛、境遇堪怜的人)The silver thorn of bloody rose (就像血红玫瑰上的银刺)Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow (夭折在初雪的大地上碾做尘埃)Now I think I know (我终于明白了)What you tried to say to me (你想对我说的是什么)How you suffered for your sanity (你为自己的清醒承受了多少的苦痛)How you tried to set them free (你多么努力的想让它们得到解脱)They would not listen (却依然无人理会)they aren"t listening still (也许 永远无人倾听 永远)( 由Julio Iglesias演唱的这首歌是美国著名民谣歌手Don McLean为纪念荷兰的伟大画家文森特.梵高而作.梵高最受人爱戴的名画就是1889年他住在St.Remy精神病院内所画的 The Starry Night, 也就是此歌中的第一句歌词 .一曲《星夜》把人们带入那冬天落雪的风景中, 带入梵高浓烈的色彩中, 带入对他深切的理解中去,让我们触摸他爱与美的世界, 梵高所受的冷落以及世人对其不了解,随着歌化成淡淡的忧愁,久久挥之不去."拉丁情歌之王" Julio Iglesias (胡里奥·伊格莱西亚斯)是世界上当今最走红的歌唱家之一,也是西班牙历史上最受欢迎的歌唱家1943年9月23日出生于马德里自从1968年他开始演唱生涯以来,他已经出售了一亿八千多万张专辑,是一位中国听众十分熟悉的歌手,其中最为我们喜爱的是他演绎的那首西班牙民谣《鸽子》)


Vincent是个男生名,文森特。意义是很有艺术才能的艺术家。这儿是梵高。美国乡村摇滚歌手Don Mclean(唐·马克林)1970年为纪念画家梵高而写的音乐著作《vencent》。王若琳翻唱的。



Don McLean的《Vincent》 歌词

歌曲名:Vincent歌手:Don McLean专辑:The Best Of Don McleanVincentDon McleanStarry starry nightpaint your palette blue and greylook out on a summer"s daywith eyes that know the darkness in my soul.Shadows on the hillssketch the trees and the daffodilscatch the breeze and the winter chillsin colors on the snowy linen land.And now I understandwhat you tried to say to meand how you suffered for your sanityand how you tried to set them free.They would not listen they did not know howperhaps they"ll listen now.Starry starry nightflaming flowers that brightly blazeswirling clouds in violet hazereflect in Vincent"s eyes of China blue.Colors changing huemorning fields of amber grainweathered faces lined in painare smoothed beneath the artist"s loving hand.And now I understandwhat you tried to say to meand how you suffered for your sanityand how you tried to set them free.They would not listen they did not know howperhaps they"ll listen now.For they could not love youbut still your love was trueand when no hope was left in sight on thatstarry starry night.You took your life as lovers often do,But I could have told you Vincentthis world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.Starry starry nightportraits hung in empty hallsframeless heads on nameless wallswith eyes that watch the world and can"t forget.Like the stranger that you"ve metthe ragged men in ragged clothesthe silver thorn of bloddy roselie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.And now I think I knowwhat you tried to say to meand how you suffered for your sanityand how you tried to set them free.They would not listen they"re not listening stillperhaps they never will.

David roth的《Vincent》 歌词

歌曲Vincent歌手dana winnerStarry, starry nightPaint your palette blue and grey Look out on a summer"s dayWith eyes that knowthe darkness in my soulShadows on the hillsSketch the treesand the daffodilsCatch the breezeand the winter chillsIn colors on thesnowy linen landNow I understandwhat you tried to say to meHow you sufferedfor your sanityHow you triedto set them freeThey would not listenthey did not know howPerhaps they"ll listen nowStarry, starry nightFlaming flowers thatbrightly blazeSwirlingclouds in violet hazeReflect in Vincent"s eyes of China blueColors changing huemorning field of amber grainWeathered faces lined in painAre soothed beneath the artist"s loving handNow I understandHow you suffered for your sanity How you triedto set them freeFor they could not love youBut still your love was true And when nohope was left in sightOn that starry, starry nightYou took your lifeas lovers often doBut I could have told you VincentThis world was never meantfor oneAs beautiful as youStarry, starry nightPortraits hung in empty hallsFrameless head on nameless wallsWith eyes that watchthe world and can"t forgetLike the strangers that you"ve metThe ragged menin the ragged clothesThe silver thorn of bloody roseLie crushed and brokenon the virgin snowNow I think I knowHow you suffered for your sanity How youtried to set them freeThey would not listenthey"re not listening stillPerhaps they never will这首歌是美国民谣歌手Don McLean为纪念荷兰的伟大画家文森特183梵高而作歌曲创作的灵感来自梵高的一幅著名的画作《Starry Starry Night》(星夜)旋律流畅得浑如天成词作也是如画般的唯美整首曲子的配器就是一把木吉他

