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native ,frustrat ,impatiently ,practically分别是什么意思?

native: n.本地人, 土产, 土人adj.本国的, 出生地的, 本地的, 与生俱来的, 天赋的, 土产的, 土著的frustrate v.挫败, 阻挠, 使感到灰心, 阻止 ,impatiently:adv.无耐性地 ,practically:adv.实际上, 事实上, 在实践上adv.几乎, 简直

Pure And Simple (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Pure And Simple (Lp Version)歌手:Lynyrd Skynyrd专辑:1991Wherever you goWhatever you doIt"s pure and simpleI"ll be there for youYou"ve been saying that I"m driving you crazyAnd I haven"t been around for you latelyBut I"ve had a few things on my mindWhen I"m with ya I am filled with emotionCan"t you see that I"m giving you devotionAnd a love like this is hard to findI know I"ve bin walking around in a daze (baby, baby)You"ve gotta believe me when I say (oh oh)Wherever you go (I"ll always be there)whatever you do (I know I"m gonna be there)It"s pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh)I"ll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there)Whatever it takes (I"ll always be there)I swear it"s true (you know I"m gonna be there)It"s pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh)I"ll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there)I"ve been there through the stormiest weatherAlways trying to make things a bit betterAnd I know I"ve gotta try and get through to youYou can live me in a way like no otherBut the situation"s taking you underSo you need to tell me now what you wanna goI know I"ve bin walking around in a daze (baby, baby)You"ve gotta believe me when I say (oh oh)Wherever you go (I"ll always be there)whatever you do (I know I"m gonna be there)It"s pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh)I"ll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there)Whatever it takes (I"ll always be there)I swear it"s true (you know I"m gonna be there)It"s pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh)I"ll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there)I"ll always be there for ya babyYou know that I"ll always be around(I"ll always be there, ya know I"ll always be there)I"ll always be there for ya honeyYou know I will never let you down (oh oh)"cause you"re the only one for meYeh yeh yehIt"s Pure and simpleWherever you go (I"ll always be there)whatever you do (I know I"m gonna be there)It"s pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh)I"ll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there)Whatever it takes (I"ll always be there)I swear it"s true (you know I"m gonna be there)It"s pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh)I"ll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there)Wherever you go (I"ll always be there)whatever you do (I know I"m gonna be there)It"s pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh)I"ll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there)Whatever it takes (I"ll always be there)I swear it"s true (you know I"m gonna be there)It"s pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh)I"ll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there)Hear"Say: Pure And Simple

Pure And Simple的歌词Bianca Ryan唱的

Wherever you goWhatever you doIt"s pure and simpleI"ll be there for youYou"ve been saying that I"m driving you crazyAnd I haven"t been around for you latelyBut I"ve had a few things on my mindWhen I"m with ya I am filled with emotionCan"t you see that I"m giving you devotionAnd a love like this is hard to findI know I"ve bin walking around in a daze (baby, baby)You"ve gotta believe me when I say (oh oh)Wherever you go (I"ll always be there)whatever you do (I know I"m gonna be there)It"s pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh)I"ll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there)Whatever it takes (I"ll always be there)I swear it"s true (you know I"m gonna be there)It"s pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh)I"ll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there)I"ve been there through the stormiest weatherAlways trying to make things a bit betterAnd I know I"ve gotta try and get through to youYou can live me in a way like no otherBut the situation"s taking you underSo you need to tell me now what you wanna goI know I"ve bin walking around in a daze (baby, baby)You"ve gotta believe me when I say (oh oh)Wherever you go (I"ll always be there)whatever you do (I know I"m gonna be there)It"s pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh)I"ll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there)Whatever it takes (I"ll always be there)I swear it"s true (you know I"m gonna be there)It"s pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh)I"ll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there)I"ll always be there for ya babyYou know that I"ll always be around(I"ll always be there, ya know I"ll always be there)I"ll always be there for ya honeyYou know I will never let you down (oh oh)"cause you"re the only one for meYeh yeh yehIt"s Pure and simpleWherever you go (I"ll always be there)whatever you do (I know I"m gonna be there)It"s pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh)I"ll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there)Whatever it takes (I"ll always be there)I swear it"s true (you know I"m gonna be there)It"s pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh)I"ll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there)Wherever you go (I"ll always be there)whatever you do (I know I"m gonna be there)It"s pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh)I"ll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there)Whatever it takes (I"ll always be there)I swear it"s true (you know I"m gonna be there)It"s pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh)I"ll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there)Hear"Say: Pure And Simple



extemporaneous impromptu 区别

"Extemporaneous," which comes from Latin "ex tempore" ("out of the time"), joined the English language sometime in the mid-17th century. The word "impromptu" was improvised soon after that. In general usage, "extemporaneous" and "impromptu" are used interchangeably to describe off-the-cuff remarks or speeches, but this is not the case when they are used in reference to the learned art of public speaking. Teachers of speech will tell you that an extemporaneous speech is one that has been thoroughly prepared and planned but not memorized, whereas an impromptu speech is one for which absolutely no preparations have been made.




home improvement歌词中文翻译

Well, you know I was a farmer when I was a younger man你知道我年轻候是个农民Until the fields got paved with asphalt and they took away my land直到路上铺上沥青 他们夺走了我们的土地And now the monument before us, it stands so tall and proud现在里程碑就在我们面前 它很高很荣耀A glorious new mini-mall upon the earth that I once ploughed那个小型商场曾经是我们耕地的地方I sold my house out in the country to rent a trailer by the mall我把房子卖了租了一个拖车(房车)挨着这座商场It"s not so bad except the kitchen"s just a little small并不是很糟但是厨房太小了I got a job at the local hardware store, where I work till five o"clock我在本地的五金店找了一份工作,要工作到晚上五点才下班Now they built another home improvement palace down the block现在他们建造另外一个装修工程的工地就在下一条街道What"s the sense of all this home improvement?家庭改造工程的意义是什么Well, I liked my home the way it was before我更喜欢原来的家If this is what our town has come to stand for如果这些来代表我们的城市I don"t think we need improvement anymore我不觉得我们需要改造I lost my job at the hardware store when the owner closed it down五金店的老板关掉了商店我失业了He said the rent was just too high to keep his family in this town他说租金太高他不能在这个镇生活了He sold his house to an executive, who tore it down to build a new one他把自己的房子卖给了总经理,总经理把房子推到了重新建造A million dollar mansion with a $20 view话费百万建造的大楼看起来廉价的像20美元What"s the sense of all this home improvement?家庭改造工程的意义是什么Well, I liked my home the way it was before我更喜欢原来的家If this is what our town has come to stand for如果这些来代表我们的城市I don"t think we need improvement anymore我不觉得我们需要改造One day this town will reach its goal and everyone will have总有一天这个镇会达标 每个人都会满意A Mercedes in the driveway of their subdivision land梅赛德斯在每个家庭的车库前Clear the way for progress by demolishing the past拆除过去来清理前路A hundred miles an hour and we"re going nowhere fast每小时一百公里 我们没有目的的就是开得快What"s the sense of all this home improvement?家庭改造工程的意义是什么Well, I liked my home the way it was before我更喜欢原来的家If this is what our town has come to stand for如果这些来代表我们的城市I don"t think we need improvement anymore我不觉得我们需要改造



Examples of the impossible being made possible can be found throughout history


Against All Odds (Impossibilé) 歌词


求Pit Of Vimper-Simon Curtis歌词的翻译qwqqq 全部歌词 00:00/03:29  I can almost

中英文对照歌词 Flesh 肉 Simon Curtis 西蒙柯蒂斯 This is not the way into my heart, into my head Into my brain, into none of the above This is just my way of unleashing the feelings deep inside of me This spark of black that i s。

origin的function model 中explicit和implicit 有什么区别

explicit 和 implicit 属于转换运算符,如用这两者可以让我们自定义的类型支持相互交换explicti 表示显式转换,如从 A -> B 必须进行强制类型转换(B = (B)A)implicit 表示隐式转换,如从 B -> A 只需直接赋值(A = B)隐式转换可以让我们的代码看上去更漂亮、更简洁易懂,所以最好多使用 implicit 运算符。不过!如果对象本身在转换时会损失一些信息(如精度),那么我们只能使用 explicit 运算符,以便在编译期就能警告客户调用端。转自h t t p: / / kb.cnblogs.c o m /p a g e/42277/



UVM中port, export, imp是什么关系啊?

下面是手册上的一个例子classconsumer extends uvm_component;uvm_blocking_put_imp#(simple_trans, consumer) put_export;我自己看了看guideline说port可通过imp port直接连到接口的实现,也可以与port,export相连间接地连到实现export是将子组件中的接口实现转发到父类的组件中。所以常用的应该是port 和 imp port,我查了FIFO和subscriber的export类型都是impport类型但是有两个问题:对于第一个问题,也许是为了理解方便,一进一出,只是命名的意义问题,我个人是这么认为的;对于第二个问题,好像用户手册里面有类似的介绍,你可以找找看。


  这两个变量名都不是javascript原生的东西, 简单一点说: 目前javascript没这东西。

export、export default和import用法详解,这一篇就够了

这三个名词功能的出现是为了实现 js 的模块化的,属于es6语法。 这仨没出现之前,我们给 js 按功能分为不同的文件,在 html 文件页面里引用的时候要使用大量的 script 标签,如果都放在一个文件里呢,又可能出现只使用一两个功能,却要引入相对大的一个文件,还有运行环境不同产生的等等问题。 接着 js 模块化即可在js中按需导入模块功能就出现了。 字面意思就可以看出 export 、 export default 负责 导出 , import 则负责 导入 。 export 在一个 js 文件中可以有多个, export default 最多只能有一个。 方式1:先声明后导出,假设 test1.js 方式2:导出与声明一起,假设 test2.js export的函数必须命名 混用:不限个数当然是可以混用的,假设 test3.js 不管上面哪种形式都可以用下面两种方式使用。 使用1:用哪个取哪个,还可以命名别名 使用2:全部取出,对象方式使用 方式1:先声明后导出,假设 test4.js 方式2:导出与声明一起,假设test5.js 方式2这里 fn5 可以是匿名函数如下,这与 export 必须命名函数是一个区别。为什么这里可以是匿名呢?原来 export default 导出的函数在 import 导出的时候都会重新命名,具体意思看下面的示例。 使用: export default 只有一种使用方式 这个 test5 就是我们给 export default function fn5() 或者 export default function() 重新定义的名字。 有心的小伙伴可能注意到这里并没有给出 export default 导出 const | let | var 这种变量的示例,那是因为这种变量是不可以直接像 export 一样直接出现在后面的,多值则需要以对象的形式导出,如下(test6.js): 使用还是跟使用 test5.js 一样的 以上 test7.js 使用的时候,要使用 export default 定义的就只能是 import [name] from "./test7.js" 形式, export 也是用自己的那两种方式 import {[name],[name] as [alias]} from "./test7.js"(即必须有花括号) 或者 import * as [alias] from "./test7.js" ,注意后一种 * 尽管是导出全部的意思,但这并不包括 export default 导出的。 感谢阅读,喜欢的话点个赞吧:) 更多内容请关注后续文章。。。

import and export是什么意思



import 和 export 是 ES6 模块中的两个命令 export 命令用于规定模块的对外接口(输出模块内部变量(方法、类)),即暴露接口出去 import 命令输入其他模块提供的功能,即引入暴露出来的接口供本文件使用 总结 1、一个文件里有且只能有一个export default,但是可以有多个export 2、当用export default people 暴露的时候, import people 导入(不带大括号) 3、export people暴露的时候, import { people }导入(记得带上大括号) 4、当一个文件里,既有一个export default people, 又有多个export name 或者 export age时,导入就用 import people, { name, age } 5、当一个文件里出现n多个 export 导出很多模块,导入时除了一个一个导入,也可以用import * as example


写法跟expdp命令一样 如导出命令: expdp 用户名/密码 schemas=用户名 directory=exp dumpfile=*.dmp logfile=exp.log导入命令只需把expdp换成impdp就行 impdp 用户名/密码 schemas=用户名 directory=exp dumpfile=*.dmp logfile=imp.log注意事项:首先从导出的机器中传到要导入数据库的机器上,如Windows可以放在D:imp 文件夹下(如果两台机器操作系统不同,需使用二进制传输dmp文件)在要导入数据的数据库创建导入导出目录SQL>create directory as "D:imp";3.命令行中开始导入 impdp 用户名/密码 schemas=用户名 directory=exp dumpfile=*.dmp logfile=exp.log

Impossible Dream - (Man Of La Mancha) 歌词

歌曲名:Impossible Dream - (Man Of La Mancha)歌手:Teatro专辑:TeatroLuther Vandross - Impossible DreamTo dream the impossible dreamTo fight the unbeatable foeTo bear with unbearable sorrowAnd to run where the brave dare not goTo right the unrightable wrongAnd to love pure and chaste from afarTo try when your arms are too wearyTo reach the unreachable starThis is my questTo follow that star~ ooh~No matter how hopelessNo matter how farTo fight for the rightWithout question or pauseTo be willing to marchmarch into hellFor that heavenly causeAnd I knowIf I"ll only be trueTo this glorious questThat my heartWill lie peaceful and calmWhen I"m laid to my restAnd the world will be better for thisOoh~ That one man, scorned and covered with scarsStill strove with his last ounce of courageTo reach the unreachable, the unreachableThe unreachable star ~Yeah, And I"ll always dreamThe impossible dreamYes, and I"ll reachThe unreachable star ~

The Charlatans的《Impossible》 歌词

歌曲名:Impossible歌手:The Charlatans专辑:Live It Like You Love ItImpossibleCrying and hiding this feeling Running and fighting for freedomCrying and hiding this feeling Running and fighting for freedomCrying and hiding this feeling Running and fighting for freedomCrying and hiding this feeling Running and fighting for freedomThis is the last time, I"ll cry lullabiesAll night can"t sleep I hear the floors creek.I feel shadows in my room,My friends find another bruise.I"m a end up on the news,I just don"t know what to do.God I"m calling you,Send an angel send two.I want a move but I"m trapped in the outer room,I know you hear me clearly I"m weary.Come and fill me with your power heal me.It seems impossible for me to let this go,Feel like an animal,I"m ready to lose control.Take everything you need,Take every part of me.Give me some room to breathe,Before I lose control.I got to get away Got a break away(Save Me)I Got to find away Got to break the chains(Take me)Before I lose control Before I lose controlIt seems impossible It"s not impossible.I"m tired so tired of walking through this fireIf you want to find me I"ll be here in my roomI"m thinking, your drinking,Need to get out before you start swingingWish I could show you all the pain inside meIt seems impossible for me to let this go,Feel like an animal,I"m ready to lose control.Take everything you need,Take every part of me.Give me some room to breathe,Before I lose control.I got to get away Got a break away(Save Me)I Got to find away Got to break the chains(Take me)Before I lose control Before I lose controlIt seems impossible It"s not impossible.It seems impossible,(Crying and hiding this feeling Running and fighting for freedom)For me to lose control,(Crying and hiding this feeling Running and fighting for freedom)It seems impossible.It seems impossible for me to let this go,Feel like an animal.It seems impossible for me to let this go,Feel like an animal.I"m ready to lose control.Take everything you need,Take every part of me,Give me some room to breathe,Before I lose seems impossible for me to let this go,Feel like an animal.It seems impossible It"s not impossible.It seems impossible for me to lose controlIt seems impossible It"s not impossible.

w-inds. Nothing Is Impossible歌词

Nothing Is Impossiblew-inds.作词 : shungo.作曲 : Magnus Lidehallu30fbJacob OlofssonNothing is impossible [Oh...]Nothing is impossible [Trust me, babe]Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh [Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah]ウーハーが効いたオーディオu30fbシステムゆらゆら揺れるキャンドルu30fbライトヴーブu30fbクリコを抜栓何度も重ねたグラス、さあ…It"s not even a problemあとは君次第It"s not even a problem朝まで観る?DVDIt"s not even a problem“タクシーがつかまらなかった”仆の家にいる建前が必要なら“それ”で。You"re so hot and sexy girl [How sexy you are]谁もが君のため予约(リザーブ)レストラン、最上阶のBar、ライヴ、VIPルーム…etc君の気を引こうと、取り敢えず。でも望んでいなさそう [You seem not to want]そんな扱いを、君は。Nothing is impossible [Impossible]We can do the impossibleMe and youNothing is impossible [Oh...]Nothing is impossible […谁より。]Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh [Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah]优雅なフリは伪装。もう、あらいざらい暴露ムード作りなんて実を言うと初めてなんだIt"s not even a problem君に仆はどう映る…? [予想上]It"s not even a problem地位はなく、あるのは自由。[I got freedom]It"s not even a problem…からかわれても仕方ない。君とどうにかなりたくて张った见栄You"re so hot and sexy girl [How sexy you are]谁もが君のため予约(リザーブ) [君のため予约(リザーブ)]レストラン、最上阶のBar、ライヴ、VIPルーム…etc君の気を引こうと、取り敢えず。でも望んでいなさそう [You seem not to want]そんな扱いを、君は。Nothing is impossible [Impossible]We can do the impossibleMe and youいずれ失恋…覚悟してる。君と仆とじゃ钓り合わないしでも何故か漕ぎつけられた 君と二人こうしている今格好付けるのはやめにしたよ、もう。ありのままの仆で胜负しよう本気が故に。[本気が故に。] …既に。[I"ll treat you nice %26 slow]You"re so hot and sexy girl [How sexy you are]谁もが君のため予约(リザーブ) [君のため予约(リザーブ)]レストラン、最上阶のBar、ライヴ、VIPルーム…etc君の気を引こうと、取り敢えず。でも望んでいなさそう [You seem not to want)そんな扱いを、君は。[…ほんの少しも。]Nothing is impossible [Impossible]We can do the impossibleMe and youYou"re so hot and sexy girl [How sexy you are]谁もが君のため予约(リザーブ)レストラン、最上阶のBar、ライヴ、VIPルーム…etc君の気を引こうと、取り敢えず。でも望んでいなさそう [You seem not to want]そんな扱いを、君は。Nothing is impossible [Impossible]We can do the impossibleMe and you [I want you]Nothing is impossible [Ha]Nothing is impossible [Nice %26 slow...that"s right]Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh [Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah]Nothing Is ImpossibleNothing is impossible[Oh...]Nothing is impossible[Trust me,babe]Oh-oh,oh-oh,oh-oh[Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah]重低音的音乐系统摇晃着烛光将Veuve Clicquot的软木塞拔起交叠了好几次的玻璃杯、那么...It"s not even a problem接下来就看你了It"s not even a problem要看到早上吗?DVDIt"s not even a problem“招不到计程车”若这是留在我家的方针那就用“那个”吧You"re so hot and sexy girl[How sexy you are]任谁都会为了你去预约餐厅、最高层的Bar、Live、VIP贵宾室...etc总之、先引起你注意但你要的好像不是这些[You seen not to want]这样的、待遇。Nothing is impossible[Impossible]We can do the impossibleMe and youNothing is impossible[Oh...]Nothing is impossible[...比起任何人。]Oh-oh,oh-oh,oh-oh[Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah]伪装成优雅的模样已经、完完全全的暴露了酝酿气氛什么的老实说这是第一次It"s not even a problem你和我看起来是什么感觉...?[在预想中]It"s not even a problem没有地位、有的只是自由。[I got freedom]It"s not even a problem...就算被玩弄也是没办法的。为了与你有个结果而做出的虚荣You"re so hot and sexy girl[How sexy you are]任谁都会为了你去预约餐厅、最高层的Bar、Live、VIP贵宾室...etc总之、先引起你注意但你要的好像不是这些[You seen not to want]这样的、待遇。Nothing is impossible[Impossible]We can do the impossibleMe and you总有一天会失恋...我已觉悟你和我一点也不配不知为何达成了目标而走到现在的我俩我放弃了装酷、已经。就用原本的我来决胜负吧用人造的心情。[用认真的心情。]...早就。[I"ll treat you nice&slow]You"re so hot and sexy girl[How sexy you are]任谁都会为了你去预约餐厅、最高层的Bar、Live、VIP贵宾室...etc总之、先引起你注意但你要的好像不是这些[You seen not to want]这样的、待遇。Nothing is impossible[Impossible]We can do the impossibleMe and youYou"re so hot and sexy girl[How sexy you are]任谁都会为了你去预约餐厅、最高层的Bar、Live、VIP贵宾室...etc总之、先引起你注意但你要的好像不是这些[You seen not to want]这样的、待遇。Nothing is impossible[Impossible]We can do the impossibleMe and you[I want you]Nothing is impossible[Ha]Nothing is impossible[Nice&slow...that"s right。]Oh-oh,oh-oh,oh-oh[Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah]