Patti Austin的《Vincent》 歌词

歌曲Vincent歌手dana winnerStarry, starry nightPaint your palette blue and grey Look out on a summer"s dayWith eyes that knowthe darkness in my soulShadows on the hillsSketch the treesand the daffodilsCatch the breezeand the winter chillsIn colors on thesnowy linen landNow I understandwhat you tried to say to meHow you sufferedfor your sanityHow you triedto set them freeThey would not listenthey did not know howPerhaps they"ll listen nowStarry, starry nightFlaming flowers thatbrightly blazeSwirlingclouds in violet hazeReflect in Vincent"s eyes of China blueColors changing huemorning field of amber grainWeathered faces lined in painAre soothed beneath the artist"s loving handNow I understandHow you suffered for your sanity How you triedto set them freeFor they could not love youBut still your love was true And when nohope was left in sightOn that starry, starry nightYou took your lifeas lovers often doBut I could have told you VincentThis world was never meantfor oneAs beautiful as youStarry, starry nightPortraits hung in empty hallsFrameless head on nameless wallsWith eyes that watchthe world and can"t forgetLike the strangers that you"ve metThe ragged menin the ragged clothesThe silver thorn of bloody roseLie crushed and brokenon the virgin snowNow I think I knowHow you suffered for your sanity How youtried to set them freeThey would not listenthey"re not listening stillPerhaps they never will这首歌是美国民谣歌手Don McLean为纪念荷兰的伟大画家文森特183梵高而作歌曲创作的灵感来自梵高的一幅著名的画作《Starry Starry Night》(星夜)旋律流畅得浑如天成词作也是如画般的唯美整首曲子的配器就是一把木吉他

Don McLean的《Vincent》 歌词

歌曲名:Vincent歌手:Don McLean专辑:AfscheidStarry starry nightpaint your palette blue and greylook out on a summer"s daywith eyes that know the darkness in my soul.Shadows on the hillssketch the trees and the daffodilscatch the breeze and the winter chillsin colors on the snowy linen land.And now I understandwhat you tried to say to meand how you suffered for your sanityand how you tried to set them free.They would not listen they did not know howperhaps they"ll listen now.Starry starry nightflaming flowers that brightly blazeswirling clouds in violet hazereflect in Vincent"s eyes of China blue.Colors changing huemorning fields of amber grainweathered faces lined in painare smoothed beneath the artist"s loving hand.And now I understandwhat you tried to say to meand how you suffered for your sanityand how you tried to set them free.They would not listen they did not know howperhaps they"ll listen now.For they could not love youbut still your love was trueand when no hope was left in sight on thatstarry starry night.You took your life as lovers often do,But I could have told you Vincentthis world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.Starry starry nightportraits hung in empty hallsframeless heads on nameless wallswith eyes that watch the world and can"t forget.Like the stranger that you"ve metthe ragged men in ragged clothesthe silver thorn of bloddy roselie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.And now I think I knowwhat you tried to say to meand how you suffered for your sanityand how you tried to set them free.They would not listen they"re not listening stillperhaps they never lune