Impossible Dream 歌词

歌曲名:Impossible Dream歌手:Afro Tenors专辑:This Is The MomentLuther Vandross - Impossible DreamTo dream the impossible dreamTo fight the unbeatable foeTo bear with unbearable sorrowAnd to run where the brave dare not goTo right the unrightable wrongAnd to love pure and chaste from afarTo try when your arms are too wearyTo reach the unreachable starThis is my questTo follow that star~ ooh~No matter how hopelessNo matter how farTo fight for the rightWithout question or pauseTo be willing to marchmarch into hellFor that heavenly causeAnd I knowIf I"ll only be trueTo this glorious questThat my heartWill lie peaceful and calmWhen I"m laid to my restAnd the world will be better for thisOoh~ That one man, scorned and covered with scarsStill strove with his last ounce of courageTo reach the unreachable, the unreachableThe unreachable star ~Yeah, And I"ll always dreamThe impossible dreamYes, and I"ll reachThe unreachable star ~

Nothing Is Impossible 歌词

歌曲名:Nothing Is Impossible歌手:w-inds.专辑:10th Anniversary Best Album-We dance for everyoneNothing is impossibleNothing is impossibleOh-oh, oh-oh, oh-ohウーハーが効いたオーディオ?システムゆらゆら揺れるキャンドル ライトヴーブ クリコを抜栓何度も重ねたグラス、さあ…It"s not even a problemあとは君次第It"s not even a problem朝まで観る?DVDIt"s not even a problem“タクシーがつかまらなかった”仆の家にいる建前が必要なら“それ”で。You"re so hot and sexy girl谁もが君のため予约(リザーブ)レストラン、最上阶のBar、ライヴ、VIPルーム…etc君の気を引こうと、取り敢えず。でも望んでいなさそうそんな扱いを、君は。Nothing is impossibleWe can do the impossibleMe and youNothing is impossibleNothing is impossibleOh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh优雅なフリは伪装。もう、あらいざらい暴露ムード作りなんて実を言うと初めてなんだIt"s not even a problem君に仆はどう映る…?It"s not even a problem地位はなく、あるのは自由。It"s not even a problem…からかわれても仕方ない。君とどうにかなりたくて张った见栄You"re so hot and sexy girl谁もが君のため予约(リザーブ)レストラン、最上阶のBar、ライヴ、VIPルーム…etc君の気を引こうと、取り敢えず。でも望んでいなさそうそんな扱いを、君は。Nothing is impossibleWe can do the impossible Me and youいずれ失恋…覚悟してる。君と仆とじゃ钓り合わないしでも何故か漕ぎつけられた君と二人こうしている今格好付けるのはやめにしたよ、もう。ありのままの仆で胜负しよう本気が故に。 …既に。You"re so hot and sexy girl谁もが君のため予约(リザーブ)レストラン、最上阶のBar、ライヴ、VIPルーム…etc君の気を引こうと、取り敢えず。でも望んでいなさそうそんな扱いを、君は。Nothing is impossibleWe can do the impossible Me and you谁もが君のため予约(リザーブ)レストラン、最上阶のBar、ライヴ、VIPルーム…etc君の気を引こうと、取り敢えず。でも望んでいなさそうそんな扱いを、君は。Nothing is impossibleWe can do the impossible Me and youNothing is impossibleNothing is impossibleOh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh「Nothing Is Impossible」作词∶shungo.作曲∶Magnus Lidehall/Jacob Olofsson歌∶w-inds.【 おわり 】

《Physicsofthe Impossible》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Physics of the Impossible》(Michio Kaku)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:myk4书名:Physics of the Impossible作者:Michio Kaku豆瓣评分:8.5出版社:Doubleday出版年份:2008-3-11页数:329内容简介:A fascinating exploration of the science of the impossible—from death rays and force fields to invisibility cloaks—revealing to what extent such technologies might be achievable decades or millennia into the future.

The Impossible Dream 歌词

歌曲名:The Impossible Dream歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis In DeutschlandThe Impossible Dream- Matt MonroTo dream the impossible dreamTo fight the unbeatable foeTo bear with unbearable sorrowTo run where the brave dare not go.To right the unrightable wrongTo love pure and chaste from afarTo try when your arms are too wearyTo reach the unreachable starThis is my quest, to follow that star,No matter how hopeless,no matter how farTo fight for the rightwithout question or pauseTo be willing to marchinto hell for heavenly causeAnd I know if I"ll only be true tothis glorious questThat my heart will lie peaceful and calmwhen I"m laid to my restAnd the world will be better for thisThat one manscorned and covered with scarsStill strove with his last ounce of courageTo reach the unreachable star

The Impossible Dream 歌词

歌曲名:The Impossible Dream歌手:Ethel Merman&Stanley Black&The London Festival Orchestra专辑:Merman Sings Merman/Ethel"S Ridin" HighThe Impossible Dream-Andy WilliamsTo dream the impossible dreamTo fight the unbeatable foeTo bear with unbearable sorrowTo run where the brave dare not go.To right the unrightable wrongTo love pure and chaste from afarTo try when your arms are too wearyTo reach the unreachable starThis is my quest, to follow that star,No matter how hopeless,no matter how farTo fight for the rightwithout question or pauseTo be willing to marchinto hell for heavenly causeAnd I know if I"ll only be true tothis glorious questThat my heart will lie peaceful and calmwhen I"m laid to my restAnd the world will be better for thisThat one manscorned and covered with scarsStill strove with his last ounce of courageTo fight the unbeatable foeTo reach the unreachable star.

The Impossible Dream 歌词

歌曲名:The Impossible Dream歌手:The Temptations专辑:I Wish It Would Rain / In A Mellow MoodThe Impossible DreamTo dream the impossible dreamTo fight the unbeatable foeTo bear with unbearable sorrowAnd to run where the brave dare not goTo right the unrightable wrongAnd to love pure and chaste from afarTo try when your arms are too wearyTo reach the unreachable starThis is my questTo follow that starNo matter how hopelessNo matter how farTo fight for the rightWithout question or pauseTo be willing to march, march into hellFor that heavenly causeAnd I knowIf I"ll only be trueTo this glorious questThat my heartWill lie peaceful and calmWhen I"m laid to my restAnd the world will be better for thisThat one man, scorned and covered with scars,Still strove with his last ounce of courageTo reach the unreachable star, the unreachable,The unreachable starThe impossible dream...

The Impossible Dream 歌词

歌曲名:The Impossible Dream歌手:Andre Rieu专辑:André Rieu Im WunderlandThe Impossible Dream-Andy WilliamsTo dream the impossible dreamTo fight the unbeatable foeTo bear with unbearable sorrowTo run where the brave dare not go.To right the unrightable wrongTo love pure and chaste from afarTo try when your arms are too wearyTo reach the unreachable starThis is my quest, to follow that star,No matter how hopeless,no matter how farTo fight for the rightwithout question or pauseTo be willing to marchinto hell for heavenly causeAnd I know if I"ll only be true tothis glorious questThat my heart will lie peaceful and calmwhen I"m laid to my restAnd the world will be better for thisThat one manscorned and covered with scarsStill strove with his last ounce of courageTo fight the unbeatable foeTo reach the unreachable star.

有以make the impossible possible的英语作文吗

句话没有语法错误。the impossible 是“the 加形容词” 表示此类人或事,这里表示不可能的事。make sth

The Impossible Dream 歌词

歌曲名:The Impossible Dream歌手:Robert Goulet专辑:16 Most Requested SongsThe Impossible Dream-Andy WilliamsTo dream the impossible dreamTo fight the unbeatable foeTo bear with unbearable sorrowTo run where the brave dare not go.To right the unrightable wrongTo love pure and chaste from afarTo try when your arms are too wearyTo reach the unreachable starThis is my quest, to follow that star,No matter how hopeless,no matter how farTo fight for the rightwithout question or pauseTo be willing to marchinto hell for heavenly causeAnd I know if I"ll only be true tothis glorious questThat my heart will lie peaceful and calmwhen I"m laid to my restAnd the world will be better for thisThat one manscorned and covered with scarsStill strove with his last ounce of courageTo fight the unbeatable foeTo reach the unreachable star.

Sue Raney的《Impossible》 歌词

歌曲名:Impossible歌手:Sue Raney专辑:When Your Lover Has Gone/Songs For A Raney DayLeMarvin - Impossibleyou want the world and everything in ityou want the time each and every minuteyou dont give me a chance to miss you like i shouldwhy dont you understand i do it if i could butyou seem to think that you should never cryyou think that i can push the clouds out of the skyim not here to be your fanim here to be your manim tryina understandbut honestly i cantwhy dont you put yourself in my shoes for a daythen you would probably feel the samegirl i wish that i can give you everything you been wantingbut you make it so hard cus you want all or nothingand i cant do the impossiblewhat you want from me is impossiblei love you butyou never wanna give and take you want things your wayand i aint gon do it all you gotta come half waycus i cant do the impossibleloving you is next to impossibleso let me goill give you gifts, and ill give you loveill give my soul, still it aint enoughyou wake so seflishly, you so damn hard to pleasei cant fulfill your needscoz your needs never cease noyou"ve never once, asked me how i beenyoure too busy telling me you need more attentionthink youre better off alone, at least that way youll knowexactly what you want, cus you want way too muchwhy dont you put yourself in my shoes for a daythen youll probably feel the samegirl i wish that i can give you everything you been wantingbut you make it so hard cus you want all or nothingand i cant do the impossiblewhat you want from me is impossiblei love you butyou never wanna give and take you want things your wayand i aint gon do it all you gotta come half waycus i cant do the impossibleloving you is next to impossibleso let me goyou wanna stay, you want things your wayyou dont want a man whos gon protect youcherish and respect youyou give me the woman that i needyou dont make me feel like i impress youyou make me regret youand i dont understand why you take for grantedthe things i do to comfort youand i aint gonna stick aroundand let you tear me downnow someone else can play your foolgirl i wish that i can give you everything you been wantingbut you make it so hard cus you want all or nothingand i cant do the impossiblewhat you want from me is impossiblei love you butyou never wanna give and take you want things your wayand i aint gon do it all you gotta come half waycus i cant do the impossibleloving you is next to impossibleso let me gogirl i wish that i can give you everything you been wantingbut you make it so hard cus you want all or nothingand i cant do the impossiblewhat you want from me is impossiblei love you butyou never wanna give and take you want things your wayand i aint gon do it all you gotta come half waycus i cant do the impossibleloving you is next to impossibleso let me gois ..

sarah connor-the impossible dream的歌词

To dream the impossible dreamTo fight the unbeatable foeTo bear with unbearable sorrowAnd to run where the brave dare not goTo right the unrightable wrongAnd to love pure and chaste from afarTo try when your arms are too wearyTo reach the unreachable starThis is my questTo follow that starNo matter how hopelessNo matter how farTo fight for the rightWithout question or pauseTo be willing to march, march into hellFor that heavenly causeAnd I knowIf I"ll only be trueTo this glorious questThat my heartWill lie peaceful and calmWhen I"m laid to my restAnd the world will be better for thisThat one man, scorned and covered with scars,Still strove with his last ounce of courageTo reach the unreachable, the unreachable,The unreachable starAnd I"ll always dreamThe impossible dreamYes, and I"ll reach The unreachable star....额,MS不是很对劲。。。。希望表介意哈~~~

Up is down the impossible occurs each day.这句话怎么理解??

黑白颠倒这种不可能的事情每天都在发生。 up is down应为一起。不知道你看过加勒比海盗三没有里面就有up is down.字面上翻译为上即是下,引申为黑白颠倒。


Just woke up and thought I"d try 刚刚清醒过来并想着要去尝试一下Try to step across the line 尝试越过这条界限You know that I"ve been thinking about it for a while, yeah 你知道有一段时间我都在思考这个问题Starting to think it"s time I leave 觉得是时候离开了Does me good to know I finally feel 我会知道我最终的感受I feel this pain, it"s real, it"s possible 我感到疼痛,这种感觉是真实的,但也能接受You say can"t change the winds 你说无法改变这种状况You say won"t matter anyway 你说不管怎样都不会有问题的Can"t reach that far "cause it"s impossible 不可能是那样的因为不可能Can"t rise above this place 不能超越这个地方Won"t change your mind, so I pray 不能够改变你的想法,所以我祈祷Breaking the walls down to the impossible 使那堵不可能的墙倒下Walking by myself, I know 我独自行走 我了解This lonely road"s becoming my new home 这条孤独的路是我的新家But I don"t stop, I just keep moving on and on 但我不会停下来,我只会继续走啊走Ain"t no need to dry my eyes 没有必要I haven"t cried in quite some timeEvery day I fight it, you know it"s possibleYou say can"t change the windsYou say won"t matter anywayCan"t reach that far "cause it"s impossible Can"t rise above this placeWon"t change your mind, so I prayBreaking the walls down to the impossibleCan someone tell me why it"s so hard taking chancesYou draw the line and think that I won"t ask for moreI will stumble and I"ll make my own mistakes, yeahBut I won"t worry about it anymoreIt"s impossibleYou say can"t change the windsYou say won"t matter anywayCan"t reach that far "cause it"s impossible Can"t rise above this placeWon"t change your mind, so I prayBreaking the walls down to the impossibleIt"s impossible to you, not impossible for meNot impossible for meCan"t rise above this placeWon"t change your mind, so I prayBreaking the walls down to the impossibleJust woke up and thought I"d tryTry to step across the line

the “impossible trilogy” principle是什么

不可能的三位一体(Impossible trinity)是国际经济学上的原则,又称“三元悖论”,也称“三难选择”,指一个国家不可能同时完成下列三者:资本自由进出(Capital)固定汇率(Exchange)独立自主的货币政策(Monetary policy)而货币政策是用来控制利率,故在一个资本自由进出的国家或者地区(如香港特区),政府是不能控制双率的。为何不可能资本自由进出且固定汇率在资本自由进出及固定汇率之下,政府无法钉住货币供给,也不能钉住利率,于是资本的流动将使利率趋向于国际利率水平,失去货币政策自主性。像是香港资本自由进出,且港币在1983年10月17日采联系汇率制度钉住美元。故香港利率水平完全由美国主导。资本自由进出且自主的货币政策在资本自由进出且自主的货币政策之下,利率变化造成的资本流动会被汇率的反向变动所抵销,使资本的进出不影响货币供给,因此国家可以拥有货币政策自主性,却不能钉住汇率。已开发之大型开放经济体多采用此种制度。(开放指资本自由进出)自主的货币政策与固定汇率在上面两个情况皆为资本流动造成双率只能择一控管,于是在管制资本流动后,便可控制双率。如亚洲金融危机后采金融锁国之马来西亚。