王若琳 - Vincent作曲:Don McLean填词:Don McLeanStarry, starry nightPaint your palette blue and grayLook out on a summer"s dayWith eyes that know the darkness in my soulShadows on the hillsSketch the trees and the daffodilsCatch the breeze and the winter chillsIn colors on the snowy linen landNow I understandWhat you tried to say to meHow you suffered for your sanityHow you tried to set them freeThey would not listen they did not know howPerhaps they"ll listen nowStarry, starry nightFlaming flowers that brightly blazeSwirling clouds in violet hazeReflecting Vincent"s eyes of China blueColors changing hueMorning fields of amber grainWeathered faces lined in painAre soothed beneath the artist"s loving handsNow I understandWhat you tried to say to meHow you suffered for your sanityHow you tried to set them freeThey would not listen they did not know howPerhaps they"ll listen nowFor they could not love youBut still your love was trueAnd when no hope was left in sightOn that starry, starry nightYou took your life as lovers often doBut I could have told you VincentThis world was never meant for one asbeautiful as youStarry, starry nightPortraits hung in empty hallsFrameless heads on nameless wallsWith eyes that watch the world and can"t forgetLike the strangers that you"ve metThe ragged men in ragged clothesA silver thorn on a bloody roseLie crushed and broken on the virgin snowNow I think I knowWhat you tried to say to meHow you suffered for your sanityHow you tried to set them freeThey would not listen they"re not listening stillPerhaps they never will



Vince Hill的《Vincent》 歌词

歌曲名:Vincent歌手:Vince Hill专辑:The Ultimate CollectionVincent(Stary stary night)Starry starry nightPaint your palette blue and grayLook out on a summer"s dayWith eyes that know the darkness in my soulShadows on the hillsSketch the trees and the daffodilsCatch the breeze and the winter chillsIn colors on the snowy linen landNow I understandWhat you tried to say to meHow you suffered for your sanityHow you tried to set them freeThey would not listen they did not know howPerhaps they"ll listen nowStarry starry nightFlaming flowers that brightly blazeSwirling clouds in violet hazeReflect in Vincent"s eyes of china blueColors changing hueMorning fields of amber grainWeathered faces lined in painAre soothed beneath the artist"s loving handNow I understandWhat you tried to say to meHow you suffered for your sanityHow you tried to set them freeThey would not listen they did not know howPerhaps they"ll listen nowFor they could not love youBut still your love was trueAnd when no hope was left insideOn that starry starry nightYou took your life as lovers often doBut I could have told youVincent,This world was never meantfor one as beautiful as youStarry starry nightPortraits hung in empty hallsFrameless heads on nameless wallsWith eyes that watch the world and can"t forgetLike the strangers that you"ve metThe ragged men in ragged clothesThe silver thorn of bloody roseLie crushed and broken on the virgin snowNow I think I knowWhat you tried to say to meHow you suffered for your sanityHow you tried to set them freeThey would not listen they aren"t listening stillPerhaps they"ll never





Don McLean的《Vincent》 歌词

歌曲名:Vincent歌手:Don McLean专辑:The Very Best Of Don McLeanStarry starry nightpaint your palette blue and greylook out on a summer"s daywith eyes that know the darkness in my soul.Shadows on the hillssketch the trees and the daffodilscatch the breeze and the winter chillsin colors on the snowy linen land.And now I understandwhat you tried to say to meand how you suffered for your sanityand how you tried to set them free.They would not listen they did not know howperhaps they"ll listen now.Starry starry nightflaming flowers that brightly blazeswirling clouds in violet hazereflect in Vincent"s eyes of China blue.Colors changing huemorning fields of amber grainweathered faces lined in painare smoothed beneath the artist"s loving hand.And now I understandwhat you tried to say to meand how you suffered for your sanityand how you tried to set them free.They would not listen they did not know howperhaps they"ll listen now.For they could not love youbut still your love was trueand when no hope was left in sight on thatstarry starry night.You took your life as lovers often do,But I could have told you Vincentthis world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.Starry starry nightportraits hung in empty hallsframeless heads on nameless wallswith eyes that watch the world and can"t forget.Like the stranger that you"ve metthe ragged men in ragged clothesthe silver thorn of bloddy roselie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.And now I think I knowwhat you tried to say to meand how you suffered for your sanityand how you tried to set them free.They would not listen they"re not listening stillperhaps they never lune
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