The Impossible Dream – 观Man of La Mancha 音乐剧之后记

(Posted on May 29, 2013) Man of La Mancha是Dale Wasserman根据Cervantes的小说Don Quixote(堂吉诃德)改编的百老汇音乐剧,久负盛名。终于有幸一睹风采,虽已时隔一年多,那种感动依然记得。 Don Quixote 形象 Don Quixote 在我心目中的印象一直比较矛盾。如果只强调瞬间,Don Quixote的形象总能在某个时候不经意地跳跃出来,鲜明生动,尤其在面对令人敬畏的庞然大物之前。但是如果想从总体上把握这个人物,他的种种行为又如 此不合逻辑。谁都要说,他是个疯子,包括我。我个人一向排斥不以理性分析为基础的热情。但是那种热情,却又总在某个瞬间迸发,让人难以抗拒。 文学界长期以来对Don Quixote一直也是争议不休的。虽然说小说有“把严肃和滑稽,悲剧性和喜剧性,生活中的琐屑和庸俗与伟大和美丽水乳交融”的评价(V.G. Belinskiy),却和作者的序言声明不能很好地融合;虽然小说人物的塑造特征是如此的呼之欲出,无出其右,仔细推量起来,这人物却又复杂得难以定 性。 不喜欢过度解读文学作品,但是我们有音乐剧。正如scott所点评:Cervantes" famous story simply had to be a musical。叙事音乐剧之于文字小说,因其本身所固有的形而上的表现主义,以及饱满的情绪性,可以更超脱现实,通过视觉和听觉效果的完美结合,穿越世 故,释放内心。人生如戏,戏剧则在夸张和疯狂中以浓缩的方式来展现人生。 音乐剧设计 Dale Wasserman根据小说设计的音乐剧正是如此。Man of La Mancha利用表演艺术的张力很鲜明地突出了他想要的部分,把Don Quixote那种狂热泛化,塑造成一个人们得以接受的现代英雄,一种精神支柱。这又是怎么样的精神支柱呢?对The Impossible Dream的不懈追求。它像一团沿着无形绳索蔓延的火种。 整个音乐剧的设计精巧,令人叹服。Dale将Don Quixote 的故事与Cervantes的创作背景结合在一起,故事有了背景,精神就容易把握。Cervantes在被剥夺自由的狱中演绎Don Quixote对理想的执着追求,这种对比也强化了the impossible dream 的存在意义。小说的结局是以Don Quixote 连同他的精神的死去收尾,但是在剧里,死去了的Don Quixote 又变身返回成为Cervantes,这使得the impossible dream得以延续并升华,并四下蔓延开来。 Man of La Mancha的舞台设备简陋,因地制宜,因为所要表达的基本场所是监狱,主体色调也是灰暗的。除了开头结尾,不设幕帘,仅通过简单的灯光变换和简单的设备 增减,即完成所有场景的转换。这有点儿像中国的写意,介乎有形无形之间,以简逸的表现手法来表达复杂的事物,充分调用观众的想像去再造故事发生的环境。唯 一比较复杂的就是舞台上方可供狱卒走动的小走廊,还需要有活动梯子以连通。但是却是在这样极为有限的空间里,浓缩了小说里的几百号人物,完成了Don Quixote 的三次远征。 音乐剧充分调用了表演艺术的意像性,从始至终充满了对比和切换:故事本身带有的现实与幻想的交相辉映,Don Quixote和Sancho形象、性格、处世态度的对比与协调,骑士精神中斗争与柔情的对比,纯洁公主与风尘厨娘的切换,旅馆与城堡的切换,等等等等, 更加深了全剧扑朔迷离的神秘与浪漫色彩。 作为音乐剧,台词和音乐自然是Man of La Mancha里最能打动人的承载主题利器了。Joe Darion 与Mitch Leigh联手作词谱曲,非常好地配合了剧情的发展。充满哲学意味的词,在叙事的同时把全剧的英雄情怀推向更为普遍化的,每个人都会面对的问题。最主要的 几首,Man of La Mancha, Dulcinea,以及 The Impossible Dream,这分别是Don Quixote对正义、爱情和梦想的追求: My destiny calls and I go, And the wild winds of fortune Will carry me onward, 。。。 I see heaven when I see thee, Dulcinea 。。。 To dream the impossible dream, To fight the unbeatable foe 。。。 音乐剧现场 还是来看看现场吧。 早春的海滨剧场。夜幕之下,风的清冷并不影响人们的热情。未开演的剧台被巨大的深色幕帘笼罩着,中间投射着Picasso的Don Quixote插画。 演员阵容还是很强的,Davis Gaines扮演Cervantes/Quixote,Lesli Margherita 扮演Aldonza。两人在音乐剧表演领域都颇有建树。 Opening 以flamenco guitars 和bass开场,带出一种行吟式的音调,空旷辽远如中世纪的荒原。最初的震撼来自开头喧闹的场面之后,Cervantes 和他的随从(?)套上头套,穿上盔甲,一跃而起,我们的Don Quixote和Sancho闪亮登场了!一时乐声大作,鼓点激昂,“I, Don Quixote” 观众们情不自禁地鼓掌! Man of La Mancha融合了大段大段的演唱,天衣无缝的配合总能在关键点上撩拨观众的心弦。尤其是The impossible dream,贯穿始终,作为全剧的精神所在,每次都掀起高潮,层层迭进。其实我对唱的内容和对白都听得模模糊糊,但是不很影响,因为表演者的动作,吟唱的 声调和情绪,已经把剧作的精神传达得很到位了。 远征,是骑士注定的生活,是追求骑士精神的必要手段。Don Quixote和Sancho于是数次出行,为了他的骑士精神一次次地“没有困难制造困难也要上”。幸而剧场里的敌人,从来就是假想敌。在幻想世界里,我们和Don Quixote一起荒诞。 远征之中,幸而还有友情,还有Sancho对Don Quixote的衷心追随和务实纠正。“I like him”, Sancho 唱到。 爱情,对骑士精神来说是个必需的套路,只是把“纯洁公主”的影像套在风尘厨娘身上,实在需要完全沉浸于理想世界之中。好吧,不管这“爱情”是不是真的,这 是一种原始的动力和调剂,骑士需要它,情感色彩需要它,音乐节奏也需要它。Aldonza的存在平衡了男性世界的生硬,虽然这个角色本身颇为粗野。 “Little Bird, Little Bird”轻松戏谑,“Dulcinea”为整部剧作添加了浪漫的乐音, Aldonza 在Don Quixote临终前的咏唱柔美深情,像盔甲上精致的花纹,剑鞘旁斜插的枝叶。但是个人觉得爱情这一块还是刻画得过多了些。插个话,马和驴子演绎得很可 爱。 Don Quixote之死自然是一个重点桥段。在这里剧作者安排了与小说不一样的结束。他让Don Quixote死在重振旗鼓的关口,死在Aldonza 转化为Dulcinea 的时刻, 死在最后的“The Impossible Dream”里。“出师未捷身先死”,观众席里一片唏嘘。 而后却是更为精彩的剧作的结局。Don Quixote死了,Cervantes还在。Don Quixote的故事打动了残暴的囚犯,蔓延到那些狱中囚犯们中间,至少在那瞬间,这群社会弃儿心中的希望之火被照亮。大家齐声唱着著名的“the impossible dream”,为Cervantes和他的仆从祝福;这种精神于是也蔓延到观众席间,更多的人禁不住动容哭泣,为这“the impossible dream”。这场景惹得当时我很想以这样一个名字为我的后记命名:长使英雄泪满襟。 Don Quixote不是经典的英雄,但他的精神,我想,却是很多人内心英雄情节的反映吧。比较有意思的是,我因为没做功课,开始时把上方的狱卒理解成了监控人间的守护神。其实想想也说得通,人间不就是一个扩大了的监狱么。 Impossible dream 几乎每个人内心深处,都有他/她的impossible dream。因为种种现实的原因,这些看起来不切实际梦想大多屈服,处于长眠的状态。但是就像我认识的一位朋友所说:当某种意识或体验曾经在人的内心发生 过后,哪怕看起来它早已被淡忘,它其实总蛰伏在那里,在心的深处,如一条冬眠的蛇,在不经意的时候醒来,咬上一口,无从防备。而音乐,直指心灵的利刃,可 以让现实层层堆积起来的堡垒,瞬间瓦解 ! 瞬间力!这破坏完美平衡却又制造着新的希望的力! 而有时候,这所谓的impossible dream并非不可能,只是需要面对的困难太大,需要放弃的既得利益太多,在旁人眼里,这属于自找苦吃,但这些梦想,却是发自心底的呐喊。这时候对梦想的 追逐,暂时不被世俗所接受。也许需要的就是多一些勇气。自我解嘲也好,激励也好,“做个唐吉珂德也未尝不好,既然一切已经是场闹剧,那我要做自己的英雄, 去和虚无的敌人搏斗,去激烈地爱,去远征,去浪漫。” 拥有梦想到底多富有,这是一个很老调的主题,却也是个永远没有答案的主题。 但是夜深人静的时候,我感受到在心底迸裂开来的,The impossible dream: To dream the impossible dream, To fight the unbeatable foe, 。。。 To reach the unreachable star, Though you know it"s impossibly high, To live with your heart striving upward To a far, unattainable sky!

碟中谍里的“IMF”是“the Impossible 什么啊?

Impossible Mission Force Force还有部队、小组的意思,名词。PS:很多单词都有很多字典查不到的意思

the impossible - Mariah Carey


The Impossible 歌词

歌曲名:The Impossible歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel Remix AlbumMariah Carey - The ImpossibleMariah Carey , the Queen of heavenWe were two little people wrapped up in this big old world, ohDrifting round in space out of place just a boy and girl, ohThen you took my hand and made me a part of youAnd I looked in your heartAnd saw all my dreams come trueYou did the impossible (you did the impossible)You rescued my loveYou did the impossible (you did the impossible)See, I had almost give upAnd now I love ya like summer time, love ya like cherry wineLove ya like free money, like a preacher love"s SundayLove ya like freeze pop, love ya like a milk shakeLove ya like a high school girl on a first dateLove ya like shottin" stars, love ya like a muscle carLove ya like we"re destinedLove ya like my lover and best friendYeah, you did the impossibleTonight I"m gonna need all your attentionClose the doorI wanna do things I probably shouldn"t mentionLike a bird I"m gon" humThose three words, I love you, I love you, I love youFreeze the time, let the world go byIf you"re mine say, you love me, you love me, you love meBoy take my hand and make me a part of youAnd the love that you gave to me has pulled me throughYou did the impossible (you did the impossible)You rescued my loveYou did the impossible (you did the impossible)See, I had almost give upAnd now I love ya like sunsets, bubble baths on the JetLove ya like kool-aid, louis millionaire shadesLove ya like sugar daddys, love ya like a pimp caddyLove ya like a holiday duncan hines yellow cakeLove ya like it"s 5 am and I"m off workLove ya like louboutin heels and a mini skirtLove ya like an asher cut pink and white engagement ring (boy I love ya like)Love ya like layin" in a bed bumpin" jodeciAnd I"m forever your ladyLayin" in the bed bumpin" jodeciAnd I"m forever your ladyLayin" in the bed bumpin" jodeciAnd I and I"m forever your lady(I love you like the sunsets in the evening)And I"m forever your lady (like the shotting stars)(Yeah, I love you)And I"m forever your lady (oh, you did the impossible)I"d almost given upThe impossible

Make the impossible possible有语法错误吗?



从概念上来说,extends表示的是类与类或接口与接口的继承,implements表示的是类对接口的实现。也就是说,一个是扩展,另一个是实现。从设计思路来回答,就要讲明白为什么会有类和接口这两个不同的概念。事实上,仅仅通过类的单继承就可以解决绝大部分问题,而C++的多重继承可以解决任何面向对象问题。之所以要设计接口这个概念,主要还是为了使面向对象设计中的多态得到优美的解决。接口是一个特殊的抽象类。Java的设计者认为,多重继承增加了系统设计和实现时的复杂性,并且容易出错和产生歧义(例如A同时继承了B和C,而A定义了一个方法,在B和C中都存在这个方法的同名方法,此时A重写了B还是C的方法?),因此Java只允许单重继承,这完全是Java的设计者强加的限制。为了解决单重继承无法解决的问题(或者说不容易解决的问题),Java设计者设计了接口的概念,实际上,Java设计者鼓励使用接口而不是继承,因为接口的抽象性更加纯粹。总结:单继承+接口和多继承都是为了解决面向对象问题,只是方式不同。在Java设计者看来,单继承+接口的好处 > 多继承

Simply You - Secret Garden&秘密花园 歌词翻译




Date firstTime = rs.getFirstTime();SimpleDateFormat sdf=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")


输入import java.awt.BorderLayout;出现错误,属非法类型开始需要标识符怎么解决?谢谢

RunTime.exec("这里是命令");那就首先说点Runtime类吧,他是一个与JVM运行时环境有关的类,这个类是Singleton的。我说几个自己觉得重要的地方。1、Runtime.getRuntime()可以取得当前JVM的运行时环境,这也是在Java中唯一一个得到运行时环境的方法。2、Runtime上其他大部分的方法都是实例方法,也就是说每次进行运行时调用时都要用到getRuntime方法。3、Runtime中的exit方法是退出当前JVM的方法,估计也是唯一的一个吧,因为我看到System类中的exit实际上也是通过调用Runtime.exit()来退出JVM的,这里说明一下Java对Runtime返回值的一般规则(后边也提到了),0代表正常退出,非0代表异常中止,这只是Java的规则,在各个操作系统中总会发生一些小的混淆。4、Runtime.addShutdownHook()方法可以注册一个hook在JVM执行shutdown的过程中,方法的参数只要是一个初始化过但是没有执行的Thread实例就可以。(注意,Java中的Thread都是执行过了就不值钱的哦)5、说到addShutdownHook这个方法就要说一下JVM运行环境是在什么情况下shutdown或者abort的。文档上是这样写的,当最后一个非精灵进程退出或者收到了一个用户中断信号、用户登出、系统shutdown、Runtime的exit方法被调用时JVM会启动shutdown的过程,在这个过程开始后,他会并行启动所有登记的shutdown hook(注意是并行启动,这就需要线程安全和防止锁)。当shutdown过程启动后,只有通过调用halt方法才能中止shutdown的过程并退出JVM。那什么时候JVM会abort退出那?首先说明一下,abort退出时JVM就是停止运行但并不一定进行shutdown。这只有JVM在遇到SIGKILL信号或者windows中止进程的信号、本地方法发生类似于访问非法地址一类的内部错误时会出现。这种情况下并不能保证shutdown hook是否被执行。

import java.awt.BorderLayout;是什么意思?


It is impossible that he will ever again in his life ___ so much without having to do anything

be given 是接前面的will的

She was not impudent, but a very sedated person, she is a constant giver. If I were ever given t



simple past (动词的)一般过去式英英释义:Simple pastabstract:The simple past or past simple, sometimes called the preterite, is the basic form of the past tense in Modern English. It is used principally to describe events in the past, although it also has some other uses.双语例句:1.Now, is the use of the simple past tense in the following sentence of yours correct? 下面你使用的一般过去式句子是正确的吗?。2.Normally, such sentences in the past perfect follow another sentence in the simple past tense, as in the following example. 一般来说, 这种过去完成式的句子是紧接着另一个一般过去式的句子, 看下面的例句。

______ an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later...

C 试题分析:考查现在分词做状语:句意:把重要的决定更多的建立在情感而不是原因上,你迟早会后悔的。Base…on..,把…建立在…的基础上,you和base是主谓关心,用现在分词做状语,选C。

play important roles in

both A and B play an important role是对的,play的单复数形式由它前面的主语决定,由于前面是both A and B所以要用复数

implore 和 beg 有什么区别?

Beg:请求(一再要求的意思) eg.The children begged not to be left home. Implore: 要求(乞怜,表示非常迫切、焦急的要求) eg.The prisoner implored the king for mercy. He implored forgiveness for what he had done.

急!翻译The Impact of the Internet

互联网的影响今天,几乎是我们生活的方方面面的力并未吨正由信息拥挤的数以百万计的网站在互联网上提供数百个,洪流颠覆不可能有能力保持经常接触,我们之间通过其他电子邮件。 “如果汽车和航空航天技术已在爆炸,计算机和信息技术同步,“微软说,”一辆新车的成本约为2美元,继续气体的顶针600英里。 ,你可以买一个比萨成本波音747。 “也许最大的回报,然而,美元储蓄互联网公司生产的商品和服务其客户的需要十亿美元。任何喜欢它一直自工业革命时,电力驱动的机器开始生产开始出现在一天多于男性可以把在近一年内。所有的上网时间,得不到生活的时间很多年轻盈富泰克的工人或爱脱机。美国的自由企业制度,达到在硅谷疯狂,已经认识到,本地爱之船正在水,并在保存一天赶。约会服务已接近超负荷。研讨会和爱医生这些丰富的教学,忙碌单身的年轻人如何寻找和捕捉他们的心脏在这浪漫的荒地愿望和斑点,如Matchmaker的COM调解人。 com是努力使男女一起联机。一个现实,在这个爱的集市失败者必须面对的是,他们没有选择,因为他们是歪了。不过不用担心,因为网络时代也有这一个答案,音频,视频和计算机网络私人教练健身计划准备变成您自己的个人健康俱乐部您的家庭和跑步机。(仅供参考,有些地方不是很通顺,你自己再改改吧)

求cody simpson 的《Summertime of Our Lives 》的详细英文歌词!

Everyday at twilight When the sun turns red in the sky I think of you on that shoreline Brushing your hair from your eyes We were drawing our names on the wet sand And running away as it"s like Running Wherever you are, no matter how far I promise that I won"t give up on you They say other side means other lie They couldn"t be further from the truth Cause I"m in love with you I"m still in love with you Even if there is an ocean Keeping your heart from mine That doesn"t mean I"m not thinking About you all the time I"m counting the days till I see you, And somewhere I know that you are too Wherever you are, no matter how far I promise that I won"t give up on you They say the other side means other lie They couldn"t be further from the truth Cause I"m in love with you I"m still in love with you oh Oh oh Summertime of our lives Nothing has ever felt so right Summertime of our lives Even though, we had to say goodbye I know when the world gets wrong You"ll come back to me Cause wherever you are, no matter how far I promise that I won"t give up on you They say the other side means other lie They couldn"t be further from the truth Wherever you are, no matter how far I promise that I won"t give up on you They say other side means other lie They couldn"t be further from the truth I"m in love with you I"m still in love with you I"m still in love with you oh oh 每天黄昏当太阳变成红色的天空我想你在海岸线刷你的头发,你的眼睛我们在湿砂图我们的名字和逃跑就像运行无论你在哪里,不管多远我承诺,我不会放弃你他们说其他的球队意味着其他的谎言他们根本就不是事实因为我爱你我仍然爱着你即使有一个海洋让你的心与我的这并不意味着我不想关于你的所有时间我数着日子,直到我看见你,而且我知道你太无论你在哪里,不管多远我承诺,我不会放弃你他们说,对方就意味着其他的谎言他们根本就不是事实因为我爱你我仍然爱着你哦哦哦我们生活的夏季从来没有感觉这么好我们生活的夏季虽然,我们不得不说再见我知道在这个世界上获得的错误你会回到我身边因为无论你在哪里,不管多远我承诺,我不会放弃你他们说,对方就意味着其他的谎言他们根本就不是事实无论你在哪里,不管多远我承诺,我不会放弃你他们说其他的球队意味着其他的谎言他们根本就不是事实我爱你我仍然爱着你我仍然爱着你哦哦



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I volunteered for a very important meeting

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  要把整个文件夹都复制到Plug-Ins里面去。   1:解压Vertus Fluid Mask 3文件夹到photoshop 插件路径,或者独立使用时   的任意文件夹。   2:将“绿化授权。reg”用文本编辑器打开,修改所有的   C:Program FilesAdobePhotoshop CS增效工具Vertus Fluid Mask 3。   Vertus Fluid Mask 3资料:   Vertus Fluid Mask 是一款非常强大的 Photoshop 抠图插件。软件采用了模拟人眼和人脑的方法,来实现高级的、准确而且快速的抠图功能。在处理图像的同时它还能区分软边界和硬边界并做相应的处理使最终的边缘和色彩过渡更加平滑。实乃喜欢制图的好帮手!强烈推荐。在处理图像的同时它还能区分软边界和硬边界并做相应的处理使最终的边缘和色彩过渡更加平滑。实乃设计师的好帮手!   Fluid Mask 3感觉最好的地方是注册适合对Photoshop抠图技术不很熟悉的朋友,因为它的工作流程不象在Photoshop 中是如何用各种手段做出要抠取对象的选区。然后抠取出图像,Fluid Mask 3的工作流程是如何“画”出要抠取对象的范围,当然这种“画”是大致的画,不需要注册精确的画就可以了。所以相对于PS抠图来说,要简单多了。这是其优点之一。另外,根据我的试用,Fluid Mask 3抠出的图跟背景融合的注册好,不管背景是什么颜色,它都能很好的融合。而Photoshop中比如通道抠图,抠出的图有时跟背景的融合就不那么好了。当然,这要看各人处理的技术了。

The Simpsons的剧情简介

辛普森是美国最普通的一个五口之家:爸爸荷马·辛普森是一个简单到不能再简单的男人,在斯普林菲尔德的核能工厂勉强算是有一份工作,只是在同一个职位上被解雇和再次聘用了无数次……荷马在酒馆中花掉的时间远比在家里多得多,因为只有在那里,他才能受到别人的欢迎--前提是他消费了。酒馆是一个完全能够让荷马放松的地方,他可以用自己钥匙发出难听的声音,可以把鼻涕擦在衬衫上,可以一杯接一杯地品尝散发着诱人香味的啤酒。荷马将那里当成一个只要喝掉几杯啤酒、吃掉一两个卤蛋就能让一切看起来都变成可能的地方:毕竟生命太短暂了,不可能慢慢攒钱,所以他的愿望就是:天上掉馅饼,一夜暴富。妈妈马芝·辛普森属于那种成功男人背后的完美女人,是辛普森家成员之间最可爱的“黏着剂”,用一种不可思议的乐观态度支持着每一位家人。她拥有着一种非凡的家务技能,总可以创造奇迹,能够将鸡骨变成时髦的项链、将剩菜剩饭变成人间美味,就连火蚁的入侵,也被变成了一场教育意义和娱乐性并存的昆虫马戏。尽管荷马自私自利,经常忘了家人的生日、纪念日甚至是假日;尽管他喜欢张着嘴嚼东西、嗜赌,还经常和一群与他一样处在底层社会的人跑到酒馆喝酒……但马芝从没有想过有一天离开荷马,她相信这一定是爱情的力量。面对荷马制造的无数次混乱,马芝从没有放弃过希望。大儿子巴特·辛普森是个喜欢恶作剧的小鬼头,对于别人说他过于依赖电视的指责充耳不闻,他有许多“爱好”,例如在减肥中心吃冰淇淋、升级了吐痰的“艺术”、站在房顶手拿棒球棍保卫自己的家不受UFO的袭击……作为一名执着不悔的捣蛋鬼,巴特受到了很多人的排斥,但是他不在乎,他只在乎,并恐惧着--有一天会良心发现,变成好人。大女儿丽莎·辛普森是智慧与理性的典范,可是她却是这个家里最容易被忽视的人--除非荷马或巴特为了实现自己那荒唐的计划需要借助她的头脑。丽莎只好将希望转移到了学校,企盼自己独特的能力可以在这里受到重视。情况表面上看确实如此,因为她的老师总是用最好的成绩“A”来奖励她的机灵与天分,可是在态度上却仍然是全权的冷淡。至于她的同学,却对她过分“注意”了,总是给她起各式各样的外号。丽莎只好将悲伤和失望全部化为力量,她喜欢吹萨克斯来疏导自己的情绪,还是曲棍球队的明星守门员。虽然模范学生丽莎远没有淘气的巴特受到的关注多,但两人却是最坚实的同盟,因为在巴特一连串恶魔似的计划中,丽莎是他永远的帮手。刚刚出生没多久的小女儿麦琪·辛普森总是用平静来抵抗家里的所有混乱,但一切都在她学会说话后有了改变。当荷马照顾麦琪时,她就可以自由自在地做任何她想做的事了,包括从狗盆里喝水,完成她的“探险”任务……麦琪只和最理解她的人做朋友,所以她的朋友就只有一只被称做“圣诞老人的小助手”的狗和一只叫 “雪球二世”的猫。一切故事还要从荷马以及他新养的宠物猪说起,这一次,他的愚蠢行为引发了一场环境危机,不仅仅让家人陷入了危险之中,还差点把他的家乡斯普林菲尔德从地图上永久地抹去……幕后/花絮一句话评论:你可以将这部影片看成是《辛普森一家》18年以来最最出色的一集,至少代表着11位编剧的智慧结晶。——《西雅图邮报》对于电视剧背后那些有所作为的编剧们来说,将其改编成电影实在是一个奇怪的选择。——《洛杉矶时报》作为一部涵盖范围非常广的闹剧和讽刺剧,《辛普森一家》算得上是电影史上最成功的一部电视剧改编电影。——《宗教今日》《辛普森一家》简介:《辛普森一家》是美国电视史上播放时间最长的动画片,到目前为止共有19季,共416集。这部片子用辛辣的讽刺展现了人类的生存状态,主要讽刺美国中部的生活模式,以致更广泛的美国文化、社会、甚至是电视本身。在4频道的节目“100个最伟大的儿童节目”(2001)及“100部最伟大的卡通片”(2005)中,《辛普森一家》都名列榜首。另外在“100位最伟大的荧屏形象”中荷马·辛普森也名列榜首。辛普森一家被许多评论家看作是有史以来最伟大的动画。时代杂志在2000年将之题名为20世纪最伟大的电视节目。它对于流行文化的影响至今无可比拟。辛普森一家以虚拟的美国小镇斯普林菲尔德(Springfield)为背景。在播出期间影迷们试图通过Springfield小镇的特点,周围的地理情况作为线索来寻找其确切的地点。(像在这都怪丽莎一集中,丽莎的巴西孤儿笔友写道“我试着给你写信,但我不知你住在哪一州”,对此,丽莎回答说:“这虽然有些神秘,但只要你关注一些线索,你会找到的。”)几乎美国的每一个州和地区都被猜测过是Springfield的所在地,但都因矛盾的证据而被推翻。因此理论上说,Springfield无处不在。例如,在“笑声背后”一集中,辛普森一家被描绘成一个北肯塔基家庭,但肯塔基州的Springfield却不在州的北部。后来,地点转移到南密苏里州(密苏里州的Springfield在密苏里的西南部)。作者马特高宁(Matt Groening)声明Springfield与他成长的城市波特兰(俄勒冈州)有更多共同点。他之所以用Springfield这个名字是因为美国几乎每个州都有一个小镇或城市叫这个名字。人物简介:1、荷马,是Springfield核能工厂的安全检查员,总体说来是一个善意的小丑。2、马芝,曾经是一个很有深度的女人,但渐渐地适应了主妇生活的定式。3、巴特,辛普森家的长子,经常惹麻烦(丽莎曾经说他是“无法无天年轻人的一个恶作剧”)。巴特认为自己是反叛者。4、丽莎,是一个很聪明的学生,素食主义者,佛教徒,爵士乐迷。(她被认为是家庭的希望)。5、马姬,是一个永远长不大的孩子。尽管许多年明显的过去了(有许多关于圣诞节的情节),辛普森一家人却没有变老。剧中还有许多配角,包括同事、老师、远房亲戚和当地名人等。许多这些角色也形成了他们自己的追随群体。电影手册:《辛普森一家》经常用辛辣的讽刺来攻击权威,这就解释了为什么社会保守主义者会不喜欢它。几乎剧中的每一个权威式的人物都有缺点。荷马粗心大意,不负责任,与20世纪50年代荧屏父亲截然相反。马芝对她的家庭实施专制统治来缓解她的孤独。Springfield的警长Clancy Wiggum是一个肥胖、愚蠢、懒惰、办事敷衍塞责的人。市长听起来很像甘乃迪,却是一个腐败,荒淫无度的花花公子。Reverend Lovejoy是当地的牧师,吹毛求疵,满口道德,他单调的声音总是让荷马在星期天布道上睡著。种族关系也是剧中的讽刺主题,黑人总是被刻画得更聪明,比如卡尔、赫波特医生;现实中的白色人种在剧中统统被描绘成黄色皮肤,而黄色人种的中国人日本人在剧中却是白色的皮肤。剧中也经常讽刺商业习惯和人的性格。开场每一集的开场是《辛普森一家》最令人难忘的特点之一。很多集一开始就通过镜头从剧名缓缓移向普林菲尔德小镇,接着是回家路上的辛普森一家人。刚一走进房间,他们都会懒洋洋地卧躺在沙发上看电视。《辛普森一家》剧集极富特色的主题曲由音乐大师丹尼·艾夫曼于1989年作曲。《辛普森一家》的马特·格罗恩宁亲自登门拜访,力邀艾夫曼完成这项重任。这个脍炙人口主题曲是艾夫曼耗时两年打造,成为他职业生涯最受欢迎的歌曲之一。万圣节特集万圣节特集已成为《辛普森一家》一年一度的传统。《恐怖树屋》(Treehouse of Horror,1990年)在每个万圣节剧情中讲述了三个既独立、又相辅相成的故事。这些剧集通常会涉及辛普森一家在一些恐怖、科幻或超自然场景下的表现,经常模仿或向类似风格的著名作品表示敬意。不过,制作人员凭借独特的叙事手法,让这些故事的发生并不影响《辛普森一家》的整体连贯性。

帮我写篇作文How to improve English writing skills.相当给同学们写的信.?

I don"t think it difficult to study English.If you want to improve English,you must be persistent.Pay attention to listening,speaking,reading,writing and reciting .Every day,you should insist on learning words by heart,practising listening English and try to spend more of your time writing English position.It will be helpful for you to improve English.What"s more,practice makes perfect.The saying that practice makes perfect means that after you have plenty of practice in what you are doing,you will be perfect in it.He who practices a lot will master the skill more quickly than he who seldom or hardly practices.When we learn English,we have to learn grammar,words,expressions and so on.The most important thing may be how to put what we have learned into practice.If you only learn the grammar rules by heart and don"t do enough exercises,it is certain that you can"t understand them perfectly.But if you practice a lot,maybe you will understand them more deeply and you can find some good methods of applying them.Memorizing English words whenever time permits,we can easily memorize them and can even find a way to memorize them more quickly.Where there is a will,there is a way.Great dream makes great life.Make up your mind to do it ,your life will make a difference.In a word,Where there is a will,there is a way,please make your confidence and be persisitent.Don"t give up studying English.I believe you will get success someday in the future. 祝您早日找到满意的答案!,8,帮我写篇作文How to improve English writing skills.相当给同学们写的信. 用一般现在时,介绍提高英语写作的重要一点就是要有自信心,第二就是提一点建议.别太长.

帮我写篇作文How to improve English writing skills。相当给同学们写的信。

I don"t think it difficult to study English.If you want to improve English,you must be persistent.Pay attention to listening,speaking,reading,writing and reciting .Every day,you should insist on learning words by heart, practising listening English and try to spend more of your time writing English composition.It will be helpful for you to improve English. What"s more,practice makes perfect.The saying that practice makes perfect means that after you have plenty of practice in what you are doing, you will be perfect in it. He who practices a lot will master the skill more quickly than he who seldom or hardly practices. When we learn English, we have to learn grammar, words, expressions and so on. The most important thing may be how to put what we have learned into practice. If you only learn the grammar rules by heart and don"t do enough exercises, it is certain that you can"t understand them perfectly. But if you practice a lot, maybe you will understand them more deeply and you can find some good methods of applying them. Memorizing English words whenever time permits,we can easily memorize them and can even find a way to memorize them more quickly.Where there is a will,there is a way. Great dream makes great life.Make up your mind to do it ,your life will make a difference. In a word, Where there is a will,there is a way,please make your confidence and be persisitent.Don"t give up studying English.I believe you will get success someday in the future.祝您早日找到满意的答案!

How to improve english writing

In conversational English we are concerned with the ects of stress and intonation but in writing we focus on vocabulary collocations structure of sentences and development in each paragraph. On top of that we also pay close attention to form and content. We must be able to express difficult ideas and know how to handle facts and opinions. I believe you have a fairly good mand of English vocabulary. In sit soap opera talk show… people use slang and everyday English. You are more interested in the kind of vocabulary that is used in academic writing regardless of which discipline you are concerned with. For example a petent teacher (a good teacher) the bank is financially sound. (the bank is good) In other words you have to focus on diction. (- the choice of words) Collocations are the key to fluent English. Learning words on their own may enable you to municate but to sound natural you must learn which words typically go together. e.g. wide awake sound asleep launch an attack spotlessly clean pronounced dead …just to name a few. Please buy a good collocations dictionary. An essay is divided into paragraphs. Each paragraph is a group of sentences which develop one central idea. You should learn anizing ideas selecting information and using linking words and phrases. After much practice you should write a unified coherent paragraph and know what a well-written text should be. Finally you should cultivate a good habit of reading the texts from the work of a wide variety of authors (e.g. Gee Orwell Somerset Maugham Chris Patten) so you bee familiar with different styles of writing. Most teenagers in Hong Kong rarely read English newspaper daily let alone classic novels. I suggest you read editorials from newspapers articles from Times New York Times or South China Morning Post essays biography book and film reviews if you have time to do so. Good luck! Different kinds of writing requires different kinds of skill. Writing a poem is different from writing a lyric; different from writing a science report; or a law book. Don"t get discouraged by your teacher"s ment. I believe what you really want to know is how can I get a better grade from my teacher. Each teacher has his or her own preference on what he or she likes. Borrow some work from your friends who got a good grade. Study what your teacher would consider good and start from there. If your English is good this should not be hard. After a few times you should see your teacher will begin to like your work. Sorry that sometime does not mean your English is getting better. It just mean you now know how to make your work pleasing to him/her. Good work does not always get appreciated. Consider that is a lost to your teachers not youself. Hope that helps. To be honest the best way is to read more books it"s because conversations in drama are very casual it is quite different from actual writing. However watching drama can definately improve your accent. If you want to learn more vocab. perhaps you can start reading dictionary. A rhetorical style on sentence trformation.To describe something with various vocabulary. (1) They say that he was a popular writer.=He is said to have been a popular writer. (2) She was surprised to hear the (gossip girl)gleeing.=She was surprised because she heard the (gossip girl) gleeing. (3) having gleed=has gleed; was a gossip girl=to have been a gossip girl =has been a gossip girl. 参考: self You might need to learn different sentence structure and linkers. If you have to depict sth you have to make it to be descriptive with vary vocabulary. 参考: from my english teacher"s ment towards my writing.

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Limp Bizkit的《The Truth》 歌词

歌曲名:The Truth歌手:Limp Bizkit专辑:The CollectionLimp Bizkit - The TruthYou can"t sleep, you"re restlessand slightly obsessed with falling too deepand malfunction, you"re a viruswho"s intention is fucking up somethingYou"re a crateron the face of a problem much greaterIt"s the violence, or lack thereof controlBody and soul, digging a holeIs the blood stainless?Enjoy the pain with accepting your griefAre you finished?Dumb fucking question, don"t let yourself fall asleepRessurect the intentionOnce your vision is now mass-produced,Imagine the insults a blessingimagine accepting the truthImagine accepting the truthImagine accepting the truthImagine accepting the truthJust imagine accepting the truthImagine accepting the truthThe pendulum swingingHypnosis has taken control, now you lingeron a shadow of a doubtHave you really figured what you"re all about?Don"t trust your instinctsJust open the chamber where you keep those darkest regretsAll the things you"ve done wrongRebellious at heart all alongIs your leader a voice?Somehow you replaced all your game with a debtNow the payback"s a bitchWhy owe your life to a bitch?Absolutely patheticand regret it when told you are made of mistakesImagine the insults a blessingimagine accepting the truthImagine accepting the truthImagine accepting the truthImagine accepting the truthImagine accepting the truthImagine accepting the truthNow speak to your leader!Now speak to your leader!Your father who art in heavenHallowed be thy name,deliver us from evil, deliver us from evilYour father who art in heavenHallowed be thy name,deliver us from evil, deliver us from evilOur father who art in heavenHallowed be thy name,deliver me from evil, deliver me from evilOur father who art in heavenHallowed be thy name,deliver me from evil, deliver me from evilImagine accepting the truthImagine accepting the truthImagine accepting the truthImagine accepting the truthImagine accepting the truth

Intellij idea 12 导入包的时候怎么修改为在头部import,Mac版

1、写代码时用Alt-Insert(Code|Generate…)可以创建类里面任何字段的getter与setter方法。 2、CodeCompletion(代码完成)属性里的一个特殊的变量是,激活Ctrl-Alt-Space可以完成在或不在当前文件里的类名。

idea怎么添加override/implement Methods

vivado在run implement时出现如下错误:

  运行错误的原因:通过Thread实例的start(),一个Thread的实例只能产生一个线程。  1,一个Thread的实例一旦调用start()方法,这个实例的started标记就标记为true,事实中不管这个线程后来有没有执行到底,只要调用了一次start()就再也没有机会运行了。  2,如果要在一个实例上产生多个线程(也就是我们常说的线程池),可以用Runnable接口来实现:  class R implements Runnable{ private int x = 0; public void run(){  for(int i=0;i<100;i++){    try{     Thread.sleep(10);    }catch(Exception e){}    System.out.println(x++);  } }}  3,正如它的名字一样,Runnable的实例是可运行的,但它自己并不能直接运行,它需要被Thread对象来包装才行运行:  public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{  new Thread(new R()).start(); }}  4,当然这个结果和mt.start()没有什么区别。但如果我们把一个Runnable实例给Thread对象多次包装,我们就可以看到它们实际是在同一实例上启动线程:  public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{  R r = new R();  for(int i=0;i<10;i++)    new Thread(r).start(); }}

请告诉我facility instrument implement appliance 的区别 谢谢~

为了统一,作名词来看facility 本意为便于行动或性能;使人免于困难的东西instrument机械执行或工具,尤其一个用于精密工作implement 一台设备,工具或用具,显然他范围比较大,但也是facility的同义词一台机器或装置,但多指家庭用的Dish washer is one of the appliances.洗碗机是家用电器的一种。




method 方法to 到implement 执行执行方法


当你想到make, do用起来不那么规范的时候,可以试着用implement:实行,实施,提供
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